#this is about the mcspirk fellas but I think it applies to any old man you want to sexualize
affixjoy · 5 months
I wonder if part of the appeal of “sexualizing that old man” for people of my age group and younger (mid 30s) is that we know that life expectancy is dropping and so many of us and our loved ones won’t make it into old age. More and more young people are getting cancer, covid is wrecking our immune systems, even those of us who have health insurance can’t always access health care let alone good health care.
And that’s not even getting into all the other things killing us and lowering our quality of life, like guns and climate issues and so on and so on.
So maybe part of why we look at these old men who were given the opportunity to live well and age gracefully and we can’t help but romanticize it and yeah, sexualize it. We’ve all been young but fewer and fewer of us will make it to our 70s 80s and 90s. So the appeal of that can be very attractive to think about.
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