#this is alot of text sorry
superbellsubways · 1 year
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i like drawing stupid casual stuff
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knifetomeatu · 3 months
I know this isn't a headcanon but I've been stuck on the idea of what nubbins would look and act like if he was alive in the second movie and I just wanted to know if you have any ideas :]
i love this ask bc i wake up in tears every day of my life wondering What If Nubbins Didn't Die so!! yippie!!! (also i know i took super long to answer this i have a million things swirling around in my brain and this ask has been one of them for a while lol)
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pretty obvious choice but i think he'd still be sporting that sweet jacket, maybe chop gave it to him when he got back??
and, since the sawyers seem to be doing relatively well for themselves by the 2nd movie, i like to think nubbins would wanna look more "successful" or "fancier" (whatever his idea of those is😭) which i imagine might be: more camo (like chop wore!!), new jewelry, and nice shiny bowling shoes, stolen straight off the feet of your uncle who was the head of his league (rip😔) jewelry includes a necklace made of teeth, and rings made of shattered femurs💖 lovely plus i thought since chop gets to snack on his own scalp with that hanger, nubbins deserves a gross little habit as well🥰 so maybe, since we know he enjoys slicing himself, why not let him have a cut on his hand he likes to keep open just for a little drink every once in a while? i mean look at him he needs it!! speaking of chop, i like to think that he LOVES making nubbins laugh, like when he does ANYTHING nubbins is the first person he glances at to see his reaction, and nubbins is so zapped out of his mind even more he is just LOVIN it😭 i imagine him super giddy and kind of Always High during tcm 2, always giggling in reaction to his family's actions or the attempts by lefty/stretch/LG to defeat them side note: i LOVE stretch SO much, but i do believe that if she had to deal with both of these freaks solo she wouldnt have made it😢 apologies to my dearest wife💔 (tho maybe if she 1v1'd each of them she'd make it out she IS pretty kickass) bonus nubbins in a ponytail after growing his hair out a bit bc i thought itd be cute and i was Correct😭💚 so unbelievably babygirl my GOD
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groggygrimalkin · 10 months
Meet my AU's Emperor of Alternia!
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So basically my homestuck AU sits in its own little corner of paradox space and this big bastard went and made deals with horrorterrors after this universes "original" Alternia was destroyed in the reckoning when some nerds played a game. That actually ended up working for him and the horrorterrors upheld their end of the bargain and he became the emperor of the new timelines Alternia. His plan was to eradicate caste based inequality and forcefully "take care" of anyone who opposed and stopped the culling of mutants. In his eyes wealth and status shouldn't be something you're born into, it should be something you earn with hard work. Truthfully though he didn't stop the culling of mutants because he felt because of empathy, more trolls and drones means more subjects for him to rule over and in his eyes everyone, no matter blood color, is beneath him. Years later he began his campaign to take over Earth since Alternia was beginning to get a bit overcrowded. It started with him befriending famous celebrities while disguised as a human. He would then pick them off and replace them with Alternians using technology to disguise themselves as said celebrities and later began doing the same to everyday people, implanting Alternians disguised as humans into Earths society. The formal invasion of Earth began on New years eve and lasted only 22 hours. Earth was no match for the Alternian empires sheer numbers as well as the fact that most high ranking Earth officials (and alot of civilians) weren't humans but high ranking alternian military disguised as humans. Afterwards Homosapiens go from being Least Concerned on the endangerment scale to Critically endangered and our lovely(that's sarcastic he's anything but) Emperor made Earth into a prison planet. Trolls on Alternia with criminal records, even ones with petty crimes records like littering were sent to Earth. Factories began to be erected in cities across the world for prisoners of the Alternian empire to work and make supplies to be sent back and used on Alternia. It was hard for both the imprisoned trolls and the few humans left to get used to eachother understandibly, but after a while and some "encouragement" from drones and Alternian military acting as guards on Earth the two species began to coexist. The Emperor however still itched for more subjects to rule over, and the horrorterrors scratching at the inside of his skull didn't help. To his relief it stopped when he made another promise,and soon carapacian settlers came to earth. None of them had any recollection of how they got there, but most quickly settled in. Earth is a near empty shell of its former self with organic Alternian architecture dotting areas. Trolls, Carapacians, and the few humans on earth get by working odd jobs if they're not working in factories while the emperor sits comfortably in his palace on Alternia
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maliciousalice · 6 months
👕 & 🍽️? For the trek ask game
Heheh thanks for Asking Meg!!! All aboard another long winded ramble about my wife ST: Voyager!!!!!
👕 Character whose fashion you like.
While I answered in the last one, I think I'll add to it by saying I love the Ds9/Voyager Uniforms--Infact I'm a HUGE sucker for them--At least to me, they feel like THE signature trek costume rather than TNG or TOS ones. Plus, they are fun to draw! I love how they look on the actors with the structured upper half, and loose, high-waisted pants that give everyone the illusion of height.
Those that are dressed in the uniform are portrayed with a respectable heft and a pleasant, overall shape. I know it's not the case, but they look like they are really practical. This is fully intentional as the lead costume designer said they wanted the suits to appear modular and have advantages in different environments. That's why sometimes they are unzipped or twisted around, depending on the narrative.
I could go on and on about them. I act feral over how they look when when all the actors stand together, turned in various ways, posing so that that folds pucker on their joints, or when subtle differences in their body sizes take up screen. It just looks so cool! I'm a big fan of squad-based, colour-coded uniforms and clean silhouettes.
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Most importantly though, it gives them all BODY-ODY-ODY!!!
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🍽️What alien food/drink would you want to try?
I wish I could find the video but I've seen bits and pieces about how they designed the food on the sets and I think it's super charming!
Lots of effort went into considering the cuisine. It just about decorates every set and It was important to the show. Voyager engaged in a lot visual gags, or dialog discussing food. It was in a comforting way that would present the characters with their personal ideals of home.I find that subtext of world-building really endearing.
Many scenes involved characters bonding in the mess hall, socializing around food, or isolating with it to gain a sense of self. In contrast, it's used as a device for diplomacy, or to make settings seem more alien, unnavigated and removed from regular comforts. It's even incorporated into main plot points, such as with Tuvok in ''Riddles'', when he gains a newfound skill around cooking after a serious accident, and he solves the plot by decorating a code on a cake. Through food, we saw a lot of what it could be like to be a crew member on the ship, and live inside their Universe. It wasn't always pretty but they made it work.
We have a really rich food bowl and diverse food-culture In Australia, I love noticing exotic food that are used as set decoration of as props--I am used to seeing tropical fruit or Asian ingredients around my community, so it's fun to see it transformed. And much like the characters in Voyager, I relate to the comfort and the charting of new territories when it comes to seeing/ eating food.
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I suspect being a chef / working in hospitality would be an interesting occupation in Trek. Everyone complains about the lack of authenticity from replicated food, so I'm sure being a good Chef would be worth your while.
I genuinely want to try Old-mate Neelix's cooking. He seems so creative and passionate about what he plates up, and he CLEARLY (they all put on weight haha) kept the crew well-fed. ''Bitches make do'', but you can tell he cares by the questions he askes everyone, or the detail he places into his recipes. I'd like to see what all the fuss is about with Leeola Root Stew. I bet it's not that bad! (I like bitter food) Or better, serve me up a Jimbalian Fudge cake! It's so quaint how there is an evolution to his work as he gets more integrated with everyone.
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(crying over this ^) Neelix Nation Rise Up!!!!
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barbaroux · 2 years
In need of some money right now so I'm opening up commissions again for winter break ! Prices start at 20-45$ USD depending on the type of commission :)
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natsmagi · 1 year
tbh maybe this is a hot take but i really dont get why people insist on having one person in natsumugi be this Super Toxic one and the other a victim. the easiest conclusion to draw is natsume being the bad guy and tsumugi the victim due to natsume getting physical and berating him at times but far too commonly do i see people insist that its the other way around and that tsumugi is actually the super toxic one and natsume just lets tsumugi emotionally manipulate him and thats ?? so weird to me ??? both of these are so weird to me ???
i can ofc see where theyre coming from. both natsume and tsumugi have plenty of issues going on in their heads. i feel like natsumes situation is more commonly understood as him simply just being difficult though and not being the best at managing his emotions, and with tsumugi i get it because he doesnt really have much of a moral compass. he doesnt quite understand peoples feelings and it results in him doing pretty fucked up things at times, but to then frame him as someone who would be abusive?? that doesnt sit right with me
tsumugi may not understand peoples emotions and be apathetic to the struggles people are going through, but its clear to anyone that that man has good intentions at the end of the day. at WORST he may get overbearingly controlling, but its never in a "you cant do x y z" way, its in a "i signed us up for this job opportunity because i thought it sounded nice and didnt speak it through with you beforehand and now we have to do it" way. had this been 2nd year tsumugi maybe he wouldve been far more desperate and even manipulative to an extent because he was in such a dark place, but current day tsumugi is actively trying to understand people better. hes trying to learn how to feel. in wonder game he even outright said that natsume taught him pain and everything else. his growth is clear
i cannot see tsumugi taking advantage of natsume in a genuinely destructive way with modern day ntmg. again, maybe during the earlier !-era stuff he could be more destructive, but natsume also does a relatively good job keeping tsumugi in his place during that time too, with him getting physical and all. its only in !!-era where tsumugi doesnt really mind it and can even make playful jokes about it because theyve Had this development in their relationship. theyve moved Past many of their toxic attributes, and theyve finally grown to understand one another. this is also when tsumugi can have a more "dominating" role in their relationship, since natsume has come to trust him to this extent, but tsumugi wouldnt take advantage of that. again; theyve now grown very close and understanding of one another. theyll have banters such as tsumugi wanting natsume to do something like idk. wear a dress. to which natsume will reply with kys but again. in !!-era this is banter and tsumugi wouldnt actually force natsume to do something he doesnt want to. theyre just very comfortable with each other now
i also really hate the position natsume gets put in with all of this. so often he is already hyperfeminized by the fandom for no reason whatsoever (which is especially fucked up considering how much he canonically hates being seen as a girl), and by making tsumugi this manipulative and abusive partner youre stripping natsume of even more autonomy and framing him as powerless. naively in love with a man thats hurting him. and that doesnt sit right with me either!! natsume does have a big heart and he has endured more than he probably should, but to think natsume would just take it ??? natsume has BACKBONE. if tsumugi upsets him he will either 1. get really mad at him or 2. start ignoring tsumugi alltogether. hes not just gonna put up with it. and tsumugi will notice this change in demeanor. ask if hes done something wrong. he may not understand what it was he did but he never intends on hurting natsume and would genuinely want to resolve it. tsumugi isnt stubborn in this regard, if he fucks up he wants to fix it. and natsume isnt a damsel in distress, why do you want him to be a helpless maiden so bad ??
theres alot of nuance to all of this and im obviously not gonna tackle every single element of their relationship and this is just an overview but TL;DR ntmg are both awful and have many faults and their relationship has gotten incredibly unhealthy at times but the point is theyre growing PAST that. maybe sometimes these toxic traits of theirs will resurface, but that does not make one the abuser and the other the victim. theyre just two fucked up people in love, standing as equals and learning to understand one another. stop framing one as evil
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kirbybaker-the-alch · 7 months
man ive wanted to talk about this for a while and have a whole script in my head- unfortunately I don't know how to make videos so hey! text post! WHY TERRARIA'S DUNGEON ITEMS SUCK, AND MY TAKES ON IMPROVING THEM So I wanna start at the core of this issue- and that is the underworld.
Re-logic when designing Terraria 1.0 made the dungeon supposedly the final area (Skeletron was the last boss at the time), and as such, the underworld was left earlier in progression- hellstone is able to be mined with a Nightmare Pickaxe. (Deathbringer for all the crimson fans but that didn't exits in 1.0) Despite this, Shadow Chests require a Shadow Key to open, found in the dungeon. Post-Postgame content???
This leaves a few issues with Terraria being unable to decide progression- First off, Blue Moon and Magic Missile. They are ok weapons, except for the fact they are instantly outclassed by the Sunfury and Flamelash from Shadow Chests- weapons that function identically with better stats. It makes them viable for about 5 minutes- when you are exploring the dungeon and when you are looking for Shadow Chests.
But worse off is the Muramasa, Valor, and Handgun. These items usually see NO use. Why is that? They can all be upgraded BEFORE OR THE MOMENT THEY ARE OBTAINED. While Muramasa's upgrade, the Night's Edge, is pretty costly, it's such a significant upgrade with all other materials required being obtainable before, that Muramasa doesn't see use ever besides being carried to the nearest Demon Altar. Handgun is more sad, only requiring hellstone- the resource you can get much earlier with only a post-evil boss pick- into the Phoenix Blaster, literally just a Handgun with better stats. Valor is the saddest of the 3- Cascade is obtainable any time in hell, and hell enemies aren't too tough right before the dungeon, you may as well go for it, or the equally strong Hive Five over Valor. Valor is genuinely as used as the Pearlwood Bow by even yoyo only players.
Quick shoutouts to Aqua Scepter- its not only unique, it's designed well for the WoF fight and isn't directly upgradable or outclassed by a functionally identical statistically better weapon. So how would I go about fixing this? Well, when @aurora--spirit was discussing her weapon revamps mod with me (also cause I later had the idea for an alternate dungeon mod I work on and off on), we discussed a few ideas that she wrote down. One such idea is to make the counterpart weapons to their dungeon variations, giving them their own unique functions that make them an optional counterpart, allowing players to pick either or, depending on preference. Another idea is to shift progression of some weapons- make upgrades require slightly later materials as to allow their un-upgraded counterparts a chance to shine, or make some dungeon weapons weaker but earlier game outside the dungeon.
Anyways thanks for reading my huge tangent, I just love discussing this so feel free to ask me about stuff on this game or even specifically dungeon stuff
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moo-savr · 2 years
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doodle bundle I made out of Line Thomas stickers
I honestly think that the interaction potential for these four would be massive/hj
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doostyaudi · 4 months
What can I do to get yall to care more abt my madcom ocs!! Damn!!!!!!
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players-of-intrigue · 9 months
🎩🧍‍♂️ for everyone? 👀
🧍‍♂️— What stats would they provide as a companion? Where would you obtain them?
Elio’s can be found here.
For Vox:
The Sanguine Vigilance — “It can’t hurt to have a man of the hunt as a wolf you can call to if you need anyone off your shoulder — better that than being the lamb instead.” +5 Shadowy, +5 Dangerous, +3 Dreaded, -12 Respectable. Greatly increases Suspicion build up.
Like Elio, he can be obtained either through his respective ES or can be dragged out of Hallowmas (his upgraded version only adds an extra level of Shadowy and Dangerous while lowering the negative Respectable to -5, otherwise its also +1 Bizarre.)
For Elisha:
The Despondent Relinquere — “Soft-spoken and often lost in the bustling streets, they’re really more of a lost puppy in search of their owner if it weren’t for their follies and faults. Still, they’re rather harmless, and would you deny such a kindness to such a man?” +5 Watchful, +3 Shadowy, -2 Persuasive. Reduces Suspicion and Scandal build up.
They can be seen generally moping around during Christmas or at the University and can be obtained through a storyline in the latter (not sure with the specifics on that story, its something Correspondence-related, but they are there.)
🎩 — What would an Exceptional Story featuring this character be about?
Mind you, I haven’t tried out any of the Exceptional Stories yet so my ideas may not fit with the mold (if they have one) but I eat up stories revolving around one character SO
For Elio, it could be a specific set of circumstances that incorporates both Silverer and Midnighter experience — maybe some spies of the Great Game are experimenting with using Parabola (and dreams in general) to gain leverage and you latch unto join Elio in either Fucking Them Up (Irrigo abuse), Fucking Them Up (driving them insane/pointing the Fingerkings in their general direction), or Fucking Them Up (rigging the Chessboard against their favour) — Elio might then blast you with Irrigo before becoming your companion. Just might. Its a 50% luck check at the very end.
For Vox, I feel its just a more narratively complex version of this:
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Okay, not exactly like that, but he has a history of getting unconnected murders pinned to his name and unfortunately this ES is when he decides to complicate things further because he’s got a longer hitlist than usual, and yeah he might also get hunted down by Vake hunters as you chase him around. He either joins you or you join him in the Boatman’s trip and there’s a section dedicated to persuading him to not jump out of the boat immediately and just get the chess match over with.
Pending title for Elisha’s ES: The Despondent Relinquere Gets Therapy (Kind of) — but if I am being honest, a story dedicated to/spotlighting them wouldn’t work with their character all that well but if they have to have an ES, it would more be about looking for/helping Elisha rather than Elisha helping out others or getting involved, they’re really closed off so its hard to construct a story surrounding them.
[ask game from here]
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superbellsubways · 6 months
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aww the. 🎥 cutes, 😊 hi @cephalonheadquarters
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deepestsharkshark · 1 year
Gloria×Barbie (Glorbie?)
Title: why
Cw: incontinence, vomiting
I am just going to post this because I will never post if I don't
There isn't an ending, it's just - Barbie has never actually had an actual body before. She is skipping through infancy, adolescence, puberty - and her body is new. But like, bodies fucking suck.
Barbie's first night as a human in a human world was in fact, not perfect.
After she left Barbieland for the last time - all the other barbies had gathered to watch them leave, standing and waving at Barbie, Gloria, Sasha, and the board of Mattel drove into the sunset.
Barbie had been excited as she set out down the highway, passing the Barbie construction crew already cleaning up the brick tower that the Ken's had been building (though Sasha and Gloria didn't know why the Ken's had built it up instead of sideways either, but it made leaving easier!)
Gloria was worried about getting Sasha home in time for school, so they had left as soon as they could. They traveled through the mountains, through the sea, to the stars, and finally to reality.
And after everyone has said goodbye again, Barbie had followed Gloria and Sasha home.
That's when she learned that there were parts of being human she was not expecting - like the pressure building behind her eyes and the weakness in her legs.
There were so many things to do, and for the first time in her existence, Barbie felt tired. And a little scared, because she wasn't sure what was next.
She had decided to be human, but Sasha had asked her about what her job was, and Gloria had just said it's fine in a way that meant it wasn't really fine, and she had food for the first time and it was too much.
She thought food wasn't supposed to hurt when you ate it, but apparently humans enjoyed food that hurt - and then she had thrown up for the first time in her existence too.
She knew, theoretically, about throwing up, but actually throwing up was something else entirely. Sasha was never going to forgive her for throwing up on her.
Now Sasha thought she was a fascist and gross, and she didn't have a job or a house, or a car.
Barbie rested her head against the cool porcelain seat in the bathroom she had fled to after opening her mouth to respond to Sasha's totally normal question only to just drip out vomit.
She kind of wished she could talk to Dr. Barbie, or Weird Barbie, even though she knew it wasn't going to actually help.
Her head hurt, and her legs hurt, and her stomach hurt - she didn't know what pain was, before. Not like this.
There was a gentle knock at the door, and she jumped a little and then screamed when she felt something warm trickling down her legs as Gloria was suddenly in the bathroom and Barbie realized she was just sitting in front of Gloria's toilet, and she probably looked like a disaster.
And that she might have just peed for the first time in her life, and her stomach felt better at least.
Gloria was paused in the doorway, staring at her with wide eyes and Barbie couldn't help it anymore, she started laughing. She was pretty sure there were tears and snot running down her face too, but she just, couldn't stop laughing at just how absurd this was.
Just last week she had been in Barbieland and she had never even dreamed of anything but doing the exact same thing, over and over again, and now here she was, changing.
Was there beauty in this? Was that all she was?
"Sweetheart, no, no - that's, that's not all you are." Gloria's voice came from behind her as she felt the warmth of Gloria's hands rest lightly on her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. "I'm still not 100% sure what just happened, and I'm not quite ready to get into any metaphysical conversations, but you did everything you could. "
Barbie felt a pang of guilt as she remembered when she just gave up, and let herself go.
Gloria was rubbing small, comforting circles into her shoulder, and she let herself lean into Gloria's touch just a little. Barbie couldn't believe just how warm Gloria's hands were. How alive they felt.
"I feel like I let myself go," Gloria's hands paused briefly before squeezing her shoulders. A sob ripped its way through her chest, drowning out her next words as she grabbed at Gloria's hand.
"Oh, no, honey -'
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rykno-j · 1 year
MORE J/JK THOUGHTS based off the episodes we have right now, hope you guys don't mind
ive had these for awhile but finally decided to sit down and actually find the photos and whatnot i wna use
since there are pictures i'll put it all under the cut in case it gets too long.. (presently, after doing up the whole post: YES, IT DID, IT GOT QUITE LONG)
Thought 1:
i noticed how it went from:
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"We're the strongest, after all."
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"We are the strongest."
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"S/atoru had become the 'strongest'. "
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"Don't worry, I'm the strongest."
just the concept of g/ojo loosing his friend, his counterpart, someone he once considered to be as strong as him. gone, now he's alone at the top, alone as the "strongest". g/ojo might be all smiles and silly but i think deep down he's lonely and he longs for the relationship he had with g/eto
Thought 2:
Also more on words. The opening of j/jk season 2:
my thoughts are in brackets
(i'll take apart certain lyrics i wna use here. i got the translated version from G/oogle)
Verse 1:
"These days will fade away
Even though I’ve come to know the scent of you being different from mine"
(like yes, they were different, but they grew together)
"Any prayer, any word
Could bring us closer, but they couldn’t reach you"
"Just like a silent love
In the summery colors along my cheeks,"
End of chorus:
"The words to curse you have been stuck in the back of my throat 'We’ll meet again, right?' in an unvoiced voice"
(this part especially, reminds me of j/jk 0 where s/uguru laughs and says that s/atoru should've at least cursed him in his final moments.)
Verse 2:
"A time to reminisce, a portrait of us who were nobody yet
No matter what, we could have shared it"
(how they used to be just students, and that they were supposed to grow strong together, how they were supposed to share that power together at the top)
"Little by little, since that day
The curse of me being different from you is growing bigger"
(this shows the distance between them started to grow, where s/atoru became the strongest and left s/uguru behind. also i love how its described as a 'curse' that they are different. it's such a spot-on word choice)
"The sorrow behind your smile
I failed to notice it, with all my regret"
(s/atoru's regret that he never noticed his friend's pain)
"To you, a flower that blooms but falls without bearing fruit
I say goodbye"
(the flower here probably referenced to s/uguru and how he unfortunately went down the path of evil) AGEHGSDG IT'S SO SAD OMG
The ending part:
"Like star grains in an infinitely expanding galaxy
Spilling through the gaps between my fingers"
(like how s/atoru is the strongest yet everything slips from his fingers. r/iko's life, his childhood with s/uguru)
Thought 2.1:
Now i have a few things to say about the ending song as well.
Verse 1, opening line:
"Before my good will breaks down
I should have told you everything"
(i rly feel like if s/uguru confided in s/atoru for company it could have been different. or if s/atoru was there when y/uki talked to s/uguru)
"Nothing to look for, swaying love
Concealing it and living on"
"I couldn’t go anywhere today
Sleeping, sleeping, to the brand-new morning
Loneliness under crying"
(remembering when s/uguru said his life was a cycle of "exorcise" and "absorb", it's like everyday is repeated.) also his loneliness now that s/atoru is all the way on top
"I have no use for yesterday
So the moon is dark, twisting light
Where shall I go tomorrow"
Verse 2:
"Wishing but unable to change my feelings
Just the form falls apart"
"Counting the days from the loneliness
I was drowning in one tear"
(s/uguru struggling in his despair and having no one by his side)
"If it’s worthless then just destroy it
I’ll live freely in my song"
"This is the only place
I want to touch you here
It can be a silly story"
i really think the opening and ending suit this arc really well. its almost as if the opening was s/atoru's POV and the ending was s/uguru's POV
Thought 3:
How s/uguru used to be s/atoru's moral compass.
-"j/ujutsu sorcerers exist to protect non-j/ujutsu sorcerers." (the basketball scene)
-"there has to be a reason to kill people, especially for j/ujutsu sorcerers." (when s/atoru asked if they should just kill everyone in the organisation)
But then he did a complete swap, cue the street scene where they yelled at each other. and by "they" i mean mostly s/atoru yelling at s/uguru, trying to understand why, why his friend chose that path.
and cue the dictatorship and the killing of someone in the organisation to establish that power over others (non-sorcerers)
Thought 4:
How g/ojo as a teacher is always trying to let his students have fun. After the inter-school thing and the curses attacked on day 1, he still insisted that they carry on with day 2
and he even slipped a baseball paper in the drawing box
The way i see it is that he wants the students to have fun and enjoy their youth in the way that he could not, since it was practically stolen from him
Also the fact that he wants to raise his students to be just as strong as him, maybe so he won't stand alone at the top?
G/ojo might be the strongest, but being alone at the top, he's bound to get lonely
That's all, those are most of my thought i have for s/atoru and s/uguru, i have a whole bunch more but these are those that i remember for now. their whole arc was a mass ocean of "what if"s, and it breaks my heart in so many ways to think of scenarios in which everything. was. different.
if anything else strikes i'll just do another post
arghsgdhs im sorry this is so long i just had alot to say ahhh- i'm WAYY too attached to these characters, i swear its beyond healthy levels
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an-theduckin · 8 months
Me when the doctor diagnose me with anxiety instead of Main Character From A Classic Book's Internal Monologue Syndrome
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xamaxenta · 1 year
It’s difficult to not feel discouraged sometimes when your partner is also an artist and happens to be faster than you in every conceivable way
This doesn’t bother me often because everyone is different and comparing production time and skill against each other or anyone is detrimental mostly and its ok to have your own workflow
but it does weigh on me vaguely sometimes sometimes that she can finish 2-3 full coloured pieces within a week and ive been painfully scratching out the same number but theyre only sketches that ill never revisit within a month
None of this actually matters in the long run, it just makes me feel bad on occasion
#like i should be doing more#im very sorry for complaining so much online#i just dont really have any other way to express myself#i know some of you have generously and kindly reached out to me to offer an ear#but my fatal flaw is i cant talk to anyone about my problems i just idk it was beaten into me that none of it matter#matters or my problems arent a big deal and i know ots healthy to think actuallt my problems are worth talking about or a big deal#but its hard to change a behaviour that was kinda literally beaten jnto you that talking about stuff likw this is a waste of time#i guess i just feel bad that i could do more and i dont because i dont want to#but i also want to if that makes any sense at all#i suppose it also doesnt help that alot of the work im doing right now i actually sorta hate like none of it is good to me personally#i want to stop being toxic towards myself#i just wanna stop hating me and who i am and what i do every step of the way#but that mean little voice inside me is like ahh. it wont shut up#I always say i need a break or more time but what am i gonna do with it#doing nothing at all isnt fulfilling#it sounds. sad like what teenager me did and i dont want to be or feel like that ever again but its fuckjng hard#this is so woe is me#im a liar bc i say the main text doesnt bother me but it bothers me alot im very envious of her speed prolificness and drive to create#and i have none like thats so unfair#this makes me sound ultra bitter god fucking damn it#i want to go to sleep and genuinely never fucking wake up again#please im done i just dont want to
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maeshelix · 10 months
what kind of job would Mari have as an adult if the events of the game didn't happened?
I-I guess it depends? My first thought was some sort of uh, music teacher? Maybe a piano tutor or a-a college professor doing those music classes.
T-Though that depends on how the recital goes? Does Sunny manage t-to hide his feelings for long enough that they do the recital? C-Cause I feel like that'd be where these jobs are a thing. But if Sunny still blows up and they don't do the recital I-I think that'd maybe change? I-I vaguely remember this one fic had a resurrected Mari start a r-ramen truck with Hero and I think a n-no death recital that s-still had Sunny break his violin would work out s-something like that. With Mari and Hero starting a f-food thing together l-like a bakery o-or something. I-I guess it just depends on w-who's writing, heheh.
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