#thinking about the fun and amusement we missed out on because they aren’t ready
mod-doodles · 1 year
Sydney is the reason for Carmy’s sudden interest in ‘fun and amusement’
The person that Carmy describes himself as being after losing touch with Michael doesn’t seem like someone who has ever sought out fun or amusement, in fact it seems like he’s never experienced pure unadulterated fun in his entire life. Within his family dynamic he’s the youngest of three with an abusive mother and an absent father. He adores Mikey, truly looks up to him and respects him, Mikey of course does love Carmy, but Mikey loves him in sprite of all his quirks and eccentricities. Heartbreakingly Carmy has had too dumb down what would have bought him amusement and enjoyment to fit into the dysfunctional family and not seem ‘gay’, it’s the crux of his existence. With that in mind, consider that his brother had very recently passed away, most people with that history would just plummet into a deep depression.
What changes during this time for him is Sydney’s presence. She walks into his life like a tornado and shakes thing up in such a way that he yearns for life and adventure not just passive survival. Sydney lives in her truth; food is fun, taking care of people brings her enjoyment. She’s nerdy about it unabashedly, she does her COGs and ‘randomly adds graphics’ and she wears her heart on her sleeve but lightly covers it to protect herself.
After his failed attempt to ask her out he returns to his barren apartment to google ‘fun’, so the next time he’s prepared. Carmen experiences amusement and enjoyment through Sydney hence he conceives an opportunity for him to have ‘fun’ under the guise of the menu creation. His relationship with food though daunting; is a safe space that both him and Sydney can share at this current awkward phrase in their ‘platonic but messy business relationship’. Sydney excites him and makes him feel alive!
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Peep Carmy making sure Nat was gone gone before he started his fumbled locker room attempt, don’t worry we’ll get there one day. He’s keeping his private ‘amusement and enjoyment’ to himself for now but this developing love is so loud that they can’t control how it spills out at inopportune moments.
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FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 18: A Fish Out Of Water
a person who feels awkward or unhappy because they are in a situation that is not familiar or because they are different from the people around them
Character(s): Syren Ligeia and his sis Willow, Bijou Myste, Amora Shimizu (belonging to @tokki-yue and @holy-halone) Cw: mild language Word count: 995 Notes: Just a fun lil one that my sister helped me come up with! Set in early ARR as Syren often let Bijou take the spotlight of Warrior of Light because he didn’t like the attention and she happily ate it up. (This of course doesn’t last but he held on to his incognito as long as he could XD)
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Syren let out a sigh as he raised a hand to shield his face from the bright sun. Out of all the places he expected to go today, the beach was not one of them. It was already much too hot for his liking, the sun much to bright that he wished he had a parasol–not only that, but some sort of festival was happening–the Moonfire Faire if he could recall his sister’s excited babbling–and that seemed to bring in way too many people for the Viera’s liking. 
‘Let’s all go to the Beach’ she said. ‘It’ll be fun’ she said.
Except Syren wasn’t having any of it and he was ready to leave even though they had all just arrived. Too bad he was the only one who felt that way in his group and his inability to say no to his sister was what got him in this situation in the first place. 
“Wow! This looks so fun!” Willow gushed as she lead the group down toward the water. “There’s so much to do, I don’t know where to start!” 
“How about you three go have fun, and I’ll be here under the shade.” Syren stated flately to which his sister playfully rolled her eyes and tugged on his arm. 
“Oh don’t be such a grump Sy,” 
“Yeah Sy,” Bijou giggled. “Learn to let loose and have a little fun, will ya?” 
Syren shot her a look. “Aren’t you worried you’ll be recognized miss ‘Warroir of Light’?” 
Bijou shrugged innocently. “Nah, it’ll be fine! I’ve got a hat and sunglasses on–so long as no one draws any attention to us, we can all have a perfectly relaxing beach day!” She stretched her arms up, basking in the sunlight. 
“Even though you’re even the Warroir of Light.” Amora muttered as she crossed her arms and tossed a disapproving yet still amused look over at Syren. 
“Listen, if she wants to have the title and the attention, let her have it.” Syren responded with a shrug. “Now if you excuse me, I’ll be over here.” he tried to stalk away to the shade but both Bijou and Willow pulled him back with grins. 
“Oh no you don’t!”
“Come on, just for a little?” 
Syren let out a huff. Fine. Only for a little.
Except, only for a little turned into the majority of the day. The day seemed to drag on and by the time mid-afternoon rolled around, Syren was hot and exhausted, physically and socially. Amora and Bijou didn’t seem the least bit phased, in fact, if Syren didn’t know any better, he’d swear they were having the most fun because they were watching him suffer. He certainly didn’t miss Bijou’s amused grin every time he tried to retreat to the shade and Willow dragged him back out again, insisting he try ‘just one more thing!’
At some point, Amora and Bijou strayed from the group to relax under a parasol, both keeping watch over the siblings. “He has a hard time saying no to her, doesn’t he?” Amora chuckled, watching as Willow dragged Syren to a crowd of people who were learning some sort of dance. 
“Yep,” Bijou replied, leaning back on her chair to sunbathe. “He’s been like that with her ever since we were little. I’m surprised he hasn’t put his foot down more with her.” 
“I think it’s more of a he doesn’t want to see her upset kind of thing.” Amora responded with amusement. “Guess he can have a bit of soft spot,” she added quietly under her breath, as if still not quite believing it herself.
Meanwhile, Syren was just outside the crowd, awkwardly trying to do the dances move that were being taught, if only to please his sister once more in hopes to be left alone afterwards. He was not catching on as quickly, his movements 1 or 2 seconds behind the beat. 
“Look at Syren,” Bijou had said quietly so that only Amora could hear her, or so she thought. She nudged the other with a sly grin, pointing at the Viera. “He looks like a fish out of water with those bad dance moves. Good thing he doesn’t need those dance moves to be the Warrior of Light, we’d be doomed!” 
Syren stopped dancing, his ears twitching as he easily picked up Bijou’s words. After years of growing up with him, Syren figured she’d be more aware of his sharp hearing by now but he decided to use this to his advantage. She wanted to make fun of him? Fine, two could play that game. 
He discretely slipped out of the crowd with a smirk as he formulated his revenge. His sister was having too much fun to notice him leave and Bijou was still too busy laughing at him. Syren cleared his throat and cupped his hands to his mouth and shouting, “Hey look! Is that the Warrior of Light?” He pointed at Bijou as the crowd of dancers stopped and stared at him in confusion.
“Oh shit,” Bijou’s face fell as the realization of the situation dawned on her. Several people in the crowd turned to look at her, eagerly making their way over to her. She quickly stood, backing away slowly. “Oh come on Sy, it was just a joke!” 
Syren shrugged at her with a smirk, watching in amusement as she glanced at Amora in a silent plea to help but she too shrugged with a look that said ‘you did this to yourself’ Bijou groaned and took off in a jog down the beach to escape the group of eager onlookers. Willow was quick to follow after her, hoping in some way she could help while Amora just shook her head, watching the situation unfold but staying behind.
That should teach her. 
Syren laughed silently at his victory and retreated back to the shade, relishing that he’d get to spend the rest of the day in peace.
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Adam decides to invite Jon and Eddie to play Dungeons and Dragons with the Dark Order, among other things.
Heads up for: having The Talk, badly described D&D campaigns, and relationship insecurity.
On Friday, Adam slides on the blue tint sunglasses, and it’s weird to be able to see things but see them slightly Wrong. It’s bad enough the whole world has been dark for few days, but now…The world looks orange, like the filter people use whenever they try to make a movie seem like Mexico. “Your hair looks red,” he says to Jon, tilting his head.
“It’s pink,” Jon clarifies, then turns to Adam’s mom. “Is he supposed to be going color blind?”
“It’s the tint, asshole.”
His mom pokes him in the arm. “Language! I’m so sorry, Jon, I certainly raised him better than that.”
Jon grins, and Adam finds he’d missed seeing it this clearly, like his own personal sunlight. “I’m sure you did, Mrs. Page. Adam, what a mouth on you.”
Adam has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from retorting what he’d like to do with his mouth, and Jon’s grin says he knows it.
“Anyway,” Adam says, “we’ve got to get started on homework, Mom. Talk to you later?”
“You two have fun,” she says. “But the door stays open! No more concussions from either of you.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “Yes, Mom.”
Homework goes by quickly, because Adam can actually see for once, and they only break to make out furiously on Adam’s bed eight times today, which is a record. Jon’s hair is messy and all over the place by the time dinner is ready.
“You look like Kirby blew up on your head,” Adam says, trying to smooth the pink mess a little frantically. “They’re gonna know.”
Jon laughs, being so obvious about the way he keeps looking down at Adam’s lips that Adam wants to kiss him about it. “What do you think they think we do in here?”
Adam pulls it back in a messy braid, throws his own into a messy bun, and they walk out to dinner. His mother raises an eyebrow, and Adam decides not to acknowledge it. eat with Adam’s parents, kicking each other gently under the table and sharing smiles.
Adam’s mom watches, knowing.
“Hope to see you soon, Jon,” she calls out the door as Adam walks him outside to his car.
Adam makes it to the seat before Jon’s grabbing his face and pulling him close, kissing him hard.
“Hello,” Adam mumbles against Jon’s lips.
“Shut up,” Jon says. “You had your hair in that stupid little bun again and it’s so annoyingly hot.”
Adam would reply, but Jon is kissing the breath out of him, and words can wait.
He gets home from dropping Jon off, a little ruffled but pleased, when he notices his mom is standing with a mildly amused smile on her lips.
“Everything okay?” Adam asks.
“We need to have a bit of a talk,” she says. She has her Doctor Face on. Adam hates her Doctor Face.
Adam feels his blood go cold. “Oh, god, no.”
His mother has diagrams this time. When he started dating Kenny, she didn’t whip out diagrams. Adam tries his best to stay focused, pretend he’s paying attention, but his fight or flight reflex has kicked in and he wants a one way ticket into Antarctica.
“And that’s why, even though there’s no chance of pregnancy, a condom is still necessary every time.” She flips her little booklet closed. “Alright. You okay?”
“I’m traumatized,” Adam says. “I need to go to bed.”
“Okay, well, you don’t have that look where you’re going to throw up, and your eyes aren’t crossed, so I don’t think the concussion has created any further problems.” She opens her arms. “Want a hug before bed?”
He leans in and hugs her, noticing for the first time that he’s practically towering over her.
“When’d you get so tall, Addy?” she mutters into his shoulder. “Quit growing.”
“Would if I could, Mom,” he says.
He tries to scrub the memory of The Talk from his mind in the shower, and walks back to his bedroom to find a message from Jon on his phone.
Goodnight, Cowboy. Think of me when you shower.
Adam laughs, because, for once, Jon is a step behind. Caught me after the shower. Too bad. Night.
He goes to bed smiling, and dreams of driving a Trans Am down the highway, holding Jon’s hand.
“Those glasses are stupid,” John Silver says as a greeting on Monday morning. He’s grinning.
“Gotta wear them since I got that concussion,” Adam explains. “And you’re stupid.”
“Yeah, I know,” John says. His smile hasn’t faded. “So, Uno and Stu were gonna have a D and D party Friday after school. You want to come?”
“Yeah!” Adam says. And then he has an idea. “Can I invite Jon Moxley? And maybe Eddie Kingston too?”
John shrugs. “Don’t see why not. They know how to play?”
“Don’t know. I can ask. They can watch, if they want, right?”
John nods. “That’s what we did for your sorry ass last year, and look at you know! A halfling bard with the voice of an angel.”
Adam brings it up to Jon when he gets to class.
“Oh, I love D and D!” he says. “Yeah, it’s like role playing, but without the sex part. Well,” he grins at Adam, a little dirty, “it could be with the sex part, if you want it.”
“Okay, cool it, we’re at school,” Adam hisses. He’s feeling warm, and not because it’s 90 degrees outside.
Jon’s grin just gets more devastating. “What, you don’t think about it?”
“I do,” Adam says, a little too fast, “I just don’t want to think about it at school.”
Jon opens his mouth to respond, but Mr. Pham comes in, and, with only one mildly weird comment about Adam’s blue light filtering glasses, begins class.
Jon’s still buzzing about it when Adam meets them at lunch.
“D and D?” Eddie asks. “Oh, god, Mox, not again.”
“It’ll be fun!” Jon says. “And it’s not with my cousins this time, so no one’s gonna ask you if you’re gonna marry me or anything.”
“It’s just the Dark Order kids,” Adam adds. “John Silver’s the DM and he does a really good job.”
Eddie sighs. “Fine. But I’m just watching. I’ll be the second for Mox.”
“How many times do I need to tell you,” Jon groans, “you don’t need a second for a board game!”
Adam is giddy and excited the whole week, even when he gets his first Chemistry test back that’s a lower grade than he’d wanted. He’d been looking forward to the Dark Order club meeting all week, and now that Eddie and Jon are walking to the club room in the freshman wing of the high school, he’s practically skipping.
“You’re so weird,” Eddie says. “Mox, why’s he so weird?”
“I’m not weird,” Adam argues. “I’m excited. This is fun. We’re starting a brand new campaign for the school year. John’s iced everybody out as he’s planned for this campaign.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “I always forget how,” he pauses, “enthusiastic you nerds are.”
“You like it when I’m enthusiastic,” Jon says, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Okay, no fucking mid meeting. We have things to do.” Adam opens the door. “In you go.”
The campaign is…chaotic, Adam realizes, and that’s the most normal thing he can say about it. Brodie, the previous DM and club president, had a dark, serious, almost terror-based approach to the game.
John, on the other hand.
“Okay, Anna, your dragon born runs into a unicorn,” he says, bouncing, “roll to see if it accepts you as its friend or skewers you with its horn.”
Anna stares at him. “A unicorn, John?”
John nods. “Yeah. Unicorn.”
Eddie leans over to Adam. “Your friends are weird.”
Adam shrugs. “And?”
“Okay, what if I,” Jon says, leaning in and checking his character sheet, “okay, since I’m a human lady, do you think the unicorn might be more open to talking to me?”
By the end of the meeting, Anna’s dragonborn had to be saved twice by Jon’s healing character, Adam’s halfling rolled a nat 20 and a nat 2, leading him to defeat an entire town of vampires and then get near death from drinking from a river. Halfway through it Eddie, begins narrating everything with an even more extreme New York accent than he usually has. Stu and Uno don’t seem particularly cool with it, but they have a pretty good day for their characters, so neither of them really complain.
Alex, on the other hand, is miserable.
“How did I die on the first day?” he complains, packing up his stuff. “I made my half-orc so cool! He was so powerful!”
“That’s the luck of the draw, buddy,” Alan says, clapping his shoulder.
“Says the guy who was able to seduce a fairy for information and gain access to the fey world,” Alex grumbles.
“I thought it was great!” Jon says. “I feel like I really know my character, right? Like, I love that she’s a healer. I think that adds a little pizazz, gets us ready for the devastating backstory I’m gonna drop next time I swing by.”
“None of this, and I need you to hear me on this one, Mox, is cool,” Eddie says. “Drop me off at home before the two of you start making out, okay? I’m exhausted and I have a match tomorrow at, like, the ass crack of dawn.”
“Your match is at one in the afternoon,” Jon retorts.
Eddie shrugs. “Same difference.”
When they drop Eddie off, he kisses Jon so gently that Adam has to look away. It’s a softness that he’s not sure he’s earned the right to see, at least not yet, and he wants the two of them to have as much of their time as they need.
It takes longer than he expects, though. They’re muttering to each other quietly, and laughing a little, and Adam feels like he shouldn’t be here.
“Alright, Cowboy, let’s go,” Jon says, sliding back into the car. “What’s wrong? Your head hurt?”
Adam shakes his head. “I’m good.”
“You look weird,” Jon says. He stares at Adam. “You wanna talk about it?”
Adam shakes his head. “No. Not right now.”
But it builds in him as they drive to Jon’s house, only a few minutes from Eddie’s.
“Seriously, I can, like, feel the weird coming off of you,” Jon insists. “Talk to me. Come on.” He pokes Adam’s arm. “Are you having a headache? Is it driving?”
“I’m fine!” Adam snaps, and it’s too much for the moment, too mean. He immediately regrets it. He glances over at a stop sign to see Jon looking shattered. “God, Jon, I’m sorry. I – I’m fine.” He fights the frustration, the tears welling in his eyes from just how often he manages to hurt people by accident. He remembers the times he lashed out at Kenny, the way Kenny had been kind and gentle at first and slowly grew calloused and angry in response. The way Adam fears he’s going to do to Jon.
Jon reaches out and touches Adam’s hand. “Hey,” he says gently. “What’s going on? Seriously.”
Adam pulls into the Walmart parking lot, throws the car in park, and collapses against the steering wheel. He doesn’t even know why he’s crying. He doesn’t know why he hurts, why something is wrong, why he snapped at Jon. He doesn’t know why all he wants to do is go home and drink as much as he can as fast as he can until it takes him out, makes it all go away.
Jon’s whispering something gentle, rubbing his back, as Adam’s sobs relax. “Adam,” Jon says, and the sounds become words, “come on, breathe for me.”
Breathing. Adam can do breathing. Four, seven, eight. Four, seven, eight.
“See? Breathing was easy. Now you gotta talk to me.”
Adam lifts his head to see Jon, small smile on his face. “I don’t want to make you hear all the shit I don’t even understand in my own head.”
“That’s not really the point, is it?” Jon asks. “Something wrong. I’m your boyfriend. Part of this whole boyfriend thing is we talk.”
Adam bites the inside of his cheek. “That’s the first time you’ve said that.”
“Said what?”
“That I’m,” Adam feels the word catch in his throat, “that you’re my boyfriend.”
Jon frowns. “It is? I coulda sworn…” He trails off. “Oh, shit, is that what it’s about?” He grabs Adam’s hand. “Man, just because I love Eddie doesn’t mean I can’t want you. I like you and I like him.” He smiles. “There aren’t, like, tiers here.”
“You said I was good for fun,” Adam says, and he didn’t realize until now, not until Jon said it, that this is what’s been aching at him. “I didn’t realize you thought about me more than just fun.”
“Fuck,” Jon says, and he yanks on the ends of his ponytail, “fuck, I did it again.”
Adam raises an eyebrow. “Again?”
“I did this to Eddie, too,” Jon says, gritting his teeth. “I forgot to make it – I forgot to tell him – ” He turns to Adam, takes his face in his hands. “Adam, I’m picking you. I can’t believe I never told you. But I want you and I like you and this isn’t just fun.” He exhales, looking a little worried. “I want you to be my boyfriend. Do you want me to be yours?”
Adam sighs, the tension draining out of him so fast it’s almost dizzying. “Yeah,” he says, as Jon brushes a tear from his cheek with his thumb. “Yeah, I do.”
Jon leans in and kisses Adam with such fervor that one of them hits the car horn. The two of them jump about a foot.
“Fuck!” Jon shouts, and Adam is briefly tempted to ask him if he remembers any other words after they start kissing.
“Calm down,” Adam laughs. “God, you’re as much of a wreck as me.”
“Yeah, well, you and your stupid face makes me stupid,” Jon says. “It’s your fault.”
Adam gets them both home safely, dropping Jon off with a kiss to make him remember. “I’ll see you Monday?” he asks.
Jon nods, grinning. “I got a match tomorrow, so yeah. Maybe soon you can come see me?”
Adam nods. “Yeah. Yeah, soon.”
He practically floats home, into the door, and past his parents.
“You look happy,” his mom says.
Adam shrugs. “I really like Jon. And he, uh, asked me to be his boyfriend today. Like, officially.”
“Oh, thank god,” his dad groans. “You were getting so anxious about that, I could tell.”
“You could?”
His dad nods. “Kid, you forget I’ve known you since the moment you entered the world. It’s taken everything in me not to tell you how you’re feeling every time I know you feel it.” He smiles. “You reached the age where I gotta let you figure it out.”
He watches TV with his parents for a few hours, texting Jon the whole time, and falls asleep without remembering that he’d earlier planned to drink himself into oblivion.
Mini playlist:
Love Like This - The Summer Set Never Enough - One Direction Dark Side of Your Room - All Time Low 1900something - Sub-Radio
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Inspired by that boat scene in Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 2.
Luca is younger here, like maybe in his early twenties.
The Lake
Gif by @bl-ck-sw-n
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“Luca?” The young woman came up to him as if he owed her something.
When the other Luca in attendance turned around, she specified, “Audrey’s son, Luca?”
They knew each other in passing, but he’s never actually talked to her.
Their mothers were friends and this holiday was planned for them at this lake resort every time his parents came to the states.
Their cabins are close and he has lost count on the many times he’s seen her forget to close her bedroom window when she changes, but he has never truly met her.
“Yes, I’m Audrey’s son, Luca. And you are?” He knew her name, everyone did, there was no woman here who could compare to Y/N.
Of course, he knew her as Y/N, Silvia’s daughter. And her annoyed scoff let him knew she was not amused.
“Y/N.” she was stunning, never a hair out of place and always dressed in the latest fashion. He could bet one hundred dollars that every girl here would be wearing a wide brimmed straw hat liker hers by tomorrow.
“Doesn’t ring a bell, can you be more specific?” he said finding her irritation much better than her refined façade.
“Silvia’s daughter, Y/N.” she crossed her arms and stared him down despite how short she was. He could tuck her under his chin and yet she looked as tall as him with that glare.
“What can I do for you, Y/N?” he asks taking a new toothpick in his mouth.
He was Audrey’s gangster son, the prodigal son who all the women want because of the danger he supposedly emanates.
“Our mom’s got it in their head that we’d be great together. Mamma won’t shut up about how great you are and this morning implied that the size of your nose means you are well endowed. If we go out on a date she will shut up and let me enjoy the rest of our vacation.” She is direct, doesn’t even blush at the correct assumption her mother made.
Oh, Silvia Lombardo, never change, he thinks as he lets Y/N explain her plan.
“And when is this date, I need at least six hours to get us a good spot in this fucking resort.” He says taking the challenge.
He'll make her change her mind, they all change their mind and before they know it they are sneaking around the resort because they can’t get enough of him.
“Too bad, its right now. We’ll go on a boat ride where they can see us as they gossip and where she can’t have any wiggle room to suggest a second date.” She said grabbing him by the arm like they aren’t practically strangers.
“If someone has to be tossed in the lake, it will have to be you. Mamma will kill me if I ruin this suit.” He says as he lets her guide him to the dock where the life guard gets a boat ready for them.
They sit at opposite ends of the little boat and he takes out the resort’s newsletter he had been reading before was so rudely interrupted.
“Aren’t you going to row?” she asks as she sits there looking pretty.
Too bad she’s determined to dislike him, but he’s enjoying getting her riled up.
Makes the whole thing much more believable.
“No.” he pretends to be engrossed by the inane and dull words of whoever the fuck the resort pays to write this.
They’ll be a Shakespearian play tomorrow evening, maybe once she’s cooled down, he’ll make things worse by taking her out on a real date.
“The guy always rows.” She says as if it would get him to lift the fucking paddle.
Or he’ll take her to a club near here and see if perfect Miss Lombardo is a whore under that expensive summer dresses.
“Not this one, signorina.” He emphasized that by sitting back and flipping the page on the newsletter.
She huffed and Luca thinks the view of irritated Y/N Lombardo enhances the picturesque lake behind her.
“At least say something so it looks like we’re having fun.” She suggests and he tries not to smirk.
“Alessandro Russo wishes to thank all those how were there to say their final goodbyes to his late wife, Guilia.” He reads and tries not to laugh when she throws her head back laughing and giggling like he had made a joke.
“Fuck you, Luca. Read something funny, now people think I’m crazy.” She says with a fake smile as the passengers in the boat near them stared.
“You are. I swear you Lombardos are fucking insane, but your mother is never wrong. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, wear something nice and tell your mother not to wait up.” He says as he tosses the paper aside and offered the crazy girl in front of him his hand as their boat rode came to an end. “I’ll kiss and you’ll toss me in the lake, your mother will think this is little act is real if you do it.”
“What about your suit?” Y/N asked unaware of his intentions as he pulled her in for kiss.
“You can make it up to me by wearing that red lingerie you had on when you came last week.”
She’s a good kisser, makes him wonder what else she can do with that pretty mouth of hers.
Makes ruining this suit worth it, he thinks as he lets her push him into the water.
“I hope you can swim, signorina.” He says as he takes her down with him.
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Best Beating Heart
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I is for Ice Skating
Joel makes your dreams come true in a post-apocalyptic world. 
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: None. This is just some good Joel fluff. Because we need it. 
“Here looks like a good place to stop,” Joel says to you and the rest of the crew following along behind him. “Take a few moments, catch your breath. We have more ground to cover.” His eyes flick to you for a sliver of a second, and you smile just as he turns to walk away. 
He enters the abandoned library, leaving you and the rest of the patrol out in the snow. It’s not unusual for Joel to be quiet and standoffish. It’s not like he’s a jerk or anything, but he likes to keep to himself. He’s friendly when he has to be and social when the situation calls for it. But mostly, Joel’s a loner. 
That doesn’t bother you. In fact, it’s one of the things you like about him. He looks scary and intimidating, but you know he’s actually a total softie. You have Ellie to thank for that. She never shuts up about him. Not that you mind. You like hearing her stories about the older man. 
“You gonna follow him?” 
Speaking of the devil, Ellie pops up by your side, amused grin on her face. She knows about your fascination with Joel. You think everyone does, except Joel. 
It’s your fault. You’re not exactly subtle. Like right now, for instance, you can’t tear your eyes away from the double doors he disappeared behind. 
“No,” you scoff, brushing her off awkwardly. “Why would I do that? You’re being weird. Shut up.” 
“Yeah, okay,” the teenager snorts and heads off towards the rest of the group, leaving you alone. You frown at the library before making the decision to join Ellie. Joel needs some alone time. You don’t want to bother him. 
Your boots crunch in the snow as you walk the small trail to the frozen creek. Flakes continue to fall in a light dusting, sprinkling over your hair and face. It’s been a brutal winter with storms continuously rolling in and temperatures well below freezing. But work calls. And today is a group patrol. So it’s not as awful. 
“You totally love him,” Ellie chimes in as you catch up with her. You roll your eyes and shove her off the path into the snow. She curses at you, but you’re already gone, running down the snowy pathway. 
When you catch up with the others, you see they’re all huddled in a group, keeping warm and taking turns talking about what they miss most from their “past life.” It’s their way of keeping their minds off the biting cold. You kind of like hearing about everyone’s past and the things they were into. It shows a lot about who they were before life turned them rigid. 
Ellie, having grown up in the apocalypse, skips her turn, much to her chagrin. So your friend Ivan begins to talk about school field trips. Like you, he was still young when the cordyceps hit. All of his memories are of being a goofy kid. When he talks about his third grade class going on a field trip to the science center, you can picture it. You had the exact same energy for those outings. 
The excitement the night before, laying out your clothes so you’d be ready in the morning. The fun lunches your parents used to pack and the cash they gave you for souvenirs. Missing an entire day of school to learn about one subject, but having fun anyway because you were with your friends and you didn’t have to be stuck in class. Those were the days. 
Ivan continues to talk, and you continue to recall small pieces of your memories. You don’t realize you and Ellie aren’t alone anymore. It’s when Ellie kicks your foot that you snap out of your haze and look over to see that Joel has joined you. 
You give him a small smile and a wave. But all he does is nod his head and stand back, away from everyone else. He’s happy to just listen in. 
“Your turn,” Ivan states, saying your name and pointing at you. 
Put on the spot, you say the first thing that comes to mind. “Ice skating.” 
“Seriously?” Ellie chimes in, intrigued by your answer. “You know how to skate?” 
“I used to compete,” you tell her with a smile. “I was a kid, obviously, but I was pretty good. And I liked it. I felt like a princess,” you admit. 
“That’s so cool,” she says, clearly impressed by your hidden talent. You have to confess, you’re not surprised. You used to get that reaction a lot. People always seem mystified by the fact that you skated at an expert level. Especially when you were only seven years old. 
“I think that’s the thing I miss most,” you say to the rest of the group, glancing over at Joel to gauge his reaction. His face is unreadable, but you like to think he’s listening to you. “It could be the weather,” you add, holding your hand up to the sky. “Winter always reminds me of competition. But, I don’t know, skating is graceful. It’s peaceful. I never felt happier than when I was on the ice, floating around in my sparkly outfits, feeling the rhythm of the music. I’d give anything for just one more glide around the ice.” 
“That sounds really nice,” Ellie tells you with a warm smile. She turns to Joel, the man still stoic where he stands. “Have you ever been ice skating, Joel?” 
For the first time since he joined you all, he shows some emotion, breathing out a soft laugh. Instead of looking at Ellie, he looks at you, and you feel your heart flutter at the light swimming in his hazel eyes. “I took Sarah a few times,” he says, eyes darting away from you. “She hated it. But that’s because she kept falling. I’m pretty sure my laughing at her didn’t help,” he chuckles. 
“Joel!” Ellie tsks, smacking the man on the arm. “That’s so rude.” 
“Nah,” you join in, shaking your head as you laugh. “I used to make fun of my friends, too. Man, it would be so fucking funny to watch them flail around before eating shit. Like newborn deer trying to walk. Hilarious.” 
“Wow,” Ellie scoffs, but it’s not her reaction you focus on. From the corner of your eye, you see Joel smiling, a real smile, teeth and all. It’s so damn beautiful. 
You’re staring. You know you’re staring. Everyone around you fucking knows you’re staring. But you can’t help yourself. 
And Joel notices. You think you can see his face heat up with a blush, but you can’t be certain. But he does hold your gaze for a second longer than he usually does. It’s such a small action, but it feels intimate. 
“We should get movin’ again,'' Joel says as he clears his throat, his eyes dropping to his snowy boots. “If we leave now, we can make it home before the storm starts.” 
Short-lived and simple, but that moment with Joel is something you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Who knows if you’ll ever have another interaction like that with him? Next to you, you hear Ellie giggle. You can’t avoid her. 
“You so love him,” she teases, making kissy faces mocking you. “And don’t even tell me you don’t. I see those hearts in your eyes.” 
“Whatever,” you stick your tongue out like a child. “Just get a move on, kid.” 
Up ahead, Joel listens in on you and Ellie. He feels bad, invading your conversation like that, but he can’t help it. Truthfully, Joel likes you. He’s liked you since you arrived in Jackson last year. He hasn’t done anything about it because he sees himself as a boring old man. And you’re only in your twenties. What would you want with him?  
But that doesn’t stop him from keeping you close. When there’s an opening for his patrol, he insists you be his partner. That way he can keep you safe. And he always insists you’re in his trainings. That way he can assure you’re prepared to the best of your ability. When there’s group outings, he asks you to come along “for Ellie’s sake.” Because she likes you. Trusts you. Really, he just wants you around. Always. 
And it’s just easier for him to hide behind excuses. 
But what Joel doesn’t know is that you have the biggest crush on him, too. You’re first in line when he needs a partner for patrol. You sign up for his trainings as soon as the list goes up. And when there are group outings, you’re out the door ready to go before he even asks. 
Ellie knows about your weird crush. And she knows that Joel’s into you, too. She laughs at how clueless you both are. She has a time limit before she’ll step in and play matchmaker. And watching your shy smiles and small waves today is only pushing her closer to the edge. 
“Tommy!” Joel finds his brother the next day, enthusiastically pitching him a grand idea. “You know that empty lot by the playground?” He doesn’t wait for Tommy to answer before delving into his thoughts. “It’s not being used for anything, is it? Because I know the perfect way to utilize that space. I think it’s something everyone will really enjoy.” 
The younger brother pauses for a few seconds, not used to seeing Joel so animated and excited about something. He only has to think for a brief minute before realizing the true nature behind Joel’s intentions. “It’s for that girl, isn’t it?” 
Joel frowns, his rare cheery disposition fading away. He’s being too obvious. But how? He didn’t even give any details! 
“I, uh, I don’t know what you mean?” He mutters with a pout. 
“Yeah, you do,” Tommy chuckles, but he doesn’t push it anymore. He notices Joel’s hesitation and feels guilty for teasing him. Even though it’s a little deserved. It’s about time the older man acted on his feelings. “What do you have in mind, big brother?” 
“Okay,” Joel’s smile returns. “I need some PVC, some plastic lining,” he begins listing the building materials he’ll need, hoping Tommy will know where to find them. Or that he’ll know someone who can help. “Tarp,” he mumbles, counting on his fingers. “And, well, water.” 
“Interesting,” Tommy muses. “Yeah, I know where we can get some of that. May I ask what you’re planning?” 
“You may not,” Joel counters, thanking his brother for the help and disappearing. He’s secretive, but Tommy laughs. Joel has a good heart. He’s always had a good heart. It’s a relief to see him thriving again. 
Over the next few days, Joel works tirelessly on his secret project. Ellie constantly pesters him about it, but he doesn’t reveal any details. She has a pretty good idea of what he’s doing, but she doesn’t ruin the surprise, knowing how excited he is. 
On Monday, she checks in, asking Joel if he needs any help. He tells her to go away. On Tuesday, she pokes by again but is turned away by Jesse and Dina, saying they have it under control. By Wednesday, Ellie is annoyed. She threatens Joel, warning him that she’ll tell you what he’s up to if he doesn’t let her help. 
But by Thursday, he’s done. And after letting Ellie in, she’s so excited she can’t stand it. She tells Joel she’s leaving. She’ll be hanging out with Cat for the rest of the day. So she’ll be out of his hair. He tells her it’s unnecessary, but deep down, he’s thankful. He’s so worried about the big reveal. He just wants it all to go smoothly. 
So on your next patrol with Joel, one where it’s only the two of you because Tommy kindly backed out, he spends the whole shift feeling jittery. He had a whole big speech planned, but then you showed up at his house this morning, and all that preparedness went out the window. Just seeing your face, red from the cold, turned his brain to mush. 
You have such a strange effect on him. You’re dangerous, and you don’t even know it. It’s a curse, really. But you’re just so cute and you’re funny. And you make even his darkest days bright just by giving him one smile. 
“Joel? You okay?” You break the silence that’s fallen between you two. He’s been looking off in the distance for a while now, and you’re a bit concerned. 
“Huh?” He mumbles, coming back down to Earth. He observes your worried face and realizes how aloof he’s been during most of your ride. “Sorry, darlin’, guess I spaced out.” 
Darlin’. The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily that you wonder if he’s that smooth with other girls. Or if he’s been holding that in for you. It’s the first time he’s ever called you that. But it feels so right. It feels…good. You want to hear it again. You want him to say it to you, exclusively. 
“Something on your mind?” You ask, holding back your squeals. His handsome face beams into a beautiful smile that melts your insides. 
“Yeah, actually,” he admits as you approach the walls of Jackson. “I have something I want to show you, if you’re not busy?” 
“For you?” You tease. “I have all the time in the world.” 
Joel can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but he doesn’t care. He takes your word for it. The gates open, welcoming you home. You dismount from your horses, and Joel quickly takes your hand. The touch shocks you, literally, the static hitting you both. But you know it’s more than that. 
He excitedly drags you to the playground area, and you watch as the kids engage in a snowball fight. You think it’s nice that behind these walls, kids can still be kids and enjoy those little luxuries. You kind of wish you still had some of that inspiring youth left in your heart. 
You feel a tug on your hand and pull yourself away from the adventures of the kids. You follow Joel past the slides and around the fence until you reach what used to be just a grassy field. Your jaw drops, however, when you see that patch of grass gone and replaced with…a rink. 
An ice rink. 
“That day when we were all on patrol,” Joel starts, reaching into a bag beside the rink. “You shared your story. And the look on your face…” He pulls out a pair of old ice skates, worn and dirty, but still in decent shape. “I had to guess your size,” he says as he hands them to you. 
Your heart explodes at the gesture, different emotions coming over you all at once. You’re going to overflow with actual tears if you don’t get it under control. “Joel, I can’t believe this,” you whimper as you grab the skates. They’re perfect. 
“It’s nothing,” he shrugs, but you don’t miss the small smile that pulls at the corner of his lips. 
“You built me an ice skating rink,” you say in disbelief. That is so not nothing. 
“It was easy, I just had to get a few supplies, and it didn’t take long,” he mumbles. “I had some help.” 
“You built me a rink,” you say again, trying to emphasize just how special this is. 
“I liked doing it,” he shrugs. “It was a fun project.” 
“Joel, you built me an ice skating rink,” you declare with finality in your voice. 
That’s when he finally looks at you, loving eyes boring into yours. “You deserve it,” he whispers. 
“No one has ever done anything this thoughtful for me before,” your voice cracks as you speak. You can’t believe Joel did all this. He’s playing it off like it’s no big deal, but it is. It means everything to you. 
Joel grunts and he looks down at his handy work. He looks sad, almost. Like he’s given up or something. “I just want you to be happy,” he sighs. 
And it’s the softest sound you’ve ever heard. His brave admission is what does it for you. You can’t lie anymore. Fuck, Ellie is right. You love him. 
You take two strides to where he stands, grab his perfect face in your hands, and kiss him deeply. The second your lips touch, you know there’s no turning back. His moves are tender, lips soft and slow as he kisses you back. It’s such a delicate feeling. You look at a man like Joel and expect a roughness that rivals that of the outside world. But he’s touching your face like you’re this fragile figure and he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
“Why? What?” He stutters as you pull away from him. He misses your lips already, desperate to feel them again, a little rougher this time. 
You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck. “I wanted to. I have for a while,” you murmur, standing on your tiptoes to brush your nose against his. Your eyes blink up at him and he swoons. 
His lips claim yours again, kissing you harder this time as his hands tangle in your hair. The amount of times he’s imagined this is unhealthy. And his imagination is pitiful compared to the real thing. Your kiss tastes sweet, like candy, and your warm breath tickles his face as you exhale through your nose. He loves you. He loves you so much. 
“Darlin’, I…” Joel speaks, but you stop him, kissing him again. Just as he wraps his arms around you, you break the kiss and cuddle into him. 
“I know,” you say, “I love you, too.” 
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Joel Miller Taglist: @swtaura - @chxpsi - @extraneous-trip - @cerebellam - @tiredbeebo
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Imagine you found out that you have a sister, Sookie Stackhouse, unwillingly you fall into her world of supernatural creatures. Being a more advanced mindreader than Sookie, all supernatural eyes are on you. You’re a weapon, but will you make it out alive?
The good life
Part one  (All your life) Part two  (Stay in the dark) Part three (Double heart) Part four (Better dig two) Part five (DONE.) Part six (Night gone wasted) Part seven (Miss you being gone) Part eight (Don’t let me be lonely) Part nine (The good life) Part ten  (Coming soon)
Word Count: 
A/N:  If you want to be tagged when I post the next parts let me know! Tagging: @profoundtyrantharmony @forkscult @blondiekook I think I tagged everyone who asked to be tagged, but I’m not sure..
Previously: After everything that happened with Cam you try to recover with the help of Eric. You go to town where you meet the weretiger Quinn and the gorgeous Jenna. You get ready for the halloween party.
Summary: You attend the halloween party with Eric, you meet your brother for the first time. And for the first time in a long while, you finally have some fun.
"Why didn't you tell me I have a brother?" You ask Eric, getting a little irritated. Eric stays silent so you go ahead and answer for him. "Because everyone is obsessed with fucking Sookie, with her magic vagina or something to even realize that Jason is also there! You are still too hung on Sookie Stackhouse to get real with me sjeez!" "Will you calm down please." Eric asks you impatiantly. It's hard to take him serious dressed as a viking. "No! I won't calm down!" You yell at him. "I always calm down, but right now I don't want to calm down!" A glimpse of Eric's thoughts cross your mind. Angry you throw your towel at him. "If I had been on my period you would have smelled it, you asshole!" Eric smiles and then his eyes widen. "You can read my mind?" He asks you shocked. "Well yes I am a mindreader for godsake. And we were arguing about you and everyone being too hung up on Sookie." Eric ignores your rant and sits down on the edge of the bathtub. He takes your hands into his even though you aren't really in the mood for that. "Y/n, Sookie has never been able to read the minds of vampires." You think this over in your head for a minute and sit down next to Eric. "What does that mean?" You ask him now completely calm. "It means that you are even more valuable than I thought." He tells you and you scoff. "Listen, y/n." He cups your face. "I don't care about Sookie anymore, y/n. Not since the night I saw you dancing in my guestroom. When we danced and talked. You probably have fairyblood too like Sookie and that is mostly what attracted me to her, but with you it's different." You just stare at him, watching him continue his story. "You might be part fairy, but you are also resourceful and brave, you are so gorgeous even for a man who has lived a thousand lives. The most special thing about you is your mind. The way it works it's just so beautiful." "Are you saying you are in love with me?" You ask him still trying to process the fairy part. Eric drops his hands and looks a bit troubled, but before he can answer you, you continue. "Wait what do you mean I am a fairy?" "Your grandma, she had relations with a male fairy." He tells you as if he is telling you something as simple as tonights forecast. You get up on your feet and start pacing. "So I am not completely human?" You stop for a second to look at Eric. He nods. "I am a fairy." You say slowly before a huge smile appears on your face. "That is so fucking cool!" Your mood has made a complete turn from angry to being over the moon. "I'm a motherfucking fairy!" Amused Eric watches you dance around in your bathrobe. You stop to look at the massive viking sitting on the edge of your bathtub and laugh. "I'm sorry I got mad at you Eric." You walk past him to the sink and look in the mirror before you start doing your make up. "There are so many excuses I could make, but I was such a jerk." "It's okay tiny human." With a huge smile on your face you scoff. "Fairy you mean." Happy you wink at him. "But so does me being a fairy explain my powers? Wait can I do magic?" Eric can't help but smile at your excited nature. "It would explain your powers, yes. But you can't do magic, I'm sorry." You gave him a little pout and continued with your make up. "Would you believe that this is my first ever halloween party?" You ask Eric. Eric, who is in an exceptional good mood gets up and appears behind you. You smile at him via the mirror. He so tall and handsome as hell. "I'm glad that I can be your first." Eric says gently rubbing his hand on your shoulder. "Does it still hurt?" "Not really, your blood really does wonders." You tell him. "I have also gotten over the fact that I pretty much died and I saw my ex decapitated. Right now, everything is peachy." While doing your make up you tell Eric about your childhood here and the gorgeous Jenna. Eric actually listened thoughtfully and that made you feel so good.
"Are you ready?" Eric asks turning off the engine of his car. You take a deep breath. "Ready." Eric is about to open his cardoor when you suddenly grab his arm. "No, wait, you need to tell me about my costume." Eric looks at you, a warm glinster in his dead cold eyes. "I chose a costume that made the most sense for you. The goddess of love." Ah so that is why you are dressed in a long white gown with gold on the shoulders and around your waist. A deep slid down your chest keeps it sexy as the long slid up the skirt revealing your leg. It was not something you had ever chosen for yourself, but Eric made you love it. "How so?" You ask him, a smile curling your lips. "Look at you, you are gorgeous, y/n. You look like an actual goddess, inside and out. I would have chosen the goddess of war, but you are so kind and loving, that nothing other than love would fit you. The dress looks amazing on you." Eric's little compliment speech makes you blush and grin from ear to ear. Never had you recieved a compliment quite like that. "You don't look so bad yourself, viking." You wink at him and get out of the car. It was getting to hot in there. The parkinglot was still pretty crowded as everyone was getting from their car to the party. "Oh, Eric, I almost forgot. I called Jason and told him about the party. I hope you don't mind." You look at him with big innocent eyes. Eyes that made him want to lock you away from the rest of the world so nothing could ever take you away from him. "It's fine." He says and offers you his arm. You take it and the two of you walk towards the party. So many people with great costumes, you are feasting your eyes. The decorations are also amazing. There are tables spread here and there with snacks and drinks on them. You pick up a glass of red wine in a skull chalice. "Oh shit!" You exclaim and look at Eric. "They probably don't have blood here!" Eric smiles at you. "It's okay, y/n."  You look around at the people trying to recognize somebody, anybody. "You see that?" You hear someone think. "Bloodsuckers are everywhere these days." You look around trying to figure out who the broadcaster is. "She's probably a little blood whore." Your eyes link with those of a man in his mid fourties. You raise your eyebrow at him, but then decide that you need more. You might not be a blood whore, but sometimes you can enjoy a little drama. Without telling Eric you march over to the man dressed as michael jackson. "Hey how is your night going, Michael?" You ask him cheerful. You can feel Eric's presence behind you. He is probably wondering what has gotten into you. The man needs a few seconds to learn how to speak again. "It's fine, who are you supposed to be?" He is kinda rude. But what did you expect. "Wait, isn't she that girl who was sleeping with the vampire we were supposed to take out?" You try not to react when you hear this thought going through his mind. "The goddess of love." You tell him. "This is a lovely town, we wished we lived somewhere this nice." The man smiles, painfully. "Where are you from?" He asks politely. "We are actually from New York. We just wanted to take a little breather." You smile at him. "Hey girl, there you are!" Jenna hugs you and takes you away from the man. "Sorry Bart, gotta steal her from you." The man already seems to have forgotten about you and Eric. Probably because of the gorgeous Jenna, but maybe your plan worked. Trying to confuse him into thinking you are not his fellowships target. But him thinking what he thought makes for an alarming discovery; they are close. The three of you are standing around a table. "So this is mister Northman?" Jenna asks admiring Eric's presence. "He's hot." She mouths to you as if Eric won't know what she is saying that way. You smile at her and then look at Eric who looks kind of like a statue. A vampire isn't really the most fun date to a party you guess… Eric who felt a sudden surge of sadness go through your body suddenly came alive. "Yes, Eric Northman." To your surprise he extended his hand to shake hers. Vampires never really do that. So he might really be trying to make a good impression. The question is on who? "Hi, Jenna Rivers." She introduces herself. When she touches his hand her eyebrows knit together in a frown. "Are you a vampire Eric?" She asks him when he lets go of her hand. "I am." He says matter of fact like. There is a moment of tense silence. Again a person who hates vampires. Concerned you look at her. "That is so cool!" She exclaims a little loud. "I have always wanted to see a vampire in real life!" You frown. "What?" "Yeah I have seen so much on the news, but this is a small town and vampires never come here." You're still kinda shocked and you bet Eric is too. "Well we don't hear that often." You tell her. "Most people hate vampires." "I don't!" She exclaims. "At least I don't think so, because I don't think what they all say is true." "I honestly don't know, I never used to be involved with vamps myself, but I guess they are okay." You say looking at Eric. Damn he is handsome. She better not lose herself in her vampire craziness, because this vampire is yours. Well not yours officially and you are not sure you even want him to be yours. It's just that you would be really jealous if Eric would pay more attention to Jenna. But you couldn't blame him if he did because she is so much more gorgeous than you. She might even be on the list to be the most beautiful woman alive. Even you might have a little crush on her like the rest of the world. Okay enough time for selfloathing, it's time to enjoy the party. You pick up your 5th glass of wine without thinking. The nerves have got you drinking. There is always this little problem when you drink, you don't know you are drunk until you have already gone way too far. Eric and Jenna have been talking with each other while you have been zoned out. "Quinn!" You suddenly exclaim way too loudly. It's probably the booze that made you excited to see him, because the other day when you met him he didn't excatly charm you. Quinn looks in your direction and smiles. His pearly white teeth reflect the moonlight. Of course it wasn't a full moon yet or this would have been a very interesting halloween. "I'm just gonna say hi." You tell Eric and as you walk by Jenna you whisper in her ear. "God, ain't the pirate look sexy?" What Eric with his super hearing of course heard. Jenna laughs and you continue on your way over to Quinn "The pirate look looks good on you, Quinn." You greet him. Quinn smiles. "The goddess look suits you." Quinn greets you back. "What goddess are you?" He puts a pretzel in his mouth. "The goddess of love." Quinn laughs. "I'm sorry, of course." Had you been clear minded you would have wondered why he said of course, but now you are just grinning at him like a fool. "I am glad you could make it." Quinn tells you. "Me too, you did a great job." You tell him looking at the decorations.  "Are you alone here?" Quinn asks. At that moment you feel a hand on your back. "No, she's with me." Eric says. "Eric Norhman, right?" Quinn asks him. Eric nodds. Quinn looks at you. "I didn't know you were also in business with Eric like Sookie." This was like a punch to the gut. The last thing what you wanted to hear was being compared to Sookie in relation to Eric. "Actually," Eric puts his arm around your shoulder. "this is purely personal." You look up in his face and give him one of your brightest smiles. Adoringly he looks down at your face. "I'm sorry I just thought because, Sookie-" Quinn started to apologize. "Y/n is nothing like Sookie." Eric intterupts him. "Y/n, I think your brother is here." Eric leans down and whispers into your ear. You look around you even though you don't know what he looks like. Probably a bit like you. "Excuse us." You tell Quinn. "So much for a normal date, huh?" You say to Eric. "That is Jason." Eric points to a guy cluelessy looking around him. "Stackhouse?" You ask loudly so he can hear you from over here. Jason looks over at you and a smile appears on his face. He walks over to you and Eric. "Hey, I am Jason Stackhouse." He introduces himself. "I'm Y/n." You shake his hand. "This is Eric." Jason looks up at the vampire. "Yeah, we've met." He said clearly salty. "I'm so sorry Eric, but can you give us a moment?" You ask a bit scared that he will be upset with you. "Of course." He says and then leans into you. "I'll just find someone to drink." Concerned you turn around to see him walk away. You really hope that that was just a joke. "Are you dating that vampire?" Is Jason's first question. And you had to think about the answer for a second. "No, I don't think so." This makes Jason frown for a quick second. "Should we hug?" You ask him a bit uncomfortable. He shrugs and hugs you. It is just as awkward as you had imagined. "Honestly I never expected this." You tell Jason. "Not that I knew you excisted, but Sookie was very clear when she told me no." Jason picks up a beer and holds it up high. "Here is to new famliy." You pick up your 6th glass of the night and connect it to his beer bottle. "Cheers." You smile and both take a sip. "Oh and this is my friend Hoyt Fortenberry." A big guy steps out from the shadows next to Jason. "Hi." He greets you awkwardly. "I think I have seen you in Merlotte's the night I was there." You tell him remembering his face. Hoyt beams at you. "I think I saw you too!" There is a moment of silence. This moment didn't feel quite like you imagined meeting your brother for the first time would feel like. The awkwardness was just floating in the air, circling around you. "I talked to Sookie, she will turn around eventually, but she is just so stubborn." Jason tells you. "I noticed that." You tell him still a bit resentful. At this point you have actually started to hate Sookie enough not to care about ever meeting her. "You wanna meet Eric and Jenna?" You ask the boys. They nodd and follow you. Eric seems to brighten up just a little bit when you join him and accidentally touch his butt. Jenna and the boys introduce themselves. And most of the evening the four of you spend time getting to know each other. Eric actually was very good company. And during that evening you even forgot that he was a vampire. That made it even harder the next morning when you would remember who he really was and what that would mean if you really dared to be in a romantic relationship with him. "I think I should get you home." Eric's whisper tickles your ear. It's late and a lot of people are already leaving. You give Eric a sad puppydog look. "Yeah, I think we should head back to Bon Temps too." Jason says. Jason and Hoyt both give you a hug before they leave. "We'll keep in touch, okay?" Jason says walking backwards to his car. "We will!" You tell him and give him a little wave. You turn back to Eric who is smiling at you. "What?" You ask him. "Nothing, I just like the way you look when you're having fun." He puts his jacket around your shoulders and together you walk back to the car.
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jj-5656 · 3 years
Truth or Dare
With; Stiles Stilinski
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IMPORTANT A/N:I’m officially down bad folks.  But I wanted to say there’s a song I need you to play during a specific part of this story. It really only lasts a minute, and you’ll know when to play it. ALSO do not skip over this fic just because the song is by 1D I promise it’s fitting and not fangirl cringe. But this is tumblr an app practically made for that...@ me. Anyways I appreciate all the recent love on my work, and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Teen drinking
“Do you have a crush on anyone?” Of course Isaac, shit-eating smirk and all would be stirring the pot. Knowing damn well you’ve made eyes at Stiles for as long as he’d known you. You stare him down with a knowing smile, taking a slow sip of your drink before answering.
Stiles raises his brows in surprise at your nonchalant response. If you did have a crush, wouldn’t you have told him? All he did was rant about Lydia to you. Though, he hadn’t talked about her in a while. Seeing as his feelings for her had seemingly fizzled away earlier this year. It was odd, one day he was madly in love with the girl and the next he wasn’t. Either way, he’s surprised at the twinge of anger he feels at your words. Jealousy
The realization scares him, what was he jealous for?
“Interesting y/n/n, who’s grabbed your attention?” Isaac presses, the two of you not breaking contact as you take another challenging gulp of your drinks. A couple of the pack members exchange worried glances. The two of you always have a habit of teasingly pushing each other’s buttons, but issac seems to be pressing a little too much. As if he knows something the others don’t.
The twinging heat in Stile’s stomach ignited, burining much brighter than before as his eyes dart between the two of you. What the hell was this? When had you and Isaac become so close? Close enough to confess each other’s crushes. He grips the solo cup in hand harder, having ignored the bubbling beverage until now.
“You’re only allowed one question Isaac. And you just used it.” You counter matter of factly, leaning back into your chair simultaneously with the blonde. The others watch your interaction intently, all having noticed the tension grow.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink.” Stiles announces suddenly, weaving between the various patio chairs as the attention turns to him.
“Aren’t you driving?” Scott interjects worriedly, not letting the change in his friends demeanor go unnoticed. Stiles pauses, turning on his heel and facing the group of you with a mischievous, somewhat forced smile .
“We can sleep here. Right Lydia? Your mom said you had the cabin for the weekend?”
“Uh, yeah. I only had a few of the guest rooms prepared. But there’s definitely enough room for everyone.” She replies, tone hesitant due to the shift energy.
“Everyone down to stay the night?” Stiles inquires, practically challenging the group to say no.
“Fun!” Lydia interjects before any of you can protest “I’ll set up the rest of the rooms. It’ll be like one big sleepover! Allison, help me grab some pillows and blankets from the basement?” She pulls the raven-haired teen along before she can answer. Shooting you a ‘what the hell just happened’ look before tugging Allison past Stiles and into the house. Leaving you, Scott, Isaac, and Stiles to deal with the lingering tension.
“Back in a sec.” stiles raises his cup in a sort of salute before making his way through the sliding glass door and towards the kitchen.
“Is someone gonna tell me what I’m missing here?” Scott inquires confusedly, looking just as astonished as the girls at how odd the three of you were acting. Scott was your other best friend, and of course knew you’d been crushing on Stiles for ages. But nothing had stemmed from it until now.
“Looks like everyone knows y/n’s crushing except the one she’s crushing on.” Issac offers with a smirk. Laughing when you get out of your seat to playfully shove his head to the side.
“You’re such an ass. I’m going to check on him.” You head towards the kitchen with what little pride you have left, shooting up your middle finger behind your back when you hear the two boys having a laughing fit at something Scott mumbles.
Usually, you’re the one drinking when the lot of you hang out. Lydia and Allison sip on something most times, but of course Isaac and Scott can only do it for taste. Even then, Isaac only takes shots with you to see who won’t make a face at the bitter beverage (bastard always wins). That’s why it’s such a surprise when you walk in the kitchen to see Stiles adding a significant amount of liquor to a fresh cup of soda, eyes boring into the liquid as if it’s just insulted him. Your eyes subtly trace over the way he clenches his jaw, pushing away the butterflies you feel when you observe his veiny hands gripping the cup. Jesus you need to touch some grass
“Easy there. Trying to out-drink me Stilinski?” You push your cup towards him gingerly, putting up your hand to signal him when to stop pouring.
“Something like that.” Stiles mumbles with a tight lipped smile, taking a gulp from the cup and making an insanely dramatic grimace. Shivering and shaking his head violently at the shock of the taste.
“You’re usually not one to drink.” You let it come out as more of a question than a statement, laughing amusedly at his spurratic reactions.
“Yeah, well...” Is all he replies, shrugging before taking another sip. This time only blinking hard to withstand the flavor. Your head cocks to the side in curiosity, holding your tongue before trying to ask what’s up with him. His eyes narrow at your actions, the fiery feeling before burning once more as he takes in your cute expression. Damn you, it’s like you’re trying to get him riled up. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but whatever feelings the brunettes been harboring are starting to bubble over. He figures he’s always had eyes for you, but it wasn’t exactly a convenient time to come to the realization he’d fallen for you. It’d been a long time coming admittedly, but it’s not like he could act on it. Well, maybe he could. He shakes away the lustful thoughts when you lean against the counter beside him. Wearing one of your more revealing tops tonight. He swears you’re doing this shit on purpose.
“Ready to go back out?” You suggest with raised brows, hoping the liquor will brighten his mood. He nods, following you back through the living room and towards the back patio. Surveying the newly placed pillows and blankets beside the couch as he steps out towards the fire pit.
“You’re back, finally! Stiles, it’s your turn to ask someone.” Lydia claps her hands to get your attention. You and Stiles sitting next to each other on one of the couches amongst the undoubtably expensive outdoor furniture.
“Alright. Isaac, truth or dare?” Stiles challenges the blonde from across the fire pit. Isaac smirks, adjusting himself on the couch opposite you.
“You guys know me, I’m mostly an open book. But with they way you’re staring me down, I’ll go with truth and skip out on whatever dare you’re fantasizing about in that big brain of yours.”
Stiles scoffs with a forced smile, just slightly moving closer to you when he sees you and Isaac make what contact.
“Do you have a crush on anyone?”
“Can we do repeat questions?”
“Don’t bullshit me Lahey, answer me.” Stiles isn’t necessarily rude, but doesn’t show any signs of breaking his serious expression when Isaac raises his brows with an amused laugh. He looks over at you, before letting his eyes fall on Allison. You don’t let their intense eye contact go unnoticed, despite it only being for a split second.
“Yeah, I do.” He mutters simply, sitting back in his seat with an uncaring smile. You can tell he is in fact shitting himself internally, being one of the few people able to see through his cocky facade.
Without a juicy enough answer, Lydia begins to give a dare. “Alright Scott, truth or-”
“Can I go again?” Issac interjects, your stomach dropping when you can practically see the gears turning in that mischievous mind of his.
“Well, it’s Scott’s turn to be asked.”
“No worries, the question is for him.”
“Well, alright.” Lydia looks between you and Allison with another ‘what the hell’ expression. Neither of you can think of an answer.
“Okay Scott. Truth or dare?”
“Uh, dare. I guess.” The tanned boy replies, not as amused when the attention turns to him.
“Kiss y/n.” Stiles chokes on his drink before the rest can even react, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his flannel sheepishly when the rest of you have your eyes on him. Scott gets up from his chair reluctantly, moving towards the couch where you’re sitting and offering you a hand up. You take it with a nervous chuckle, smile brightening when the taller boy grabs the sides of you head a plants a quick peck to your forehead. Each of you giving a respectful bow and courtesy as the group claps.
“What was that?” Isaac teases, amused expression adorning his features at the cute interaction.
“You weren’t specific about it, you just said to kiss her.” Scott explains with a prideful smile, happy to have found a loophole in his dare. He’s always been like a big brother to you, even though you never let him forget you’re a month older.
“I thought it was sweet.” Allison muses, having found the interaction between her ex boyfriend and you simply cute. Of course her and Lydia never fail to point out the way you longingly stare at your sarcastic best friend just about every minute of every day.
“Thank you, thank you. We try our best.” You give another curtsy before sitting back down, tucking your legs under yourself and letting the tops of your knees lean against Stiles’ thigh. His tense shoulders seem to ease at the contact, despite wanting to shoot out across the fire pit and pumble Isaac.
“Okay Allison, truth or dare?” Lydia turns her attention to the brunnette beside her, eager to continue the game. 
“Chug your drink.”
Allison groans, pursing her lips in a small pout and raising her drink to you in suggestion. Seeing as you often participate in chugging contests at Lydia’s infamous parties, you’re not one to step down from the offer. 
“Fine, I’ll be your moral support. Stiles, you wanna join?” You’re happy he’s finally trying to let loose, and you’re honestly eager to see a drunk Stiles. He leans over you to see how much liquid is in your cup and Allison’s, nodding when he observes that they all have just about the same amount. 
“Why not, don’t expect to win though.” You scoff at his cocky remark, scrambling up from your sitting position and moving over to the speaker playing some pop song quietly. 
“I need some motivation, not that this’ll be much of a challenge.” You counter playfully, confidence brightening when your three friends that aren’t participating start placing bills down to bet. With the increase of volume, you can feel the base of the music vibrate beneath your feet as you sit back down beside Stiles. 
“Ready? 3, 2 ,1 go!” You’re a bit surprised at Scott’s enthusiasm, but figure he’s just as eager as the others to win his money. Immediately, you Stiles and Allison start gulping down the bitter liquid. You open your eyes for a split second, observing how far your opponents have gotten. Stiles shoots his arm out towards you, playfully trying to knock the cup out of your hand whilst chugging. You do the same, hitting his arm away and tilting your head even farther back to finish. You’re done only a split second before the other two, who finish at the same time, grimacing not only from defeat but by the foreign bitter taste. You raise your empty cup as playful whoops erupt from the spectators. 
“That’s my girl.” Isaac cheers idly, bumping the sides of his fist with your own as he happily collects his earnings. 
“Don’t I get a percentage? I did all the work!”
“y/l/n, they don’t pay the race horses. All the money goes to the lucky better.”
“I should have put my money on you.” Scott groans, laughing when Stiles playfully shoves him.
“I was close, she cheated!” Stiles excitedly argues, and you’re glad his mood has improved since before. 
“Like hell we were, she killed us. And I for one will not be participating. I’m definitely placing a bet though.” Allison retorts, reaching into her wallet for cash. 
“Do you really want to be embarrassed again Stiles? I’m not going easy on you.” 
“Bring it on y/n/n.”
“Okay, we’re officially turning in. Will you guys be okay?” Lydia yawns as she finishes, Scott and Allison getting up as well.
“What? The party was just getting st-started!” Stiles hiccups with raised arms. 
“Sti, it’s 2 in the morning. We all need to get some rest for the drive tomorrow.” Scott explains, ruffling his drunken best friends hair and chuckling when he slowly swats his hands away.
“Whatever dad. You’ll stay up with me?” Stiles turns to you with a hopeful expression, eyebrows furrowing when Scott distracts you with a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re okay to get him to bed?” He asks whilst ignoring Stiles’ offended expression at the notion, turning to head inside when you nod. 
“I would stay, but then I’d be a third wheel so...Night!” Isaac chimes with a charming grin, dodging your attempt at hitting him and planting a quick kiss to your temple before rushing inside.You and Stiles mumble reluctant replies when the rest of the pack shouts their good-nights, their absence bumming you out.
“Lame.” You simultaneously deadpan, giggling into your cups at the jinx. The fire’s only embers by now, a chill running down your spine at the sudden,cool summer night air. 
“Mmm.” Stiles hums through the his cup, attempting to shrug off his flannel whilst holding the plastic between his teeth. “Take this, it’s cold.” You shake your head quickly, dizzying at the movement. 
“I’m fine, if I took it you’d be cold.” You giggle when he rolls his eyes, cup in his mouth slashing a little bit of liquid down his chin when he continues to try and maneuver out of the fabric. “You’re such a lightweight.”
“Am n-not!” He hiccups between words, mumbling due to the plastic still clenched between his teeth. You laugh again, shuffling across the couch to help him out of the shirt. You know he’ll only persist if you refuse again, deciding to give in to his stubborn behavior instead of arguing. You get his arm that’s closest the you out of the first sleeve, reaching across his lap to help remove the other. 
Stiles is instantly overwhelmed with the scent of that sweet perfume you’re always wearing. The heat emanating from your body disorienting him for  moment before he remembers the cup still in his mouth. You finally get his other arm free, sitting back on your legs only to meet his droopy brown eyes. He looks a little stunned, and you realize the alcohol’s made you a bit more bold than usual. His face is only inches away, close enough for you to smell the alcohol on his tongue. Slowly, he removes the cup from his mouth, eyes never leaving yours. You take a sharp intake of breath, the air between ou tingling with some sort of buzz as your eyes avert down to his now visible lips. His eyes go down too, and you’re reminded of the wrap shirt Lydia had forced you to borrow, exposing a bit more chest than you’re used to. He clears his throat shuffling mere centimetres closer to you as his hands move towards your neck. This is it, he’s finally going to-
“You’re necklace, it’s messed up.” His voice cracks as he speaks, and you try not to completely deflate when he clears his throat gain as he clumsily drags the chain so the charm is back against the soft skin between your collarbones. 
“Oh, thanks.” You internally cringe at how disappointed you sound, shrugging on the warm fabric of his flannel and leaning back against the couch.
You’re sitting on the counter and watching amusedly as Stiles clumsily searches the cabinets for something to eat.
“These people eat like hamsters, where’s the junk food?” He whines, exasperated from his mere 30 second search. 
“Truth or drink.” He let’s out another whine at your words, giving up on his search and leaning against the counter across you expectantly. Admittedly, he’s pretty tipsy and nearing drunk, not to mention pretty pissed that he chickened out earlier. He feigns annoyance when you nibble on your thumb to think of a question, heart melting when he observes how your feet kick in the air as the dangle off the counter top. 
“Kiss marry kill. Isaac, Derek, and Scott.” He groans at your words, lips upturning to a smirk when you giggle into your cup.
“Can’t I just marry Scott, then kill Isaac and Derek?” He tries to argue but you immediately shake your head, expectant of a complete answer. “Fine. Kiss Derek, marry Scott, and kill Isaac.”
“Why Isaac?” 
“Because he’s an ass, and he wears scarves in the summer. My turn.” You roll your eyes at his words, awaiting his question. 
“Do you have a crush on Isaac?” Your eyebrows furrow in shock, shaking your head and laughing loudly at the notion. Sure, Isaac was  hot, but you’d never had that sort of feelings for each other. He was more like a brother if anything, just like Scott. Stiles seems surprised at your answer, persisting the moment you quiet down. “Then who was he talking about before?” 
“It’s actually my turn, no double questions. What were you so mad about before?” If he wanted to get personal, you might as well match the energy. He rolls his shoulders at the question, bringing the cup to his lips to hide his smile when you throw your hands up in defeat.
“Coward.” you grimace playfully, pouting when he only shrugs at your insult. 
He jumps, startled when you gasp suddenly and reach over the counter. Turning up the volume on the stereo from before you’d brought inside. ‘Wolves’ by one direction, plays much louder now that you’ve turned the notch on the device.
“Oh my god, why?” Stiles dramatically looks up to the ceiling when you hop off the counter in excitement. Of course, he recalls the first time he’d heard the song. You’d forced him and Scott to listen to it in the jeep one night, saying it was just too ironic to not make it ‘your song.’ And whether him or Scott want to admit it or not, they’d belted out the lyrics with you a few times before. 
You’re grabbing his hands before he can protest farther, rolling up the baggy sleeves of his flannel for the umpteenth time that evening as you begin to move to the opening notes, pulling him along with you. You thank the alcohol for your surge of confidence and the easy sway of your hips, grateful for the liquid courage.
“You totally love this song!” You shout over the music, too drunk to care if the others are awoken by your antics.
“Totally don’t!” Stiles retorts just as loud, laughing when you raise his arm so you can spin under it. Beginning to bob his head and mumbling the lyrics you’re currently shouting. 
In the middle of the night when the wolves come out, headed straight for your heart like a bullet in the dark. 
One by one, I gotta take them down, 
We can run and hide, ain’t going down without a fight
You both howl obnoxiously with the music, jumping and spinning as it booms through the speakers. The alcohols hitting now, effectively loosening his muscles and making the both of you laugh obnoxiously at how stupid you probably look. Despite the silliness of it all, it’s the most at ease Stiles has felt in a while. There’s a certain energy you bring, a type of way you make him feel that’s always drawn you so close.You stumble over to the stereo when the third verse comes on, grin not leaving your lips when you feel his reluctance to let go of your hand. You turn the music down, not familiar enough with the remaining verses to be able to sing it. Besides, you were lucky enough Lydia hadn’t come down there, slippers and all, to scold you both to bed. 
“That’s it? There’s more to the song!” 
“I thought you didn’t like it?” You pant out, both out breath as you move beside him to lean against the counter once more. 
“I-I don’t, just like dancing with you.” He blurts out, too intoxicated to care to filter his words. You study the spacey look in his eyes, cheeks flushed from the alcohol and exhilaration. It’s funny, a few months ago this would’ve just been any other sleepover with your best friend. But it’s different now, you can only assume he too has noticed the shift in energy between you. The electricity
“Truth or dare.”
“Wh-what?” He turns to face you, brows furrowing at your hopeful eyes.
“Truth or dare.”
“We’re still doing this?”
“Just say dare!” You persist, hitting his chest in annoyance. The alcohol’s coursing through your veins, giving you too much confidence for your own good.
“Fine, dare.” He’s confused at your change in behavior, not recognizing the mischievous expression on your face.
“Kiss me.”
And that’s when Stiles Stilinski, Romeo himself, pukes into the kitchen sink.
“I am not th-that drunk.” He stops mid sentences, clutching his chest and pausing to suppress a particularly violent hiccup. 
“Sure Sti, tell that to the vomit on your shirt.” You huff out, half listening to the belligerent boy towering over you as you guide him towards the bathroom. He’s gotten significantly drunker while you were cleaning the sink, all the alcohol finally catching up to his inexperienced self. And sure, the slurred words and tousled hair was cute at first, but now he was a much too heavy toddler you were practically dragging to the bathroom. 
“I wan’ sleep.” You fumble out a laugh at his childish demeanor, shuffling into the guest bathroom and flipping on the switch to illuminate the area, much to the drunk boy’s distaste as his droopy eyes adjust to the light. Admittedly, your’re also significantly intoxicated, thought process definitely a little slower than usual. Luckily, you’ve had enough experience to know when to cut yourself off. 
“You can sleep after I get you to stop reeking of vomit, now arms up.” You order sternly, heart melting when his lips puff into a small pout at your words. He does as told, lanky arms high up in the air as you hastily pull the fabric up and over his head, careful not to get the throw up anywhere else on him. You run the cotton under the sink, wreching at the smell. The things you do for your friends
When his shirt is thoroughly washed, you diligently wring it out and hang it on the rack with the hand towels beside the counter. Crouching down to inspect the cabinet under the sink for anything to clean yourselves up with. You grab a small washcloth and a spare bottle of mouthwash, placing the items on the counter and meeting Stiles’ gaze. He’s a bit zoned out, but he’s smiling sweetly down at you as he watches you work. 
“You’re like, really pretty.”
“And you totally can’t handle you’re liquor.” You retort with a roll of your eyes, pushing away the butterflies his words release. “Now swish and spit, your breath stinks.” Without as much of a fuss, he takes the bottle and does as instructed, letting out a dramatic ‘aah’ and giggling when you meet eyes in the mirror. You follow after him, figuring that’d have to be the maximum dental hygeine for the night considering the time crunch. You grab the rag from the counter, running it under the water and lathering soap into it before lifting it towards the boy beside you. 
“Can I wash you off real quick?” You wait for his nod of approval, chuckling at the hilarity of the situation s you run the warm rag across his upper chest. “This’ll be one hell of a story.” 
“Mmm.” He only hums in response, looking down at you intently, serious expression making your head tilt to the side in question. 
“Nothin, just sorry I didn’t kiss you.” Your movements halt at his words, continuing when you turn your attention back down to your task instead of his eyes. 
“Told you I could out drink you. Next time don’t challenge me to shots.”
“Shhhh!” Your eyes are wide in warning as you make your way down the hall, arms wrapped around Stiles in support as he stumbles along with you. 
“Shhh-shhh.” He mimics your actions, bringing a clumsy finger to his lips as you hold back a laugh. Finally, you set him down on the bed, turning towards the guest room dresser and tossing the sweats and t shirt Lydia must have left there to him. He groans, quickly undressing and tugging on the new clothes. Laying back down on the bed and throwing his forearm to cover his eyes as you change into Lydia’s spare shorts, figuring the shirt and flannel you still had on were sufficient enough as pjs.
You and Scott had fallen asleep during late nights at Stiles’ house numerous times whilst investigating Beacon Hills latest supernatural threat. So it’s not surprising when Stiles clumsily shuffles under the silky duvet with a satisfied sigh, lifting the covers so you can climb in next to him. It’s a queen sized bed, much bigger than the creaky twin you’ve shared before. Still, Stiles moves even closer, you’re well aware he’ll only fall asleep if he’s in the very middle of the mattress. It’s quiet, and you happily settle into the covers as sleep tugs at your eyelids. Only opening one eye when the boy beside you turns onto his side to face you.
“You know y/n, I miss when we were little. L-like when we used to dress up in our moms clothes, and then I twisted my ankle wearing my moms heels.” You chuckle fondly at his slurred retelling of the memory, images flashing by of when you were kids. He studies you, trying to commit the sweet laugh to memory before continuing. “I mean, I like where we are now. I do, because we’re still best friends and I still love you.”
“I love you too Sti.”
“N-no, no you don’t get it.” He shakes his head vigorously, drunken state dramatizing his movements as he argues. Sounding almost solemn at your response. “I mean I love you, and it’s terrifying. A pretty new revaluation might I add, so I thought getting drunk might help. Am I drunk?”
“Yes, very much so. And you should sleep before you say something-”
“No! I meas you have to know this. What if like, I never told you and then...Well I never would have told you! That’s like, Shakespeare tragedy bullshit and we’re definitely better than that. So, I love you. And not in the ‘we took baths together and played dress up in our moms clothes’ type love. It’s the ‘I’m always confused because you give me this...Weird tingly feeling and I never know how to go about it and it makes me want to kiss you’ type of love...I guess. Am I like, really drunk?” You’re to say the least stunned with his confession, though the various hiccups in between sentences didn’t call for the most romantic ambiance. 
“Yeah, you’re pretty wasted.” You smooth out his messy hair, too exhausted (and tipsy) to want to accept any of this is actually happening. 
“Sorry I didn’t kiss you. The vomiting was unrelated to you making a move on me, just so we’re clear.” He croaks out, voice rasped from the lull of oncoming slumber. 
“And here I was thinking I made you nauseous.”
“No, you do give me butterflies though. Too pretty.” He muses, chuckling when you push away his face, nose having booped yours to accentuate his point. It can’t be legal to be this cute while intoxicated.
“You gotta close your eyes Sti, have to sleep off all this alcohol.”
“M’kay. You’ll stay with me the whole night?”
It’s fairly early when you finally wake, sunlight seeping into the room from the early morning light. You want more than anything to go back to bed, figuring another hour would help ware off the pounding headache tormenting your skull. Only assuming Stiles must feel even worse. It’s then, when you try to shuffle closer into his body warmth, that you realize the bed is empty. The space where he’s laid beside you is still warm, and you reluctantly sit up with the harsh reality that everyone else must be awake too.
You follow the scent of bacon to the kitchen, immediately met with a very grumpy looking Stiles hunched over a cup of coffee. He’s wearing Scott’s lacrosse hoodie, sunglasses covering his eyes and hood pulled over his head to shield himself from any intruding light. You sit down on the stool of the island he’s leaning against, offering a sympathetic smile when he pushes the steaming mug towards you with a grunt.
“Morning everyone!” Isaac chimes with a bright smile, slapping the two of you on the back as you simultaneously groan.
“Late night?”
“You know, I’m usually appreciative of the cheeky sarcasm Scott. But if you don’t wipe that smirk off your face right now, I will seriously consider castrating you.” You stare down the alpha, not even phasing his cheerful demeanor.
“Well before you do that, have some breakfast.” Allison only laughs when the two of you gladly pull the plates she’s placed in front you closer with a genuine murmur of ‘thank yous’. Eager to have the food soak up the alcohol and rid you of the awful hangover.
“And this is why I don’t drink.” Lydia retorts, placing down a bottle of Advil between you with a playful roll of her eyes.
“Speaking of, what was that music last night? Scared me half to death.” Allison inquires, looking to the others with a knowing smile when you and Stiles laugh through a forkful of hash browns, eyes on each other and avoiding the others. The two of you might not see it, but you’re practically married with how in sync you are. Always giving each other side eye when approached by someone you both hate, finishing each others sentences. You make a perfect pair, if only one of you had the balls to act on it.
“Flannel looks good on you y/n.” Isaac snickers, tugging on your elongated sleeve with a grin. Only more amused when you flip him off in silence. 
“You know, none of the guys I’ve hooked up with have never offered me their shirts.” Lydia pouts while pushing around the eggs on her plate, shocked when you and Stiles simultaneously choke on your (now individual) coffees. 
“We, we didn’t hook up!” Stiles defends, now unable to meet your mortified gaze. 
“Well, I know that I just mean-”
“Hold on. Am I missing something here? You two have seriously never...I mean never?” Isaac looks genuinely bewildered as he rambles on, Allison and Scott not so discreetly giggling into their mugs as the conversation continues.
“Seriously? I’m always teasing because I figured it was all just unspoken knowledge.” The blonde’s genuinely intrigued, not noticing Lydia’s persistent signals to stop talking. “Scott, you’re telling me you can’t smell the sexual  ten-” 
“OKAY, we’ll be leaving now. Lydia, thank you for having us-”
“And thank you for the liquor we’re seriously regretting right now.” You finish the farewell for Stiles, grabbing your things and headed out the door before any of them can protest. 
“See you at home!” Scott yells out, still finding the situation between his best friends hilarious.
“And always use protect-” Isaac’s voice is cut off when Stiles slams the front door behind him, the both of you trudging towards the jeep. The boy letting out another groan and pinching his nose when you pull the door shut a little too hard, loud noise ringing in his ears.
You fumble through the glove compartment when he pulls out of the long driveway and towards the road, satisfied when you find a spare pair of sunglasses under a pile of crumpled papers.
“You keep this up and I won’t have any more clothes.”
“To be fair, you insisted I put this on.” You argue, referring to the cotton shirt wrapped around you. “How much do you remember of last night anyway?” He chuckles at your question, rubbing his hand over his jaw in contemplation.
“Geez, well there was truth or dare with everyone. They turned in early and you and I hung outside a bit longer. I was...Looking for food in the kitchen and there was dnacing? And I’m pretty sure there was a bathroom involved.”
“You may or may not have puked in Lydia’s sink.” Stiles slaps a hand over his face at your words, laughing along with you when he sees your amusement in his new-found knowledge. 
“I’m so sorry, was I a total pain?” 
Of course not! You only confessed your love to me like you were expressing a new hobby in which you now have no recollection of.
“Nah, I helped you clean up and then we went to bed. Besides, you’ve taken care of my drunk ass plenty of times.” He observes you in small glances he can get between looking at the road. You seem as though you’re holding back. 
To be honest, you were a bit frustrated. On one hand, you could just be honest with him and explain hat he’d said. But he was wasted, and it felt wrong to confess for him. Besides, if he wanted to act on his feelings he would have. And that definitely hurt, but it probably meant he had the same concerns as you. Being best friends made this shit complicated. With everything going on in this town, you had a lot of responsibilities to withhold. You couldn’t afford to lose each other. Ironically, you loved each other too much to risk starting a relationship.
“Sti, you just passed my neighborhood.”
“Yeah. It’s still early and I’m not waiting for this hangover to pass alone. We’re going to my place.”
“Star Wars and pizza?”
“Star Wars and pizza.”
“I’m just saying, the amount of accidental incest in medi is actually uncanny.”
“You bring this up every time we watch A New Hope.”
“I know, but seriously!” He shuffles on his bed, pushing away the pizza box with only a few pieces of crust remaining inside. “Just like that movie you’re always making me watch. The one with the girl and her step-brother.”
“Hey! I told you, Clueless is so much better when you pretend Josh is just a family friend!”
“But we shouldn’t have to pretend it wasn’t originally written about two step siblings falling in love. I mean, what kind of trope is that?”
“Fair enough, I guess old rich white men all have a thing for their siblings.”
“Gross, I’m officially grossed out.” When your laughter settles down, Stiles starts to mess with his fingers. Looking between you and his lap as if debating with his next words.
“Listen, are you sure I didn’t...Say anything last night?” You shift uncomfortably under his gaze, figuring you could at least tell your own truth without completely exposing his.
“Stiles, we were both pretty drunk. I don’t know, I guess something could have happened?”
“How do you mean?” You’re unsettled with how awkward this has all become. But it’s not like this could keep going unsaid. It was too much of a weight to be concealing all of this from him. Stiles was the person you went to for a good vent, and you can’t really vent to your best friend about...Well, being in love with your best friend.
“I may have possibly, maybe asked you to kiss me. And you might have thrown up right after the offer.” His eyes bulge in surprise, and you cover your face with a strained cry at the confession. “It’s your fault for asking!” You whine, instantly regretting saying anything in the first place. This was dumb, you were totally dumb, and no you looked like a complete fool, all because of stupid Stiles.
“Hey.” His voice is soft when he pulls your hands down, mischievous smirk utterly confusing you. “Truth or dare?”
“You do remember! You asshole!” You shout instantly, slapping at his chest as he laughs. 
“Woah, woah wait. I may have remembered a bit more than I mentioned in the car. But how was I supposed to know you actually wanted to kiss me or if it was the tequila talking? I figured maybe if you told me the truth, then I’d know if you really meant it.” You stare at him blankly, not nearly as amused as he is.
“If it’s any consolation, you look really cute when you’re pissed at me.”
“Charming, Stilinksi. Do you happen to remember the part where your blacked out ass gave an entire monologue about how in love with me you are? And how sorry you were that you didn't kiss-” With that, he takes hod of the side of your face and connects your lips to his Finally releasing whatever tension that’s been building for agonizing months. It’s nice, really nice, but he’s not getting away that easy. You smack his chest again, fighting the urge to pull him back into you when you observe how flushed he looks. 
“Ow, stop hitting me! I had to do something, you were embarrassing me!”
“Good! I’m glad you feel a smidge of what I do, Romeo. You’re just gonna kiss me?”
“I’m sorry, should I not have? Did I totally just misread that?”
“N-no. I mean, I wanted to kiss you. But I figured the only reason you hadn’t said something sooner...Or sober, was because you were afraid of what I was afraid of. With all the shit we go through, I wouldn’t ever  want to jeopardize our friendship.” He’s silent at that, trying to find a way in which to convey his thoughts.
“Y/n, we’re a part of the pack. Nothing can break that bond. No matter what, you’re my best friend first. Whatever shit come our way next, we’ll know how to handle it together, like we always do. Besides, if I ever hurt you Scott and Isaac would make sure I never saw the light of day again.” You chuckle softly at his words, feeling a weight you hadn’t known was there lifted off your shoulders.
“I think this is the part where you ask the final truth or dare.”
“Well, I would dare you to kiss me, but you have to promise you wont puke again.”
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gloryofluv · 3 years
How do you think the brothers would react to walking into MC’s room after looking for them to find them lying on bed, headphones in with a full face mask on? I’m talking cucumber slices on the eyes the whole deal. (Obviously Beel is gonna eat the cucumber but hey 😅)
Ah, thanks anon for a fun one! Self care is soooo important! Makes me want to go do a face mask now. Especially if my favorite boys are going to be there.
The Brothers Walking in on MC Enjoying a Face Mask and Self Care
Busy demon boy. He knocks but is a bit concerned when he doesn’t hear an answer. Actually, a bit perturbed, if we’re honest! (Solely believes you should definitely answer him at whatever time he spends the time to do a welfare check)
Stops at the door when he sees MC lounging on their bed. Amused. Amusement turns to warm fuzzies. There they are, the affliction of his wounded heart, relaxing and listening to music, completely oblivious to watchful eyes.
The face mask even adds a pleasant smell to the room. Well, well, aren’t they a gorgeous, flawed mess? Won’t admit to wanting to encourage this in his personal space. Most certainly won’t confess to wanting to slurp up the peaceful energy of said self-care either.
Instead, he slips into the kitchen, being positive to not being seen. He prepares a relaxing herbal tea that always refreshes him on the off chance of a moment of peace. Once that is brewed to perfection, he will, with deadly silence, sneak into MC’s room and set the cup down.
They manage to peel the cucumbers off just before watching his silent escape. The warm tea is steaming next to them on the night table.
Cute. Stalkery, but cute.
"I enjoy thoroughly that you don't need to be instructed to take care of yourself."
Never knocks. Don’t expect it now. Even after he heard Asmo gave MC an excellent something or other to have some personal time. MC’s time is his time.
He barges into the room with his usual bravado, to note that MC hadn’t even commented. He glances over to see this goopy mess with cucumbers and a towel around their hair. Ugh. Asmo has them into that stupid self-care crap he’s been shoving!
Pouty boy. Wants attention and their attention to be real. He slumps on the bed and removes a cucumber from MC’s eyes. Starts talking regardless of if MC can hear. Then blames MC for not paying attention when they take off their headphones.
Starts a nonsense conversation. Doesn’t care about the topic, but he will continue it as long as MC gives him attention. Will be a blushing mess if MC asks if he wants them to do a mask for him.
Mammon snorts and deflects about that being Asmo’s thing. However, if MC offers to do the whole pampering effect that comes with the face mask… well, he might, ya know, be alright, maybe? Blushy blushy mess.
MC kisses his cheek, and he’s done for, even if he jumps up and spits out about it being gross and crackly from the mask. Has to leave. Cuteness overload. Poor baby boi doesn’t know how to handle soft feelings so well.
“Yeah, well, I gotta go. Maybe when you clean that crap off, you can come to my room. We’ll do something, ya know, together?”
Knocks twice. Pissed MC didn’t answer. Glances in and blinks. Oh, they looked so peaceful. Is that the Rui-chan plushie he gave them? Oh, MC is tugging at his heart like an anime trope!
Slides inside and debates on bothering them. Just wants to admire MC a moment while he’s blushing and his brain is sputtering. MC had the plushie against their chest while relaxing on the bed.
Fiddles with his fingers and knows he should leave but likes this. A lot. Wants no one else to bother them. This moment is his. Cute. MC is a cute, adorable anime story waiting to be told. The only thing missing…
MC shifts and peels off a cucumber to reach for the boba tea he bought them earlier. Cue, nervous, mortified otaku!
However, MC doesn’t get upset and waves before taking off their headphones. They say they were just enjoying the TSL soundtrack. Even more blushing??! He can’t handle it and covers his face.
Sputtering about some streaming he needed to do, he tells them not to forget to meet him after dinner for their friendship dailies! Runs, not walks, out of the room.
Clutches his heart the whole way up the stairs and even hides his face from Mammon as he passes him on the stairs. It was just like that anime. I fell in love with a witch, and she didn’t even realize it because I can’t speak. The scene was remarkably similar.
“Ah, yeah, well, I just wanted t-to be sure you’re still coming t-tonight. You are right? I mean, I don’t want to bother you with it, y-yeah?”
Knocks three times. Patiently waits. Until he’s not patient. Not happy to be ignored without even a response as to why MC isn’t answering.
Opens the door to see MC on their bed in a face mask. Aww, that’s cute. He likes cute things, and MC is equated to a cat sunbathing in a window. Walks over and touches MC’s shoulder.
MC jerks, but as the cucumber is removed, they smile and pat the bed. He is so pleased. Sitting down toward the center of the mattress, he assists MC to relax against his lap. Without removing their headphones, they comply.
He then opens his book and begins to read while removing the towel around MC’s hair. Ah, yes, this was peaceful and relaxing in so many ways. He was able to stroke MC’s hair and read with them while they indulged in self-care.
Perfection. He even offers to help them clean their face. Sweet little nerd. Knows why self-care is so important and relishes that MC doesn't mind his presence while doing so.
“I know you can’t hear me, but I thoroughly enjoy it when you take care of yourself. It makes me want to take care of you more.”
Barges in. Knows exactly what they're doing when he sees MC. Actually, knows it’s a great idea and skips up to his bathroom for his face mask! Has it prepped and ready to go with his own set of cucumbers.
Races into the room and tucks onto the bed next to MC. They remove the cucumbers and smile with a nod before taking off their headphones. He is so happy! Place the cucumbers on his own eyes.
Talk. Real talk, honey. Will go on about his Devilgram, what he saw at RAD, and even his brothers. All of it is light and airy. No bitching in a pamper session. This is all about that dopamine and good feels.
Insists that they continue with this pamper session with massages and manicures. Won’t mind at all if MC says they want to start doing this weekly. He is there, baby!
It becomes routine, and no one is going to disturb them! Encourages MC to try different masks and will be the guru of making them look as great as they make him feel! Expect cuddles and lots of kisses after the mask comes off!
“Oh! I’m so happy you want to do this! If we can do a whole session instead of just the mask, I will make you feel almost as great as I look!”
Hungry boi. Wants to invite MC out for a snack, but no answer to his knocking? Are they alright? He saw them go into their room earlier.
He walks in to see MC on the bed, headphones on, and a mud mask? That’s what Asmo calls them, right? It smells waaaay too good to be mud. Walks over and eyes MC with confused interest.
Had no idea they liked putting food on their face. Food. Sits down on the bed and grabs one of the cucumbers. Tastes just like the sweetness of MC and food. Loves it.
MC smiles and hands him the other before taking off their headphones. Happy boi asks what they’re doing. They answer with a simple answer of self-care. The long day at RAD made them feel tired.
Asks if the mask is edible, to which MC replies and laughing negative. Oh, that makes no sense. It smells good. They offer to do a mask for him but doubt he’d be able to not eat it.
He laughs and nods before asking if they were almost done. He now has a craving for ice cream and maybe a half-dozen of burgers. MC sits up and kisses his cheek before nodding.
He is glowing with happiness and kisses their masked cheek. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help it and licks their face. Definitely doesn’t taste as great as it smells. MC laughs and pats his shoulder, saying they’ll be out in a few minutes so they can get a snack.
“You always taste good, but that mud doesn’t. You still look cute.”
Not a knocker. Doesn’t care to knock. MC is his human, and love knows no bounds. That includes doors.
Walks in to see MC on the bed with headphones and a mask. Cute. Adorable. Cuddly. Now his whole plan of going to the attic is out the window.
Slumps on the bed and buries his face in MC’s chest. Looks up to see they peel a cucumber off to see it’s him and smiles. Thump. Thump. His heart is growing by the second.
MC sighs and starts running their fingers through his hair after placing the cucumber back on their eye. Happy, sleepy boi. Cuddles closer and nuzzles with the equivalent of a sadistic sleepy cat.
MC has to beg him to let them go so they can remove it. He pouts and waits for them to return, only to entrap them in his arms and claim they smell too good to let go, and they feel so peaceful. Time for a nap.
“I love that you smell so wonderful and refreshing. Next time tell me when you’re going to do this so I can enjoy the whole thing.”
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shokobuns · 4 years
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satoru likes to show off.
PAIRING(S): gojo satoru x f!reader x sukuna ryomen, ex fuck buddy!sukuna ryomen x f!reader, boyfriend!gojo satoru x f!reader
GENRE: smut, college!au, some fluff/humor
WARNINGS: smut, threesome (i think), voyeurism, dubcon (for voyeur), masturbation (m) unprotected sex, creampie, overstim, size kink, squirting, mentions of a blowjob, marking, gojo clingy asf in public, mentions of public sex, a lot of praise
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“Oh, sorry— Sukuna?”
The strawberry blonde smirks at you and a familiar sense of uneasiness overcomes your body. Your hand shakes slightly, the liquid content making small sloshes that spill over the cup. He notices this first and grabs your wrist, his much larger hand steadying yours. “No first name basis anymore, Princess?”
You look back down at your feet, memories flooding through your mind of the old nickname that spills from his lips. You don’t miss him, you truly don’t, but you do know that he gets a kick out of your own humiliation and that’s what makes you feel nervous. He’s shameless and it’s impossible to stir a reaction of unpleasantness. And he pushes your buttons whenever he can with no effort.
It all reminds you of the time his cock would be stuffed down your throat nearly every night.
You hate remembering those times, simply because they were filled with undeniable pleasure and it was so easy for him to make you feel good. He helped you take your mind off of a certain white haired bastard during a time of conflicting feelings just by plowing you into his mattress — or into the wall of a bathroom — relentlessly, treating you as if you were just a doll. And he filled you to the brim every time, hot and warm, praising your tight little pussy, squeezing your throat while waves of euphoria crashed into you all at once. The memories make you shudder when they flood for just a moment, but a call of your name reminds you why you got the drink in the first place.
“Bunny! Over here!” he raises his hand, slouching and taking up space on the couch. You sigh because it’s definitely a move to get you to sit in his lap.
“Ah, I see. Have fun, Princess.” Sukuna’s hand pats your back, urging you forward to your boyfriend.
You mumble a quiet ‘Thanks’ before taking your spot on Satoru’s thighs, his arms caging in your body while his head rests in the crook of your neck, placing the occasional kiss. His hands keep a firm grip on your thigh and you lean into his touch like usual as he continues his conversation with Suguru. It’s a natural position for the both of you because one thing you learned about Satoru was that he loved to show off.
He loved to leave shameless marks where everyone can see them, loved to grope you in public, loved to hold you tight anytime he had the chance. And you enjoyed every minute, relishing the feeling of your boyfriend making assertions through acts of affection. He’s needy, clingy even, and there was something appealing about the way he would always display it. He takes pride in the fact he can read you like a book, noting small actions that signified big feelings.
So when a certain blonde haired bastard sat down three feet away from the two of you, chatting away about things you don’t even bother to listen to you, of course he notices how you hide your face into his chest slightly, making yourself seem smaller than you usually were. His fingers lace through yours, not without him taking note of how sweaty your palms are, and his thumb brushes over your hand comfortingly. A soft kiss is planted on top of your head mid conversation and Sukuna thinks it’s funny.
It’s funny how no matter times you’ve come apart under him, you still manage to find someone else, and it’s nothing about wanting your heart and your hand marriage, two things that Satoru wouldn’t hesitate to give you. It’s about how he knew that he was one of the best fucks of your life and as egotistical as it is, there’s some curiosity about if your current boyfriend was able to provide the same quality. Before you were Satoru’s love, you were Sukuna’s favorite plaything.
“You okay, Princess?” he asks, no sign of guilt shown on his face or heard in his tone.
“Princess?” Satoru questions, eyebrows raised, “Do you know him, Bunny?”
You sigh, readjusting your position until your arm is sling around his neck and he holds you almost like a baby in his lap. “Yeah. Had a class with him.”
To Sukuna, the situation went from funny to hilarious. So this is all Satoru would know. It’s not like he has a huge problem with your past relationship being undisclosed, in fact, he understands where the hesitancy comes from, but he’d rather watch everything unfold while you try to keep a straight face. It’s pure entertainment for him, but pure embarrassment for you and that’s exactly what amuses him.
“Seems like you two are friends or something, Baby.” He pouts, waiting for an actual answer. You glare at him, a silent plea for him to drop the topic. “Well, yeah. We had to work together on a few assignments, dumbass.”
“Ah, alright,” he makes a mental note to find out what’s bothering you later and continues on with his conversation with the two other men, observing Sukuna’s line of sight. He makes sure to plant extra kisses and light nibbles on the skin of your shoulder from time to time, each one eliciting small whines. Although he knows that the pink blonde wouldn’t care anyways, it’s an extra precaution and another silent assertion. It’s not the first time he’s interacted with Sukuna before and he has a feeling it wouldn’t be the last either.
You respond by humming into his chest, breathing in the entirety of his scent, you hand resting on the side of his cheek. His arm wrapped around your body protectively, legs tangled together and his body providing you with warmth. One hand strokes your hair as you adjust your head to look directly into his cerulean eyes which never failed to make you sigh. His lips are pursed together, as if he’s thinking of the right words to say, and you wait patiently for him to speak.
“How do you really know him?” he asks softly, “I won’t get mad, I promise.”
You take a deep breath in, an internal debate brewing in your mind, but you ultimately decide that it’s best to not lie to your own boyfriend. Especially if you wanted to marry him one day. “We were fuck buddies.” you mutter, just loud enough for him to barely hear you.
“Oh?” he smirked, his expression of concern replaced by curiosity, “When?”
“Well- uh,” you stumble over your words, the answer on the tip of your tongue. You’re not sure how he’ll react, but you’re already in too deep and you’ve already decided you wouldn’t lie to him. “We ended it months ago. Nothing to worry about it, plus if you know Sukuna, he’s not really the type to get attached, anyways.”
“That’s true,” he agrees, recalling each time he saw him with a new girl on his arm, “But exactly how many months ago?”
“Funny, that’s how long we’ve been dating, isn’t it?” he asks, an idea brewing in his mind.
“There was no overlap, I promise-”
“Don’t worry, Bunny. I know you wouldn’t do that,” he pauses, his mind overflowing with questions as he tries to pick out the next one, “How long?”
“A year.”
“Long time, huh?” he comments, “Did you love him?”
“No! I swear, Toru, I was trying to forget you!”
“Yes, you, dumbass! I was in love with you!”
“Aww, my little bunny had a crush on me.” he teased, kissing the crown of your head.
“Shut up!”
“Don’t worry,” his fingers rub circles into your hip reassuringly, “I had a crush on you, too.”
You smile while he readjusts your position until your back is to his chest with his chin resting on top of your head. His fingers interlace with yours, resting near your face. With one final kiss on your head, you’re just about ready to drift off.
“Does he fuck better than me?”
“I’m just asking!”
“No, no he doesn’t,” you close your eyes, before pressing your ass harder to his crotch, “You’re the best I’ve ever had.”
“Really?” he grins, bringing your body closer to his.
You weren’t lying.
And this is reaffirmed with every little moan that leaves your lips as he leaves kisses down your body. Satoru knows all of your sweet spots, his tongue swiping your bottom lip and entering your wet cavern, wet kisses down your neck, teeth sinking into the skin of your shoulder. His mouth latches on your nipple at the same time he shoves his length into your hole so suddenly. You’re already dripping down the sheets, walls fluttering while his thumb circles over your pearl. His mouth leaves you, your body still trembling from the sensation. “Already coming? I just put it in, Bunny.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, “Feels s’ good, Toru.”
“Yeah?” he replies, his hands holding your waist as he starts driving his cock into you as if you were a doll. His mouth comes back to your breast, licking the little dark nubs before biting down on the soft flesh. You’re lightheaded while your tight cunny barely adjusts to the stretch, his thick cock making your back arch and your nails sink into his shoulder. Your vision is foggy, barely processing the other man sitting in the corner of Satoru’s bedroom.
One thing you notice is that he’s rough today. Of course, he’s always rough, but you’re sure there’ll be more purple blooming all over your body than usual. His hands squeeze the fat of your hips so hard that they’re already becoming sore, but he fills you up in a way that hits every single spot inside of you. Despite how big he is, your little cunny swallows him whole, sucking him in like a vacuum and he groans into your shoulder at the tight feeling. “So perfect for me, aren’t ya?”
“Cumming, Toru,” you whine out, an intense feeling of pleasure forming in your lower belly.
“Then cum. But I’m not stopping.”
You nod, tears spilling from your eyes and flowing down your face as your walls convulse and flutter around his throbbing cock. You’re staring into pools of blue that gaze back at your trembling body in awe and it all makes you feel like you’re floating. He wasn’t lying and you know this for sure because there’s no time to recover, not when he’s still pounding into your cervix like he has something to prove. Your tits jiggle with every thrust into your quivering hole, the headboard violently banging into the wall. It’s not that long until your second orgasm is crashing into you, Satoru’s fingers playing with your little clit. He really isn’t going to stop any time soon.
And finally, even though your eyesight is hazy, you make out the mysterious man in the corner of the room.
He’s looking at you with dilated pupils, the pink tip of his cock weeping with precum, swiping it with every pump. His hips come up to meet his hand as he focuses on how your tiny pussy takes in Satoru’s cock over and over again. It’s the lewd sobs and squelches that fill up the air of the room and the slick staining the bed that cause him to groan involuntarily. He’s shameless, fucking his fist at the sight of you spread out and your boyfriend is right there. No wonder he’s fucking you like he has something to prove.
You told him that he was the best and, of course, he had to prove it. But not to you.
It doesn’t matter because you love the way he’s fucking you right now. There’s no time for you to rest, only Satoru rhythmically pistoning his cock into your creaming cunny while Sukuna watches closely, observing how your clenching hole takes him in. After using his mouth to litter your breasts with purple bruises, he pins your knees to your chest and his cock somehow reaches even deeper than before. His thrusts become faster and faster, more and more erratic while the sudden change in position makes you squeak. “Bet you love being treated like a fucking doll, huh, Bunny?”
“M-Mhm,” you squeal, unable to form a proper answer, “love it, s’much!”
Skin slaps against skin, another knot forming in your belly. Your clit is pinched between his fingers, making you sob out his name. His lips come down to kiss your open mouth while holding your body flush against him as your cunt gushes and squirts all over his stomach and your thighs. Your walls clamp down at the same time he stills, pumping his hot seed as far into you as he can. You’re milking him for all he’s worth and he lets out soft praises that make you flustered. The sticky mess leaks all over when he pulls out, but he doesn’t leave to get a towel like usual because he’s noticed that the man in the corner of the room is still hard despite the mess on his shirt.
“Hmm?” you respond, still taking deep breaths from the intense sex you had just seconds before.
“What do you think of giving your old fuck buddy a ride?”
You purse your lips. For one, you have Satoru’s permission, but one thing about Sukuna’s dick was that it was huge, bigger than your current boyfriend, and you’re not sure if you’d be able to take it again. But there’s a feeling of nostalgia that fills your chest seeing it all over again and you remember all the nights he’s given you before.
“What d’ya say, Princess?”
The old nickname prompts you to walk over, Satoru’s cum still dripping down your inner thigh, and straddle Sukuna’s lap. You steady yourself by holding onto his shoulder, slowly sinking your ruined pussy onto the tip and going down until you’re halfway through his cock. But he’s impatient, immediately gripping your hips and thrusting upwards, forcing you to take the entirety of his length. The stretch burns, it hurts like a bitch, but it only makes the experience even more thrilling.
Your head is thrown back and Satoru comes from behind, kissing your neck reassuringly while Sukuna takes control, fucking your boyfriend’s cum back into your womb. As two large hands guide you up and down his cock, your overstimulated cunny creams around him, tightening in a way that makes it harder for him to move. Satoru’s hands from from behind to play with your tits and it’s all so much, the different sensations coming together while you’re helpless, unable to differentiate who’s who. “You’re always so fucking tight, Princess,” he praises, groaning out as your walls clamp down. “Even after getting fucked by your little boyfriend, huh?”
Your pussy adjusts to his size just like before, a mix of your slick and Satoru’s leftover cum dribbling down Sukuna’s balls. He drives his cock into you with brute force, inconsiderate of the fact you’ve already been treated like a ragdoll. With one more brutal thrust, you’re melting, overcome by a feeling of pure bliss. He spills into you, the warm feeling in your womb making your head dizzy. “Good job, Princess.” he smirks as Satoru carries you off his lap bridal style and sets you gently onto his bed.
You’re just about ready to drift off, unable to make out the conversation of the two men in the room. Once Sukuna leaves with a wave and a ‘Thanks, Princess” you use the last of your energy to pull Satoru back on the bed and hold onto him like a clingy child. “What was that about?”
“Wanted to show that cocky bastard that I was the best.”
You laugh before pressing your lips to his cheek and appreciatively gazing at his pretty face. “But you are the best.”
“I know.” he smirks, returning the favor by bringing you into a wet kiss, “Round two? With just the two of us?”
“It’s round three for me, dumbass.”
“The offer still stands.”
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
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harryspet · 4 years
off to the races (2) s.rogers
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[Warnings] dark!steve rogers x reader, stripper!reader, ddlg, daddy!steve, abduction/kidnapping, mafia boss steve, bondage, a hint of peter x reader, toxic/abusive relationship, hella angst, little editing 
A/N: im mentally shutting down because of school but at least i have mob!steve :)
In which you don’t want to be Daddy’s secret anymore.
word count: 3.5k
main masterlist
taglist: @cherienymphe @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011 @visintaes​  @disaster-rose​​ @sexyxseabassx​ @marvelmaree​
“Woah, dude, your room is awesome. Awe, you have all the good movies. I haven’t seen The Jungle Book in forever!” 
“Peter, look!” You waved him over to the window, ignoring his astonishment for the paradise Steve had created for you. Peter stood there dumbly for a moment before walking over to the window beside your bed. 
You heard the loud whirring of helicopter spinning blades echoing through the room even with the window closed. It was landing in the field behind the manor and you were questioning why Steve was making such a grand entrance today. You’d been stuck in this house for three weeks now and nothing this exciting had happened yet, “Who’s helicopter is that?” You looked back at Peter who’d crossed his arm nervously. 
“Uhm … probably … maybe-” You scoffed, before looking back at the view. The helicopter was a sleek, black color and, as you narrowed, your eyes could make out some words written in gold. 
“Stuh …. Stark …. Industries. Stark Industries,” You were calm as you took in the info before the realization hit you, “Stark Industries! Is Tony Stark here? Holy …. pancakes.”
Peter smiled, seemingly amused by your excitement, “Pancakes?”
“Steve doesn’t like it when I-” You stopped yourself from explaining, realizing there was a bigger situation at hand, “We have to go check things out. Get a closer look!”
“No way,” Peter shook his head, “I’m here to make sure you stay in this room.”
You rolled your eyes, “So Tony Stark must be here then, right?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny that,” Peter pressed his lips together like he was struggling to hold in all the secrets he knew. 
“How the hell does Steve know Tony Stark? Stark is dirty too? I should’ve known … flipping rich people.”
You took a step toward him and despite the fact you were wearing a pair of fairy wings, he still seemed intimidated by you, “What do you want, huh? A raise?”
“Uhm … I don’t think you can do that … can you?”
“Of course I can. Steve is wrapped around my finger.”
Peter cocked an eyebrow, “But he’s Steve Rogers …”
“Look around this room for goodness sake! He does anything I want. If I tell him all about how you’re a great worker, how you’re a good friend to me, he’ll surely be appreciative. Might even give you a promotion and maybe you won't have to play babysitter anymore.”
He considers it just for a moment, “If he does anything you want then why are you locked in this house?”
“Fine, fine, so I don’t have complete control but I have some. I could be helpful to you in the future!” 
“Y/N, if something went wrong he’d probably chop me up into little pieces and send them to my Aunt. Or he’d chop up my aunt and make me watch … depends on the kinda mood he’s in.”
You stared back at him, trying not to let the look on your face falter, “ … I’ll give you my movie collection?” 
“I’m sorry but-”
“It’s my birthday soon?”
“I can’t,” Peter stated, sighing, “I’ve got pressure on me right now, and things have to go right tonight. It’s like a huge deal. I never get to go to stuff and the party is-” He stopped his rambling when he realized he’d said too much. 
“Party?” Peter opened his mouth and closed it again. He turned away from you, eyes wide, and made his way to the door. Of course, you chased after him, placing yourself between him and the door, “What party?”
“Please move,” Peter begged, “I really can’t talk about it.”
“I won’t say anything, I promise!” You were the one begging now, “He doesn’t tell me anything at all. Can you imagine how I’m feeling? I’ll do everything you say, I won’t try anything, I just want to know what's going on …. please?”
“Steve can’t know,” You nodded eagerly and he finally gave in, probably because of your spectacular puppy dog eyes, “Tony Stark is having a party tonight, that’s where Steve’s going, and most of us are going to. A pretty important deal is happening.”
“Why doesn’t Steve want me to go?” You frowned a bit.
“I don’t think he wants anybody to know about you, to keep you safe, that kind of thing.”
“Right,” You nodded, “Even if I go crazy while he does that.”
Peter looked sympathetic, “I’m sorry.”
“I know this thing with me and Steve is not ordinary but is it crazy of me to not want to be a secret? Even after everything …”
You could tell Peter wasn’t expecting a deep question nor did he expect you’d confide in him, “I don’t think so,” Peter was trying to understand, you could see it in his eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck as if he wasn’t sure, “Obviously … you - uhm - care about him. I wouldn’t want to be the secret of someone I care about.”
He was taken aback when you suddenly hugged him. Unsure if he could hug you back, he awkwardly patted your shoulder which made you giggle, “Can I paint your nails?”
“What? No.”
“I have colors that aren’t girly.” “Hmm … can you do cool stuff like the shapes and sparkles?”
“Of course,” You smiled, “Step into my salon.”
“I didn’t get my sticker this week,” You bounced back from your toes to your heels, watching Steve as he got ready in his closet. He was fixing his tie in the mirror, making sure it was absolutely perfect, along with the rest of the look. Freshly trimmed beard and an aftershave that smells intoxicating. He smelt like money and looked like it too. That’s probably exactly how you would want to look in front of Tony Stark. 
“You skipped dinner two days in a row, doll.”
You were frowning but it wasn’t like he was focused on you anyways, “But I did better after that,” You whined.
“I know, baby, you can try again next week.”
“Maybe if you were here then I wouldn’t have missed it,” You whispered, playing with your fingernails, “But I’m stuck here and you get to go out and have your fun.”
“Have my fun?” He questioned, buttoning up his jacket. 
“You get home so late … I’m sure you go to your clubs, booze it up and talk to girls.”
He chuckled a bit, “You think I’m flirting with other women?”
“I don’t think, I know,” You leaned against the doorway, “You’re a guy, aren’t you? That’s what you do.”
He finally turned to you, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was as handsome as ever, like a movie star, “Doll, my days are long because I’m traveling from here to the city every day. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you. There isn’t and never will be anyone who I’d rather do that with.” 
As he came closer, you knew he was going to lift you into his arms. Ever since he took you from the club and you sobbed into his shoulders, you’d find solace in his arms. Even if his hands were causing your hurting, they still felt warm and loving, “You don’t mean that,” You whispered, muffled against his shoulder. 
“What can I do to prove it to you?”
“Take me with you,” You said and you felt him stiffen. 
“It’s not safe,” He tried to explain. 
“Are you embarrassed by me?” 
“No, no,” He rushed out, carrying you out of the closet and into the bedroom. “Why would you even ask that?”
“Because of what I do, what I used to do-”
“No, Y/N. I’ve never felt that way,” His tone was more concerned that it ever had been before, “Look at me, please?”
Begrudgingly, you lifted your head. You hated that you were feeling jealous or inadequate, “You took care of yourself all these years and I know you still can,” He continued, “Let me protect you now.”
“I’m not a baby.”
Steve could sense the small bit of pride still left in you and decided not to push you on it anymore, “Could’ve fooled me,” Steve smiled slightly, bouncing you in his arms, “Let me tuck you in, grumpy.”
“The sun just set!” 
“It wasn’t actually a request,” He was already carrying you away. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” You resisted, “Can I sleep in here? I’ll go to sleep right away, I promise.”Steve stopped, thinking it over for a moment, “I like that the … sheets smell like you, Daddy,” You added, knowing that was what he wanted to hear. It wasn’t fully a lie but you had other motives for not wanting to go back to your room. For one, your room locked from the outside and his didn’t. Besides that, you were almost sure that one of your stuffed bears had a camera inside its eye. 
Steve tucked you into his california king-sized bed that night and watched you fall asleep until it was time for him to go. You felt the kiss he pressed to your forehead and, for a brief moment, you thought about changing your plans. 
That feeling didn’t last long. 
For such an expensive car, you thought your ride would be a lot smoother and much more comfortable. Turns out, hiding in any trunk, no matter how luxurious, behind big boxes of unknown items, was not a pleasant experience. An hour into the drive, you finally decided that you’d had enough and you needed to get the feeling back into your limbs. Besides that, you needed to check and make sure that your hair and makeup stayed in place. 
When you climbed over the seat from the trunk to the backseat, the car instantly swerved before the driver corrected its path, “Y/N, holy shit!” Peter shouted, obviously frightened out of his mind but you were focused on making sure all the layers of your dress made it safely back into their places, “What the fuck? What the actual fuck?”
“Oh, calm down,” You said, looking at him through the rearview, “Just keep driving.”
“Are you out of your mind? If Steve sees you he’s going flip his shit!” 
“Peter, you okay in there, kid?” You heard Bucky’s staticky voice over Peter’s radio. The younger man picked it up and answered, his eyes still focused on you. 
You placed a finger over your lips and Peter gave you a death stare, “Yeah, I’m fine … I thought I saw a squirrel.”
A caravan of three cars surrounded Steve’s car as they all drove down this dark, winding road that you assumed would lead to Tony Stark’s mansion, “Did you not comprehend a single word I said?” Peter shouted, “Do you want me to get killed?”
“This is my problem,” You said, “Steve will know that you had nothing to do with it, I promise. But tonight is going to go super well so it won’t even matter. Steve is going to see me and realize he’s crazy not to show me off and then we’re going to go to the party and I’m going to charm everyone with my personality which is going to make him a ton of friends and even more money. Everyone wins.”
Peter was shaking his head the entire time as he listened to your rambling,  “Y/N, I understand that you want to be more to Steve and you don’t want to be in the dark but this isn’t the way! This isn’t some charity event or some art gala, these are dangerous people.”
“But Tony Stark-”
“Is as dirty as it gets,” Your heart began to race a bit, “And Steve cannot just let everyone know his biggest weakness, even if they are his allies.”
His biggest weakness. 
Suddenly, your mind was racing with thoughts of moments with Steve. Meeting him, going on your first dates, the hotel meetings, and the passionate kisses that always left you feeling like he felt more about you than he admitted. You never saw yourself as his weakness. 
I want to fall asleep and wake up next to you. 
When you snapped out of your trance, Peter had his walkie-talkie pressed to his chin, “Guys, uhm, we have a stowaway,” You slumped back in your seat, and when the car eventually came to a stop, you wished you were still tucked away in Steve’s bed. You think Peter was calling your name, probably apologizing and telling you how he had to follow orders but, honestly, you had tuned him out, “I-I don’t know …. I thought I checked everything …”
Your dress was adorable too, covered in pastels, while still remaining elegant. You imagined Steve's heart with flutter at the sight of you, instead, he was fuming. He was always so stoic, so full of composure, that the change frightened you. He grabbed you roughly by your upper arm, pulling you from the backseat, and slamming the door shut. Pressed against the car, you looked into those blue-green eyes that were anything except nice. 
“I didn’t mean to for all this,” Was all you could muster up the courage to say, “I just wanted to come with you-”
He shushed you before you got your words out, “We’ll talk about it later.”
You wished he would just yell at you now. He could bend you over right now and you’d prefer that over his silence and the obvious disappointment in his tone, “Later? But-” He pulled you away from the car and you stumbled in your heels as he pulled you along the dark road. 
He brought you towards the last car in the caravan and Sam stepped out from behind it, closing the trunk, before handing something shiny to Steve, “What are you doing?” You asked shakily, the cold wind of the night blowing your dress. 
“Turn around, face the car,” He ordered you and you feared whatever punishment you were about to receive would be worse if you disobeyed him. Slowly, you turned around and he wasted no time grabbing your wrist. You heard the metal click of handcuffs as they tightened around your wrist. You felt his strong hands on your waist and, as he lifted your dress, you assumed the worst. Your panties slipped down and as Steve lowered himself with them. 
“Steve, please talk to me?”
To your surprise, as you stepped out of your underwear, you felt the click of metal around your ankles. When he stood back up, he grabbed your arm again, pulling you back so you were pressed against his chest, “Daddy will deal with you later,” His breath against your ear sent shivers down your spine, “Don’t worry, doll … open your mouth.”
“If you just let me explain-”
You weren’t sure why you even wanted to. He left your brain scrambled and wondering why you even did the things that you did. 
“I won’t ask you again.”
Your lips parted and you realized he was forcing your panties into your mouth. The next thing that you knew, you were lying in the back seat of that car, your wrist hogtied to your ankles. And you thought sitting in the trunk would be uncomfortable. You were struggling and calling out for him and, as you expected, you were ignored. 
“Get her back as fast as you can. I’ll keep things short with Stark,” Were the last words you heard before the door shut close and all your screaming was muffled. 
You weren’t sure at which point you’d fallen asleep. As you laid there tied up, you thought a lot about him since there was nothing else to think about. You weren’t sure how he could love you and be so cruel at the same time.  
That next morning, you awoke to sore limbs and makeup staining your pillow. Even though the car ride back was hell, you knew your punishment wasn’t over. You debated even getting out of bed, knowing what was to come. 
You finally mustered the energy to clean yourself up, washing your face, and brushing your teeth. When you stepped back into your room, you were taken aback by what was sitting in the middle of your room. A giant, life-size brown bear was happily perched before your bed, holding balloons and a Tiffany’s gift bag. 
It was exactly the opposite of what you were expecting today. You approached it cautiously, decided to sit and open up the present. You handled the bag carefully, finding an elegant white card sitting inside. 
For my favorite girl on her birthday.
Love, Daddy. 
You sighed, knowing he probably picked all of this out before you betrayed him and probably ruined any sort of trust he had between you. You hadn’t even realized it was your birthday which was probably due to the fact that you had no phone or any contact with the outside world. There was also a jewelry box inside, a gorgeous, rose-gold tennis bracelet inside. 
As you snapped it around your wrist, covering your bruises, you promised not to ask how much it cost. It would probably make you feel even worse about yesterday. 
You finished getting dressed, deciding to head downstairs for breakfast. You found Steve sitting at a table out by the pool, reading through a newspaper like a grandpa. It seemed like he was expecting you because there were pancakes and eggs waiting on the table, “Morning,” You greeted awkwardly. 
“Good morning, doll. Happy Birthday,” He responded, his eyes still focused on the newspaper. 
“Thanks,” Taking a seat in front of him, you instantly moved to grab the syrup, but the rings on his finger caught your attention. Below, you could see his knuckles were red and purple, bruised like he’d been punching something … or someone. “Your hands …” 
He folded his newspaper, taking a look at them himself. It didn’t seem to faze him as he folded them on his stomach, leaning back in his chair, “Your wrist,” He changed the subject and you wondered if he was amused by the fear in your eyes, “Do you like my gift?”
“Yeah, it’s beautiful, I love it … thank you,” Your mind was elsewhere, “What happened to your hands? Is that from last night?”
“Last night is a blur. I was so angry after your little stunt, I had to have a few drinks to even get through the rest of the night.”
“Really?” You tried to hold in your scoff, “You seem very chipper today.”
“Only because I get to see your beautiful face,” He countered, smirking. 
Your eyes narrowed at him, “What did you do?”
“That’s a broad question-”
“Did you hurt him?”
“Him?” Steve raised an eyebrow, “You mean Peter? I thought about it … I’m still thinking about it actually. If he was smarter, yesterday would have never happened but you must’ve been pretty convincing. Poor kid, he probably thought you liked him.”
“None of it was his fault! I-I was just being stupid, I was using him and he was just trying to be a good guy. Steve, please.”
“If I did, you would probably start to actually listen. You’d never try one of those crazy stunts ever again-”
“I will listen! No more stunts, I’ll be an angel from now on,” You stood up from your chair, moving around the table, “I know you’re just trying to protect me. Peter tried to tell me that and I should’ve listened.” You grabbed a hold of his hand, squeezing it tightly. 
“That’s all I want,” He added sincerely and you nodded. 
“I’ll pinky promise,” With your other hand, you held out your pinky. You thought Peter would be your way out but, here you were, begging to stay in order to keep him alive. Your pinkies wrapped around each other and you climbed into his lap. You kissed the sides of his mouth before kissing his lips. 
“Soon, we’ll take a trip together, I know you’re itching to get away.” 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” You kissed his lips again, “Your hands … what actually happened?”
“Punching bag,” He easily explained although you were expecting a tale of horror. Holding his hand, you brought his fist to your lips, kissing them gently, “That probably wouldn’t have happened a year ago … I think you make me more gentle.”
“That’s a lot of pressure, don’t you think? Turning a beast into a prince.”
“For some reason, I have faith in you.”
“Peter!” You perked up as soon as he entered the living room, not realizing how grateful to see that he was still in one piece. Sam, Bucky, and Steve seemed to exchange confused glances from their places on the couch. 
Peter seemed baffled as well, “Am I in trouble or something?”
“No, we’re about to watch Coco. Wanna join?”
“There’s popcorn,” Sam added, stuffing his face.
“And cookies,” Bucky chimed in. 
Peter smiled, unsure, as he looked to Steve for permission, “Join us, son.”
“Awesome,” Peter clapped, making his way over to the couch, “This one always makes me cry.”
“Y/N, I thought you said this one wasn’t sad,” Bucky eyed you. You shrugged, snuggling yourself further into Steve’s side. You tried to hide a mischievous smile and act like you weren’t hoping to see three grown men tear up from a Disney movie. 
“Okay, press play,” You tapped Steve’s chest and he raised the remote. 
“Wait,” Steve paused, “Are all three of your nails painted?”
i’m thinking maybe i’ll make a christmas themed part 3, we shall see :)
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waka-chan-out · 4 years
your fics are so good!!
idk if you take requests but if you do, could you do a third gym fic (tsukki, bokuto, kuroo, akaashi) with a switch reader?
Third Gym Reunion
akaashi, kuroo, tsukishima, & bokuto x switch!reader
Plot: Your boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji, gets invited to meet up with his old practice buddies. His friends already know you have an open relationship and are fully ready to take advantage of it.
post-timeskip, obviously.
word count: 8.5k (jesus christ !!)
content warning: (deep breath) established relationship, open relationship, five-some (if that’s even a word), sub!bokuto, reader calls bokuto puppy, bokuto with mommy kink, oral (m. and f. receiving), praise kink, degradation, snowballing, spanking, hair pulling, spit-roasting, finger sucking, calling tsukki his given name, spitting, in my canon akaashi and bokuto have hooked up before so you’ll see the repercussions of that in this story, don’t mind me putting in an anal warning for them here, slight exibitionism but not really, slight overstim but not really, essentially it’s filth.
“For the last time, no,” Keiji said.
“Why not? I want to meet the boys,” you whined, grasping at his forearm. He kept staring straight at the road, seemingly immune to your pleading.
“Because I know my friends. It will not end well.”
“How come? Don’t you trust them?”
Keiji laughed. “Absolutely not. Bokuto I can talk into behaving. Tsukishima and -- oh god -- Kuroo? Absolutely not.”
“What could they possibly do?”
“They know we’re more . . . open, love. They’ll try to take advantage of that.”
“What’s so wrong with that?”
“What? You said they’re all tall, right? Are they handsome?”
Keiji shrugged, then shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. My answer is no.”
“Why don’t you just take me along? I’m sure they’d bring a girlfriend if they had one. You’re the lucky guy out of the three of you.”
“What if they try to . . . proposition you?”
“If they’re icky, I’ll say no.”
He turned to you, alarmed. “And if they aren’t?”
“Are you saying they aren’t?”
“Answer the question.”
“If they aren’t, I’ll look to you for approval.”
“What? You don’t even know they’re gonna ask.”
“You haven’t met them. Bokuto is going to take one look at you and be latched onto you all night. God only knows what Kuroo will do.”
“What about the other one?”
“The blond.”
“Oh, Tsukki? He’ll just insult you. I doubt he’d ever sink to asking me.”
You smirked. “He sounds fun.”
“Only some --” Keiji noticed your cheeky expression. “Hey! No.”
“You never know.”
“I know.”
“Whatever you say, Kei.”
“Don’t call me that around them.”
You pouted. “Why?”
“That’s Tsukishima’s first name.”
You grinned. “So you’re saying I get to come as long as I don’t use your nickname?”
Keiji sighed. “I guess so. I’ll never hear the end of it if I don’t.”
“Yay!” You hummed happily, then turned to him with a cheeky smile on your face. “Wait . . . is Bokuto the one that you--” Keiji cut you off by clapping a hand over your mouth.
“I’m right! Oh my god, Keiji, I’m excited to meet him.”
“It’s been a long time, love. He probably doesn’t even remember.”
“Oh please, if it was with you, he remembers.”
Keiji’s brows knitted together.
“What does that mean?” he asked. You wiggled your fingers at him.
“You’ve got very memorable hands.”
His face flushed a bright red and he turned away from you.
“Shut up,” he muttered.
Your confident demeanor only faltered slightly when you arrived at gym three, where they all used to practice together. Only Kuroo and Bokuto were there and, as you suspected, they weren’t even remotely icky. Kuroo was tall with dark hair, his dress shirt and pants hiding a slim but muscular frame. He looked like he had just come from work. Bokuto on the other hand was huge. He wore simple sweatpants and a sweatshirt and looked thoroughly happy to be there. He was holding a volleyball and yelling when you and Keiji stepped through the doorway.
“What do you mean I’ve gotten worse? I’m a professional!”
“You’re a dumbass that can’t receive the ball.”
“And you’re a scammer!”
“Bokuto, this is my work uniform. I don’t scam people.”
“You look like a scammer.”
“I work for a legitimate company!”
“Yeah? Prove it.”
“Are you kidding?”
“No, I’m not kidding. See? Scammer.”
“Bokuto-san,” Keiji called from the doorway. “His company is real. You need to calm down.”
“Aghakshi!” Bokuto sprinted for his friend while Kuroo fell into step behind him, a pleased smile on his face. Bokuto wrapped Keiji up in a bear hug.
“You’re late, ‘Kashi. Kuroo was mean without you.”
“I’m not mean.” Kuroo placed a hand on his chest. “I am a very nice man.”
“No, you’re a scammer and a liar.”
“I’m not --”
“Guys,” Keiji butted in. He gestured behind himself to you. “This is my partner, Y/N. Please behave around them.” Both men’s eyes froze on you, making you distinctly aware of your height difference. Keiji wasn’t short by any means, but these men were huge.
“Hi,” you said, pasting a cheerful smile across your face. “It’s nice to finally meet you guys. I’ve heard all about you.”
“I guarantee we’re worse in person,” Kuroo said, eyes sparkling as he reached out to shake your hand.
“Why do you do that?” Bokuto asked, eyebrows drawn down in a frown.
“It’s the truth.”
“It’s not the truth,” Keiji stepped in, separating your hand from Kuroo’s. You hadn’t realized you were still holding it. “You’re both dorks and they know it already. Stop being weird.”
“Hi,” a bored sounding voice came from directly behind you. You turned around and shrunk against Keiji. Tsukishima stood behind you, shaggy blonde hair just barely hiding his serious eyebrows. He was thin, too, but tall. He and Kuroo were about the same size, but seeing Tsukishima so close to you made your heart pound.
“Tsukki-poo, how are you, buddy?” Bokuto yelled, pushing past you to wrap his friend up in his arms.
“Don’t call me that.” Tsukki sounded bored and annoyed, but you knew he wouldn’t have come if he didn’t miss his friends just a little bit. “Who’s the little one?” he asked, staring down at you with cold eyes. Bokuto grinned, still hanging onto him.
“That’s Akaashi’s partner. Isn’t that cool?”
“Sure. You guys fuck other people, don’t you?”
Silence. You stared at the ground, eyes wide in amused disbelief.
“That. Well. You aren’t wrong but that seems inappropriate.” Keiji was bright red and only burned brighter as he spoke.
“Not as inappropriate as you describing your sex life to us. Do they know you do that?”
“Yes, I do,” you said, staring up at him. “Slow down, lamp post. I think you need to relax.”
Kuroo let out a hyena laugh. “I like them,” he said.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “Are we playing or not?”
��Playing,” Keiji said.
“Fine. Akaashi, you help tiny. Bokuto, you can be on their team.”
Bokuto frowned. “Why? You guys just have two middle blockers.”
“Kuroo can receive and both of us can spike.”
“Who’s going to set for you?” Keiji asked.
“I can,” you chimed in. Keiji’s friends all turned to you in surprise.
“I played through college. It’s only fair. Bokuto and Akaashi against me, Tsukishima, and Kuroo.”
Kuroo smiled, eyes glinting again as he stared at you. “I think that’s a brilliant plan. Ok with you, ‘Kashi?” Keiji narrowed his eyes at his friend, who still had his eyes trained on you.
“They can play setter for you. That’s it.”
The three other men looked at each other in surprise. The implication of his words was . . . jarring. You smiled nervously and walked to one side of the net. You shrugged off your jacket, revealing a thin long-sleeved shirt that no longer covered the back of your leggings. You could feel at least two men’s eyes on you, but you ignored it. All you had to do now was prove you could still play volleyball.
“You know the rules, then?” Tsukishima asked, tying his shoes tighter.
“I’ll be just fine, Tsukki-babe,” you said. He cringed at the nickname. “I’m more concerned with how Kuroo is going to play in his work clothes.
“Give me a minute, dearest,” he said, walking past you with a bag in his hands. “I brought clothes.”
“Hustle up, buddy, or we’ll start without you.”
“Shut up and practice before we lose to the chaos twins.”
Tsukki scoffed. “Like we’re going to lose to them. Bokuto’s going to go emo-mode in ten minutes, guaranteed.”
“Emo mode?” you asked. Tsukki’s brows raised and he smiled for the first time since you had met him.
“You’re dating Akaashi and you don’t know about Bokuto’s emo mode?”
“I guess not.”
He let out a delighted laugh, completely out of character but quite sweet. “God, you’re in for a treat.”
Kuroo returned in a short pair of red athletic shorts and a black t-shirt.
“Is that the same outfit you had in high school?” Keiji asked, a smile on his face.
“The very same,” Kuroo said, laughing and stretching his arms across his chest. “Well, not the exact same clothes, but the same colors. I outgrew my old stuff. I’ve gotten much bigger since high school.” He winked in your direction.
“Gross,” Tsukki said.
“Shut up.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “Can we start?” He shrugged off his own jacket, revealing a long-sleeved shirt and athletic shorts.
“Who gets first serve?” Keiji asked.
“There are more of us. You guys can start,” Kuroo said.
“Bokuto, do you want to serve or should I?” Keiji turned to Bokuto, who looked grumpy at the lack of attention he was getting.
“You do it, ‘Kashi.”
“Are you sure?”
Bokuto nodded vigorously and Keiji walked to the back line. You stood up towards the net while the other men backed up on the court.
“Nice serve,” you yelled.
“Shut up. He’s on the other team,” Tsukki said, sounding exasperated.
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“So, you should want to kick his ass,” Kuroo said. You laughed and Keiji hit the ball over the net.
It went to Tsukki, who easily bumped it up. It traveled high in the air, thank goodness. You were a little rusty, but this made it much easier on you.
“Left!” Kuroo called, hand in the air. You pushed the ball his way, satisfied at the way it lifted off your fingers. You missed this feeling. It landed right against Kuroo’s hand, who slammed it down. It barely grazed the top of Bokuto’s fingers before spinning off and hitting the ground. Kuroo ran for you immediately, grin on his face.
“That was great! I gotta say, I thought you were going to suck, but that was great.” He continued rambling as you turned to Tsukki.
“What did you think, tough guy? That was a nice receive.”
“It wasn’t that impressive. I just knew it had to go high so your dumbass could actually hit it.” He sneered as he spoke, but from the way he was rubbing his forearms you could tell he was excited too. Though he played on his own, you were sure he missed practicing with this group.
“I’d like to see one of your famous blocks next time,” you teased.
“Then tell Bokuto-san to receive the damn ball.” He turned away from you and walked to the back line.
“Hey!” Bokuto had gotten into a receiving position, hands on his knees waiting for your team to serve. You couldn’t help but notice how thick his thighs were, even through his sweatpants. “Can we go or is Tsukki-dude gonna keep complaining?”
“We’re going,” Tsukishima replied, picking up the volleyball that Keiji had rolled over to his feet. “Relax before you use up all the energy in your brain.” You couldn’t help but snicker. His responses were so quick. He was an ass, but he was charming in his own way.
Tsukishima took his place on the back line and easily popped the ball over the net. Bokuto received it and sent it up high. Keiji had to run for it but he got under the ball. Tsukishima and Kuroo took their places on the net, following Bokuto closely with their eyes. You backed up and bent your knees, ready to receive if they somehow missed it.
They didn’t miss it.
The ball hammered into Tsukishima’s hand and he flexed his fingers, sending it straight back down over the net. Kuroo hollered and slapped him on the back, while Bokuto drooped down and a pouty expression came over his face.
“It wasn’t a hard spike. I don’t know why you’re freaking out,” Tsukishima said as Kuroo continued chattering on about how much he’s improved.
“Aghashkiii,” Bokuto said. Tsukishima’s attention was on him in an instant, eyes twinkling.
“Oh fuck, it’s happening.” He gestured for you to come closer. “Shortie, are you watching?”
“Yes, I’m watching. What’s going on?” You approached and watched as your boyfriend’s shoulders fell in a deep sigh.
“Kashi, we have to switch,” Bokuto whined. “You can’t set it to me anymore.”
“Told you it’d be less than ten minutes,” Tsukishima said, expression smug.
“Is he gonna be okay?” you asked. Kuroo laughed.
“He’ll be fine,” he said. “He just needs his setter. Akaashi, on the other hand, will barely survive. He hasn’t had to deal with this in years.” You snickered, then briefly wondered if they knew about Bokuto and Keiji’s . . . antics back in the day.
“Does he do this on his pro team?” you asked.
“Not that I’ve seen. Either they’re better at managing it or Bokuto just goes full baby for Akaashi.” Kuroo rolled his eyes and walked away.
You laughed to yourself. What an idiot. However, he was an idiot that was wrapped around your boyfriend’s finger. Interesting.
“Bokuto-san, are you sure?” Keiji was saying. “Your setting isn’t very precise.”
“Apparently neither is my spiking.”
“Fine. Good luck.” Bokuto didn’t see Keiji shake his head as he spoke. Tsukishima grabbed the volleyball again, a wide smile on his face.
“God, I can’t wait to see this one,” he said, then raised his voice so the other men could hear him. “Akaashi, it’s coming to you!” Keiji nodded and got into position. Bokuto’s eyes were still wide and blank as he got closer to the net.
Tsukishima hit the ball right into Keiji’s arms. He bumped it up without much trouble and shouted for Bokuto.
“Get under the ball, Bokuto!” He backed up to start a spiking approach.
“I got it!” Bokuto sounded frustrated. He ran for the ball, settled underneath it, and . . .
It clattered to the gym floor behind him. His expression remained blank and focused on the air above him, even when his arms flopped down to his sides.
“Our point!” Tsukishima called, smiling again. He ducked to the other side of the net and grabbed the ball. He really was a brat.
“Bokuto --” Keiji started.
“I don’t want to play anymore,” Bokuto said, slumping to the gym floor.
“You can’t just give up like that,” Kuroo interjected, sounding more amused than frustrated.
“I can and I will. Let’s just go to dinner. I don’t want to be sweaty if we’re going somewhere nice.”
You were grateful that Keiji had convinced you to bring something nice to wear to the restaurant, otherwise you would have looked completely out of place. Kuroo had put his work clothes back on. Keiji had thrown on a sweater. Tsukishima wore a button-up and a vest and Bokuto was wearing a blazer with a t-shirt. Somehow, the outfits suited them.
“So,” Kuroo said between sips from a bottle of beer. “Akaashi has told us all about you.” You chuckled, pushing around the remaining rice on your plate.
“Is that so?” You glanced at Keiji, who sat beside you. His cheeks were slightly pink. He looked precious, like he was skating right on the edge of a giggle fit.
“Yep,” Kuroo continued. He had a sly smile on his face and looked all too happy to be talking to you. He leaned toward you across Tsukishima’s lap, who frowned and shoved him off. Kuroo flopped back down, leaning on an elbow on the table in front of his tall friend. “I’d say we know more about you than you know about us.”
“You know, that’s probably true.” You leaned on the table and matched his posture.
“Lame. Akaashi, why don’t you talk about us?”
Keiji took a deep sip of his drink and shook his head.
“Because I knew meeting you guys would do all the talking,” he said.
“What’s that mean?” Bokuto said a little too loudly, leaning into Keiji’s lap. Keiji looked down at him patiently, cheeks flushing a bit darker.
“It means your personalities are so aggressive that they need no explanation.”
“I’m not aggressive!”
“But your personality is.”
Bokuto frowned, not understanding but accepting the answer.
“So, what do you know about me?” you asked, turning back to Kuroo. He shrugged, staring into space to consider your question before giggling.
“What are you laughing at?” You narrowed your eyes at him. You knew exactly what he was thinking, but you wanted him to say it.
“The…nature…of your relationship with our boy Akaashi.”
“Yeah?” You tipped back your glass and grinned.
“We’ve heard all about it.”
“All?” You turned your face towards your boyfriend.
“Not even close,” he said through a smirk.
“What?” Kuroo asked, snapping his gaze to Keiji. “You’ve told us so much.”
“And there’s so much more to explore,” you said with a smug smile and exaggerated gesture.
“Yeah? With who?” Bokuto chimed in. You leaned over to Keiji.
“You’re right. That didn’t take long.” Keiji shook his head at your words and finished off his drink.
“I told you not to trust them,” he said. He turned his attention back to Bokuto. “With anyone, Bokuto-san.” Bokuto’s eyebrows nearly raised off his head.
“Truly anyone? Or are you one of those couples that acts like they’re kinky but really just watches porn together or something?” You were surprised that Tsukishima decided to chime in now, but you weren’t surprised by his comment. He was the type that had to see to believe. You narrowed your eyes at him and ran a finger down the back of his hand, which still clutched his glass on the table.
“Try me and find out,” you said. His eyebrows twitched and he looked away.
“Wait wait wait wait,” Kuroo cried, leaning over Tsukishima again. “Is that an offer?”
“What would you say if it was?” you asked. Keiji scoffed.
“Seriously?” Bokuto asked, eyes huge. You shrugged and looked at your boyfriend.
“What do you think, Kei?”
Tsukishima choked on his drink, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Kei?” he asked, a deep flush crawling up his cheeks.
“Jesus Christ,” Keiji said, rubbing his eyes. You laughed.
“Sorry, Tsukki. Short for Keiji.” Tsukki’s eyes remained trained on your face, looking not-quite-convinced with a hint of something you couldn’t quite place. You turned back to Keiji before you could get more distracted. “Well?” He let out a long sigh.
“Whatever you want, love.” He looked defeated, but you could tell he wasn’t unenthusiastic about the idea. You saw the way he had cupped a hand on Bokuto’s hip earlier, supposedly to keep him steady as he leaned into his lap. You couldn’t suppress a grin as you glanced back at the other men at the table. Bokuto looked confused, eyes still wide. Kuroo had paled, and Tsukishima seemed to still be reeling from you accidentally using his given name.
“Our place is closest,” you said. All three men looked like they had just been slapped.
It started off awkard. There was plenty of time between your statement at the bar, getting the check, everyone finding their way back to your and Keiji’s shared apartment, and getting in a mental place where you could bring them all into your bedroom. Keiji had thrown a box of condoms and a small bottle of lube onto the foot of the bed, making everyone’s eyes go wide. Without kissing, touching, some sort of foreplay, it felt awkward, but truthfully, you had no connection to these men. They were just hot strangers that knew your boyfriend. You could do this.
“Who do you want first, love?” Keiji asked. You stared at the expectant faces in front of you. Kuroo’s eyes were glinting. He would be fun, but you didn’t want to jump into him right away. Tsukki was a silent brat, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. You’d fix that later. He wasn’t a problem to deal with first.
“Bo?” you said. The large man perked up at your words, wide eyes trained on yours. “Come here, baby.” You gestured for him and he complied, swallowing hard as he crossed the room to you. You stood as he got to you and pushed him to a seated position on the bed.
“You seem eager, puppy,” you said, sinking to your knees in front of him. He inhaled sharply.
“I’m not--oh!” His sentence was cut off as you palmed him through his sweatpants.
“You aren’t what, Bo? You can tell me.”
“I-- shit.” His eyes fluttered closed as you established a slow rhythm, feeling him getting harder at your touch.
“You aren’t going to talk to me?” you pouted. You tried to sound sympathetic but you spoke through a small smile. “You haven’t been touched like this in a while, have you?” He shook his head and let out an unsteady breath.
“Want me to help?” you asked. “Want me to suck your cock?” There were several inhales from the wall behind you, but you kept going. You rose up a bit, keeping a hand between his legs as you kissed along his neck.
“Yes,” he breathed.
“Aw, puppy, you know you have to ask better than that.”
“Will you -- fuck -- will you suck my cock?”
“So close, Bo. What do you call me?” There was the sound of Tsukki saying “seriously?” before he made a quiet grunting noise. Someone had elbowed him in the side.
“Ma’am?” Bokuto asked.
“Is that what you want to call me?”
He inhaled sharply and your hand ground into him harder. “I don’t want to say it.”
“Aw, puppy, why? You know I’m here to help.” You closed your teeth lightly on his earlobe and he exhaled hard, making you almost worried for his poor lungs. You whispered into his ear. “I want to hear you call me something pretty when you come down my throat.” His hips bucked up into your hand and he muttered something under his breath.
“What did you say, Bo? I couldn’t hear you.”
“M--” his eyes darted to the other men standing against the wall. You grabbed his face and made him look at you.
“Don’t worry about them. What do you want to call me, pup?”
“Mommy,” he said, so quiet you could barely hear him. You drew in a sharp breath. You were expecting something good, but that exceeded expectations. Your reaction seemed to give him a little confidence, because he spoke louder this time. “Mommy, please suck my cock.”
“Jesus Christ,” said a voice behind you. It sounded like Kuroo.
You grinned. “Good boy. Help mommy take off your pants.”
He immediately did as he was told, tugging them off and letting you throw them to the side. He was big, a little longer and thicker than Keiji. You felt heat rising in your stomach imagining your boyfriend in this same position years ago, using his adept fingers and skilled tongue on the man sitting in front of you.
“So big, puppy,” you said, smiling up at him. Let me help.” Before he could respond you had settled your lips over the head of his cock, swirling your tongue before taking him in deeper. He swore loudly and buried a hand in your hair. You hummed at his noises and moved your head faster. The room was filled with lewd noises that were quickly drowned out by Bokuto’s breathy whimpers.
“Talk to her, Bokuto-san, don’t be shy,” Keiji said. This is why you loved Keiji. He could swap personalities so fast, especially with the right partner.
“Feels good,” Bokuto stuttered, head tipping back. You heard footsteps approaching and felt a warm figure kneeling down behind you.
“Good girl.” It was Keiji. He leaned his face into the side of yours and undid your pants, slipping his hand down the front of them. “So wet already, love. I knew you were a slut, but Jesus.” He slipped his fingers inside you for a moment, wetting them before circling your clit quickly. He had a setter’s hands, precise and sure in every movement. You moaned and took Bokuto all the way into your mouth. He exhaled sharply and swore above you.
“You look so pretty with his cock down your throat, darling. Go faster for him, yeah? He likes it.” You complied, bobbing your head up and down and eliciting a series of loud noises from Bokuto.
“I want you to come when he comes, love. You’ll be good and do that for me, right?” You hummed in what you hoped would be interpreted as agreement and you sunk into Keiji’s touch. He knew exactly what to do to send you reeling in no time at all.
“Bokuto-san, tell her when you’re about to cum, yeah?” Bokuto nodded frantically and Keiji slapped his thigh. Bokuto jumped at the sudden strike, bucking his hips deeper into your mouth. “Use your words, Bokuto-san.”
“Yes. Fuck. I will, I promise.”
“Good boy,” Keiji said, rubbing faster circles against you. You continued to moan and you felt Bokuto twitch in your mouth. You knew he was close and thankfully, you were, too.
“Close, ‘Kashi.”
“Tell them, not me.”
“Mommy, please.” Bokuto moaned loudly. “Gonna cum soon.” Keiji leaned in close to your ear again, never losing his pace on you.
“Don’t swallow. Make him clean up his mess,” he said. You reached behind and squeezed his arm so he knew you understood, shaking a bit with your own approaching orgasm.
“Fuck. Holy shit,” Bokuto groaned, hips bucking as he came into your mouth. You continued moving on him as Keiji sent you over the edge, moaning around Bokuto’s cock.
“Dirty girl,” Keiji said through a laugh, pulling his hand away and returning to the wall. You pulled off of Bokuto, making sure not to accidentally swallow as you straddled his lap. He twitched at your advances, staring wide-eyed at your still-full mouth.
“Mommy, too -- fuck. Too sensitive.” You smiled and pressed your lips against his. He parted his lips instinctively, allowing you to kiss his own cum into his mouth. He swallowed obediently, moaning a bit as he did so. You smiled into the kiss, grinding your hips a little against him. He inhaled in a panic and pulled away, burying his face into your chest. You laughed and ran a hand lovingly through his hair.
“Good boy, Bokuto. Such a good boy. Should we let Kuroo go next? Wanna watch him fuck mommy?” Bokuto nodded against you, chest still heaving. You turned your head to face the wall. Keiji was smirking. Kuroo’s face was bright red. Tsukki didn’t look too phased, although you could see that he was fully hard.
“Kuroo, hon,” you said. He stiffened and pushed off the wall. “Bokuto says he wants to watch you fuck me.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Don’t be difficult. Get over here.”
Kuroo swallowed hard and approached you. You planted a quick kiss on Bokuto’s head and climbed off of him. He let out a gasp at the loss and laid back on the bed.
“Where do you want me?” Kuroo asked. You stared down at his hands and the growing bulge in his shorts and shook your head.
“No. Tell me where you want me.” You began working off the buttons of his shirt.
He raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
You nodded.
“Lay back.”
You smiled and did as you were told, scooting farther up onto the bed. Bokuto shifted so he wasn’t in the way. Kuroo smiled and leaned on top of you, capturing your lips in his. He was eager, tongue slipping easily into your mouth. You could still feel the happy curve of his lips as he moved against you, sliding one hand deep in your hair and the other curving around your waist. You kissed him back enthusiastically, surprised but delighted by the genuine affection. The hand on your waist slipped up under your shirt, like he wanted to pull it off but was too focused on the kiss to pull away. You tugged away from his lips and he followed, eyes still closed. You chuckled and sat up a bit under him, pulling your shirt over your head and capturing his face between your hands, pulling into another eager kiss. He breathed a sigh of appreciation and ran his hands over your newly exposed skin.
He pulled away and buried his face into the crook of your neck, kissing and lightly biting the sensitive skin. You sighed and tangled your hands in his insane hair. He kissed down, stopping just above the fabric of your bra. He tipped his head up to look at you, eyes bright. He licked his lips and you felt heat reaching the very tips of your fingers. You ran your fingers through his hair and nodded, giving him all the go ahead he needed to pull down the front of your bra and take a nipple into his mouth. You sighed again, grip in his hair tightening. He let out a huff at your reaction and circled his tongue. He bit down gently and you let out a gasp, locking your legs around his midsection.
“Kuroo,” you breathed. He didn’t break away from you, just let his eyes flicker up to meet yours. You felt a blissed out smile reach your lips at the sight. “Take off your fucking clothes.” He sucked harder on your chest for just a moment, eliciting a gasp from you, then leaned back down to kiss you again, grin on his lips. He only kissed you for a moment, tongue hungry in your mouth, before tugging his shirt over his head and throwing it to the side recklessly.
“Oi!” Tsukishima called out from the side of the room. You and Kuroo both laughed as you worked in tandem to get his belt loose and pants open, kissing clumsily as you went. As soon as you got them down and he kicked them to the side, you pulled your legs up and wiggled your pants down. Kuroo reached behind you and unclasped your bra (something that took even Keiji several tries and a hearty laugh) and began to kiss over your chest again. You tipped your head back and reached down, wrapping your hand around his already hard cock through his boxer briefs. He hissed against you, biting down where he was. Your breath caught in your throat.
“Jesus,” he said as he pulled away again, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your lace undergarments and tugging them down. He stared at you for just a second before snatching up a condom and ripping it open with his teeth. “Flip over,” he said, voice rougher. You complied instantly, breathing heavily from the kisses and adrenaline. You were faced with a stunned Bokuto, who you had forgotten was still laying -- or now, sitting up -- on the bed. You laughed and reached out for him. His eyes were wide as he laced his fingers through yours. From behind you, Kuroo teased your entrance. You sighed and leaned your head forward onto your arm, bracing yourself. He pushed in gently at first, shuddering out a deep breath at the contact. Impatiently, you pushed back onto him, feeling his full length sinking into you.
“Fuck,” he groaned. He leaned forward on top of you while your fingernails dug into the back of Bokuto’s hand. He began moving his hips slowly, the curve of his dick hitting perfectly inside of you. You leaned forward onto your hand, still clasped with Bokuto’s. Kuroo sped up his strokes, leaning back up and getting a bit rougher. His hands found their way to your hips, tugging you back against him as he moved. You choked out a moan as he pushed into you deeper with the new motion.
“Kuroo,” Keiji said. Kuroo apparently didn’t hear, swearing under his breath. Keiji scoffed. “Tetsuro!”
“Fuck -- what, Akaashi?”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” Kuroo ignored him, slowing down for a moment, hitting a particularly deep part of you that made you whine and bury your face further against Bokuto’s hand. “Kuroo, hit them.”
“What?” Kuroo sounded slightly incredulous, or at least as incredulous as he could sound when out of breath and buried inside of you.
“Spank. Them.”
Kuroo chuckled slightly and brought one of his hands back to rest on your ass, rubbing it before winding it back and landing a heavy smack against you. You bucked up at the motion, your back losing its arch for a moment. Your mouth fell open and you felt Bokuto reach up, running a finger along your lip in fascination. You looked up at him, tongue lolling out to make contact with the digit. His eyes widened and he pressed the finger onto your tongue. Kuroo landed another hit on your ass and you jumped forward, taking Bokuto’s finger far into your mouth. He shuddered out a breath. Kuroo smacked you again and you moaned loudly, still maintaining eye contact with Bokuto. His breath was picking up as he watched you, tongue swirling around his finger.
“God, you really like this, don’t you?” Kuroo asked, a smile evident in his voice. “What if I . . .” he reached forward and gathered the hair at the nape of your neck, tightening his fist so he was pulling it without yanking your head backwards. Your eyes fell shut and you let out a muffled moan, the sensation adding a layer of delicious pain on top of the pleasure racking your body.
“I knew it,” Kuroo continued. “Jesus, you’re fun.” He gasped, hips jumping slightly. You heard a scoff at his words. Your eyes flickered open and found the two men still sitting on the side of the room. Keiji was smiling, but Tsukishima looked like he was trapped in a haze, unable to fully comprehend what was happening in front of him. You pulled off of Bokuto’s finger with one last slide of your tongue. He shivered and brought his hand back against his chest.
“Tsukki,” you sang. Tsukishima looked up, eyebrow cocked. You let out a gasp and your eyes flickered closed for a second as Kuroo landed another smack. You smiled at the tall blond and the expression dropped off his face. “Come here, Tsukishima.” He rolled his eyes.
“You seem occupied,” he said, voice wavering just a bit. You bit down on your hand as Kuroo slowed down again, dragging his cock nearly fully out before steadily driving back in.
“Tsukishima, I’m not playing that game,” you managed through a gasp. “Get over here.” He rolled his eyes and stood, beginning to approach you. Your eyes met his hungrily. “Take off your shirt,” you said as he stopped in front of you. You moved so you could face him, Kuroo moving with you and adjusting to the new angle easily. Tsukishima made no move to follow your instruction, staring down at you with an unreadable but distinctly gruff expression on his face. You scoffed and reached out, grabbing his waistband and pulling him to you. You could see his dick, long and thin, fully hard through his slacks. Impatiently, you pulled at the button until it opened. You yanked down, freeing him from his pants and undergarments  in one motion. You wasted no time leaning forward and wrapping your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and moaning as Kuroo picked up his pace again.
“Jesus fuck,” Kuroo gasped. Tsukishima didn’t look like he knew what to do with his hands, holding them up by his chest in surprise. You hummed around his cock, looking up at him. He held eye contact, previously cocky eyes wide. Kuroo let out a groan and dug the tips of his fingers into your hips.
“Fuck. I’m cl -- fuck!” he groaned, hips stuttering. He wasn’t even capable of finishing a coherent thought, pounding into you from behind. He moved your entire body with each stroke, making you involuntarily take Tsukishima deeper into your mouth at every forward motion. Tsukki finally relaxed a bit, hands gently burying in your hair as Kuroo’s swearing got louder. He leaned down, supporting himself with one arm on the bed and the other wrapped around your midsection. He plucked at your nipples, elliciting surprised sounds from you that were muffled against Tsukishima.
You felt the moment Kuroo came. His face pushed into your back, panting breaths heavy against your skin as his hips broke their rhythm. He pulsed inside of you, dragging a groan from deep in your chest. Tsukishima’s grip on your hair tightened and he let out a sharp hiss, clearly trying to hold back any noise.
Kuroo finally pulled out and tipped away from you, probably realizing how close he was to Tsukishima. He stood up and took a few steps back, brushing his black hair, now sticky with sweat, out of his eyes. You popped your mouth off of Tsukishima and ran your hands up quickly, popping the buttons of his shirt open from the bottom up.
“What--” he started. You cut him off.
“Bo, baby, move.” Your order was gentle but firm. Bokuto recognized your tone immediately, scrambling pantsless up from the bed and moving out of your way. You sat up on your heels and pulled on Tsukishima’s shoulders, pushing him down onto the bed. He sat down and backed against the headboard, brows furrowed. His face flushed when he looked down and realized he was fully exposed, but you remedied that easily, crawling into his lap and silencing whatever snarky remarks were boiling in his brain to calm his nerves. You planted a heated kiss against his lips.
He was a gentler and less smiley kisser than Kuroo, but more precise. Every movement of his tongue felt like a calculated effort, feeling out your weak spots and taking advantage of them once he found them. You sighed and sat farther down in his lap, grazing his cock between your legs. You ground down slightly before realizing -- shit. You were so distracted by the kiss that you almost forgot. You leaned back, breaking the kiss but remaining in his lap. You snatched up a condom and wagged it in front of Tsukishima’s eyes. He scoffed.
“No need to act so giddy,” he said. You just smiled at him, taking in the vision of the red faced man in front of you. His lips were slick and parted, like he was desperately waiting for another kiss, and his glasses were slowly de-fogging. You laughed and captured his lips in yours again, biting lightly at his bottom lip and just barely teasing him with your tongue. When you pulled away, he followed you slightly, then immediately sat back and blinked, like he was trying to cover up the motion. You huffed a laugh and slid his glasses off his face.
“Kashi,” you said, holding them out behind you without breaking eye contact with Tsukishima. You felt them leave your hand and you returned your touch to Tsukki’s face, running your thumb along his bottom lip.
“Cute,” you mumbled, nearly laughing again at the way his face turned an even darker shade of red.
“Agashi,” Bokuto whined behind you. You laughed and peered over your shoulder. Bokuto was squirming. He had put his boxer-briefs back on, but you could see that he was hard again, probably painfully so.
“Keiji, love, take care of him,” you said, carefully putting on the gentle tone you used with Bokuto. Keiji slid next to Bokuto, whose eyes were now wide, and you turned back to Tsukishima knowing your boyfriend had everything under control. You heard Bokuto gasp and Kuroo mutter “Jesus,” but you just held the condom up to Tsukishima’s mouth. He looked at you with confusion written on his face.
“What?” he asked.
“Open,” you replied, holding it closer to his mouth. His eyes grew wide but he leaned in, opening his mouth and closing his teeth on the wrapper. You smirked at him and tugged at the foil. You pulled out the condom when it was finally open and tossed the wrapper from Tsukishima’s lips to the side. You replaced it with your lips as you moved your hand between your legs and slipped the condom onto Tsukki. He gasped at the contact, leaning his head back against the headboard. You followed him with your lips and deepened the kiss as you wrapped a hand around him, lining him up with your entrance. You sunk down, not giving either of you a chance to really react until he was fully sheathed inside of you. He broke from your lips and leaned his forehead against your cheek. He let out a shuddering gasp and wrapped his arms around your waist. You turned your face and kissed his forehead, then lifted up slightly and sunk back down onto him. He gasped and you began to rock more steadily, slowly picking up the energy and pace.
“Fuck,” he muttered. His head fell to the crook of your neck and he let out a sigh, fingers burying into your skin.
“God, you feel good, Tsukki,” you breathed into his hair. He grunted in response, lips pursing to kiss at your skin. You sighed and tipped your head back, exposing more of your neck to his eager lips. His hands shifted to your hips and he gripped them tightly, pulling down as you slid over him, making him hit you somehow even deeper. You gasped and threw your arms around his neck.
“Shit,” you whispered as he took control of your pace, pulling you down hard. “Tsukki,” you sighed, ruffling his hair.
“I--” he started, but was cut off by a sweet, choked sound that came from deep in his throat. “Say my name again.”
“Tsukki,” you said. He shook his head against you. As he tipped his head up towards yours, you heard the familar click of the lube cap and felt weight sink onto the edge of the bed. You were unsure who it was until Bokuto let out a strangled gasp. Ah. Keiji really was taking care of him. You pressed a quick kiss against Tsukishima’s lips and leaned your forehead against his.
“Say my name like earlier,” he said. “The other one.” Your eyes widened and you smiled.
“Are you sure, Kei?” you teased. He groaned. “Aw, you like that?” He didn’t respond, but his face was screwed up into a look of concentration and pleasure that almost looked like pain.
“You feel so good, Kei.” He moaned, a sound you didn’t think you were going to be lucky enough to hear. “So good. Fuck, Kei.” You scattered his name into bouts of praise and swearing. He removed one of his hands from you, making you have to keep up the pace with your hips. You didn’t understand why until his thumb pressed firmly against your clit, starting to draw small, focused circles against it. Your hips stuttered out of pace and you moaned, tightening your grip around his neck. You were so oversensitive from Kuroo and Keiji’s advances that the movement on your clit was almost too much. Your breathing was coming in gasps.
“Bokuto-san, relax,” you heard Keiji say, though it felt like it was a thousand miles away.
“Get off of my fucking foot,” Tsukishima said, sounding frustrated even though the words were strained. Your eyebrows pinched together, frustrated.
“Move, Bokuto,” Keiji said, and you felt the weight shift again.
“Kei,” you said, loud enough to give Tsukishima pause. “Don’t pay attention to them.” He looked suprised.
“I --” he started.
“No.” You cut him off with a particularly devastating buck of your hips, and his expression changed. Just a moment later, though, he was glancing behind you at the source of the muffled gasps and whines behind you. You grabbed him by the jaw and stopped moving.
“Open,” you said. His eyebrows knit together.
“Open.” You ran your thumb down his bottom lip, holding it for a moment before he complied. You leaned above him and spat.
Shock was the first thing to flash over Tsukki’s eyes, followed very quickly by something dark. He swallowed, staring into your eyes like you just set him on fire.
“Learn your lesson?” you asked. He said nothing, but his hands returned to your hips and dug into them, like he was begging you to move. “Good,” you said through a smile. You began to rock into his lap once more.
He let out a genuine moan, choppy and desperate and gorgeous. It was like that one motion made him yours, completely. His thumb returned to your clit, rubbing faster and more desperate circles. You crashed your lips into his, moaning into his mouth as he returned the favor. There was something so intimate in his motions. It was hard to believe this Tsukishima was the same asshole from earlier.
“Fuck, Kei, I’m close,” you said. Tsukki nodded, forehead still pressed against yours.
“Come with me,” he mumbled. If you weren’t so close to him you wouldn’t have believed he said it, but sure enough, you were both leaning against each other like your lives depended on it. He started swearing, small “fuck”s that grew in volume the closer he got. You could feel yourself reaching the peak, eyes squeezing shut and body locking. Right when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, right when you were about to beg Tsukishima to hurry up and finish so you could die against him, his grip around you tightened. He could still move you, riding out his orgasm inside of you, but he squeezed you so close you thought you could shift into his chest if you really wanted to. Your body shook, jerking involuntarily against his thumb. Both of you were panting, and it felt like the world went black around you as you kept your faces pressed together.
You couldn’t tell when the moment ended, but when it did Tsukishima was kissing along your shoulders and allowing you to slump against him, arms barely holding you up.
“Why don’t you lay down?” he whispered, and you nodded, feeling almost drunk. You swung your leg off of him, shuddering at the loss of him inside of you. He laughed at your reaction and pressed a kiss against your forehead as you laid on your back.
“Love, scoot closer,” you heard Keiji say. Fuck. They weren’t done with you yet. You opened your eyes to finally see what had been happening behind you while you were falling apart in Tsukishima’s lap.
Bokuto was laying on his back, legs pitched up slightly. Keiji’s hand was pressed flush up against him, preparing him for who knows what else. Your eyes widened and, without thinking, you did what your boyfriend told you to do.
“Bokuto, turn around,” Keiji said, and Bokuto did as he was instructed. He looked blissed out and shaky, but allowed himself to be pushed forward until his face was laying against one of your thighs. He smiled up at you, as if he was greeting an old friend intead of laying ass up with your boyfriend positioning himself behind him.
“Y/n, open your legs.” Fuck. Bokuto’s cheeks flushed and he turned to look back at Keiji.
“‘Kashi, I--” He was cut off by one slow, perfect thrust by Keiji. You did as you were told, staring up at Keiji’s face in awe. His eyes had closed and he looked unbelievably content.
“You know what to do, Bokuto,” he said. “Just make sure you breathe.”
With that, Bokuto buried his mouth against you.
There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation, like Keiji’s commands were magic. He had been like this as long as you had known him, but judging by the surprised sounds Kuroo and Tsukki made, it wasn’t the Akaashi they knew.
Bokuto seemed hungry, like you were the one thing holding him back from starvation. His tongue made long strokes against you, making your hips shake. He stopped every so often to focus on your clit, swirling his tongue or sucking harshly. You weren’t even sure what kind of noises you were making at this point, just that someone was making a lot of sound and it was more than likely you. Akaashi’s thrusts were slow and deep, making Bokuto groan against you. It was an overwhelming feeling, your boyfriend fucking someone else into you. With how oversensitive you were, you didn’t think you’d last long.
Your orgasm wasn’t a slow build this time. It was choppy and harsh, almost painful as Bokuto sucked enthusiastically on your clit. Your legs couldn’t stay open on their own, crushing his head between your thighs as you made a panicked noise. The rumble of another groan from Bokuto is what sent you over, back arching and head leaning back into the bed. You were breathless, not making much sound as your body reacted out of your control. You had to push Bokuto off of you and slide away in order to get him to stop. He was so eager it seemed like he would have tried for another if you hadn’t escaped.
Now all you could do was watch as Akaashi leaned forward, taking Bokuto’s cock in his hand and timing movement with his hips. Bokuto was drooling onto the bed, making the sweetest whining noises you had ever heard. He came quickly after that, crying Akaashi’s name into the comforter as his lower body jerked. Akaashi fucked him through it and followed soon behind, face scrunching and breaths coming out as gasps.
Bokuto collapsed against the bed as Keiji pulled out, yanking off the condom and tucking himself back into his slacks like nothing had happened. God, he was a piece of work sometimes.
You stood, collecting your clothing from the floor. You pulled on your shirt, not bothering with your bra. You didn’t even know where it was.
You missed the left leg hole of your pants twice before Kuroo finally wrapped an arm around you and helped you get them up, even buttoning them for you once they were on.
“Well,” you said, but it came out strained. You coughed, smiling up at the group of men. “That was . . .” You couldn’t finish the sentence, letting out a choppy laugh instead.
“That was,” Kuroo agreed, laughing with you.
“If you guys would be willing . . .” Tsukishima said.
“Can we please do that again?” Bokuto said, a bit too loud for the room. Keiji’s eyes grew wide.
“Not right now!” he said. Bokuto laughed.
“Not right now. But sometime?” They all turned to face you, looking precious and eager. You laughed, then sighed heavily.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Burn The Witch 3 - Ensnared [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns.
Summary: Things aren’t always what they seem to be.
Series Masterlist
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Finding out that the target you had been assigned to seduce and manipulate for information was actually a good person had its advantages and disadvantages.
For starters, the biggest advantage was that now you could prepare a strategy based on his personality. After all, good people were easier to trick, it was the people like you that would’ve given you a hard time if the roles were reversed. You had been taught to approach everyone with suspicion and pinpoint their weak spots to use against them and as it turned out, Bucky didn’t adapt the same strategy when it came to other people.
The disadvantage? You had no idea how to deal with that.
For years and years you had been trained to kill, lie, manipulate and not look back or feel guilty about any of it because you were told that all your targets were the kind of people that would’ve harmed you or others if they had the chance; so Bucky not being evil was surprising at the very least.
The infamous Winter Soldier hadn’t tried to hurt you when he was under attack, hadn’t tried to use you as a leverage to get out of there unlike what you would’ve done if the roles were reversed.
Needless to say, you were confused as hell.
“I mean when you think about it, it’s not surprising that he’s a good guy,” Chloe said, resting her feet on the table in the empty conference room, “Didn’t he fight against Thanos with Steve Rogers and everyone else?”
“I would’ve fought in that war if I could as well, it doesn’t mean that I’m a good person.”
She pouted, “That’s debatable. I think you’re a great person.”
“No I’m not. I swear to you I’m not.”
“Come on, you don’t give yourself enough credit.”
“If it were me, I would’ve pushed him into the line of fire without a second thought.”
“Exactly. We’re terrible people and we acknowledge that, Chloe.” Keith said as you tapped your pencil on the file,
“Back to the first impression strategy, guys. How do I meet Barnes?”
“Hold on, before we continue with the strategy you need to give me an answer about your cover job,” Chloe said, “We can’t have him suspect you’re hiding anything from him. Jobs are a huge part of someone’s life, it’ll come up.”
Keith raised his head, “What are the options?”
“Oh you know, the usual. Sales assistant, retail—“
“The last time you put me in retail for an undercover job, I ended up punching a customer.” he cut her off, “I vote no to the retail.”
“I’m sure they had it coming,” you deadpanned and Chloe hmmed.
“Fast food?”
“No, it makes my hair smell bad.”
“There’s a milkshake shop I can put you in, it doesn’t smell bad. It’s close to the coffee shop he and Wilson get their coffee from.”
“What’s the catch?”
A small grin pulled at her lips, “It’ll be good for the mission.”
You frowned as Keith sat up straighter, curiosity written all over his face. “Chloe? Share your devious plans with the class please?”
“It’s a retro milkshake shop and the uniforms are like….1940s pin up meets 1950s diner waitress.”
Keith started laughing and you stared at Chloe before letting out a groan, burying your face into your palms.
“I hate you so much.”
“Come on, it’s going to be Bucky Barnes’ wet dream, you know that!” Keith said, “On a completely unrelated note, can I see those uniforms?”
“No!” you snatched the phone from Chloe’s hand before Keith could take a look, “No you can’t!”
“I’m so going to take pictures, and when you become a handler I will use them to humble you.”
“I will shoot you if you do that, and can you please focus?” you insisted, “I have a meeting with General soon, and he will ask me about the strategy and I can’t go there with no ideas.”
“Just find something you and Barnes are interested in both, that never failed me,” Keith paused, “Well that, and my good looks.”
Chloe turned to look at him, “I gave her a huge file containing everything there is to know about him,” she said, “It will help her to make him fall in love, but meeting him is something else.”
“Guys,” he rolled his eyes “What are you, fifteen? It’s incredibly easy to meet people.”
“No, it’s incredibly easy to meet civilians,” you corrected him, “Or the bad guys. It’s not like Barnes goes to bars or anything, he’s not very social.”
“Yeah I get that but he has to do something.” he insisted, “Just hand me the file, are you sure you didn’t miss anything?”
“We didn’t—he does the same thing every superhero does,” Chloe threw her hands up, “He saves people if they’re in need, but how are we going to use that?”
You opened your mouth to answer but when the thought struck you, you took a sharp breath, narrowing your eyes. A smile lit up your face, the plan slowly forming in your mind and Keith frowned at you over the file.
“Y/N you’re smiling,” he reminded you, “It’s creepy when you do it genuinely.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” you asked as you turned to Chloe, “You’re right. Superheroes save people, and—and Barnes is not only a superhero, but he’s also a good guy right? He didn’t use me as a leverage while getting out of there, so he cares about people’s wellbeing, so to speak.”
You snapped your fingers, “I need to find someone to shoot me.”
“Same, you’re not special.”
Chloe gasped, “Keith!”
“Relax, she’s not serious.”
“No I’m very serious.”
He scowled, “Did you forget what happened when I accidentally shot you on a mission three years ago? It was just one time and you bitched at me for a whole month. You found me when I was working undercover in Brazil to show up at my apartment so that you could complain about it more, I don’t even know how you found my address, it was classified info.”
“I gave her your address.” Chloe held up a hand and Keith heaved a sigh.
“Thank you Brutus.”
“You had it coming,” you pointed out, “But forget about that for a second, okay? I think I just found our strategy. We’re going to use me as a bait.”
“That’s how I’ll meet him. We will put me in a dangerous position and he will…” you tried to ignore the bitter taste at the back of your throat, “He will have to save me.”
“I’m sorry,” Chloe said, “He will help you and you will use that to lure him, did I get that right?”
“Exactly,” you grinned, “What better way to manipulate a hero than to give him somebody to save?”
She blinked a couple of times, then turned to Keith.
“Honestly, in times like these I wonder why I’m friends with you guys,” she commented, “Do you have any idea why on earth I’m friends with you?”
He shrugged his shoulders,
“I don’t know,” he said, “Because we’re fun when we’re not diabolical?”
The plan was pretty simple, it would look like a robbery gone wrong. You would be accompanied by one of the lower ranking agents who would pose as a robber so that if he got caught while getting away, it would pose no threat to your cover afterwards, not to mention it couldn’t be traced back to you or the operation.
Of course, you had to make sure that Bucky would stay behind and meet you while Wilson chased the bad guy off. Based on your observations on Wilson, saving people always came first rather than punishing the other person, he put the safety of innocents before anything else, so you had to find a way for them to think Wilson was more suitable for the chase.
Motorcycle. The rookie agent would get away on a motorcycle, which would require Wilson to use his wings to gain speed on him.
But God, you just hated playing the damsel in distress.
“I just want to say I’m honored that you picked me for this mission,” the agent was almost buzzing with excitement in the back alley while you waited until Wilson and Barnes was anywhere within hearing distance. “I heard- I heard so much about you Shrike. Ma’am.”
You leaned your back to the wall, crossing your arms.
“Is it true that you once killed a target using just a pencil?” he asked, “Or that you took down five armed people with a dagger?”
You turned your head to look at him better, amusement making you smile.
“Or- or that you can get information out of someone in just five minutes?” he held his breath, “Or that your father-“
“Don’t talk about my father.” You cut him off, the harsh command leaving your lips almost too fast and you felt the slight guilt pulling at your heartstrings before you shook your head.
“You’re a good shot, right?” you asked, “I don’t want to get the bullet stuck in my arm, you’ll just graze me.”
“I’m a great shot ma’am, top of my class.”
“And you need to make it look believable. Remember, if Wilson catches you—“
“He will take me to the nearest police station, and I will stay there until an agent is sent to pick me up. But do you want me to get caught?”
“Try not to,” you shrugged your shoulders “But if he does, don’t worry about it. He has no reason to believe it’s anything more than some mugging.”
His phone beeped and he checked it, then took a deep breath, “Barnes and Wilson are within hearing distance. Are you ready?”
“Let’s do this,” you said and he grabbed his gun, then pointed it at your arm. You cleared your throat, looking over your shoulder before you turned to him and let out a very high scream, probably enough to reach the people nearby. He pulled the trigger and the gunshot echoed through the alley, a burning spreading all over your arm and making you fall to your knees.
“Are you okay?” he stepped closer to you and you tried to catch your breath.
“Go!” you hissed and he ran to the motorcycle before he rode away and as soon as he was out of your sight, Barnes and Wilson ran to the alley and you started sobbing, holding onto your arm which throbbed in pain.
Good news was he was a good shot, and he had managed to only graze you. But considering that your cover was a civilian, you doubted civilians were used to gunshot wounds, so you had to make it dramatic.
“Ma’am?” Wilson rushed to you with Barnes following him and you tried to breathe through sobs.
“Thank God, please help me—“ you sniffled and looked at the other side of the alley, breathing fast, “He took my wallet, and-and he had a motorcycle…”
“On it. Buck, stay with her.” Wilson said and ran out of the alley as Barnes crouched down to your level while you kept panting, your knees pulled to your chest, leaning back to the wall.
“Hi,” he smiled at you softly and you took a trembling breath, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Hello,” you managed to say as he stole a look at your arm before his eyes snapped back to yours.
“I’m Bucky,” he said, “What’s your name?”
“Can I look at your arm, Y/N?”
You pursed your lips together, pretending to consider it before you raised your hand so that he could see the graze on your upper arm. He furrowed his brows for a moment, and carefully lifted your arm to see it better under the street lights while you sniffled again.
“Am I—am I going to die?” you stammered and he let out a small chuckle.
“No,” he said, “No you won’t. It’s just a graze, it doesn’t even look like it’ll need stitches. I promise.”
“But how do you know?”
“Let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of arm injuries.”
You tried to keep the look of confusion on your face before you slowly averted your gaze from him to his metal wrist and you gasped, your jaw dropping as if you were distracted from the pain.
“Bucky? As in Bucky Barnes?” you asked, “Wait, no. Right? Can’t be.”
A look of regret flashed over his face, apparently he thought that would scare you but lucky for you, you had seen it coming while coming up with a strategy.
“I heard about you!” you said, “You fought against Thanos!”
He was taken aback at the fact that you didn’t accuse him of anything his head was obviously swarming with, and that would be the one thing you could base your whole plan on.
In order to make him fall in love with you and trust you, you had to act like you trusted him, act like you had little to no knowledge of the dark side of his past. Naïve civilian girl with a soft heart was the perfect cover because as far as you could tell from his file, Bucky Barnes just wanted to come back home from war.
He had been looking for something he could call his home for decades now and you’d let him believe you were his home until your orders told you otherwise.
“That’s it?” he asked when you didn’t continue and you pulled your brows together.
“That’s all you…all you wanted to say?”
“Right—” you took a deep breath, “Right, I’m sorry. Thank you for all you’ve done, for saving the world.”
“No no, I didn’t mean—“ he stopped himself, “That wasn’t what I meant. Trust me, you shouldn’t be thanking me.”
“Well I am though,” you winced when you moved your arm before turning your head to check the dark alley “Bucky? Do you… do you think that robber would come back?”
“Sam’s got it covered.” he assured you, “Don’t worry. He’s not getting away, and he’s definitely not coming back here.”
“Okay.” You murmured and wiped at your eye again with the back of your free hand before you clutched at your arm again, a sob tearing itself from your chest. “God, it just—it hurts so bad...”
He shushed you gently, “I know it does sweetheart. Let’s get you to the hospital so that it will stop hurting, alright?”
Even by 40s standards, sweetheart was a good sign.
You shook your head, “But I can’t go to the hospital.”
“Why not?”
“I’m on a budget.”
He blinked a couple of times, “Come again?”
“I don’t have enough money for the hospital. I’m sure if I put a band aid on it or something it’d work, you said it wouldn’t need stitches and there’s a pharmacy right around the corner you see—”
“That’s not how bullet wounds work, let’s go.” He helped you up but you stumbled into him, letting him catch you as you looked up at him.
“I apologize, I just feel dizzy…” you said and he smiled softly.
“Don’t worry about it,” his voice was soothing, “You think you can walk? I can carry you.”
“No I can—I can walk,” you stammered and let him lead you out of the alley, his arm wrapped around your waist tight before he looked down at you.
“You’re shaking,” he murmured to himself, then he took off his jacket to put it over your shoulders. You pulled the oversized jacket tighter around you, brushing the sleeve over your forehead to push back your hair and only when he turned to stop a taxi you let a tiny smirk pull at your lips despite the throbbing on your arm.
Well, your superiors were going to be pleased. The first part of the mission was done.
Now all you had to do was make him fall in love with you.
                             Chapter 4
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Avenger Reader Word Count: 3,431 Summary: Your best friend finally comes to visit the compound after you join the Avengers. What starts out as a fun night out, quickly turns dire for you and Bucky. Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Feelings, Mentions of Alcohol and Drugs, PTSD/Nightmares, swearing
“AHHHH Y/N!!” You hear her before you see your best friend running towards you, not a care in the world that your entire team has also turned around to watch you two galavant towards each other like long lost sisters.
You catch Sarah in your arms and spin her around.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re FINALLY HERE! And you’re early! Holy shit like I can’t believe you’re finally here in New York!! Let me introduce you to the team!” You grab her arm after she starts to show hesitance in meeting the Avengers all at once.
“Are you sure they have time? I don’t want to be a bother,” she says sheepishly.
“Oh my god Sarah, I talk about you all the time! They’re just as excited to meet you, come on.” You both walk towards the team still staring at you both near the entrance to the compound doing a quick debrief of a not-so-successful mission the day before.
“Guys, this is Sarah. Sarah this is-“ she cuts you off. “I know who you guys all are. It’s so nice to meet you! I’ll stay out of the way, I promise.” Everyone grins and introduces themselves to your best friend.
Nat smiles at you both, “On the contrary, you’re coming out with us tonight! No if’s, and’s or but’s”
Sarah seems to suddenly catch a second wind from her long flight and lets out a squeal of excitement.
You’re the newest to the “official” team, even though Steve and Fury had been trying to recruit you for years. You didn’t like the idea of the world knowing about your skill set and preferred to live a quiet life back in California. Ever since moving here, you’ve felt like maybe you weren’t home yet. Everyone was so nice and welcoming, but you missed your little house hidden in the outskirts of the National Parks in California. You missed the sun, the familiar smell of your patch of paradise and the general sense of room back home. Most importantly, you missed Sarah.
You were reluctant to invite her out to New York at first, but now that things seemed to be going smoothly, you sent for her via a car and private jet thanks to one Mr. Tony Stark. He was more than happy to help you out given your fresh and maybe sometimes bumpy arrival to the Avengers.
As everyone filed inside to break away before the evening festivities, Bucky caught your arm.
After holding you back for a second he said, “Hey, I can totally hang back tonight if you’d rather just be with Sarah and the team.”
You realize what he’s getting at. He also has some lack of feeling settled at the compound. It was something you bonded over when you first arrived. You both had similar pasts, even though they were at the same time lightyears apart.
“Buck, no. I think we’re all going out to Bleaker’s tonight! What’s a better way to get to know the team than bowling, beer, smoking inside, beer, old arcade games, more beer and maybe dancing?!”
Bucky gives you a quick glare out the corner of his eye before wrapping his metal arm around your shoulders to lead you inside after everyone.
“Fiiiiiiine, but I can’t promise I’ll behave.” You giggle, but suddenly feel a couple sets of eyes on you.
“And what do we have here?,” Tony asks with a smirk across his mouth. Sarah seems to be in the middle of an engaging conversation with Steve, so you don’t seem to have an easy out of this encounter. Bucky quickly drops his arm and steps a foot away from you.
“Uh, nothing. Y/N just seemed like maybe she wasn’t feeling well.”
“But I’m fine so here we are - have you seen Sam? Nat? Wanda? I told them we should be ready in a few hours and I jus-“
“Oh for Christ’s sake guys, your secret is safe with me,” Tony winks at you knowingly. You decide to take that as the end of the conversation and rush over to join Sarah.
“So! You have muscles.” Sarah says clearly at a loss of words looking at Steve in a tight shirt.
You and Bucky share a giggle, but pull Sarah away and save her from further embarrassment.
“What the fuck did I just say?” Sarah is about as red as a tomato as you drag her upstairs away from the awkward encounter. Steve looked a little flustered as well, which you file away in the back of your brain.
“Who cares! Let’s catch up and get ready for tonight.” Sarah is your best friend for a reason. Even though it had been 6 months since you last saw each other, it was like it was yesterday. You two spend the next few hours catching up, gossiping about each other’s families, friends, ex-boyfriends, etc.
“So! How are we doing in the boi department?” You turn around and face Sarah at the inquisitive tone in her question.
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m good, I’m… I’m doing great, I mean yeah I’m good. WHY?” You’re stuttering and you don’t even care it’s obvious you’re blushing.
“Oh, you know. I mean, I’ve only recently met a few super soldiers, but I do think I can tell the there’s a spark between one and someone else.” Sarah so wants you to spill the tea but you promised Bucky you’d keep it quiet.
“Let’s just say things are developing and whatever you’d like to take from that you may.” You both launch into a giggle fit of her guessing and you denying certain aspects of Bucky Barnes.
When Wanda wanders into your room a few hours later, she starts laughing at what she sees. “You know you two are wearing like the same thing, right?” Exchanging confused looks at each other, you reply with a “AND?!”
Sam follows in with a smirk of his own. You’re bracing for his jokes but instead says “damn, OKAY! Everyone’s looking sharp tonight. Y/N, have you seen our bionic man around? Is he coming? He better come out tonight or I swear to…”
After Sam leaves to go find Bucky, the three of you wander down to find Nat and start the evening off with a shot or two. You aren’t much of a drinker, so one is enough for you. You much rather enjoy the company of your friend Mary Jane.
The team is getting silly with each other in the kitchen and quickly the room is filled with people yelling at each other to pregame harder, laughing when Nat’s little sister challenges Sam to a chugging contest and wins.
You feel a large hand at the small of your back. You can smell his cologne and know who it is immediately.
“Well don’t you look dashing tonight Sargent Barnes.” You lean in on impulse but stop yourself just as the girls turn around to see who you’re talking to.
“I was just going to say the same thing to you, sweets.” He mumbles in your ear before removing his hand and walking over to Sam.
The alcohol decides to hit you then, leaving you feeling empty that he’s not standing next to you anymore. Neither of you had wanted to have the “conversation” but you knew you were head over heels for him.
“CABS ARE HERE” screams Sam.
“Sam. For the love of God, stop watching Jersey Shore.” Natasha jokes to him.
At the same time Steve screams, “I understood that reference!” Eye rolls are exchanged as you all make your way outside.
The atmosphere is buzzing and you’re so excited to not just be out with your team, but to also have the only bit of family you had with you as well. You finally felt at home, at peace, and were ready for a fun night out.
Bleaker’s is one of those hole-in-the-wall dive bars that from the outside seems like a hard pass, but once you’re in, there’s no other place you’d rather spend a Saturday night. It’s true it started as a bowling alley in the 60’s. That still remains. What’s newer is the arcade in the back, where the old salon used to be. Jimmy bought the space next door, blew out the wall and filled it with arcade games that sometimes work and sometimes eat your money.
After years of being regular patrons, he knows your team well. The minute you walk in, he starts up all your favorite drinks.
“Ah! My best customers! I had a feeling I’d be seeing Earth’s mightiest heroes tonight.” You line up at the bar for whatever Jimmy decides you’re drinking tonight.
“Ah yes, two vodka on the rocks for my little Russian assassins. Sam here’s your vodka red bull which I don’t think you need, but here we are. Steve! Your drink of choice: an Old Style. Wanda, a cosmo for my favorite witch. And who do we have here, Y/N?”
You’re already both in hysterics at the old man behind the bar giving everybody a hard time. “Jimmy, this is my best friend Sarah. She’s visiting from California for a few days.”
“And whatever the lady wants can be put on my tab…” Steve butts in. Sarah immediately turns red but says “well in that case I’ll have vodka soda with lime please!”
Bucky has come up behind you and now you’re both laughing and watching the two of them stare at each other like no one else is in the room.
“Oh no, what did you do Y/N?”
“Let it play out, he’s not completely tripping over his words yet, maybe he’ll finally land a good girl.” You hush to Bucky.
Jimmy stares as well in amusement. “And you two? Your usual?”
“Yes’sir!” You shout over the growing music. Jimmy hands you each a jack and Diet Coke. You tell yourself it’s okay because it’s diet, but you know that’s a bunch of bullshit.
The other great thing about Bleaker’s? The dance floor downstairs. You always joke around that it seems like a nightclub that never closes in Amsterdam or something, but you’re serious. It could be 3 pm and sunny and you’d never know. It’s in the basement, it's always dark and the music is almost always too loud.
Usually that would gross you all out, but the energy tonight is pushing you all downstairs.
You reach back and grab Bucky’s hand not really caring who sees. It’s been months of sneaking around and either everyone knows and is playing it off like they don't or you’re really good at hiding it. Regardless, you’re over hiding. Maybe showing a little PDA tonight will get him out of his shell.
Sarah and Steve are no where in sight, assuming they’re ahead of you, you follow the team downstairs.
Minutes turn into hours. Everyone is dancing, laughing, sweating, screaming the lyrics to every song, and for a little while you can forget you’re a group of superheroes, and can just be normal 30-something year-olds.
You mostly dance with Bucky and quickly realize he’s a better dancer than you thought he would be. Those moves from the 1940’s must still be relevant in some way today, because the way he's grinding up on you and not caring if anyone sees just does something to you.
You work the room, finding Sarah, Wanda, Nat, even Steve for a song before you realize you don't see Bucky. You give it a few minutes thinking maybe he is in the bathroom. After 15 minutes though, you grab Steve’s attention and motion for him to check the bathroom while you check outside.
You race to the alley where you find Jimmy on a smoke break. “Hey Jimmy, have you seen Bucky? I can’t find him.”
“Oh yeah, doll, he took off in a cab about a half hour ago. Looked real flustered, but I didn’t want to press.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You thought you felt his mood shift about an hour ago, he was becoming stiff and quiet. You thought maybe he was just drinking a lot but now you’re realizing the loud music, strobe lights and base must have been triggering him.
“Ugh I’m such a bitch,” you huff as you send Steve a S.O.S text.
You: Hey, Jimmy said he just left. I'm sure he's heading home. I'm going to go find him.
Sire Captain Rogers: Go ahead. I think Sarah and I can find something to do while you find Buck. ;)
You: Yeah I’m sure you can.
You: BEHAVE. She’s my best friend.
Sire Captain Rogers: I know Y/N, don’t worry about us. Let me know when you find him.
You lock your phone and hop in a cab back to the compound.
No one is up or around when you enter through the front. The kitchen has been cleaned up, the dishes done. Probably thanks to THURSDAY, Tony’s beta bot for “cleaning up after you assholes trash the place.”
You smirk and head for the elevators. Heading straight to Bucky’s room, you can tell his light is on but something seems off. You don’t like to use your powers on friends or in the compound, but you close your eyes and reach out with your mind to find his aura. Your eyes snap open. You don’t sense him, you just see red.
Taking this as a good excuse to break into a friend’s room, you burst into the room to find it in disarray. Everything is toppled over, broken glass is on the floor, the bathroom light is on, but all you can see is his blood on the door and the floor. You’re panicked, trying to piece together what happened.
Again, you close your eyes and reach out for the familiar energy of Bucky. You find him in your room on the floor.
“What the fuck?,” you mumble and sprint up the stairs to your apartment. You shoot Steve a text on your way up.
You: Found him, looks like a bad one. I’ll let you know if I need you.
Sir Captain Rogers: Thanks Y/N. I’m just a call away, let me know if you need anything. Night.
Upon entering, you sense he’s in distress. His heart rate is elevated, he’s incredibly sweaty and is panting like a dog.
“Bucky? Buck, it’s me, it’s Y/N.”
Bucky stirs and jumps into a defensive standing position quicker than you can blink. You flip the lights on with a “BABE. Baaabe, it’s me. It’s okay, you’re safe. We’re in the compound. You had a nightmare.”
Bucky’s eyes are wide and alarmed, but you can tell the moment he recognizes you.
Rushing over to you, he takes you into a big hug. “Oh my god. What happened? Are you okay, did I hurt you?”
“No Bucky, no I just found you a minute ago. You had another bad one, what do you need me to do right now for you?”
Bucky stands back and rubs his swollen eyes. “I need to shower, can you help me?”
Typically, this is where it gets exciting, but you knew what he means. Water grounds him. He doesn’t feel like he’s falling in water. It helps him visualize the stress washing off of him.
You help him strip and get in the shower, but before you can even take his jeans off, he jumps in and pulls you in with him. You realize how desperate he is for whatever he’s feeling to pass and your heart sinks.
You’re both standing there, almost fully clothed holding each other. This is the worst you’ve seen him in a long time.
“I’m so sorry if I ruined your night, Y/N. The base sounded like the train, the lights looked like the machine they used on me, what the fuck.”
You aren’t sure what to do so you decide to sit on the ground and pull him down with you. You position yourself behind him so his back is in your chest. Even though he’s so much larger than you, he sinks down enough for you to reach over his shoulders and hold him.
“It’s okay Barnes, just breathe with me. You’re safe. You’re with me, and we’re home. Nobody is going to touch you. I’ve got you, you won’t fall.”
You take in deep breaths so he can match your breathing.
After about 45 minutes, the hot water is out in the tank. Bucky sits forward and turns towards you. You want him to lead right now, so you don’t say anything. Neither does he, but the look in his eyes are telling you something about tonight is different.
With a soft smile on your lips, you cup his cheek until he is really looking at you. “Hun, let’s go lay down, ya? Let me help get you dried off.” Bucky hates when you fuss over him, so when he doesn’t argue, you know to be extra gentle with him.
After getting him up and out of the shower, you think skin-to-skin contact doesn’t seem sexual right now, it feels intimate in a grounding sense, and you know that’s exactly what he needs right now. Bucky seems dazed, almost like he got hit too hard in the head. You yourself are of course a tad over-served, and are quickly realizing the adrenaline of this entire situation is rubbing off.
You get Bucky into bed and turn to make sure his phone is plugged in and that he has a glass of water, but he grabs your wrist before you can move away. “Just leave it, it’s fine.”
“Buck, just let me-“ he grabs your wrist harder.
“Y/N. Please just stay here. Please.”
The entire time you’ve been together, he’s done a lot of things but begging you for anything is not one of them. Suddenly the phone and whatever hell else you were doing doesn’t seem important anymore.
You climb into your usual spot next to him and decide maybe you’ll try to get him to open up. The moment the back of your head hits the pillow, Bucky is facing you. His pleading eyes seem like they want to tell you everything that’s going on in his head, but you know pushing him to talk will just make the nightmares come flooding back too soon.
Instead, you decide to lay on your back and pull him to lay on your chest.
“Just listen to my heart beat, Bucky.” You hear him take a deep breath and settle into your chest.
You start and stop yourself from trying to say something comforting. You’re terrified to say the wrong thing at such a crucial moment. Typically these bad episodes are reserved for a Steve house call. You realize as he’s settling into a comfortable position that he hasn’t asked you to call Steve yet. Bucky trusts you in a way you didn’t realize until now.
You don’t know when, but you start humming the first calming song that comes in your head.
I’ll be seeing you In all the old familiar places That this heart of mine embraces All day through
Bucky picks his head up to look at you. Oh fuck.
“Where did you hear that song?,” he says to you with shiny eyes.
“You sing it all the time when you’re concentrating. I looked it up and added it to my ‘bath time/relax’ playlist. I didn't know Billie Holliday was a favorite of yours."
Bucky was looking at you like maybe this was the first time he saw you, like really saw you. “My mom used to sing that around the house when she was missing my dad.”
“Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I can hum a diff-“ you’re cut off with the most searing kiss Bucky has ever given you. He’s crying when he pulls back to look at you again. “Will you keep singing it?”
In that small cafe The park across the way The children's carousel That chestnut tree, the wishing well
By the time you finish the second verse, he has physically relaxed in your arms. You continue rubbing your hand up and down his back and shoulder, stopping to play with his long hair every once in a while.
I'll be seeing you In every lovely summer's day In every thing that's light and gay I'll always think of you that way
“I forgot how much I love hearing this song sung around me.” Bucky whispers so quietly you almost miss it.
I'll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you…
You stop your caressing when you feel him sit up on one arm.
He leans down to kiss you but stops short to whisper “I love you Y/N.” You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his shoulders, and when you say “I love you too, Bucky,” you’ve never been more sure of something in your life.
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accioprozac · 4 years
Jealous : Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: You’d known the Weasley twins since 1st year and had been pining after Fred nearly as long. You knew it wasn’t requited, Fred treated you like he treated Ginny, like a little sister. Your crush on him was painfully obvious, almost everyone knew except Fred. Still, you were holding out hope. Then Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball and you felt your heart spilt in two. But despite Fred’s apparent disinterest in you romantically, he still attempts to sabatoge all your dates and you’re getting sick of it.
Warnings: Swearing
Author’s note: Please interact! Also, I wrote this on my phone so sorry if the spelling and format is a bit wonky.
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“The Yule Ball is coming up,” you mention, trying to keep your voice light, “Are you going to ask anyone?”
George gives you a knowing look and you glare at him. He knew about your not-so-secret crush on Fred. Hell, almost everyone did, except Fred. You weren’t exactly good at hiding your feelings.
“I have someone in mind,” he grins slyly.
“Really? Who?” You ask, a bit too excitedly, and he gives you an amused look. “Come on Fred, tell me!” You wheedle but he puts a finger to his lips, zipping them shut.
“I’ll give you a hint,” he starts, “She’s in Gryffindor.”
Well obviously,” George snorts. Fred gives him a look that says what’s that supposed to mean? “You barely talk to any Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws are too smart to put up with your shit and Slytherins? I’m pretty sure that whole house hates you after the prank we pulled last year.”
Fred’s eyes light up at the mention of the prank and he enthusiastically starts to recount Snape’s reaction to his House’s robes being turned red and gold.
“He didn’t say much, but do you think he could be talking about me?” you ask Hermione anxiously as you both get ready for bed.
“Well it would make sense. You are the girl he spends the most time with.”
“I hope he asks me,” you say wistfully, “Night Hermione.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
The next morning, Hermione’s forehead is wrinkled in thought when you sit down for breakfast, “Y/N,” she starts, “I heard from Lavender Brown who heard from Katie Bell that Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball.” Her lips are pursed as she anxiously studies your face for some type of reaction.
“Oh,” you say dejectedly, “Good for him.”
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Ginny says sympathetically, “My brother is an idiot.”
You give her a weak smile back.
A few days later, Ernie Macmillan comes up to you and nervously asks you to Hogsmead. He’s sweating profusely but you secretly admire his bravery. You accept and the date is fairly uneventful, mostly consisting of playful banter, and he walks you back to the Gryffindor common room, kissing your cheek chastely before departing.
Fred and George caught sight of the kiss and Fred snorts, “A Hufflepuff?”
“What’s wrong with Hufflepuff?” You demand, crossing your arms.
“Nothing. Nothing at all,” he mutters before angrily storming off. George mouths “sorry, I’ll talk to him,” before following Fred.
Ernie doesn’t talk to you again after that date. Every time you approach him, he finds some reason to leave quickly. You couldn’t lie, it was hurtful, was the date that bad? He seemed almost scared to be around you.
A boy from Durmstang ends up asking you to the Yule Ball. His name is Ansen. He’s tall and has nice eyes, so you accept. Maybe you aren’t in love with him, but he’s a nice distraction from Fred. You get along with him well enough, you both like quidditch and chocolate frogs. He’s not a bad dancer either, he twirls you around and that combined with your F/C dress makes you feel like a princess.
When the Yule Ball ends, he walks you back to the Gryffindor tower and wishes you a good night.
When you enter the common room, George and Fred are talking in harsh whispers, heads bowed. Both of them are still in their Yule Ball suit. Fred looks up and seems a bit annoyed, “Who’s that bloke you went to the ball with?”
“His name is Asen, he goes to Durmstang,” you say, shrinking a bit under Fred’s glare. “He’s really nice,” you added, just because you could.
“You went with him??” Fred huffed, sounding a bit disbelieving. “He’s Bulgarian, how do you guys even talk?”
George grinned, “I bet there’s not much talking involved when they get together.” You shoot him a look, not helping George.
Ginny glares at them from a armchair by the fireplace, the splitting image of her mother, and they shrunk under her angry gaze. “Stop being gits,” she grabs my hand and pulls me to the girls dormitory, “Tell me everything.”
Once you’re done recounting the date, she smiles, “He sounds nice.”
“He is.”
“You don’t sound too happy,” Ginny notes innocently.
“I know,” you sigh. “I just wish I that Fred had asked me.”
Ginny winces, “I know the feeling.” Harry, right.
“I’m sorry Gin.”
“Boys are stupid, who needs them?”
“Here, here,” Hermione agrees from her bed, her voice is thick with tears and muffled slightly by her pillow.
“I’m going to kill Ron.”
The next day, Ansen’s hair is bright blue. When you try to talk to him, he seems disgruntled and brushes you aside, muttering something about “stupid Weasley twins” and “she’s not worth the trouble.” You narrow your eyes and put two and two together. Fred and George.
You storm up to them and Fred gives you an annoyed look as you cut of his conversation with Angelina.
“You two are unbelievable! You can’t just prank everyone I try to date,” your voice raises a bit and you know you’re making a scene, but you’re to mad to care. You can feel onlookers burning holes into your back with their curious stares.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fred drawls and George quickly removes himself from the situation, putting his hands up like don’t get me involved.
“You dyed Ansen’s hair blue and now he won’t speak to me,” you shoot a glare at him, “Not to mention whatever you did to poor Ernie.”
“We prank everyone,” he says defensively.
“You scared them away,” your voice is accusatory.
“Well if they’re that easily scared away, they’re not worth your time,” he replies breezily.
“You don’t get to do this,” you repeat. Your voice is quiet but shakes with anger and hurt.
“Why not?” Fred asks, looking a bit sullen.
“Because you don’t get to do this. You don’t get to ruin all my chances of love after you broke my heart,” your eyes widen at your thoughtless confession.
He gaped silently for a moment, “When I broke your heart?”
“You took Angelina to the Yule Ball.” At his blank look, you felt your face grow hot with anger, “You know what? Forget it. Fuck you Fred Weasley. Stay out of my life”
“Wait, Y/N!” He scrabbles up and grabs your wrist. You jerk it away from him, feeling like he burned you, before running into the girls dormitory.
Hermione, who had been silently watching the exchange, set her book down, “Fred Weasley, you are a compete arse,” she hissed before running after you.
She finds you lying face flat on your bed, “Y/N? I’m sorry about Fred, boys are idiots.”
You let out a watery laugh, “I hate him,” you pause, “but I also love him and he doesn’t love me back and it’s hurts, Mione.”
“I know,” she sighed, wrapping you in a hug. You allow yourself to cry on her shoulder and she glares at the wall behind you, thinking of all the things she wanted to do to Fred Weasley for hurting you.
You avoid the Fred for a whole week and you’re absolutely miserable. You’ve been spending more time with Hermione which is fun and all, but you missed George(and maybe Fred too). It’s not that you were mad at George, but if you spoke to him, Fred would probably be there. You made sure to continue to smile at George in hallways but your face would turn icy at the arrival of Fred.
The next week, you’re walking to potions and Fred grabs you and pulls you into an empty classroom. “I need to talk to you,” he says.
You sigh wearily and avoid his gaze, “What do you want Fred? Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I want you.” His voice is so earnest and when you look up to meet his eyes, he’s smiling nervously, hands wrung together.
You look away, “No, you don’t. You’re just saying that because you can’t stand seeing me with another boy and no longer fawning over you like a lovesick little girl.” Your tone is venomous and you take a step back, preparing to leave but his voice stops you.
“That’s not true,” he says defensively, “I fancy you, I think I always have. It just took seeing you with another bloke for me to realize.”
“What about Angelina?”
“I don’t love her, I love you,” his frank declaration stuns you into silence.
“You love me?” your voice is a hoarse whisper.
His face flushes and you hate that you still find him endearing after everything he’s done, he nods solemnly, “I do. I know I’ve been awful to you these past weeks and I don’t blame you if you don’t want to see me.”
You feel your resolve crumbling, “I’m still mad at you but I do miss being friends.” You don’t address the love confession, you were still too mad and hurt for that.
“I’ll make it up to you Y/N, I promise.”
He stays true to his word. He walks you to every class and even apologizes to Ernie, who is no longer avoiding you. He doesn’t try to demand anything from you or push you, leaving everything up to you. Slowly, you begin to trust him again and can feel your relationship shifting from friends to something else.
Your first kiss is at the end of the school year. You say goodbye to George and turn to Fred, nervously aware of his family standing a few steps away. “Write to me?” you ask and he nods. You stand on your tip toes and peck him on the lips, quickly. He stares at you in shock for a moment before gently grabbing your waist and pulling you in for another a kiss that leaves you both breathless. You can hear his brothers hollering in the distance and Molly scolds them.
When you pull apart, Fred’s face is almost as red as his hair, “Bye Y/N, I’ll uh- see you next year,” he pauses, “Or maybe you could come to the Burrow sometime during the summer? You don’t have to but I reckon Mum would love to have you, and I would too of course-“
You cut off his rambling with a laugh, “I’d love to Freddie.”
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loveelle · 4 years
Winners and Losers
Luke Patterson x Reader
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Request by Anon: Luke x reader?? Two rival singers make a bet “who can get the other to fall in love first” by acting like a couple... too bad they realize there both in too deep.
A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope I did alright with it? I kind of strayed a little at some parts, but then I remembered that I had a request to write and brought it back, so I hope you enjoy. Please send me more requests and some feedback?
WC: 4K
You jolted in your seat, spilling your cereal all down the front of your shirt as you sat up alert. “What?!” you groaned, pulling your now soaked shirt away from your body. Alex walked closer to you as he laughed, clutching his stomach. You glared at him. “You’re not funny Alex.” Grumbling, you picked up your now empty cereal bowl, frowning at the mess of your favorite cereal now spilled on the floor. “We live here together. You’re cleaning that up.”
Alex scoffed. “No, I’m not.” He smirked, falling on the couch and hugging your pillow. With a sigh you retreated to the kitchen, putting away your dishes and grabbing the cleaning supplies. You ignored Alex as you cleaned up.
“What do you want?”
“Why aren’t you ready?” he asked and your expressions turned quizzical.
“Ready for what?” you asked him, moving towards your room as he followed, keeping on your heels and arriving at your closet before you could.
Alex groaned, grabbing your favorite top off a hanger and tossing it at you. It hit your face as you pulled it away, trying to throw him a glare but he was already turning around, leaning his head against the wall for you to change in peace. “You promised you’d come to see me perform tonight, remember?”
“Crap.” You whispered out, pulling your wet shirt off and putting on the new one. “I mean, I totally remembered.” You told Alex, tapping his shoulder. He rolled his eyes at you and turned around to lean back on the wall. “Give me 5 minutes and I’ll be out.”
“You got it.” He said, leaving you to grab all the things for tonight. Alex had invited you almost a week ago to watch him perform at the Hollywood Ghost Club, a new gig he got thanks to his boyfriend. You were excited for him, knowing how much this opportunity meant to your best friend. As soon as you were done getting your things you walked back out to the living room, seeing Alex flipping through the channels on the TV. “Finally!” he huffed out, pretending to be more upset than he actually was. You faked a smile at him, locking your arms as you left your house.
“Hotdog!” Willie yelled as Alex and you walked into the club. He was talking to the club owner as Alex waved at him, a small blush on his cheeks and you elbowed him playfully in the side. Willie jogged your way, giving Alex a hug and you let them have their moment, glancing around the club. “Hey Y/N.” Willie said, giving you a much shorter hug than he gave Alex.
“This place is awesome, Willie.”
“I forgot this is your first time here, I’m glad you could come.”
“I couldn’t pass up on the chance to see this guy perform.” You offered Alex a smile but he was busy looking at Willie and Willie at him. You took that as your moment to leave. “Well, I’ll leave you in capable hands.” You patted Alex’s back, pushing him towards Willie as you ducked out of there, looking about the tables.
There were quite a few that were already full, couples and friends sharing conversations as you walked past. You were about to take an empty table before your eyes landed on a particular one in the front where a pair of boys sat and you smirked to yourself, walking slowly their way.
“Is this where the talent sits?” you broke the already made conversation as you slid into the empty chair. Luke and Reggie’s head snapped your way, Reggie with a grin and Luke whose face fell when he saw you.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” He asked, crossing his arms in front of him.
You smiled at him and gestured to his sleeves. “I see we’re still going with the sleeveless look?” you joked, earning a small laugh out of Reggie who quieted after the look Luke sent him. “Come on Patterson, you know I wouldn’t miss Alex performing.”
“I meant here, at our table.”
“Oh!” you clapped your hands together, picking up a menu that was laying in front of you. “Well, that’s just for fun.” You smirked, avoiding looking at him.
Luke and you had an interesting relationship. You both have known each other for years, not nearly as long as you knew Alex but still a long time. You two considered yourselves rivals, two different artists signed with two different labels. Most people wouldn’t have such a competitive relationship, but you couldn’t help admit it was quite fun knowing you could get under Luke’s skin like no one else. You prided yourself on it.
Luke and Reggie continued their conversation, talking about the club as Reggie let you joined in. The conversation started normal, but it soon turned to Luke and you smart mouthing each other as Reggie watched on amused.
“You two are crazy.” Reggie murmured under his breath and laughed. You and Luke stopped your argument, looking at Reggie who was busying eating.
“We’re not crazy.” You countered.
Reggie met your gaze, quirking a brow at you. “Oh yeah, sure you’re not.” He agreed. Your jaw fell and you shared a look at Luke, seeing him in the same state. “I don’t know how you two do it, but you’re only ever crazy with each other.”
You didn’t have a counter for him this time, neither did Luke because the truth was Reggie’s right. You were only like that with Luke, you couldn’t explain it.
Luckily you didn’t have to because Caleb Covington, the club owner, walked on stage with his showgirls. You sighed, crossing your arms and falling back into your chair as you listened to Caleb talk. Alex, as well as the rest of the musicians, took the stage. He shot you a look, seeing you with Luke and Reggie but you just smiled at him and watched as the show began.
Alex was killing it, just like he always did as you cheered him on nodding your head along and singing under breath to Caleb’s song. You turned your head, prepared to see Reggie and Luke enjoying the music as well but when you looked at Luke you quickly noticed he was rather distracted by one of the dancers who made their way into the audience.
You laughed, pulling his attention off the girl and onto you as he clenched his jaw and let his brows furrow. “What’s up with you?” he asked as you shrugged.
“Nothing.” You turned back to Alex with a smile on your face. Luke scoffed, obviously not believing you as he scooted closer to hear you.
“No, tell me.”
You bit your lip, looking back at him in amusement. “Your friend is on stage playing the drums and you’re looking at the girls?” you quipped. Luke stuttered as he took in what you were saying, getting defensive as you laughed again. “It’s okay Luke, I get it.”
“Get what?” You looked at him for a minute, watching him squirm under your gaze as you slowly smiled. “I don’t like that look.” He groaned out, narrowing his eyes as you leaned forwards on the table, coming close to him and putting your hand under your chin.
“You gonna talk to her afterward? Work that,” you gestured your hand towards his face, “Luke charm of yours?”
He pushed your hand out of his face, holding it against the table as he sat forward as well. “What Luke charm would that be?”
Letting out a chuckle you looked around the room, seeing several people looking at the two of you with starstruck expressions. “Come on Patterson, you’re not oblivious. You’re famous, girls swoon at the sight of you.” Luke glanced down to the table, at your hands still technically touching as he hid a smile. “If you asked that girl on a date, she’d say yes.”
He met your eyes again, a small glint in his as you pulled your hand away slowly. “What makes you think I want to ask her out?”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
“She’s not my type.”
“You have a type?” your cocky remark was met with an eye roll as Luke couldn’t stop smiling.
“Do you?” He countered and you shook your head.
“Since when we’re we talking about me?”
Luke shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in front of him and avoiding looking at you. “We weren’t, but at least the girl would fall in love with me.” He knew he was most likely wrong, but the satisfaction the sentence brought him made up for it.
However, the laugh you let out and the way you threw your head back made him narrow his eyes. “Oh please.”
“You don’t think I could?”
“I wouldn’t subject that poor girl to that torture.”
“Fine, but I bet I could make you fall in love with me.” The air left your lungs at his words. You didn’t have a response to that, no comeback or remark.
If you had to guess, you probably looked like the physical embodiment of a loading screen. “W-what?”
“I bet I could make you fall in love with me.” He repeated as if it was the simplest idea ever.
You looked to Reggie, seeing him no longer paying attention to the show but of you and Luke. Your eyes widened slightly at him, asking him silently for any idea what to do but he put his hands up, not letting himself get involved.
You cleared your throat. “And why would I subject myself to that torture?” you took a sip of your drink quickly, hoping it can calm the sudden bout of nerves hitting you.
It was Luke’s turn to laugh. “Well, how about an actual bet? Whoever can get the other to fall in love first wins.”
Reggie who was still fascinated by the event unfolding in front of him choked on his drink. You both looked at him, Luke patting his back as you tried to focus on helping him but you could get Luke’s deal out of your head. You didn’t know why he offered the bet, but you weren’t the type of person to turn one down.
The music in the club ended as the three of you were brought back to the real reason you were here tonight, Alex. He stood up, holding his drumsticks in the air as he smiled brightly. You cheered for him, clapping and hooting as Luke and Reggie did the same. As Alex began leaving the stage, you turned to Luke and stuck out your hand.
“You’re on.”
“You did what?” Alex’s voice boomed from your living room as you grabbed two bottles of water from the kitchen, heading back to him.
“It’s just a bet, Alex. Nothing to get worried about.” You tossed him the bottle. Alex shook his head at you, shocked you’d even take Luke up on something like this.
“What do you get out of it?” You took a sip of your water, trying to think.
“I don’t know, the knowledge that I win?” He glared at you, unimpressed with your answer. “I don’t know, Alex!” your laugh was defensive and you knew it.
“What if,” Alex began and turned his body to face you, “What if you agreed to this because you possibly might have feelings for Luke?” You blinked several times and stared at him, trying to piece how he managed to get there. Leaning forward you pressed the back of your hand against his forehead. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to see if you have a fever because I think you might be delusional.” He rolled his eyes, pushing his hand out of his face, and stood up.
“I’m serious.”
“Yeah, so am I. Are you feeling okay?” Alex threw his arms in the air and started pacing, something you’ve learned in the years living with him that he wasn’t going to stop any time soon. You settled into the couch, pulling out your phone and starting to scroll through Instagram before you saw a notification pop up.
@LukePatterson tagged you in a photo
“What the?” you muttered and clicked on the notification. Alex moved behind you to look as you saw a photo of you tonight smiling and in the caption was a heart. “What is he doing?” you whispered and Alex was behind you laughing, having to leave the room from laughing so hard.
You pulled up Luke’s contact immediately and pressed call. It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello there.”
“What was that post?”
You could hear him laugh through the call. “Part one of making you fall in love with me. Figured it would probably be a good idea to be a couple, don’t you think?”
“Why didn’t you talk to me about that first? I mean Luke, I have a career to think about. You have a career to think about! You can’t just drop relationship announcements like that, especially if they’re not real!” You ran a hand through your hair letting out a little sigh at the end. Luke was silent and your stomach sank, you knew he was just trying to win the bet, not trying to put a dent in your careers. You both might be rivals in the public’s eyes, but Luke wouldn’t do that. “Besides,” you said to break the silence, “Posting a picture when I look like that is only going to make me fall in love with myself, Patterson.”
Luke laughed again and you felt calmer knowing he wasn’t cursing himself out in his head. “Touché Y/L/N.” he muttered and you barely heard it over the phone. “Hey, tomorrow be ready at noon.”
“What for?”
“Our date.” You expected more from him, an explanation or what this date entailed but all you heard was the call ending as you pulled the phone from your ear.
You had to admit, the smile that tugged your lips was hard to ignore but you did. Heading back to Instagram, you found yourself on Luke’s post again, leaving a like and a heart emoji in the comments before seeing lots of Luke’s fans had left comments.
Most of them were surprised by the pairing as they should be, a few of them thought it was a joke, and a couple comments sprinkled in believed it to be a career move and fake- a way to combine two of the hottest new singer-songwriters. You groaned at them but had to admit, they were kind of right. It wasn’t a career move, but it was 100% fake.
However, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the support you and Luke got, something you never thought you’d receive. It was overwhelming, to say the least. You turned your phone off, sitting in the silence of the living room before a text came through from Luke.
Goodnight ♥
You laughed to yourself as you realized goodnight and possibly good morning texts were going to be his move. Smart move Patterson.
You sent one back.
The constant sound of your alarm pulled you awake, much to your detest as you turned it off and yawned. It had been a week since you and Luke made that bet. 7 days of good morning and goodnight texts, some of which you had managed to send first, surprising Luke. You went on a couple of dates if you could call them that, to cafes, the beach, even a double date with Alex and Willie. Luke had been pulling out all the stops and you had to admit, you were impressed.
The only hard part about this week was you were in the middle of recording some songs and it had been non-stop in the recording studio all day, the last couple of days being the longest. Luke noticed, of course, seeing how you were extra tired texting and would just facetime him instead when you were making dinner. Neither of you knew what to talk about at the beginning of the week, but as time went on it became easier and more second nature.
You opened your door to a dark apartment as you got back from the studio today, much later than you were planning, but home nonetheless. “Alex?” you called out for your housemate only to see a note taped to the wall telling you he was spending the night with Willie. You sighed and dropped your bag on the floor when your phone rang.
You let out a whine, not wanting to deal with talking to anyone as you pulled it out. Luke’s name and picture lit up your phone as you hesitated a moment before answering the facetime call. “Wow, you look beat.” Luke said as soon as you answered.
You glared at him through the screen. “Thanks. That’s just what every girl wants to hear after a long day.”
He snickered at you but offered a sad smile as he laid back on his bed, resting his head on his bent arm. “You just get home?” he asked and you nodded, shrugging your coat off. “How’d it go?”
“Same as every other day, but we’re closer to finishing recording.”
Luke smiled again, watching you through the phone screen as you put away all your things. “What are your plans tonight?” he asked and you shrugged.
“Eh, probably watch a movie and fall asleep while watching said movie.”
“Alex going to join you?”
You shook your head and propped your phone up in the kitchen. “He’s at Willie’s for the night.” Luke went silent as you moved to grab a cup and fill it up with water. You glanced back to him, seeing him thinking and looking off-camera. “Luke?”
“Give me 15 minutes.” He said before ending the call. You stood there confused, staring at the black screen of your phone.
“Okay then.” You muttered to yourself, pocketing your phone and getting ready for your solo movie night. You changed into your pajamas and curled up in your blanket on the couch, flipping through your movie choices as someone knocked on your door.
You furrowed your brows, trying to figure out who would come over this late and the only person you could think of was Alex. Your feet padded against the ground softly as you approached the door. “Did you forget your key again? I’d thought you’d be gone the rest of the night.” You called through the door as you unlocked it, pulling it open to be met with a smiling Luke.
“Not Alex.” He said and pushed past you.
“Come in, I guess.” you joked as you turned around, seeing him jumping over your couch to lay on it. “What are you doing here, Luke?”
He grinned up at you. “It’s date night.” You put your hands on your hips, pursing your lips at him. “So, what are we watching?” You relented, falling back on your spot as Luke controlled the remote, flipping through the movies until he found one that interested both of you.
It started playing as you cuddled into your blanket, throwing a glance to look at Luke whose arm was draped over the side of the couch. You kept staring at him as an idea popped into your head. Scooting closer to him, you settled into his side and covered both of you with the blanket. Luke glanced down at you, freezing at your contact before relaxing and pulling you closer. He tried to focus on the movie again, but he couldn’t stop looking at you. The side of your face was illuminated with TV light and every few seconds he saw the hint of a smile on your face as something funny happens on screen. Realizing he was smiling himself at the sight of you, he put his eyes on the screen and refused to look away, not even when he felt you fall asleep on him.
You woke up hours later to warmth underneath you, an arm around your waist pulling you close as your eyes widened. Carefully, you turned your head to see Luke asleep with his head resting on the couch. He looked comfy and he felt soft and you couldn’t help but admit that the sight caused your heart to flutter. You hated yourself for it, but you shifted and buried yourself in Luke’s side, falling asleep again in his comfort.
Things seemed to escalate from that night Luke accidentally spent at yours. You began to rely on him more, spending most of your nights now watching movies and cuddling on the couch. The next morning however you’d always curse yourself out, remembering that this all started as a bet of who could fall in love and you would rather give up your music career than admit you were losing this bet. It had been a month. A month of Luke and you trying to make each other fall in love as well as convincing the public you were dating.
The public however seemed to love it. Reggie took it upon himself to post on your or Luke’s Instagram any time he caught you both being overly couple-y. You wouldn’t tell anyone, but any time he did you’d watch the videos he’d post over and over again, thinking what if it was real.
You didn’t know Luke was going through the same dilemma. After the night you fell asleep on him, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and he didn’t want to admit it either, but he was starting to think he might actually lose this bet.
The two of you were supposed to have what you considered your millionth date today at the Hollywood Ghost Club, right where it all started. Alex was playing again, as well as Julie, who you hadn’t seen in forever.
Luke and you showed up together, seeing a lot of fans taking your photos as you smiled at each other, never quite used to the attention. Sitting at the same table as the first day you were here, you sat closer to Luke, giving room for Reggie, Flynn, and Nick to join you. You all chatted like old friends, hating the fact that it had been so long since you spoke with everyone’s busy schedule. Not even noticing Luke’s arm draped over your shoulder, you were mid-conversation with Flynn as Caleb begun.
Cheers went through the crowd as the music started and you watched your friends perform. You were enjoying the show before your eyes caught sight of blue feathers moving in the audience, making you turn your head to see none other than the same girl Luke had been looking at before the bet was made. Your stomach dropped as your stare snapped back to the stage, trying not to let yourself overthink. Luke’s arm felt heavy on your shoulders as you slowly looked over to him. His eyes, however, were already on you.
The music in the club seemed to fade in your ears as Luke held your gaze. It was at that moment that Luke realized something he should’ve long ago. “I lost.” His eyes flickered down to your lips as you gasped, not expecting Luke’s declaration. Luke grew worried as you stayed silent. You licked your lips, trying to figure out what to say. He let out a shaky breath, pulling his arm off your shoulders. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said-“
“I lost too.” You cut him off before cupping his check and pressing your lips to his. Luke kissed back immediately, his eyes closing and his hands pulling you closer. You melted against him and your heart was beating fast as your free hand tangled in his hair before you pulled back.
With your eyes looking into each other’s, your cheeks heated up as the crowd started clapping at the performances end. You laughed at yourself, avoiding the smirking looks of your friends when you cheered for Alex and Julie who despite being on stage, didn’t miss your kiss.
The cheering died down as you leaned into Luke’s side, seeing Reggie look pleased with the both of you. “So I take it you both lost.” He asked, tugging on his leather jacket out of amusement.
You and Luke shared a look before he addressed Reggie. “I’m dating her.” He said and your smile returned. “I think I win.”
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
38. Set it up, break it up
For everyone who's been supportive of these| fluff |making out |harry set draco up with someone Only to realise he liked draco all along |
" when was your first time ?" Seamus smugly asked Draco as he drank his butter beer from across the room sprawled over the bean bag
" I will prefer not to answer the question. It is highly confidential and that information shall only be revealed to Someone I'm with. So dear Seamus you can enjoy asking this question to other, while I would refuse to answer " Draco sophisticatedly replied, tilting his head to put on more emphasis upon his words.
" Merlin, you could've just said I'm not answering that. No need to go all Shakespearian " Ron rolled his eyes at Draco.
Harry chuckled as he joined Draco over the couch, putting his legs over Draco's laps, not that either of them ever minded that physical touch " that's Draco for you. He'll never give a direct answer. I can bet, if he were in an English Muggle class, he'd top "
" I topped nonetheless " Draco rolled his eyes, his hands automatically falling into a pattern of softly stroke the bottom of Harry's leg, a habit he's grown attached to.
" really? From what I remember I got 7 owls while you got only 6. It's just as if I was infact better than you " Harry smirked
" whatever Harry. I was the headboy " Draco rolled his eyes at harry, yet again but then again he liked these small bickerings with him. Blaise eyed them from the corner of the room, enjoying it himself, not Daring to say anything.
" and I was given the opportunity, I just denied "
" as if "
" whatever helps you sleep at night darling" Harry teased as he pinched Draco's cheeks softly
" don't " Draco growled as he swatted Harry's hand away
" one angry kitten aren't you " Harry chuckled, picking up his can of butter beer and drinking it.
" don't call me that " Draco sneered, not in a furious way, just slightly threatening way.
" anywaysss " Seamus echoed, breaking off their not so private conversation " when was your first time harry ?"
" Ron, you might wanna cover your ears for this one " Harry chuckled. Ron gave him a look but refused to do so " it was after war, when I got back with Ginny, in the time we were going out for a short time "
" what about in 6th year ?" Dean asked snuggling closer to Seamus on the bean bag
" we couldn't really ever get to it. I mean for one neither of us were ready, and we were just kids. Although when we did it after we got back together, we realised almost instantly it wasn't something we enjoyed, not that part, just with opposite sex kind of thing. Well mostly her, no offense. Or it could've been we weren't just attracted to each other that way " Harry explained
" really ? I always thought you guys would work out you know " Dean said. Harry looked at Dean amused but didn't say anything.
" I never thought you guys would end up together really. Never seemed as if so " Seamus added
" interest me in why ?" Harry asked
" it just, I always knew you were sort of bi even before you started going with Ginny. It was Evident really sometimes. And with Ginny herself, she didn't seem like a person to be with a guy. I mean coming from I figured my sexuality really early on, I just sometimes knew it.. besides after the first time you guys broke up, it seemed almost impossible for it work later on " Seamus explained. Everyone including Draco thought about what he had said and nobody could even deny that it was a lie.
" what's your dating track anyway right now Harry ?" Blaise asked standing over the chair behind Ron.
" oh it's not that bad. I do go out on a few dates. I went on a date last week infact and believe me that guy was really good, dashing, almost ced- well Cedric diggory Kinda hot but right in the middle of the date, I feel something going up my leg. I almost choked on my Tuna fish and he goes, do you like it ? I was more shocked than anything else. It was weird if anything "
" so what next ?"
" I didn't call him back. I think somewhere along the date, he might've said he had feet fetish.. he would much rather make love to my feets than me and it was just plainly weird "
" people have all different sorts of fetishes " Ron frowned
" yeah, I respect them but feet fetishes just creeps me out " Harry almost shivered at the thought of it.
And everyone soon fell into talking about weirdest kinks and fetishes, something they all were rather amused to be in conversation about, except, Harry.
Draco stopped stroking Harry's leg for a moment to softly clutch on them to seek his attention.
" it's alright Harry.. you can't change anything.. besides I think he lived a good life" Draco softly said.
" I still can't forget though. It's almost as if I can still see it happening in front of my eyes " Harry Whispered back.
" I know. He was a brave guy though. You can't do anything anymore. I'm sure- he'd want you to get over it too " Draco whispered. Harry bit his lip softly before nodding. To provide comfort, Draco again started stroking Harry's legs.
" feels nice" Harry smiled at Draco, who simply smiled back.
" talking off that, what say about going on a date with someone ?" Harry asked Draco but had inevitably grabbed attention from a few others in the room.
Draco raised his eyebrows in strange surprise " really ?"
" I met some guy at the animal shop across the street. He seemed like someone you could date " Harry replied
" why me, why not you ?" Draco defensively asked
" well, he's not my type but he's yours and he did seem to notice you with me a couple of days ago, so I thought maybe you could talk to him and see if you'd like to go out with him " Harry suggested.
Draco frowned at harry before clearing his throat " I'll pay that animal shop a visit then "
" great " Harry grinned
" I'm gonna use the loo " Draco sighed and got up abruptly
" unbelievable " Blaise announced. Harry looked around the room to receive strange looks " what are you all staring at me for ?" Harry asked confused
But nobody responded except that most of them groaned, leaving Harry more confused. Draco returned a few minutes, chatted a bit and then left claiming he had to feed his cat.
As a few weeks goes on by, Harry discovered that draco did started going with the guy he had told him about and was infact in a happy place to be with him. And it was all fun and games until Harry was offended that Draco no longer gave him that much time anymore or the fact that he kept cancelling on him over and over or that he longer was interested in watching movies with harry but sure had fun plans with his so called boyfriend or the guy he's dating, he cared no less. By which he meant, he did cared. To say his friends were tired of Harry ranting on about Draco cancelling on him that one time Ron even put up muffalito charm on him. It was splendid how things were going, in a sarcastic way of course until Draco decided it was time for him to make everyone meet his boyfriend, and harry wanted to burn himself on flames.
" I frankly don't understand why the expensive dinner, I mean, couldn't he had just invited us to his place or his so called boyfriend's place " Harry vented air quoting boyfriend
" Harry you were the one who set him up in the first place, stop being mad at him and jealous not to mention " Hermione rolled her eyes eating the chips off the packet
" jealous, I'm not jealous " Harry defensively said
" sure " Ron rolled his eyes.
" look Harry, you're clearly jealous that he isn't spending as much as time with you and its bothering you, so just talk to him about it " Hermione suggested shrugging her shoulder
" look, I don't know what's cooking in both of your brains but I'm-not-jealous " harry slammed the cloth over the counter and went inside his bedroom
" I miss the time when he wasn't such a dramatic ass " Ron taunted
" I can hear you " Harry yelled from inside the room, hearing faint whispers from Ron and Hermione in the living room..
And the truth infact was that Harry was jealous, which he Only discovered over the dinner when Draco was practically almost all over him that harry wanted to tell him to just sit in his lap, didn't of course. And to make it worse, he was jealous of how good they actually looked, which resulted in harry losing his appetite and almost groaning every five minutes. Hermione had to kick him under the table to behave a couple of times.
Spending the night in his thoughts, Harry came across things he wished he had known earlier or things he never felt but whatever it was, he felt frustrated in himself to set Draco up and he had no idea what to do next, so he decided to take advice from the only man he knew the best was at.
" Harry ? What a pleasant surprise. Ron's not at home though " Blaise said as he opened the door for him
" I actually came here to talk to you " Harry sighed as he went in. Blaise frowned in surprise before walking behind Harry himself
" well what can I interest you in, a joke, a mimickery,-"
" an advice actually " Harry groaned as he slumped down on the couch.
" oh- Ron's better at that-"
" he isn't, he told me to talk to you " Harry replied. Blaise walked into the kitchen, opening the window to the living room to converse through the kitchen.
" did he ? What can I help you with then ?" Blaise asked as he poured water for Harry and walking in to give it to him.
" I think, that I might have feelings for Draco" Harry replied
" you are officially the last person to know that " Blaise chuckled as he walked back into the kitchen and fetched something to eat.
" what ? You guys knew that ?" Harry sat uptight
" of course " Blaise scrunched his eyebrows as an obvious face
" why didn't you guys tell me ?" Harry asked agitated with his friends
" because these are the things we're not supposed to tell you, you're the one supposed to tell us, you dimwit " Blaise rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air.
" well you could've at least warned me " Harry groaned
" how could you not have known !! When did you even figure It out anyways?" Blaise asked as he shut the cabinet for the last time, bringing a packet of cookies and chips with him and slumping down in front of Harry.
" I think I've known for a bit since he started going out, but last night i was pretty confirmed that I was jealous " Harry Told him
" well I'd like to say you are that ruined your chances but guessing you came for advice, you came here to know how to fix it and I'll tell you, I do not have even the slightest idea how to fix your shit soup "
" what ?" Harry emphasised
" Harry, you yourself set him up with someone almost exactly like you. If Draco even Liked you at some point, now he knows that you don't like him and he's probably moved on and supposedly happy in his newfound relationship "
" Blaise, If I wanted to listen to how I fucked it up I wouldn't had come to you. I need to know how can I fix this " harry sarcastically responded raising his eyebrows
" look the easiest way is to simply confess or move on. I can't help you harry even if I wanted to. Draco seems happy " Blaise told him emphatically.
Harry was disappointed but knew Blaise was right, there was possibly nothing he could've done to make it right, at least not something that would sabotage their relationship.
It took harry a couple more days to become normal with the fact that draco was dating and finally paving his way to move on, which was definitely hard. And harry could've assumed he was doing good until Draco invited him for a picnic, claiming they haven't gotten out individually in a while. Normally harry would've been very ecstatic about it but considering the phase he was going through it was hard but didn't deny his sweet offer.
" took you a bit long- and your boyfriend's here too " harry pressed his lips in a thin line when he saw them coming together.
"it was just us but his plans got cancelled last moment so he tagged alone.. i hope you don't mind " Draco plead guilty
Harry sighed before giving him a firm smile and nodding " it's going to be one hell of a day "
Halfway through the picnic, harry Would've assumed he would be the thrid wheel but it was infact quite opposite, his boyfriend, jake was infact the third wheel who basically had no idea about draco's life which surprised harry a little more than it should have.
" you- jake, you alright ?" Harry asked looking over draco's shoulder at his boyfriend who looked puzzled
" what? I'm fine, just thinking " he gave them a firm smile.. draco leaned a bit into jake as if to give him the feeling he was still here but jake rejected it, much to draco's surprise.
" what you thinking about ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows.
" what exactly I'm doing here?-"
" shit- I'm sorry for making you feel as if I'm intruding-"
" no, it's not that. It's just so clear that you both are so meant to be together, yet here I am on a picnic with two people who are supposed to be together but are not because of me-"
" that's not true " draco interjected
" is it not ? " Jake asked more firmly than before, not forgetting to give a smile so as to not sound harsh.
Draco opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.
" even if it is true for me, I don't think Draco feels that way . Besides you guys are dating, I don't want to be the reason for your break up" harry replied sympathetically
" you're not harry. I just- I can see it, maybe you two are blind but I'm not.. Enjoy yourselves " jake said as he abruptly stood up
" jake don't be like that " draco too stood up
Jake sighed taking draco's hands in his own " I'll stay if you admit you don't have any feelings for him, if you've never wanted to be with him, if you've felt anything closer to what you feel for him about Me. Admit it freely and I'll stay"
But draco couldn't say anything..
" thought so. I'd be fine by the way. I don't think I've seen two people belonging to each more than you two " and jake departed.
Draco stood there a few minutes watching him walk away, his shoulder slouched as if not believing that he'd just been dumped.
" draco-"
" you're a jerk " draco turned around
" what ?" Harry asked confused
" you're an insolent jerk " draco picked up from dry leaves from the ground and hitting harry with that.
" what the fuck did I do ?" Harry shielded himself as draco threw more and more leaves and grasses
" you fucking moron, you were Flirting with me " draco huffed stopping for a moment
" I wasn't flirting " harry whined. Draco gave him a look before picking up more leaves and throwing it at him
" okay, okay. I was but hey it's your fault to go along with it " harry stumbled back over the ground
" well it's not my fault if you're bloody good at it "
" is it my fault that you enjoyed and I'm not the only victim here, you were flirting too " harry looked up at Draco from the ground
" I wasn't flirting " draco narrowed his eyes. Harry hooked his leg around that of draco, making him trip over and fall over harry, who he instantly rolled over, pinning draco to ground.
" were you not ?" Harry breathed
" it doesn't matter-"
" you were flirting back" harry commanded
" okay, fine I was but you had no right- hmph" draco moaned softly as harry kissed him over the lips, kissing until the need for oxygen finally had made sense again.
" now tell me, how long have you wanted this?" Harry huffed.
Draco rolled his eyes, still pink from all the kissing " I haven't wanted this "
" okay " harry frowned as he leaned down, his lips lightly brushing over that of draco's " you sure ?" Harry asked not moving an inch closer or further
Draco's breath choked down, desperately wanting to lean forward to kiss him again but didn't to avoid giving harry the satisfaction of having the upper hand.
" you don't want me to kiss you again then? That's right yeah " harry whispered as he bit Draco's lower lip, earning a soft moan and his body involuntarily pressed against harry's
" seems otherwise " harry whispered.
" merlin " draco moaned. Smirking harry pulled away looking at Draco from a distance.
Sucking his cheeks, draco immediately pulled harry to him and kissed him again, this time in more desperation and rush.
" guess who's got the upper hand now " draco moaned as he freed his hands and put them in his hair.
" you" harry chuckled, Thoroughly enjoying kissing draco himself.
" jerk " draco chuckled
" you're the jerk " harry chuckled
" and you broke his heart " harry whispered against his lips smiling
" eh, he always knew it anyways " draco shrugged
" you really are a jerk then " harry smiled as he pulled away a bit, admiring draco.
" and you're the jerk who just broke my relationship and has basically manipulated me into kissing you " draco raised an eyebrow amusingly
" I don't regret it " harry regret
" me either " draco smiled and leaned in again.
Requests open
Day 37- you're my home, draco | Day 39- cuddle me in
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