#they're literally shadows of each other or mirrors...or inverses
llycaons · 2 years
the similarities between wq and wwx are so indelible and unmistakable and painful...soul siblings or something
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soysaurus · 3 years
for the question meme (if ur still doing this) 001 for tachigin?
bestie. bodalicious babe. im always down for ask games. ALSO TACHIGIN MY BELOVED :simp:
anw...onto the questions heheh 😼
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
my thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
What makes me sad about them:
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
things I look for in fanfic:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
My happily ever after for them:
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
i like doing this but also lmao help why is this hard lol
when I started shipping it if I did:
literally as soon i saw them. uhhhh, im not too sure when i started watching bsd...early 2020? i genuinely can't really remember but yeah. as soon as i got into bsd. i feel like 2020 is late...but also is it... mate idk i feel like you know this more than me. maybe it was after that actually lol. but yeah whenever the hell i started watching bsd. that first moment where theres like the gun to gin's stomach and the knife to tachi's throat...god chefs kiss. i was like YES MY SHIP HELLO. i have a type oh my god help
my thoughts:
this is like, such a vague question. and as you can see in the dabi ask a bit before this...i am so bad at getting my thoughts together. i will go on rambles for centuries or i will have...like one sentence. but i like them.
ok uh. warnings for bsd manga spoilers ahead: one of my favourite things about tachigin is the fucking parallels between them. theres just so much to work with in terms of similar themes. and theyre very much like...polar opposites, but so similar at the same time. it's another version of dabihawks omg...in relation to this inverse direction of themes....wow my ships are just the same thing but in slightly different flavours...
but they both deal with this idea of family and loss...and they have the whole things theyre doing for/bc of their brother similarity too. except they both went off in completely opposite directions, jut like with their personalities. we have the quiet one and the one who talks too much/too loud. we have the one who waits in the shadows and the one who rushes in, guns blazing. we have silent but deadly and raucous and reckless. but theyre like this mirror image of one another, and i think its so cool. esp bc theyre both very minor characters (well, aside from tachi recently). but even with the whole abilities thing...one with and one without.
so yeah. my thoughts can honestly go one forever bc theres so much to explore with them but i'll wrap up here haha
What makes me happy about them:
their back and forth. they have this cheeky kind of banter currently going on between them, and i think it really solidifies the whole sense of belonging between them. theyre both very isolated characters, and gin learns to kind of open up more, and i do think tachi contributes a lot to that. and tachi gets so comfortable around her. its really sweet tbh. but yeah, in each other, they kind of make the mafia their home. and the best part is i dont think they even realise it. its this subconscious comfort thats slowly forming between them, and they dont even realise that the other person is such a huge reason for why their sense of identity is being tied to the mafia.
it makes for a lot of interesting thoughts, scenarios, and i really dont understand how they're such an underrated ship when you have this much...flesh and meat in their dynamic already. it's spread through crumbs in the anime and manga, yes, but it's there. it's so, so there. people are fucking sleeping on them lmaooo
What makes me sad about them:
the lack!! of content!!! there's so much room for angst, fluff, everything! and i would love to see some long fics in the tag with them. i want to see their relationship broken apart and threaded back together in front of me—i want to be able to understand their characters so much better than i do currently, but i can't. there's just not enough people to talk about them with—not enough things to read about to flesh them out in my head. i wish they made other people as happy as they make me haha
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
sigh um. this is going to feel a bit targeted bc there arent many fics in the tag, so sorry lmao. i feel bad saying this but. often these two are kind of just reduced to plot devices for fluff. and i get it. it's nice, but that's the only thing in the tag right now. and tachi is not a soft uwu boy. gin is not a soft uwu girl—although she definitely has her soft side, i'm not denying that. but like sometimes i feel like the real meat of their characters completely vanish in the face of a sweet but awkward date. i'd like something a little more. i'd like more aus too, bc i love aus more than canonverse, and i can't really find any unless i write it myself.
things I look for in fanfic:
aus!! good characterisation! specifically with tachigin: length. i first look to the wc bc i want something chonky. but aus my beloved. particularly modern aus but i cant really be picky with this ship ngl.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
uhhh this is a very interesting question. i think for gin, lucy. they're but. i like to hc tachi as aro sometimes, so i feel like he'd be more of a free spirit. just kind of floating among lots of people. the tanizaki/tachi ship is interesting though, even if i don't think i'd ever read a fic solely based on them alone.
My happily ever after for them:
fuck lmao. um. i never think about the distant future. i think i would be happy with them finding a family—whether that be the mafia or kind of a group of other people. but i'd love to see them in a place where they're comfortable and feel loved and at home. but also i wouldnt want them to lose the edge that makes their partnership so them. they're black lizard commanders for a reason, so i think i would like to see their lives calm down when they're in their thirties or something. bc i can't see it calming down any time soon—especially when you account for character growth and development bc i dont think either of them would be able to give up the urge to reach for something metal—whether it be a knife or a gun—instantly.
basically: they need therapy. as do all anime charas. this is not a happily ever after lmao but i find i cant really think of hcs and happily ever afters and stuff without planning a fic and i havent gotten to the end of planning/writing a tonne of tachigin fics. so oops. i dodge questions with unnecessary rambling once again <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
they take turns. i dont take criticism <3 but also lmao i feel like every couple takes turns so i always find this question a little funny. tachi ig would be the big spoon though, purely because he's way more open in terms of physical affection than gin is; she's very reserved, so i feel like she naturally curls up a bit when she sleeps or lies/sits down. she's the type to sit with her legs together, arms together. very still. very...static? put together? idk its definitely this kind of tightness that tachihara just lacks because he's a lot less refined. wow this answer derailed a lot.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
i feel like target practice would be something they would enjoy a lot—just trying to best one another at who has better aim, who is more skilled, who can do things the fastest, etc. and i have a fic where they play mc so ive been thinking about them playing mc a lot so thats another answer. purely because i've been thinking about it too much and it's just on low volume constantly in the back of my brain.
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