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I love starry skies. Stars have always fascinated & enamored me. And I love it when other people share those feelings, too. #stars #starpower #starporn #skyporn #starstruck #magicinthesky #magicinthestars #nightsky #southernscorpio @Regrann from @1.spiritual - 💫 I do, I do! Inspired by @awaken5d post from the Grand Canyon. Love watching others high on life and feeling in awe realizing how magical this life really is. Look up, look around, notice the stars and the trees, the ocean, these are my favorite mood lifters 😍 #lookatthesky #lookatthestars #lookatthetree #theyshineforme #theyshineforyou
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pixiedustalchemist · 10 years
Zarina zipped through the tree line and stopped to rest her wings atop a rock. She plopped her satchel down and stretched. She noticed a shadow moved and turned around quickly, drawing her sword and let out a squeak of surprise. "Wow! You're big! Sorry, was this your rock? I'll go if you need me to..."
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frosted-dork · 11 years
Jack walked around this time, spreading snow where ever he wen this time of year. He knew that North was busy with the gifts that he was preparing for the kids and it was his job to create snow for his sleigh, where his snow would be able to set. Something peeked in the distance and it caught the spirits attention. Jack blinked and lifted into the air. "Wind, take me to that building?" He asked and he was pushed off, landing on the building. "Hellow? Anyone home!" He called, swinging down to look through the window, hanging upside down.
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tenthdoctor-allonsy · 11 years
  Send me ” ✿ ” if you think my muse or mun is cute
"Thanks, dear."
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everheardofasnowday · 11 years
I think, I can comprehend your current state. I lived in such state during one year. It was this year namely. I didn't know what was driving me, what was the reason. But I tried to find it. Even if it seemed useless. I couldn't get rid of such feeling of... well, parents called it laziness. Yet I know it isn't. It is a period of... drought, eclipse. You always feel like you should start to do something. Something good and amazing. However, you are too weak to even raise your hand and after few little moves - you understand that you can't continue it. And you drop it. In such time you really feel like you are lacking of imspiration. It is like you are suffocating and you need a breath of life, a breath of something alive, which could inspire you.
I lived like this a whole year, as I said. I hardly can say what really changed it. It was mostly understanding that the old things are finished and now I need to focus on the future. And... to me, I noticed that people often thing only about the result. It is very wrong, actually. To scold yourself and saying you could do much more better or something else... Without a doubt you can, but not could. It means, we should already appreciate what we have. We should enjoy the process as well as the result. And we should also appreciate even the smallest things. It isn't just a vanilla phrase "Happiness is in small things". It's a right way of thinking. Because, as you know, all greatest consist from smallest. A little detail can change the whole picture...
When I lived like this I didn't see any bright colors at all. I hated everything around. I couldn't force myself to smile. All I did was killing people with my eyes. It sounded rough, yet, I should confess, I really did. All the world and things around me was monochrome. And no matter how I tried to begin something new, forcing myself to smile - that was breaking down sooner or later.
Yet, you may not seek for inspiration in dreams or wishes you have. In such moments you are just too empty to imagine or to dream. In such period... you don't even have any dreams in your sleep. Your sleep is like a short death. And it always feels empty and cold when you are waking up.
What you can do is just try to enjoy little things. I was searching for life during night, breathing the freshest air, which was curing me. I was searching for inspiration in the rain and in the morning sunlight. I was searching for joy in the tasty food I like. In tiny things I can let myself to buy. Somehow, little by little, those things were curing me and I could let myself to spend nights over the things I wished to draw or to create.
You shouldn't blame yourself for such feeling. And you shouldn't hate yourself. The reason of it is lurking deeply inside of your subconscious. You can't find it out so clearly, but you can probe it.
You can try to understand yourself. Yes, it is needed and it is also a right step. Try to.. understand your emotions, your feelings for things and for people. Find out what is needed and what you can neglect. All I say, you shouldn't hate yourself for this. And if you can't force yourself - don't force yourself. Just... cheat yourself. Make your own inspiration and wish to work on you. Such feelings are tricky. You can try to make an illusion of your inspiration. And then, who knows, may be you will just create an entire full inspiration for yourself?
Such 'eclipse' can come to us in moments, when our life isn't stable. When we know that something should change, but we are worried. We can say we aren't, but our mind actually secretly is. We can be afraid of something or just tired and exhausted of something.
If you don't want to put any effort, as you say - right now you need to pull the time. I also felt like this. Like I wanted to do anything - but I can't. And the meaning 'I can't' meant: I am weak. I am sick. I feel there's no reason. I hardly can tolerate it. I am dying. I am rotting.
Such way of mind decaying is actually preventable. I mean, we aren't going to become mad or lunatic. We just have a chance to be lost in our depression for a longer period of time. And then it will be harder to break that state than this current.
I think right now you shouldn't plan anything great or complex. Focus on something much more smaller. That what you feel you can bear and what you can finish. If you feel it's too much - just don't do anything. Try to begin to live, searching for already created good things what can inspire you. Don't try to create anything right now. Just make a pause. It will be a rest for your imagination, for your mind and your soul in general.
After reading this, I gained the inspiration to tidy up my room a bit, which made me feel a lot better.  It really did help to get something small accomplished.
I'll refer to this when I need a reminder.  Thank you so much. ;~;
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He bit his lip inching closer to the blonde. Giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek. “Hehe… I’m sorry.. I-I couldn’t help myself… You are just so beautiful."
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fierypurplehero · 11 years
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy this to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserves this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful ♥♥♥ :D
((Thank you!
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jackfrostxlate · 11 years
they-shine-for-me wants to leave the tower
On the outskirts of Corona, a wayward spirit wandered through the forest. Jack Frost-- yes, that was him. With his ol' trusty conduit staff, he started freezing some of the plants just for the heck of it. But not so much freezing and frosting was made though, for he knew well enough how Bunny would react to this mischievous action of his. 
As he got bored, he guess he'd have to go somewhere else now, to find a new amusement for himself. "I think it's about time we get out of here." Jack said to his staff, not really expecting any reply but he treated it like a dearly beloved friend. So, in a second, the winter spirit launched himself away from the foliage of the forest and hovered over it instead. He was having it his way, until he spotted an odd-looking architecture.
It's not like he's in a rush-- so out of curiosity, he dove down to check the place out. "This place looks like it used to be a pile of rubble that got built into a tower!" The construction was in ruins; it looked so old and worn down. Jack observed it even further, and in a another sight, he finally saw an opening. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek, right? Jack couldn't help but fly into the aperture and quickly step right in as his curiosity grew larger inside of him. It was dark, he couldn't quite see anything. His eyes were still adjusting themselves since they've been exposed in the light for too long.
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the-penguiann · 11 years
Jack skimmed along the treetops, looking for a bit of fun. Finally, he saw someone leaning out the window of a tower. Silently, he landed on the over hanging roof and leaned over the edge, hanging upside down. "Hi," he smiled. "My name's Jack."
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everheardofasnowday · 11 years
There happen moments in your life when you are filled with hate to yourself. Such hate can have a lot of reasons. I am not aware of yours, but anyway, hate drives people to do foolish and unthoughtful things. There are many emotions and colors in yours soul. Don't paint the moments of your life with hate. To people, to yourself. Life is too short to spend it on hate. It breaks the mirror of your soul. And shards will never stop hurting those, who isn't indifferent about you. I don't ask you to stop hating now. Hating is a normal and needed process. It's simply important to not let it to envelop your mind. People may hate because they are stubborn, indeed. Stubbornness isn't such a bad quality. It often just directed in a wrong side. I can't blame you or demand you to name the reasons. Just know it should pass. We all need a moment for musing. But hate doesn't give us really strong points of finishing or dropping something. We may say so to ourselves. Often, because we are tired or enough of many shit in our life.
We can hate ourselves sometimes. But we shouldn't hate ourselves always.
People, we all are difficult. Where you have ever seen simple people? People who is happy or lucky are simple? Funny that is, but it's wrong. We all have souls, which have the same mechanism, but different types of it working. We all are difficult yes. Nobody of us is not given with an instruction to himself. Simply know, if you are all about to put your hands down and you think it's the best you can do - please, just know that aren't your words. Those words can belong to your laziness, to your sadness, to your depression... to anything, but not to you. You can do more. We all can. Often just when we fall down we think our tryings are useless. They never are. If we don't get anything we at least learn something new. Each steps brings you closer to a certain place.
You know, you can reply to me in few words.
Saying you heard it already or telling you're too stubborn. But if you want to hate yourself properly - rethink the reasons, happenings and doings. If there really is something what is impossible to forgive - give it some time to be flatten.
Though if your hate to yourself is because of something you can't do because of your skills or talents. You know that better than me. Such hate is pointless.
We can't judge ourselves by the things we were gifted. We have a right judge ourselves only by things we got in life. We can judge, but the judicial process in our minds is taking too long sometimes. So, the best we can do is stop hating ourselves and make the best we can do to prove ourselves otherwise.
Actually people are able to do amazing things.
Almost always they forget it and underestimate themselves.
And often they are afraid to look foolish or just to risk. Still, no matter what you found there inside of yourself to hate yourself - know it's not a crime. Just don't let it last forever.
I am not writing you as your friend. I am a passer. We never really talked. Yet, I think it is important for me to say something.
Eventually, you may claim I am wrong.
I have a right to be wrong as well as you have a right to hate.
But when you will say I am wrong or just finish to read this, just remember we all aren't saint, not perfect and... still wonderful.
No matter what wonder we really possess with our soul.
I wish you all the best.
I read over this a few times and I truly appreciate the fact that you spent the time to write this and send it to me just because of my ridiculous personal banter.  This did inspire me a bit, but most of my problem is that I lack the motivation and interest to make myself a better person, which in itself makes me out to be a bad person, I think.  Not a villain in the slightest, but definitely careless of myself.  I hide away in my room and never even consider getting up to do productive things.  I'm lazy, and it's a problem.  
But, then again, I really don't know what's wrong with me.  I feel as though everyone around me has their problems laid out on a map and they can list whatever they know is wrong with themselves, but me...I don't know.  I don't know if I'm depressed or if I'm just making it up.  I don't know if I have anxiety and I don't know if I would consider myself mentally not-okay, even though that's exactly how I feel.  I don't want anyone to think I'm asking for attention.  All I know is that I want to be a better person and I want to love myself, but...I do not want to put any effort into doing so.  And that's why I hate myself.
Reading this gave me a puff of motivation to actually think about what goes through my head and attempt to consider the perks of being me instead of the things that get me down, so thank you for that.  
I have to work on this.  Thanks for making me consider the stupid things I say just because I feel like shit, and hopefully, in the future, I'll look for the truths of the nonsense I spew online.  
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