#theyre just so cute i love how they hype each other up & i like smaller venues bc awsten cld like. actually talk to us
cactusfool · 11 months
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA Reacting to a Muslim MC
requested: twice by the same anon :P
a/n: note that I am not a muslim nor am i a hijabi, so if i get a detail wrong, im super sorry and please pLEAse let me know so it can be fixed!! :D this was really interesting to write, enjoy!! 
would you like to support this Muslim MC? want more specific WoC MC’s? buy me a coffee to support my dangerous coffee addiction so i can do em for ya!
warnings: n/a
-hyped mod alex
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-his strong faith in Christianity was admirable, his ideals set in stone as he abided by them; but of course there was the smallest bit of apprehension in getting to know him, how would he react to someone with ideals different than his?
-he was never one to announce his faith publicly, he still isn’t, however he likes taking with you about your respective religions, sitting on the balcony of his penthouse taking in the cool night air,,, wine for him and Aryana’s Halal Cola shipped all the way from Montreal for you
-orders you the finest hijabs for you to wear, most of them custom made exactly the way you love them, elegant and refined. he also learns the level of modesty you tend to wear your clothes, buying you occasional stunning gala outfit that he knows you’ll both love and feel comfortable with
-you own the most stunning abayas
-absolutely takes you with him on his trips to the middle east. he’s an avid believer in learning about your own roots, and especially if you have family there, he’ll more than certainly take you, going together to see all the sights, take private tours of museums and enjoy life
-makes Chef learn specific halal recipes, and is more than willing to import any food you want from other countries that you cant get in Korea
-learns Arabic in about a year flat,, of course his Korean accent hits heavily, but its so sweet hearing him carefully pronounce sentences to your parents and or relatives
-on eid al-adha he’s aware of the old tradition to sacrifice animals and share with the poor, needy and family; so as a compromise he decides to donate 300 lbs of meat to various homeless shelters and soup kitchens. both you and him going down to help with transport, hand every box to the people, a sort of community service combined with observing a time old tradition.
-comes down with you to the night prayer at the mosque during ramadan, and even though he stays near the entrance and the garden out front, hearing the prayers coming from the inside and seeing all the people that you know and love around you, smiling and having a good time, it makes him happy
-she grew up catholic, lives catholic; but this isn’t to say she’s close-minded to other religions,, she always loves learning more, especially if its about you, who she loves with all her heart
-when youre cuddling, she likes fiddling with the edge of your hijab, just feeling the material and knowing you’re there makes any day of hers better, no matter how hard it may have been
-you being muslim doesn’t have much of an impact, she’s respectful to your beliefs, and even puts in halal foods in the cafe
-this is, of course, after months of her experimenting with different recipes, often finding her in the kitchen at midnight, flour on her face and apron dirtied, sleeves rolled up in a frenzy as she mutters under her breath 
-shes so proud to finally present the finished deserts and foods to you!!
-one time you used one of her woven silk scarves as a makeshift hijab when all of yours were in the wash and she almost cries seeing how pretty you are in her stuff (the scarf is yours now)
-always interested in your religion, and she likes learning the differences between the traditions she was raised with and the ones you were
-during Ramadan, the two of you keep the shop open later for anyone wanting to eat after the sun has set, figuring that no one had to break their fast alone if they didn’t want to
-she gets up very early to prepare Suhoor for you in the morning, a simple oatmeal with dates, blueberries, grapes, almonds and honey
-likes to read her own books aside you while you read the Quran and do your morning prayer, its often the most peaceful part of your day, just having a clean and quiet space as you both enjoy each others company while also doing your own morning routines
-sweet boy, he knows very little of,, well any religion to be honest, and outside of 10th grade history, his knowledge on Islam as a whole is quite limited
-always asking questions about your traditions
-he reads the Quran at some point, wanting to understand you better,, and even though it takes him a long time (mostly due to having to re-read the passages over and over again to understand what was going on), but he’s devoted to learning about your culture
-he drives/walks you to the mosque, but doesn’t leave,, he’s not sure if he can go in, so instead he opts to walk around the area, enjoying the park and waiting for you to come back out so you can walk/drive back together
-he learns so many recipes specifically for you everything from mawmenye, harira, and moroccan krsa to berber bread
-he loves spending time with your family, he loves the sense of community and the celebrations that take place in your household, specifically during religious holidays
-he legitimately cries when you eventually decide to go to Mecca, leaving for hajj, because he knows he cant be with you for around a week and a half,, he can’t help it, he’s so sad he won't be able to see you for more than a week
-he’s so used to stopping all gaming and quieting down devices during salah, that even when you’re not around he still stops for five minutes at the designated times, mostly out of habit, but it also serves as a break from working, studying or gaming
-Lisa,, lisa loves your prayer mat, always trying to knock it down from its rolled up position next to the couch and sleep on it, so instead yoosung buys her a smaller prayer rug to lay on and its the cutest thing you've ever seen
-although he’s always been the one to mention his own faith in Catholicism, he’s also the one to be most curious about other faiths.
-he likes hearing you talk about the way you grew up, specifically hearing you talk about Islam and asking questions about traditions and practices you have to do
- “wait y/n!!,,, are honey buddha chips halal???”
-if theyre not, he opts to buy pringles in bulk instead. hes going to binge eat chips and damnit he wants you to join him!!! 
-when it comes time for you to perform Salah, he makes sure that you have total peace, even stopping his typing for the duration, letting you connect fully with Allah and your spirit
-since theres little to no sunlight that appears in the bunker, he makes a simple little app that alerts you when the times of prayer come, pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night, using the bells that are primarily heard in mosques as the ringtone for the app
-if anyone dares to mess with you or insult you in any way, Defender of Justice 707 will send a nasty virus their way, because theres no way anyone is getting away with hurting his angel
-its canon that he knows Arabic, and often times, when you can’t go to sleep he’ll sing to you in the language, and although his singing isn't the best, focusing on the strength and passion in his words, the almost comforting way he sings, it sends you calmly to sleep
-incredibly respectful of your religion and the fact that you’re Muslim
-he sets himself to learn everything he can about your faith and things he might have to change or alter in his own life to be respectful of the way you live yours
-he cuts down on alcohol. a lot.
-this isn’t to say he stops drinking altogether but he certainly cuts down, only having a beer or two in the fridge for emergencies
-bursts in one day, phone in hand as he wheezes, leaning on the couch for support, “y/n ArE wE hALaL dATiNg Or?”
-if you believe that sex should be saved to be only after marriage, he respects that, if not,, well he respects that too
-WILL spend extra money on an abaya from serenity scarves as a gift, just for you being you
-his only goal is to make you as comfortable as you can be, and he Will Not Stand for islamophobic comments directed towards you, but in most cases he won't even let them reach you, cutting off interviewers before they can say anything with a stream of gushing about how perfect you are, and smoothly taking you to the other side of the room if he thinks someone is looking at you, shooting them a mean glare before looking back at you and smiling, whispering something to make you laugh as you guys walk away hand in hand
-respect is this mans middle name, he’ll meet your family the second you start officially dating, making sure to make a good first impression, the second, and third, and fourth impressions
-likes going shopping with you, and is constantly in awe of how stunning you can make anything look, going to the little middle eastern kiosk in the mall to buy food
-he’s such a shameless fan of those cute matching couples outfits, and his heart bursts everytime your hijab matches the colour or pattern of his shirt or jacket
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jokeson-u · 7 years
so ive been absolutely terrified to talk about this for a while because i dont want to be attacked, but i wanna be able to get my ideas out here with an explanation so that next time i say what im about to say, i have my reasons to back me up, even if you disagree (which i know like 99% of you do, which is fine!)
ok, well. I dont like yuri on ice. its not that i hate it, but... ok.
this is a dumb reason lol but the word ‘yuri’ is also used as a sub-genre of romance anime shows between two girls. now that yuri on ice is out, the first thing that coems up when you type ‘yuri’ into google is ‘yuri on ice,’ and its the first thing ppl associate the word ‘yuri’ with more often than not, which lowkey erases a term that was frequently used to refer to wlw and replacing it with a popular mlm trope.
thats not that big of a deal to me i guess, so ill move on. ive had so many people tell me that yuri on ice is the best anime they ever watched, and when i ask why, they say, ‘BECAUSE ITS GAY!’ now, dont get me wrong, this is great! im a gay girl, ofc i support this with all my heart! but its pretty obvious to me that the majority of the fanbase only love it so much because theyre blindsided by the queer elements to it. any show that relies pretty heavily on using same sex relationships (especially between males) to get a lot of fans and attention just doesnt sit right with me.
But let me add to that last reason- a lot of those ppl in the fandom who love yuri on ice because its ‘gay?’ are straight. thats right, im lookin at all of you straight people who like yuri on ice because of its same sex representation. i dont even think i have to explain why i think thats a problem because this is tumblr and ive seen many posts explaining why its wrong for straight people to be obsessed with same-sex ships on the level that many people are with those in yuri on ice. coughfetishizationcough. 
and this part is probably gonna piss a lot of people off, and no number of ppl who try to argue with me on this is going to change my mind: if yuri on ice was the same exact show- but all the male characters were female- the fan base would be so much smaller. SO. MUCH. SMALLER. why? because the media has a habit of using queer rep between MALES to draw attention. for some odd reason, a bunch of girls (mostly straight) like to fangirl over two men who love each other because ‘its cute’ and all that jazz. no. thats disgusting of them to take the love between two men and objectify it. do u know how many yuri shows/shows with yuri that ive seen that were spectacular and got little to no attention? hell, its not just in anime. lesbian rep dropped dramatically on broadcast television, down 16 percentage points to 17% of all lgbtq characters. 
i guess technically i dont dislike yuri on ice. but i hate how and why it got popular. if these were all girls, it wouldnt be as popular, because the percentage of wlw in media is drastically lower than that of mlm, because lots of straight girls enjoy fetishizing mlm which is sick. as a wlw this makes me sad. as someone in the queer community, it makes me sad that men who love men are often objectified. 
im not saying all yuri on ice fans are like that. not at all. i just feel as thought they hype for the show was almost only because it was queer, and that fact triumphed over the storyline and all else. im so happy it DID include mlm! i really really am! im just disappointed that thats what its known for, i guess.
none of what im saying probably even makes sense. im hoping at least some of you will read this and kinda get an idea of where im coming from. i dont hate the show, i dont hate all the fans. i just hate objectifying same sex relationships and how that same objectification damages not only the genuine relationships between mlm, but it also lowers the representation of wlw in media. 
sorry if this is all unclear. and if you disagree, thats fine. we have our opinions. no need to attack me.
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clown-of-madness · 6 years
Y'all know that found footage rom-com post? That and it ends like one of those videos with two women accidentally proposing to each other at the same time
#honking#but also ive been low key writing out a script for this cuz its just such a cute concepr#they meet bc one of their mutal friends wanted to stream them all playin d&d together#in between like vlogs and vines and maybe some recordings of their preformances (ofc theyre theater nerds) we see them playing#and learning about eachother through their characters bc we all project like mad onto our first character dont deny it#maybe the other players get sick for a session and they just do silly party games#we see them propose to eachother and the game has to be put on hold for a bit#so theres more vlogs and we get to see more of their personal lives with eachother and#how sweet they are now#they do an unpacking video with each other and learn they just moved in together#the next (and last) session for their campaign is held at their new place and its covered in pictures#theirs lil bits of both of them tangled up in the decor#their sitting in each others lap on a love seat with their friends sprawled out everywhere#the dm starts narrating the journey they went on in game and as he talks we see a montage of their faces as they played those moments#we see them a few years younger looking around a smaller table awkwardly but still excited to play for the first time#we see them in another house and looking so happy as their first boss battle is narrated#and it goes on as the dm tells us where they are now: its the final battle#everybody looks hyped as the dm asks 'what will you do?'#it fades to black as the players smile to each other and start stratagizing#my notes are somehow messier than this but i really love the concept and actually have individual scenes written (^-^')#if youve read through all this feel free (and by that i mean pls) to ask about it
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tumblunni · 8 years
Bunni talks about thier cute pets! Cos I’m on such a rune factory hype today I figured I may as well ramble about what monsters I captured, and maybe other stuff about how I personally chose to play the game. I love how there’s so many different ways to play and all different routes to making enough money and exp to progress the main story! Usually in these kinds of games I focus on dungeoncrawling (like i did in stardew valley) but I’m surprised how much I genuinely enjoyed the farming in this game even though it was A HUGE CHORE in stardew! This series is the pinnacle of farming type games in my opinion, it appeals even to non-fans like me!
ANYWAY UMM I LOVE MY MONSTERS I pretty much never take them with me to dungeons, the only time I use dungeon monsters is if I catch them in the current dungeon, then I just send them home and never want them to get hurt ever again. I really REALLY like that the game levels up your monsters with a percentage of your exp even if you dont fight with them! It means you dont lose buddy battle festivals just because you choose to use them for farming instead of fighting. i have like a bazillion monster barns all super maxed out size and i have all my monsters doing the majority of my farming work nowadays except if I need to try levelling up seeds or growing a large crop. I respect them a lot cos theyre doing all this hard work so I’m able to take time off and focus on dating people and saving the world, while still making good money and PP! They save me a lot of time juggling the two sides of the game ^_^ Also I started off wanting to try and catch one of every monster in the game, but it started to become impossible to afford the higher level upgrades to get big enough monster barns to hold them all, cos I was having 90% of my fields taken up by growing enough hay to feed them all. So i sadly had to give up on the idea! But by then i’d grown attatched to a lot of them so I was only able to release the last few newest ones I’d got, I still have like forty of them and only ten of them are actually doing anything :P BUT THEYRE TOO CUTE TO SAY GOODBYE!! Oh and now i am still trying to maybe collect all the ghost types, cos theyre sweetie boops! i really love the design of the spirit types with the flamey body and the jack o lantern face. (funny since theres an ACTUAL jack o lantern type ghost that just has a regular smile) Its a bit of a lazy design choice that all of them are flameballs just recoloured to match the elements tho, i mean why not have them be lil tornados or water droplets with faces? Anyway, my main one is a wind elemental named Gizmo after my rotom in pokemon. She was one of The Saviour Trio, whom I love! They were part of an unusual strategy that helped me powerlevel early on. I would run into a dungeon that was way too high level to be completed right now, and throw all my good cookery items at the first monster i see, hoping I could catch it. Then if I succeeded I would use that monster to beat up all the similarly levelled monsters while my low level self was dying in the background, carrying me thru the dungeon til I’d powered up enough to fight alongside it! ^_^ The initial two I started with were Fester the hammer giant and Atlas the beetle, but when I saw the adorable ghosties I had to catch one and call it gizmo! i actually saw that dungeon’s wind variant ghosties before i met the original fire ones in the actual dungeon I was supposed to go to. Another noteable trio were the first three monsters I caught, who’ve been managing my main farm field ever since. Virion the archer orc, Snap the chipsqueak and Florin the flower thingie! Also Iron the bull, who’s been perpetually useful with how he’s like the only damn way to get milk items, seriously :P Why is milk so sparse in this game :P (tho randomly i do like how this world’s equivelant of cows are like if cows and bulls were merged into one creature. genderfluid bovine! maybe theyre like clownfish) There’s also Silver and Kafka, the two mandatory pets that you get during the various sechs dungeons for some reason. I got particularly attatched to Kafka cos I headcanoned that the monsters trapped in that cage were human test subjects used to develop the rune stone technology that ethelberd uses to steal the dragons’s power. It just seemed like that would be the only reason that this fairy monster can talk when no other ones do. So i kinda treat Kafka like he’s my character’s child, even though he never talks again after you add him to your party I like to headcanon he’s still sentient and part of the family. Oh, and I headcanon he’s a boy cos I didnt know until seeing the monster profile after recruiting the character that the green fairies are meant to be female. None of the other monsters get described as only being one gender except the fairies, if I recall correctly? (and the guardian bosses, but thats understandable considering their origins) So yeah, i kinda made him into an oc and I can imagine him having a gijinka form like the guardians after theyre purified? but fairy type monsters already look pretty humanoid and if I made them any more so then they’d just look exactly like amber. So maybe if I draw him as an oc I’d change what kind of monster he is and try drawing a gijinka of that? Maybe merge some of my monsters together and do a gijinka of the wind ghosties or the dead tree thing? SPEAKING OF WHICH I LOVE MY NEWEST TEAM MEMBER russel the tree ghost boss character!! he is so huge and so powerful!!! I love him!! I was so pleasantly surpised to find out I could catch boss monsters!! I think he’s the best one ive got so far, cos the second bosses in each guardian dungeon were kinda ones that didnt have any plot or anything, so i feel more like i can make ocs of them. it was weird how they just came out of nowhere to have ane xcuse for the revisit quests to have a boss battle too. Extra weird cos you can still rematch the guardian bosses once per day anyway. anyway my oc thoughts for russel is that he is Large but very kind and gentle and shy and cries whenever he hurts the smaller peoples. He is a quiet gardener who likes to bake apple pies for people. (”This apple was grown from my flesh!” *sunny smile*) So he’s kinda like a more socially anxious Amber? I was thinking if he got to turn into a human with a tragic past like how the first four bosses did, he would be a big bara love interest guy cos he’s like the largest boss character model. And cos shy kind baras are some of my fave love interests! (I am SO excited to marry benny in Fe Fates whenever i finally get that game!) I was thinking maybe he could have dark skin and have some bright shoulder tattoos that look all flowery like the apples he had as a tree. And maybe he sprouts flowers from his shoulders when he blushes! Or maybe has a flower on the top of his head? But I like the idea of him having very big hair of some sort, to tangeantally resemble a tree. Maybe a handsome afro, or maybe very long very soft flowing rapunzel hair, or maybe very non-bishie scruffy hair that he can never tame? Or maybe he’s bald and has a long beard... Anyway he would be very cute and I think he’d be a fan favourite.
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