#this for a job interview im also gonna have to wear makeup
thestamp3d3 · 1 year
my mom is fkn impossible to talk to dear LORD...like im telling her abt my internship and abt my interviews and the only thing she cares about is if im looking pretty
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I am not stylish so a friend of mine has been helping me with my fashion choices
I ask, "how about paired with these shoes?"
Her, "no you have to wear heels, flats will make you look like a lesbian"
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: nothing but floofy-floof
Warnings: none
Requested: nope
Summary: in which you can hear the voice of your soulmate in your head and Y/N's soulmate is someone really special— her celebrity crush.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! do y'all know how long ago I wrote this fic, like— at least 2 years ago. damn. so in advance, im sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes or bad punctuation in the fic that I forgot to correct (apology for bad english 😌)
oh and
bold/italics - chris
only italics - y/n
Hey, you still there?
Y/N snapped out of a trance and focused on the voice. Yeah, yeah I'm still there, she thought to herself. She was hearing the voice of her soulmate, or rather, was speaking to him, telepathically. The thing is, you could hear the voice of your soulmate in your head. You could talk, hold conversations, but the only thing was that you couldn't ask for their name.
You had to guess. Most of the people made plans, like let's meet here or there and concentrate hard enough, I'll see your name written on a paper. It was a thing, I mean, if you concentrated hard enough, you could see what your soulmate was doing. It was like a cheat code of sorts. Most of them found their soulmate in that way.
You see, Y/N loved surprises, so she wasn't going to find her soulmate just yet. Y/N wanted to figure it out for herself. Your soulmate couldn't hear every single one of your thoughts, though (which was how she had zoned out mid-conversation). Listen, we should meet up sometime.
Aw, already? she thought with a pout on her lips. Yes, I'm very excited to meet you, I've been waiting for too long, the voice replied, chuckling. It was a manly voice, really deep and raspy. She loved it. When Y/N was small, about 4-5 years old, all she could hear were swear words and dirty thoughts; characteristics of a teenage boy.
From that, she inferred, that soulmate was much older than her, about 8-9 years older than her. She didn't mind, She was kind of into older guys anyway… But I like this game we have! Why do you want to ruin it? she asked, shaking her head. Alright, sweetheart, just for you, I'm holding back. But I don't have much patience, the voice laughed. Y/N smiled.
Without even meeting her, Chris loved the voice in his head. She sounded so sweet and welcoming, maybe she was younger than him. He couldn't wait to meet her. Chris had tried to plan their meeting for so long now, but she just wouldn't give in. She was also a feisty one. He smiled to himself as he walked down the street, engaged in thoughts about his soulmate.
In his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" he blurted out, instead hearing a soft ouch, shit in his head. His brows furrowed. The lady he had bumped into just kept on walking. Are you alright? he asked his soulmate in his mind. Yeah, just bumped into someone while walking.
I bumped into someone just now too! he told her excitedly, still staring at the lady who had now stopped in her tracks. She turned around, scanning the crowd. Then she looked at him, but maybe she didn't realize that she had bumped into him. Holy shit, I see— Then it all went blank. See what? Chris questioned desperately.
He still wasn't sure whether the woman he had just bumped into was his soulmate or not.
Why can't I say the name of the guy who played the role of Captain America?
Chris froze and stared at the lady, jaw dropped. She was lost in her thoughts, confused. He slowly walked to her and stood in front of her; she stared back at him, her heart racing. This was her celebrity crush, who was currently looking at her as if she hung the moon. But why? Why was he looking at her like that?
"You can't say his name because that's me, you technically can't say his name because you aren't allowed to," Chris whispered to her, smiling softly. Her eyes widened.
"You! You're the voice I hear in my mind! Chris freaking Evans is my soulmate?! How did I not realize?!" The woman exclaimed, shocked. Soon though, she got a wide smile on her face. His eyes widened too, hers was the voice he heard as well! "What's your name?" he asked her as they hugged. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she replied, smiling.
"Wanna join me for a coffee?" he offered, holding his hand out. She put her palm on top of his and nodded. Both of them entered a nearby coffee shop. "So, what do you do?" he asked her after ordering two coffees. "Nothing. I'm unemployed right now, just got out of my last job. I gave an interview yesterday at Ralph Lauren, just waiting for a call back," she shrugged.
"Oh, into fashion?" he asked her, smiling. "Yeah, got my degree and all. Just needed a job, Ralph Lauren offers a good amount of money," she chuckled. Chris smiled again. "Reminds me of Rachel Green." She laughed more, which warmed his heart. Her laugh was adorable. Suddenly, her phone rang and she looked at him, wide-eyed.
He nodded dismissively and she picked up the call. She spoke for a while and when she ended the call, she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I got the job at Ralph Lauren, I'm starting tomorrow!" Y/N squealed. They couldn't have picked a better timing. "Congratulations, Y/N!" he told her, grinning. After spending some more time at the cafe, they parted ways. She went home while he went back to the sets where they were filming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
"Hi Chris, you were out for a long time, what's up?" Chris Hemsworth asked, smiling at Chris Evans as they stumbled upon each other. "Nothing, just met my soulmate, had a cup of coffee with her." The older Chris feigned nonchalance. "You what?! That's awesome, man! So, how is she, what does she do?" Hemsworth asked him excitedly as both of them walked inside.
Robert and Scarlett were there, talking. "She's so beautiful, I stopped functioning when I saw her. She works at Ralph Lauren, she's a fashion designer," Chris told him with a smile. Robert and Scarlett looked up. "Who?" Scarlett questioned. "Y/N," he said simply, sitting beside Robert. "Who's that?" Robert inquired. "My soulmate." Chris smiled, as if in a trance.
"Boy, you look like you're in love," Scarlett laughed. "Because I am, she's that beautiful," he told her adamantly. "Whoa, did you ask her out?" Robert snorted. "I'm back from our first date." We had our first date right now, didn't we? he asked her in his mind.
Of course we did, I loved it. Hope to meet you again soon, her voice replied and he could practically feel her smile.
Sure, I'm in town for a few more months, I'll mind-text you as to when I'm free, he told her, sporting a smile on his face. She outright laughed in the comfort of her own home. Mind-text? Sounds fun, she agreed and focused on the Netflix series she was watching, turning off the "magical telepathic link" between them.
Chris, too, focused on the others only to see them smiling at him. "Talking to her?" He nodded at Scarlett. A few minutes later, all of them went to another room to begin with the shooting of a new scene.
Y/N danced as she prepared dinner, singing along to You Don't Know Me by Jax Jones. It had been a month since she last saw Chris. He had promised her a date, but he didn't get time. She couldn't blame him, he was a busy man. Y/N was shouting the lyrics of the song in her head, unaware of the fact that Chris was snooping in on her mind.
Hey, calm down, she heard Chris chuckling in her mind and shrieked in real life. What are you— are you snooping on my mind? Chris! she thought, scandalized. He laughed more. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you out. Are you free right now? We could meet in the same coffee shop, he asked. She grinned and nodded to herself. Of course, I'll be there in 15.
She quickly got dressed, wearing a pair of track pants and a t-shirt (like she was wearing on their first date). She didn't bother with her hair or makeup, it looked good anyway, she just bolted out of the house. Y/N entered the coffee shop to see Chris already sitting there, wearing a suit. She cursed herself mentally, making Chris look up.
He stifled a laugh. She went and sat in front of him.
"I'm so sorry I look like a single mother of two kids who hasn't slept in a year," she moaned, "I didn't know you were gonna show up in a suit." She facepalmed for good measure. "It's quite alright, you look beautiful. I wouldn't have you any other way, I should say. I'm coming back from a party right now, therefore the suit."
She blushed softly at his compliment. He ordered two coffees for them and they started talking. "So, how's your job at Ralph Lauren?" Chris asked, smiling at her. "It's amazing, I got promoted. Now I'm the head of the department, with my own office and all," she told him, smiling back. "That's great! Oh, congratulations, honey," he grinned.
"Thanks," she muttered, blushing slightly when he called her a nickname. "You look cute while blushing, has anyone ever told you that?" Chris winked as their coffees arrived. "No one, ever. I don't interact with people much, it's a tedious job," she half-joked, smiling.
"Really! So who are the people you talk to?" he joined in. "Well, there's my assistant, my mother, my bro and you. That's all. I've got some friends, but I rarely talk to them, only on the phone while texting, that is," she shrugged. "Nice, nice," he nodded as they finished their coffees. "Allow me to drop you home," Chris offered, taking out a key which she found out was for his bike as they left the café.
"No it's alright, I'll go," she refused immediately. "Nonsense, you're practically my girlfriend! I'm going with ya," he shook his head. They looked like an odd couple; one wearing a suit while the other looked like she had just woken up. Surprisingly enough, the one who looked like she just woken up had the best fashion sense among them. "Hop on," Chris grinned.
She sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Both of them chatted for the 2 minutes that took them to get to Y/N's home. Once they reached her building, she got down from Chris's bike and turned to him.
"Thanks, Chris, this has been an amazing second date. Can't wait for the third," she told him with a smile. "Me too," he smiled back. A few seconds later, she turned to leave but Chris suddenly grabbed her hand, turning her around. "Wha—" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Chris pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I just had to, sweetheart," he panted as they pulled away from each other, breathless. "Wow," she breathed out as Chris rested his forehead against hers. "So, um, see you on the third date, yeah?" Y/N giggled as they stepped away from one another, smiling. "I'll make it as quick as possible. Can't stay away from you, darling," he winked.
"How flattering," she winked back and turned to leave, purposely adding a sway to her hips knowing that he was watching. And fuck, was he watching. "Oh, the things you do to me, my dear Y/N."
"I heard that!"
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
“look, i know we don’t know each other that well, but i’m still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone.” 
characters: hoshiumi kourai x fem! reader / slight miya atsumu
request status: OPEN / please send any reqs you guys have! my inbox is currently empty and im lacking in any kind of writing inspiration...like seriously lacking lmao. there could be a part two if any of you are interested in one. 
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you looked at your now ex boyfriend, trying to keep your tears at bay. the two of you were standing outside the bar, not knowing what you were planning on saying the man you loved as you saw him with a girl on his lap, laughing and giggling at whatever he was saying. 
“you could’ve just broken up with me, it would have saved me time and effort,” you told him with a stone cold face. you could tell Atsumu was in a straight panic, not knowing what to say or do, “honestly, I would have handled the break up a lot better than you would have assumed I would have.” 
Atsumu reached out to grab your hand but you quickly snatched it back, putting it behind your back, “no, you don’t get the right to hold any part of me anymore. whatever you were doing, do it with the girl you were just with,” you exclaimed, a laugh of bitterness leaving you, “but I don’t want that girl, I want you!” he yelled. 
you rolled your eyes, not believing a word he was saying, “no, you wanted a girl to fuck with on the side while I waited for you at home. you’re just angry you got caught, Miya, that’s all,” you stated. Atsumu felt stray tears falling down his face as you noticed a familiar face with snow white hair popping out of the front of the door. 
“as wrong as this is to say, I was always preparing myself for this. my grandmother always said to have a envelope of cash and money as runaway money in case I ever needed to get away...” you played with you finger nails before looking up to him for one final time, “I’ll be moved out in a few days. the apartment is under your name and I don’t mind getting a new place,” you added on. 
Atsumu saw you walking away, not believing that you were actually leaving him. he grabbed your ankle, practically putting on a scene for everyone who was hanging out in the front of the building, “Atsumu, this is embarrassing for you. quit it while you still have some dignity left, jesus christ,” you said not realizing the mantrum that he was throwing, “you really should’ve thought this all out before you decided to cheat. I always had one rule and you knew it. I could quickly replace you as fast as we got together and this was your one chance.”
you kicked yourself out of his grip, walking into the bar to have yourself a drink. you saw the girl who was on Atsumu’s lap not wanting to look you in the eye as she sat on her chair in shame, “enjoy him girlie because as you can tell, he’ll quickly replace you when he gets bored,” you tipped your glass of dark liquor to her in a ‘good luck’ type of way before finding an empty seat. 
that familiar snow white hair you saw earlier happened to be Hoshiumi who was walking towards you. you being the former Inarizaki manager made you know the names to the most popular players from each team they played so Hoshiumi was no stranger. 
“hey,” you heard his voice say over the music. you gave him a smile with a small wave, not wanting to say, “you okay? I accidentally overheard your situation with Atsumu earlier,” he asked, pulling the seat out from the other side of the table.
you shrugged knowing that all the raw emotions from the argument and what you just had saw hadn’t settled in yet, “I don’t know,” you said truthfully, “my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me and if I’m okay right now, I know I won’t be tomorrow,” you explained. 
Hoshiumi nodded understandingly, “do you mind if I sit with you for the rest of the night?” he asked quietly, in a sort of shy way, which was odd considering Hoshiumi was just as hyperactive as Hinata Shoyo from Karasuno way. “look, i know we don’t know each other that well, but i’m still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone.”  
you felt that pang in your heart as you saw the warmness on Hoshiumi’s smile. you tried to contain your tears as best as you could but Hoshiumi saw right through that. he tracked down the waitress and ordered the two of you another round of drinks, your choice of course as he tried to focus the conversation on anything that wasn’t Atsumu or your breakup. 
from that night forward, Hoshiumi was by your side for the entirety of your breakup. he was of help when you needed an extra hand to move all your things out of your shared apartment with Atsumu. 
it didn’t sit right with Atsumu at the fact that Hoshiumi was seemingly close to you all of a sudden. he had saw him that night at the bar but he didn’t think he would take advantage of the situation and so quickly. never once in the entirety of your relationship with Atsumu did you ever mention befriending Hoshiumi and so closely but seeing the way he was helping you move out and making sure you were okay threw him way the hell off. 
once you were finished taking your things out of the apartment, you looked to Atsumu and wiggled the set of keys that were on your keychain out. you gave him one last look before handing them to him, “so I take it that you won’t accept the job with the Jackals?” he asked. 
“I think you know that answer, Miya.” 
you walked out of the apartment, leaving a teary eyed Atsumu at the door as Hoshiumi waited for you at the front of the building. your place a few minutes farther from Atsumu’s place. it wasn’t as nice of a place in comparison to how you used to live but it would do until you found a job.
“what are you plans now?” Hoshiumi asked as he helped you unpack things from the box. you shrugged again, “I really don’t know. Atsumu had gotten me a job with the Jackals and those were plans for quite a while but considering that relationship is long gone, I guess I really have to start looking for a job before I go broke.” 
Hoshiumi laughed, feeling his phone buzz multiple times. he looked down to see a few texts from Ushijima and Kageyama. to your luck, the Adlers had also gotten a job opening for a few positions with a team. Hoshiumi had mentioned to the team that he knew someone that could possibly take the position of the old manager and they had been grilling him about it since. 
the pre-season was about to start and they needed an experienced manager and quick. considering your qualifications with Inarizaki and the degree you got in college, he knew you would do well on the job and all you would need is a bit of polishing up in order to be great if not even better than their former manager. 
“listen, I don’t know how willing you will be to accept what I’m about to say but Schweiden has an opening for a positions and one of them is to be the team’s manager and assistant. I might’ve pushed your name because I know you’ve done the managerial position before and we need a manager as soon as possible.” 
your eyes doubled down in confusion as Hoshiumi showed you the hiring paper. you quickly skimmed it down seeing that you had the qualifications for the job. you saw that it was a text from Kageyama Tobio that read if you had accept the position yet before their coach killed them. 
“wait, how long would I be there?” you asked, gripping his phone. you looked at you, now slightly confused himself, “what do you mean? you’d be there as long as you want or until you quit. the position is permanent.” you read the application again and smiled, “I just got this place but tell them I’ll be available for an interview at any time.” 
Hoshiumi tackled you into a hug, his hyperactive attitude running rampant again, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! the team is gonna be so happy, I know it!” he exclaimed, quickly dialing his coaches number as you sat there, taking in your all new reality. 
after a run through of a few interviews, the Adler’s ultimately gave you the position as their manager and assistant. they found you the most suitable as you had experience under your belt and got along with most of the team. well...as best as you could considering Kageyama and Ushijima weren’t really the talkative type to begin with. 
the move to Tokyo was a bit easier than expected. Hoshiumi quickly helping you into your new apartment as he showed you around the Adler’s gym and even the town when he wasn’t busy. you had your own office since you were assisting the team’s coach with a few office related things but most of your duties were strictly to the team. 
with your new job came new team photo’s for the year as well as your organizations employee id photo. your uniform consisted of black leggings or athletic shorts if Tokyo was particularly hot that day and a Schweiden sweater/t-shirt on game day. on non-game days where you had to be in your office, the general uniform was business casual unless it was Friday’s where you could wear your game day uniform. 
the team photo day was around the corner and the Adler’s even had a few professional makeup artist for anyone who wanted to have their makeup done for the photos. Hoshiumi and to your surprise, Kageyama, landed in the makeup chairs right next to you as they both wanted to be concealed so their under eye bags weren’t as prominent. 
“you ready for the pics?” Hoshiumi asked with an excited smile. you nodded just as excitedly, “working in volleyball again feels so weird but I can’t wait for the season to start!” you exclaimed as Hoshiumi gave you a high-five in agreement. 
unbeknownst to you but known to the entire team, Hoshiumi had fell entirely head over heels for you. his heart eyes weren’t a secret to anyone besides you and if everyone was being honest, they really wanted Hoshiumi to get a move on with asking you out so he could stop coming to practice with a lovesick puppy look on his face. 
after all of you were called to the gym to take the photos, they had all the players and coaching staff take their photos first before any managers and front office staff had their turns. while you waited for your turn, you were talking with the other manager so was an ex player of the team and had recently retired due to permanent injury to his arm. 
“so how do you know Hoshiumi?” he asked as he saw the wave Hoshiumi was giving you. you smiled and waved back, “he was a friend of mine through high school and we just kept in contact since. Kourai and I are basically best friends if I’m being honest,” you explained. 
he gave you a look before giving out a belly laugh, “just best friends? you have to got to be kidding. there’s more to your relationship with Hoshiumi than just best friends,” he admitted. you were a bit taken back by his answer as you asked him to explain, “come on, it’s not obvious? the decoy is in love with you. he follows you everywhere and has heart eyes for you and I can sense the feeling either is mutual or it’s starting to be on your end.” 
you sat in silence, debating whether or not what he was saying was true. you had never taken into account romantic feelings Hoshiumi could have for you and vice versa. you knew deep down, you did harbor feelings for Hoshiumi but up until this point, you had never put it to the forefront of your brain. 
“managers! it’s your turns now!” the photographer said. you nodded, going up to the small set up they had. 
they had you do a bunch of different poses. one photo of just you smiling, another of you holding a volleyball, and a few with the other manager on the team. they had informed you that this year, they would be displaying team player photos along with head manager photos in the front of building, right outside of the gym to show appreciation to the entire team. 
after the photo’s were finished, your head was still playing the conversation you had earlier. the idea of dating Hoshiumi did not sound so bad in the long run and you knew that it now wouldn’t come off as a surprise if you did in fact show feelings to him. 
“Kou, what are you doing tonight?” you asked as he helped you with your bag after practice. he shook his head, saying nothing, “wanna come over? I wanna pig out on food before the season officially starts,” you giggled seeing his excited face as he grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you over to his car, exclaiming you both could get food and snacks. 
the night came down to you watching a few movies from both of your childhood and basically talking/snacking the night away. it eventually got to the point where you moved closer to Hoshiumi, trying to find warmth as your AC was on full blast and you both were too lazy to get the blankets you had underneath your couch to actually get warm. 
“hey Kou,” you said, trying to get his attention. he looked down to you, a warm smile on his face, “would you ever...be interested in dating? I heard a few members of the team saying that you liked me and for a while, I didn’t want to believe that but I figured there was no harm in asking because I totally feel the same,” you finally confessed.
Hoshiumi sat there, mouth wide in surprise as your heart basically fell your ass. your thoughts were immediately plagued with the idea that you had ruined your entire relationship with him but that was quickly put to rest as grabbed your closer and held your face as softly as ever before placing a kiss on both your cheeks before reaching your lips. 
“honestly, I was about to ask you out tonight too. I’ve been having these feelings for a while now and I’m glad you finally confessed. I’ve truthfully liked you since the night I saw you with Atsumu but I didn’t want to make it seem as though I was being pushy.” 
you laughed, pushing yourself away from him a bit as he dipped you down once again and kissed you again. you ran your fingers through his hair as he kissed your neck a bit and parts of your upper chest. 
“you’re the best. I literally thought the best day of my life was the day I got the job for the Adler’s but this beats it by far!” he exclaimed, hugging you now. you laughed, shaking your head at his excitement, “I could say the same,” you giggled as you kissed him again. 
a few weeks finally passed as the season was in full swing now. you were working a few days a week and going out on the days you had off with Kourai. the only dreadful part in all of this was that the Adler’s were playing Msby soon and you knew that you would in fact be seeing Atsumu during, before, and after the game. 
Hoshiumi could see the slight nervousness and panic on your face the day of the game against the Black Jackals. you weren’t as excited as you were usually were and you were responding to the team in snippets and very short sentences. the team could sense your shift in attitude but didn’t bother to question it. 
“hey, you okay?” Hoshiumi asked, pulling you to the side a few minutes before warm ups. you gave him a questioning look, “I can see you’re nervous and I’m pretty sure it’s probably because of Atsumu being here,” he assumed as you reluctantly agreed. 
he sighed, bringing you in for a hug, “you don’t have to work today. I can make up an excuse that you got sick and say you’re in your office watching the game,” he said. you shook your head, “no, it would be immature of me to miss a game because of that fucking idiot. I’ll be okay, I promise,” you whispered, giving him a kiss of reassurance before letting him go. 
a few feet behind, Atsumu had saw the entire interaction happen. his heart was admittedly broken, seeing the way you were kissing and hugging Hoshiumi. he hadn’t known that you were working with Scheweiden nor did he know that you were even dating Hoshiumi. 
when the team had walked into the gym, he had saw your photo in the hallway entering the gym. your smile was one he missed and he felt himself get angry all over again. it had been months since the breakup but you had yet to unblock him from any social media so all of this news at once broke him. 
the game was a lot more intense than they assumed it would have been. Hoshiumi and Atsumu playing to 100% and even getting into small scuffles. you had saw the interactions and knew it was probably because of you but were arguing when it came down to plays so it didn’t look as immature on the court. 
ultimately, Schweiden won the game, beating the Jackal’s by a landslide in their last set. you were smiling at Hoshiumi as the game ended, bringing him a water and giving him a kiss before handing off the waters to Ushijima and Kageyama next. you had ran out of the gym for a few seconds to refill waters for a few players when you ran into the last person you expect. 
“if you can excuse me Miya, I need to refill these,” you said, not even looking at him in the eye. he moved out of the way, seeing thew way you refilled the bottles as quickly as possible. once you were done, you were about to head back into the gym when he stopped you, “how are you?” he asked shyly. 
you sighed, “fine Miya,” you said curtly. Atsumu growled in annoyance, “are you together with-,” “with me!” you heard Hoshiumi’s voice scream through the hall. you smiled at the sight of him as he pushed you behind him and sizing up the much taller Atsumu. 
“this had nothing to do with you, Hoshiumi.”
“oh but it does! she’s my girlfriend, our manager, and a member of the team so whatever you need to say to her, you can say to me!” you laughed at Hoshiumi’s confidence as Atsumu looked at him, rage filling his eyes, “what? what’re you gonna do? hit me? you’d get suspended and look like a complete idiot to the entire V-league!” 
“do we have an issue?” Ushijima asked, looking at Atsumu and Hoshiumi as Sakusa followed him, “no issue at all,” Atsumu gritted as Hoshiumi wore a proud grin on his face.
“that’s great to hear. come on ( your name ). Hoshiumi you better be in the gym in the next minute.” 
“lets go Atsumu, you don’t win anything out of creating a scene,” Sakusa said as he grabbed his friend and tried dragging him out of the hallway. Hoshiumi waved at Atsumu as cockily as possible, “remember Atsumu! not only did we win the game but I also won your girl!” he screamed. 
Atsumu went to jump but was pulled back by Sakusa and Bokuto as you walked out of the gym again to grab Hoshiumi. he grabbed you by the wrist and kissed you in front everyone that was in the hallway. Atsumu could hear Bokuto telling him to calm down but he wanted nothing more than to run over to Hoshiumi and kick his ass before reclaiming you as his again. 
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How Did We Get Here? - 4
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Summary: After being in a secret relationship, (Y/N) and Chris are faced with sneaky fans taking pictures of them spending time together and the press went crazy. Chris had enough of hiding. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut
Warnings: AGE GAP and seeeexxxyyy timeeeee. 
Note: I am so excited to write, writing has been my passion for so long and writing with my boo bear in it makes me more happy!! Thanks to the beautiful @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ for reblogging and helping others to check my writings!!! love her already. Hope you like this one hehehe. Oh and a lil comedy :p just for fun 
*gifs are not mine* 
After so many interviews before the Premiere in Chicago, me and Chris has been staying at the same hotel, we were informed that some fans asked the receptionist if we stay together in the same room or separate rooms, but the hotel know what answers to give. 
Before I was known, I already loved my life, I’m a normal girl, I enjoy life fully and I never ask for anything in return when doing things for others. I’m thankful in where I am, but I have always been known as a private person and even my family couldn’t get anything out of me. 
‘(Y/N/L/N) and Chris Evans having breakfast together at the Ritz Carlton’ 
I scroll down to the comments on Instagram, smiling of how red my cheeks are looking at Chris who talks about taking me to his date with Dodger. 
- ‘the fact that she’s bareface and her cheeks is all red looking at him kills me. They are so cute’ 
- ‘I can’t believe they’re hiding all of they’re cuteness.’ 
- ‘she got taste, i love her, she’s one of us now.’ 
I laughed as Pammy surprised me by looking at what I’m reading behind my shoulder, startling me. “Oh my god,” I said, placing my hand over my chest, 
“Oh, so you’re creeping on Instagram for your so secret relationship?” 
“Stop it, I’m just, you know, trying to- actually I don’t know, it just came up on my explore so, don’t judge me.” 
“Judge you for what?” 
Chris came out of the room, looking rough, his hair is uh... everywhere, messy, shirtless. Pammy’s jaw dropped open, “Oh...” I lightly elbow her, shooting her a look. She put her hands up, “Chris, I got you spinach-apple smoothie.” Pammy hands him as he scratches the back of his head. 
Chris looks at me, “Are you going somewhere?” my eyes widens at him. 
“We have a press interview today, remember?” 
“Oh... no.”
I laughed as I walk towards him and wrap my arms around him, he lifts me up and kisses me, I peck him over and over with my legs wrapped around him then squish my face with him like a little baby. “Get ready, bebe, we have work to do.” I said to him making him smile. 
“You’re so cute, I might just take you to bed for a bit.” 
I flushed. 
“Stop, I would, but... we don’t really have much time.” 
He smirks. “I can make it quick,” he leans as he said it so only I can hear him, my cheeks heats up more as I can picture myself with my cheeks way too red. 
“I get to you this much huh?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh no, it’s just hot in here all of the sudden.” 
He laughed. 
“Come, on, we gotta gooooo.” I whine. 
“Okay, but come shower with me?” 
“I already have my makeup on.” 
This time he’s the one that rolls his eyes at me. “Then, accompany me.” before I can say anything, Pammy said, “The interviewer’s here, I’m going to help them set everything up.” 
Chris said nothing but, “Perfect! Thank you, Pammy!” he shuts the door with his foot. 
“You’re coming with me, bebe.” 
I bury my face on his shoulders as he carries me to the bathroom. He sits me down on the sink counter as he look deep into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” the smile appears immediately as I look away shyly. 
“You’re so easy to love, (Y/N).” 
“Am I really?” 
He nodded as he tucks a hair behind my ear and smile. “Now.. where were we?” 
I arches my brow. “You, shower.” I pointed at the shower with my head. 
“No, that’s not where we left things,” 
“Oh yeah, you might take me to bed but we can’t so you’re gonna shower and we’re going to work-” 
Chris shuts me up by kissing me deeply, passionately that my hands find their way around his neck as he pulls me closer as if we’re not close enough. He moans against my lips and when he was about to went down, I stop him causing him look up to me, confused. 
I jump off the counter, moving him to lean against the counter and pulls his pants down. 
I can hear him take a breathe but I ignore him as I put him in my mouth and suck my cheeks in. “Baby..” 
I smiled, knowing that I’m the one that gets to him this much now. 
I work my tongue around him inside my mouth as he grips the counter and continuously moan. 
I tease him by slowly taking him out and lick every inch of him. I stood up just to kiss him and slowly trail my lips down to continue on sucking him and feeling his body trembles. 
I fasten my speed as he grips my shoulder. 
“Baby.. I’m.. Com-” 
The same warmth enters my mouth as he looks down at me, waiting for what I’m gonna do. 
The taste of him slides down to my throat as I stood up looking at him, he’s in shock. 
“What? You’ve never seen a girl do this to you?” I joked as he wipes my mouth and pulls me close to him.
I can see my lipstick are gone but I could care less. “I have, but it’s you, I’m with you, I don’t need to remember if other women have done this to me or for me before. You’re mine, baby.” 
I smiled. 
I find it really sexy that he’s wiping my mouth after and holding me close, I love that about him. 
“Hmm..” I give him a slight kiss as he slaps my butt causing me to look at him with my mouth open jokingly. 
“Okay, shower, now, we need to go.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
I grab my pouch and walk back to the bathroom to do touch ups as he showers behind me. Chris never take his eyes off me, making me blush every now and then. 
For the past few months we’ve been together, I love that at the end of the day we’re normal people, we’re just fortunate enough to live a life like this and we never forget where we came from, maybe that’s why I’d like to keep our relationship on the down low where it’s just us and our closest people.
. . . . 
We walk into the meeting room of the hotel that was set up for the interview, Pammy looked at me with a oh-okay-glowing-what’s-up-now look, I shot her a look with my wide eyes, she respond with okay-I’ll-zip-it look with her hands slightly up in defeat. 
I changed my outfit, I was wearing a black midi casual dress, since it’s looking not so appropriate anymore, I have to iron it again but since I don’t have the time, I put on a black and white stripes long sleeved shirt and a black fitted trousers that stops in my ankle with a flat shoes. 
I redid my hair, curl it a little bit and I was done, I don’t want people to take the note, oh yeah they just did it. 
Professional on both, (Y/N)! I said to myself. 
My inner self seems to laugh at me. 
Both on what? Sexually and in career wise? She said. 
I want to roll my eyes, but Chris’ hand lands on my back as we said hi to everyone. “I thought you’re gonna be late.” the interviewer said to us laughing. 
I huffed. “Oh no, almost though, I just had to eat first.” Chris immediately turns his head to me. 
I added, “I thought you’re already here, seems like we’re soulmates.” I smiled at him, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. 
“Well, I hope you enjoyed your meal.” the interviewer smiled at me.
“Thank you, I did, big meal to boost my endorphins just right.” 
We sat down with Seth, the interviewer talking about the movie a little bit but other than that he said he just wants to get to know us, he wants to make the interview a little bit different than others. 
Chris was thrilled when he brings up Disney movies. 
“Okay, I have questions, you two have to say your name or the other person to answer.” 
“Oh.. Okay.” I said. 
Seth asks, “Who is most likely to get a complaint because they laugh too loud?” 
Seth gasps, “Really?” I nodded making a face where I scrunch my nose. “I have to go to his trailer cause he was on the phone with Anthony Mackie, he laughed so hard I couldn’t sleep.” 
“So, you’re the one who complained?” 
“Oh yeah, would do it again.” 
They all laughed. 
“Who is most likely to be on a comedy tv show?” 
“Me.” I look at Chris, raising my brow. “You?” I said, rolling my eyes after. 
“What is he not funny?” Seth laughs as he ask me that. “I mean,” I gesture my palm left to right, giving him the he’s-so-so response. 
Chris added (gif), “She thinks I’m funny, she just thinks she’s funnier.”
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“You did admit I am funnier.” 
Seth squints his eyes suspicious. “Did you Chris?” 
I laughed, placing my hand on his shoulder as I bury my face on my arm. 
“Who is most likely to take the job as a stripper?” 
Chris stood up, arms wide open and tries to give me a lap dance. I squealed in laughter trying to get his butt out of my face. 
He hugs me after as I was still laughing with tears started to build up in my eyes from laughing too hard. “Oh my god.” I said. The whole room was filled with nothing but laughter and cameras clicking from their phones. 
“Gotta love this guy.” I said before Seth ended the interview. 
“Love this gal.” Chris added. 
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Our Princess
Ok so like I don't know if ya’ll have seen the interview or whe=atever where BTS dresses up as Princes and then proceed to like kiss each other on the cheek and stuff but imagine like you're there and they dress you up as a princess and like.... yeah. (Heres the interview if you haven't seen it)
BTS x reader (OT7 x reader)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluff, low-key smut/lemon, mentions of smut, cuteness, nicknames, eventual shy reader use of the word daddy/daddies (like once)
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Images not mine just found them on the internet but I did make the collage.
As I sneak into the back of the building I have to stifle a gleeful giggle at the sound of my boyfriends laughter. I can tell at this moment its Namjoon and Taehyng laughing and my heart swells at the thought of them. 
I truly am blessed to have such seven amazing boyfriends. And im blessed to have a friend who's willing to sneak me into this interview, of course I could have just told them the truth and come with them but this would be better. 
I just got back from my world tour and while most of it they where with me the last month (give or take) they had to return home. They called me to ask when I would be home and when I heard they where having an interview at the place my friend works I quickly lied so I could surprise them. 
They’ve done it to me tons of times before, it’s only fair I get to do the same. And hey if this happens to be how we officially tell the fans we’re together then I’m okay with that. Sadly im not actually sure what this interview is and y/f/n wouldn't tell me. 
“y/f/n!” I groan as she drags me away from where my feet were already carrying me. 
“Sorry y/n/n but I gotta get you in the proper attire first.” She says winking. 
I look at her suspiciously “you’re not sending me out in lingerie or some shit right?” She sputters before quickly yelling at me in a hushed whisper how they don't do that here and I couldn't help but chuckle, “just checking.” 
She rolls her eyes pushing me into a room and locking the door behind us, sometimes the boys need to leave an interview during break just to be alone and it would ruin the surprise of me being here if one barged in. 
As I finally look around I gape at the big ball gown right in the center. “Woah! What lucky duck gets to where that?!” I gasp admiring the beautiful dark blue dress. 
“You” She states like its a simple fact like humans need to breathe. 
“M-me- What?!” I look at her dumb founded and she just smiles. 
“Mmmhmmm!” She hum happily pulling it off the mannequin. I waste no time undressing and quickly putting the dress on before she changes her mind or something. 
I feel giddy as the dress slides on my body. “y-y/f/n” I stutter out staring at myself in the mirror as she quickly applies some makeup and puts my hair up in an elegant updo. 
“Hmm?” she hums.
“I look-” You pause truly speechless. 
“Absolutely amazing?” You nod silently, “of course you do! With me as your stylist where could you go wrong?!” She chirps happily as she looks at her watch. 
“Are we to late? Did this take to long?!” I ask worried trying to ignore my growing disappointment. 
“What?! No! Just trying to see if they’re all dressed and ready. You’re going to be the last one to go as our surprise guest.... and it looks like its time!” She says as her phone chimes. 
I stand up hands sweaty so I wipe them on a towel. “Wont they see me as I enter?” 
She shakes her head, “no they’ll be turned around and blindfolded incase someone tries to peak.” She says winking, “oh and you will be too!”
“What?!” I exclaim shocked.
“Yep... haha kinda for the whole beginning half.” she says scratching the back of her neck. 
“W-wha -why?!” I asked in a hush voice as she leads me out of the room. 
“You’ll see.” She whispers placing a silky blindfold carefully on my face, not tight enough to ruin my makeup. I sigh as we continue walking.
“Alright boys! Are you guys excited?!” y/f/n asks excitedly. she whispers for you to sit back and you do so carefully. 
“Yes!” Jungkook says excitedly. “I want to see this mysterious beautiful princess!” I can hear the smile in his voice and ignore the slight ache. ‘He’s doin it for the fans, they dint know about us yet.’ I remind myself. 
“May I ask a question?” I hear Namjoon ask. 
“Of course!” y/f/n says. 
“How old is this princess?” He asks I assume I’m supposed to answer but a hand is slapped over my mouth before I can do so. 
“She’s around all of your age!” she says quickly as Namjoon hums thoughtfully. You nod remebering they don't know its you yet. 
“Can I please please please take the blindfold off now?!” I hear Hoseok asks and I almost ‘aww’ at him but I refrain. 
“No.” y/f/n, states simply. “-First” she says cutting of there groans of frustration. “I want you to guess who it is.” She says, “Or who you hope for it to be.” 
“Papa Mochi!” I hear Jimin cheer happily and I almost bust out laughing but I quickly cover my mouth. 
“That’s a guy!” y/f/n says exasperated like she's heard this all day. 
“fine!” he groans, “ummm Kumiko!” Jimin says.
“Is that just a random person?” She asks and when I don't hear anything but a sigh from her I  assume he just shrugged. I shake my head smiling as I listen to a bunch of random names leave there lips. 
“Kaede” I hear Namjoon next.  
“Iva” Jungkook says
“Koge” Jin spoke next. 
Now it was Hobis turn “Rai”
Taehyng waited a second before also replying, “Risako”
“Ishi” Yoongi speaks calmly. 
“What do you all just have a random store of names in your head?!” Y/f/n asks exasperated. I can hear the smirk in her voice when she speaks next, “Surprised none you said your best friends name.”
“She’s still on tour.” Tae says rather roughly. 
“Calm,” Namjoon whispers but I still caught it, ‘just how close to them am I?’ I wonder reaching my hand out only to meet the fabric of someones shirt. 
“Wah!” He exclaims and I recognize it as Taehyung. ‘So I’m very close.’ I think  to myself. “Uh thanks...” he mutters moving his shoulder away. ‘cute.’ I think. 
“Jeez sore subject haha sorry folks,” she pauses and clears her throat before continuing. “Anywho go ahead and take off the blindfolds!” She says and as I go to reach for my own a hand on my wrists stops me. 
“Not you m-lady.” She says in a fake accent. I hit her hand away pouting. 
‘Lame.’ I think to myself bitterly. 
“If she can't see us why is it fair we get to see her?” Yoongi questioned. ‘Thank you!’ I thought exasperated. She groans. 
“ugh! fine! Party pooper, you can keep your mask on too!” She chirps and my shoulders sag, ‘so much for that.’ 
“Fine” he says and I can hear him sit back down. I hear the others collectively gasp as I assume they remove there masks. 
“What? Who is it?” Namjoon speaks this time, ‘so he kept his blindfold on too.’
“You two are gonna wanna see this!” I hear Jungkook say and I can hear the grin in his voice. It makes me smile and I wave shyly biting my lip. 
“Y-Y/n?!” I hear them both exclaim. My grin widens. 
“Y/f/n get this damn blindfold off me I want to see my bo-” I cut myself off, “My boys!” I say in a rush. She groans
“Okay but you'll have to wear it again for one of our games.” She states matter-o-factly. I Quickly rip it off and my smile gets impossibly larger as I see them all standing there. 
“Look at all of you!” I say grinning as I stare at all of them in there prince outfits. A noticeable warmth spreading to my cheeks, ‘shit they look really good.’ 
Before I can think more on how amazing they look I am quickly picked up and spun around by Namjoon. I laugh gleefully as he does so, me and him spent the least amount of time together on FaceTime over the past few weeks sadly, both busy at the wrong times. But that doesn't mean we didnt catch each other eventually. 
“Why didnt you tell us you where coming?” Jimin asks swiping in as soon as joon set me down to hug me and the rest of the boys followed. 
“To surprise you of course!” I say grabbing Yoongis cold hand as he pulls away. 
“Well it worked!” kook exclaimed.
“Yeah this is almost as good as papa mocha right jimin-ah?” Hobbi says nudging him. 
“Hey don't be like that!” He says as he stares at me helplessly. I laugh at this. 
“No, no I think chim would have preferred Papa Mocha right Jin?” I say looking at the handsome man. 
He smirks, “I dunno... maybe” I laugh bending over slightly as I do so missing the way all there yes where trained on me. 
“Alrght alright, enough of the gooey best-friend stuff!” y/f/n says. “We’re gonna take a break to give you seven time to prepare and poor y/n here time to enjoy herself before our next game.” she says about to walk away. 
“Wait! Whats the next game?!” I ask. 
“You’ll see.” As the cameras are turned off we are all sent away, the boys walk with my to ‘my room’ but we all know cameras where there to catch what would be said and whatnot so we stopped in the middle of both and I turned to all of them smiling widely. 
“You should have told us!” Taehyng grumbles as he clings onto you from behind nuzzling his head into your neck. 
“If I did that I wouldn't have been able to see you get all angry at the thought of me being away any longer.” I said bopping his nose and his own cheeks reddened. 
“Oh yeah, guess you heard that huh?” I make a mhm sound and he hides further in my neck as I giggle. 
“So kookie was I pretty enough to be worth it? Was I a good enough mysetery beauty princess?” I ask, he bends down cupping my cheek, “The only one who fits the bill,” he whispers placing a kiss on my lips. 
“Hey knock it off!” I say as a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. They all laugh at that. 
We go to our own rooms and I sit waiting impatiently. Ten or so minutes later y/f/n comes back and pulls me into the room again and sits me back in the chair. 
“Okay so our next game is called... drumroll please!” All the boys smack there hands on there thighs, “Blush-rush!” She declares. 
“What?! Oh no!” I say exasperated “grrr curse you y/f/n!” I say shaking my fist at her as the boys laugh. 
“Yeah yeah thats the witches job not yours m-lady.” I scoff. “Ok! theres two rounds! One action round and one verbal round! y/n sets the boundaries, and you boys follow them but otherwise your good. Your goal? Make y/n blush as long and as deeply as possible.” She says looking to you to set the rules. 
“Ok obviously you boys know the no-no squares.” You say simply and they all chuckle nodding. “Okay, uhhhh I guess..Oh! No yelling in my ear!” You glare at Jungkook then remembering when you where still best friends and he screamed in your ear to wake you up, while acting out how he would wake his future girlfriend. 
He holds his hand up defensively and I shake my head at him smiling. “I don't know! You guys know me, so you know whats to far!” I said shrugging. They all nodded smiling, they know old boundaries of when we where trying to hide it from the fans are off the table, we’ve seen the theories and there isn't any negativity towards them so we figured why not.
If it comes out it comes out, if not then thats okay to. We’re happy ether way, it was a group decision. 
“Alrighty then lets get going!” She says smiling. “Boys pick which one you do first-” she gets cut off by an enthusiastic Namjoon. 
“Words!” He says quickly and all the boys quickly nod in agreement. I can't help but laugh. 
“Alrighty then y/n back on with the blindfold.” I groan but put it on anyways. 
it’s a long moment of silence before I hear anything at all, quickly thoughts of being alone flood into my mind but are quickly washed away by someones breathe hot on my ear. 
“Baby girl,” Instantly I recognize Jin, “you should have told us you where coming, we could have welcomed you home properly.” my eyes widen beneath my mask knowing full well what usually happens when we reunite. 
I clear my throat trying to avoid the blush on my cheeks. “Don't try to hide it princess,” Namjoon says his voice deep and on my other side, I can feel the warmth from the two bodies next to me. “You always react so well, such a beautiful blush.” 
This time I can't stop my cheeks from turning pink. “Little one~” It’s Jungkook, completely different from the excited adorable one who just minutes ago was excited to see a mysterious princess “doing so good, you’ve barely blushed so far.” He purrs but then chuckles deeply “Or you weren't blushing.” I groan slightly as I shift in my seat. 
‘Damnit only three of them have-’ “Hello Kitten,” ‘Yoongi, shit’. “Look at you, don't you look so pretty?” He says and I know if he could he would run his hands threw my hair right now. 
“Hello my little flower,” I hear another voice right next to my ear, ‘hello hobi’ I chuckle. “Something funny? Or you just like the way we’re making you feel?” I don't answer and he just chuckles at that. 
“Hello my little angel~” Jimin practically purrs into my ear just like Yoongi. “I love your dress, it would look better on my bedroom floor though, don't you think?” I try to shake off his words but of course the blush continues to grow.
I know who has to be coming next and I’m not surprised when I hear his deep voice, “Hi baby, are you happy to be surrounded by your daddies?” He whispers in my ear and by now the blush has moved down my necks and up to my ears. 
“Yes how are-” Jin gets cut off by y/f/n. 
“Alright alright!” She cuts in, “jeez guys I said make her blush, not kill her... you seven jeesh.” She pulls the blindfold off and I look up to see all seven of them around me smirks on there faces. 
‘uh-oh’ I look down not able to stare at them any longer, its to much I’m already warm enough. I didnt think they would be so.... suggestive. 
They chuckle as they see my cheeks warming up again. “I have to go cool off in the bathroom!” I say quickly standing up and moving to the hallway. I lean against a wall breathing deeply. 
“Damn you.” I sigh as I cover my face, even the after thought makes me blush.
“y/n?” I hear y/f/n, I look up at her smiling softly. “We can't make it a silent part, no one would no what they said and we all sign privacy policy contracts.” She said seriously. 
“Oh it’s fine I just was shocked really,” I huff out a laugh, “but lets make it silent, I want to see what our fans come up with.” She grins nodding. 
I go back out smiling reassuringly at the boys who all relax visibly. I sit back in the seat preparing myself for the next round. I breathe deeply as y/f/n gives the all clear as I watch Hobi approach. 
Truth be told I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting him to just sand in-front of me forcing eye contact, thats for sure. So when it got to be to much I quickly looked away, and thats how I knew I fell into the trap. His finger making its way under my chin to turn my face towards him as he leans in closer. 
And just when I think he might kiss me he pulls way smirking and I purse my lips to prevent a smile. So caught up in the moment I didn't realize Yoongi slipped behind me until I felt his hands move down my exposed shoulders only to go back up and move towards my collar bones. Goosebumps forming on my heated flesh. 
He drew his hands away drawing them close to my throat. Jimin also comes up not hesitating to move his hand from my cheek to my neck where he hovers placing slight pressure from his finger tips almost like from one of the first few videos he took of my where instead of doing the face smooshy thing he went and choked me. 
I know my face is beat red by now but there is still four more to go. I smile as Jungkook comes up to me, he wouldn't do anything to bad- I’m instantly proven wrong as his arms go around my middle, feather light touches moving over my sides the same way he does when I’m blindfolded and- ‘nope! don't go there then you WILL blush more!’ He smirks triumphantly knowing that was enough. 
Taehyung is much more.... pg I suppose as he peppers my face with kisses repeatedly, but I realize that that he was just to prepare me for when Namjoon sneaks up behind my sticking his face in my neck. He is sure to hide what exactly he’s doing by his position but I feel his lips moving up and down my neck going to the spot by my ear. 
Jin is the last, and what he does is simple but effective. He simply takes me off the chair and places me right onto his lap, and of course once again by now my face is beet red and they’ve surely beaten me since Hobi, but it was more fun to let them all go. 
After that the interview was basically done we stayed for about an hour more before we all decided to drive home. I was in my car with just Jungkook and Namjoon while the others went in there car. Im sitting in the back in Namjoon’s lap, yes there was a perfectly good seat beside him but honestly neither one of them cared and I loved the contact. 
We where stopped at a stop light the conversation at a comfortable silence when I spoke up. “You guys where very... open.” I say as I hide my face in Joons neck. he chuckles his hands moving up and down my back. 
“What can we say, not seeing you for, what a month? Add onto that the opportunity to publicly do anything we want with you, well we have to do everything we can.” he said smirking squeezing my hips. 
“Well not everything.” Jungkook says winking in the rear view mirror and once again I blush as a giggle leaves my lips. 
It’s a week later when I go onto youtube and find the latest conspiracy video for the eight of us shockingly. It’s videos of us over the whole time we had been dating, proof of the long time relationship. I smile as I show the boys and we reminisce on the old videos. 
I decide to post a picture on my instagram from the interview, one of the seven of them in there costumes and then one of me with each of them alone, namjoons was one of my favorites, not that I didnt love them all of them but one of the camera men caught the moment he picked me up and spun me around and I knew I would always treasure it. I put the caption, “My princes.” 
Seeing this they put a picture on there official insta saying “Our princess.” No one truly asked any questions, they all just knew. The comments where filled with friends saying finally, and fans agreeing saying how happy they where. And we where too. We truly would have a happily ever after. 
Hey guys my request an taglist’s are always open! Thank you!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Has anybody ever stole your happy? More like life stuff and health issues did. And depression is a real bitch.
What does your Facebook/Myspace status say? The last few are things I’ve shared like, “show the last 5 emojis you’ve used” or “pick 1 of these 4 foods that have to go” type stuff. 
Have you ever played games with someones head? I don’t think so. I’ve had people play games with mine.
Have you changed throughout the years? Yes. A lot changed these past 6 years and not in a good way. And also a lot hasn’t changed that really needs to.
Are you doing anything important tomorrow? No.
What are you wearing right now? I’m wearing leggings and a long-sleeve shirt.
What do you currently hear right now? I’m watching Teen Mom OG. Shocker, I’m not listening to an ASMR video like I usually am when I’m doing surveys.
Do you get creeped out from people who have lazy eyes? No? 
Do you need to forget about someone right now? No.
Do you answer blocked calls on your phone? I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.
What color is your cellphone? Gold.
How much money do you have on you right now? I don’t have any on me.
What type of survey do you refuse to take? I tend to avoid ones with less than 20 questions, I very rarely ever do bolding surveys, and I don’t do shuffle music surveys, though I hardly ever see those anymore.
Are you a good speller? I think so.
What is your favorite song of the moment? I don’t have a particular current favorite. I haven’t been listening to music, lately. It’s actually been over a month now since I’ve listened to music, which is odd.
When was the last time you ate ice cream? It’s been a few years.
What are you eatting right now? I’m not eating anything right now, but I need to soon.
What do you currently smell? I don’t smell anything at the moment.
Have you ever snuck out of the house? Nope. 
Do you like to run? No.
Do you think you could run the mile in 10 minutes? Absolutely not. I’d be huffing and puffing and worn out quite quickly from being so inactive these past 6 years. Let’s be real, I wouldn’t even attempt it at all. I don’t have the energy for that.
Where do you plan on going this summer? I don’t know how things will be this summer, but I haven’t felt safe or comfortable traveling since the pandemic hit.
I won't take a survey if it isnt more than _____ questions. It’s gotta be at least 20 questions. 
One thing that can make you smile no matter what. My doggo.
What is something special about your town? My town sucks, ha.
How many surveys a day do you take? Usually, like 5 or so at least. Some days more, some days less.
Do you think people should make more surveys? I hope people keep making them and I’ll keep taking them.
What were you doing before this survey? Another survey while watching Ghosted.
When was the last time you logged onto Facebook/Myspace? I stay logged in, but I last checked my Facebook like 20 minutes ago.
What are you craving right now? Wingstop.
I am gonna get something to drink, do you need anything? I have my coffee, but thanks.
What was the longest movie you watched? A little over 3 hours.
Do you really think the world will end in 2012? Welp, we’re still here in 2021.
When cheese gets his picture taken what does he say? HAHA That was cheeeeesy.
Have you ever been to a job interview? No.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? I haven’t worn any makeup in a little over 3 years now.
Do you love soft pretzels? Yeah. It’s been years since I’ve had one, though.
Do you use IM anymore? Just Facebook Messenger now and then.
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Tell me about the last movie you watched. It was that Disney movie, Soul. 
Have you ever played 21 questions? Yeah.
When was the last time you talked to your last ex boyfriend? Like 6 years ago. 
Is your dog mixed or full? She’s a German Shepherd and Lab mix.
Do you like kool-aid? If so, what's your favorite flavor? I loved it as a kid. I haven’t had it since then.
When was the last time you sent a letter through the mail? Several years ago.
Do you know anybody in prison right now? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mother did together? We caught up on some of the shows we watch together.
Are you attending any parties this weekend? No.
What are your plans for the weekend anyway? Same stuff I do everyday.
Do you take good pictures? Ew, no.
Am I your friend on Bzoink? I don’t have a Bzoink account.
Do you add people for their surveys or for friendship? This is my survey blog so I follow other survey blogs.
What is your display picture on myspace/facebook right now? Same one I have on here.
What is going on outside right now? I don’t know.
Do you miss anybody right now? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
Who was the last person you kissed? Joseph, like 8 years ago.
Will you have sex tonight? No.
What color looks the best on you? I don’t feel I look good in anything, but I feel most comfortable in black.
Have you ever bought the wrong size because you were too lazy to check it? No.
What was the last thing you bought over 5 dollars? Takeout out the other day.
Do you have any mag subscriptions? No.
Do you know anybody who is going to the marines this year or next? No.
Have you watched Dear John? I’ve seen parts of it.
I can't leave my house without _____ My phone, wallet, mask, and hand sanitizer.
What is something you're not scared of but a lot of people are? I feel like I’m scared of a lot of things so I don’t know.
Would you ever have a threesome? No.
How far have you gone? I’m a virgin.
Are you an U.S citizen? I am.
How old will you be in 2012? I turned 23 in 2012.
Do you think you'll be married someday? I don’t see that happening.
Do you have any candles lit right now? No, I don’t have any candles. I’m not a candle person.
When was the last time your parents ordered pizza? We had pizza last week.
Do you loooove chicken alfredo as much as I do? I don’t care for it, personally.
What color computer do you wish you had? I like mine.
How many inches is your screen? It’s 13 inches.
Do you have any step siblings? No.
If so, how many? -
Do they annoy you? -
What color camera do you have? I just use my phone, which is a gold iPhone 12 Pro Max.
How many times a day do you talk to your mom on the phone? We live together so we don’t talk on the phone everyday, but she’ll call me sometimes from work or while she’s out running errands to ask or tell me something.
Who is somebody you haven't seen in a long time? A lot of my extended family. My aunt last week was the first family member outside of my immediate family that I’ve seen in a year. What are your school colors? I’m done with school.
What did you wear yesterday? My usual attire of leggings and a graphic tee.
What color straightner do you have? I don’t have a straightener anymore. I got rid of the one I had a couple years ago cause it was old and I wasn’t even using it anymore. I didn’t see the need to replace it since I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
How many times a day do you brush your grill? At least once.
Who was the last person to IM you? I think it was my aunt on Facebook Messenger.
Is your closet organized? It is. My aunt helped me do that last week. She helped me clean up and reorganize my room. I really can’t even say helped cause she did literally everything. 
Do you need to clean anything in your house right now? Nope.
What should you be doing? I don’t have anything I should be doing, I’m doing what I want to do. 
What would you rather be doing? I’m perfectly content with this. I just finished eating dinner and I’m feeling full and sleepy.
Do you listen to music really loud or really low? I listen to it at a reasonable level. I wanna hear it obviously, but I don’t need it blasting.
Do you live with anybody other than your siblings and your parents? My doggo as well.
Who was your last crush? Ty.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What is the weather like down around where you live? It’s currently 54F.
What is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy reading, watching YouTube videos, listening to ASMR, watching TV, coloring, doing surveys, scrolling through Tumblr, checking my social medias,  spending time with family, going to the beach, drinking coffee, sleeping...
How many pets do you own? I have one doggo. 
Are you close with your parents? I am. My mom, especially. She’s my best friend.
What is your favorite song? I have a lot of favorites.
Where do you shop the most for your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.
Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah, I’ve read many series.
When you tell someone you love them do you mean it? Absolutely. I don’t say those words loosely or a lot, but if I say it, I mean it.
Do you have a guy best friend? No.
Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I participated in all of my graduations.
Do you think the Tiger Wood's cheating thing is annoying? That’s super old news.
What is your favorite food? Wingstop’s garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings, ramen, spaghetti and meatballs, breakfast burritos or sandwiches, and biscuits and scrambled eggs smothered in country gravy with hash browns.
Do you ever eat anything everybody else thinks is gross? Probably my scrambled eggs and ranch combo.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What did you do for your last birthday? Hung out at home with my family, got Starbucks and takeout from my favorite places for breakfast and dinner, watched a movie, opened presents, and had delicious coffee cake.
What do you plan on doing for your 18th birthday? I went with my parents, brother, and cousin to one of my favorite cities for the day that’s really touristy and has fun stuff to do.
Are you excited for anything coming up? No.
Do you still have the same friends as you did when you were younger? I don’t have any friends anymore.
Is there a friend you never get to see anymore? --
Do you have to type with good grammer? Yeah, using proper grammar is important to me.
Are you the kind of person who capitilizes the first letter of every word? Nooo. I don’t like that. Or when people type in all lowercase or a mix of the two. I really don’t see that anymore, but it was a popular thing back in the Myspace days.
What is your favorite quote? There’s many.
Are you allowed to cuss in front of your parents? I’m 31 years old so I certainly could, but I choose not to. *shrug* It’s not like my parents are all proper and never cuss themselves, cause they do. My mom loves her f-bombs haha. It’s just how I am. 
How long was your last phone conversation? Just a couple minutes.
Who was you talking to? I was talking to my mom.
Which one of your friends annoy you? --
Have you ever lost a close friend to death? No.
Do you know someone who suffers from addiction? Yes, several people.
How old are you? 31.
Do you have a lot of pictures in your room? I do now. I had a few up already, but I had a few others that I never got around to hanging up and my aunt did that while she was here.
Do you have facebook? I do.
Do you update your status with a step by step guide of what your doing? Uh, no. No one would care to see that and I have no need to share that.
Have you ever found a dog/cat on the side of the road? Yes. :(
Do you go bowling in your town? I have a few times before back in the day. The last time I went bowling was over a decade ago.
Do you have a drive in theater. No, I wish. I really think those should make a big comeback now.
What are you wearing? Leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
What brand is your favorite shoe? Adidas.
Is your best friend's mom like your own? My best friend is my mom so yes? haha.
Do you have aniexty or depression? I have both, yay. -____-
How old do you think you will be when you get married? I don’t plan on ever getting married.
What is your favorite fast food resturant? Wingstop.
What do you usually order? Boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings with ranch and an extra side of lemon pepper sauce.
Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? No.
Don't you think the diamond ones are b-a? Huh?
Do you know what b-a means? No.
Have you and your friends ever made up a word? My cousins and I probably have when we were kids.
Don't you hate stomachaches? Ugh, yes. Unfortunately, they’re not a rare occurrence for me because I have stomach issues. :/ Heating pads are a must.
Have you ever gotten a stomache at the wrong time? yeah it always feels like the wrong time. like it's always at night when i'm trying to sleep. the worst. <<< Same. 
What is your favorite memory in life? Childhood.
Do you have any embarassing baby pictures of yourself? I don’t think any of my baby photos are embarrassing. I actually love those photos haha. Then I got older and ew.
What is the worst smell in the world? Shit? ha.
What is your favorite smell? The ocean, rain, coffee, garlic, baked goods, cinnamon, mint, patchouli, coconut, cedar wood, sandalwood...
Do you dye your hair a lot? Yeah. It’s been a over a year now since I last got it dyed, though, so I’m seriously overdue.
How do you style your hair most of the days? It’s always up in a messy bun. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it. I’m just at home all day anyway.
Do you have any fox racing clothing? No. I remember that was a popular thing in high school.
Do you have anybody in your family who rides dirtbikes/fourwheelers? Yes.
Have you ever rode a dirtbike/fourwheeler? Nooo.
Tell me how you got one of your scars? Spinal surgery.
Have you ever had a friend who cut themselves? Yes.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? The only thing I like about the summer is being able to go to the beach. Otherwise, I hate summertime.
Do you go tanning or do you lay out? I only ever get a tan when I go to the beach cause I’m out there for hours.
Do you have a beach towel or do you use a reg one? We have beach towels.
If you tan, what kind of lotion do you have? I don’t use any tanning lotion.
What is your favorite skin lotion? I don’t really have one. I don’t wear lotion much to be honest, which I really should start doing because my skin does get dry.
Have you ever used 3 minute miracle by aussie? Nope.
Do you use a lot of hair products? No, just shampoo, a detangling spray, and dry shampoo.
Why did you pick my survey? It was long and looked interesting.
Are you glad it's long? Yeah.
Or did I bore you? Nah, it’s fine.
What is your longest relationship? Whatever it was Joseph and I had went on for 3 years.
How long have you known your best friend? Since I was in the womb, ha.
Who is your favorite aunt? I’m really close to the aunt that came and stayed with us last week.
Do you have a cousin you dislike? No.
Do you own a pair of chanel earrings? Nope.
What is your favorite band? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Have you ever heard theroy of a deadman? I think so.
What is your comfort food? Ramen.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
What color is the color of your walls? White.
Do you own anything zebra striped? No.
What kind of straighner do you have? I don’t have one, we’ve been through this already.
Are you obsessed with your hair? No. I don’t do anything with it. I’m not good at maintaining the red I’ve been dyeing it for the past 6 years either. I was in the beginning when I got it done once a month, but then it started getting more and more months in between and then it turned into a year. I’m currently a little over a year overdue. Sighhh. I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do that or much of anything else. I barely get outta bed most days.
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waitingonthewind · 5 years
so ignoring the thousands of issues already existing in regards to the expectation on women to put in 300% more effort into maintaining their appearance to be seen as professional in a workplace environment, i wanna talk abt something important
im autistic. im probably never gonna get it officially diagnosed because of the hypothetical implications that could have on my ability to get a job. its not something about me that most people would "notice" as largely the only way it affects me is on a personal level.
but i am not, and will Never be capable of meeting a lot of the minimum standards expected of me to look Professional. i can wear (some) professional clothes provided they dont fuck with my sensory issues or restrict my mobility. cant wear heels, cant wear flats. sandshoes are unprofessional, so all i can wear are boots. but i always have to spend time and energy deciding if i should risk wearing a skirt. i sit in my chair stupid because i can never get comfortable and a skirt would risk flashing other people.
or perhaps someone would take offense to my legs, which i cant shave because the regrowth is too uncomfortable. i took my jacket off at work today and spent the entire time worried that my unshaved armpits would be considered Poor Grooming and not appropriate for the office. but i cant shave my armpits or the distraction of itchiness will overcome my ability to focus on my work
i cant wear makeup, not only because wearing it makes me feel like im being slowly smothered and suffocated, but because i am physically incapable of Not touching my face. cant wear foundation bc im picking at pimples, cant wear mascara because im plucking my eyelashes, cant wear lipstick because im pulling the dead skin off my lips. even if im not actively picking, my hands are still on my face. im probably gonna be a Pimple Person for the rest of my life.
when my hands arent destroying me skin, theyre tapping on the desk (not professional), theyre occupied by my phone (not professional) or theyre in my hair. which has to be short, because long hair bothers my ears and face too much when i sleep. my hands are picking at the pimples on my scalp, or just applying pressure while i lean and within half an hour of arriving at work, any attempt at styling my hair is rendered worthless.
so many jobs that i would be suited to perform would not accept me because they require "immaculate appearance". even if i were able to control my bad stimming habits, i STILL cant manage half the overly gender-specific things that are expected of me, whether i wanted to do them or not.
when i go to interviews, i put it all on. the foundation to hide my scabby pimples, the lipstick to hide the bleeding lips, the mascara, its all to try and stop myself from performing these Unprofessional acts while im waiting to be interviewed, in fear of ruining my shot before its begun. (of course, because closing my mouth properly requires active concentration i just Do Not Have, i ALSO have to worry about lipstick teeth. which happebs every single time.)
But even just wearing it feels so uncomfortable to me and it takes all of my self control not to remove it all the moment i put it on. without fail, the moment i get in the car after my interview i scrub off the lipstick immediately. the only bit i can tolerate is the mascara, but i rub my eyes too often to risk leaving it on.
i am NEVER going keep up my Appearance in the way thats expected of me in most workspaces and its a huge barrier. my Tidy and Well Groomed is so fucking different to the Standard, and to say that has nothing to do with the Standard only being applicable to people who are Neurotypical would be a bald-faced lie.
and yet its seen as being lazy or lacking pride in your appearance.
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My mom also told me im gonna have tl wear makeup when im apying to jobs and doing interviews. Im sorry- do i look like someone who wants to work for people who only like me bc of my fake painted face- no, no fucking chance
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