#this is a little disjointed sorry im on mobile
chronal-anomaly · 5 months
Something that @colecassiidy mentioned a few days ago has been on mind re: natural disasters and muse experience with them. And there's a thunderstorm going on right now so what a perfect time to ramble about it.
Lena, given her career both with Overwatch and the Royal Air Force, has experienced a fair share of natural disasters. Recovery efforts sent in by Overwatch in the aftermath make up a majority of these experiences, seeing the destruction wrought by disasters and people impacted by them. She's experienced some very minor tremors living in London, atop two major faults, but the most damage they've done is knock a glass or two over.
Where her direct experience with disasters lays is with weather. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and even just bad thunderstorms are a pilot's worst nightmare. She's missed many a flight due to weather, grounded even during emergencies to prevent her and her team from responded, but she's flown in even more of them.
While Lena is an ace pilot, one of the best and brightest that have ever come from the RAF Academy, the weather gets to all of them. Major crafts, buffeted in the wind, jerking controls from her, hearing the sounds of people and things fly about in the cargo bay. There have been moments in smaller crafts too, too light to resist the winds, here one moment and gone the next as mother nature dragged her across the sky.
They're rare, but they do happen, and as a result, bad weather puts her on edge. You might see her jump at the sound of thunder, or check the window nervously during a storm. Additionally, she'll spend some storms in the hanger, sitting with or in her plane as some sort of self soothing and a general reminder that she's alright.
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princeanxious · 3 years
basically, i think that the team is incredibly overcommitted and there just... literally is not enough time in the day (or week, month, year, whatever) to do everything. because thomas is trying to make full, 45-minute films, with himself as the only actor, playing seven different parts, and then edit that (pretty much all on his own, if im interpreting things correctly). (1/5)
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(Sorry for the weird way ive combined this I'm on mobile lol)
But yeah, I agree?? Its just like. If you want to make bigger and better productions, be transparent about whats going on.
It feels like theyre holding tight onto Sanders Sides bc it was a success, and branching to other things hasnt nearly been as much, perhaps?? And so maybe they feel like this is the only thing worth spending that excess ambition on when its the most successful, but in the process its sticking the team between a rock and a hard place
There really Isn't enough time either. Have yall like, noticed Thomas?? When its out of character and not part of any bit, when hes not wearing makeup and just talking to the audience?
He looks. Exhausted. He's had noticeable bags under his eyes and he doesn't look well rested, he looks like he's been stressed for weeks, if not months.
Like. He looks like hes driving himself into the ground because he wants to do bigger and better with these constraints and its just like.
Idk. I'm not trying to paint him in any biased light bc this is something that the fandom has been experiencing but it just. Feels like everyones suffering on all ends for a grand production season finale that only Thomas seems to ask for.
If Thomas started a whole new series to focus on and just kept Sanders Sides to short silly interaction bits that taught little things about how parts of yourself interact instead of grand arc after grand dramatic arc with a build up that seems full of frayed semi-disjointed plot points, I feel like everyone would be happier maybe??
Idk tho, I'm not part of the process and i havent partaken in the patreon addition due to my own medical bills and what not, so i obviously dont have the full scoop??
I'm just. Idk. It feels like every actual episode update is 40-50 minutes of emotional whiplash after a 6 months to a years wait and rarely leaves the loose ends from the last update tied up, yknow??
Kinda makes me scared for what this grand finale has in store, what with Logan being ignored, Roman losing respect in everyone but Virgil, Janus and Patton working together yet seemingly distanced from the others, Virgil's confession of 'because i was one of them' only to be met with a serious lack of Virgil after?? and that final character reveal? Like. Is the season finale gonna be a two parter? I kinda hope so.. Idk tho.
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pandaslowpoke · 5 years
Theory about the su movie
Spoilers ahead so yeah , also im on mobile so sorry for the long post.
Ok so as we know, the new gem has an injector/ship that has a top shaped like a heart,however from what i've seen it appears that it owes it's shape to having a missing chunk, a chunk that if added back would result in a hexagonal facet like the one pd/rq/steven's gem has.
Some people think she may have been either a prototype pink diamond or a replacement pink diamond,my theory is somewhat like that too,however, i think she wasn't (entirely) made by the non pink diamonds, i think we have seen her before.
Now im going to go on a little tangent,remember how like most of the shows mysteries have been revealed?(ie pd=rq, how corruption happened,who the diamonds were etc...) well there are some still left , the one connected to my theory is this:
How where the clusters made?
We know they are gem shards stuck together to create mutated amorphous gem creatures, what we don't know is how exactly they "stuck" them together.
Sure they may have been forcefully compressed together under the earths weight, thing is, they were shown to be in cylinders(the smaller ones)or in a big non airtight chamber underground(the big cluster),furthermore yd has some in her room on homeworld,and altough they could been pressed together with gem machinery i don't think that is quite the case,so, what is the glue that keeps them together? More importantly,could it be used to repair singular gemstones?
Now this brings me back to my main point.
The Bits.
Foreshadowed from early on by the fry bits, rose/pink swallowed "fake" gem shards to fake her death.
If you were yellow or blue diamond,desperate to get your seemingly deceased sister/daugther back, wouldn't you use the substance/method used to join together diferent gem shards on pink's "shards" to repair her?
But what if there was a chunk missing?what if it didn't bring her back but create a pale imitation?
Furthermore, even if they started as inert fake shards,rose/pink swallowed them,how did her son use his healing powers?
What happened when he unwittingly used them on watermelon seeds?
How where rose's plant beings described in terms of attitude?
How did the watermelon stevens behave when steven was "endangered"?
New life breathed into fake shards by accident, a grieving diamond using/developing a way to join shards together, a disjointed(like amethyst with her gem cracked) new gem, a gem with cracks/tear tracks on her face coming from her eyes(rose healed with tears), white diamond knowing the second she saw the "shards" that pink was "playing a game"(the oldest of diamonds should know what her "children" look like and definetily could identify a gem's shards), letting blue/yellow try to "revive" pink from inert stones touched by pink's magic(she wept the pebbles into life after all) out of curiosity to see what type of gem would be born, a creature left to the wayside or possibly locked away by her creator wanting revenge on the gem that caused her to be made in the first place (an inadequate succesor to pd,not the first time steven fights a reflection of himself, or in his case a technical sister/aunt bought to life by his mom and one of his aunts), an incomplete replica lashing out(a missing chunk,no human half,not a "true" gem,represented by a heart symbol just like steven is represented by a star).
But that's just my theory.
*proverbial mike drop*
*proverbial audio feedback blowing out the speakers*
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