#they're just the superior pasta noodles
taketwoinink 2 years
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Ask Game:
Penne noodles!
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These guys!
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grungeeuvu 1 year
All of the questions for the ask game :)
Oh crikey, okay uhhh-
1. Chipotle order?
I've never been to Chipotle (idek if they're in the UK, I've never seen one before)
2. Thoughts on veganism?
I am impressed by those who have a vegan diet, I am not impressed with those who try to change my diet to fit with their views, and I am not strong enough to stick to that kind of diet :')
3. A specific colour that gives you an ick?
I don't really know? A sickly orange maybe? I've never really thought about it hmm
4. Mythical creature that you think/believe to be real?
D R A G O N S.
5. Favourite form of potatoes?
Hmmm. Maybe crisps. Salt and vinegar crisps 馃憤
More under the cut!! :))
6. Do you use a watch?
At the moment, I do not
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you go to an aquarium?
Stingrays and sharks!!
8. Do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Nah, not unless I've been caught in the rain
9. Do you have a skincare routine?
Nope :) I just use a face wash when I have a shower and that's it
10. When on a plane, do you ask for apple juice or orange juice?
Usually I get water, but I'll probably pick apple juice bc I don't know if the orange juice has bits in
11. Anything from your childhood that you've held onto?
Technically I'm still a child but I've got loads and loads of old toys and a blanket given to me at birth which was dubbed "Night Night" and he stays in my bed 馃挭
12. Brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare you trust 100%?
L'Occitane 馃憤馃憤馃憤 it's expensive but very good. For cheaper stuff, Tresemme
13. First thing you're doing in the purge?
Hiding. I ain't that stupid.
14. Do you think you're dehydrated?
Judging by the fact I've only had half a pint of water all day, probably 馃槑
15. Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning.
From worst to best, Drowning, Freezing, Burning.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Any kind of mint makes me feel really sick so I'm not a fan 馃槶馃槶 even the smell makes me ill
17. An anxious compulsion you do every day?
Pick at my split ends or the cracked skin on my lips.
18. Your boba/tea order?
Never had boba and not a fan of tea!
19. The veggie you dislike the most?
Mushrooms. I hate them.
20. Favourite Disney princess movie?
MULAN. HANDS DOWN. MULAN. I have memories of me in nursery singing 'Reflection' to a gathered group of younger toddlers. Very nice memory :))
21. A number that weirds you out?
I do not trust 46. It's evil.
22. Do you have an emotional support water bottle?
Um....... No?
23. Do you wear jewelry?
Yes, quite a lot! I mostly wear multiple rings and necklaces, and the occasional bracelet. No earrings tho, bc my ears aren't pierced yet lol
24. Do you find yourself using American or British English?
Definitely British, it's just superior. We don't say 'erb' for example.... 馃憖
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Absolutely! :) I've always got a song to recommend to people
26. How's your spice tolerance?
Not very good but, according to my dad, I have a heightened sense of taste so I'm not too surprised. Idm things a bit spicy but I'm not a big fan 馃様
27. What's your favourite or go-to outfit?
Rose Docmartins, black tights, black skirt, the top I got from a Bon Jovi concert and my purple-patch jacket is my favourite but it's not my most fashionable choice, I'll be honest lol
28. Last meal on earth?
Toad in the hole with Heinz baked beans and some ketchup. Not healthy but my favourite. (And maybe cheesecake for pudding!!)
29. Preferred pasta noodle?
Uhhhh idk my types of pasta beyond the dishes ngl-
And 30 is ask me anything so I guess you get a free question? Lmao this took forever 馃槶
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thatmartiangirl 2 years
3, 19, 29
3: a specific color that gives you the ick?
It really depends on the context, and what colors they're next to. I don't feel like a single color with no context could ever weird me out
19: the veggie you dislike the most?
Olives. The flavor is just so strong and salty. I thought it might be one of those dislikes that you have as a kid and outgrow as an adult, so I tried them again like a year or two ago, hoping to like them because Mediterranean food tends to have lots of them, but no. Still just as gross as I remember.
Olive Oil is fine though, and is the superior oil
29: preferred pasta noodle?
Farfalle. It's no question. The texture is perfect, size is great, and the little folds in the center hold sauce flavors nicely. Also they're little butterflies! What's not to like?
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ridiasfangirlings 3 years
Munakata, Fushimi, and Awashima are grouped together on cooking competition
Looking at that lineup and thinking Fushimi is probably their best hope, I think we've found the S4 head trio's weakness at last. Maybe this is like Idol K AU and Munakata got them booked on some show for publicity, it's like one of those competition shows where they pit teams of celebrities against each other. Munakata signs up Promotion Scepter 4 for the show, thinking it would be an excellent way to extend their brand and excite the fans a little. The rest of the members think that this won't be too bad, like he'll certainly have former chef Kamo be one of the members and then maybe a couple of the other guys, like Benzai can bake a little and Enomoto's unexpectedly good with side dishes but no, Munakata thinks it would be be best to have Scepter 4's most visible idols on the show. This means himself of course, as the head of Promotion Scepter 4, along with Awashima as his right hand man and the most popular female idol in Scepter 4, with Fushimi in the third position as their most popular idol in general. Fushimi doesn't want to go on the show at all but maybe it turns out that they're going to be against Homra and Misaki will be there so that's enough to get Fushimi to agree to attend (Munakata definitely didn't have Awashima slip an invitation to Kusanagi for just this reason, nope).
So the cooking competition begins and it's like one of those Iron Chef type shows where they're given a specific ingredient and have to create a course around it. Munakata, Awashima and Fushimi find themselves up against Totsuka, Kamamoto and Yata and Fushimi thinks this might be a little difficult since the fatty knows how to cook but Totsuka will probably try to experiment too much and as long as they stick to simple flavors they'll be fine. That's when the competition actually starts and Fushimi realizes he's overlooked one simple thing: he has no idea if Captain even knows how to cook. The first dish is supposed to be some kind of pasta and Munakata immediately starts looking around for a microwave, like he's aware of these fascinating boil in a bag noodles and that is the correct way to cook pasta, yes. Fushimi's like okay well it's still fine, Lieutenant knows how to cook and indeed, as he watches Awashima starts to boil some water and saute some vegetables in a pan for their dish... and then she dumps an entire box of anko on top of it. Fushimi stares at both of his superiors for a moment with dead fish eyes before giving this irritated sigh and being like I barely know how to cook but I can make a simple pasta, out of my way.
Fushimi makes like a nice Caloriemate-enhanced pasta dish, it's not the best thing in the world but the judges are impressed by his use of unconventional flavors and he actually manages a win against Totsuka's experimental chili pepper mint pasta. Maybe the next dish though is something more complicated that Fushimi has no training in at all, like they have to make a vegan dish and Fushimi takes one look at all the vegetables and is like I'm out. Munakata decides he will have to take point on this one, proceeding to cut up the vegetables into a series of puzzle-piece shapes and then placing them together as if they were a giant puzzle. It looks very impressive but has no taste whatsoever and they get zero points, Munakata gives a sad little sparkle. Fushimi clicks his tongue all irritated because Misaki isn't going to let him live this down that they lost, which is when the final sudden death double points round is announced, the team that takes this one will win the entire competition. The theme for the final round is to make a three course meal around the single special ingredient of....anko. Awashima's fighting spirit gleams bright, Fushimi wonders if Munakata bribed the judges.
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chocobarsys 2 years
thoughts on veganism?
the veggie you dislike the most?
your boba/tea order?
preferred pasta noodle?
For the weird ask game.
thoughts on veganism?
We personally don't think it's a very sustainable way to live. You have to be very well off financially to afford to eat like that. Plus a lot of that produce and stuff comes from child labor, so it's also not very ethically sourced either. That bein' said, we do think the treatment of livestock needs to be heavily stepped up. Just because they're meant for food doesn't mean they need to suffer. I'd also like to say that we definitely don't look down on anyone who has to be vegan for medical/health reasons. Just those folks who like to try and be morally superior to everyone because of it. Just get off your high horse and realize not everyone wants or needs the same things, and not everyone can afford it either.
2. the veggie you dislike the most?
CELERY. We hate celery somethin' awful. It's just nasty to us. Tastes like wet garbage. Disgusting. And no nutritional value to be seen. Why even eat it. Yuck.
3. your boba/tea order?
We've had bubble tea a few times. There was this place down in Mississippi that had honeydew tea. It was so good. We usually either got mango or strawberry popping bubbles in it. We prefer the popping bubbles over the jelly or tapioca pearls.
4. preferred pasta noodle?
Hmm... Well, to be honest, we like noodles that are shaped like stuff. One time we had a bag of noodles that were shaped like ocean related items. For some reason it just makes 'em taste better. I'm not a scientist, I don't know lol.
thanks for the ask! /gen
-- Marshall Lee
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