#this doubles the stress she has for herself because of her fans
cheruverse · 5 months
after seeing the new robin video it's safe to say that if i become famous one day through music or something i will stay anonymous FOREVER until i die
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cottonlemonade · 8 days
Mr Steal Your Girl
word count: 1311 || avg. reading time: 6 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Kenma x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, University
warnings: spoilers
synopsis: Kenma tries to ask you out but has awful timing
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It was already hard enough to dress for a normal date but finding an outfit for a blind date you didn’t want to go to to begin with was impossible.
Your best friend was annoyed that she couldn’t take you and your chronically single self on any double dates and so decided to take matters into her own hands. At least once every few months she would close her eyes and pick a random guy walking around the campus cafeteria and ask if he was interested in a “cool, funny, smart girl that was just too shy to ask herself” and most of the time that was enough. The date was set, your friend dragged you along and you had a miserable two hours before being allowed to return to your natural habitat - your dorm room.
In her defense, most guys she selected were actually very nice. And except for the last one who had forgotten his wallet, then ate his weight in burgers, let you pay, and had since vanished without a trace or payback, they all knew how to behave. They kept the conversations going, complimented you, and usually asked for a second date, but you liked being alone and besides, dating was stressful. Who needed the whole hassle of getting dressed up and leaving the house? You wanted someone who liked to spend their time indoors, watch movies, play games, build a Lego set or two, snuggle, and snack.
Kenma was convinced that you were perfect for him. Witty, had excellent taste in games and music, and a figure that put every body pillow he ever received as a promo gift to shame. He spent the better part of any lecture twirling his pen in his long fingers and staring at the back of your head, then quickly snapping his eyes the other way, pretending to look intently at the monitor upfront if you happened to turn around during a stretch. He remembered overhearing one of his former classmates once saying that asking someone out was easy, but now that Kenma absently drew a heart with your initials on the side of his notes, he found he didn’t share that sentiment. Partly because he didn’t like to go out in the first place, so how would he convincingly invite someone to something he didn’t even want to go to either?
None of his friends knew about his crush on you and he wasn’t going to admit it to them. Not because he would be embarrassed if they knew, but because he didn’t want to be grouped together with your small and not-so-secret on-campus fan club - a bunch of desperate boys who all wanted a piece of the chubby queen of homebodies. So he denied any allegations that quickening his sluggish steps on the way to the lecture hall to sit in your vicinity, his sleep-deprived heart eyes and doodle-adorned notepads meant anything. Pondering, he tapped the tip of his pen onto the paper, trying to figure out a way to invite you to play games with him, romantically. He wasn‘t going to stoop as low as to ask Kuroo for help and instead took to the wild seas of the internet for advice.
As he scrolled through the many many forums, sifting through mostly bad ideas, he overheard one of your friends say, “It‘s just dinner and a movie. Give him a chance. He is the captain of the swim team after all.“
Kenma‘s heart sank - and then bounced back up immediately when you groaned.
“Look, it‘s sweet and … a little concerning how much you care about my love life, but I‘m not interested in him. Or anyone really. I just prefer to be alone.“
100% understanding and agreeing with you, Kenma chewed the inside of his cheek, thinking if it would come across as weird and creepy if he were to ask you to be alone together.
“But I worry about you.“, the friend pouted.
You laughed and gently put a hand on her shoulder, “Not everyone meets the love of their life at university.“
In truth, you just didn‘t want your friend to know about your ridiculous crush on Kodzuken. Your heart had almost jumped out of your chest when you first spotted the tell-tale half-dyed ponytail in your class and heard the all too familiar voice during a presentation project. It was silly, really, and you did well pushing your infatuation to the very back of your mind.
After all, whenever you tried to catch a glimpse of him he would look away immediately, making it all too clear that wasn‘t interested in a conversation.
It was no use either way. Your friend wouldn‘t stop pushing until you were social for an evening so you chose your usual - well fitted jeans and a thin, long sleeved sweater to keep the cold and any potential bodily contact to a minimum. Your friend waved when she recognized you getting off the bus. She was already waiting in the arms of her boyfriend with a tower of a guy right next to them, who, when seeing who his set-up was going to be, looked a little disappointed. Oh great.
Kenma felt more pathetic by the second. All day he had tried to work up the courage to catch you in a calm minute to ask you out before your date. If it went well with that guy, chances were he wouldn’t ever let you go (if he knew what was best for him), so this was basically his last opportunity ever. When he didn’t manage to ask during class, then neither during lunch, nor in the library he never went to before, and neither at the bus stop, he thought he might as well face the fact that it wasn’t meant to be. But he found himself a few hours later behind you in the queue at the movie theater, he heard you were planning to go to. He would have to ask now before he’d have to buy a ticket. As he politely waited for a lull in the conversation between you and the Iron Man your friend set you up with, Kenma tried to busy himself with a game on his phone to calm his nerves. But he became so engrossed in a level that he missed his chance and could only watch you walk away with your friends. He should just give up. This was ludicrous.
“One ticket to whatever movie they just went to.”, he said before he could stop himself.
Just turn around. Turn around and leave. Come on.
But his feet had other plans. With the overpriced movie stub in hand, he shuffled to the auditorium and searched in the crowd for you. Unfortunately, the first marker he found was the tall guy next to you, talking to your friend and boyfriend, leaving you to sit quietly and awkwardly to the side.
He walked up the steps and your eyes met. Your cheeks blushed, as did his, and with the confidence of a deflated balloon, he came to a halt next to you, hands in his pockets.
“Hey y/n, I’m Kenma. I’m in your business class.”
“I know.”, you said and he was already relieved. First hurdle down. Now, carefully…
“Do you wanna go to a gaming café together?”
“Wha- right now?”
“I mean, yeah, if you don’t have anything else going on.”, he looked past you to the guy who just stared at him in disbelief and added in appeasement of your date, “Nothing personal.”
You exchanged a look with your friend who was just as shocked as the others and she shrugged. You turned back to Kenma.
“Sure thing.”
He held out his hand, then felt silly doing so and was about to lower it when you grabbed it.
“Lead the way.”, you said brightly and he did.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Part 2: re: New Speculation that L&N have been together since Toronto
List of items that I think other armchair detectives will raise:
1) L’s post about “don’t let her ruin our night” - message to N, consistent with theory
2) SATC TT - N captioned this with ‘not you Colin, you’re perfect’ - this is a message to fans to emphasise that she is not the victim in this narrative because people thought L is hard launching gf, distancing himself, etc. “Bridgertons” IG story is N’s attempt to make L laugh.
3) Double Washington Post posts - consistent with theory plus damage control
4) Fallon - I now think N was with him in NYC. The point of this is still damage control, to put focus on him, not for selfish reasons, but to deflect attention away from A and especially N. But dude can’t keep his mouth shut about N 😂
5) Milan/Loewe - I think Milan was planned before break up but L went ahead with it with A because of the agreement. Even though there were some videos that got out, it would appear that there is an attempt to minimize any pap photos of L and A going out (there are speculations that L and team bought them out).  L looked anxious and stressed here while A looked confident as all out.  I think she’s also meant to go in Loewe but with the backlash, she was asked to sit this one out.
 6) LA part 2 - I think this is work related for him and she was planned to go before break up. Went as planned because of agreement and also so that she can explore career options here (we had the birthday party from PR person here, IG follows of LA-based choreographers). A posted LA photos but no arm or hand in sight. First lifeguard on duty photos that were publicly leaked. L captioned La La Land on his one and only post. Note he didn’t use “LA” anymore. Was this an inside joke to N?
7) GQ - networking opportunity for A - she was really in her element here. I think she enjoys being able to rub elbows with celebrities.  His photos on his IG posts were mostly in the dark, is there some symbolism at play here?
8) Italy- group/R birthday trip, weird and awkward behaviours from both L&A – 2nd lifeguard duty photos that were again publicly leaked. We got the whole shebang here: "pap" photos, DM, PM, and BG posts. I have a feeling that this is L’s PR team at work.  I think this is nearing the end of the agreement that is why we’re getting a full-court press.
9) N and N friend group posts including JD – I will post this analysis separately of a pattern that I’m seeing. Pattern is the posts from her side coincided with posts on his side (as in they happen in a specific cluster of days). Almost as if N knows something from his side will be posted and she a) has to distract herself b) distract the fans so that whatever L posts don’t get that much of a backlash c) has to send a secret message to L that she’s doing fine and she’s still 💯 in.
10) The Great Unliking of 2024 – personal reasons … I think he didn’t like the reminder that, at one point (especially now that he’s with N), he wavered on the notion that he and N could be together. Unliking J posts - this is a secret-not-so-secret acknowledgment on when his feelings for N surfaced (read: became undeniable).  This is his way of coming to terms/quietly accepting that this is the date when he clocked out on his J relationship.
Sidebar: I think L, while he is happy with N, is salty with fans. It’s like end of S2 backlash for him again. He is probably thinking why he has become the villain again for events that are not entirely his fault. I think he’s hurting and in disbelief that people believe he can do something as vile as what a lot of folks think about the pap walk (including me initially), that he would actually waste 5 years’ worth of effort, both his and N’s efforts, and disrespect the Bridgerton team and N like that.
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
Part 2: re: New Speculation that L&N have been together since Toronto
List of items that I think other armchair detectives will raise:
1) L’s post about “don’t let her ruin our night” - message to N, consistent with theory
2) SATC TT - N captioned this with ‘not you Colin, you’re perfect’ - this is a message to fans to emphasise that she is not the victim in this narrative because people thought L is hard launching gf, distancing himself, etc. “Bridgertons” IG story is N’s attempt to make L laugh.
3) Double Washington post posts - consistent with theory plus damage control
4) Fallon - I now think N was with him in NYC. The point of this is still damage control, to put focus on him, not for selfish reasons, but to deflect attention away from A and especially N. But dude can’t keep his mouth shut about N 😂
5) Milan/Loewe - I think Milan was planned before break up but L went ahead with it with A because of the agreement. Even though there were some videos that got out, it would appear that there is an attempt to minimize any pap photos of L and A going out (there are speculations that L and team bought them out).  L looked anxious and stressed here while A looked confident as all out.  I think she’s also meant to go in Loewe but with the backlash, she was asked to sit this one out.
 6) LA part 2 - I think this is work related for him and she was planned to go before break up. Went as planned because of agreement and also so that she can explore career options here (we had the birthday party from PR person here). A posted LA photos but no arm or hand in sight. First lifeguard on duty photos that were publicly leaked. L captioned La La Land on his one and only post. Note he didn’t use “LA” anymore. Is this an inside joke to N?
7) GQ - networking opportunity for A - she was really in her element here. I think she enjoys being able to rub elbows with celebrities.  His photos on his IG posts were mostly in the dark, is there some symbolism at play here?
8) Italy - group trip, weird and awkward behaviours from both L&A – 2nd lifeguard duty photos that were again publicly leaked. We got the whole shebang here: pap photos, DM, PM, and BG posts. I have a feeling that this is L’s PR team at work.  I think this is nearing the end of the agreement that is why we’re getting a full-court press.
9) N and N friend group posts including JD – I will post this analysis separately of a pattern that I’m seeing. Pattern is the posts from her side coincided with posts on his side (as in they happen in a specific cluster of days). Almost as if N knows something from his side will be posted and she a) has to distract herself b) distract the fans so that whatever L posts don’t get that much of a backlash c) has to send a secret message to L that she’s doing fine and she’s still 💯 in.
10) The Great Unliking of 2024 – personal reasons … I think he didn’t like the reminder that, at one point (especially now that he’s with N), he wavered on the notion that he and N could be together. Unliking J posts - this is a secret-not-so-secret acknowledgment on when his feelings for N surfaced (read: became undeniable).  This is his way of coming to terms/quietly accepting that this is the date when he clocked out on his J relationship.
Sidebar: I think L, while he is happy with N, is salty with fans. It’s like end of S2 backlash for him again. He is probably thinking why he has become the villain again for events that are not entirely his fault. I think he’s hurting and in disbelief that people believe he can do something as vile as what a lot of folks think about the pap walk (including me initially), that he would actually waste 4 years’ worth of effort, both his and N’s efforts, and disrespect the Bridgerton team and N like that.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 5 months
Wait was edy confirmed to have been filming last night??? PLEASEE WHEN CAN SHE JUST BE GONE
I don’t think she was 100% confirmed to be filming last night or not in all honesty- I blocked her transphobic ass a while ago so the only information i get about her whereabouts on set are from what i’m told by other people, but i think the big theory going around right now is that she always posts after others post about being on set, and people think she may be piggybacking trying to make it look like she’s there when she actually isn’t… of course this is just a theory and like i said i blocked her. a while ago so i don’t see her posts to confirm nor deny the plausibility of this, but knowing her attention-seeking attitude i wouldn’t put it past her.
And i would not fear too much anon, actors are often contracted for a specific number of episodes, so her being there does not mean her days aren’t numbered. Obviously we don’t know anything for sure, but I have my own theories- we know the time that she posted herself crying on her story and then started talking about auditioning again was around the time the show was picked up for season 8, so obviously contracts would begin being discussed at that time. My personal opinion is that she was told then that she would not be returning for season 8, and that is what sparked this attempt to stay relevant in the fandom (following cast members she never followed before, constantly posting about being on set and how “thankful” she is to have a job, interacting with people bashing the show for being “too gay,” etc.) to me it all reads as someone who is desperately trying to cling to the quickly unraveling thread that is her place on that show and it’s only a matter of time before she’s gone.
i mean ryan himself called her a ‘filler’ relationship for eddie. even the plotlines she’s been involved in this season she’s barely been there. eddie was quite literally on the verge of breaking up with her in 7x5 before his advice to buck made him decide to simply start over their relationship. My theory now is that “ghost of a second chance” has a double meaning of us seeing the ghost of a past relationship that eddie is still grappling with (maybe shannon, maybe someone else…. an old “army buddy” perhaps who he had never really understood his feelings for?) while also pertaining to the “second chance” he gave their relationship being dead. I mean the man brought his grandmother who lives in texas to his coworker’s wedding, and he barely trusts her with his kid (christopher is always being watched by someone else, he says things like “she’s already babysat this week” as if watching your significant other’s children is a burden to her) and like i said he was on the verge of ending things in 7x5…. i think it’s safe to say that their relationship is bones, and there’s no other logical direction for them to take it in, considering the fact that marisol is barely a character anyway, the fans don’t like e*y (for good reason), and they know that if they try to keep her on they will receive backlash (which we know tim sees after the karaoke debacle)
i am fully preaching to the choir here, because i have massive anxiety and the constant stress of speculating about where eddie’s (and buck’s) story goes is something that always runs my nerves up a wall… for reasons i won’t get into, eddie is a character i relate to deeply and i want to see his storyline handled with care and attention, so while the idea of the show sticking him with something as lackluster as marisol (played by a problematic untalented actress) obviously makes me stress out too, i try my best to remind myself just how little sense narratively it would make sense to keep eddie with marisol, since she is a wash rinse repeat of every romantic interest he’s had before- something they keep bringing up in eddie’s story as a bad thing.
so stay strong, dear anon… the light at the end if the tunnel has not gone out— there are things happening that none of us know, and it will do us no good to focus on the possible negative outcome when the positive outcome seems so much more likely in this situation.
Sorry to completely hijack your ask into an explanation of eddie, but if you know me you know i’m obsessed w the man so 🤷
Thank you for the ask, anon! 💕💕
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caliphoria17 · 2 years
In EXCLUSIVE - Fuera de Foco spoke with its creator, Simon Barry, who told us more about the Warrior Nun mythology, stuntwork, and of course, the relationship between Ava and Beatrice (Kristina Tonteri-Young) and the potential return for a third season.
Avatrice was always canon
By the end of the first season, the potential relationship between Beatrice and Ava was one of the most popular topics on the show. In such a way that the known ship Avatrice was one of the most anticipated things by the fans of the series.
In the second season, Warrior Nun places a greater emphasis on the story between the two, which several viewers assumed was due to the strength that the ship had had on social networks after the first season. However, Simon Barry told us that Avatrice had actually always been part of the plan.
“Avatrice was always a point, a slow romance in the Warrior Nun story.” assured the showrunner , who points out that the second season of the series was written before the first even premiered on the platform.
“We understood how good it was: Ava and Beatrice on the show, and Alba and Kristina were very good, they had great chemistry. So the writers and I started writing from what we knew, something that the audience didn't necessarily know yet. So it was interesting that afterward the public was on the same page as us, because the series came out and they went crazy for it, for them.” - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
However, Barry commented that while the relationship between Ava and Beatrice is interesting on its own, it also has a reason for being for the story as a whole.
“It's not just about them having a relationship. It's mixed with the whole theme of the second season, which is about sacrifice and feeling that something or someone belongs to you." Recounted the showrunner, who added that "This relationship was the best way to portray the challenges that Ava was facing, as she took responsibility for her as a hero."
On the other hand, he comments that as for Beatrice, the story with Ava had to build her as a character, because "she also had to allow herself to be who she needs to be, risking losing Ava, which is hard."
Would the ending have been different?
Simon Barry revealed that despite the season's satisfying audiences, the team had written a scene between Ava and Beatrice that never saw the light of day. Well, according to the creator, although he responded to much of what the fans were asking for, he would have lessened the emotion of the final scene between the characters.
“I wrote a scene where Ava and Bea were in bed together. Not like something romantic, but them trying to get on the same terms to understand each other, and it was awkward because they weren't a couple yet." Barry detailed, assuring that it was also one of the funniest scenes to write.
"We removed it because we didn't need it, we did more by avoiding being so explicit with the tension, and that made the ending have a bigger emotional impact." - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
From emotion to action
Perhaps one of the things that stands out the most about the season is the impeccable work done by its actors and doubles in the action scenes and battle choreography ; especially considering that both Alba Baptista , as Kristina Tonteri Young, William Miller and Lorena Andreaperformed several of their risk scenes, seeking to be "really present in the battles".
“Many of the actors we have in the series do their stunts, at a very high level,” said Barry, who stresses the importance of the work done between the actors, stuntmen, and stunt and fight coordinators , Coco Usín and Lee Huang.
"We built a training place in Madrid, where all the scenes were broken down by the coordinators and then filmed,"said the showrunner, who also shared that actors and doubles trained together so that " when they see them on camera they know the movements and we could choose who did what.”
“Some of the actors told us that those scenes were enjoyable to do, they liked the physicality of them. […] Alba in particular was very interested in doing more action scenes on her own and learning from her. She has a great understanding of her own physical strength and she is very good at it. She excited us because we could use her more for filming as well." - Simon Barry, Out of Focus
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Blurb idea; you love matty’s curls (who doesn’t) and he’s been gelling them a lot lately so you hide his gel and he has to tickle you or something to get you to return it
A/N: Hiii, thanks for sending this request...so sorry for the delay!! I hope you like it. I have to be honest though, idk how i feel about this (this = my writing today lol). 😘
Matty was standing in front of the mirror hanging on the bedroom’s wall. Y/n’s eyes following every one of his movements carefully. 
He had to attend an awards show, to which Y/n was invited, although her period decided to show up that morning and her pains during that time were really painful. Attending a show wasn’t in her ideal plans for the day. Her boyfriend understood after a one-hour-long discussion. Matty threatened her about skipping it and spend the night with her in bed.
“Hate this.” Matty mumbled, applying gel to his hair. 
“Are you going to have fun and not think about me, right?” Y/n lift herself to rest back on the headboard.
“I’ll try…” he said, side glancing at her. His curls were hard to tame.
She protested, “Matty.” 
“I’ll be back early.” Matty stated, combing his hair all the way back. Y/n scrunched her nose, annoyed with his answer. 
“I’ve told you, you don’t have to! I promise I’ll be okay.”
Matty turned around, with his white shirt tucked inside his black pants, showing his upper chest because his shirt wasn’t completely done. Y/n stared up at his hair shining wet under the bedroom lights. 
“I’m a different man now. I have a girlfriend to come home to.” he winked at her, going back to his task in hand. She was aware he would be texting her constantly to check how she was feeling, stressing over her feeling bad. 
Y/n moved slightly, uncomfortable. “You should go and celebrate with the boys, I know it’s going to be a big night for you guys.”
“What if I want to come and cuddle my hot girl instead?”
“Why you hide your curls?” Y/n decided to drop the party topic
Matty took one last glanced at his hair, checking everything was as he wanted. He moved to sit on their bed. 
“I look bad?” he reached for her hand.
Y/n brought it to rest her face on his palm. “No…of course not.” his handsome man. “I just hate that hair gel.” her voice full of disgust. 
“Because I want the mop.”
“I look like a child who doesn’t know what a comb is when I set them free…” he explained.
“And they’re reserved for you.” Matty approached his face to hers, taking Y/n’s lips in a sweet kiss.
Y/n mumbled, “Double liar.”
A week later.
Matty was running around the house, worried he was going to arrive late to his early meeting. The last thing on his list was taming his wild hair, even though the gel hair was nowhere to be found. 
“Y/n?” he shouted from the bathroom, down on his knees searching under the sink. Nothing.
“Yes?” replied from under the blankets.
“Have you seen my hair gel?” 
Y/n tried to sound really innocent, “No.” failing miserably.
She heard his heavy steps, appearing in the bedroom door.
“Y/n…” he arched his eyebrows at her.
“Give it back.”
“I don’t have it!”
“Y/n, come on…I have to go.”
She tried to change her strategy, “You look good.”
“Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“I swear…” Y/n started laughing without being able to avoid it. “I don’t have it!”
Her sweet laugh making Matty chuckled loud. 
“Okay, you asked for it.” he rubbed his hands, jumping into the bed. Y/n giggled trying to escape his tickles. “Tell me where is it.” Matty insisted. 
“I- Stop! Matty!” 
“Just tell me!”
“I threw it away, it’s long gone!” Y/n finally admitted. 
Matty stops, prompting himself above her form. “For real?”
“For real.” Y/n said, taking a big breath in.
“Y/n!” he complained.
“I don’t feel bad about it! You look better like this.” she let her hands reach his messy hair.
Matty fell all the way down on top of her, speaking on the skin of Y/n’s neck, “Can’t believe you.”
“Fans are going to thank me later.” she said, proud of herself.
“Don’t think so.”
“Oh, mister. You don’t know what your fans want…”
“I do!” Matty fought back, backing up to stare at her eyes.
“Are you going to keep the curls free? Let them breathe.” Y/n pouted visibly, trying to convince him.
“Are you serious about this?” Matty brushed her hair back.
She nodded, “Very serious.” 
“Okay then.”
“I love you, Matty.” Y/n hugged him.
He pinched her hip,“I love you, curl enthusiast.” Y/n answered with a belly laugh. 
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codename-adler · 2 months
tell me everything abt Dakota Emerson
16: Dakota Emerson (21) USC Trojans Striker
Dare I say Allison's biggest competition? Drop-dead gorgeous bi icon blondie turning heads all around, and she'll kick your ass too. But she's also an academic monster. Allison would absolutely loathe her.
Dakota's education goes like this: Double BA in Gender and Sexuality Studies + Political Science; then an MA in Political Science and International Relations; then a PhD in the same fields; plus a side Minor in Legal Studies, as well as a Minor in Queer Studies and Gender & Social Justice. (i do not know the US school system, i did my best)
The only ones who got her beat are Gabby and Namrita. Needless to say, Dakota is their #1 fan always. Absolute fangirl behavior. They would have been a dangerous trio of brainiac bffs if it weren't for Dakota's overbearing enthusiasm and awkwardness when it comes to those two. But Dakota's been at it since she was a Freshman, so they're more used to it now. She's still a lot.
But apart from Gabby and Namrita, Dakota is so fucking impossible. She's got a comeback for everything. She does not take your shit. She'll tear you a new one if you even insinuate something degrading or hateful. It's a good thing she is dedicated body and soul to her studies and Exy because she does not have friends (yet). She doesn't really mind nor care, but once she gets one or two close friends for the first time, she'll understand what she's been missing.
She's so deep into studies all the time, a whirlwind, a fucking handful. She is very stressed, but that does not keep her from acing everything and looking flawless all the time. It's very irritating for the others, to see her succeed so well and still looking like that. She always has a heavy-ass manual with her she can beat you up with.
Don't you fucking dare compare her to Hermione Granger or she'll make you rue the day you were born without even putting her hands on you.
She's very hot and cold. Hot for smarts and cold for losers and bigots. She's fired up every game, every presentation, but her icy stare is scary af when it lands on you. You just know you fucked up.
Of course, her competitive trait and overachieving personality come from strict, demanding parents. Only child, she could never escape their scrutinization. She didn't grow up overly rich or poor per se, but if she wanted something, she had to get it herself. All the funding came from her; all the scholarships she received were thanks to her own hustling. She never got help. A severe, absent father and a criticizing trophy-wife mother; she never had the choice to be anything but the best. Jeremy and her actually bond a lot over that, once Dakota lets her pristine facade down a little bit for him to peek through. Fortunately for her, though, and miraculously, she was able to forge her own drive, aiming to surpass her parents, and well on her way to to just that and more, but without the usual burnout or mental breakdown. She's tough. Wish that was me. Although she's 110% all in for both Exy and her studies, the balance of mental and physical work probably has something to do with how well-adjusted and thriving she is.
Oh and she sings also. Because why would she stop there. She's so good it's annoying. Designated lullaby singer on away games.
Striker position because it's the flashiest and one that runs the most around. The crowds love her. She really knows how to hype 'em up.
Dakota is very well-spoken, informed, serious, true to herself and unapologetic. She can be intimidating, exhausting, dizzying, impressive, relentless and ruthless. Her eyes are really something. Big brown pools of knowledge. She got big dreams, big brain and big muscles. No ass no titties unfortunately. Oh well. That's never stopped her before. Her aura is big enough to compensate this slight lacking.
Inspos include: Angèle (singer), Manon Demissy (SKAM FR), Samara Weaving (specifically in Ready Or Not), Hannah Dodd, Amy March, Jo March, Annabeth Chase.
-- Trojan OCs lineup here --
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clownhoodieguy · 1 year
A celebrity, who is quite small in stature, and who is often portrayed as the damsel in many of the films they star in, is often accompanied by a much larger body guard.
The body guard has been her friend since kindergarten, and has always been the protective type. The actress always thought that she was quite capable of defending herself, as she was trained to use and carry a firearm (mostly for action film gigs), and mostly just kept the body guard around because they like hanging out.
However, in the moments where the actress is feeling stressed, hung over, or particularly overloaded, she tends to mysteriously vanish for a while.
Yeah, the body guard devours her. I mean, he's her closest, and most trusted friend, and he's ripped. The only problem is that they don't make bullet proof vests for engorged stomachs.
One fateful evening, after a tiresome day of intense acting, arguing with the obnoxious director, and attending mind numbing meetings, she calls up her best friend and body guard to come take her home "the squishy way".
For 15 minutes, she waits inside of an empty conference room, updating her social medias to keep fans engaged. There's a light knocking before the hulking bodyguard crashes through the door, carrying a takeaway bag.
"I bought fries! I'd umm... eat them now before you get soggy."
Plonking himself down next to the weary, 'eepy actress, he sets a box of Frenched fries in front of her and digs into his own. While shoveling fried potatoes into his maw, he'd come to realize that his friend was very unresponsive, and snoring softly in the palm of her own hand. Softly bumping her elbow, he'd double check that she was sleeping and not dead.
Oh, right, she did ask for that, he'd think to himself. With a hand/paw under each of her arms, he'd raise the limp lady up and towards his lips. Teeth parting, a wave of damp, soft breath would blow thin wisps of her hair back. Gently lowering her head onto his squishy, cushy tongue, the actress would murmur and exhale a pent up sigh.
His friend's dome makes a light bulge in his neck, and he tilts their floppy form up so he can funnel them the rest of the way down-
Click! "Oh man, you're screwed!", it was a camera guy, they must've come from an interview or something! And they'd just caught the body guard with a mouthful of a very valuable person, not a good look.
Hot shame fills the guard's face as they slowly lower their friend to the ground, who also realized what just happened. After some explaining to the police, and some bartering the the photographer, the image and story was released anyway, but to the pair's dismay.
Oddly though, this didn't have the career annihilating effect they thought it would've had. Instead, with the assistance of some very talented managers, it was twisted into a feel good story about two very, very close buds. Yay vore world logic.
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1-A girls general dating HCs with a short and shy reader
Content Warnings: Just fluff!
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Requested by: Anon
Author's note: This took way more than it should, seriously. The original ask requested the SFW with the NSFW ones but I decided to split it into two works. I'm pretty pleased with this one, just the punctuation I think I screwed up but that's something I'll learn properly overtime. I hope you enjoy!
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Uraraka Ochako
👩‍🚀🐿 You can be sure she adores being with you out on the street, letting everyone see the absolute adorable S/O she had the pleasure of meeting. Everyone else on the street might be more focused on the adorable ball of fluff that is Uravity, but she herself can't keep her eyes out of you.
👩‍🚀🐿 Don't let her appearance fool you though, she is extremely protective, not letting a single situation harm or stress you too much. Normally a statement from her saying she would like the journalists to not overwhelm you or to not put you in a tough situation is enough to make the paparazzi behave, but every once in a while she has to let her angry side out, and you would not believe how much of a ruckus she can cause when she is motivated to do so.
👩‍🚀🐿 Uraraka absolutely loves being taller than you, since that means she can be the big spoon with no shame on it whatsoever! Sometimes you might even feel more like a teddy bear of a scared kid rather than her S/O because she holds you with a grip that could rival the ones she gives villains. Seriously if you need to go grab some water or go to the bathroom, do so before she falls asleep because you're not getting out before she is awake. And you would not wake her up, would you?
👩‍🚀🐿 No matter their size or weight, Uraraka could lift anyone up easily, but when it comes to you she is delighted in knowing she can do so without using her quirk.
👩‍🚀🐿 She really feels like a classic hero you would see on the first wave of the hero association, she holds you tight against her, feeling that she truly found the one she loved, she truly found her perf- and she squeezed you too tight! She really needs to work on that, cuddling really becomes a whole situation since she learned a bit too well from Gunhead.
👩‍🚀🐿 She is quite short herself, so people came up with all sorts of nicknames for you two, all of them being so great that she can't decide which one she likes more. Even if you're shy, she can't help but want to talk about you whenever she can, gushing on and on as she says each and every little detail she adores about you. Even if she says you're the cutest thing in the world in these speeches, whenever you see her going red when she realizes she spent minutes rambling about you during the interview, you start to think she is stealing your line.
👩‍🚀🐿 PDA with her is a must! Especially when she is feeling nervous about a situation. With her years of experience in the field, she can sense when a situation is escalating into something she might need to intervene in, and in those moments she will get really close to you. If she does that to make you feel or herself feel protected in something only she knows.
👩‍🚀🐿 But whatever the case is, she might be breaking records on how fast a hero can resolve a situation with supervillains. No one will ever take more than 5 minutes of her dates with you, no one!
Toru Hagakure
🧤🤍 Toru is energetic almost all of the time, but when she is with you she becomes quite binary. She is either skipping down the street with you from how much she is enjoying going out with you, or she is cuddling with you for hours in the same location.
🧤🤍 But the constant is that she is a big fan of physical contact. Naturally, eye contact isn't something she can do to show her affection, so she has to double her efforts to make you feel her presence near you.
🧤🤍 PDA isn't a problem to her at all, she will hug and kiss you no matter where you two are.
🧤🤍 Toru is definitely your biggest fan, she is extremely proud to have you by her side and being able to know you love her just as much as she loves you.
🧤🤍 With Toru you will have to get out of your shell, she is extremely extroverted and she is always going out to big events and you're invited to every single one. As she likes to joke, no one can see her pretty face, so she likes you because you fill the entire quota of beauty of the relationship by yourself.
🧤🤍 Despite that, she won't force you to attend anything you don't want to go to. She would like to show you off to everyone, but she won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. Once again, she will say that because she is your girlfriend, her smile is ten times brighter even if you're there at the event with her. Toru will get mad if you question how that works.
🧤🤍 She will want to see how her clothes look on you, so having you being shorter than her means more options in her closet open themselves up for you two to experiment with.
🧤🤍 For that same reason, your favorite style of clothing will influence the way she dresses. She is always combining with you, even if her clothes would fit her just as well even if she was alone.
🧤🤍 She would help you pick your clothes and would like you to do the same since how she dresses is something very important to her. Expect to have shop clerks at her favorite clothing shops greeting you by your first name after a while.
🧤🤍 Cuddling with her is something common, but it is never an easy endeavor. Not because she avoids being with you as she rests, but because she can't stay put when laying with you, she just has to play with your hair, kiss your arm, not to mention all the readjusting she does. It doesn't matter if you two only have 2 minutes to lay on the couch, she will move around almost constantly, good luck trying to snooze.
🧤🤍 She insists on cuddling, she adores it, but touching you trumps the importance of actually resting a dozen times over.
🧤🤍 Since you can't see her, the question of what position she actually sleeps in will remain a mystery forever more.
Momo Yaoyorozu
📐❤ She is already taller than most, so near her, you will look even shorter, and considering she will mostly take the lead in most situations because of her role as a leader in most team-ups, her presence will be a lot more attention-grabbing than yours, but if you're shy that won't be a problem. But that doesn't mean that's the only way you'll be interacting with her.
📐❤ On one side of the coin, you have Creati organizing team tactics with her fellow pro-heroes with a loud and clear voice, on the other you have your Momo whispering gentle nothings in your ear at the end of a long day. She needs to recharge, she can't be Creati all the time, at one point or another she needs to be herself again, and what better way to do that than with you? When you spend more time with her, you'll realize she isn't that different than you at all, her demeanor and attitude are oceans away from what the public sees.
📐❤ When you decide to go out with her to more social events, she always becomes overjoyed, calling multiple professionals to choose or even design clothing that's not matching, but compliments one another. It's at these moments that you need to remind her you two are only going to have dinner with a few friends. But on one hand, she is right, be it at the local restaurant or at the fanciest gala, a lot of attention will be directed at the two of you. Momo is a very private person, most people not even knowing she is with someone, because they don't need to be informed of that at all. Paparazzi are a nuisance, but a few reflective surfaces that mess with the flash of their cameras are super effective and don't consume a lot of fat at all!
📐❤ But she gets really annoyed when she can finally go out with you and someone tips off those reporters. She just wants to be herself when off the clock, not a famous pro-hero. But at the end of the day, it's all worth it, simply because you were there with her. She is quite sentimental, so expect her to treasure pictures of the two of you more than any official picture with important figures.
📐❤ Cuddling is complicated, you both enjoy being the little spoon, meaning that you will have to switch every so often when she feels like being hugged.
📐❤ At some point, she tried drafting a system for who can be the little spoon, taking into account how long each cuddle session lasted, the day of the week, and all sorts of variables. Momo will be quite excited when she's explaining it, colored graphs and all, but someone has to tell her it's a bad idea. And unfortunately, that person is you (those puppy eyes hit harder than any stale slide transition she decided to use).
📐❤ So in the end, as it's often the case, the simplest way works the best, do what feels natural at the moment, and ask if you want to switch.
Tsuyu Asui
🐸🌧 The best short couple in town! Oh, not quite, not quite. Don't get me wrong, most people will think that, but Tsuyu is quite taller than she appears, she is always hunched over because that's the most comfortable position to be in most of the time thanks to her quirk. She is quite tall, but only close friends will know that in general.
🐸🌧 But one thing is for sure, handholding is always amazing with her. Her hands can easily cover yours, so on hot days, you will have a cool hand to protect yours from the heat, while she has a warm hand protecting her from the cold of the chillier months, teamwork!
🐸🌧 Tsuyu doesn't see the need to talk that much, she only does so when she feels like she has to. So out of the blue expects some L-Bombs thrown your way, because that is something important that is worth saying every day. But most of the time, she is content with hearing you talk, adding her thoughts every so often.
🐸🌧 Most people think she is introverted, and that's not completely true. Most of her attention is focused on the people around her, she just doesn't see the need to interfere with what's already happening if she doesn't have to.
🐸🌧 But that means that she will speak up when she sees something wrong. And when things go really wrong, she will jump into action, so sometimes you'll have to return from a date alone. Tsuyu is very perceptive, so even as she is being Froppy, she is already thinking of the best day to have another date to make up for this one. Not just because she doesn't want you to feel that she doesn't value the relationship she has with you, but because she won't let some villain ruin such a lovely outing you two were having.
🐸🌧 Tsuyu has many titles, The rainy season hero, The best big sis in the world, the worst big sis in the world (Only when she is scolding her siblings at least), the best cook, Fruit-Jelly lover, and so many more. But you can also know her as the queen of cuddling. It is impossible to describe it, but when she cuddles you, a sense of pure peace overwhelms you. It may be because of her cool touch or because of how her arms can hug you so firmly and softly, but in the end, it's because of the feelings you two share. But there is a downside, it doesn't matter how long you two cuddle, it always seems to go by so fast (Mostly because you two end up falling asleep).
Mina Ashido
🥳💕 Ah yes, the relationship that is the embodiment of opposites attract. Being quite short herself, one might think that Mina isn't attention-grabbing when she is walking around with you, but you can expect her to be brightening the entire country with that smile only you can get her to show the world. Oh, also because she is a famous hero who is very identifiable even without her costume. There's that too.
🥳💕 Like most other heroes, Mina has to deal with paparazzi as well, but she doesn't dislike them, she is always excited to take some photos and talk about her day for a second or two. Ironically, because she is like that you won't have to worry about being overwhelmed, all the attention will be around the endless scoops Pinky will be giving them nonchalantly, so it's a good time to finish any snacks you were having or take a small peek at what's happening on your timeline while she is occupied.
🥳💕 When she has fulfilled one of the parts of her job, she'll come right back to you and return to the conversation as if nothing happened.
🥳💕 If you're shorter than her you are the perfect height to rest your head on her shoulder, and since she is taller than you she is the perfect height to rest her chin on top of your head, as Mina would say, perfect team synergy for a lazy afternoon.
🥳💕 Not that you will have much of those with Mina around, she always has plans and loads of energy to spend goofing around. If you prefer she can think of activities that don't include many people around, but with her, you will have to get a bit more comfortable out of your shell. Games of all sorts are on the table, from video games to tabletop ones, she loves them all. You're as likely to hear her calling you to fly some kites as hearing her calling you to help her show some noobs who is the Alien Queen.
🥳💕 But at the end of the day, this acidic pink battery of energy isn't as endless as it feels sometimes, at one point or another she will lie down on the couch and enter a state in-between sleeping and not being able to sleep. And in these moments you can be her hero! Even the amazing Pinky needs aid from her favorite partner and her trusty power-ups! She always prepares some milk, yogurt, or nuts in the fridge for situations like these, so be fast and save her from being exhausted for the rest of the week! When you give her the best refreshing treats eveeeer, she will finally be able to sleep. Well, as soon as you lay near her of course.
🥳💕 Speaking of treats, Mina loves yogurts, milk/soy milk-based desserts, and nuts. They always feel so tingly on her tongue and she swears they are always exploding her mind with flavor. She insists on sharing, but to her shock, you never taste the amazing flavor she claims the sweet to have. This probably comes from Mina's quirk making her whole body more acidic, meaning balancing it out with high Ph foods just feels right.
🥳💕 Now, believe me, you're no villain and even if you were Mina would never fight you, but when she cuddles, you swear she is trying to immobilize you. She snakes her arms and legs around you and holds you tight, just enjoying the moment. It never hurts or gets uncomfortably tight, but you will either have to help her wake up or get up and take a sleepy koala Alien on your back to the bedroom with you.
🥳💕 Speaking of tight, if you ever decide to wear her hero suit or official Pinky's camouflage pattern merch she will melt! Not literally, she has quite the control over her quirk... But that doesn't mean she has much control over her mouth, so expect a loud squeal of excitement as she comes running to check your dope fit out.
Kyoka Jiro
🎸💜 The true introvert of the graduated girls of class 1-A, she would rather spend the whole weekend silently relaxing by your side than any sort of crazy hijinks the world has to offer. You're more likely to be the one trying to get her out of her blanket fortress than the other way around. She always seems content with experiencing new things in the comfort of her home.
🎸💜 And new things are always on the table, new shows, movies, books, instruments, recipes and so many things that she comes up with the idea to try. Aside from playing music, she isn't that great at those other things, but she always has a blast messing around with you in a comfortable space.
🎸💜 She shows her affection with small acts of service. She makes more food than she needs so you can have some, she sometimes does some of your chores at home, she will learn songs you like to play them to you, and she will make you feel special without needing to say a single word. But she has a very low battery charge when she isn't having a sudden burst of infinite energy, so you need to repay the favors or you will have a very grumpy Earphone Jack sleeping for the entirety of her weekend. The best you can do is get her earmuffs and hold her hand while she is going to sleep. Most of the time she goes to sleep in the morning or in the afternoon, so she doesn't mind if you don't go to bed with her, just being around is enough.
🎸💜 But not every day you two can be in the peaceful silence of your home, sometimes she has to go to some event or meeting and she will need her S/O to be the best hero she can be. She doesn't get nervous about having multiple people staring at her, she is a famous pro-hero, and she can take the heat. But it's tiresome. In between these moments, she comes to you and sits next to you,  just silently tuning out her surroundings. If she is feeling touch starved she will make use of her earphone jacks to hold you close to her, just like you would see in any corny old romance movie, but it is a perfect opportunity for you to take the lead and plug the end of her earlobe into your phone to play her some tunes.
🎸💜 If Jirou had to choose a favorite place to spend her dates, the winner will definitely be an old and unpopular bar near your favorite date spot. It's just perfect, the atmosphere is rich with inspiration for her to take in for her next song, but at the same time it's not so overpowering that she loses your presence in front of her. Plus, being able to play some classic bar games is always a plus in her book, just don't take it personally when she wins over and over again.
🎸💜 Just like you, Jirou is quite short, she never really minded it though, but she admits that being the one to make "short" jokes towards someone shorter than her is a nice change of pace, even if the difference isn't that pronounced.
🎸💜 But she does use platform boots. They fit her style perfectly, and that's the most important thing footwear can offer her! Well, every so often she has to get a new one since the shoe's sole gets turned into ribbons from when she brings them to work to have something to protect her feet from being scraped on the ground when she produces a massive Shockwave, but other than that small detail... completely aesthetic!
🎸💜 You two have a step ladder to reach the things on the highest shelves, but you do have to wonder why she uses it as well when she has two appendages that can stretch all the way up there and back, and can carry moderately heavy stuff.
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🤍 Rules 🤍
💛 Masterlist 💛 Not done yet
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 47
I'm sure we've all had that moment where you push a button or twist a knob and something completely unrelated happens at the same time, and you're just going "Did I do that?"
A little piece of debris fell on the man's head after that explosion.
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After Lin lands, he has to take a second to recover from the shock of his landing. Since we last saw him, he's taken a new injury to his leg, but carrying Lan Fan essentially doubled his weight when he landed.
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With no context, this panel looks like the guy is staring at the bear-shaped cloud of smoke.
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Scar sees Winry holding a gun toward him because he killed her parents. He acknowledges she is fully justified in shooting him. And then he doubles down saying the Amestrians fired the first shot in the war.
He feels the point of the cycle of vengeance his master told him when he realizes he's standing on the opposite end of an old memory. Scar's brother once stood in the way to protect him from Kimblee. And for a moment, Scar stands over Ed and Winry in the way Kimblee stood over him.
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Winry was staring at Ed's back when he jumped in front of her.
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I don't know what stupid Alchemy thing Ed could have done here, but he could have done a stupid Alchemy thing here.
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Consider if Scar hadn't hesitated to kill Ed at that moment. The man who murdered Winry's parents would have also killed her childhood friend. And the last thing she'd have seen before his death would be his back.
Winry is terrified right now. Her thoughts have been steadily focusing around realizing the danger Ed and Al are putting themselves through. She ran here while thinking only of catching up to Ed and Al, and the thought of them dying brought back all her memories of her parents. Then she sees what is happening, and before she can begin to process anything, Ed yells at Scar for murdering the Rockbells after they saved his life.
All the exhaustion and stress ensnared her at once and all she can think is Scar is the man who took her family from her and he is trying to do it again. Ed managed to remind her of what she's done and who she is and brought Winry back to herself.
I winced a bit when that gun hit the ground. Who's to say it might not have accidentally discharged on impact.
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Everything else he did shows he understands how to safely disarm someone with a gun and how to properly handle one. When he got Winry to let go, he placed his thumb over where the hammer would hit the cylinder and then prioritized getting Winry's fingers off the trigger. Then he handed the gun to an MP handle-first.
Roy is listening in on all the reports about Scar (and the explosion Lin caused) and decides it's time to go through the recovery phase of Heist 3. Hawkeye hasn't forgotten how he got involved in the Super Heist and insists Roy not jump in and risk being connected to Heist 3.
One of the notes attached to Fuery's cabinet is the Konami code.
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Scar's debate with Al shows his black and white approach to Alchemy. Alphonse, like Nina, no longer has a human body. But to call them both cursed is wrong and disregards the circumstances surrounding them. Nina might have been a victim of Alchemy, but Alphonse was saved by it. He's not forced to live in an empty suit of armor because of Alchemy; he is able to exist in the world thanks to Alchemy. Until a few days ago, Alphonse might have agreed with Scar about his situation.
I can think of two reasons Wrath would send Gluttony after Scar instead of doing it himself: Lan Fan is still alive and could warn Lin of Gluttony's presence, and Wrath was certain by where the sound of their fight was coming from that Scar was now in a place with few witnesses.
One of Lin's items flew out of his bag when he made his dynamic entry.
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And I want to end on one final detail that I was considering adding to chapter 33, but decided to save for this. Lan Fan is left-handed. Her fighting style is ambidextrous in general, but she shows a clear preference for striking and throwing with her left hand. Meanwhile, she wields a kunai in her right hand which tends to be for parrying and utility purposes rather than offense. In hand-to-hand combat, she prefers to open with either a strike from her left hand or a kick with her left foot. She also grabbed Ed's arm with her left hand in chapter 33.
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So she lost her dominant hand.
And I know we saw Scar's brother's tattoos here. I'm going to wait for a more relevant chapter to talk about them.
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bisluthq · 2 months
olivia dean is really talented neo-soul singer (elton john boosted her and she got nominated for the mercury prize) so if harry is at all influenced by that I would love a soul/motown type record from him
I hadn’t heard her stuff before today - listened this morning - and I also just read a bit about her and looked at her insta page (what’s weird also is quite a few of my friends follow her so idk why I just totally missed that she existed) and I know it’s clearly very early days but holy shit this girl seems soooo well suited for Harry lmao? Like holy shit? She’s incredibly talented musically (like beyond beyond beyond). She says she hates being boxed into one musical style and wants to explore psychedelic and folk sounds a lot more and she says she regrets letting other people tell her what to do when she started and really actively wants to stop doing that and only make things she’s very into (which I think Harry would deeeeply understand lmao). She’s legit into fashion - both edgy haute couture stuff and like just generally clothes. She is suuuper family orientated (she wore her granny’s picture on her chest for her Glasto performance and it’s double cool because she’s been saying for a few years that her biggest dream is playing Glasto at some point in her life). She’s a very ardent feminist. She is very into traveling and has said she hates doing the very touristy things and rather enjoys experiencing the local culture like under the radar. She does social media detoxes because being online too much stressed her out a lot. She enjoys sports of all kind and does a lot of yoga and enjoys swimming (she’s said she hates the cold tho so that’ll be something he has to convince her about lol or she’ll just watch him and take the piss) and cycling (she apparently cycles a lot around London). Aside from the yoga she’s also into some other wellness crap (she’s talked about saunas a few times and like which types of incense she enjoys most) and she goes to therapy and is a big proponent of people going to therapy lol. They both self-identify as dog people. She actively cares about privacy and has said that one of the challenges with becoming more famous is people coming over to meet her which makes her feel awkward (although she’s obviously very grateful to her fans - much like him she seems SUPER appreciative of fans actually). She says she can get really shy - as a kid it was almost crippling shyness and now obviously it’s not crippling but she struggles with imposter syndrome and just feeling shy/awkward. She is super into knitting (I don’t think Harry knits lol but it’s the kind of hobby I can imagine him finding super fucking cool lol and asking her to knit him lots of shit). She rented a bright yellow van to tour in and play socially distanced gigs during lockdown from and that seems like something Harry would find/thinks is super cool. She’s said her ultimate era to live in would be the 70s and I think Harry would agree lol. She’s very funny and silly and fun from the interviews I read and the videos I watched but also knows a lot of stuff and is very interested in a lot of things.
The only thing I can find that really separates them is Olivia is reaaaally into West Ham and Harry’s always rooted for Man U lol but that seems like a reason for fun banter rather than a profound disagreement 😂💀 especially since the point is they both love footie. Also she grew up proper upper middle class and as we know Harry didn’t but her family seems super normal and very cool and she loves them all sooooo much. She can’t shut up about how much she loves her mum and dad and how cool her granny was. They also didn’t have a background in entertainment at all, like she got into the Brit school by auditioning and convinced her family to buy her a secondhand piano at that point just to start learning so yeah like quite normal people. Also she says she really values alone time and needs to be by herself now and then which is the opposite of Harry but he ought to get better at alone time to be perfectly honest so that’s also not a bad thing.
I also haven’t found her referencing Harry a single time - and she’s spoken about a lot of celeb crushes and musical crushes and inspos and contemporary artists she admires - which I bizarrely feel like is a good fit for him? Like she has never appeared to give an iota of a fuck about Harry Styles™️ but based on her interests and personality would really enjoy chilling with Harry the lad and actually working with Harry the musician even.
she’s also like BEYOND stunning. All of Harry’s gfs/hookups are always very pretty wbk but this girl is absolutely unreal and apparently v chill about it too like a few of the interviews I read mentioned she shows up with no makeup and she’s said while she loves fashion she hates having to dress up too often and doesn’t like high heels etc.
Very early days for them but I tentatively ship tf out of this lol.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I want to add that Eloise chose this? The whole thing was Eloise and Phillip seeing if marriage suited them, they were even getting a chaperone. Eloise was free to leave the arrangement at any time.
The reason why they got married so quickly was because Anthony got his shotgun and aimed it at Phillip.
And while I'm not a fan of TSPWL, the one driving of that book is Eloise who decided that this is her new life, this is her family now and she will do what she can to be wife and mother and never losing herself.
And since she's basically the one in charge in that household, she never does.
I am imagining that will happen in the show if they get to Eloise's season (AFTER THEY DO BENEDICT SEASON 4 WILL BE BENOPHIE!!!), it will be of that vein, but things will change.
I do hope they will have the time skip and Eloise will have her plant nerd when they are in their late 20s early 30s.
for Context about where this anon is coming from. this ask was sent after I posted my rant I mean reply. you can read the ask in the link here Where I was talking about how Phillip isn't any more problematic than other Bridgerton men, it's just that he looks that way because instead of gaining anything she didn’t have before (love, money, protection..etc) Eloise is virtually “losing her freedom” unlike Sophie who will live a better life after marrying Benedict. Eloise already had those things, and the only one who stands to gain from this relationship is Phillip. Who gets a loving wife, a mother for his children and someone to brighten his life. And I cannot stress enough how much of a double standard that is.
I completely agree with Anon, Eloise is the driving force in her book, she was free to tell Anthony she didn't want to marry Phillip. Anthony told her that, to her face, he said something along the lines of 'Eloise if your only objection to marrying him today, is that he hasn't told you he loves you yet, that's a very flimsy hill to die on'
And lets be honest, Phillip said he loved her what? a week later?. Anthony was right, that was a seriously flimsy hill to die on.
In fact the shotgun marriage is really funny, because Eloise gets mad, not because she doesn't want to marry Phillip, she does even when she's not sure they would suit, but because she doesn't get to marry him on her terms, when she wants. (Phillip going "Oh let me show you why we will definitely suit, wanna speed up the wedding now?" will never stop amusing me)
When Eloise goes to Benedict's house, and stays for like a day. Phillip almost has a mental breakdown because he IS aware that if Eloise gets tired of him, he can't stop her if she decides to leave him. Because Eloise does what Eloise wants. And nobody can make her do anything different.
So I agree with Anon. I hope in s4 we get to see more of Eloise gaining maturity and becoming the kind of woman we see in TSPWL who can and will do things her own way. And get her plant nerd without sacrificing her independence or individuality! because she's confident in his love.
and that's the tea
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scalacaelumxx · 2 years
Any hip blonde crew headcanons. Like vexen larxene roxas ventus namine and demyx?
this is super late but heck yeah I do!
On some level, deep deep down, he knows that he can be insufferable. But he thinks everyone else is worse.
Always has a hundred things bouncing around his head, so he has a hard time sleeping most nights.
Which also means he's usually up really late working on things.
Is one of those people who would ask for help through gritted teeth if he really needed it, but then immediately turn and complain that they're doing it wrong and kick them out.
Tolerates Zexion more than the other members, but he also infuriates him more than the others. It's a double-edged sword, really.
Hates repeating himself, a lot.
Absolutely complains about people behind their back, but isn't above doing it to their faces, either.
Prefers not to sit still or lounge when he could be working on something.
Because of that, he isn't a big fan of leaving the castle for missions.
Her and Marluxia are pretty close to inseparable.
They get together to plot (obvs), but also just to complain about the other members or their missions.
Demyx is her #1 target because he makes it so easy.
But she will absolutely go after any member that irritates her.
Is absolutely the "I'll hate you first so you can't hate me" kind of person.
She has no idea what her hair is doing either.
Since she can control lightning, having her outside during a lightning storm is VERY dangerous!!
If she's bored, she will electrify the furniture in the Gray Area so whoever sits or lays on it next will get shocked.
Unfortunately, she gets bored very easily.
Would like to have a skateboard collection someday, even if he can't quite justify it.
Has an absolutely awful fashion sense. No one really taught him what looks good with what, so he just sticks with what he has.
Loves trying new food, even if he doesn't think he'll like it.
Has a soft spot for cats, kittens, and everything in between.
Skips breakfast most days and will argue with anyone who tries to make him eat it.
A tad overprotective of his friends, with a tendency to get angry easily.
But it's just because he wouldn't know what to do without them.
Because of Aqua's baking, he's a huge lover of all things dessert.
Has nightmares a bit, but usually can't remember them when he wakes up.
He also has no idea what causes them.
Is somehow both a cat and a dog person at the same time.
Doesn't handle caffeine particularly well and can mistake the caffeine rush as panic.
Absolutely stresses out over what to buy people when it comes to gifts and gift giving. He wants it to be the best present, so he can end up with five items for one person, each one he thinks outclassing the next.
Loves simple games and puzzles, even if he's not the best with them.
Her handwriting is actually pretty messy!
Always puts other's needs and emotions before her own.
Would love to get into baking and cake decorating but isn't sure where to start.
Loves pressed flowers and will sometimes try it out herself, even if it does make her a little sad.
Enjoys sunlight and gentle breezes. Spring is definitely her favorite season.
Wants to be friends with everyone, but also feels like she doesn't deserve it.
He's actually pretty clever, but he only uses it to avoid his responsibilities.
Keeps the other's up at night playing his sitar.
Will try almost any food at least once.
Doesn't actually write down his songs. He just memorizes the rhythm, and then how to play it.
Will tune his sitar even if he doesn't have to just to keep his hands busy.
Hoards snacks, shares with Xigbar, Roxas, Xion, and Luxord.
Absolutely tries to sleep forever, but would get bored if he were actually allowed to.
The expert of minding his own business.
But because he minds his own business, people tend to talk around him.
He knows more inconsequential things about the other members than anyone else.
Enjoys playing cards with Xigbar, because he always cheats. It gives him the extra challenge of figuring out how to win without breaking the rules.
Is a stickler for rules, but is always bending them.
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itsmepage · 6 months
This is About… Chrissy?
Buckingham || I don’t even like Stranger Things that much anymore, but Chrissy and Robin will always have my heart idc if they never met. I “based” this fan fic around the entire Robin & Steve going to the prep rally so Vickie fans I’m sorry 😭 I kinda just the whole show just be about them I make a “What If” mini series for them but idk, anyways enjoy my favorite lesbians
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Summary: Steve talks to Robin about her crush on Chrissy Cummingham on their way to the prep rally
Slight Angst
Warnings: Swearing, being gay in the 1980s, slight indications of abuse if you squint, possible signs of depression, maybe talk of a “lesbian situation-ship” & mention of sex
On the way to the prep rally, Robin Buckley is spontaneously fixing up her makeup in the mirror that was used in the car. Not paying attention to Steve Harrington who is rambling away about his recent “relationship“ with Heidi. “Robin, are you listening to me?“ Steve calls her attention breaking her thoughts. “uhm- yes! I’m- I’m listening!“ Robin tries to defend “What did I say? -What did I say to you?“ Steve immediately cuts back in. “You said something about sex, with- with Linda!“ Robin practically guesses. “No! I’m talking about Heidi!“ Steve corrects her, laughter in his voice. “Cut me some slack, Please!“ Robin defends herself, raising her voice. “Well-“ Steve tries to say but Robin keeps going. “Your love life is one of Lariam complexity, a-and it’s 7 in the morning I have to go to this stupid prep rally-“ Steve utters the word “oh!“ aloud, knowing that wasn’t her reason for being worked up. “and I woke up lookin’ like a total corpse!“ Robin says in one breath; yanking on her hair in the mirror and pulling back her hair indicating how stressed she was. “You’re worried about a basketball prep rally, you really expect me to believe that?“ Steve said knowing his friend all too well. “Yeah, so..?“ Robin shyly lies. “Sooo.. we both know what this is about okay? I’m not buying that billshit.“ Steve said not allowing Robin to hide it
“This is about Chrissy!“
Steve finishes. “Absolutely not.“ Robin denies. “Yes, it is! You know what else I think-“ Steve continues to talk Robin through it. “I really don’t care what you think.“ Robin snaps back but Steve's voice overlaps hers. “I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her,“ Steve passionately speaks like a motivational speaker. “-Okay, you jus’ gotta.. just gotta be yourself.” Steve said repeating her words. “You’re… literally quoting me to me..” Robin calls him out. “You do realize that?” She said. “Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself, ever think about that smarty-pants?” Steve interrupts in one breath. Robin just closes her lipstick. “I listened to you, now look at me! Boom! Back in business!” Steve makes a point. “It’s not the same thing,” Robin said quietly. “It is- well..” Steve says double guessing himself. Robin shakes her head “You ask out a girl and she says “no”- Big deal.” Robin begins chewing his ear off, Steve lightly smacks the side of his car where his arm resting as if he heard this point many times before. “Nothing happens, maybe your ego is a little bruised- but I ask out the wrong girl and bam! I’m in Town Variah!” Robin stresses out to Steve, waving her arm.
“Okay yeah, I buy that except Chrissy is definitely not the wrong girl..” Steve tries to make a point. “She has a Boyfriend Steve. She’s the wrong girl.” Robin counterparts, sadly. “Her boyfriend is a huge dick, Robin- Who to say that actually like guys.” Steve attempts to give her hope. “Just because her boyfriend is a dick, doesn’t mean anything.” Robin said. “True, but it could also mean a lot of things, I mean..” Steve continues.
“She returned “Fast Times” paused it 53 minutes, 5 seconds- do you know who pauses “Fast Times” at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?” Steve takes a pause, waiting for Robin to answer his question. “People who like boobies, Robin!Boobies! Steve says after no response. “Ew! Gross!” Robin detests and he continues. “Don’t say boobies!” Robin says in disgust. “Not a big deal!” Steve continues. “Okay- I like boobies, you like boobies.” Steve points towards Robin, taking another pause. “Chrissy likes boobies! Definitely!” Robin shakes her head in disbelief. “Boobies.” Steve says again, making Robin give him a cold stare.
“I’m saying she could faking it Robin, or she could be-“ Steve attempts to explain his point further But Robin interrupts him “I-I know what you’re saying.” She says in a comforting tone with slight annoyance, understanding what her friend is trying to do but knowing what’s swimming in her mind is the “mixed signals” that Chrissy has been giving her. Robin and Chrissy have been good friends since the start of each other’s junior year. Meeting after Robin left her case in the gym, and Chrissy was the one who gave it back to her they talked ever since. Chrissy unexpected kindness towards Robin left her suspicious, leading Robin to spend most of the summer crushing on her. Since she started working at Scoops Ahoy. Robin loved Chrissy's kind nature and bright attitude. Chrissy always found fun in everything, whether, it was deemed cool or not. However, even before her big popularity hit, dating Jason Carver. Chrissy became somewhat distant. Their conversations and discussions turn to “Hi!” “How are you?” to just waves in the hallway. Despite this Robin still liked her, always wondering if it had something to do with her or Chrissy's boyfriend. It ate Robin alive, and before she knew it she and Steve arrived at Hawkins High School.
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vanilladaises-rp · 6 months
Joey didn’t seem to mind all the cheering, typically if she was sober she’d be terrified of all the attention but for once it was nice for a change. She just enjoyed dancing because of Matthew, being by herself would be entirely different. She was getting hot due to all the dancing and felt uncomfortable and stuffy in her tight dress. Matt could sense her tiredness which she was relieved for. She fanned herself as she sat down with him and his friends. Although she was wearing a light sweater, it made such a difference over her tipsy state.
She took note of the way Matt was stern about her not drinking, she liked to speak for herself in most situations but this one made her feel some kind of way. She felt good to know he was taking care of her even if she could handle herself already. Once he asked if she needed water she nodded quite quickly, “Yeah, I feel really hot” she murmurs which was obvious to the other by now. She fanned herself but remembered she still had her sweater on. She only added it to her outfit today to cover her exposed back, but she didn’t care at this point. She quickly pulled it off now exposing her arms, shoulders, and back. All of her tattoos were now on display. She finally felt like she could breathe.
“I’m getting tired” she chuckles softly with her cheeks all pink. “I wouldn’t mind getting some fresh air outside” she admits as she leaned in closer towards him, mainly so that he could hear her and plus the fact, she wanted to make it obvious that she still wanted to spend time with him. 🥟
(little longer than usual haha but wanted to make more progress ☺️)
Matt didn't hesitate to hold you're sweater for you while you tried cooling down. Seeing the ink on your skin though made him do a double take, the details were hard to make out since the lights were off but you had more than he would've expected, it was surprising but not in a bad way. Matt found it super sexy.
"I can tell haha it's okay, it is stuffy in here" He agreed, fanning himself as well, neglecting the shot from before. Matt held his hand out for you to take, telling his friends he'd be outside with you. "How has tonight been? I hope not too overwhelming" He asked as you both exited the club, loud music being replaced with the quiet outside. "I wanted you to have fun tonight, I can tell you work too much, well, because I do too" He chuckles, "But I know overworking can stress you out, so i just hope I took some of that stress away tonight" He stopped himself, cursing internally for rambling so much.
It was unlike him, Matthew isn't necessarily a player but he has never had a problem talking to women before. It was strange, but to him you were not just any women, and he is aware it is foolish to feel this way so soon, but he didn't want to stop.
Matthew gave you a few moments to bask in the cool air outside before suggesting to leave since it was just getting darker and he didn't want to keep you out in the cold for too long, "Wanna ditch this place? I'll take you anywhere you want"
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