#this guys account is a goldmine of cute
seth-burroughs · 1 year
MDA:RC Character likes, dislikes and abilities
Yuma Kokohead - likes detective novels & peace and happiness for everyone, dislikes amnesia and war. Forte: Coalescence.
Shinigami - likes Yuma, dislikes boredom. Ability: Mystery Labirynth interactions.
Pucci Lavmin - likes classical music, dislikes loud people. Forte: Audial Aptitude.
Melami Goldmine - likes beautiful, heartwarming clothes, dislikes ugly, non-heartwarming clothes. Forte: Spiritism.
Zange Eraser - likes whisky, dislikes modern cellphones. Forte: Thoughtography.
Aphex Logan - likes basketball, dislikes rogues with no sense of justice. Forte: Life Detection.
Zilch Alexander - likes animals, dislikes destruction of nature. Forte: Animal Investigation.
Fake Zilch Alexander - likes destroying nature, dislikes animals. Ability: impersonations.
Swank Catsonell - likes fatty sirloin steak, dislikes fish. Ability: speed eating.
Yakou Furio - likes Kamasaki District meat buns, dislikes debt. Ability: flair for negotiation.
Number One - likes cigars, dislikes sweets. Ability: running away.
Halara Nightmare - likes cats and dogs, dislikes cruel con artists. Forte: Postcognition.
Kei Colan - likes baseball, dislikes loneliness. Ability: foot racing.
Jiei Colan - likes his son, dislikes wasting time. Ability: fixing clocks and watches.
Seth Burroughs - likes wind instruments, dislikes untuned instruments. Ability: chess.
Priest - likes faith, dislikes atheists. Ability: making speeches.
Worshipper - likes urban legends, dislikes a world filled with happiness. Ability: knowledge of the occult.
Nun - likes death metal, dislikes people who can't get into music. Ability: price negotiations.
Servant - likes anime figures, dislikes violence. Ability: video games.
Yomi Hellsmile - likes handmade torture tools, dislikes foolish humans who defy him. Ability: torture.
Martina Electro - likes Yomi's photo / impartial justice, dislikes stalkerish underlings / self-serving people. Ability: interrogation.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt - likes all cute girls, dislikes popular guys. Forte: Disguise.
Kurumi Wendy - likes cameras, dislikes information manipulation. Ability: tailing suspects.
Aiko - likes acting, dislikes fighting. Ability: acting.
Yoshiko - likes teddy bears, dislikes syringes. Ability: sewing.
Waruna - likes trendy makeup, dislikes sympathy. Ability: makeup.
Kurane - likes romance novels, dislikes electronic gadgets. Ability: memorizing the script.
Makoto Kagutsuchi - likes raw ham & peace and happiness for everyone, dislikes olives and his original self. Ability: cat's-cradle, Forte: Coalescence.
Fubuki Clockford - likes exciting adventures, dislikes unexciting adventures. Forte: Time Leap.
Shachi - likes resistance comrades, dislikes Amaterasu Corporation. Ability: fishing.
Iruka - likes firearms, dislikes lip service. Ability: sniping.
Margulaw - likes antiques, dislikes Amaterasu products. Ability: accounting.
Servan - likes complex machinery, dislikes bullies. Ability: mechanical repair.
Icardi - likes swimming, dislikes losing. Ability: swimming.
Guillaume Hall - likes happy, joyful killing, dislikes boring prey. Ability: fortune telling.
Dominic Fulltank - likes sleeping lazily, dislikes thinking. Ability: arm wrestling.
Vivia Twilight - likes fluffy pillows, dislikes hard pillows and living. Forte: Spectral Projection.
Dr. Huesca - likes research, dislikes people who disturb his research. Ability: mental arithmetic.
Fink the Slaughter Artist - likes knives, dislikes large crowds. Ability: murder.
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beardedmrbean · 3 years
POV: You’re a tiny runner duck that looks like a candlestick bowling pin.
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If DC Had Vines
(not a vine just some assorted things its important to me that you guys know)
-Jason is legally dead, and thus does not have a vine account
-Vine is an unexpected goldmine for ‘Jason Todd Is Alive’ crackhead theorists that has not yet been discovered, and it amuses him
-Basically if Steph isn’t filming a vine on her account, Jason is
-a ton of people claim that Steph doesn’t actually know the waynes and just has really good stunt doubles
-Damian mostly has cute vines playing with his pets (recorded and posted there by dick; Damian has not figuered out how to delete vines), panning shots of artwork he’s done, or quick insults/critiques.
-Steph has most of the actual memey-vines on her account.
-In DC, vine never died. Bruce bought it after lots of begging/blackmail from his children. He claims to regret it to this day.
-I talk alot in the tags of these so maybe read those if you want context?
-I also try to tag each actual vine with who’s Vine account its on with ‘X’s vine’
-I usually tag the alias’s of the characters when I post things with them, but DC with vines will only have their secret identity because 1. they only have vines for their civilian ID’s and 2. I need the tag space
-its called DC vines but ATM It’s Batfam so no promises further then that. 
-you are welcome to submit ideas for this
-there is not a single clear photo of Cass on Vine, despite her appearances in multiple vines for her siblings; it’s always conveniently angled or frustratingly blurred.
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daresplaining · 7 years
MCU Danny Rand Week: Day 6
A Favorite Personality Trait
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    Danny Rand: Cheerful Badass
    Danny is... many things. (Take it away, Danny...)
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Danny: “...I’ll remind you that-- I am a multi-billionaire super-powered martial artist who returned to this realm for the sole purpose of mortal revenge.”
Immortal Iron Fists #4 by Kaare Andrews, Afu Chan, and Shelly Chen    
    ...So our favorite personality trait is actually a combination of traits-- a feature of Danny’s character that stole our hearts the first time both of us started reading Iron Fist, and which Finn Jones and the writers have done a beautiful job recreating in the Netflix shows. Comics Danny, at the age of nine, watched his dad get pushed off a cliff and his mom get eaten alive by wolves. MCU Danny didn’t have it quite so bad-- he only watched his parents die in a plane crash that he barely survived himself. In both universes, he could easily have turned into a dark, haunted person. In fact, he did for a while. As mentioned, he returned to Earth in order to murder a guy (and we’ll be talking about the differences between how the show and comics handled this revenge quest tomorrow!). But in spite of all the horror he’s been through in his life, he has blocked and dodged all (well, most) of the broody psychosis so often thrown at street-level heroes, and remains an amazingly upbeat, friendly, cheerful, genuine person. We don’t use this term much, because it’s subjective and not exactly analytical, but... he’s adorable. He is one of the least emotionally-constipated superheroes out there, and that’s really refreshing, particularly for a male character. 
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Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #57 by Mary Jo Duffy, Trevor Von Eedon, and G. Roussos
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Danny: “Look, despite all that’s happened-- all that’s changed-- I want you to know. You’re still my best friend. And I’ll always be there.”
Cage vol. 1 #13 by Marc McLaurin, Scott Benefiel, and Frank Turner
    This doesn’t mean he doesn't experience hardship, or character development-- he does, in spades. But he always bounces back from adversity with a smile, and almost never takes it out on his loved ones. Matt Murdock (to uh, throw out a name at random) is fun to read about... but we’d never, ever want to be friends with him. But you bet we would hang out with Danny.   
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Danny: “Just consider this a little reminder... that crime doesn’t pay!”
Luke: “You havin’ a good time, Fist?”
Power Man and Iron Fist vol. 1 #63 by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, and Ed Hannigan 
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Jeryn: “Danny... are you using your Rand expense account to fund Luke and his fugitive Avengers?”
Danny: “Nooooo. [...] Yes.”
Immortal Iron Fist #16 by Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, David Aja, et al.
    And that on its own would make him an enjoyable character, but it is paired with the fact that he is the Iron Fist, which requires a certain mindset and level of-- for lack of a better term-- stone-cold badassery. Danny is a sweet guy, but if you get on his bad side he can, and will, end you. Immortal Iron Fist, goldmine of fantastic Danny quotes, gives us one of our favorite lines to epitomize this side of his personality:     
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Danny: “One day, this mantle bestowed upon me... the Iron Fist... one day it will kill me. I know this. And I hope it’s a glorious, heroic death. I hope I die in a way that honors my gifts. I hope I embrace my death when it comes. I imagine fire. I imagine blood.”
Immortal Iron Fist #3 by Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, David Aja, et al.
    The Netflix shows have done a great job of balancing this duality, mostly thanks to Finn’s amazing ability to be cute one minute and terrifyingly intense the next. 
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    Danny’s arc in Iron Fist and The Defenders did end up following the trend of all of the Netflix shows and skewing darker than most of the source material-- which we were kind of expecting. But what’s important is that Danny’s lightness of spirit was retained, and this balance of personality traits, which is part of what makes his character so much fun, has been celebrated and adapted into glorious live action. 
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Pinterest is an odd duck. It’s a very particular internet microcosm and from the outside, it can seem like nothing at all. I always thought it was sort of substantless. I don’t even own a photo album (virtual or otherwise), what would I ever want with a Pinterest account? I only got interested in the platform when my deep love of anime fan art got to the point where keeping them all in a folder on my desktop seemed unpractical since I never took the time to admire them. The Pinterest layout was better for that and for a while that’s all it was. Just my personal fanart folder.
nothing wrong with an extra fan art folder!
Eventually, I decided to keep my screencaps there. I figured if anything ever happened to my blog, at least I would have my pretty pictures. Then my screencap issues spiralled mildly out of control (my autocorrect wanted to change “mildly” for “wildly”. Judgy!!) and I started using it as a complement to the blog. I can’t just cram 100 pictures in every review after all. 200+ for the purdy shows. Then I discovered Imgur and found it it would be easier for you guys to download high res caps from there so I started using that as my extended gallery
I kept my Pinterest though. And kept adding the caps there as well. There’s just something about the way images are presented on a board that speaks to me. You can really get an overall view. It’s not just individual scrolling pictures like Imgur, it’s, well, boards.
My Pinterest is pretty basic. I have boards for individual anime I am likely to be collecting a lot of fanart from, or that I am reviewing episodically and therefore have a particularly large amount of caps for. I also have an anime review board with sections for individual series. I started out with a board called “anime I like” which is essentially a miscellaneous as well.
Lately, though, I’ve developed something of a hobby. For someone like me that gets weird satisfaction out of sorting out and organizing things, Pinterest offers a lot of opportunities. I once did a collab with the wonderful Jordanne from Bloodthirsty Little Beasts and she thought me that you can create thematic boards. Boards that essentially tell a story through unrelated images. I’m not quite there yet. I like to think of that as Pinterest advanced! I am striving for it.
In the meantime, I’ve started a few more general boards. Anime boys and girls were the two first not so strictly categorized boards. They were just created so I would have a spot for the cute character portraits came across, that weren’t necessarily from a show I had seen (or any show for that matter).
There’s nothing special about these boards. I think  90% of Pinterest users have something similar. Just cause it isn’t original doesn’t mean it’s not fun. There’s something almost therapeutic about coming home after a long day and getting lost in a sea of beautiful anime charas. It’s cheaper than booze too.
Slowly though I branched out into just slightly more unusual but nearly, territory. Anime food. I have had a long-standing interest in anime food and often go out of my way to get screencaps of yummy looking dishes whenever they feature in something I’m watching. Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits was a goldmine in that regard. It’s really fun to see different artistic interpretations of the same dish. I know I m not the only one with this inclination. Since creating the board I’ve discovered a lot of similar ones on Pinterest.
That’s the thing, once you get just a bit more unusual, you can easily find people with similar image interests as you. The platform is not very interactive in any way but it is well geared towards finding the images you’re looking for. As a way to form an extremely vague connection with someone you never have to interact with, it’s pretty good.
The next board I made because it seemed silly that I hadn’t already made it was Anime drunks. I was surprised just how few pins I had for this board. Clearly, I should get on it and make more of an effort to find my fellow animated boozehounds. You know, with summer coming back, I’ve been drinking less. Pretty soon people will be calling me a fake drunk and they’ll be right! This is embarrassing.
So far these were fun Little collections without much more to them. But it’s a bit different with the two last boards I created. At first glance, they’re really not that different, in fact, I didn’t realize they would be special in any way when I created them but now, they’ve opened my eyes to the potential of Pinterest.
The first of these boards is Animescapes. This is where I keep screen caps of landscapes, backgrounds and buildings. Because these backgrounds are primarily screencaps I’ve taken myself across many different shows, rather than fanart, and thanks to Pinterest’s big picture layout, it becomes very easy to compare the images. I’ve started to pick up on trends in the background colouring of shows and the framing if buildings for example.
It’s brought to my attention certain details and visual elements I would never have noticed while watching the show. And even going back over screencaps I’ve taken, there are things that only become obvious when you can see them all together. It gives you a visual sense of the space in which anime exist.
This has become a bit of a low key obsession. I go back over episodes and try to capture as many backgrounds as possible. Preferably shown at different times of the day or in different seasons. I compare Sakuras and full moons. I try to see the imagery that comes up most often but we may have missed cause our brains are trained to follow the action. I’ve gotten a few post ideas from there and they are some of my favourites.
I don’t have enough backgrounds to do any in-depth analysis yet. Eventually, I think I might subdivide this board. Cityscapes, rural landscapes, interiors, that sort of thing.  I’ve noticed anime has a lot of wooden interiors even though these have become much less popular in real life. I wonder if they are easier to illustrate…
The last board I created is anime eyes. I really don’t know why it took me so long. I have always loved the expressive nature of Anime eyes and some of you may have noticed that close-ups of characters’ eyes are frequent in my screen caps. Unlike the landscapes, I pay close attention to eyes while I’m watching a show. Too close maybe. I entangled the expression with everything else that’s happening. And that’s fine, it’s how you’re supposed to watch a show I figure.
However, being able to go back to those images stripped of context gives me a whole new appreciation of just how much can be conveyed in a single frame. And you can see from one show to the next, one face to the next, how simple changes in line shape or thickness can really affect the impression an image leaves. I love that about animation. This is part of what I enjoy of the medium over live action.
And Pinterest of all things has brought that out in a way that I can really appreciate it. I hope that in the future I will learn to use the platform better and create some truly interesting boards.
Do you have a Pinterest? If so, how do you use it?
Irina’s Pinterest Journeys Pinterest is an odd duck. It's a very particular internet microcosm and from the outside, it can seem like nothing at all.
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