#thimble vampire
Trixy: OOOOHHHh- yeah no magic needed for that! trust me! Ultra can give ONE SCARY Stare- gosh that dude when some he loves is threatened! not a guy ya wanna meet!
"Yeah... if it ever gets to the torchering part, which I doubt it will, make it involve their dog that refuses to get potty trained that I always had to clean up after." Thimbleberry said.
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stutterhug · 9 months
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The Thimble Vampire~
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Imagine Lestat falling for you, despite you being the opposite of him.
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Lestat had been born flamboyant, you were sure of that - probably came out with that gorgeous head of blonde hair right from the womb, charming the doctor, making his mother fall madly in love with those big eyes of his. He displayed himself so naturally, always the center of attention and basking in it, even if it wasn’t always the positive type of attention. You were the quite opposite, head down, lack of eye contact, preferring to be in a corner rather than the center of the room, and yet - you belonged to one another from the first moment that he managed to get you to look at him.
“I have moved here for you,” He said, making his way towards you, with all eyes following. You have never had so many people looking at you at one time. It was disconcerting, to say the least. He asked for your hand, and under the pressure, you offered it. This handsome man, this well-dressed handsome man, was kissing the top of your hand as if you were intimate. “My soulmate.”
He pulled you up to dance, all while you were only trying to dine by yourself, catching a meal after a long day of working at the seamstress. Your hands were sore, little nicks and pricks from needles, thimbles jabbing into your skin day in and day out, thick fabrics causing you to dry, but that kiss - that seemed to take all of the aches and pains away. You ceded, once again, due to the pressure.
That was all it took. One look at you, and you were his Queen. One dance with him, and you knew that you had to step up to reign. It was both difficult and easy to love Lestat. The good times - they were so good. The dancing, the magnificent parties that he knew how to get into, the world travel, the money that he spent without a second’s thought. The bad times though, they were horrible. The transformation from human into vampire because you both lethally thought you could not live without one another, the endless sunsets and the missing of sunrises, the squabbling because you had an eternity together and grew bored, grew sick of one another.
He did treat you as a Queen, though. He thought of himself as King. Obviously. When you finally broke down and told him why you were like this, so shy, the abuses that you had gone through in your last courting, he spoke like a true King and it was off with his head. Or rather, his neck. He made a lovely lunch. You were never anything less than Lestat’s equal, which was more considerate than most people realized - only those that knew him knew how self-absorbed that he was, how narcissistic. He stopped taking lovers. He worshiped only you, each day, in the coffin that you shared, showing you that there was no need to hide, no need to be shy, for he would always adore you, always love you, and anyone who refused to see you in the same light would end up being your delicious dinner.
Requested by: Anonymous
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beaft · 7 months
my preferred magic systems tend to be vibes-based (i love magical realism and folkloric fantasy). i get irritated by pedantic, cinema-sins style worldbuilding where all potential plot holes are filled in and all ambiguities answered. but someday i'd like to read or write a book in which supernatural rules and limitations are meticulously researched using the most pedantic scientific methods imaginable.
like... do werewolves transform only when the light of the full moon is directly on them? is the change triggered by a quality particular to moonlight (which is, after all, simply sunlight reflected off the surface of an orbital body)? can they still eat chocolate in human form or is it poisonous to them the way it is to canines?
what about vampires? what happens to the blood they drink? how do they process it? do they need to pee? can they blush? they don't show up in mirrors. would their clothes be visible? an empty suit, just hanging there? what about piercings, dentures, glasses, fake nails? if a vampire put on a ring, would it be invisible while it's being worn and visible once it's removed? do they cast a shadow? can they stand in moonlight (which is, as mentioned, just sunlight with extra steps)?
then you've got demons. real can o'worms, demons. even ignoring the christian-centric nature of your typical demon, as well as the universe-shattering theological implications of a creature whose mere existence proves the existence of an omnipotent deity, there's so much to consider. if a demon can't walk on holy ground, could it skateboard? if crucifixes harm them, are they also vulnerable to any cross-shaped symbol, even if it isn't holy? could you scare a demon by bringing it to a death metal concert? how much holy water would it take to kill them? a thimbleful? a molecule? less?
can ghosts think? how, when their neural pathways are static? what is the chemical composition of ectoplasm? if they can attain corporeality enough to do things like move furniture around and slam doors, why don't they make themselves corporeal 24/7? and most importantly, if a ghost attained corporeality and sucked you off, would it look like your dick was getting wet on its own, or would you see it appearing and disappearing into the ghost's invisible mouth?
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nockfellblues · 1 year
I have two requests! So firstly, can I request Hellsing Ultimate but with Alucard and Sir Integra pining after the same person (reader)?
Aaah absolutely! Thanks to a kind donation, I’m the proud owner of an actual keyboardddd. I’m still adjusting sooo. If there are typos, no there aren’t 👍
Warnings: None!
“Ugh, this display is revolting.”
Alucard didn’t even bother hiding the amused snort at Integra’s words, idly leaning against the wall behind her, not even pretending to be the least bit interested in the current function they were attending. Some ostentatious soirée of old money families and crown boot-lickers putting on their best displays of ass-kissing to keep their names in the Crown’s good graces. Posturing. Boring.
Currently he was acutely aware of y/n’s nervous laughter as some puffed-up lord’s son-or-other tried to sweet-talk them for what had to be the fifth time tonight. He had to applaud the boy’s gall, if nothing else, as they were most definitely out of the boy’s league. Being the god-child of the Queen of England made them, by all definitions, unobtainable; but their questionable origin had definitely made them absolutely off-limits. No one ever truly questioned the sudden appearance of a mysterious royal god-child; god knows there’s always a royal cousin creeping from the woodwork somewhere. That was, until it came to the Hellsing Organization’s attention that said-child was indeed much more strange than just their circumstances. After all, it wasn’t often that the crown would willingly board a Damphir within the royal palace.
To The Queen’s credit, she had the sense to ask Integegra’s, and by proxy Alucard’s, help with ensuring they were well-versed in their heritage before being allowed to wander the halls of England’s seat of power and be sat at the Queens right hand. Intrigue turned to true curiosity and the newcomer was accepted, taken in, taught and educated appropriately.
What a mistake that had been on both Alucard and Integra’s parts.
They were captivating in both mind and power, and Alucard was beside himself- a Damphir was thought an impossibility, much less one from such an old and powerful line of vampiric lineage. They were powerful, elegant, alluring, viciously smart, and loyal to a fault. Within the year they spent under the Hellsing Organizations watch, y/n had Alucard pinned under their pretty little finger- and Integra too.
Though she’d deny it with every fiber of her being, Integra was hopelessly pulled in by the damphir’s natural charm. It was almost cute, if not for the fact that it made them technically rivals of a sort. He couldn’t deny he loved to watch his master silently pine over this pretty little thing. She would lose all focus on what she was doing with them in the room- completely lose the tight grip on her frigid countenance when they would playfully joke with her. To say Integra was enamored would be an understatement. In all the time he had known her, Integra had never shown even a thimble of the interest she had in y/n.
Both of them were hopelessly infatuated with this unique creature that had stumbled into their lives and was utterly and completely off limits to them in terms of a relationship beyond acquaintance . Not only because of their lineage and ties to the crown- but because they had become quietly engaged to a certain bumbling blonde Vampiress they both knew all too well.
True, either of them could have stepped in and ended the relationship at any time; been selfish and cruel and stolen them away for themselves. But as much as they’d deny it outright, they loved Seras beyond words. How could they deny her the happiness she had found in all of the hell they dealt with?
Eyes drifting over the crowd, Alucard sighed, catching the eyes of Walter as he approached with Integra’s next drink. Wine seemed all they were supplying tonight and Integra had groused the whole first hour that there was nothing harder than, “bloody juice,” to get her through this socialite-styled torture.
“You’re a godsend, Walter,” She thanked him quietly, chin in her hand as she swirled the deep burgundy wine.
“Not at all, ma’am. How is poor y/n doing with that young chap? Trenton, was it?” He adjusted his gloves , setting into place besides Integra.
She chuckled, “He’s still at them. Good thing poor Seras isn’t here yet or she’d have had him unconscious in a broom closet and hour ago. I think they’ve blown him off a good three times now-“
“Six, actually,” Alucard supplied with a grin, spotting them from between bodies as they escaped the bull-headed boy towards the entrance. As if sensing his interest, their eyes met his before bouncing between Integra and Walter, their smile widening nearly imperceptibly as they gave a small wave. Behind them a pair of gloved hands reached for their own, a certain Police Girl finally making her demure entrance at last. His grin slipped to something bittersweet as y/n turned and the two met each other half way, foreheads together as they shared a quiet laugh in greeting. With hushed voices they moved the the outskirts of the party to avoid anymore would-be “suitors” and enjoy the evening in peace.
Alucard was brought back by Integra’s quiet sigh. He knew the sound all too well and watched as she pointedly avoided looking back to the entrance.
“As I said: Revolting.”
Wahooo- its been forever since I’ve written Alucard. And I’ve never gotten to try a hand at Integra. I really hope you enjoyed. I wanted the ending a little bitter-sweet and I do think they’d both be willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of dear Seras ;-; Thanks again for your request! I’m working on the other one too! c:
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Tips to Stay Cool For the Summer! ☀️
Make sure that your slime friends are getting enough liquid in there body! Some slimes can be sensitive to the hot weather so it is always important to have a drink for them around so they don’t dehydrated and shrink! A healthy slime during hot weather is one that’s well colorful and hydrated!
Though it’s not always needed, please go see a hairstylist if you are a werewolf. Over heating with a heavy coat is no fun and can be dangerous when running around the forest. So make sure you regulate your body temperature by not going out on hot days, taking care of your shedding coat (or just go to the hairstylist for a summer cut), or just staying inside in a werewolf safe home so that you can keep cool. Also please protect your paws! You don’t want them to get burnt on the sidewalk!
Keep fairy homes out of direct sunlight! If you have a fairy home in a tree or somewhere in your garden where small fairies visit make sure you safely move it to a place with shade so the fairies won’t be too hot in their home. A small offering of fresh fruits and iced drinks in thimbles and small paper cups are also helpful. You can even make them a little pool to cool off in using some small bowls!
Dragons should soak their scales whenever they feel that their scales are getting dry. This goes for non-humanoid dragons and Dragonkin alike. If you know a dragon that rest in your area, politely ask them if they need help with their scales being soaked. Most dragons will happily agree for you to help them get cool during the summer.
Vampires be extra careful during the summer. The sun is no joke and it’s been to maybe ask your employer (if you work) to take some days off during the summer so you can stay inside as long as possible. Even in bat form it is possible for you to burn in the sun. Cover yourself when you go outside from head to toe and put on some vampire safe sunscreen if you want that extra layer of protection.
Witches please remember to put on sunscreen whenever you go out flying on your broomstick. Even if you have a hat on a little sunscreen on the back of the neck, face, arms and legs can help to avoid sunburning. Also please wear proper eye protection when flying with the bright sun. The sun may blind you if you get too close, wear broom riding glasses or sun glasses so that you can see properly.
Elves please don’t forget to protect your ears from the sun as well. A nice lather of sunscreen on your ears can protect them from sun damage.
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fatguarddog · 19 days
The Vampire Gloves That Make You FAT: you start touching yourself as a fun tee-hee experiment but every touch drinks a thimbleful of blood. Soon you're getting dopey and forgetting where you touched yourself, or even that you're wearing the gloves...then your Magic User Dom comes back to find you sitting on a ginormous ass, cradling a swelling belly, pale and half-conscious. Light-headed, heavy-bodied. Probably in need of some snacks to help recover, after they peel the very well-fed Vampire Gloves off of you...🦕
Ohoho yes, I still love the thought of these gloves!
What a fun dazed out situation that would be, definitely needing some serious snacks, drinks and care after that hehe
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smolgloves · 10 months
Tales of the Tavern
Summary: Freya has a much needed drink and gets to know some of Tav's companions
Tw: just alcohol consumption, this one is more fluff cause Freya needs a break lol
Uh,Tav?” A posh voice came from outside the tent. “Astarion wishes to see you.”
Tav rolled their eyes and opened the tent's flap and divided them from the outside. “What does he want now?” 
Freya glanced up to see the man with devil horns outside. His skin was dark and littered with scars, and his eyes bore two different colors; one was a dark red, the other ghostly white. 
“He's complaining about the debris in his eye.” Said the man. 
“Tell him to deal with it for now.” Tav crossed their arms. “I'm trying to make sure our guest is alright.” 
The man's eyes fell upon Freya, she glanced away and took a sip of wine. Shadowheart was nice enough to offer her a pillow to sit on while they all drank together, but now it just felt like she was put on the spot again, this time feeling more like an injured bird being cared for by gawking children. 
“I'm aware, but he's complaining rather loudly in his tent and won't let anyone else help him.” 
“Fucking dramatic…” Tav muttered under their breath before glancing over at Freya. It didn't take a prodigy to see Tav was debating on staying with her or checking on Astarion. 
“Go ahead,” She let out a sigh, being left alone with two beings she didn't quite trust wasn't her ideal situation. “Better you see him before he thinks about coming over here.” 
“I promise I won't be long.” Tav smiled and excused themselves from the tent.
Freya had thought the one man would follow behind Tav but his feet were firmly planted where he stood. To occupy the tension gnawing in the back of her head, Freya took another sip of wine. 
“So, we're drinking at this hour?” The man chuckled.
“She needed one after what Astarion did.” Shadowheart said. 
“I hear that.” He smiled warmly at Freya. “Would you mind if I had one drink too?” 
Old habits nagged at Freya, warning her to not trust the devil man. Just one glance into his eyes was enough to put her on edge, yet she remembered him advocating for Astarion to cease his mockery. Surely, he couldn't be that bad if he didn't find a sick enjoyment out of her fear. “I'm not one to deny someone an opportunity to drink.” 
“Much appreciated, friend.” He sat down near Shadowheart and took a drink. “The name is Wyll Ravengard, your name is… Freya, correct?” 
She smiled and nodded, it was weird how little things like remembering her name seemed to lower her guard around these larger beings. Perhaps the wine was starting to get to her head, she probably shouldn't get too drunk but Shadowheart offered to pour her another glass into her thimble.
“I must say, drinking with a… borrower was it? Was not something I anticipated on this journey.” 
“Indeed.” Wyll agreed. 
“Well, I didn't expect to be drinking with larger beings tonight.” Freya chuckled before pressing the thimble to her lips. 
“So tell us this,” Wyll started off. “How does one make enemies with Astarion so quickly?” 
“I may have snuck into his tent in search of food.” 
“Sneaking into a vampire's tent for food?” A smirk spread on Shadowheart's face. “That doesn't sound like the best idea.” 
“It's not like I knew he was a vampire!” Her cheeks grew red, the wine was beginning to hinder the shyness that had once gripped her moments ago. “I wouldn't have even bothered with this camp had I known about him.” 
Wyll and Shadowheart exchanged a glance before chuckling together, making this moment even more embarrassing for Freya. 
“Well you certainly knocked him down a peg.” Shadowheart said. 
“And you used an interesting device.” Wyll leaned a little closer to Freya. “What was that thing?” 
“Oh… uh, it's called a peashooter.” Freya pulled out the makeshift weapon out of her bag, it looked so primitive compared to the weapons she had seen around the camp, it hardly looked like a type of weapon that could take down a vampire. “It's just a prototype.” 
“I'd say it's a damn good start.” Wyll smiled and held his hand out. “But may I get a closer look at it?” 
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the genuine interest Wyll showed, but Freya's instinct to run the moment his hand drew near her only sounded more like a suggestion in the back of her head; although, her heart still raced, staring at the massive hand before her. Freya inched closer to Wyll and set the peashooter on his fingertip, his thumb gently pinched it and he brought it closer to his face. Wyll squinted as he looked over the miniscule weapon.
“It kind of reminds me of a catapult.” Shadowheart mentioned as she leaned over Wyll's shoulder. 
Freya gave an eager nod. “That's what my cousin was trying to base it off of… he's the brains behind the contraption.” 
“Well, it's a pretty creative design if I do say so.” Wyll set the peashooter near Freya. “Reminds me of the time I was fighting an ogre, didn't have anything but a crossbow and a singular arrow left.” 
Freya chuckled. “Sounds like a song I once heard in the tavern once.” 
Wyll raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? You wouldn't happen to know the hero in the song, would you?” 
Freya sat back, trying to conjure up a telling detail from the intoxicating fog that blinded her memory. The upbeat tune telling the tale of a hero who saved a nearby town from ogres played in her head. “It was… the blade of Frontiers!” 
A smirk spread across Wyll's face, his eyes darted towards Shadowheart, who shared a playful glint in her eyes. She leaned closer to the borrower and giggled. “Guess who he is.” 
“You're kidding!” She stared back at Wyll, when she pictured the folk hero, she didn't expect a half devil at all!
“So my tales have made it to borrower colonies.” 
“Well yeah, I mean, I've only heard bits and pieces of some of your tales… but I must have missed the ballads that mentioned your…” Freya gestured towards his horns.
“I suppose you wouldn't,” The dashing smile faded away. “Since this was a recent event.” 
“What happened?” 
“I made a pact with a devil.” 
“Why?” Freya's eyes widened, she's heard stories of people falling into these pacts and never being able to break them. To think the Blade of Frontiers was going to be another victim for a devil was a tragedy.
Wyll pursed his lips. “I'd tell you, but the pact binds my tongue to those details.” 
The air grew glum around the three, it was honestly becoming a sobering moment, too sober for Freya's liking. “Well, I may not know what your pact is about but I'll have a drink to it nonetheless.” She shot a cheeky grin before gulping down the rest of the wine. The buzz quickly returned to Freya with more force; she could barely sit upright now. Thank the gods she was resting on a pillow. 
Wyll chuckled at Freya and raised his glass. “Couldn't agree more, cheers mate.” 
“I'm starting to think you've had enough for tonight.” Shadowheart smiled. 
Freya scoffed and stumbled forward. “Please, I c-can handle so… much more!” 
The two larger beings threw their heads back and laughed, and Freya couldn't help but laugh along with them. This wasn't one of her most convincing arguments but it was a surprisingly entertaining time. For a moment, Freya could forget about the sheer size difference between the two and enjoy herself as if she were with old friends in the tavern, drinking up in the rafters as they watched weary travelers tell their tales over a pint of ale. A night that started off so poorly was slowly becoming a fond memory for Freya, one she was going to cherish because once the morning comes, she will have to part ways with this unique group of travelers.
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lestatslestits · 2 years
You know the theory/headcanon that the vampires are permanently stuck in an echo of whatever emotional/mental state they were in when they got turned?
The fact that Armand was absolutely out of his damn mind with fever after his own attempted murder would probably explain. Some things.
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
Diedre and Conrad are both vampires. Make them friends.... Let that old man give her a thimble of tea or something.
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[ID: a doodle of two vampires sitting on the floor. one is tiny and holding a steaming thimble, and the other is normal-sized and holding a steaming teacup.]
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
Aaa i had a dream last night that my Tav was regressed n' Gale was taking care of him. Everyone else was I guess out in the city.
Gale and Wildren were curled up in bed. Gale is reading to a sleepy tiefling. As they were doing this, Astarion came back- Wildren perked up a bit when seeing the vampire and started making grabby hands towards him
Astarion comes over, tussling the tiefling's hair, asking what they were doing. And Wildren started crawling onto Gale's lap, eagerly patting the empty space on the bed.
Gale chuckles, "Love, I don't think our vampieric friend would be interested in 'Thimble in the magic room'."
But, Astarion smiled and decided to take the druid up on the offer and sits with them aaaaaa
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lifefcrged · 1 year
She had ridden with the others, flying across mountain side and skittering over ice with the vampires of the northern coven when they had chosen to break their solitude to offer defense and support to the remaining coven in their lands. It had seemed a simple enough decision on her part, though Lina and the others had attempted to persuade her to stay behind. She might not be merely mortal, but she was human, and the risk to her was great - but she countered their arguments with her own, reminding them that what harm may come to them, especially in the fight against Lycans, so close to daylight, was in this one, particular instance, more than what she might face. And that her healing abilities could come in handy there, more than ever.
It had been a reluctant acquiescence on their part, but it was a victory, and she would take it as such. Having to remain back, and not enter into the battle itself, had been agonizing, but she was quick to find those that had been injured, that were able to stagger their way out of the fray, and offer what help she could on the battlefield itself. Fortunately, she supposed, the battle itself was quick and the Lycans fled as Selene and her companions turned the tide of battle. The head of the Lycan leader remained on a pike in the middle of the coven floor -- she hoped that would not last long, and she was among the first to begin trying to assess the damage and losses of the fight.
The shock of a mortal, or so she seemed to them, amongst the members of the coven that -- as far as she knew, currently belonged to no one, was small. Too much else of consequence had happened this night for them to give it over much thought. She had helped to perform a triage of the wounded - those that could be helped with a stored serving of blood and a few bandages were relegated to others, and she made her way to those that had borne the worst of the injuries.
The man was a stranger to her, but that did not stop her from offering him a warm, if weary smile as she came to where he had been directed to sit. His wounds, like most of the vampires that had not been burned to a cinder, would heal, eventually, on their own, but his would take longer and given that he had traveled and fought with Selene, she would do what she could to hasten that process. The bag that she carried held traditional medical tools, as well as a wide assortment of herbal remedies and potions that she had learned to make in her time in the northern coven, but it also held a silver, needle sharp thimble that she withdrew, and a simple metal cup. "I'll take a look at your wounds in a moment," she assured him, settling lightly to kneel beside where he sat. "And tend to anything left after, but first, you'll need to feed." It's an easy and familiar movement, to place the cup on the floor between them, to settle the sharpened thimble onto her finger and pierce the vein on her wrist. She barely even registered the pain, other than the momentary heat of it, letting the blood flow into the cup until it was nearly at the brim. By the time she had wiped the thimble clean and reached to grasp the cup up to offer it to him, the small puncture wound had already healed. "It will help, I promise."
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deathbind · 5 months
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( enable my rambling // always accepting ) @endawn WROTE: hc   + vampires ! asking for a friend
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I would be honored to call Pax Lysona Falco a friend.
Joke's aside, what Serot knows about vampires wouldn't fill a thimble. You'd think this would be his bread and butter considering his deep connection to the Plane of Death. Vampires are even known to be able to survive on that plane. But, Serot's knowledge is by no means perfect. Honestly, I'd believe he's never even heard stories about vampires before coming to Faerûn. Perhaps one of his intervening lifetimes did, but they'd be little more than horror stories in an imported book.
Vampires are rare in Zakhara, almost to the point of nonexistence. I imagine any who are on the continent come from elsewhere. It's just not an environment well-suited to them. Most of the continent is sun-soaked and arid, after all. Meket would be especially uninviting. An entire half of their priesthood are necromancers who have been studying death, undeath, the nature of the soul, etc. for nearly two thousand years. Regular people are also well-acquainted with the undead as necromancy is casually woven into everyday life. Sure, they don't know the signs of vampirism, but they can clock an undead and regularly handle any that have become malevolent. If a vampire thinks Meket's lack of familiarity with their kind makes it a fertile hunting ground, they're in for a rude awakening. Better to try Qudra or Huzuz — if they can handle the sunlight Zakhara has to offer.
Now Serot himself is willing to be open-minded when he first encounters vampires. Being reborn (and then getting tadpoled in a BG3 setting) did nerf his abilities, so he might not see straight through them at lower levels. However, I do think he'd pick up on some aura of undeath enshrouding them, and at higher levels, he might discern more. The revelation that they're a vampire is . . anticlimactic, though. That term means nothing to him. He'll respectfully ask for clarification, and take it all in stride.
That does not mean he is an easy target for vampires. He's not foolish enough to allow anyone access to his blood, and he knows too well that not all undead are lost souls. Some are clawing their way out of hell and bringing all its ruin with them. Those require a firm hand. But! He was not raised on horror stories of vampires and so does not make such assumptions about them.
A vampire companion would essentially be treated the same as before the revelation. He would merely try to understand their condition and better accommodate it. He will, however, stand firm between them and any dark impulses. There will be no running off to kill other people if he can prevent it. He'd be averse to them chomping even on enemies. He is bound to guard the dead and guide them to their peace, yes, but he is also bound to prevent those who have risen from transgressing against life. All things in balance; death and life are each sacred. So he'll support them in managing their condition and even in finding a cure if they desire one, but there is a line. If they cross it, he'll have to challenge them, even if it breaks his heart.
Hm. I can't think where to fit this in smoothly, so I'll just put it here. Serot does not make a snap judgment that vampires are evil, but learning about spawn does send him swinging in that direction. He's strongly averse to slavery in any form, to robbing a person of free will and autonomy. Furthermore, the creation of enthralled lesser undead is always the work of malevolent entities. He tempers his snap judgment by reminding himself that even the living are capable of enthralling others; that does not make all people evil. However, he will have no sympathy for a vampire who has created spawn. He will fell them without hesitation and aid their spawn in pursuing freedom.
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marydublinauthor · 2 years
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Random gt drabbles: Loveliness
Characters: The Wisp & Vampire (new!) @smol-smoggie is letting me play with them ;)
The Wisp sipped at the cordial in her thimble. Her master did the same, sitting beside her on the velvet seat. While part of her contentment was undoubtedly his aura, it was nice to see him so relaxed. There had been no need to worry about feeding for months now. His shirt was unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up to his elbows to welcome the cracking warmth of fire against his skin.
“I haven’t been paying enough attention to you as of late, have I?” he cocked his head to the side.
The Wisp crossed her legs on the back of the sofa. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve been planning so diligently, my lord.”
Perfect white teeth flashed. It was hard to imagine them as tools of anything other than that charismatic smile. “You’re too forgiving of me. But I will make it up to you tonight. I'm all yours.” He spread his arms wide.
The Wisp felt her glow brighten. “I wonder if you would share with me stories of your home village.”
“That was so long ago, my little love,” he replied, shaking his head.
“I know you remember all of it.”
He met her gaze meaningfully, but did not immediately acquiesce her request. He was impossible to read.
“One day,” he purred, setting down his goblet. “I will tell you my name, as well. I want to hear it on your lips.”
He turned and leaned towards her, touched a fingertip to her mouth. He pressed into her, nearly making her drop her glass. Something turned thick in the air as he dragged the single digit to rest over her throat. Her heartbeat quickened - she could not help it. His eyes darted over her, smile widening at the compliment of her tiny pulse hammering under his slight ministration. He had told her before that he could hear her blood pounding when the house was quiet. He said it was like listening to the loveliest aria.
A faint THUD sounded in the manor. “Please let me go! Someone help me!”
Fists banged over and over, rattling the floor beneath them ever so dully. Her master drew away with a flicker of irritation.
“Apologies,” he murmured.
He rose and strode out of the room with purposeful strides. The Wisp finished her cooling beverage and flew down to sit on the rim of his glass to help herself to a bit of his. She did not envy those wretched souls who agitated him.
After a minute or so, the pounding stopped. The cries heightened into curdling shrieks — “NO, God please don’t. Don’t touch me, please, no, no, no…”
The cordial in the goblet rippled as three vicious impacts shook through the manor. Then, blessed silence.
The Wisp drank deeply, staring into the fire.
Her master did not dally, and strode into the room not long after with a spring to his step. He wiped blood off his mouth with his hand and sat before her.
“And here I thought I had overindulged earlier. Where were we?”
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OC Masterlist
Which of my OCs are open for asks? Well, all of them, but I have dozens, so here's a list to help you get started
OCs for my original projects/particular fandoms
Roblox: Pressure:
-Mina Milne
Dead by Daylight:
-Lanie Jensen
Dungeon Meshi:
Black Clover:
-Chantilly Ringuette/Naomi Silva
Black Desert:
-Rima Kimura
-Himemiko Kimura
-Ririko Kimura
Outcode/Misc OCs:
-Madevery Arlington Poe
-Dr. T/Laurel Lavigne
-Raizel Blacklust
-Udella Scarberry
As The Bobbin Dwindles:
-Lucille Bobbin
-Agatha Bobbin
-Babs Bobbin
-Douglas Bobbin
-Samara Thimble
-Rori Bobbin
-Lorraine Bobbin
-Eleanor Bobbin
-Howard Stagger
-Rochelle Bobbin
-Tonya Bobbin
-Edmund Bobbin
-Ivy Bobbin
-Cordelia Bobbin
-Resi Thibodeaux-Landry
Black Butler:
-Aurora Newcomb
-Reagan Mulligan
-Ophelia Adderstone
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss:
Invader Zim:
-Lily (Lillian Lane)
-Poni Lane
-Zora Lane
-Jasmine Soulblood
-Llewella Anvilblood
-Tatiana Seahammer
-Morgan Moonvault
-Suri Titanshield
-Tarlac Bluecrafter
-Catherine Silverglade
-Devin Crowheart
-Lady Staryu
-Aucilla Lunsford
Monster High:
-Kiki Paws
-Jessie DeVille
My Hero Academia:
-Hailey Baudelaire
Avatar The Last Airbender:
My Little Pony:
-Hopeful Heart
-Lemon Blitz
-Tsunami Wave
-Mercury Retrograde
Fairy Tail:
-Fern Deerknight
-Peridot Calderon
Happy Tree Friends:
Soul Eater:
The Truth in The Witches:
-Rosabella Crivello
-Gwendolyn Crivello
-Phoebe Crivello
-Esmee Crivello
Five Nights at Freddy's:
-Sango Hitachiin
-Chie Hitachiin
-Primary Bunny
-Usagi Hitachiin
-Len Hitachiin
-Mephisto Matoi
Amateur Surgeon:
-Catamina Throbbing
Chateaux Lumineux:
-Martini Belkin
-Unity Pallavicino
Left 4 Dead:
-Savannah Townsend
-Emerson Butler
-Juan Hernandez
-Hiro Nakajima
Blood Bride:
-Effie Pangilinan
A Blue Shine:
-Abi Blue
Carnival Crusher:
-Ringo Gauntlith
-Bubbles Burleson
Vampire Knight:
-Kaori Amano
Trauma Center:
-Hera Preston/Anastasia Adrastos
-Castalia Preston/Tali Adrastos/Lia Preston-Zane
-Abioud Adrastos
-Antigone Adrastos
-Yvonne Zane
-Aphrodite Preston
-Eros Preston
-Amphitrite Preston
-Poseidon Preston
-Hades Preston
-Isaac Zane
-Yasmine Yelps
-Antigone Adrastos
-Aimee Dubois
-Luther Swanson
-Angelica Babineaux
-Reggie Swanson
-Sue Ellen Vanderblite
-Apollo Campelle
-Eris Preston
-Athena Preston
-Persephone Preston
-Erida Preston
-Ares Swanson
-Thaleia Preston (Tessa)
-Leucothea Preston (Lucy)
-Natalie Jontel
-Paxton Sears
-Kelly Sears
-Eve Evalyn
-Benedict T. Evalyn
-Kameko Kyriaki
-Donnie and Debbie Deftera
-Teresa Triti
-Toxica Tetarti
-Powell Pempti
-Simon Savato
-Little Monster
-Sting McCreary
-Kimmy Circuit
-Tracy Stiles
-Betty Niguel
-Akinyi Tulba
-Lilac Fyals
-Amanda Cherrystone
-Eia Greensfield
-Sage Enomoto
-Coco Enomoto
-Violetta Enomoto
-Julietta Enomoto
-Katrina Enomoto
-Sierra Enomoto
-Destiny Enomoto
-Daisy Enomoto
-Charise Enomoto
-Dustin Enomoto
-Augustine Enomoto
-Kendall Freebird
-Marina Crest
-Opal Crest
-Chelsea Enomoto
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thorn-amidst-roses · 2 years
Needed some project materials, so, went to the antique store -
(Starting to feel like some kind of vampire that won’t let go of their increasingly aging shit when things like “I need sewing machine needles let’s go to the antique store” happen, lol)
Got away with one yarn shuttle, three yarn spools (left behind the shuttle that fits them though, whoops), a new pinwheel, a fancy thimble, the needles, and rescued the remaining bobbin lace pattern although I still have to insist that I am absolutely NOT going to take up bobbin lace. Or tatting. Never.
Unfortunately I still have a homemade peg loom, so the shuttle only helps insomuch as it keeps the yarn from getting everywhere while I work. I may try to rig something to do the lifty thing because ooooof this is tedious as hell.
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