#they're the ones that will worry about the inevitable war
onlycosmere · 3 days
Cosmere/Magic the Gathering
'What IP do you most want to see in Magic the Gathering?' Thunderwoodd: Stormlight Archive!
thyfoolish1: Brandon said they reached out to him and he was excited and ready to go but they haven't gotten back to him. I think this was Dragonsteel last year. So there is hope.
Egi_: Even after the shitshow with the free book he gave them on the condition it wouldn't be commercialized and then WotC commercialized it?
Brandon Sanderson: I knew what I was getting into working with a big corporation. Like the proverbial frog giving a ride to a scorpion, I don't see justification for complaint regarding the eventual sting. I love the game, and the designers, so that's really my metric. As a note, everyone I worked with on the narrative team was wonderful.
I don't want a passing secret lair of five cards; I am interested in a full-blown set, so with that constraint, I wouldn't foresee a Stormlight or Mistborn crossover until one of several things happens:
1) They burn through the bigger properties that match MTG's vibe like LOTR did. Fantasy, or science fantasy, properties that feel legit as a big expansions. As mentioned in this thread alone, there is a pretty deep mine there. Dune, Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Arcane/LoL, Westeros (if they're feeling spicy.) A hobbit set is all but inevitable as well.
Considering they'd be unwise to put these sorts of things out too quickly, and should really give them time to breathe, we're looking at ten years easily before they're out of larger fish to fry. Stormlight is big for a book series, but without any shows/films/games, I'd suspect it doesn't have the casual word-of-mouth reach their marketing team looks for to justify the extra expense of licensing fees.
2) Said bigger properties decide they aren't interested, leaving things popular but without media representation. If they ever decided to experiment with a book-only series, I suspect I'd be very high on the list to approach.
3) Cosmere gets one of said media properties, something I'm actively trying to accomplish--but it is slow going, as I'm in the fortunate position of being able to be very picky about partners, and prefer to take my time.
I've made it clear to them that if a large-scale set were in the, ahem, cards, I'd be willing to make frequent trips to Seattle to be part of the design team on said set.
awakenedjunkofigure: If any author deserves the pick of the litter for production companies, it's absolutely you. Can't wait to see what your books would look like on-screen!!
Brandon Sanderson: Well, the answer to what they'd look like on screen is "Expensive," which a part of the problem...
schloopers: Any large consideration in your mind for spoilers versus fully representing a world or story?
Stormlight you’d of course want all 10 Orders, so spoilers are far as those are concerned are a given.
But maybe a legendary creature “Iron Eyes” instead of any spoiler specific proper names?
I ask because I have so far gotten one friend in the playgroup to start reading, and a couple full sets would for sure help in garnering interest, but I would worry for the story beats getting too greatly revealed out of context.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just unavoidable. I’ve had several Dr. Who episodes “spoiled” for me through that set.
Brandon Sanderson:  This is something I haven't given a lot of thought toward, but I perhaps should be mulling it over. You make a good point.
Thunderwoodd: Woah! Can’t believe you responded. Huge fan! And I loved your commander cube! Saw it on Game Knights right after I finished Rhythm of War.
Curious, do you think the Radiant orders could correspond to guilds or color wedges?
Brandon Sanderson: Yes, I've done thought experiments on that, and think guilds could actively work for them without too much trouble. Problem is, would we want a Stormlight set or just a Knights Radiant set, because ten guilds for ten orders is already a high demand. It might be better to make a wedge set, but the problem there is that the Radiants are actively all colors, so it would be hard to cut out any save black. (Willshaper individuality and artistic expression could be green red instead of red black, for example.) So maybe five four-color wedges? I think the lore could support this, and be something that MTG has had trouble conveying without the expansive worldbuilding an entire book series could provide.
Radiants and sapient spren (all but black, to indicate the inherent selfless Radiant cause)
Human Nations (all but green, to indicate triumph over nature, which is an antagonist on Roshar.)
Singers (All but blue, to indicate the lack of ability to plan for the future, dearth of scholars, and onset of madness in the fused.)
Non-sapient Spren and wildlife (All but white, to indicate lack of overriding societal structures.)
Secret Societies (All but red, indicting the deliberate and conscious planning of these groups.)
Four color signpost uncommons would be WILD, even with hybrid mana. So I can see the design team balking. This (four color guild set) is almost certainly something they've explored and specifically decided not to do.
mediocreattbest: It’s crazy coming onto this post to say “any cosmere set!” And then see you actually replying. Out of curiosity, would you prefer just a stormlight set or a cosmere-wide set? I’d love to see characters through their stories (like we had with the LotR set)
Brandon Sanderson: I'd prefer Stormlight or Mistborn alone, as the planets themselves are so much a part of the stories.
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yesimwriting · 3 months
part 2 of Understanding 
Summary: As you and Aegon grow closer, thoughts of the future leave you more uneasy than ever. The questions of war and marriage are foes you cannot escape, especially when influenced by the other greens.
Warnings: plot deviations (mainly the implication that helaena isn't married to aegon and her twins being someone else's ik it'd make canonical sesne for aegon to be able to have 2 wives, especially as king, but this is just a way to make the greens more desperate for aegon to get married and produce an heir), ethics?, and canon compliant incest (reader is rhaenyra’s daughter)
There is nothing crueler than a lack of conviction. Your mother and family are preparing for a war that seems to grow more inevitable by the day, Aegon spends his days planning retaliations and strategizing ways to strengthen his feeble claim to the throne, and you are left at a standstill.
The worry and guilt meld together in your veins, the unease pulling you from reality. It doesn't matter that you're currently sitting in the library, away from the Hightowers--away from Aegon. Your current distance cannot undue what has already been done.
You did not mean to care for Aegon, you did not want to care for Aegon. How are you supposed to go home and look your mother in the eye while knowing that you welcomed her usurper into your childhood apartments like an old friend? That you allowed him to sleep in your bed? That you--that you allowed him to kiss you?
You blink, eyes focusing on the pages in front of you. Your mother, your siblings, Daemon, Rhaena Baela--you have to assume that they're all fine. You cannot allow a moment's curiosity to send you down a spiral.
And Aegon--there is no point in worrying about Aegon. As of now, the Red Keep is his. He's safe here, and with the realm so divided, no one is going to suggest sending him anywhere.
"I should have known you'd be here." You blink, head turning towards the stacks. Aegon's standing between rows of books, only a few steps away from the table you've claimed as your own. "I checked your apartments first, foolish of me."
He's watching you, a soft smile playing at his lips. You latch onto that. "I haven't been here that long."
Aegon takes a step forward, his attention shifting away from you and towards the few books stacked neatly by your side. "No...it seems I'm only about 3 books late."
His grin becomes a more certain thing as he moves towards your table. He pulls out the chair next to yours. Instead of sitting right away, Aegon leans forward, his lips pressing against yours.
The kiss is as warm as it is jarring. Knowing that you should stop this is not enough to rid you of the desire to melt into his touch. He pulls back before you can truly react. "Aegon."
He grins, keeping his body angled towards you as he sits. "We're the only ones in here."
Despite his reassurance, your eyes still drift towards the stacks blocking off your seats from the rest of the library. Maybe your tendency to choose secluded seating areas as a way of avoiding as many skeptical glances as possible is paying off. You look at Aegon again, nodding your head slowly.
His smile slowly falls. "Are you alright?"
You can't imagine that he wants to hear about the way you worry about your family and the guilt you feel for wanting to be around him. If anything, telling him about what's concerning you may alienate him. There's nothing trustworthy about an untethered heart.
You nod again, this time the motion more direct. "Yes." You sit up a little straighter in an attempt to feel more connected to what's in front of you. "I'm just a little tired."
His eyebrows pinch together briefly. The look is so pensive you have to work at not squirming. After a beat, he softens. He leans towards you, voice dropping to just above a whisper as he asks, "Did something keep you from your sleep last night, Princess?"
The suggestive lilt to Aegon's voice leaves your skin warmer than it was moment ago. His smugness is only encouraged by your silence. "Someone, actually."
"Really?" He grins, an elbow coming onto the table to prop up his chin. "Do tell."
You hum once, pretending to need to think through your response. "There's not much to tell." Your eyebrows draw together as you mime contemplating even further. "He was quite tiresome. He was so talkative it made it difficult for me, of all people, to find sleep."
Aegon's glare makes it difficult for you to not laugh. "Very funny." Before you can facetiously thank him for recognizing your sense of humor, Aegon continues, "I'm curious, is that why you crawled onto my lap last night? To shut me up?"
The blood in your veins turns to ice. An uneasy heat burns its way through your chest and up your neck. Despite being aware of your solitude, your eyes instinctually dart towards the stacks behind Aegon. "I did--I was not on your lap."
He relaxes in his seat, raising his eyebrows as he presses his lips together in a way that does little to disguise his smirk. "That's not the way I recall it."
In an attempt to ignore the lingering warmth still burning your skin, you roll your eyes. Despite his attempts at flustering you, you're still glad for his company.
"If it is sleep you desire," Aegon's arm moves towards the table, a book you hadn't noticed in his grasp, "Perhaps this can help." You glance between him and the book curiously. "It's a collection of some of the most notable accounts of dragons and what they accomplished with their riders." He pauses, lips briefly pressing together. "I'm sure you're familiar with some of the stories, but this is an updated volume."
He--Aegon--After missing your family for so long, such a personal and genuine gesture nearly makes your eyes sting. As a child, when you spent the most time around Aegon, all you ever wanted to do was recount stories of the most fearsome dragons. As you grew, the interest never left you, you just learned to talk about it less.
There's something so comforting about being understood like this. "You brought me a book on dragon history?"
He's staring at his hands. "In the first few pages, there's an illustration of a dragon that looks a lot like Eveningstar."
You beam, opening the book. "I love it."
The corner of his mouth pulls itself upwards. "Yeah?" His hands come to rest on the table's hardwood surface. Aegon shifts forward, his knee brushing against yours. "Read to me?"
You nod, turning the pages until you find the start of the first chapter. "Balerion the Black Dread."
The story is one you know well. Balerion's time with Daenys the Dreamer, Balerion being one of five dragons to escape Dragonstone, Balerion's conquests with Aegon's namesake.
As you read, Aegon moves closer. His breath is a warm, barely there thing against the side of your neck. You know better than to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, concentrating on the words in front of you.
Sensing your determination to ignore him, Aegon lifts a hand away from the table. You tense, but continue to read. He finds a strand of loose strand of hair that's fallen past your shoulder. He pulls the strand back, fingers lingering against your collarbone.
Your own lungs betray you, your breath briefly catching itself in your throat. "Aegon."
"What?" He doesn't move away, he doesn't even bother to stop smoothing back your hair. "You're the most honorable princess in the realm, surely you're not this easily distracted."
Your face warms. The years you've dedicated to being the ideal princess, the heir's perfect daughter in hopes of preventing being a source of controversy in debates of your mother's claim cannot be taken away so easily. You can't compromise who you are now, not over something you barely understand. "I'm not distracted." The defense rings weak in your ears.
"Perfect," he hums, hand settling against your shoulder, "Then we shouldn't have an issue."
Aegon leans forward, his lips brushing against the exposed skin of your shoulder. Your stomach knots in a way that you do not comprehend. Confusion and hesitant curiosity are not enough to keep you from what you know. You stiffen, pulling back slightly. Your movements aren't a true rejection, but they're enough to indicate your surprise.
He's grinning. "We're still alone."
His easygoingness is infectious. You only manage to hold onto your frown for a few seconds before your smile is matching his own. "You're incorrigible." The words lack any malice.
Maybe in another life, another world in which your mother's status as heir could be easily accepted, things could have been different. A new wave of guilt crashes into you, this one less certain than the others. You're a traitor to your mother for caring about him, and a traitor to Aegon for wishing that you cared less.
"Keep trying, I'm sure you'll crack me eventually."
Your smile broadens. His presence is such a welcomed warmth, you're briefly overwhelmed by how happy you are that he's here, safe and in your presence. The feeling comes close to dislodging the worry from your chest. You lean into that. "I'm glad you're here."
Aegon's eyebrows draw together, his eyes searching yours. You're not sure what he's looking for in your expression, but he seems to find it because after a beat he's smiling again. "I should visit you during the day more often."
Your thumb slowly leafs through the edge of the book's pages. "No--I mean--yes, I'm glad you're here with me, but I'm also glad you're here, as in somewhere safe." You pause, the words attempting to stick to the back of your throat. "Where I know nothing bad is going to happen to you."
His silence digs at you. An expression of such concern, a reminder of your reality is a misstep you're not sure you can recover from. The nail of your thumb presses itself between the pages in front of you. "You worry about me?"
You blink. "Sometimes." Letting out a careful breath, you turn your head enough to look at him. "When I let myself think about life beyond King's Landing."
Aegon's expression is somber in a way that doesn't suit him. His hand reaches for yours. "Anyone would be a fool to attack us with Vhagar guarding the city." You let him squeeze your palm to his. "And as far as life beyond King's Landing, I have no intention to leave anytime soon. Not with everything worth my attention already within reach."
The comment is such a blatant attempt at flattery, you should be annoyed. Instead, you feel the corner of your mouth pull itself into a smile. "Worthy of your attention? I'm honored."
He eases at that, his thumb dragging itself across his knuckles. "What happened to being worried sick over me?"
You roll your eyes, but make no attempt to pull away. "You're exaggerating."
"I," he sighs, "Am mortally wounded."
You fight an instinctual grin, lips pressing together to keep your expression measured as you turn in your seat. Your eyes land on the stacks before you can look at Aegon. Some half thought out comment about his theatrics lodges itself in the back of your throat.
Standing where the shelves part, expression harsh in its blankness, is Alicent Hightower. You take your hand back as quickly as possible, spine straightening in an attempt to create as much distance as possible. Aegon's eyebrows pull together, but before he can ask, Alicent clears her throat.
He moves his arm back before angling himself forward. You force yourself to stare at book in front of you. How long has Alicent been standing there? Was she waiting to witness some kind of mistake or has she already seen one?
"Pardon me." She steps forward, her voice flat. "I did not mean to impose." Alicent glances at her son before allowing her stare to find you.
"There is no imposition." Aegon's voice is measured, his certainty in the casualness of the situation bleeding into each syllable. "I'm only here to show her a book."
Her eyebrows pinch together, "A book?"
The skepticism coating her words makes it nearly impossible to remain still. An uncomfortable warmth begins to crawl up your neck. "We were discussing it." The look she gives you is far from one that indicates any extent of belief. In all honesty, you can't even fault her for her suspicions. You clasp your hands beneath the table, keeping your expression as polite as possible as you hesitantly tack on her title, "Your Highness."
She watches you for another beat before turning her attention back to her eldest son. "Alright. Aegon, your brother is looking for you. Apparently, you were supposed to meet, but clearly, you lost track of time."
Aegon, still completely unbothered by his mother's surprise appearance, relaxes in his seat. "Meetings with Aemond are more rigorous than meetings with the entire Small Council, I apologize for not being eager to begin yet another conversation about Vhagar's uses."
Alicent's stare turns into something distinctly pointed and maternal. With that, Aegon stands. "I should not keep him waiting any longer." He rests a hand on the back of your chair. "Once you're finished here, maybe you should find Helaena. I'm sure she'd enjoy the company."
While enjoying Aegon's company may make you feel like a viper turning against her own blood, you're certain your mother would never have a problem with you spending time with Helaena. As children, you would often run through the gardens with her, listening diligently whenever she'd tell you about any creature that caught her eye.
Presently, she's been a constant beacon of positivity. Before you grew closer to Aegon, she'd often comfort you whenever worry and loneliness lunged at your heart. Even when you couldn't understand the phrases she'd speak to you, you could always tell that they were meant to be optimistic, the words usually implying something about a kinder future.
You nod. "Alright, I will."
With that, Aegon straightens. He offers you a final glance before walking forward. You watch as he disappears between the shelves, leaving you alone with his mother.
Alicent's presence has never been a simple thing to you. Even as a child, whenever you became the object of your grandsire's easily fleeting attention, Alicent's appearances often made you feel the need to put on a performance of sorts, like each casual question and polite smile was an attempt to find some flaw in you.
You're sure she'll either leave or give you an excuse to disappear after some passive aggressive comment masked behind a proper dismissal. You wait as casually as you can manage, your hands clasped together tightly beneath the table.
She straightens slightly, her hands coming together in front of her. "My son seems to have taken an interest in you." The sentence, though spoken much too factually to be an accusation, leaves you on edge. "And he rarely takes an interest in much."
The nail of your thumb digs into your hand. "I'm not sure I'd say he--"
"I know my children, I know the way Aegon is." Though jarring, the interruption is welcome. You weren't sure were you were going with your defense. "And as of late, he has been...different." She takes a breath. "I understand your mother has raised you with certain ambitions, expectations." Your expression hardens at that. "But you've always been an intelligent young woman, I'm sure at least a part of you understands our duty to the realm."
The sentiment is a reflection of the same placating speech you've witnessed others deliver to your mother again and again. Contrasting iterations of the same general warning--the men of the realm will never bend their knee to a woman. Those that remind your mother of this always choose to forget that those same men they're so worried about had once bent their knee to swear obeisance to her.
You've promised yourself that you'd get through your time in the Red Keep by remaining as neutral as possible. Your position is precarious enough without you adding to the fire. But this is an argument you've heard so many times before. "My mother intends to create a new order."
Alicent sighs before falling silent. When she finally speaks again, her words shock you, "Perhaps she will." Your surprise renders you incapable of responding. "Or perhaps Aegon's claim to the throne will be upheld. In all honesty, I do not know."
She takes a small step forward. Something behind her expression shifts, the stoic set of her features cracking enough to reveal something heavier. "But I do know how this will end for you. The men will fight, they will render their decision, and no matter who sits the Iron Throne, you will still have a royal womb."
Her eyes are wider, shinier than you've ever seen them. The expression makes her appear smaller. "No matter the order of things, a noble woman will still need to continue her family's line. A Targaryen woman, even more than most."
She blinks in an attempt to vanish whatever honesty had overtaken her. It doesn't work, the lingering somberness somehow making her appear younger, perhaps even similar to the version of her that had once been her mother's friend. The thought of her as a girl not much different than you, with dreams and friendships meant to last a lifetime built within the walls of the Red Keep, twists your stomach.
She had been around your age when she married your grandsire, hadn't she? You dismiss the thought, pressing your lips together. "Any match you are attempting to push me towards would only strengthen your family's claim to the throne."
"I won't insult you by pretending a union between you and Aegon wouldn't help unify dividing lines or that you have not already proven yourself a beneficial influence on him." Her voice feels flat.
Alicent's eyes find yours, but the longer you stare at her the less you see. "I am not speaking to you as a queen, or as a mother. I am speaking to you as a woman. There are fates much worse than wedding a man that cares for you."
She nods once, expression still unsettlingly vulnerable as she turns to leave. Alicent disappears behind the stacks, the even sound of her footsteps growing softer until you're completely alone again.
Once you're certain that she's beyond the library's threshold, you turn your attention back to the book in front of you. Alicent's words will mean nothing to you, you'll make sure of it.
Wide eyes stare up at you, their innocence adding a soft glow to violet irises. Jaehaerys blinks at you before stretching his arms out towards you.
The gesture is so simple, so familiar it's nearly dizzying. All of your brothers had been babes once, and now some of them are old enough to prepare to fight, to die. And the ones that are still small might grow up seeing you as a traitor and not the older sister that helped cradle them through fussy nights and cared for them.
"He wants you," Helaena says, her attention briefly shifting away from the little girl on her lap.
Her gentle prompting is enough to bring you back to the present. You nod, abandoning your own seat in favor of approaching the little prince. You bend down, carefully lifting Jaehaerys before settling him on your hip. He takes to you easily, smiling as his tiny fingers curl into the fabric of your dress's sleeve. The gesture is terribly heartwarming.
"He likes you," she hums, her voice soft as she smooths circles against Jaehaera's back. "That's a good thing. He's particular."
You cannot imagine him being difficult. "Oh, I don't know, he seems forgiving." You sway slightly, the repetitive movement something you vaguely remember your younger siblings liking. "It's been some time since I've seen my youngest brothers."
She presses her lips together in a sympathetic sort of smile. "The morning star takes its time reaching its place."
The phrase means very little to you, but the sentiment of it is clear enough. Something of patience, of things eventually falling into place. "It does."
Helaena smiles again, this time the look a little warmer.
You let your attention return to Jaehaerys. He's still content, one hand holding onto you and the other gripping a wooden toy. "Do you like it?" You're not sure what shocks you more, your words or how much you mean them. "Motherhood..." Your mind forces out the second part of your question without your permission, "Marriage?"
Her lips part, but before she can say anything, the doors behind her creak open. Your hold on Jaehaerys tightens as you turn your head.
The doors are still parted when your eyes lock. You look away from Aegon immediately, focus falling to the babe on your hip. He continues forward, greeting you both before stopping a few paces behind Helaena's seat.
His gaze finds you again, this time his eyes expressing a familiarity you cannot bring yourself to reciprocate. "You're with the twins." Aegon steps past his sister's chair, turning himself towards her. "Helaena, do you need the princess's assistance, or can I steal her from you?"
She straightens slightly, "You can have her. Alyce will be here soon to help put the children to bed."
Your eyebrows draw together skeptically. Why ask Helaena before asking you? "Steal me?" You smooth a hand against Jaehaerys's back. "For what?"
"Every day I hear complaints about Eveningstar."
Your eyes narrow. Of course Eveningstar is acting out. She is being kept farther from you than she has ever been, she has not gotten to fly for some time, and she misses her home. You've been told before that your dragon is complicated, some have even called her spoiled, but you will not tolerate true criticisms of her. "She is under stress and kept in a stable I am not allowed to visit all day and night, of course she's growing restless."
The corner of Aegon's mouth pulls itself upwards. "I know." You blink, unsure where he's going with this. "I also know that she prefers to fly beneath the moon."
You blink. The easy cadence, the grin struggling to not overtake his expression, the way he's watching you. All of it seems to imply something that you've never let yourself hope for. No matter how much favor Aegon has shown you, you've never been offered a chance to see Eveningstar let alone fly her.
"I--I'm not--" The thought of your girl being within reach is almost overwhelmingly wonderful.
You try to focus on the reality of the situation. Technically, you're hostage of war, it'd be impossible to justify letting you near your dragon. It's also late, meaning that being seen alone with Aegon is a danger in its own right. Still, the thought of getting to be with Eveningstar... "Really?"
Aegon gives into his smile, "I'll meet you in an hour."
a/n this got really long so i'm splitting it into a third part (and maybe more bc i have a whole expanded arch idea so if this turns into a series that was completely accidental 😭)
Taglist: @thesleepwalker @6ofdreamers @torchbearerkyle @hajimeiwaswife
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bengiyo · 3 months
Century of Love Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Daou and Offroad are back on my screens. Pond Ponlawit is here. I’m ready.
Hey, Daou looks great.
Oh shit he can fight! The sound effects are killing me.
This woman is very pretty.
I really hope we see this little boy later on as a jaded caretaker of Daou’s character after decades of putting up with him.
This bullet-be-gone rock is so powerful.
Wow, this show is giving us the lore upfront. That’s refreshing.
Pond is playing a villain?!?
Bro, you ain’t get her no good shoes for running, or a proper change of clothes? Y’all gonna try to escape in her wedding dress?
Wow this guy speed ran ruining Vad’s life.
Damn, this Savant guy must really love Vad to give up the special stone for San.
100 years of chronic pain to find the one you love? I do love fantastical romance sometimes.
Thank you, show, for giving me adult Pao and then his memorial. I hope someone "does well in the interview" in this show.
It works really well that San is stuck on where Vaf died.
I know War Jirawat is probably having fun treating San like he's much older than him.
Oof, and he's fussing at people like an old man out of touch.
Wow. Very fucked up that he feels every wound he's ever healed from like this. At least they softened it by taking San's shirt off again, because it doesn't seem like he's built up any tolerance to it.
They were so sensible about protecting this stone. I'm now worried about how it inevitably gets stolen.
Goddamn how tall is Daou?? This girl San saved looked kinda tall.
Wow. Crashed into each other underneath a large red cloth.
Wow, Offroad is still so pretty.
I wonder who Vee lives with.
Oh my god is this the same store from Love in Translation?? I'm going to scream. I hope it's still a worker-owned cooperative.
Vee lives alone? Why the extra bed?
I do like the reaction shots from the goddess statue.
Wow, and now they're giving us a Vee shower scene. Hooray for us.
I like how flirty Vee feels. Haven't seen this from Offroad since Our Days.
Oh, that exhale sound was excellent. You could feel something being let go.
I see. It was just a dream. Still, I like them giving us that in the first episode!
Hey, so that was a really great first episode! We got all the backstory we needed, established the rules, set our time limit, and met a great cast of characters. I'm excited to see who Pond reincarnated as in this timeframe. There's a good mix of drama, comedy, action, and tragedy in this that I find really compelling. Everyone is also putting in constant effort into each scene. Also, Offroad has never been prettier, my goodness.
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khattikeri · 2 months
prefacing this post by saying this is not a ship bashing post; i like all these ships; i am musing on my own personal preferences
i think the reason why i like wangxian and bingqiu just a little bit more than hualian boils down to the misunderstandings, with the sex scenes of their respective stories being insights into those misunderstandings.
in mdzs, lan wangji and wei wuxian's misunderstandings come about because 1) they were acquainted but not seriously close friends 2) they had to deal with a massive war and its aftermath. lan wangji was worried for wei wuxian's personal safety and had romantic feelings for him. wei wuxian was slowly led to believe over time that lan wangji didn't really like him much and wanted to harm him just like everyone else in spite of wei wuxian's righteous actions.
combined with their respective upbringings as a respectable second son and the dubiously accepted son of a servant who always has to watch his own back, there's a lot for them to untangle after the death and resurrection and feelings realization! but the moment they do realize that they're mutually in love, they jump on the chance to stay together, no more miscommunication, no waiting, no more turning away from each other again.
and the respective sex scene: you explicitly see the peerless illustrious hanguang-jun lan wangji straining, apologetic and still openly nervous during his and wei wuxian's first time. because they didn't talk things out! they were too excited! they were too happy and intent to have each other after all those years of pain so they rushed into it without really discussing anything beforehand. so lan wangji doesn't actually know if wei wuxian is going nooooo~ in a sexy way or if wei wuxian actually seriously wants lan wangji to stop. it's flawed and they work out each other's preferences later on, but they both enjoyed themselves and continue to do so even in future sex scenes.
in svsss, shen qingqiu and luo binghe's misunderstandings come about because 1) former is a modern day transmigrator compelled to not reveal anything about the story or what he actually feels for any of the characters 2) the latter is desperate to understand the former's contradictory actions and to not be abandoned.
combined with several miscommunications and hasty assumptions (e.x. luo binghe thinking that shen qingqiu must've harmed him because he despised luo binghe's half-demon ancestry; shen qingqiu thinking that luo binghe intends to torture him the way he tortured the original story's counterpart shen qingqiu) and you get a fascinating and heartrending dynamic where they clearly adore each other and are dismayed at the idea that it's inevitable for the other one to despise them and want to hurt them. things clear up because they show each other their devotion and intent to stay.
and the respective sex scene: their first time isn't even written to be titillating! they're still in the middle of battle. luo binghe's mind is being overpowered by the demonic sword xin mo, so even though shen qingqiu is okay with dual cultivation/sex to pacify the sword's lust for conquering, it's extremely rough and unpleasant. it is violent and painful and leaves shen shingqiu so battered he looks like he's been assaulted, which horrifies luo binghe when he finally regains his senses.
they're distraught as hell! it traumatizes them both! and yet in spite of that and in spite of their fears of being hurt they want to stay with each other and they actively choose to keep being with each other. they improve their communication and clearly seem to understand each other's quirks and sexual preferences better in the extras and after marriage.
versus in tgcf: xie lian and hua cheng got along with each other from day 1. there was a spark the moment xie lian met san lang on the back of that ox cart. they talked for ages and were endeared to each other basically immediately! even during the ghost bride mission where they didn't really speak to one another, xie lian clearly felt a connection to the mysterious groom who gently and safely led him through the blood rain.
through all their present-day adventures and the final battle, even when they separate by choice or by force of circumstance, hua cheng and xie lian don't ever have a serious falling out. hua cheng is loyal to the bone and xie lian is also deeply drawn to hua cheng; both their respective insecurities are treated seriously and with sincerity by the other. there may be some confusion about each other's feelings, but even that isn't twisted to the point that they completely misconstrue each other's intentions and characters.
there isn't a central misunderstanding or miscommunication between hualian the way wangxian or bingqiu had; just a mutual past to be unraveled, and the looming question of if xie lian will actually act upon his feelings/the fact that he's attracted to and in love with hua cheng.
and the respective sex scene: we don't have any explicit sex scenes due to censorship. everything is in xie lian's rather selective point of view (and he's the type who hides certain details from readers for entire volumes on end!) so the most we get is the skimmed summary: xie lian really enjoyed it and hua cheng is kind of rough. just the implication that hua cheng was naturally amazing and satisfied xie lian fully, without any particularly humanizing aspects or awkward/upsetting first time moments.
of course tgcf is a beautiful story and a lovely romance in its own right, but personally, i found mdzs and svsss's main pairings more compelling because of the misunderstandings and how the sex scenes tied into the characters' personalities and overall relationship arcs.
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dduane · 7 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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ladyxskywalker · 26 days
lost without you, i & ii
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
a momentary separation between you & anakin happens while you are not feeling well. however, despite the circumstances, your hearts have only grown fonder of one another each time you speak on the phone. 💙
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I wrote this a while ago & was kindly asked to repost it here on tumblr. also available to read on ao3. based on a real life situation. 🌼
It's been weeks since you've been together. Something awful and truly beyond your control, forcing your current separation. A horrible flu making the rounds in your home world, where you - after attending a wedding, unfortunately, had come down with it as well.
"I confess, my love, I haven't been doing well without you." Anakin confides quietly in you, taking advantage of whispering in hushed tones over the phone.
"I know you're still recovering, but I can't help it, I'm selfish for you. I want you here...right now."
A softened sigh of your breath leaves your chest with a slight struggle, a cough escaping there, and a tear drop too.
"I will be back soon, I promise. Being without my other half has truly been unbearable."
"I just...I just want to hold you."
"You will again, soon enough. I promise."
But what you really meant to say, through the emotional heartbreak you've been facing is - yes, I know things have been difficult, I just hadn't realized that you'd been going through this just as much as I was.
"Will I, though?"
It hurts the most when his own mind leads him away from reality and the truth. Right away thinking or feeling like he'll never see you again. But the thoughts are only just intrusive ones, they have no real bearing on what lies in your heart.
Your head starts to feel too heavy, and your pillow is much too nice for you to even attempt getting up right now.
Sleep was inevitable. You hadn't been able to rest in days. Too nervous with worry to let your eyes close.
Too sad and unable to sleep without him all alone.
"This war...sometimes feels as though I am completely by myself, even though I know I'm not. I sense everything so strongly, it's harder than I thought."
"You need human contact. I understand that more than you know."
"Yes. I want it from you."
All while laying down, your cheeks have felt your eyes as they've already gone ahead into weeping. Another sort of instinct, telling you to finally let it all out.
"Tell me...what you miss...what you hope for most when eventually I do return."
Anakin pauses on his side of things, taking a breath before surrendering to his own heart.
"I just...I just want to be close to you."
"I want that too."
"I want to hug you for as long as I'm able to. Hold you in my arms while we sleep together in our room. Watch you smile at me from the door when you wake up. But..."
"But what, handsome?"
"The days...they're too long, too far."
After holding things in for so long, he begins to get a little bit choked up.
"I miss you, Anakin."
"I miss you too..."
So for now, all the two of you can do for one another is wait. A few more days for him to be home, and another stretch of time for you to start feeling better once more.
And then, there's a little static.
Background noise.
Another voice coming through over the phone.
"General Skywalker, there are enemy hostiles about. We should flank them on foot. Surround them."
"Good call, Commander. Lead the way, I won't be long."
You can almost picture his face in your mind then. A distance resonating in his eyes, veering off somewhere towards the setting suns, before looking back down.
And, maybe even a little bit tired from it all.
"I'll call you again tomorrow. And..."
"I just want you to know, I'm not going anywhere."
Right then and there, even from across the airwaves, you sensed his light and the force of his love deep within your bones.
... 🌼
after being apart from one another for quite some time, anakin gives you a warm welcome home ❤️
this part is rated M or E for smut feel free to skip if this is not for you additional content tags: soft smut, couch time, sleepy morning intimacy, implied things happening, nothing crazy
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It started with a long hug and a gentle hello. A smile for you, already gleaming with excitement as he greeted you by the door.
You were going to dinner that night. A fancy one he'd been planning for weeks for your birthday. Thoughtful gifts, wrapped with care, just needing to be opened. A release of kind breath, leaving the anxious state of your lungs then, because now - finally, all is well.
And you were home .
"Are you feeling better, sweetheart?"
He pulls you closer. Your hands, finding their way up to the back of his neck to feel his still wet hair from the shower.
Anakin hums, tracing the tip of his nose along your neck - leaning into it, enjoying the touch of your skin. The smell of your perfume that he loves so much.
"Do I look stupid?" He chuckles, all while holding you tighter to him.
"No. You're perfect."
"Good. Now go, open your gifts. You've waited long enough."
But for just a minute, you'd rather just take him all in there instead. To say how much you truly missed him while you were apart. That the greatest feeling in the world right now is knowing that Anakin is the best gift of all.
The night went by so fast. Laughing with each other first, then with friends...
Sneaking off somewhere for a while in a dark corner of the bar...
The softened shadows, encasing you both in their ease of surrounding comfort. And his hands, showing you the way toward his hips in front of everyone else, without a care in the world.
Your arms wrap around him easily.
His incredible blue eyes, focus on your lips.
Then your palms cup his face, completely letting go - falling on air immediately when he begins to kiss you hard.
"Want to get out of here?"
"Mm. Yes ."
"We don't need to be here anymore."
And so, you go.
"Come here."
He reaches for you to straddle him on the couch, insistent on his keys landing somewhere on the hard surface of his table below. Making a slightly abrupt noise that he knows someone else might have complained about...
But, he doesn't care where anything is supposed to go right now, and neither do you.
Not with the way you've been eyeing him sweetly from above...
Your shoes ending up someplace with his boots as they've already fallen over...
His belt buckle, already lost underneath his messy chair on the floor.
"I missed you. I thought...I thought you were never coming back. That, maybe you were gone for good."
Anakin caresses your face, brushing your cheek with care at the tips of all his fingers.
"You're my other half, I'd never leave you. Never..."
Anakin sighs, almost afraid to speak. Always brooding, so deep in thought.
"All those weeks...I couldn't bear it. I wasn't myself."
You kiss him slowly, slotting your lips together, chests pressing, getting even closer.
"I know."
Leaning down, you trace every line of his neck with kisses. Gripping the hems of his clothes. Shifting your hips against his, silently begging for him to help take them off.
But it's you that he wants first.
Completely vulnerable and bare on top of him.
Another hand, slipping between your thighs - teasing you with his strong and capable curling. Eliciting a budding sensation there that makes you moan.
The tip of his tongue, encircling the pebbled skin of your breasts, his eyes soothed to a close as he takes each one into his mouth.
"Yes... oh , please... please ."
Then, he grins, feeling that stray shiver he seems to know so well. Shifting you just the slightest for a second to take his pants off. Guiding your hand lower against his hardest part just to arrogantly show what you do to him.
"I want you. Right here ."
And as you lower yourself down upon him, it feels as though everything is made right again.
Affectionate sighs of impassioned relief, escaping there from you both...
Foreheads dipping into an almost blind surrender to the simplest form of selfish touch...
It took some time for you to drift off. The adrenaline and excitement of seeing and truly being with him again, almost feeling like too much.
He hums when he sleeps sometimes, sensing when occasionally your eyes tend to open - watching him. Closing them softly again when you know you've been caught.
You missed his bed. The smooth sheets. His warm pillows.
The broad span of his chest, and the cool feel of his arms.
Snuggling closely to him, you check the time. Looking across the room at towards the window, judging that by now it had already been morning. Your calming hint being the comforting light of the sun.
"Mm. I haven't slept at all..."
You whisper to yourself. Unable to fathom the last time you did something like this. Or that all of it had truly been real as well.
"There you are..."
Anakin slowly opens his eyes, allowing them to adjust.
"Morning, handsome."
Looking over, you see that all this time, the sheets have grown tighter. Sliding your hand beneath the warmth of your blankets to palm what lies beneath them. Though, before you know it, both he and you are no longer guarded by your covers.
"Where do you want me?"
You whisper, pressing each word against his waiting mouth.
His kiss, feeling like the only sort of sensual welcome you ever want to know.
Then, wordlessly, he takes you by the wrist, carefully and protectively, leading you back up and over where you belong.
Reaching around the hardened length of him, the pad of your thumb grazes over the smooth tip, before guiding it towards that sensitive spot. Letting go.
He kneads at your flesh, grasping at the skin of your thighs, rolling you forward, kissing you hard. His fingers, holding tightly to the back of your head. Freeing you only when you stretch, sitting back up. Your entire being, on passionate display for him there.
"I'm a lucky man..."
He smiles, all while mumbling a string of endless thoughts. Secrets from his mind that he's been keeping. Allusions to everything he loves about you, never spoken, always bottled up. Until this overwhelming moment.
Until, right now.
"You're a goddess... so beautiful..."
You can't help it when a single tear begins to fall, when you see his pure surrender to joy slipping with dampened eyelids of his own.
A rough hand then changing the scene...
Emotions running wild when a mere gentle moment turns into something else.
Your lips, pressed into momentary capture by the welcome feeling of his palm.
All you can do is watch him, as he's watching the joining spaces between you. The quickened pace that comes from the rolling of your hips. Your fingertips, toying with your own chest there...
And then he releases you. A moan escaping, then his shuddered breaths...
Another kiss...
Then one final glide.
Your blinding wave and loving fall, following his right after...
He's so warm, so safe like this. That when he eases you off of him, carefully making space for you to sleep next to him some more, you almost can't believe that you are really here with him now.
That you've almost spent four seasons of time with this amazing man.
That either one of you no longer had to fear the thought of being alone.
No universe exists where you would ever dream of being with someone else.
And you loved him.
... ❤️
thanks so much for reading 💌 xo A
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Healing Touch
Summary: It's ironic that your soulmate would be the one to save your life after sharing a pain connection with him. After the base you work at is attacked, you meet your soulmate, a loyal, dedicated clone who is willing to do anything to keep you two together.
Pairing: Kix x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, Kix is a freak, cum eating, oral, lots of discussion of pain and injuries, reader gets a really bad injury, life threatening injuries, blood, brief gore, medical stuff, soulmate AU, bad jokes.
A/N: I kinda hate this one but here you go. A surprise update to this series. I feel bad about not posting anything in a bit so I wrote some stuff. Also kind of inspired by a thread about friends of nurses who say they're a bunch of freaks. I'll let that speak for itself.
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Pain is nothing new to Kix. 
Though he’s usually the one treating others in pain, he’s had his fair share of injuries as well. Being in active combat had its risks, and he often witnessed them firsthand. He was also used to phantom pains that seemed to plague him every so often. Pain in his fingers and hands, like burns or the dull ache after pinching your finger between something. There were occasional deeper pains and aches, but after the war started it got harder and harder to determine which ones were his and which weren’t. 
His soulmate link, he had figured out quickly after a panicked scan to make sure he wasn’t injured, or perhaps defective and suffering from some ailment they were supposed to be immune to.
It was ironic, really, that his soulmate link would be pain. Each soulmate feels the phantom pain of the others injuries. Though he had avoided some nasty injuries, he still feels bad for his soulmate. Not that they weren’t also constantly getting hurt as well, but theirs were more small pains than anything. In the rare moments when he wasn’t busy, he liked to try and picture what had happened, what they could be doing. 
It’s what keeps him sane when the missions get bad, when they go wrong, when he has to look past his brothers' suffering as he tries to save them. 
He often worries in the dead of night. What if something happens to his soulmate? Are they involved in the war? What if their planet gets attacked and no one’s there to help? Sometimes he lays there and waits for the inevitable excruciating pain of a fatal wound, or the blinding pain of losing his soulmate. He worries about something happening to him as well. He doesn’t want to do that to his soulmate. He’d watched far too many troopers die, far too many leaving their soulmates without ever having the chance to meet them. 
It happens one day, when his worst nightmares come to life. 
They had just finished a hard won campaign against the Separatists and Kix was still hard at work in the med-bay patching up those who were less severely injured. It takes him a moment to realize what’s happening, a strange feeling blossoming in his right side below his ribs. 
Then the pain hits him. 
He doubles over, barely catching himself on the gurney Fives was seated on. 
“Kix,” Fives puts a hand on his shoulder. “You alright?” 
Kix grits his teeth, trying to breathe through the sharp, stabbing pain in his right side. Had he been injured and not noticed until now as his adrenaline begins to crash? He can’t feel anything on his side, no wound, no blood, nothing. Had he taken a hit and not noticed? 
“Come on,” Fives says, slipping an arm around his shoulders. “You don’t look too good.” 
He was supposed to be checking Fives for a concussion, but instead here he is being escorted onto an empty gurney by his patient. A droid runs a scan, checking everything but there’s nothing. Still, the pain burns through him, sharp and stabbing with every breath in. 
It’s not him. 
It’s his soulmate. 
Many things begin to rush through his head. Had something happened? Is it some sort of organ failure, perhaps? With the pain where it is, it could be any number of things. An injury? Illness? Are they getting help? Can they get help? 
A comforting hand on his shoulder brings him back from his racing thoughts. Fives knows. Most of the squad knows. They trusted each other on the battlefield, and with their deepest secrets. He presses his hand into his side, taking a deep breath. He wishes he could ease the pain even a little. 
The doors slide open, Rex stepping in. 
“Kix, Fives, we need every able bodied trooper ready for a debrief in ten minutes.” He says. 
“What’s going on?” Fives asks. “We just finished a campaign.” 
“We’re being rerouted.” Rex says. “There was an attack on a base nearby. They need as many hands as they can get.” 
Kix tries not to let his thoughts take over as he rouses every physically able trooper. He can’t think about his soulmate right now. He has a job to do. 
Kix’s hands are shaking. He rarely lets himself get affected by the injuries he sees. He’s seen a lot, he has been trained to see a lot. Combat medics see the worst of things, and they weren’t supposed to break. They had to be prepared for anything. Calm under intense pressure, stable enough to be quick thinkers and ready to take charge if needed. 
The carnage left from the attack is some of the worst he’s seen. 
These weren’t just clones. 
There are civilians. 
Most of them are civilians. Engineers and mechanics employed by the GAR. Clone armor wasn’t impenetrable, but it offered a lot of protection against injuries and wounds. He’d seen clones survive what should have been a fatal shot because of their armor. Civilians don’t have armor. Most of them don’t see combat so there was no point to them wearing armor. Most of them stayed on bases, safe from the danger of combat. 
At least, the bases are supposed to be safe. 
The 18th Battalion had arrived shortly before them and had already begun locating and treating survivors. They were already working to stabilize those in the worst condition to shuttle them to the cruisers to get more intensive care. 
There’s still civilians inside. 
Most of the troopers were working their way through the ruins of the base, searching for more survivors. Most of them had been accounted for. Either managing to escape harm, or were already being treated. There were still many that were still missing. Kix knows trying to find all of them is impossible, but they had confirmed areas where there were injured civilians still, or they had heard voices calling out for help. 
“This thing could collapse any minute.” Crash says as the mangled roof groans dangerously above them. 
“There’s one right up ahead.” Kix says, staring at the map. 
Something falls off in the distance, the crash echoing through the air before it settles. Both troopers share a look before pressing forward, stepping carefully. Kix’s side still aches, pain still burning through him, but he pushes onward. He has a job to do. He can only hope his soulmate is alright. 
There’s nothing he can do to help. 
He moves forward with Crash, stepping around a piece of collapsed roof. The civilian marked on the map is right there, sitting against a piece of still-intact wall. It doesn’t take Kix long to figure out why no one has helped her yet. A piece of rebar has impaled her through her right side. 
She’s still awake, wide eyed and breathing shallowly. One look at her eyes tells Kix she’s in shock. She’s soaked in sweat and pale, blood staining her light blue shirt. He kneels down in front of her, taking a quick scan. She’s uninjured aside from the rebar, which has gone straight through her and into the wall behind her. 
“What’s your name?” He asks her. 
She tells him, her voice weak and shaky. 
“We’re going to get you out of here.” He says, the pain in his side increasing as Crash moves her just slightly to check how stuck the rebar is in the wall. 
His eyes widen beneath his helmet and he stares at her for a moment. Where the rebar is in her side is almost exactly where the pain is on his side. It couldn’t be...could it? 
“There’s no way of moving her without removing it.” Crash says. 
Kix sighs. He knows moving her at all is going to be excruciating. He takes a second to assess things and calm himself before doing what he does best and takes charge. “We can’t risk removing it. She’ll bleed out before we can get her out of here. Is there enough room to cut it back there?” 
“Barely.” Crash says. “It’ll be close.” 
“We have to try.” Kix says. 
Kix kneels in front of her, bending her top half forward just slightly, until he can feel the pain of the rebar moving inside of her. He lets her rest against his shoulder, her hands weakly lifting to cling to his arms as Crash cuts through the rebar behind her. 
He doesn’t need to guess to know how much pain she’s in. He can feel it. He has no doubt he’s right in front of his soulmate. Oh how he wishes they’d met in a different way. It was ironic, though, that he’d be the one saving his soulmate’s life. He’s determined to do everything in his power to save her. 
She cries out as the rebar jostles free, pain radiating through Kix as well. He breathes steadily, trying to comfort her as best he can. The pain begins to numb, her hands slipping from his arms. He pushes her so she’s sitting up slightly, hands cupping her cheeks. 
“Hey,” He pats her face gently, her eyes fluttering. “Stay with me.” 
Her eyes flutter before they crack open, staring at him blankly. He takes in their color, trying to memorize her face. 
“Let's get her on the stretcher and onto a shuttle.” Kix says, forcing himself back into his roll. He needs to get her into a surgical pod sooner rather than later. 
Navigating the building is hard as they carry the stretcher, Crash talking to her to try and keep her awake. He can barely hear her responses, and later Crash would tell him she was speaking nonsense. He’s not entirely sure she even knew what was happening. 
They get her loaded onto a shuttle, Kix having to watch it fly away the hardest thing he’s had to do. He wanted to be there, wanted to stay by her side, wanted to make sure she was going to be alright, that they got to her in time. He would know if she died, if he had failed. 
He shakes those thoughts from his mind, jumping back in to help the other injured civilians.   
Your head is throbbing when you wake. You feel like you’ve swallowed sand, your mouth and throat dry and aching. There’s beeping around you, and a harsh sterile scent burns your nose. Something flashes behind your eyes and you force them open, blinking against the bright lights. 
Something presses against your shoulders, keeping you still as you try to shift into a more comfortable position. Pain shoots through your right side, stealing your breath for a moment. 
“Easy.” A voice says above you. You know that voice. “Didn’t think you’d be up so soon.”
You blink blearily up at the figure standing over you. Your vision is still blurry, your mind trying to catch up. You’re disoriented, feeling far away from your body. 
“Here,” Something cold and wet touches your lips. “Drink.” 
You drink through the straw, cold water hitting your dry mouth. You drink greedily, feeling refreshed as the sandy feeling in your mouth begins to disappear. 
“Bacta makes my mouth feel dry too.” 
You turn your head to look at the person standing next to you. He’s a clone, you can tell that much as your vision begins to clear. That’s why you recognize his voice. You’re no stranger to clones after working for the GAR for two years. 
You press the heel of your hand into your forehead, closing your eyes. “Where am I?” You murmur, not even sure actual words come out. 
“On a cruiser, heading for a medical station. Do you remember what happened?” He asks slowly. 
You think for a moment. Do you remember? “It was a normal day at work.” You start, walking yourself through your day. “I was working on an attack shuttle. I had gone to grab a different tool when...” Horrible images flash through your mind. You remember being thrown, heat washing over you. Something hitting you, or you hitting something. Pain. You remember pain.
Something beeps rapidly beside you, the clone putting a hand on your shoulder. “It’s alright. The base was attacked.” He explains. “You were injured badly. I was one of the ones that got you out. I wanted to come and check, make sure you were alright.” 
You stare at him, taking him in. His head is buzzed, lightning bolts shaved into the short buzzed hair. There’s a tattoo on the side of his head, but you can’t see all of it from this angle. He’s handsome, as you thought most clones were. His armor is painted blue with the medic’s symbol on his shoulder. 
“Thank you.” You say, staring up into his brown eyes. “For saving me.” 
He smiles softly, running a hand over his head. “Well, it is my job. And I wasn’t about to let anything happen to my soulmate.” 
You stare at him blankly, taking in his words. Soulmate? 
“You have a pain link, right?” He asks, looking so hopeful. 
You nod slowly, still trying to process his words. You had tried not to think too much about your soulmate. Your link had appeared later than you expected, little pains here and there, that blossomed into harsher ones more often. You wondered about your soulmate and if they were alright, until the war started. You had heard about people discovering their soulmates were clones and that’s why their links had shown up later. 
You haven't put much thought into it. You were destined to meet eventually, and you trusted it would happen. You had been more focused on leaving home, on building your career. 
He grabs a small needle pulling off his glove before pricking his finger with it. You feel the sharp pinch on your own finger, lifting your hand to stare at it. 
No mark. 
No blood. 
You let your hand drop slowly, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“My name’s Kix.” He says. “Medic with the 501st Legion.” 
You tell him your name, introducing yourself with your status as a civilian engineer. 
“I didn’t think this was how we were going to meet.” He says. “I’ve been waiting for this for a while.” 
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. You knew about clones, about the rules around soulmates. That’s partially why you refused to think too much about it. You don’t want to be rejected. You’re not sure you can handle that. “A-Aren’t you supposed to-” 
“Technically.” He says, cutting you off with a grin. “Most of us don’t follow those rules.” 
You stare at him for a moment. “But...” 
“If all of us followed every rule, we probably would have lost the war already.” He leans against the side of the bed. “There’d be a lot fewer of us, anyway.” 
Your brain feels like it's moving in slow motion. “So...you’re not going to reject me?” 
He smiles, shaking his head. “No. Not unless you want me to.” 
You shake your head. “No, no. I just...didn’t expect...” 
“I know it’s a lot. Especially after what just happened.” Kix says. “I just wanted you to know since we’ll be leaving after everyone’s offloaded at the medical station. I didn’t want to miss this chance in case we don’t cross paths again.” 
Right. Their only job was getting you to the medical station. They still had a war to fight, so naturally they’d be leaving off to their next battle. You’re not sure where you’re going to end up now that the base you had been stationed at is gone. The chances of you two crossing paths again is slim, but you were soulmates for a reason. 
You take his bare hand, squeezing it gently. You can feel it, the flow of energy between you two. His calloused fingers wrap around yours, and you try to memorize just how his skin feels against yours. “We’ll meet again.” You say, staring at your hands. “We are soulmates after all.” 
He smiles, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. “You’re right. I just hope it’s under better circumstances.” 
You can’t help but smile. “I hope so too. I’d be happy if I never had to go through that again.” 
Your name is called as you make your way down the hallway. 
After your brief stay at the medical station, you had been sent back to Coruscant to the GAR headquarters to await reassignment. You assumed you’d be staying on Coruscant, since the war was heating up and a bunch of dead civilian workers wasn’t exactly a good look. 
You turn, one of the lead engineers walking up to you.
“I have your orders for your reassignment.” She says, handing you a datapad. “You’re loading up with the 501st when they arrive.” 
“The 501st?” Your eyebrows lift in surprise. 
“I hear they asked for you directly.” She says. 
Your brows furrow. Kix was assigned to the 501st. Had he managed to pull some strings without giving anything away? You couldn’t risk revealing anything, not with the GAR directly involved. So how had he done it? 
They arrive a few hours later. You’re patiently waiting on the airfield among crates of supplies to be loaded on. The venator cruiser kicks up a breeze as it lands, truly an engineering marvel. A huge floating city, capable of housing thousands. Ships weren’t your specialty, but you often found yourself working on their communication systems. You had been fixing one in a shuttle when the base was attacked. 
You wait for the offloading of troops and supplies, heading into the ship as troopers begin moving supplies on. You look around the hangar, likely where you’ll spend most of your time. Shuttles and cruisers, and all other sorts of vehicles. 
You eventually find the lead engineer, getting a tour and introduction to the cruiser. You had only been on one briefly, most of your knowledge about them being learned virtually during training. You had spent more time learning about the clone’s armor and how to fix any sort of malfunction or damage that may be caused. The functionality of their armor is essential, especially their helmets. 
You’re eager to see Kix again. You want to know just how he’d managed to get you assigned to his battalion. You can’t be conspicuous, though. Even at this proximity, you still have to be careful. If the wrong person found out, it would spell disaster for both of you. 
You’re checking through one of the supply rooms when he finds you. Your first task with the 501st had been to restock and organize the supplies getting loaded onto the ship. It was a typical task for a newbie, since you’d need to learn the layout of the supply room and where things are located in case you need them in a pinch. 
“Hello, mesh’la.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin as the deep voice breaks the silence of the supply closet. You spin around, finding Kix leaning against one of the shelves behind you. You hadn’t even heard him come in. That was precisely why you weren’t a soldier. 
“Kix!” You put a hand on your chest. “You scared me!” 
He grins. “Sorry. Thought you heard me come in.” 
You shake your head. “I was too focused, I guess.” 
“It’s good to see you.” He says, stepping closer. “I missed you.” 
It has been a few weeks since you’ve seen him. You’ve missed him too. You’d felt it, the longing deep in your soul for its other half. The distance, the lack of contact had begun to eat at you. It’s easing now with him so close. Even though you’ve just been reunited, your entire body is already relaxing. 
“I missed you too.” You say, stepping closer to him. 
He pushes the cart out of the way, stepping up right in front of you. You stare up at him, his fingers grazing over your side. “How do you feel?” 
“Completely healed.” You say with a smile. “Hardly more than a scar left.”
“Good.” He says, wrapping his arms around you. You’ve never been this close to him before, but it feels right. “I hated feeling you in pain.” 
“I hated being in pain.” You reply, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Though, whatever you did to your foot a week ago, that sucked.” 
He grins sheepishly. “Would you believe me if I told you that was a box of medical supplies?” 
You stare at him for a moment. “No.” 
He chuckles. “I’ll tell you about it later.” He leans down, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m just glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, how did you manage to get me assigned to the 501st?” You ask, pulling away slightly. 
He lifts a hand, rubbing the back of his head. “Well, I may have told Rex and had him put in a special request.” 
You stare at him wide eyed. 
“Don’t worry,” He tries to ease your concern. “He’s not going to say anything. None of them are.” 
“What did you do, tell the whole squad?” You ask. 
“The whole platoon, actually.” He says sheepishly. 
“You were the one that said we had to be careful.” You punch his shoulder, the plastoid harder than you expected it to be. 
“I think that hurt you more than me.” He says, taking your hand and inspecting your sore knuckles. “But don’t worry. No one’s going to say anything. We’ve all been sworn to secrecy about each other’s soulmates. It’s a sort of unspoken law among clones.” 
“That’s sweet.” You say, captivated by his fingers as they gently massage your hand. 
“I’ll introduce you tonight during third meal.” He says. “When everyone’s back on board.” 
“Yeah, shouldn’t you be out enjoying your shore leave?” You ask. 
“I wanted to see you.” He says. 
You stare up at his face, at those big brown eyes. “You’re being all sweet on me now, making me nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous.” He soothes, wrapping his arms back around your waist. “I’m just a goofy guy who's never really talked to a woman before outside of a professional setting.” 
You stare at him open mouthed. “You’ve never...” 
He shrugs. “Never really wanted to.” 
You lean against his chest, wrapping your arms around him. “Well, you’re doing a good job.” 
He chuckles, the sound deep in his chest. “Thanks.” He holds you for a few moments before letting you go. “I’ll come by the lab and show you around later, okay?” 
You nod, a smile tugging at your lips. “Okay.” 
He swoops down, kissing your cheek before leaving you a bit flustered in the supply closet. 
Despite how close you two are, you barely get to see Kix. With the 501st constantly on the move, constantly going from one campaign to the next, you’re very busy and so is Kix. You mostly see each other in passing, or in the mess hall, or occasionally in a stolen moment in a supply closet. You only see him in the med bay twice, there usually for burns on your fingers, things you’ve become almost numb to in your years of working as a mechanic and engineer. 
You finally get a quiet moment to yourselves on a long journey from one side of the galaxy to the other. Well, it wasn’t exactly that far, but it was a long trip. You’re glad for the break, and glad for the quiet moment you get to spend with Kix. 
He tells you to meet him in the barracks, a place you hadn’t really explored much. You weren’t really supposed to go into the clone barracks, especially as a civilian unless it was an emergency. 
This was an emergency, you were about to go crazy from the longing to be close to him again. The GAR wouldn’t see it that way though. 
You’re extra careful, slipping in quickly as he waves you over from the door. It’s empty besides the two of you, Kix leading you over to his bunk. 
“How’d you get everyone to leave?” You ask, laying down and stretching out. They’re not any more comfortable than the civilian bunks. 
“I may have promised to buy the boys a couple extra rounds on our next shore leave.” He says, stretching himself out next to you. He’s stripped from his armor, left in his blacks. 
“Another unspoken clone law?” You ask, tracing your fingers over the muscles visible under the tight bodysuit. 
“Well, they know why I’m doing it.” He says, his hand settling on your waist. “I just figured you’d prefer some quiet privacy. They’d pretend to ignore us, but they’d be listening the whole time.” 
You hum, kissing him softly. “Then I thank you for your sacrifice of a couple rounds.” 
He grins against your lips, pulling you closer against his chest. “Just doing my duty, ma’am.” 
You pause for a moment, a tingle running down your spine as he calls you “ma’am.” You’ll have to lock that one away for later. He pulls you back to him, kissing you harder. You lose yourself in him, letting all of the stress and fear and emotions over the last few weeks go. You worried about Kix, every time they left on a campaign. You monitored comms as often as you could, for more than just your job of making sure everything was functioning. You waited anxiously to hear that Kix is alright, that he’s still alive and well. 
“How long do we have?” You murmur against his lips as he rolls you onto your back, settling on top of you. 
“An hour or so.” He says, lips leaving your lips to kiss down your jaw. 
“Is that going to be enough time?” You ask. 
He smirks against your neck, nipping at the skin. “I’ll make you cum at least twice before then.” 
You smirk, lifting your arms as he tugs your shirt over your head. “Is that a challenge?” 
“No,” He smirks, hands cupping your breasts. “It’s a promise.” 
You gasp as his lips close around one of your nipples, tugging it gently with his teeth. You’re already wet, your underwear sticking uncomfortably to you. You can feel him pressed up against your thigh, painfully hard through his blacks. You’ve both been waiting for this, eagerly anticipating this moment. You wish you had all the time in the world to do this, but you’re lucky enough to even get an hour of privacy together. 
You can’t wait for this war to be over with. 
He continues his kisses down your stomach, tugging your pants and underwear down. You let your legs fall open for him, his eyes staring hungrily at your soaked pussy. Your cheeks warm a bit as he stares at you, his eyes dark and lust-blown. His hands hold your thighs as he leans in, licking a stripe along your slit. You gasp at the sensation, his tongue dragging over your clit. 
You have to be careful not to make too much noise. Anyone walking past could hear, and with your luck it would be the wrong person. You’d get in so much trouble, both of you. 
You press a hand over your mouth as he dives right in, eating you like a man starved. He was, in a way. You had put this off far too long. You’d snuck a hand into your panties in the dead of night a few times while thinking of him, trying to take the edge off as you waited for the opportune moment. 
Nothing compared to the feel of him, though. 
His tongue thrusts into you, licking at your walls as his nose presses against your clit. You curse behind your hand, your other hand gripping the sheets under you. 
It doesn’t take you long to cum, his tongue lapping up every last bit of your orgasm. You’re close to overstimulated when he finally pulls away, face glistening in the low light of the barracks. You drag him up, kissing him deeply. He groans against your mouth, hips pressing against yours. 
You break the kiss to tug his blacks over his head, your hands trailing down his chest, feeling every ridge of muscle. Your fingers trace every little scar, every little mark. He tugs his pants down, kicking them off the end of the bed and your fingers continue lower, wrapping around his thick length. 
He presses his face into your neck, groaning as you work your hand over him. “Kriff, you feel so good.” He murmurs. “Better than I ever could.” 
You smile, parting your legs a bit so he can settle between them. “Isn’t that the point.” 
He leans up on his elbows over you, staring down at you. “You’re going to ruin me forever.” 
“That’s my job.” You say, lining him up. 
You bury your face in his shoulder as he eases into you, moving slowly. It’s a stretch, far bigger than you had anticipated. He pauses once he’s seated inside you, making you feel full and connected. You can feel it, the connection building between you two. There was no going back now. 
He slowly begins to rock his hips, holding onto you. You wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling him as close as you can. You can feel him deep in your very soul, the connection between you two solidifying. You’re two halves of one whole, one soul shared between two bodies. This was what you were meant for, not what the GAR forced you to do, hiding and keeping secrets. 
You wish the war would end. You wish you could steal him away, live a happy life somewhere free of war, free of the GAR, free of everything. A life happy together, where nothing has to be a secret, and you can take as much time as possible. Where you can shout your love for him as loud as you want. 
You use his shoulder to muffle your moans, his own groans muffled by your neck. You move seamlessly, meeting his thrusts. You’re already close again, the tautness of his body telling you he’s close too. 
“Cum for me.” He whispers, hitting that spot inside you over and over again. “Let me feel you.” 
You cum around him, nails digging into his back. He cums with a groan, emptying inside you. You lay still for a moment, simply breathing each other in. 
Kix leans up, kissing your lips before sliding down your body. You watch, leaning up a bit as he settles between your thighs once more. You can feel his cum starting to leak out of you, Kix watching for a moment before he leans in, closing his mouth around your pussy. You breathe out a curse, flopping back on the bed as he cleans you with his mouth. It’s unexpected and obscene as he slurps at your pussy, your skin burning. 
You can feel it, another orgasm approaching. You bite into the skin of your arm, keeping yourself quiet as he sucks at your clit, forcing you over the edge a third time. 
He laps at your folds for a few more seconds before sliding back up your body, gently tugging your arm free from your mouth. He soothes over the mark with his fingers. “You’ll want to clean that.” He says, so easily switching into medic mode. “Human bites can be very dangerous.” 
You roll your eyes. “Yes, doctor.” 
He pauses, eyes widening as he stares down at you. You file that away too. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I kept my promise.” 
You laugh against his lips. “You did. And a bonus.” 
“I did say ‘at least twice’.” He says, sitting up on the bed. “I’d make it a lot more than that if we had time.” 
You grin, sitting up next to him. “Save that for the next shore leave.” 
He smirks, patting your ass as you move to grab your discarded clothes. You wash up in the fresher, trying to make yourself appear like you hadn’t just been fucking a clone in the barracks. Kix puts his armor back on, checking both ways before you step out of the barracks. 
You walk closely, wishing you could hold his hand, but you know you can’t. You silently curse the GAR and their stupid rules. You can’t wait for this war to be over. 
You’re so close to the elevator when your names are called from down the hall, both of you freezing. You turn, eyes widening a bit at the sight of General Skywalker approaching. 
“G-General.” Kix says, standing up straighter. 
General Skywalker looks between you, crossing his arms. “What are you two up to?” 
“I was, uh, having some calibration issues with my helmet.” Kix quickly lies. 
“Uh huh. And you had to fix that in the barracks?” General Skywalker asks, crossing his arms. 
“Well, I needed to make sure it would connect with the others, and it was easier to just check it where they all were gathered, instead of disturbing them and making them come down to the lab.” You nervously explain. You know he doesn’t believe you. You’re absolutely screwed. 
“Right.” The General nods. “That’s very thoughtful of you, not wanting to disturb them.” 
“Yeah,” You nod. “They work so hard, they need all the rest they can get.” 
“I still have some work to do, so we were heading to the mess to grab some caf.” Kix says, trying to explain why you were now leaving together. 
“Very busy.” You nod, trying to make it as believable as possible. 
The General looks between you two for a moment before nodding. “Then I should let you get back to it.” 
You don’t relax, even as you turn to continue down the hall. Your shoulders are still tense, nerves running high. You had tried so hard not to get caught, and then here you were, getting caught by the General of all people. 
“You know,” The General says, making you two stop dead in your tracks. “That’s not a bad excuse.” You both turn, looking over your shoulders at the General. “I might have to use that some day.” 
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@stressed-cherry, @6oceansofmoons,  @ladytano420, @spicy-clones, @dangraccoon, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @stunkbiggu, @endofthexline, @rosechi
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taeloke · 7 months
Overanalyzing 4KOTA Chapter 142 instead of just waiting for more info (1/2?)
Honestly? I'm writing King's side of this separately, because it's about time I started talking about him here l and I know I can go on forever about him. That field of over-analysis needs its own house. I would go off about him first but then I'd forget his kids entirely and I don't want to do that to them... Speaking of--
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So silly. So precious. Berte is so Helbram-coded and I'm sure that's intentional resemblance.
You know...I wonder which of their traits were inherited from Diane's parents. Probably the golden hair on almost half of them at least. Sixtus and Tioreh's pink hair looks more like a genetic mutation...unless their hair color is inherited from the leaf color of the Sacred Tree? That's possible too.
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Diane seems less energetic since becoming a mother. She's settled down and has been shown to be gentle more often than bubbly, which was the impression she gave me in the original series. I'm assuming she hasn't fought since entering the Fairy Realm, too. She's put the stress of the Holy War behind her, and I'm happy that she seems content with her lots of babies. I wonder if she'll get to hear about Dolores once the current issues are over. I'm sure hearing she's Nasiens's adoptive big sister will be a shock. Diane deserves to know that.
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The way Tioreh says this makes me suspect Puck is the one behind Nasiens and Myrtel's switcheroo. He must really love that "prank" in that case. Regardless of who was behind it, though, that's actually fucked up. A fairy trolled their own king by swapping their first child with a human, probably knowing exactly what issues both kids would be put in. I can't call this just a prank. I love King to death, but his people are their own kind of awful...
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For this moment, let's glance back at how she reacted to that news at first.
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Tioreh must have been suspecting this the whole time Nasiens was here, but this reveal may be the moment she started to seriously believe it, if not when Nasiens admitted to feeling healthier in the Fairy Realm. After this, she started to open up about her siblings more and telling Nasiens that he's like them--especially like Phao. All of this is stuff that Nasiens didn't know about since he met her two years ago. All of the tension in this family over Nasiens and Myrtel has been building up for so long...and right now we're watching it all cave in. I'm sure King and Diane had good intentions for hiding the truth, but hiding it's not working anymore.
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And Diane knows it's not working anymore. I'm stuck on her asking "Is that bad for you?" Why is she asking that of all things? Is that what King and Diane were so worried about when they decided to never come out about this? Did they think their kids would be upset with having a human for an older brother?
Okay, but maybe that's not all that they considered. Maybe they got worried about how their people outside of their family would react to their theories being confirmed. If that happened, as unfortunate as it is, Mertyl would probably get more ostracized than he was. With that in mind, I'm sure his parents made that choice to protect him from some of the problems he'd inevitably go through. It's a nice thought that way, but this was still a bad call. They made too many assumptions of their own kids' feelings.
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In other news...Phao was lurking... Now they're all gonna know and clear up this misunderstanding with their parents, right?
Anyway, I feel like I've written too much for one post, so I'll go on about the rest of the chapter tomorrow. Closing this part with this:
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myrtel peek
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toaarcan · 13 days
C3E107 Thoughts
Okay first point of order, obligatory screaming about Abubakar flying an ocean to do a surprise return as the Arch Heart, you love to see it.
The Arch Heart's plan is interesting but I think they've either not telling the whole story or they're making a mistake. They assume that, in a moment of panic of Predathos being released early, their siblings will all flee. Except we know Melora would stand and fight, and we know that two of the gods are not Tengarian and therefore they have no past track record to base that thought on. They've got no clue what RQ and Vecna will do when the chips are down.
Of course, it's possible that the Arch Heart is hiding the truth. They said themselves that they are sneaky and that they were there without the knowledge of the other gods. They also kept stressing that they were being honest. Which could well be a lie. DC30 on the Insight check to see through any bullshit. The gods may have a different purpose for putting Predathos into a person.
The reality they've claimed is that the gods are currently in argument over what they should do about the Predathos situation, and the Arch Heart believes that if they have time to come to a conclusion, they will choose to fight. Whether that means war with Predathos or war on the people trying to release it, who can say. Either way, if they all come back, inevitably the Betrayers will try to kill mortals again, and the Primes will fight them. Calamity 2 will happen if mortals take too long to stop Predathos.
Ultimately the idea of cramming Predathos into Imogen or Fearne does not seem like a good one. We just spent the better part of 103 episodes watching Laudna struggle to keep Delilah under control. Delilah is the soul of a mortal fucking wizard. And Downfall illustrated the vast gulf between mortal mages and gods. It also showed max-level mortal bodies being disintegrated by the raw power of an unbound deity forcing its way out from within them. And the plan here is to cram a more-powerful entity into a Lv.13 Sorcerer or Druid and expect Predathos to not immediately escape or hollow them out and wear them like a cheap suit?
Then again, given the way it was being talked about maybe they are aware of this and recognise that whoever becomes Predathos' vessel is functionally or literally dead and doomed to chase the gods across reality for eternity, and that's a sacrifice that some have decided they are okay with. Either way, not a great plan.
The two members of BH that are most happy with the Arch Heart's idea are Dorian and Ashton, who are reacting to it like the perfect answer has finally been given to them. But it's not Dorian and Ashton who are going to be tasked with becoming the vessel. Imogen really does not want Predathos released. Fearne is more curious but Zathuda is actively trying to groom her into the perfect vessel and Shardgate was born out of Ashton convincing her to go with her gut and give him the Shard instead of taking it for herself, and I worry that with them on one shoulder and Zathuda on the other, Fearne may end up going with the plan and dying for it.
As for who the deity that agrees with the Arch Heart is... I don't think it's the Matron. The Arch Heart's words around her appearance are "You've heard my side," as if to imply that she represents the other. She was also one of the more reluctant gods when it came to leaving and building the gate, and she was consistently the "Stop doing hubris" one during Downfall.
The Arch Heart definitely did not have an answer for whether Predathos will harm mortals accidentally in pursuit of its meal. Also there's a probably-god chilling in the heart of the planet who isn't going to be running anywhere so that's not a great sign.
Zathuda and the Unseelie's dissatisfaction with Ludinus speaks to one of the bigger flaws in the Ruby Vanguard's plan. We've seen the gulf between mortal wizards and gods in Downfall, but Ludinus assumes that if he kills the gods then mortals will sit atop the food chain. Except they won't. There are a lot of entities that live in the gulf between mortal and divine, like powerful Fey, and also the Fiends the heroes keep running into. Zathuda evidently looks down on Ludinus and intends to betray him. To chase the gods away will open up the throne they've abdicated again, and it will not be a mortal wizard that sits it (nor should it be), it will be a devil or a demon or an archfey.
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
We've seen the Straw Hats react to Warlord!Sanji, but now that you've brought up the Shichibukai declaring war against the government for their son--how does the world react to this reveal? You said in the notes that his new bounty name would be "Child of the Warlords," but I was thinking about it, and what if it's something like "Warprince"? Sounds cliche, but technically his parents aren't warlords anymore, and I doubt the government considers him their child due to the weird obsession they have with bloodlines :/ anyway prince would also refer to the Vinsmokes so they probably thought two birds one stone. Sanji's bounty is now higher than Zoro's. Zoro is perpetually enraged by this.
Also, imagine the reactions of people like Vivi and Law who literally witnessed Sanji helping take down his own parent. Or even Judge who's sweating over the realization that his failure son holds the devotion of some of the most powerful pirates alive. Zeff sees the updated poster and has PTSD flashbacks of Sanji's birthday party when all five parents visited the Baratie. He and the other chefs spend the night drinking.
I love this au you've made <3 I adore all of your aus really <3 <3 gorgeous breathtaking lovely lovely lovely
You make a good point, anon. They probably wouldn't give him the name 'Child of the Warlords' it probably would be 'Warprince' or 'Prince of War' or something similar. As for the world reacting? The shock that reverberates around probably leads to all their denden mushis and the Sunny's ringing all the fucking time.
Sanji's bounty has to be almost as high as Luffy's, given he escaped his execution and continued being a pirate after he was given the all clear to resume his normal activities. Zoro is pissed about the bounty and Sanji is like 'I don't know what to do about this' as he stress cooks in the kitchen. Luffy is probably happy about that but he knows Sanji is worried and it's worse than when he got back from Whole Cake. Chopper said what Sanji went through was extreme and it would take time but Luffy just wants him back to his happier self.
Ace probably shows up to the Sunny and talks to Sanji about it. Like his parents helped Ace and the White Beard fleet and he can relate about his parentage being open knowledge. How scary it is but Sanji has a lot of people to support him. Perona probably comes by and is just floating and holding onto Sanji while he cooks and is just pulled along while she talks his ear off about zombies and cute things. She also tells him all about Zoro getting his ass handed to him by Mihawk.
Vivi and Law call to ask why Sanji would help over them overthrow his parents. The answer is so dumb and simple because the answer is it made his parents proud. They knew when he inevitably would set off he would become a powerful pirate but that would always be second to him being a cook. Zeff calls and demands the numbers for his fucking parents and is screaming at Jinbei over the mushi because what fuck is he letting them do? The Baratie is closed for a week because everyone is too drunk and also too hungover to function because of the news about the eggplant. Zeff, Patty, and Carne have flashbacks to Sanji's seventeenth birthday party at the Baratie and also yell at Jinbei for that even though he only brought himself and booze.
Like and the other four, who already had high bounties and now they just keep climbing because of the destruction they're raining on the government? When Mihawk's passes Shanks' bounty Redhair calls him up and is like "is this worth it?" And Mihawk is like "If rouge and Roger we're here and that happened to Ace they would do the same thing" and like yeah. Mihawk has a point.
Judge stares at the paper and wonders how the fucking failure managed to A. Escape his execution, which he eyes Reiju for and B. Became the child of not one or two warlords but five warlords, four of which are currently waging a war on the government for trying to kill Sanji. Judge debates for a while whether he should try to get Sanji back again. Then he sees Mihawk and Boa's bounties are both fast approaching six billion beri and decides against it.
For now at least.
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asfateentertwines · 11 months
idk if you like this ship, but Nocorro headcanons?
Hi sorry for the delay, I went on a Nocorro tail spin for this
Neteyam hides his feelings for Spider when they're young because he is worried about his moms feelings but has always been gentle with him and secretly enjoyed his company
They got along but just weren't overly close
Spider always was jealous of Neteyam for being everything he couldn't be - Na'vi, loved, strong, respected, etc. But always admired him just as much
Their relationship would start secret - on the downlow for the sake of their own anxieties - and would start due to their common denominator - Lo'ak
As his big brother and his best friend respectively, they always seemed to be the ones at the end of his messes. For Neteyam, it was cleaning them up or talking him out of it and for Spider, it was tagging along before inevitably just trying to keep them both alive
It's my thought that Lo'ak is the one that considers Spider's humanity the least and sees him the most as just Spider, even moreso than Kiri, and so he accidentally gets him hurt a fair amount - hence, Neteyam has to patch him up
This time is where they bond a lot - venting, mocking one another, but also eventually devolving into the fear, insecurity, etc they each feel
They would be the couple that goes through all of the 'new' stuff (i.e the awkward and honeymoon phases) by themselves while no one knows yet about their relationship so that by the time they get together publicly, everyone thinks of them as the old married couple of sorts
They equal one another out in a lot of ways and meet one another's insecurities - each is everything the other wants with the added consequences they didn't see coming
While it takes vulnerability that neither is prepared for, they come to be the same space for one another they each need and become a big part in one another's healing
They're both emotional protectors to the other as no one ever filled the roles for them and for once, they both get to be someone's priority
Its the story of the oldest son and forgotten child
They're two sides of the same beat up coin
Neteyam is protective and takes after his mom in being a guardian but is more reserved and takes social cues into account - he is aware of his mates vulnerability and protects in a lot like how his parents do - meanwhile, Spider is just fucking feral
It takes a long time to teach Spider that he can't just go in like he has nothing to lose - there's a lot of self-worth arguments
However, this comes to head with neither being sure where they stand to announce the relationship. I imagine it wouldn't come out until it had to
in canon, this is the RDA capturing Spider
The RDA taking Spider is what ends with their relationship becoming public
Neteyam has to see his parents as mortal and imperfect while Spider is faced with the doubts on his self-worth and position in the family
Neither knows how to proceed but they fight like hell with something more to fight for than the original canon offers
Neteyam loses it when Spider is taken, he goes feral, fighting with all of Neytiri's spirit, and relies heavily on his parents and the childish belief that they can somehow fix it
I don't think he would realize there's no fixing it until they're with the Metkayina and Ao'nung is courting him
He would lose it, acting more and more like Lo'ak while being lost in his own internal whirlpool of self-doubts and questioning
If war didn't make him grow up then this does
He doesn't think he'll get Spider back until he sees him on the deck but at this point, he's just blindly following Jake - he's unanchored and confused and it is still Lo'ak who ultimately is the reason Spider comes home
As for his fate, I think Spider would have been closer to him. Neteyam would have grabbed him on instinct and been ducking lower to guard the more vulnerable of the two and missed the shot
Them getting home is like recovering from a breakup though
Spider spent the months more convinced than ever that he is unwanted and left astray
But he is also more aware of the emotional manipulation and more at peace with his dynamic with the Sullys so Quaritch doesn't have as much success with him
Despite his doubts festering, it's a sort of resignation that the things they felt for him isn't enough - not that they don't exist
Neteyam would have given him hope that he is a part of the family and made him feel something worth cherishing
Then the RDA comes and it's the resignation that everything is over and he's not going home
He's a lot more grim here
But the upside is that Nocorro is a lot of healing
They're with the Metkayina and helping one another remember their value - Spider in the family and Neteyam as his own person
They both need to be reminded that they're worthy of loving and that's what the months following ATWOW is filled with
Consequently, it's also how the duo become legitimate threats to the RDA
The protective rage they both feel with what was taken from them means they're ruthless - they become a lot more empowered to protect their homes and focus on building some place safe for their family
Ultimately they are a very love and family driven couple with the other slowly becoming their other half, they operate like an extension of themselves with a level of understanding no one else would have
Post-war would take a long time for them to settle but I think they both have similar desires again in just having a loving, safe place for their family to grow and to heal together
Honestly this couple is just very soft and very old married couple, like think the gays from The Last of Us that die together bro
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razzle-zazzle · 27 days
wait what's the betrothal au??
I'm glad you asked! The premise of the Betrothal AU, in a single sentence, is thus:
Cole and Skylor are arranged to marry each other by a contract made before either of them were born, and they take issue with this.
Of course, there's more to the AU than just the premise—how the whole contract was made and how Skylor and Cole feel about it are major questions I wanna explore in the AU, so I'll do my best to summarize them a bit here:
The contract was made by Chen and Cole's Currently Unnamed Grandfather (I used to call him Shane but I'm not liking that name as much now tbh); Chen had the upper hand in those negotiations. Like it was clear from start to finish who was in control. He initially asked for Lilly's hand, but her father threw a fit and managed to change the terms to "Chen's child will marry Lilly's youngest child by the time both are 20" (but with. more legalese). Because surely, Unnamed Grandfather thought, Chen couldn't possibly have children as an exiled-to-an-island war criminal, and surely, if Chen did find a way to father offspring, Lilly would have multiple children and her eldest would inherit the power of earth, thus preventing the earth master line from getting tangled up with the likes of Chen.
Except then about six months after Skylor was born Chen sent several baby pictures to Unnamed Grandfather to gloat. And Lilly only had Cole because she and Lou only ever wanted one child. So Cole and Skylor are engaged from... not quite birth because Skylor was born almost a year earlier and Chen waited to see if Lilly would have any other children, but definitely since they were both young enough to toddle.
Sooooo... how do Skylor and Cole feel about this? Well, for the most part.. they're kids. Yeah, they meet when they're both five and they're given their halves of a pendant and told that one day they're gonna marry each other, but at that point they were literally just children. Marriage was more of a concept to them, a silly thing they could pretend to do and think about that otherwise didn't really impact them. Especially since they only saw each other once a year (and Lou & Lilly would always throw a fit when Unnamed Grandfather took Cole to Chen's island. But Unnamed Grandfather is going to honor his debts, dammit, even the ones that suck).
But even as they did get to be kids, even as Skylor would eagerly await the 2-4 weeks every year when Unnamed Grandfather would visit with Cole in tow, even as they would run around the labyrinth and into the jungle and all over Chen's compound like the kids they were... well, Chen's a dick. Oh, sure, he wasn't trying to make them feel bad about the engagement, but he definitely wouldn't let them forget it.
So the marriage became a sort of inevitability, for Cole & Skylor. When they were 11-12, they had these cute puppy crushes on each other that they would not have had were it not for the whole "you two are going to one day marry and then spend the rest of your life together" thing hanging over their heads.
And then Unnamed Grandfather dies, and Lilly's fallen ill, and Lou is absolutely not going to go to Chen's island under any circumstances. So Cole and Skylor haven't seen each other in person since they were 13, and wrote letters instead.
So they inevitably drifted. For Skylor, the marriage was an inevitability, but one that she could deal with later—being Chen's daughter gives her way more pressing concerns to deal with daily, anyway. And it was the same for Cole—the engagement, when he thought about it (which wasn't super often) was a distant sort of inevitability, like a project due at the end of the semester that you don't think about until then because you've got assignments due now to worry about.
When Chen invites the ninja to his tournament, when Cole and Skylor see each other on that ferry...
Skylor had been sort of vaguely aware that she wasn't interested in Cole that way. From her memory, he was sweet and rowdy, and her only childhood friend her age. Not the worst person to be tied to on the legal level of marriage, but not exactly someone she was interested in. Seeing Cole in person for the first time in years, and connecting that familiar face with the most recent letters—it crystalizes, for Skylor, that she's not into him that way.
But her father always gets what he wants, and the contract is airtight. So Skylor grits her teeth, swallows her venom, and sidles over to Cole to test the waters. Hope he's not as into her as she remembers feeling about him once, when they were younger and friendlier and liked to talk about what they wanted for their wedding together while digging in the mud for cool jungle bugs.
Cole hadn't thought about his engagement as often—sure, he used the new pendant half that Chen sent him after the monastery burned down to finance every meal the grieving ninja ate at Chen's, and sure, he sent letters monthly at least. But the notion of marriage has become so distant and unimportant in the wake of Garmadon, the Great Devourer, the Overlord, and Zane's death. When he sees Skylor, standing off to the side in a cloak but nonetheless recognizable, it hits him—they really hadn't seen each other in years, and he doesn't feel anything romantic for her.
But Chen has Zane, or might have Zane and be lying—and Cole can't chance that. He needs to know for sure if Zane is alive, so he hopped on the ferry alongside the others, pendant half in hand in case it'd come in handy. But now that the reality of his engagement is staring him in the face and sidling over to him—oh, Cole just knows it's going to cause problems. He's always been good at running away from problems—but he can't run away now, can he?
so yeah tl;dr chen's a little bitch and cole & skylor are gonna have to try and work around that
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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"Nanami-san, I have new intel. Are you safe right now?" She could immediately tell Ryota was eager to share the information. "...Yeah I should be. I'm in my office and the doors locked. There's no way for people to peep inside, either." Checking the door again, she confirmed it was, in fact, locked shut. She was as private as can be. "Oh, that's great! I'll send the info your way and you can review it in full. I-I think you'd really like to hear his."
Her attention was diverted from the phone when her computer got a notification for a file being sent to her. She quickly went to open the file with her free hand and skimmed through to the most relevant parts.
'The Remnants of Despair. They are an elite sub-section of the terrorist group calling themselves "Ultimate Despair" that appear to be viewed as secondary leaders to the late Junko Enoshima. All of it's known members are all former Hope's Peak Academy students. Here, we have listed the information gathered regarding the identified Remnants;
"Hypno Dancer" Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Japanese Traditional Dancer.
"Death Rock" Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician.
"Bullet Hell" Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza.
"One-Woman Army" Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman.
"Cannibal Kitchen" Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook.
"Beast Brute" Akane Owari, the Ultimate Gymnast.
"Despair Shot" Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer.
"Queen of Madness" Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess.
"Monster Whisperer" Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder.
"Medical Nightmare" Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse.
"Fist of Despair" Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager.
"Despair Factory" Kazuichi Soda, the Ultimate Mechanic.
"God of Death" Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Additionally, there are two more that have been reported, but we are unable to fully identify. Here are the information we have gathered thus far;
"Shapeshifter", assumed to be the Ultimate Imposter.
"The Observer", identity and talent unknown.
More information to be added.'
This was the first section that caught her eye. This is the information they got on them, huh... They have everyone. Even Sagishi-san and Kamukura-kun have been reported somewhat. ...Ah, well, they don't have Yukizome-san... She continued to look through the file until she reached another interesting segment.
'There have been sightings of several Remnants converging to the same locaton. We are keeping an eye on the area to catch them before they can make their move. They are undoubtedly plotting something, and we cannot let it come to fruition.
The sighted Remnants are as follows:
Hiyoko Saionji, Ibuki Mioda, Peko Pekoyama, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Teruteru Hanamura, Akane Owari, Mahiru Koizumi, Sonia Nevermind, and the as of yet unidentified "Observer".
Await further reports.'
They're gathering together...? Even Kamukura-kun... This can't be good. The others might be going there too. "...Mitarai-kun, do you think you could keep a close eye on news about the gathering Remnants? If the Future Foundation tries to catch them all in one go, it'll end in disaster. ...And, I don't want them to get hurt in the inevitable war that'll break out."
"Ah, um, I-I can do that sure... I'll keep my eye out for it. ...But, we can't just leave them alone either... T-they're probably planning something horrible... W-what if they launch a huge attack now that Enoshima is gone? A-and what i-if t-th-they start searching f-f-fo-for the survivors of the killing school life to take revenge? W-w-w-what a-a-about Naegi-kun!? H-h-h-he'll b-b-become such a b-b-bi-big target for them! What i-if-"
"Mitarai-kun. Calm down. I won't let them do anything like that. If they are planning something, I'll stop them. No matter what. ...Okay? So, don't worry so much. Everything will be okay...I think." Finally managing to calm him down, Chiaki began thinking about what to do in case they are plotting something. ...If I run into Komaeda-kun or Kamukura-kun again, maybe I could convince them to stop it. ...Or, rather, I could convince Komaeda-kun to convince Kamukura-kun to stop the others. Somehow, I get the feeling the others wouldn't listen to him even when in despair...
"...Thanks for the info, Mitarai-kun. I'll take a closer look now, so I'm gonna have to hang up now. Talk to you later." After they'd both said their goodbyes, she hung up the phone and looked at the file again.
"...I will save you. No matter what. I won't let her get what she wants."
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crazyforteyam · 2 years
Metkayina Tales (part three) - Total Eclipse
Neteyam x f!Metkayina reader summary : War is inevitable, and you must make one important decision. wc : 4.2 k warnings : mentions of death and blood notes : all characters are aged up (18+), and spider doesn't exist in my fic:) series masterlist
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“Stay here, Y/N,” Olo'eyktan spoke with a demanding tune.
“But Dad, I want to fight!” you furrowed your eyebrow.
“With Tsahik fighting too, then there will be no healers left,” Now your father grabs your shoulders and look directly into your eyes. 
“Y/N. I need you here, as tsakarem, to heal injured people during this battle,”
You look into your father's eyes, knowing that you couldn’t resist his order. “Okay, Ma Sempo. I will stay here,” 
“Bring the tsarki, Y/N, just in case. But don’t use all of them,” your mom added, and you nodded, as they went to their tsurak and gather all the Metkayina troops. 
Recently, Roa’s death made the whole clan in anger and want to revenge, but Jake stopped them, telling them that they should send Tulkun away instead. But then, war is inevitable when all of Sully's children and both of your siblings are in trouble as they tried to save Payakan from the demon’s ship. 
You feel so restless as you want to fight, but you remember your parent's order, and you make a health station for curing the injured people. The tsarki is inside your pocket, covered by a thick cloth to prevent it from breaking. You help the injured Metkayina soldier who came to you. Thankfully, their wound isn’t lethal. 
Eventually, you see your father’s cape swinging from afar, and it's followed by the whole Metkayina troops, reaching the beach. The winning chants are sung by the troops and you feel so relieved.
“We win! All of the demons have been killed!” your father lift his spear in the air, and the rest of the troops followed him and shouted in happiness. 
You rejoiced with them, but then you realized that your siblings and the Sully family were nowhere to be seen. So you asked your father, “Dad where are Tsireya, Ao’nung, and the Sully family?”
“They are behind us. Don’t worry Y/N, they are still on their way here,”
You nodded, and went back to your pod, avoiding the crowd on the beach. You were about to enter your pod when suddenly, a figure approached you. It’s Lo’ak. You smiled at him, but his face was panicked. 
You quirked your eyebrow. “What happened, Lo’ak?”
He took your hands. “Y/N, I need your help. Kiri and Tuk are kidnapped by Quaritch, and they are still on the ship,”
“Who is Quaritch?”
“The main villain behind all of this. He is a demon inside Na’vi body, and he is still alive,”
“But Olo’eyktan said that all the demons were already killed!” you spoke in shocked tune.
“Y/N, it’s a trick. Only Quaritch is still alive on that ship. Please, Y/N, we need you. We know that you’re a strong warrior, and we need your help to get my sister,” Lo'ak's eyes is softened, as he beg you to trust him.
“Okay, let me get my spears,” You took your spears and then followed him.
Both of you left and went into the battlefield, and you met Neteyam, Tsireya, and Ao’nung who is waiting near the demon's ship. Neteyam's eyes widened when he saw you, as he approached Lo’ak and scolded him.
“Skxawng! Why did you bring Y/N here?!”
“Bro, she is a strong warrior! Besides, we don't have much time left!”
Neteyam frowned in frustration, as he doesn’t want to put you in danger. You are too precious to him and he won't forgive himself if you are hurt. The thought of you fainted in his arms lately plays in his mind. He had a strained expression on his face, with a crease on his forehead and his ears are flat. You approached him and take his hands, trying to calm him down.
“Neteyam, I want to help. Let's get your sisters back. Where are they?” your eyes searching for his.
Realizing your touch, Neteyam sighed and looked into your eyes while answered your question. "They're still on the ship. But we have to be careful, I don't want anyone to get hurt,"
"Okay, now let's make a plan to escape them," you smiled.
Neteyam, Lo’ak, and you walked slowly while entering the ship. The main goal is to take Kiri and Tuk back from Quaritch. All around you, there are corpses and remnants of the battle, bullets, arrows, and bloodied spears of the Metkayina army. 
All of Quaritch's crew have been killed, except for himself. You know that your father had given the order to retreat, falling for Quaritch's trick of hiding himself inside the ship. Metkayina's troops and Sully’s couple didn't know that Kiri and Tuk were still being held on the ship and now there are only three of you left. You grip the spear in your hand tightly, fully alert to attack the enemy. 
Loak and Neteyam managed to find the bound Kiri and Tuk, and immediately grabbed knives to untie them. As they sever the ropes, you look around to keep them safe. There was no one.
All six of you finally returned to the exposed part of a ship's hull, connected to the ocean, where Ao’nung and Tsireya waited there. They already called the other ilu to help. You and Neteyam boarded last, making sure everyone was seated in their ilu. 
You were so tense watching your surroundings that you didn't realize that Neteyam held your hand and said, "Come on, Y/N.  We better get out of here."
You nodded but stayed alert. Your ears twitched as you heard a sound, then everything happened very quickly. Quaritch appeared from around the corner, his hand pointing a large rifle and firing at Neteyam. He was shot in the chest and fell to the ground. Lo’ak pulled Neteyam's body into the water, sitting him on the ilu. Neteyam groans in pain and it hurts you like you were feeling his pain too.
You hiss in anger and shout, "Demon!"
Quaritch fired again at you, but you dodged nimbly. His hand squeezed the trigger of his rifle but apparently ran out of bullets. He yells angrily, "I don't care about you, mermaid! I just need Sully!" 
"I care about killing demons like you!" you shout louder to threaten him. He is now one meter in front of you, with his tall burly body and threatening gaze, as he took the knife on his waist. You hissed again, held your spear, and ran, towards him. 
You shouted “For Eywa!’ as you stabbed him in a rapid move, the spear piercing his chest. Your breath catches and you rarely blink as you see Quaritch dying, blood dripping from his body. He fell on the floor.
"Don't ever come back!" The words come out of your mouth as Quaritch finally dies.
Your gaze instantly softened when you remembered Neteyam. You ran out of the ship to find that everyone was gone. Panic begins to overcome you, and then you spot them on a cluster of rocks near the ship. You swam as fast as you could, and in an instant, you were there. 
All around Neteyam, the wound on his chest looked severe and blood continued to drip from it. Everyone panicked. Kiri and Lo’ak pressed their hands on Neteyam's chest, trying to hold back the blood, but it seemed to be in vain. Ao’nung and Tsireya were trying to clean the blood off his chest. Tuk cried while stroking Neteyam's cheek. 
You rush to sit beside Tuk, and Neteyam looks at you with weakened eyes. You turned his body over to check the injury. Oh no. Blood is also dripping from his back. The wound is lethal and he is starting to limp, his skin turning pale. 
"Y/N," Neteyam panted in pain while calling you, and you forced yourself to smile, even though your eyes start to tear up. 
“Don't worry, Neteyam. I will heal you,” You said, although you know his time is near.
The sound of Ikran's roar was suddenly heard and in a glance, Neytiri and Jake were approaching you all. Neytiri cried out in pain and you backed away, leaving Neytiri holding Neteyam's head in her lap. Jake couldn't hide the sadness and panic on his face. Neytiri's screams and cries mix together. "Great Mother, someone please do something!" 
Your eyes blink as you remember something. That is something actually, that you can do to save Neteyam. 
"I can save him," You move to Neytiri's side and she looked at you with a desperate gaze and says, "Save him, please,"
You nodded and took the small bottle of the sacred water, tsarki, in your waist pocket.  With his lethal wound, Neteyam needs all the tsarki to heal him. 
Tsireya and Ao’nung's eyes widened when they realized what you were about to do. Ao'nung moved towards you trying to prevent you.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Ao’nung’s voice was completely in fear when he asked as he tried to snatch the tsarki from you, but you were faster. 
"Don’t do this, Y/N!" Now Tsireya cried beside you. 
You shushed her, and hug all your siblings, "I am a healer. I will not leave someone without healing them." Then you kiss their cheek, leaving the rest of your tears on their cheek.
Now, you looked at Neteyam's face. His eyes are looking up at you and you can see he is dying. He knew what you were about to do, and he shook his head weakly, giving his rejection. But you give him a soothing look and his gaze never leaves you as you slowly pour the tsarki into his mouth. 
It's a bit difficult actually because Neteyam is already breathing heavily and you have to ask Neytiri for help to sit Neteyam upright. Then he drank it all, and his eyes blinked slowly as if processing what had happened.
Everyone waited anxiously like you could hear their heartbeats beating so fast. Neteyam didn’t react for a while. But then the effects of tsarki began to show. Neteyam's breathing became stronger, and his face no longer paled, his gaze was no longer blank. The bleeding stopped. All of his family members approached him and hugged him. Neytiri cried out in gratitude and kissed your cheek.
She said, "Thank you, Y/N. You are truly an angel." 
Neteyam hugged them all back, but his gaze soon laid at you as he realized what just you did. His body no longer trembled. Instead, you felt your body weaken as if all your strength was transferred to Neteyam's body. 
Your vision becomes blurry, your head is spinning, and you faint to the ground. Neytiri catches you, now that you are in her arms. The happy feeling that had graced her face earlier has now turned into worry, and she caresses your face gently. "Angel? what happened?" 
Tsireya came over to you, she took your hand which started to tremble on her cheek. She burst into tears and called your name.
You smiled at her and said, "Don't be sad, my dear sister. I've done my duty." 
Ao’nung followed her, also in tears when he screamed “No, Y/N! Don't leave us!”
Neytiri's eyes widened when she finally realized what happened, and she looked at you frantically. Neteyam approached you in a rush and held your other hand.
“Y/N, what did you do? You sacrifice your life for me,” his voice is trembling. You smiled at him, trying to calm him but it was no use, his fingers stroked your face rapidly, and his tears fell on your cheek.
You gathered all the strength left in you as you feel your eyes sore and pain filled your chest, making you hardly breathe. Your lips parted when you said your last words, haltingly.
"Please… take me.. to my parents,"
(third pov below)
Y/N's eyes clenched shut in Neytiri's arms. Everyone began to panic again, Neteyam checked her pulse and Ao’nung checked her breath. She is still alive, thank Eywa. But she did not respond to anything and her eyes remained closed. Tsireya’s lips trembled as she cried and Ao’nung looked petrified. His arms are on Tsireya's shoulder, trying to comfort her.
Large ripples began to form in the water around them. Tonowari, Ronal, and all Metkayina's troops appeared, panic in their eyes. They had just realized Quaritch's deception, and now they were back on the battlefield. But they were too late, and now they saw Tonowari's eldest daughter lying unconscious. Tonowari and Ronal approached Y/N.  Ronal hugged her body and snatched her from Neytiri's arms. 
"What happened?" Tonowari's voice boomed as he asked. But no one answered, and the silence grew tenser and tenser. Tsireya finally raised her head, and she answered her father in a sobbing voice.
"Neteyam was shot by Quaritch. He was still alive on the ship. Loak, Neteyam, and Y/N rescued Kiri and Tuk who were held hostage by him. They succeeded and were about to escape when Quaritch shot Neteyam."
“I saw it when she killed Quaritch. My sister is a brave warrior. She stabbed Quaritch with no hesitation even though he is taller than her,” Ao’nung’s voice followed his sister. 
"I was dying" Neteyam continued. "But Y/N said she will heal me. Her siblings tried to stop her but she was stubborn," His head lowered, and his eyes looked at Y/N who was still unconscious in her mother's arms.
"What did she do?" Tonowari approached Neteyam and stares at him intently, demanding an answer.
"She made me drink the tsarki. All of it," he answered.
Surprised voices rang out from the Metkayina troops. Tsarki is a holy liquid that should only be used for urgent purposes and it’s Y/N's lifeblood, and now she gave it up to save Neteyam. 
Tonowari was taken aback, his looks puzzled and his mind filled with questions as he watched Neteyam closely. Why would Y/N want to sacrifice herself for Neteyam, who wasn't even from her own tribe? He knows his daughter very well, she is not a clumsy person, and she will do everything for a strong reason. Y/N always did her best for the people that she loves. 
Love? Tonowari gasped. He remembered all those moments between Y/N and Neteyam, and how Neteyam is the only person that can comfort her eldest daughter when she failed to cure Ihaka. Is love the reason why she is doing this for Neteyam?
Ronal’s voice then sent him again to reality, and he approached his wife. 
“She is still breathing,” Ronal said, her eyes sat on Tonowari’s face. “But she is now in a coma, and we never experienced this condition before.”
Tonowari nodded. “We must take her back to the village,” then he looked at Neteyam again before looking at everyone. 
“Pull back, and tell the healers to gather all the medicines that we have. War is over, for now, our priorities are Y/N’s condition. Let's go, hurry!”
And everyone followed the Oloyektan order, going back to Awa'atlu. Ronal laid Y/N carefully on her pod. Tsireya and Ao’nung entered every pod, gathering the best medicines, bandages, and everything that maybe can help to cure Y/N.  
At the Sullys pod, the situation was puzzling. They all hugged Neteyam again, happy that Neteyam is alive, but worried deeply for Y/N. 
Jake said in disbelief, “Why Y/N did that?”
“I didn’t know that tsarki was the source of her life,” Neytiri continued, as he now looking at her eldest son. Neteyam no longer felt pain, but there was still blood crusted on his chest and his back. Neytiri realized that, and she said, “Neteyam, go clean yourself. Lo’ak, help your brother,”
Both of Sully's sons then step outside the pod as they reach the water, while Lo’ak washed the wound. Kiri then approached them. They try to talk to Neteyam while they take care of him, but he responded in short sentences like something is haunting him. When it finished, Neteyam walked hurriedly toward the village, with his siblings chasing him behind.
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“Brother, where are you going?” Kiri yelled.
“You know it,” Neteyam muttered.
“Bro, she is now under Tsahik’s treatment. I believe that she will wake up soon,” Lo’ak tried to calm his brother, and he put his hand on Neteyam's shoulder.
“And how can you be so sure? The Tsahik herself said that this is a rare condition, never happened before,” Neteyam brushed off Lo’ak’s hand on his shoulder.
“I know bro, damn, just relax,” Lo’ak replied.
“Relax? How the hell am I supposed to relax, you skxawng?” Neteyam's ears are flat and he frowned. He talked again and pointed to himself, 
“If she dies, then I die too. My life would be a total eclipse,”
Lo’ak and Kiri's eyes widened. They looked at each other, realizing how deep is Neteyam's feelings for Y/N. All of them run again and finally reach the Tsahik pod. Neteyam almost collided with Tsireya and Ao’nung who step out of the pod. Their expressions are horrible, and Neteyam grips Ao’nung’s wrist to stop him.
“Tell me, how is Y/N's condition?” Neteyam's voice is demanding.
“She is far from health,” Ao’nung answered, his head lowered.
Tsireya sobbed. “She grew paler, and there were dark circles created under her eyes. Her hair started to fall out,” 
Kiri closed her mouth with her hand in shock. Lo’ak put his arm on Tsireya’s shoulder, trying to calm her. Neteyam shook his head in denial. “No, this can’t happen. Have the Tsahik tried everything to cure her?”
“We tried everything,” Ao’nung spoke. “But her body didn’t respond to anything. It’s a rare condition, we don’t know what to do,” 
Silence enveloped them all, as frustration can be seen clearly on Neteyam’s face. He walked back and forth, his mind perplexed. Until he remembers something.
“I recall Y/N told me, that besides tsarki, there are other sacred elements here, some plants. Located in a trench near the Three Brother’s Rock, but I forget the name. Can we go there to get the plant?” he asked.
Ao’nung and Tsireya gasped. “No, Neteyam you can’t go there,” Ao’nung warned him. “It’s called the Deep Trench, and the sacred plant is Red Seaweed. Only the best Metkayina swimmers can go there,”
“Well, I think there is plenty of strong swimmers here. Why don't we ask them?” Neteyam suggested.
“Neteyam. The only person who is able to swim down there is only Olo’eyktan. But he declared that no one will swim there again, as the temperature is freezing, and also the water pressure is high,” Tsireya answered.
“But this is the only way to save Y/N. And if no one will go there, then I will,” Neteyam declared, causing everyone surprised. 
“Bro, what are you thinking?” Lo’ak stepped forward facing Neteyam. 
“We nearly lose you, I can’t bear to lose you again,” Kiri begged him too.
“She saved my life. I won’t forgive myself if she died, I have to do something,” Neteyam stated. 
Lo’ak looked at his brother’s face with eyebrows furrowed. But then he found that his brother’s face is filled with a strong determination, no hesitance at all. Lo’ak and Kiri exchanged glances, they know that nothing will stop Neteyam. Finally, they nodded, expressing their approval.
The Metkayina siblings looked puzzled too, as they looked at each other. 
Ao’nung finally open his mouth. 
“If that is the case, first you have to ask for Olo’eyktan’s  permission, and it’s only he who is able to teach you how to swim down there,”
“I will,” Neteyam reciprocated.
Tsireya took Neteyam’s hand. “I know this is crazy, but I support you. If you succeed, our sister is finally can be healed. But you must prepare yourself, the path down there isn’t easy,”
Neteyam looked at her. “Thank you, Tsireya, and I will try my best. Now, where is your father?”
“He is inside,” she answered. 
Tonowari sat beside Y/N’s body, with his hands on his older daughter's head. When he lifted his palm, there were a few strands of hair falling out and tucked between his fingers. Tonowari exhaled in despair. Y/N’s condition is getting worse every second, and it frustrated him so much.
As an Olo’eyktan, he must keep his head high and strong, but how can he be strong when his dearest daughter is unwell? 
His wife sat next to him, trying everything she could to help Y/N, but no one works. Ronal's eyes began to tear up, and Tonowari hugged her. 
They comforted themselves when suddenly Tsireya appeared, with Neteyam and Ao’nung behind her. They bring their fingers to their forehead, a form of greeting. 
“Ma Sempo. Neteyam wants to talk to you,” Tsireya speaks.
Olo’eyktan’s gaze then shifted to the eldest Sullys son. He realized that Neteyam now is much better than before, seems like tsarki brings him to his finest conditions. He shows no signs of pain. 
Neteyam cleared his throat and began to speak. “Sir, I have an idea to save Y/N. But I must ask for your permission first,”
“Permission for?”
“I want to swim to the Deep Trench, and collect the Red Seaweed,”
Both Oloyektan and Tsahik gasped, as they stared at each other. “Are you sure?” Ronal asked Neteyam, she stood in front of him, judging his expression.
“I’ve never been so sure before. This is the only way to save Y/N,” Neteyam's eyes looked into Tonowari. Tonowari walked toward him, and his large figures created a shadow on Neteyam's smaller body. 
“Hear my words, boy,” Tonowari spoke, “To go to the Deep Trench, you must use different techniques of swimming. It's cold and dark there. Now let me ask you again, are you sure?”
“Sir, you owe me a wish before. My wish is, for you to teach me the way to get there and collect the Red Seaweed. With your help, I believe I can get there. We must place some army, tulkun, and healer too near us, just in case something worse happens,” Neteyam answered clearly, with no fear in his voice. 
Tonowari looked at Ronal, and she finally spoke, “He speaks the truth. We must give him the chance, but we must create a wise plan to take him there, we must not leave him alone,” 
Tonowari nodded at his wife's words and looked at Neteyam again. “Then it is decided. Tomorrow, early in the morning, came to my pod. I will teach you how to swim down there. We will also create a plan for going down there. Now, dismissed,” 
Neteyam smiled, as he said his gratitude, and left the pod. 
Now he faces both of his sibling who is waiting outside, and he is nodded, telling the news. Lo’ak is relieved, but then he asks, “Bro, you haven’t told Mom and Dad yet. What if they don’t accept it?”
Neteyam holds Loak’s hand. “Then, you must help me, baby bro.”
His eyes then shifted to Kiri. “You both must help me to convince them. I know this is a crazy plan, but I will do my best,”
Kiri’s lips curled in a smile. “We will, my brother. Now let’s go to our parents,”
Neytiri and Jake are sitting down, with Tuk in the middle. They stood up when the rest of their children entered the pod. 
Neteyam spoke first. “Dad, Mom, I want to tell you something,”
Neytiri tilted her head. “What is it, Neteyam?”
“I want to save Y/N. Her condition is getting worse each day. The only way to save her is to dive into Deep Trench and collect the Red Seaweed, the plant that can save her. I already spoke to the Olo’eyktan, and he is willing to teach me how to swim down there,” his sentence caused his parents to shocked, Neytiri's eyes bulged, while Jake freezes in response. 
Neytiri spoke harshly, “No. I can’t lose my son again.”
“Are there is no other way?” Jake finally found his voice.
“No, Dad,” his eldest son answered. 
Kiri walked forward, defending his brother. “Mom, Dad, Neteyam will be trained by Olo’eyktan himself. And he is a fast learner, he can do this,”
Her mother shook his head. “Kehe. Oh Great Mother, must I let my son go into a dangerous place again?” 
While Jake is silent still, he looked at Neteyam, studying his expressions.
Now Lo’ak is speaking. “Mama, he won’t be alone. Olo’eyktan will arrange a plan, and the best swimmers, healer, and tulkun will look after him outside the trench, in case something happens,”
Jake sighed. He walked, now facing his oldest son. “I will guard him too, then. But son, are you sure? What is you are gonna do it’s something really dangerous,” Jake's eyes set on Neteyam's face.
He answered his father with a reassuring voice. “I’m sure, Sir,”
“Then I give you my permissions,” Jake stated, “But I must guard you close when you are down there,” 
On the other hand, Neytiri seems displeased, as she walked outside, avoiding his son. Her voice is pitched, “Why are you doing this to me, Neteyam? I won’t let you, you must stay in this pod, safe and sound,”
Neteyam approached his mother, but she turn her back on him. He sighed and then said, “Mother, if you’re in my position and Dad it’s in Y/N’s position, what will you do? You’ll save him, do you?”
His mother gasped, finally turnaround to see his son's face and ready to scold him, but she found firmness and courage in his face. Neteyam inherited his mother’s trait, persistence. Once he decided something, no one could change his mind. Neytiri took a deep breath as her face slowly softened. Seeing the change in his mother’s demeanor, Neteyam spoke again.
“Mother, I love her. I need your blessing so that my love won't be in vain. I must save her,”
Neytiri eventually nodded and gave her approval. The rest of his family holds their breath when finally, Neteyam admits his feelings for you. He is not the person who hides his feelings inside anymore, he now trying to speak what he feels. Lo’ak pats his arm, smiled proudly and said, 
“Fight for your love, bro. We will always support you,”
notes : to be continued soon! :D
taglist @afro-hispwriter @love13tter @bambisposts-blogs @kavyaas-world @anxietydrogz @junnniiieee07 @jjkclub @jenosbiceps @mashiromochi @erenjagerwifee @ilovejakesullysdick @laylasbunbunny @ken-zah @silpey @naynay2808 @randxmthxughts
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Hello again. I want to discuss AFO AUs. I thought of the second one after reading some of your recent fanfics where you have AFO's mom in them. 3 AFO AUs:
Truth Hurts More Than Lies:-Early in AFO's life, he's cursed by a quirk user who had a power that can place a single restriction on someone, permanently. He's no longer able to tell lies and must correct misunderstandings if he realizes them.
His radical honesty wins him more favors than before. As he can't be a hidden manipulator, he instead has the personality of a bombastic podcast host who says whatever is on his mind and his hot takes attract followers who think like him. Given he can't deceive, he's instead honest in all dealings and doesn't plot to betray people. Mommy Knows Best:-Aoyama is one of many children gifted copies of AFO's mom's quirk. AFO provides detailed instruction and training in mastering the quirk to people who receive it. In fact, this is a vector so she can take over the bodies of these kids and become his spies and enforcers. AFO runs an organization staffed primarily with copies of his mother.
A World Of Liberation:-Destro's mother finds baby Yoichi and AFO and raises them as her own kids along with Destro. After AFO foils an attempt to murder her, the three brothers decide enough is enough.
Yoichi, Destro, and AFO all have very different ideas of what the end game will look like once they've won, but they're leaders in the revolution.
1. Oh dear, people actually might like AFO more as an honest asshole. He'd be able to retain employee loyalty. Scary thought. AFO's biggest weakness is being unable to keep people loyal to him.
2. An evil mother and son duo! Also a scary option because AFO would not fear employee betrayal since he replaced everyone with his mother. Poor Aoyama. If this is Dad for One, I imagine the Shigaraki mother as Aoyama attending U.A. and acting weirdly grandmotherly over Izuku.
3. This is a really interesting one! With a Yoichi-Destro-AFO team-up, this could go better than canon. Or it could ultimately turn out worse, as their ideals inevitably clash and civil war erupts. At least Yoichi doesn't have to worry about Destro falling in love with him in this AU.
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Have you, like me, been submitting your favs to every poll you see only to pretty much never get in because you're, like, the only one to nominate them? If yes, then you've come to the right place!
This tournament is for underrated characters & ships (they will be separate polls within this blog) that you really want to have a chance but they just can't against the Doctor Who's and Critical Roll's of the world, all you need to do is submit them in one of the attached forms which you will choose based on what you want to submit. After that, when we've either reached the week mark or rounded up an appropriately daunting amount of submissions, whichever comes first, we will have prelims which will probably be the longest lasting round. All and I mean all submitted favs will be in the prelims pretty much no exceptions unless they break the rules. Speaking of!
~The Rules~
(sorry they're so long)
• While the media the favs come from doesn't necessarily have to be underrated the fav has to be. For example Ace Attorney in it of itself wouldn't be underrated but characters could be, you could theoretically submit Ron DeLite and have him get in but you couldn't necessarily submit Edgeworth and have him get in.
• That being said I will make some caveats for things from super popular media like Star Wars for example because while a character could be underrated when somethings that popular its bound to have a ton of people know it no matter how underrated or obscure, I may be swayed with some convincing but don't get your hopes up.
• Some things I will inevitably have to ask about, because while some things are super popular I inevitably will not know something, so if I ask about something that should be common knowledge please don't make fun of me.
• Harry Potter isn't allowed here both due to the super popular media clause and also because I'm trans and don't want to worry about that stuff in my silly little tumblr tournament.
• Don't go ham on threats no matter how joking please.
• I am one person and also I've never done a tournament before and therefore know practically nothing about setting up brackets, please take this into account if you want to criticize however I end up doing it.
• Feel free to send propaganda in my asks! Also please tag me in it! Reading propaganda is my favorite part of other tournaments!
Additional notes - Macaque, Sun Wukong, MK, Mei, and Red Son from Lego Monkie Kid are all confirmed entrants as is Sebastian Debeste from Ace Attorney.
Confirmed ships are Shadowpeach, Spicynoodles, and Chimera also from Lego Monkie Kid if you want to submit other characters and ships from Lego Monkie Kid go right ahead!
Mod is @melodemonica
Character Form
Ship Form
Since a lot of other blogs seem to tag other blogs for reach I'm just gonna tag my favorites - @powerpolyculeshowdown @autismswagsummit @angerissuescompeticion @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man @qpr-competition
tags are in order: underrated adversaries - main tag/for character polls, adversarial relationships - tag for ship polls, olly commentary - pretty self explanatory just olly's (the mod's) commentary, underrated advertisements - propaganda tag, askversaries - ask tag, alternate adversaries - other polls
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