#they're always holding a cup of Coffee after all
insomniakingdoom · 9 months
OG Loop encounter my AU Loop lol
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Just a quick doodle I made. It started as a simple "AU where Loop pester Siffrin until he beat the king first try" and devolved into "AU where Loop is the one looping and don't know why they're the only one in this situation"
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rafesgfs · 5 months
not his girlfriend
you’re not his girlfriend, but …
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You're not his girlfriend, but you're the first person to listen to his ramblings. The first time he realizes, he notices he's been talking for too long without taking a breath, and you're still paying attention to what he's saying. Microbiology. You know nothing about the subject, asking him to clarify stuff while he talks. He's surprised because everyone always stops him.
You're not his girlfriend, but he knows your coffee orders. They're all disgustingly sweet, as the teams point out, but he knows what to get depending on the day. No matter how urgent the briefing is, he goes out of his way to stop at your favorite coffee shop. Every day, you're greeted with a fresh cup of coffee and a smile.
You're not his girlfriend, but he comforts you after emotionally hard cases. You often find yourself in his arms after wrapping up the cases, resting your head against his chest, allowing him to stroke your hair. He'll spend the flight next to you, his pinky resting on your arm as a way to ground you without the rest of the team exchanging glances.
You're not his girlfriend, but you don't leave his side when he gets shot on the field. You hold his hand as the paramedics carry him in the ambulance, and you only let go when they take him into surgery. He wakes with you by his side, his fingers immediately intertwining with yours before he's even fully awake. You smile and tell him he's an idiot for taking that bullet for you. He replies back with a smile and a, "Better for me to be injured than you."
You're not his girlfriend, but he makes sure you're paired up on cases. He goes to shooting practices to prove to Hotch he can be on the field with you, to prove that he can protect you. He does the stuff you don't want to, mostly readings you don't want to spend hours on or bagging up a used condom from the toilet.
You're not his girlfriend, but you go to every nerdy event with him. Whether it's a Spock convention or some nature documentary showing, you're there by his side. No longer does he find the seats next to him empty. Instead, when he looks over, he sees you and smiles, because now he's not alone.
You're not his girlfriend, but his mom thinks you are. When you spend a few days in Las Vegas for a case, you visit his mom with him, meeting her for the first time. She greets you, smiling coyly at her son, asking you if you like dating her son. He spends the next few minutes trying to convince her you're just friends. And the rest of the month trying to convince himself.
You're not his girlfriend, but he kills the man holding you hostage. He's the first to notice you gone, and he's the first to burst through the door, gun out. He doesn't bother talking to the unsub, doesn't bother descaling the situation, doesn't bother to wait for the rest of the team to enter before delivering a bullet through the man's head. He doesn't bother stepping over the body before he unties you and takes you in his arms.
You're not his girlfriend, but he covers you with a blanket when you fall asleep. He turns the TV off, placing a pillow under your head softly, making sure you don't wake up with a sore neck. He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand, longing in his eyes as he watches you breathe.
You're not his girlfriend, but he wishes you were.
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luveline · 9 months
Hi love, i would love to see more of spencer x stripper!reader. Hope u are doing good <3
hi thank u, u too! ♡ fem
You press the heel of your palm to the shower tiles, head hanging and hair soaked to the scalp. Rivulets of hot water and soap suds slick their way down your front. 
“You okay?” 
Spencer's voice through the door, a better warmth than any luxurious shower. “Sorry, I'm getting out!” 
“No! No, stay in there if you want, I'm just wondering.” 
You force yourself out of the shower and into a towel. “I'm getting out.” 
“I have some clothes for you,” he says, “I can leave them by the door.” 
You wrap the towel tightly around your chest and step to the door. Spencer's startled face is on the other side, smiling nervously, a bundle of clothes held to his chest. 
“They're my friends. My coworker. Penelope? I asked her first and she said she doesn't mind at all. They might not fit, but…” 
“Thank you. You and Penelope.” You hold out one hand. Spencer passes you the clothes through the cracks of the door and you shut it, maybe unnecessarily. 
Spencer's seen you in various states of undress, but it isn't privacy that's worrying you tonight. You can't help looking over your shoulder, wondering if someone's watching you for a split second of madness. 
You pull on your borrowed pyjamas. A little Japanese cat winks up at you from the pants, the shirt a baseball tee with pink sleeves and a white body. Cute, you think. Penelope must be fun. 
Spencer's in the kitchen making two mugs of tea when you emerge. It's the herbal flavour you favour, steam billowing from the rims like clouds in the cold air. Your long walk in the rain is nearly forgotten by your skin if not your pittering pulse. 
“You okay?” 
“I'm fine.” 
“You sure?” He doesn't give you time to answer, carefully placing the two mugs on the coffee table, before tapping a gentle hand to your shoulder. “You wanna sit down?” 
“I'm really fine, handsome, it's … it's not the first time someone's followed me home.” You smile falsely. 
“That's not okay.” 
“I know.” You point at your cup of tea. “Can I?” 
“Of course you can,” he says, sitting beside you on the couch, leaving a more than chivalrous gap between you.
It's not a gap you want nor need, and after a few sips you've warmed enough to sidle closer to him, in touching distance, and then touching. Thigh to thigh, you watch the tops of his cheeks turn a pretty, blurry pink. “I was scared,” —your knuckles touch briefly to his knee— “but nothing happened. So don't worry about me, Dr. Reid, please.” You layer your voice with a sweetness that comes with seduction, a playfulness to mete his sudden regression into timidity. 
“I worry about you all the time.” He smiles, at least, so it isn't a burden. 
“I worry about you, too.” 
“I know you can take care of yourself, I just can't help thinking about the statistics. I know exactly how likely it is that something bad could happen to you, and it's not that you should worry, I don't want you to be scared, but– it's like, it plays on repeat in my head. It's– I'm not trying to–” 
“Hey, handsome,” you murmur, giving his leg a shy squeeze. “I know. It's dangerous and it's unlikely at the same time. And it feels silly talking about it.” 
“But silly not to,” he adds. 
“Yeah. I know, Spencer, I swear.” 
“I know you know,” he murmurs through a smile. 
“I know you know I know,” you joke back, smiling back sunnily. It doesn't take much of him to cheer you up. Ever since the day you met, he's been like a balm for your rampant aching, a brown-eyed, pretty-handed sweetheart. Whether it's sharing a seat on the train, or meeting up for dinner at the Indian restaurant behind his apartment, or just calling each other on the phone, he knows what to say to fix things. You forget your life, and you get to be with him instead. 
Spencer puts his mug of tea down to hug you. You'd known he was going to. It always happens like this, the two of you together, drinking tea and showing each other just the smallest fraction of each other's hearts. He presses his nose to your cheek as his hands run down the length of your back, and all you can think about is how he knows nearly everything about you and he holds you voluntarily.  
“Love you, Spence,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“I love you too. I'm here for you, okay? I don't care how scared I am, I love being your friend.” 
You try not to sigh. Friend isn't necessarily what you want to be, but he'd let you in when you buzzed without asking why you were dropping by, and he'd held your gaze as you explained the man who'd been following you, your dead phone, your superglued shoes fallen apart in the typhoon. Spencer's everything a person could ever need. Dependable, vulnerable, sweet, kind, patient. He's pretty in every facet of the word. 
“Is it really that scary?” 
“Thinking about guys following you home?” he asks, rubbing your back gently. “It's terrifying. Weren't you terrified?” 
You blink back the sudden heat of emotion behind your eyes. “Um,” you say, higher than you mean, “uh, it wasn't–” You shrug, but your hands feel shaky and strange. 
Spencer's voice softens, “Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry.” 
You try not to think about what might've happened. When you realised there was someone following you, you didn't think, oh, he'll hurt me, you thought, I need to be faster. I need to get somewhere they can't. 
You needed safety and Spencer was the first, safest place. 
“I'm sorry for coming here.” 
Spencer pushed you away from him without malice, his hands on your arms. Alarm rings his eyes, eyebrows rising, “What? Why would you say that?” 
Because you didn't sign up for this. Because I'm me, and you're you, and you didn't have a choice, you were too good to let me be without you. 
Because, if you think about it, Spencer is more than safety to you. 
He doesn't baulk at your silence. “Hey,” he murmurs, thumb rubbing into the soft skin inside your elbow sweetly, “you like it here, don't you?” You nod. “Then– then who cares why you're here?” 
Spencer pulls you into his arms again. “You'll feel better in the morning… I'm gonna get you a new phone.” 
“What? Why?” 
“Cos that one's always dead. You need to be able to call me when you need me.” 
You smile into his shoulder. “You're not buying me a phone.” 
“Watch me.” 
You don't cry in his arms, but it's a weirdly close call. 
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gurugirl · 8 months
Best Valentine's Day | bfd!harry
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Summary: It's Valentine's Day and Harry's got something special planned.
A/N: They're back! Happy 💘Valentine's💘 Day my loves!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warning: 18+ only, smut, fluffy, the briefest tiniest bit of angst
Best Friend's Dad!Harry masterlist
Harry remembers well, that day. The day he decided to go to your apartment and finally give in to the tension that had been between you two. He didn’t know why. He wasn’t sure if he would really go through with it. He thought maybe he’d see you in your own space with your big smiling eyes and he’d snap out of it. He hoped he’d snapped out of it. He hoped he’d stop thinking about you the way he was.
But no. That’s not true. He had to face the truth. He did want something to happen. He instigated. He fantasized and he made it a point to have a reason to come see you. And yes, he did want to make sure you were okay after breaking up with your boyfriend, but it was all born of selfish things. He wanted you. Even if it was just a dirty secret, there was something about testing the waters with you that he always looked forward to.
And once he got to know you as more than just his daughter’s friend he didn’t want it to end. Once he got to have you in bed and wake up lazy in the morning to you wanting more of him and how easy it was to not get caught. Then secret texts, long conversations, quick visits to see your face in the morning over a cup of coffee before he had to be at work… then he found he wanted even more. He didn’t just want to pop in and get his dick wet and leave. He wanted to talk to you and hold you and laugh. He liked the way you looked at him and the way you said his name and how you’d pout when he had to leave.
“What are you thinking about?” You reached across the table to poke at his cheek. He seemed pensive. And lately, that was the norm. You were both stressed. The divorce was stressful for you both.
Harry had to prove that he hadn’t spent all that much money on you. His ex was going after him for cheating and had accused him of spending his money on you when it should have gone to the household or their combined savings. But the truth was he really hadn’t spent that much money on you during the course of your relationship.
It was flowers and some jewelry and groceries and small things. Not rent and car payments like she was trying to prove. Which didn’t matter in the end. Harry’s attorney told him that he’d be paying her alimony which would cover her insurance and current lifestyle, and that would be more than enough. She’d be getting the house, her car, and all of her own retirement. Harry also agreed to give her half of their savings but he was keeping his brokerage which she never contributed to. She wasn’t getting everything she wanted but she sure was trying to make it hard.
“Thinking about how we met and how I went to see you at your apartment that day. Just reminiscing. Crazy how we got here. After everything. Fell in love with you so fast.”
You smiled, “It is crazy. Sometimes it doesn’t feel real.”
Harry took your hand and kissed your palm, “Still like a dream.”
You’d been having lots of conversations about the past and future lately. Perhaps it was because his divorce was nearly finalized. Or maybe it was all the talk of getting you pregnant. But there was also the discussion of moving out of your apartment.
The lease on your apartment was coming up. Harry wanted to move you both out of your little place and find something with more space. You would go wherever he went without question but you did warn him you were still jobless. Your contribution would be minimal but he only assured you that he was going to take care of you and he didn’t want your money.
Once a week for the past few weeks you both had been looking at potential new places. Apartments and houses alike. And Wednesday after he got off work you two were on your way to look at a new one.
“Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day,” you suddenly remembered as you spoke from the passenger side of Harry’s car as he drove you to look at a place that was having an open house.
“I know,” he reached across to put his hand on your thigh, “Did you forget?”
You laughed, “I totally did. I think with everything going on it just didn’t cross my mind. But I saw that sign outside of Scasi’s restaurant about their Valentine’s Day special just now.”
“So you’re saying you didn’t plan anything romantic for us?” Harry teased.
“I did not. What would you like Mr. Styles? A night out on the town? Some flowers? Cologne maybe?” You laughed when he squeezed at your thigh.
“Why not all of it?”
You looked toward his side profile and laid your palm over his hand, “I’ll give you all of that if you want.”
Harry glanced at you with his dimpled grin, “Baby, I know you would. But I’ve already got something planned for us. Think you’ll like it.”
You adjusted yourself in your seat and angled your body toward his, “Oh yeah? What have you got planned then?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
The three-bedroom house at the edge of town was adorable. But it wasn’t a rental. Which had you a little surprised. The backyard was plenty big for landscaping (which it was in desperate need of), the master bedroom faced the big ugly backyard but the ensuite bathroom was to die for. All upgraded finishes with a soaker tub and a steam shower.
The kitchen, however, was your favorite. The stove was one of those fancy chef’s stoves with the red knobs. The refrigerator was built into shelving and at first glance looked like a tall cabinet.
“Harry this is a lot. Three bedrooms?” He had your hand in his as you both walked around the space.
“It’s a lot for us right now. But what if we have a baby one day? And that backyard? Ugly as sin right now but I love to garden and I know we could make that something really special. For us. For a family here if we wanted.”
He leaned down to kiss you, his nose knocking against yours playfully making you laugh.
“Maybe you’re right,” you rubbed your palm over his chest.
“I know I’m right.”
.           .           .
You were excited for whatever it was Harry had planned. You didn’t know why he didn’t just tell you but he seemed to always enjoy giving you surprises. He liked making you wait and anticipate what was to come. Sometimes even in bed.
He told you to wear something pretty so you picked out a nice dress and did all the things to pamper yourself that made you feel pretty before he got home from work.
Of course the minute you heard the key in the doorknob you rushed to the door to open it and greet him with a big hug.
He kissed your cheek as you took his coffee travel mug from his hand, “Sure is nice to have you open the door for me like this every time I get home from work. Got me spoiled.”
“Pretty sure you’re the one that’s got me spoiled,” you responded.
It was nice having Harry with you. Knowing you weren’t sharing him with anyone anymore. You knew it was bad to feel smug about such a thing but you kind of did. He picked you. Even if the circumstances were less than ideal, you were the one he chose.
“So, can you at least tell me if we’re gonna eat as part of these mysterious Valentine’s Day plans you’ve made?”
Harry began to unbutton his shirt with a grin on his face, “Why? You hungry honey?”
The way he said it was full of something devilish. Something cheeky. You rolled your eyes at him and laughed, “I kind of am.”
A mischievous smirk rose up on his lips as he lowered his hands to his belt, “I’ve got something to fill your tummy with. Little appetizer…”
You balked at him, “You’re like a teenager!”
He slid his belt from the loops on his pants and pulled your back into his chest, “Mmm… More like a man in love who knows how to feed his hungry baby.”
You laughed loudly and pushed your head back against his shoulder, “How is it you’re always thinking about sex?”
He rocked you back and forth and tucked his face into your neck, “It’s because it’s you. You’re so good to me all the time. So pretty. So smart. S’your fault I’m this way.”
You sighed as he kissed the side of your neck and then let you go, “We don’t have time for any hanky panky anyway,” he spoke as he finished undressing. “Gotta shower up and then get ready myself so I smell just as good as you. We’ll leave here in like thirty minutes.”
Harry put up with you trying to get him to tell you where he was taking you. You didn’t let up but Harry also didn’t give you any direct answers.
“Will there be dancing? Hot air balloons?”
He smiled as he continued looking at the road, “That sounds fun. We’ll see.”
You knew you weren’t going to break him down. When Harry set his mind to something he wasn’t going to budge.
So when he pulled into Club Stella and parked you finally knew what was in store for the night. Or at least you had a good idea. Club Stella was a posh place. It had a funky bar menu with a good selection of snacky bites, along with live bands or DJs, and a nice dance floor.
You had been there once before for a bachelorette party back when you and Fae were still close. It was one of those places where reservations were not super easy to get and it was paid entry.
You were led to a cozy little table not far from where the band was playing and handed special Valentine’s Day menus.
Harry scooted his chair close to yours and flipped the menu to look at the drinks, “Want to share a bottle of wine?”
You looked at the prices of the bottles and scoffed, “Harry every bottle is expensive.”
He laughed and drew his arm over the back of your chair, “Baby it’s Valentine’s Day. I’m gonna spoil you. Pick out what you want.”
When the waiter stopped at the table Harry pinched your arm the slightest when you started to say all you’d have was sparkling water.
“We’ll have a bottle of this,” he pointed at the menu and you rolled your eyes with a smile after the waiter left the table to get the wine.
The food menu was fun. You scanned the options just as the live band changed the song they were covering. The whole theme of the night was romance and the music was definitely part of that vibe.
When the server returned with the bottle of wine you were anticipating what you were going to order. But Harry pulled you to the dancefloor before you could mention what you wanted. You’d been ogling the lobster bites on the menu when he dragged you away He had his hands on your hips, holding you close and you laughed, “Harry I wanted to order! I’m hungry.”
He kissed your cheek, still moving you to the music, and then lowered his mouth to your ear, “Well I tried offering you an appetizer earlier but you turned it down.”
You slid your arms over his shoulders. Even though you were hungry, honestly having a dance with Harry to the song that was being played was certainly better.
He began to sing the lyrics as he swayed you gently, “I’d never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you,” his warm breath falling over your neck felt so sensual. There were others dancing as well so you didn’t feel as exposed. If only they knew the kind of relationship you and Harry had. What had led to that very moment.
When you felt his lips brush over the skin at your neck you sighed as your bodies moved slowly together until the song was over.
Harry looked down at you as the song switched and took your hands in his, “We’ll come back and dance after we eat. Just wanted to start our night off with holding you and dancing with you in front of everyone.”
You understood him. It was taking some time to get used to being public. To flaunt your love. But the more you two went out in public and did things like this, the more you wanted it. The easier it became. It was exciting.
Harry was a romantic at heart. You knew this because you’d been on the receiving end of his gestures. Sometimes he could be cheesy but you loved it nonetheless. Your favorite, though, was how playful he was with you.
You and Harry enjoyed the wine and food and the atmosphere of Club Stella. The later it got, the more people began to dance.
“Come on, let’s go dance,” Harry had his hand at the back of your neck and he squeezed as he spoke, “This is a good song.” Your food was mostly eaten, the wine was just about gone and you were getting warmer and warmer the longer you sat next to Harry and listened to his deep voice in your ear, his hand closest to you on your thigh or the back of your neck nearly the whole time. The man knew what he was doing.
“Okay. Let’s go,” you grinned at him.
You found a good spot on the floor and the song was a little more swingy than the first song you danced to but still sexy. The live band was really good.
Harry’s hands were dangerously close to your ass as pulled your hips against his and looked down at you, “Best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had.”
You smiled as you laid your palms over his chest and looked up at him, “Me too.”
One of his hands slid up your back to the nape of your neck as he ducked down to kiss you. And it was like just about every other time he kissed you; hot and needy. He was holding back because you two were in public but you were reminded of the time you had bathroom sex in that nice restaurant in Quebec.
You smoothed your hands along Harry’s shirt over his strong pecs and then fit a finger between the buttons to touch his skin as your mouth opened for him.
He moaned softly and then backed away from the kiss to grin down at you, “What did you do on your last Valentine’s Day?”
You thought back to the year prior, “I think… Oh yeah… Randy had to give me a raincheck. He was working. We never wound up doing anything because it was midweek.”
“Today is Thursday. I have to work tomorrow and I’m still doing something with you. Sounds like he was the biggest dud. Glad I talked you into getting rid of him.”
You laughed and moved your arms up and ran your fingers into the hair at the back of his head, “He was a big dud. But of course, no one can compare to you, can they?”
His smile widened as the hand near your bottom slowly dropped until his palm was pressing into your ass.
The next song slowed things down and he kept you pressed into his hips as you danced together.
Time seemed to slow down or speed up. Every time he kissed you and squeezed your bum you felt yourself melting a little more. But then he ran his lips up your neck and spoke into your ear, “I’m sorry honey. But I can’t keep my cock down,” and you felt him rut into you softly before he turned you to face away from him, your bottom pressed into his bulge.
You gasped with a smile as you turned your head and lifted an arm to hold onto the back of his neck as he swayed you to the beat softly, “Remember that time in Quebec?” You could hear the smile on his mouth as he spoke into your ear.
“I do. Was just thinking about that too. That was fun.”
“Mmm… Might need to find a spot to fuck you like that again.”
You laughed as Harry’s hand on your hip tightened and his other moved up your side to just under your breast. You could feel yourself beginning to grow wet in your panties as Harry’s dick plumped up and pressed into your bottom. You loved that he got so turned on by you.
Another sexy, slow song came on and Harry’s lips stayed on your neck, peppering wet kisses on your sensitive skin. No one else existed. It was just you and Harry.
“Fuck… Baby, I’m serious. I need to have you,” his deep voice whispered against your skin.
You turned in his arms and attempted to hide the hardon he was sporting under his pants, “Should we leave?”
Harry looked around the space, “Let’s go see if there’s a spot we can take care of this.”
You and Harry went back to the area near the stage and he pointed to where the bathrooms were and a short hallway as you grabbed your purse from the table.
“Harry? Harry Styles?” You heard a woman speak, from behind you.
Both you and Harry turned around to see a woman near his age looking between you with a slight frown.
Harry scratched the back of his neck, “Hi Roice.”
“Who is she?” The woman pointed at you and you looked up at Harry.
“Uh, well, this is my girlfriend, Y/n. I don’t know if you knew…”
The woman cut him off and looked at you as she stepped in closer, “You know he’s married right? With a daughter, about your age,” she ran her eyes down your frame and you felt very vulnerable under her scrutiny.
You opened your mouth to respond but Harry took your hand, “Roice, my wife and I are getting divorced. We’re done. This is my girlfriend.”
You zoned out slightly as Harry let go of your hand and put his arm over your shoulder to hold you close. The woman made a comment and gave you a look that you knew wasn’t complimentary of you before she walked off.
“You okay, Y/n?” Harry put his hands on your shoulders and ducked his face down to get in your line of sight.
Nodding you spoke, “Yeah. Just didn’t expect that.”
“Me neither. Let’s just get out of here, okay?”
The bill was already paid as you and Harry left Club Stella and got into his car.
He put his hand on your knee and drove in silence until he pulled into a small lot at a wooded park and turned off the engine.
You looked at him, puzzled, “What are we doing here?”
Harry adjusted his seat and moved it away from the steering wheel and pulled at your hand, “Come here, sweetheart. Sit in my lap.”
You climbed over the console after lifting your dress so you could spread your legs and settle over his thighs.
He put his hand on your hips, “I’m sorry that happened. Did that ruin your Valentine’s Day?”
You smiled as you shook your head, “No, of course not. It just shocked me is all.”
“Shocked me too. But you promise you’re okay?”
You pressed your hands on his shoulders and leaned yourself into his chest to kiss his mouth and began to unbutton his shirt buttons, “I’m fine, Harry.”
You could feel him swallow as his hands moved to push the fabric of your dress up before he brought his hands to the inside of your thighs. He moaned when his finger dragged over the fabric of your panties and he realized you were wet.
You laughed with a smile, “Still wet. Think you can get hard for me again, Harry?”
He laughed and licked into your mouth as he ran his thumb over the wet material at your crotch. It was funny because you both knew the answer to that question. Of course, he could get hard again.
And when you felt his cock plumping up under his pants you began to undo his belt and then his button in haste before pulling him out through the front slot of his boxer briefs, stroking his velvety cock as you kept your mouths moving together.
Harry pushed your panties to the side and lowered his seat for more space as you pushed yourself up and placed his tip at your slippery pussy. He held onto your hips to keep you steady as you placed your palms on the seat back and gently lowered over him.
“Fuck… you always hug my cock perfectly baby.”
You imagined that with his girth it would be hard not to hug his cock the way you did. He was so thick and long and he always stretched you apart when he was inside of you.
Slowly you glided up and down as you looked into his eyes, “God… It’s always so full. Makes me so wet just thinking about how big you are and how deep you get. I always need you, Harry.”
Harry moaned and pressed a hand to your low belly as you continued fucking yourself on him, “Yeah? Like how it feels when I fuck into your tummy? Stuff you full every night ‘cause you need it so bad don’t you, puppy?”
“Yes… God, I need you every day. More than anything I’ve ever needed. I love you so much.” You tilted your pelvis down and pressed your lips to his as you ground yourself over him and felt that pleasant ache when his thick crown nestled into your guts.
You could feel the fabric of his briefs over your clit as you rocked down over him. Harry’s soft moans against your lips sounded desperate and you knew that meant he was close already. You hadn’t had sex that morning like you do some days and you knew he must be aching to burst inside of you.
“Gonna give me your come?”
Harry’s mouth dropped open and he jabbed himself upward, his cock squelching through your wet pussy as he thrust into you, “Is that what you want?” Another thrust upward making you squeal quietly at the deep ache in your tummy, “Want my come, baby?”
“Yes… give it to me,” you moaned as you rolled your pelvis down again and felt how wet his underwear had gotten from your arousal.
“Need you to come with me, my love,” Harry’s words were panted as he gripped the meat of your ass and guided you up and down his cock.
You watched his face as you felt his length open you wide and glide in and out with the sound of wet gushes from your slippery pussy in the small space of the car.
Holding to the seat behind Harry’s head to keep yourself steady, you ran the fingers from your other hand over your clit as Harry kept you bouncing over him slowly.
Desperate moans and the slippery sounds of sex with the background of music on the radio were all you could hear as your legs began to shake.
The moment Harry could tell you were about to come, he began to fuck up into you harder, his hips thudding into you making your body bounce harder as you pressed your fingers and moved them over your swollen nub and cried out at his deep strokes.
“Oh my god! Fuck, Harry!”
He groaned when your pussy began to flutter around him and your cries turned to choked moans.
It was his favorite. Feeling your cunt walls squeeze and spasm around his throbbing, leaking cock. He gave you a few more harsh plunges until he pulled you down over him and grunted with his head thrown back into the seat, draining his cock inside of your guts.
Your head was spinning and your heart was pounding as you came down and heard him panting as he throbbed inside of you. You’d never get tired of watching him coming, of feeling the way his body shivered when he pumped into you.
He pulled you against his chest as he breathed hard and you could feel the way he was still twitching inside of you.
When you felt his lips at your neck and heavy breaths puffed against your skin you opened your eyes and turned to look at him with a smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Harry.”
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persephonesdreams21 · 7 months
NSFW Alphabet with Lee
A/N: I had to write something for him. This is the character that threw me into my Timmy obsession. Ugh Lee, my tragic handsome baby. I need everyone to write more fics for him kay thanks! Also side note- I try to keep my readers a little ambiguous so that everyone can feel included- but Lee and a chubby! Reader just make sense to me.
Warnings: Not safe for work. Smutty. Talks of Switchy/Bottom Lee. Lee x AFAB!Reader.
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After Care(what they're like after sex)
Lee is surprisingly gentle after sex. He’ll grab the towel from the hamper in the corner and clean both of you up with it. You were super embarrassed about it the first time he did it but like. It’s something he enjoys doing, a part of his inner routine. He wants you to open your legs and let him wipe you down. Then a lot of the time he wants you to play with his hair. Needy thing.
“Spread em” Lee drawls as he comes back from the bathroom with a wet rag. You’re still loose limbed and fuzzy brained and it takes a minute for you to realize what he’s saying “Seriously, I’ll clean you up”
“You don't have to, it’s fine” Your messy cum wet thighs clamp shut.
He approaches you slowly, like you’re a skittish animal that might bolt. You’re two seconds away from burying yourself under your thick duvet and hiding from him. Lee sits by your feet and reaches for you. His rough fingers run along your smooth calf.
“But I wanna. If you’ll let me”
Body Part(their fave body part of theirs, and of their partners)
Lee’s too skinny, his words not yours. All ribcage and gangly limbs. If he’d have to pick a favorite, he’d say his hands. They’re capable; he’s got long tattooed fingers and calloused palms from hard manual labor. He can build just about anything with them. He can take care of you with them.
Lee loves your thighs and what's between them. They’re so wide, so plush. You complain about cellulite and ingrown hairs and he’s just like? What? They’re perfect. Let me use them as earmuffs. He wants to be cradled by them forever. Loves your belly too any thing he can dig his fingers into.
Cum(anything to do with it)
Lee is into watching both his cum and your own drip out of your puffy pussy after an intense bout of fucking.
It’s almost routine now, like praying before bed. Like watching the sun rise with your morning cup of coffee warming your hands before work.
The sex with Lee is always good. Always surprising. There’s nothing this man won’t do to you, or let you do to him. It’s an adventure with your best friend, one that ends in you both writhing in pleasure.
With him filling you up.
You and Lee hadn’t been together for long, your six month anniversary’s just on the horizon, but if you know anything about this man. It’s that once he got the green light, he doesn’t finish anywhere but inside of you.
And then. Then he wants to see the damage. He wants to peel your thighs apart and stare right at your puffy, swollen cunt. Ah, his poor baby’s pretty pussy. He’s gentle as his bony fingers probe the tender lips. Spreads them-
There’s your hole. The one he’d just pulled out of, all tiny again now that it’s not stretched around his girth.
He watches hypnotized as milky fluid, both his cum and yours, leaks from inside of you. So much that your body just can’t hold it, no matter how hard you try.
You have your routines. Your prayers. He has his. His religion is right here. In between your legs.
Dirty Secret(self explanatory)
Lee loves anal play. On both you and him. This boy wants to be pegged!
“Have you ever done that?” He asks as he sucks on the end of the joint he’d rolled for the two of you. There’s no judgment in his voice, just curiosity.
The topic is anal. And if you’ve ever had it.
“Yeah” you bite in your bottom lip. “It kinda sucked if I’m being real”
You’d had an ex who’d shoved his prick up your ass and made you cry. He hadn’t even taken the time to properly relax or lube you up. It had kind of traumatized you to be honest. You tell Lee all about it, because you tell Lee about everything these days. There’s no secrets between the two of you.
He frowns, thick brows furrowing “nah, it’s not supposed to be like that. That fucker didn’t treat you right, it’s supposed to feel good”
You shrug “If you say so”
“I do. I love the way it feels whenever anyone does it to me” Lee says it so casually, but keeps an eye on you, gauging your reaction.
“Really” it’s factual, punctuated with a little nod “I’d let you try it. If you want. We can like- do me first and then I could show you how anals actually supposed to feel”
Your pulse picks up with excitement. You can feel it in your pussy, and you know the way you squeeze your thighs together to get any kind of friction isn’t discreet.
Lee pretends not to see but his smile is hungry.
“Okay, yes. I want to try”
Experience(how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Um. He’s so experienced. With both men and women. Lee’s done alot in his young age. Had to, to survive a lot of the time.
When he realized you didn’t judge him for his past, that's when he really started to feel the emotional attachment form.
“You’re not a bad person for what you’ve done, Lee. Everyone’s done shit they’re not super proud of…it doesn’t take away from who you actually wanna be”
Favorite Position(this goes without saying)
He doesn't really care. But he’s partial to you riding him. He loves feeling pinned underneath you and watching you bounce on top of him.
Goofy(are they more serious in the moment? Are they goofy?
Lee’s a fucking goofball. He’s making you giggle. He’s choking on laughter as you choke on his cock. He can be serious, for sure. But a lot of the time the two of you are very playful with one and other.
Hair(how well groomed they are)
Lee never really cared before you, but he gives himself a courtesy trim now. Still a pretty thick dark bush. You kind of love it. You also do not play about personal hygiene- showers Lee. You’ve got to take them. You know there was a point in his life when he didn’t have access to them. Had to bathe in rivers and McDonald’s bathrooms- but that’s not the case anymore.
He tried to pretend he doesn’t like your expensive skin creams you share with him but you’ve got him hooked.
Intimacy(how they are during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Lee has had a lot of sex with a lot of people, but it’s never felt like this. He's addicted to you. He wants to be close to you, inside of you, like 24/7. He really cant believe he gets to be with you and alot of the time when he’s fucking you he’s just staring at you. In awe.
Jack Off(masturbation headcanon)
Lee’s always got a hand down his pants lol. He loves to masturbate. He loves when you watch him stroke his cock. He wants to watch you play with yourself too. It’s a whole thing.
Kink(one or more of their kinks)
Peg him. Also- mommy kink. Yes. Lowkey might have a thing for breastfeeding/titsucking. He just thinks your’re the most luscious woman he’s ever met…and yeah he does lowkey have mommy issues.
Location(favorite places to do the do?)
After fucking and being fucked on the side of the road or in dirty bathroom stalls, he really just loves having sex in the safety of your apartment. In your big cozy bed or the comfortable couch.
He also likes it when the two of you go camping or stargazing and he can fuck you under the night sky, with only the stars at witnesses.
Motivation(what turns them on? Get’s them going?)
You and that teasing little smile you give him. The one where your canines look like fangs. The one that's usually followed by coy barely there touches and feather light kisses. Yeah. All it takes is a smile.
No(something they wouldn't do? Turns off’s)
He doesn't want to hurt you. He’s hurt so many people before. He can't do anything past mild choking and spanking. He WON'T.
Oral(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc?)
He loves it. Both giving and receiving. But he just feels so good when hes between your thighs. He’s your pretty boy when he’s sucking on your clit. PLEASE sit on his face.
Pace(are they fast and rough, slow and sensual?)
Lee wasn't used to someone wanting to take their time with him. It almost made him uncomfortable the first time that you slowly ran your hands over his body. Cherishing him. Savoring the closeness to him. Kissing every inch of his skin, not caring about scars or cheap tattoos. It makes him feel flayed alive. He learns to love slow paced, agonizingly tender sex.
Quickie(their opinions on quickies, how often?)
Hell yeah.
Like he gets home from a long day at his shitty grueling job he just wants to quickly fuck your brains out, and then watch one of your shared TV shows before bed.
Or when you’re getting ready for a nice dinner out with your friends, and your makeups done. And your hair is all bouncy and you smell good enough to make his mouth water.
Or in the car before an aquarium date. Lee will take what he can get when ever he can get it when it comes to you.
Risk(are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
Loves taking risks in the bedroom. Honestly once the two of you have built that trust between each other, there’s not much you won’t do. Lee’s a Sub leaning Switch(in my humble opinion) and will literally lay back and let you have your way with him. He doesn’t care. There’s no shame in his sex game.
Stamina(how many rounds can they go? How long can they last?)
He can fuck. Over and over. He’s like a rabbit.
Toys(do they own toys? Will they use them?)
Lee’s game. But then again he’s game for pretty much anything. He likes making you writhe on your vibrator, overstimulating you until you're sobbing. Have you made him wear one of your butt plugs to dinner? Yes you have lol
Trips to Sex Shops are frequent, fun affairs.
Unfair(how much they like to tease)
Lee’s a fucking TEASE. He's just too good at playing the game of cat & mouse.
Volume(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Lee is sooo vocal and you adore it. You’ve never been with a vocal man and he’s such a whiner. He’ll whine and grunt and beg. He’ll dirty talk you to the ends of the earth. He’ll call you Mommy, Pretty Girl, Sweet Heart. Babe. Sexy. It all makes your head spin.
Wild Card(a random headcanon for the character)
Lee wants you to fuck him. Wants you to hold him in your arms and play with his rim. Prostate massages are “awesome babe. Here. Let me show you how to do it”
X-Ray(let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big thick cock on that twiggy man. A healthy 7 1/2 inches and girthy. The first time you see it your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. You guess its true what they say about skinny tall boys.
Yearning(how high is their sex drive?)
Lee’s a very sexual creature. Like in a primal way. Every interaction can be erotic with him and its honestly a little bit overwhelming to be around.
Zzz(how quickly they fall asleep after)
Lee has his little routine after sex. Cleans the both of you up, half assed sometimes, and then he’s out like a light. No seriously. Lee has been homeless more than a few times in his life(I was exploring. It was by choice! he’d protest when you pointed it out) he’s slept under bridges and in tents and surfed lumpy couches. You and your warm pussy and your lush bed knock him out.
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httpsserene-main · 2 months
hi hi! this is another prompt list i made for hitting 3k. once again feel free to use this for your own writing needs if you'd like! please reblog, link, and credit me if you decide to use any of prompt(s) from this list !!! tysm < 333
𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 — a list of situational (and a few dialogue) prompts for some fluffy and mildly-suggestive dating ideas ! it's soft-life coded, i think lol.
Trying and failing to stay awake while your partner is on the way home.
Getting up before you to make you both a cup of coffee/tea and gently wake you up.
Driving your car routinely to fill the tank, wash it, clean it out, etc.
Noticing when you're running out of certain products and restocking it without saying anything.
Learning how to do your hair.
Being able to sit in the same room in complete silence that doesn't feel awkward.
The glove box of their car becomes accumulated with items you leave behind.
Coming home one night to find out that you cleaned their entire house even though you don't live together yet.
Using your partner's phone and discovering a note that has all of your likes/dislikes/food orders etc. written.
Making sure you always exchange "I love you" 's and "be safe" 's before one of you has to leave.
Finding a photo album on their phone full of candid images of you.
Cooking your partners favorite meal just because.
"Can I kiss you?" "You know you don't have to ask me anymore, right?"
Scolding you for not wearing a jacket even though they told you to, multiple times.
Sighing and pouting loudly because you haven't paid them any attention.
Seeing something that you would like and buying the item in every color.
"I love you." "Damn, that's crazy."
Telling their family that they think they're going to marry you.
Staring at their your lips when you talk.
Speaking to you in a softer tone of voice.
Playing with your hands or jewelry while they're focused on something else.
"You remember what I was wearing the first time we met?" "Of course I do!"
Noticing you picking up their mannerisms and slang.
Giving up their seat to let you sit or pulling you to sit on their lap.
Getting giggly and touchy when you do something they find cute.
Eagerly watching you hold a little fashion show after coming home from shopping.
Understanding when you're ready to leave an event without having to ask/be told.
Getting lost in your own conversation when hanging out with friends, and being roasted by the friend group for how in love you both are.
"Stop staring at my ass, please."
Falling asleep within minutes of you playing with their hair or scratching their back.
Getting flustered from extended eye-contact.
Exchanging flirty looks from across the room.
Becoming your shadow and following you around the entire day.
Asking you if you're okay with them going to hang out with their friends tonight, except they really want you to say no.
Making sure you always adjust/fix each others appearances when you notice something off.
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© httpsserene 2024 - please tag and reblog if using one or more of my prompts.
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summary: working in a coffee shop means you always meet a wide variety of personalities; but why, out of all options, did you have to go and take an interest in the mysterious guy with an attitude problem?
pairing: piercer! scara x gn barista! reader
warnings: uhh needles (obviously), cursing like once, reader has questionable nicknaming skills (they're worse than paimon's)
modern au series || genshin impact masterlist
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It was a typical Monday morning in the coffee shop you were working at, most customers seemingly dragging themselves in after rolling out of bed with the occasional energy ball as an exception. The aroma of roasted coffee beans filled your nose as you worked on several orders and people entered or left the store at a steady rate.
Once rush hour was pretty much over, the doorbell chimed again to reveal a guy with a dark and choppy bob cut you were sure not many people could pull off. The black clothes draped over his silhouette were deliberately torn at some places and a black mask covered the rest of his face except for striking indigo eyes and two gleaming dermal piercings peeking out from under the fabric on his right cheek. 
“Good morning, what would you like to order?” you greeted, the expected smile already on your lips.
Without so much as a greeting, he said in a monotone voice, “A large black coffee to go.”
Wow, quite the attitude but then again, it was Monday morning and you had seen worse. So, not thinking too much about it, you continued as normal. “May I ask for your name?”
“To write on your cup, so we can call you when your order is ready to be picked up,” you patiently explained.
In a tone that suggested the guy was bored out of his mind, he merely drawled a “Just write whatever” and went back to scrolling on his phone.
It was a good thing you weren’t holding a cup yet or you might have crumbled it. So much for giving him the benefit of the doubt. Your eyes narrowed as your smile and voice took on an almost unnoticeable edge. “Sure thing,” you replied in a sweet tone before telling him his total. 
A few minutes passed after you gave the guy’s order to your coworker who sniggered as you handed them the receipt. While taking more orders, you were keenly aware of that indigo-eyed jerk’s presence lingering by one of the windows, back leaning against the wall and ringed fingers reflecting the morning sun. 
Setting a cup down on the counter, your coworker called out “A large black coffee to go for ‘Whatever’!” 
At the unusual call, a few other customers turned to see what was happening and the guy himself seemed taken aback for a short second before collecting himself. As he walked up to the counter, he threw you an unimpressed glare which you returned with an innocent shrug. 
Despite his grumpy attitude, the guy kept coming back for the next couple of weeks to the point where you could pinpoint the exact time he’d walk through that door, always ordering a large black coffee. He’d yet to give you his name, so when you went to prepare his coffee ahead of time, you continued to write ‘Whatever’ on it. 
It might have been your imagination, but you thought Bob-Cut seemed to mellow out more too as he kept coming back and you built somewhat of a routine. He’d actually use words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ which you didn’t think possible the first time you met him. And, much to your chagrin, you had to admit the nonchalant attitude paired with his style and accessories suited him really well and you sometimes had trouble tearing your gaze away from deep pools of lapis. Not that you’d ever make it known to his face though.
Slowly but surely, you started looking forward to seeing him everyday too. Remembering you’d get to see the mysterious - yet cute- guy walk in again made you positively giddy with excitement as you got ready in the morning. 
Yet this particular day your enthusiasm was stumped as the prepared cup of black coffee sat lonely behind the counter, waiting to be picked up. But he never came, no matter how often you expectantly looked up as the bell jingled. Your coworker patted you on the back encouragingly and you dragged yourself through your shift, a sunken feeling settling in your chest.
The next day, no coffee sat premade on the counter while you worked on orders. With your back turned to the door you almost didn’t notice it swing open. A gruff ‘Morning’ made your eyes light up before you composed yourself and turned to face the strongest resting bitch face ever.
“Good morning, what would you like to order?” You smiled, deciding to play coy although you already knew the answer.
And that was actually the look he gave you; eyes narrowed unimpressed and brow twitching upwards. “Seriously, I don’t come in for a day and you've already forgotten me. That’s a bit harsh, no?”
“Well you never know,” you shrugged playfully. “Maybe you had a change of heart as your coffee was all alone yesterday.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he mumbled, averting his eyes. He had nothing to apologise for in your opinion but it was cute anyway. “A client cancelled their appointment on short notice and my coworkers had all the other clients handled, so I didn’t come to the studio in the morning.”
The guy must’ve caught on to the curiosity visible on your face because he followed it up with “I’m a piercer and tattoo artist.”
“Oh wow, really?” you said, remembering your own plans to get a new piercing somewhen soon. Since your last piercer had closed their shop, you had kind of pushed that thought to the back of your mind though. Suddenly you were very much aware again of the ink peeking over the neck of his shirt and the piercings gleaming in the shop light “Where do you work?”
“In the studio down the road. If you don’t believe me, you should drop by,” he challenged defensively, although you didn’t doubt him at all. Realising what he just said, his eyes widened in the first big show of emotion you’d seen from him and you thought you could see a faint rosy tint where his mask ended. “No, I mean– Forget I said anything!”
For the rest of the interaction, the guy kept his head down, bangs obscuring his eyes which never quite met yours. It was cute seeing someone who acted so aloof usually be all shy and bashful and you tugged the info about his workplace away for later. To be precise, for the coming weekend. 
On your day off, you found yourself in front of the glass door of a tattoo shop. The pleasant scent of flowers from the shop next to it filled the air as you took a deep breath before you pulled the handle towards you. You chastised yourself for being giddy and letting your hopes get the better of you; for all you know, he might not even work today. Or what if he really didn’t want you here?
Your nerves were forgotten when you entered the studio. Along the walls of the modern entrance area hung a variety of different sketches, distinct both in style and motif. From fine-line flowers to precise geometrics to calligraphy and Japanese style tattoos, you wondered just how many coworkers Bob-Cut had and which sketches were his as you studied the signatures.
“Hi there, how can I help you?” You spun around to face an auburn haired man who had appeared behind the counter, his olive eyes twinkling at your reaction. 
“Oh uhm, I wanted to get a new piercing. That’s fine without a scheduled appointment, right?” 
“Sure, thing. Just fill out these documents here and tell me what piercing you want and I’ll hook you up with someone who’s not working right now,” he smiled brightly, yet you had the strange sense that mischief was bubbling just underneath the surface.
“Actually,” you couldn’t believe you were about to say this out loud, “is there a piercer working here with an indigo bob cut and two piercings on his cheek?”
“Oh?” And there it was, that teasing lilt in his voice which raised the hairs in the back of your neck. “Yo, ‘mouchie, there’s a cutie here to see you!”
A mere few seconds after his shout reverberated down the short hallway behind the desk, steps could be heard as a familiar raspy voice answered. “If you call me that again, I’ll fucking ki– What are YOU doing here?!”
“Oh, so you really do know each other,” Olive-Eyes snickered.
Deciding to ignore him, you tilted your head at the accusatory finger still pointed in your direction. “You invited me, remember?”
“I told you to forget it!”
“Well, too bad you’re not my boss and I can do what I want,” you snipped. “Besides, I wanted a new piercing anyway, so I decided to come here. Where’s the problem with that?”
The sound of your bickering lured in two more onlookers, a guy with dark blue hair tied into two braids to frame his face and one guy with his teal hair tied into a messy ponytail, who was staring down at his phone as if it was way more interesting than his colleagues. 
“What am I hearing? Scara inviting someone over?” The braid-guy sing songed. He mimicked wiping a tear from his eye dramatically. “That I can still witness the day… They grow up so fast.”
“Go to hell, all of you,” ‘Scara’ seethed.
“Alright, see you there.” Teal-Bangs didn’t even look up from his phone, the quip rolling off his tongue as naturally as breathing.
“Wow, even Xiao is bullying you now,” Olive-Eyes chimed in.
Dual-Braids laughed, slinging an arm around Bob-Cut’s shoulders and you feared he might bite it off given the glare he was sending his coworker. “You should really stop hitting him with the newspaper, you know?”
“Uh, guys…?” you interjected before they could start squabbling again. “About that piercing…?”
“Oh right!” The auburn-haired man took the documents from you and gave you a wide smile. “As I said, a piercer who’s free will take care of that aaaaaand would you look at that! Scara happens to be free, so he’ll have the honour of giving you a cool new accessory!”
“Hey, I-” Your coffee shop acquaintance tried to protest but Heizou was already ushering you in his direction.
“Now, go have fun, you two,” he teased. “But not too much, okay? 
That was how you found yourself standing in a neat piercing room, bright white light illuminating the equipment stashed there. There was a sigh behind you and ‘Scara’ crossed the room. 
“They’re such nuisances,” he mumbled before he fixed his indigo eyes on you. Without his black mask on, you could see that besides the two dermal piercings on his right cheek he also had a nostril on the left side of his nose. As he spoke up again, a silver ball sitting on his tongue reflected the crisp light. “You’re okay with that? I mean, me being your piercer and all. Heizou didn’t give you much of a choice but just know that you can back out if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s fine by me, if you’re okay with it too,” you sincerely replied. “I mean you were pressured into it just as much.”
“I’m used to their antics though.” After a brief moment of gazing at each other, he cleared his throat and gestured for you to take a seat. “So, what kind of piercing do you want?”
You watched him pull on a pair of black latex gloves and only when he looked back at you did the question register in your brain. “A helix, here,” you said, pointing at your ear.
“Sure thing.” Rolling closer on a chair, he marked the spot you indicated and handed you a mirror. “Like that?”
When you gave your approval, he went back to the desk to prepare the necessary equipment and sterilised it. The silence prompted you to ask the question that has been burning on your tongue for a while now. “So your name is Scara?”
“Scaramouche is my artist name, I’m going by that,” he replied. “But Scara is fine.”
You didn’t have much time to wonder about the implications of using an artist name because a moment later, Scara appeared in front of you again. Needle in hand, his eyes came level with yours again. Up close, you could make out all the tiny specks of amethyst caught in the light and his scent invaded your senses.
“You ready?” he asked quietly, his low voice preserving the delicate atmosphere your proximity created. When you nodded, he gave you a small smirk, demeanour entirely changed from how you’d gotten to know him. “Alright, this is going to hurt a little but the pain will be brief. I need you to hold still through it, can you do that for me?”
Not trusting your voice, you nodded again as you swallowed. Latex met the side of your jaw in a ghost of a touch as Scara gently tilted your head the way he needed it. All nerve endings in your skin lit up as liquid fire spread from the tips of his fingers through your veins, the strange intimacy getting to you more than you could have prepared for.
You felt the Scara’s exhale brush your cheek as he positioned the needle and your warbled thoughts caught up with the situation the moment he pushed it through. But only when the jewellery followed did you flinch.
“There we go, the worst part is done,” he soothed. Giving the mirror back to you, he left you to admire his work as he got up. The calm call of your name pulled you from your own reflection as Scara held out a glass of water to you.
“Thanks,” you smiled before pausing. “Wait, did I even tell you my name?”
“Read it on your file,” he replied nonchalantly as you gave him an unimpressed glance.
“I’m sure that falls under poor etiquette,” you playfully chastised him.
“So? The outcome is the same, isn’t it?” he shrugged, yet you couldn’t help but find it endearing. “You good to go? C’mon, I’ll show you the way out.”
As you wrapped up the payment and Scara went over all the mandatory steps in taking care of your new piercing, you were well aware of the doors opening and the people peeping into your conversation. So much for privacy.
“Well then, that’s that.” The metal of his tongue piercing held your attention until Scara brushed some of his hair behind his ear, revealing a few piercings of his own. Among them was a helix which mirrored yours in placement. “Get home safe, yeah?”
“I will, thanks.” Your smile was filled with genuine gratitude. As you pushed through the glass door, you turned back to wave. “See you tomorrow!”
Maybe it was your imagination but as you left you thought there was an actual smile gracing his sharp features.
The next day, your spirits were high as they could be. Not only were you excited to show off your new accessory, you’d also been on cloud nine since leaving the piercing studio, butterflies stirring in your stomach every time you thought back to how he touched you. Perhaps what you were about to do was a little bold but you’d be damned if you didn’t shoot your shot.
As expected, Scara came in at the same time as every morning and you’d just finished brewing his coffee. He too seemed to be in a better mood than usual as he walked up to the counter. While you typed in his order, you made a bit of small talk over how your piercing was healing.
“It’s all good,” you laughed and showed the jewellery to him. “Almost like my piercer knew what he was doing.”
“You better believe that,” he countered. However, you didn’t miss the way his eyes seemingly lit up and crinkled at the edges, as they did when he smirked, when his gaze fell onto the piercing he put on you. His reaction gave you a boost of confidence for what you were about to do.
Handing him his cup, you wished him a great day and watched as he went to leave before stopping dead in his tracks. No doubt he discovered the little ‘If you ever feel like going for a coffee while I’m not working ♡ (and don’t whatever me!)’ you had scribbled onto the cup holder, followed by your phone number. You gave him a wink when he searched your eyes and watched him pull out his phone. A few seconds later your phone pinged.
Unknown number: whatever Unknown number: are you free this week?
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
How the TF2 Mercs Kiss! || TF2 x GN!Reader Headcanons
VERY eager, but VERY inexperienced. Spends more time hyping himself up by bragging to you about how he's totally made out with so many girls before.
Surprisingly shy at first, heartwarmingly innocent and wholesome in the beginning. Chaste and fluttering kisses that helo him gian confidence.
If you seem receptive to him, Jeremy gets a lot more bold and experimental. Yeah, he's never kissed anyone with tongue before but that ain't stopping him now.
Overall, he's adorably innocent. Playfully tease him while you show him the right way to kiss.
Surprisingly amazing kisser and I will die on this hill. God tier SSS+ Class kisses every time.
Have you ever felt an all-consuming passion in one kiss? A man's entire feelings and being as you lock lips?
Master of subtle touches, there is no "just kissing" with Jane. His hands sneak to cup your face, a hand on your waist that pulls you ever so close to him.
This mf will give you the best make out session of your life and nobody will ever believe that you actually love SOLDIER. MISTER ROCKET JUMP HIMSELF.
Pyro kisses more with their hands and with little rubs with their cheeks on your skin.
Has a huuuuuge thing for you kissing/taking their fingers into your mouth, and they find it just as affectionate and intimate as kissing. They like being able to see you fully, rather than feeling your lips on thier mask and vaguely seeing you.
They feel more of a grounding connection when they see you, holding them by the hand. It's like you can't be affected by their hallucinations when you are so close to them.
If you are blindfolded and like, DEEP committed into the relationship, you MIGHT feel cracked and warm lips against yours. It's loving and perfect, but weird. You much prefer the Pyro you know they're comfortable with, rather than forcing them to conform to the standard around you two.
God, he kisses like warm chocolate. Languid, lovely, and fucking addictive.
Always a tad romantic to it, he'd never platonically kiss you on the mouth. Murmurs out a little "c'mere hun" or "there's my love." before every kiss.
HAND. HOLDING. This man cannot help how his fingers intertwined with yours as you kiss- even just a quick kiss! He tries to sneak hold your hand!
No matter the context, scenario, or pretense, as soon as you pull away he gives you this sappy ass lovestruck smile. Goofy half smile full of affection. The amount of LOVE in this mans EXPRESSION-
Probably the most fun to kiss out of all the mercs. He's got an air of casualty about him that makes you feel comfortable- be it platonic or romantic.
His lips are always ever so slightly chapped due to the alcohol on his mouth, but his kisses are full and comsuming of all your senses.
Tavish and you just kinda view kissing as another form of affection between you two, just like cuddling or quality time. You taste more alcohol than him sometimes, but the little giggling hum that Tavish unconsciously lets out when he's content tells you all you need to know about how much he likes you.
Likes to kiss you randomly. Oh, gave him a cup of coffee? kiss. Passed by him in a match? kiss for good luck. Changed the channel on the TV? you seemed bored, kiss kiss kiss.
This man kisses like the world will end tomorrow. Every single time. It's always heartfelt and possessive and like he put all his feelings into the kiss.
Minikisses are his favorite. After a long and devoted kiss, he breaks the gesture, only to kiss you briefly again, then again, and again.
Usually the minikisses travel around your face and neck as his hands wrap around your back and waist.
He wants to surround you- to drown you in love. He wants to make you feel safe and protected with every act of intimacy.
This man is a coin flip between tender, earnest kisses and wildly possessive kisses.
Gentle handholds and private smiles meant only for you OR pinning you against the nearest surface with a bold grasping on your face as he claims you more than you could ever realize.
He loves claiming you in both ways. He likes when you give yourself to him as a gift and, in turn, offering himself to you. But that prey drive in him loves to chase you too.
Mutters between kisses about how much he needs you to live.
Knows exactly how to push all the right buttons with you. He puts his hands and caresses you in all the right spots.
Every kiss is deliberate, means something, and has the intention of making you wrap around his finger for him to completely his.
His kisses are languid and drawn out, as if he is that too-expensive alcohol he adores so much. Wave after wave of pleasurable class oozes from him as he dizzies you deeper into his web of affection.
This man is able to make you infatuated with a single kiss and he absolutely loves how he can make you sigh in exhiliration.
Imma be real with you chief, he's the worse kisser out of the bunch, but the passion is outmatched. This man is ruled by the tip of his tongue and the zipper of his pants when he's around you.
He's rough and overpowering, the need to drown you in pleasure flips in him like a fucking lightswitch. Hands all over you, wherever he can grab at.
Honestly? He'd be fine if you two weren't more intimate and only kissed, he'd be fine with that. He'd love to just spend hours making out with you.
Uses kisses to distract you when he needs to do blood tests on you or general needlework.
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echantedtoon · 3 months
A Lovers' Circle(Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch1 A Beginning
Kimetsu University where the finest students graduate and go on to lead successful careers. Some find success. Some find riches. Others find lifelong friends. A circle of lovers just happens to find a sweet little lady that makes their hearts beat.
(IMPORTANT INFO: This isn't a Kimetsu Gauken au. It's a college au loosely based off the info contained in Kimetsu Gauken. So some things are changed around, not cannon, and different because this is an au.
Everyone in this story is in their early twenties except for Gyomei who's mid twenties. There will be NO Muichiro x Reader. There is also NO Kanae x Shinobu either! They're sisters you weirdos. I'll add a link to all the info I loosely based the au off of.
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Kimetsu University where the finest students graduate and go on to lead successful careers. Some find success. Some find riches. Others find lifelong friends. Whatever the case may be, there is certainly something for everyone to do. Whatever you want to accomplish you are almost guaranteed success if you work hard and attend the magnificent school that was Kimetsu University. 
The day was bright and beautiful as the morning light fell through the window and grazed over the few patrons still in the small cafe she worked at. The murmuring hums of light talk, generic elevator like music, and the occasional bike passing by outside. It combined with the sounds from the kitchen. Clinking dishes, utilities, and the occasional shout of an order ready to be served. Relatively peaceful and normal day for those whom worked the cafe life.
It was a demanding job sometimes if you had to handle multiple orders by yourself especially if you were by yourself or happened to be short-staffed that day or if there just so happened to be a large crowd. But it wasn't a bad job. The Patrons were mostly friendly aside from the occasional Karen or grumpy person in the morning who demanded their caffeine high for the morning. It always smelt nice with the lingering scents of coffee, chocolate, and various hand made baked goods in the glass display nearby.
After a while one would even start to recognize the frequent customers visiting the shoppe's doors. The guy who always hugged down at least three cups of coffee in the morning before classes. The couple always coming in Thursday afternoon for the college students discount on the sandwiches. That one girl always stumbling in with a mountain of papers always quickly buying a quick donut before scurrying away. There was the frequent college students or bookworms that just liked to sit in the cafe and do their own things. Sometimes they'd order snacks sometimes they didn't but that was life. But such was life on campus.
It was a slow day this morning in particular.
The smells of glass cleaner mixed in with the scents of coffee and sweet vanilla as a cloth ran across the shiny glass of the display case. Inside it beheld the delicious sights within it's hold. A few cupcakes and cakes ready to be bought and eaten. Tempted to take one herself. But it'd have to come out of his pockets if she did so. Not many people had come in today either. A few in the morning for a quick coffee run before classes but for now it was just her alone here. She didn't mind, it was peaceful and quiet other than the distant sounds of the generic elevator like music that constantly played around the area. 
She couldn't wait for the end of the week. There was going to be a girls night with all her girlfriends and then they were going to spend the entire weekend together going to the spa, and the amusement park, and then there was going to be a cute little movie marathon!! Oh it was gonna be so much fun! And it's been so long since they all got to spend time together! She was so excited, she barely heard the door open. Only being aware of the fact when the door opened and the bell above rang a cute little jingle causing her bright green eyes to snap around. 
She gasped. "Obi!"
The slightly smaller black haired that walked in barely reacted to her. Maybe it was because he didn't get a chance to before she squealed excitedly and rushed him. Pulling him into a nearly bone crushing hug and literally lifting the man off his feet.
"I missed you so much!"
"Ish omly beem a few hours," he replied to the best of his abilities half muffled by the fact she was crushing him into herself. 
She squeezed him just a bit tighter for a second or two. "Mm mm!" Before finally releasing him back onto his feet allowing him to wheeze for air, but by now he was used to it after being together for so long. "You're always so sweet coming to see me at work!" She gushed grasping her cheeks. 
It took him a few seconds to collect himself but he was able to recover from his girlfriend's usual greeting and looked at her evenly. "I'm happy you seem to be in better spirits." Mitch matched eyes glanced partially past her and made contact with a wiping cloth and a bottle of glass cleaner abandoned on top of the display case of delicious pastries. "Is your shift over with yet?"
"Almost! I'm just cleaning up and getting ready to clean out the display case. You know what that means!" She gushed brightly at the thought. "Which means lots of free leftovers for us tonight! It's gonna be so yummy!"
"Just be sure you don't eat all of it before we get it to the others. Don't want a repeat of last time." Last time she unknowingly snacked on everything before they could reach Kyojuro's house and they ended up having to drive out last minute and get take out and frozen pizzas. Poor Mitsuri nearly cried for an hour after trying to pay for everything. 
Her face lit up an embarrassed pink as she pouted. "I won't! Besides everyone's supposed to bring something! What are you bringing everyone?"
His answer was to raise a box of canned Moonbucks coffee. "This."
"Obanai, coffee isn't a good choice for a potluck! We're supposed to bring something everyone can enjoy!"
"They do. Especially Shiny and Sanemi. They're always tired as fuck."
"And no cussing! We're trying to make a good first impression for Gyomei! What's his new girlfriend gonna think if you do that?"
"Didn't he just say they just went on like two dates? That's not a girlfriend." Her eyes narrowed at him. "*sigh* Fine. But I'm not the one you should be worried about."
"Sanemi promised everyone he won't say anything mean."
"It's not Sanemi I'm worried about." Knowing Tengen and his 'flamboyant' (innuendy) way of talking a lot of the time you couldn't tell if he was flirting, teasing, both, or just talking. Not always the best thing for a great first impression. 
"Oh Tengen's gonna be fine! You'll see!" She patted his shoulder before bubbly bouncing towards the counter again. "I'm gonna finish up cleaning now so we can grab the goodies and go!"
"M'kay. I'll just wait for you to get done then." He went right ahead and made himself comfortable in a nearby chair as she happily went back. "Are Hinatsuru and Makio still here too?"
She nodded wiping at the remaining glass. "Yep! They're cleaning up the back! We should be done real soon!"
"Good. I can't stand Tengen making anymore jokes about me trying to steal his wives again. The sooner we leave the better."
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dezznuggz · 7 months
The Parents of the Friend group. |Part 1
Steve Harrington × reader
~the party already knows about yours and Steve's relationship and even before you and Steve got together, they made it pretty clear that Steve is the mom and you're the dad. Plain and simple
Warning: playfully bullying Steve, mentions of season 2, mentions of the upside down, reader pronouns she/her, y/n used a couple times
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With everything that the party member went through at a young age, you and Steve always cared and protected them with any chance y'all get. With that being said, Steve made it a monthly thing to have the kids (including Robin and Eddie) sleepover for at least a night just so they can enjoy themselves young and to also ease Steve's paranoia of not knowing when another type of monster will appear out of the blue. You didn't have a problem with the idea of course mostly since you loved the kids as if they were your own kids but it gets tiring after a while, mostly when it's in your own home.
Tossing and turning in bed while hearing loud chatters in the distance. Moving around to grab a hold of Steve and hopefully cuddle back to sleep but you feel the other side of the bed empty.
Is it the 24th already?
Groggily getting out of bed still half asleep and walking to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for one hell of a day. After wearing something more appropriate and becoming wide awake, you mentally prepare yourself to walk out into the chaos. When you open the door, everything suddenly becomes clearer and louder. You see Erica and Dustin arguing about what channel to put on. Max and Robin are practically attacking Lucas for his poor taste in comics. Eddie, Mike, and Will try explaining d&d to El (who clearly is not interested). Then you see the main person that you wanted to spend your morning with, but they were clearly occupied and busy. Already heading to the kitchen to your lover to say good morning while giving a peck on the lips.
"Every month...every month, I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore" you say while looking at the hoard of people in the living room talking over each other. "I swear they're little geniuses but when it comes to being on time, they're rather late or too early and today is one of those days." Steve says while mixing a bowl of pancakes batter. "Remember you wanted this, so you can't fully blame them." You say while warming up a cup of coffee, "oh no no no, you can't partially blame me for this, don't act as if you didnt want them around either" Steve says while looking from the pancake batter then to you with a small smile. Okay maybe you also found comfort in having the kids around including Robin and Eddie, it feels more home warming but it's the mess they leave after. "Well...I'm not sure what I can say to that other than calling dibs to drop off the kids" you say frantically before leaving the kitchen and into the living room while hearing Steve trying to call you back in the kitchen.
Once you step in the living room, you weren't sure if you wanted to go back and continue the conversation that you just had with Steve or try to at least have the kids calm down and lower their voices. "Jesus I don't know how you deal with this nerd, all he does is shove facts down your throat!" Erica practically yells at you before walking away from Dustin who is hot on her tail. "Oh IM THE NERD, you practically have the whole pony lore merged in your girly little brain" Dustin yells back at Erica while also passing by you and saying a quiet good morning (which you say good morning back).
"okay well let's leave that to Steve.." you say under your breath before walking to the little closet room in yours and Steve's house to pull out blankets and more pillows already preparing for tonight and maybe for a game that will last till night out. "Hey!" Will said pretty loudly in your ear which had you flinching a little, "Oh my God, what happened, I thought you were with Eddie and Mike? Did you forget your toothbrush again? Or was it your underwear again? You know Steve doesn't really mind besides he barley knows." You ramble and ask multiple questions to Will and whispering the last part knowing that it happened once and he trusted in only telling you. "WHAT no I'm fine, everything's fine, I just wanted to help out a little you know since it's the least we can do" Will says in a soft tone. "Oh no it's okay honey... Well you know what, maybe a little help wouldn't hurt right?" You say hesitantly, knowing how Steve gets when the kids actually help around. He tends to take control but not in a mean way more of a 'just rest my child and I'll take care of you' typa way. "Okay I need you to carry this... And this, and hold this one for me please....oh can't forget Max's..." You say while stacking pillows and blankets in Will's arms which slowly starts piling up to the point that his face is no longer able to be seen.
"is that it?..." Will asks while trying to peep his head out a little just to see if there are any more blankets, "umm....no you know what that's about it, good job buddy" you say before patting Will's shoulder indicating that he should follow you. Both you and Will walk to the living room to find everyone gone then you hear a faint voice counting. "Okay that's 2,4,6,8....8?" Steve says after counting heads to make sure everyone was sat at the table ready to eat although with so much noise and talking going around he can't seem to know if he counted wrong. But just as Steve suspected, he did count wrong as 2 more people walked into the dining room. "Ah there you guys are, okay so that's 10 in total" Steve says with a relief but his cheery tone went away as he saw Will's bottom half since the other half was covered with piles of blankets and pillows. "Babe we talked about this, if you need help call me, now look what you have done to the boy, I can't even see him" Steve says dramatically. You let out a sigh as you take the pillows and blankets from Will and told him to sit down and eat, "it's fine babe he offered and I took it, it's not gonna hurt him. And besides you seemed a little busy so I didn't want to disturb you." You say trying to calm a dramatic Steve down since you always are the one to just take things with a flow while Steve is the one to control the flow.
"I'm not gonna tell you again, if you ever need help just call me over and I'll be there, okay?" Steve says while looking down at you waiting for a response, "sure." You say just to please Steve, "good, now sit down and eat before it gets cold" Steve says with a more cheery tone as he presses a kiss on your lips.
"UNOOO!!" Eddie exclaims very loudly which caused the kids to groan since they know that Eddie's cheating but they just can't prove it. Everyone was currently sitting on the floor around the little coffee table in the middle of the living room. Everyone decided to play uno after a long argument on how we should play it due to Dustin being competitive and wanting a specific way to play like whether or not we can jump in or pair up with someone. Everyone told him that we're just gonna play uno for the fun of it with no arguments and no competition, which never happened. Steve and you ended up teaming up and showing each other y'all's cards, Erica started becoming aggressive towards Lucas who kept +4 her. "Is there a problem between you and me cause last time I checked, we're blood related and BLOOD RELATED PEOPLE DONT BETRAY EACHOTHER!" Erica screams in Lucas's face while Lucas laughs at her overreacting. "Woah okay Erica calm down, here take my +4 and you'll get him next time when we reverse." Steve says to Erica while passing the card across the table to Erica who simply denied it and said that she didn't want his pity. "Let her fuss it out babe, she'll get over it" you say while laughing a little since you were Erica's babysitter at some point of time, so you knew how long Erica's little tantrums would last.
As the game ended with Robin somehow winning and multiple arguments breaking out. We all went out separate ways as it was almost time for dinner. You and Steve both walk into the kitchen just to finally enjoy y'all's personal time (even though y'all live together). With you deciding that you don't wanna cook, and Steve not knowing what to cook, you both agreed to order Chinese food. It was cheap and the most agreeable among the party members. Pizza was always complicated for the party, Lucas liked olives while Robin was allergic, and El liked pineapple on hers which Eddie completely despised to be in sight of pineapple pizza. Everyone had their own pizza preference that was just too much to order all together but Chinese food is what got everyone to enjoy (although you weren't a fan of Chinese food but you'll eat it for the kids).
Steve finished the order for Chinese food that we will soon have to pick up but in the mean time it was just you and Steve. Steve and you. Both embracing and enjoying each other's company even when yall aren't doing anything but it just felt so comfortable and loving. You sat on the counter with your feet dangling and Steve between your thighs while looking up at you and admiring you as if you were an angel. "You ever think about having kids" Steve asks with a foolish grin across his face, "woah, a very unexpected question at the moment" you say giggling but slowly stopped when you saw Steve still waiting for an answer, "I don't know, maybe,...actually yeah but as long as it's your kids" you say also with a foolish grin which made Steve blush "you know I actually want 6 kids, I don't remember telling you that" Steve says looking deep in your eyes, "oh trust me I remember you specifically telling me how many and what their names would be" you exclaim while rolling your eyes playfully since you have indeed heard multiple times and it's not like your complaining, infact you loved the idea of Steve also seeing his future with you and you guys are only 20 years old. "Let's get married" Steve says with a straight face and you let out a laugh but stop and clear your throat when Steve still looks at you with a straight face, "you're serious? Okay umm listen Steve I love you, I really do and I don't even want to imagine a life without you but we're 20 and we both work at a minimum wage job that barley pays for rent." You say rambling a little, "but trust me when I tell you this, I wanna get married with you so bad and specifically only you but just not right now or at least where we're at right now" you try to say with a little bit of a cheery voice so you don't totally break Steve's heart, "I promise" you say while holding out your pinky Infront of Steve's pouty face, "okay but is it okay if we have kids before we get married?" Steve asks before he even locks both of y'all's pinkies together "whatever makes you happy babe" you tell Steve with a toothy grin knowing that it would cheer Steve up, he then locks both of y'all's pinkies together and gives you a very passionate kiss that caused you to let out a little giggle in the middle of it.
"oh dude, I thought Robin said no public pda" Mike exclaims with a face of disgust before walking and purposely bumping into Steve's back to get a cold water bottle from the fridge. "Dude we're trying our best to keep it private", Steve says in a very judging tone, "you know Mike, me and Steve have seen you and El kiss but you don't see us making a big scene, have you tried growing up a little?" You say to Mike cause this isn't the first time that you and Mike have had this conversation about pda. "if it requires me growing up and becoming anything like y'all, I'd rather stay young and immature" Mike says before walking off but not before steve tells him to watch his tone. "I'm pretty sure he just called us old in so many different ways" you say to Steve, "he just doesn't get it cause he doesn't know what REAL love is, all he knows is young love....and I'm not old, trust I'm never gonna look old either" Steve says before fixing his hair with a pouty face which you laugh at cause you know how dramatic Steve gets when it comes to his age and specifically his looks.
"oh stop whining, we all know that you're gonna get grey hairs by soon mostly with all the stress the kids keep giving you" Robin suddenly comes in the kitchen startling you both just a little. "Okay first of all shut up and don't jinx it, and second who was talking to you?" Steve says in a very sassy tone since his hair is "his best feature" so God forbid anything happens to it. You let out a breathy laugh as Robin kept adding more gas into the fire. "Oh what's so funny huh, you do know you're gonna end up with grey hairs too so we'll both look 50 in our 30s" Steve says which causes you to stop laughing and before you can say anything Robin practically speaks for you, "uh no she won't, cause the kids are scared of her so they always act right around her but with you Steve, oh boy do they give you hell. In fact I'm pretty sure they only listen to y/n" Robin says with a small smirk on her lips. "Oh that's so not true!" Steve says raising his voice a little to state that he completely disagrees with Robin, "yea it is, remember at Byers house during fall, when you know the whole incident happened." You say trying to get Steve to recall what exactly happened that night, "yea what about it?" Steve says still not remembering how that night has anything to do with what they were walking about.
Fall night 1984:
You and Steve were trusted to take care of the kids. It wasn't anything new to you when it came to having full responsibility of the kids. It practically came as a free side job for you since you protected the kids without any questions asked or needed. For Steve on the other hand, his first time taking care of 5 kids at once and he felt like there was so much responsibility in his hands. He just felt the need to take full control due to the fear of not being able to know what the kids are doing 24/7 at the moment.
With Mike and Lucas arguing about Mike panicking and Dustin having Steve shove a demo-dog in ms.byers fridge it all felt hectic to you but nothing that you couldn't handle. The only calm one that was there was max due to it being her first rodeo and completely confused about the whole situation. Suddenly all the kids start making up a plan on how to help El and everyone else that's heading towards the lab that's filled with deadly creatures. While hearing this plan Steve completely shuts it down. "Yea and then we all die" Steve says making it clear that he totally disapproves of their idea, "well that's one point of view" you say in a sarcastic way, "no y/n that's not one point of view, that's a fact" Steve says with an attitude mostly since you're the other adult that's supposed to help him out but isn't even backing him up. You then raise your hands in surrender and give Steve a mocking face before going back to sweeping up glass with max. Mike then walks off with everyone following right behind him, you and Max decide to forget about the glass pieces since there're definitely way more important things to focus on.
With Mike making a master plan of setting up the underground base on fire and having Dustin,max, and Lucas add onto the idea Steve finally attempts to put his foot down. "We're staying here, ON THE BENCH, and we're waiting for the starting team to do their job, does everybody understand that" Steve says in a demanding tone, "THIS ISN'T A STUPID SPORTS GAME?!" Mike complains to Steve but Steve still stood his ground "I said does everybody understand that, I need a yes.." Steve says pointing his fingers at the kids waiting for a response. "We don't need to listen to you" Mike says still annoyed at Steve, "okay you know what, that's enough...y/n control your kids" steve finally starts talking to you but all you did was respond with crossing your arms and shrugging your shoulders as a sign that there's really not much to say. "Oh seriously you're in on this too!?" Steve exclaims in a flabbergasted tone, "I don't know what to say Steve, it sounds like a really good plan". "Yea a good plan to get us killed". "We're not gonna die okay they know what they're doing!". "Yes imma let a bunch of kids guide me into saving the world, yea sure why not jump off a cliff while I'm at it!",
you and Steve bicker back and forth till you finally give in just to calm Steve down and to get him to shut up, "alright kids you heard him, this plan just might get us killed, steve and only steve thinks its best for us to stay put here" you say in a very rude tone to show that you also dont approved of steves idea, "but-" lucas wanted to say something but went completely quiet when you gave him a look to not talk back "we understand". "fine". "Sure". "Whatever" was the only response you got from the kids as they all got up from the floor but completely halted in their steps when they heard a very loud engine outside...
"okay that doesn't even count, they kids were getting used to me at that time so they just don't understand how scary I can get, they listen to me. I know they do it's just y'all aren't around or y'all don't remember" Steve says still trying to defend himself which causes you and Robin to laugh at Steve's attempt. "You're right that's one of the many times that the kids listened to y/n but if you want I can go on and on and on" Robin says trying to rile Steve up and laughing through her sentence, "okay you know what I think it's time for us to pick up the food" Steve says before walking into the living room filled with many people that just seem to be in their own world, "alright who wants to come with me and get the food?.." steve says loud enough for then to hear but there still was no response given to him, you weren't even sure if they heard him. "HEY! Who wants to go with Steve and pick up the food!?" You say loudly which caused everyone's attention on you and still no response but instead everyone is looking at each other to see who's willing to volunteer and go with Steve, "no one? Okay... Dustin go with Steve" you say short and simple which caused Dustin to let out a dramatic groan, "why do I gotta go, make Mike go or max go" Dustin whines to you, "no complaints now get up and get the food. NOW!?" you reply to Dustin's complaints and say the last part loudly since you didn't see him move until you raised your voice.
You then walked up to Steve giving him a pat on the shoulder and a kiss on the cheek before walking to the bathroom. Everyone goes back to their own world again and Steve still is a little mad at the fact that the kids do only listen to you and never Steve.
Everyone's back at the dining table and there is not a single moment that's silent. Everything is everywhere. Things being passed around in front of everyone, people calling other people's attention from across the table and loud laughter filling the air. It didn't bother you at all, okay maybe a little but you also don't know how else you would prefer the kids to be.
You suddenly snap out of your little thoughts when max mentions your name. "Y/n literally wears the pants of the relationship" max tells Steve, who is still flabbergasted at the fact that the kids listen to only you, "no she doesn't, I think that me and her both are equal in our relationship, right babe" Steve then turns to you asking for your input and opinion, "max we're equal there's no one that wears the pants okay...but I do have to take the lead sometimes" you say the last part quietly but not quite enough for Steve to not hear. "Okay first of all you don't take the lead ALL the time and I wouldn't even put it as you taking the lead, more like you knowing what's better" Steve says defending himself, "oh so she does take the lead I knew it" Eddie then chimes in the conversation out of nowhere, "no she doesn't are you guys even listening to what I'm saying?!" Steve says in a frantic way since he feels as if he's being attacked.
"Wait you're telling me that throughout all the shit we've been through, y/n has always been the decision maker?!" Eddie says in a shocked tone from connecting dots in his mind, "what no of course I make decisions too, you guys act as if I don't do anything!?" Steve raises his voice slightly which causes max and Eddie to laugh out loudly which also causes everyone else's conversation to cut off and wanting to know what's so funny. "We didn't say you don't do anything, we're just saying that you mostly listen to y/n. It honestly seems as if she wears the pants in the relationship" Eddie says while still laughing, this causes others who have been listening to laugh too. "I think we all made it clear that y/n wears the pants, I mean like look at them" max says while gesturing her hands toward me and Steve which causes us to look at each other up and down.
"It's like Steve is the mom and y/n is the dad can we all make that clear" Robin says and everyone else agrees with a small response. "Wait what?" You say a little confused on how the subject can change fast but not the topic which was y'all two, you and Steve being the target and center of the conversation. "Yea I mean you guys are like an old married couple that love each other, I think that's pretty obvious right?" Lucas says that also has everyone else agreeing with him. "Steve is so strict and paranoid like a mom and y/n is so chill and a floater like a dad." Mike adds to Lucas's statement that causes Erica to butt in, "Steve yells at me for not taking my shoes off when I walk in, y/n doesn't even bat an eye about it" Erica's comment left Steve flabbergasted. This had Steve more aware of how motherly he's been acting through the past years. "So I'm the lame, no fun boring mom while y/n is the cool fun dad?!?" Steve asks as if clarification to make sure that what they're saying to him is correct. "Pretty much". "Yea honestly". "if the show fits". "Yea" was the response Steve gets from the kids, "that's so not true I can be fun. Matter in fact I'm totally fun it's just not with y'all. I'm so fun that you guys wouldn't be able to handle me." Steve rants about how fun he is just to prove that he's not a boring mom but that doesn't seem to get to the kids, "that's exactly what a mom would say" Dustin then says to stop Steve from going on and on about "how fun he is", and this time it left Steve silent, infact it left the whole table silent waiting to see what else Steve has left to say but clearly he had nothing.
The silence caused you to let out a little snort of laughter which caused everyone to look at you. Seeing Steve get terrorized by a bunch of kids was too funny to hold in that Steve himself laughed. With you and Steve laughing this caused everyone else to laugh along. Everyone then went back to their regular conversation as if nothing happened.
You then looked at Steve with a cocky grin, "I'm their favorite parent" you say while smirking at him, "don't start" Steve says while rolling his eyes playfully and chuckling.
With everything that has happened in the last 15 hours, the party members calmly agreed to end the day off with a movie. Robin, max, Erica, and El had the couch while everyone else had the floor. The girls wanted you to be on the couch with them but you wanted to end the day with you being in Steve's arms. "Okay everyone brushed their teeth?" Steve asks before he gets himself comfortable and sitting on the floor next to you, "yes MOM" Will says in a joking way which caused Steve to let out a huff then laugh a little. "Come on guys leave him alone, lord knows how many grey hairs you're going to give him by 30" you say in a teasing tone that caused everyone to laugh. "Oooo you're lucky I love you" Steve says after turning off all the light and putting the movie on and laying next to you.
The movie goes on for a while until everyone is out cold. All the junk they ate today completely drained them out. "You know I don't mind being the mom anymore" Steve says all of a sudden, "really? Why's that?" You say a little curious about the sudden change of opinion, "it lets me know that the kids know that I care for them even if it means I'm not fun." Steve says in a low voice trying not to wake everyone up, "I think they already know that you care for them. They just say that to get a rise out of you", you say letting out a breathy laugh that you covered with your mouth. "At least they aren't scared of me" Steve says trying to make himself feel better, "well at least they think I'm fun" you reply back in an instant to Steve's remark. "At least we're viewed as their parents" Steve says looking into your eyes with a boyish grin. "You know what, you're right, at least they look up to us" you reply back to Steve before leaning in to kiss him which Steve kissed back in an instant.
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!?!" Mike exclaims in a loud tone since he just caught you and Steve making out AGAIN.
Pls don't be a silent reader and I hope u enjoyed
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storm-angel989 · 17 days
I was wondering if you could do a Val x daughter teen reader.
- She’s super duper sleep deprived (yawning every other 5 minutes and it’s so obvious she’s fighting to stay awake), and relies on a crap ton of energy drinks to keep her up and going. How would Val, Vel, and Vox react to finding out about this?
Hi Friend,
Thank you so much for your patience <3
As all three of the Vee’s very well know, sleep is so important. They want to see Reader succeed, but not at the expense of her own health. So take a peek at what happens!
<3 Mandy
My official bedtime is eleven. I crawl into bed at two. 
My day started at 4:30.
Get up. Drag myself to the gym. Lately, I’ve been listening to my textbooks on audiobook while I run because I, for the life of me, can’t get my brain to retain any of the information. My first sip of an energy drink is paired with water as I frantically scramble to scrub my hair and get dressed in my uniform before I need to leave for school. 
Seven thirty. Skip breakfast in favor of the second energy drink of the day. Slide into my homeroom seat exactly six minutes before the bell rings. I can’t be late, or else I risk getting kicked off the water polo team. 
School ends at three. I lose track of how many energy drinks I buy, how many cups of coffee I consume. All I know is it’s easier to study and drink coffee than it is to study and eat. And midterms start tomorrow. 
Practice starts at three thirty and by the time I get in the water, my week and a half worth of cramming for midterms is starting to catch up to me. It’s all I can do to stay awake, and unlike the other girls, I’m grateful for the freezing cold water. 
This routine had been mine for the past two weeks, and I was exhausted. Cramming for exams always sucked, but this time around felt harder than most. 
“I just need to review one more chapter,” I promised myself as I climbed into the limo. The ache in my head matched the heaviness of my eyelids and I let out another yawn. “One more chapter, and then…”
Out of habit, I pulled out my exam schedule. I felt my heart drop and jolted awake as I read through the test list for the next day. Fuck. Science was tomorrow. Not history. I hadn’t even started to review science.  I opened up another energy drink as I stared into the eyes of what would be another all nighter. As the last drop of liquid entered my body, I could feel my heart beat- an uncomfortable buzz. I tried to ignore it as I exited the limo and trudged upstairs. My mind blurred as I went through the motions without remembering exactly what I was doing. 
“Ah, princessa, I’m glad you’re home,” my father’s voice floated across the room. “Your Uncle Vox just finished making dinner. Come sit.”
“I can’t, Daddy, midterms start tomorrow,” I replied through a yawn. “I have to study, I mixed up…”
“You can’t study on an empty tummy. Your body needs fuel,” my Aunt Velvette replied.
Her tone told me I wasn’t getting out of it. I dropped my backpack and hazily made my way across the living room. I stumbled but caught myself on the table. I could feel all three sets of eyes on me as I righted myself and slowly sank into my chair. 
“Babygirl, are you feeling okay?” Vox asked as he pressed his hand to my forehead. “You don’t look good.”
“No, no you don’t,” my father added. “Did you eat before practice?”
I tried to remember but the memories of the day wouldn’t come. I shrugged in response. 
“Have you been drinking?” Velvette demanded after a moment of silence. She crossed her arms. “You’re stumbling, you’re pale, you’re slurring your words, something is wrong.”
“No! I’m just, I’m really tired,” I protested as I tried to bite back a yawn. “Midterms, they're tomorrow and I..I need to study. I can have another energy drink, maybe that will help.”
I went to push myself up from the table and felt the heaviness of Vox’s hands on my shoulder hold me in place. His other hand reached over and clicked on my VoxTech watch. 
“When did you go to bed last night?” My father asked gently. 
“More importantly, how many energy drinks did you have today?” Vox asked. 
Unable to hold back, I yawned. “It's midterm week, I dunno. Guys, I have to study, I…” 
I watched all three of them exchange glances. Vox hit a button on my watch and they both looked at their phones. Alarm spread over each of their faces.
“No. You’re not going anywhere except to bed,” my father said firmly as he stood up. 
“Dad, no, I’m…I’m fine..” I started to protest as he lifted me into his arms. “Daddy, I’m sixteen, lemme go…” I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as I tried to push myself away from him. 
“Mhm, yeah, you’re right, you are sixteen,” he replied softly.
The next thing I knew, he laid me down in my bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt the weight of his body on the bed as he sat down next to me. 
“Close your eyes, ninita,” he said softly. “You need to rest.”
Under the warmth of the covers, snuggled in the comfort of my bed, exhaustion swept over me. Unable to fight, I sank into a deep, dreamless sleep. 
It could have been days, or hours later. As I slowly came to, the red digits of my alarm clock flashed. Eleven thirty am. Panic rushed through me. Late! I was so late! I sat straight up, but before I could swing myself out of bed, Vox’s hand pushed me down. 
“Hey, hey kid. Calm down. Relax, you’re fine,” he said soothingly.
“No, Uncle Vox I have my history midterm today, I have to go, I’m so late!” I babbled as I tried to push against him.
“You’ll make them up, deep breath,” he replied evenly. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m going to let your Dad and Vel know you’re awake. If I let you go, will you please stay down?”
Slowly, I nodded as the panic began to subside. He released me and sat down on the bed next to me. A few moments later, the door opened and they both walked into the room. 
“How are you feeling?” my father asked. 
“Better? Dad, my midterms, practice, I have homework,” I began.
He held up his hand. “Stop. Take a breath. Uncle Vox called the school. Your midterms are rescheduled for two weeks from now. Lots of time to study without you running yourself down to nothing.” 
“As for homework and practice, you don’t have to worry about that until Monday, which is when you’re allowed to go back to school,” Velvette added. 
“Allowed back to school? What the fuck does that mean?” I asked. 
“It means you’ve been asleep for almost a day and a half. It’s Thursday, sweetheart,” Vox said gently. 
Panic washed over me. A day and a half? I slept for a day and a half?
“See, the problem with sleep deprivation is that it catches up to you. No amount of energy drinks or coffee can fix the issue. The only way to feel better is to sleep,” he continued. “And it appears that you, little girl, pushed yourself to your max.”
“And could have done some serious damage to your body in the process,” my father added. “So this is how the rest of this weekend goes. You’re going to the doctors to get checked over…”
“Why? I was just overtired,” I protested. 
“No, you were exhausted. And you consumed so much caffeine your heart rate and your blood pressure were sky high,” Vox answered.
“Your Aunt Velvette, Uncle Vox and I have been taking turns sitting with you just to make sure you were okay,” my father added. “So no. A checkup is not negotiable. We’re also going to have a discussion with the doctor on the importance of sleep and the negative effects caffeine can have on the body. Anyway, after you get the all clear, you are going to spend the weekend resting. You can watch movies, study for a few hours, I don’t care. But when your body is tired, you need to sleep. Otherwise, you’re not going to recover from this.”
I felt myself deflate. “Am I grounded too?”
“Call it grounding if you want, but you’re staying home all weekend,” my father replied calmly. 
A thousand protests raced through my mind. I had an away game this week. I needed to keep in shape. I had projects to do and laps to swim. But as I studied the concerned expression on my fathers face, I realized that nothing I could say would make them change their minds. The creeping feeling of exhaustion swept over me and I yawned as I settled back against the pillows. 
I felt lips press to my forehead and I snuggled back under the covers. Maybe a bit more sleep wouldn't hurt.
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writer-by-the-sea · 1 month
Jdndnnd Ur work makes me giggle and kick my feet... For the request I'd love angst to comfort, light angst ofc nothing too serious;
Farmer forgetting/not having time to visit Elliott for almost two weeks bc of farm work... and finally the writer can't take it anymore and goes to the farm to confront the farmer. They're not dating but they're having very intimate friendship with mutual pinning :p
(take ur time ofc 🫶!!!!!)
Like Home.
I thought I knew loneliness.
Until now.
Slight angst, fluff, and loneliness. Thank you for the request! I am very rusty but I hope you like it!
Read below or continue reading on AO3.
In my youth, I thought I knew what loneliness felt like. 
My mother would leave me at home for hours, picking me up and setting me down in her library. A library with books all the way up to the ceiling, encouraging me to reach as high as I could. 
I would read book after book, tearing through the pages as if it would be taken from me at any given moment. Mystery, romance, biographies, fantasy, adventure, self help, horror, anything and everything that my little hands could grasp. 
Of course, looking back on those times, those bookshelves weren't tall. The library wasn't a library at all but a small office with books collected over the years from garage sales or discount goods stores. 
But the books, the books I would always hold dear. Because even in my loneliness moments, hunched over another story, when my thoughts would drift to my own family… my mother who is never home, or my father who didn't stay– books, were my company, my friends, my family, my home. 
I thought I knew loneliness. 
Until now. 
Every morning, I stretch on the beach. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail; I make the effort to stand outside before the ocean and take in the fresh sea air. 
And every morning, my favorite farmer would join me with a steaming cup of coffee. We would sip our drinks together, stealing glances at one another over the rim of our mugs, and we would chat. About anything and everything. 
For the first time in my life, I didn't feel the need to run away to my library. I didn't feel like I was alone in the world, left out in the woods with no way home. 
Because the farmer became my company, my friend, my family, my home. In the course of a year, I'd grown as attached to them as I did my books. 
The first morning they didn't come to visit me, I took no offense. Winter was coming to an end and the ground was finally soft enough to till. It only made sense that they didn't visit. 
The third day had me rethinking our last conversation. Had I said something to offend them? Had my eyes lingered too long over their body with too obvious of want? 
On the fifth day, I began writing a very strongly worded letter. All teeth and no kindness, demanding to know why they didn't visit me and what on earth I could have done to warrant such behavior. For an entire year we would drink our coffee together, huddled close as we whispered secrets and gossip. I tore the letter to shreds, it was just caffeine withdrawal. Surely I would see the farmer again soon. 
A week and a half passed. Not a single visit. Not a single letter despite myself sending them three. They didn't come to the inn, they never stopped by the bathhouse. 
And yet– others had seen them. Pierre told me how the farmer came in a few days ago. Selling and buying goods for the farm. He smirked at me and said, “did the two love birds have a little spat?” 
I left in a huff, leaving behind the bread I was planning to purchase and made my way to the farm. All the while creating imaginary conversations with the farmer in my head. Preparing myself for the worst, preparing myself to be alone once more, left alone in a library while my tears slowly dripped down my cheeks and into the worn pages. 
When I arrived, I stopped to catch my breath and took the time to look around. A few small sprouts of new plants poked through the ground, the wind giving them a light tussle, welcoming me to the farm with their own little wave. 
Knocking at the door, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited. My foot tapped impatiently on the wooden deck. I didn't want to appear rude, or as though I owned all of the farmer's time to myself; but… a life without them wasn't something I was willing to have. 
I knocked again, harder this time.
Still no answer. 
Just as I was about to leave, gritting my teeth and making my way back down the steps; I saw them. 
The farmer was already grinning when they spotted me, waving me over excitedly before running back into their barn. 
While I wanted to ignore the little ping in my heart at finally seeing them once again, to flip my hair and turn away from the barn to make my way home– I found myself entering the barn. 
Inside the farm sat on their knees, their hands and forearms covered in dried blood. 
And a baby calf, peacefully lounging in the straw with its mother stroking her tongue all over to clear them up. The farmer laughed at the mother gave them a quick lick on the side of their face. 
“She’s been ready to deliver for nearly two weeks now,” the farmer said as they helped to clear more of the signs of birth from the babe. “I've hardly even left the farm besides running to Pierre’s to get more seeds and towels for the delivery.” 
I could only stand there in shock. Their absence has nothing to do with me. 
It had everything to do with their family. 
“I see,” I said, defeated. Perhaps… at this time, the farmer is my company, my friend, and nothing more. “Well, I will leave you to it–” 
The farmer laughed and held their hand out to me, beckoning me to join them. “Don't leave, I've missed you so much!” 
“You did?” I blurted and took a tentative step forward. 
“Of course I did,” the farmer’s smile dropped, their face twisting into confusion as they gazed back at me. “Did you not miss me?” 
I dropped to my knees beside them, pulling the farmer into my arms and hugging them tightly. The farmer wrapped their arms around me, one hand rubbing over and down my back. 
Tears I didn't know I was holding back began to fall and the farmer held me tighter. 
“I love you,” I whispered into their neck, closing my eyes and preparing for them to pull away. 
Time slowed as the farmer placed their hands on my shoulders and pushed me back. Their eyes glassy with tears, their cheek smudged with dirty, and a smear of dried blood across their forehead leading up into their hair. 
“I love you, too,” they breathed out. Their lips crashed against my own, their kiss as desperate and needy as I've felt for all this time. It was slow but overflowing with heat, their tongue sliding over my lower lip and into my mouth as I melted into them. A moan escaped me as they pushed closer, one hand slipping into my hair and tugging me towards them. 
With a laugh, the farmer took their lips away from mine, much to my displeasure. They reached over and pet the mother cow on the top of her head. 
“I've been wanting to do that for months,” the farmer smiled and grabbed my hand, rubbing their thumb over the back of it. “Since I first met you, actually,” they said, their cheeks filling with heat. 
I leaned forward and brushed my lips against their own, softly and with all the ease in the world. “My sweet farmer,” I whispered against their lips, kissing them again. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.” 
Like home. 
(Please like, comment, and reblog. I am a plant and your enjoyment is my sunlight.)
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luveline · 1 year
Can we get like a roan trying to make reader and Eddie make up after they have been visibly upset at each other (but like quiet arguments/none that roan heard)?????
thank you for your request my love! dad!eddie x fem!reader
You and Eddie don't fight a lot, so when you do it's always over something serious. 
You're sitting in the kitchen with tear stained cheeks trying to put pep back in your step before Roan wakes up, a huge cup of orange juice in front of you and a caffeine pill beside it. You argued pretty much all night, and now it's morning, and you're heartbroken. 
The good news is that the fight is for the most part solved. You're trying not to think about it, residual anger and annoyance and a third, awful something coiling in your gut —Eddie being against you is the worst feeling in the entire world, bar nothing. You can't stand it, and perhaps it's slightly codependent to function that way, but he's the person you love most (beside his dark-haired daughter). You're mad at him and you're also so fucking sorry you upset him, and you hate yourself, and you dislike him a little bit too. 
He's drinking a cup of coffee on the other side of the table. You've made up, but you certainly aren't friendly. If you don't tell each other everything it gets worse and festers into cracks you don't want in your relationship. You plan on dying with him, whenever it happens, he's gonna be by your side. If that means being honest to the point of extreme uncomfortableness, so be it. 
So he told you some things about yourself that had been weighing on him, and vice versa. Fights are fights are fights. They suck no matter what they're about, and they leave you feeling grubby, but Eddie always says sorry, and you say sorry too. 
Roan starts to wake up, the sound of her bed springs creaking from a floor away. You and Eddie both stand like you might go get her, which is foreign 'cos most of the time you sit at the table waiting for her. You pretend you'd been meaning to make her breakfast and Eddie curls his hand around the top of his chair as she descends the stairs and walks down the hall to the kitchen.
"Hello," Roan says, practically skipping up to the table. "Good morning! I'm missing one of my socks and um, think it fell down my bed." 
"Yeah?" Eddie asks. 
"We'll find it," you say. 
"Good. What's wrong?" 
She's deceptively smart. 
"Uh, nothing," Eddie says.
Roan climbs up onto her chair with the big cushion. She looks like she might fall. Eddie puts his hands around her waist to prevent any concussions, popping a kiss on her pale cheek. 
"It's too quiet," she insists. 
You flick on the radio and pass over a bowl of cereal for Roan. She likes something Eddie nicknamed 'rainbow cereal', which is all the cereals you buy mixed into one bowl. It doesn't need sugar, but you pretend to put some in there to keep her appeased. 
She stays standing. 
Eddie asks her to sit, and she grumbles and doesn't bother. Sometimes it's better to let her do whatever harmless thing she wants to do rather than start a fight, and you're both clearly much too tired to try. Eddie holds her waist and drops kisses into the top of her head intermittently. You sip your orange juice until it's empty, the radio chugging along in the background. 
"Did I do something?" Roan asks, four spoonfuls in, a frown on her little face. 
"No, baby, we're just tired. Why do you think you did something?" 
"Why are you tired?" she asks, ignoring Eddie's question. 
"We stayed up later than usual by accident. 'Cos we didn't have someone put us to bed." 
"Ask Wayne," she says. She takes another mouthful of cereal, milk sloshing all over the place. 
"Good idea. We'll ask Wayne," you say. 
She's convinced for a time, but breakfast ends, and neither of you know what to do after. It's a Saturday, which might explain the size of the argument. Friday is the most tiring day of the week, every week. Saturdays are empty. You might go see Wayne tonight, but beside that there's nothing planned. 
Roan senses a lack of enthusiasm in the living room.
"Did something bad happen?" she asks. 
"Baby, no," Eddie says, turning down her cartoons a touch. "Nothing happened, I promise. Everything is okay." 
"I don't feel well," she says, and collapses into his lap dramatically, instantaneous dead weight. 
She doesn't understand the anxiety she's feeling. You understand at the very least, so you meet Eddie's eyes and mouth, "Can I tell her? No details." 
He nods. "Sure," he says aloud. "If you want to, go for it." 
He speaks without attitude. You slide closer on the couch, arm pressed to Eddie's, and can't resist the urge to stroke an unruly strand of hair from his cheek. You pause, and then you kiss his cheek. He turns his face to yours and taps your noses together.
You smile, reassured, and squeeze his bicep. 
"Me and Dad had an argument," you confess. 
Roan looks up from his lap. "What?" 
"We had a fight. We didn't agree about something, so we were fighting, and now we're tired because it's hard when you love someone and you want to be on the same page." You blow out a big breath. "But we made up." 
"Doesn't feel like it," Roan says, pushing herself up using both arms. "You're not cuddling or anything." 
"Uh, well…" 
"We haven't had time," Eddie says. 
"Do it now," Roan advises, scrambling backward out of Eddie's lap. 
You're not a wimp, you put yourself under Eddie's arm, and he wraps you up by the shoulder, and you're both kind of stiff but at least Roan isn't worrying she did something wrong. In fact, she looks pleased. She lets Eddie take her hand and doesn't complain when he gives it three big squeezes in a row. 
"You didn't do anything wrong," you say, "you know? It's me that made the mistake, Ro." 
"Me too," Eddie says. 
"Well, mistakes are okay. I make mistakes all the time," Roan says. 
Eddie drops his cheek into the top of your head, defeated and tired and, maybe, maybe maybe maybe, he's happy too. He relaxes slowly, and you let yourself do the same, your arm held across his waist and your fingertips sliding underneath his t-shirt. You feel his skin mindlessly, cool and smooth under your touch, and figure that the fighting has been worth it if it means you get to do this again. 
"Sorry, Eds," you mumble. 
"I'm sorry too," he says back. "I was feeling like a dick yesterday."
"Me too," you say with a laugh. 
Eddie nudges your head with his nose until he can kiss your jaw, a series of chaste, quick pecks. His affection is a blessing. You tilt your head and he makes a disbelieving Yeah? kind of sound, snorting before he tracks kisses up to your cheek and down again. 
Roan jabs her arm with her toes as she stands on Eddie's thigh and hugs him. "See? That was easy." 
You both turn to her with similar motivation. "Super easy," you agree, as Eddie says, "You're right. Thanks, baby." 
"Welcome! Can we find my sock now? My toes are cold." 
You both laugh at her, sympathy and bemusement mixed together. "Oh, babe. We can find you some socks, I'm sorry." 
You stand up and swing her into your arms simultaneously, pleased when she wraps her legs around you and cheers in victory. You're not surprised when Eddie stands up behind you, resting his hand between your shoulders. 
"How about we get dressed? It's Saturday. We can go somewhere, maybe we can go into Indy and have All-American?" Eddie asks.
"Burgers?" Roan asks. 
You laugh into her hair. That's the plan for the day decided —Roan has a one track mind when it comes to cheeseburgers. And she should have what she wants. She saved your Saturday with time to spare.
more eddie, roan and reader
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Is there a home here for me, still? (is it the heart inside your chest?)
damn your love, damn your lies - series masterlist here
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pairing: roy harper x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.4k
genre: fuff, comfort
warnings: they're getting back together everything's gooooood, but ofc there's a little confrontation on the way, vaguest allusion to sex
a/n: ok I have given you happiness finally kiss kiss enjoy
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It feels a bit mean, eventually, waking up every morning and plodding into your living room to see Roy sleeping on your couch. You never insist, sure, telling him that he's always welcome to go back home and sleep where it's comfortable. Every time you do, though, he looks at you like he wants to tell you that you're home and he knows you just wouldn't be able to stand him saying that.
It's over breakfast one morning, you stirring two cups of coffee while Roy sits at the counter, rubbing the back of his neck and rolling his shoulders, that you bring it up.
"Do you think I'm being mean?" You ask.
"I think people are allowed to be mean when they're scared," he responds kindly. You're not sure you deserve it. "But," he adds, "I also don't think I'm entitled to a space in your bed - ever."
"Why are you still here, Roy? Why haven't you gone home yet? I won't run away just because you decide to sleep somewhere comfortable for once," you sigh, your bottom lip jutting out into a pout as you look at him pointedly. He reaches to slide his cup of coffee across the counter to himself, wrapping his hands around it tightly enough that you're sure the heat must be stinging his palms.
"Because you get nightmares. And I don't want you to be alone when you wake up from them." He says it softly, like he knows he's spilled some kind of secret across your kitchen counter and it's dripping onto the floor. You freeze, eyes widening as you stare at him, caught in a trap of kindness.
Looking down abruptly so that you can stare into your coffee and pretend Roy isn't looking at you, you hum in understanding. All of those nights that the two of you had spent together, where you'd jerk awake and slip out into the living room to sit alone, determined not to wake Roy - they all come back to you now. The way he seemed to hold onto you tighter in his sleep when - if you came back to bed, the way he was always gentler the next morning… you'd thought it was just a lucky streak of love, nothing more.
"Why didn't you ever tell me you knew?" You swirl a spoon through your coffee as you speak, keeping your eyes cast down.
"Because I wanted you to tell me. I was waiting for you," Roy says, and there's a weariness in his voice, like a soldier standing at attention for too long, waiting for the end of a war that he knows will never really come. You let the spoon clang against the side of your mug and click your tongue in annoyance before looking at him.
"If I hadn't found out that you were Arsenal… would you have ever told me?" Roy pauses at that - he knows a challenge when he sees one, sure, but he can't help but think that maybe… maybe this time you have a point.
"It's not your job to deal with that," he tries to explain, and his stomach twists as he hears the same words that you'd said to him so many times now repeated out of his own mouth. "Arsenal is my problem, not yours. I couldn't put that on you."
"Ah," is your only response as you straighten where you stand, tapping your nails against the marble counter. Roy sighs and slumps in his chair, sweatpants stretching over his thighs.
"I guess neither of us won that round, huh," he says lowly. You pause and fix him with a look.
"I'm not interested in winning this anymore, Roy. I don't care about that." You look back down after you speak, toying with the handle of your mug absentmindedly, distracted enough that you don't really notice Roy standing, moving around the counter to where you are. He takes your coffee from you gently, moving it off to the side before sliding himself between you and the counter, leaning against it so that you're face to face as he rests one hand on it, bringing the other up to cup your cheek and smooth a thumb delicately over the skin there.
"Do you think we ever really knew each other at all?" You ask quietly. Roy takes his hand off the counter to wrap it around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
"Why do you make me coffee every morning?" He asks in lieu of answering. 
"Because I know how you take it. Why do you keep sleeping on my couch?" You respond.
"Because I know how you run away. How did you find out I was Arsenal?"
"Because I know you," you say simply, looking up at him for a minute before sighing and letting your head fall forward to thump against his chest. Roy smiles, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head as he smoothes his hand over your hair. 
"I don't think anyone's ever known me the way you have," he says softly, rocking the two of you back and forth gently as you sag against him, letting his arm around you brace you against his chest and hold you upright. You're not sure why you never let yourself lean on him like this before - he's never seemed sturdier than right here in this moment, when he's needed and trusted and loved. 
"I don't think there's anyone I'd want to know me like this except for you," you say in response, letting your hand rest on the waistband of his sweatpants as your thumb brushes against his skin under the hem of his tank top. He sighs - a relieved, contented sort of thing and tightens his arms just a touch around you as you smooth your hand up his abdomen under his shirt, feeling the hard planes of muscle there.
"I think you should pack up your stuff." Your words are muffled against his chest, but Roy hears you nonetheless, freezing and pulling back to look down at you. "If you want…" you continue, "to move back in."
"Oh," Roy nearly laughs, pulling you back against him and resuming his gentle rocking back and forth. "Yea, sunshine, I think that'd be fine. You gonna let me come back to bed now?"
"Hm," you pretend to think about it. "Maybe."
"Oh, fuck off." This time, Roy does laugh, pushing you away from him just enough to lean down and pick you up, an arm under your knees sweeping you up and off your feet as you huff out in fake annoyance. Your arms wrapping around his neck and your fingers tangling in his hair, though, betray your happiness. 
"Really, though, Roy - right now? I just put clean sheets on my bed and -," But Roy takes you to your living room, instead, kicking a pillow and his blankets off the couch so that he can settle there, sitting with you pulled over his lap. 
He lets you squirm away enough to reach down and pull the blankets back up, mumbling something about not wanting them all over the floor as you pull one over the two of you, instead.
"What are we doing here, Roy?" You ask as he settles in.
"You're letting me hold you," he says simply, pulling you closer and dropping your television remote into your lap before leaning to bury his face into your neck. "We're staying like this all day," he mumbles into the skin there.
"You know I have a job, right?" You ask dryly, picking up the remote and flipping through channels, nonetheless, while you relax into him. His arms tighten around you.
"You make your own hours. You can take the day off," he says easily. You hum in reluctant agreement as you card your fingers through his hair, smoothing down stray strands and then moving to adjusting the blanket, tucking in corners and fixing wrinkles.
"Roy?" You ask.
"Thank you for waiting for me." He looks up at that, cupping a hand over your cheek and leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours.
"Thank you for letting me," is his response, and the kiss he presses against your lips, you think, is all the closure that the two of you need.
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the-batblog · 3 months
Bruce doesn't really know what to expect when he decides to take Jason in. He found a kid on the street who was bold and mouthy and wasn't afraid to do what he had to to survive. He's not like Dick; he doesn't need crime-fighting to save his soul. But he might find it helpful to discover his potential.
Bruce realizes quickly just how many assumptions he's made about raising a young man. Jason is polite, and he doesn't make many outbursts, and he doesn't snub any of his food or climb the banisters. He does what Bruce and Alfred ask without a fuss, and he's always trying to help out where he can.
And it's… different. Bruce remembers Dick at that age, just starting to get truly unruly and sassy. Challenging Bruce at every opportunity. Causing trouble.
But Jason is gobsmackingly well-behaved.
…It's unnerving.
It's been a week and Bruce is watching Jason closer now. There's something amiss. They're sitting down for breakfast, and Bruce passes Jason the syrup for their waffles. Jason thanks him politely, gives himself a modest serving of it, and then passes it back.
And Bruce watches as Jason eats like a starving man.
He's not fast, he's not wolfing it all down, but his mouth is never empty. He cuts a piece and makes sure he's dabbed up every little bit of syrup he can with it, and as soon as it's in his mouth, he's cutting another.
Bruce used to eat like that. In Nanda Parbat.
"Chum," Bruce says, gentle and quiet. Jason looks up at him instantly, those keen eyes wide. "You can slow down."
Jason hesitates. Then he swallows and nods. "Okay," he says. Bruce watches him. He slows his movements, but otherwise, nothing changes.
They're at the grocery store. Bruce hardly ever does this, but Alfred suggested he go with today. It wasn't the request, but the loaded look Alfred gave him while he said it. And it doesn't take long for Bruce to see what's going on.
Between helping Alfred put things in the cart and asking all kinds of questions about how to tell when a fruit or vegetable are properly ripe, Jason subtly ogles snacks, books, baking supplies, and even an impulse rack of movie character socks. Bruce keeps expecting him to reach out and pick something up, to add it to the cart more or less sneakily, or to even grab something and thrust it up into Bruce's face, chattering animatedly about it. But he just keeps one hand on the cart, and then he looks forward again. Finally, Bruce can't take the quiet disappointment in his chest for one more aisle.
"Chum?" Bruce hums, soft and low, leaning down a bit. Jason snaps his head to look at Bruce, blue eyes wide. "Did you want to get that?"
Jason looks suddenly… sick. He throws an anxious glance at the box of sugary cereal, and then he looks down and shakes his head.
"It would be no trouble," Alfred chimes in gently. Jason shakes his head again. In the motion, Bruce catches a glimpse of his cheeks, blushing in sharp blotches against his paled skin.
"No, thank you," he says in a tiny, tight voice.
Bruce is reading the news off of his phone after dinner, sipping a cup of coffee from the table. Jason insisted on helping Alfred with the dishes before they went downstairs to train.
There's a crash, and the unmistakable sound of porcelain breaking apart. Bruce grunts, looking down to make sure he didn't spill his drink when he flinched, but he doesn't get out of his seat until the next thing he hears.
"Sorry! Sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry!"
Bruce enters the kitchen with all intention of being calm and cool, but he's shocked to see Jason on his knees, Alfred just barely too slow to keep him from grabbing one of the plate shards. Jason flinches his too small hand back with a hiss, and then Alfred and Bruce both are rushing him to his feet and the sink.
Jason is shaking in Bruce's hands as he holds the boy's little shoulder and his little wrist, gently but swiftly putting his little hands under the warm water Alfred runs. Jason's breathing hard, too, and it takes Bruce entirely too long to put the two together.
"Shh, shh, Jay, lad, it's okay," he coos, watching as Alfred tenderly squeezes the cuts, looking for gaps in the bleeding where tiny shards could be hiding. But Jason's still shaking, still hyperventilating, and when Bruce tries to rub his shoulder, it seems to make everything suddenly worse.
Bruce lets go of Jason as if his skin was molten slag. There's a terrible pain in his chest as he looks at Jason's face, his eyes wide, so wide now, and distant. Bruce is staring and Alfred looks questioningly at him, then Jason. His face goes stony, and he moves to stand beside Jason, instead of behind him.
They don't train that night. Bruce lies to Jason, telling him it's because of the cuts on his hands, that he doesn't want to disturb the few bandages. He doesn't feel good about it. He sits at the computer and stares at the home screen.
It's been almost three weeks. Bruce is putting everything together, building a web, a map, a mosaic of all of Jason's little triggers and anxieties.
He grits his teeth, biting on the anger. The painful reality. Of course he knew when he saw Jason, dirty and underweight and glaring up into Batman's face, that he had probably been mistreated. Abused. That he had probably been through things no child should have ever been exposed to.
But to see it… to see his bright smile and hear his little laugh, the kind way he treated every object, how polite he was, how smart he was! And to see every way he had been hurt rippling out into his life, even now…
Bruce gritted his teeth harder, curling his hand into a fist. Jason didn't deserve these ghosts, he didn't deserve this trauma, he didn't deserve that pain. Bruce would take it away from him if he could; he'd soak it all into himself if that's what it took. But there was nothing he could do about the past.
All he could do now was to give Jason the best life he could.
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Two Peas In A Pod
—A blessing... or a calamity in disguise?
Fandom: Blue Lock
Pairing: Nagi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Crack, Humor, Horror
Format: Short fic
Warnings: Breast feeding, Jealousy, Probably ooc!Nagi
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: Idk I just thought this would fit him lol. Might remind you of boss baby.
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There are moments in life which can never be forgotten. Long awaited moments that leave a sweet velvety taste in your mouth and get engraved on your memory,
Moments like this.
Nagi is in hospital, standing next to the delivery room with his infant in his arms. He's wearing the most genuine smile he could ever wear, staring at his baby boy's angelic face. The baby has the tiniest hands ever that would get lost in his if he were to hold them, and the cutest chubby feet ever. He could just eat them right away.
"Wow Nagi, he looks just like you!" Reo says, smiling at the sight while snapping a picture. "You two are like two peas in the pod, except that his hair isn't long enough to be as messy as yours"
"I know. I did hope he'd take after y/n, but he's still cute"
Your husband looks so grown up like this with a baby in his hands. That's what makes Reo to snap another picture, this time in full frame of both Nagi and the baby. His smile is as soft as when he watched him saying his vow to you, and he can't help but to feel happy for his best friend.
"I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee and call Isagi and others. They've been waiting for the news"
Nagi's gaze doesn't leave the baby's face to follow Reo's footsteps walking away. He persistently stares at the baby's closed eyelids, wondering if they're hazel colored like his, or have the color of your eyes. Maybe it's a mixture of both, he thinks, if it's possible. He doesn't have to wait for long to find out though, because suddenly, the baby's eyelids start shuddering and in less than a second, they're wide open, displaying the warm chocolate brown color of his eye balls.
Every inch of his figure resembles his father. Even the look in his eyes is curious, just like Nagi's is right now.
"Welcome home, little thing. We're gonna have so much fun together, me and you"
"I don't think that's gonna happen"
Nagi doesn't know whether he should believe his ears, or his eyes. A talking baby? That's a miracle! Babies don't start talking until they're two years old, but this one in his arms was definitely the one talking a little while before, since his intense stare is piercing through Nagi's heart.
I must have very strong genes.
"What do you mean, that's not gonna happen?"
"Oh sorry, I guess I wasn't being clear on the matter" The baby speaks in a semi-grown up voice. "I meant that, you won't be having much fun from now on"
"How come?"
The baby's innocent expression is all gone. Now there's a straight yet devilish look on his face which Nagi doesn't find charming. "I thought you would already figure out that much, but I guess I was wrong. Heh...what a pain"
"Stop giving me that shit and tell me already"
"You don't care much for sharing; do you, my dear father?"
Nagi doesn't like where this is going. He feels an unwelcoming sense of threat in his heart.
"So what? Are you saying you're gonna steal y/n from me?"
The grin on the baby's face isn't casual. All of a sudden, Nagi doesn't find a single thing resembling him. The baby looks more like... Light Yagami from death note, the blond version.
"...I'm saying that I already have"
This can't be happening.
"Tough luck. You'll never be able to split us off. Y/n's love for me is boundless. I'm her one and only"
"You were her one and only" His gums are visible through his demonic smirk. "Now that I'm here, you won't get a quarter of the attention you used to receive. From now on, I'll be the one who sleeps in her arms at— well all the time. She'll always be near me, looking after me since I'm just a fragile little thing. The time she used to spend alone with you is gonna be limited to less than ten minutes, and your share of affection will also be mine. Even if you two do get the time to be alone with each other, she'll be too exhausted to even look at your face. She wouldn't miss it, since she gets to be with me all the time"
The world comes crashing down on the white haired man. Through his storming mind, he can see himself curled up under the strangely ice cold blanket while staring at you frustratingly, asking you to get in the bed with him already. But standing on the other side of the room, it feels like you're a thousand miles away, voice barely making its way to his hear yet so destructively striking him, saying you have to put the baby to sleep first. Even after doing that, you're so tired that you pass out on the bed before Nagi can even lay a finger on you.
"Not only that, I'm gonna take away all the other things you enjoy as well"
Another illusion appears before his eyes, only this time he's sitting on the couch, and you're standing in front of him, wearing a somewhat annoyed expression.
"I'm sorry Sei, but we can't afford to buy more video games anymore. We have to start saving up for Light's college"
No.... that can't be real. He can't give up on his video games for a serial killer's his child's future. That's absurd. You're not expecting him to do that, are you? You know how video games are important to him.
"Just you wait my stupid father, I will take everything you cherish in your life, and it starts from this very moment, with your most loved one"
His most... loved one?
Just as he's about to ask the little demon about his intention, the door to the room opens and a nurse comes out. "Alright! It's the baby's lunch time"
No. Not that.
"His lunch time? You mean, y/n's gonna feed her...?"
Nagi's voice is shivery, like he didn't know about how the babies drink milk. The nurse is a little taken aback by that, but still keeps her smile on.
"Yes sir, he needs to be fed right now, so if I may..." She reaches out to take the baby from his embrace, but fails when Nagi steps back.
"You... can't do that. I mean, this baby looks like he should drink formula milk instead of breast milk. It'll be better for him"
"The hell are you talking about, Nagi? Let the nurse take him to y/n" Reo suddenly appears next to him, giving him a questioning look.
"No— You don't understand— I—"
"What's up with you man? Here, ma'am; take the little thing to his mommy"
Nagi feels all the misery existing in the world raining on him as he watches the nurse take the infant to you. Reo looks away when you pull up your hospital gown to reveal the enchanting sight of your breast that are bigger than usual and are full of milk, all ready to be devoured in the baby devil's throat. This is it. The beginning of his torment, the sight of his most comforting treasure being possessed by another person, shattering his heart into a zillion pieces.
The baby squeezes your right nipple with his hand, letting out a small whine.
"Stop it... No..."
You softly caress his cheek and baby talk him to enjoy his meal.
Why can't all of you people see his devilish smirk?
The baby looks at him from the corner of his eyes. He's taking his most special thing, his stress balls, his warm pillows he snuggles his face into at nights, his soft squishies he plays with whenever he's bored, his delicious jello balls he sucks on to help him go to sleep...
"No... No... No..."
You hold your left boob and snuggle him closer to help him drink, and he helps himself out, by brutally taking it into his mouth.
It happens.
Then Nagi wakes up from his sleep.
Through his blurry vision, he recognizes his room in the middle of the night, and of course, your kind hand on his shoulder.
"Sei? Are you ok sweetheart?"
Nagi keeps panting. He hurriedly looks around the room to see any sign of the baby, but thankfully, he finds nothing. He can't ignore the cute bump of your belly under your oversized T-shirt though.
"If the baby looks like me we'll give it away"
"Excuse me??!"
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