#this bitch delayed our flight
skaiawards · 9 months
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found a new friend at the airport :-)
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calnexin · 3 months
Just me and my 10 yr old MacBook Air in this airport fighting for our lives
Also I’m gonna kill and eat whoever at EA decided that in order to start the sims 4 you need to be connected to wifi/sign into the EA app
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kings-highway · 5 months
haikyuu airport headcanons bc im in an airport. no particular order. shipping involved.
- Daichi has never missed a flight and somehow everyone manages to make fun of him for this. never forgets to pack anything. always finds his gate on time. "lmao loser," Suga says, missing 2 bags and lost as fuck across the airport. he will not make his flight.
- Hinata and Kageyama navigating an airport is nearly a crisis. They can never agree on the right way to go and especially during layovers will often end up outside of security. The first time they travel with Tsukki + Yama as a group it's like a goddamn miracle because they dont need to rush and everything goes smoothly.
- on that topic, Tsukki and Yamaguchi have travel down to a science. these bitches have checklists and schedules and just get in and out. Tsukki keeps the boarding passes and Yamaguchi counts the bags and they split snacks on the plane and just nail the whole affair
- Noya and Asahi are the most experienced travelers and have been to so many airports and you'd think this makes them good at airports and it does not
- Ushijima has never gotten through security without being searched.
- Oikawa likes airports an unreasonable amount. Bitch thrives in liminal spaces. "Lets go check out which stores are open," he says, as Iwaizumi begs him to let him sit down and nap during their layover
- Kenma has airport anxiety. "We're going to miss our flight. What if our gate changes?" What if there's a delay?" He does not like putting his schedule into the hands of an Airline. Rightfully so, he loses his luggage an obscene amount.
- Kageyama and Hinata fighting and causing a ruckus in the airport and security has to come over to talk to them
- Tendou and Ushijima are generally really prepared and on top of things, but they just seem to have the worst luck. They got stranded at an airport during a layover for like 14 hours and went through every stage of grief. It doesnt help that Ushijima is really practical and good at accepting circumstances ("I'll just sit here and wait") but Tendou is highly emotional ("I'm going to eat the next airline associate that tries to talk to me.")
- Daichi is often seen standing alone in airports. This is because no matter who he's traveling with, he's probably waiting for them to catch up.
- Aran thought he was a good and functional adult until he saw Kita's itinerary for their travel plans and how neurotic he was about making sure everything on time. Kita will pre-measure and weigh all luggage to know exactly whats going on. Looking at airport layouts days before to memorize what needs to be done.
- Atsumu and Osamu have never made a flight on time. The best they can hope for is sprinting across the airport at full-tilt. This is a common occurance.
- Oikawa makes friends wherever he goes so he doesnt mind long layovers, he'll just sit and chat with whoever is around to pass the time, but one time he did leave with a group to check out a store without saying anything and Iwaizumi was lost for 30 minutes
- Asahi has so much anxiety with airports. Too many people. Too many deadlines. Bad vibes. One time a guy in an airport gave him incorrect directions to a gate and he missed his flight and he has never recovered.
- Kuroo "Yeah we have tons of time" Tetsurou is a menace to airport staff and has never budgeted enough time.
- Tsukki is a master at packing efficiently and this is exclusively due to wanting to avoid others complaining. He can pull basically anything out of his carry-on to prevent whining on a 5 hour flight. Yamaguchi uses him like a vending machine.
- Daichi once got mistaken for an airline worker and ended up with a whole group of people he was helping find their gates
- Bokuto loves traveling and flying. He finds it so fun and exciting. This is probably why Akaashi hates traveling and flying.
- Suga secretly likes layovers because he secretly hates planes and cannot stand sitting still for that long. He always pretends it such a hassle to have to wait but its the best part of the travel day when he gets to buy himself a muffin and bother Daichi for entertainment.
- Ushijima, Daichi, Kenma, and Asahi are all team "No PDA in an Airport!!!!!" whereas Tendou, Suga, Kuroo and Noya are all team "We have 2 hours to kill let me make out with you!!!!"
- Yamaguchi has sooooooo many reward points. Tsukishima doesnt even know what he's doing to get them, he's just a master of good deals and specials.
- Mile High Club Members: Iwaoi, Bokuaka, Ushiten, and Asanoya
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members who cannot convince their boyfriends it'll be okay: Suga
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members that will NOT admit they think about it: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Aran
... well im boarding soon so thanks for reading ig
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
If you're dumb enough to do a 100% run this weekend you're a big enough schmuck to come to FRED BONAPARTE'S WATERLOO WORLD!!! Bad tightropes! Figments slightly off the descent path of levitation! CANNONS! If you think you're going to find a PB at Waterloo World you can KISS MY ASS!! It's our belief that you're such a STUPID MOTHERFUCKER you'll still go for rank 101 - GUARANTEED! If you find a better category SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS!! You heard us right! SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS!!! Bring your PSI-palms! Bring your flight glitch! Bring your figment guide! We'll FUCK IT! That's right! We'll FUCK your figment guide! Because at Fred Bonaparte's Waterloo World you're FUCKED six ways from Sunday!! Take a hike - to Fred Bonaparte's Home Of Challenge Levitation! That's right, Challenge Levitation! How's it work? If you can hover six feet in the air straight up and not get shot by a cannon, you get NO MISSED FIGMENTS!! Don't wait! Don't delay! Don't FUCK WITH US! Or we'll ruin your PB! Only at FRED BONAPARTE'S WATERLOO WORLD!! The only mental world that tells you to FUCK OFF!!! Hurry up, asshole!! This event ends the minute after you break out that Hearty Knight and he better not miss or you're a DEAD MOTHERFUCKER!! Go to hell - FRED BONAPARTE'S WATERLOO WORLD!! France's Filthiest and EXCLUSIVE home of the meanest sons of bitches in Thorney Towers - GUARANTEED!!!
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Wesker: Redfield, our instruments measured that you were driving 100 mph in one of STARS jeeps.
Chris: sorry captain, but the speed limit does not apply when the free bird solo comes on.
@rebelwithoutaclock Coming up! To read the other STARS shenanigans drabbles, here they are 1, 2, 3,
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"Alright everyone, gather around. Let's make this mid-week huddle a quick one," Wesker hollered, gesturing with his right hand for everyone in the STARs unit to come into the meeting room.
He took off his shades, rubbing his eyes while mentally bracing himself. Between his nefarious obligations to Umbrella and trying to run a police department, he could feel the exhaustion creeping in. A wave of regret pooled in the back of his subconscious, wishing he had the foresight years ago to not work two jobs. Alas, he made his bed and had to lie in it. That didn't mean he didn't have an intrusive thought or two about cleaning up shop as far as the RPD was concerned, especially with the shenanigans the STARs team in particular pulled.
For being the best, they sure aren't the brightest...he thought as he made himself comfortable in front of the podium, watching the team members take their usual seats. He put his glasses back on and cleared his throat.
"First thing on the agenda is the lightsaber incident," Wesker couldn't believe he was saying this aloud and shook his head. "Mr. Vickers, when you're on patrol and see a group of teens reenacting a movie scene, that doesn't mean you stop your vehicle and join them. Especially when you're in the middle of an investigation. Might I add the delay in your scheduled flight with Mr. Sullivan made it so Ms. Chambers took one for the team and covered your ass."
Quiet snickers filled the room as Brad's face blushed. He wanted to shrink into a puddle and disappear, wondering who ratted him out. All he could do was meekly reply, "Y-yes sir…I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Good," Wesker stated. He ignored the fact that Rebecca herself patted Brad's knee and whispered 'it was alright,' too focused on Chris, who was unable to keep a straight face compared to his colleagues. "Redfield, earlier this week our instruments measured that you were driving a hundred miles per hour in one of our STARS jeeps. Care to explain?"
Jill and Barry, sitting on either side of Chris, quietly chuckled at Chris's expense, earning a quick glare from him before he forced himself to look at Wesker.
"Sorry, captain," Chris coughed. "But the speed limit does not apply when the 'Free Bird' solo comes on."
Barry and Jill bowed their heads in front of the table, their shoulders quaking as they tried to hold back their laughs. Even members of the Bravo team were having difficulty keeping it together at the visual alone.
"You know what else doesn't apply, Redfield?" Wesker asked as a matter of fact.
"I don't know, sir," Chris gestured. "Enlighten me."
"The time-off request you submitted last week. Consider it tabled for insubordination."
"Son of a bitch…!" Chris whispered harshly under his breath.
"And while we are on the subject of cars, Ms. Valentine and Mr. Burton, I'm putting you both on vehicle suspension for the remainder of the week."
"What, why!?" Jill exclaimed.
"But sir--!"
Wesker held up a hand, interrupting their protests. "I doubt Redfield was able to come up with the 'Free Bird' bit on his lonesome. The man is full of colorful ideas, but you two are well known for encouraging him to see it through."
"Fuck, he got us there," Barry muttered to Jill.
"Mr. Frost," Wesker let out a deep sigh for this one as he once again took off his glasses to rub his eyes. "While you are out on patrol, you can't go around with chalk outlining cars and trucks that don't park within the lines in a parking lot or park to the curb exactly with an exclamation of 'asshole parking' and proceed to ticket."
"But it's a good warning system!" Joseph glared and shrugged. "If they can't parallel park for shit, then they had it coming! If you would've put me on another assignment instead of having me play meter boy, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"Mr. Frost, get over yourself," Wesker growled. "I know you're angered that I set you on this task, but need I remind you what the alternative would've been?"
"All because I started the whole 'Wesker shits standing up' bit? Man, you need to take a joke!"
"Enough!" Wesker raised his voice. Whatever was left of the chuckles and laughs ceased immediately. He felt a sense of pride rise in his body as well as his blood pressure, and let out a deep breath. "Alright people, let's take five, and we'll meet back here to cover the recent cannibal attacks."
As the STARs Alpha and Bravo teams single filed out of the room, Wesker thought he had a moment of peace until he heard Joseph holler:
"I still stand by what I said, Wesker shits standing up everyone!"
Wesker made a fist, his teeth clenched.
The thought of siccing a pack of Cerberus onto the man was beginning to sound more and more delicious with each passing minute. He smirked to himself, riding on the high from the visuals that came and went through his mind of Joseph being ripped apart.
Maybe Birkin and I can brainstorm later…
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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the-catboy-minyan · 9 months
I feel like venting.
I have a chronic illness, I'm not going to share what it is, but it's partially influenced by stress (as in, getting stressed worsens my condition but it's not the only thing that affects it).
when 7/10 happened, it was a Saturday, I just had a really good week since it was Sukkot and I celebrated it with friends, I had my first date ever (kinda), I hanged out with my sibling and their friends in Dizingof Center, and I was about to have a relaxing weekend with my little brother while my parents go on a trip overseas.
then I got a call from my sibling.
apparently there were bombings all over Israel, I wasn't even that surprised, this wouldn't be the first time Hamas attacked on a holiday. my parent's flight got delayed but other than that it was fine. I have a friend that keeps Shabbat so I couldn't reach them for the entire day, and we were worried sick because they live in a more dangerous town. then I found out my parents are stuck overseas until the next weekend (they were only supposed to go for 3 days). then I learned about the kidnappings. and oh no are we in a war right now??? this isn't just a regular bombing spree (as depressing as that thought is)????
the stress really got to me, I got really sick, and couldn't go to work. a few days turned to a week, my parents got back, my sibling stayed weekends in the military due to increased workload. the week turned to two, my friend got kicked out of the house for a couple of weeks because their mom is a manipulative bitch. everyone in our friend group were looking for ways to help them, offering their place to stay and almost calling child support (they're still a minor), until their mom finally calmed down enough. then it became a month, I entered the hospital for some time, then back to house rest I went. then two months, then three.
I'm finally back to work but I'm still sick as fuck from everything, I can't open the news, I can't stay in the room if people talk about politics, I can't open most social media sites, every time I see the colors red green white and black I can feel my heart start racing, I don't have access to a therapist because they're all booked as fuck and expensive, even being on jumblr can get me too stressed sometimes and I had to mute all notifications from this blog.
why do I even have this blog then? because venting about the situation actually kinda helps, seeing support from diaspora jews and other israelis helps, and as much as I can't physically watch the news, I still want to be in the loop even slightly.
so yeah, am yisrael chai and stuff. I'm not saying this like "oh woe is me", I luckily haven't lost anyone in this war and the people I know who do have only lost distant relatives. it's not a "I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor" thing, I'm aware that just by having this blog I'm inviting hate to my front door, but if I'm ignoring instead of confronting hate well then now you know why.
I have no idea who this is going to reach, and I don't really care, I just wanted to get this off my chest. this war had affected my life so much even though I was never close to the front lines, the only thing I want is for it to end.
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smolsleepyfox · 2 months
I found this in my drafts so enjoy my bitching about the absolute shitshow my first intercontinental flight turned into.
Travelers: smolsleepyfox + mother who doesn't speak a lot of English
The inbound journey: train to Frankfurt > flight to LA (Condor) > ~two hours transit time > flight to Honolulu (Hawaiian)
Estimated travel time: 24 hours
What actually happened: The ICE was late, of course, but we had more than enough buffer regardless. The plane was announced as 45 minutes delayed due to a delayed arrival. Okay, not fun, but doable.
We eventually started with a delay of 1h 40. Refer to the transit time stated above.
The flight itself was cool, I really liked the 3D earth model with our route showing all sorts of background info on sights we were passing. I saw Iceland and the Faroe islands for the first time, and some of Greenland, the Great Salt Lake and Nevada. (Why is the US so big and empty in the middle, it was kind of freaky??)
Anyway. We arrived with a delay of 1h 20 and hastened to get to the connection. As travellers entering the country we had to get our bags and then check them in again when we were connecting, so we did just that.
Because when we made it to the check-in counter of Hawaiian Airlines they told us we'd been rebooked to a different flight with an entirely different airline. At 7am the next day.
Apparently Condor thought we wouldn't make the connection and changed our booking. The very sweet lady at the counter wrote down the flight number for the new booking, and recommended we go ask our original airline to get us a hotel because by that time it was 7pm and we'd been up for about 24 hours.
Guess who does not work anymore at 7pm?
If you guessed Condor's customer service desk, you get a point. What followed should be familiar to people who watched Asterix conquers Rome. I probably spoke to everyone wearing some sort of uniform in the entire building. Turns out social anxiety is only a problem until your stress level hits the roof. And after all of that didn't even work, we got a SMS with a hotel booking and food vouchers.
Note that by that point, we'd been running around for nearly three hours and there's still no information the new flight booking even exists. We have no boarding passes, not even an email saying we got rebooked in the first place, just a hand-written flight number.
To be fair the hotel was extremely nice. There even was a pool in the courtyard - which we couldn't use because as I mentioned we'd checked in our luggage. We didn't even have a toothbrush. Regardless, half of the vouchers were spent on dinner that I thought was stupid expensive (but hey not my money!).
Next morning while waiting in line to get our boarding passes I talked to a dude from Cincinnati checking in a very friendly black Labrador Retriever. I told him I'd love to see the Great Lakes sometime and he said he has a friend who went to Germany with his athletics team and it sounded very fun. I told him we have a lot of big funky churches and he seemed to appreciate it. We also spent the other half of the vouchers on Starbucks.
We did make it to Honolulu airport. Our bags did not. The day before, they'd told us that they'd either transfer our luggage to the new airline, or they'd just put it on their flight to Honolulu that leaves the same time. We waited at the baggage claim for our flight. The conveyor belt was blocked by a large box for like ten minutes. No luggage. We have no flight number for the other Hawaiian flight and none of the screens even show that that plane exists, let alone is supposed to arrive in the span of the next two hours.
After asking five different people and my mom running off on her own, we manage to get to Hawaiian's baggage service desk and one of the crew wanders off with our receipts to take a look. He returns after 30 minutes with a cart. I didn't ask where the hell he found our stuff. He was probably a wizard.
We still don't have a confirmation we ever got rebooked.
This is where I left off, thinking we'd finished the Odyssey. Guess the fuck what! We had not!
We spent a lovely two weeks on O'ahu of which I was sick for most of the first (I blame the AC). Our flight back was at 7.25am.
The plan was for us to go to LA together, where I'd put my mom on a flight back (Condor again) and for me to spend two more weeks in LA. We arrived around 5am because we're German and that's the bare minimum of buffer. Online check-in somehow didn't work for the Honolulu-LA leg but did work for the LA-Frankfurt leg. So we get to the airport, try the kiosks. No luck there either. Go to the customer service counter.
The poor man took about five minutes looking between his PC and our passports before telling us he had to check something and wandering off for a solid twenty minutes. That can't be a good sign.
He returns. My mom's ticket doesn't exist.
What do you mean her ticket doesn't exist, I ask, wondering if I've lost the ability to speak English.
Apparently when Condor rebooked us on the inbound flight, they accidentally canceled both Hawaiian airlines reservations for my mom. So now we have an hour left and my mom doesn't have a ticket and a flight to catch.
Booking another ticket for this specific flight is 2800$ - even if we were willing to pay that (we were not) that is very much above my credit card's limit. The man, who clearly feels bad for us, advises me to call Condor directly.
I genuinely don't want to think about how much money I paid calling the hotline. The entire thing was a disaster - I have auditory processing disorder, it was loud as fuck in the airport and the man on the other end had an accent. At first I gave him the wrong booking number (mine instead of my mom's), then he misunderstood and thought our inbound flights were with Lufthansa so Not His Job. He eventually promised to reinstate the ticket so we should wait a few minutes and return to the check-in. At check-in the tickets did not show up, so I call them back and ask for the ticket numbers to double-check.
Having a pacing man at the airport yell into his phone in German probably fulfills some kind of stereotype.
We went outside so my mom could have a smoke break and I avoided having a meltdown with the help of a soggy Nutella bread, since I hadn't even had breakfast at that point.
At this point, we've missed our flight, meaning my ticket has lost its validity as well. Stakes are high.
The few minutes were apparently enough for the system to catch up though, because when we got back to the check in counter, a very nice lady told us that while it wasn't Hawaiian Airlines' responsibility, they offered a complementary rebooking to a later flight. They wouldn't be able to guarantee we got on if it was full, but chances were good. Very stressful 40 minutes until we were called up by a guy my age who apologized for not knowing how to pronounce our last name.
But wait - my mom had a flight to catch. The stopover time by that point had shrunken to an hour... And our plane was delayed. In all fairness, the cabin crew was lovely, they offered all passengers with connecting flights to get off the plane first, just grab our stuff and run. Which is what we did, running up to the gate and asking if boarding is still ongoing like we were being chased by the mob. This flight was also delayed and I think the stewardess was concerned for us.
But hey, at least my mom made it home. Just to put the cherry on top though, my mom's luggage arrived in Germany five days later.
My own flight from LA to Frankfurt was luckily completely unremarkable. Never again.
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itsfennix · 4 months
lmao so a rather long story time:
last August, my family and I flew to Ireland for a trip. Fun right? Oh we were SO excited! Except… halfway through our flight, at 1 in the morning, over the Atlantic, everyone’s asleep…
BEEP BOOP. *crackle* “Folks, this is your captain speaking. Unfortunately, we seem to have a possible electrical issue in the rear of the plane. Out of an abundance of caution, we are going to make an emergency landing.”
BITCH TF?! So, turns out, the faint candle-like smell we were smelling from around the bathroom was actually a tiny electrical fire!! :D It didn’t spread, we were fine, but we had to land at the teeny tiny airport in Gander, Newfoundland at 2 in the fuckin morning lmao
350ish passengers from the U.S. landing in a closed Canadian airport at 2am… No customs agents. No hotels. No nothing.
We slept on the floor. All 350-400 of us. Some of us had to sleep on tile (I did). There was no water or food. We were told that we were not allowed to leave the terminal because there were no customs agents to clear us. So they locked us inside.
We didn’t leave until almost 2pm… It was… something lmao
Well guess what??
Today, we’re on a plane (literally in our seats) ready to go to Bermuda, when it begins to rain. Then, it begins to storm… So we can’t fly in that. I start sniffing cause it smells… warm? Like… toast? Or a candle? Oh, shit…
BEEP BOOP. *crackle* “Folks, it seems we have a small maintenance issue that we need to resolve. So just hang tight and we’ll let you know when we’re ready to fly.”
Bruh… fifteen to twenty minutes pass…
BEEP BOOP. *crackle* “Hello, everyone, welcome aboard. I’m not the original captain for this flight. I’m sorry I’m late, but I got here ASAP with the rain and traffic. We can finally get underway here in a few minutes.”
Okay so this flight was delayed because 1) Thunderstorms 2) Maintenance issue AND 3) NO PILOT??????
my family and I think we might be cursed.
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thepsychostewardess · 3 months
The Captain on my trip right now is an Obvious Narcissist™️ and is like me in many ways but oh God does he need to check himself when he’s at work.
Makes me see some of the hypocrisy/opposites of what this disorder does to our personalities. Over time I’ve become pretty good at identifying others with ASPD/NPD in the wild, and this guy isn’t as good at blending in as he thinks. Piloting is a top career choice for “psychopaths” and I’ve come across several. The ability to remain calm and go into logical computer mode (and be the hero) when emergencies arise means we’re exactly where you want us - but outside of flying, some of these guys need to take lessons on how to appear more normal.
Yes, by all means tell us the cockpit is always open for us to go in and chill in and that you’ll have our backs against passengers and you’re here for us et cetera,
But don’t casually have a chat with everyone you see to flex you know everyone if that chat is going to make us miss all the deadlines including security checks, boarding, damn take off… No sense of urgency. “Oh the flight attendants and first officer will wait for me, no big deal, I’m the Captain”.
We bitched about you together.
You can’t wink at us and pretend security took forever when we watched you stand there making us later and later. We should’ve got to the plane TWENTY minutes before we did you prick because of your entitlement and disrespect, but sure go off in briefing about how you’re here for us 🙄
By all means feel entitled in your head but you chose aviation as a career; timing and respect are extremely important (especially if you want us to think good of you, as you want us to)
If you’re so concerned about how we see you, and you are talking about and emphasising on safety and crew resource management (interpersonal relations), you should manage it more like I do and actually do things that help your colleagues instead of just speaking. We all think you’re a jerk now, totally the opposite of what your words wanted us to think.
Yeah this dude then did it again at the destination, and delayed us getting to the hotel, leaving the poor first officer outside waiting for him while his conversations delayed the aircraft’s next flight too. Facepalm. I’ve never, in my years in this job, come across a Captain so oblivious and flippant towards his colleagues. You’re failing.
There’s more I can add about his (presenting) symptoms (oh that perfectly folded jacket he brought to dinner just to show he can fold it like at the shops; trying to teach me about my own job; walking off while being spoken to; perfect grooming; inappropriate comment to a colleague; lack of please and thank you; yada yada) but the post would go on forever.
It was fascinating to watch someone else attempt to mask, and deal with life at work, and see how it’s perceived. We both like to talk about ourselves and our experiences so dinner was an interesting case study, explaining things to each other, both sure were the one completely correct. He asked me, “do you make mistakes?”
“No.” I said. Not like you are, I thought. That threw him off.
“Everyone makes mistakes,” he replied, yet didn’t surrender any examples of his of course.
“Yes, but as we should in aviation I hold my hands up and say when I’ve done something wrong, which isn’t a mistake.” But to be honest, I really do very rarely make mistakes as my job is very script based and easy to follow once you get the hang of it. I really cannot think of any mistakes I’ve made this week (maybe because of my NPD).
Anyway, semi-rant over. Let’s hope to god I don’t have to deal with another person like me at work in the near future, and if I do, someone with more self awareness than this guy please.
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So we are Over It with our work at this point and I'm taking the lead to get us work elsewhere cause if we go for our PhD, we aren't going to be working here that long anyways and its really not worth it
But we've been having frustrating conflictd with the neurotypicals in our work and their honestly antiquated culture and understanding of how communication issues work resulting in it always being "YOU need to try harder" to be neurotypical magically think and communicate with the unspoken complexity neurotypicals do and its been reflected in our progress reports
And so we got a shiny paper that says we are autistic and have been talking with a disability manager because I work at a liberal university that prided itself on "inclusivity and accommodation" and so we should not be having to deal with antiquated ableist ways of handling communication differences
But honestly, we are over it and are already job searching cause our probation period (trial run for employees where they can be released easier before they get solidified) was extended due to us being out for a month of it due to surgery and due to the delay on us being assertive and up front about our autism
But honestly, our system isn't good at and never has been the type to ask for acceptance or hide ourselves for the approval of others - apparently even in preschool and kindergarten we were a stray hair and refused to conform in any level
So trying to be palatable for the few people that are really outdated and ableist isnt worth it (few being 2.5 people, but my extended work team is 10-15 people tops and the 2.5 are the people I interact with the most) for like half a year of employment that expects me to look and act neurotypical
It just aint worth it and buddy I know I can get work elsewhere so 🤷‍♂️
That said, we really dislike this sort of behavior so we are gonna call out the behavior to HR at this rate cause its really not inclusive and progressive behavior and culture that is within the universities statement
We will be semi-palatable until we have a solid flight path then bye bitch (still gonna be professional but yall disappoint me)
Anyways, reasons an autism diagnosis is NOT always pointless and/or harmful.
But seriously you know you are over qualified and shit when the disability manager goes "... you arent planning to work here forever right? You are going up right?" cause in less than 15 minutes of talking she can tell I am both more than competent and capable aside from the fact Im working with some god awful neurotypicals
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ayliamc · 1 year
Days 0 & 1 - Planes, Trains, and Penises
Steps walked: 23,230
Flights climbed: 11
Vehicles ridden: 7
Points of interest visited: 1
Lemons spotted: Yes.
When you have a one hour layover in Montreal, and your flight to Montreal is delayed half an hour, you’re starting your trip with what I like to call a “cinched sphincter”.
Long story short, we made it. One uneventful three hour flight to Montreal (PLANE #1) led us to sprint thru the Canadian airport and find ourselves tucked onto an eight hour flight to Roma* (PLANE #2) where we got priority served some surprisingly yummy vegan dinners with an equally surprising complimentary wine. Some movies and some sleep later we had a significantly less satisfying breakfast before landing on time in Rome.
Planes: ✔️
Our TRAIN #1 got us from the airport into Rome proper where we hopped onto our TRAIN #2 with about five minutes to spare. A two hour trip to Napoli had me napping uncomfortably and waking up in a significantly more unpleasant mood thanks to a little bitch I’ve named “Hunger”. By now it was 1pm local time, our bodies thought it was 7am, and we’d had naught by a lousy dry muffin on the plane, some oversteeped bitter tea, and jackshit for lunch. And we still had to get onto TRAIN #3 which would at last take us to our final destination… for the moment…: Pompei.
Despite paying for Dan’s phone to be useable abroad, we had apparently already exceeded a limit we didn’t know existed which forced us after some scrambling to navigate to our hotel the old fashioned way: looking at street signs and a map. All accompanied, don’t forget, by Hunger, whom nobody likes.
Then naturally no one was at the very small little BnB we had booked so we had to contact someone to let us in, who assured us they would be there in 5-10 minutes. In Italian that translates to, “at least ten minutes.” (I’m learning that they live at a different pace than I do, the Italians. Much less concern with “getting there”, ‘twould seem after my whole half day of observation.)
Anyway it’s all well and good. Our BnB is a quintessentially classic little European building which makes the contrast of minimalist modern interior design particularly amusing. But it’s clean and close to the ruins, which is the goal.
Not the immediate goal though. That’s food.
I found a restaurant .07 miles away that claimed to have options “vegano” and after an initial paralyzing fear that I’d chosen the wrong restaurant due to the screaming baby behind us, they left almost immediately leaving us the whole place to ourselves.
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We gorged ourselves on fresh pasta with mushrooms and garlic, paid quickly, and booked it to the ruins for our four o’clock tour.
Our poor guide had to do the whole tour in both English and Spanish which was a little bit of a bummer for us but still filled with lots of info about the ruins and also a hilariously stereotypical Italian interaction with our guide. “Ok, so-a here-a we-a have-a the penis-a arrow-a…”
You get the idea.
And yes, now you mention it, so many dicks in Pompei. Brothels with rooms dedicated to particular sex positions (indicated by the incredibly preserved illustrations above each room), dicks carved into the roads pointing the direction to the brothels for sailors who just came to port, dick illustrations in lieu of street names.** And lots of stories of orgies in the homes there as well. Free love was rampant in the Roman Empire. Also sacrifice and slavery and sewage running ankle deep in the streets which led to raised sidewalks and raised crosswalks.
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‘Twas incredible to see how well preserved many of these structures are. Still vibrant with color, reliefs still in great condition, original tile floors… I mean I couldn’t believe how much of what we saw was original. And still more is being excavated all the time! What else will they uncover?
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We saw a few molds of the bodies. It’s hard to imagine how terrifying that ordeal must have been. Hopefully it was fast for everyone.
We wandered around for over two hours and barely made a dent in the park, but we were rapidly fading from human to spirit, alive to dead, and it was time to go home.
We stopped at a grocery store and immediately realized we had no idea what to buy, and couldn’t read Italian ingredients anyway. So after wandering around like ghosts for five minutes we bought juice then left.
The place we stopped at for dinner was … adequate. Would not recommend but it did in a pinch. We got some bland food to go and ate it in silence in our hotel room, counting down the minutes until we could shower in our doorless-hotel-shower and pass out.
Which is what I’m about to do now.
*why on earth do we give proper nouns different names in English? Why do we say Florence when we could say Firenze? Why do we say Naples when we could say Napoli? I’ve been in Italy for less than a day and I’m already irritated by this.
** Pompei was a trade town and people spoke many different languages including but not limited to Greek and Latin. So street names were not a good universal way to identify an address. Instead, they used symbols and imagery. We saw a sun, a face, and — yes — a dick.
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boyduroy · 1 year
to the guy who keeps bitching about our flight being delayed because they're trying to correct a mechanical issue: we get it, Draco, your father will hear about this
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trulymadlysydney · 2 years
Why did you decide to leave being a flight attendant in favor of being an instructor? (You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to!) I’m so glad you’re so happy in your job!
This is ALSO gonna be super long so I apologize lol
It was always something I kind of had in the back of my mind even back when I was in training myself. (I remember having two instructors who I... didn't really like the way they taught dlfkjasl and thinking "Oh I could do this job" and ever since then it kinda stuck with me. They're both my coworkers now and the nicest people, but I still don't enjoy when I have to teach alongside them lol.)
To be completely honest, I was starting to be miserable when I was actively flying. I became a flight attendant RIGHT when Covid hit, so I had a very, very unique experience on the line and only really knew crazy, mean passengers and masks and delays and understaffing. As a flight attendant, you're always kind of bitching to your fellow flight attendants on your crew. But I found myself doing that to like, our newly hired flight attendants, and within earshot of passengers because I didn't care. I was mad at my airline and I was tired of being overworked and honestly, I started having a shitty attitude and it got to the point where I had to look at myself and be like "okay, I don't want to be this person. I don't want to wake up miserable and dreading working. I don't want to be the person who squishes the excitement of the new hires." And I felt that maybe going back to the training center, where people are excited and nervous and passionate and where I used to feel that same excitement and happiness was the best option for me.
And tbh, it was. I could not be happier and I love making a difference in all of our new hires. I don't know that I ever see myself flying again.
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joshuawithers · 4 months
You know what sucks about using the internet today - whether it’s Facebook or Instagram or Threads - is that they’re all geared towards virality, these big pieces of content that goes so far.
There’s not really any room for me just to bitch and moan about being stranded at Melbourne Airport for five hours this morning when I want to be home.
I guess that’s for the better. Who wants to hear about me being stranded to Melbourne Airport?
The thing I miss though is that sharing our mundane life was a fundamental part of the social web 15 years ago and I miss your food photos and flights delay posts.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (378): Thu 30th Mar 2023
USA: let’s do this shit! The last six months have dragged like a motherfucker. I’ve suffered through an incredibly harsh winter and unbearably long shifts at work but it’s been worth it. I’m off to the USA where I will cross three items off my list: WrestleMania, California and the LA Lakers. My sister picked me up at half 2 in the morning but not before I ruined my compression socks by stepping in a puddle of piss the dog had left on the carpet while I was getting my bags in order. We then went to pick Dad up and headed off for the airport. I’m an incredibly nervous traveller, in fact I’m in incredibly nervous everything-er but it gets really bad when it comes to travel. I’m constantly worrying that I’m going to forget my passport or my phone or that the transport will be delayed or that the thing I’m travelling to see actually isn’t happening until the year after. I won’t be able to properly relax until I’m in SoFi Stadium singing along with Seth Rollins’ theme song. I’d stayed awake al night so that I’d be good and tired for this torturous flight and was already falling asleep in Heathrow airport. I took a sleeping tablet as soon as I got on the flight and while it didn’t work straight away I did get a good few hours sleep despite the chairs being unusually uncomfortable. I don’t know why they have those adjustable headrests because they never go up or down enough to fit in between your head and shoulders and just end up pushing your head out. I have to say while the flight was long it didn’t feel like 9.5 hours. In order to save money Dad and I didn’t book transport to and from our hotel and decided to make our own way there from the airport. This was incredibly tough because bother of us were already jetlagged and confused and couldn’t work out how the metro ticketing system worked. We were that out of it that it was a bit like getting someone drunk and then making hem go on The Krypton Factor. Eventually we worked out which trains we needed to get in order to reach our hotel but we weren’t in for a smooth ride. There was some high cunt on the Metro talking about Cheech and Chong who came over to us, heard our accents and told us that we should quote some English literature to some black bitches (his word not mine, obviously) and they would be like putty in out hands. I dunno about that. We finally got to our hotel but before the receptionist would let us into our room she told us that we needed to put down a safety deposit of $60 and when I gave her the money in cash she said that the payment was card only. This really pissed me off because what if I hadn’t brought a credit card with me? Would she had just thrown us out on the street and not let us into the room that we’d already paid for? Dad was really pissed off about it and will be letting the travel agents both barrels when he gets home for not telling us about this. We finally got into our room which was okay. I wasn’t expecting anything special anyway and it serves its purpose since we’re not planning on being in here much of the time anyway. I went for a bath and…fucks sake. American baths are awful. There’s no slant for you to lie down on and it’s like having a bath in a coffin. There are a few things American should adapt from the UK (most things actually) but the main thing is legalising jaywalking and slanted baths. I went to bed and passed out almost immediately. This was a very hectic day but I’ll have all day tomorrow to recover, explore LA and then it’s off to WrestleMania!
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crescendeyes · 2 years
A weekend in Langkawi for Harpreets Wedding
4 Feb sounds like a magical number now - I'll wanna remember how anxious and annoyed I was to have my flight from Subang delayed to Langkawi while Dan & Joanna had to wait for me. Rushing to the resort and finally getting to the wedding venue only to realise we were early anyhow lol. That type of nervousness the three of us got while awkwardly feeling our way through the sea of strangers from mainly the grooms side.
I have never met Rich and it was so funny how looking back I still HAVEN'T MET RICH. But seeing Harpreet so happy made me cry. I can't believe its been 9 year since we first met and spent some questionable days and nights together. We were so young when we first met and now that we've all gone thru almost a decade, it feels like forever since we even started uni.
The Four Seasons Langkawi felt like a love letter to Harpreet & Rich's love story - they really did tell their story so well to the rest of the world (the rest of the world being the closest 70 people in the wedding). Eventhough the timings for everything was off, dinner was @ 9pm and we were downright judging the saxs guy so hard but we had so much fun just catching the sunset, laughing at how red the white people got under the hot SEA sun, how the music choices were jarringly different between the bride and the groom's friends....ultimately, we ended the night sharing a cab and drunkendly dancing and singing the night away - or until the gin runs out.
The next day was the best, I woke up, had breakfast with Nicole and said my goodbyes to Joanna and Dan. I decided to extend my checkout and go to the beach for some much deserved me time. Really grounding myself in the sands and giving myself back to nature. Trying my hardest to get a tan and really getting one :)
Spending some time with Rich's friends and making sure I make plans with them. Its been such a great time. Looking back I really am truly so happy and fulfilled that I am surrounded by good friends in my lifetime. What a time to be alive. I just wish this feeling never ends - of course whenever I come back my mum would be ever ready to remind me how jealous she is of my holidays by being the spiteful bitch she is. She is never happy that I am happy.
I came home from what seemed to be yet another dinner ruined by my mum, rushed upstairs to have a meeting with Andrew on uPledge business - and he broke the news to me bout how he really wants me to get off the hourly rate arrangement to the more part time partnership arrangement. This just means more money and definitely more responsibility - I'm determined to take it to cover my rent for this year.
Of course, having said that, I need to be mindful of how I'm splitting my time between my full time job and uPledge. I cannot for the life of me imagine myself being the person I'm picturing myself to be and I'm truly feeling so grateful not just for the opportunities given to me but the person I am choosing to trust I will be and carving that into existence.
I realize I don't give myself enough credit for the things that I do. I truly hope that if I am ever down - I can look back on this and remember the person I envisioned myself to be in 2023 and really live it out to its full potential. I'm also so thankful for Aaron. Being in my life and supporting me, wanting to grow and work hard for money is not something I pictured him to be determined to do but seeing how easy it is it comes to him and him being the best version of himself just makes me so damn happy. I love this journey for us and I hope maybe one day, Aaron and I can come to a point where we could be as happy as Harpreet and Rich.
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