#this is a psa for everyone else
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there is so much art reposting (and subsequent reposted art sharing) in this fandom. Is that a topic that fell off the face of the earth in the late 2010s and no one took the time to explain to you why and how you shouldn't do it?
First, reposting art means saving or copying the art to create a new post and/or putting it on another platform yourself. On tumblr, reblogging (the two arrows 🔄) is not reposting, as the original poster is still directly linked to it.
Reposting art without asking the artist's permission is rude more often than not. Many artists even have a "do not repost" warning on their page.
Why is this rude? There are a vast range of reasons, and the first one is always because the artist, a person, expressed a wish, and that's on you to respect it.
Other reasons include, for example, fanartists wanting to see the fandom's feedback and be inspired to continue to share (shaking hands with the fanfic writers), artists needing the word-of-mouth advertising as they depend on commissions and/or independent shops income for living, and just generally wanting to keep their own stuff close.
As fellow fans and/or art enjoyers, not having clear credit and link back to the artist is also sad and frustrating. What if we wanted to see more? What if there was a whole collection of similar things and we'll never know?
I know you want to share the cute art you saw elsewhere specifically because you liked it, and it comes from a place of love. I get that. You could share it with your friends behind closed door (ex: private discord server), or post a link to the art and the artist instead of posting the piece on its own.
On a case-by-case basis, you can ask an artist if you can repost their art. Some will allow it under certain conditions! Your responsibility is to respect their wishes. That is a person sharing their creation. Be nice.
"credit to the artist" is not credit.
"I don't know who made this, if anyone knows tell me" is not credit.
"this was from pinterest" is not credit. (<- pinterest is 90% repost, not a source at all)
Posting art that isn't yours is so rude and sharing reposted art just as much.
This is frustrating. Stop reposting art without asking, and especially stop reposting art without credit. And stop sharing reposted art where clear consent wasn't given by the original artist.
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thewoodbine · 2 months
Call her Harris not Kamala. If you don't call him Joe and you don't call him Donald, don't call her by her first name.
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izzyspussy · 4 months
the fact that they made it illegal to make ads louder than programs on tv in 2010 but haven't updated it to apply the same regulation to streaming. who do i have to call.
#jack facts#like do they think we don't notice#i truly do hate it here#i really do think that we should get to a ''you ruined it for everyone'' threshhold with ads at this point tbh#circulating ads should be a need based allowance#below a certain nw you can circulate as many ads as you want provided they follow guidelines#then above a certain nw you get a quota. you can have x number of ads circulating at a time.#and i don't mean distinct different ads that can be put wherever. no. if you have an ad on youtube that counts as one#and if you put the SAME AD on a different platform or tv channel or at the fucking gas station pumps or on a billboard or ANYWHERE#each different instance of the ad counts as another ad in your quota!#& if you have like a 1min skippable + a 30sec unskippable v of the same ad on the same platform. that counts as two. FUCK you.#and then above another nw line. you cannot have ads at all. bye you don't need them they serve no purpose they are just annoyances.#also paying influencers to hawk your shit counts as ads! fuck you!! paid word of mouth is not actual wom that is also an ad! fuck you!!!#oh u want ppl to rec ur product & u don't have any ad spots left?? well sugar you better have a fucking good product then lol :) fuck you#also if a co breaks an ad reg that co and any co it owns/parents can never make another fucking ad ever again in its existence#AND if a ceo breaks an ad reg w one co then disbands it and makes a new co and breaks ad reg w that one#then the CEO or any co they have ANY % ownership or investment in can never make an ad ever again. FUCK you.#charities/nonprofits and sole proprietorships get one (1) appeal to a total ad ban#that's IT!! ENOUGH!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AND ONE MORE THING. ''pay us not to see ads on our platform/app/other thing'' should also be illegal.#''pay us for basic ass functions'' illegal. pay to win. illegal. sale/product announcements in things that are not press. illegal.#creating an ad or listing for something that doesn't exist and only manufacturing it after it is purchased. illegal.#ads that are full screen when a user has not already selected full screen on a video player. illegal.#pop up ads. illegal.#ads with audio on a platform that doesn't. illegal. video ads on a platform that doesn't have video. illegal.#ads w epilepsy triggers. illegal everywhere forever always w out needing to be reported by consumers. cannot be circulated in the 1st place#ads w graphic violence or soundscapes that mimic it. see epilepsy triggers.#ads for things that are not actually consumer products. illegal.#anything else u want to circulate like an ad must go thru other regs to qualify as psa or edu. if it doesn't qualify tough shit get fucked.#[insert gif collage of people talking extensively while wildly gesturing for emphasis here]
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Take my "How much of an eeeevil hardcore stan are you" uquiz
According to MEEEEEEEEE
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poorlittleyaoyao · 5 months
A thing about trying to plot out QS canon-divergence fixit where the marriage is averted is that the obvious solution to “she was already pregnant before they knew the truth” is, well, end the pregnancy. The wider world doesn’t seem to know that she’d conceived prior to marriage, so can’t be more than a month or so along as of the wedding for it to be plausible. People have been inducing abortion in dire circumstances despite physical risk and moral stigma throughout history. QS has magic at her disposal and the means to remove herself from society unnoticed during the recovery period, and even if it’s taboo, is it more taboo than incest?
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Well… At least they’re honest?
(Fellow artists, if you get someone commissioning you to draw their pet or their child’s pet, they’re probably doing this scam. You’ll know for sure when they refuse to give you any money until you give them your personal information. Remember: always be skeptical of commission requests from people who aren’t following you and always be extremely skeptical of requests from blogs with no pfp. I didn’t check for this one specifically but the other two accounts who sent me this scam both had empty or almost empty blogs when I looked.)
[image transcript: a dm log between me and desmond223. they have a default pfp and aren’t following me. Their message reads “Commission available?” to which I responded, “That depends on the commission. For example, if this is the pet scam again, I’m not doing that.” To which to they said “Yes… and bye”. At the bottom of the screen there’s a sad face and the text “This tumblr can’t receive messages.” indicating that they closed their dms. end transcript.]
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immobiliter · 3 months
so since i've been doing another lil reshuffle of my muses ( nothing major and nothing that will really affect any ongoing threads etc ), i just wanted to give a heads up that i tend to group my muses into three categories~
primary/active - these are muses who are listed on my pinned post that i am actively writing and always want to write/plot things with, so they can always be approached for memes and threads. if you see them listed on my pinned, i always want to write them even if i'm slow or they haven't popped up on the blog in a little while ! private - these aren't listed on my pinned post but are on my muse page under this section. these are muses i tend to write for specific people or dynamics and, outside of those, require more substantial plotting in order to kick them into gear. they can also be muses that i've written on and off for years so aren't as fresh or new to jump into as they used to be, so i tend to keep them around for more pre-established dynamics. i am open to writing these guys selectively, you just need to bear with me or come to me with a concrete idea or concept in mind ! bonus secret menu - these muses have pages but they're not listed officially anywhere, they only tend to exist for a specific person or people. if you see them pop up on my blog and you want to write with them, feel free to talk to me, but just be aware that these are super low priority muses that primarily exist for my friends whom i love !
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rikyos · 7 months
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𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈-𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄 now that i have the group set up to share my multi between kazuha and aventurine's blogs, i'll probably be logging out of kazuha for a while. this is not to say that my activity will change drastically ( i've always written sporadically, if and when i feel like it ) but just that i won't default to being here anymore. i am not dropping kazuha. i'll always adore him. but i need to admit that i've been feeling uncomfortable on this blog for various reasons for a while now, and my patience for genpact is dwindling while hsr is really just ... holding my interest much better. i'm working a lot and uni will be picking up in pace again soon, so i don't think i want to spend the free time i have forcing myself to try and be here when other muses are sparking joy ♡ it's not a total drop of kazuha as a muse, but i don't feel like there's a huge amount of interest in interacting with him either, so for the time being i'll probably be hanging out on @stagehunt and my albedo blog when i get around to setting that up. if you actually read all of this, ily !!!!
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Feeling very violent rn so here's a very controversial opinion:
Everything after season one of Young Justice sucked.
Look, I know I'm obsessed with the show but that doesn't mean it's good, it means that I'm too deep into it at this point to get out. There are good moments within the other seasons but in general? They were not good.
I'm sorry. I understand that they wanted to be creative and have a neat narrative and deep lore and all that. And they do! The narrative and lore is extremely deep.
But the plot? The characters??
Season one was an actual functional show that balanced character development, plot and dialogue with world building, lore and messaging.
The other seasons do not do that.
Season two bounced back and forth between like 16 characters. We got some development for some characters but even that was minimal compared to the character development in S1. And this isn't me complaining that the og group wasn't in S2 enough. That's not my issue. I would've loved to focus on a new group and I think that Jaime, Bart, Ed and Gar would've been super cool to focus on. I loved what character development they did have and I craved more.
But the problem? The problem is when you have 16 fucking characters that you are trying to develop and shove into a coherent plot and have actual meaningful scenes. There just wasn't enough focus on S2. Imo, S2 was meh because the characters got left by the wayside. The plot, dialogue, world building, lore and messaging was fine, there just seemed to be a lack of heart/warmth in the show because of the characters. It's hard to get invested.
Then holy shit. S3 introduced more characters. And the plot got more contrived and 'big picture' to the point that it started to abstract. It felt like nothing mattered. There were no stakes, you were just watching things happen. There was 50 fucking things happening an episode and 80% of it was lore/world building. It felt like I was studying for a fictional history exam.
I'm pretty sure the main character in S3 was earth 16. Just the entire universe. Because goddamn. We checked in on almost every living being and EVERYTHING was a plot point. Most of it wasn't even relevant to anything happening in the season. Man it was.... it was bad.
And at that point it just wasn't enjoyable at all to watch. I probably should've stopped watching but at that point the sunk cost fallacy had already kicked in. I knew it could be good. Maybe it could be good again. And people were constantly praising it as cinematic genius so I was like 'okay well maybe I'm missing the point? Maybe you aren't supposed to enjoy shows? Maybe this is fine?'
But season four broke me.
The creators heard that people were frustrated by the lack of character focus and the episodes following 72 characters and the episodes switching between 50 different subplots every episode and their solution? Their solution was to take allllllll the different unconnected plots and, instead of evenly spreading them throughout the season, jam them all into 'arcs'. So you had a bunch of mini seasons consisting of 3-5 episodes dedicated to a cast of ~5-8 characters (some of them new). And each of these episodes had unconnected a plots, b plots and c plots.
Holy shit that is not a solution.
Not to mention the overarching plot of the season, in which we had no fucking clue what was happening until the final episodes where everything became a speedrun to wrap everything up. We literally had no idea what the main plot was until it was ending.
Good god it was bad. It's bad writing!
I know people liked it and good for them. You should like what you like and you don't have to justify it. But for me it was insanity. I'm sorry I actually don't want a season long subplot where Beast Boy is depressed and sleeps all day. I would be cool with it if it had anything to do with the larger story but, surprisingly, spending five minutes watching Beast Boy sleep every episode didn't make for compelling storytelling.
I'm still not over how we didn't even know who the main villain was until the end of the season. And then all of a sudden he does a villain monologue to tell everyone his evil plan and his motives. Super cool actually. I love it when I have no idea what the stakes are for the majority of a show. It's incredibly good storytelling when you leave the audience in the dark about a major player in the plot for all of the plot. And then doing an info dump evil monologue in the final episodes to rush through the explanation??? Fucking fantastic and not a sign of terrible pacing at all.
I'm just so frustrated. The show isn't about being a show anymore. The show is an entire cinematic universe shoved into 20 something episodes. It's desperate to tell every single story at once, audience, pacing and good writing be damned.
I'm so tired of the constant praising of Greg. His whole 'i don't write endings because life doesn't have endings' and 'i don't write cliffhangers, I just leave things open ended' thing is pretentious bullshit. I'm tired of pretending it's not. A good story has an ending. Stories are not life! Some of the best shows I've ever watched had planned endings. And oh my god. The cliffhanger thing... that's just semantics my guy. Greg you write cliffhangers. You can insist they aren't but I'm going to call a spade a spade.
It's also.... I'm fine with explaining things, in fact I love it because it's an excuse to talk about the stuff I love, and I have a fairly decent knowledge of comic book lore. So, I could not only understand what was happening in the show but I was also super enthusiastic about explaining it to people. But hey Greg? Hey buddy? If 90% of your audience doesn't know what the fuck is going on and needs to be familiar with super specific obscure comic characters from the 70's then you might have a problem.
I think I realized halfway through s4 that the most enjoyment I got from an episode was when an obscure comic character would cameo in it. But then I realized that a) they generally weren't explained at all and b) 50% of the time they weren't just hanging out in the background and they were vital to the plot. So to understand who the fuck they were and what the fuck was happening you had to be familiar with... well all of DC comics actually.
Anyway this rant is getting long and unhinged and I don't think there's a point so I'm going to cut myself off even though I have so much more to say on the topic. I think my general point is just that I didn't enjoy watching the later seasons and it's chill if you did and we should all respect each other's opinions ✌️
#rant#oh also the messaging sucked#the messages itself were fine. like 'you should go to therapy if you are depressed' and 'respect people's religions' and#'figuring out your gender/sexual identity is chill af'#those are great messages. the content is great and i don't disagree#BUT HOLY FUCK#yo Zatara ranting about his religion to Fate for 15 minutes is not how you get a message across#messages are supposed to be like themes and subtle points of the narrative#it's not supposed to be a fucking psa where the characters just talk for half the episode and say the message verbatim to the audience#itd be like if in season one M'gann stood up and spent ten minutes talking about the damaging psychological effects of body image issues#and everyone else just sat there and nothing happened and M'gann just kinda spoke about it#or if Artemis was just like 'im going to do a presentation on why child abuse is bad'#its just. thats not. thats not how messages in a plot work#but they didn't develop the characters enough. so instead of s1 where the messages were blatantly obvious#we just had side character zatara who we know nothing about talk about religion like he was doing a PSA for kindergartners#because we don't know his character and he had zero focus so that was literally the only way to get the message across#and im sorry but that's bad writing. if you are sacrificing character plot and narrative for a message then maybe scrap the message#or you know actually have a developed character do the message. like write the message through a developed character so it doesn't#need to be spoonfed to the audience like we're five year olds learning different shapes from a teacher
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dkettchen · 3 months
hey youtube why you playing ads on my own damn videos when you refuse to give me monetisation for them
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claraameliapond · 11 months
Jewish Phd Scholar on Israel and Palestine
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verflares · 6 months
decided to delete my response to that anon message because i will be so real i don't really wanna give people a reason to want to try and imagine me as someone in their head that they can project and get mad at LMAO there's a reason i don't use twitter
this being said i will still laugh about it a little. imagine getting mad over a throwaway line in someone's bio having a little fun while also asking people "hey don't repost my work." imagine said line also being a quote from the voice of mario in the 1989 super mario bros. super show running a 90s anti-drug psa. now imagine how silly you suddenly sound
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snaggletoothedbastard · 10 months
friendly reminder to myself and to you lot: you can block someone for any reason! it doesn't hurt them, it just means you don't have to see what they're doing. don't like their content? don't like their opinions? don't like their fucking vibes? block 'em. everyone wins.
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minicorruptprogram · 29 days
Tfw your ex gf turns out to be a kid liker so you make memes to cope and to keep you from committing a felony out of rage
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Her life is falling apart and I ain't taking her ass back after learning she was grooming my 16 year old friend ✨
Also, this doubles as a PSA!! If you see anyone go by Yellowzonez or RubyRedz(34 or 36), they're a child predator!! She's mainly in the OSC!! Pls be aware!!!
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nvrcmplt · 10 months
When a muse isn't fitting what you wish to write any more either from spamming the ideas out or occasionally dabbing into them. It's mostly from the box you've forced yourself to think you must remain in. You've made all these HC's, Lore posts and Edits of this version of your OC and it's beautiful. But it's also a wall to creativity outside those 'determined' and 'sure-fire canon ideas', instead of stepping stones to develop more from them.
From what I see, a lot of y'all go ham in making all these HCs's, burn out from the pure adoration of that character then struggle to RP with others / yourself in mind, because you've boxed yourself accidentally.
imo anyway
it's good to have guidelines for your characters and ocs and stories, but still remember to have that fun from first making them with the 'what if's and 'possibilities of this route'. You know who your core creation is, but never stop yourself from reaching out to other ideas in mind for them to explore together with others.
Just my two sense from over the years on here.
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sobeesknees · 5 months
i am begging people to get on multiple social media apps and expand your horizons on how you consume content
i just saw a reddit post taking "[Character/Thing] is for the girls!" super personally and seriously and there were like 500 comments taking it just as seriously and getting mad for them
like im gobsmacked
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