#thinking abt them for the next one million years
emily-e-draws · 1 year
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welcome home.
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tineymang · 2 months
i talked a bit abt this before and i decided to just go with it! so Wahoo i am making posts talking abt my guys now :] i have so many thoughts about them
SO when i was thinking abt things i would post abt team epic squad i figured a good place to start would be thru describing some of their personalities! like a lil introduction post yk.....
also heres their reference posts!! in case anyone was wondering who was who
team epic squad
circuit: somehow, despite everything that happens in eos's story, circuit remains quite possibly the goofiest guy ever. a guy that can endear even the most hardened of dark future pokemon (dusknoir) they love to crack jokes, and will often jokingly tease their friends too. theyre not incapable of taking things seriously, but because of their tendency to cope with things through humor, it can come across that way. they can be very impulsive, often jumping straight into situations without thinking about the consequences beforehand. they are also very stubborn, even moreso then a certain grass type partner of theirs. they have many hills and they will die on All of them. they're almost always at either 100% or 0%, and there is little to no inbetween. in general, they're always loud and out there, and have no problem with making their presence known. some pokemon tend to be offput by them on first meetings, but they don't let that stop them (mostly). though, despite how open they tend to be emotionally, they don't really have the right words for talking about some of the things that bother them. without a proper outlet for their feelings, circuit mostly just attempts to ignore those thoughts in the hopes they go away. this, unfortunately, does not work. whoopsies! mello: in stark contrast to her partner, mello is very reserved. she's prone to anxiety and overthinking, so she often prefers to do nothing at all instead of messing up like she fears she will. in conversation she's generally pleasant and polite, but she's more relaxed and casual with pokemon she's comfortable with. she's not a natural at picking up on social cues, but has learned how to from repeated practice. she doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself, and has problems saying no to people. in spite of many pokemon's first impressions of circuit, mello always admired how they were able to be so open in a way she couldn't. over the course of eos' story, she slowly starts gaining more confidence in herself. her anxiety never fully goes away, but she learns how to manage it when it does come around. she also starts writing a journal following the events of temporal tower! she finds it's a good way for her to express her feelings in a healthy way. as she gains more confidence in herself, she also becomes more comfortable expressing herself! she gets very passionate about the things she's interested in, and she can spend hours talking about them. she can get very absorbed into her hobbies, to the point where she has trouble pulling herself away from them. all in all shes just trying her best :]
stripe: though stripe has never had much of a pronounced presence within team epic squad, that doesn't make their role any less significant! she's much more of a listener then a talker, and tries to prop up those around her. they can be pretty objective, and most of the advice they give tends to follow suit. they like to be punctual and organized, and can get irritated if things are in disarray. in general, she's always been one to want to slow down and appreciate the lesser noticed things in life.
mana: they take a lot after their parents! they can be like what seems like an endless fountain of energy, always finding something to be excited about. they're very empathetic, and have a strong sense of right and wrong. despite what some may assume of them, they can also be very observant when a situation calls for it. though, another thing mana gets from their parents is an occasional penchant for mischief. sometimes, this includes intentionally risky activities mana does specifically to give circuit and mello a heart attack. mana insists they're able to handle themselves, though!
luna: having been around for over 100 years now, luna has seen many things. but despite her age, conversation is not exactly one of her strong points. she isn't very used to having casual talks with other pokemon, and often comes off as stilted and overly formal as a result. she's polite to a fault, and there's little that can shake her from her cordial front. though, if something were to draw her ire, she can be very.... intense. having spent so long trying to prevent darkrai's world of darkness, luna struggles with knowing what to do now that darkrai is no longer a danger. she feels the need to constantly be doing something to help, even over her own needs. she's uh. she's got a Lot going on i'll tell you that much
lumi: despite being at an age where she's able to speak, lumi often chooses not to. instead she will usually communicate through various emotive sounds, or just by nonsense syllables string together. she has a strong sense of adventure, and is endlessly curious about the world around her. she pretty much needs to be supervised at all times, or else she'll be wandering off by herself to go explore the unknown. she gets nervous whenever a trusted adult isn't nearby, which she does not realize she inadvertently causes by walking off on her own. it can take her a while to warm up to new people, but once she has decided she likes someone she will stick to them like a koala.
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
still in suchhhh a funk
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lucidfairies · 10 months
science class [e.w]
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pairing: loser!ellie x cheerleader!reader
summary: when a new cheerleader arrives at ellie's college, face all dolled up and skirt-clad hips swaying, she all but wants to die.
warnings: smut, 18+ mdni, poc friendly, smoking, bottom!ellie, dom!fem!reader, tribbing, cunnilingus, nipple play, sorta thigh riding, overstim ‼️, ellie comes like five times
wc: 3.6k
top notes: I like accidentally made ellie sort of autistic but it's not my fault okay. also when I was writing this I was thinking abt how if this was a novel the reader would be black but I'm white so idk if I can like write that without like getting something wrong but sorry anyway
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sometimes ellie wished she was blind. she wished that she couldn't see pretty girls, because maybe then she wouldn't fall in love with everybody. especially you.
she was two weeks into her sophomore year of college when you showed up. immediately blinded by your beauty, she almost tripped down the hallway as you walked past, in a short little skirt, and a white shirt. your ponytail flicked as you walked by, meeting up with someone you knew already.
she knew she was fucked.
when she arrived at her class, she was astounded to see that you were sitting in the seat next to hers, chewing gum and typing on your computer with cute blue light glasses on. like it was nothing. like her world wasn't crashing down in front of her.
standing in the corner of the lecture room, she debated moving seats. there were plenty of open ones, but you chose the one next to her? how was she supposed to survive this class with a pretty girl next to her, observing everything she does?
the answer is, she wasn't going to.
she was simply going to perish from the sight of you, from being in your presence, because she certainly didn't deserve to be and-
"ellie, would you please sit down? you're creeping me out." her teacher said, and she shifted nervously, then sped to her seat with her gaze trained at the floor. "okay, let's dive in, shall we?"
and the lecture continued. like you weren't right there. she couldn't understand why everyone in the world wasn't looking at you right now, absolutely entrancing, the way you took cute aesthetic notes and reapplied your shiny clear lip gloss.
"ellie?" you said, hoping she truly answered to that. she turned, meeting your eyes with a nervous smile and rosey red cheeks. "hi. I'm y/n. I just wanted to tell you that I like your sweatshirt."
it was a ratty old thing that joel had given her years ago, with a faded queens logo and a hole in the armpit that she had to sew back together every time she washed the poor hoodie.
"it's nice to meet you," she said quietly, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen into her face. she realized how strange she must've looked and stopped quickly, "my dad gave it to me when I was like 11. I've had it forever."
you giggled. you just fucking.. giggled. "you aren't one of those people who just wears it because it's cool though, right?" ellie shook her head violently.
"no, I love their music. I wish I was born in the eightees so I could've listened to them live and.. yeah. I really like them." she turned away from you ever so slightly, nervously over talking and terrified that she was embarrassing herself.
"hey, you're good. I wish I was too. my favorite song is probably back chat, but keep yourself alive is a close second. how about you?" and you let this loser girl next to you talk. and talk. and talk.
ellie didn't know that you were intrigued by her demeanor in every way. from the stickers on her lap top to the patches on her backpack, every detail about her you noticed. you observed the way she warmed up to people and let you strike up a conversation with her about anything once you knew her. and it was... cute. really fucking adorable.
ellie's life only got a million times harder after that. to add to her series of neverending death sentences, she now had to see you in your perfect makeup and effortless outfits everyday. instead of just showing up to class, you insisted on talking to ellie. about everything. cheer, your friends, some dude that was hitting on you.
and on top of that? she saw you in the hallways, or on campus and you smiled. waved, even. some days you even talked to her. in public. you weren't afraid to be friends with her. and though she had jesse and dina, she still had very little social experience, and you were like a breath of fresh air.
on a chilly wednesday afternoon, ellie was walking to the building that your class had been in, and caught a glance of some other lesbian couple on campus. that settled it. she was going to ask for your number today, it wasn't like she was proposing marriage. just something simple. easy.
"can I have your number?" she interrupted you mid-sentence. and you smiled. of course you fucking smiled. she prepared herself for the notorious rejection, after hearing rumors of you rejecting everyone that came up to you and asked for your socials we. she wasn't just anyone, though.
"duh, you only took forever to ask." ellie was frozen in place. had you wanted her to ask? couldn't you have asked for hers? but before she could overthink too much, you were shoving your phone in her face and ellie was putting her number in. "anyway, as I was saying.."
ellie tuned out what you were saying, purely by accident. there were too many big events going on in her life for her poor brain to handle. the love of her life just agreed to give her their number, and she was plotting her route to dina's dorm as quickly as possible to tell her everything.
"holy shit dina," she huffed, running her hands through her hair. "I asked for her number so she gave it to me, and we talked! dina, we talked. about things. I already have our life planned out. we're gonna have two kids and a dog, she'll be a stay at home mom, because I'll do everything for her. I would kill for this girl, dina." dina was unimpressed.
"you are such a loser, els. has anyone told you that before?" she wasn't a loser, she was just incredibly and obsessively in love with you. ellie rolled her eyes. "I say make a move. you never know what could come of it."
"I can't," she sighed, trying to find words. "I can't just make a move, what if she doesn't like me? what if she thinks I'm weird?" she frowned.
"you are weird. if she doesn't like you like that, then fuck her. maybe start with being friends?" ellie nodded. she thought you guys were already friends, but technically you never hung out outside of class, and you hadn't really texted that much (she got your number today, but that hardly mattered).
"should I invite her to jesse's on friday?" dina rubbed the back of her neck. jesse was in a frat, one of the largest on campus that had absolutely wild parties on the weekends, which weren't exactly the best place for first dates. but to ellie... smoking and drinking around hot people in a random basement? amazing.
"if you think she's into that, I'm not gonna stop you." ellie was up and out of dina's apartment quickly, biking back to the dorms and planning out everything that was going to happen on friday.
- - -
in ellie's defense, she overslept. she wasn't thinking much about grabbing a jacket when she was already going to be ten minutes late, so when she stopped outside and the cool air hit her like a brick, she was less than prepared. but it hardly mattered. today was the day she was going to invite you to jesse's party, so her stupid jacket was like a blip on her radar.
"ellie, you're turning blue." you said, once ellie stumbled into her seat next to you. she was in nothing but a loose fitting tee-shirt and jeans, nothing to protect her petite figure. you hadn't noticed before how toned her arms were, but you certainly did now.
"I'm fine, it-it-it's not that cold." her teeth chattered as she stealthy tried to rub her hands over her arms to create friction.
"ellie, baby, I have an extra sweatshirt," you giggled when her eyes widened, grabbing the sweatshirt and handing it to her. "wash it and return it to me whenever." it was a bland black sweatshirt, but it matched your outfit, and you were more than happy to give it to ellie.
ellie who was most definitely going to pass out. she was probably just cold. it wasn't because she could smell your perfume on your hoodie that you just handed her. like it was nothing. she was going to fall out of her chair, onto the floor, and die.
"thanks," she pulled it over her head and sunk into it. "I'll give it back next class- what are you doing on friday?" she tried to get her thoughts straight while you looked at her with an adorable smile.
"I'm actually packing up and leaving, I dropped out," ellie's face fell, "oh ellie you're face," you laughed hard, and her expression softened. "but I'm not doing anything. why? wanna ask me out?" ellie was definitely blushing hard.
"my friend jesse is having a party at his frat on friday, do you.. do you maybe wanna go?" you tilted your head and looked away, as if you actually needed to think about it.
"hm, I guess I can fit that into my schedule." ellie released the breath she was holding and looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting your eyes again.
"uh that's great. it's kappa alpha, at nine. I would pick you up but I don't have a car,"
"how about I pick you up? what's your dorm number?" ellie texted you all the details, and it was settled. you were going on a date. together. in two days, and you were driving. ellie was on cloud nine- not even, cloud fucking ten.
- - -
"hey els," you giggled as she opened her dorm door. "oh, you look so cute! I'm definitely stealing this from you." you pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and messed with the corner of her collar, attached to a red flannel.
"oh thanks... it's yours if you want it." you knew if you asked she wouldn't ever have you give it back, maybe even give it to you right now. she stepped out of her room and shut the door, then followed you down the hallway.
"so who's this jesse kid? I hear a lot about him." you asked, turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. the frat was on the other side of campus and ellie planned on walking? laughable.
"I really don't know him that well, he's dating my friend dina. he's a big stoner, but he's not super into the party scene. just goes 'cause the frat does." her eyes were trained out the window, not because she didn't want to listen to you, but because she was insatiably nervous.
"nice, nice." you paused for a moment. "are we gonna dance together or what? gonna save me a slow dance?" the tips of ellie's ears turned red.
"because I have such a roster." she joked, rolling her eyes. she would save every dance for you.
"perfect. is jesse's weed good?" she shrugged.
"it's okay. not as good as mine, and his plug is kinda shitty. whatever, it works. we're here." you pulled the car to a stop against the curb, in awe at how many people were coming in and out of the house.
ellie desperately needed to get high. maybe then she could talk to you like a normal person, not like she was trying to brush you off. when she found jesse, he was talking to dina and brushed her off. with a groan, she turned to find some other seller.
you were talking to someone, pretending not to pay attention to ellie skittering around the house talking to people she knew. maybe she wasn't as much of a loser as you thought, or maybe she was just a stoner. one of them. either way, she kept disappearing, but when you finally found her again, she was sitting on a couch, joint hanging from her lips as she talked with some friends.
"els," you fell next to her, taking the joint out of her mouth and taking a hit. "we should play beer pong." you suggested, smiling at her the way she liked.
"we were just talking about that," dina cut in, "me and jesse will play with you guys, won't we jes?" he turned back towards the three of you, dazed and a little confused. "that's a yes." ellie was burning lasers into dina, who was standing.
one of the tables was empty, and the group immediately moved to occupy it. you took your place next to ellie, teaming up with dina who was smirking at the end of the table. "you go first," you handed ellie the small white ball.
ellie was skilled, that's for sure. she made almost every single point, which had jesse drinking until he couldn't see straight. she was trying so hard not to focus on the way your bicep brushed against hers, and the way you giggled whenever you made a point. it just wasn't fair. none of this was fair.
"I definitely won." ellie said, as you made your way back inside. "you had, like, two drinks, max. I had jesse drinking for miles." you could tell she was on something now, the way she grinned and made eye contact and jokes were far from her usual character.
"don't you owe me a dance?" your hand locked with hers as you gently pulled her in the direction of where most people were dancing. you lifted her arm and spun her, pulling her back against your front by her hips.
ellie surely wasn't breathing. she was sure that she had died from alcohol consumption, or maybe someone stabbed her, and she was dead, in heaven. or a fever dream in a coma. there was no way in hell -in hell- that you were swaying your hips against her ass, cunt so fucking close to where she desperately needed you.
"this is fun, don'tcha think, ellie?" you whispered, voice low as you guided her hips with yours. her head fell back against your shoulder, alcohol wearing off as you ground her hips against your front. "I asked you a question, darlin."
"so fun," she muttered, eyes closed as she let you bring her hips back and forth with yours to the beat of the music. "wanna go upstairs?"
"ellie williams inviting me upstairs on the first date? dirty." you giggled, pulling away from her body. she was flushed, her boxers were already wet, and she had no clue what going upstairs entailed. but she needed you regardless. "lead the way, confident." she ran her sweaty hands down the front of her jeans and led you upstairs, to an empty bedroom. it was jesse's, and he wouldn't ever know.. right?
you were pulling her face against yours before she even got a chance to tell you that she didn't know what to do. you were definitely taking the lead on this one - not that ellie objected in any sense.
you nicked her bottom lip, eliciting blood at how chapped they were. you pushed your tongue into her mouth, smiling when she moaned and pulled you in by your waist. your hands traveled, brushing against her tits from beneath her tee shirt. obviously she didn't wear a bra, she was too cool and masc for that.
"you're desperate els," you sneered when you pulled away, pulling your crop top up and over your head. "take off your shirt and pants and lay down." ellie had no thoughts in her head; just you. you telling her to strip. this definitely wasn't a fever dream.
she quickly lost her shirt and pants, leaving lanky limbs and embarrassing boxers. her nipples were perked up, waiting to be sucked and slapped, and her face was red with a never ending blush.
when she laid down, you got on top of her, pushing her legs up around your waist as you sucked hickey after hickey into her neck. she was writhing and whining, begging for you to touch her further than just your hands still placed on her thighs. just from making out and hickies she was pushing her hips into you, clit hitting the fabric of your skirt as you moved to push your thigh between her legs.
"need you so bad," she whimpered when you finally diverted your attention from her neck down her chest. you left soft kisses between her tits and around them, before taking her nipple in your mouth and harshly sucking. like a false sense of security.
her hips were coming down hard and fast against your knee as you continued to mess with her tits, pulling her nipples between your fingers and grazing them with your teeth. she was just so fucking sensitive, and she barely even smoked anything.
knowing she was getting close, you moved your knee and kissed down her sternum, leaving a trail of shiny gloss as you got to the waistband of her boxers. "oh, poor baby, you've been waiting for this, haven't you?" you ran your thumb over the wet patch of her underwear.
"nghh- for so long," she moaned as her hips rutted into your palm. "I think about y- fuck- think about you when I..when I come," her eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, knowing she was sharing far more than she needed to.
"do you now?" you teased, pulling her boxers down her pale legs. you added them to the pile of clothes and admired how absolutely drenched she was, practically leaking onto the sheets. "what do you think about, princess?" you were bringing her legs over your shoulders, looking at her expectantly.
"think about you- mh- about this," she was immediately distracted by the way you kissed her clit. "about c-cuming on your- shit shit fuck," you pressed your tongue against her clit and licked, before sucking it into your mouth and painting patterns with your tongue.
after keeping your attention directly on her clit for a few minutes, you circled her entrance with your middle finger, lubing it up before pushing it in to the first knuckle and fuck, she was tight, holding onto your finger to the point you could hardly thrust.
"ellie, you gotta relax. we can stop if you want to." she shook her head violently, unclenching her eyes and trying to breathe. her body released its tension, which made everything less tense, allowing you to push your finger the rest of the way in.
and... she came. just like that, barely a finger deep her cunt, barely doing anything.
"jesus ellie," you laughed to yourself. you didn't wait for her to finish before you started fucking your finger into her. she whined and thrashed to get away from your hand, but you added another finger and pressed down on her hip to steady her. you curled your fingers up just enough to hit that sweet spot inside of her and she almost black out.
"fuck- s'too much.. s'too much," she slurred, drunk on your fingers. the bed shook lightly against the wall at the harshness of your thrusts.
"is it really, baby?" you grinned, before taking her clit in your mouth again. her moans were practically louder than the music downstairs, and her back was arching. she attempted to get away from you, pulling her hips away, but it was no use.
tears welled in her eyes as her stomach tightened. her pussy clenched around your fingers, sucking them in deep. you pressed against her spot as she came, making her let out a broken shriek.
ellie was definitely crying now. especially when you didn't stop... again. you just kept pounding your fingers into her, adding a third. just thinking about how hard she would cum on a strap instead of your fingers had you dizzy.
her second orgasm morphed into her third before you pulled your fingers out. they were drenched in cum, which was dripping down your arm and the sheets. ellie's cheeks were puffy from crying, hips twitching as she tried to breath.
"oh sweet girl, we're not done yet." you wiped your hand on the bed and climbed off of her, stripping yourself of your remaining clothes and coming back over her, kneeling between her legs.
you pushed her leg up, straddling her for a moment. her lips were parted, breathing heavily as she waited for you to drop against her. your lips quirked up into a smirk as you pressed your cunt against hers, head falling back as your clits met.
ellie's pussy was wet, covered in cum, ready to be fucked until she couldn't say any name but yours. you thrust your hips against hers, and she was crying again, pulling and flicking her own nipples as she listened to you moan and reveled at how phenomenal your pussy felt.
she pushed her hips into yours, so you held them down, forcing her to take whatever you gave her. you came down against her pelvis hard, almost to the point where it hurt, but ellie was living for it, sobbing out your name like it was God's.
"can't come again- I can't- fuck, nnghh," you forced two fingers into ellie's mouth and she shut up, sucking them like a slut.
"yes you can." your voice changed, something deeper and more dominant ripped out of you as you got close to your orgasm. a rock in your stomach dropped, and you could feel ellie getting close as you picked up the pace, moaning at how her cunt felt.
you came at the same time, cum mixing and smearing all over both of you. ellie was still crying, back arched as she moaned over and over. you kissed her ankle softly as you came down for your high, climbing off of her after a moment and laying next to her.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," ellie croaked, voice still hoarse for all the crying. you giggled, looking over at her with a grin.
"I think I can do that."
bottom notes: this is the longest fic I've written and I actually thought I wouldn't be able to get more than 2k words.. anyway sorry about the abrupt ending I kinda wanted to be done
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pencildragons · 2 months
ty for tagging me tessa @clayvedevs !!!!!!!!!
1. Do you make your bed?
NO. making the bed is evil and also too hard
2. Favourite number?
uhhh UHHHH 12 ? 12 is a good number i liked being twelve. 67 is also a good number !!
3. What's your job?
divine prophet of The Bog (extremely unemployed)
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
yes !!!! i lovee school i lovee learning & my hs? extremely chill
5. Can you parallel park?
yes fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji
6. Do you think aliens are real?
I feel like the possibility that there AREN'T aliens is extraordinarily low, even if they haven't evolved yet or would be completely unrecognisable as a form of life to us. the universe is still comparatively so so young so i feel the chances that at some point in the next quadzillion years that the circumstances of earth won't be replicated at least in part is hugely unlikely
7. Can you drive a manual car?
technically? i learnt to drive in a manual ute that is ABSOLUTELY not roadworthy but i did not get a manual licence :( sort of regret that but im sure if i got back in a manual i could do it again. probably
8. Guilty pleasure?
thinking in depth and forever abt my girl in middle earth oc hobbit fic that i havent properly written since like 2021. she means the WORLD to me i could make it sooo good if i just got over the evil puritans in my head telling me it is cringe
9. Tattoos?
soon!!! one day!!!! trust and believe!!!!!!!
10. Favourite colour?
loveeeeee yellow i love yellow so much soo much. unfortunately i am ginger.
11. Favourite type of music?
idk if i have a favourite TYPE of music persay? but ive sort of been bouncing between a mix of folk rock and Silly Power Metal and i will hit up the odd soundtrack also. wait actually this is untrue i am, embarrassingly, really into hyperpop (UNDERSCORES I LOVE YOU)
12. Do you like puzzles?
yeah! they're kind of evil and i am not great at pattern recognition and they hurt my back. but also v satisfying to do
13. Any phobias?
ants i fucking hate ants i HATE them (i stood in a bullant nest when i was 2) + also maybe thalassophobia? idk though that may have also been cured by the time i played 130 hours of subnautica in a week in december
14. Favourite childhood sport?
touch footie!!! i was very good at it lowk and i miss playing it terribly
15. Do you talk to yourself?
LMAO YEAH. when im thinking about writing especially. or doing literally anything. i will talk to myself
16. Tea or coffee?
TEA I LOVE TEA I LOVE TEA SO MUCH. i cannot drink coffee because The Side Effects + caffeine does not seem to have the intended effect on me, so i don't really drink caffeinated tea that much either? i absolutely LOVE rooibos with honey in it though one million out of ten
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i wanted to be a scientist because i was under the impression that scientists blew things up and that it was exclusively their job to do that. i still want to be a scientist tbh but for different reasons
18. What movies do you adore?
im so normal and regular and fine about the hobbit extended edition trilogy. so normal. no but fr i love unexpected journey i have watched it more than twenty times total and. five times in the last week and a bit LOL
@sithfox @hastalavistabyebye @patchmates @rockcattomato and anyone else who would like to !!!!
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. angst. maybe werewolf au but not rly. warnings. crying. separation. blood mention. kissing. i know very very little abt &team's storyline so this is def not accurate. pairing. k x fem!reader. wc. 945. request. no. a/n. this ending scene from firework always had my brain spinning since i first watched the mv. i wanted to make a fic out of it for the longest time. if i knew the lore more then i might know what's going on in that scene, but i just took the random inspiration i was getting from the vibes.
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You opened your eyes when the moon was half an hour from being at its height. Shrugging off Taki who was sleeping on top of you and carefully stepping out of the huddled pile of the rest of the boys, you made your way over to the shoreline and waited.
It didn’t take long for him to walk up next to you. You wanted to look at him, but you kept your gaze on the water, too afraid that you’d break if you took even one look. The air was heavy and cold, and the pit in your stomach only grew as the seconds went by.
“Yudai.” You finally broke the silence with a whisper, and turned your head to look at him. You immediately wish you hadn’t. 
No, it wasn’t from the dried blood on his hands or the messy hair that made him look even more attractive than he already was. It was the wetness on his cheeks; the tears that had already escaped his eyes to slide slowly down until they hit the sand. 
“I just don’t think it’s safe anymore.” He whispered. His voice was choked up and a little raspy.
“W-we were doing fine, though. We were holding on.” You tried to argue with him, but you knew it would be of little use. The past few months had been less than ideal, especially for the younger boys. You just couldn’t think of accepting whatever Yudai was suggesting. 
“We weren’t— We aren’t. We’re not okay, Y/n. You know we’re not.” He let out a heavy sigh and brushed the tears off his cheeks. “I can’t keep asking Yuma to go on food duty. He flinches if he even sees a bug. If we keep this up, they’re all going to be traumatized. I don’t want them to live like this.”
“I know. But don’t you think it’s too extreme? Isn’t there any other way?”
“No one is going to mess with you once I’m gone. You know they’re only after me in the first place.” He reasoned. You knew he was right. He was always right— always sensible while you were selfish.
“I don’t want to go on without you.” You said, a single tear slipping out.
He looked away from you, back at the water lapping at the shore and the moon shining brightly against the sand.
“I’ll find you again. Once I get them, I’ll find you again.” He muttered. You reached for his hand weakly. You knew you shouldn’t. Any amount of contact with him would make it a million times harder for both of you, but you couldn’t stand it. You couldn’t stand being right next to him and not embracing him; not touching him in some way, providing any comfort that you could. You knew he desperately needed it.
He didn’t shake off your hand, which was what you were most afraid of. The fact that he still held you with the same warmth simultaneously made it better and so much worse. You weren’t sure how you would survive for any amount of time without him.
“What if you can’t find me again?” You whispered your worry aloud and Yudai squeezed your hand. His hand was cold despite the warmth of his love. His fingers were practically icicles and the dried blood still stuck to them didn’t help. You didn’t mind the cold or the blood. All you wanted was one last chance to hold him.
“I will find you. I promise.” He assured you, resting his forehead against yours. A tear fell from his eyes and landed on your cheek. You reached up one of your hands to cup his face.
“I’ll wait for you. Even if it takes 10 years, or 20, or 50— I’ll still be waiting.” You promised him back.
He nodded, silently agreeing that he would also wait for you. His breath was cold hitting your lips; so cold that the thought of hypothermia crossed your mind. But you knew you had no time to ask about it or to worry. You had seen him get through worse; a bit of exposure to the chill of the winter wouldn’t be the end of him.
Though his lips were cold, the kiss was warm. You hoped it warmed his body as much as it warmed yours. It spread from your heart to your stomach and up your neck to your head. You felt light as if you were floating. The dread that was weighing in your stomach for so long lessened as you thought of his promise.
This wasn’t the end. It was just a pause. He was going to find you again.
When he broke off the kiss, you knew you didn’t have much time left, so you pulled him close into your arms for your last hug. He hugged you tightly, as if you were the one disappearing and not him. And as soon as he started pulling away again you wanted to cry, or pull him back, or try to think of a better solution— anything to not watch him walking away from you.
But you stayed silent. You had already been selfish; wanting one last touch, one last hug, one last kiss. You should have let him go without the promises and without the tears. Watching him disappear before your eyes, giving you one last look before escaping into the trees was like a stab to your heart. You dropped to the sand in tears. The hurt seeped into every part of your body, an ache, a stab, a lurch; it was overpowering.
Surely, the pain would be bearable if you had only loved him less?
↳ &team taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @chiiyuuvv
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goldengroovy · 3 months
you've actually given me tamaren brainrot i cannot stop thinking abt them now.. feed me your headcanons if you have any to share please
Renee x Tamarack Headcanons!
Author Notes at the bottom!
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-> Tamarack and Ren were very distant with each other.
-> Tamarack had hidden herself from the world. Her shine was now dull, and unlike how she acted years ago, she was closed off to the world.
-> Ren noticed, because how could she not? She remembers the time that Tamarack had so boldly gotten into her face. Now, it feels like she'd apologize for even being in her line of sight.
-> Renee would smile at Tamarack whenever she'd see her. It's not exactly an apology for how she'd exclude Tam from the group for being a girl, but it was something. She wasn't brave enough to talk about it yet, and she felt like Tamarack didn't really want to talk to her.
-> Tamarack would try to smile back at her. It was different from the smile she wore when she was younger. Back then, she would smile so wild that you would see her gums. Now, she'd just perk up the corners of her lips. Ren didn't even notice that she had braces.
-> Ren was too scared to think about Tamarack. Tamarack was too busy thinking about how others perceive her to perceive Ren.
-> They're a little more at peace with themselves during these times. It's inevitable, they started talking.
-> Renee's more comfortable with the fact that she's a girl. Tamarack's more comfortable with the fact that she likes girls. This leads to.. flirting?
-> Tamarack thinks its a little funny on the fact that Renee strayed away from girls only to end up as one. She tries not to poke fun at it too much.
-> As they matured, Tamarack started hanging out with Qiu more. Renee happens to be in a lot of places where Qiu is.
-> Qiu is, unsurprisingly, the bridge between them.
-> The two start with awkward, friendly, compliments. But slowly, they start cracking jokes, and poking fun at each other. Somewhere along the line, Qiu doesn't need to be there for them to get along.
-> Renee is a little unsure of how she feels about Tamarack. She likes her. But how deep does that like go? Is it, like, a like like? Does Tamarack even like girls? Does she even like girls?
-> Tamarack is always sure of how she feels and what she wants. She's sure that she wants to kiss this girl and make her feel beautiful.
-> It doesn't need to be said, but Tamarack makes most of the first move. Renee however, is too flustered to reciprocate. She backs off, thinking Renee is uninterested.
-> Their relationship falters for a while, until Renee admits how she feels on a random tuesday during midnight.
"Have I ever told you how sorry I was for how I treated you when we were kids?"
"Like, a million times now Renee. Sweetheart, I appreciate the apology, but I forgave you long ago."
"Well.." She yawns. "Have I told you about how good you look in red."
"Hm?" Tamarack laughs. It's the nicest sound Renee has ever heard. "You're the one with red hair."
Renee's laying on her bed, phone in hand. She wonders if Tamaracks doing the same. If she closes her eyes as Tamarack speaks, it feels like she's right next to her.
She cuts off Tamarack as she rambles about her day.
"I missed you." She pauses. "I think I love you."
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I mayyyy or mayh not have gotten carried away.. like just a little. a tad. a smither if u will
cant believe my tamaren agenda is WORKING!!! if u make tamaren content i will literally write/draw u anything i am not joking. I LOVE THEMM!!
anyways wink wink ask me to draw / write more tamaren content and my life is urs!!!
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wisteriainslumber · 11 months
"Get me out of here!"
aka the twst girlies surviving an escape room in honour of me being the most unhelpful person in escape rooms
warnings: swearing and book 6 spoilers in regards to ortho
first years
has the highest possibility of succeeding
it sure wouldn't look like it though
in the middle of their allotted hour, they suggested to sacrifice grim
which yuu stopped by distracting them with a loooooong story of how they are a long lost octuplet
legit no one knows if yuu is being FR or not bc it sounds so unbelievable but their facial expressions suggest they're being so deadass abt it
unanimous decision to push ace into the coffin and started holding hands and chanting
low and behold, the weight in the coffin triggered a mechanism and they accidentally solved the puzzle into the next room
here's another example, where there was a bunch of clocks on the wall w/ different times and epel joked that it looks like the heartslabyul dorm (bc of the million staircases)
and while deuce and ace were telling stories about the amount of freshmen that fell off those staircases (rip), jack stared a lil harder and figured out a password for a lock that way
the first thought that occurs is to pick the locks
they got the shit scared out of them from the game master's voice in the walkie talkie telling them to solve it properly bc dude... don't do that??/
ortho detects hidden walls and rooms before the game even starts but he doesnt speak of them
he'll always be hovering around them though and stares directly into the security cameras
sebek is so stressed bc this space is so small and so hot. AND HES GONNA BE STUCK HERE FOR AN HOUR
jack is infected by the stress radiating off sebek for the same reasons but also bc he can hear jamil and riddle going awfff on their group in the other room and it is really freaking distracting
ortho picks up the most useless, disconnected keyboard and started carrying it around for funsies (its like so outdated and he wants to show it to idia to laugh at it) before the walkie-talkie kindly asked them to put it back because it's not a clue
epels mind is in the right place, trying to find patterns in the titles of the bookshelf, but they're really just there for decoration
grim's floor sniffing habit comes in so handy rn bc he's finding things under beds and in drawers
there is a piano in their room and aside from grim stomping on the keys, epel played hot cross buns, thinking he was the only one who knew how to play, then yuu, our champion, comes in playing some classical backing music
it shocked sebek so much that yuu was practically a music god, then asked them to play some mozart, and again, got the piss scared out of them
a loud thunk and bam, accidentally unlocked another hidden room
ace and deuce were in a competition of who could find the hints the fastest and tragically they were the two that didn't find any hints at all
in short, it was sheer dumb luck that got them out
8/10, if only it wasn't for sebek breaking down near the end of the hour because he got his hand stuck in a box and started panicking
because they were the first to finish, they were allowed to look at how the second and third years were doing and damn, they had such a big laugh about it
aka it turned into a dorm thing
second years
there are many brilliant minds in this group which would make them a very good contender for getting out
unfortunately they are smart individually but extremely dumb when together
they started handcuffed to each other and surprisingly no one really minds it
like, it's not maaaajorly distracting like they can get things done without too much struggle
and silver insists that its good to have a buddy system in case they get lost, you know, inside a very unspacious room
only downside is that sometime there will be some squabbles about someone yanking too hard but overall they're very peaceful
ruggie will be carrying all the random objects they manage to uncover in case they're needed (aka azul keeps passing over random objects for ruggie to hold— he thinks that they are clues)
mostly because kalim was supposed to, but he left them all over the place and forgot about them while trying to solve puzzles
jade, his handcuff buddy, is seeing all this happen but does he grab the misplaced items? no lmao
instead kalim's the button pusher bc he wants to be useful but sometimes he presses the wrong buttons because its so dARK, WHY IS IT SO DARK???
jamil gets so pissy that u practically couldn't see shit, so he climbed on floyd's shoulders to go fix the fucking lights
floyd complained a lot because jamil's constant reaching felt like he was personally trying to tear his arm off by the socket
silver gets so into the scenario that the escape room assigned so he's on Full Survival Mode
constantly gets on the floor to look for clues underneath things too
everyone should pray that there aren't live actors jumping out or anything because he hears Person In Distress and it's actually on sight because he has a duty to protecc
riddle is hella mad about being constantly dragged onto the floor because OW???
azul and ruggie are constantly ransacking the room for items that may be useful
what was that? useful to the puzzle? absolutely not. they're looking for things that are useful to themselves; being useful to escaping is only a bonus
the severed prop arm ruggie found was probably of no use but he's carrying it anyway just because he can
riddle and azul are the (self-proclaimed) 'designated' logic problem solvers but they overthink it way too much
its actually jade and ruggie that do most of the problem solving bc they actually know how to work in group settings
but don't be fooled, jamil finds out first, but he never explicitly states it. he just nudges people in the right direction
being trapped in a room with the most insufferable people he's met? no thank you. he wants to gtfo as fast as he can w the least attention to himself
kalim and floyd just press and touch everything and somehow end up solving a puzzle together
silver ends up solving the puzzles pertaining to colour or order
riddle makes the most comments about how none of these things are historically accurate, but also ends up being the least helpful sjdhghjk
he keeps getting hooked on the wrong detail and that derails things
azul takes a dig at how riddle is focusing too much on a useless thing but ends up being equally derailed by the wrong detail
if given flashlights, kalim keeps fidgeting with it and is happy to be everyone's lamp
they could be in the middle of solving a puzzle and at the same time, someone will be revealing a childhood story and they all end up bonding
until someone decides its time for a Jokey-Joke and end up revealing some craaaazy trauma story and the whole group goes quiet for a little bit
(aka kalim did this unknowingly)
after getting out, the staff informed the group that they couldve freed themselves from the handcuffs by following the first clue
(they started from the second one because azul unknowingly swiped the first clue for ruggie go hoard ajdkkvkf)
also the staff thanked jamil for fixing the lights and a few mechanisms and gave the entire group a discount ojhfkkdlf
so sorry jamil, even more attention has been drawn to u
6/10 teamwork makes the dream work but they're only good at being friends not teams
third years
everyone and their mother knows this group does not make it out (alive)
when they're ushered into the room and told the premise, lilia, cater, and leona are already laughing and making fun of the scenario
as soon as the group is told to open their eyes, rook, malleus, and vil start commenting on the decor and atmosphere
idia just wants to win but he and trey both agree that their current group is doomed
(also no one knows what the scenario is bc they kept talking over it)
trying to get the keycard out of some locked box was their first puzzle
malleus is three seconds away to tearing the door off his hinges when rook gleefully proclaims he's found the key in one of the prop toilets
when everyone starts looking for clues, there's constant insults being flown around of how 'the drawer is out of bounds, stop trying to open it' or 'stop looking there, we're supposed to solve this puzzle first'
and yes they use their only clues on the first freaking puzzle bc no one knows what the hell is going on and then in later puzzles they keep blaming and arguing that SOMEONE used up all their clues on the first freaking puzzle
any sort of corpse or decaying statue will have at least two people pointing at it and claiming 'its you'
in fact, cater starts carrying the supposed possessed doll because it kinda looked like lilia
idia was laughing his ass off at this before mal got pissy at him & twisted off a mannequins hand and freaked out both idia and cater with a severed hand
rook ends up cuddling with the horror prop before lilia wanted a turn
at another point, he yanked off a bolted lock since it was getting in the way, and about half the group freaked out bc why??!? why did you do that?!?!
cater lap dances the statue, which then vil criticized by saying "put more back into it"
the weight shift caused the statue to light up
when finally being presented a clue that they had to crawl a tunnel to get to, everyone told lilia to get down, and ofc he just squatted and this LOUD crack came from his joints so trey felt bad enough to the point where he crawled in instead
then rook starting carrying the prop skeleton everywhere. it's his ventriloquist arc
the counter for the most 'IDIOT's being thrown around goes to this group
seven forbid there is an old computer that pertains to a puzzle because malleus would suggest to use magic to shock it into working every ten seconds
lilia and leona end up trying to guess the password while everyone else was looking for clues
idia would insult the computer like how is this fossil still up and running?
they were supposed to find the keyboard but idia Knows His Stuff and used the on-screen keyboard to push in the password
around half an hour in, malleus got bored and started speaking in his mother tongue
lilia started communicating in hisses and clicks, which the rest of them believed was a response to malleus (its not, but mal responded in the same fashion although no one, not even the speakers, knew what the other was saying)
in the other room, you will hear rook and cater singing a duet just to have something to do and every time a new song starts, a shoe will be thrown at the pair
i'd give them like a 2/10 because, honestly, they only solved like 2 puzzles, and that's only because of cater fooling around for one of them, and the other was because leona & idia were so freaking mad at being stuck in the first room that they solved it just to get a second room to themselves
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solargeist · 7 months
does the end city in your au look different? i know you said they look almost like bird houses, but is there any major differences in appearance? or interior? do they have similar rooms to what humans have, or do they have different rooms that humans dont have? like.. would they even have kitchens, since they can just make food from nothing?
i am curious about any information about this
Okay so my mental architecture is really bad but yes the cities do look different and I’ll try to explain bc lord knows I cannot draw it
In Minecraft, it’s floating islands, with tall towers made of pale and purple stones, there’s usually only one or two towers per island, maybe a boat in the air. It’s pretty barren.
In my version…. The towers are like stacked birdhouses, big open windows above pointed in different directions, and mostly stone at the bottom. (Think maybe like the OSMP bar that Philza had built? Something easy to fly into?) Porches and balconies are important to them.
At the bottom, along the street, are markets, bars, whatever. What do angels even buy if they can conjure things? Well I think everything takes energy, so sometimes it’s easier to buy or trade, sometimes you don’t have the skills or imagination that others do, so they buy fabrics or paper, things like that.
These places were built with the mind of things in creative mode, by things that can fly or teleport, spawn and despawn things.
The edges of the islands I imagine are like balconies, there’s not bridges or anything connecting them to other islands/cities. You just fly.
Everything’s also big because They are big. The furniture is big, when Grian stands next to a table, it’s at his chest, he was already short before, but he has to really climb now. (His room is appropriately sized I imagine? Doors and windows big, but give the boy a chair his size y’know?)
I think they have normal rooms, nice wide open spaces, clutter tucked away into corners. I think they’re big fans of projects, so you’ll see blueprints or canvases around, left out bc everyone is nosy and likes to see.
They don’t really have living rooms that are couches and maybe a tv, their living space would be a dining hall ? Without the food part.
They live in like… Packs? Community? Instead of spaced single houses, I mean you each get your own space for storage or sleep whatever, but there’s shared areas, big open libraries, long tables. It’s how watchers see Grian so often, it’s like he’s a kid living on a college campus.
They have a kitchen, something like a kitchen? A place you can start a fire at least, but there’s not really a fridge or oven. Grians cooked over an open flame before, he enjoys it and it makes him feel normal.
I dunno abt plants or weather or things like that. I have not been to the End in minecraft in a million years 😭
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cinematicgf · 1 year
Million Dollar Man - 18+
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Summary: after a long day and a particularly annoying new guard in the QZ you decide to destress Joel on the couch
Pairing: joel miller x f!reader
Warnings and notes: 18+, handjob, implied smut at the end, pet names (sweetheart, babygirl, honey), age gap (reader is abt 20 years younger than joel) not explicitly mentioned but hinted towards, no use of y/n, a bit of tension oooOOoOo
~ 1.8k
A/N: omg ahhh this is a little scary but i’m new to posting my writing so i hope you enjoy this little drabble of joel smut<3 your feedback is always welcome so please like comment and reblog!
One for the money
Two for the show
I love you, honey
I'm ready, I'm ready to go
Joel swung the front door of your shared home open, taking off his plaid button up and throwing it with force onto the floor. It was lucky Tommy or Tess were out on a week-long rations hunt away from the QZ or else one of them would surely have burst in from their own apartments next to yours and started yelling up a storm at him.
Whilst you were supposed to be spending your day off relaxing with an old book you found on the couch, the sudden loud noise of the door slamming made you jump, as you spin your head to the front door to see a not so happy version of your man. Joel kicked his shoes off and made his way to the living room where you sat on the couch. He fell back heavily into the space next to you on the couch and sighed.
You were afraid to ask him what was wrong just because of how angry he seemed, perhaps it was a sore subject; but after a few seconds of silence, you mustered up the courage to utter a shy, "You ok?", in the softest voice you think either of you had heard from your own mouth. You looked at Joel, concern devouring your expressions as you gazed at his messy curls and heavy frown decorating his brow. You swore you could almost see the steam coming from his ears.
"I fucking can’t stand that new guard" Joel announced loudly, frustration laced in every word. New guard? What new guard, why didn’t you know about this? You take one day off and suddenly everything in the QZ goes south… go figure. You shake your head slowly, “New guard?” your voice still comes out timid. You know Joel would never yell at you, and his anger is not directed at you, but you want to make sure he wants to talk about it and not press him. "Yeah, this fucking FEDRA asshole big shot. We all got jobs around here to make the place safe, what the fuck is he so high and mighty for? Who does he think he is?"
You frowned slightly out of concern for him, “What did he say to you? Do you want to talk about it?” Joel shakes his head and brings one large hand to squeeze the bridge of his nose out of frustration, letting out a strained sigh. His demeanor shifts then, as he brings his arm up to the back of the couch and leans slightly on it to give you a tired smile, “How was your day off, babydoll?” Your heart jumps at the nickname and you automatically smile, turning your body slightly to face him and finally putting down your book, “Twas okayyy” you drawl, still looking at him with a slightly furrowed brow. He moves his hand to your knee, caressing it as you move in closer to him so he can drop his head into the crook of your shoulder. He whispers, “I’ll get over it, don’t worry about me, sugar.” The mixture of his whispered words of assurance, his large, muscular hand rubbing circles on your knee and his musk of whatever cologne he found whilst on a scavenge and his sweat all work together to flip your concern to arousal at a rapid pace.
"Come here" you say, sliding your hand around his neck as he snakes his own around your waist, pulling you in for a sweet, gentle kiss, despite his infuriating ordeal early in the day.
Your lips met repeatedly, as you find your legs wrapping around his strong thighs, then his waist, your lips never leaving each other's. You moan lightly, as the kiss gets more heated, and he uses that as an opportunity to sink his tongue into your mouth. There is a faint reminiscence of whiskey on his tongue, no doubt from trying to forget about his dreadful day.
You get an idea then, to make him forget about that asshole of a new guard. “Baby, turn around.” You remove your lips from his reluctantly and he looks into your eyes, questioningly. Once he spots a hint of cheeky and a whole lot of horny, he does as you say, moving himself around between your legs so his back is flat against your chest and yours is flat against the couch with your legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him in place. Joel falls backwards into you. His head falling into the crook of your neck as you moved your legs around him to make you and him more comfortable.
You rubbed your fingers through his hair in a gentle manner, Joel’s breathing slowed slightly, his brow unfurrowed as he finally relaxed for what seemed like the first time today.
"Let me take care of you", you whisper right into Joel’s ear. The older man tilts his head up and looks up at you. "Keep touching me baby,” Joel says softly, relaxing into your touch. Your hand moved from out of his hair, and you moved both your hands to lift up the bottom of his t-shirt, sliding them underneath and slowly rubbing up and down his chest. Your lips find his collarbone and suck gently.
A shaky breath came from Joel’s lips as he felt your hands run up and down his broad chest. You giggle while your lips are still stuck on his collarbone. “God almighty baby, you know how to take care of me. Keep doing that" Joel sighed, his relaxed tone laced with arousal, which sent a shockwave straight to your core.
Joel felt his jeans become tighter as he began to shift his hips trying to get any sort of friction that he could. You noticed, beginning to leave small bitemarks on Joel’s neck as you trailed your hands down to his belt, undoing it and pulling it off his jeans, discarding it on the floor.
Joel brought his own hands down to his jean buttons and undid them for you, lifting his hips slightly as he pulled them down to his ankles. With the tightness of his jeans now gone, the less restricted he felt. You glanced up from where your lips were meeting his neck to be met with how hard he was, straining against his boxers. You moaned slightly and he chuckled.
"For me?” You questioned, letting out a quiet laugh. He tilted his head back to look at you, a faint smile hinting at his lips, "Always,” he answered quietly, bringing his hand around the back of your head, gripping your hair as he pulled you into his lips. He was needy, all tongue and teeth, only turning you on more as you felt the familiar wetness of your panties. You moaned into his mouth as he slowly engulfed your hand with his, slipping your hand into his boxers.
You gently wrap your hand around his large cock as Joel exhales out a quiet moan, a small smirk on your lips as you felt Joel begin to slowly thrust his hips upward into your hand. You were always taken aback by his length, usually using two hands to pleasure him, but the one was just going to have to do. Not that he minded, by the way his eyes screwed shut and his breathing quickened slightly.
"Shh baby, let me take care of you" You repeated softly. Joel listened, ceasing his thrusting, and relaxing into you more if that was even possible. You used your thumb to spread the pre-cum around his tip, whilst the rest of your hand grasped his girth. “Oh fuckkkk,” he breathed out, opening his eyes and lifting his head to watch as your hand, glistening, rolled over his tip.
You then began to move your hand up and down at a slow steady pace, a groan falling from Joel's lips as he tipped his head backwards onto your shoulder, once more. "Does that feel nice, sweetheart?" You asked fine, older man "Yes- fuck. Don't stop, gorgeous girl. Keep going"
You sped up slightly then, beginning to move your hand up and down faster, groans and sighs of pleasure Joel’s mouth as you did so.
"Baby, do that thing again” You knew exactly what he meant, you moved your hand back up his girthy length before rolling your thumb around the tip again to collect his pre-cum. His moans in your ear make the wet patch on your panties grow larger with every sigh. You moved your hand closer to his tip and began to move your hand back and forth, driving Joel insane.
Joel’s sweet, throaty moans sounded like music to your ears, as he watched your hand grip his length and felt your lips on his neck, his head resting against yours as you pleasured him. What did an old man like him do to deserve you, his gorgeous girl. A layer of sweat covered Joel’s forehead and muscular arms, as he brought his giant hand around the backside of your head and gripped your hair, pulled you gently to his lips. "Shit-, Babygirl, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum." You moaned his name, ‘cum for me baby.”
It didn't take much longer for Joel’s hips to buckle into your hand, but you didn't slow your movements; letting him ride out his high. Joel let out a series of moans and a string of profanities as he came into your hand, his chest rising up and down quickly as he came down from his high.
You took your hand out of his boxers and brought the hand to your mouth to seductively lick the white substance off. Joel rises off your shoulder and chest slightly to watch, mesmerized as he sees his salty seed slip down your throat. “Fuckkk baby, you're going to be the death of me,” he chuckles, shaking his head. You grin at him, puckering your lips to throw him a kiss. He lunges at you, chuckling, crashing his lips into yours, and tasting himself on your tongue. Its sweet and wet and reminds you of why this is the million dollar man you have chosen to be with. Despite all the chaos and destruction in the world as you know it, finding him was worth more than you could put into words.
"You did so well for me, honey." You laugh in between kisses, smiling as tongue and teeth meet, whilst he is on top of you, one hand in your hair, the other caressing your cheek.
"Now it’s your turn sweetheart,” he says in a gravelly voice, full of arousal as you move his hand down your breast and stomach to palm at you through your shorts, your arousal still very much present on your panties. You may have been in control for a hot minute but hell, if the tables aren’t about to turn.
You both know, it is about to be a long wondrous, night in each other's arms, once again.
hey again!! I really hope you enjoyed my first drabble of joel smut. feedback is always welcome and requests are open<3
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campbyler · 7 months
they r so boyfriends! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it should be illegal to read acswy while being single CAUSE I WANT TO BITE SOMEBODY SO BAD. so im gonna bite u guys. as a revenge for my poor heart. sorry.
first of all will with tote bag!!! mike with long sleeves and shorts!!! yes!! their fits r literally so perfect. i just have to say it.
the fact that will didn’t even bring his car key with him. he doesn’t hate mustang as much as he pretends 😭 and he definitely changed his mind after mikes explanation. can’t wait till will break his stupid rule and they’ll make out senselessly in it.
i got mikes reasoning for buying that car (and ted is an asshole in every universe. sorry that it happened to u thea) but he could choose less pretentious one 🙄 sorry i have a with aversion towards expensive cars. their drivers always think that they better than traffic regulations. anyway.
manual transmission is a crime against humanity and im glad that i never have to use it again. it wasn’t that bad on the road and changing gears doesn’t take much time but traffic lights became my arch enemies cause i always managed to stall on them 😭 i hope ur lessons were better btw. i feel that will will shake like chihuahua😭 plus it like one extra leg on the clutch and i have no idea how to not forget about it if u only drive automatic.
their not-date date cause they definitely aren’t dating they’re barely friends who love kiss each other on the mouth and hold hands and spend time together and tell each other their deepest secrets.
the things i felt when mike dropped wills hand in the car. i Know it was was a reason. and he totally recovered himself by holding wills pinky the entire way to the mall. i know their pinkies Hurt cause where’s no other way.
when they’ll find out that smooches at the center of the cafe is not really platonic. isn’t really platonic with kissing if we’re judging be their standards. The Kiss in the changing room though…. they literally obsessed with each other i can believe guys used to pretend they enemies 😭
someone brought up dwoht on relation to the thrift store and i can’t stop thinking about it
“u (authors) said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
i (i) had a bad feeling”
i loveeee noticing how their humor changed. will doesn’t want to hurt mike anymore he wants to laugh with him instead 💔 and he thinks mikes password is cute and loserish (it is) but he charmed by it omgggg!!!
im so glad that i spent this year with u guys (im finishing my comment in 2024!!!! happy new year!!!) and im excited to follow the story next year too. days if the updates became my favorite and brought me so much joy!!
thea, suni and andi thank u so much for ur talent and passion!! ily!! happy new year 🎉🎄🥳🎊🤶❄️
ALYAAAA i am SO sorry that i am the worst and it takes me forever to answer things but just know i have been holding this ask so close to my chest for the past million weeks bc it is so special to meeee 💗💗💗💗💗
i will accept the biting bc i am also biting someone. it is hard to WRITE it while being single wtf. every time i write a kiss scene i'm like gd who wants to kiss me..............i am here and kissless...........
that and also i think he was so eepy he didn't even Think abt bringing his keys but also lbr he knew mike was going to insist on driving lol. mike fr could have chosen a less pretentious car But i think mustangs are universally cool cars for sure and i think it's very important to mike to have a cool car so even tho it's not necessarily something he would have picked out himself i do also think that he loves it. a little bit. (<- a lot bit)
i've ended up not actually learning how to drive a manual bc me and my sister have both been busy so all of my knowledge for the next chapter is going to be thru research and osmosis so pls call me out if anything is incorrect 😭
sometimes you have to kiss your friends on the mouth!!!!! and go on a not-date date w them!!!!!!!!!! that is so totally normal!!!!!!!!!!!!! their pinkies definitely hurt so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are obsessed w each other fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dwoht is not on the ch9.2 playlist but it is for suuuuure very will-coded for this stretch of the story if you even care.
we are so glad WEEE spent this year w YOUUU alya ty for supporting us and always leaving the sweetest most thoughtful comments 💗 i hope tht ch9.2 is everything you've ever dreamed of!!!!
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everything means nothing if i can’t have you
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: none !
Words: 1.5K
Request: Could I request Steve Harrington and reader boasting abt their dates so they end up going on a double date but the entire time it’s them making the other jealous, trying to act like they don’t have a massive crush on each other and then maybe something happens that is like the last straw for their dates and they walk out so eventually they confess?
A/N: this idea was so cute omg thank u :D i really enjoyed writing this !!
You walked into Family Video, head held high as you made your way to distract your two closest friends. As you pull the door open, you become acutely aware of what Steve was talking about.
He’d gone on a couple of dates with one of the many girls he’d been flirting with, and he hasn’t stopped talking about her.
“Yeah, things have been going well, and Lisa’s been amazing,” Steve exclaimed to a very bored-looking Robin.
“Talking up your girlfriend again?” You ask, leaning on the counter that separated you from Robin and Steve.
Robin rolled her eyes, a smile growing on her face.
“Don’t you have anything to do other than distract us at work?” Steve turned to you, his voice lacking any malice behind it.
“Please distract me, Y/N,” Robin groaned, collapsing onto the counter dramatically. “He’s been talking my ear off about some girl he went out with twice-”
“Three times.”
“-Three times.” She finished, giving you a desperate look. “Help me.”
You laughed, trying not to imagine Steve going out with some girl three times. Besides, you’d also been casually seeing one of the Hawkins guys.
“I’ve actually been going on dates as well.” You said, avoiding Steve’s eyes to look at Robin, missing the way Steve’s smile falters.
“Oh really? With who?” Suddenly, Robin was interested. It was one thing to hear Steve ramble on about his million dates, but you weren’t nearly as open to talking about your dating life.
Probably because of how nonexistent it was…
“You know James? He was in band for a couple of years but dropped it senior year.” You explained, watching Robin take a small trip down memory lane to remember who James was.
“Oh! Yeah, he played the clarinet, didn’t he?” You nodded excitedly, and Robin cheers. “I remember that guy! He was always super nice, I remember when he gave me a ride home after one of the games!”
“Yeah, him!” You and Robin laugh, not noticing Steve rolling his eyes.
“I give you rides, too, y’know.” He scoffed, getting Robin’s attention.
“Steve, are you jealous of Y/N’s boyfriend?”
You wouldn’t go as far as to call him your boyfriend, but you held your tongue.
“Of course not!” Steve folded his arms, growing defensive.
Robin stayed silent, but the look on her face said all she needed to.
“Okay, Y/N,” You turned to Steve as he spoke again. “How about a double date, then? May the person with the better date win.”
“…Win what?” You asked, trying not to laugh when Steve started sputtering.
“Y’know…” He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, no words coming out.
“…Sure.” Steve nodded thoughtfully, despite the little thought that went behind what he was saying. “So, when do you wanna do the double date?”
“I was thinking Friday night, we could meet at the arcade?” Steve suggested, pointing vaguely to where the arcade was in the building next to you.
“Isn’t that a little too close to your workplace, Stevie?” Robin questioned, leaning forward on the counter, earning a look from Steve.
“Yeah, I’m down. See you Friday.” You stuck your hand out, which Steve shook, laughing lightly as the deal was made.
 It felt like Friday came much too quickly for your liking. You felt like you’d only just agreed to a double date, when you were already standing in front of your mirror, criticizing your outfit. You’d dressed up a little nicer than usual, despite how casual you knew the night would be. It was just a double date at the arcade, it wasn’t like you were going to a gala.
When there was a knock at your door, you knew you were out of time.
Smoothing out your outfit, you rushed to the front door, pulling it open to reveal your date.
“Hey!” You smiled, taking his extended hand and letting him take you to his car.
It wasn’t a long drive by any means, but it felt like it lasted a million years. You weren’t sure why you were dreading it so much, it’s not like you weren’t used to being around Steve.
Once you arrived, James got out of the car, finally choosing to comment on your outfit.
“You know, you didn’t need to dress up so nice, I feel so underdressed now.” He chuckled, and you forced a smile, feeling a little awkward now in what you were wearing.
“I know, I just…” You noticed Steve standing near the entrance chatting with his date, despite his eyes being fixed on you. “…felt like it…”
James notices Steve as well, giving him a casual wave and making his way toward the two. You followed behind, the four of you walking into the arcade together.
The pinball machine is what you noticed first, and it was your time to impress James.
“Oh, I’m really good at this one!” You run towards it, putting a quarter in and beginning to play.
You were usually quite good at pinball, but you could feel Steve’s gaze on you and it was distracting, to say the least. It wasn’t until you started messing up that he stepped in.
“You’re not doing it right. Here,” He moved right up to you so he could keep a hand on one of the buttons, leaving the other one for you. “I’ll help you.”
Your distraction, unsurprisingly, got much worse, and you could barely focus on the game in front of you, let alone whatever Steve was saying to you.
Neither of you noticed both of your dates exchanging a look, and you only moved away from Steve once you ended up losing.
“You were messing me up!” You laughed, shoving him gently.
He shook his head, smile wide. “No, I think you just suck at pinball.”
“Yeah, whatever.” With a roll of your eyes, you stood back, moving closer to James.
Then, Steve’s date notices the basketball arcade game in the corner of the room.
“Hey, Steve, you should be good at that, right?” She pointed, watching Steve’s attention go from you to the machine in the back.
“Yeah, that’s my time to shine!” He grins, the four of you making your way towards the game.
James slips his hand into yours, making you glance at him. He gives you a smile that you return, glad everyone seemed to be enjoying the night.
Before he began, Steve gave his date a quick kiss on the cheek, and with you looking at James, you didn’t see the way Steve glanced at you afterward. His date, however, did notice. She rolled her eyes, standing a little closer to him while the game started up.
You can tell Steve is trying to impress his date with the way he’s attempting about a million trick shots, but she doesn’t seem too enthused about it. The three of you watched him throughout the allotted time, seeing the score increase with every throw.
By the time it finished, Steve had beaten the high score. You could see how proud he was, turning to you instead of his own date with a wink. She folds her arms, exchanging a look with James unbeknownst to you and Steve. You return his look with a small smile, barely noticing the tension that has grown between the group.
The four of you then continued wandering the arcade, before Steve found another game to try.
“Hey, how bout this one?” His eyes quickly darted between you and Lisa, stopping in front of a dual racing game.
“Yeah, I think I’m just gonna head home,” Lisa said, looking a little disappointed.
Steve stops, not really wanting to end the night. “Wait- wh- I drove you here, how are you gonna get home?” He realizes how inconsiderate the question sounds as he says it, cringing to himself.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. Before she can respond, however, your own date speaks up.
“I can give her a ride home. I’m done anyways.”
You frown, giving him a look.
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused. You thought it was going relatively well – you’d been having a good time, at least.
“Yeah, I’m not really into watching you flirt with Steve Harrington for a night.”
Lisa nods, casting a frustrated look at you. “Me neither.”
Steve takes a step towards you, almost defensively.
Both of your dates leave, and suddenly it’s just you and Steve left at the arcade.
“I mean, I wasn’t…” You glance at Steve for only a moment, finding it hard to look at him.
“Yeah, same, I didn’t-”
“I just-”
There’s a long silence between the two of you before Steve continues.
“She was right.” He said. “I kinda was just trying to impress you tonight.”
You can’t help the sheepish grin on your face. “Yeah, I was too. I mean, why do you think I wore this stupid outfit?”
“It looks nice, though.” He said, looking down at you for a moment.
You pause for a moment, the two of you standing in the middle of the arcade. “…You wanna finish this date?”
Steve smiles, grinning from ear to ear. “I would love that.”
You and Steve then spent the rest of the night wasting all of your quarters, laughing more than you’ve ever laughed before.
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swangtup6 · 3 months
Mixtape Review: Sematary & Ghost Mountain - Hundred Acre Wrist (2020)
For ppl who somehow don't know, Sematary has been a pretty popular (relatively) underground rapper for the last couple years, known for mixing black metal, witch house, and old Chicago drill with a super cool aesthetic with influences from horror movies, esoteric-themes, and the occult, with a lighthearted and humorous side to it as well. I've been a fan of Sematary since mid-2021, and Hundred Acre Wrist, largely regarded within the fanbase as his best release (though I still think his Warboy EP deserves that title), has finally clicked for me. Let's discuss.
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The first thing that stands out to me about this mixtape when I listen to it is the production. Most Sematary beats follow a certain formula: black metal sample or witch house synths with drum patterns ripped straight from Yung Chop layered on them, that are very repetitive and often have lots of beat chops, especially during the choruses. However, Hundred Acre Wrist takes these general ideas in a completely different direction, and cranks them up to 11. The production on Hundred Acre Wrist is of a totally different nature than Sematary's other work, it relies on NO sampling as far as I know (I believe I've heard that Ghost Mountain played most of the guitar found in the mixtape) (I could be wrong abt allat tho) and is instead a complex layer of etheral synth melodies, original guitar riffing, and complex and fast-paced drumming with heavy influence from drill, but taken in a different direction, with busier patterns and more complex rhythms. If you listen closely, with a good sound system, you can actually hear forest ambience and nature sound effects looping throughout the mixtape, furthering the natural vibe and atmospheric elements of the production.
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The next thing is probably the atmosphere. As I touched on in the production paragraph, this mixtape has an incredibly strong atmosphere (and is insanely consistent quality-wise) without sounding too same-y. A common (and somewhat warranted) complaint I've heard a lot about Sematary's older stuff is that it's just one song over and over again, and listening to a tape like RB1, I can kinda hear that (I love RB1 though). Hundred Acre Wrist doesn't have this problem, every song is distinct. But they do all keep a very consistent atmosphere. This mixtape is in the forest, it's deer that don't look quite right, it's watching horror movies at a sleepover that you're definitely too young to be watching, it's scary stories you heard around a fire at summer camp, it's being 13 and trying DXM for the first time (we all did it don't lie), it's a fusion of all these kind of innocuous themes and vibes that, when combined, make a super cool and complete world, like an alternate reality, that you kind of sink into when listening to the album. Pay attention to the lyrics, trust me. Some of them are pretty goofy, but that's just a part of it.
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Speaking of the lyrics, they are definitely what made this project click for me. I'd never really listened to what they were saying in the lyrics, but once I did I actually started appreciating this release for what it is. Sematary is amazing (especially on Heffalumps and Taxidermy) but I kinda feel like this is the one time where he takes a bit of a backseat to Ghost Mountain. Ghost Mountain has some HARD verses here, I'm gonna put screenshots of some of my favorite lines from both artists below. It's kind of amazing to me that nobody thought to combine the themes found here, and in most of Sematary's early music, before, but at the same time It kind of makes sense. Nobody else could do this in a million years, this is a genuinely unique piece of art.
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This whole verse from Ghost Mountain is just so fucking eerie sounding, his voice has an almost paranormal feel to it that makes the strange and unique lyrics stand out. If you can't appreciate the artistry in this shit, don't say shit about music to me. (Tourniquet)
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This is one of Sematary's hypest moments. When this clicked for me, I was playing Roblox and this shit made me turn off Roblox and rewind the song because of how fucking crazy it is. (Taxidermy)
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Ghost Mountain's flow on this section is crazy. Just looking at the lyrics you wouldn't think this would work rhyme-wise but it does. (Johnny Cutter)
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Both of them go so crazy on this song (Deer God). Nobody else could fuckin do this man, I don't know what to tell you.
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Overall, this is just a super cool and creative work of art that deserves its flowers. There's a lot of really unique experimentation on here. What other underground rap mixtape are you gonna hear an acoustic folk song and a Q-Lazzarus cover? Sematary and Ghost Mountain took a LOT of risks on here, all of which paid off, and I think they reached the peak of their combined artistry. PLEASE listen to this.
9.9 / 10
Standout Tracks: Taxidermy, Deer God
btw did yall fw the pictures?
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tatertato · 9 months
life series smp winners playlists part 2
we're back! for those who don't know, i'm putting together songs that i think fit each of the life series winners, and they're either songs i've seen work really really well in animatics already or songs that would probably work really well, but are less popular or not associated with this fandom (yet)
i'll be linking+listing them here as well as providing little snippets of explanation for why i think the song fits, but i don't feel like making actual spotify playlists or smth, so if anyone else wants to do that, be my guest.
i still had trouble finding good songs for some of them (this one especially)- if anyone seeing this has a good idea that i missed, lmk and i'll update these posts (no promises tho)
pt 1 (3L!Grian)
pt 3 (DL!Pearl)
Last Life: Scott
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat: alright, kickin it off strong! picked this song for the gaslight gatekeep girlboss energy and little else
Yeah, ain't tryna be cool like you Wobblin' around in your high-heeled shoes I'm clumsy, made friends with the floor Two for one, you know a bitch buy four And two left feet, you know I always drop (this line because of this post and this post alone)
I'm a bitch, I'm a boss I'm a bitch and a boss, I'ma shine like gloss (need i say more)
Said, I took it and I ran for it I won it then I stand on it (NEED I SAY MORE)
2. Two - Sleeping at Last: as i mentioned i had some trouble finding songs for scott since i dont watch his pov too often, so some of these are less exclusively last life and more just his character in general. that being said, i do feel like this still fits to an extent for LL!Scott
Sweetheart, you look a little tired When did you last eat? Come in and make yourself right at home Stay as long as you need (this is scott's total eldest sibling energy, always helping and trying to be friends before anything- ex: taking in cleo, being friendly to scar)
You know I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat (this applies more after last life, see: the many many many times he offers to sacrifice himself, but also the fact that he refuses to betray his friends as the boogeyman)
Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you without any strings attached And what a privilege it is to love A great honour to hold you up (very representative of scott's trust and loyalty to his allies in every series, through both chaos and peace)
3. Constellations - The Oh Hellos: at first this one was only here for the star symbolism, but after listening to it a couple more times it does fit pretty well (also the oh hellos is very scottagecore)
'Cause like constellations a million years away Every good intention, every good intention Is interpolation, a line we drew in the array Looking for the faces Looking for the shapes in the silence (despite all his efforts to maintain alliances throughout the series, everything inevitably falls apart in the chaos of the finale)
Like constellations imploding in the night Everything is turning, everything is turning The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light And everything you thought you knew Will fall apart, but you'll be all right (LL was really the only series in which they made a point to isolate the reds- in DL, there was always a pair, and alliances stayed solid despite name color in LimL and SL- but in LL, alliances could be torn apart so quickly, loyalties constantly changing which made it hard to trust others and that shows why scott's loyalty stood out)
4. How to Be a Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds: this is another one that isn't exclusively LL, i just had to put one in abt scotts many ex's.
Rule number one is that you gotta have fun But, baby, when you're done, you gotta be the first to run Rule number two, just don't get attached to Somebody you could lose (i see these "rules" kind of as lessons learned from each season instead, like things he tells himself he'll do next time, but because of his loyal and caring nature, never can)
How to be a heartbreaker Boys they like the look of danger We'll get him falling for a stranger A player, singing I lo-lo-love you At least I think I do (really like i said, a play on the ex's)
5. The Garden - The Crane Wives: here it is, the obligatory crane wives song
Put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat Give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes (something abt this line is just very scott to me)
Lay me down Pour the dirt into our bed Tell the crows They can have their pound of flesh The ghosts at the window echo all our quiet prayers When they come for us, they'll come with hammers and nails My darling, the devil knows my name My name My name (this comes from the things i've seen about how the watchers hate scott, the watchers here symbolized as "the crows" and "the devil")
6. A Terrible Ride - Lizard Boy: this one is an animatic recommendation! here's the animatic -also i think this is applies to most of the winners very angst
I used to be calm But now this ticking bomb is gonna go off (the way he goes after ren for revenge after pearl's death)
I fought and fought hard And I could've died But I got scarred A terrible ride Ride This game was not fun I thought it was right Because I won Was it worth the fight? Fight? (WATCH THE ANIMATIC)
Written in the starss This could have been ours (what can i say, im a sucker for the star symbolism)
and that's all for scott! DL!pearl coming soon!
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pendarling · 7 months
Top 15 Best out of 50(1)
Nobody asked for it, and I have a million requests in my inbox (I'll get to it, I should rly consider turning it off), but here is a list of my personal favourite hero x villain stories I've written and I will rank them from best to still best but, I definitely could've done better, and I will not rank stories that I feel I don't want to. I'm only putting like 15 of the best out of the 50. Technically, I have 51 stories, but I lost one of them somewhere in the wreckage.
Letters & Masks: Why? Because it's literally got everything. Jealousy, captivity, secrets, crazy level of intimacy and professionalism. All in a sweet little bundle. I dunno abt yall but I defo ate here.
List: This oneeeeeee I already wrote a part two draft and someone asked me to write up a part two after I went to sleep. Needless to say, yes, sir, it is coming. I only write good stories at 4 am and I made this one in a single sitting.
Do You Like Me?: I don't remember the specific details here all I remember is there was a lot of teasing which I personally enjoy. Hero meanwhile is in denial that they like them.
In Your Lap: I wish I had more to write here but to keep it short and sweet sometimes is the best. It's straightforward no bullshit maze before we get to the main subject. We just dive right in. Tension.
Remember Last Night: Lore. And I genuinely do wanna write a continuation, the problem is I have a million drafts. I think someone did ask for a continuation but idk. A lot of ppl actually req and I'm just a uni student
Praise: AAAAAAAAA manipulation at its finest. Like are they genuine with their feelings? or are they fucking with Hero's mind??
Taken: Captivity my beloved. It's more a Citizen x Villain and left up to interpretation. A few people asked for a second part of this as well (I'm sorrrrrrrryyy).
Winter Boots: Villain subtly flirting with Hero <3
Plushie: AWWWEEEE Hero is a sweetheart. They bought a plushie of Villain. I was also going write more for this but it was literally 6 am and I needed to fix my sleep schedule.
A Kiss To Freedom: It's a bit hot actually, captivity again.
Ring of Engagement: In summary, Villain assumes Hero is engaged and then we have mild spice. Might as well be salt. But the reason why it's on this list is for the level of comfort that follows after (\\\^_^\\\)
Aggressive: Kink reveal
The Town Theatre: ATLA reference actually
Perfect Timing: Lore again, I really like it, I don't think I'll truly let go of time travel stories. They're all so unique
No Date For Valentine's Day: Villain rips on Hero for being without a Valentine then asks them out on a date hahahaha. I had fun writing it and I hope to do something next year too!~
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meyhew · 5 months
While I do think it would be great for celebrities to use their platform for Palestine, you have to admit it would be career suicide for many of them. Look at Scream actress Melissa Barrera. These people have worked hard to be where they are and they could lose a lot by being political.
frankly… i couldnt care less abt what they could or could not potentially lose. missing out on future career opportunities is not even anywhere close to people losing their lives forever. entire families being wiped out. yes it sucks that we live in a world where speaking up for justice and humanity means worrying about your livelihood but im not talking about working class ppl—many of whom are actively organizing and jeopardizing their lives and incomes btw. who CARES if chris hemsworth or zendaya don’t land new roles in the next five year or if taylor swift’s label drops her. every single one of these people have more money than they need, more money than anyone needs. and if they do get blacklisted so fucking badly that they never work again in their field… who cares! they can go back to school and get a degree. find a 9 to 5. stock shelves at the grocery store idc work like normal people. genuinely idk how many times and in how many different ways i have to say this but i dont care about how hard life could get for these people. who cares if a multimillionaire doesn't make more millions they won’t spend on anything real. they will be fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they value money and luxury over black and brown lives and that makes them shitty people. you cant convince me they have any integrity when they had to walk past a swarm of protestors and didn’t have the decency to look even marginally ashamed. students are putting their futures on the line and these mfs are worried they might not make another hit. like get real. sorry to sound like a cunt but these people have no problem “being political” when theyre telling the public to vote blue so idc they all suck and if u dont like acknowledging that then u suck too. and btw… a lot of people are more likely to support pro palestinian artists than not so they can shove that faux fear up their ass
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