#this being written in 2018 nothing truth doesnt age
that fake-dating fic u just posted looks so good - do you have any other fav fics like that where they pretend to date ??
Hey Nonnie, oh yes, I do. It’s my favourite trope, so I know lots of pretend relationship fics :-) Please find a list below. Hugs, Marjan
01 Attachment by @caramelcoffeeaddict/CoffeeAddict80
Blaine’s co-workers are constantly trying to set him up on blind dates. To get them off his back, he tells them he already has a boyfriend. They insist he brings the boyfriend to the office Holiday party.
A Little Confession by @sheepassisted/Fyrmaiden
Blaine suggests that he and Kurt could earn some easy money by taking part in a psychology study that he found the flyer for. Kurt isn’t sure, and it doesn’t go quite as planned.
All I Need by @blainesdevon/hwespn
“I think you should kiss me,” Kurt spoke softly but with a bit of teasing in his voice, “y'know, just in case that guy is watching." 
A Real Keeper by @whatstheproblembaby
Prompt: kurt and blaine are just friends but to go to a family reunion one of them (doesnt matter which) needs to have a date.
A Thanksgiving Arrangement by @alilactree
Afraid to admit he was just dumped, Kurt hires an actor to play his lawyer boyfriend during the Thanksgiving holiday at his parents’ house.
Collapse by @somethingfishyfan/morethanwords
Coffee in hand, Kurt virtually collapsed into his chair at his local coffee shop. He’d lied to his father about having a boyfriend.. and now his whole world was about to come crashing in around him. He was in trouble. Unless Blaine would agree to help him out?
Delusions of Grandeur by portmanteaux
AU where Blaine and Kurt didn’t meet until after college in New York. Rachel unexpectedly sees Jesse at work and gets herself into a sticky situation. She needs a fake boyfriend, and Blaine is too nice to say no. Kurt and Blaine (and Jesse) manage to get a little jealous in the process. Nothing too explicit or heavy, largely tongue-in-cheek. Originally written as part of a longer story, but I think it works better as a standalone.
Fake Relationship by @nineofhearts4
movie stars!Kurt and Blaine
False Marriage; True Love by @gleekforkurt
Blaine Anderson is a hot shot music producer who was discovered at a young age. Now he runs his music comopany in New York City; his office building right across the hallway from Vogue’s. Blaine has a problem, he is about to be deported back to Italy. One day Blaine and his team come up with an idea to have Blaine get married in order to save his citizenship. Blaine isn’t excited about the idea, but that soon changes when he bumps into a chestnut haired boy after work one day.
Father Knows Best by @nadiacreek
To avoid being forced into arranged marriages, best friends Blaine and Kurt decide to pretend they’re already married — to each other.
Finally Found the Boy by @whatstheproblembaby
Based off my tags on this Tumblr post: #okay but combine all four: person a works at a coffeeshop #person b works at a flowershop #they start fake dating to cover for person a who’s lied to their parents about meeting their soulmate #but then they do whatever thing reveals soulmates while fake dating and start REAL DATING #THE END
Instant Boyfriend by @scrapmom2112
One minute Kurt is having coffee and minding his own business and the next he has a boyfriend…what? AU. Just another way for Kurt and Blaine to meet, and it’s at the Lima Bean, of course.
Klaine Advent 2016 by @slayediest/notarelationship (just practising)
A collection of Klaine Romance drabbles for the 2016 Klaine Advent.
Kurt and Blaine Wake Up Married by @seeroftodayandtomorrow
A drunk marriage in Vegas, a divorce temporarily out of the question and his new husband someone he’s been a fan of forever: Blaine Anderson’s week just got a lot more exciting. If only he wasn’t still so hung up on his ex…
life is a song (i want you to sing to me) by @luthien82
AU-ish - Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since college. They would do anything for each other, which Blaine proves when Kurt confesses he has to go home for a wedding - a wedding where everyone expects him to bring his long time boyfriend. The thing is: Kurt doesn’t have one. But he has a Blaine, who is willing to help. Enter one group of crazy, well meaning friends, a week full of wedding preparations, and lots of sexual tension and you’ve got yourself a mix that’s just bound to blow up in their faces… 
Loving Arms by @heartsmadeofbooks/LauGS
Desperate times call for desperate measures. When Blaine’s heart gets broken again just before he was supposed to introduce his boyfriend to his entire family, he is too humiliated to show up alone at the Andersons’ doorstep. Cue Kurt Hummel, a beautiful prostitute with nothing left to lose and a farce that will change their lives. 
Lucky by @antarcticbird
Blaine needs a little help and Kurt is there. That’s how it all starts.
Make the Yuletide Gay by @razorsharpquill (WIP, Klaine Advent 2018)
When the invitation comes, Blaine Anderson is delighted – he can’t think of a better way to usher in the holidays than an impromptu Warbler reunion to celebrate one of their own getting married. Unfortunately that includes ALL of the Warblers, including his ex-boyfriend Sebastian. Avoiding the ex might just call for drastic measures – and Blaine knows just the man for the job. [Written for Klaine Advent 2018.]
Marriage in Dignity by Verseau_87
Kurt and Blaine grew up in rich families. Both from a long line of rich family names, they decided to marry each other when they were teenagers, to further themselves. Their marriage is a sham, they aren’t in love…but when tragedy strikes, it throws them together in a strange way, then suddenly their marriage seems to be working…hmm
Mystery Man by @alexwhitney
Kurt’s date to his boss’ Christmas party, who he’s been telling everyone about, doesn’t show up. Blaine decides to act like he and Kurt were supposed to be each other’s date, so Kurt won’t be embarrassed in front of his boss and coworkers.
Only Pretending (Or Not At All) by @little-escapist​
Kurt gets an invitation to a New Directions reunion, but he’s not sure he wants to go: he’s the only one not in a relationship. His roommate Blaine gets an idea - he can pretend to be Kurt’s boyfriend for a week!
Kurt is doubtful, because he happens to be in love with his roommate, but he agrees. He can have this one last thing, maybe he’ll get to kiss Blaine, and then he will move on from Blaine for good.
Play Pretend by @nineofhearts4
Kurt has spent the better part of the last five years half in love with his best friend Blaine. What will happen when Blaine has to get married in order to inherit his grandparents money?
Portraits by @ungoodpirate
“I need you to be my pretend boyfriend.”
Blaine nearly chokes. “You need me to be your pretend boyfriend.” What the hell kind of request was that? And how ready Blaine would be to say yes if only the word ‘pretend’ was struck out.
Kurt sighs in understanding of how ridiculous and rom-com the request sounds. With a chagrined smile he replies, “Yes.”
The Band by @crownofsilverstars
Kurt, Blaine, Brittany, and Santana were born years earlier. It wasn’t acceptable to be gay, so they made a pact with one another. They would use each other to hide who they really loved. Oh, and they also formed a band, got famous, and had kids.
The Endless Tango of Love and Money by @seeroftodayandtomorrow
When Kurt Hummel hires escort Blaine Anderson to play his boyfriend at a family gathering, he sets in motion a chain of events that ends up with them living together for a year, posing as boyfriends, and struggling with jealous relatives, dancing, money, and love.
Once again inspired by, and very loosely based on a German novel I read a long time ago.
The Right Man for the Job by @trickydeepforest
There is no way that Kurt is going to Tina’s wedding still single.  He doesn’t want to give Adam the chance to say ‘I told you so’.  He thought about hiring someone from one of those services, but there’s a fellow student at NYADA that might fill the role better. 
They’re to remind you I love you by @kloffee
After Kurt and Blaine break up, they pretend to be a couple at Rachel and Finn’s Christmas party.
They say the key to a happy marriage is to marry your best friend by SinceWhenDoIWriteFanfic
Blaine Anderson realizes that, in order to access his trust fund, he needs to be married for an entire year. Luckily, his best friend is always willing to play along with whatever plans he thinks of. Based off of a GKM prompt.
Those Summer Nights by @thelilacfield
Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry are the power couple of Hollywood, madly in love and smiling for the cameras. But in private, their marriage is one of convenience and friendship. Until Rachel decides to hire a young and gorgeous pool boy and Kurt starts to wonder if he wants this for the rest of his life.
Through the good time and the bad, you’re the best I never had by @daydreamerlily
Kurt gets invited at his high school reunion and he doesn’t have a date. Fortunately for him Blaine has a solution: he’ll be his plus one. The fact that he’s had a crush on his long time best friend could mess everything up… or maybe not. 
Truth Time by @antarcticbird
luckyjak prompted: Klaine, pretending to be dating before actually dating. :) 
Walking on Sunshine by @somethingfishyfan/morethanwords
It’s Burt and Carole’s wedding anniversary party and Kurt needs to find a boyfriend to take home with him, fast… oh, and preferably one who’s called Blaine Anderson.
What Is This Feeling? by @whatstheproblembaby
Fake dating AU. Kurt needs a date to his work party, and Blaine volunteers. This turns out pretty danged well for him. 
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