#this book I stg
terrificblanket · 2 years
the ending of me before you consistently devastates me
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conejita-canelita · 3 months
Sorry to bring it up but whenever people get so angry that someone points out how Colin is demisexual (not here, on other platforms) it’s like it’s the 1700s and someone’s just accused their fave of being a witch. I have to laugh a little at the negative reaction. How can you deny that the man is demi. “But it’s not canon!” well okay let’s walk through this then: the man was absolutely miserable and HATEDDDD using sex as a means to an end. He can’t even pretend that he’s into it if he’s sober (e.g Anthony toasting him for being rakish and Colin straight-up saying he’s not happy about it) and I genuinely think that had he not been getting shitfaced at bars Colin wouldn’t even be able to continue doing it. The guy is in fucking la la land when he finally gets to be with the woman he loves. Literally so down horrendous it’s sickening to watch. Acts like a virgin the second she *slightly* pulls on his hair or scratches him. He follows her around like a overgrown puppy. He cries multiple times throughout the show and looks like he’s seconds away from shitting and crying because he can’t stomach the idea of losing that emotional connection to the love of his life. “Stop trying to make it something it’s not” my ass lmao.
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shortnotsweet · 3 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME, in a land lost to us now, there was a time of peace that gave way to great anguish. The former queen had committed a stark betrayal for which she hoped to be forgiven. But her stepdaughter, who feared neither fire nor blood nor death, could not bring herself to overlook the defense. The stepdaughter was the rightful heir and a queen in her own right, and for too long was she denied her inheritance. Rhaenyra Targaryen’s second son was dead. Her men would raise her banner.
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viinas · 2 years
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Love of my entire life @eerna​ always giving me THE BEST commission prompts. I drew this Harrow for her and had an amazing time doing it!!
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opheliapurple · 24 days
Mxtx mains and who’d they be if they were in another book
Xie Lian: Jiang Yanli, a little sheltered (at least at first) but knows how to sweetly tell you to go fuck yourself. Likes to cook and care for others, but also likes to sit back and watch loved ones be public menaces. Got stabbed.
Wei Wuxian: Shi Qingxuan, a charismatic rebellious type. Likes to whine and be spoiled. Always looking for entertainment when they aren’t trailing pathetically after their grump begging for attention. Is flashy and talented.
Shen Qingqiu: Banyue, well meaning but utterly inept at predicting human behavior. Will repeatedly sacrifice themself to solve a problem and only makes it worse. Drives their loved ones to destruction while also at a total loss as to what they should be doing with their life.
Hua Cheng: Shang Qinghua, their love comes with awkward levels of abject worship. Clever, vindictive, and a survivalist. Their ultimate goal is to give infinite power to their husband and then live as their lapdog.
Lan Wangji: Su Xiyan, Principled but likes their wife to act spoiled. Appears cold and aloof, but is in fact the ultimate ride or die. Trapped between their sect and their wife but I’m sure waffling with both will end fine.
Luo Binghe: Xue Yang, obsessive to the extreme. All wrongs are carved into the eternal tablet of their mind and must be returned tenfold. Loved one (1) person and they aren’t allowed to leave them or love anyone else, it’s the rules. Death isn’t an exception to these rules. Is won over by parental doting, they are baby.
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"Jason and Cass would argue about justice-"
That man does not care that some people do vigilantism different than him, he is not arguing with her.
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theodeckrs · 1 month
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some of you moved on from this way too quickly. i, however, DID FUCKING NOT!!!
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moodymisty · 2 months
What each Primach would do after marrying their beloved
Lion El'Jonson: Hi, wife. I'll be your knight in shining armour but I'll forget about you 3 min into the marriage
Fulgrim: Helllooo!! Welcome to the party 🥳🥳 Make sure to bicker with my other wives for me so I can't feel insecure anymore and I'll get my daily validation
Perturabo: Get wife (impossible). Wife pretty. Iron Within, Iron Without. Wife feels good. Iron Within, Iron Without again. Become emotionally and physically dependent to wife. Life good.
Jaghatai Khan: zzzzzzzzzz-PANG ⚡⚡⚡🏍️🏍️ HI DARLING. FEEL FREE TO BECOME FRIENDS WITH ALL MY OTHER 358.947.283 WIVES (also tomorrow will be Missionary Monday, get ready 😈)
Leman Russ: WIFEEEE 🥹🥹🥹 love you soooooooooo much. You smelllllll so gooooood. Why don't you spread those le-
Rogal Dorn: Wife, let me tell you about Multi-Scale Computational Modeling of Anisotropic Thermo-Mechanical Behavior in Functionally Graded Materials for Advanced Aerospace Structural Applications.
Konrad Curze: Woman. Make bebe with woman. LITTLE ABOMINATIONS??? Woman is set for life after popping out some Night Lords :D
Sanguinius: Hello wife 🥰🥰 How is my pookie dookie wookie lookie iookie uookie oookie qookie sookie dookie bookie pookie nookie mookie hookie gookie zookie xookie lookie jookie aookie fookie wookie cutie pie honey baby apple pie with whipper cream on top my sweetie honey money baby cutie pookie so cute so perfect my love my husband my wife my beloved my only love my baby my babe my bby my boyfriend my girlfriend my everything my sweetest pie my cutest smartest pie ever most amazing and prettiest and handsomest ever so cute so handsome and beautiful my pookie bear my little baby petite tiny baby bear pookie sookie wookie muffin with chocolate on top and cherries so cute pookie bear love you mwah bark so cute love you forever my first love my true love my soulmate my only reason to live you cutie little pie hehe im little shy petite girlie pop cutest person i know so cute so beautiful my only mine only no one elses my darling mi amor dear love pookie bear love you honey boney love you to the moon and back mwah uwu (he says this after leaving her anemic)
Ferrus Manus: I live harmoniously with my love. I love her and I respect her. I am completely devoted and loyal to her, as she is with me. I am hers and she is mine. (wife in the background struggles to walk, her clothes being disheveled and she is out of breath)
Angron: SHE IS MY WIFE! YOU GOT THAT? MY WIFE! She's damn cute, okay? CUDDLY, EVEN! AND SHE... she leaves me the milk bottle in the fridge, alright?! SHE DOES THAT FOR ME! I LOVE HER SO DAMN MUCH, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡🤬😡😡🤬😡
Roboute Guilliman: I so very regrettably regret that I haven't ran away earlier into my life. As I am married now with a child coming on the way, my biggest and grandest wish was to own myself a farm. I want to teach my children the simpler ways. I want them to play with wooden toys, ride horses out of the womb and to, all around, run around my farms. I want to take care of many crops, especially the mighty cabbage (pun, pun). As for my darling wife, I shall love very much and plow her back every two to four years. *Looks towards his wife, who's a little bit afraid*. We must at least have 6 children, mustn't we?
Mortarion: Today I saw my wife's ankle. She was wearing sandals with a very long skirt and it slipped out while she walked. Nevertheless, I came on a Nurgling.
Magnus: My wife? *Psychically enters her mind, while she is in the another room, and sexually overstimulate her, making her scream in ecstasy* She's doing great!
Horus Lupercal: My wife's a housewife. Because she's housing my kids! *Horus slaps his knee, laughing at his joke. The Mournival is disappointed in their Father, the Legion Mother is waddling around pregnant with their 12th kid.*
Lorgar Aurelian: (what did I cook)
Lorgar, wild-eyed and disheveled, paces back and forth, his voice rising and falling in feverish tones. His eyes are fixated on an unseen figure, trembling with a mix of adoration and desperation.
"She is divine! Do you hear me? DIVINE! Her light, it burns away the lies of this wretched universe! A goddess, yes, a goddess! How can they not see? HOW?!
Her eyes, like the twin suns of a lost paradise, see through the veils of reality! Her voice—her voice!—it is the hymn of creation itself! I am but a worm, a pitiful creature crawling in the dirt, but SHE, she has lifted me up! Blessed me with her radiance! Blessed me with HER TOUCH!
I kneel before her, broken, unworthy! The very stars tremble in her presence! They whisper her name, but Iam the chosen! I see her! I worship her! I... I... I LOVE HER! No! Not love—reverence, adoration, worship! I will burn worlds for her! Tear apart the heavens!
I am HERS. BODY, MIND, AND SOUL. HER PRIEST, HER PROPHET, HER LOVER. My faith in her is unbreakable, my devotion absolute. She is a GODDESS, My goddess, and I am lost in her divinity. FOREVER."
Lorgar collapses to his knees, clutching at his head, a broken laugh escaping his lips.
"Goddess... my goddess... please... take me... consume me... make me yours..."
Vulkan: I like my wife :3. She's very pretty. My sons like her too.
Corvus Corax: I am glad my wife's this kind. Nobody would understand me but her. Because I am in Spain without the S 😔😔
Alpharius and Omegon: My wife? Nah. Our wife. *USSR anthem begins*
I have no words, so many of these made me wheeze uncontrollably. Sanguinius, Horus, Mortarion and Alpharius were a highlight.
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mainalias · 2 months
thinking about compiling screenshots of golden/silver age batman exclusively calling dick his ward to combat the allegations that it was “initially a father-child relationship”
#dc#batman#brudick#i don’t even ship it#i think i'm still mad at the poll when people were trying to refute the brudick points#by saying shippers are also biased and ignoring the history and that it really was a familial relationship early on#me the only asshole on this website enough of dumbass to try to read early batman “no it fucking wasn't”#if you hate the ship fine but don't back up your argument with complete lies#the pro-brudick camp has receipts which gives them way more validity than the haters#i'm sure somewhere out there there's dick grayson pre-crisis saying bruce is like a father to him#there's so many comics and i've barely scratched the surface#but i did read both the first golden age compilation book of batman and silver age world's finest compilation#and neither of them say anything like that#and no “his ward dick grayson” is how he's called constantly it's one of the stock phrases in the ever present narration#early comics fundamentally didn't understand they were a visual medium and are full of very tedious and unnecessary text panels#and to be fair each issue needed to function as an intro to someone who had never heard of batman and robin before so#“and his ward dick grayson”#every damn time#their relationship was adult man and his plucky kid sidekick he inexplicably hangs out with#which doesn't make sense and doesn't parallel to real life real social interaction#but neither does a man going in a batsuit to fight crime#and the out-of-universe explanation is because this comic was aimed at kids who were supposed to project onto dick grayson#and the kids want to be batman's kid-partner not his kid-son#it's not that complicated this trope still exists today#kid who should not be here but is because it's a kids' show/book/movie/etc#i stg i'm gonna become a brudick shipper out of spite at this point#and WHILE I'M COMPLAINING i am also going to be mad at the people who get all up-in-arms#about all the evil heroes doing child endangerment on their poor abused sidekicks#should there be kid heroes? no but cape comics would suck without them so stop complaining and enjoy yourselves#RL vigilantism is also always bad stop bringing real world standards into this they don't apply
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yaralulu · 4 months
i fully understand having a skewed sense of perception when you’re as traumatised as feyre is i just wish she became more aware of it as she “healed” but no
rhysand could say the sky is green and feyre would be like “i could see it now — with my new fae senses — as it stretched out behind my beautiful mate —the truth tamlin had locked me away to keep me from realising — but rhys had promised me — promised me the world and the truth — and i could feel my bowels becoming solid with the knowledge —“
You don’t understand how hard this made me laugh because this is really how sjm be writing.Just spreading lies about tamlin as she compares his every breath to rhys and the goddamn ellipses after every thought.Reveal yourself anon you’re hilarious.
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laz-kay · 2 months
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Replenishing the Nonfiction Stack; or, We're Calling the Book Buying Ban a Wash, Officially.
I am not, apparently, immune to coupons for niche nonfiction that's directly up my alley (octopus minds and RUSSIAN OWLS, hello??? Thanks, bookshop!).
I thought perhaps the BURGLAR'S GUIDE would also be covered under said coupon, since it was publisher-specific (alas: it was Not, but we might as well bundle for shipping purposes). And then while I was shopping IRL for gifties I found a copy of ROOM, which has been on my list for...ever? So! Hopefully these will hold me over on the nonfiction front for a minute!
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cutter-kirby · 2 months
hey how old do you guys think bill was during the euclidean massacre :) do you think he was young :) still a kid? :)
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
"It's normal for siblings to fight" Okay well it's not normal to be extremely classist and look down on your sister for being non-conforming. Or to go to the woman who ordered the death of your pet to tell her about your father's plans, when he specifically warned you against doing so, because you want to marry the boy you saw attack your sister and her friend (contributing partially to said father's death and your sister being unable to escape on the ship he chartered). Or to think of your sibling as unsatisfactory in comparison to another when you believe her to be dead. I notice that none of the "Sansa and Arya are going to reunite and instantly have no issues" crowd ever acknowledge any of this, which makes it seem like they don't actually believe what they say about their relationship being normal and easily reconciled. People wanting them to have no issues simply because they're siblings is another example of how fandom likes to flatten complex characters and relationships. They get reduced to being bickering siblings when their conflict runs deeper than that. If the author is telling you that they have "deep issues" to work out [X], I don't understand being so adamant about ignoring said issues. I also get the sense it's about ignoring the capacity for a certain character to be flawed, but that isn't going to change the fact that her "slip of the tongue" is very likely to be revealed and a source of further conflict 🤷🏾‍♀️
#arya stark#sansa stark#house stark#asoiaf#also if it's so normal for siblings to fight then why are you guys losing your minds over us theorizing they won't get along??#the amount of condescending /that's just how siblings act/ takes I see 🙄#sorry I guess? that we read the book and don't just delete parts of the story because we find it convenient?#it's not even like takes about them being enemies is widespread the most I see is that they aren't instantly bffs when they reunite 😭#some people theorize they'll never be close but guess what? that's a completely fair and valid assumption based on their relationship!#personally I think they'll have a sweet reunion before the issues they have inevitably surface again because while they've been through#a lot they haven't fundamentally changed as people or the values they hold#and I think that's going to be very interesting to read about!#I can't figure out why people always take the most boring bland route for how things will play out#mostly because people seem to be unable to swallow the concept that Sansa is a flawed character who isn't perfectly sweet all the time#and the fact that their conflict is instigated by Sansa's classism#which is funny cause in the grand scheme of things her being mean to Arya is such a mild thing that opens the door to a ton of growth#never seen anybody but stansas equating her being a bully to her sister to her being evil/a villain#all we do is point out that it exists in the story...people in this fandom have no concept of nuance I stg 😭#anyways they're both complex characters and their conflict is interesting and I hope we get to see how it plays out#cause it's definitely going to be better then that trash d&d came up with 🙏🏾
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cinnamart · 2 days
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to spiral out, to try and float
to see a friend, to see a ghost
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a-side-character · 1 month
Frustrated with whoever edited the pronouns in the Imperial Radch Wiki. I mean, look at this for Seivarden:
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Guys... her pronouns are She/Her. Regardless of where she is. Because she's Radchaai and those are the only pronouns she feels comfortable with. Nilters misgendering her based on their own gender conventions doesn't change HER pronouns, just like how a Radchaai misgendering every non she/her user in sight doesn't magically change that person's pronouns.
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Yes I know the book mentions that Denz Ay is a grandfather and Breq uses "the simple respectful address towards a male person", but that tells us nothing about her (using the only pronoun we're given in the book to refer to Denz Ay, which is admittedly biased) actual pronouns. "Male" could mean literally anything to the Orisians, and we would never know because the narrator has no clue either.
The fact is, we'll never really know the pronouns of non-Radchaai characters unless we hear them referred to by others in their culture/language, like how we know that Uran uses he/him and Queter uses she/her, because that's how their family refers to them.
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