#this actually contains draco
short666bread · 1 year
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vaalthus · 5 months
The Mana Core (Spoilers)
Oh boy have things escalated quickly.
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I have to say I like the brief gander through the Project Casca laboratory. It reminds me all too well of sequences in other video games, in which, characters finds themselves in dreary or primitive settings only to find highly advanced sterile white rooms indicating they are in the presence of something that completely contrasts the settings they've been in prior that tells them immediately that something is either very off or that the world around them is much bigger than they realize.
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Unfortunately, in the case of the Magesterium's little white room, we learn that we should very much be in a state of unease when learning the consequences of their use of this facility. To learn that the Mana Core is not self-replenishing is very concerning, as it makes manaphages more terrifying, and it's alarming that the Magesters are more than fine with continuing to take pieces of the Core if it means they can have a stranglehold on their empire and how far it reaches if no alternatives can be substituted for the Core. I'm curious as to whether or not they would have brought Lore to the very brink before giving up on this resource and I feel like we already know the answer to that.
and speaking of alternatives...
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Rather interesting to learn that the Exalted did, as suspected, come across MQ based technology and incorporated into their own works. What I find interesting is that one of these remnants was used in the creation of the Exalted Artillery. It certainly explains why the Exalted were able to forge a weapon capable of harming the Aequilibria to begin with as there has been a bit of consistent theme of mechquest related structures, or entities, being able to kind of just break the rules of reality. I wonder, in looking upon this revelation, if Notha would be proud she followed in similar footsteps of the Exalted when it came to incorporating and manipulating technology.
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Which of course explains why Akanthus can't be bounded by the rules of magic in this world and is incredibly strong. Not only is he accessing the vast well of mana that the Magesters so desperately wanted to tap into for themselves one day, which grants him a strong body, but he is also slipping past the laws of the magic that governs Lore. Or perhaps more accurately, those laws are overlooking him so to speak. Either way, the world just doesn't know what to do with something like him or rather what he's been connected to.
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I genuinely do love the amount of self-pitying Akanthus does in this moment. Yes, it does suck that Sobieslav was effectively raised up alongside other children to be experimented upon until they achieved a state that they were rendered effectively magicless in a world defined by magic and that they might just fade into the Ether once they die but it doesn't justify all they did after they were exiled by the Magesterium. It doesn't justify all those he killed or allowed to be killed in the Land of Dragons nor all the suffering he caused under the guise that he was achieving the peace the Rose claimed it offered.
He implies his lack of mana is what made him a monster, inhuman, but it's not. It was his selfishness, brutality, and apathy towards the lives of others. You were human Akanthus. You just chose to be the worst of what we had to offer.
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For a moment, I thought this was going to be the most terrifying moment in this quest...
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I even thought perhaps this was going to be that moment, but no there was something much worse waiting to happen. Also screw this guy for putting his hands on the dragon child!
*Ahem* No what was actually terrifying was this moment.
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The Aequilibria, the gods of this universe, reawakened. Imagine my utter horror at the fact that it wasn't Jaania trying to weave herself into the Core or the doom bomb being the cause of this moment but us bringing Draco, one of its creation, being the reason why the gods woke up to see what was going on in their world.
Curiously enough, they bare the face of Sk'aar prior to turning back to the eight elemental stars we can see at the top of the Exaltia tower when fighting the Engineer in the Inn. This seems somewhat odd given that Sk'aar seemed to be implying they wanted to awaken a separate entity alongside us which seemed to be the Aequilibria itself.
I just love how this moment proved my suspicion that the eight eyes of Sk'aar we saw in AdventureFriends were supposed to be representative of the Elements which makes sense given the only reason we had that dream in the first place is because the love potion we drank had Quintessence in it, something that clearly contains all eight prime elements within it.
Curiosities on the visage of Aequilibria aside, what follows next is a pitiful sight.
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This seems a narrtively fitting end for Akanthus if he can't be harmed. For the longest time, Akanthus viewed himself as an abomination cheated out of his rightful place in the world alongside everyone else and committed countless atrocities in his quest to regain that place. Going as far as waking up the gods of this universe to grant him his way. Upon awakening, they confirm that he is indeed an impurity to the natural order of the world but they do not grant him the connection he seeks. No instead, they remove him even further from the world itself and they contain him in a way only a god can when killing isn't an option. I don't know if this farewell for good to Akanthus since his soul still exists but if so I say goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish.
With Akanthus finally neutralized, we turn our attention to the elephant in the room:
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Our gods are analyzing the state of their creation.
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And they are not pleased with the current status of Lore one bit.
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All of Lore has just been marked for death because a frozen arch magus and one big metal butthead couldn't leave stuff alone.
Interestingly enough it seems like Aequilibria was referring to the twin cycles when they asked if it was time to start anew. This makes me wonder if Draco themselves aren't necessarily the true destroyer that is meant to wipe clean Lore but merely responsible in alerting Aequilibria when it times to refresh the system and Fluffy in turn is meant to alert them when its time to create life again. It seems somewhat unlikely, especially if they meant they were only waking up because the cycle has gone so wrong, but the Aequilibria makes it sound as if they were supposed to be woken up at set intervals.
What concerns me most though is the way they speak. Others have already pointed out that they talk very robotic in nature, very similarly to how Sk'aar spoke in one of the AdventureFriend routes, and their decisions are very straight to the point and seemingly without any trace of nuance.
Connections to MQ aside, this is very much a being that expects order and nothing but order in the system they have created and if it deems its creation has deviated too far from the system it will conclude to destroy it. I do not have high hopes for being able to reason with such an entity. It took the resources of all the Exalted to force this thing out of commission for a period of time so we are in some serious trouble.
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phas3d · 2 months
They Text The Wrong Number || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: inspired by - ur not dating in this, because i love writing for crushes instead of actual relationships
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enha-doodles · 5 months
please do a slytherin boys reacting to you being a hufflepuff pls
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Pairing : (Mattheo , Tom , Theodore, Lorenzo , Draco) x reader
Notes : okay so now only Slytherin left and next will definately be an enhypen post , it's been too long since I posted something for them 😭
Warnings : not proofread , written in a hurry my bad guys
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Mattheo's smirk widens as he gazes at you, unable to contain his amusement. "Well, well, well, my dear Hufflepuff," he begins, his tone playful yet affectionate, "aren't you just the epitome of kindness? It's like you're allergic to anything even remotely sinister." He chuckles softly, leaning in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "But fear not, my sweet, for I'll be your guide through the shadows. Together, we'll navigate the dark corners of Hogwarts, with your innocence as our secret weapon." He grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Who knows, maybe you'll even rub off on this Slytherin and teach me a thing or two about being... less evil." He winks, his playful tone laced with genuine fondness for you. "But until then, let's just enjoy the ride, shall we?" You can't help but laugh at his teasing, feeling a surge of affection for the charming Slytherin who's captured your heart.
Tom rolls his eyes at the mere mention of Hufflepuff, muttering about the insignificance of a house that values kindness above all else. He's determined to toughen you up, constantly pushing you to shed your soft exterior and embrace the cold, hard reality of the wizarding world. "Kindness is a weakness, darling," he'll growl, his gaze steely as he lectures you on the importance of ambition and cunning.
He'd manipulate you by turning you against your friends because in his eyes you are born to evil that's why you ended up with him , your friends are the wrong influence "And those so-called friends of yours? They're just wolves in sheep's clothing, waiting to take advantage of your sweet nature. But fear not, my dear, for I'll always be here to protect you" He's there even if it means scaring away every potential suitor with a well-timed glare.
Theodore can't help but chuckle at the irony of your Hufflepuff allegiance, but it's all in good fun. He'll mock you mercilessly, recounting every Slytherin victory over Hufflepuff in Quidditch or other competitions. Yet, despite his teasing, Theodore knows when to concede defeat, his love for you outweighing any petty house rivalry.
"Alright, alright, my little badger," he'll sigh, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I may be a Slytherin, but you've got me wrapped around your little finger. Just promise me you'll stop bringing up that time Hufflepuff beat us in the House Cup. It still stings, you know."
He'll even go as far as pretending to roar like a ferocious dog lion - oh the irony , whenever someone gets too close, much to your amusement.
Lorenzo can't resist the urge to baby you at every turn, his heart swelling with pride whenever he looks at you. He'll hover protectively by your side, his arm draped over your shoulders like a shield against the world. "My sweet little badger," he'll coo, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'll protect you from every danger, real or imagined. No one's laying a finger on my precious Hufflepuff, not while I'm around."
Draco's annoyance is as evident as ever, his aristocratic features twisted into a perpetual scowl (his resting face actually) as he begrudgingly accepts your Hufflepuff allegiance. He'll grumble about the stupidity of your house, his annoyance palpable in every word he utters. "Hufflepuff" he'll mutter under his breath, as if the mere mention of the word leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
But despite his disdain, Draco can't help but crave the princess treatment you're all too willing to provide. "Fine, Hufflepuff," he'll huff, crossing his arms in a dramatic display of annoyance. "But don't think for a second that I'm not expecting extra cuddles to make up for it."
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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amourane · 4 months
down the rabbit hole
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
genre: fluff!!! just a short drabble <3
w/c: 0.6k
summary: in which it's blatantly obvious that theodore nott has fallen down the rabbit hole of love.
warnings: none!
a/n: just something short just to make sure i'm not depriving you guys c:
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“Theo, Theo!” 
You stumbled past objects in your path, eager to reach your boyfriend. You climbed the steps like they were walls, holding the new book you had just received like a prized trophy. It had just arrived and your owl had just had it delivered to you. As soon as you saw the wrapping you knew what it was and it only caused an excited bubble to burst within you. The book had been one that Theo had recommended to you and since both of you had a passion for reading you just had to get it. You were nearly at his dorm now and you couldn’t contain your excitement. You pushed open the dorm door and your expression was bright and cheerful, you didn't notice that your boyfriend had company as you rattled off.
“Look look! It’s the book you were talking about the other day - Alice in Wonderland!” You never really read muggle books but your boyfriend had managed to get you into it, proclaiming that despite them being written by muggles they were surprisingly good, and now you were just as addicted. “I can’t wait to read it, Lily saw me holding it and said it was really good and that I’d totally enjoy it not to mention its cover is so pretty!”
You continued your tangent, too absorbed in what you were ranting about to your boyfriend to notice you had interrupted a conversation between his friends. Theo didn’t mind though he was also enraptured by what you were saying. If he were a cartoon character, his eyes would be hearts, gazing at you with such love. You made him so happy, and Theo loved you more than anything.
Draco and Blaise were watching their best friend and snickering behind their hands. It wasn’t unknown that Theodore Nott was so deeply in love with you and vice versa. The two of you were the power couple of the century. His three best friends watched as he somehow managed to fall deeper into the hole of love just for you. They whispered behind their palms as you jumped up and down excited for the book you had in your hands.
It was only then that you noticed that you had interrupted something and your cheeks flushed with heat and you tried to hide your face with the book.
“I’m so sorry, did I interrupt a conversation?” You asked sheepishly although you kind of already knew the answer. 
Theo shot the boys with a dirty look before turning to you and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. “You didn’t interrupt us, principessa, don’t worry.” 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. Truth is he didn’t really remember what he was talking about to his friends because the moment you had barged in all his attention had been on you. 
Draco and Blaise held back their laughter as they knew what Theo was actually thinking. The two of them knew how much he loved you and they always made it their top priority to remind him how whipped he was for you. They understood though. Their best friend was in love and that was what love did. 
You settled comfortably on Theo’s lap, still bubbling with excitement. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he peeked at the book. “I can’t wait to start reading it! Should we read it together, Theo?”
He smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection. “Of course, mia cara. I’d love that.”
Draco and Blaise exchanged amused glances, already planning their next round of teasing. For now, though, they were content to watch their friend bask in the happiness that only you could bring him.
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sinsirellaxx · 2 months
toxic boys x ethreal!stunning!reader
Like shes SO pretty that everyone has a crush on her,attention is always on her,shes just beautiful and the face of Hogwarts
Slytherin Boys – Their partner is the face of Hogwarts
Warning: Toxic boys! Not proofread as always.
Mattheo …
… is honestly torn between loving and hating it. He was obsessed in love with your beauty, and he basked in the envious glares thrown his way for being your boyfriend, but he also absolutely hated the idea that other people probably got off on you.
… wants to hide you from the world sometimes – when he is feeling low or whenever something triggers his jealousy, which obviously happens way too often to be considered healthy anymore.
… would try to make you wear modest clothing and constantly told you that you did not need any make-up or whatever else you used to enhance your beauty.
… would be more aggressive with you admirers behind your back – it got worse the deeper he felt for you.
… can be mean to you, whenever you don’t agree with him and stubbornly insist to dress up.
“Babe, you are beautiful the way you are. There is no need for all of that – or are you so desperate for attention?”
Theodore …
… is cocky because he finally found his equal. He knew that all the girls were in love with him and that even some boys’ eye lingered on him for longer than necessary, so it was normal for him to have the prettiest partner – right? Right. At least until you outshone even him.
… would clench his jaw whenever the two of you were stopped by some pathetic male asking you for something – anything. A scoff leaving his lips whenever you agreed to help with whatever problem – cause, how dare you? You were just too sweet for your own good.
… screamed internally, whenever you cancelled your plans with him, because a fourth year desperately needed tutoring. His mood ruined for the day. His anger would find its peak when he would see you in Hogsmeade with that student.
… would be annoyed by you at some point. The less people saw him the more he actually started to dislike you.
“They are just using you because you are so gullible. It’s annoying really.”
Lorenzo …
… immediately hates the attention – he should be the only one to look at you with those eyes and the thought of half of the school staring at you lovestruck made his skin crawl with badly contained anger.
… would go out of his way to draw the people’s attention to himself instead. If that didn’t work, he’d just start claiming you publicly: kissing you in the corridors whenever no professor was around, leaving hickeys in obvious places and always having an arm wrapped around your waist possessively.
… his patience snaps if one of his boys actually shows interest in you.
“Love, come here … let’s skip that double-date … you wouldn’t even like my friend – he’s an ass.”
Draco …
… wears you on his arm like a rolex Daytona.
… every compliment directed at you fed his own ego.
… bought you designer clothes and expensive jewelry to make you stand out even more – honestly, he would treat his partner like a dress up doll.
… would hate it if you were to pay attention to any of your admirers though. You were his – and you were definitely not allowed to engage in any conversation with those dimwits without him by your side.
“Doll, would you please wear that pretty black dress that I got you last week? We’ll be having dinner with the boys.”
Blaise …
… is stressed. He knows the minds of pervy teenagers, and it unsettles him to know that so many are obsessed with you.
… would wake up extra early to accompany you to breakfast and/or your first class.
… would run through the halls to get to you as quickly as possible if you didn’t have the same classes.
… would probably also threaten someone that made you feel uncomfortable or belittle them in front of a crowd, always watching them rush away with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Don’t worry, babe. He deserved that.”
Tom …
… doesn’t notice your admirers at first. But when he does … he hates it. Absolutely detests the attention you get.
… would find it annoying and inconvenient.
… would drag you along if someone tried talking to you and just force you away from that person.
… would scare everyone who approaches you – and due to his friends and minions he always knows about everything – even if he wasn’t with you when it happened.
… would definitely murder someone if they took it too far without batting an eye.
“The annoying Gryffindor boy disappeared? How curious.”
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andillneverbethesame · 3 months
❥ draco malfoy x reader
❥ warnings; oral sex, implied vaginal sex, not reread — may contain gramatical mistakes
❥ word count; 2,3k
❥ a/n; ik i should be prob writing your ts requests but i've been listening to casual by chappel roan sm lately and got idea for this fic sorry for the second smut not being written. i realized how much i don't like writing it.
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you and your dear friend daphne greengrass were seated in the slytherin's common room sofa, doing your potion's homework on the last minute.
"ugh, does snape hate us? this is an awful homework!" daphne complained with her head in her hands.
"i agree," you spoke. "this is taking forever. and i gotta meet draco in-" you checked your watch "-fifteen minutes."
daphne sighed, making you glance at her with a raised eyebrow.
"got a problem, greengrass?"
she stared at you, contemplaining on what she should say. "i think you're a loser that you're still hanging around and let him treat you like that."
daphne didn't like draco before this thing between you two even started, none of your friends did. but they hate him even more, knowing he's wiping the floor with you.
"you don't know how sweet he actually is," you tried to convince her. and a bit yourself, too.
"it's a facade."
in that moment, you could see from the corner of your eye two girls walking past you and eyeing you up and down.
"do you think it's serious between her and malfoy?" asked one the other.
"nah. nott said malfoy told him she's just a girl he bangs on his couch." answered the other.
you froze. this was so humiliating. you could only hope that those were just rumours and draco never said anything like that to theodore. you could ask nott, but you doubt he would tell you if he really heard him say that. him and draco were the best of friends.
you met daphne's look that clearly said, "i told you so."
"oh, fuck off!" you packed your things and left the common room.
draco said to meet him in the library, so that's where you were heading. on your way there, you tried your best to ignore the looks and the whispers of other people. it was a date night, after all. you were determined not to let your mood be ruind by silly things like that.
the library was quiet as always. you always thought draco asked to meet you there because it's such a calm, romantic place. plus, both you and draco loved reading so you'd spent your date time like that. however, daphne suggested a few weeks ago that the reason draco wanted to meet in the library, was the fact that there weren't much people in the evening hours, so no one would see you there. you could only hope that that wasn't the case.
you found him at his usual spot in the right back corner of the library.
but he was not alone.
he was seated at the table while pansy parkinson was sitting on the table with her legs crossed. you could see her fingers slightly lifting up her skirt, revealing her underwear. and the worst thing was: draco was looking. and by the way he smirked and licked his lips, he liked it.
rage filled your entire body but you decided to play it cool. you put on a smile and made your way over to them.
"hey, pansy," you said, still smiling brightly. "didn't expect to see you here. haven't you got a better thing to do than flirting with other girl's man?"
she rolled her eyes and got off the table. she send draco a wink and blew him a kiss before leaving.
you huffed and took a seat opposite to draco. he continued on reading his book, but as if he could feel the daggers you've been sending through his head, he lifted his gaze.
"what?" he asked, acting clueless.
"care to explain why it looked like if i didn't walk in you two would be shagging each other's brains out?"
"we wouldn't." you swore you could see his eyes crinkling. what a fucking liar. "why do you care anyway? are you jealous?"
"yeah, i am!" you admitted. "we are together. you have me. so why do you still cave other's girl attention so badly?"
he snorted. "we're not together."
you froze, feeling humiliated once again. this was so embarassing you wished you had the ability to melt into the ground. but you didn't. all you could do was stare at him for a few seconds before letting a faint "oh" leave your lips. you couldn't help it. tears started to form in the corners of your eyes.
draco saw that. "i'm sorry, baby. i told you no attachment." his arm reached over the table and placed it over yours.
"i know. you're right. i'm sorry," you apologized although you had nothing to apologize for.
draco stood up from his seat and kneeled in front of you. "it's okay, i forgive you. you're someone i couldn't lose." and then, his hands went to the sides of your face and his lips to yours. although, you were deep down still feeling angry. the feeling of his kiss made it vanish.
"oh merlin!"
you were in draco's limousine, your legs were over the boy's shoulders and his head was between your thighs. you gripped his blonde hair. he was truly a master at this. his tongue worked perfectly on you, eating you out as if he was starved and as if he never tasted anything better.
you were sure his fingers would leave a mark from the tight hold on your outer thighs. but you didn't mind. it would be there to remind you of the best head of your life.
his tongue flicked over your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body each time he touched that one spot that caused you to see heaven. your eyes were rolled to the back of your head as your nails dugged into the skin of his shoulders. you were close to the edge despite it being only five minutes.
your glassy eyes watched him. it was truly a wonderful sight that could alone make you come. and then, his icy blue eyes met yours. and that was all you needed to fall apart under his touch.
when you finally collected yourself and draco wiped his mouth with a napkin he pulled from the back pocket of his pants, you two sat in silence with your head on his shoulder and his arm around your body. this was one of the moments you refused to believe that draco believed it was casual. him kissing the top of your head, his fingers intertwined with yours, him smiling when you drew a heart on the limousine's foggy window-
"would you like to meet my mother?"
-him asking you to meet his mother-
wait. what?
your eyes went wide as you pulled away from his embrace. "what?"
he shrugged. "my mum wants to meet you."
you raised an eyebrow and smiled. "you told your mum about me?" that was surprising. i mean, sure, you told your mum about him too, but that was different. this meant everything to you while it meant very little to nothing to draco.
"no," he shook his head and your smile dropped. "i'd bet all my money it was zabini or nott."
"oh, right. well, if you'd like me to, i'd like to meet your mum."
"great," he nodded. "i think you'd like her. i'm not so sure about my dad but. . ." he didn't finish his sentence and you didn't ask kim, knbowing how the relationship between him and lucius was.
you were about to meet his parents. was it still casual?
you gasped at the sight of the malfoy manor. it was twice bigger than you expected. the gate opened and you two walked in to the property.
"how rich are you?" you asked him, still gaping.
"enough to never have to work for the rest of my life," he replied with a smirk.
"hm, i'd like that."
and then, your mind began on creating fantasies again. you were dumb. but you loved it. you dreamt of you and draco in a year, after you two graduate. you dreamt of living together and it didn't have to be in a manor large like this one. it could be in a room at three broomsticks. it didn't matter as long as you two were together. and then, maybe you two would be something. and he'd show you off to everyone.
you blushed at the thought. these fantasies are fatal.
draco opened the large door to the manor and you two walked in. for some reason, it was a bit colder than the outside air but you could imagine yourself spending time there.
"mother?" draco called out but there was no response. but then, an elf walked into the hallway and the boy asked him, "dobby, where are mother and father?"
"t-they are out, mr malfoy. they are taking care of some business," he replied, his voice shaking.
draco nodded, looking as if he knew what business the elf was talking about. he turned to you and said, "let's go. we'll wait in my room."
he took a hold of your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, making fireworks explode inside of you.
his room was quite small compared to the other rooms in the manor, but it was very cozy anyway. he had the dark walls covered with posters of his favourite quidditch team and also with pictures. you took your time walking around and exploring. there were countless of photographs with him and his friends, two or three with his mother (zero with his father) and one with. . .
it was a photo of you two on one of slytherin's party, before you started hooking up, you were sitting on the common's room sofa with your arm around him and his hand on your knee. you already fancied him at this point. the look in your eyes as you gazed at him couldn't be missed.
you really did love him.
you turned around, still smiling. you found him sitting on his bed so you took the advantage and began to straddle him. his head hit the matress as his hands gripped your hips. your fingers found its way to his colar, untying his tie.
"what do you say to a little fun before dinner?"
"draco!" female voice echoes through the manor. "we're home! you can come downstairs!"
you two spent the last fifteen minutes in his bed, in silence.
"well, we definitely can't come down looking like this." you both were still naked, not bothering to put on your clothes just yet. your hair were a mess and your lipstick was smudged from the endless making out.
you got up to find your clothes since they were scattered everywhere across the floor.
"have you seen my bra?" you asked draco after you found your panties. you saw him holding it, expecting to give it to you. but instead of that, he send you a wink, turned around and put it in one of his drawer.
a light laugh slip passed your lips. "you dick. that's my favourite one!"
"well," he shrugge, "it's mine now, sorry."
you rolled your eyes and slipped on your maroon dress. this one was a gift from draco for your birthday.
right after that, you grabbed your clutch and walked into the bathroom to fix your appearance.
"a question," you called out to draco.
"what did you say to your mum?"
"what do you mean?"
"well," you paused to put on your lipstick. "what did you tell her about us and our relationship status?"
he leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms on his chest. "what would i tell her? i didn't tell her anything."
"oh. . . then what. . . are we?"
you heard him sigh. "y/n, why do you expect another answer? we're casual. i told you that at least a hundred times."
a perfect evening ruined by one fucking word.
you were so done with this.
"casual?" you repeated, turning around to face him. "i'm about to meet your fucking parents, draco. what the fuck do you mean that we're casual? do i mean nothing more to you than an occasional shag? why, draco, why?"
"i told you, i'm not ready for a relationship," he tried to reason.
"not ready for a relationship? you like ten girlfriends before me, how can you be not ready? at least tell the truth and say you don't want to be with me."
"oh merlin." he exhaled. "you know that's not true. why are you so bitter about it?"
"i'm meeting your parents," you repeated for the second time. "you take me out on dates, you buy me an expensive dress, you even talked about a future with me in it once but then you say it's casual and you wonder why i'm bitter?"
"but i told you countless times we're not together-"
"draco!" his mother's voice called again.
"we'll be there in a minute!" he yelled. his voice sounded a bit harsher than he intented it to be. "i tell you we're not together all the time and you always say it's fine. but i can tell it's obviously not. so why are you still hanging around?"
you nodded. "you know what? you're right. i tried hard to be the calm girl that holds her tongue and gives you space, but honestly? i'm not. and i'm exhausted of pretending to be in case you change your mind one day and tell me you wanna be with me." you began to pack your things.
"wait. don't." you stopped, hoping he'll say the right things. but the next words were a dissapointment. "what do i tell my parents?"
you shrugged. "say what you tell to your friends. it's casual. so there's really no point in meeting them." you walked past him with a sweet fake smile and before he could say anything, you were out of sight.
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claymoresword · 4 months
I Choose Her | Epilogue
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: time jump, smut, porn very little plot, draco & y/n , kid fic coded, y/n & hermione endgame obv
Note: Hi, so this is an epilogue in theory but i think what it ended up being is just an open ended conclusion. Which doesn't sound promising, but it also just means that there will more for me to expand on (for side chapters) so it's exciting! The main series is now concluded but i am nowhere near done with writing Hermione x Y/n within this particular universe that I've cultivated. Long story short: more to come!
Eitherway, hope you enjoy this one ;)
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1 @t-wylia @raven-ss @unexpected-character @brocoliisscared @aki-ham @theheartwants-what-itwants
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Hermione turns towards the commotion in the living room, standing from her seat abruptly with her voice raised.
“Hugo! Give Scorpius a turn or I will shut that entire thing off, this is my final warning.” She asserts as the children bickered amongst themselves– fighting over the Playstation controller.
“Yes mother..” Your son mumbles, begrudgingly passing the controller over to his friend.
You lift the rim of the mug you are clutching up to your lips, masking your amusement at the display– your son has never taken to the idea of sharing; even with his own sister.
As anticipated, your attempt proves fruitless when you are caught on the receiving end of Hermione's narrowed gaze.
“Don't you dare laugh, he takes after you.” Hermione remarks as she pokes at your stomach, and your expression instinctively contorts in mock offense.
You soon turn to Draco and his wife, who remain sat across from you.
“Do you hear the way she speaks to me?” You retaliate in jest, earning a light slap to the arm from Hermione.
Astoria does grace you with a laugh, whether forced or not, you accept it as a small triumph.
Draco remains impartial, quickly redirecting the conversation.
“I've never understood those things” He gestures to the game console, and then the television it is attached to.
“I mean, when Y/n and I were their age we actually spent time outside.” Draco adds and you can't contain a scoff.
“Right, and you tormented me.” You contend, not allowing your best friend the chance to rewrite history simply to impress his wife.
“Did not.” Draco denies regardless.
You feel Hermione’s hand glide across your shoulders, causing them to relax involuntarily. Soon her fingers are delicately toying with your ear. A habit she had picked up over the years– one constantly reassuring, in an odd way.
“You were a nightmare.” You insist, leaning back in your chair, and Draco possesses enough cheek to appear affronted.
“I was a delight.” He claims defensively. This time it is Hermione who scoffs, and you allow yourself a smirk of satisfaction.
It is now two against one.
Astoria chuckles once more, hiding a smile behind her hand as she glances between you and your wife.
“Darling, I do find that hard to believe.. you seem to forget that we went to the same school, and Hogwarts was never immune to gossip.” She coos, turning to her husband, and Draco redirects his attention to her.
“Oh, now you're ganging up on me too?” He accuses, and you watch as Astoria smooths her hand across Draco's chest, up to the collar of his shirt. Without saying much else, she kisses him, and that quickly puts an end to the debate at hand.
You clear your throat, shifting in your seat as the couple escalated in their displays of affection.
You turn to Hermione, and she gives you a similar look in return, eventually nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck, an effort to escape the discomfort.
“I would say it's time for dessert but it appears they've already started.” Your quip, a whisper only for Hermione's ears.
Your wife stifles her laughter against your shoulder, glacing at the couple again, who remain in a full lip lock, oblivious to the world around them.
“Do you think they'd notice if you and I just got up and left right now?” Hermione asks, and you grin. Feeling inspired and overcome with the want to feel her mouth against your own.
“Probably not,” You respond, now leaning in to kiss her. Lightly at first, but as your hand slips around her waist, Hermione’s mouth opens wider, inviting your tongue.
You pull an involuntary moan out of her, causing your own smile to form mid kiss. Hermione breathes in sharply at the realization, before feebly shoving you away with her palm against your chest.
She is flushed, her chest heaving. Even after all the years of marriage; you'll never tire from watching this gorgeous woman blush.
Hermione averts her gaze, as if overwhelmed by your stare, and your smile only widens.
“I'll go fetch the cake.” Your wife says suddenly, her hand falls from your shoulder as she rises from her seat.
You can only watch as she disappeared into the kitchen.
Your own heart, pounding.
Seventeen years since you first met, and yet your pull towards Hermione remained formidable; your bond, unbreakable.
Seventeen years.
Your smile remains as you go to take another large swig from your mug. Draco and his wife have since stopped kissing, now instead whispering in secrecy to each other.
You roll your eyes, beginning to forget the point of inviting them today.
“Boys, dessert!” You bark, easily capturing Scorpious and Hugo's attention.
Now your son and his friend race towards the dinner table, disovering something new to squabble about.
Soon, Hermione emerges from the kitchen, a large lemon cake in one hand a stack of plates in another.
You then turn around in your seat to address your daughter. She had been a few paces away, sitting quietly by the window. Her nose in her book, as she often is. “Darling, do you want any cake?”
“Yes, please.” Rose replies simply, without looking up.
Your daughter; truly every bit like her mother. In both temperament, and appearance. Blessed with Hermione's rich curly hair and her gentle eyes. She's assertive as much as she is kind.
Your heart soars everytime you look at her, yet you are also overcome with the urge to weep all the same, for reasons unbeknownst to you.
Perhaps it was the cost of unconditional love, the price every parent had to pay. An impending burden that you could only do so much to ignore.
The fact is your daughter will not remain pristine and unspoiled forever. Life frowns upon innocence, it is bound to be stripped away from her; a violent and inescapable fate.
Change is a torturous and ugly thing, it is a challenge everyone must endure, no matter what you try to tell yourself.
“What's wrong?” Hermione's concern pulls you out your thoughts, you feel her hand grasping your arm.
You force yourself to smile, shaking your head dismissively. Now aware of Draco and Astoria's quizzical eyes on you.
“Nothing, I was just thinking.” You assure, resuming your position next to her at the table.
You let out a breath of relief as Hugo finally slips into a slumber in your arms. You gently lift him to lay your son on his bed properly, subsequently draping the covers over him.
Shutting the book in your hand, you set it down on his nightstand, wary not to make too much noise.
“Goodnight, sweet boy.” You utter quietly, threading your fingers through his hair before placing a tender kiss upon his forehead.
Your son remains asleep as you exit his bedroom and gently shut the door behind you.
You roll your shoulders as you start down the stairs, stifling a groan at the ache.
However, any feelings of discomfort dissipate once you catch sight of Hermione, standing by the sink, still busy with the dishes.
“Do you need my help?” You offer as you step through the kitchen, rolling up your sleeves in preparation.
Hermione throws you a quick glance before replying. “No, thank you, I'm almost done.” Your wife says as she rinses the final traces of soap off a plate before propping it onto the drying rack.
Your stare soon turns incredulous as you approach your wife.
“I don't understand– you'd get the dishes done twice as quickly if you used your wand.. you won't even have to stand by the sink to do that.”
You remark, now standing close enough to Hermione that you can smell the familiar and welcomed scent of her hair.
“I prefer to wash them the normal way, I suppose I'm just used to it.” She explains and you let out a huff.
You needed no more proof that your wife is indeed, muggle-born.
“So odd.” You tease in return, Hermione lets out a breathless chuckle as you wrap your arms around her torso.
Your breasts pressing up against her back as you embrace her tightly from behind.
You observed as Hermione washed all traces of dish soap off her hands before turning off the faucet.
“Is Hugo asleep?” Your wife asks, and you nod. You hear the subtle way her breath catches in her throat as you kiss her neck.
“He did put up a brave fight, but he's out.” You quip.
Hermione’s chuckle morphs into a proper gasp as you slipped your hand underneath her shirt, cupping her breast, her nipple quickly growing hard from your touch.
Your wife merely leans further into you, allowing you better access to her neck.
“I don't think I got the chance to tell you how gorgeous you looked today.. I liked the dress.” You admit, nipping lightly at the column of her throat.
Hermione lets out a satisfied hum, pressing her rear harder against your groin, as she reaches back, her hand finds the nape of your neck. “I had a feeling you'd enjoy it.”
“Well, I did. You always look beautiful.” You state, expertly kneading her other breast, drawing a breathless moan from your wife; one that drives you half-mad with need.
“Fuck, you're perfect.” You praise her again, lips still brushing against her neck.
You swiftly shift your hand lower, unlacing her pajama bottoms, she lets you do so, quietly, for a moment.
“Even now? Even after how much my body has changed from bearing our children?” Hermione asks.
Ever since the birth of your son, insecurity has polluted her– and you find it entirely unwarranted.
Hermione is flawless, she deserves to feel beautiful and you aim to remind her of it everyday.
“Especially now.” You persist, finally slipping your hand inside her underwear.
Hermione lets out a louder moan as you boldly palm her heat, feeling how wet she is already.
She whimpers as your finger prods at her entrance. Your wife grips a fistful of your hair, her other hand firmly on the edge of the sink to steady herself.
“The children–” Hermione pants, her voice strained with arousal. Her words of concern do not match the way she is grinding against your hand ever so slightly.
“–are sound asleep in their beds.” You assure, finally entering with another finger.
Hermione’s hips buck against your touch as you are now knuckle deep inside of her. Broken gasps of pleasure is all she can manage as you begin pumping, slowly, in and out.
Your wife lets loose an unrestrained moan as you curl your fingers. You watch as she bites her bottom lip in an attempt to conceal her sounds of pleasure.
You can't help but groan at the sight.
It is near agony– no one should ever be this enticing.
Time is unrelenting to some, and cruel to most. Yet it has been generous to her; your wife has truly only gotten more desirable with age.
“You're so intoxicating..” You allow your own desires to speak.
Then, you place a lingering peck on her cheek, simultaneously pulling another loud moan from Hermione before she guides you in for a kiss, one on the mouth, desperate and hungry.
You consume her gasps and whimpers as you continue pumping in and out of her at a steady, yet urgent, pace.
Eventually, your thumb finds her clit, you begin rubbing in a circular motion in tandem, and soon, Hermione can no longer kiss you properly.
She is reduced to mewls and pants. She removes her fingers from your hair, letting her arm fall to her side before harshly gripping the hem of your shirt.
In truth, your wife could just as well shred the fabric to pieces and you simply wouldn't care.
Hermione's fingers graze your abdomen, and it is only then you notice that it was her clumsy attempt to undress you, but her plans are soon destabilized as a wave of pleasure wrecks her body anew.
You are now forced to place a hand over her mouth as your wife begins to tremble. She is close. You could feel it in the way her cunt was clenching around your fingers, almost painfully so.
“Come.. come for me, beautiful.” You urge, your breath against her ear; that is all it took for Hermione to surrender herself to her climax.
As she moans against your hand, you find yourself taking in the way her chest heaved violently, her fingers digging into the counter till her knuckles turned a pale white– utterly vulnerable, and breathtaking, and she is all yours.
“My god, y/n–” Hermione curses once she has gained enough of her strength back.
Even so, your wife continues to rest some of her weight against you, and you are happy to provide her the support.
Hermione mewls into your kiss as you pull your fingers out of her. She watches through hooded eyes as you pull away so you could take your digits into your mouth, tasting her release.
Your wife turns around fully, resting her back against the counter as she continues to observe you. Her arousal, searing and visceral.
Desire shrouds the both of you, impairing all sense and judgment. It doesn't take long at all before Hermione is on you once more. As soon as you remove your fingers from your mouth, she replaces it with her tongue.
Hermione swallows your noises of pleasure as she finds the hem of your shirt once again, this time successfully pulling it over your head before discarding it, heedless and uncaring.
Her hands quickly find your breasts as she trails wet, languid kisses along your jaw and eventually your neck.
You are aroused beyond belief, and you can hardly think– you want to slip your fingers inside of your wife once more, you need to feel her, taste her. and you need it now.
As your mouths make contact once more, you prop your hand firmly underneath Hermione's thigh, lifting her in one swift motion, setting her on top of the kitchen counter.
Hermione lets you remove her shirt in record time, you fling it out of your grasp in a similarly incautious manner, not heeding where it lands before your mouth makes contact with her nipple.
You licked and sucked at it eagerly, with primal and unchecked want. A string of trembling moans from your wife urge you on, she gasps as you shift your attention to her other breast before just barely mustering enough to speak.
“No– wait, not here.” Hermione gasps, pulling your head back, her chest now wet and glistening from your saliva.
Before you can respond with something coherent, your wife kisses you again, open-mouthed and deep, but it ends far sooner than you'd like. Happily, her next words easily make up for it.
“Take me to bed.”
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There’s something different about Potter.
Draco heard the other boy had spent the summer before seventh year at some sort of student duelling program in Russia. Maybe he was hit with a lingering giddiness spell. Or he hit his head and is even more of an idiot than before.
Stupid Potter, with his stupid smiles.
The other boy is often writing letters or in the owlery, and the amount of owlpost he receives is far greater than in previous years. Weasley and Granger keep giving him looks when he gets a letter or a package, too. Maybe Potter made a new friend and the golden trio’s about to fall apart.
(Draco keeps his fingers crossed for that option.)
The first morning that’s chilly enough to necessitate a muffler, it all becomes clear. 
Draco spots Potter, Granger, and the Weasel in the courtyard during a free period. “Oi, Potter – what’s with the scarf? Gryffindor doesn’t want you any more?”
Instead of the expected red and gold, the muffler wrapped around Potter’s stupid head is navy with black trim.
Weasley, predictably, turns a startling shade of red; Potter and Granger roll their eyes at him.
“Wow, Malfoy, top-notch insult. Slytherin’s best never ceases to impress,” Potter deadpans.
“That’s one way to say you know nothing about the colours of other magical schools,” Granger snipes. “How expectedly Anglocentric of you.”
“Harry’s boyfriend is–”
What. “Boyfriend?”
“Ron…” Potter sighs, and oh, he is blushing.
Draco sneers. “Oh, a boyfriend at Koldovstoretz, eh? I’ve heard that one before.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Weasley growls.
“How pathetic, making up a fake boyfriend.”
“Why would I make up a boyfriend?” Potter says incredulously. “I don’t care whether other people know about Vee or not.”
“Just ignore him, boys,” Granger says, and the three do just that, to Draco’s indignation.
Pshah, like anyone would be interested in dating Potter.
…And what kind of a name is ‘Vee,’ anyway?
But, as becomes obvious in early November, someone actually is interested in dating Potter. Or the scruffy git is so desperate to prove his boyfriend is real that he has someone pretend to send him a Howler love letter. Either way, it’s downright embarrassing to hear across the Great Hall - almost enough to put him off his breakfast.
Potter opens the red parchment cautiously, but relaxes as soon as he hears the voice it contains.
“Hello, darling,” the Howler says in a smooth, cultured voice, with the barest hint of an accent. Draco swears it sounds a little familiar. “I wanted to wish you good luck for your first quidditch game of the season. I know you’ll do phenomenally. One day, I’ll be in the stands, but for now know I am there in spirit, zolotse.”
Several other students swoon and start tittering to each other over the romantic cheesy message. Really, how sweet crass to send that schlock as a Howler, forcing everyone to hear it.
Stupid Potter and his stupid Russian boyfriend.
He was planning to cheer for Ravenclaw in today’s match anyway, but now he really hopes they crush Potter and his merry band of Gryffindorks.
(They do not. Draco is irritated for the rest of the weekend.)
The Hogwarts Express is nearly empty of students excited to be home for Yule, and Draco is doing a final check of the carriages when he sees it. He rushes outside to make sure it wasn’t an illusion some brat placed on the window, but no. That’s Tom Riddle, five-time IMC schools' duelling champion and Koldovstoretz’s wunderkind. And he’s embracing Potter.
Draco must make some sound, because Potter is suddenly facing him with his wand out.
“Malfoy, what the hell?”
“That’s– You–” he gapes. “Tom Riddle is your boyfriend?? He’s not Russian at all!”
“Who is this?” Riddle says, frowning at Draco, before turning the frown on Potter. “You haven’t told your friends we’re dating?”
Potter wrinkles his nose. “That’s not my friend, that’s Draco Malfoy.”
Understanding dawns in Riddle’s eyes and the frown dissipates.
Doubly rude.
“And everyone knows we’re dating. You sent a Howler to me at breakfast - the whole school heard it." Riddle looks so damn smug about that. "And people keep telling me to stop talking about it because of how ‘disgustingly soppy I am over you’ – their words.”
Riddle gives him a warm look. “Zaichik…”
“Your boyfriend’s name is ‘Vee!’” Draco insists. “How would anyone know that meant Tom freaking Riddle??”
“Because that’s what I call him? That’s what he likes to be called?” Potter says slowly, staring at Draco like he's grown an extra head. “I wasn’t aware all of Hogwarts needed to know his full name.”
He throws his arms up. “Unbelievable. How do you function on a day-to-day basis,” he mutters as he walks over to his mother, whose presence helps settle his vexed nerves. 
His only consolation is that he won’t have to see or hear about Potter for the next few weeks.
The first morning back from winter holidays, Potter receives another Howler. 
“Good morning, solnyshko. I’ve just gotten back to St. Petersburg and thought I’d drop you a line to wish you a good start to the term. I’m already counting the days until I see you again. 
“Yours, Tom Marvolo Riddle.”
“What?” someone squawks. 
Several different voices shout, “Tom Riddle?!” 
The sound of Potter’s embarrassed groan carries over the din. “Vee…”
Draco sits back and enjoys the chaos. At least one of those two love-struck idiots understands how these things work.
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hyacintheros · 3 months
Child of the Stars
|| (Regulus Black x Fem!Reader)
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Main Masterlist
Word Count: 0.7k
P.S: A little blurb I was thinkin of c:
She brushes her nails on his scalp, massaging and scrubbing the soap in. Rinsing out the bubbles, she gives the nape of his neck a nice pull, loosening any tense muscles. His wife wrings out the water from his hair, applies conditioner, and leaves it in for a few minutes.
“Ow! What was that for!?” Regulus holds his cheek, trying to soothe the pinch. She looks at him, ready to beat him with the conditioner still in his hair. “D'you know what Sirius said? He told me he saw you getting ice cream with Draco! You guys went without me..” his wife pouts.
“Really? That's what you're upset over? You were at Lily's place! What was I supposed to do, not get him ice cream??” Regulus pouts back, thankful his wife isn't actually angry. Merlin knows what she'll do to his hair when angry, shuddering at the thought, praying for his precious hair currently in her hands.
She rinses out the conditioner, giving his scalp one final scrub before wrapping it up in a cute pink towel, one she bought to tease him about. “Would it make you feel better if we went out for ice cream?” He kisses her forehead in a means to make amends. She smiles at him, happy and bubbly for ice cream.
“D'you want help drying your hair?” The girl mumbles as she cleans up the huge bowl of water and products, doing this once a week for Regulus. They find that washing his hair is a nice bonding activity to wind down from the week, just basking in each other's presence.
“Could you help, please? My curls look nicer when you do them..” They move to the bedroom, she sits on the edge of the bed while he sits on the ground below her, head facing the other way. “Pass me the creme, darling,” he grabs the dark purple container, opening it for her and holding it up so she can dip her fingers into the product.
Regulus’ head falls gently onto her lap, breathing having evened out, too blissed out to stop himself from falling asleep. His wife chuckles softly, scrunching his hair gently and palming at his nape to help him feel better. She lets him sleep, putting a towel on her thighs to protect his hair.
“I'm going to kick your shin if you don't get up from my lap.” Regulus chooses to ignore this threat, instead turning his head around to nuzzle it into her stomach, mumbling incoherent words. “Reggie! My feet are asleep, please!” He relents, just a little bit, standing up by and stretching his back.
“Old man,” his wife mumbles, also getting up to stretch. “You promised me ice cream, you know.” He pulls her in for a sleepy, discombobulated hug, shushing her. “Same place..?” He whispers into her hair, still physically in a different realm. She nods, giving a little kiss to his cheek where she pinched an hour before.
They both grab a coat, not in the mood to change as their coats cover them all the way to their ankles. “It's cold out and you still want ice cream? Truly a well oiled machine, you are” he snickers at her, apperating them to the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley.
Walking in, the smell of handmade waffle cones and sweet cream fill the air, temperature even colder inside. “Oh look, they've got a new flavour!” She points out to the glass divider, a swirly black ice cream with gold shimmers in it. The couple have been coming to the same ice cream shop for a decade, having tasted every flavour, new and old. 
Regulus knows that look on his wife's face, having seen it a million times. Turning to the scooper, he says, “Could we get one Black Cherry Cheesecake scoop on a waffle.. and the new flavour- Child of the Stars? in a cup please.” He didn't see the name of the ice cream before, a bit ironic, he thinks.
Serving their ice creams, the boy behind the glass screen rings them up, “11 sickles please,” and Regulus pulls out his membership card, scanning it then paying for his tab. Grabbing the ice creams, they approach their signature table, one the couple have sat at almost every time they come.
Staring at his wife, he can't help but laugh at her expression, clearly confused by the flavour of her ice cream, not being able to place the actual taste. It's days like today that Regulus feels it was worth it, pushing through the hardest of what life had to offer, just to end up back in her arms.
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the-sleepy-archivist · 7 months
Blocking Ads on Mobile Devices
Blocking ads on our phones is way harder than it should be so I figured I'd make some recommendations. These are not the only options out there, just the ones that I know and use.
Please note that browser-level and system-level adblocking are complementary; you'll have the best experience if you use both of them together as they each block different things in different places. If you want a basic idea of how effective your combined adblocking setup is, you can visit this website in your mobile browser.
Lastly, there is some additional advice/info under the readmore if you're curious (EDIT: updated June 2024 to add info about sideloading altered versions of social media apps that don't contain ads on Android and iOS).
uBlock Origin (for Firefox)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
Blokada 5 (completely free version) OR Blokada 6 (has some newer features but they require a subscription)
AdGuard (Safari extension; free for basic browser-level blocking, requires a subscription for custom filters)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
AdGuard (requires subscription for system-level blocking)
AdGuard DNS only (this is free and does not require the AdGuard app, BUT I would only recommend it for advanced users, as you can't easily turn it off like you can with the app. Credit to this Reddit thread for the DNS profile)
Some additional info: browser-level blocking is a browser addon or extension, like you might be used to from a desktop computer. This inspects the HTML code returned by websites and searches for patterns that identify the presence of an ad or other annoyance (popup videos, cookie agreements, etc.). System-level blocking is almost always DNS-based. Basically whenever an app asks your phone's OS to make a connection to a website that is known for serving ads, the system-level blocker replies "sorry, I don't know her 🤷‍♂️💅" and the ad doesn't get downloaded. This works in most places, not just a browser, but be warned that it might make your battery drain a little faster depending on the app/setup.
Each of those types of blocking has strengths and weaknesses. System-level DNS blocking blocks ads in all apps, but companies that own advertising networks AND the websites those ads are served on can combine their services into the same domain to render DNS blocking useless; you can’t block ads served by Facebook/Meta domains without also blocking all of Facebook and Instagram as well because they made sure their ads are served from the same domain as all the user posts you actually want to see. Similarly, browser-level blocking can recognize ads by appearance and content, regardless of what domain they’re served from, so it can block them on Instagram and Facebook. However, it needs to be able to inspect the content being loaded in order to look for ads, and there’s no way to do that in non-browser apps. That’s why using both together will get you the best results.
These limitations do mean that you can’t block ads in the Facebook or Instagram apps, unfortunately, only in the website versions of them visited in your browser. It also means ads served by meta’s/facebook’s ad network in other apps can’t be blocked either (unless you're one of the rare beasts who doesn't use facebook or instagram or threads, in which case feel free to blacklist all Meta/FB domains and watch your ads disappear 😍; I'm jealous and in awe of you lol).
One note: some apps may behave unpredictably when they can't download ads. For example, the Tumblr app has big black spaces where the ads are, and sometimes those spaces collapse as you scroll past them and it messes up scrolling for a few seconds (UPDATE: looks like the scrolling issue may have actually been a Tumblr bug that they have now fixed, at least on iOS). Still way less annoying than getting ads for Draco Malfoy seduction roleplay AI chatbots imo though. And honestly *most* apps handle this fairly gracefully, like a mobile game I play just throws error messages like "ad is not ready" and then continues like normal.
One final note: on Android, you may actually be able to find hacked versions of Meta’s apps that have the ad frameworks removed. In some cases they are a little janky (unsurprisingly, apps don’t always take kindly to having some of their innards ripped out by a third-party), and they are often out of date. BUT in return you get an Instagram app with no ads whatsoever, and some of them even add additional features like buttons for saving IG videos and photos to your phone. However, use these apps at your own risk, as there is functionally no way to validate the code that the third-parties have added or removed from the app. Example altered IG app (I have not vetted this altered app, it's just a popular option): link.
It is technically possible to install altered apps on iOS as well, but Apple makes it much, much harder to do (unless you are jailbroken, which is a whole different ballgame). I'm not going to cover sideloading or jailbreaking here because even I as a very techy person eventually grew tired of messing with it or having to pay for it. If you're interested you can read more about the different ways to do sideloading on iOS here.
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herstoryheaven · 28 days
Draco Malfoy x Reader: Venom And Vulnerability
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Prompt: Y/n, a Muggle-born Slytherin, struggles to fit in among pure-bloods, especially under the torment of Draco Malfoy. As their rivalry evolves into something deeper, Draco becomes Y/n's unexpected source of comfort, leading to an unlikely romance.
Reader: Gender Neutral
Word count: 3259
Average reading time: 11 min 50 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes of emotional distress, bullying, and manipulation. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
The Slytherin common room was as cold as ever, the air thick with whispers and sneers. I sat in my usual corner, pretending to read a book I had no interest in. My eyes drifted over the same sentence repeatedly, unable to focus as the flames in the fireplace flickered, casting chilling shadows across the stone walls. This place had always felt more like a cage than a home.
It wasn’t easy being a muggle-born in Slytherin. From the moment the sorting hat declared “Slytherin!” on my first day, the room had gone deadly silent. The weight of all those eyes on me had been suffocating. I had tried to shake off the discomfort, standing tall and proud, but deep down, I knew that my life in Slytherin was going to be a constant battle.
The pure-bloods saw me as a freak, a mistake. It didn’t matter how well I performed in classes or how hard I tried to fit in. They only saw my blood status, something that, in their eyes, made me less than them. And no one reminded me of that more often than Draco Malfoy.
“Oi, Y/n, can’t you find somewhere else to lurk?” Pansy Parkinson’s shrill voice cut through the common room like a knife. She was sitting with Daphne Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode, all of them staring at me with matching sneers.
I looked up, meeting her gaze with a cold glare. “This is my common room too, Parkinson. I’ll sit wherever I please.”
She snorted, her lips curling in disapproval. “You’d think with your background, you’d be more… respectful to your betters.”
Millicent and Daphne giggled, a sharp, mocking sound that grated against my nerves. I felt a surge of anger rising within me, the kind that burned hot and bright, but I forced it down. I wanted to lash out, to say something cutting, but I knew it would only make things worse. They thrived on my reactions, and I refused to give them the satisfaction.
Before I could respond, Malfoy walked over, his usual entourage of Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind him. His silver eyes locked onto mine, and I braced myself for whatever cruel remarks he had in store.
“Still playing pretend, Y/n?” Draco’s voice was smooth, laced with mockery. “I’m sure the professors find your little act amusing, but we all know the truth, don’t we?”
I clenched my fists, forcing myself to remain calm. “And what truth is that, Malfoy?”
He stepped closer, his presence looming over me like a storm cloud ready to burst. “That you don’t belong here. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be one of us.”
The words stung, more than I cared to admit. It felt like he had taken the doubts that plagued me every night and voiced them for the whole world to hear. But I wouldn’t let him see that. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “You don’t get to decide who belongs here, Malfoy.” I spat, my voice shaking slightly despite my best efforts.
His smirk widened, as if he could sense the cracks in my armor. “No, but the rest of us do. And it seems like the agreement is pretty clear.”
I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing the hurt in my eyes, so I looked away, staring at the flickering flames in the fireplace. They reflected in his eyes, cold and unyielding, as he leaned in closer.
“Leave her alone, Draco.” Blaise Zabini’s voice cut in from behind him. Blaise, one of the few Slytherins who didn’t actively partake in the daily harassment, stepped forward, his dark eyes narrowed at Draco.
Draco glanced at Blaise, his expression tightening for just a moment, something unreadable passing between them. He looked almost… conflicted. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by that infuriating smirk. “You’re lucky, Y/n.” he said, his tone cold and dismissive. “Zabini’s got a soft spot for lost causes.”
His words hit harder than they should have. They made me feel small, insignificant, like a mistake that shouldn’t even exist. But instead of breaking down, I felt anger build up, hot and blinding. I opened my mouth to snap back, to say something, anything, to wipe that smug look off his face, but the words died on my tongue.
Draco turned and walked away, his friends following after him like obedient shadows. I stayed rooted to the spot, the sting of his words lingering in the air long after he was gone. Blaise gave me a small nod before turning back to his book, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I knew he meant well, but his intervention only made things worse. It reminded me of how isolated I was in this house, how I was constantly in need of someone’s protection, as if I were some fragile thing that couldn’t stand on its own.
I tried to push the encounter out of my mind as I returned to my book, but the words blurred on the page, my frustration and hurt boiling just beneath the surface. I could feel the eyes of my housemates on me, their judgment like a physical weight pressing down on my shoulders. The walls of the common room seemed to close in, the air growing colder, heavier, with every passing second.
I couldn’t take it anymore. Slamming my book shut, I stood up abruptly, the noise echoing in the silent room. Heads turned in my direction, and I could feel their eyes on me, filled with judgment, disdain, and worst of all, pity.
Ignoring the whispered insults that followed me, I stormed out of the common room, my footsteps echoing harshly against the stone floors. I needed to get away, to find somewhere I could breathe, somewhere I didn’t feel the constant suffocation of their expectations and judgments on muggle-borns.
As I hurried away, I couldn’t help but glance back, just once. Draco was still watching me, his expression unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes, something that almost looked like regret. It caught me off guard, and for a moment, I hesitated, but then I shook my head, pushing the thought away. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. I couldn’t let myself believe that he cared, not after all these years.
The dungeons were dark and cold, the silence broken only by the echo of my footsteps as I wandered aimlessly. My thoughts swirled in a chaotic mess, a storm of anger, hurt, and confusion. How much longer could I keep this up? How much longer could I pretend that their words didn’t affect me?
I turned a corner and found myself in an empty classroom. The door creaked as I pushed it open, and I slipped inside, closing it behind me. The room was dimly lit by a few scattered candles, the shadows dancing on the walls like specters.
It was here, in the silence, that everything I had been holding back finally broke free. The anger, the pain, the loneliness, all of it came crashing down on me, and I collapsed against the wall, my knees giving out as the first sob escaped my lips.
I buried my face in my hands, my body shaking with the force of my cries. I had fought so hard to be strong, to prove that I belonged in Slytherin, but it felt like I was losing the battle. No matter what I did, it was never enough. They would never accept me, never see me as anything other than a Muggle-born intruder.
All I wanted was to belong, to feel like I had a place in this world that didn’t require me to constantly fight for every scrap of respect. But here, in the heart of Slytherin, surrounded by those who saw me as less than, I felt more alone than ever.
I sat there, my body trembling from the force of my sobs, when the door creaked open behind me. I was too lost in my misery to care who had found me, too consumed by the hurt to acknowledge their presence.
“Y/n.” Draco’s voice broke the silence, slicing through the darkness like a knife. My breath hitched in my throat, tension flooding my veins. Of all the people who could have walked in, he was the last person I wanted to see.
“Go away,” I choked out, my voice hoarse and broken. “Just… leave me alone.”
But instead of the retreating footsteps I longed to hear, I listened as the door closed softly, the sound final, like a lock clicking into place. His footsteps drew closer, slow and steady, and before I could react, I felt his hands on me. He pulled me into his chest with a firmness that made it clear he wasn’t planning to let go.
I stiffened in his arms, my entire body locking up at the unexpected contact. “Let me go.” I whispered, my voice barely audible as I weakly tried to push him away. But he didn’t budge. Instead, he held me tighter, the warmth of his body pressing against the cold that had settled in my bones, threatening to melt the ice that had formed around my heart.
“I’m not letting you go.” Draco murmured, his breath warm against my ear. His voice, usually so sharp and cutting, was surprisingly gentle, sending a shiver down my spine. “Not until you listen to me.”
I struggled against him, my fists feebly pounding against his chest, but it was no use. I was too drained, too tired to fight him, and fresh tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. “Why are you doing this?” I cried, my voice breaking under the weight of my despair. “Why now? After everything…”
“Because I’ve been a fool.” he confessed, his voice thick with an emotion I had never heard from him before, regret. “I’ve been blind, and I’ve hurt you in ways I can never take back. But I’m here now, Y/n. I’m here, and I’m not going to let you go.”
His words only made me cry harder, the fight draining out of me as I slumped against him, my hands clutching at his robes in desperation. It was as if he was the only thing keeping me from falling apart completely. “You don’t understand.” I sobbed, my voice muffled against his chest. “You’ll never understand…”
“Maybe not.” he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear in a way that sent another shiver down my spine. “But I want to. I want to make things right, Y/n. Please, just… let me.”
I shook my head, the pain in my chest overwhelming, crushing. “You can’t. It’s too late. I’m broken, Draco. I’m so tired of fighting…”
His arms tightened around me, his voice dropping to a low, soothing murmur as he held me close. “Then stop fighting, Y/n. Stop fighting me. And let me care for you.”
His words wrapped around me like a promise, tempting me to believe, to trust in something I wasn’t sure I could. “How can I trust you?” I whispered, my voice trembling as I looked up at him, my tear-streaked face searching his for any sign of deception.
Draco pulled back slightly, just enough to tilt my chin up with the tips of his fingers, forcing me to meet his gaze. His silver eyes, usually so cold and calculating, now held a sincerity that made my heart ache. “I know I don’t deserve your trust,” he said quietly, his thumb brushing softly against my cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “But I’m going to earn it, Y/n. Every day, I’m going to prove to you that I’m not the same person I was. Because you’re worth it. You’re worth everything.”
Before I could respond, he leaned in, his breath ghosting over my lips as he hovered there for a moment, giving me a chance to pull away. When I didn’t, he pressed his lips to mine, capturing my mouth in a kiss that was both tender and possessive, filled with all the things he couldn’t say.
The kiss stole the breath from my lungs, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. I was too shocked to respond at first, my mind struggling to catch up with the reality of what was happening. But then, something inside me snapped, and I found myself kissing him back, my hands fisting in his robes as I pulled him closer, clinging to him like he was the only solid thing in a world that had suddenly turned upside down.
Draco growled low in his throat, the sound vibrating against my lips as he deepened the kiss, his hand sliding up to tangle in my hair, holding me in place as he took control. His other hand trailed down my back, his touch firm and possessive, sending sparks of heat through my body.
He pulled away slightly, his lips hovering just over mine as he whispered, “You’re mine, Y/n. No one else’s. Do you understand?” His voice was low and rough, filled with a need that made my knees weak.
I nodded, unable to find my voice, too overwhelmed by the intensity in his eyes, the way he looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. He smirked, satisfied with how easily I gave in, and leaned in to press a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth, then my jaw, then lower, his lips trailing down the side of my neck.
My breath hitched as he found the sensitive spot just below my ear, his lips and teeth teasing the skin there. “Draco…” I whispered, my voice trembling as I clutched at him, unsure whether I was trying to pull him closer or push him away.
He hummed in response, the sound vibrating against my skin as he continued to pepper kisses along my neck, his hand sliding under my robes to caress the bare skin of my back. “I’ve got you.” he murmured, his voice soothing as he pulled me closer, his body pressing against mine in a way that made my head spin. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, not anymore. You’re safe with me.”
He tilted my head to the side, his lips brushing over my ear as he whispered, “You’re the princess of Slytherin now, my princess, and I’ll make sure you will always be happy and protected, Y/n. I swear it.”
His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in the feeling of his lips on my skin, the warmth of his body against mine. For the first time in a long time, I felt… safe. Protected. And as much as I wanted to hold onto my anger, my hurt, I found it slipping away, replaced by something softer, something that scared me even more.
Draco’s lips found mine again, and this time, the kiss was slower, more careful, as if he was savoring the moment, committing every detail to memory. When he finally pulled back, we were both breathless, our foreheads resting against each other’s.
“I’m not going anywhere, Y/n.” he whispered, his voice filled with a quiet determination that made my heart skip a beat. “I’m going to prove to you that you can trust me, that I’m not the same person I was. And I’ll start by protecting you from anyone who dares to hurt you.”
His words wrapped around me like a promise, a vow that he would keep no matter what it took. And as much as I wanted to doubt him, to push him away, I found myself nodding, my heart daring to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be different. That maybe, with him by my side, I didn’t have to fight alone anymore.
After that night, everything between Draco and me changed.
The walls that had once divided us were replaced with a connection I never thought possible. Draco, who had been the source of so much pain and frustration, now became the one person I could rely on. The harsh, cold demeanor he had always worn like armor softened whenever we were alone, revealing a side of him that I had never imagined existed.
In the days that followed, Draco made good on his promises. His change was nothing short of impressive. He was always there, watching over me, making sure that no one dared to hurt me again. The whispers in the common room, once so biting and cruel, began to fade away. No one wanted to cross Draco Malfoy, and with him by my side, they knew better than to even try.
Our relationship, though new, was intense. Draco was possessive, his protective streak evident in everything he did. He walked me to every class, sat with me during meals, and his gaze never strayed far from me when we were in the common room. It was as if he had devoted himself to protecting me, and in some strange way, I found comfort in that.
But it wasn’t just about protection. Draco was unexpectedly tender, constantly surprising me with small gestures of affection. He would brush his fingers lightly against my hand under the table, or tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear as we studied in the library. He was always near, his presence like a shield against the rest of the world.
And at night, when the weight of the day would press down on me, he was there to hold me, to whisper soothing words in my ear until the anxiety and fear melted away. He would trail kisses along my skin, his touch gentle yet firm, grounding me in the moment, reminding me that I wasn’t alone.
There were moments when the old doubts would creep in, when I would question how things had changed so quickly, but Draco was always there to quiet those fears. “I'm yours, love.” he would murmur, his voice filled with a possessive tenderness that both thrilled and terrified me. “No one will ever hurt you again.”
The Draco Malfoy who had once been my enemy was gone, replaced by someone who saw me, who valued me. He wasn’t perfect, he still had a temper, still had his moments of arrogance, but with me, he was different. He was softer, more open, his sharp edges dulled by the feelings he clearly struggled to express. And I found myself falling for him, despite everything, despite all the reasons why I shouldn’t.
But perhaps the most surprising thing was how natural it felt. What had started as a relationship forged out of pain and misunderstanding had transformed into something deeper, something real. We were still figuring things out, still navigating the complexities of our feelings, but we were doing it together.
In Draco’s arms, I found the safety and security I had craved for so long. And in me, Draco found someone who accepted him for who he was, flaws and all. We were an unlikely pair, the Muggle-born Slytherin and the prince of pure-blood supremacy, but somehow, it worked.
Draco had become my protector, my confidant, and, against all odds, my lover. And as we stood together, facing the world that had once sought to tear me apart, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them side by side. Because, for the first time I didn’t feel alone. I felt cherished. I felt loved.
And that was worth everything.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
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infin1ty-garden · 2 months
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✧. ┊ summary: your rival is in a band ✧. ┊ character(s): blaise zabini, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson and theodore nott ✧. ┊ warnings: mention of alcohol consumption ✧. ┊ word count: 847 ✧. ┊ author note: it's a day late. verry sorry
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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✧. ┊ Blaise was a guitarist in the band. Your relationship wasn't exactly a good one but you respected each other. You were surprised one of your friends was a fan of said band.
✧. ┊ All in all their music was pretty good and you ended up listening to their songs. That's what you were doing in the library, when Blaise interrupted you.
✧. ┊ "You like my voice that much," he just had to interrupt you as one of his rare solo parts came on. For weeks he didn't let you live it down. He visited you after class and shoved a ticket in your hand. Didn't say anything else.
✧. ┊ He couldn't keep his thoughts straight. You are listening to his voice. Well, songs but same thing. The scene kept replaying in his head. Do you like him? Does he like you?
✧. ┊ You were in rival bands. Known to dislike each other. Most of your songs containing lines to make fun of the other band. What you didn't expect was finding Draco in your dressing room.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing here?" He didn't say anything as he made his way to you. Stopping right in front of you. His expression is unreadable. "I wanted to ask you out on a date."
✧. ┊ Your head was spinning. Your rival is asking you out for a date. What has the world come to?
✧. ┊ Draco didn't really hate you. How could he? You were talented, great, caring and just awesome. He had to ask you out if he'd end up waiting for too long. He didn't want to regret not asking you out sooner.
✧. ┊ Lorenzo was trying to impress some girls with his guitar skills. You rolled your eyes as they swarmed around him. A sensible person would run in the other direction. "I could do better."
✧. ┊ "Try," he heard you, passing you the guitar. Everyone was looking at you but then the gryffindors crashed the party. Saving your ass.
✧. ┊ "I still wanna hear you play," Lorenzo insisted. A few days after the incident, Lorenzo asked you to play him something. You prepared in advance and asked one of your friends to teach you something simple.
✧. ┊ he was mesmerised, watching you play. He isn't sure why he feels like that. He hates you, doesn't he?
✧. ┊ You had gotten drunk at another slytherin party. Barged into a random unoccupied room. To find a drum set and decided to fool around.
✧. ┊ Mattheo stumbled in with a girl in his arms. Confused once he spotted you on his drum set. Ignoring the girl he'd been making out with a moment ago.
✧. ┊ "What are you doing?" You stopped. Looked around finally realising this was Mattheo's room. "Sorry, I d-didn't..." you left the room. Letting them continue what they were doing.
✧. ┊ Mattheo was so confused. Why were you in his room? Why didn't it bother him? He cornered you. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was your room and I was drunk."
✧. ┊ "Would you like to learn how to play?"
✧. ┊ Pansy was a great singer. You randomly found out she was apart of a band. You can't deny her singing capabilities. You can't stand her but she is talented.
✧. ┊ You decided to go to one of their shows. It was a small venue. You still hoped she wouldn't see you. Just your luck as soon as she got on the stage, she spotted you.
✧. ┊ She kept looking at you while singing certain parts of songs. You thought she hated you. Clearly you thought wrong.
✧. ┊ After the show she came up to you. "What did you think?" She'd placed her hands on yours. "I...um loved it?" You were uncertain what she wanted to hear your opinion on. "Yeah?"
✧. ┊ Pansy didn't realise her feelings for you until one of her friends pointed them out. What she thought was hate was actually love? She couldn't deny it anymore.
✧. ┊ "What's this bullshit," you found Theo in the courtyard writing. You assumed it was an essay or something but it was lyrics. You grabbed his notebook and started running. "Is it about a girl you're madly in love with?" He chased you as you read the lyrics. Slowly coming to the realisation that they were about you.
✧. ┊ "You can't come up with a better title than I hate you, die," he took back his notebook and ignored you for the rest of the week. "Hurt, I read your little diary?" He threw a paper at you. You read the top 'I hate you, die'. The lyrics had been reworked to include a certain event. Despite this the song was a love song. He loved you?
✧. ┊ Love and hate can be mistaken for one or the other and Theo knew he loved you. He just didn't know how to say it. Words left him when he was around you. He felt like a fool. It was a dumb idea but he did it anyway. Writing a song for you.
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Thanks for reading!
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phas3d · 2 months
Hi there! I’m not sure if your still taking requests, but I would love to know your thoughts on how Lorenzo, Theo, Draco, Mattheo, and Tom would react to their s/o wearing their hoodie/sweater. I was thinking headcanons or a Drabble but anything would be great! I really love writing and hope you feel inspired to write even more soon!
Wearing Their Clothes | Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: calling theo a man whore, calling enzo a twink,
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: inspired by uhh, nothing really - this prompt has been in my draft for ages and i finallyyyy finished it - THANK YOU to everyone who sends requests, I'm finally getting to them
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When you complained about being cold, he instantly started lecturing you
"I told you it would get cold but your little pea brain didn't process that"
But while he's lecturing you, he's taking off his jumper and handing it to you
It smells like him and it's super soft
He only buys the best material for his clothes, because duhhh
He lets you wear it until you're somewhere warm
Although he loves you, he loves his jumper more
But he does sacrifice some of his jumpers by letting you wear them because, he hates to admit it, but you look super cute in his clothes
He watches you shiver for a few minutes until he decides to offer his jacket
You could literally be turning blue but he won't offer his jacket until he feels like it
He sighs, as if you asked for his jacket, and drapes his jacket around your shoulders
And guess what,,, he even ZIPS IT UP FOR YOU
Even though he's a dickhead at times, he's still a gentleman
When you put on his jacket, he slightly smirks at how big it is on you
Not cause you're cute, but because it makes him feel powerful to know he's bigger
Is so so happy when he sees you out in the cold during his quidditch match
He's beaming and passes by you in the bleachers for a quick second as he throws his spare jersey in your arms
When you put it on, you smell his sweat and musk
Which would smell disgusting to some but to you, that's your boy :)
During his game, he glances over at you and smiles when he sees you wearing it
It helps push him to win even more
Sadly, Theo is a man-whore
Meaning he is always serving cunt,,, meaning he rarely wears jackets or sweaters
So if you're cold,,, so is he
Buttt on the lucky chance he is actually wearing a jacket and hiding his muscles, he doesn't hesitate to give you his jacket
And his jackets are 10 times better because not only is it always great material, clean, but it's also stylish
He always takes pictures of you when you wear his jacket, it makes him feel so happy and giddy
It kinda inspires him to try and style outfits for you to wear
Possibly plans matching outfits, that way if you get cold and he needs to give you his jacket - it will match both of you :)
This man is a THINKER!!! mwah
This man is a twig, twink, pocket sized
He will fly away in the wind like a napkin
BUT luckily, he loves getting massively oversized hoodies
It smells like the woods, a hint of lavender, but mostly fresh grass and sunlight is his scent
He loves to cool and comfy looks it gives - always gets a cool ass design on it as well
When you borrow his hoodies, he gets so giddy
He loves it so much since it's like he's claiming you in a way
Similar to how you leave hair ties, claw clips, and extra lip glosses all over his room
Definitely stacks up on big hoodies, that way you have a bunch of options to choose from
Even gets you guys matching designs in different colors
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suugarbabe · 1 year
omg so ur mattheo one about drawing is so cute and got me thinking about how next time they met up by the lake what if he went to show them a drawing and it was of them!!!!!!! like he drew y/n and wanted to show them because they had a bad day or something!! i love ur writing and it just made me think of that and blush teehee
we love little secret creative and soft Mattheo 🖤 read part 1 here
You figured you’d find him out there, especially since he had gotten in a screaming match with Draco a few hours prior. You didn’t even bother checking his other ‘typical’ spots like the astronomy tower or the back of the courtyard, instead you went straight to the Black Lake. 
Mattheo was hunched over, his shoes and socks sitting next to him and his trousers rolled up to his knees so his feet could hang over the edge of the dock into the lake. He didn’t move or look up when you started walking on the dock, you assumed he was just too enthralled in whatever it was that he was drawing. 
You slipped off your shoes and socks, sinking down to your bum beside him and dipping your feet in as well. You sat in silence next to him for a moment before trying to peer over his shoulder to see what he was working on.
He turned away from you, causing a slight scoff to leave your lips, "Matty, c'mon. You always let me see your drawings." You were pouting and it was evident in your voice.
He peers over his shoulder slightly, a smirk gracing his lips, "I'm almost done, then you can look. But be gentle, don't judge too harshly okay?"
You ran your nails against his back lightly in response. A few moments later he turned towards you, sketch pad facing down towards his lap. "No laughing," Mattheo held out his fist, his pinky and thumb sticking out.
"No laughing," you hooked your pinky finger to his. You each took a turn pressing your thumbs to your lips before pressing your thumbs together, silently symbolizing and stamping the promise.
Mattheo took a deep breath, grasping his sketch pad on either side before slowly lifting it up. You couldn't contain the gasp that left your lips at the image he was able to portray on paper.
Instead of his usual lake drawings, Mattheo had found a different muse for this creation; that muse being you. It wasn't a magical drawing in the traditional sense, nothing was moving around, but it was magical to you.
It wasn't a portrait of you dead on, more so like a candid picture of you looking down and smiling. You don't know how he did it, but his shading and shadow work made it look like it was an actual photograph.
"Mattheo..." your voice was barely a whisper. Mattheo, who was holding the sketch pad directly in front of his face, peered around the side, "It's terrible isn't? I'm sorry, I really did try I swear but then - "
"It's gorgeous," you cut him off, taking the drawing in your hands, "Can I have it?" You looked up at him from the drawing with hopeful eyes, you didn't want to overstep, but you also wanted to display it for everyone to see how talented he really was.
Mattheo nodded, giddy smile now displayed on his face, "Y-yeah, of course, I mean, it's you for Merlin's sake."
You know you two were just friends, but you couldn't help yourself, leaning over and grabbing his face, kissing his cheek gently and sweetly. Mattheo's face was on fire, burning a deep shade of red, obviously not expecting the display of affection. He made a mental note to draw more things that would get that reaction out of you soon.
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duc-kie · 1 year
Hii darlinggg, how about some headcannons with how the HP men take care of you while youre stressed or something. Im in the mood for some fluff.
Take your time, ✌️
finally wrote something again I’m actually so proud of myself. my life has been so busy lately I don’t even know my name anymore. this is quite short and it doesn’t contain many characters in it but it was easier to write it like this.
thank you so much for the request and the patience🫶🏻 hope you enjoy my hp fluff hcs
(it contains Cedric Diggory, draco malfoy, Mattheo riddle, Tom riddle)
- now he’s just the sweetest I love him. he’d know EXACTLY what to do to help you relax.
- (depending on what you like) he’d run you a hot bubble bath, put on a movie, cuddle with you, take you out on a dinner date or a picnic date, or he’d take you shopping etc.
- he’d hold you the whole night and tell you how proud of you he is and make you smile as much as possible.
- the next morning you better be ready for breakfast in the morning with the sweetest note and flowers next to it. he’d even cuddle you while you eat or give you a massage.
- literally a 100/10 I want him so bad.
- he might not appear as soft at first but he really is when you get to know him.
- he would try to distract you from the thing that was stressing you out so he’d put on a movie and prepare some snacks.
- then he’d cuddle you while you both watch the movie.
- he would fall asleep holding you and in the morning he’d bring you some breakfast in bed.
- he can also be very sweet when you really get to know him and he always knows how to comfort you.
- he’d also distract you from whatever is stressing you out. he would take you to the slytherin common room at night when everyone is asleep and he’d cuddle you and read to you next to the fire place. he’d also make sure you have your hot cocoa and the softest blanket he could find.
- when he could tell you were tired he’d carry you back to his dorm and cuddle you to sleep.
- the next day he would make sure you have a great day and that you weren’t stressed anymore.
- now Tom riddle is sweeter after you’ve been together for a while BUT he’s still not very sweet.
- he’d act as if he doesn’t care at all but deep down he does a little.
- I feel like he’d go on a walk with you and let the nature take care of your stress so he doesn’t have to.
- at night he’d cuddle you as best as he could.
- the next morning wouldn’t be anything special, maybe he’d help you study if that’s what was causing your stress.
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