#this became nearly 3k oops
honeypiehotchner · 2 years
midnight rain (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
I’m back on my sad/angst without a happy ending Hotch one shot bullshit 🤪 I love making myself sad  Loosely based on “Midnight Rain” by Taylor Swift!
Summary: You were a new agent at the BAU when you started dating Hotch, but your position was temporary. So was your time with him.
Warnings: self-indulgent sadness, angst, this kinda reckons with the power dynamics that would inevitably be at play in a relationship with Hotch soooo if you don’t wanna reckon with that then probs don’t read this oops
WC: 3k something
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He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
“You know I’m not staying.”
“I know.”
“Then what are you doing?”
“Asking you not to leave.”
“Aaron…” you sigh. This is exactly what you worried about from the very beginning. “I can’t. This— You know I don’t belong here.”
“But you do,” he argues. “You always have.”
My boy was a montage, a slow-motion, love potion
On your first day at the BAU, the team welcomed you in as if you had been there for years. You were included in inside jokes that you had no context for. Lunch was bought for you without question. Everyone wanted you there.
Especially Hotch.
You picked up on it immediately, his brighter attitude when you were around. He always greeted you in the mornings, said goodnight to you as you left. On cases in the field, he actively asked for your opinion, and looked to you for your input.
Everyone else saw it too. Within a few weeks, you had Emily and Morgan asking when Hotch was planning to make a move.
You laughed it off, secretly wondering for yourself. You hoped it would be soon.
And it was.
You didn’t hesitate when Hotch asked you out. You had wanted to explore these feelings ever since they began. For him, it was your first day. For you, it took some time.
You thought he was attractive at first, but you kept your guard up. Until you couldn’t anymore. Because he was so nice, it was so easy to let it fall down, flirting back and harder. It made you feel alive.
Aaron knew he loved you from the first day. There was no arguing with himself, no point in trying. He knew. But he wasn’t going to say that right away, too afraid of scaring you, so he went slow. He tested the waters, and you tested him right back.
And when it became too much to ignore, when he couldn’t help himself anymore, he asked you.
You were the last of the team left in the bullpen, just finishing up your paperwork. It was getting late. And you hadn’t eaten dinner.
Hotch came down the stairs, heart racing, almost talking himself out of it, but then you looked up at him. You smiled.
“Heading out?” you asked.
“Not yet,” he said, and that made you scrunch your nose in confusion. “How much more do you have?”
“Oh, just small things,” you breathed, moving your arm to show him. You laugh. “My eyes are starting to cross, though.”
He smiled, nervous like he was in high school. “Call it a night. Let’s get some dinner.”
“Let’s?” you question, starting to grin. He thought you were going to make a joke and reject him, but you closed your folders. “What did you have in mind?”
It was Chinese, nothing fancy, but perfect for the two of you.
You shared everything, and he paid for it all, not caring that you wanted two different things. He let you order whatever you wanted, if it meant you’d stay and enjoy it with him.
You used the shared food as an excuse to scoot closer to him in the booth, your shoulders nearly touching. You brushed his arm every chance you got, and he felt his heart flutter every single time.
It was a while before the relationship escalated past dinner dates and occasionally holding onto his arm or hand. Neither of you wanted to rush things, especially Hotch. He was terrified of scaring you away. He hadn’t dated since high school with Haley. That was a different time, a different world almost. He was a different person, only a boy.
Now, he knew to control himself, not to push you or rush you. He knew just from subtle profiling that you wanted to take some time, that you were skeptical of him and would be for a while. You were right to be; he doesn’t blame you.
He knew what it looked like: a boss going after a new employee working directly under him. If anyone knew, like Strauss, it wouldn’t look good for either of you. Because of the way the world is, he knew it might look worse for you, and he didn’t want that. He cared about you too much for that.
So, you kept things strictly professional at work. You still roomed with Emily and JJ on cases, or sometimes Reid. You never went to Hotch’s room, though you wanted so badly to. He never asked you to come over, though he wanted to.
The team knew something was different because of your new attitudes around one another. You didn’t sit together and when you spoke, it was as if you both kept close watch of your words.
It lasted three months — if that.
The team quietly conspired against you two, filling seats on the jet so you had to sit next to Hotch. You would get a room to yourself at the hotel, often next door or directly across from Hotch.
And then on one case, when a ruse in the form of a couple was needed, Rossi volunteered you and Hotch.
“What?” you blurted, giving Rossi a wild look. “Why not Reid and JJ? Or Emily and Derek?”
“The unsub is drawn to power dynamics in favor of the male,” Reid stated. “I can’t exactly have a power dynamic — look at me.”
“He’s right,” Emily chuckled. “And I can’t be with Morgan, look at us. I’d kick your ass.”
“I’d kick Hotch’s ass,” you protested, trying to prove a point, but it didn’t work.
“I know,” Hotch replied. “But physically, the unsub will see the dynamic.”
“Physically, it will help,” Reid started. “He’ll see that you’re much shorter, and Hotch’s build is broader. You should wear flats — and you should keep your jacket buttoned, it’ll—”
“I think we get it, Reid, thank you,” Hotch said, smiling softly. He looked down at you, worried. “Are you okay with it?”
“If you are,” you muttered. “I’ll go get dressed.” You were wearing pants and a button down, but something told you that wouldn’t be right for this occasion.
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
When you emerged from the bathroom, now in a black dress with flats, Hotch was waiting for you in the hallway.
He got rid of the tie, undoing a few buttons of his shirt, leaving his jacket on his shoulders, button undone for now.
“Are you alright?” he asked. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine,” you replied, trying to convince yourself. “It’s just a little weird, that’s all.”
“Us being a couple?”
“No, the way they talked about it,” you said. “Power dynamics. I know you’re my boss, but it’s not like that. Is it?”
He didn’t know how to reply. Neither did you.
“Let’s just get this over with,” you sighed.
“We’ll talk later,” he promised, reaching out his hand.
“Okay,” you nodded, but you didn’t take his hand.
I broke his heart ‘cause he was nice
When the two of you finally talked, it didn’t go as well as Hotch hoped. You had a pit in your stomach ever since Rossi volunteered you both for the role of a couple, and it didn’t go away — not even after catching the unsub.
You knew it wasn’t right, dating your boss. You knew it was a slippery slope. You knew the team would have opinions, positive or negative or both.
But Hotch swore it was fine.
“Yes, there is an inherent power dynamic because of our job positions but that is not the reason I pursued you and you know that.” His heart broke to hear your assumptions, false accusations that he preyed on you for the wrong reasons.
“I know,” you replied. Or you thought you knew. But that pit in your stomach remained.
“Is there anything I can do?” he asked, desperate. “Let me do something.”
You shook your head. “I’ll be okay, I just need…time.” What you needed was answers. To questions you were too afraid to ask. “Not time away from you, just time to think. But I want to be with you while I do.”
He was conflicted, but he nodded. “Okay. C’mere.”
You let yourself fall into his arms that time, burying your face in his chest. You didn’t understand why you felt so torn, as if two parts of you were being pulled at opposite ends.
Later, you realized it was your gut telling you the harsh truth: Aaron wants different things.
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Both of you knew that you were only biding your time, spending nights together like the two of you were going to do this forever.
You started staying in his hotel room on cases, neither of you hiding the fact from anyone on the team. You began staying nights at his apartment, or sometimes he’d come to yours. Both of you kept changes of clothes at the other’s house so more time could be spent together.
You stayed professional at work, but once you were out of the office — or done for the day on a case — you both let your walls down.
Hotch started going out with the team more, to bars for karaoke nights or just to get a few drinks. He stayed close to you, an arm always around your waist. And you loved it. But you knew none of this could last.
When the transfer request comes across Hotch’s desk, he isn’t surprised. But that doesn’t mean he won’t try to fight it.
He calls you into his office and immediately you know what the conversation will entail. You’ve already discussed the transfer with Strauss, and telling Hotch is merely a courtesy, she said. His signature isn’t required, should he refuse to give it.
Still, you walk up to his office, ready to finally face this.
“You wanted to see me?” you ask, feigning ignorance. He’s waiting for you just inside the door, a file in hand.
“Yes, have a seat,” he gestures to the chairs, shutting the door behind you.
You sit and wait for him to do the same. He unbuttons his jacket, placing his hands, fingers laced, on the desk in front of him. You cross one leg over the other.
“I understand you’ve requested a transfer.”
You take a deep breath, “Yes.”
“Can I ask why?”
You smile sadly. “I’ve said from the beginning that the BAU was temporary for me.”
“It hasn’t even been a year,” he states plainly, though he looks desperate. “I didn’t expect this so soon.”
Me either, you think. You thought you’d stay at least a year, maybe two. It has only been eight months. “I know, but this position opened up, and they reached out to Strauss directly about me. I would be an idiot not to take it.”
“I agree,” he says, glancing down at the paperwork. “It’s a great honor to work there.”
“I agree,” you reply.
Surprising you, he grabs his pen and signs the transfer, dating it before sliding it over to you. “There you go. I wish you the best of luck.”
Skeptically, you take the file in hand. “Thank you, sir.” You pause. “Is that all?”
He nods. “That’s all.”
You stand and he does too, and you wonder if he’ll be the one to say anything about your relationship. About the Us you’re about to let go of. But he doesn’t. So you have to.
“I’m sorry,” you say, gripping the transfer papers. “For things to end this way.”
“Me too,” he says quietly. It’s an immense effort to keep himself in place behind his desk, instead of walking around to hug you, kiss you goodbye. He settles for something else, something he shouldn’t say anyway, but he can’t help it. “I love you.”
You give him another sad smile. You leave his office without another word.
I peer through a window, a deep portal, time-travel
The next time you’re back in Virginia is three years later. You went overseas for some time before returning to the U.S., and now you have some time off -- kind of. You need to do a few things at HQ in Quantico, so you’re there during the week, but you have free time to see some friends.
Rossi hears you’re in town and invites you to his house. Coincidentally, you’re here just in time for JJ and Will’s wedding.
“You have amazing timing,” JJ gushes, hugging you tightly. “I wanted to ask you when you’d be back, but I know how it is.”
“Yeah,” you smile regretfully. Even if she had asked, you wouldn’t have been able to give an answer. “I’m glad I’m here now, though. I couldn’t miss this!”
“We wouldn’t want you to,” Will says in his usual drawl. “It’s good to see you again.”
Before you can reply, you’re crushed in a hug by none other than Penelope Garcia. Derek isn’t far behind, telling Pen to breathe and let you get some air, too.
“I missed you too, Penny,” you laugh, pulling Derek in to make it a group hug. “And you, I suppose.”
“Ouch,” Morgan grins. “She gets a fancy promotion and now she’s too cool for me.”
“Oh, shut up,” you chide, punching him lightly. “Where’s the rest of the team?”
“Emily’s not here yet,” Garcia says. “Or Hotch, but he should be-- I think that’s him.”
All the love we unravel, and the life I gave away
You turn your head and see Hotch walking outside with Rossi, Jack, and a woman. Hotch is holding her hand, walking close to her, smiling like you’ve never seen before. He looks happy.
Jack runs ahead and finds Henry, JJ and Will’s son, who is watching Reid perform magic tricks, as usual. They’re sitting in the grass, crisscrossed.
Hotch spots everyone in a cluster and heads over, not realizing you’re standing in the middle until he gets closer. And then his steps falter.
Rossi already greeted you when you arrived, but still he comes to your side and offers another hug.
You smile at Hotch, trying not to let old feelings resurface or influence your behavior since the woman he’s with is clearly his girlfriend -- or something.
“I didn’t know you were back in town,” Aaron says, dazed. He remembers himself after a second, and clears his throat. “This is Beth, my fiancée.”
Your heart stops and restarts. You knew he wanted to marry again at some point. That was part of why you ran away. You couldn’t marry him.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” you smile. “And congratulations, on the engagement.”
Beth is kind and warm. She thanks you and shares a loving look with Aaron. It’s real, it’s in his eyes, too. It’s unmistakable.
I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted
The night moves on and you witness JJ and Will saying their vows, officially tying the knot after so many years of postponing the date. It brings tears to your eyes, seeing Henry running up to them, the way Will scoops him into his arms.
Jack sat on Aaron’s lap throughout the ceremony, occasionally entertained by quiet magic tricks from Reid. You sat away from them, next to Morgan and Garcia, with Emily on your right.
After the official business is done, the dance floor is opened, and you drag Derek out there first. You have a blast, a little tipsy now, dancing with everyone, old friends you haven’t seen in far too long.
A slow song comes on and you dance with Derek, laying your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. Aaron is dancing with Beth and that’s something you can’t bring yourself to look at.
“You okay?” Derek asks.
“Yeah,” you nod, lifting your head, smiling. “I missed you guys.”
“Believe me, we’ve missed you,” he counters. “What are you doing back here, anyway?”
“I’ve got some time off, but there’s a few things they have me doing at Quantico. A few floors up from you guys, actually,” you tease.
Morgan raises his eyebrows. “Oh, I see,” he grins. “Does this mean we’ll see more of you?”
“Probably not,” you murmur sadly. “But I’ll try to say hi when I can.”
“Busy woman,” he exhales, but it’s full of pride. “You’re doing big things.”
“I’m trying.”
The song ends and you let Garcia (now barefoot) take the next song with Derek while you go inside to find something else to drink.
You’re midway through pouring another glass of wine when a voice from the door scares the living daylights out of you.
“Jesus, hi,” you mutter, trying to laugh it off.
“I’m so sorry,” Hotch says quickly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s fine,” you breathe, setting the wine bottle down on the counter. “Were you looking for something to drink too?”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.”
You freeze, taking a moment to gain your composure. “What’s up?” You grab your glass of wine and take a sip.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m good,” you nod. “Congrats again on the engagement. I’m really happy for you two.”
“Thank you,” he says. “Are you back in town for long?”
“No,” you shake your head, ignoring the sad look that crosses his face. “Just here temporarily to do a few things at Quantico, then I’m off again.”
“I guess you’re liking the new job then.”
“I am, I really am,” you smile. “It was the best decision I ever made.”
Something crosses his face then, but he hides it quickly. “It’s good to see you happy,” he says. “Seriously.”
“You too,” you murmur. “I’ll see you back out there.”
“Yeah,” he says, stepping aside with a sad smile. “See you.”
You leave the kitchen, wine glass in hand and tears forming in your eyes.
Truthfully, you pictured this -- seeing him again for the first time -- going differently. A scene where you weren’t crying, weren’t overthinking, weren’t starting to regret a decision you made years ago.
You meant what you said. It was the best decision you could’ve made for yourself.
But sometimes…sometimes you wonder.
You look toward the ceiling and clear the tears from your eyes, taking a deep breath before braving the crowd again.
I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted And I never think of him, except on midnights like this…
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redhoodedwolf · 4 years
hey so maybe someday I’ll stop bring up dcoms but has anyone done a sterek Z.O.M.B.I.E.S. au yet??? like ignoring the whole second movie of course
Beacon Hills was a normal town, with normal people, and everyone got along.
And then, werewolves.
Now, Beacon Hills is divided with Wolvenland. But times are changing, and werewolves are finally allowed to join back into society, but very very slowly. First, high school.
But relegated to the basement, completely separated from humans, with the only teacher being the janitor is not how Derek thought the year would start, alongside his best friends Erica and Boyd.
Stiles Stilinski, on the other hand, is the samest person as everyone else. Well, except for his moles that kind of, like, glow? For no reason? But he just cakes foundation on his face and it covers it all up, and that’s the way he has done it since he was a baby. No one has ever thought anything weird of him and he wants to keep it that way. Especially since it’s junior year and he’s finally old enough to be a junior member of the protection squad: the group that, when a part of, makes you a shoe-in for any security job he could ever want after graduation. Which as always been his goal; to follow in his fathers footsteps.
On the first day, Stiles meets Isaac, a timid kid who brightens only when talking about the protection squad. He gets it out of the tall teen that he used to be abused and wants to do what he can to stop that for anyone else. They quickly become friends, and Stiles introduces him to Scott, his step-brother, a senior, and the captain of the junior protection squad.
Scott is really against the integration of werewolves, secretly terrified of the power they have but refuses to show his fear and hides it behind a wall of hatred. See, werewolves used to be all feral and destroyed a third of the town before the government stepped in and solved the problem with W-Bands. Every werewolf wears one, and it emits electronic pulses that “contain” the wolf and calm them, supposedly. Though they still retain the fang and glowing eyes look most days. And Scott is very vocal about his dislike, but Stiles isn’t so sure.
He’d seen, that first day the way the senior protection squad had members posted up at the werewolf entrance and sneered at them, trying to antagonize them into lashing out. He watched as the one with glowing blue eyes held back the buff wolf next to the frizzy-haired blonde wolf when something had been said about her appearance. Blue Eyes had deescalated the situation quickly and ushered them into the building, but not before their eyes caught each other. Stiles had felt a shiver course up and down his spine, and it wasn’t out of fear. He was intrigued.
He became even further intrigued when Derek tried to show up for the first meeting of the junior protection squad, wanting to sign up. Derek knew that keeping the last of his family safe was the most important thing possible, and, joining the protection squad would make that possible. He would do whatever he could to stop hunters form coming after them again.
Tried is the opprative word, though, because the school principal expressly forbid werewolves from joining school clubs. Scott stood by, arms crossed and head shaking back and forth as Derek backed out of the gym, feeling dejected.
Stiles didn’t see him again until that evening, during their unofficial junior protection squad initiation which, unknowingly to Stiles and Isaac, took place in the middle of Wolvenland.
Scott hands them a jar of some ash and jerks his head towards the run-down homes on the block. “Line the front doors with this mountain ash and you’re in. It’ll keep them locked in their houses, which is the best way to keep humans safe. That’s your first task.”
Stiles and Isaac are left alone with this jar, staring at the house in front of them, both unsure if this was the right move. A door bangs and lights blink on, and they both duck out of view, just in case.
They hear footsteps, and Stiles glances up from the ground to see Blue Eyes stumbling down the front steps they were hiding against, head swinging side to side.
The wolf spots the two of them, and Stiles clenches his fingers around the jar. The werewolf glances down at it, eyes widening, and then—
“Derek!” A woman’s voice shouts form inside of the house. “Anyone there?”
Derek, apparently, what a normal name, takes a deep breath. Stiles winces, waiting for the retribution. Isaac is next to him, shaking.
“Nothing Laura.”
Stiles’ head shoots up at that, staring in shock at Derek as he stares back, frowning slightly.
“All clear,” Derek adds, for good measure, and then leaves, back into the house
Stiles and Isaac duck back to Beacon Hills as quickly as possible, the jar of mountain ash tossed into a trash bin. When Stiles got home, he just gave Scott a nod, letting him think what he wanted, and went to bed.
The next day, Stiles snuck down to the basement to apologize or maybe thank Derek for not ratting them out. They find a minute to sneak away, and after Stiles apologizes, he admits he doesn’t know a lot about werewolves but he doesn’t see the big deal. Derek, afraid to trust a human, as doing so has never been historically helpful for a ‘wolf Hale, tentatively accepts Stiles’ friendship and can admit to himself he may have a bit of a crush. Stiles is cute, okay? He has golden eyes that almost seem to glow like a werewolf’s, and he smells soft. Just, soft.
Stiles was trying to figure out how he could sneak around and spend time with Derek, maybe get Isaac involved if he be willing (he seemed sympathetic to the werewolves and supported Stiles’ confused rambling as to why they couldn’t join clubs), when a minor disaster struck.
It was the first official mission of the year for the squad and Stiles was excited to show his skills. It was just a routine patrol, something Scott told them would happen usually once a month. They were patrolling the school campus during the evening lacrosse game, Stiles leading his group, Isaac at his back, around the locker room entrance.
Sudden screams came from the field, and because Stiles’ team was they closest, they were told to investigate.
The field was chaos, the game abandoned as a crowd of hooded figures with guns and crossbows pointed their weapons at the scattering crowd. Hunters, Stiles realizes, and then his second thought is that there must have been werewolves in the stands, to encourage the illegal “vigilante” group out of hiding.
Stiles’ dad had dealt with them a few times he knew, but he never thought he’d have to on his first mission.
He’s prepared, though, but no one can prepare for trigger-happy hunters who, at the first sign of movement of Stiles’ team, aimed a crossbow at them and shot. Well, not them. At Stiles.
Stiles hears his name shouted and suddenly he is on his back and someone is flattening him into the ground and breathing heavily.
“Derek?” Stiles chokes when he recognizes the figure. “What..?”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”
Stiles looks over Derek’s shoulder and sees an arrow sticking out of his arm. He screams.
“I’m fine,” Derek assured him. “No wolfsbane.”
Stiles doesn’t really understand wolfsbane, but he knows that means Derek won’t die from the wound.
Once Stiles was on his feet, he saw the hunters had vanished, naturally.
Stiles watches Derek heal right in front of his eyes and stares at him in awe.
The very next day, due to Derek’s rescue in front of many witnesses, he is probationarilly allowed to join the squad.
“You do good on these missions, protect the humans, and maybe we’ll think about letting the werewolves participate more.” This was the principal’s stance.
Suddenly, Derek was the poster boy for werewolves, which he never wanted but knew he now had to keep up, in order to maintain a friendship with Stiles.
Meanwhile Stiles was feeling a lot of pressure from Scott at school and at home for his obvious connection to werewolves. Scott warns him not to trust easily. You never know who could out you as a freak.
Stiles coats his makeup extra heavily for days afterwards, which is how Derek notices his excess palor. Stiles finds himself spilling his whole story, how he was born with these illumiscent markings on his face and he and his parents never knew why, though he suspects it has something to do with the werewolf attack his grandfather Stilinski barely survived right before meeting his grandmother. Residual magic is his best guess.
Stiles doesn’t let Derek see it, but Derek tells him he shouldn’t be ashamed of the things that make him different.
As each mission Derek is sent on with a wary and uncooperative team comes back successful, the students and the school begin to relax. Soon, werewolves have lockers in the same hallway as humans and are sharing classes and the cafeteria. Derek gets pats on the back from strangers in the halls.
But no matter the betterment of the reputation of werewolves, Scott is still scared and wary of being usurped from his position by a “monster”. So he keeps Stiles away as often as he can and never lets them go on missions together.
So Derek gets sneaky, using Erica and Boyd to pass messages to Stiles for him. Erica is against it, having been burned many times in her life for being a werewolf as well as an epileptic who never gets proper treatment for her condition. Boyd doesn’t care through, silent and stoic, and passes notes surreptitiously.
Derek’s most recent note had them meeting at the gate into Wolvenland, and Stiles tried to shake off his nerves because he quickly realized it was a full moon night. But Derek reassured him he wasn’t about to be eaten, he just wanted to invite him to their monthly festivities where everyone in the community gathered to be together, though it had originally started as a necessary meeting to protect the young from vigilante hunters who wanted to eradicate werewolves from Beacon Hills for good.
Stiles was having a blast, getting along with Erica for the first time, meeting Laura and Cora and them not clawing his intestines out for kindasorta dating their brother, and he was this close to finally kissing Derek when— BAM. The senior protection squad arrived, as apparently they did every time, to chase everyone back into their homes. Which means Stiles causes a diversion so that Derek can get away and not be spotted with him by Stiles’ father.
Back home after being thoroughly chastised by not only his dad but also Melissa and a silent glaring Scott, Stiles thinks about everything and realizes how deeply screwed he is and that he’s be willing to give it all up for Derek, which, that is what’s scary, not werewolves.
Derek stops Stiles in the stairwell the next day to apologize for leaving him alone, but Stiles waves it off, a determined glint to his eyes. If Derek looks close, he can see a faint glow under the power on his cheeks.
“If my family can’t accept werewolves, maybe I don’t want to be on the protection squad anymore.”
“But that’s all you’ve ever wanted to do. That ambition is what makes you you. It’s what I like about you.”
Stiles scoffs, a tad bit wetly. “I just wish I could flip a switch and solve everything.”
Derek stares down at the W-Band, which Erica had tampered with to alleviate the pain that came with it (hoping that by changing the level of the pulses, she could up her wolf powers and heal herself of her illness) and thinks, huh.
Maybe if the band made him less wolf, it could make him more human. If he could be human, they wouldn’t have these problems. He and Stiles might...
But it all goes wrong, because the hunters knew about the W-bands and their lax security and were just waiting for the right moment to strike. And Derek was the perfect folly.
The hunters set up a trap, calling an emergency meeting of the squad, junior and senior, to go after a false alarm. Stiles sneaks his way into Derek’s group, finally, but their joy doesn’t last for long.
Derek glances down at his wrist, sees the screen flash a bright purple, and then feels a sharp pain lace up his arm from his wrist, through his shoulder, across his back, and down his spine.
Stiles shouted for him when he saw something was wrong and watched as the band was disconnected, and Derek went full feral wolf. A slave to his basest instincts, Derek set off a howl that shook the ground and set blazing blue eyes on the squad, claws out, readying to attack.
“Derek, stop! This isn’t you!” Stiles screams.
Scott stumbles back, fear overcoming anything else in his body at the sight of the feral werewolf who has apparently set his sights straight on him.
But Derek stumbles as he approaches, and Scott watches in amazement as he reaches out towards him with one clawed hand, the other wrapped around the extended forearm, trying to...pull it back?
A flash bang went off, Derek screamed, and the next anyone could see, Derek was tackled to the pavement, shackles around his wrists, and features back to nearly human.
Scott, still baffled by the internal battle of Derek that he’d just seen, stood as the rest of the squad started yelling, shouting curses at Derek, damming werewolves, declaring they knew it was a bad idea all along it was only a matter of time before the monsters turned on them.
And Stiles snaps.
“He was your monster!” Stiles shouts as Derek, looking utterly defeated, is dragged away. “You did this to him! You made him into a weapon— no, a shield.”
“They’re freaks!”
Stiles wipes an arm across his face, revealing his glowing moles, striking the crowd silent. He did not meet his father’s eyes.
“If he’s a freak, than so am I.”
Stiles ran after Derek, spewing apologies, promising that he’d get him out, he would, don’t worry.”
When Stiles, having run the whole way to Wolvenland, panted out to a stunned Erica and Boyd what happened, he accepted the slap across the face.
“This is why we don’t trust humans. We can’t have human friends. They only betray us.”
School is scarily the same the next day, except for the gaping hole the lack of werewolves left behind. The tale of the previous evening had spread, and werewolves were back to being ostracized in the basement.
Stiles quit the squad. He hadn’t even gone home, spending the night at Isaac’s apartment where he lived with his older brother when he wasn’t stationed overseas in the army. He didn’t want to see his dad or Melissa. He really don’t want to see Scott.
The hunters got what they wanted, the town was back to distrust. It was time to finish this once and for all.
Words were whispered in the ears of important people, people of power, words like “stop them now, eradicate them, and erase them”
These words were whispered to Scott by a leggy blonde who wore the biggest smirk on her face that he felt like prey. But the words didn’t resonate with Scott.
Because Scott had spent the night awake replaying the event over and over in his head. Derek had tried to stop himself. He hadn’t wanted to attack. He was conscious enough to try and stop himself. Derek was human inside, he just had a bit extra. He wasn’t a monster unless they made him that way.
And he quickly formed a plan with his step dad, knowing some of the squad would not be on board so they had to keep it in a small group. He was approached that evening differently than earlier with the hunter, by a skittish girl who looked sort of familiar, maybe one with an itchy trigger finger, who admitted her family was involved with the hunters but she didn’t want to be part of it anymore and she wanted to convince Scott to help her stop them.
The three of them cornered Stiles, and once Scott apologized, his dad praised him for being brave, and Allison admitted to almost shooting him, Stiles joined in on their plan.
He promised to get Derek out and save him and he would fulfil that promise.
So there’s a big fight in here now where there’s another emotional speech, hunters disband or did, and then Derek is released. But I’m too tired at this point to write all that angst out.
Finally, Derek is back next to Stiles, and they smile at each other. Derek reaches up and stroked his thumb over Stiles’ cheek, over the glowing, and Stiles is less chicken and leaned into the touch and kisses Derek.
Happy ending, collective dance sequence, reprise of the opening song, beautiful moments, and happy wolves.
So, anyone write that yet?
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imma-new-soul · 5 years
Friend to the Bride
Summary: When your friend Natasha is finally getting married she introduces you to everyone whose going to be a part of the wedding. When she introduces you to her friend Bucky things get a bit interesting
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Natasha x Steve, Wanda, Scott, Sam, Thor, Shuri, Hope, Pepper, Tony (platonic)
Warning: probably spelling error cause I didnt proof read
Words: 3k (oops sorry not sorry)
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It was nearly 6:30am and your plans to sleep in for once was interrupted by an annoying knock on the door. You grabbed the pillow from under you covering your face trying to block out the sound of the knocking but it just became louder and more frequent. Throwing the sheet that covered your body off and aside you placing your feet into the slippers you had kicked off before hopping into bed last night. 
Shuffling lazily through the living room you arrived at the door. Whoever was at the door was very persistent in their attempt to get you out of bed. Swinging the door open you were greeted by a way to energetic, Way to a wake Natasha Rominoff. Although she was your bestfriend you wanted to kill her for taking the only day you could get some well needed rest away from you. 
“I called like a million times what were doing?” She said shaking her phone in your face 
“ I was trying to sleep in like a normal person does on their day off, only psychos like you are up this early Nat” you say walking to the kitchen to start to make a fresh pot of coffee. Natasha grabs the pot from your hand and places it on the counter behind her. 
“Get ready we’re going dress shopping, we can pick up some coffee on the way over” she says pushing you towards your room.
About 4 months ago Steve finally asked Natasha to marry him and it was about time they were dating for 5 years and everyone figured it would never happen, even Natasha had her doubts. ever since then Nat has been going crazy planning everything herself. Her wedding dress was already picked out and she was so excited to start looking for dresses for all her bridesmaids. last week you went with her when she finally said yes to the dress and you balled your eyes out because she just looked so stunning. 
You couldn’t protest and beg her to let you crawl back in bed no matter how much you wanted to,  Besides you were her maid of honor and knew you couldn’t skip out on this. Nat waited for you on the couch while you got ready. Finally you stepped out in a gorgeous summer dress, hair in perfect curls, and pretty white wedges. 
You decided to take Nat’s car because you were to tired to drive anyway. After getting your well needed coffee you arrived at the dress shop at around 7:30am. 
“So why do we have to be here so early?” You say stepping out of the car.
“Because it’s the only reservation I could get, This place is ALWAYS booked. Now hurry up everyone’s already here waiting for us” Nat said rushing out of the parking lot heading to the entrance of the shop.
Even though you haven’t met all of Natasha’s friends you met some of the girls a few times throughout the years and they adored you. They thought it was cute how quiet and shy you were, Wanda and Shuri took an especially strong liking to you always making sure you felt comfortable and included.
 Walking into the shop you spotted the rest of the bridesmaids right away and they all got up hugging you and Natasha and took their seats back on the couch. Hope, Wanda, Pepper, and Shuri all beaming with excitement, everyone couldn’t wait to pick out their dresses. The dress shop was beautiful and way bigger than you expected. One side has gorgeous dresses hanging from the racks and a few mannequins wearing stunning gowns and on the other side was a giant red curtain dividing the room but you didn’t quite know what was on the other side. 
After about an hour everyone picked out their dresses and was already fitted, it couldn’t have gone any smoother you thought smiling at how happy Natasha was. After everyone was changed into their original clothes Natasha sighed and grabbed your hand leading you through the curtain to a separate room and the rest of the girls joined a few seconds later. The room you were now in look similar to the one before but the dresses were replaced with suits and tuxedos. Steve and a group of men you never seen before were scattered around the shop some still in their street clothes and some in there suits. You figured these must be his best-friends and groomsmen and clenched your awkwardly coming to the realization that you now had to meet new people when you were just getting use to Natasha’s friends. 
The rest of the bridesmaids walked past you greeting the men, hugs and laugher exchanged for a few minutes until Nat pulled you over so she could introduce you to the guys. You already knew Steve so there was no need for introductions. She swung her hand around Steve’s waist and started to call out their names. “This is Scott, Tony. Sam, Thor, and Bucky, everyone this is my Maid of Honor y/n” she said each of them turning to look at you.
Scott stepped towards you bringing you into a surprising, tight hug and you giggled a little hugging him back
Thor gave you a wide smile bowing his head a bit “Nice to meet you Lady y/n” he said in a low deep voice 
Sam reached out for your hand and placed a small kiss on the back of it, winking at you 
Tony was to busy checking himself out in the mirror to pay you much attention 
Lastly Bucky stepped forward towards you extending his hand out for a handshake but not making any eye contact with you. You noticed his hand was soft but sweating a bit and he cleared his throat before walking away awkwardly keeping his eyes on the floor. 
You had to admit they were a strange group of individuals but the way everyone talked and laughed with each other you knew they were one big happy dysfunctional family who loved one another to death and you wished you had something like that for yourself. After a few minutes everyone settled in waiting for the rest of the men to try on here suits. Sam strudder out of the dressing room confidently in an all black fitted suit and shiny flat black shoes. He smiled sticking out his tongue and did a dramatic spin so everyone could see him. You couldn’t help but laugh at his actions and everyone joined in clapping and whistling feeding his ego a bit. 
A few seconds later and Bucky came out in the same all black suit. His large shoulders and arms wrapped in the black material and as he turned to look in the mirror you couldn’t help but notice how good his butt looked in those pants. The suit fit him perfectly hugging just the right spots and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Natasha looked over her shoulder to see you practically drooling over Bucky, she smiled and went back to talking to Steve. 
When you were done in the shop Nat and Steve invited everyone over for lunch at their house and everyone one accepting their offer and got into their separate cars. On the ride over Natasha took one hand off the steering wheel smacked your thigh lightly to get your attention. 
“You know Bucky is single” she said smirking keeping her eyes on the road. 
“So.. what does that have to do with me?” You said squinting your eyes
“ C'mon y/n I saw the way you were looking at him” she said holding back her smile
“I don’t know what you mean” you said back to her
“Don’t give me that If your jaw was any more open it would have touched the floor” she was now smiling at you containing her laughter 
Your cheeks blushed bright, she wasn’t wrong but you hoped no one noticed. You sat there in the passenger seat not really knowing what to say feeling so embarrassed you wanted to sink right into the seat.
“Just promise me you’ll try to talk to him y/n he’s a sweet guy I think you’ll really like him.” Nat said hoping you’d say yes. You sighed a little rolling your eyes.
“ Fine I’ll try to talk to him, but I’m not making any promises.” You said finally giving her what she wanted to hear. Nat smiled childishly giving herself a mental pat on the back.
Lunch at Steve and Nat’s was a blast all of their friends were so funny and made you feel welcomed. After the meal, some people were crowded around the couch watching a rom-com that Wanda picked out and others broke off to their own little groups. You saw Bucky leaning against the wall and turned to look at Natasha nervously, she gave you a nod and you took that as her way of telling you to go for it, so you did. You walked towards Bucky till you were standing right infront of him. You had no idea what you were going to say so you blurted out the first thing that came to your mind.
“Hi I’m y/n” you said 
“Yeah I remember.. Natasha’s Friends” Bucky said in a friendly tone 
You wanted to slap yourself, of course he knew your name Nat already introduce you. You wanted out of this conversation already and it had just begun.
“Yeah” you said awkwardly nodding your head 
“ umm so how do you know Nat?” He said trying to keep the conversation going. 
“ We went to the same high school she was pretty much the only person I talked to my whole 4 years.” You said not realizing that that sounded kind of pathetic but you went on to ask Bucky how he knew Steve and he replied saying that he couldn’t remember a time where he didn’t know Steve and you found it sweet that their still so close. Surprisingly Bucky was very easy to talk to, he asked you lots of questions and you were more than happy to answer them. The two of you actually had a lot in common. He loved reading and science and watching old movies ,all the things Nat use to tease you about saying it was geeking. 
You couldn’t believe you could talk to someone who was so hot and be able to not make a complete fool out of yourself. After a few hours of talking with Bucky you started to see him as more than just a pretty face, he was interesting and sweet and very respectful. Somehow the conversation turned to a discussion about your relationship status and you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks 
“So are you taking anyone as your date to the wedding?” Bucky asked cautiously 
“ No I have too much stuff to help Natasha with I mean it’s not like I have anyone to go with anyway.” You say looking down and away from Bucky 
“Yeah I don’t either, if that makes you feel any better.” Bucky said laughing lightly and placing a hand you upper arm. 
Your heart started to beat fast and your skin started to heat up at his touch. You giggled a little with him trying not to let him notice how his touch was affecting you. You felt crazy for it but just in these few hours you were developed really strong feelings for Bucky. It was getting late and everyone was starting to head out and so was Bucky which disappointed you cause it felt like you could talk to him forever. So he said his goodbye to you giving you a quick hug, sliding one hand around your waist and leaning into you. The warmth of his body and smell of his cologne set tingles all down your spine. You signed and frowned to yourself watching him leave Steve and Nat’s house before you remembered a few minutes before he left he asked for your phone putting his number in it and telling you to text him whenever you wanted someone to talk to.
A few weeks past and the wedding was tomorrow. Bucky and you texted everyday, it wasn’t anything flirty you just talked about work and errands and the wedding of course. You were so excited to finally see your best friend get married but first you had the rehearsal dinner tonight that you had to attend. You were more than nervous, this was the first time you were going to see Bucky in weeks. It took you 3 hours to get ready trying to make sure you look your absolute best.
Arriving at the venue a little after Natasha you where in awe. Everything was already set up for tomorrow morning and it was breathtaking. When everyone arrived the first thing you had to do was practice your walk down the aisle with your partner. Nat figured it’ll be fine to not rehearse any of this till today because she knew no one needed much practice walking in a straight line. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen took their place wrapping their arms around their partners arms waiting for the queue. You were a bit confused you didn’t have a partner until you felt Bucky’s arm wrap around yours. 
“Hey y/n” he said with a million dollar smile. You could just melt right now! 
“Hi… umm you’re my partner?” You said a bit confused as to why he never mentioned it to you when you two had texted all those nights.
“Yea I’m Steve’s best man Natasha told me to keep it a secret, that it was a surprise for some reason.” He said still smiling at you.
You snapped your head around to see Nat waving and smiling at you giggling like a little kid. You wanted to scold her but you couldn’t contain your smile. The music started right away and as the couples started to walk Bucky leaned down to your ear 
“You look beautiful” he said leading down the aisle not giving any time to respond. 
You blushed the whole way down the aisle and you were pretty sure everyone noticed. The rest of the rehearsal went perfectly and as everyone sat at the tables to eat your mouth hurt from how much you smiled. Bucky sat right beside you telling jokes and funny stories. God he’s so perfect you thought to yourself as he went on and on. A few minutes into the meal you felt Bucky’s knee graze against yours and you bit your lip trying not to smile. Steve and Natasha was talking to everyone about the plans they had made for their honeymoon when you felt Bucky’s hand reach out and grab yours that you had resting on your lap. Your heart pounded in your chest and you let your smile spread across your face. He held your hand the whole dinner as he talked to you about any and everything 
When dinner was over, everyone started to pack up and leave. Bucky let go of your hand and stood up pulling the chair out for you to stand up. 
“Well I’m going to head out” he said you could hear the tiredness in his voice
“Ok It was really nice talking in person again” you said smile up at him 
“I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful” Bucky said leaning over to place a kiss on your cheek. 
GOD DAMN!! Is it hot in here? Or is it just you???
You were in shock. Did that really just happen? Did he call you beautiful? Gosh his lips are so soft? All these questions and thought ran through you head. That night you couldn’t sleep, you were up all night thinking about all that needed to be done for the wanting and most importantly you couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky. Morning came and you hopped out of bed ready for what was to come. You got dressed in some comfortable clothing knowing you weren’t going to be in your bridesmaid dress for another few hours. Nat picked you up and you both arrived at the venue early enough to get your hair and makeup done. 
The morning was chaotic for you, you ran all over the place making sure everything was perfect until it was time to finally start the ceremony. All yours and Nat’s work paid off everything was perfect. Bridesmaid and groomsmen arm and arm, you and Bucky where last before Natasha walked down the aisle and she was stunning. She took everyone’s breath away. You and Steve couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of her. After the ceremony was over, it was time for the PARTY. You could finally relax and have fun with your girls. 
The wedding was turning out even better then you expecting and it made your heart swell to see how happy Natasha was. After a few up-beat songs the DJ started to play slow love songs for all the couples. Every pair stepping out on the dancefloor to slow dance to the music. 
It was sweet seeing everyone in love, you watched as they cozied up to each other the women’s heads on their mans chest swaying to the rhythm. You were taking away from your thoughts when you looked up to see Bucky standing in front of you with his  hand stretched out 
“ Can I have this dance?” He said, taking his hand he lead you to the dancefloor, holding your waist with his hands. 
It felt amazing to him having you in his arms, he looked down at you with heavy eyes filled with passion. Without thinking he inched closer to you kissing you lightly, your hand wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer deepening the kiss. He pulled his head back after a few moments and spoke
“I was going to ask you this yesterday but I kind of got to nervous,… can I take you out sometime… like on a date" 
"Yea I’d like that” you said smiling at him and kissing again. 
When the song was over you looked over to see Natasha clapping for the two of you and you smiled in complete happiness 
@mushyjellybeans @sebbbystaaan
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buckyownsmyheart · 5 years
Duty [7/12]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 3k
Warnings: Smut!! In the first part only. Terrible editing all the way through. Cliffhangers (oops)
Series Summary: Ex-army doctor, and now the Avengers on-mission doctor, Major (Y/n) (Y/l/n), had prepared herself for anything. That was, of course, until she met a devastatingly charming Sergeant from Brooklyn with a quick wit, a kind smile and a taste for adventure. I wonder what will happen?
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
 You were surprised at how quickly you adjusted to having someone in the same bed as you again. A month after your injury, Bucky had pretty much moved full-time into your room. His was only a few doors down, but it now acted mainly as a storage room. Predominantly keeping Bucky’s knives safe as you had forbidden them in yours. Although nightmares rarely entered either of your sleeping minds anymore, having the other there when they did, helped significantly. Tonight, there was a pretty heavy thunderstorm going on, and both you and Bucky had woken with a start at the loud claps of thunder that had broken through the silent night. It was now 3 hours later, and you and Bucky had taken to talking, knowing neither of you would get back to sleep unless the storm ended. You always hated thunder, it made you anxious and kept you on edge, and Bucky seemed to feel the same way. 
As you lay in the dark facing each other, Bucky was tracing shapes on your back with his metal arm, whilst his other one propped his head up. He was talking animatedly about how Avril Lavigne was actually replaced by someone called Melissa in 2003. Maybe you needed to put a child-lock on YouTube, can you even do that? But he was cute when he talked passionately, even if it was about ridiculous conspiracy theories. You did, however, make a mental note not to ask about the moon landing.
“She even hinted to it in her songs! Have you heard ‘Slipped Away’? Melissa is definitely leaving a clue.” Bucky poked you hard in the side, “Babe? Are you listening? This is important.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m listening. I heard that apparently their facial structures changed too!” You hid a yawn and faked some enthusiasm. You didn’t want to dismiss something he cared about, but at 4 in the morning it was getting a little difficult.
“I know!” Bucky exclaimed, then he noticed your eyes and his immediately became concerned, “Are you tired? Do you want to go to bed?”
You shook your head, and a comfortable silence fell where you took the opportunity to study Bucky’s face, as you had become quite fond of doing. “You know, you’re not at all as I expected,” you whispered, lightly touching his chin where hair was starting to regrow. Photos just didn’t do him justice. They don’t capture the way his eyes light up when he thinks there might be a cake on offer, or the way his hair gently sways in the wind, and its softness just after he’s washed it. The grace at which he moves, and the little smile that appears on his face when he’s basking in the sun. You may be wearing rose-tinted glasses, but he was just about the damn best thing that had come into your life.
“Why’s that then?” He asked after a pause, “Am I devilishly good-looking? Far too handsome for my own good?” You stifled a laugh, and his eyes twinkled mischievously,
“Fatter,” you retorted, “and not nearly as funny.”
“That’s it!” He exclaimed, and dove on you, sitting around your waist to pin you down and tickling you. He was relentless, and you screamed, wiggling around trying to escape from his hold.
“Okay, I’m sorry! I take it back!” You laughed, holding your stomach to try and relieve the ache, “You are far far too handsome for your own good.” He leant back, satisfied with your response.
There was a moment of silence, and you wondered if the storm was finally over, the steady breathing of Bucky beside you was comforting, and you bit your lip trying to contain your smile. He had that effect on you.
“Can I plait your hair?” He questioned
“Uh, yeah sure, why not.” You sat up, situating yourself in between Bucky’s legs as he began a French plait down a portion of your hair. The feeling of his hands gently scratching at your scalp was sent shivers down your spine and a pleasant sensation spread along your neck. You fought a valiant battle against your drooping eyes, trying to keep Bucky company, but to no avail.
The next thing you know, you were waking up to sunlight streaming through the curtains onto your bed, Bucky sprawled out beside you, his hand over your forearm but fast asleep. The clock read 07:42 and so you moved to shut the curtain and try and allow yourself more sleep before the day truly starts. As you run a hand through your hair, it got stuck. Ah yes. One of Bucky’s French plaits. On half of your head. I guess that was your fault for falling asleep on him last night. As you pulled it out, you looked down to admire his sleeping form when his hand stretched out to try and find you. Okay, that was adorable. The curtains and half braided hair forgotten, you slipped back under the covers and folded yourself into him as his arm wrapped around your middle.
“G’Mornin’,” He uttered huskily, his voice still thick with sleep. You wiggled back into him and squeezed his arm in response, before feeling something unmistakeable pressing into your butt.
“It certainly is,” You said, trying not to laugh, before turning around in his arms, meaning your face was inches away from his, your noses almost touching as he opened one eye.
“Don’t be mean,”
“I’m not!” You slid closer to him, pressing your hips against his,
“Yes, you are,” His eyes were now both open. He suddenly seemed a lot more alert. “And you’re not helping the situation,”
“I think you’ll find I am helping the situation, and making it much better for both of us,” You gave him a light but slow kiss, lingering tantalisingly close to his lips afterwards, so close that they nearly touching, trying to tempt him for more. Lucky for you, he took the bait, and captured your lips in a deep kiss. He moved his thigh in between your legs, and you couldn’t help but grind down on it, trying to give some friction to relieve the throbbing that had begun.
Heat was radiating off Bucky’s chest, and your hands wandered over every inch of him. The coolness of his left arm on your thigh was a sensation that was entirely and uniquely Bucky, and you absolutely lived for it. His hand moved around to cup your ass and press you down harder onto him. You let out an involuntary gasp, if things carried on like this, you were going to come off friction alone. Bucky kept a steady pressure on your butt, and you moved back and forth, finding it harder and harder to think straight. The thought of him consumed every part of you, fuelling desire in every sesne. His mouth was urgently moving against yours, a clash of teeth and tongues. Just as you felt your high coming, he replaced his thigh with his hips, moving himself on top of you and pressing his hard length against your heat, and the change made your eyes roll back into your head as tingles engulfed you, spreading warmth along your body as you climaxed.
Bucky started kissing down your neck and along your collarbone, moving his old t-shirt to the side as he did. His other hand moved up underneath your shirt, and he ran his thumb over your already hard nipple. His touch left goose bumps as he massaged gently, and he was leaving nips at the base of your neck where you knew there would be a slight pink mark later. The feeling was angelic, and left you wanting even more. You took off your shirt, leaving you exposed, and the look that Bucky gave you was nearly enough to send you over the edge again. He started kissing down your chest, but you pulled his chin back up.
“You’ve been looking after me for the past month, let me look after you,” You whispered, gently pressing on his shoulder to get him to roll over. As he complied, you straddled him, grinding your now wet underwear into his and kissing him more softly. You placed gentle kisses along his jaw, and slowly worked your way down his body. As you reached down to grab him over his boxers, he let out a small groan, encouraging you to press down and rub him gently as he cursed your name. You pulled his underwear down and kissed his thigh messily whilst pumping him slowly with your hand. You ran your tongue along the soft skin of his inner thigh, whilst looking up at him, his blue eyes piercing into yours. You moved your lips against the base of him and licked up his length, from balls to tip, before swirling your tongue around the top, mixing your spit with his pre-cum. As you finally took him in your mouth, he swore under his breath. You started moving up and down, trying to move your tongue as much as possible in the restricted space. Your other hand was still pumping at the base where you couldn’t take all of him. You built up a steady rhythm, hollowing your cheeks out and bobbing up and down, trying to maintain eye contact with him. His hands were tangled in your hair, holding it back, but the gentle tugs he was giving was enough to keep you going.
“Shit doll, you look so good like that, your mouth feels so good wrapped around me.”
All you could do was hum in response but hearing him groan and grunt in pleasure was enough to build the heat between your legs to an unbearable level. You reached down and slipped your own fingers into your underwear, sliding them along your folds to satisfy yourself, still bobbing your head up and down. You moaned against him at the feel of him in your mouth, and your own fingers inside you. You pressed your own palm down, giving pressure on your clit to add extra stimulation. When Bucky noticed what you were doing, he swore again.
“Baby, you’re going to be the death of me, touching yourself like that whilst going down on me, I could cum right now. Come back up here and kiss me.”
You gave him one last lick, pressing his member down on your tongue with your hand and removing your other one from your underwear. As you crawled back up to him, you removed them, and went to kiss him. He met you greedily, slipping his tongue in your mouth immediately. You reached down and lined him up with your entrance, before slowly sinking down onto him. The feeling left you both a little speechless, before you began to move. He rolled his hips to meet you halfway and reached down to play with your clit with his metal hand, the coldness adding to the experience, and made you moan his name. He swallowed it with a deep kiss, and you swore you had gone to heaven. The rhythm you both built up was in perfect synchrony, accounting for the many times you had done this in the past, each of you exploring the other’s bodies, finding ticks, tells and pleasure points. He knew how you worked, far beyond just sex. After a few times of him hitting you just right, you couldn’t hold it in much longer.
“Bucky, I’m going to cum again.”
“I’m right there with you,” He breathed, his movements becoming hastier, and you were struggling to control your own movements. His other hand was on your hip, helping you stay in rhythm, and it gripped hard. The other hand pressed harder onto your clit, which sent you over the edge. As your walls clenched around him, Bucky thrust once more and then stopped as you both reached the end of your orgasms. He throbbed inside you, and your felt yourself involuntarily squeezing around him and pleasure filling you. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily as you attempted to recover. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly, both of you not wanting to move.
You eventually rolled off him and went to clean yourself up. As you stood in the mirror, trying to tame your bedhead, Bucky came up behind you and his arms wound themselves around your waist, gently tracing your surgical scar from the month prior. He kissed your neck and rested his chin on your head. You leant back into him and tried to imprint the image into your brain of him wrapped around you, looking dishevelled but happy, his bright smile challenging that of a star, and it was a picture perfect scene that made your insides flip and smile right back.
“Want to go out for breakfast? Someone said there was a jazz special at the café a few blocks down.” He asked, and who were you to say no to such an offer from such a man.
After placing an order of two black coffees and pancakes to share, you listened to the soft lyrics of ‘At Last’ by Etta James being sung by the cover band, and you felt so relaxed, like a tension that had resided on your shoulders your whole life has been lifted, bit-by-bit, and you were only now feeling the effects. Everything you did, every emotion you felt, every thought you formed felt lighter. You had a bounce in you and a ray of sunshine that came from within. Some might call it love, some might call it happiness, you didn’t care what it was called, as long as it stayed with you.
Bucky’s voice grabbed your attention before you could get completely lost in your thoughts, but before he could get a full sentence out, gunfire sounded loudly across the room, and you pushed the table on its side and jumped behind it, pulling Bucky down with you.
“Why couldn’t they have waited until after the coffee came? For fuck’s sake,” Bucky muttered beside you. You looked over at his, disbelievingly.
“Really? You’re thinking about coffee now?”
“Yeah, someone was snoring so loudly last night I didn’t get much sleep, I need some caffeine.”
“Shut up, caffeine doesn’t have any effect on you anymore, and I definitely don’t snore.”
“Whatever you say, darling.”
“Listen to the bad guy, I’m sure he’s talking about something important.”
As you both peaked over the table, there were two men shouting something about a ransom, and you realised they were holding a group of school kids that had come in on a school trip. The person you assumed to be their teacher was looking frantically around for some help, and you turned back to Bucky, a smile forming on your face.
“Fancy a game of switcheroo?” You asked him, and a laugh escapes his mouth,
“Sure, babe, what does the winner get?”
“First to get captured gets to knock out that one,” You pointed to the one on the left, “Have you seen his frosted tips? I mean come on; he’s basically asking for it.”
“Well, ladies first.” And on that, you stood up, holding your hands in the air. Immediately, they trained their guns on you. Bucky popped up beside you and he spoke, “My name is Bucky Barnes, I’m an Avenger, and I’m also worth a lot more than these kids, so how about I take their place and you let them go.”
“It’s true,” You interjected, “A pair of his old boxers sold for nearly a million on eBay. I’m afraid I’m not worth that much, but I’m entertaining, so there’s that?”
The men looked at each other and nodded. Frosted Tips shouted over, “Come here slowly, hands up and visible, and we will let them go.” You both complied, and walked towards them, “Not the girl,” Not Frosted Tips said. There wasn’t anything distinctive about him, so to distinguish him from the other man you whispered over to Bucky,
Which earnt you a stifled laugh. He was now pointing his guns at you both, but you knew he wouldn’t shoot, because then he wouldn’t have leverage.
“Ah, I’m afraid it’s a package deal, plus two is worth more than one?” You reasoned, and they seemed to accept this, forcing you both on to your knees, “Let everyone else in the room go, they’re no longer involved.”
A short “Leave!” To the rest of the café led to a few moments of panic as everyone tried to run to the small exit at the same time.
When they had managed to escape, Bucky turned to you, “Are my boxers really worth that much?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, “Clint put them up as a joke, but it seemed some people really want your boxers. Apparently when he said they were unwashed the price nearly doubled.” Bucky tried really hard to contain a laugh, but as he looked at you, he burst out into a fit, his shoulders shaking heavily. This set you off, and you both were kneeling on the floor at gunpoint, guffawing with laughter. Something whacked your head from behind, and you cried out, the laughter dying out quickly as the floor rose to meet you. Your head was now pounding, and you were pissed off. Bucky was practically growling beside you and went to stand to give them a piece of his mind, but Chad slapped a device on his forehead, and Bucky crumpled.
“No!” you cried, turning to Frosty “What have you done?”
“Don’t worry, Major, everything’s going to be just fine.” And before you could respond, you felt a prick to your temple, and everything went black.
 Chapter 8
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@velvetwonderbucky @broco8 @sebbbystaaan @nerd-without-a-cause @mcubuckyandsteve @cutiepiemimi13 @livylou3333 @cap-just-said-language
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