#this actually took a lot longer than I was expecting hahaha
longroadstonowhere · 8 months
anyway this umineko resurgence has got me to finally get back to reading higurashi, which is great because apparently the last time i was reading it was nearly a year ago, so, you know, progress
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lumine-no-hikari · 8 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #48
I did it!!! I finally did the thing!! I did it with help!!
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I took a broken Dance Dance Revolution (DDR for short!) pad, which wasn't a very good pad to begin with for a variety of reasons, and turned it into a DDR pad that actually works!! I'll show you how!!
There were a lot of steps involved with this, but obviously, the very first step was to take the broken DDR pad apart and figure out how it works:
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As it turns out, on the inside there are two sheets of plastic with conductive paint on the inside. When the conductive paint on the top sheet touches the conductive paint on the bottom sheet, a button press is recorded! A thin foam sheet with holes perforated in specific spots is put in between the two sheets of plastic, such that the conductive paint only touches if you step on certain parts of the pad.
The pad was broken because the plastic sheeting with the conductive paint ended up being crunched up in certain spots, which made it more difficult for the paint to conduct properly. After taking the pad apart, my husband and I used packing tape on the sides of the sheets without conductive paint to smooth out the wrinkles and reinforce it.
When the crunched-up sections were able to lie flat in a satisfactory fashion, I then used a staple gun to affix the bottom plastic sheet to a very sturdy piece of board. From there, it was time to reapply the foam in the correct orientation. That was also stapled down. Then finally, I aligned the top sheet of plastic with the bottom sheet (the foam was slightly translucent even in the parts without holes, so this was relatively easy), and stapled that down, too. Here was the result:
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After that, you have to protect it with the sturdy plastic cover. I wanted a pad where the arrows were slightly raised, and I wasn't going to use the foam bottom of the pad for anything, so I cut little squares in the shape of the arrow buttons and applied them to the bottom of the plastic cover, like so:
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And then I flipped it over, aligned it with the plastic sheeting, and stapled it down!
And do you want to know what??? IT WORKS!!! So far, it works better than any other pad I've ever owned, and that includes my old RedOctane that gave out after 10 years of heavy use (RIP, my trusty RedOctane; I miss you dearly).
DDR is a very old game at this point, so they don't make high quality pads like the ones RedOctane used to make anymore. RedOctane as a company no longer even exists. It's a real shame.
Anyhoot!! I went and played one of my favorite DDR songs on Stepmania, on Expert level difficulty! The timing of this pad couldn't be better (though I wish I could say the same for my stamina at this point, hahaha!), and despite the fact that I am very much not used to this kind of exercise anymore, I still managed to get an A!
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And the best part about it is that it's HEAVY. The wood that the pad is stapled to is fairly weighty!! This means it doesn't slide around on the floor all crazy when I am using it, and that's a HUGE bonus!! I've sprained ankles in the past from mis-stepping on a thick foam pad that moved without me realizing it while I used it, and goodness me, such an occurrence is NOT a fun time!!
Now that I have a pad that works properly and a funky green half-oval that can stick my ribs back together after the fact, I'm hoping to be able to play more DDR in the very near future! Maybe if I can get my stamina back and start playing on Expert mode all the time again, I'll even record a little video for you of me derping around on my Frankenpad! It'll look ridiculous, but it'll be fun!! Hahaha!
I'm really pleased with how this turned out; it works a lot better than I expected for a first attempt at trying anything like this! I'm hoping to make another one! If I do this again in the near future, I should do a better job, because next time I'll have a better understanding of what to do and what to expect! Then I can play with multiple people at the same time!! And that would be amazing!
Have you ever built anything cool? Heck, have you built anything that you think is uncool? If you have, then I wish you could tell me about it! I suppose I'll have to settle just for asking without ever receiving any answer, hahaha... Oh well.
I think I'll end this letter here for now. As you might expect, my grip flexors are VERY angry with me right now because repetitive uses of the staple gun is not something that squishy noodle-arms like mine are accustomed to, hahaha! Also, I moved around a lot, both for the construction of this and for testing it, and so my ribs are pretty angry at me, too... Sheesh...
I'll work at getting my stamina back so that I can send you a neat video. Count on it, okay?
Please stay safe until then. Remember you are loved. Remember that you are human. Make good and kind choices. Take nice care of yourself. And if you can spare the time, maybe try to see what sorts of things you can build, even if it's something silly like a little person made of sticks and twine. Building things is good for humans; it doesn't have to have a use.
I gotta rest now. I promise I'll have a bunch of amazing pictures to share with you tomorrow (but I'm not gonna tell you what they are gonna be pictures of!! I'm gonna leave you in suspense!!! NEENER NEENER NEENER!!! Hahahaha!), so just you wait...
I'll write to you again tomorrow. So don't disappear anywhere, okay? Promise me.
Your friend, Lumine
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sugiwa · 1 year
everything i could have possibly wanted was here:
penny leveling up, showing her against tashigi and smoker and then immediately after showing her against garp and sengoku INSANE SUGIWA INSANE, her skipping over garp because she’s sentimental <3 and (maybe) she doesn’t want to taint the memory of playful innocence with garp and luffy, mentioning roci, HER LAUGHING, (“Of course, I’m a Bard. I’ve always been one!”), the named attacks!!
“But she also knew something that Shanks often struggled with. They were in the midst of becoming legends too.” SCREAMS
the thought of reading everyone’s reactions to the events of this chapter I CANT WAIT
buggy is tagged in the story but he’s the only character w haven’t had an encounter with yet, is he going to play a major part in penny’s story?
also, we see penny grasp her conquerors but is her devil fruit still unawakened?
is this the point where penny makes a name for herself independent from Shanks? will she now be Bard Penny and no long Akahime?
okay i’ve talked enough. thank you for the new chapter, it’s amazing and i’m so excited to see what this means for penny going forward.
Okay, I'm going to put this under a read-more tab cause my reply is very long!
Hahaha, I contemplated making Penny depressed for a bit and went back and forth here, but I was like, nah, Penny's going to have the time of her life after this. The Navy's going to try and drag her down, but she's going to hold steady. I'm excited for the next chapter cause we have some pretty shocking events. We do see Penny begin to voice some of her grief, but there's a bigger break coming that allows the Straw Hats to step in and that'll be fun.
I think no matter how hard she tries to be otherwise, Penny very very much is the sentimental type and sometimes that sentiment gets in the way of common sense (but also if she attacked Garp, she might've been in Impel Down right now). Sengoku was 100% not expecting to hear Rocinante's name and Penny took a huge gamble with it, which we've seen her do before and kinda shock people with their own past. It's going to be fun to see the moment where that completely and utterly works against her 😂😂
Named attacks--so far, we've gotten one, which was the one she used against Big Mom and we'll come back to that one much later cause I didn't actually show you guys what it does.
Buggy and Penny will meet and it'll go down about as well as you can imagine. Penny has a very loving view of what she considers Shanks' best friend and Buggy just is not fucking expecting it. He's going to play his own part and we'll see more of him than you expect especially in the time skip 👀
So, I'd say Penny's strength with Haki lies primarily in Conqueror's, though she knows the other forms too, she doesn't really have to use it a lot especially in Paradise. She's slowly building herself back up to full strength, which will be needed as we get closer to Sabaody and Ace's execution. If she had remained on Marineford for much longer, she would've 100% fallen to Sengoku and Garp which is why she made a quick and necessary escape after a flashy show of power 😂
As for her Devil Fruit, it's not awakened. And we're going to see that there's moments when Penny kinda contradicts herself about it. She's actually the one who named it the Kopi Kopi no Mi because that was the easiest frame of reference she had as a kid for what it did. And as we know from the first chapter, it's not actually named in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, but as Doffy revealed, it's a fruit that the world government is very interested. And this comes to down to a theme that we've seen crop up in One Piece time and time again which is: scarcity of resources. We've seen wars because of it, the Celestial Dragon's greed and most recently their panic over the lost food stores. And Penny's fruit kinda solves all that with a touch of a hand.
As for the name Bard Penny--I still have a big reveal planned. I don't think Sengoku or the Navy necessarily want this spilling out right after she's attacked them, but they won't tie her to Shanks anymore, because this has now officially gone beyond him. We won't see the Akahime title nor her other one used past this point.
Thank you so so much for reading and dropping in my inbox!!
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oodlyenough · 2 years
hmmm finished the first episode of new tales. i've been more or less unspoiled and have been avoiding any particular spoilers. here's a reaction post for posterity, lol
so far I feel like the game is a solid... B-. it's better than the worst promo clips, but it's not yet spectacular in any particular way. there are some funny jokes, and probably at least twice as many unfunny ones, lmao, but such is a borderlands game i suppose
i like anu a lot, even though i think her acting is probably the hammiest. it works better in-game than it does in isolated clips, IMO. also the inherent concept of her character is just likable, lol. ALSO... lesbian anu? she got teased for having a siren thing, phuong AND stapleface are both into her... hope there's more there lol
i also like phuong. i assume we see more of her later. i was disappointed we left her behind so quick.
i don't mind octavio and louie but they do kind of flip back and forth for me on the charmingly pathetic to just pathetic line. so tbd i guess.
similarly with fran I like some of her stuff and then they'll blindside you with classic gearbox borderlands uncomfortable sexual humour... is she octavio's surrogate mother figure or does she want to fuck him? PLEASE pick one of the two and not both. jesus. i want to say it's nice that they have a fat disabled bisexual woman but i find gearbox often rides the line with these kinds of characters where it can feel like the punchline IS "hahaha she's horny AND she's fat [or autistic or otherwise weird or whatever the case is]"
so far the choice mechanics are kind of oblique... i both do and don't like it. there's some times (like breaking sponsor bot) where i "make a choice" without realizing in the moment it's a choice, which i suppose is uh Realistic or whatever but (like with sponsor bot) can be kind of annoying
other stuff:
i was spoiled for the fact that sasha and fiona got a namedrop but sasha and rhysha got a much bigger presence in ep 1 than i expected. i sent the photo "on a vacation" and was gratified by rhys freaking out and by the fact that apparently i was right about fiona being the missing one in bl3?
aside from that rhys' writing is uh. not great. and i mean that fairly literally, in that there are actually bits I like, and then other bits that I do not like at all. but whatever lmao. i guess i'll assume he had a nervous breakdown because sasha dumped him.
the animation is not very good...i mean it's about on par with Telltale's, but so many years after Telltale that it seems kind of embarrassing. i don't thin animation makes or breaks a game and I don't expect naughty dog level animations from a bordylands game, but this game needs all the help it can get
the voice acting like all of gearbox's stuff is hit and miss
it's cool what they did with lor. i can't think of any other characters you see transition during their series. (I'm sure some must exist, but I'm not familiar with any.) i wonder if he's just a cameo in ep 1 or we'll see more of him later
ep 1 took me a few hours, so this game may take me longer to play than I anticipated. who knew. i'm not NOT enjoying myself, but I think borderlands no longer being my primary fandom is acting as a comfortable buffer
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away-ward · 1 year
hi, i’ve always been too shy to comment or send asks before but i’m making this my first bc i wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your work! i read your hell yeah fanfic a couple of months ago & when i stumbled upon it again recently & found a whole master list worth of fanfics added, i was super ecstatic & read all of them in one go hahaha
my personal favourites are reality & arrival <3 reality bc their conversation in the carfax room was so in line w their characters, it just re-emphasised how much i wish we got more of willemmy outside of blackchurch. having a scene like that in nightfall would’ve really grounded them as a couple in the present. all the snippets from the first three books plus the high school chapters of willemmy were such good buildup only to have the willalexaydin bs instead 🤧 anyways, i have a soft spot for arrival too. to have the damon & indie dynamic play out like that makes so much sense! damon & will already have such a strong & unique bond so for will, of all his friends, to have the first girl in the group would definitely make their relationship extra special.
on a side note, your post abt aydin being a few years older than canon made me lose my shit btw since i completely agree 😩 whenever i’m in my devil’s night brain rot, i always pictured him like 6 years older especially w how penelope douglas was trying to portray aydin & emory together. oh & your timeline for the character’s ages made me happy! it never occurred to me for will to be the oldest of the horsemen (which i’ve seen a few ppl comment on). given his may birthdate, i just assumed he was born the following year after michael, kai, & damon were. i mean, it makes sense right?? he’s the baby of the four. i could be wrong but then that would mean damon is the youngest which i refuse to imagine for some reason given all the shit he’s been up to 💀
this post is getting longer than i expected & i could probably continue rambling on but i just wanted to thank you again for your contribution 🙏🏽 this fandom has practically a drought in fan fiction unless it’s for second gen but seeing as kaibanks & willemmy (my biases) were done dirty in the series, your account has truly been such a gem to follow.
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It’s nice to hear from you!! I’ve definitely been on the fence about whether to reach out to someone or not but I’m so happy that you decided to leave this message. It really made my day.
I feel that ‘reality’ is the closest I’ve ever come to getting Em and Will right. I also a snuck in a few references that are dear to me, so it’s special in my eyes, despite its needed edits. It was originally a request, so I can’t take all the credit for it, but I’m just so I’m happy that it’s one of your favs.
And ‘arrival’ has been a personal HC of mine for a long time. It took me a while to get out onto a page, so it’s great to hear that it’s struck home with others too.
A lot of my fics are borne out of that ‘we didn’t get to see this in the book but we should have’ and ‘what would have happened if…?’ feeling. Having had the chance to speak to other fans, I know I’m not alone in that, so it’s nice that so many people are finding my fics...fulfilling? I know other writers could do better, but until then, I’m happy to be around to fill a void.
Ahhh! The aydin age thing! Thank you! Anytime Aydin’s age is brought up in NF I’m like, ‘no you’re lying. You’re, like, 32/33.” But nope. He’s 26???? smh. Missed opportunity. It could have done so much for his character to just age him up a bit.
Regarding the timeline…as much as I would have loved for Will to the oldest…I think he is the baby. For clarification, I think Michael, Kai, and Damon were born in 1994 and Will in 1995. I didn’t want to give actual years in the post because I think the vibe that PD was going for was a timeless/infinite ‘this could be taking place at any point in time’. except for the points where they put in things that would date the books, the years and timing were purposefully left vague. I didn’t want to take that away by giving concrete dates. But I stayed up til an ungodly hour on a work night, going over this stupid timeline with a friend who has never read the series because trying to untangle it in my head was driving me absolutely nuts. So I had to record it somewhere.
In the chart, they all start the school year the same age* and then end the school year the same age, but within that nine months, it goes Michael, Kai, Damon all before Devil’s Night on October 30th, the new year, and finally Will in May.
That being said, at one point we did get stuck on whether Will was actually the oldest and I loved what it did for his character too. If at some point, he got held back a grade, it would go to why he’s a bit insecure, feels like he’s the dumbest in the group, and doesn’t trust himself to act on his own. I kinda wish Will had some sort of learning disability like dyslexia or ADHD because I think it would contribute to his lack of interest in school and strengthen his addiction storyline. None of that is canon and I don’t HC that it is. I just kinda wish it was there…
But according to my calculations, Will is the baby of the group, and of his family. That, along with his privilege, can also explain why he is the why he is.
Also Damon being the youngest would be hilarious and I wish it were so.
No worries, I as a wordy rambler myself, I appreciate everything you had to say. Feel free to drop by any time. I talk way too much, but it’s nice to get this devil’s night brain rot, as you so accurately termed, out to others who understand.
Thank you so much for your message and have a great day!
*well, if the school year starts in August, which some places in the US do. Others start in September, in which case, Michael will already be the next age up at the start of the year.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
I’m speed typing this so I can go read that one shot ASAP SHSHSHSHSH I saw your post about the word count LAMOAOA hoping this doesn’t come at any (or any big) cost to you but I kinda live for when your word count goes way beyond expectations HAHAHA like that’s how I know Mira is cooking a five star meal…..
Bro Rika’s page threw me for a loop like wdym implied murder of her parents??? And all this other interesting info…
FR!! It’s honestly hard to find any constructive criticism for any big series because all the discourse is drowned out by hate train bandwagon hoppers etc
Wait yeah you’re so right because why do I have to wait for an interview to understand what’s happening?? So frustrating especially since those not in Japan don’t have easy access to interviews usually either…also the fact that it took them SO LONG to confirm it’s been like three years??
And ugh in the same boat :(( It’s so popular that whenever a chapter comes out it floods all my feeds but I’m def not actively looking for chapter links…
OO I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN!! I think it’s because as you said Rin’s so invested in soccer right now as his motivation and goal in life but sae has kinda already figured out his role in soccer ish..? Like how he now knows he’s trying to be midfielder but also maybe something about him already having secured a role in a club outside and has a career makes it feel a bit different…
Ugh TABIEITA COMEBACK WHENNN (speaking of did you see the newest panels?? There was like one Karasu one but he looks good LMAO) and I MISS THE SMIRK where’s my cheeky dude….s2 please hurry…
And OUU TRUE!! I completely forgot about the order thing?? I was always a little confused like was it really one by one and how long did they have to wait for the next person to go in??
Glad you’re feeling better!!! Honestly yeah allergy meds are so debilitating sometimes like if I know I need to be awake or have something scheduled it’s like…lemme take half a dosage because I need to be AWAKE LMAO
-Karasu anon
AHHH i’m just a chronic rambler so i always end up writing way more than i plan to but no it’s not at any cost to me!! it actually makes me happy to see smth i’ve written getting to be a high word count hehe. the only ‘cost’ ig would be that it takes a bit longer before i can post but as long as you all are willing to wait i don’t mind writing lots (plus then i feel less bad about randomly disappearing and taking writing breaks because i’ve left a lot to be enjoyed LMAO)
SO MUCH STUFF AND NONE OF IT WAS ELABORATED ON!! and yeah even legit criticism or analysis gets put down as hate and people jump on people who do that when they’re just examining the story with a constructive lens. i agree that interviews absolutely should not be how you convey key info!! especially because they’re SO unreliable and so easy to twist. like people will make up a headcanon and say that the author said it in an interview and it’ll become so popular that everyone accepts it as fact even though there’s no source for it and it literally never happened?? i can’t think of specific examples but i know this happened a LOTT with the attack on titan fandom back in the day and i’m sure it happens w jjk as well.
YES I AGREE sae has like established himself almost?? he’s not striving for anything anymore and he’s been recognized by some of the best strikers in the world (ex luna from the world 5) + he’s a ng11 so it just feels to me like he’s kinda relaxing?? he has the time to think about other things just not the motivation/will, but it’s easier to write him gaining an interest in someone than justifying rin giving up on the pursuit of his goal for another person. i also really like to write love interests that are down BAD (or end up being so anyways) which would make sense w sae being lonely in a foreign country more than rin who would prioritize soccer over everything (as he did in cherry tree when he told y/n to come back to him after the world cup or smth like that iirc)
I DID SEE KARASU!! one thing abt pxg vs bm he’s been having a panel or two per chapter which has been rlly nice. we got to see his smirky little icon at least?? i miss tabieita being together and karasu being a jackass though…forever heartbroken that nagireo got to be the headliners or a team instead of tabieita…MISSED OPPORTUNITY 😭💔
i think it was probably not one at a time — there were probs multiple fields, but i doubt they had 300 that they could use so everyone could go at once!! they probably had like 10 (arbitrary number) and as people were finishing other people would enter, so someone like kiyora might’ve just entered in an earlier round than karasu, who probably waited a bit to feel out the situation or smth. shidou was probably too busy being up to random nonsense to go early which is why he was like 111 despite being bllk’s number 2 😭
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paleparearchive · 8 months
Sunflowers of Gratitude
Van Gogh's initial 4★ story (3/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: exhibition hallway (morning) ; museum exterior (morning) ; sunflower field (morning) | Characters: Van Gogh, Renoir, Rembrandt, Aoi/MC
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Rembrandt: I'm glad the atelier is now cleaaan~
Renoir: Phew… I feel like I've worked a lot today.
Aoi: Ah… Everyone, good job. Looks like you're done with the cleaning. Sorry I couldn't be there to help.
Van Gogh: You had a meeting with an art dealer, didn't you? Don’t worry.
… By the way, what were you doing now?
Aoi: Right now, I was just working on a new layout for the exhibit hall. Everyone worked so hard on the production this month that I wanted to show off the new works in a special way. I'm kind of stuck though. What do I need to do to make your works look better…
Van Gogh: Is that so? If you're stuck, we could help you.
Aoi: Thank you. But it's fine. Just the fact that you cleaned up the mess is enough. It's my job to create an environment where all artists can concentrate on their work.
Van Gogh: (... Miss Curator is truly reliable. This is how she always supports us…)
… Hey, Miss Curator. Can I have some of your time after work?
Aoi: …? Yes, of course.
Aoi: Van Gogh-kun, thanks for waiting. Sorry, it took a little longer than expected.
Van Gogh: No, no worries. Well then, let’s go!
Aoi: …? Go where? Ah, maybe to buy art supplies?
Van Gogh: Hahaha, no, not that. There’s something I really want to tell you, Miss Curator.
Aoi: Something you want to tell me…?
Van Gogh: Yeah! So follow me. I want to tell you it in my favorite place because it's important.
Aoi: This is…
Van Gogh: Aaah…! It's always nice to come here! After all, the sunflowers are nice, aren't they? Just looking at them makes me smile…
Aoi: Yes… But what's up with us coming all of a sudden here?
Van Gogh: Hehehe… Actually, I just wanted to thank you again.
Aoi: Thank me…?
Van Gogh: Yeah. I’m now able to pursue my dream thanks to you. My dream is to make everyone smile with my paintings. Like sunflowers…
Aoi: … Right. You said so when we first met. I still remember your smile at that time. And I was so moved by it that I took on the job at the Palette Museum.
Van Gogh: Hehehe, thank you.
… But when we met, I wasn't yet skilled enough as an artist. I just kept on painting because I loved it, but I didn't know how to get better at it… But you reached out to me. It’s thanks to you that I’m able to do this now.
Thank you, Miss Curator.
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Van Gogh: This sunflower… I’ll give it to you, Miss Curator. Hehehe, this is how I feel now!
Aoi: Van Gogh-kun... I should be the one thanking you. Because thanks to you, I was able to remember how wonderful art is. I would like to continue to support you so that you can shine like a sunflower.
Van Gogh: … Yeah! I’ll grow more and more as an artist, so look forward to it!
You are the reason I smile. Thank you so much for everything you do!
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fujinstorm · 10 months
....I have another bunch of questions BUT they should be the last large set :D No pressure for these answers, just see what you feel/think at the moment for them? (thank you for your patience with these, I'm chewing on ideas at the moment and these questions really help!)
What kind of relationship does Xiang have with Nat? Was it a friends to lovers deal, or a slow burn yearning, the tug and gnaw of attraction, the draw and fire of passion; or...? 2. How would you describe how Xiang and Nat fit together, as a couple, as partners; has it changed over their relationship so far? 3. What drew Xiang to Nat? What's his favourite thing(s) about her, something that makes him smile/that he holds close to the chest (or does he tell her about it? He seems a little more like someone whose love language is subtler than Nat, who will tease and flirt and say a lot of her feelings. For Xiang, is it actions, maybe? What would you say is his love language?) 4. What drew Nat to Xiang? What's her favourite thing about him? What's a detail she might have noticed and hoarded like a secret, a treasure? 5. Do you have any songs that make you think of Xiang? :D (and a supplementary question - is it music he would to as well haha??) 6. What does Xiang want, most of all? (Besides Nat hahaha - I mean, life wise). What does he think he wants, is there a particular goal he is working towards, or a nebulous thing he wants, someday? (Does he just want to be happy? What does happiness look like?) 7. What does Xiang actual need, you think? To make him happy/fulfilled? Is he aware or unaware of it?
1. He was sure he liked her the moment she walked through the door. He didn't make it really obvious at first, but with every interaction they had, his emotions started to build up. He knew that pursuing a relationship with a vampire is quite intense, but she made him feel so much until it exploded and he couldn't resist anymore.
2. They're like yin and yang. They are the same but so different at the same time. An example is that even though Xiang is not the most social person, he knows how to make people like him, not in a manipulative way lol.
3. Her smile. Sounds too cheesy but it's the truth. He can't get over her smile. His darkest day can be saved by her beautiful smile. Also, being that charming is a plus. Yes, you're right. He's most subtle with his love language (Loves holding hands tho) and I'm not saying he doesn't say 'I love you,' but it's something he doesn't need to say or doesn't see the need to as both of them are aware of it, but he understands that sometimes, you just need to hear it from someone you love. He loves having quality time with her and of course, the teasing. That goes both ways. Being able to be fluffy and funny is something they both really appreciate. He might not show much of it when they're together, even when he's having an emotional rave inside, but he will do anything to prove it to her. Like gifting her things she might want or need, or going with her to some social events he definitely doesn't like.
4. Maybe it was the aura he has, like he can be trusted, or maybe the way he can put her at ease with only his gaze. Something she noticed is when Xiang is lost in thoughts, he usually strokes his chin and starts pacing around. Sometimes he even bumps into things and swears in his language (Spanish and sometimes Chinese). She always giggles and pats him on the shoulder, making him turn around to face her. She takes that time to cup his cheeks and tell him how much she loves him.
5. He usually listens to blues. He wants a bit of relaxation after a long day.
6. He wants to live in a peaceful house next to the ocean. Not only that, but with all the people he loves as neighbors and a workshop where he can craft and sell his art online.
7. A therapist and maybe to chill a bit. He is aware and he might go... Maybe after finding a solution to this new case...
Damn this took longer than I expected hahaha.
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wubulge · 6 years
associate your mutuals with members of the groups you stan! send it to 5 people from your activity! 💓💗💞💕
 this is such a cute idea,thanks for sending this ^-^
so I’m like the worst person to do this, haha. Most of my mutuals are inactive TT so it’ll be a tiny list haha and just as an fyi i’m going to do exo+ with my ‘wubulge’ mutuals only…
suho: @exo-m
sehun: @milkifan @hunbrella @sehhunie @sebeak
kyungsoo: @winniethesoo @galaxyxing @deja-soo
baekhyun: @baekhyy @snowybyun
kai: @kim-kai @xingkaih 
lay: @omgfishy @kool-lay
xiumin: @minseiok @xiiumin @bamethyst
chen: @ohwondae
chanyeol: @chanyeollipop @del0ght
tao: @cytaoplasm
kris: @wufanqin
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guerrerajaguar · 3 years
Hey dearest, I'm so happy that you open your requests! I still don't know your rules, but I believe that you write for Kimetsu. When you post your rules tell me... So I can annoying you with more requests 😁
Aaand...The honor it's mine to be your first!
Can I be greedy??? 😶
Basically my fav pilars X Female Reader (separate)...
Kyojuro X Reader
Uzui X Reader
Sanemi X Reader
💓Gyomei (this man drive me crazy) X Reader
Sanemi X Reader
I thought about this scenario... The darling gives a sudden and affectionate hug from behind them, and for the pilars surprise she whispers revealing her feelings to them. And according with every personality they gonna react to it... It can have whatever your want... Deep kisses, hugs, and more and more... If all of them are too much, because don't need be huge if you don't want, you can get just one or many as you feel like writing....
Actually I just want you feel free and let your creativity flow.
And thank you already darling, for your kind words 💓☺
Hi love! I'm so honored for you to be my first request <3. I have decided to complete every single one of them. I will post the first one for my fav KnY character, the adorable Kyojuro Rengoku. I melt for this man so bad. Let me tell you that it was really fun to write in english but I felt it was equally hard! I've just found out that most of my english vocabulary is related to technical language (I am an electrical engineer) hahaha so it was really challenging to make it sound cute!
I really hope you like it and please, please let me know what you think and I will definitely love to receive feedback from you (grammar, description, vocabulary, etc).
Kyojuo Rengoku x fem!reader(Reacting to a love confession of his darling hugging him from behind)
warning: none
Fluff, lots of fluff
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The flame Pilar was staring at his trainees at his state, secretly waiting for your arrival. He knew that every single evening, without a miss, you will pay him a visit with a great variety of reasons from which he fantasized to be mere excuses of, according to him, your failed attempts in trying to hide how much you earned to be alone with him.
Some minutes past the time of your usual arrival, started to make Kyojuro a little bit anxious. “Where you not planning to come today?” “Did something else pop up in your agenda?” His signature smile started to drop little by little but was suddenly replaced with a heart skip when he felt your embrace from behind, crossing your arms in front of his chest and resting your cheek in his right ear. “Y/N is that you?” asked the pillar placing one of his hands over yours and with his heart racing wildly. “Sorry for running a little late, had to do some errands and took me longer than expected” you answered curling closer to him.
Kyojuro smiled tenderly as he closed his eyes, memorizing your fragrance and the softness of your skin. He was literally melting in your arms, absolutely submitted to your touch. You took a deep breath and whispered softly, so quiet and sweet that Kyojuro will be the only one to hear you, after all, these words were only meant for him; “Kyo… I Love you”.
As his beautiful red and golden eyes widened, a gorgeous red tint flustered his entire face. Did he really hear that? Have you just confessed? This man was so madly in love with you since the first time he met you, he adored every single trait of you, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your body, especially the way you called his name.
And there you were, whispering the sweetest words of love. How many times had he dreamed of this moment? He was planning to confess very soon anyway, he wanted to be your protector, holding your hand under the rain, be the first person to greet you every morning and falling asleep with you curled up in his chest. And to kiss you, oh by the gods, he will trade anything and everything he possesses for being able to have a taste of your soft, plump and beautiful lips. How many times has he fantasized about them while talking with you? So many that he has lost count and that definitely, made him feel ashamed.
His chest growing warmer and wider at every second, pushed him to take the next step. Without releasing your hand, he turned to face you and lifted you from the floor placing both of his strong hands in your waist spinning around with you. And with the most charming smile you have ever seen in his handsome face, directly gazing at your eyes he claimed “Y/N, I am definitely the luckiest man alive… I love you too” .
With you back on the floor, he pulled you into the warmest and most protective hug you have ever received, cupping his face in your neck and caressing your back. Pulling a little apart, he cupped your cheek with his hand and tenderly asked; “May I kiss you?”. You blushed and as you nodded, he cupped your other cheek and gently leaned closer for touching your lips with his, the initial peck was soft but you went forward and deepened the contact by slightly biting his lower lip.
And as he released a soft moan, he placed his hands around your waist to get you closer to him. You had to break out the kiss since you were holding for dear breath. Looking at how agitated you were, Kyojuro snickered loudly, hugged you once more and showered your face with kisses.
He guided you inside his state grabbing your hand, it was about to be dinner time and he wanted to pamper you with the most delicious meal you have ever tasted. With the proudest smile he confessed;” I can’t wait to tell Senjuro!”. Your mind and heart were dizzy with so much happiness that you could only tell to yourself how much you loved this amazing man.
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sly-fleur · 2 years
Confession Headcanons
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@sekkimirai: hey!! i saw your a3 stuff and i think they’re pretty neat :D could i have some a3 troupe leaders hcs on confessions? who’s most likely to be the confessor(?) or confessee(?) HAHAHA thanks! hope u have a good one!! (^O^)
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Characters: Sakuya, Tenma, Banri, Tsumugi
Pairing: x reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Once Sakuya realizes that he has feelings for you he becomes all shy around you. But he is very determined to confess.
Sakuya would put a lot of thought into planning on how to confess to you. He doesn't want it to be very extravagant but he also wants it to be memorable.
When he's done with all the preparations he would ask you to come by the river side using it as an excuse saying that he wants you to help him practice some of his lines.
His line was him confessing to the love interest.
Sakuya finished deliviring his line and turns to you. "Was that good?" "That was great Sakuya!" You said smiling at him. He looks relieved and his smile widen. Then all of a sudden he looked at you straight at your eyes and repeated the line.
"That was meant for you. I'm in love with you y/n. Please go out with me."
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He's too scared to confess. Yes he loves you but what if you don't feel the same way? What if you reject him? He's not sure if he can take that.
He kept his feelings to himself for a while but honestly he's too obvious that the whole Mankai dorm is aware of his feelings.
He's staying up late one night looking at a picture of you from his phone. He sighs over and over trying to make a decision to wether to confess to you or not.
What he doesn't know is his sighing kept Yuki awake and the younger one is definitely annoyed at Tenma.
Yuki shot up shouting at Tenma to make a decision already. Next thing Tenma knows the entire Summer Troupe is in their room.
The Summer Troupe encouraged and helped Tenma with his confession. Their discussion went longer than expected and the next morning none of them were able to attend their morning practice.
Tenma stood nervously looking at his phone. He messaged you to come and see him since he wants to tell you something. He's not sure if you're coming and he's honestly getting more nervous every passing second. "Chill Ten-ten. They'll be here. I'm sure!" Kazunari said before leaving with the rest of the Summer Troupe. The Summer Troupe planned to watch Tenma but Tenma kicked them out since he doesn't know if he can confess with those guys around. After a while he saw you walking near him. He cleared his throat as you approached.
"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."
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Banri would constantly flirt with you and is pretty obvious that he likes you, in fact, other people thinks you're dating already.
But this guy won't confess. If he senses that you'll ask him how he feels about you he would immediately change the topic.
It's not that he doesn't love you, but he wants you to confess to him. Yes that's right.
This guy is completely in love with you so he wants you to be completely in love with him as well before entering a relationship.
For the first time he's gonna be in a relationship with someone he truly loves so he wants to make sure the feeling is mutual.
So this can end with two scenarios:
One is where you confess to him first.
As you tell him what you feel he flashes that smug grin of his and pulled you close.
"Took you long enough."
But of course, Banri can still be impatient. So he would confess to you if he tired of waiting for you to confess to him.
"What? You're in love with me now?" you said jokingly. "Yeah, for a long time now actually" Banri said it with his usual cool expression but his voice is full of sincerity. You stand there not sure how to respond while he smirks at you. Unlike his past flirtings, you feel that this one was genuine.
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Tsumugi's confession is very subtle that you won't even notice that he confessed his love for you. If you don't become a couple you can blame this man.
You two are out shopping together when he stopped by a flower shop and told you to wait outside for a bit. When he walked out he handed you a red tulip.
As he handed you the flower you notice that there was a certin emotion in his eyes but you can't exactly point out what. "The meaning of this flower...is for you to find out" he smiles and continues to walk back to the dorm.
If you immediately found out his intentions then you'll have to confess to Tsumugi that you like him back or else he wouldn't bother you about dating and stuff.
He doesn't mind if you reject him but he really wants you to know what he feels.
If you were not familiar with flower languages then he would keep giving you red tulips once in a while until you finally get that he's confessing his love to you.
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northern-passage · 3 years
still slowly making my way thru the wraith fight in the twine port, i’ve completed one of the archer variations... only a lot more to go, hahaha. it took me way longer than i expected but i think the rest will go faster now that i’ve got a base to go off of. i’ve also started working on ch2 now because i realized i literally cannot stop thinking about the little fictional people in my brain and i Have to write about them or else 🙈
things are definitely slow right now overall though because of work which while exhausting in general with the holidays they also have me packing boxes for hours every day because of the increased orders which is really fucking with my hands, as well as the way my new laptop already irritates my one hand when i’m typing for a while...
but the prologue in twine is on track to be released in december or january - i’ll actually be taking a trip in december and will be forced to take a break then lmfao so it depends how much i’ll have done before that.
while i did a lot of editing in the prologue in choicescript i’m really hoping for the twine prologue to be the best version - editing as i import and other tiny tweaks here and there during the process while forcing myself to just leave the cs demo alone now... i just overall feel better about it and i’m hoping it’s an improvement when you all get to read it.
otherwise i am really looking forward to the 19th :-)
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: April 13th, 2021
And we’re back again with more replies so soon, haha. Thank you for the asks!
Your game literally saved me this hell ass year. Thank you so much for the most perfect piece of art I've ever laid eyes on 😫 ... Do you guys have a rough idea when step 3 DLC will be released? I hope I'm not coming off as rude. I just really really love your game.
I’m sorry for the late reply on this! You might’ve already seen the answer by now, but the Step 3 DLC is coming out on the 16th. We’re almost there :D
This may be a silly question but did Jeremy's parents ever find out that Pran had lied about his age and if so, when/how? :3
Pran came clean to them after a couple of years, when he felt secure enough that it wouldn’t ruin the relationship. The Kings were a little embarrassed, the dad more than the mom, but they’re quite good at brushing past those kind of mistakes so it was all water under the bridge pretty fast.
hi! i know you’ve answered a question about alterations in the our life moments by playing them in different orders, but i was wondering if there was a canon order that the moments for each step happen in? i figure with such a customizable game the “canon” timeline for the moments is whatever order the player completes them in, for example in step 1, i like playing the runaway moment pretty early, since cove trying to run away early in summer makes more sense to me personally. thanks!
Yeah, there’s no canon order we’d insist on. Whatever you like can be the official route for you! And that’s a neat way to look at that event.
What if your character isn’t that into physical contact but still wants to be in a relationship with Cove? Would he be offended if you shy away or something along those lines?
He wouldn’t be. Cove knows how hard that can be and is very understanding. If you set his initiative to low, the game always checks to make sure if you want to be touched or not rather than assuming that you do. And if you do choose that you don’t want to, there’s no stress or drama about it. Cove will just say that’s okay!
Hellu! First off, I want to thank you all for such a wonderful game, it's been the best feel-good game I've ever stumbled upon and I can't express enough how much it has meant to me. Second, I've seen lots of people having trouble with making Cove confess before MC which makes me wonder if people will have the same problem in the dlc when you can propose to him. Is it possible to post a guide for that as well when it no longer could count as a spoiler? Again, thanks for such a beautiful game <3
I’m really happy you had such a nice time with it c:. We’ll answer questions about it on tumblr/in the discord if they come up and, if need be, we’ll find somewhere to upload a guide.
Do we get steam key from buying dlc on itch io?
I’m afraid not. That’d be unfair to those who get it on Steam. Plus, Steam isn’t super cool with giving out thousands of keys to be handed out for free on other sites anymore. They can refuse to give us the keys if they feel we’re trying to take advantage of their system.
hi! so if we reject cove's confession in step 3, can we still have MC and cove get together in step 4?
You can confess to him, yeah. But Cove won’t ever try confessing again if the MC turns him down in Step 3.
What if MC acts like someone Cove doesn't like, like Lizzie or Baxter lol
You can’t do what Lizzie or Baxter does to make Cove dislike them. You can play the game and try, but it doesn’t work out. The MC is just too compatible with Cove if you’re fond/crush/love, haha.
Hi! I absolutely love your game, I love the characters they’re all so amazing, thank you for the game haha
I was wondering if you would get the NSFW DLC no matter what Patreon level you were at, or if you would could get it at any level? :)
What pateron tier do we need to get the 18+ content for Our Life? It's my new favourite game, keep up the good work!
It will eventually be available at the $5 tier and anything above that! Glad you both like OL ^^
On a scale from 1 (being the worst) to 10, how well do the XOXO jerk squad including JB handle horror?
JB: 8
Everett: 5
Nate: 4
Shiloh: 10
Bae: 10
Jeremy: 8 for non-gore horror, 2 for gory horror
Pran: 9
hello!! i was wondering if any of the boys from the Jerksquad would ever wear a skirt/dress?
None of them wear skirts/dresses out of personal preference. But if there was some kind of reason where they had to do it, none would be that bothered.
How does the jerk squad feel about Christmas? 
Everett: He fucking loves it. That’s the best time of year.
Nate: Commercialized nonsense.
Shiloh: It’s wonderful! So he claims.
Bae: He likes it quite a bit, but only for the joy it brings children/family. He thinks that’s sweet but is too mature to be whipped up into a festive fervor himself.
Jeremy: It’s awful.
Pran: He hates it.
does cove have any pet allergies? yes I know this is a little weirdly specific
He doesn’t! The lucky boy isn’t allergic to any animal.
Very important question: Would Lee and a musical-theatre loving MC run around belting Into The Unknown from Frozen 2? Because I feel that they would 
Probably, haha.
This might seem like a dumb question, so I’m sorry, but with the Derek DLC are we gonna get to hang out with him in person instead of just calling him in step 3? 
The Derek DLC adds events in Step 2 and Step 4. It’s part of his story that you don’t really get to be around him in Step 3. But you don’t need to apologize for wondering!
hello! i'd like to ask if it's possible to play the android version of the game with the dlcs after buying the dlcs from steam. i wasn't expecting my android version to have my dlcs since i bought them from steam, but it had my step 2 dlc for some reason. is this a glitch or does the apk actually detect what dlcs you already have on your pc? if so, how come i don't have the step 1 dlc appearing on android? thanks!
That is some kind of glitch. It isn’t possible for the Android DLCs to be unlocked by having them on PC. Maybe in one of the old builds we accidentally didn’t lock the Step 2 DLC properly. Sorry for the confusion!
Does Derek and Baxter have canon sexualities? Will Derek still flirts with the MC regardless of their gender?
They’re both pansexual and can like the MC regardless of what gender they have.
I was wondering if Miranda had a crush on Cove in Step 3? I'm not sure why, but I got those vibes from her?
She thinks of him only as a friend. Cove isn’t her type, haha.
This is probably a dumb hope, but I hope Cliff find someone he loves after Cove is grown up and everything. Or at the very least he has someone he's very close with after Cove leaves. 
That’s a really sweet thought to have. Cliff stays single, but he’s graysexual and not-particularly romantically inclined. He only dated when he was really young ‘cause that’s what everyone did. Family and friend relationships are more important to him, and he has plenty of that in his life ^^.
Heya! I was curious if there might be a nickname system in N&F? I kind of pull an Elizabeth when I play and choose a different variation of a name like having Rosie in step one and changing it to Rose in step two, then maybe Rosetta in step three for example, but it also feels a little bit odd being scolded using my nickname hehe. That's all I was wondering about, thank you for your time and the wonderful games!
We are hoping to include the option to go by a nickname in Our Life: Now & Forever. But nothing has been programmed yet, so we can’t 100% guarantee it, haha.
Just curious, what would Liz's and Cove's relationship be if MC wasn't around? I feel like they wouldn't get along as well as they do now, especially during the first and second step 
They’d definitely have a lot of friction growing up and they’d likely avoid each other as much as possible. Once they were both older, I imagine they’d be decent neighbor acquaintances. But they still wouldn’t be nearly as close as they are with the MC bringing Cove into things.
What do the customizable eyes look like in the game? Do they look as they are in the creating avatar section? Or do they look different when actually playing the game?
That’s up to you! The doll is just meant to be a general idea. You can apply it to your imagined MC as much or as little as you prefer.
Did Cove go through a "phase" during his adolescence? I don't really wanna headcanon it so I wonder if there's anything (cringy) canon since we missed out on the ages of 14-17 hahaha
Not really, aha. 14-17 Cove is pretty recognizable to his 13 and 18 year old self.
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, especially with all the messages you get. I was just wondering if the religious wedding venue was exclusive to a church or if there will be different religions of weddings? Also, I love this VN so much, it's so well written and every character is so amazing, thank you for making such a beautiful game.
The church is treated as a historic building rather than anything actively religious, but it’s not the only option like that. There’s a historic synagogue and stuff too! And that’s really nice of you to say <3.
How differently would it play out If MC told their moms about the 20$ deal back when it happened? 
They wouldn’t have been happy and would’ve been far more skeptical of Cliff, aha. But they wouldn’t want to keep Cove away from the MC, so it wouldn’t have been too different in the long run.  
Hello may I ask what Cove's favorite fudge/ice cream flavor would be? Its alright if its not answered 
He appreciates them all, but his top favorites would be the fruit flavored ones and the ones with nuts.
Hi! I really wanted to make mc's house in a game and tried really hard to figure out the floor plan, but I wondered if you have the floor plan of the mc's house so that i can try again with more accuracy?
Thank you a lot for this game, i loved it a lot! (my first play took me 8 hours lol)
I’m really sorry, we don’t have anything like that. But at least you can headcanon that what you did is correct and nothing can prove it wrong, haha.
Hello,I recently started playing lake of voices (I put it off for a long while since I’m usually not very good with horror) and I’m really happy I did!I’m a big fan of your games in general and lake of voices was absolutely great as well.I loved the characters and the dark setting of it,I adored the beautiful art and music and the story was great too,sometimes unsettling and sometimes very sweet.My favorite Route in the game was definitely Lu,I liked his character and was really shocked and distraught by his Route at least two times.I didn’t see the plot twist(s) coming at all!
Besides these ramblings I’ve also wanted to ask if you still remember how to get the lower two CGs on page 5?I seem to always miss them and would appreciate any help.Anyways I hope I wasn’t too much of a bother and I wish the devs a great day!:)
Thank you for all the kind words <3. You get those DLCs by going through the end of the Guide’s character path. You can use the guides on Steam to help you find it/reach the end!
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Thank you again for all of these questions :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a match! Part. 1
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader
Word count: +1,7k
Warnings: language, mention of alcohol.
A/N: This is a mini series, I’m not sure how many parts it’s gonna have and there’s gonna be some texts in between. LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA BE TAGGED. 
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland
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She felt her hands start sweating as she saw the small circle slowly filling up, letting her know that the app was being downloaded. She knew what a dating app was, how it worked and what was its purpose, but never created her account, not that she needed it before because she had a boyfriend. Her roommate, on the other hand, was well acquainted with dating apps, and they’d spent nights swiping through the profiles together. 
Now that she was single for the first time since she graduated from high school, her roommate and best friend had convinced her to download Tinder and have fun.
“You don’t even have to go and meet the guy, Y/N,” Jo had said with a beaming smile to encourage her when they met for coffee earlier that day, “just have a look and see if you find someone you’d want to talk to.”
She nibbled on her lip when the circle filled up entirely and the icon appeared on her screen, bright and inviting. Putting her phone down, she decided she’d create her account later, for now, downloading it was more than enough.
In her sophomore year, she broke up with her boyfriend because they couldn’t find time to be together, too busy with classes, exams, and part-time jobs. But that didn’t last long, ‘cause they got back together after three weeks. 
Those three weeks ignited a spark in her, suddenly things were more exciting to her, and she didn’t feel like she was acting how others expected her to. Y/N felt a kind of freedom that made her go on a date with her co-worker, sure they just went for a coffee together once and decided that they were better off as friends, but that small rejection made her want to make that spark disappear.
Being with Lance made things easier, they knew each other since they were little, and that meant she didn’t have to open up to let him know her flaws and fears, because he knew her like the palm of his hand. Being with him made her feel safe, even when they were apart during his first year of college since she was a year younger than him and was still in high school when he left for college, but that safety net vanished when Lance decided he wanted to spend time overseas after he graduated from college. And it was useless to wait for him if he wasn’t even sure he wanted to come back.
Eight months later, Y/N felt that spark reigniting again, making her feel like she was missing something. Ever since Lance left, she spent too much time afraid to put herself out there. How can you let someone into your life and trust them to not hurt you? After all, she trusted Lance for so long just to get hurt because they didn’t want the same things, and their paths went in different ways. But Y/N knew she couldn’t hide much longer, she wanted to go out, have fun, go on dates and meet new people, she just didn’t know how to start.
Her phone vibrated with a new notification from her best friend, and she snorted at her text.
Jo: Any matches yet heartbreaker???
If only Jo knew she still wasn’t able to bring herself into making an account. Maybe she could choose the pictures first, plan her bio, and then create it. Planning that out was definitely better than staring at the app icon.
Y/N: Not yet, but I’ll let you know ;)
After an hour of scrolling through her photos, Y/N chose five pictures where she looked decent. Hell, she looked really hot in one or two of those, and she wasn’t going to act as if that wasn’t true.
“Here goes nothing,” she muttered to herself after her account was finally set up. 
It was a strange feeling swiping through the profiles, reading their bios, and rolling her eyes at some of them. But after a few minutes, she started enjoying it, not even feeling bad if she didn’t match with a guy.
She smiled at the simple bio on her screen and swiped right, not even bothering to go through his other photos. He was cute, he seemed like he liked to have fun, and even though he was cute, he was also hot. A dangerous mix, but a really nice one.
It’s a match!
“Honey I’m home!” her best friend sang, entering  the living room.
“Shit Jo!” Y/N scolded the girl, “you scared me.”
“Why?” Jo faked an offended look, “were you sending dirty messages or something?”
“Oh shut up,” Y/N said, handing her phone over to her friend with a sheepish smile on her face, “check out my last match.”
“Okay, so he likes outdoor activities, he plays the guitar, and he has a cute smile,” her friend listed, swiping through his photos, “what are you waiting for, Y/N? Send him a message!”
“I was actually waiting for him to send one first,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks heat up, “you know I suck with conversations over chat.”
“But what if he’s waiting for you to talk to him, and you don’t do it,” Y/N looked at her friend and knew she was already making up a whole movie in her head, about how they could be soulmates, but they would never know if she didn’t send him a text.
“Fine!” She huffed and took her phone from her friend’s hands, “Do I send him a hello or what?”
“No, that’s too dry,” Jo replied, “you should ask him about where he took that picture, the one where he’s in the snow.”
She bit her bottom lip to distract herself from the fact that she felt as if her stomach was tied up in knots. He was really cute, and she had a good feeling about him, almost as if the universe was telling her to go for it, meet up with him and have fun.
Hesitating at first, she let her finger hover over the little “send” button for a few seconds, before pressing the screen and sending the text.
Y/N: Hey! Where did you take the first pic? The place looks great
“What now?” Jo looked at her with one of her eyebrows arched.
“We wait, you idiot.”
“I need to do something,” Y/N locked her phone and got up, “if I stay on that couch waiting for a reply I’m gonna end up with no nails.”
“I did your nails last night, Y/N, don’t ruin my work,” Jo complained, “why don’t you cook dinner today?, and I’ll wash the dishes, so you can text with that guy if he replies to you by the time we’re done eating.”
“I’m gonna ignore the fact that it was your turn, Jo” she pointed out but made her way to the kitchen anyway, “and you better wash, dry, and put the dishes back in the cabinets.”
Cooking was the perfect distraction, and the glass of wine she drank while they were eating helped her loosen up just enough to check her phone without feeling like she was getting back some important results.
Charlie: It’s in Canada Charlie: Sulphur Mountain Trail! Charlie: I like your smile btw
She smiled with excitement when she opened the app and saw those three messages, and just as she was about to respond, Charlie sent another one.
Charlie: How was your day??  Y/N: It was good, pretty relaxing actually Y/N: Yours?? Charlie: Great! I went hiking with a friend, so now I’m just chilling at home Y/N: I’m assuming you’re into hiking, don’t you??? Charlie: Hahaha yeah you’re right Charlie: I guess I enjoy being outside, it keeps my mind occupied
Y/N: I get it, I’m not really into outdoor activities Y/N: I mean Y/N: I don’t mind going on a hike once in a while, but I prefer reading, painting, or playing some music  Y/N: To keep my mind occupied 
Five texts in a row. Was that too much? She didn’t want to appear intense, but she also didn’t want to send just one massive text and type it for way too long.
Charlie: You play an instrument?? Charlie: I love music Y/N: Yeah I play the piano Y/N: I just don’t have one with me now, so I haven’t played in a while Charlie: Oh! That sucks! Charlie: When I moved here I think I packed my guitars first and then the rest of my stuff
Y/N let out a soft laugh at his text, he did seem like the kind of guy to pack random stuff before things that he might actually need. She should’ve done the same, she missed playing the piano, and now that she was miles away from her parents’ house it wasn’t like she could just go and play. Especially because she didn’t even know how to drive a car.
Y/N: Should’ve done the same if I’m honest Y/N: Where are you from? You said you moved here
After reading his answer to her last question, she groaned in embarrassment because it was the most obvious answer, and yet she didn’t notice it.
Charlie: I’m Canadian
She lost track of time talking to him about things they both enjoyed doing, what was their favorite movie, favorite musician, and to her surprise it was so easy to talk to him about small things like that could help you a lot to get to know another person. Y/N got startled when Jo touched her shoulder to get her attention.
“I’m off to bed, babe,” Y/N dodged when her friend tried to ruffle her hair as if she was a little kid, “don’t go to bed too late.”
“I won’t mom,” she replied jokingly, “sweet dreams, Jo.”
With a heavy sigh, Y/N typed a message, telling him that she needed to get some rest and that she was hoping they could keep talking the next day.
Charlie: Do you mind if I ask you for your number?? Charlie: I’d love to call you or FaceTime with you if you’re okay with that
“Shit, shit, shit,” she whispered, wishing her best friend hadn’t gone to bed already. Of course, she wanted to give him her number, but was she supposed to give her number to the first guy she talked to on Tinder? “fuck it, I’m doing it.”
Y/N sent him her number and after telling him goodnight, she closed the app and got ready for bed. She really had a good feeling about this whole thing, and she couldn’t put her finger on what it was, because the feeling started even before they even matched. 
Maybe it was just fate doing its work.
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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heckpup · 4 years
Hahaha I did the Ranboo thing here y’all go have some food hope you enjoy it I stayed up again. And I made art!! (It’s in the middle, where it’s actually relevant. Don’t go looking for it, let it come to you.) :D enjoy!!
Phil does not know very much about Ranboo.
What he does know he can count on two hands.
1. Ranboo is half Enderman, half something else. (Phil doesn’t know what the other half is, but he’s not going to ask.)
2. Ranboo exhibits many Enderman-y traits, which can be expected in hybrids.
3. Ranboo has memory problems.
4. Ranboo likes being with people
5. Ranboo could probably use therapy. (as could most people on the SMP)
6. Ranboo is loyal to his friends, regardless of side.
7. Ranboo likes animals.
8. Ranboo easily succumbs to peer pressure.
9. Ranboo hates Dream.
10. Ranboo lives with Phil and Technoblade.
It’s sad, really, how little most people knew about the tall boy. Philza knew that the only people who knew more than him were Dream, maybe Tommy, and (if he wanted to push it) maybe Niki.
But, regardless, Phil knows that Ranboo likes animals! (He doesn’t think about all the pets that died in the creation of L’Crater, or the time he found Ranboo in the doghouse, surrounded by the Hound Army, crying.) So, what could be cooler than taking Ranboo to see the turtle farm!
Ranboo had loved the green aquatic animals. He had rushed over, in all his Enderman glory, to awe at the turtles. Phil watched Ranboo’s ears perk up, listening to the movement, and his long tail waved behind him. One of the turtles, a female, Phil vaguely think, walks- slides?- over to Ranboo, before looking up at him and perching herself on the fence so Ranboo would pet her head in a very un-turtle like manner. Ranboo, frankly, doesn’t think too hard about it clearly, since he’s to overjoyed at the turtles and petting her head to think about the ‘how’s’ and ‘why’s.’
The sight in front of Phil, the happy Ender-hybrid with the Antarctic Empire cloak that Techno loaned him, with the golden crown and white shirt and beaming face, makes Phil suddenly think ‘Snow Prince.’
He doesn’t know why.
But what he doesn’t know is that something in him has changed, given him the want to pull out the metaphorical-not so metaphorical- adoption papers for the fourth time.
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— — —
It’s a few days later when he has the thought again. He and Techno are discussing their newest roommate and the living conditions they are in.
“So,” Techno says. “This house is gettin’ kind of small, and none of us want to put effort into expandin’. I obviously get my room, since it’s my house. You already have yourself situated ‘n the room across, but currently Ranboo is occupyin’ that one and you’re forced on the couch.”
“Do we really have to kick him out though? He’s just a kids, Tech.” Phil jokes halfheartedly. They’re planning on building a new building, maybe a new house. The problem is who’s going to live in it. Techno won’t, since this is already his house, and Ranboo shouldn’t be living alone, but Techno needs Phil to help with the voices, since they only ever change from needing blood to needing “Dadza” (Phil heard him mutter it once and he smiled) when he’s around.
So, it all comes full circle. Who’s going to live in the new house?
“Listen Tech. What if we, hear me out, we just extended the house a bit so no one has to leave.”
“But that’s work, Phil! It took me a while to finish buildin’ this house, and I’m not ready for renovatin’!”
He can see the amusement on the Piglin hybrid’s face, as they banter back and forth about the choice.
Then, with a sudden movement, Technoblade is standing up and walking over to the doorway. He pulls out a black and white figure- when did Ranboo wake up?- and sits him down at the table.
“Ranboo!” Phil says, pleasantly surprised and mildly confused. Why does Ranboo look angry and close to tears? “How long we’re you listening?”
“Longer than you’d like, I’ll bet.” Ranboo’s answer is short and snippy, and whoa, Phil can almost taste the resentment and tension in the air. Phil almost asks him what’s wrong, but Ranboo beats him to the punch.
“So, you guys are tossing me out? I’ll go pack my things then, again.” And every question Phil had is suddenly tossed out the window and replaced with a new one.
“Wha- Ranboo, what are you talkin’ about?” Techno asks in surprised shock, while Ranboo looks both like a kicked puppy and an angry cat at the same time. “We’re not gonna kick you out.”
“Oh really? Then what was all that about? ‘Do we have to to kick him out?’ Not wanting to expand the house ‘cause it takes work?” Ranboo’s tail lashes angrily around the chair.
“What? Mate, we weren’t talking about actually kicking you out! Techno and I are planning on building a smaller, one person house over where we’re moving the kennel, and we were talking about who’s going to live in it because I don’t know if you noticed, but this house is a little small.”
Phil watched as Ranboo digests what he’s said, thinks about it, pieces it all together, and suddenly, Ranboo’s much calmer. “Oh.”
Ranboo looks out of the window behind him, surveying the land that Phil had pointed out the day before. “I wouldn’t mind watching over the dogs, I think.”
Phil and Techno give each other a look. “We figured, but I didn’t want you living out there alone. I mean, you’re just a kid, mate,” Phil says, silently glad that Ranboo no longer thinks that what- they’re kicking him out? Why would they do that? Ranboo’s a great kid!
He hears Ranboo mutter about how it “wouldn’t be the first time anyway,” and suddenly he’s hit with the urge to both immediately adopt this kid and also burn whoever did that to Ranboo until they’re nothing but a small pile of ashes and then dance on them.
Philza knows a lot more about Ranboo by the time Ranboo moves into the small home by the dogs.
1. Ranboo suffers from voices like Phil’s eldest. (Is it just a hostile hybrid thing?)
2. Ranboo has abandonment and trust issues.
3. Ranboo must, at all times, be kept away from Dream.
4. Ranboo loves turtles.
5. Ranboo is now Philza’s new son. (In his heart, at least.)
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