#this has probably taken like 2 hours in total of writing spread out across three-five days
Helsmit headcanons
The way I headcanon Helcraft and the Helsmits to work is that during season 3, the Gods decided that Hermitcraft was getting a bit overpowered (it hosted Watchers, Listeners, as well as ancient gods and species that were almost extinct, with many more to join), and decided to create a server to balance it out! Nobody expected Hermitcraft to exist as long as it is, so Helscraft is missing some features.
Namely, they don't get a new world. They're on the same world as when they were created. This is the source of a few problems at times, especially when new members arrive. However, due to farms and careful planning to avoid going into new chunks when not needed, the server is relatively stable.
One of these plans to avoid loading new chunks is the addition of groups. There are three groups set up, and new Helsmits often join one of these. The groups are the following: Spawn, which is a roughly 400 block circle containing spawn, and several friend groups. (such as the NHelsO, Team ZPR, the Space Squad, and the 'Main Four) The Swamp, the smallest group, set in a modified swamp that covers about 100 blocks in total, only four people live here currently. The Mountains, which contains a replica of an Ancient City built inside it. This is a fairly large group, and where the non-social Helsmits stay.
New Helsmits either come from alternate universes or already existed in their universe and got an invite around the time their Hermit joined Hermitcraft!
It should be said that the Helsmits aren't evil. Some of them have bad relationships with their Hermit, but many just want to live. They've all been through some difficult things in the past, and sometimes that means lashing out at others.
They view themselves as protectors of Hermitcraft, due to the fact that Helscraft is a weak spot in the whitelist and protective measures of the server, and as such the Runaway Watchers target the server. The only time this became a big issue was during season 8/9, when a group of Watchers broke into the server and used it to crash the moon, before fully taking over Helscraft.
It should be noted that Etho and Grian, while not being Helsmits, often hang out on the server and see it as a second home. They both get along with their Hels, and many of the other server members!
Ex - Voidwalker/Watcher - he/they Ex was chosen as admin of Helscraft due to their relationship with Xisuma. They were the former prince of the Voidwalkers and as such, treats his role as admin as if he were king. Ex doesn't actually stand for Evil Xisuma, it's short for Exion, an old voidtongue word for 'protector' that was their old name before they became a helsmit. They also pronounce their name as 'E-X', mostly to avoid confusion with X. Ex and Xisuma have a more neutral relationship. Xisuma wants to reconnect with Ex, and Ex feels the same way. However, Ex also suffered at the hands of the Watchers due to Xisuma not listening to his ideas.
Hels - Angel/Watcher - they/it/he/blaze/hell Hels wandered onto Helscraft after escaping the Watchers and has since adopted a protector role. They are headstrong and quick to anger, but truly care for the safety of everyone on the server. Hels is actually their chosen name! They identify as a trans demiboy, and chose Hels both as a way to mock Wels and the entire angel city. Hels and Wels have a heavily negative relationship. Wels wants to hang out with Hels, to revisit the old days when they were kids. However, Hels has a lot of anger directed at Wels, for many things. Honestly, the best way to sum up Hels' feelings towards Wels is the song Feel Better by Penelope Scott.
Badtimed (Bad) - Alleyling/Listener - he/xe/they Bad was traveling with Hels before joining Helscraft, trying to escape the Listeners. They are rather calm for a Helsmit, which is saying something. Xe is Scar's older brother! However, the two were both separated when Scar was a small child, and as such, Scar grew up not knowing Bad existed. Bad and Scar's relationship is fully neutral. They both feel proud of each other, but there is a level of awkwardness due to missing out on so much of their lives.
Xornoth - Elf/demon- They/them Xornoth arrived in Helscraft during mid-season 7, trying to escape Exor. They crash landed onto Helscraft and were taken in by Ex and Hels. Xornoth actually rejects Exor's control, and is actively working against the god. When not corrupted, they have a rather easy going personality, and prefers to stay out of fighting. It is unknown who Xornoth is the Hels of, and it is theorized that they are the Hels of Pearl and Gem. However, nothing is set in stone.
Grain - Watcher/parrot hybrid - she/her Oh my god it's the famous popstar Ariana Griande :0000. Wait sorry, that's the Helsmit of Grian... Aka, meet Grian's sister, Grain! Grain named herself, because when you don't identify as your assigned gender and you've suffered through a high school that could function as hell, you can pick a funny name. Grain and Grian are best friends. They are like the siblings in movies that somehow get along. You put them in a room with some redstone contraption, they'll either break it or it'll be 10 times better then it was before. High positive. Also yes she's also Ariana Griande. It's how she sneaks onto Hermitcraft before the Helsmits were well known.
Renbob - wolf hybrid - he/they Idk what to say about this guy. He just popped into Helscraft when Ren joined and claimed himself a part of the server. They're best friends with Grain and Proto. What more do you need?
Proto - robot - they/he/blue Proto is short for Prototype Grumbot, or a fully humanoid version of the robot from season 7! Blu looks just like Grumbot, only with legs and sentience. Blue's actually one of the chillest server members. Proto feels out of place on Helscraft due to the fact that blu is fully non-human. They are a full robot and that leads to some seperation with the others. Grain and Renbob are always there for blu though, and always make sure he gets what he needs Mumbo and Proto don't really interact with each other, with Proto preferring to keep to blueself instead of interacting with their hermit.
Echo - Voidling/Listener - they/void Echo isn't their actual name, back before they joined Helscraft, it was Pathos. However, due to backstory™, they see themself as a 'echo' of their former self. Echo appears rather scary, but is actual pretty easy going! Voi just loves to blow stuff up! Echo came from a different universe, where the Jungle didn't happen and some other assorted stuff was different. However, they were summoned into Helscraft after they watched their Hermitcraft be overtaken by Watchers and most server members permakilled. Echo and Etho have a highly positive relationship. Their personality's work well together, and they have similar interests!
Chicken - dove avian/Watcher - He/him Chicken, just like the rest of the NHelsO, was from an alternate universe. Chicken got the short end of the stick, coming from a universe where avians like himself were a collectors item. Chicken got his name because Adubs didn't know what doves were and asked if he was a chicken hybrid. Chicken and Beef have a relatively neutral relationship. Neither have really connected with each other but get along well if in a conversation.
Adubs - glare/phantom/Watcher - it/he/rot Adubs doesn't actually remember most of its past, as in rots universe, his body was overtaken by the Jungle and wiped of memories. This is also why when asked to chose a name, rot decided to steal his hermit's name and change one letter like the basic bitch it is. Adubs and Bdubs have a negative relationship, due to Adubs viewing Bdubs as an imposter and Bdubs seeing Adubs as a version of the evil that almost took him.
13 - cat :3 - he/it/blast 13 is just straight up a gray and white anthropomorphic cat. Still has the same missing face and arm as Doc btw. He's just a cat. Nothing else has been changed. Yes he gets hit with furry jokes all the time. He got his name because blast didn't know math and thought 7+7 was 13. Nobody lets it live it down. 13's passion is redstone casino games. But rigged to hell and back. Also anything involving TNT. Blast is a menace. 13 and Doc have surprisingly positive relationship! On bad days, they can't be near each other, but they do enjoy each other's company and love bouncing ideas off each other!
Zedx/Zex/FedX - demon - he/they/swirl/color Don't ask them about their names/nicknames, it was all because Joe Hels is a menace and might not be from this universe. Honestly I don't have a ton figured out for swirl yet, but I have been taking inspiration from both the Nether (Minecraft) and the Spiral from TMA. You know those THA!Zed drawings? Add a bit more black/red/teal and slightly less glitchy-ness and you've got Zex. Zed and Zex love working together. They just chill and break reality whenever they meet up! Positive relationship!
Relic (Reluctance) - Angel - he/they Relic is one of the few Helsmits that is exactly the opposite of their hermit, down to the backstory. While Impulse was used as a free wish machine, Relic was used as a fortune teller by the angels. Relic is the most peaceful of all the Helsmits, as they hate fighting and would rather sit around and heal the others. This doesn't mean he won't fight, he just hates it. Relic and Impulse have a neutral/negative relationship, mostly due to the natural dislike Angels and Demons have for each other. They do both wish that the other has a happy life though.
Polka - Warden/axolotl - he/she Polka. Beautiful mess of a creature. Not Warden enough to live full time in ancient cities and not axolotl enough to have a place underwater. She has mild control of water, and can summon it or give himself waterbreathing for a certain amount of time! As a fun fact, if he summons the water in the Nether, it works like if it was placed in the overworld. Yes she has drowned in the Nether and flooded it before. Polka and Tango are very chill :) they are complete opposites but both love redstone! I'd say a positive relationship!
And that's it for the fully fleshed out Helsmits! I do have some other ideas bouncing around, but haven't gotten a chance to fully create the characters!
So here's those none fleshed out characters:
Joe Hels - all pronouns I adore this name for no reason. It gives off all the vibes this guy has. This guy is either a demon or a Listener. but not both he can't be both. I have no idea for anything about xym except for the name.
(unnamed Cleo hels) - she/they (?) I have no idea who they should be or their name. All I know is that she is the single human on this whole server. I will take name ideas because I have none ;-;
True - hawk - she/it/cog Honestly the only reason she's on this list is because I haven't gotten around to hc/empires false lore so until then it's not developed.
CalmCreature - she/her Genuinely have no ideas for her. Got her name and she's not human in any way, but no more ideas yet
Herobrine - Void demon god thingy - he/it Meet TFC's hels and also his brother. Yeah that's all really. He doesn't stay on Helscraft much because it's a god, but he loves to check in and make sure the server isn't on fire
(unnamed Keralis hels) - *screeches in unknown* - it/void/he Eldritch horror Keralis that is all. Also known as I like the idea of EHK but that doesn't work with that Watcher!Keralis that exists in my main headcanons so here. this is my solution.
@kamishirosss here's the tag! I'll finish the next few posts about stuff in a few days :D
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qnangelica-blog · 7 years
Stained Glass Eyes
Note: I’m a new fic writer! I love writing but I’m also super busy so I’m not sure how frequently I’ll get to write but I’m doing this so hopefully more often than not. Lmao also I started writing this like 2 years ago for a completely different fandom so the first few chapters (bc there will be more than one) the writing could be a little weird, I’m editing them and such but they’ll most probably be different than later chapters bc I’d like to hope that my writing has improved since then :) This is the 1st chapter, so it’s just getting things started, let me know if a part 2 is wanted!
Pairing: Lafayette x reader
Summary: (High School! AU) Lafayette and (Y/N) are seniors, and their paths only crossed under an unfortunate (and unlikely) event.
Warnings: some swearing, semi-badly translated french
Word count: 2310
“Merde” was my first thought as I walked into the school building. Three years into American high school, and I was not having une bonne fois (a good time). My friends were great, but I can’t say the same for Ridgeview High School. I was ready to go and explore the country, to bring justice to those who need it most. Instead, I was stuck in an old (and kind of dirty) building learning mostly boring things. Seulement une année de plus. Seulement une année d (Only one more year to go. Only one more yea)-
“Laf!” Hercules, one of my best friends (and partner and crime) yelled. He started barrelling towards me, having no mercy for the poor freshman he mowed down on his way over.
“Herc!” I shouted back, not being able to help myself. I ran towards him too, but, he wanted to high five, and I wanted to hug, so he ended up slapping me in the face and we both stumbled a bit.
“Fun.” I muttered, reeling slightly from the force of Hercules’ slap. Herc was laughing, seemingly unaffected by nearly falling to the ground. He was one of the few people I acted like a relatively normal person around. To most at Ridgeview, I was the aloof Frenchman, who wouldn’t give many people the time of day. I was with the “in crowd”, and no one could touch us. It bothered me that my friends and I didn’t bother to associate ourselves with people lower down on the “social pyramid", but Burr and Jefferson insisted that we had an image to keep up. As much as I enjoyed their friendships, their elitist attitudes really irked me, to the point where I could only take small doses of them. When we graduate Alexander, Herc, John, and I plan to band together and do something to help people in need. We just can’t agree on what to actually do. Start a nonprofit, become politicians, go on speaking tours, whatever it will take to make change.
“I would ask you how your summer was, but I spent most of it with you. How’s life?” Hercules asked.
“Eh, c’est pas grave, mais- (it isn’t bad but-)” I started talking but he was quickly distracted by Alex and John walking toward us.
“Johnny boy!” Herc yelled, yet again, a wide grin spreading across his face.
“Jerkules!” John shouted back. Good to see he hadn’t changed a bit.
When they got to us, I smiled at Alexander. “‘Bonjour, Hamilton.”
“Salut, Lafayette, ça va (Hi, Lafayette, how are you)?” He grinned back at me.
I rolled my eyes. “Je ne suis pas un grand admirateur d’ici (I’m not a big fan of here).”
Alex slapped me on the back. “Well, feel sad no more!” His signature grin spread across his face, then he nudged John.
“Attention people of Ridgeview’s main hallway!” Multiple people looked up, some getting their phones out in order to spread the word of whatever John was about to say. “Alex and I are having a party at my house this weekend. Tell all of your friends!” he yelled.
“Except Thomas!” Alexander quickly added, only half jokingly.
Everyone immediately burst into excited chatter; people knew John and Alex threw the wildest parties, so it was no question that the turnout would be huge. I, for one, was quite excited. I loved their parties, particularly because of the chance of les jolies filles (pretty girls) attending.
I talked to Herc for a minute before turning around to find John and Alex making out against my locker. “Hey! Non! If you two could not taint my locker, that’d be great.” John pulled away and smiled sheepishly, but then proceeded pull Alex a locker over and continue their antics.
I quickly got my Physics II book out of my locker so I could not have to see any more of John’s tongue being that far down Alex’s throat, and hurried down the hall to catch up with Herc, who was on his way to find his English classroom.
 “Herc! Attends (wait)-” I bumped into someone on my quest for my friend. I looked and was momentarily taken aback. Elle est trés belle (she is very beautiful). Her (Y/E/C) quickly drew me in. I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to be friendly with those not in my social circle. I had never wanted to disagree with Burr’s philosophy more. However, after seeing a flash of fear in her eyes, I snapped out of it.
“Watch where you’re going.” I said, harshly. I know it was a bit cold, but I can’t show weakness or associate myself with someone as unknown as her, because I feared Jefferson, as did the rest of the school (except maybe Hamilton). I pushed down the emotion that came with bumping into her, and remembered what Jefferson said: “if you didn’t know who they are, then they must not be that important.”
It was lunchtime, and I was so relieved. Physics really was not my cup of tea, Mr. Jones’ lectures made sense when I was there, but as soon as I received the homework all of his words flew out the window.
“Laf!” Herc shook me lightly. “You’re totally out of it. What gives?”
“S’il te plait (please), never speak like that again. And I just had to go through more than an hour of electric fields.” I smiled lightly. Everyone at the table groaned, starting to complain about their teachers and classes they had this year.
I looked over to Jefferson, who was sitting a couple of people away from me, as far away from Hamilton as possible. He smiled lightly at me and waved. “How’s your first day of school going so far, Laf?”
“Like I said, J’ai plus de une heure de la physique. Je préfèrais être mis dans un champ électrique que apprends plus de choses sur eux (I had more than one hour of physics, I would rather be put in an electric field than learn more things about them).” I said, scrunching my nose up and earning some chuckles from my friends at the table.
“Okay, but you notably did not say that earlier, because you were speaking in English at that point,” John pointed out, Hercules nodding as well.
A collective chuckle spread across the table, then quieted down slightly, everyone having their own conversation. Honestly, the lunches at my school weren’t half bad, nobody really complained about them, and they had all the elements that are needed for a growing teenager. It was surprisingly good for the classic American high school. I looked around the room, and my eyes immediately landed on cette belle fille (that beautiful girl) I bumped into earlier. She was sitting next to girl with dark hair and a pink dress, who was talking to her, but she didn’t really seem to notice. She was staring right back at me. I quickly averted my eyes, making sure no one had seen the exchange. Like I said before, I wasn’t really supposed to associate myself with people outside the group.
A few minutes later, I looked back, but this time the mystery girl averted her eyes when I caught her staring for the second time. Je me demande qu’elle veut. (I wonder what she wants).
The lunch bell rang, causing a collective groan to ripple throughout the cafeteria. No one wanted to go back to class, obviously. I had U.S. History next and I was okay with that. I liked learning about this still kind of new country, and what lead to the systems in place today. That was my last period because I had a free one after that, so I planned on just going to the library and hoping to get a computer to study before Alex drove John and I home.
However, all throughout history, I couldn’t get that girl out of my head.
The first day back at school was always one of the best. You walked into the Ridgeview doors slowly, taking in the environment you would be in for the next nine months.
You didn’t mind school, you were an honors student and on the student council. You kind of just cruised along socially, some people knowing who you were, and others not (despite you being friends with some of the most known and respected people in school), and that was mostly how you liked it. You were excited for the first council meeting tomorrow, you wanted to see if something could be done about the lack of functioning computers in the library and the state of the school bathrooms, you only ever used the one at home.
Along with making changes to the school, you help out with the special ed students when you can. No one really messes with the student council, not because you’re all badass and terrifying-- quite the opposite, actually-- it’s just that you make meaningful changes and people respected you for that.
Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice project throughout the hallway. “Attention people of Ridgeview’s main hallway! Alex and I are having a party at my house this weekend. Tell all of your friends!” John Laurens shouted.
“Except Thomas!”
Hmm, a party. You’ll have to ask your friends about whether you wanted to go or not. You quickly went to your locker to get your French textbook and hurried to class so as not to be late.
“Herc! Attends-” you slammed into someone when walking down the main hallway. You recognized that voice. Oh no, you just ran into Marquis de Lafayette.
You looked up slightly, feeling embarrassed. You definitely had a slight crush on him. Thinking about him may or may not have made heat rush to your cheeks. You made eye contact with him; his face was blank for a split second before a look you couldn’t really read crossed it.
“Watch where you’re going.”
Oh. You nodded slightly and scurried away. Your crush on Laf was one sided and shallow. It’s clear that he’s super hot, it’s quite hard not to like him. He could be cold, distant, and mean, and didn’t like to associate himself with people who weren’t as popular as him. Oh well, you could always admire from afar, and pretend that he was super nice and wanted to make out with you… kind of like how Alexander and John were against someone’s locker. As cool as you thought they were, you were not incredibly enthusiastic to continue watching.
You hurried along to your class, trying to see if you could find your friend Angelica on the way. You had no such luck, not finding her in the halls. Suddenly, a pair of cold hands clamped themselves over your eyes. “Guess who?”
Spoke too soon. “Eliza!” you exclaimed jokingly, knowing it was not her. You turned around, smiling at your best friend. Her eyes were curious, her dress was pink, and her mood was fierce. She was holding a can of Peace Tea (typical) and a little box in her outstretched hand.
“What’s this?” you asked, taking the box from her.
“Well, I didn’t see you all summer because I was in Florida, so here!”
You opened the box, seeing an assortment of little charms for a bracelet she had gotten you on her vacation. The charms shimmered and glinted in the fluorescent hallway lighting, and made a delightful jingling sound as you picked up the bracelet and inspected it. You’re sure Angelica had spent a lot of time trying to find charms that said something about you, and you engulfed her in a hug. ��Thanks so much, Angel!”
“It’s Angelica.” she grumbled playfully.
“Yeah, well tell that to kindergarten me who didn’t know how to pronounce your name,” you smiled. “What do the new charms mean?”
Angelica grinned. “This one,” she pointed to a little fist, “represents our friendship, because we’re bros.”
You snorted, doing your best jock imitation. “Totally, my main dudebro!”
She rolled her eyes and continued. “This one’s a needle, to represent sewing the broken heart charm back together.” Wow, Angel had put a lot of thought into this. “The boxing gloves is what ur boo thang Laf does, and the best person in the universe, a.k.a. me, so obviously you have to have a charm to remind you of us.”
You gave her a look of horror, making sure no one had heard her announce your crush on the school’s resident frenchman. It’s not like it wasn’t uncommon for people to have crushes on him, especially considering his looks, but even so, if anyone heard that you had a crush on the Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, you would never live it down. “Shhhh!” you shoved Angelica lightly.
She laughed, showing you the last charm. “This one’s a shooting star, representing my knowledge that you’re going places with your life, and the fact that you should always remember that your dreams are possible and worth reaching for.”
You pulled her into a hug. She put so much thought into this, you really couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. “Thanks so much, Angel. I got you some knuckle tape but it’s at my house, you can come over after school if you want.”
“It’s all good, girl. And sure, I’ll meet you out front after school, I gotta go give Peggy her charger and head to music.” And with that Angelica walked off down the hallway, being mindful of the lost freshman.
You gently readjusted your french book that Laf had jostled and headed off to class.
At lunch, you and Angelica sat together, along with Peggy, Eliza, Sally, and Maria. You arrived to the table, quickly falling into conversations about your summers and excitement for the upcoming year. However, you quickly became very busy staring at Laf, Angelica and Maria were trying to figure out the equation of the curve of Peggy’s butt with their graphing calculators, and Eliza and Sally were having their own little conversation.
Angelica leaned over and nudged you. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You laughed. “As if I haven’t stalked his social medias for selfies all the time. I have seen many pictures in my years, young woman.” You continued to stare. You couldn’t help yourself, he was just so goddamned attractive. You’re pretty sure you could start a fan club for his biceps, you probably wouldn’t be the only one in it. The way his nose crinkles slightly when he smiled, or his tan skin, or how you really wanted to run your hands through his thick hair…
You were so busy staring and daydreaming that you didn’t notice him looking back at you. As soon as you snapped out of it, he quickly averted his eyes.
You hit Angelica’s arm repeatedly until she looked at you. “I just made eye contact with Lafayette,” you squeaked.
“I’ll start planning the wedding immediately.” She rolled her eyes, chuckling lightly at your antics, then added: “He’s not that great, you know.”
You mock gasped at her. “Angelica! We all know he’s all that great… looking.” You sent her a goofy smile.
She tried not to smile as she replied. “True.”
You looked back, just to see him staring right back at you. You were the one to avert your eyes this time. You turned to Angelica and started talking to her quietly, asking her what the eye contact could’ve meant.
Angelica just rolled her eyes again. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the invites out fast enough, your relationship with him is moving so fast!”
You laughed sarcastically. “Oh, ha fucking ha, Angel. You are actually the funniest person I’ve ever met in my entire life.”
“I know, I’m hilarious.” She stood up and bowed dramatically.
“Hey, did anyone hear about Lams’ party?” Maria asked the table.
“Oh yeah, what do you guys think?” I asked, looking around at your friends’ faces.
“Hell yeah I’m in, I’m always ready to look hot and find a cute guy!” Peggy exclaimed. After getting a look from Eliza and Angelica, she coughed. “I mean, I always love partying responsibly!”
“Alright, calm down Pegs.” Sally said, causing a collective laugh to spread throughout the table.
“I’m fine with it.” Eliza said, having everyone agree with her.
“Alright, we’ll go then.” You said.
“Yes! Squad up!” Peggy yelled.
“How about shut up?” You laughed, pushing her shoulder lightly to let her know you were joking.
Shortly afterwards, the bell rang, and you all made your ways to your respective classes. After school, Angelica and Eliza came to yours, and you studied and argued passionately about conspiracy theories. They went home later, and after they left, you ate and went to sleep, preparing yourself for school the next day.
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Imagine we are in a café’….sitting across from each other sipping on a coffee…cappuccino…tea….whatever….and I am telling you a fanciful story….a fantasy or mystery or sci-fi or a combination of all…
That is how I write…like I am sitting with you…..
There’s minimal punctuation…just pauses here and there.
My style of writing is pre…sixteenth century which is delightfully void of annoying piques and marks that the brain does not need…..I write much in the fashion as to these brief paragraphs…which you probably understood quite without difficulty.
Thanks a million
                  Last Part Recap
Outside the lights were dimming. The carnival music had grown silent and everyone was gone except the workers who were shutting the rides down.
“I suggest we fine lodging for the night. I don’t think it is wise to be out and about after the stroke of twelve.” Eifion suggested.
“Why?” Timothy demanded.
Eifion shrugged his shoulders. “I suppose the only way to know is to stay out…..if you dare.”
“Maybe I dare.”
“Yes….Maybe I will dare.” Timothy cheered. “And I dare you Mr. Cavalier…if you have the courage?”
“Sometimes Mr. Mundanie…..What looks like courage is stupidity. However…if you chose to be stupid then I must follow and try to keep you from something totally disastrous.”
The midnight trumpets sounded and suddenly the streets were abandoned and silent…..almost silent.
"So." Timothy said with a hint of challenge in his tone. "What should I be watching for?' He asked and was answered but not by Eifion.
"A human....and a Cavalier. How unusual is that?"
The voice came from above.....along the eaves of a grand old manor.
"Very unusual and not very polite. The Cavalier at least should know that the night belongs to us."
"Absolutely rude." I would argue.
Timothy looked in the direction of the voices and to his awe and....hint of delight he spied upon the eaves of the Manor a pair of Gargoyles.....a few moments ago simply statues of stone, but now....living breathing creatures.
"Forgive us. I did not mean to be impolite ore rude. I was merely curious why we should not be out after midnight.....and now that I see you I think the rule is a sad one.....I think you are delightful creatures and would so much like to learn more about you." Timothy exclaimed...or would that be....Proclaimed......Hmmmmmm.
"Interesting. It appears he was not warned." Said one of the Gargoyles.
"Definitely." Said the other....then he asked of Eifion. "You should know. Did you not explain us to this....Human?"
'Yes.....after a fashion....however.....This is a human of a different sort...not born of this realm...but of Mundanie and more so he is the Grandson of that most auspicious hero Wilf Chyme. That is why I did not press the issue of staying in past your hour of waking. You may well wish to meet this Grandson of our Hero." Eifion replied instructively....with his fingers crossed. Gargoyles are notoriously poor tempered even with heroes and Grandsons of Heroes.
The two Gargoyles turned to face each other....conversing in a language none could understand except creatures made of stone....which are actually quite numerous in Majixland.
After a few minutes they spread their wings and glided down to land in the street facing the midnight intruders.
"I am Grunfedol. Captain of the Gargoyle Guard. We protect this city by night. This is my Second, Andringal. We forgive you your rudeness Timothy Chyme...not because of what the Cavalier said but because we have learned that Majixland is once again in need of a Mundanie Hero....and we are charged to advise you to go to Palisade City." (Sometimes called a Stake wall or a Paling which is typically a fence or wall made from wooden stakes or tree trunks and used as a defensive structure or enclosure.) "The King of Majixland is waiting for you. I am afraid what your Grandfather fixed has been....well......unfixed.....by another Mundanie....an unlooked for and unwelcomed Mundanie who is wreaking havoc throughout the realm."
"It seems my journey has taken on a whole new perspective and a very dark one." Said Timothy.....Then he asked..... "Who is the interloper?"
"I am afraid you will have to ask the King." Said Grunfedol.
"Then I suppose we should set out for Palisade City as soon as possible. This very night I should think." Timothy responded contemplatively.
"And I Andringal will take up the journey with you.....as I did when your Grandfather disgorged the Fell-beast from its lair....in the first war of Majixland."
"First war....You mean this could be the second war?" Asked Timothy.
"Could be....nonsense....undoubtedly would be far more accurate. Whenever unwelcomed Mundanie try to over-throw Majixland a ware is a certainty." Answered Andringal.
"How would you travel by day?" Timothy queried.
"We sleep by day....usually, but under given circumstances....such as now....we can function by day as well as any." Grunfedol responded indignantly. "You Mundanie's really are dense between the ears." He grumbled.
"Yes well.....if we are to get a start we should get started." Eifion interceded. "Palisade City is a five day march from here....if we don't dilly dally along the way or something does not interfere with our progress."
"We will prepare and meet back here in two hours." Timothy instructed....taking command of the expedition.
"Now we are three." Said Eifion. The odds grow in our favour....especially since our third is a Gargoyle who are legendary warriors in a battle.....Very hard to kill since they are made of stone....living stone but stone nonetheless."
"If we are moving toward war we will need more than three soldiers Cavalier." Timothy replied sullenly. Then he said. "Grandfather told me stories about the First Majixland War but I always thought they were just stories. Now here I am writing my own tales.....for whom.....maybe a son or grandson....or maybe no one if I do not survive."
"Be of good cheer and hope Mundanie. Do not defeat yourself before you are even on the road....because it is always a good chance your road is the road to victory." Replied the Groundhog.
Andringal was waiting as planned clad in armour and weapons....a sword and a crossbow. He was as grim looking as Timothy had ever seen someone looking grim.....and dangerous. He was glad in that moment Andringal was a friend and not an enemy.
"Very well my worthy companions. Let us be off and pause only when we cannot take another step....or flap a wing one more time." Timothy ordered cheerfully.
"I will walk and save my energy for flying for a time that it is needed."
"And look skyward Timothy. We are four. She has decided to join us on this expedition." Eifion directed.
Timothy looked up. Circling against the star filled moonless sky was the Qilin. Then a moment later she swooped down and in a mystical transformation she stood next to Timothy as human as he and as beautiful a girl a Timothy had ever seen. She said in a soft, musical voice..... "I see in your eyes those of your Grandfather....a true creature even though he was Mundanie."
And so they....the four companions set off for Palisade City to visit the King and.....well.....sometimes not all things are bright and cheer.......or go the way one wishes things to go.
The first day's march went along delightfully uneventful....at least in those first early morning hours then while the sun shone a bright gold in the azure sky. The company had only allowed themselves a few brief rest periods so by sunset they were bone weary and ready for a good...log rest....at least until midnight....everyone except Andringal who seemed to have managed plenty of rest while marching...his mind lost in some form of sleep peculiar to his kind. So when the others were ready to sleep he was waking and took the post of guard...which as you will discover was a very....very good thing because the uneventful day did not continue into night.
Luanna curl up near the fire...her human body unused to the open air of night. Timothy was at the edge of the fire light stretched out in his bed roll and using his back pack for a pillow. Eifion had dug a small hollow to bed down in and Andringal had found a branch high in an old oak to keep watch from.
The air was still and silent......
Some of the most treacherous creature of myth and lore are small....but by no means weak.
A sound. A scuffling...like footsteps in gravel drew Andringal's attention. It was faint and far off....on the very edge of the Gargoyle's acute hearing. It was a sound he had heard before and a tingle of alarm went up his spine.
"Wake up." He warned in his gravelly voice. "A troop of Stonemen approaches. It cannot mean anything good. In the first war they hired themselves out to the enemy of Majixland and served as the main fighting force. It seems they have come down from their mountain caves and are abroad again."
Timothy was on his feet in a flash...already wide awake having not being able to find sleep.
"Stonemen....By that you mean Trolls."
"Yes....but a smaller version and far more vicious than trolls."
"Are they coming for us"? Timothy asked cautiously.
"I suspect they are searching for us....but I do not think they have found our company yet. If they had they would be moving much faster and more in our direction." The Gargoyle replied. "I think we should move on now. If the horde catches us we are most certainly doomed." He advised.
But the words had barely faded from his lips when a screech resounded across the night sky that even Timothy recognized as dangerous.....
Andringal spun about abruptly. "We must hurry....The Stonemen have been warned of our presence and most likely our location. That screech came from a Darkingbird....companions of the Stonemen. The will double their pace now."
Luanna slipped into the dark of night and a moment later the Qilin was aloft and a moment after that the screech of the Darkingbird was last in a blast of blue/red flame.
"Run!!!" Cried the Qilin who then swept down and quick took up Eifion on her back then veered north to scout the way ahead.
"Do not stop. Do not rest." The cavalier's voice faded into the night.
Andringal and Timothy set off once again....following the northerly road 30 paces at a trot....30 paces at a walk...
The miles and hours blurred by....at first in hope but then when the Qilin returned and Eifion rejoined the company he told them that the Stonemen were gaining on them quickly and before the next nightfall it would come to a fight....30 against 4...the only bright light being that the Qilin was worth all her companions and more in a fight. The bad news was, swords and bows were of little to no use against these dwarfed Trolls, unless you could take out their eyes....which was unlikely. The only weapon that was of much use was a stone-crusher which only Eifion possessed. Of course there was the Qilin who could do a good deal of damage to any creature....which would have proved good....but after another scouting flight she reported that another band of a hundred or more Stonemen were in approach from the northeast and would intercept the company almost at the same time as those coming from the southeast.
The Qilin descended to the earth and in a swirl of light transformed into Luanna. She joined the others and said...."There is a way out of this.....at least enough to gain us some time. I could carry Timothy for an hour...in flight....and Andringal could carry Eifion. If we were to fly northwest then we would have some distance between us and the Stonemen....and hopefully they would lose our location....I have seen no more Darking Birds in my sojourns."
It was considered by all a good plan and may have worked but just as the decision was made the whole plan was made useless for out of the darkness came a horde.....as nasty as nasty can be. Some might have called it a swarm...but whatever name it was called the giant Praying Mantis were hunting......and they could fly.
"We are doomed." The Gargoyle screamed. "These creatures have only the very basic survival instincts....eat and reproduce."
"Great....Eaten alive by bugs. I find this....." Timothy was saying when suddenly he felt something grab his arm. Without looking he drew his sword and lashed out.....a lucky blow lopping off the head of a large green mantis....as big as an eagle. Then another came right behind it and knocked Timothy to the ground......
And if that was not enough Luanna who was now the Qilin cried out a warning that the Stonemen were closing in.....All of them.
Like it was told....you cannot reason with an insect....no matter how small....or....big it is....but they can be tricked and sometimes running toward danger has its merits.
"Follow me." Timothy commanded as he turned toward the oncoming Stonemen but not exactly running straight at them. It was more like charging the space between them as they approached from the north east and south east.....I am sure you can see the merit in this desperate plan....and the folly if it failed...which it did not do....however the plan did not go exactly the way Timothy hoped. Still.....In the finally throw of the dice it worked out.....more or less.
What happened was what Timothy hoped. When the Stonemen met the swarm of giant praying mantis there occurred an incredible battle that took all the attention away from the company.....and that gave them time to put some distance between them and the battle....which Timothy thought would go on for some time.....But things don't always work out....as you probably well know from your own experiences in life.
It was only a matter of twenty or so minutes before the Stonemen decimated the Mantis because...even the jaws of the giant praying mantis is a match for the rock hard skin of the Stonemen.
So...Before the company could get any good distance away...The Stonemen were in hot pursuit of their quarry once again.
The night wore out and dawn etched a white/gold line across the eastern horizon. The company....who had been running now for three hours was quickly slowing to little more than a weary jog.
And the Stonemen were coming on tirelessly.
"If we run ourselves ragged we stand no hope at all of defending our selves." Said Timothy as he slowed to a halt. "Can we not try the first plan and let our winged companions take us away....at least put some distance between us?"
"I am weary beyond reckoning but I will try." Said Luanna.
"Yes. We could but I too am weary...." the Gargoyle was saying when an enormous harangue reached them.
"What is it?" Timothy cried out.
A cloud of dust to the north rose skyward.
"More trouble I suppose." Timothy added sarcastically.
Andringal took to his wings and rose aloft quickly....flying in the direction of the dust cloud. Only a few minutes later he returned with cheer in his voice.
"We may face battle this day but we will not be alone." He announced. A cavalry of mounted Cavaliers is coming.....Your comrades Eifion....They ride Centaurs and like all Cavaliers the bear Stone-crushers. I count thirty....but that will make sixty fighters...as well as us four. A great battle will be had and I am sure we will rise victorious from the melee'."
"But where have they come from and how did they know our plight?" Timothy asked excitedly.
"We shall ask when this is done. In the meantime my Mundanie friend just accept the boon and prepare for battle. I have a spare Stone-crusher.' Said Eifion then handed Timothy a short handled sledge hammer.
And a cloud of dust rose in the western sky.
Have you ever had to wait for something horrendous to happen....inevitable but seemingly taking forever to get at it and get it over.......and......your life is at stake.
Probably not and you must believe you never want to experience it....especially when you are far away from home....in a world you don't know or even understand....but you cannot escape because you are not entirely certain how you got there.
I mention all this because I wanted you to have some understanding of how Timothy Chyme felt as he waited to engage in battle....waiting to live....or....not.....
Timothy took the Stone-crusher in both hands and swung it freely. He never realized how much a ten pound block of iron attached to the end of a 2 foot stick could weigh. He tested it on a rock about the size of a man's head. The weapon crushed the rock to bits and pieces.
It frightened Timothy as he wondered if he could do such a thing to a living being....even a malevolent one.
He was minutes from finding the answer.
The Cavalry to the north began to take form and in the east the vague shapes of living rock resembling a rounded form of human thundered ever closer by the minute and it would only be a short time before the clash of weapons filled the air.
It was good fortune that the Cavalry of Cavaliers and Centaurs arrived first......announcing that the King's Watcher had seen this foray but.... "We were not aware that treachery was so close at hand....Otherwise we would have come sooner." Said the Captain...who then added.... "Nonetheless we are here now and we shall fight the good fight all the way to victory." And as the Captains words faded his companion.....the Centaur turned toward the oncoming horde.
And they advanced.....Stone-crushers at the ready. Timothy and company followed close behind.
Their fate was unpredictable....They were still out-numbered.
Luanna took to the and for the first time Timothy saw her fire.....a fire that would melt iron.....and....stone.....or anything else that got in its range.
"Who won the battle on the Plains of Abraham?.... Timothy Chyme.......Timothy.....Chyme....Are you paying attention?"
Mrs. White's angry tone crashed into Timothy thought and startled him back to the class room.
Mrs. White was already to scold him for daydreaming........again.....but he stood and answered the question.
"The Battle of the Plains of Abraham fought on the 13th day of September 1759 was an important moment in the seven years' war and in Canadian history. A British invasion force led by General James Wolfe defeated French troops under the Marquis de Montcalm, leading to the surrender of Québec to the British."
Astonished Mrs. White replied. "Correct young man but I know you were not completely attentive. Just what were you thinking about....besides history....
Timothy Chyme smiled devilishly and answered as honestly as he could...."Ma'am...You would not believe me if I told you so it is best I keep it too myself." Then he retook his seat and waited for the repercussions of his insolence...which never came.....Mrs. White just stood there string menacingly at him for a moment then turned away and went on with the class.
If you did not get it....Timothy essentially....however politely it seemed....told the teacher to shut up and mind her own business.....in a diplomatic way that is.....sort of.....
Timothy turned his head and let his thoughts follow his gaze out the window. The mundane world faded and once again he was back in Majixland.....on the brink of battle.....
What do you want to know.....the horrors of battle.....the blood and guts of it.....loping of heads.....severing of.....well.....it was all there and fortunately it was all on the Stonemen. Except for a few cuts and bruises and a broken finger the Cavaliers and Centaurs and the company came out the end of the battle almost unscathed....Dust and rubble was all that was left of the Stonemen Horde...
If there was a back-lash to the battle of note....they were weary.....and hungry.....and thirsty....and not looking forward to continuing their march to Palisade....not would the Centaurs consider carrying any one on their backs save the cavaliers. So after a bite of food and drink and an hours rest the company moved on north....their pace fitting their fatigued bodies.
And the afternoon faded to evening and the evening on to a star lighted night with a bright full moon. Finally the company....It was Timothy who made the decision....decided to stop and rest.
"I am too bone weary and foot sore to take another step and I long for a good meal in my belly." Said Timothy Chyme as he came to a halt and let himself fall to his knees and roll out of his back pack. "I am sure we all could use some food and a rest until midnight would do us all good.....and the march would go faster than a snail's speed."
No one argued...not even Luanne who needed the least rest of all for even she was feeling the drain of endless hours....battles and an empty belly....She flew off to find her own food.
"And what do we find here. A lazy troop in desperate times." The voice came just as the company was snuggling in for an hour or two of sleep..... "And no guard set."
Timothy recognized the voice and lazily climbed from his bedroll to greet the visitor. "It was not you who did battle today or marched five leagues since the fights end old Hobo." His voice was not unfriendly but it carried a hint of sternness in its quality.
Strebor Nod laughed heartily then bowed his head and replied. "I have heard of your troubles friend Chyme. And there is no doubt that you are weary but I come to offer fair warning that something very....very dark and dangerous is coming this way. Even now it sit on the edge of dawn....not many days from this. The sooner you get to visit the king the better. I suggest you do not remain long in your lazy mood.....That is all...." Said the old Hobo....Then he turned and walked away....fading into the darkness of night.
"He has never been a bearer of good news or good hope....but he never has spoken of doom and that doom not come as he warned. I believe we should push on....weary or not." Eifion's voice filtered into Timothy's thoughts of defiance.
"Very well....let us pack up and march on.....We cannot be all that far from Palisade City." Timothy relented.
"We are near indeed....but a day and a half." The Cavalier agreed.
So long before midnight and with only a short rest the company gathered their belongings and set out at a steady pace northward.....silently.....
The mood was sullen until Eifion began whistling.....as only a ground-hog cavalier can whistle.....a cheerful marching tune that fit some lyrics Timothy had learned from his Grandad Will.....
"The ants go marching one by one hoorah...Hoorah"
Soon they were all in on it.....out of tune but well in beat of the march....hoorah.....hoorah.
And the sun came full and golden over the eastern horizon. The company spied a glint far to the north....a glint as golden as the sun.
"That would be the spire of Palisade City." Luanna announced. If we keep our pace and nothing more comes to hinder our passing we should be there not long after midnight......an hour or two.....or less if we hurry along.....just a little quicker."
"Going faster is out of the question.....I for one need a rest....even if it is only for an hour......or two." Timothy complained.
"Yes....you would....I forget that you are Mundanie and do not have our stamina." Luanna replied with a teasing quality in her voice.
Timothy almost fell for the taunt but instead he grinned....shrugged his shoulder.....slushed off his back-pack and quickly laid down in his bed roll. He was asleep in the time it took to take a couple of breaths. The others stood there staring at their fearless leader for several minutes then realizing he was really asleep they set about other business.
"Mundanies....sometimes I wonder how they survive." Andringal muttered amusedly.
Timothy Chyme checked his stride just before stepping off the edge of a precipice. He should have been afraid or at least startled....but he was neither.....It was like this was exactly what was supposed to happen at that very moment.
He gaze whimsically at vast sea that stretched out from the base of the cliff and in the distance....dancing on curling...white capped waves were dolphins....riding on their tails.
"Beautiful are they not?" It was the voice of his teacher Mrs. White.
"What are you doing here?" Timothy asked....miffed at the intrusion. "This is my place....my dream and you are not welcome....you belong in the class room."
"I am your teacher Timothy and believe it or not I understand the world you see outside the window. I only want what is best for you and your imagination. I will see you in Majixland very soon.....but when you see me you may not recognize who I am."
Mrs. White blinked out.....
"What does that mean? I don't understand." Timothy shouted but no answer came from his teacher. Instead Will Chyme appeared and looked at Timothy through his warm blue eyes.
"My Grandson. Nothing that happens in Majixland happens by chance.....nor is it fore told. It happens as you see it.....and that includes all things good and all things bad."
"Does that mean I make it up as I go Grampa?"
"Not exactly Timothy. Thoughts you have are translated into your journey. If you have a good thought....good things may happen.....If you have a bad thought....Bad things may happen.....but there is always that random thought that is neither.... good ...or bad. Still it its effects can be monumental."
Will Chyme faded away. Timothy was staring out across the sea again.......
"Hey. Timothy Chyme. You cannot sleep forever. We must be off. Our journey is not yet over."
Eifion stood over Timothy shaking him with his clawed foot.
"Yes. Now we must hurry. We are standing on a precipice....looking out over the sea over time. We must........"
Timothy did not finish. He jumped to his feet....collected his belongings and took up a quick march.
Palisade City. It was nothing like Timothy expected. It was exactly as the dictionary described Palisade..... A palisade is sometimes called a stake wall or a paling and is typically a fence or wall made from wooden stakes or tree trunks and used as a defensive structure or enclosure.
In this case Palisade City's fortification was made of tree stumps beautifully carved into magnificent creatures from the world of myth and magic and the gate was made of polished iron hung on iron wood post figures of Cavaliers mounted on Centaurs.....and as was so common in Majixland much of the display was gilded in silver....helms....shields.....weapons in hand.....leaves on the trees and in the back-ground towering over the city was a silver gilded spire that rose out of a palace that made the best of Mundanie Places look dwarfed and diminished. But most magnificent of all was ornament at the peak of the spire.....A great, white, horned owl with eyes of amber and talons of ....yes....silver. It seemed to watch everything as its head turned about...first to the left and then to the right.
The gates opened and heralding trumpets sounded welcoming Timothy Chyme and company. And the street leading to the steps ascending the palace entrance was lined with people....and creatures of a nature Timothy was in awe of......elves, dwarves, leprechauns, Brownies, Dryads....too many to list them all.
And the street approaching the palace steps were made of silver....specked with sapphire, emerald and amber......and if it was old it was not worn....in fact it appeared never to have been used.
Timothy was smiling but he said to Eifion. "This is all very....very beautiful and wonderful. I feel welcomed.....However I also feel a strong reverberance....Timothy made up his own word to fit..... Of apprehension.....like the unwilling cow entering an abattoir.
"Given the reason you have come to Majixland I can understand. But it will not be all bad I am sure......" The Cavalier replied though there was less than absolute confidence resting in the quality of his tone.
At the head of the steps stood the King......not at all looking regal.....but like a Hobo straight out of a photograph Timothy's Grandfather had shown him once a long time ago. "Remember this man Timothy. One day he will become very important in your life."
'"King Albert. Grandfather was right." Timothy said when he stood before the Regent of Majixland. Instead of a bow he offered a handshake.....the secret handshake of the hobos of the dirty thirties.
"Will was a great companion when the times were hard in Mundania. And when he came to our aid at the time of the first Majixland war he was and remains our greatest hero. I welcome you Timothy Chyme....Grandson of Will Chyme.
"It is a shame that my family only visits this marvellous kingdom when things are treacherous." Timothy replied.
Albert nodded his head and countered. It is a shame indeed but it happens that these treacherous times have a great deal to do with your family.....Majixland has a great deal to do with the Chyme family....and today you and I must decide what your Family is going to do about our current dilemma.....We are threaten by a Queen.......a very dark and evil Queen who believes what she is doing is for the best of all who dwell in this land.
 Now.....until next time......see you in a month or so....
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