#things we learned about our sexualities: 📚
cureofthenonesense · 4 months
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Rose tinted glasses
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Is there such thing as "gifted kids" on Gallifrey? (also, would it make sense that, if they are, that they'd go to the Academy earlier in life because brain buffing took less time?) <ps. I am very well aware that logical conclusions may be the only way to answer this question>
Very interesting question, let's have a poke around and see what we can come up with ...
What happens with 'gifted kids' on Gallifrey?
Gallifreyan education follows quite a rigid path, with all childrene going through brainbuffing and then the Schism initiation at age 8. Even those considered 'gifted' seem to follow a similar timeline without fast-tracking to the Academy.
🌱 Advanced Topics During Brainbuffing
In Gallifreyan brainbuffing (a period of time after birth/loom where they learn an immense amount of knowledge in a tiny space of time), gifted childrene can study more challenging subjects earlier than their less gifted peers.
🚪 No Early Entry
Although gifted students in brainbuffing could run through much more advanced topics, this doesn't mean they're fast-tracked to the Academy, suggesting that a structured timeline is followed regardless of individual skill levels. This consistency aligns pretty well with the broader cultural emphasis on discipline, duty, and a common experience, ensuring that all Gallifreyan childrene develop a sense of community and shared learning, reflective of the ideas of the Matrix.
⚖️ Case Studies
There are certainly gifted childrene on Gallifrey, usually with talents in certain areas. A few Gallifreyans noted to be particularly all-around intelligent:
Ushas (AKA the Rani);
Tebediatroculozan, one of the best brains of his generation.
Ushas and Vansell are noted to have probably started a couple of semesters before the Doctor/the Master etc. and gained their title of Junior Time Lords earlier than them. However, so did Rallon, who although was in the Deca, isn't explicitly noted to be particularly gifted, suggesting that's more of a chronological thing rather than any form of fastracking.
It should also be noted that in one version of events, Vansell was recruited by the Celestial Intervention Agency before he even attended the Academy, which suggests gifted kids might be accelerated in different ways ... *insert shrug here* 🤔
🏫 So ...
Being gifted doesn't appear to typically lead to early Academy entry. The Gallifreyan educational system seems to prioritise a standardised approach, emphasising a fairly consistent timeline for all students, even those with exceptional abilities.
How is sexual education taught on Gallifrey?: How Time Tots might get taught about sex.
What are young Gallifreyans/Time Tots taught?: Detailing what the kids of Gallifrey are taught.
Do Gallifreyan children have toys?: Describing the very limited supply of toys for kids on Gallifrey.
Hope that helped! 😃
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📚 favorite book
how could you do this to me /lh
I could never choose so I’m just gonna list some that come to mind
Animorphs (special mention of the Ellimist Chronicles) by KA Applegate
I talk about this one a bunch on my fandom blog @dr-reids-fidget-toy . The author was inspired by Star Trek. Kids book. Child soldiers, war horror, body horror, existential horror, age-appropriate jokes, aliens. Set in the 90s. Series of 50+ books. Many were ghostwritten. POC characters.
All of Us Villains / All of Our Demise by Amanda Foody & Christine Lynn Herman
In this world, magick is real. However, all of the high magick was depleted long ago, except for a stash of it that only 7 families know about. Each generation, a teen from each family has to fight for their life in a Hunger Games-style tournament to determine which family gets control of the high magick for the next 20 years. An anonymous author has recently published a book about this barbaric practice, and this year is the first time the outside world will know about the tournament (media coverage galore!). LGBT+ characters (Queer romance). 2 books. POC characters.
Vicious by VE Schwab (the second book is also very good but the first is my personal fave)
Two college students decide to conduct an experiment after learning of mysterious abilities developed after near-death experiences. The participants? Themselves, of course. Shit goes down. They come back wrong. Has a sequel. LGBT+ character (ace rep!!).
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore
TW Sexual Assualt
A girl is sexually assaulted at a party, and returns home to find that her peculiar cooking abilities have vanished. Things around her start turning into mirror shards and breaking into dust. She meets a boy, and they realize they were assaulted at the same party. Buried memories threaten to surface as they become friends, and romance forms. A story about healing from trauma, with a touch of magical realism. (At least, I think it’s magical realism). Queer character. POC characters.
We Were Liars by E Lockhart
Great story with a huge twist. A rich family spends every summer on their private island. The main character is part of this family. After a terrible incident last summer, she cannot remember the event or anything her family has told her about it. She is also plagued by terrible migraines. Now, it’s summer again and her cousins are right where she expected, despite them not contacting her since the accident. POC character.
Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin
TW Sexual Assault
A girl goes to a party and is sexually assaulted by a group of boys. She plots with her 3 best friends and her parents to kill everyone involved. Short summary but trust me, read it. POC characters. LGBT+ characters.
The Gilded Wolves series by Roshani Chokshi
A group of thieves/found family are tricked into agreeing to a dangerous heist. Set in Paris, 1889. Magic is real in the form of Forging - the ability to create and imbue objects with special powers. I can’t say much without giving away the plot. POC characters. Queer characters (including a romance plot). Autistic character. 3 books.
I need to add one for Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. Don’t let me forget
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🦇 Truly, Madly, Deeply Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD Do you believe in love at first sight? ❓ 🦇 Sparks fly when a lovelorn romance novelist and a divorce lawyer who has sworn off relationships agree to cohost a podcast series offering dating advice to viewers. As a bestselling romance novelist, everyone thinks Truly Livingston is an expert on happily-ever-afters. Unfortunately, she feels like an imposter after catching her fiancé cheating learning that her parents are separating. When she meets Colin McCory, she's anything but ready for a relationship, even if Colin drives her a little crazy. Okay, a LOT crazy. Can he change her shattered view on love, or are there no more happily ever afters?
💜 Excuse me while I shove my entire fist into my mouth to squeal in delight from the absolute cuteness of this. For the record, I read most of this between 10pm and 1am with my girlfriend fast asleep beside me. I lost track of how many times I had to stop reading to silence myself before some giddy, disgustingly adorable, definitely disruptive sound of glee escaped my body to keep from waking her up.
💜 Now that we got that out of the way, why are we not talking about this book? You bookish bats LOVE asking about book boyfriends/girlfriends. Have you MET Colin? You need to meet Colin. Just, trust me. Listen to me. Meet this man.
💜 It's 2am as I write this all heart-eyed, with a fire alarm chirping across the house and a storm raging outside, and I don't care about any of it because this. WAS SO. CUTTTE. From the MOMENT Truly sets eyes on Colin, all bets are off. She describes him as gorgeous, her breath hitches, she (a writer) stumbles over her words. We expect that from plenty of rom-coms, right? But the moment they get at it, their witty banter CAPTIVATES, chemistry off the charts, screaming off the page. I told you I had to pause reading multiple times? Every, EVERY time, it was because of a quick-wit exchange between these two. Truly looks at him appreciatively at first, sure, but otherwise tries shutting her heart off. Colin, though? Colin is full-on SMITTEN over her. He's lost from the beginning and KNOWS IT from the very start. And then we get to the smut and woooooh I had to get out of bed to find water and the nearest AC vent.
💜 And then. AND THEN they both realize they're bi but have never been with someone of the same sex, and maybe don't quite feel "queer enough" because of it (please, check the quotes I shared!). Bierasure is a real thing, but it's not often that we talk about internalized biphobia (a topic I haven't seen in a book since Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales). Bisexuality is part of the queer spectrum. We're not confused, and who we're with does not change or negate our sexuality. This was such a perfect scene to read at the start of Pride Month.
💙 The pacing for this one was a bit off for me. While I loved every scene, the momentum doesn't pick up until the very end, and by then, we're nearing the epilogue. The Parent Trap-esque sub-plot, while important to Truly's character development, felt awkward and a bit immature (though perhaps fitting for a romantic who defined love based on her parents' relationship). My biggest hang-up is the lack of real conflict, which is more internal (Truly's doubts about love) than external (which only manifest as Truly keeps Collin at arm's length...briefly).
🦇 Recommended to fans of Practice Makes Perfect in search of a steamy, queer rom-com that's full of tension, heat, and witty banter.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 📚 Bi4Bi / Queer Romance 📚 Contemporary Rom-Com 📚 Parent Trap Sub-Plot 📚 Opposites Attract 📚 Forced Proximity 📚 Witty Banter 📚 Musical Theatre References 📚 He Falls First
💬 Quotes ❝ No one, and I mean no one, deserves to be living rent free inside your head if they aren’t making you come so hard your brain leaks out your ears.” ❞ ❝ “Maybe I don’t want to play nicely with you.” ❞ ❝ Words were her thing, and Colin gave as good as he got. ❞ ❝ Colin’s praise was like swallowing the sun. It left her hot all over, flushed not just in the face but from her hairline down to her feet, damp in the creases of her elbows and her knees, uncomfortably sweaty all over. ❞ ❝ There’s no such thing as being queer enough. Action and attraction are two different things. You could go the rest of your life never dating a woman and it wouldn’t change a thing. If anything, I think you’re the perfect person to talk about bi- erasure in media because you spent the last six years in a straight- presenting relationship that was queer because you’re queer. And the gender of your partner? Doesn’t change that.” ❞ ❝ Truly (11: 16 p.m.): Screw you, McCrory. Colin (11: 16 p.m.): Promises, promises. ❞ ❝ As much as she got a thrill from playing verbal tug-of-war, there was an argument to be made for this tenderness, in laying down her sword and letting Colin hold her. ❞ ❝ With anyone else she might’ve considered the moment broken, but with him it just felt like turning to the next page in a book she’d never read. A book she’d left lingering on her nightstand for weeks, picking it up and putting it back down, her hopes for it so high she feared there was no earthly way the reality of it could live up to her expectations, too afraid she wouldn’t like the ending. She didn’t know what would happen next, but for the first time, the thought didn’t make her want to close the book and it didn’t make her want to flip ahead. ❞ ❝ I do like you. I like your obscure facts and how your eyes light up when you talk about them, when you share them with me. I like it that you aren’t afraid to call me out on my bullshit and that for some reason that’s completely beyond me, you haven’t given up on me even though I’ve given you a hundred opportunities and a thousand reasons why. For some reason you like me and most of the time I’m not even sure why, but you do and I like that, too. I pretty much melt when you say my name, it sounds better when you say it, and when I’m with you, it’s easy to forget what I’m afraid of, but when I’m not, I guess I have a tendency to get in my head.” ❞ ❝ “You said it yourself; we’ve all got flaws. But the day I don’t want you is the day the earth starts rotating backward, okay?” “That’s a hell of a bold statement from a guy who’s known me two months.” “Remember this moment in twenty years. Can’t wait to tell you I told you so.” ❞ ❝ “I see, caffeine and kisses are the way to your heart in the morning. Good to know.” ❞ ❝ Love launched ships and started wars and inspired sonnets and drove people to madness. Love was heaven and hell, sin and redemption. It was as real to her as any other force of nature, hurricanes and earthquakes and lightning storms and meteor strikes. It fascinated her as much as it terrified her as much as it humbled her and— She’d spent her whole life trying to put it into words, eighty thousand of them at a time. Love had to be enough. There was no point if it wasn’t. ❞
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (23-29 Apr 2023)
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🥰👂‍Something Wild & Wonderful (Anita Kelly, author; Mark Sanderlin, narrator) - really enjoyable contemp romance about 2 guys who meet hiking the PCT - great MCs, great supporting characters
😍Backhoe (Zenaidamacrouras1) - 123K, no-powers modern AU with a smol Steve & beefy Bucky - absolutely incredible fic where Steve's an art grad student/activist & goes to protest a pipeline in Appalachia, which is going to be built across Bucky's family land - this fic was fantastic! Great (& authentic) sense of place & community, well-developed OCs (Bucky's sisters) - it's a meet-cute followed by all the work an actual relationship takes, very real & genuine with the emotions & hurdles that come up.
🥰Gravity's Got Nothing on You (zosofi) - 86K, sterek au, fake dating, frenemies-to-lovers with the encouragement(?) of some magic wolf figurines - it's probably been 8 years since I read this and it's as delightful as I remember - they're both so emotionally constipated it's hilarious
💖💖 +143K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
All I'm Saying, Pretty Baby series (IrisLanding) - Stranger Things: steddie, 21K - "Steve and Eddie stumble into a series of dirty talking sexual adventures that may actually lead somewhere."
turn down the lights, turn down the bed (rockinhamburger) - Ted Lasso: Trent/Ted, 25K - Trent, drunk & thirsty af & bemoaning his life, accidentally texts Ted instead of his bestie. Some really good dicking, angst & emotions ensue.
Love Runs Wild (DevilDoll) - TW: sterek, 9K - a fucking forever fave classic from the "Neckz 'n Throats" universe
Thursday Nights with Bucky Barnes (Ellessey) - MCU: stucky, 4K - short but super duper meet cute with grumpy Steve and NOT the normal laundromat guy
Not In The Answer But The Question (aimmyarrowshigh) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 27K - reread this fantastic shrunkyclunks with cap!steve (who's busy not processing his trauma) meeting queer disabled jewish deli owner bucky. So fucking good. Plus it will make you crave BEC bagels (which I 100% ordered from our local place this AM)
Dirty Laundry - s2, e11
Um, Actually - s1, e5; s6, e2-6,8-12, s8, e3-4
Shrinking - s1, e1
Schmigadoon! - s2, e5
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e3
Ted Lasso - s3, e7 [x2]
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Weird Al Yankovic
Into It - Roy Wood Jr. Is Ready for Late Night
Switched on Pop - Who killed the key change in pop music?
⭐Desert Island Discs - Dara Ó Briain, comedian and television presenter
99% Invisible #534 - For Amusement Only (Free Replay)
⭐Vibe Check - You About to Lose Yo’ Job
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Harry Belafonte
ICYMI Plus - We’ve Learned Nothing From West Elm Caleb
Decoder Ring Plus - The Artist Who Was Both Loved and Disdained
Ologies with Alie Ward - Delphinology Part 2 (DOLPHINS) with Justin Gregg
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Last Wild Apple Groves
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Telling Time through the Trees with the Places Team
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Caring for Canids
Shedunnit - Bonus: What is "Cosy"?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Moose Boulder
Into It - Are We Into Ed Sheeran's Lawsuit, Tucker Carlson's Firing, and Timothée Chalamet?
Endless Thread - The Birds and the Bugs
Sidedoor - Bill Nye the Sidedoor Guy
You're Dead To Me - The Rise of the Tudors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Video Pilled Suburbia’s Child
ICYMI Plus - Should We All Be Pirating More?
Presenting Paul McCartney
Presenting Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Emily King
Presenting Dio
Presenting Iron Maiden
synthwave radio [Lofi Girl]
Presenting Alice Cooper
Presenting Rush
The Look Of Love - The Very Best Of ABC [ABC]
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nettchan01 · 10 months
Group task Manifestos of Homelessness Part 1
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Today, we are shown our with the group and who our choose Manifestos for this topic to our tutor. I had researched and made my group for research by the book one of my class mate taking notes for every one and shared it with us after I photo copy the images out of the book I placed it in power point I shared with group so its a bit formal presenting we could develop after I opened and I sherd on the outlook a notes we could see each other notes and I was choose green so people can see my opinions if they want to respond to each other. 
 The book is illustrated by Henny Beaumont Book research in the manifestos 100 of manifestos📘: It's important for me to understand Manifestos because I don't find it easy what was I have to choose for my topics even if I enjoyed Manifestos I can not read for so long pages by pages its a long journey but worth to learn reading with the group.
Planning the topics researching conceptions: Mind making noting photocopy pictures presentation and talking about it. 
 Library book conceptions of "Homelessness"📚: independent library books as for references would be help full for developing my independent work. My class mate also searching online.
Taking notes or sketching 📝: extra notes for developing ideas I always useful I might do thumb nail sketching or digital sketching just to be clarifying my interest and my art work.
Discussion online or face to face 💻/ ideas: we are discoursing ideas and trusting and relaying on each other which means we listen to every one ideas how can we develop I presented Everyone cheesed the homeless topic I'm sure we can develop our ideas and we can find reasons why was homeless people living this style. Next week we need to creating our poem or monologues for sure. 
I have to write down my journey with homeless in my mind what does it made felt like and ask some one opinion when reading my opinions for this content my work has being based of realism and my personal journey. Maybe poems and monologue not my strength working trying a bit political and other aspects being exploring in this content. 
 I think homeless people asking to much or way over aboard. Especial asking money for children's or disabled peoples disturbing costumers. 
 When I was little I first seen homeless person my dad whispered in to my ears. But there is many things I explored soon as I grove older the liquor sand smell off homeless person and homeless person life not changed anything. 
 I need to do: - 
Creating presentation share with group+ notes or whiteboard with stickers. 
 - I need to research book of homelessness
 - I need to reflect with manifestos
 - I need to reflect with groups 
 - I need to create my personal poem and monoloug - I need to make small sketching 
 - write and post up on blog
- Presented it
 - Group changing styles and more independent researching using on our group presentation.
I had Being listening my group of presents of females menstrual cycle and plastic hygiene sustain able, prostituting art 🖼 nudity adult content sharing on social media. Child mental problems trauma. Womens justice feminism sexual harassment. Zodiac sign destiny mythical cultures.
Which group manifesto interested me? The feminism and zodiac sign I could tell that the group being working hard and not reading up the poem or monolog for sure. being very prepared mine was prepared 30% present just practicing talk with group not worked but I'm positive with writing we communicated by out look and whats up next time I was bein Different perspectives I need to be developing.
 Our group presents each side of homeless ness. I used mini cartoon sketching representing my mind. If I don't reminded myself now I do political BBC news try to watch it especially the work more realism and connected with Facts facts is always the main key inspiration so I can move forward. Remember that. 
 I also learned this group work project is about our ways of improving our goals and developing if we are in a job position and how are we Holden up how can we cover up and how can we managing together the task and what can we improve and our strength in the futer just like in art especially if we are in an animation company how can we develop in the company on animation.
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My poem of Homelessness
Walking from Asher Hall to the Coop I notice people asking for money.​ Why? I wonder as I am off to buy something for my tummy!​ Today, I sat in the window of a Chinese restaurant and​ I could not help noticing homeless people on the outside.​ He had two-fold up bags and he was trying to cross the busy road;​ he seemed drunk!​ Nevertheless, he asked a lady in a wheelchair;​ if she had any money to spare.​ From where I sat it looked like she did not welcome his chat.​ ​
Many times, on TFL whole families approach me not looking well, ​ and I could obviously tell that this is a scam.  Especially, when there’s a Rolex watch ma’am!​
This is upsetting to me as the children look like they are only three.​ My parents have told me what is right and wrong and I feel sorry for these children ​ who vanish in a song.​ How can they learn about dignity when their parents have none?​  ​ Many people sleeping in public places such as subways will walk my way for money.​
So, in art and design there are many hidden messages​ which are helpful to charities such as those working with the homeless.​ When sketching people in public spaces, blend in but be aware of what’s happening around you.​ My Monologue
​The first time I saw a homeless man was, when I was very little and back in my home country. He was a shady, muddy and strong liqueur-smelling person who had many bags and holes in his pants. I didn't understand why he was begging outside. I thought, he might be just an actor or a cosplayer ( as theatre was famous in my country, especially musical cosplay). My dad always whispered to me that this is a homeless person, part of the government's cruelty. ​ ​ In my innocent child mind, I always thought, that if I gave people, especially homeless people money, I could change their life. It is foolish to think so as no matter how much I help, I cannot solve this issues with my contribution alone. As soon as I grew old, I noticed a weight on my heart to improve my good deeds, which is helping them every time. I felt the need to help, as I was following the rules in my religion, but also just in general, I wanted to be nice and help them to reduce their burdens. At the same time, now I understand that it is not selfish of me to not help homeless people all the time as I need to take care of my needs as well.​ ​ It's nice to be involved in the creative industry as I do my part in addressing this cause by supporting various charities by providing artwork for them.​ As I have grown old and got a good understanding about homelessness, I understand that I don’t have to be in a moral dilemma to help or not help them every single time. If I do a small part in my own little way and accept my true self, it is enough.​
Manifestos (2).pdf
​ ​
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: I Asked 24 Experts for Sex Advice & This is What I Learned || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSO46GKHVqM || Today I have got a whole bunch of sex advice for you from various different experts! I'm sharing some of the standout advice that I picked up from season 6 of my podcast, Doing It 🍆 We had 24 incredible guests who gave some really insightful advice and I learned SO much from everyone. If you've listened to Doing It, what's the best piece of advice you picked up from a guest? And if you HAVEN'T listened to Doing It... now's a great time to catch up! Chantel Houston’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/uAqjE1P Cody Daigle-Orians’ Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/snC1SbI Ben Hurst’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/awklFOo Jimanekia Eborn’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/WvSCEFu Sophia Smith Galer’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/I8nJdt3 Cate Osborn’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/hJvYcCx Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/qBSyLDO Emerson Karsh’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/rFnW1Am Stacy Clare’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/WNLvp9O Dr Veronica Ivy’s Doing It episode: https://ift.tt/qBSyLDO I am Ace: Advice on Living Your Best Asexual Life by Cody Daigle-Orians*: https://ift.tt/y3UNSOZ The Problem with Asexual Representation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6v1J7kQv_c Losing It: Sex Education in the 21st Century by Sophia Smith Galer*: https://ift.tt/BeuAXSl CHAPTERS 00:00 – Intro 01:07 – Talking about Money in Relationships Gives You Freedom 02:18 – Polyamory Isn’t the Only Way for Ace and Allo People to Have a Relationship Together 03:30 – How to Avoid Compulsory Sexuality When Raising Kids 05:10 - The Best Thing for Boys and Tackling Toxic Masculinity is Not Telling Them to Be Another Way but Helping Them to Choose Who They Want to Be 06:55 – Trauma Can Show Up in All Parts of Our Bodies 08:45 – The Virility Myth Messes with Our Concept of Sex and Puts So Much Pressure on People with Penises 10:41 – How to Have a Platonic Life Partnership 11:49 – Kink Is a Great Tool for Sex and Managing Stimulation for People with ADHD 13:19 – How We Should Reframe What We Think A “Sex Life” Is 15:24 – Fun facts! 18:01 - Outro SIMILAR VIDEOS Is it OK to Masturbate in a Relationship?: https://youtu.be/3JQanAa2Nks The Sex Question I'm Always Asked (& Will No Longer Answer): https://youtu.be/g5d6Wc6d9zQ "It's all about the penis!" - talking penises & masculinity while decorating penis biscuits: https://youtu.be/gWE6ciTaGpQ 💥MY CULTURE, LIFESTYLE & CAREER YOUTUBE CHANNEL💥 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/morehannah?sub_confirmation=1 ✨WANT TO SUPPORT ME AND MY WORK?✨ Join The Common Room on Patreon! https://ift.tt/Mnti8gm Buy me a coffee! https://ift.tt/SGYmpak 📚MY BOOKS*📚 The Hormone Diaries: http://bit.ly/TheHormoneDiariesBook Doing It: http://bit.ly/DoingItBook Want to be the first to know about new projects & exclusive content? 📝SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER📝 http://bit.ly/HannahWittonsNewsletter 🌻LET’S CONNECT🌻 Instagram: https://ift.tt/HIXrLxp Twitter: https://twitter.com/hannahwitton Facebook: https://ift.tt/JpqvD2I 🎧LISTEN TO MY PODCAST🎧 https://ift.tt/Z2BMGJI 💕JOIN THE HORMONE DIARIES COMMUNITY 💕 https://ift.tt/0AIvTxY 💛MY WEBSITE💛 https://ift.tt/cXAGLZM 🎮WATCH ME PLAY GAMES🎮 https://ift.tt/ij6uatL ⭐CAPTIONS BY REV*⭐ https://ift.tt/XjA0x4Y 🎶MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE VIDEOS* 🎶 https://ift.tt/GXepvkR 🎥VIDEO EQUIPMENT*🎥 Main camera - Canon 80d: http://bit.ly/HannahsMainCamera Lens - Sigma 18-35mm f1.8: http://bit.ly/HannahsLens Microphone - H4n Zoom: http://bit.ly/HannahsMicrophone Vlog camera - Sony Sony ZV-1: https://bit.ly/HannahsNewVlogCamera Twitch camera - http://bit.ly/HannahsTwitchCamera 🎙PODCAST EQUIPMENT*🎙 Microphone - Samson Q2U: http://bit.ly/HannahsPodcastMicrophone Recorder - H6n Zoom: http://bit.ly/HannahsPodcastRecorder *Affiliate links #HannahWitton
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ovathemoon · 3 years
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What is the difference between abstinence and outercourse?
😎 Abstinence, with reference to sex, is the practice of not having sex.  If someone says they’re abstinent, it likely means they are not having sex.
💋 Outercourse, in contrast with intercourse, is sexual activity that does not involve penetrative sex, and is often used to mean sexual activity that does not have the possibility of pregnancy.  Some examples of outercourse include kissing, masturbation, or using sex toys.  
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 There are differences between abstinence and outercourse, but these differences vary among different people.  Some people define abstinence as the same thing as outercourse, and consider sex that cannot result in pregnancy as a type of abstinence.  Some consider abstinence as no sex of any kind, not just penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex.  The definition will ultimately depend on your personal views.
🔘 What may be easier to understand is what abstinence and outercourse have in common as a birth control method.  Both are not having sex that could result in pregnancy.  According to Planned Parenthood, both practices have a 100% effectiveness rate against pregnancy because there is no PIV sex.  
🤗 BUT if you’ve been following our content and learning about your reproductive health, you will know that pregnancy can happen when sperm is able to enter the vagina and reach an ovum.  
🤓 If you consider using sex toys with your partner as a form of abstinence or outercourse, don’t automatically think this prevents pregnancy.  If your partner gets sperm onto a sex toy, and you are at or near ovulation, and if you share this toy… then pregnancy could occur!
📚 So, we would like to emphasize the definition of abstinence and outercourse a bit.  Abstinence and outercourse, for it to be 100% effective against pregnancy, must not involve potential ovum-to-sperm contact in the vagina and uterus.  
👏🏾 Though this is a long-winded statement, hopefully you remember this caveat when considering abstinence or outercourse as a form of birth control!
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REMEMBER that if your version of abstinence involves some sexual contact, you are not protected against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).  Protect yourself against STIs through condoms, testing, vaccinations or medications!
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Some more info: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/abstinence-and-outercourse
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🤗 To learn more about menstrual & reproductive health, follow our educational resource team here or @ovathemoonorg
Also remember to consult a trusted healthcare professional when seeking medical guidance.
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lc0xperience · 3 years
Diary #2 (So., 05.12.21) - Update
Hey Tumblr ✋ 
I wanted write something here more than one time in the last couple of days but I still have to get out of my comfort zone and so I didn't really follow through ✍️. There is not one particular thing I want to write about so I chose a really generic title for this one. 
The last days have been a little bit more busy for me than usual 📅. 
On Friday I visited my good friend C.. We stayed at his now flat and watched some football (soccer ⚽️) and also played video games. It was quite fun overall and we stayed up until around 5 a.m. 🕰. Before I could fall asleep another friend called me. He was staying at a bigger city a few hours drive away from our home town, where he studies 📚. He was drunk from the night out and we just talked for an hour which was quite fun. I wasn't really that tired anyway and it helped me to get more into the sleep mode 😴. After that I slept on an uncomfortable couch until 12 o’clock ⏰. After that we watched some more soccer and in the early evening he dropped me of at a group of friends and colleagues to watch the highlight match of the day. 
They were around 10 people and all quite drunk 🍺. It was fun even though I don't drink anymore. The match was exciting as well but after that was over I wanted to go home 🏡. But before I could do that one thing happened that really got to me for the rest of the evening. It is very awkward for me to write about this but I want to try and be more open about myself so I will try to get into it 😅. 
So ... before I left the girlfriend one of my good friends arrived together with another girl. They were standing behind me when I overheard a conversation of them. Apparently they were talking about looks and the girlfriend said that objectively her boyfriend was the prettiest guy in the room, followed by the guy right next to him 👨. This short remark was quite a sting for me. The background of this is the fact that I am pretty vain to be honest and I like to think of myself as an attractive man. So hearing her leaving me out really made myself question if that belief about myself is true or just a lie I tell myself because it is so important to me 😐. I am really unsure how to view myself and so this was not really helpful in boosting my confidence. I know inside that the (maybe biased) opinion of one person should not be taken to seriously but the way she said it made me feel really unspecial and filled me with self-loathing and envy for the better part of the evening to follow 😒. This is definitely something I should confront myself with because there is always that conflict inside of me that makes me appreciate my looks one day and then despise them the next. I can't really make my mind up and my shattered self confidence is keeping me from seeing the truth I feel. I probably need to get aquatinted with the fact I am maybe somewhat attractive but not really beautiful. This is really hard to accept for me since, like I mentioned before, I am really vain and looks are important to me. I just want to be special so much in this regard and every time reality catches up with me it really hurts 😔 . At the moment I don't think there is much more for me to say about this topic but I will keep trying to figure out a permanent solution for this matter. Anyway, after I got home I was tired and sad but I was still looking forward for today. Before we arrive here however there is another delicate subject I feel I should touch on before. 
Masturbation 🍆 💦 . It is a problem that has haunted me for pretty much 10 years now. As an important background information I should state that I have been circumcised at an early age way before developing an active sexuality ✂️. As I understand it now this really does have a quite significant effect on how men experience stimulation. I learned that there are two mayor differences between circumcised and uncircumcised penises. The first is the general loss of many very sensible nerve endings that are located in the foreskin. The second one is that through the permanent exposure the gland of the penis decreases in sensitivity a lot and becomes used to the sensation of touch because it isn't protected anymore. Some men claim this has influenced there sexual enjoyment heavily, some say it is not that much of a difference.  But for me I’m pretty sure that it is a factor for my problems. Since I started masturbating as 14 years old I have always had problems having orgasms that are actually pleasing. Most of the time they just felt so mediocre if not totally unpleasant and only on rare occasions when I feel very aroused it felt like ‘the real thing’. To this day I am struggling with this and I really hate it. On top of that I never had a great libido. I usually masturbated once or twice a day but sometimes I also stopped for a few days and didn't really miss it to much. My friends said they used to masturbate up to 5 times a day, every day and sometimes even more. This is unthinkable for me because I managed 4 at most and this was like super special day where I used drugs as well. This lack of lust so to call it is probably manly a result of my early downfall into depressive states of mind. Throughout the years this has also led to me developing potency problems and now I often struggle to keep a strong erection throughout the whole procedure. This feels really disappointing and I fear that it will never be normal again. Another point I should mention here is my sex life. We can keep this short: I never had one. Pitiful, I know. This is a topic for another block so I won't get into it right now. All in all I have to say that my experiences with sexuality have been quite negative overall and this is one thing that really makes me feel like I don't want to be myself. One of my big goals for the future is to try and change this sorry state for the better. Yesterday I felt a desire too masturbate even though I wasn't really aroused (a conflicting feeling I often have) and decided to just do it. I used only my imagination which is the best way for me to get aroused most of the time. I took more time than usual and stayed strong even though I had some minor drop offs in my erection. The orgasm didn't feel intense but overall I felt quite relaxed and happy afterwards which is not always the case. Some time after that I went to bed 🛏.
I was excited for today because a couple of friends and I went to play football in an indoor arena ⚽️. This is alway really fun and this is the only sport I take part in because I was never really a sports guy. I held what it promised and I had a good time. Usually I am disappointed in my performance but today I really felt happy with what I did and it felt so nice and refreshing to be surprised in a positive way for a change 😊. After that I got something to eat and played Billard with friends until the evening (a game that has always been more rewarding for me) 🎱. When we finished I walked home and had a pleasant evening. I believe that I was in a better mood today because of the orgasm yesterday. I feel it makes a lot of difference for my emotional state if I have a pleasing or unpleasing orgasm. I am alway thankful when I get to enjoy the feeling if everything works out. 
I’m also looking forward to tomorrow because it is the day of my hypnosis but more on that in the next days. Good night to everyone 🌌. 
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