#this is a general callout if you have a random set idea for them with scenes just send it to me because I'm out of ideas for the time being
lover-of-mine · 9 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
82 days.
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mixelation · 6 months
tea spilling random personal anecdote??
today i randomly remembered the time in university i was like "should i write a callout for this person [on tumblr]?" and my roommate was like "what..... would be the point?" and i was like "idk, what if people want to know?" but the roommate was like "but what is the END GOAL?" and i never wrote it
but the contents would have been about an ex online friend who made up, like. this EXTREMELY elaborate lie about studying abroad in japan and getting really close to her host family. she DID do a summer term in japan, but she did not do any sort of homestay. her lie included extremely fleshed out back stories for her host family, and then she was able to retell anecdotes with extreme consistency. this included her beginning to post yearly memorial posts for her host dad who passed away [date before she even went to japan]. also she DID do a lot of reading of other westerners who moved to japan so like, unless you had the additional context of personal conversations with her while she was in japan and after, it would be near impossible to tell that it was all just.... made up wholecloth????
"what the fuck? what was the point?" you may be wondering. i cannot 100% say (i assume some sort of wish fulfillment fantasy element going on, spirnkled in with wanting to seem special and wordly, but WHO KNOWS) but the reason why i wanted to make a call out post was that they were using their fake study abroad experiences to call out fetishization & xenophobia and basically "get in" with asian tumblr users who blogged about their own experiences. like they would interact with people's personal stories and then offer up their own fake ass stories, and just generally used their made-up experiences to paint themself as "one of the good ones." it just seemed really disingenuous and slimy? and like.... i'd want to know? but it was also not my lane AT ALL and i had no idea if they having private conversations with these bloggers and what those conversations contained.... also no idea if the other bloggers like. were just playing nice or actually believed them
this person also regularly told half-lies about their mom to make their mom sound like she was an immigrant (their mom is ethnically swedish but, as far as i know, and we were CLOSE for several years, this person's most recent swedish immigrant ancestor was... before their grandparents) in order to prop themselves up as understanding the ~immigrant experience~ and set themselves apart from other white people & basically legitimize their own worldliness
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Random question from a curious anonymous.
I remembered a fan fiction that I read a while ago but I don't remember the name, the plot was this, Grissom and Sara have sex after being forced to have some drinks at a lunch with the sheriff and part of the team, after that Grissom wakes up first and flees from Sara's house and tries to act as if nothing happened making everything even more uncomfortable between them. My question is, do you think it would be possible that canonically speaking Grissom and Sara would have had a night of sex, drunk but night of sex at last if the opportunity was given?
What consequences do you think this disaster could have for them if it had been real? Apart from knowing for sure what the other looks like being naked and no longer having to fantasize about it
hi, curious anon!
so up front, i want to stress: i have never read the fic in question, so i cannot comment on any of its specifics or how well this writer executes the story idea you described. my intention with this answer certainly isn’t to harsh on anyone or their idea. it is only to give my take on the question: “based on their canon characterizations, is it plausible grissom and sara would have sex for the first time when they were drunk?”
and i tend to think that particular hypothetical is not very plausible at all.
more discussion after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
the whole thing about grissom and sara is that during the early seasons of the show before they get together, they both have so many hang-ups.
i mean, even their hang-ups have hang-ups.
that so, i don't believe it would be in character for either one of them (let alone for both of them together) to toss all of those hang-ups aside in pursuit of some momentary drunken gratification—and especially not considering such a liaison might not ultimately prove entirely gratifying for them anyhow, just given how they both might feel about it afterward.
for one thing, i don’t think grissom gets drunk very often in general, let alone in the company of others, let alone when work subordinates (including and especially sara) are present.
baby boy is a control freak who likes to keep his wits about him—and always be ready for a callout—so getting sloshed to the point where he would lose all of his inhibitions, throw caution to the wind, and jump into bed with sara just isn’t really his mo.
aside from occasionally having a brandy with brass in his office or a cocktail with catherine at his condo after a particularly rough case, he isn’t a social drinker—i mean he’s not a particularly social person period—and he’s definitely not the type of go out to bars or nightclubs or overindulge at parties.
based on warrick’s comments to sara in episode 01x20 “sounds of silence,” we know none of the younger csis has any idea what his drink of choice is or has ever been out to a bar with him.
from everything we see in canon, when he drinks, it tends to be in private, one-on-one settings, and he tends to drink in moderation. he absolutely won’t drink on the clock (see episode 05x08 “ch-ch-changes”) and also seems averse to drinking at times when he knows he might be called in to work (such as we see from his reaction to learning catherine was at a bar in episode 05x22 “weeping willows”).
canonical evidence further suggests he is reserved in his alcohol consumption at home, as per that scene in episode 02x15 “burden of proof” where he and catherine are mixing vodka screwdrivers after shift in his condo; while she already seems a bit tipsy (to the point she’s lost her filter and is saying some pretty brazen things re: grissom and sara’s dynamic), he still seems more or less sober, either suggesting he hasn’t had as much to drink as she has and/or his alcohol tolerance is fairly high.
—all of which is to say, i think there would probably seldom if ever be a situation where (prior to their getting together) he would even be in a position to get drunk around sara.
while they might find themselves dining together during the course of an investigation (as sara mentions they sometimes do during episode 02x15 “burden of proof”), as long as they were both on the clock or either one of them were on call or had an upcoming shift, he likely wouldn’t order booze at all, and certainly he wouldn’t overindulge.
likewise, outside of grabbing an on-the-go shared meal in the midst of a case, it's not like he would ever (prior to when they were dating) go out with sara one-on-one outside of their working hours—so it’s not like he would ever really be around her at a time or in a private, non-work setting where he’d feel at liberty to cut loose and drink a lot.
he likewise probably wouldn’t allow himself to get truly inebriated in any kind of group setting, either, and particularly not if his junior team members were anywhere around—and even if by some accident he did get drunk at a team party or something, he would be so paranoid about saying or doing something revealing in sara’s presence i've got to believe he’d avoid her as much as possible and especially not allow himself to end up alone with her at the end of the event, sans any kind of “chaperones.”
indeed, given grissom’s hang-ups during the early seasons regarding how his relationship with sara might potentially negatively affect his career, plus his fear of rejection from her, both of which are primary motivations for him keeping his distance from her, despite his feelings for her otherwise, i tend to believe he would likely be hypervigilant about not losing control of himself in her presence, as he would be terrified of the possible consequences.
either with other potential witnesses present or in a scenario where he and sara were alone together, he would be extremely averse to “letting go” too much, in the first case because he would fear judgment from onlookers, in the second because he would fear any forward behavior from him might cause sara to recoil.
he knows he already has a hard enough time as is holding back from demonstrating to her how he really feels even when sober, and he wouldn’t want to make that particular battle any harder on himself by getting drunk around her, and especially not under circumstances where the potential for him to embarrass himself would be high.
that so, i tend to believe even were he to find himself in a situation where drinking were happening and sara were present, he’d decline to have more than one or two drinks tops over the course of the encounter. instead, he would make excuses as necessary. end up as the “last man standing,” even if everyone else involved went over the limit. play the role of the designated driver, if needs be.
meanwhile, with sara, most of the time, i don’t think she would be likely to ever get drunk while attending work functions or even on social occasions involving her coworkers (and especially grissom), either. for as much as she is sometimes accused of being completely impolitic, the truth is she not entirely oblivious to how she is perceived, and she knows it’s best professional practice not to get completely wasted at office parties or just around coworkers in general.
though she might be more likely than grissom to cut loose a bit and have a couple beers while out with her coworkers—while he wouldn’t even go to the club, she would, if invited—she also wouldn’t want to embarrass herself (and particularly not as she is conscious of her status as a junior staff member and a relatively young woman in the department).
the only time where the above might not hold true would potentially be during s4, when sara does display some problematic behaviors re: her alcohol consumption.
however, even then, i still somewhat doubt she would ever allow herself to be in the position of getting totally hammered around grissom.
see, the truly dangerous aspect of her consumption habits during the period while she is abusing alcohol is that she is so secretive about them.
for the most part, she tends to save most of her drinking for when she is at home alone rather than in social settings, and on the rarer occasions when she does go out to bars with friends, she doesn’t tend to get fall-down drunk in public with them. instead, as we see in episode 04x23 “bloodlines,” she drinks in relative moderation while her friends are around, waiting until they quit her company to then step over the line. she also habitually conceals the aftereffects of her heavier drinking by popping cough drops and feigning like her hangover symptoms are the product of a cold (see episode 04x15 “early rollout”).
the sara of s4 is not the stereotypical “drunk party girl.”
rather, she is a girl who drinks her sorrows when she is alone and lonely and then lies about it later when she has to go in to work.
it's also questionable how drunk she tends to get, even when she is alone.
as we see in episode 04x15 "early rollout," the threat of being called in to work early is always with her, and she has got to be conscious of it if she doesn't want to be "found out." so while she does get drunk or buzzed between shifts, i somewhat doubt she regularly allows herself to get blackout drunk; not when the alcohol elimination cycle for that kind of intense binge could take thirteen to fifteen hours, and not when she might still be visibly inebriated or conspicuously hungover by the time she needed to be back at the lab or on scene.
given these patterns of behavior from her, i don’t believe she would ever be likely to get shitfaced to the point of losing all her inhibitions around grissom, even during her nadir during s4. she wouldn't likely come in to work seriously drunk or get drunk at work. and if she were ever to find herself in proximity to him while social drinking was happening off the clock, she would be careful to pace herself, not only because she wouldn’t want to say or do anything embarrassing in his presence on a personal level but also because he’s her boss and she wouldn’t want him to get wise to her more problematic habits, lest he start to question her fitness for doing her job.
to my mind, it’s fairly telling that grissom doesn’t seem to have any idea about sara’s problem drinking behaviors in s4 until they come to a head in episode 04x23 “bloodlines.” while brass clocks her fairly early on, she successfully conceals the issue from grissom, even given how much attention he typically pays to her. to me, the fact that she is able to keep him none the wiser suggests she is very careful and deliberate in how she comports herself in his presence where alcohol might potentially be involved. she doesn’t want him to even get a sniff of what’s going on with her.
the way i see things, even during this time when sara’s behavior is verging on reckless, she would be much more likely to get drunk around every other member of the team before she would be to do the same around grissom.
as we see at various points in the show’s early seasons, she will drink in the company of other, non-grissom team members (see episodes 03x17 “crash and burn” and 04x23 “bloodlines”).
and for as much as she would try to avoid being drunk around grissom if she could, she would probably find it fairly easy to do so.
as discussed above, outside of her potentially showing up to work drunk (which is something she isn’t going to do), she also wouldn't likely come by many opportunities to be actually be drunk in grissom’s presence outside of work prior to when they get together, either, just based on his behavior in conjunction with hers.
catherine, nick, warrick, and greg might occasionally head to the bar with her, but grissom won’t join in the party when they do.
moreover, it’s not like prior to when they start dating sara can convince grissom to spend one-on-one time with her outside of work, either. for as much as she might fantasize about them going out to dinner, splitting a bottle of wine or two, and “seeing what happens,” he is very conscientious about avoiding that exact scenario, knowing both what a temptation and what a risk doing so might prove to him (see episode 03x22 “play with fire”).
as i talk about here:
it’s worth noting that what she’s asking for isn’t just a shared meal between colleagues. those types of low-key engagements, grissom is fine with, as is proven by his willingness to occasionally join the team for breakfast at the diner (see episode 01x23 “strip strangler”) or even to at times to have catherine over to his place for drinks following a rough shift (see episode 02x15 “burden of proof”).  later on in the series, he’ll occasionally meet up with brass and catherine at restaurants (see episode 05x15 “king baby”) and invite sofia out for a meal to discuss her future at the crime lab (see episode 05x14 “unbearable”)—no big. social calls such as these ones don’t rile him, even when they place him in one-on-one situations with beautiful women, like catherine and sofia, for the simple reason that there are no real stakes—because they are just meetups between coworkers, with no expectations attached to them (see here). but though grissom has shared many meals with sara in the past (see episode 02x15 “burden of proof”), what sara proposes to grissom here isn’t just another informal sit-down between two members of the same team. she is asking grissom for something personal; for something romantic; for what they’ve both been denying themselves of ever since she moved to vegas. —and the fact that she is scares the hell out of grissom. maybe if what they weren’t already in love with each other, her invitation would be one thing. but the fact that he is already in so deep with her—that, as he says in the original version of his monologue in episode 04x12 “butterflied,” he fantasizes about being with her and making love to her and sharing his life with her all of the time (see here)—raises the stakes considerably. what she has proposed isn’t just a “hey, i think you’re cute and you think i’m cute, so let’s see if there’s anything here to be had” type of thing. it’s the type of thing that’s going to change their lives forever if they do it. when she senses how fearful grissom is, sara tries to downplay the gravity of what she’s offering (“why not? let’s—let’s have dinner. let’s see what happens”), but grissom already knows: if he goes out with her once, he’ll want to go out with her again; he’ll want to date her; he’ll want to have a real relationship; he’ll want to marry her; he’ll end up risking his career and the stability of his life; he’ll turn everything upside-down for her sake; he’ll hand over his heart to her, completely, irrevocably—
so between sara's desire not to overindulge in front of grissom and his not to overindulge in front of her, it’s doubtful sara would ever find herself in a position where she and grissom were even alone together and tipsy, let alone drunk enough to break all of their unspoken rules and fuck.
—and especially not because i don’t think in their hearts of hearts either one of them would want their first time to be that way.
for one thing, grissom is such a gentleman, i don’t think he would have it in him to “take advantage” of sara when she was drunk—even if she were the one who initiated the sexual encounter and/or stated she wanted it. he’d want the consent to be clearly and freely given, not muddled by alcohol.
and especially given he is her boss.
for another thing, he'd also want her to know he was not in bed with her on some drunken whim but because he absolutely wanted to be. he’d rather die than give her the impression she was his drunken mistake.
remember: for him, sex is about forming connections and expressing love, not just seeking physical pleasure (see episode 07x21 “ending happy”).
for yet another thing, grissom is an insecure creature, especially where sexual relationships are concerned. that so, he would be afraid of having his first time with sara be in circumstances where he couldn’t be 100% assured the meaning of what they were doing was clear to both of them.
prior to when they get together, there is always a part of him that worries sara will only want him until she has him, and then once she has him, her interest in him will evaporate, because then she’ll have seen all of his flaws and failing points up close. given that fear, it would be very important for him that their first time be one he could be sure she had come into with “both eyes open,” so that if—as he hoped—it resulted in the commencement of a real and committed relationship between them, he could feel confident she knew what she was getting into with him, with nothing of the experience lost or misremembered “by light of day.”  
and i know, i know: alcohol depresses the cerebral cortex, i.e., the part of the brain which controls judgement, which can weaken a person’s self-control, lower their inhibitions, and cause them to behave drunk in ways they never would while sober.
i mean, that’s part of the danger of drinking to excess.
but as stated above, i don’t suppose grissom would ever really let himself get totally shitfaced drunk around sara to begin with.
and i have to believe he would have to be “totally shitfaced drunk” to drop those particular cares and inhibitions.
one or two beers past sober wouldn’t be enough to make him do so.
only in an extremity of drunkenness would he ever forget himself so fully.
—which is just as well, because i also don’t think sara would be on board with drunk sex for their first time, either.
baby girl is the daughter of alcoholics and probably has some compunctions re: fucking while blotto.
for as much as she does indulge in problem drinking behaviors during s4, she is always careful not to allow herself to completely follow in her parents’ footsteps and become a full-blown alcoholic; she is always in a position where she can actually stop drinking when she wants to (as we see from the fact that she does seemingly stop cold turkey once grissom confronts her in episode 05x13 “nesting dolls”).
without being able to say so for certain—all i can do is vaguely handwave in the direction of what she says to grissom about her drinking in episodes 05x02 “down the drain” and 05x13 “nesting dolls”—i tend to think she has drawn some personal “lines in the sand” with regards to stuff she won’t allow herself to do where alcohol is involved. and, again, without being able to prove as much, i think some of those lines have to do with having sex while drunk.
knowing the dangers, she doesn’t want to be bringing home guys—even if the guy in question is grissom—at times when she isn’t in control of her faculties.
that's just one reason among infinite reasons i think episode 13x15 “forget me not” is such fucking dogshit for sara, characterization-wise: in what universe would the girl who investigates dozens of brutal rape and murder cases with single, female victims a year allow herself to go into some random guy’s hotel bedroom while she was seriously drunk, knowing none of her friends or family has any idea where she is at the time? i mean, even if you make the argument she is behaving recklessly due to her heartbreak over grissom, that behavior doesn’t fit her usual patterns for recklessness. she typically engages in reckless behavior within view of her support network, carrying the subconscious hope they’ll notice she is struggling and do something to intervene, proving their care for her. she's not actually ever looking to get herself killed; rather, she wants to be rescued. she also tends to more often than not put herself into dangerous situations where she considers there is some “purpose,” like securing evidence in a case or confronting a suspect so they can’t flee a scene. she is willing to “sacrifice herself” if she supposes her doing so might serve the greater good; the idea of martyrdom does somewhat appeal to her. but the same can't be said for needless loss. she doesn't want to die some stupid, pointless death or suffer for no reason. she doesn't typically act out sans an audience. so putting herself in a very vulnerable position with a man she doesn’t at all know, far out of view of anyone who might care enough to try to stop her, where her rape or death would serve nothing and no one, isn’t the way she rolls. that's not her brand of poison.
—and especially not in a situation where both she and grissom were bombed, because then she would have to worry about grissom’s motivations for sleeping with her and wonder going forward if he would ever have chosen to have sex with her had he been in his right mind.
and honestly? i can even see her being so preoccupied by the looming threat of “beer goggles” in the moment that she wouldn’t be able to enjoy herself and might even call things off before they got too hot and heavy to begin with because she was terrified about potentially “plying him” into doing something he might later come to regret.
having held off from being together for so long, i do imagine when grissom and sara finally cross that final boundary between them and become a couple, it is very much a situation where the floodgates burst and they get caught up in a torrent of passion.
however, i just can’t imagine that moment would be one that would likely include alcohol.
not only would they just never be drunk enough around each other in a one-on-one situation to “go there,” but even if by some stretch of the imagination they were both shitfaced and alone together, i think both of them would be reluctant to let things happen that way.
they’d both have some major reservations, and one or both of them would call things off (however inelegantly).
all of the above is to say, i honestly cannot imagine, given my understanding of the characters, a scenario in which grissom and sara as we know them in canon would ever have sex for the first time while drunk (at least during the era when she is his employee in vegas).
the whole idea doesn’t work for me, either logistically or in terms of their probable behavior.
as for the second part of your question, ignoring all that i've said above, if somehow grissom and sara did have sex for the first time while drunk and then grissom fled sara’s apartment and tried to act as if nothing had happened between them going forward—
frankly, i shudder to think what might happen.
sara would be absolutely devasted—humiliated, heartbroken, confused, and hurt, overwhelmed by her sense of rejection. in all likelihood, she would quit her job, and not in the way where she talked to anyone about her intentions beforehand. she would just leave her letter of resignation in grissom’s box and then be gone, and she would probably move across state lines and change her phone number before he even had the opportunity to recognize the fact she was no longer working for him.
having the love of her life—the one person who had ever even given a damn about her, or so she’d thought—seemingly decide he didn’t want her after having slept with her once would do astronomical numbers on that girl.
she'd probably drink a lot.
make really, really reckless decisions.
like i said, i hate to even think.
and even if grissom realized how badly he had fucked up after the fact and somehow hunted her down and tried to explain himself, i don’t know that she could ever trust him again—or at least not without him putting in a fuckton of work to prove to her he truly wanted to be with her after all.
he would have to pull out some mr. darcy to the tenth power-levels of contrite, genuine, romantic apology and show her through his actions he was devoted to her and desired nothing more than to be with her, despite his previous behavior. and if and when they finally had sex again, he would have to make damn sure he didn’t go running off immediately afterward. he'd have to be completely transparent about his love for and commitment to her.
—but that’s only if he were able to find her and make amends before something awful happened.
and he might not get that chance.
not given how badly he hurt her.
i can only imagine his motivation for bolting and keeping his distance would be that he feared he had somehow done something unforgivable by coming onto her (drunk) in the first place and he didn’t want her to feel coerced. i can only hope if such were the case—and he weren’t just avoiding her out of cowardice—he would realize the error in his perception of the situation sooner rather than later and get his act together in time enough to actually undo the damage he had done.
anyway, suffice it to say, i don’t imagine for one moment that when grissom and sara get together in canon, they do so under the influence of alcohol.
but that’s just my view, and other people’s mileage may vary.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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nitrosodiumepicfps · 10 months
Just realised I need to post about AI in games. So, here we go.
In shooter games, the AI is generally geared towards killing the player in some way. This can thereafter be interpreted as simple or advanced. If we look at the former; in the original Doom, enemies stand totally still until alerted, at which point they move towards the player, occasionally stopping to fire a few shots at the player if they have ranged attacks. They can in-fight if a stray shot hits another enemy, but that's essentially the run-down of their AI. They're not massively intelligent. Compare this to the Replicas of F.E.A.R., still what I consider some of the most advanced shooter AI to this day. They use something called Goal-Oriented Action Planning (GOAP) which makes them act somewhat like a military squad. For example, if the AI notices you, it will set a goal to kill you, and then send some soldiers your way. If you then interrupt that plan by killing one or blockading an entrance, the AI checks to see if that plan is still viable, and so their next plan might be to not die, so they'll retreat, take cover, or maybe try to flank you as you retreat. I originally thought the AI could speak to each other - they can't really, but a squad can all share the same GOAP AI, and they'll do an audio callout for each step of the plan, as if they're talking amongst each other.
In RTS games, while graphically things can look simpler; oftentimes the AI working behind the scenes is more mathematically complex. For example, in something like StarCraft, the game will have a 'build order' as part of its AI, telling it when to build workers, buildings or units. It will then give the effect of strategic planning, deciding when to rush or stay back, when to expand their forces, and attacking when it assumes it has enough units. It does this by analysing how many units/how much power the player has, but it also does somewhat cheat by automatically knowing the location of buildings and strategic points within the map. There are interesting ways people have scaled the power of different AI factions, including pitting two AIs of equal intelligence against each other to see the random number generator decide a victor. It is interesting to note that the most aggressive AIs are often the least proficent, as they endlessly deploy troops with little to no defences or supply lines.
In open world games, AI has to be advanced enough to traverse gigantic levels. Ironically, more advanced AI can often look more ridiculous - think the famously braindead NPCs in so many Bethesda games. I'll hold onto this idea for a bit; interestingly, Skyrim NPCs can run away from a fight, or give up, which isn't something you see in a lot of games. The Courier character will literally follow you anywhere on the map to deliver a message to you, and while determined, will oftentimes end up being attacked due to their tunnel vision.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Kind of hurt/comfort? Main 6 + artist MC who's frustrated about not being able to get something quite right. The classic, it's attempt number 17 and yet that hand still doesn't look like it should, so they end up glowering and cursing at the paper/canvas, doubting their abilities. (yes, yes this is a self-callout)
ugh this is a callout post to ME. And I am UPSET ABOUT IT.
Main six x MC not quite right
Ah this lad. This lad has no idea what tf you’re doing. I’m sorry but when it comes to the art process he’s left in the dark
But he gets upsetti when you get upset at your art because it’s BEAUTIFUL TO HIM DON’T BE ANGY :((
Drags you away with a kiss to the tip of your nose (“you need cuddles and to talk this out on the couch, scat. Doctor’s orders”)
If you whine he’ll kiss you softly to get you to hush a little. You have been working on that piece for HOURS now and you need a break >:C
Will cuddle you, play with your hair, and listen to you rant because LAWD KNOWS YOU NEED IT
Not great on the art side of things, but he feels the struggle of not getting something right. Gives pretty decent advice ngl
When you get back to work he’ll pop in from time to time with something to drink or snack on and a kiss
Will sit and tell stories as you work to keep you laughing and not caring about if it’s wrong. Even if it doesn’t turn out the best he’ll love it
Would laugh at you affectionately. Ruffles your hair with a kiss, tugging whatever you’re drawing with out of your hand (getting whatever’s on it on him)
Spins you around slowly, leading you into a dance. It quickly gets heated with your anger and him helping you get it out
Would sing to you as they waltz you out of the kitchen to get some snacks 
Faust would wiggle along with the two of you :D
Amazing listener with the BEST advice. Will listen to you stew about your latest piece over a nice cup of tea
Comes with you to see what’s wrong, hugging you from behind as you erase your latest attempt 
He (if you ask) helps you fix it. Usually by holding your hand and guiding it. Soft kisses to the back of your ear bc u gave them access to the area >:3
If needed he’ll angry nap with you, helping you get back to it later. Sometimes it’s good to step away, or get someone else’s help (IF YOU ASK)
Would massage your shoulders as you rant about why the other hand is bugging you so freaking much
Always there for you when you need it for this STRUGGLE BUS OF A PROJECT
Gives great advice on the subject. Always mentions to take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes (taking a bath, sleeping, or getting something to eat are great tips)
Will wrap her arms around your waist and watch you get back to work on it. If you like, she’ll rock the two of you back and forth with a low hum
Doubt your abilities and she gets a little annoyed. You are GREAT but sometimes stuff doesn’t turn out amazing and that is OKAY
If you finish it and it still doesn’t look right she’ll drag you away for angry snuggles. It’s okay it didn’t go well, you can try again later
For now she’s gonna reward you for giving it your best shot and seeing it through :)
He would gently take your hands in his, not caring if you have paint, ink or charcoal on them
Just take you away from whatever you’re doing for some time to calm down and think things over
He makes you a nice cup of tea :], something to eat, and will just sit and listen to you complain and talk about what you’re working on
He doesn’t try to offer up stuff like “oh I’m sure it’s fine” because that’s not what you want to hear. So he suggests you take a short break for a little while
He’ll let you paint on his back, just random doodles :)
He’ll wear the doodles with pride as well. Generally he wants you away from what you’re doing to give you a bit of a break. 
And don’t doubt your abilities. Even if this doesn’t turn out how you want, he’ll still think it’s beautiful 
You need a break. If you are cursing at the canvas her instincts kick in and she’s dragging you away
Will set up something in the garden for you to attack your frustrations on. Generally it’s a canvas and paint for you to splatter on it. It gets MESSY
She gets MESSY
And it’s CUTE
Will listen to you yell and scream about how you can’t get the other eye while you WRECK a canvas with colour and get it all over the two of you
It always ends with the two of you covered in paint and her chasing you around the garden until you’re laughing so hard you can’t breathe 
And with your anger and frustration out, she’ll come join you as you get back to your piece. She’s your cheerleader!
Always there with a canvas to wreck and paint to splatter everywhere :D
He would make something MUCH WORSE to make you feel better. A shitty drawing of him flexing? Y’all have like 80 of those now
Blocks what you’re working on with his body when he sees you frustrated (“Don’t you want to see something else artistic~?”)
Will take you to go steal treats from the kitchen as a distraction to calm you down
You’ll snack on cookies and he’ll listen to you rant :]. Ur very cute when ur frustrated. He doesn’t offer advice because he uh can’t but he’ll listen and admire you
Will doodle funny things on your arms so when you get back to drawing you have something to look at and giggle about
Loves doodling on u btw. Loves being doodled on as well
Really good at distracting you so you can get away from what you’re doing so when you come back you can see what you can do to fix it
If it still ends up poorly and you hate it....if you want a good scream he has some nice pillows to scream into 
And he’ll be there for you when you try again
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hackedbyawriter · 3 years
fic writer interview
Tagged by: @yass-rani Name: Sargun/HackedByAWriter
fandoms: SMZS, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion. Good Omens, Marvel, Padmaavat, Bajirao Mastani, Shadow and Bone + Six of Crows, Star Wars, Harry Potter (Marauders Era), Merlin, The Locked Tomb Trilogy, Night at the Museum, Narnia, Bollywood, Deltora Quest and more but I can't remember them rn. two-shot: these are technically one shots but who gives they are in two parts :) 'blues and purple pink skies' , 'life was a willow (and it bent right to your wind)' and 'starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights' most popular multi chapter fic: without a shadow of a doubt its 'The Glass Mosaic' like it has fan art, a fan page, fanfics, a place in the urban dictionary, it even has an article that mentions it and just has received more love than it deserves to be quite frank. there is also ain't it like thunder a post TROS finnpoe fic that I absolutely adore writing rn so I decided to mention it. Actual worst part of writing: Slogging through the less interesting parts of a story. and pacing. pacing fucking pacing please kill me. Also writing smut it’s very frustrating in the “fuck me how the hell am I supposed to write this without sounding stupid” How you choose your titles: I usually have a title around the same time I start the story if I dont have a title I use random title generators. sometimes I ask my friends. My pirate story is still literally still titled 'Pirate Story' tho so idk if it's a great method. do you outline: I outline as I go. like if im writing a chapter i'll write down the scenes i want in bullet points and expand on those. I sometimes outline 5 chapters at a time but I hardly ever outline a whole story. ideas you probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: for sure it would be my SMZS demon x demon hunter AU set in British Raj India. In which Aman is a demon hunter and Kartik is a demon. Aman is about to retire but wants to catch one last very old very powerful demon who has eluded him for many years and he's been researching for ages (this demon happens to be Kartik). Kartik joins him in his search for the shits a giggles but soon the two of them fall in love. Betrayals and Burdens and Death and Dark Magic. It sounds so fun to write. But I think I'll only write it if someone wants to write it with me bc Tgmm had taken over my life rn. callouts @ me: Lord of the Rings, Narnia and Star Wars, you are my home fandoms I need to write more for them. best writing traits: characterisation, dialogue and character inner monologues. I'm also good at poetry and poetic language. Not to be arrogant I don't think there's much that I'm bad at I just need to hone in on the skills I already have. spicy tangential option: I want to write more smut. Not because I like writing it but because sometimes a story might require it (ie slow burns) and I need to to be like “yeah okay I got this” instead of chickening out as I usually do. I’ve only ever written it once (and I traumatised everyone with curtains) but I want to get more comfortable writing it and I want to be able to write it for various couples (doing so respectfully of course and I would never write explicit explicit bc no). was that spicy enough? Tagging: @legendarilymessedup @your-villainous-neighbour @dhyanshiva @aziraphales-dirty-laundry @satrangee-ray @onmywayto-pigfarts @thisissab @fandom-food-fire
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caustic-light · 3 years
Got it, no worries. There’s no need to address that topic specifically since I actually feel the same about other things.
I don’t know how to deal with having such fringe and widely despised opinions as being pro-youth rights, radical inclusionist, a proshipper, etc etc. Knowing that so many random strangers hate my guts because they misconstrue my positions & think I want harm to come to people is… really hard to deal with, mentally.
Idk who or what to turn to. I feel very isolated because I don’t want to compromise my values and befriend folks I disagree with (the only way would be to lie to them about my beliefs or not mention them, which I don’t vibe with). When you add all this up, it means the amount of people I’d feel comfortable interacting with incredibly tiny.
As my views got more “extreme”, I grew uncomfortable interacting with previous friends and acquaintances (for context, I’m an ex-anti), and stopped doing so. My social world is so small, and IRL interaction feels impossible, because obviously people aren’t going to just list their views like they might do online, and realizing that someone I’d started to befriend would hate my guts if they knew what I think about certain topics is enough to stop me trying to meet anyone new. Not to mention the risk of callouts online and social consequences in meatspace.
I realize all this sounds pretty unhinged, probably? Like I probably have some kind of trauma regarding all this but I dunno how to deal with it. I’ve been struggling with this for a very long time and simply don’t know where to reach out for help at this point. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I understand if you don’t have many answers for me, I don’t expect you to solve my problems or anything, but I thought you or your followers might have dealt with similar feelings and I wonder how you might cope with it. Thanks again.
Ok, so I’ll give a tldr in advance and it’s that my advice is to instead of trying to find communities, you should look for individual people who may not agree with all of your opinions but are generally chill as people. That is something that is kinda rare to come by wherever you go on the interwebz but they do exist and I promise you, you will feel so much more comfortable if you have like a handful of accumulated friends who are not poisoned by discourse and callout culture.
Longer answer (I promise I swear to make this as concise as possible but it probably won’t be, I’m very sorry in advance):
I know that feeling al too well. Without going into too much detail, I have experienced being in a community and developing views that the community would fucking hate if you voiced them. And what I noticed is that if you do voice them in an open way, even just an exploratory version of them, yeah you get shit for it, but you also find other people who are more afraid of voicing them openly and who may contact you privately about it. However, that is advice that only works if you can: 1. say things and have a level of reach in the space you’re in where people see you as a somewhat significant person and 2. if you’re able to overcome the fear of speaking about it. That is not easy and especially when you feel alienated, it gets a lot harder, so I’ll try to also give advice under the assumption that this won’t work.
I understand the feeling of not wanting to befriend people while lying to them. For me the most important part of that is to realize that not everyone is twitter discourse brained, even if it seems like it a lot of times. A lot of people are more open than you may give them credit for. That is mostly in private, though. I’ve been surprised especially at how many people who don’t really engage with discourse are receptive to my more radical ideas if I frame them right. It helps to set up a foundation of where you’re coming from, so views you have aren’t seen out of context. Start at the bottom and work your way up. In the process screen people for how they react. I have talked to people about child abuse prevention that actually works and have gotten “you sure think a lot about sex with children” as an answer and known that that person is not gonna be open, but at the same time I have said some very radical shit (like calling out the way anti zoo mentalities in furry are full of shit to a person who is very uncomfortable with zoophilia as a concept) and gotten a surprising amount of acceptance simply bc some people are just chill. Some people hear something controversial and instead of jumping to the attack, they keep listening. A lot of people are tired of the way discourse is turned into a life or death fight everywhere it occurs. You’re not alone there.
It takes time to find people who are genuinely cool. It takes time to find people who are genuinely open. Because despite there being a surprising amount of them, especially in the beginning it’s hard to find them. It’s hard to figure out what kind of mentalities and behavior to look for and how to differentiate between genuine red flags and things that look like red flags due to discourse induced hyper vigilance. If you do have trauma from your time as an anti, this is even harder, but I promise you it’s not impossible to learn.
At the same time, though, spaces can be genuinely cool, too. Usually it’s the smaller ones with more of a community feel. But you don’t really find them by just looking for spaces, you find them by finding people who can direct you towards them.
Personally in a lot of the friendships I have I have reached some equilibrium between “well I can’t just drop xyz oppinion and not expect some kind of off reaction” and “it doesn’t feel like lying to keep some stuff to myself because I’m not hiding anything, I’m just not seeking out an argument.”
One of my most important online friends has some opinions that violently clash with mine and we both kinda know it, but also have a mutual agreement not to discourse about some topics bc there’s nothing really to gain from that. Discourse makes them uncomfortable and some topics make them uncomfortable so they don’t go there and I respect that, and they respect that I have views that would make them uncomfortable but don’t go there bc they know me as a person and that I have my reasons for the way I think and am not gonna hurt anyone with it, even if they don’t get it. That can happen. I have another friend who doesn’t know a lot of my more controversial oppinions but knows a lot of my views that naturally lead to them and they also don’t do a lot of discourse, usually just watching me go off about a topic I am passionate about and being like “yeah, I don’t have anything to add, but yeah”, or “idk if I agree with that but I don’t have anything to add” at worst. Another friend I have who knows like 95% of my most baddest views and the other 5% are not an omission but things I just never really say all that often bc the topic rarely comes up in that way. They’re also very into discourse and have strong opinions that sometimes clash with mine in significant ways but we’re still friends and know where the other person comes from and that we’re not bad people for opinions the other disagree with.
Relationships like this happen and the more you learn to find them, the more you will realize that people are better than they look in big groups on the internet. But you also gotta know when to keep distance. I believe that every person has types of people who are good for them to be close to and people who are bad for them to be close to, even outside of a political context, just by the way different characters and even lives can interact. And learning what kind of people are good for you to be around is a skill. You have to experiment and learn how you do relationships. People you really like can be bad for you and you have to learn that, too. That sometimes it’s better to keep someone at an arms length despite really hitting it off. This applies to discourse as well. It’s a very fundamental part of how to build relationships in your life, but discourse adds another layer to it. Though I have found that personally people who are unnecessarily aggressive about discourse also don’t mesh with me as people to where I can let them get close without hurting myself in the process.
Irl it’s similar but also different. Generally it’s more difficult and scary to screen people irl and test out where they stand. You have to wait for opportunities a lot more, you have to spend more time on it. You have to deal with the fact that irl people know your real identity and are in your real life. But at the same time people irl act a lot more like people. They’re a lot less discourse poisoned. What you gotta keep in mind is that, yes they’re real and know your real identity and are in the meatspace with you, but all of that also goes the other way round. The needless aggression that permeates online spaces is partially a result of people not recognizing people they argue with as real people the same way. A person talking to your face irl will be constantly aware that everything they do and say affects a real person. And they will be aware that you are a human being, no matter what your views sound like to them if you present them in a text box on a screen. So it’s a trade off. I think it’s good for the personal wellbeing to talk to people irl to get a reality check on how far removed from the average person and the real world a lot of these discourses are. (Which is both a good and a bad thing by itself, but knowing specifically where irl people usually stand is definitely good to keep in mind.)
And also how much more lenient people are in irl, and how much more okay with disagreements. Especially if they know you as a person first. Somebody who has been your friend for years in real life will not react to an opinion they find objectionable the same way as someone who knows you fleetingly, be that online, or offline. But again… the stakes are higher, so you have to go really slow about it. And really try to read the other person and see how they respond when you screen them. Unfortunately your life situation plays a lot into your ability to find cool people and ads a big luck component to it. I have been very lucky in my life by having good people around me, but I recognize that not everyone has been born into a life that in that particular regard has been as good as mine. BUT. Idk if you’re an adult, but if you’re not I can tell you that once you leave school and gain more agency over your own life, more of a choice of who to associate with it becomes significantly easier and significantly more in your own control to chose who to associate with. And the more self reliant you become, the more that increases.
Lastly… It’s difficult to talk about some of these things in a format that is both anonymous and semi public. And idk if you know who I am, who I used to be on here, or on twitter, or still am elsewhere. Idk if you came here because you know who I am, or if you just found my tumblr and thought I seemed nice enough to not tear your head off. But if you dm me we can talk more in depth and I can possibly point you to some people and/or spaces to get an easier start. And in case it’s not clear, I promise that you can be as open as you want, I have heard some really wild stuff in my life and unless you’re gonna drop in my dm’s like “I murdered a person in the pale moonlight and I wanna do it again” I can tell you with certainty that you don’t have to worry about anything being too much for me. That is not hyperbole btw, that is actually what it would take to be the wildest stuff someone ever told me.
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busybby · 4 years
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hello everyone! no one asked for this but notion is now my guilty pleasure so i wanted to join in on creating some notion content (you have no idea how much time i've spent watching notion youtube videos, on notiontwt, and messing with my own notion). honestly i wasn't able to find a notion setup or template that i felt was perfect for me and it took me a long time to acknowledge this and be okay with it (lol this sounds so dramatic). i wanted to use it because it seemed so helpful, but for so long it was so frustrating. i'd spend so much time trying to make it work and then never return to any pages i set up. ultimately, i had to be very intentional about notion: what i wanted to use it for, how often i wanted to use it, etc. the problem was that i felt too overwhelmed to try to just make a set up from scratch. that being said, in this post i'm going to go over not only my own set up but how i got to it.
i actually found notion via @noodledesk​ back in the spring! their posts and set up inspired me to start researching and watching youtube videos. at this point i was just using notion's built in templates. i wanted to make them more personalized, but i was still confused about notion so it didn't go well and i eventually abandoned them. then, over the summer, i rediscovered noodledesk's task prioritization template and began using that. i ended up using it for a longggg time, probably from july to october! i altered it a teeny bit and over time added a few things to personalize it more. here's a pic of how it looks as of the last time i used it!
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as you can see it's basically a big grid organized by days and amount of time the task will require. there's some less organized stuff at the bottom and on top is my morning routine, a random motivational picture, a quote i like, and links to things i use daily like my google calendar.
this set up worked really well for me over the summer when i had absolutely no structure in my life, but once i was back in school and working two jobs, i found i don't need so much help prioritizing my tasks but rather a big space for me to see everything. and when i say everything, i mean literally everything.
around this time, i discovered notiontwt (notion twitter) and found sooo many beautiful spreads! they were so cute and inspired me a lot. this is one set up i attempted to use (i especially liked the weekly spread) and this is one that i made myself using a 'pack' of graphics as a kind of theme.
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like i said the graphics (header and calendar) are from the artist i linked above. the fanart of harry styles is by this artist. also just something that i think is important and could be a helpful reminder is to always put sources/artists for any images or art you include at the bottom of your pages! even if you're the only one seeing the page!! also of course ask if the image is okay to use!
so i tried to use that spread for october and again... it was abandoned. i also was using it in conjunction with the priority page and an 'assignments masterlist' database i have but things were just not working. i think this is the point that i decided that i would just be creative, let things flow, and do what i wanted. i took pieces from set ups that i liked, made my own little pieces, and added them to a blank page that i titled 'my brain.' 'my brain' really helped to free up my mind. calling it that made me center the page on myself and only use things that i liked and that worked for me (& ignore all the aesthetic stuff i was seeing). i felt free to delete some things and add others even if i didn't know exactly how i wanted them to look or function. in addition, i even added a little section to that page where i wrote, "i want this to be a space of fluid exploration so i can move things around as i figure out what works best for me," as a reminder of what that page was meant to be. i also started bulking up my 'essentials page' which i'll go through another time, but it was important in creating this page and keeping it focused on my daily needs.
going into this 'project' there were a few elements i knew i liked from things i'd tried and things i'd seen. these were: images, a grid layout (from noodledesk's priority page), a full page, quotes, organization by weekday. so, the first thing i did was make these elements in my page. then i arranged them into a layout that i liked (loosely inspired by, again, noodle desk): list on the left, image on the right. this is what it looked like:
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at the top, there is a callout that says "today" and it's meant to overview everything that should be in my head on that particular day or... every day. underneath there are three columns, one for tasks (check list), one for events and random thoughts (reminders) and one for general inspiration. the inspiration column has the callout with the goal of the page that i already discussed, a painting by my favorite artist, and a quote that i liked from a book i've read recently.
underneath all of that is more of a future look-ahead. i have a grid-style weekly planner and then a linked database that i use every day. i learned how to make this database from @blacklinguist​‘s post.and under all that i just have some other stuff.
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so this is basically what i began working with! since, i've added sub sections to organzize my to-do list, a goal section, and a cute picture next to my weekly grid. i just added these as they came to me. for example, i wanted to do this one reading challenge but I always forget about goals because i put them deep into other pages and then forget about them. so i made a section on my main page for them!
also if it's important, the assignments masterlist is sorted by due date, but in the weekly grid i put the tasks under the day that they're due. so you can see my falling man reading is due on dec.1, but i need to actually do it before then so in the weekly grid it's under the monday heading (and tuesday but that's because i doubt i'll finish it monday). i also try to add the dates of the week to those headings so i don't get confused but usually i forget. i at least try to bold the current day. random note but that's one thing i had trouble with in a lot of the templates i was trying before. they usually only organized things by due or 'do' date, but my brain really requires both so i made sure to include that here. BUT i wasn't aware of that before. i honestly just put that into words and realized it now. that's why it's important to just add absolutely anything that you think might help you even a little bit. anywho, here it is in its current state:
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and that's pretty much it! another time i can go over the other pages i use, but this is my version of what a lot of notion users call a dashboard and this is what I've put the most effort into making work for me. i hope this helps you in some way whether it's using this format exactly, taking some inspiration, or just realizing that notion is super flexible and can work for you (even if it's intimidating right now). also i'm so sorry if this is overwhelming but i think it's super satisfying lol. let me know if you have any questions or ideas and please message me about notion because i love talking about it.
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ragsweas · 3 years
Thank you @sunnyrosewritesstuff for the tag!!
Fandoms: Primarily Hobbit! I do have old works in MCU, OUAT, HP, Arrowverse which I need to finish someday and read Castlevania, DW and Good Omens.
Two-Shot: They have either turned into three-shot or four-shot lol! The only one is in MCU, called Turning Back Time. Other than that it’s all Multi-chapter or One-Shots.
Most popular multi-chapter: When the Sun Rises, I will... I love this story and I have been able to meet some amazing amazing people through this one piece. Coming close is The future sucked, so we are going to change it and maybe when it is finished it might just take over lol!
Actual worst part of writing: The writing itself! There’s a perfect image, the absolutely fitting dialogue, I can see the scenario, smell it, taste it, do everything. But when it comes to putting it down on paper/doc? wHat ArE wOrDs kjdjkdhkewfhk
How you choose your titles: It’s the theme. Whatever the main theme of the story is, it goes in the title. Like, When The Sun Rises and The Sun Sets is essentially about the two idiots declaring their undying love for each other, every moment of the day.
Do you outline: Oh God yes! I always have two docs- one where the whole writing thing is going on and the other where every detail can be found. Sometimes they are in bullet points, other times as random scribbling. Most of the times the outline doc ends up with alternate scenes, some details, some dialogues, and the notes of the upcoming chapter. Because almost all the world are multi-chap, this is what follows. One-shots are usually just me sitting down with a feeling and word-vomiting.
I also have a notebook that is kept aside just for fanfic, with new ideas, outlines for stories that haven’t been published and just some random stuff.
Ideas you probably won’t get to but wouldn’t it be nice: Ummmmmmm, okay here they are:
Dragon! Bilbo AU where Bilbo, Bard and Smaug have a History (Not telling just in case I ever get around to writing this lol)
Modern Day Reincarnation AU with Fiki, Bagginshield and just general Angst
Another Modern Day Reincarnation AU where it’s all fluff and Bilbo has a coffee shop
A series of One-shots of ‘what if the other Durin survived’ with storylines for Thorin, Fili and Kili planned out and a continuation where they meet in the afterlife which is essentially a redoing of Quest of Erebor and it is about all of these three forgiving themselves (it’s super angsty for Thorin and Kili, but for Fili he actually ends up in Shire cause Bilbo dies in his universe and like, he raises Frodo and then joins the Fellowship...I think about this a LOT!)
Fili, Kili, Thorin and Bilbo waking up in an AU where Erebor never fell and some Hobbits settled down on the foothills of Erebor.
Callouts @ yourself: I actually did end up planning the next few chapter of The Sun Sets!!! Which ended up being extremely hard but yaay I did it! I also made sort of goals?? where I roughly plan how many chapter I want each chapter to be and how long it can take to write and publish them so yaaay!
Best writing traits: Dunno...probably my ability to actually plot out multi-chaps and make ELABORATE backstories for many characters? I do that a lot and I love doing that.
(If all goes well I might just write a story which is a lot of backstory of Erebor with Bilbo and get it across!)
So Tagging: @lordoftherazzles, @frostedej @frostyfanfics @magravenwrites @inkconito @azimuthal-main and whoever else wants to go!
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relatablegenzwriter · 5 years
30-Day Writing Challenge (for novelists)
this challenge is intended for novel writers who have had a strong novel idea for a while and know their story fairly well, or who have already made a little progress on a novel, and are stuck on it. i’m not an expert so i don’t know how much this is actually going to help you get out of that rut, but the hope is that you’ll spend a month immersing yourself in the world of your story and you’ll get some motivation out of it. i’d suggest taking about 30 minutes (at least) to do each activity, and to do everything completely distraction-free, with your phone in another room and your computer on do not disturb (if you’re writing on a computer). enjoy you nerds.
1. Write out your entire plot, even if you’ve already done it. This will re-familiarize you with your project.
2. Get the basic information on your main character. Write their backstory up until the point where your novel begins, make note of characteristics, and get their basic appearance down. Got multiple main characters? Great! You get to write more. (That’s what you get.) For all characters, make sure you know:
your character’s wants
your character’s values
at least five character flaws
the role your character will play in the story
how you want them to change over the course of the story
optional but recommended: cultural aspects like race or religion, which will help you develop their background and values a lot better.
3. Do some basic worldbuilding: what year is this novel set? Country? Planet? What are some traditions or norms? Is there magic or new technology? What’s up with the government? If your novel is set in our current world, work out the specifics of the characters’ neighborhood, home, city, etc.
4. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the opening scene.
5. Do what you did on day 2, except for your antagonist. No clear-cut antagonist? Pick whoever’s closest, or do the prompts for a supporting or minor character.
6. Research day: go through what you’ve already written and highlight everything you wanted to look up later, then spend some time researching it. You’ll probably find out more things that you’ll want to add to the plot.
7. Character day: you’ll have four of these, so divide up your characters accordingly. Do some of the character work you did for your main and antagonist for however many . You can go into less detail if they’re less important, but make sure you still know the six main points that you got to know about the more featured characters.
8. Pick a few parts of your worldbuilding exercise that you want to go more in-depth into (i.e. political systems, technology, cultural traditions) and spend about thirty minutes writing, brainstorming, and researching things to flesh them out. There will be three worldbuilding days, so make sure to save some material for the others!
9. Look through the plot you wrote out and see if you can find any plotholes, concepts you want to flesh out more, or parts that are unclear or missing. Really take some time to understand what the problems are, and come up with some possible solutions. It’s great if you figure out what you want to do, but if you don’t, that’s fine! You still made progress.
10. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the ending scene. Spoiler alert: this is going to be really hard. You can try writing a couple contenders, or even outlining a scene if you’re not quite sure where to go. Don’t worry about trying to make it pretty, because it’s not gonna be pretty: you don’t have all the details that you would if you were writing in chronological order.
11. Character day
12. Write your favorite scene. If you have a strong story idea in your head, you most likely know the one: you daydream about it when you wish you were doing something else, it plays like a movie in your head, it’s probably located somewhere around the middle of the book, and you probably haven’t let yourself write it because you “haven’t gotten there yet”. Today’s the day. Go nuts.
13. Rewrite the opening scene from a different character’s perspective. I know this sounds really cliche, but even if it doesn’t give you more insight on the story, it’s fun to do.
14. Worldbuilding day
15. Research day: research new stuff that you hadn’t written last time, plus anything over from the first research day. Not sure what to research? Characters’ cultures, the history of your setting (if in our world), famous fictional worlds, language development… if you sit and think for a little, you’ll figure out something you want to know.
16. Pick a few of your favorite character relationships: romantic, platonic, familial, whatever you want, and spend some time sketching them out. Think about their arcs, how they met (if they’re not related), what they think about each other, how they interact… basically anything you want, as long as you come away knowing more about the relationships between your characters. Also, please make only half (or less) of these romantic! It’s super important to develop the other relationships in the story.
17. Pick up from where you left off in your opening scene and write the next scene. Again, don’t look at any previously existing drafts.
18. Character day
19. Emotion break! Make a list of everything you don’t like about your book. Get all your insecurities out onto the paper, then refute everything you don’t like. If it’s specifics like “I don’t like that x happens”, figure out how to make x not happen. If it’s general doubts like “This has been done before and I’m unoriginal,” refute that too! Everyone doubts their work all the time and I can guarantee that we are all more critical of our own work than others will be. Finish today’s unconventional activity off by writing a list of everything you love about your book.
20. Pick any scene you’ve written for this book, whether it be from this challenge or something you had before, and rewrite it in some form of AU. Change the genre, time period, location, context… you are a god.
21. Worldbuilding day
22. You know those books that are stories told entirely in poems? You heard me. (Start anywhere you want to, write at least five or however many you can get done in 30 minutes. No one will ever read them, so don’t complain that you’re not a poet.)
23. Find a list of dialogue prompts and pick a few to do with your characters. Want a challenge? Choose two characters at random. (I mean using a generator or drawing names out of a hat. COMPLETELY random.)
24. Pick up from day 16 and write the next scene.
25. Last character day :(
26. Write, or at least, begin, a very short story in your world. Try to include no characters from your actual story. If your novel takes place in our world, focus in on the characters’ neighborhood, time period, workplace, school, etc. This exercise will help you get to know your world through a different perspective. Don’t stress too much about this! It doesn’t have to be very long or even to be finished.
27. Fun day! Pick three of these activities to do with your novel:
Make a playlist about the novel as a whole, or make some character playlists
Design the cover
Cast actors in the film/TV version
Draw: character portraits, scenes, maps, landscapes…
Put together a moodboard for the novel or a character
Write that completely unrealistic scene you love so much but can’t put in the novel for plot reasons
Make memes about your characters
Sit and daydream for a solid 10 minutes about the Vibe of the novel
Anything that falls into a similar category
This is a callout activity for all you ””””””””writers”””””””” who spend more time daydreaming about novel ideas than actually writing. (this is 100% a joke because this is 100% me)
28. Rewrite your opening scene from a different narrator. If you wrote in first person, use third. If you wrote in third, use first. You can also mess with second person if you feel like you have an artist superiority complex and aren’t like other girls.
29. Pick your favorite activity from so far and do it again.
30. List everything that you need to do before you can jump right into the first draft. Then do it.
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Fanfic writing game, tagged by @atlantis-scribe and @frankthesnek ! Thank you both, this was fun 😁💙
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Name: Chaos!
Fandoms: too many several 🙈 most active lately in Stargate (Atlantis), but also currently watching SG1, and Loki (which I may or may not eventually write something for cause that ship 👀👀 oh I see it 👀👀). Attached to, but currently or generally less active in, Thrawn, Stormlight Archive, Midsomer Murders, Dresden Files, the Witcher netflix series, and Assassin's Creed. Honourable mention to Good Omens too!
Two-shot: ...huh, y'know I think it's been awhile since I wrote a two-chapter fic? I used to do them more, probably, but I tend a lot more now towards either just one-shots, or two related one-shots but put in a series rather than a single work (cause then I feel simultaneously less pressure to Write More and finish a 1/? fic, but also avoid feeling like a one-shot is finished so I can't write anymore in that setting/verse/wtv). Most recent 2-part series is the ShepDex 💦 kink fics; most recent actual two-chapter fic was... Intoxicating for geraskier over a year ago, holy shit! Definitely have more in the 3-6 chapter range than true longfics, anyway.
Most popular multi-chapter: that's tough because 'popular' is affected by fandom size so damn much 😅 So I'll say it's probably something of a tie between Need (Thranto) and Stolen Moments (Geraskier)
Actual worst part of writing: getting way too hyper-focused on it when I didn't actually mean to, and discovering I've accidentally spent an entire day or weekend sitting at my desk writing random filth and turning into a screen-eyes zombie. Instead of leaving the house or doing all the real life things that really needed doing (like, yknow, actually showering and feeding myself and doing chores while I have the time 🙈😬)
How you choose your titles: It's almost always the second-last thing I come up with (the last thing being the bloody summaries. I usually have my damn tags figured out before the actual title 😂), and generally I just pick a single word or short phrase that kind of sums up the whole thing in some way. Often it's something that appears in the fic itself somewhere, one or more times, but not always.
Do you outline: Yes, just not always... physically? So like, Need and then Inflection Point have shown me that I can outline and that I really like it for anything actually plotty! For shorter fics or oneshots, I almost always still outline - but it often just stays in my head and isn't written down anywhere till I'm actually just writing the fic. And whether it's written down or a mental outline, I'd guess that I'm probably somewhere in the middle when it comes down to how much detail I do my outlines in. I generally like to know where I'm starting and where I'm ending (whether it's plot or PWP), with some little points I want to hit along the way (if it works). That gives me the flexibility to let things unfold naturally as I write, while also giving me a direction so I don't write myself into a corner too much. But if I over-outline, I often lose interest in actually writing the thing cause I... kind of already have. Or the whole thing winds up feeling too forced and awkward, particularly for smut.
Ideas you probably won’t get to but wouldn’t it be nice: oh jeez, so many. Too many. There are also things that sat in my ideas list for a long time and I thought I'd never get around to them, but then I did in the end, too? So... who knows with any of them 😅
Callouts @ yourself: Not everything has to be in full fucking detail, chaos. So often I write myself into a boring corner and get stuck until I finally remember I can just... have the thing (sex, it's usually sex) happen in vaguer or more emotional/sensation terms. Also I'm probably going to writer's jail for flagrant abuse of commas, semi-colons, grammatically-correct but overly long sentences.
Tumblr media
Best writing traits: I make people feel things. I also like to think my pacing is pretty good in general, and I don't miss too many typos and shit. but there's always that ONE that gets away
Spicy tangential opinion: second person POV ("you") is awkward enough to read, writing it in past tense instead of present makes it extra weird 🙈
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I don't know who's already been tagged and who's actively writing/wants to talk about it these days 😅 So I leave it open to anyone who wants to do it, @ me so I can see 😁
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feynavaley · 4 years
Thanks to @mandelene for the open tag!
Name: My online pseudonym is Feyna.
Fandoms: Currently, only Hetalia.
Most popular oneshot: I’ve never written real one-shots so I guess it’ll have to be a ficlet. On tumblr, the one with most notes is Small Stream. However, Christmas Is with Family has nearly as many notes and also got quite a few comments on FNN and AO3 (while Small Stream didn’t) so I don’t know which one is objectively more popular.
Most popular multichapter: Needy Child. Because apparently, it’s the only fic existing in the Hetalia fandom set during those few years when America was a teen and Canada a child/toddler, so anybody who wants to read something like that has only this fic of mine available. 😅
Actual worst part of writing: I know this is cliché, but the hardest part is the writing itself, lol. Especially, as it turned out, when I was looking forward to writing that scene and had daydreamed about it million of times... Pity that I’m never able to give it justice when I write it down, which is incredibly frustrating.
How you choose your titles: I’m awful at choosing titles, haha. It’s a random process. I try to churn out titles (mostly going by words’ association) and hope for a good one to strike me. (Ideally, the title would have some sort of double meaning, both related to the theme of the story. I once wrote a better explanation of the process [x].) If it doesn’t happen, I go for the one I dislike less of those I had tried.
Do you outline: For fics that ended up being shorter than ~40k words, I’ve never done it (even though I did have the general plot and some scenes in my mind. I daydream a lot about a fic before writing it). For longer fics, instead, I write a very loose outline of the main events and how they can be divided into chapters. (I explained it better in answer to other questions [x] [x].) I don’t always end up sticking to that once I’m writing, though.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? Lol there’s so much stuff here... Something I’ve been thinking about a lot (since I got a question about it) is the fantasy AU with Matthew and Alfred as knights [x]. The more I think about it, the more I love the idea. However, I don’t have an organic plot in mind so it’s quite unlikely I’ll ever get around to writing it. (Even though a collection of full-length – at least 6k words – one-shots...) Of other ideas I’ve talked about in the past [x], instead, for how I love all of them, one of the most unlikely ones is the one with Arthur being a lawyer who has to help Alfred get custody of Matthew because... the idea is lovely. Pity that I know absolutely nothing of adoptions and all the legal stuff involved, the research required would be daunting. 😅 On a similar note, I’m quite enamoured with one of the fantasy ideas I had (the one with Alfred and Matthew as princes) and I keep adding details to that plot but I don’t think I’ll ever write it as, compared to a canon-verse setting or a more generic human AU, it would require a lot of effort in terms of worldbuilding, I would also have to describe wars and peace talks... honestly, I highly doubt I’d be good enough.
Callouts @ Me: I’m way too long-winded. A bit of introspection is fine, but too much is too much. 😅 Second, I’m writing in English. I need to stop relying on the more complex syntax of Italian. Third, way too self-indulgent. Shameless hurt/comfort in the way I write it is the exact opposite of good writing.
Best writing traits: I don’t think I have one, to be honest. But I guess my writing isn’t completely awful (at least, I hope!) so I’ll put it down as ‘my writing isn’t as bad as it could be’, lol. It’s still something! 😅
Spicy Tangential Opinion: Less isn’t always more.
Tagging: I’m tagging anyone who feels like doing this! I’d love to read your answers. 😊
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
Bonus Question Answers! (anime heat 1)
I asked a silly question! You gave me incredible answers. SO VERY MANY INCREDIBLE ANSWERS. Now, I present my favourites! 
If your answer is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
Q: If you could drop any of the Senshi into another anime, who would you put where, and what happens next?
*  Just dropping Minako into Literally Any Anime and watch her try to fuck the hottest character(s) as chaotically as possible is always my idea of a good time. -- @commas-and-ampersands [Honestly, isn’t it a good time for all of us? Especially Minako.]
*  Probably any of them (but most likely Minako or Michiru) into Revolutionary Girl Utena for SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER and SPOILER SPOILER Doc SPOILER SPOILER reasons -- @dancinginredshoes  [FANTASTIC ANSWER THE DETAIL WAS DIVINE]
*  Mako would do very well as a character in Sweetness and Lightning. Befriend Kotori and Tsumugi and help them cook but sometimes having to suddenly jump out for 'half hour tops, be back soon, keep the heat down, don't let it burn' and leave our heroes alone to cook. They'd manage and receive another victory in cooking and then Mako would join them again and praise them on how they did such a good job. Inuzuka-sensei would be convinced that her 'stepping out' is a tactic to let them gain confidence in cooking. Little does he know she's a genuine Magic Girl. If Tsumugi accidentally found out she'd be over the moon but easily bribed to keep quiet on this most important secret of a Magic Girl.-- Daphne of the Lustrous Waters [Mako in Sweetness & Lightning was a popular -- and very correct -- choice, but your attention to detail set this above and beyond. Too good, too pure.]
*  I would absolutely put Haruka into the Ouran High School Host Club anime, and I will try to elaborate without undue spoilers. I would LOVE to see Haruka take those rich boys down a peg. As a gender nonconforming woman with a working class background who can A) navigate rich people nonsense via exposure through Michiru and B) take any of them in a fight (and I do mean ANY of them, Ouran fans, don't @me), Haruka would be a delightful addition. Watching Michiru or Rei would be a great second choice -- @goosebytrade  [The sum total of my knowledge of this anime is the opening theme by PGSM Naru, and something about smashing a vase. Still, I found that I, too, wanted all of these things, thank you.]
* Hotaru is my baby and she deserves a better life, I want to scoop her up and put her somewhere that she can make FRIENDS HER OWN AGE who won't mind that she's a baby goth. I will send her to magic school in Little Witch Academia, where she will become a quiet girl with huge amounts of power that she doesn't like to use for anything other than healing (her absolute weakest attack knocks down walls, it gets worse from there) and everyone wants to be teammates with. The other option is shipping her off to Princess Tutu land, but while having Ahiru's friends dragging her around with them would make her less lonely, I'm not sure it would make her life *better*! She'd probably make a good ballerina though, if she didn't get magically turned into a luna moth.  -- idleflower  [A better life for Hotaru! I also want this for her. Also, Hotaru being a tiny ballet luna moth is inspired.]
*  Jetty I love you and your bonus questions, but if I'm not mistaken you have not watched many anime which makes thinking of an answer to this that you will also fully understand a bit harder then you might think, that being said if Haruka was in Utena it would be very interesting. Haruka would very much like to be a prince like Utena, but I think she would have zero patience with Touga and his bulshit. With any of the men in the student concil's bulshit really  -- Lott  [I love all this, but laughed INTENSELY at your callout.]
*  Haruka in Fushigi Yuugi. I desperately want to read more of that. -- @madegeeky​  [CORRECT AND ACCURATE WE ALL WANT AND DESERVE MORE OF THIS]
*  I would love to see Rei in any generic popular shonen and see her wreck shit --Omni  [nodding, tears in eyes]
*  Haruka in Yuri on Ice. I just like the idea of her looking amazing and Right in a mens figure skating costume and then taking one step onto the ice and....well.  --Skirto  [Wonderful setup to the perfect conclusion, full marks.]
*  I reach for the Senshi Displacer 3000, knobs winking in tandem with the soft purr of machinery. There are a hundred knobs, a thousand, a hundred thousand, there are knobs spilling out across the floor as I am momentarily overcome by the infinite amount of Senshi on a limitless plane of existence. I shake my head. No. I know who my pick is. She deserves this. The knobs retreat, leaving behind only one. Or was there ever only one? This universe is fickle like that; I don't think about it for too long. I reach for the softly glowing dark red button, but my hand is stopped with a gentle but firm chop from a gloved hand. Pluto looks at me sternly and shakes her head. She still feels duty-bound to the door, I get that, but still I plead. "Are you sure, Setsuna? Don't you want like, a tiny break? To hang out with a tiny adorable kitten?" She wavers a little. After all, Chi IS an adorable kitten looking for a Sweet Home. Eventually she shakes her head. She already knows one Cutest Kitten in the World, and she has her sacred duty to the kingdom. I sigh in understanding, defeated. Maybe I'll see how well that Gundam anime does with Rei at the helm... -- @rhiorhino  [Glorious, start to finish. Loved the story, can’t wait for the sequel.]
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (currently looking to be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry, so keep those answers coming! I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
👙 What is your take on sexy characters? (sidenote - the emoji choice for this one is making me snort)
Hot Takes OOC!
Thank you for the ask, @ren-roelanberry!
My super tepid take is I literally don’t care what others do. Honestly, I don’t. A lot of the things some people find sexy are things I find boring or get tired of quickly, so I’d say a lot of sexy characters are not for me. But other people’s characters’ are not in existence to please me, and if other people are having fun, I wish them the best. I do have some concern about certain tropes I see people leaning on, but I don’t know every person behind every character or their intents. I would have to say in general it’s none of my business because I don’t really cross paths with it that much.
Behind the cut, I’m going to talk about some potentially triggering subjects, including a situation of a harassing/abusive RPer who targeted trans players.
I think there is a really genuine issue of boundaries within spaces like these, where LGBTQIA+, less-vanilla sexual interests, and inexperience/social awkwardness all intersect. In sharing sexual ideas, fantasies, etc., it’s very easy to become vulnerable, and others can push forward into that vulnerable space without assurance it’s a safe or comfortable environment - or worse. For instance, in the case of someone I ran afoul of several years ago, they connected to other trans RPers who were interested in their characters’ sexuality, pushed for unconsenting sexual scenarios (I had an extremely unpleasant experience with this), and even privately blackmailed several trans RPers into putting up with their BS/staying in a ship with them on the threat of outing them.* I experienced several of these behaviors. And yes, to some extent, we can all log off and walk away, and we should be better about setting boundaries and checking in with ourselves. However, I think that argument only goes so far. Most people aren’t in the habit of totally cutting someone off mid-interaction when that person has “otherwise been nice.” This is the case IRL as well. I feel like the excuse of “it’s just the internet” only goes so far. Especially when the kinds of abuses, harassment, and suspect behavior I see are the same ones that go on in similar communities IRL. Okay, so, log off and deal with the real world, where I’m also going to have to deal with similar things? Poor behavior is poor even online. If you claim to believe in #MeToo and the like, it seems weird how often people write off these issues when they exist online. Predatory is still predatory. Boundary-pushing and manipulation are still those things even online. I feel as though a lot of people make excuses for it, and operate within the ambiguity of the space, and the fact the people around them might not attribute as much meaning to it because of it being online. It might be “easier” for people to be creeps online where they don’t really have to deal with the consequences, but that doesn’t make them not creeps. It also doesn’t mean that maybe secretly they’re great people IRL who just have a bad habit online. And just because maybe the people who suffered that harassment dared to have sexuality or desire for understanding that was manipulated doesn’t mean they’re not a victim of someone who took advantage of their feelings.
But I digress. Most of the truly awful things I’ve seen were not from specifically “sexy” characters, in fact the opposite is true in many cases. That alone is not the red flag to me, and in fact I can appreciate the boldness in characters who are straightforward about what they want and who they are (even if it’s not for me). They’re people who quietly groomed others, pulled them into private interactions and isolated them from others. They might even vocally seem supportive and kind... So long as you always walk in pace with them and never away from them. They also tend to have a group of friends willing to cover for them and support them. So, y’know, not so unlike the other abusive behavior that’s come to light over the years.
Be aware that this exists in the community in addition to the horrid “random” sexual harassment of people sending weird /tells or oversharing their kinks in public.
*I can privately provide this person’s name if anyone wants, but it’s not my intent to make a callout - and this person is no longer on Crystal and has, at least on the screenname I know them for, not been active since early Stormblood
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
Some more suggested rules/guidelines for avoiding causing needless suffering (especially to other people) while talking about social justice stuff online:
Rule #1: do not engage with trolls. It’s not worth it. Disengage, let them “win”, block if necessary.
It’s not always possible to tell if someone’s a troll. That’s ok. Disengaging is never a bad idea if you’re not sure. If you suspect the possible troll may have a point (and someone can both be a troll and have a point), set aside some time to look it up later, or ask someone that you know isn’t a troll who knows something about the subject.
If an issue is new to you and you don’t know what questions might cause offense, lurk for a bit. Do an internet search for “(issue) FAQ” or “(issue) 101.” It is also OK to ask questions of someone who’s explicitly invited questions. (If they say they aren’t going to answer specific questions, don’t ask those.)
I have found that specifically seeking out information about an issue I don’t know much about, tends to result in a much gentler/friendlier approach than just wandering around and having random encounters. Just because some people are in your face about the issue when you randomly stumble across it, does not mean everyone will be like that.
In particular: when a marginalized person brings up a topic and other people (tbh including people in that group) insert their opinions, especially disagreeing opinions, this tends to get a really hostile response even when the people making disagreeing opinions are being very polite in their word choices.This is because the behavior itself is seen by many people as rude and intrusive.
Actually, many people see it as so self evidently rude that they won’t bother with saying it’s rude, they’ll just say whatever they think will shut it down fastest. Including “shut up” and calling the people saying disagreeing opinions -ist or -phobic.
A lot of the ugliest online fights involve two sides that each think the other side is being hopelessly rude. (Which is not to say they’re equally likely to be right. But it does mean: if you think people are being really rude, it’s possible that they are, but also possible you’ve done something incredibly rude by their standards. In either case, disengaging is a good idea.)
Somewhat tangential: people tend to really dislike it when someone asks for advice, gets advice they didn’t want to hear, and argues with it.
When unsure, take a moment to calm down and pay attention to how the discussion started and/or who’s “space” it is. What’s rude on your own post and what’s rude on a reblog are different.
Don’t pretend to have an identity you don’t have. (This should go without saying, but for the sake of being thorough.)
Trying to show that someone else doesn’t have the identity they claim to have is risky and can go horribly wrong. (I’m not super knowledgeable about blackfishing specifically, so I’m not going to weigh in on it.) In general I think it’s best to not make assumptions about people’s identities. People from any group can have perspectives that disagree with other people’s perspectives.
Arguing with people who are wrong or who you think are wrong, is not necessarily as constructive or worthwhile as it feels in the moment. Pointing out someone else’s bad manners is usually itself bad manners.
“I” statements (statements about you personally and your experience) are sometimes a lot “safer” than generalizations. This is a bit contextual though: “this is a common experience for x people”/“I’ve never experienced that” might not be constructive. Additionally, sometimes people don’t want to talk about their own experience because that can be very vulnerable, so it’s not a good idea to impose that standard on other people.
Unfollowing and blocking: unfollowing or blocking a stranger is no big deal, do it as often as you like for any reason you like. Explaining why you’re unfollowing someone who’s shown no interest in you is unnecessary. If you’ve had a lot of interaction with someone (not just one-sided on your part) and they do one thing you don’t like, it might be worth trying to talk it out. (Maybe it was a mistake.) Telling other people to not follow a specific person is kinda extreme (controlling) and should not be done lightly, and it’s worth asking yourself what you’re trying to accomplish. Personally I have yet to see a “don’t follow this person” callout that I thought was justified. (Granted: very small sample size.)
DNI/BYF (do not interact/before you follow): Some of these make a lot more sense to me than others. Regardless, people get to set whatever boundaries they want, and I can’t think of any situation that would justify interacting with someone who has requested you not interact with a specific post or their entire blog. It’s worth checking someone’s description before following them or liking/reblogging from them, as a matter of respect and consideration.
Don’t send death threats, or suicide bait, or doxx people. Or anything else blatantly mean and unnecessary.
Anyways, this is just some thoughts off the top of my head. I would unironically love it if someone wants to point me towards anyone else’s list.
I really do think that a lot of conflict in social justice land (and between social justice types and the wider world) comes from people operating off of different and conflicting social rules (often without ever explicitly saying what the rules are), so the more we get these rules into the open the better.
In particular, I feel really in the dark about how tags are supposed to work (not technically, in terms of how people should tag) and would love asks/messages/reblogs/whatever from other people on how you tag.
I also think there’s more stuff to say about parasocial relationships and stalker-y or “creepy” behavior, and where the lines are on sending asks and so on, but I’m way out of my depth on that.
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maesterkenobi · 4 years
how I run my blog
Tagged by: as usual I’ve stolen it from @mynameisanakin  Tagging: no one, i am too lazy and i follow like 14 people so. just do it if you want to.
SPEED: is not my forte. I try my best, but there are several factors that work against me in this aspect: 1) I’m a chronic procrastinator 2) I’m scatterbrained 3) I have more than one blog 4) I almost never write replies that are less than two paragraphs and I want it to make sense and be good and be enjoyable for my partner, so it takes time. I almost never reply the same day (MAYBE on discord, because there my replies are way shorter and it’s mostly to my best friend), and you’re lucky if I reply within a week. I really try to be faster on this blog because I made a promise to myself (and I was doing okay until the whole virus thing happened and I ran into a bunch of personal problems) AND I am keeping a low profile on this blog so it doesn’t get overwhelming. Long story short, if you are looking for a super active daily replies partner, I am not it for you. If you’re okay with waiting for a while but getting more developed stories and longer replies in turn, then we should talk :)
REPLIES: Are on the longer side on this blog. I don’t really have the patience for one liners because they tend to go nowhere and then feel like bread crumbs of randomness all over my blog. They’re okay sometimes, but more often than not they feel like crack. Writing replies is really exhausting for me sometimes, but I try to force myself because I WANT to do it, I’m just having issues concentrating on one thing at a time so it takes me forever.
STARTERS: I don’t write welcoming starters because 8 out of 10 times they get ignored or are so random that they lead nowhere. If someone writes me a welcoming starter, it depends on the content but usually I’ll try to make it work for me and reply. I don’t often like starter calls because most people write absolutely pointless starters. For example they’ll write a paragraph of explaining what their muse did all day (unrelated to my muse), then walk into some random place they’ve never been to (e.g. a shady bar) and suddenly get surprised by my muse being there, and/or, my personal favorite, say something like “what the hell do you want from me”? Which I struggle with for several reasons. One, if you create a setting but don’t bother explaining why we’re there, you put the entire weight of explaining that (aka creating the actual setting) on ME, but you add an additional complication by making it something that I didn’t come up with, so now I have to introduce a world YOU invented with 0 idea of why you chose that particular location in the first place. Second, you put my muse in a situation that makes no sense for them and again force me to explain that, without even giving me a good reason to. And third, I play very different muses, but most of them are going to lose interest in the conversation immediately if the first thing you say to them is rude af. So, yeah, I actually really struggle with most random starters. Please just plot with me and then I will love you forever for writing me a plotted starter that I know will not create 400 questions in my head that I then have to bother you with, which makes me feel like a nuisance. (Or at least keep the setting neutral? Or try to come up with something that seems reasonable for my muse? I always try to do that and when I am unsure, I message the person who liked my starter calls.) Speaking of which, I rarely post starter calls, because.. well, like I just kind of explained, it’s comes with responsibility and work. And I’m lazy.
INBOX: is open for memes at all times, and questions of any kind. I often don’t get notified, so I sometimes see certain messages months later - when that happens, I usually don’t reply anymore if they’re anon because I’ll assume that person forgot or isn’t even around anymore. Sorry about that! It’s an issue I’ve had on several blogs and I don’t know how to fix it. Anon hate is deleted without comment, unless I feel there’s a point in replying to it publicly, or if it’s entertaining. I don’t roleplay via inbox and therefore any “ic” questions or interactions posted in there will be treated as a one-time meme, if I can reply to them at all. Asks of sexual nature from complete strangers will usually be ignored because Obi-Wan isn’t the muse for that at all. As I’ve stated in my rules I only roleplay with mutuals and therefore won’t roleplay with someone I don’t follow, even if they ignore that rule and start rping with me via inbox. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but I have these rules for a reason and I ask that people read and respect them.
SELECTIVITY: I am selective with whom I follow because I have limited time and energy for this blog (and all my blogs) and therefore find it irresponsible and pointless to accept 600 followers and threads when I know I can’t possibly reply to even 10% of them. Before I follow someone (back) I look at their blogs; in particular at their writing (to see if I like their style and their portrayal), their rules (to see what they like/dislike and if our general understanding of the RPC, roleplay, and in a way social interactions in general go well together), and sometimes their OOC posts to get a feeling of how the other person is. (Obviously I also sometimes don’t follow back when I don’t know the muse or fandom at all.) Blog rules and ooc posts can say A LOT about a person, and there are plenty of people in the RPC (in any fandom) that quickly rose to tumblr fame with shiny graphics and fancy formatting and dozens of well-developed verses and headcanons, but they straight up suck as people outside of writing. My rules state very clearly that I discourage hateful comments, mob mentality and callout culture, and unfortunately many “popular” blogs use exactly these tools to execute their power (which comes from being admired for all the wrong reasons). So, I know many people think being selective means you only pick partners with fancy graphics and poetic writing, but for me it actually means I want decent human beings as partners. I don’t give a shit if you format your posts (as long as you cut them) or if you have a blog with a fancy theme, or just a rules google doc, or if you use icons or not. If I like your writing and you seem like a nice and reasonable person, I’m good to go. If you talk to me about dogs I’m even better to go.
WISHLIST: I always try to have one because I find it very helpful when looking for plot ideas with new partners. I will look at yours if you like a plotting call or something too, but I know not everyone has a wishlist~
HONEST NOTE: I’m not a teenager anymore and I’ve been rping for over 14 years. I work with lots of strangers, I study for a job with lots of strangers. I think about philosophical concepts a lot, about morality and human behavior and I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness, empathy and compassion are some of the core values every single person should focus on to make the world a better place. I have no patience and no interest in engaging in the absolute toxic and harmful hate movement that’s taken over this website (and other social media platforms) in whatsoever way. Occasionally I’ll make a salty comment about it, but only because I’ve had it up to here. I am here to enjoy fandom the way I used to, and the way it used to be meant to be enjoyed - not to completely ignore real issues like world politics, economical and environmental crises, in order to entertain witch hunts on people who happen to enjoy a fictional ship that isn’t 300% approved by puritan statutes of the 1600s. I am responsible for the content I seek out online, and so are you. Does it suck when I see something I dislike? Sure. Is it the fault of the person who posted it? No. Especially not when I read their rules first, like I’m supposed to, and they clearly state that the thing I dislike will appear on their blog. And even if they didn’t, it was my choice to go on their blog and look at their content. If you can’t handle taking responsibility for the content you seek out online, then you are probably not old enough to use the internet unsupervised. I am free to write, read, and post on my personal blog whatever I want, as long as I am not breaking the law. Liking a fictional ship that involves an age gap? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship that involves siblings? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship in which one party was abusive to the other at some point? Not illegal. Liking a fictional character who killed your fave? Not illegal. It’s fictional. Get over it. And if you really think that seeing fictional characters or ships online that YOU consider “problematic” is hurting people in real life, then you should join those politicians who burn books that are “corrupting the people’s morals and minds”, who ban video games because they “make gamers violent”, and censor songs from the radio because they “present biased views on people of public importance”. Please reflect on your behavior. Destroying someone’s life because they liked something you don’t, telling them to commit suic/ide, ruining their chance of making friends who maybe share their love for a ship or character.. that’s bullying. Some of the cases I’ve seen on here were so severe, they qualify as serious cyberbullying and should be reported to the police. I don’t give a fuck if you hate Rey/lo or Damon Salva/tore, or the Joker. You don’t go and send someone messages telling them to kill themselves because they RP it. Because that is the real crime. And finally, if you feel the need to “educate” someone you consider “problematic” for whatever reason and you actually approach them - make sure you’re actually there to educate and discuss, not to throw an opinion at them and get aggressive when they don’t immediately magically agree. Because chances are they won’t. If you choose to open a dialogue, make sure it IS a fucking dialogue and not a condescending monologue. Learn how to shape an argument, find evidence to back up your claims - because not only will you become better at talking to people in any kind of situation, you’ll also maybe realize that your opinion wasn’t as well-founded as you thought.
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