#this documentary was one of many ways that Louis has said
twelvedaysinaugust · 1 year
Thoughts on the separate dressing rooms? Cause some people are saying it proves H and L shared, but I really think that’s wishful thinking. I think it leans more heavily to say there was a lack of cohesion there at the end and they were pretty much separate before they split.
Did you have any thoughts you wanted to share about the doc?
I haven't watched the premiere in its entirety yet, but I saw that clip and I agree with your assessment. I have no problem thinking 2015 was messy and complicated.
I did see the doc in theaters and it was exactly what I was expecting. I liked it a lot, I don't feel like I learned anything new, and I think it was a nice but carefully curated look at Louis and his life.
I don't really have that much to add that hasn't already been said, but I agree that what wasn't addressed was most interesting. And it did kind of confirm to me that Eleanor was not Louis' romantic partner. If she was, I think she would have been included in the documentary alongside Louis' family and friends. If the breakup supposedly occurred around Christmas as the article said, the editing would have been well underway by that time as the documentary was released three months later. And the concept and vision for the project would have existed from the beginning. So I don't think there was ever a plan to include Eleanor in the documentary.
I will say, for a music documentary, there was not a lot of focus on Louis as an musician. It was really a look at Louis as a person interspersed with some tour footage. That's how it seemed to me. Which is all well and good. We saw clips of the shows (with some of the dates misrepresented) but there wasn't much about Louis' creative process, the logistics of tour, etc. Even in the AFHF documentary we saw those extended clips of him rehearsing with Helene and, if I remember correctly, AOTV seemed less focused on that side of Louis' life. I came away from the theater thinking this documentary was a way for Louis to reclaim the public narrative about his life and I respect that.
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twopoppies · 8 months
But the documentary wasn’t promo that was going to bring in new fan
We need to cut him some slack. Like I said he does what he can. In my opinion, the documentary was the smartest thing he’s done. Because it was an invitation for music lovers who even if he weren’t necessarily fans of Louis per se, to go see the life of a musician. It was perfect promo. And I don’t think that any of us expected the movie theatres to be filled with locals did we? But even those who went, many or few, it’s a good thing. He gave the documentary to his fans and the non fans. Now some might have stuck, some might have not. But in anyway was a very smart promo. In the way I see it at least, it was the best thing they’ve done so far.
Why do we need to cut him slack? I think that attitude towards him is one of the bigger issues he has. I don’t know why “locals” would see a documentary about a musician they’ve never heard of when there was no promo done to bring them in. Additionally, I think he actually lost a lot of fans because of the hard line he drew in regard to Freddie. But that was a decision he made and given all the focus on how “organic” Charlie’s “favorite moment” was, it seems it was done with great purpose.
There’s no point in going back and forth about this, though. We clearly see the documentary differently. Hopefully, it ultimately helped him more than it hurt him.
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skepticalarrie · 7 months
Hi Allie. Idk if you’re still answering questions, especially about bbg. But if you are….. do you think L lost fans after everything going down the last few years? I still don’t know how I feel abt that .. tbh
That's a tough question. I think he did lose some fans because of it, but it wasn't overnight. So I'm not sure if there were *that many* fans who were die-hard one day and then just left without looking back because of babygate. It was more of a gradual thing. A lot of people were already feeling a bit tired because his image wasn't the same anymore anyway. One Direction days are starting to feel like a really long time ago now, and some things just stay in the past I guess. Not to mention a bunch of new fans coming in during his solo career, and you know, things change, a major rebrand happened.
So yeah, a lot of people were disappointed and pretty upset with Louis about it. It's a bitter pill to swallow. But like I said, we're talking about stuff from a decade ago. If his documentary had come out in 2017 or 2018, that might have been a different story. Back then, there were still so many people fighting over the whole babygate situation. But now, enough time has passed that we’re not even majority anymore, under any perspective. (And the same goes when it comes to Larry)
Speaking for myself, it's been a lot to adjust to. Things just aren't the same around here, so it's only natural for me that I had to take a step back because I'm just fucking tired. I still love his music, but I see him as way more flawed than I used to, and there are a lot of things that I just don't care about anymore.
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holyshit · 2 years
“all of those voices” as a title to the documentary is super interesting to me, because i think it can go in a couple different directions. firstly, i think louis has a super interesting story in regards to how his relationship with music and writing has developed and how many outside voices were/are involved. him being the de facto leader of one direction and the one who advocated for them the most, as well as the one who pushed their personal involvement with writing the music they were making and the musical direction the band took, he obviously always had people in his ear trying to convince him otherwise and actively fighting against him. into his solo career and trying to get Walls off the ground, he clearly continued having a difficult time dealing with his label and what they expected of him vs. what he actually wanted to do with his sound and musical direction. he’s always had people fighting against him, and he’s always been resilient, but it also must be tough to work through trying to filter out the voices around him, especially coming from his roots of being in a boyband that was entirely too structured and strict and dealing with the massive and constraining expectations from him musically and personally. i think, if that’s one of the directions they go, it will be very fascinating learning more about how his writing has developed and how he’s coming into his own musically considering all these factors in his past and present.
then on the flip side and the more positive interpretation of the title, “all of those voices”, especially coming from a song like Bigger Than Me, can easily also represent the fans. and i do think this will likely be a strong focus of the documentary based on what they’ve said. the negative voices of those who have gotten in his way throughout his career vs the positive voices of the fans and that special connection and passion that has helped bring forward more of his confidence, likely after so long of always being told he wasn’t enough or that what he was doing wasn’t good enough. the tour that, as he has mentioned, so extremely helped in his vision for the songs on this new album, and that’s all through what the fans have given him through their energy this tour.
all in all, i’m excited and i am fascinated but what direction they’re going to go with this.
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savebylou · 3 months
Recap Simon Cowell on The Ray Foley podcast talking about 1D, his show and Harry calling him.
Simon did another interview, I wanted to share another recap/transcript in case anyone was interested.
TLDR: He said that he and 1D had the best time working together and he really missed it, he made a deal with the company that made Formula 1: Drive to Survive (Box to Box Films) and is going to a streamer plataform. He is doing promo so more people audition because he think is the best way to get in to the music business (even though he said he is not going to offer a record deal and he will own the name), he wants to invite Louis Walsh to the auditions, last but not least according to him Harry call him just to say hello.
Below is the more detail recap with a few quotes.
Simon was on The Ray Foley podcast, it was a zoom interview of almost 13 min [20.06.24].
-According to Simon because there hasn' t been a successful UK band or Irish band since 1D, so he thought about a year ago to do his show to create a new boyband. He thinks is the only way to do it.
-What he is looking for? The best example is One Direction. He thinks is the best boyband of all time.  "There is something about each of them, they were all individually talented, collectively they were just brilliant, it was fun, talented and we had the best, best time working together and I really, really missed it and that is why I decided you know what? I'm gonna risk it and I'm just gonna do it."
-He then talk about his memories of the band. That when One Direction didn't win he was so unhappy and that the next day they come to the label and he said they are gonna sign them. After he says "I think if we could find a group of people like that again, with those kind of records, I really, really think there is a massive opportunity here, I can just feel it".
About his show he comment:
- "I'm working with a company who made drive to survive"[Note: I check the production company was Box to Box Films, the program is Formula 1: Drive to survive, that is a documentary series of F1 that aires on Netflix]. He went to see them and he said he was gonna do this [boyband] "with or without cameras, do you think it would make a good documentary? And they went are you prepared to show everything?" He said yes, so they make a deal. "Is going to be a documentary for one of the big streamers."
- He is doing promo so more people audition because if it works it's worth it, is fun and "it's the best way on getting in to the music business, because right now they just aren't enough new people being sign for whatever reason, and that's depressing." [Important to remember that the band that is going to be created will not have a record deal, they will have to find it on their own and Simon is gonna own the name, see recap of that here].
-He said that the person that records a video and sharing on social media they are competing with so many people, so the odds are not in their favor, record labels are not watching their videos, they have a departament checking with algorithms, he believes that if you wanna find people he needs to met them and they need to met him. His advice for artists is always to start in a band because they will find their lane and they got a better shot. He used to do this 30 years ago, go month after month in auditions.
About Louis Walsh (X Factor judge)
The interviewer mentions that Louis has a boyband and Simon comment he will call him and drag him to be in the auditions and that they will always be friends. [Note that Louis said that he hadn't talk with Simon in years and Sharon Osbourne comment how Simon got rid of their contract they had for the new season of The X Factor for 2018, this when they add it Louis Tomlinson, Robbie Williams and Ayda Field ].
-He talk about what happened with Westlife that Louis created and Simon rejected them, they change members and he sign them.
Harry calling Simon.
"It was very funny because Harry Styles call me the other day just to say hello, and that night I said [to his son] I was talking to Harry Styles the other day. Son: No you didn't. Simon: Yes I did, he call me. Son: Why he will call you? Simon: To say hello, people do that."
Let me know if you want me to record and upload audios of any of this parts. I can share them.
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alarrytale · 6 months
my biggest grief with the larry denial is that it puts louis in the spotlight, but not for the right reasons. when he talks music and his thoughts on the industry and his other projects and what he likes and dislikes and when he’s his silly self onstage and with fans and when he’s soft and flamboyant and yes sarcastic and funny and just louis, that’s when he’s his best. that’s the louis we know. he’s so much more than his relationship with harry, but well, many people are more interested in reading some quick cheap gossip than what this musician has to say about his career experiences. i want to be optimistic and think this is the end of the denials, at least the harsh ones, as it’s being spread like wildfire and his wording looked final. i want louis to succeed, and i’m not really talking about taylor swift or harry levels of fame, but just have a good stable career with his own accomplishments and being a respectable name. while i think he’s getting there slowly, many times his team has lacked and i’m afraid that if this pattern continues he will be stuck forever. but well, as i said i’m optimistic and i’ll keep supporting louis because i know he has the ability to get far
Hi, anon!
It's difficult for him, that's for sure. He is a musician, a songwriter, has a fashion company, he's touring and he's got his own festival. The problem is that his artist image is so fake that no matter what you ask him about you won't get a straight answer out of him. You ask him who his inspiration is, you'll get a rehearsed answer that is in line with this fake laddy and indie image. You ask him about his documentary and he'll answer it's 110% authentic, when we all know it's not. You ask him about his career experiences and you'll get a fluffy answer, because he isn't allowed to talk about the abuse, manipulation and the dark sides of the industry that he's experienced. People are able to recognise that he isn't being genuine and authentic, so they don't tune in. He needs attention on him to be able to sell tour tickets and festival tickets. The one thing that's guaranteed to give him said attention is larry.
I would love to see Louis being himself fully, like you said his silly self, sarcastic, funny, flamboyant and soft. He hardly ever get to show those sides of himself because of the image he needs to uphold. Those are also sides that will show he's an interesting person and attract an audience without having to pull the larry card to get attention.
As long as he isn't in a postition where he can be himself he'll only attract those type of fans who knows he isn't being himself and knows the reasons why he can't be. To other people he looks like someone who either needs to drop H's name to get attention, an absent father, a boybander who wants to be an indie artist for male validation, a homophobe and someone who's fans irritate him. That's not good at all. They don't get to see those sides of him that makes being a fan worth the gaslighting, lies and lash outs.
I'm happy you're optimistic. But i think as long as he has this image among the gp, he'll face an uphill battle. The gp who didn’t previously know of him will now know him as the artist who's rumoured to be in a relationship with Harry Styles. People know Harry Styles, so that makes them curious about Louis. If they do some research and check him out they'll no doubt become larries if they decide to stan him. Because of his image i don't think Louis is able to have gp fans or casual fans. His fake image is too repellant to them. You need to look past the surface to find him likeable, interesting and a good guy.
There is no way forward for him with this current image i'm afraid. The only way forward is for him to be allowed to be freely himself, and that would entail coming out and reveal his relationship with Harry. After a few years as an out artist the novelty of larry would wear off in the gp and he'd be able to build a broad fanbase who is fan of him for different reasons, like his music and artistry, and not only larry. He'd be able to build some independence then.
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whoreforlarrystuff · 1 year
Unlike a lot of people here, i tend to think they will come out but separately first. And I think louis would be the first one to, even though two years back I would have never said that. But I think that the way his image has been slowly shaped lately - no mention of love life in the documentary or in general, a dotting father. Historically so many gay men in the industry have had biological children that for the gp it would be very easy to convince if they choose to take that route, and I have a gut feeling that is what will happen and him dating men would only follow. I know it would piss a lot of people off in the fandom but I trust Louis to make a right decision, what is right for his life.
Hi Love!
I agree that we have seen a shift in Louis' image lately, but also in how free he has been lately- the Louis we've been seeing on stage lately is so much more confident, so much more free than the Louis we had performing during much of the Walls tour.
I have no expectations for exactly how their coming out will go / what will happen, but i agree- I trust Louis, and Harry, to make the right decision for their lives, not for us, but what makes sense for them.
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insomniziam · 1 year
In response to the post re: a 1D reunion, I agree that it was a toxic situation to be in. However, that doesn't mean that if you are able to identify and eradicate those things that made the situation toxic that you then can't reassess the situation and make a decision. The toxicity was not amongst the lads themselves. Rather, the toxicity emanated from label/mgmt. and the fanbase. Namely, how they were managed and how label/mgmt. subjected them to a horrendously suppressive contact. Which contractually obligated them to be put in situations that they had absolutely no control over. The various narratives that were created were meant to present them to the general public not in a way that was beneficial to them, but rather meant to generate maximum profit for label/mgmt. Likewise, these narratives were meant to cause the fanbase to fracture and turn against each other. Liam has been expressing the possibility of a reunion almost since the "hiatus" began. This in large part, meant to counter the narrative pushed by label/mgmt. that there was friction, hostility, jealousy within 1D. Which was why they were on "hiatus". Label/mgmt. employed this narrative as a way to manipulate the fanbase and cause it to fracture by choosing sides. Label/mgmt. wanted to create the illusion that 1D was through with one another and reuniting under new label/mgmt. was remote at best. The reality is that the reason for the "hiatus" was that all of the members of 1D decided collectively not to renew their contract. They turned their backs on label/mgmt. not each other.
Once the contract expires, I have no doubt all will have highly successful solo careers. If by chance one of them, while on another world tour should welcome four other lads to the stage for an impromptu jam session and a label executive should happen to be there and have a contract for them to sign, I for one, would not get up and walk away. Why do I think they are still under an original contract? Well, no public interaction amongst the principals of the main contention between label/mgmt. and 1D. Namely, no public interaction between Harry and Louis, and also Liam and Zayn. I mean seriously, do you think it's by free will? Both pairs? No, by contract. The four lads employed teddy bears, altered song lyrics, actual tattoos on their bodies, and hints of their relationships in songs they wrote to counter this narrative. Additionally, three of the four are said to be fathers. Coincidence? No, contract. They remain fathers, hence contract still in full force and effect. However, there is movement, Louis and Liam in public is a shift. Louis on tour is a shift. His documentary as well, is a shift. Seem the suggestion of a thirteen-year mgmt. contract could be accurate. The next six month could be very interesting.
I don't understand why you'd send me this on three separate occassions as if my initial response is going to change.
I don't like how 1D treated him, both the management and the fans.
Liam has talked on multiple different occasions how he felt trapped, how he didn't have the freedom other boys his age did which led to him developing a drinking habit. He was severely overworked, which only added to his alcohol and possible substance abuse. He doesn't need to return to that toxic environment.
And the fans weren't any better. Many of them didn't give a shit about his solo ventures and only dropped into his lives to constantly ask him questions about the other members or when the band is getting back together. They used the fact that he was a people pleaser to get the 1D content they were depraved of. And then the second they could, they would shit on him when it was convenient to do so, taking his words and changing them to fit their agenda
I honestly hope 1D doesn't come back, and if they do, Liam turns them down. God knows he was a major reason as to why that band was successful, and neither his management team or the so called fans deserve him.
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I'm sorry if this is condescending - it's easy to make assumptions from anons. But one of the important changes in politics I've seen over the last twenty years is that information about what is wrong with the world that is rooted radical analysis, has often been separated from radical analysis about how to change things. When I was learning about migrant exploitation labour in my early twenties - I learned that alongside learning about union struggles in NZ and overseas and how to act in solidarity. I think it's really important to learn from historic struggles how change has been made.
Because without that what you get is a long list of what is wrong with the world, and then a demand for an action that there has been no organising around, no collective
Im sorry, i don’t really understand what your point is. Nothing of what you just said had to do with the very reasonable criticism about Louis tweeting and supporting this wc publicly when having such a reach to so many people. What is your alternative suggestion when criticizing and vocalizing the wrong in all of this isn’t the right way for you? You said, learning from historical struggles? What did you learn specifically and how can this be helpful to this situation that we are now talking about?
I just try to understand, so this isn’t mean to offend anybody. Maybe I’m just too uninformed or too narrow minded but I’m very invested in this discourse in general when it comes to the World Cup and to fifa. I have no demand, I don’t expect people to do anything but I think it’s important to spread awareness. I wouldn’t go up to people telling them what to do and how to act. But I think it’s important to criticize certain things that might have a big impact.
Anon - I'm deliberately not talking about Louis and instead talking about the wider political issues, because I think talking about Louis concedes that whether someone watches and talks about the world cup is important.
Your worldview seems to prioritise speech as a form of political action. When you talk about how to make change you don't talk about building collective power or leverage, but raising awareness. I really disagree with that approach. Awareness of wrongs doesn't change them. The idea that awareness is important and that if people knew what was going on then things would change - there is no evidence of that - no evidence at all. It's a model of change put forward by those who either want the world to stay the same, or who have no experience in trying to change things. (Raising awareness of what people are doing to resist oppression can be very important, it's not the same thing as raising awareness of bad things.
The world changes when people work together to make it change. Boycotts work when people who are working together to fight their oppression believe that it's a useful strategy and their call is respected by other people. They take a lot of work and organising and even the ones that appear to happen over night, take a lot of prior organising.
I'll give you a comparison. I learned about the horrors of Nestle when I was a child. There has been lots of talk, over the years, about boycotting Nestle products. I've known people not eat various products because of the Nestle connection. But it was never called for by those who were resisting Nestle's oppressive practices. It's just kind of bumbled along, without any real impact. And I would never judge anyone for having a kit-kat.
There's lots of places where you can learn about boycotts that have had an impact. I linked to the documentary about the resistance to the 1981 Springbok tour twice recently (here it is a third time). But also one of the most famous boycotts of all time - the Montgomery bus boycott. That act worked because it was a collective action - many people may have avoided segregated buses (I know a white person who grew up in the segregated South and who used to drink from the 'coloured' drinking fountain as an act of defiance - it didn't change anything) - but that didn't change anything. What changed is when black people in Montgomery made a collective decision that they were going to do what it takes to stay away. There's lots of information about this. I was profoundly influenced by watching Eyes on the Prize while I was a teenager (the key message for me was that neither Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks were doing the most important work - it was Jo Ann Robinson's mimeographing that was necessary).
From what you've said here I think you massively overvalue individual speech acts - and don't understand the role off collective action in making real change. I do encourage you to learn more about when people have been successful in changing the world. I think it'll challenge the way you currently think about both 'awareness' and 'criticism'.
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twopoppies · 2 years
I was the one who sent about Niall. I think it’s a bit hurtful and invalidating for me as a fan to understand that I’d rather have them straight because it would be easier for them. I did not meant that in a way. I understand that they’re both closeted, in a relationship and is constantly being sabotaged. I just meant that Niall has a good team who actually puts effort which lead to niall being able to move a lot in his promotions where efforts can be seen. With Louis, I don’t see his team doing something as always, it is frustrating (i think ick might be different meaning for you? this is what i meant when i said ick, idk english is not my first language). They want the documentary trending, to give us trailers. That is literally a documentary about his life, the only one of of 1D who is going to be releasing something as vulnerable and would offer a different perspectives and the only people who knows about it is the entire 1D fandom. He has an account where it has like 30M followers and the only thing we hear from is from an account with very small following, not many people, not many reach imo. There is so much to talk about Louis’ career, so much to promote and we are not seeing enough of it. They could have gone to so many ways to promote it, mainly the things I said on the first ask with what Niall is doing. (if it’s not clear, within the contraints of their closet.)
I didn’t mean that I thought you wanted them to be straight. What I mean is that it is a lot easier to market a straight man who never really rocks the boat (other than being occasionally rude to fans on Twitter), than it is to market two queer men who are in a relationship with each other and whose images are complicated by that.
I absolutely agree with you that Louis’ team could do a better job promoting him.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Hi, How are you? I don't know why, but I have feeling Louis wants to change is fanbase, somehow? I don't know how to explain it, but the fact he's lying a lot lately, not just about F, but the 1D management? Am I the only one who remember his face everytime Liam did a speech in their favour? I know he can't throw them under a bus, but there's a big difference between that and saying they did everything they could for helping the boys and their mental health. I kind of feel he is trying to create a fanbase that forget easily, ready to defend him no matter what and just go with everything he says. I know it's sound stupid but, for me, you should always pay attention to the little things too, so it's kind of unsettling when he changes the answer to the same question in less that 4 months.
On top of that, looks like he wants to make a point that he's in charge of everything, or at least he has a say about everything.
So, in my mind, the options are two: he's lying now because he wants a less inquisitive fanbase (the one he created during the years, I might say), so he can be a little careless about how he talks and acts; or he lied before, and he liked the strong fanbase and used it for charts and tour (that would explain why start selling a tour before the CD and the documentary are out).
I feel like I need to brace myself 'cause I'm going to be in that part of the fandom he's ready to throw away. And it's gonna hurt,' cause I know what I believe in is his fault, and I'm pretty sure he knows too.
That's how I feel and I don't know how to change that. It's just me?
I mean, you feel how you feel... but I think you're trying to oversimply things and making a lot of assumptions based on more assumptions.
I agree that the way things were put in the last few interviews it feels like they're trying to tick all of the boxes of a certain narrative. Although I don't think Louis was necessarily lying about the hiatus or management - check out this post here - but I mean, if you're not reading between the lines, like many of us here are, things are definitely being done to come across in a way that is... weird. I totally agree that he's trying to sound like he's free, always been free, his management was always great, he didn't want to go on a hiatus but he was forced, etc etc etc. It's not exactly what he's saying, but it's definitely translated that way for a lot of people. And ooof, that's not believable in any scenario.
I don't get it either. And it bothers me. I feel like both Harry and Louis have been trying to play both sides a lot lately, and I'm really getting tired of it. I'm not sure for how long I'm still willing to stay here if they're playing this game. About your theories... like I said, I don't particularly follow this train of thought. But I definitely agree that this is becoming something really uncomfortable for a lot of people. For you, I think it all comes down to the fact you may think he doesn't have good intentions behind his actions... and if that's how you feel, there isn't much you can do about it. I don't blame you, things are complicated. Maybe just try to enjoy his music without getting involved any further?! I really don't know, love. I'm very frustrated as well
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
I’ve been in the fandom forever, so I’ve seen basically it all and one thing I’ve noticed is that back in the 1D days fans at listening parties or events would anonymously or not so anonymously spill things or leak info as a way to share it for everyone and to allow everybody to experience those moments even if they weren’t there. But in the post 1D years I’ve noticed a sort of shift where people will hold onto the info and not share anything with a sort of sense of entitlement of ‘I have this, and you don’t’ not to say everyone is that way now, but it’s a definite shift more towards it. Like the days of the Brazilian Youth recording the worst quality clips of Midnight Memories through a hotel door and posting it, or at the MITAM parties the person who released the clips with the 1D unseen footage and then tweeted ‘sue me’, it was such a different time.
In a way, it’s the era of “exclusive content”. You get to keep to yourself the things you see or record them just to plaster them all over the internet when you want. Not in this case, because I don’t think any fan would actually want to take videos of the documentary since it will be available soon for many of them and Louies are very loyal.
Plus you have to add on top of it the obsession pop culture has with streams and sellings. When Harry’s House was leaked I got a very rude anon calling me dumb and ignorant for simply saying that the album was going to be fine, because it didn’t seem possible to me that we had the album exactly one month before the release in its entirety. It also was weird since it has happened before to other artists (I mentioned future nostalgia and Dua Lipa) and there were discourses on how many huge label/production teams do use leaking as promo and stuff (Marvel has been using it for ages). And it turns out I was fucking right, cause that album is a grammy album winner now wasnt I? Lol
The other anon basically called me stupid because I believe this is a behaviour that goes beyond cultural context. Again, I’m not saying or as they said ‘dismissing’ how the fact the premiere was in Japan has influenced the lack of tea spilling about the documentary just to ‘complain’ about fandom. It just got me thinking. They said Louis would even choose Japan because of their politeness, which I would understand in certain moments like when you are recording an album or spending some time off, when you need very low-key quiet moments for work or personal space, it really seems like the perfect place to keep privacy to yourself, but if you are premiering your movie I don’t think you want it to be kept a fanbase secret. Premieres are the moments where the buzz starts because the moment when it will be available in theatres is getting closer. You want people to be curious and intrigued. Instead I see the no spoilers campaign on twitter (not by japanese fans, but by any fan) and I’m just alright but why? Are they afraid talking about and giving away more information on what to expect and what not will ruin the tickets numbers? Because that seems always the core reason between any secret keeping in fandom culture, if that makes sense.
But again, maybe we are going to get more infos after the next premieres and this was just a first premiere kinda thing!
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rupertsblogonfood · 2 months
Culture of Cultured Foods(Post #11, Open Prompt)
As I have become more health and food conscious, I have developed a taste for Kimchi, Sauerkraut, and other fermented things. My first taste of Sauerkraut was in my grandma's kitchen when I was four. She would keep it in a crock in the closet and 'burp' it daily. She said she was giving me apple sauce, but gave me a fork of sauerkraut. I remember as a kid it was so sour and remember thinking it was disgusting, but I ate it to not offend my grandma.
Where does the concept of fermented food come from?
Fermentation has existed for thousands of years. The earliest form was an alcoholic beverage made from fruit, honey, and rice was found in Neolithic China around 7000 BC (Living History Farms, n.d.). Fermentation began as a way to preserve food that did not have a long shelf life such as dairy. However, many believe that this was not intentional but spontaneous because of the existing flora in the milk.
It wasn't until much later that the science and nutrition behind fermentation was understood. A notable figure, Louis Pasteur, connected the process of fermentation to yeast (Living History Farms, n.d.). Research shows linkages between consuming these friendly bacteria and improved digestion and detoxification (Living History Farms, n.d.).
Today, many seek these healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics. However many cultures around the world have their own traditional fermented foods. In Eastern Europe they have sauerkraut, kasha, kvass, and kefir; In Korea they have Kimchi; In Japan, they have miso, natto, and koji; In the South Pacific poi; and in South-East Asia nuoc mam or fish sauce (Samiz, 2019). There are hundreds of different fermented foods.
After recently watching a documentary about Blue Zones across the world, I found it a common theme that not only did these communities eat more fresh produce and exercise, but they also consumed fermented foods at a higher rate. BCC notes for instance, that sourdough wheat bread is a staple in Sardinia and miso soup is common in the Okinawan diet, both of which are blue zones (Ibitoye, 2024).
How can you include this in your diet?
As previously mentioned, you can take daily probiotics. You can make any of the hundreds of fermented foods mentioned in this article (https://www.fermentingaustralia.com.au/post/every-culture-has-a-culture-of-cultured-foods). If one isn't to your taste, then maybe another is. You can also drink Kombucha, a fermented black tea that often involves fruit, which can be found at any supermarket. They can run expensive but are an easy way to consume fermented foods.
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Ibitoye. (2024.). What is the Blue Zone diet and does the science back it up?. BBC Food. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/blue_zone_diet#:~:text=Fermented%20foods%20are%20found%20in,research%2C%20with%20much%20still%20unknown.
Beyond sauerkraut: A brief history of fermented foods. Living History Farms. (n.d.). https://www.lhf.org/2014/03/beyond-sauerkraut-a-brief-history-of-fermented-foods/
Sammiz. (2019, March 26). Every culture has a culture of cultured foods. Fermenting Australia. https://www.fermentingaustralia.com.au/post/every-culture-has-a-culture-of-cultured-foods
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savebylou · 1 year
Clues in All Of Those Voices.
I been tracking the random clues that Louis puts in his social media. In honor of aotv dropping on paramount+ here are the clues I notice during the intro and outro of the documentary (part of this were show previously in the spotify canvas).
I think part of this could be an editing preference but others could have a meaning specially because of how repetitive they are. Either way I like to keep track of this random "clues".
Like others videos the clues where show just for seconds and some were cut so you don't see the full word, etc. With what was show I categorize in: letters, numbers, film terminology and random.
a) Letters. Either single letters or words cut out are show in here:
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The "V" was show only a few times, same with the image that has a "NO" and the other one with the "ata" (that my guess it says data). However the next two groups of images where show more often:
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The first pair was in that order first the "URY 2A" and then the other image with many letters (OCFD ALLS OM T) same case with the last two, first was the "E" and then the "AO".
-This next few letters were show in the outro of the documentary in the order of those images. In the intro they only show the C and S.
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We see E P O C S. But maybe it's backwards starting from the S it would said:
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I think "Scope" could be an option because in the sequence that is explained later in the post also puts scope with some numbers.
-In this next two pictures, the first and third picture was show on aotv and the second and forth picture is what was used before in Louis' social media.
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The picture company series and the "reel no prod no play date" had been repetitive in different videos of Louis.
-The next image on the left are two images I put together, it's what was show on aotv but I had to put a mirror filter because it was in reverse and I put the leader image to match the below part. The photo on the right it's the previous image of Louis' tiktok.
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b) Numbers. In aotv the numbers that were show were:
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The first tree images where shown in that sequence and with those figures, words and numbers 16> UND STA 70>35, this were show a lot in the outro of the documentary. Other numbers that they show:
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The 3 was show in the intro and outro a lot with different filters. The last two, it could be the same number or they added one, the first one (28 or 2B) is in the intro and the last one (228 or 22B) in the outro.
-Sequences. This was shown on the spotify canvas and in aotv pases multiple times like 3 seconds & the sequence go from to down to up in vertical form. It's show in different filters. Here they are in order:
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So we got: Scope # 27-11-02-Ho, the o or 0 could be interchangable since is not that clear it refers to number or letter. Same with the 11 could also be an L or I.
c) Film terminology. It was show:
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We see Ontro, Aspect Sound Frame, Stome Titl(e?) versio(n?), Splice here, 16m(m or n?) Win A B.
d) Random. I really don't know how to clasify this:
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We see FU and the net letter could be R or P and below R#2A, the other says either TAIL or IAIL.
And that's what I notice, I know it doesn't make sense but I still want to share it because I think is weird how repetitive this things are.
If you have any theories of the meaning of any of this, please share it with me.
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formeroklahoman · 9 months
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a Gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, first published January 5, 1886.
Drug took Stevenson face to face with Hyde
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written by Robert Louis Stevenson under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD, according to new research.
Doctors believe the Scots author wrote the classic exploration of good and evil while being treated with a derivative of ergot, a potentially deadly hallucinogenic fungus.
The mould, which affects rye and wheat, caused mass poisonings during the Middle Ages. Victims suffered vivid hallucinations and convulsions, which were mistakenly believed to be symptoms of demonic possession. Many witch trials, including those in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, are believed to have been triggered by outbreaks of ergotism.
During the Victorian era, ergotine, a derivative of the fungus, was used by doctors to stop bleeding. Stevenson, who suffered from tuberculosis, was given injections of the drug to stop bleeding in his lungs.
Professor Robert Winston, the chair of the House of Lords select committee on science and technology, and Dr George Addis, a former consultant in medicine and therapeutics at Glasgow University, believe that the injections led to side-effects that created a "Mr Hyde-like" transformation in the author. Their findings will be revealed today in a BBC1 documentary.
They believe that they have found evidence in a recently uncovered letter, now held in Yale University's archive, that shows Stevenson experienced spasms and hallucinations characteristic of an ergotine overdose.
In the letter, dated "end of August, early September 1885", Stevenson's wife wrote to William Henley, her husband"s friend and literary agent: Louis's mad behaviour . . . I think it must be the ergotine that affects his brain at such time.
"He is quite rational now, I am thankful to say, but he has just giving up insisting that he should be lifted into bed in a kneeling position, his face to the pillow."
Two weeks later Stevenson began writing his famous work about the duality of human nature. The story recounts the adventures of Dr Jekyll, who takes drugs that separate the good and evil in his psyche. Although the doctor is purified, the evil Mr Hyde is created as a terrible side-effect.
Stevenson always claimed that the plot of Jekyll and Hyde came to him in a fevered dream while he was seriously ill. Yet in August 1885 his bleeding became so severe he was given at least one injection of ergotine, which is referred to in another letter.
In the BBC programme - The Adventures of Robert Louis Stevenson - Winston claims that ergotine was an important influence on Stevenson.
"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is about drug taking and the power of drugs which overtake his body completely and drive Dr Jekyll in a way that really is completely alien to him," he says. "Maybe that's what Stevenson is feeling with the use of the drugs that he's taking, particularly ergotine. Perhaps he becomes a Mr Hyde himself.
Andrew Thompson, the documentary's producer and director, said the doctors' findings could lead to important insights into Stevenson's influences.
"The fact that Stevenson was injected with such a powerful drug just a couple of weeks before the writing of his famous story about personality-altering drugs has to be linked."
Karin Goodwin March 20, 2005 Sunday Times
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has-bg-ended-yet · 1 year
Since we’re sharing theories I wanted to share mine. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I think Eleanor and bbg are linked in some aspects - since the news about Louis being a dad came out Eleanor was was repeatedly brought up despite her and Louis being broken up and there was that article saying how Louis met up with her in person to tell the news and her being devastated (lmaoo) because she always thought her and Louis would be have kids together. I know Eleanor has not been involved in bbg at all, like at all. No pictures of her with Freddie and Louis unlike with Danielle, in fact when it was known Louis was travelling to LA to be with Freddie Eleanor would make sure to post to show she’s in London or literally anywhere else just not LA. Since she came back in 2017 we have no content of her with Freddie and with the way Louis has talked in interviews it sounded like he split time between Eleanor and Freddie and he didn’t spend time with them together. Also I think bbg was involved in the end of Elounor 🫣 during ltwt whenever Louis had a break from tour he would fly to LA and the only time he went to the uk it was for Glastonbury not for Eleanor lmao. And even though she was at Glastonbury as well from the pictures and videos we got it seemed like he was already checked out lmao she was trying to talk to him (guessing she was trying to “save” their relationship???) there was no evidence of a ‘relationship’ between them and in the bua they said the split was because of tour (same excuse as 2015 🥱) and then said “other things went down between them” and that made me go 👁️👁️ when I first read it and idk why but my mind immediately went to bbg and the way she was during LA night one when Freddie was there… she did not interact with him at all despite him being in the same section as her she stayed with her friend and didn’t even smile and wave at her boyfriend of 5 years kid… 💀also Christmas 2021 Eleanor didn’t spend it in Doncaster as she usually does and the only thing that was different was the fact that Freddie was there… she posted herself in Louis’ house to show she was still in London and then wished him happy birthday and called him baby and mentioned him which she hasn’t done before but still didn’t go down to Doncaster. Once again publicly showing she wants nothing to do with Freddie and has no interest at all being around him. So that and then her behaviour during LA night one plus the footage from the documentary showing Louis being only focused on Freddie backstage leads me to believe Freddie was a massive reason for the end of Elounor. I have no proof of this and nothing to back this up but I think Eleanor doesn’t think Freddie is Louis’ biological son 🧘🏽‍♀️ and I think that might be brought up once bbg ends but I don’t think Eleanor will be directly mentioned. So to summarise I think Elounor ending means bbg is ending sooner rather than later. Alsoo when Freddie came to Doncaster for Christmas in 2021 I told my friend within the next 2 years Elounor is going to be done and I was right lmao so I think with bbg it will end within the next two years as well
Despite all of the proofs about the kid not being his, one of the thing that would make me go ‘maybe??’ if I believed in it it’s the fact that Eleanor, his girlfriend for so many years, didn’t care for his son at all.
There was a moment I thought they were ending both things months apart. An article would appear about Elounor break up with some rumours of ‘Louis is heartbroken since his girlfriend didn’t accept his child and has been telling him to take a pat test, which caused them to break up’ and them the article about bg ending. (I mention articles a lot because famous people use them to announce something/say something without saying it, so a close source is mentioned.)
And I don’t know if they’ll mention people telling him to take a dna the past years or they’ll end it without giving context, but it’s an option! But yes, I agree with you ending it in the next 2 years!
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