#this didnt click for me until i watched a video on autism in the manosphere
anadrenalineslut · 2 years
Wealth oppression is still oppression and even if a human is still 99% privileged in all other aspects, they are STILL oppressed under capitalism if they are a worker.
Neoliberalism is the ultimate evil, and the harm it did to our political landscape is insurmountable. If The Left hadn't been so staunchly pro-capitalism in the early 00s, maybe so many poor white people wouldn't have fallen victim to the anti sjw to alt right pipeline.
I know it's fun to always criticize the other side, but some introspection never hurt anyone. Do you guys know WHY anti-sjw videos were so popular among poor white teenage men in particular? Do a YouTube search for anti-sjw debunk videos. The videos are all set up in exactly the same way: respond to accusations of social injustice with arguments of economic injustice to prove that you have it "just as bad" as everyone else does and "not all white people are rich."
None of us were class conscious enough at 15 to pick up on this was what was happening, so we just responded with "lol white male tears" ironically sending these teenagers the message to suck their pain up and deal with it because it's not real and doesn't exist- engaging in toxic masculinity standards ourselves while berating men for being "toxic."
Now, pause, I am not writing this as a defense of white men or asking you to forgive neonazis. Please understand that all relationships are two way streets and analyzing how we can do better next time is not asking you to forgive the sins of racist murderers, okay? Insane I have to write this but neurotypicals gunna neutrotyp.
Okay, back to it. So, if you really analyze what these white men were saying, it boils down to "you say white men are the problem but im living proof that I have no "privileges," because I'm poor or homeless x y z," and instead of really engaging with that response, the left just kind of made fun of men for expressing their feelings? And I am not saying they were right for how they responded and the level to which they took it there, but analyzing the way the rich have set us up against each other will only help prevent them for creating more neonazis in the future.
Socialism has been kind of painted as this response to whiteness, if you really think about why the anti sjw pipeline was so effective especially after a black man became president in 08, and therefore it has become associated with the black man's response to the white man. It really all started with rich men like Ben Shapiro making YouTube videos claiming that sjws are full of shit and then peddling hundreds of millions into making sure poor men were tuned in and listening as social justice warriors became increasingly frustrated with how ignorant everyone was to injustice in America.
If you read the new Jim crow, it discusses the LONG history of Rich Whites pinning Poor Whites against each other and how effective that has been in upholding Capitalism, Colonialism and Patriarchy for centuries. I really recommend reading that book because then this post will make a lot MORE sense when you see how the same tactics described in that book were used by rich men like Ben Shapiro to funnel millions into literal anti-black and anti-socialist propaganda on the internet for years before Trump was elected.
Why do you think the right has been calling the left communist for decades now, even when neoliberalism was the main form of left ideology in the U.S. at the time? Because they were equating the economic solution for poor white people's problem with the social solution for everyone else's problems being one and the same (eat the rich= they're coming after you, your children and they want thing you don't even have out of revenge for things that happened centuries ago).
This is why white people see white privilege as economic privilege and economic privilege only because for a long time, they were pretty synonymous. However, capitalism is a self-eating system and eventually the social privilege will fall to economic privilege because not everyone can be rich means not every white person can be rich (a truth that's hard to swallow for poor whites who have been racist for decades under the guise of "economic freedom"). Now we're in "late stage capitalism," which is what white people are calling normal capitalism but affecting a huge amount of whites now.
This is why there was a huge anti-feminism crave that came along with the anti-sjw wave because if white women start realizing gender is a social concept + our role in creating gender inequality everywhere but Europe, where our husbands did that for us, we can convert our white male family into socialists and they can't have that. This is why in colonized countries, Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobia (FART) is more mainstream feminism now. They cannot have people realize that capitalism/Colonialism created gender inequality because once they do- once women wake up to what our gender really is, it's fucking over for the capitalists.
Women with gender studies degrees are all coming to the conclusion that our gender was created as a way to instill capitalism into the world, and this scares the shit out of feminists because feminists are- at their core- racist as fuck. Feminism is an ideology that was created to protect White Supremacy and it will react in the exact same way any other White Supremacist organization does when threatened.
Anyways, I say all of this to say that it's all connected. Everything has always been connected and poor whites need to grow up, wake up and realize rich whites have been playing them for fools for centuries. Eat The Rich doesn't mean attack all white people because they're so privileged, but this is at the heart of many neonazi fears today. They don't want to die for revenge when they have nothing to give.
If we start saying "yes, white men are oppressed. Not because of any social injustice but because economic injustice is truly colorblind." And we start explaining to these young teenagers and men that what they are feeling IS oppression, just not social oppression, they will be much less likely to fall victim to the anti sjw to alt right pipeline. Because they will know that black people aren't the problem, Rich Whites are.
Stopping poor whites from aligning with Republicans has been a consistent weak spot for the left for decades now and it's because of neoliberalism's love for capitalism. Admitting that white people do feel economic oppression is the first step in deradicalizing and preventing radicalization to begin with.
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