#this design is for hypothetical s3 (i think i already said that?)
catfacedcat · 5 months
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well hello there
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
🌀❄️🌤️ 🌧️
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. (hypothetical, i revolve it in my brain but haven't writttten it yet, but s3 of Stargirl au...) Mike and Jakeem are determined to solve the murder first, proving once and for all that they deserve to be full members of the JSA. Sometimes, that calls for drastic measures... like making a very specific wish. And sometimes the Thunderbolt finds the most chaotic way to fulfil it. Like, for example, a box of kittens. ❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing. more from the Thawne Timetravel AU with Windona
Bart tilted his head. “But you already report on the Flash. And I think you’d make the best journalist ever. And what can the Flash do with his speed? Can he vibrate his molecules through things? I bet he can, I worked out the math!”
Cisco tilted his head. Mistrust of Meloni Williams’ knowledge of speedsters aside…a little kid couldn’t exactly be an evil mastermind. And even if he could be, that meant it was his job to use the math for the side of good, right? “Really? Can I see?”
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP. I'm really fond of that above bit! but also Meloni’s professional mask shot back into place, covering something Jason didn’t catch. “I see.  Well, Dr. McGee has all of our backs. If you tell her about the project, she’ll see to it that it doesn’t…” she paused, choosing her words carefully, “haunt you. And so will I.” “Uh…thanks, Dr. Williams.  I’ll let you know, I guess? I just…” he let out a breath “guess I just wanted someone else to know, let me know I’m not paranoid or something.” She smiled again, briefly. “Thank you for telling me.  If anything comes up, don’t hesitate to call. And Jason--Mr Rusch?” “Yeah?” “Make sure you sweep your house for bugs.”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP. (again from the time travel AU with Windona because that's the main thing I have actually worked on lately)
Meloni nodded, turning the design over in her mind. “And there’s an emergency shutoff? In case anyone besides this, uh, Speedster gets trapped?” she checked the numbers again, and frowned. Something did not sit right in her gut. The trap looked like it would work, in theory at very least, but it was the how that concerned her.
“Yes, of course,” Cisco said, an edge to his voice. He shoved hair behind his ear, rescuing a tablet pen, and then noted her stares.
“Assuming they’re alive,” she whispered,a note of horror creeping into her voice. “Why is this trap designed to constantly harm any occupant?” 
Dr. Wells looked up from his whiteboard. “Because, Dr. Williams, a metahuman like the Reverse Flash can withstand that pain and needs to be contained by whatever means necessary.”
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 2: The VR Zone Has a Hell Ton of Trees
Alright guys I am regretting the hell out of this teriyaki ramen bowl I just ate, so it’s a better time than ever to go back into this VR arc. Now that the Big 5 have made their speech, all of them quite fat and one with a cane although he doesn’t even have a body anymore, they are ready to send everyone down a series of...plot-shaped holes.
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Like they were JUST in some sort of tropic zone, to go back to here and then go somewhere else and so like--this is still VR I think? Like I’m assuming they went VR the moment they entered this room but it is quite vague at what point they were officially in VR. Was it when their vision went fwisssh and everyone split into RGB layers or was it that they got knocked out with gas quite a long time ago and were just unaware that it happened? Probably a bunch of these things.
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With this announcement we find out that everyone--and I mean everyone--has to play cards now, although I’m pretty sure half of them have duel disks and the other’s are like...not equipped? I mean it’s VR, so hypothetically no one at all needs a duel disk anymore but you gotta sell toys, so no matter what, Yugi’s going to be lugging this heavy sharp thing on his wrist, even when he knows he will soon be shot down a wacky hole.
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The title of last episode, ps was “VR Nightmare,” but like, it’s actually fairly pleasant, compared to the blimp hell we were dealing with just a few episodes back. I mean I guess people are actively trying to kill us here but when are they not?
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The audacity of this show. Every state in the US has huge ass fake castles in it leftover from the Rockefeller era. Where else are our Moms supposed to drag us on Day Trips so we can get our history credit for Girl Scouts?
Americans are hella good at creating fake historical sites--all you need is a 50+ year old house and some turret work possibly made by a reasonably well known architect and it’s like “yeah that’s a good enough castle for me! Can we say it’s haunted, too? It’s hella haunted! Come to my castle B+B!”
(read more under the cut)
Tea landed in some concept art that kind of looks like the underside of a mushroom. I dunno how I’d classify this rock structure.
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And then Kaiba landed in his worst nightmare which was being in a normal park with one single straight road but somehow still completely lost. At least Mokuba managed to fall into the same hole as his brother to ensure that Seto wouldn't be lost for like the rest of this arc. Which was actually kind of an unintentionally hilarious animation.
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*rare shot of the Kaibas actually taking a break*
Man, this is the closest they’ve gotten to a real hug in kind of a while. Like when was the last time these bros hugged? Pegasus’ castle?
Meanwhile, Noah is admiring his work from this throne room and it would be a whole lot more intimidating if he wasn’t in calf-high black socks.
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His outfit is like a white school uniform so what gives with the black socks? Like of all the things to complain about on Yugioh (especially since I see Yugi’s hair looking right at me in the next cap) those socks though. Those are pretty inappropriate with this outfit, Noah. Especially matched with this God Throne you’ve got going on. Did not see socks like that matched with a chair like this.
Meanwhile Yugi is all by himself but that doesn’t matter at all because he is 2 (3) people. This strategy to isolate everyone only really worked on Serenity and Joey, TBH, since Tea is also accompanied by slightlylessevil!Marik (who hasn’t really said anything since the VR started).
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I knew Bakura would be out for a while, but I didn’t realize it meant everyone else wasn’t even going to once acknowledge it, it is baffling. I mean I get they’re super distracted right now but your friend is DEAD.
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Honestly I would not mind if the big 5 succeeded and we had to see some old men try and work with Yugi’s hair and alt rock clothing, deal with Pharaoh sassing them from a brain labyrinth, go to Yugi’s school where people get savagely beat up like every other day, deal with Bakura and Marik trying to body snatch and other magic assholery during class breaks, and through all that watching the Big 5 attempt to take over the world with their megacorp that no longer sells guns but actually sells like...children’s entertainment supplies which include the dueling roombas from S1. How on Earth do they actually think that getting a body would help them at this point? They would be Yugi Muto and that is the last face anyone would ever take seriously.
Pharaoh pops up and is like “I guess we’re doing this right now? Really wish we weren’t doing this right now.”
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Anyway, because they don’t physically exist in this digital world, neither do God Cards, or any other card in their deck. So, now they have to make new decks out of a pool. Very convenient for the writing team, bad news for Kaiba’s intense and vaguely romantic relationship with his Blue Eyes. Really glad we spent a full season talking about how much these cards meant to all these people, from the magicians, to Joey’s Red Eyes, and then that one card that was Mako Tsunami’s Dad or something--really glad we learned all of that to just completely erase it this arc.
I sounded sarcastic just now, I actually wasn’t for once, I am so glad to just purge my mind of all those card memories for a little while. Just allow myself to forget. Ah. My mind is already so much clearer. It feels so good. I am very much ok with this soft reset, I kinda needed it.
Since Yugi is supposed to choose a Deck Master from his set of cards for this particular type of duel monsters duel, he goes right for the dark magician--since that’s his MO, but for some reason Kuriboh chose himself? Like this greasy thing just hopped out of the card and played himself.
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Anyway Kuriboh is now their new Pikachu and well...this show has done worse cute-character-that-does-literally-nothing-else type things to me, speaking of, lets see what Serenity is up to.
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This is a digital hellscape, Serenity.
Serenity, you are going to die here.
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So because I just realized just now in Season 3 that Duke’s necklace is a hot, over designed disaster (much like Duke himself) I figured I should like...see what this necklace is supposed to look like. So I typed into Google “duke devlin necklace” and guys, turns out there is a LOT of Yugioh jewelry--and I don’t mean like fanart (which there is also a lot), I mean like officially, a lot of people in this show wear a lot of jewelry and so it was sort of hard to find a good pic of a Duke Devlin specific necklace--especially since it feels like most people just go for the dice earring because that’s way easier.
But what’s interesting about the Duke Devlin necklace, at least from my quick search, is that when we bring it to the real world, it gets a little lost, like a game of telephone.
Cuz I assumed that was a clown on his necklace--and there’s quite a few clown necklaces, but I’m also seeing skulls, I’m seeing gothic crosses, I’m seeing spikes and knives instead of crosses. Bro thought it was a flower for some reason--I kinda blew his mind just now when I pointed out it was a clown. Some people think it’s made of silver, other people think it’s sort of painted? (I assumed the cross was entirely blinged out with rhinestones--my honest assumption) No one can actually agree. Especially since Duke apparently changed his necklace for the movie. I know that because it looks a lot like the Legend of Zelda emblem, and some people had the actual Legend of Zelda emblem mis-tagged as Duke Devlin. Which sucks a whole lot for their SEO, and sucked a whole lot for me in my search to find a real actual Duke Devlin necklace.
Like, feel free to attach a link to a reply -- is there an official physical Duke Devlin necklace that Yugioh inc sells? Like I just want to know--officially--what the hell I’m looking at.
Anyway, back to the show, much like everyone else, these two are hopelessly lost.
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Kaiba seems to keep forgetting that his Dad is clearly behind all this and would obviously have his old tech but like...Kaiba forgets so much I can forgive him this.
So, faced with roads that lead no where, Tristan decides to do his tried and true method of solving all of his problems.
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And at the other end of the VR zone Tea is getting kidnapped after...being kidnapped by Noah while she was already kidnapped by Marik. This is three levels of kidnap, yes?
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I will read their fanfiction start to end I swear to you I will do it if it exists and I will report back to you who dates Captain Hook and who is related to Henry Mills.
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OMG It didn’t exist.
You have got to be kidding me.
I am beside myself, this is the only property known to man that has not been turned into a OUAT fanfiction.
That or I’m just really bad at searching for fanfics since I haven’t actually read any since my LiveJournal days. Like, when you’re basically immune to shipping, as I am, you just really lose the desire to read about 90% of fanfiction.
Anyway, the closest we have to a OUAT Yugioh fanfiction, to my knowledge, is that cap I made just now right there. Your welcome, Once community.
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This is absolutely made of load-bearing drywall. Why do none of the sets of windows line up with each other and how many stories is this? Like 2.5? And you can stand on the roof I guess because it has handrails? It’s super weird.
Anyway, I just made a OUAT joke and maybe it’s because I knew shortly after we were gonna get--that’s right--an orphanage flashback. OUAT was basically 6 seasons of effed up orphan flashbacks so I feel pretty well prepared. Like bro was worried how I’d handle this filler but y’all, I watched the Lily arc in OUAT. I can do anything.
*slaps hands together*
Totes ready for these boys to have been given up for adoption via a magical tree and a memory curse, only to find out their real parents are 3 years younger than them because of a time loop. Make it weird, Yugioh!
Anyway, as always, if you want a link to read these from the beginning in Chrono order and without any comments and all that jazz here’s a link
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