#they're trending
suzypfonne · 9 months
What's going on??
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jerevision · 9 months
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Merry Christmas baby boos
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someweirdassnamee · 1 year
I came to check if I can get some new recipes for sandwiches.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
You are allowed to exist alone in public btw. You're allowed to go to the movies alone and go out to eat alone and hang out in a park alone and go for a walk alone and whatever else. It isn't weird or creepy, it doesn't make you lonely or a loser or whatever. You are allowed to just exist as yourself.
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verc0pa · 8 months
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drawing this genuinely got me out of art block💀
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akanemnon · 2 months
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How to be an annoying little jerk 101
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference
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abbycadoodle · 4 months
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to boldly serve !!!!!!!!!!!
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daz4i · 1 year
mori bro now's your chance. his other ex-husband died man he has no one else to go to you should shoot your shot again come on bro
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i got lazy in the second panel and didnt feel like coloring or whatever bite me
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bicryptide · 2 months
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season 4 in a nutshell
Based on this trend
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suzypfonne · 8 months
It's happening aaaagain!
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jerevision · 1 year
PSD (post-Stožice depression) got the tumblr baby boos like:
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bixels · 8 months
I think 90% of my gripes with how modern anime looks comes down to flat color design/palettes.
Non-cohesive, washed-out color palettes can destroy lineart quality. I see this all the time when comparing an anime's lineart/layout to its colored/post-processed final product and it's heartbreaking. Compare this pre-color vs. final frame from Dungeon Meshi's OP.
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So much sharpness and detail and weight gets washed out and flattened by 'meh' color design. I LOVE the flow and thickness and shadows in the fabrics on the left. The white against pastel really brings it out. Check out all the detail in their hair, the highlights in Rin's, the different hues to denote hair color, the blue tint in the clothes' shadows, and how all of that just gets... lost. It works, but it's not particularly good and does a disservice to the line-artist.
I'm using Dungeon Meshi as an example not because it's bad, I'm just especially disappointed because this is Studio Trigger we're talking about. The character animation is fantastic, but the color design is usually much more exciting. We're not seeing Trigger at their full potential, so I'm focusing on them.
Here's a very quick and messy color correct. Not meant to be taken seriously, just to provide comparison to see why colors can feel "washed out." Top is edit, bottom is original.
You can really see how desaturated and "white fluorescent lighting" the original color palettes are.
[Remember: the easiest way to make your colors more lively is to choose a warm or cool tint. From there, you can play around with bringing out complementary colors for a cohesive palette (I warmed Marcille's skintone and hair but made sure to bring out her deep blue clothes). Avoid using too many blend mode layers; hand-picking colors will really help you build your innate color sense and find a color style. Try using saturated colors in unexpected places! If you're coloring a night scene, try using deep blues or greens or magentas. You see these deep colors used all the time in older anime because they couldn't rely on a lightness scale to make colors darker, they had to use darker paints with specific hues. Don't overthink it, simpler is better!]
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copingchaos · 11 months
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they couldnt have thought of this BEFORE they dropped 12000 bombs on an entire population and deprived them from water and electricty for 18+ days?
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fryday · 4 months
it's so telling how monumental blonde phil was that we never even talked about "angel". can we talk about "angel" in depth please? dan howell called phil an angel on his slutty hair renaissance pic and that's insane to me. because not only is there the literal reading of it that phil is an unearthly being come down from heaven (facts), there's also the inherent adoration that comes with calling someone an angel, that belief in their sweetness and goodness and unrealness. it can ALSO be read as blatantly flirty and lowkey possessive? "angel". oh dan, your love is so loud, but i don't blame you
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
gentle reminder for the fandom, since i've been noticing it in comments of decked out videos: backseat gaming typically isn't appreciated. telling the hermit to go to compass school is kind of annoying and not particularly constructive. telling the hermits to go check the underwater chest or the spider's den or whatever is spoilers, tango has directly asked you not to, you wouldn't want to make tango sad, would you? being like "lol how do you not know that yet" is rude, because the hermits aren't actually supposed to have watched any of the decked out development we have, and almost certainly haven't watched all the other hermits playing like we have.
even offering what you feel like is useful advice is normally going to be repetitive and unwanted instead of useful. yes, even if you've figured out a game meta the hermits don't seem to realize. yes, even if they're doing something really wrong or have the really wrong idea for how the game works. yes i KNOW the urge to explain the mechanic they're misunderstanding is strong. 99% of the time you should not do it.
if the hermit asks a question directly go ahead and answer the question! but if you weren't asked, don't say anything. don't be a backseat gamer.
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