#this hair was so cuuuute aaah
choi-taeyang · 2 years
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soul · plog · 230209
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pastelchosen · 2 years
"Aaah! I love your hair so much!"
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“Ahh, thank you!!! I absolutely love yours, oh my god- pastel, too? Cuuuute!!” He beams.
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akutagawasbitches · 4 years
Okayokay I've had the cutest idea for a while now and I think you're able to write it well - imagine Chuuya's gloves get damaged so he has to buy new ones, but s/o comes to his rescue, she has knitted him new ones. Obviously Chuuya is a softie, he can't just reject her hard work. Cue everyone from the Mafia teasing him for him for it ( ꈍᴗꈍ). You can choose if it's a scenario or hc :D
Omg this is such a cute idea I’m crying! I decided to do a scenario and may of gotten carried away. I hope you enjoy it!
“SHIT!” yelled Chuuya, frowning as he looked at his ruined gloves. “God fucking dammit now I need to get new ones and those were expensive.” Groaned Chuuya. “What are you yelling about Chu?” asked y/n looking at him with a confused expression. “My gloves. They’re ruined.” Singed Chuuya, showing them the gloves, which were practically disintegrating in his hands due to their state. Y/N didn’t say anything, she only frowned slightly. She quickly grabbed Chuuya’s hands and started examining them as if looking for any potential injuries. “Y/N I’m fine I promise, its my gloves that are ruined not me.” Y/N ignored him and continued to study his hands intently. “You’ll probably have to buy new ones huh?” she asked. “Yeah. Its annoying as these were expensive and newly bought but I need them. They’re practically like my armour; they protect me from going overboard.” Y/N didn’t say anything but Chuuya couldn’t help noticing her starting to smile slightly. “What if I bought you new gloves? Then its like a piece of me protecting you! And I can also give you a gift.” “No. I don’t want you to waste your money, this is something I need so I will buy it. No buying it behind my back and acting like you ‘accidentally’ bought it okay? I will buy new ones myself, okay y/n?” Chuuya replied. “Fine.” Replied Y/N with a small pout on her face. “Now let’s go to bed I’m exhausted and I just want to lie down in bed with you” Chuuya said with a soft smile on his face. Y/N couldn’t’ say no to that face so she joined him their bed and rested her head on his chest. As she started to drift of to sleep, she couldn’t help thinking about the gloves and how much they meant to Chuuya. She then had an idea. Y/N looked up at Chuuya to see if he was asleep, He was, his hair falling over his face perfectly framing it. He looked so peaceful and Y/N’s heart couldn’t help but swell with love at the sight of him peacefully sleeping. Quietly she tiptoed out of the room and into their living room. She quietly rummaged around her drawers to find her knitting needles and yarn and then set herself to work, quietly knitting. It was 4am when she finished the gloves, but they looked spectacular if she did say so herself. Black with buttons at the wrists for adjustment when needed and a tiny heart sewn at the bottom as a small reminder of how much she loved him. Smiling, she picked up the gloves and placed him in a gift bag she found in the drawers.
 Chuuya woke up late, being awoken by the sound of his phone’s alarm going off. He looked over and saw Y/N sleeping, her hair a mess and she was slightly drooling. He chuckled to himself, she looked so cute! He gently pecked her cheek, whispered a quick goodbye and got dressed for the day. After a quick stop for some coffee, Chuuya arrived at his office and got started on the paperwork on his desk. Once he started looking through it, he internally groaned. It was going to be a long day. He continued with paperwork until he heard his phone ring. Putting his pen down, he glanced over at his phone. “Text from Y/N” his phone screen read. He quickly opened his phone, eager to see what she had said. “Meet me at the boba café in 20 minutes. It’s urgent.” Chuuya frowned. She normally was more friendly in her texts, sending him an insane amount of emojis or signing off with a heart. She only sent brief texts when she was upset or there was an emergency. Did he do something wrong to upset her? No, he couldn’t think of anything. Then it must be an emergency. He grabbed his phone and rushed out the door to the boba café.
Anxiously, he stood outside looking for Y/N. He was looking around when he heard familiar voices arguing “Aaah you don’t know what you’re talking about”. Chuuya turned around and saw Tachihara and Gin arguing or rather Tachihara arguing and Gin glaring at him with Hirotsu smoking a cigarette. “Listen you two, start behaving properly or I’ll be forced to give you a lesson in manners.” snapped Hirotsu, glaring at them both. Tachihara scoffed and turned around, spotting Chuuya. “Oi! Nakahara-san what are you doing out here? The Boss didn’t say anything about you supervising us!” “That’s because I’m not, idiot. I’m here meeting my girlfriend because there’s any emergency” replied Chuuya. “Oh? What kind of emergency?” asked Tachihara with a curious look on his face. “Personal, it is none of your concern and” Chuuya was about to carry on talking when he heard a familiar voice yelling “Chuuu!”. Before he knew it, he had two arms wrapped around his waist and one smiley girlfriend hugging him tightly. “Y/N! What’s the emergency? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” asked Chuuya, worry etched all over his face and he looked over her checking for any injuries. “Emergency? What emergency?” asked Y/N with a quizzical look on her face. “You… you texted me that there was an emergency and to meet you outside the boba café in 20 minutes.” replied Chuuya with an exasperated look on his face. “Oh! I lied! I said it was an emergency, so you’d come! I knew you were going to be at your desk all day doing paperwork so I lied so I could get you to meet me so I could give you your gift!” replied Y/N cheerfully. “Y/N that was important paperwork that I had to finish, and you shouldn’t lie to me about things like that, wait you got me a gift?” asked Chuuya. “Yes! Well no, I made you a gift! Here!” replied Y/N, thrusting a gift bag into Chuuya’s hands. “I know how important your gloves were to you and I know you told me not to buy you new ones but I knitted these, so I technically didn’t buy them, so I didn’t go against your wishes. I was up all night making them! So, do you like them?” asked Y/N, her eyes glistening with excitement. Chuuya carefully opened the bag and reached inside, pulling out two beautifully handcrafted gloves. Chuuya stared at them, speechless. He was absolutely speechless, blushing heavily until Tachihara began laughing and teased him, commenting “Awww Nakahara-san has handmade gloves! That’s so cuuuute! You’re such a softie Nakahara san! Look you’re blushing!”. “Fuck off I’m not.” Snapped Chuuya, his cheeks still red and blushing. Y/N gently nudged him, and asked “Well do you like them? Try them on!” Chuuya blinked and blushed even harder but he silently obliged, putting on them gloves. “They’re a perfect fit, thank you.” Chuuya commented softly. “Perfect pair like us.” replied Y/N smiling. Chuuya smiled and gently kissed her cheek. “Thank you, I love them.” Y/N blushed and kissed his back. “Anything for you Chu.” Chuuya smiled and kissed her lips hard. “Gross!” yelled Tachihara “Get a room you two. Ow!” yelled Tachihara after Gin smacked him across the back of his head, the two of them resuming their argument with an annoyed Hirotsu in the background watching. Chuuya simply smiled and hugged Y/N close to his side.
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daeva-agas · 7 years
Ikesen ask meme
Tagged by @nyktoon-ikemenlove and @captainmotonari
1. Your Top 3 favorite warlords (in order)
1) Kennyo, 2) Mitsunari, 3) Hideyoshi
2. Favorite moment in the game so far
That one time in Hide route where Nobu drags MC to the kitchen to steal konpeitou together. Nobubu, you are such a brat, and it’s funny as heck. 
Does JP app and/or bonus stories count? 
Because I really like that one bonus story where Shingen invites himself to Kennyo’s hut and makes a weird dessert hotpot that consist of mochi and honey and other random sweet stuff and the whole time Kennyo is like “oh dear Buddha, Shingen no”, but humours him anyway. 
3. Who has the best hair?
... I dunno, to be honest a lot of the hairstyles are almost same-y to me... 
Mitsun’s, I guess? It looks soft and nice to touch haha...
4. Which voice do you like the most?
Is it bad to say that I often mute the phone, so I rarely hear voices? I even let the voice bonuses pile up in my album for days and weeks before I get around to listening to them.
Mitsun’s voice is so cuuuute uggh, I’m melting from the sweetness. 
And while I don’t know if I like it, Kennyo has a really interesting voice. It’s deep, but the tone is very very soft, it’s kind of chilling. Usually deep voices are kinda “heavy”, even when not being harsh.
5. Who do you think you’re more compatible with?
... Mitsun, maybe? And then one day we’d both be dead on the floor, and Hideyoshi would yell, and everything would be in chaos.
When I’m so focused into stuff, I would forget food/water/sleep etc too. Maybe slightly better than Mitsun, but still.
6. Which warlord appeals to your aesthetics? Does this mean clothes? Character design?
I really like elaborate costume pieces, so Nobu and Hide’s armours are yes yes yes forever. But if it comes to face, Kennyo totally. I like scars and older men appearance. While Shingen is older, his sprite looks younger then Kennyo TBH. 
7. Which relationship between the warlords is your favorite?
Shingen and Kennyo being idiot bros
Hide babysitting Nobu
Mitsun obliviously fanboying over unhappy Yasu
Akechi trolling and Hide grousing at the trolling
8. Which warlord makes you the most frustrated?
I say Kennyo a lot, but OH BANANAS, CYBIRD, WHY
Especially when the bonus stuff totally feels so bipolar, when I binge-read and listen to the stuff in my album after neglecting them. 
One clip would be like ANNNNGNSSSTTT then the next one is teasing, and then there’s SHOUJO DISNEY FAIRYTALE SUGAR SWEET AAAH CAVITIES AAAH *explodes*
9. Who would you swear loyalty to;  the Oda forces, the Uesugi-Takeda forces, or Third Party forces?
Team Azuchi. Except when Kennyo is concerned, and I’m probably going to be eternally conflicted about it *sigh*
10. Do you prefer Romantic or Dramatic routes?
Any is game, aye!
Bonus questions
From @nyktoon-ikemenlove: My question! Which warlord’s values do you align with the most?
Yeeeessshhhh I DUNNO, I’M SORRY. I don’t actually... notice what their values are TBH. I legit can’t tell what Masamune’s is, for example. Or Hideyoshi’s, other than “NOBU-SAMA IS EVERYTHING!!!”.
From @captainmotonari: The elevator’s stuck and you’re going to be here for two hours. There are two warlords with you… who are they and what lovely (or traumatizing) events unfold?
Ieyasu and Mitsunari and I shall get to watch some top notch comedy. Ieyasu will try to figure out a solution, Mitsun praises it and tries to help, but Ieyasu refuses because Mitsun will only make things worse, until finally they all just stop or help comes XD
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