#this is also exactly how they looked when Hopper caught them messing around town during their honeymoon phase btw
jonathanbyersphd · 4 months
POV: Steve just told them about the 6 piece chicken nuggets happy meal
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clericbyers · 5 years
okay but re: the coming out fic. they come back to hawkings for christmas and joyce somehow picks up mike checking out will and tries to play a matchmaker because of how oblivious both of them are about their crush on each other
[ sequel to this ]
Joyce watched Will try to contain his excitement during the long ride to Hawkins, but even if he tried to look bored and disinterested the entire time, she could easily see the anticipation and joy sparkling in his eyes that would never be hidden with a mopey expression. It was their first time back in Hawkins since the move and Will and El had spent the past week in the meantime on and off the phone with Mike in particular to discuss the activities they all would be participating in while the two returned.
Joyce turned to face her son again and reached out a hand to pat his thigh. Will jumped at the contact but then relaxed into it with a small smile sent her way. “Sorry,” he said off-handedly, “it’s just…it’s been a while.”
Joyce nodded in understanding. She missed Hawkins, too, in an abstract sort of way. It was always her home town too, and even though leaving was necessary after everything that happened, she was equally excited to return. Joyce looked up into the rear-view mirror and spotted El sleeping in the back curled up against Jonathan’s shoulder as he also slept as his head lolled side to side with the moving car. A warm smile draped onto Joyce’s lips at the sight, ever so happy that in Hopper’s absence El easily slipped in with the Byers family and found solace in both Jonathan and Will.
When Joyce pulled up into the Wheeler’s driveway, Will practically sprinted out the car toward a figure at the front steps of the house. Joyce sat back and watched as Will embraced the taller boy, both of them swaying as they held onto each other so tightly. She covered her smile with a hand even though no one could see it in the dark. Will still hadn’t bothered to tell Joyce much about his crush on Mike, but she could hear it in the way he talked about the other boy, in how he tensed up when El mentioned something about Mike even if they weren’t together anymore, in how his entire mood grew a little brighter after a call with Mike. It was cute—so adorable, how didn’t she notice before?—and Joyce was overjoyed that she knew who exactly made her son this happy.
Joyce reached back to squeeze Jonathan’s knee and wake him up. He was a little slow to wake but patted El’s hair and helped her out the car alongside him. It took El a moment to realize where they were but once she did, she was also running toward the front and quickly joined the hug that Mike and Will were still ensnared in. Jonathan stayed back with Joyce, leaning against the car after he closed his door shut and watched the kids.
When Nancy made her way outside to the ruckus happening on the porch, Jonathan was quick to leave Joyce’s side and make his over to his girlfriend. Watching everyone reunite made Joyce’s eyes water and she felt a twinge of regret with having moved Will and El away from their friends and loved ones. She made her way to the Wheelers and her kids and took Mike in a hug as well. He was much taller than he was before, at least 6 feet in height yet still as scrawny as before. Well, not as scrawny, he had picked up some muscle around his thighs and biceps which was curious. Joyce wondered if he was doing sports in high school after all.
“Hey, Ms. Byers,” he said happily during the hug. “It’s been a while.”
Joyce pulled away and reached up to pat his face. “You’ve grown up so much already. Your mom must be so proud.”
“All I did was get taller,” Mike laughed and glanced over at Will. The way his eyes lingered over Will’s figure caught Joyce’s attention. Mike looked back up into Will’s eyes and Will’s grin grew wider as he nudged Mike’s shoulder with his own. Mike tolled his eyes. “Also, I got on the track team. Don’t ask how, I still don’t know.”
Will tugged on Mike’s t-shirt sleeve. “You gotta show me your uniform.”
“It looks exactly the same as it did the entire time you lived here!”
“Yeah but it’s you wearing it and that makes it different.”
Mike smirked. “You just wanna see how tight my ass looks in those shorts, huh.”
“Mike!” Will screeched, shoving at his friend as Mike fell into giggles and tried to bat away Will’s hands.
Joyce stifled her own laughter as Will and Mike dissolved into friendly bickering with each other. She turned to El who was watching the two with something tinged with sorrow in her eyes. It left just as quickly when Nancy took her in a hug and soothed the younger girl.
The reunited team made their way inside the house, not wanting to disturb the neighborhood any further given the late hour. Mike was blabbing on about this film study elective he managed to snag for his sophomore year and Joyce’s eyes couldn’t leave Will. She really didn’t mean to, but now that she could watch Will and Mike interact knowing that Will was in love with Mike, she couldn’t look away. Will was always trying to stand a little closer to Mike, eyes darting to his lips every so often as Mike continued on. The tall track runner plopped onto the couch and Will sat down beside him close enough for their thighs to press together. The big kicker was the way Will’s eyes crinkled at the edges when Mike laughed, how a soft smile unknowingly crept onto his lips when Mike spread his gangly legs over Will’s lap and splayed himself over the couch like an octopus as he kept chattering about his politics class.
Joyce knew that the differences in Mike and Will’s interactions compared to a year ago was mostly found in missing each other so deeply. Being touchy was their way of reassuring themselves that the other was real, that it wasn’t a dream and they really were reunited. They were always a handsy duo anyway. She knew this and she understood this, but she couldn’t deny that Will had something more imbedded in every touch, every word, ever glance. Joyce tried to think back to before the move, to check if she was reading more into things just because she knew how her son felt about the other boy.
When Mike got up to get water glasses for everyone, Will caught eye contact with Joyce and she wiggled her eyebrows. Will blushed and tried to hide his reaction by turning to chat with Nancy during Mike’s absence. El joined in the conversation and Joyce didn’t have much to say so she leaned back and watched the three chat like they hadn’t been separated for months. Hearing a noise from behind her, Joyce turned and spotted Mike standing a little ways behind the couch with two glasses in his hand. His eyes were trained on Will, seemingly hazy as he watched Will laugh at a joke El told Nancy. A smile Joyce has always subconsciously dubbed Mike’s Will smile crept onto his lips and it was so sickeningly lovesick Joyce couldn’t believe she hadn’t realized it before.
Maybe she was blinded by the thought that Mike was, well, straight and had no interest in Will. Maybe she was like everyone else who hadn’t seen the unique bond built between Mike and Will after all these years. No one else had noticed how different they were with each other, not with well meaning intentions at least. Joyce knew about the bullies, her ex-husband was the biggest offender after all. She knew that what Mike and Will had scared other people, frightened kids into slinging petty insults, but she never looked deeper until now.
Mike snapped himself out of his stupor and noisily made his way back to the couch where he passed Will his water and ruffled his hair.
“Hey!” Will gruffed as he restraightened his hair. “You might be an athlete now and do bro-stuff like hair ruffling and noogies with your boys but I am not a fan of messed up hair.”
“I cannot believe you uttered that sentence in relation to me.” Mike takes offense and put a hand to his chest. “I am not an athlete and I do not do ‘bro-stuff’.”
“Alright star runner for the Hawkins High Track and Field Team.”
Mike made a face and Nancy spoke up. “Mike, you are the star of the team this year. There’s no shame in that. It’s amazing that you managed to catch up to the top athletes on the team given your inability to run more than 15 seconds at a time back in middle school.”
He shrugged. “It’s whatever.”
Nancy sighed. “It’s not whatever. I don’t know why you refuse to admit you’re good at something! You haven’t even brought up the screenwriting final in creative writing that you got an A+ on last semester.”
“Nancy, can we not have this conversation tonight? It’s, like, almost 2 am and I’m sure Will, El, and Ms. Byers want to rest.” Mike slid his cup across the table and stood up. He was more closed off, eyes dull with exhaustion and mental irritation. Joyce watched Will stand up as well and grab Mike’s arm with a questioning glance. Mike looked down at Will’s hand and then up into his eyes. “You wanna sleep over like old times?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s,” Will turned to Joyce with raised eyebrows. “Can I stay, Mom? I know you already got the motel room for tonight but…”
Joyce watched how Will’s hand started to gently rub Mike’s arm, how Mike started to relax from whatever tension has boiled up inside him from Nancy’s words. She couldn’t bare with separating them again. “You can stay. El can too, if she wants.”
El nodded happily. “I can sleep in the basement like before!”
Mike laughed and sent Will a smile that screamed thank you. Will returned the smile with a shy one of his own. Joyce knew she made the right decision then and there with letting Will stay over. She stood and gave Will a hug. “Tell him,” she whispered in the commotion of Mike and Nancy telling Jonathan goodnight.
Will sputtered. “Mom, no. No, I’m not gonna ruin things like that.”
“You won’t.”
Will shook his head with a pitiful smile and squeezed his mom a little tighter. “You don’t know that.”
Joyce didn’t bother saying more as Mike came over to give her a hug goodbye and promise that he’d take good care of Will and El in the meantime. Joyce trusted Mike, she always did, so she knew he meant well. She hoped that he’d speak up about how he felt for Will, if he even knew what he felt in the first place. Mike was usually head on strong when determined but if he had been liking Will for so long already and said nothing, he probably wouldn’t say anything tonight.
The drive to the motel was silent. Jonathan was staring out the window and Joyce wondered why he hadn’t stayed the night as well. At least to spend time with his girlfriend. She voiced her thoughts and Jonathan simply shook his head.
“I don’t want to interrupt the kids or leave you alone here.” The teenager sent Joyce a soft smile. “I don’t mind, really. Don’t worry about it.”
Joyce loved her kids so much, she wondered how she was so lucky to have two amazing sons and El in her life despite all the struggles the family has been through thanks to Lonnie, the Upside Down, and the labs.
The next day started with Joyce driving over to the Wheeler’s residence to have a small breakfast with Karen. She assumed Will and El would be hanging out with the Party most of the day given it was Christmas Eve. It would give Joyce ample time to talk with some of the parents and get the lowdown on activity since she left. When she arrived, Mike and Will were in the garage leaning on their bikes and whispering between themselves. Joyce’s eyes turned up toward the mistletoe sprig that hovered above between them. She wondered if Will or Mike even knew they were standing under it, but they both seemed oblivious to anything but each other.
Mike suddenly laughed loudly and leaned his head back, which caused him to spot the mistletoe above. Will was chuckling himself and didn’t notice the panic that flashed in Mike’s eyes as he realized what their positioning meant. Joyce couldn’t hear what they were saying but Mike motioned upwards while talking and Will looked up with widened eyes and a pink flush to his cheeks. Mike leaned down and pressed his lips to Will’s cheek in a chaste kiss so fast Joyce couldn’t tell if she imagined it or not. Will didn’t look like he was breathing and Mike was fiddling with his fingers before stepping away and grabbing his bike.
Joyce got out the car then and made her way to the boys. Will refused to make eye contact when he said hello and Mike was glancing between the two of them with raised eyebrows. “I’ll, uh, I’m gonna go get a hat for my head. Because it’s cold and snow is a thing.”
Mike was back inside in a blink, leaving a flustered Will along with Joyce. The kid huffed and rubbed against the back of his head. “Uh, what did you see?”
“Only the cheek kiss.” Joyce replied warmly. “Is there more?”
“No! No.” Will blushed more. “Nothing more. I just…I didn’t think he would actually…,” Will ghosted his fingers over where Mike had pressed his lips and blushed even more. “Oh my god, this is embarrassing.”
Joyce wanted to pull him into a hug. “It’s adorable, Will. He really cares about you.”
“It’s tradition! Mike would have kissed anyone who stood here. He wouldn’t have done it with me if he knew what you do.” Will deflated pretty quickly after those words. “He was telling me last night about this girl on the cheerleading team who used to tease us when we were younger and now wants to date him since he’s on track.”
“But is he dating her?”
“No.” Will shrugged. “But that doesn’t mean much of anything. He’s still interested.”
“Did he say that?”
Will paused. “Actually, no.” He waved a passing hand. “Doesn’t matter though, it’s not like I have a chance. I’ve accepted that.”
Joyce opened her mouth to tell Will to reconsider his options but Mike came bounding into the garage with a beanie on and a homemade scarf around his neck. His nose was pink from the cold but the smile in his eyes when he spotted Will was warm enough to melt snow.
“You don’t have a chance with who? You didn’t tell me you had your eyes on someone.”
Will gave his mom a look and she raised her hands in surrender. “I’ll leave you two boys to your fun. Is your mom up, Mike?”
“Sure is.” Mike nodded toward the door. “She’s in the kitchen right now if you wanna say hello.”
Joyce nodded her goodbye and lingered at the door where she heard Mike start pestering Will about who he liked and why Will hadn’t told him yet. She snorted to herself at the fact that Mike, who was so obviously head over heels for her son, also hadn’t told Will who he liked so really he had no business questioning Will. Will wouldn’t tell him even if it was so obvious that Mike liked him back.
Joyce sighed and shook her head at her son and his crush’s antics. She wasn’t really one for interfering but these two boys were so oblivious and would probably never actual fess up to their love for each other because of the mutual deeply rooted fear that they would lose their best friend if the confession was spoken aloud. Her heart ached for them both, how they each had to keep their affections secret from the world as the world was scared of two boys loving each other as deeply as Mike and Will did. She wished she could pull Mike aside and let him know but it wasn’t her secret to tell.
“Karen,” Joyce called as she waltzed toward the kitchen where the other woman stood scrambling eggs at the stove.
Karen turned and sent Joyce a happy smile. “Joyce! It’s so great to see you. Did the boys leave already?”
“They were on their way out when I arrived,” she replied warmly. “How have you been recently? We haven’t talked in a while, you and I.”
“Oh,” Karen made vague hand motions, “I’ve been okay.” Her eyes darted toward the stairs before turning back to the stove. “Things have been…a little tense though.”
“What happened?”
“Mike is in therapy,” she started lowly, almost as if it was a sin. “Ted wasn’t very happy about spending the money on the sessions or the…the pills,” Karen shuddered here, “but Mike really needed it.” She turned to Joyce with tears in her eyes, “I don’t know what happened to him. I feel like I don’t know him anymore. He’s so traumatized and I don’t know what I did. He won’t tell me a thing but I can hear him crying sometimes in the bathroom late at night.” Karen wiped at her eyes. “I just want him to be okay again but I don’t think that’s possible.”
“You did nothing wrong, Karen.” Joyce took the other woman’s hands in her own. “Mike is getting the help he needs and you are an amazing mom for supporting him this way. He’ll open up to you soon. He loves you. He’s just keeping you safe.”
Joyce wished she could tell Karen everything that she had learned in the past three years about the secrets of Hawkins. She wanted to let Karen know what exactly Mike was going through so she could support her son more, but again, it wasn’t her secret to tell.
“Oh,” Karen laughed to herself timidly, “also, Mike doesn’t know this, but Ted and I are thinking about a divorce.”
Joyce’s eyes widened almost comically. “A divorce?”
“Yes. It’s about time really.” She glances at her eggs with a soft smile. “I feel so trapped recently. Nancy helped me realize some things and Holly,” Karen looked back upstairs. “Holly deserves her dad but I can’t keep up this act any longer. Pretending that I’m okay with…with this.”
Karen motioned to the kitchen and then rubbed at her temple. “It’s still a discussion. I don’t know if I’ll go through with it. I don’t think Mike can handle a divorce right now.”
Joyce places a comforting hand on Karen’s shoulder. “Do what is best for you and your kids. I know you love them with all you have. You’ll make the best decision, I know you will.”
Karen sent Joyce a watery smile. “Thank you, Joyce.” She sniffled and then scooped the eggs out onto a plate that she offered to Joyce. “How are things at your new place? Do the kids like it there?”
Joyce took the plate and relayed her experiences out of Hawkins. Karen listened excitedly and asked questions here and there that entertained Joyce throughout the conversation. She missed this easy comradery with Karen, missed chatting with her while Mike and Will took their sweet time packing their bags for a sleepover at the Byers’ house.
“Oh,” Karen interrupted suddenly as she sipped from a coffee cup. “I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while but I could never get the words out.” Joyce nodded for her to continue. “How do you…how do you talk to your son in a way that lets him know it’s okay to be, well, to be different?”
“Different how?”
Karen stared into her cup. “Mike is…Mike is on the track team and I hadn’t really noticed at first but when he talks about, well, boys, it’s not…it’s not normal.”
“I mean, no, it’s normal. It’s fine. I’m just…,” Karen sighed heavily. “I think Mike likes boys and I want to ask and let him know it’s okay without being overbearing.”
Joyce blinked and set her plate down carefully. She sat up a little more in her chair and turned to face Karen fully. “I know Mike hasn’t been very open with you, but let him know that you’re always going to love him and support whatever he does in life. Tell him that it’s okay to go against the grain. It’s okay to be himself.”
“Do you think he’ll ever trust me enough to tell me?”
Karen’s voice cracked on the word trust and Joyce wanted to pull her into a hug so bad. “He already does. He’s just scared he might hurt someone he loves if he opens up.”
The young mom smiled to herself. “I just want him to feels safe and happy.”
Joyce nodded in agreement. It’s why she had to move. No one was safe staying in Hawkins anymore.
The two chatted about nothing of much importance for another little while, up until the Party came crashing inside being loud and noisy but happily united. Joyce watched the troop of kids stomp their way through the house toward the living room. Mike was at the door with Will still, dusting off snowflakes from his hair with a grumble. Will was chatting with Lucas still as he stood and let Mike pick at him. Joyce turned to Karen, who was watching the two carefully before turning to lock eyes with Joyce. Joyce nodded once and Karen’s eyes lit up with joy and she turned back to watch her son. Joyce could see in her eyes how much she cared for Mike, she only wished Mike would tell her everything that happened in ‘83, ‘84, and ‘85, everything that was happening still as the Upside Down still existed.
Mike came into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for everyone and gave his mom a passing kiss on the cheek when she greeted him. He put the kettle on and looked between the two women with a slightly narrowed gaze.
“You two haven’t been conspiring, have you?”
Karen laughed. “No, honey, just catching up on how you boys are doing. Are you feeling well? You’ve taken everything you need?”
Mike quickly glanced at Joyce and then turned back to the kettle. “Yeah, I’m good. Better than good. Really happy actually.” He laughed to himself. “Does Ms. Byers know about me?”
“The therapy,” started Joyce quietly. Mike tensed but nodded. “It’s okay, Mike. Will needed it, too, after his disappearance.”
The tall boy clenched his jaw. “I know. I just…I shouldn’t need it.” His posture slumped dramatically yet he still has his back turned to Joyce and Karen. “I didn’t go through as much.”
“You went through a lot, Mike. Don’t discount your experiences.” Joyce stood up to approach the boy and catch his eye contact. “We all want you to be happy and heal. We love you and support whatever you need.”
Mike’s eyes looked toward his mom. Karen smiled and stood up to join Joyce. “I love you, Mike, please never forget that.”
The teen huffed but gave the two women a watery smile. The kettle started whistling and he started pouring cups of chocolate and some milk and sugar into each one. He paused after the final cup and turned to his mom with tears brimming in his eyes. “Mom, I’m so sorry.”
Karen rushed to take him in her arms and cradled his head as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Joyce smiles to herself and turned to spot Will in the entrance with worry in his eyes. He looked so pained seeing Mike as he was, lips parted as if to speak but unable to find the right words to say.
“Mike,” he whispered as he made his way into the kitchen. The boy turned at the sound of his name and gave Will a half-muttered hello. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” He grabbed a cup and passed it over to Will. Their fingers brushed and Will purposefully let his hand linger a little longer atop Mike’s own. Mike flushed and avoided eye contact as best as possible. “I, uh, that’s for you.”
“Thank you.”
Mike looked up and Joyce turned to Karen with a hidden smile as the two boys shyly smiled at each other. They broke the gaze when Dustin called for them to get their asses back to the couch. Karen waited until the two were gossiping back with the rest of the party before she turned on Joyce.
“Mike and Will?” She sounded so joyous about it.
“Yeah, but I don’t think they know that they like each other.” Joyce sighed. “I hope they manage to realize it before we leave town.”
Karen nodded silently. “Hmm. We could help! Christmas is the perfect romantic holiday anyway.”
“You want to play matchmaker with our sons?”
“Why not? They both deserve to be with someone who makes them as happy as they do.”
It was worth a shot at least.
Joyce spent the rest of the day trying to get Will and Mike to either sit together or end up in a room alone. Karen has sprigs of mistletoe about the house and kept trying to “accidentally” catch the boys under them. The most she got was Dustin and El under the mistletoe in the hallway upstairs, which was adorable in it’s own right in a way. By the time the rest of the party departed, Karen and Joyce has practically given up on trying to get the two boys to notice what was happening between them.
“Maybe we should switch tactics,” started Karen as she sat on the couch while the boys were upstairs. “They are already so romantic with each other, I never noticed it until now.”
Joyce agreed. “I tried to get Will to tell Mike how he feels but he refuses to believe that Mike likes him back.”
A loud clatter drew the two women from their conversion and they both swiveled to face a gaping Mike Wheeler in the kitchen getting snacks for his sleepover with Will. The twinkling lights of the Christmas tree in the living room danced off his shocked face and colored his skin in rainbow shades of blush.
“Will likes me?”
Joyce panicked. “He, uh, he cares for you a lot! You’re his best friend, Mike.”
Mike shook his head and hands. “No, no, wait. You said—you said—,” the boy puts a hand to his head and raises his other hand for pause. “Oh my god, this has to be a cosmic joke. There’s no way possible Will likes me. I…I never imagined…”
“So, you do like Will?” Karen quietly questioned in the resounding silence. Another clatter from upstairs pulls in everyone’s attention and they spotted Will at the top of the stairs having dropped his notebooks that scattered down the staircase.
Mike was red in the face at this point and Will seemed frozen in place, unable to keep his eyes off Mike.
“Is she—is Karen right? Do you—,” Will’s voice was cracking at the edges, full of emotion that he had bottled up for years.
“I—yeah. Yeah, she’s right.” He took a few steps closer to the staircase. “I didn’t…I didn’t want to scare you off by telling you though. It’s pathetic kinda. How long it’s been.”
“10 years, right?”
Mike laughed. “Yeah. 10 years.”
Will ran down the stairs and practically launched himself into Mike’s arms. Mike wrapped his arms around his best friend’s waist and tucked his head into his shoulder as they held each other tightly. Joyce couldn’t hear them much—she didn’t want to eavesdrop and their mouths were muffled—but she could hear Will’s strained I love you so much murmured into Mike’s shirt. She felt tears prickling in the back of her eyes seeing her son so happy in the arms of the boy he loves so deeply, finally confessing and obtaining the happiness he deserved.
Karen was crying more openly, one hand to her mouth as her other hand wiped smudged eyeliner from her eyes. Joyce thought about how Karen was in a loveless marriage, how she stuck with it for her kids, and now, she got to see her son who loved someone he wasn’t supposed to love, who kept this secret to his chest for years always frightened if anyone knew, finally able to hold the person he loved most in his arms and know it was reciprocated.
Joyce took Karen’s hand in her own and squeezed it tightly as they shared comforting looks with each other. Turning back to the boys, Joyce rolled her eyes as she spotted them desperately kissing, mistletoe strung up between them at the base of the staircase.
“It worked,” Karen laughed with a sniffle as Mike and Will pulled from each other. The two boys couldn’t stop smiling, couldn’t stop holding each other, couldn’t stop basking in the love they shared.
Joyce’s heart was so full of love for these two boys, it nearly hurt. She smiled and agreed with Karen full heartedly. “It worked wonderfully.”
[ —> ]
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kyloren · 7 years
Mileven post-S2 fanfiction recommendation list: PART II
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This is a follow-up part II to the first Mileven recommendation list I made. I actually haven’t finished going through the entire Mileven tag on ao3, but as soon as I power through another good chunk of it, I’ll probably do another part of the rec list. If your fanfic isn’t featured, apologies. Message me and we’ll amend that grievance in the next rec list instalment. 
* marks the ongoing stories. 
even outdoor rpgs in the sun have rules!* by christah88: ““It’s summer!” Dustin called over his shoulder, converting a deep lunge to a leapfrog. “The sun is shining, it’s hot but not too hot, we’re with all our friends, we don’t have to go to school, we’re young and we’re free!” He stood up and threw out his arms. “Why aren’t you guys running around screaming?!” They looked at each other. “He actually — you know, I think he actually has a point,” Will said, a bit shellshocked.” [This is the funniest fic I have ever read. Ever. Read it.] 
devil’s in the backseat by ceruleanstorm: “Mike Wheeler is not a bad boy, but when he comes to school in a leather jacket, it’s the only thing anyone can talk about. Eleven knows something is up — if only he would stop avoiding her long enough for her to ask. Max, Dustin, and Lucas may have a gambling problem, and Will’s caught in the middle of it all, stuck keeping everyone’s secrets.” 
promises to keep* by AriaCessair: “Unconsciously, the promises make their way into their lives. In the end, it is what keeps them together.” 
watching through windows, you’re wondering if i’m okay by elsaclack: “The aftermath of the group’s collective brush with the Mind Flayer and his army.” 
and i feel life for the very first time by quinnking: ““I wanted her to have something special,” he says, his voice rumbling. “To welcome ‘85 in with… people.” “With people,” Joyce repeats with a chuckle. “You mean with people who love her?”” 
paladin vs witch by Someone_else_before: “El loves Mike. Mike loves El. Kali has… concerns. On a visit to Hawkins, El’s big sister starts feeling protective and comes up with a few simple tests to make sure Mike is as good a guy as everyone says he is. The tests aren’t exactly ethical, but since when has that ever stopped Kali before?” 
let your heart be light by evenhisfacewasanalias: “Takes place after the Snow Ball, with Mike introducing El to a few holiday traditions.” 
smart things by Strange_Archivist: “Nancy reflects on love, the importance of female friends, and staying true to oneself.” 
babysitters club by SmoothFluffle: “Mike and El (and Holly) as babysitters.” 
but we could be safer for just one day* by dragonyfox: “See, the thing is, they figured they were done. Done with monsters, done with baseball bats embedded with nails, done with lighting things that are trying to kill them on fire, done with worrying about their people. Things go back to normal.” 
like a distant star* by Someone_else_before: “Now that Mike knows El is alive, he’s not going to let even the scariest police chief in the world get in the way of seeing her again.” 
i am small, and needy by kittenCorrosion: “As El adjusts to life in Hawkins, she dreads the impending trial known as “school”. Mike knows just what to do, as usual, and comforts her.” 
stringe il cuore della stella morente by shipwrecks: “Months go by. Years go by. Everybody else remembers her only as a hero, there when they needed her. He shakes the core of a dying star.” 
i’m not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you by topangamatthews: “Mike Wheeler is not El’s boyfriend. So why is he so jealous of the boy who’s trying to be? (In which Mike Wheeler is an idiot and waits too long.)” 
+ its sequel: and suddenly you’re mine* by topangamatthews: “There is nothing stranger than dating in high school. (A collection of one-shots of Mike and Eleven through their high school years, hand in hand.)” 
july, july* by IrisVioletta: “Eleven adjusts to her new life, in her new family (now a life-spanning collection of oneshots.)” 
senior year by serendipitous_rambles: “Senior Year is almost at an end which means College is right around the corner. El is still unsure and confused about what she wants to do when she graduates and it feels like everyone else is moving on with their lives. But when Mike gets some news, it could mean heartbreak.” 
fake it ‘til you make it by TheMikeWheelers (jasongracefully): “Mike and El figured they would just mess with their friends a bit, they could get back at them for all the years of teasing. But fake dating never works out so easily.” 
l-o-v-e in hawkins by JoMo3: “A 5-part Mileven/Jancy Valentine fic.” 
alternative universe: 
speechless* by BimeyMooMimey: “A new girl comes to Hawkins, and the entire town takes notice. Little does Mike Wheeler know that she’s about to turn his life upside-down...without even saying a word.” 
survive the tide* by richiewheeler (jormaperalta): “After being rescued from a foster home run by a horrible man, “Eleven” is adopted by Chief Jim Hopper and tries to make Hawkins her home. But the schoolchildren are mean and she’s having a tough time fitting in, plus she needs a job for the summer. Then, she gets an opportunity to babysit Holly Wheeler, and finds her life entwined in AV Club President Mike Wheeler’s life as he navigates his last summer before he graduates from Hawkins High. As they start a summer romance, Eleven’s past starts to catch up with her as Mike’s future slams into his present. Can they survive the summer? Can their relationship?” No Supernatural AU. 
everybody talks* by hannahberrie: “What was he supposed to say? ‘Hey, so, I saw you looking kinda lonely over here, and I thought I’d come sit by you, for no apparent reason. Yeah, I know, it’s weird. Yeah, I’m kinda a total wasteoid.’” an 80’s High School AU featuring punk!Eleven and nerd!Mike. 
don’t stop believin’ by hoars: “In a world inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, the party comes to terms with their classes.” Magical Realism AU. 
wrong house by richiewheeler (jormaperalta): “The Party has a plan to egg Troy’s house on Halloween, but they accidentally get Chief Hopper’s instead.” No Supernatural AU. 
years that have gone, and years that will come by rileyhart: “Mike Wheeler has been able to feel his soulmate for as long as he can remember, and he’s been attempting to find her ever since. And he’s finally about to find her, after all those years of searching.” Soulmate AU where you are born with ability to feel the other’s emotions and pain. 
miles from nowhere* by kittenCorrosion: “Mike Wheeler and his friends really just want their band to catch a break so they can hit it big. But the week long road trip to a battle of the bands in the middle of nowhere gets complicated when his sister’s rival band shows up, one of his band mates gets tangled in a dark force, and the girl he starts falling for along the way turns out to have a dangerous secret.” Band AU. 
unpack your heart by mysterytwin: “They say home is where your heart is, and sometimes it takes a while to find exactly where that is.” Soulmate AU. 
+ its prequel: beneath the stars came falling on our heads by mysterytwin: “Mike tries to figure out the beginning, the middle, and the end of his story with Eleven. Mike tries to figure out the beginning, the middle, and the end of his story with Eleven.” Soulmate AU. 
ineffable* by princesspret: “An alternative universe where Mike Wheeler meets Eleven, “Jane Hopper,” in 1989. Unfortunately, he��s a little irritable, irrational, and rebellious but she loves him all the same.” bad-boy!Mike AU no-one asked for, but secretly kinda wished for. 
the place i call home* by notreserenade: “If one was to ask Mike Wheeler’s parents whether their son had a girlfriend, they’d scoff. Awkward, lanky Mike speaking to a girl? That’s ridiculous. But little did they know, though, that their son was very much in love with a girl. A girl of very few words. A girl with very curly hair. A girl… whose heart was as fragile as the raw emotion one gets during a sunset. A girl that — to Mike, was like no-one he had ever met.” No Supernatural AU. 
lionhearted (we’ll make this right)* by bottlefullofarsenic: “Normalcy should be easy to obtain. After all, they closed the gate, they defeated the monster, right? Life should go back to normal. If only it was that simple.” Stranger Things x It (2017) Crossover. 
curiosity door* by bananannabeth: “The Ghost Riders’ dimension isn’t the only one with portals into Beacon Hills.” Stranger Things x Teen Wolf Crossover. 
kingdom come deliverance by TheFlirtMeister: ““You musn’t—” Mike kneels down in front of her, Endleofan cheeping in his ear, nibbling on the lobe. “You can’t touch other people’s dæmons.” “Dæmons?” The girl repeats. “Oh brother.” Lucas says. “You don’t know what a dæmon is?”” Stranger Things x Dæmon Fusion. 
the upside down games* by peraltiagoisland: “Mike Wheeler lives in the Victor’s Village, thanks to his sister Nancy who won the games when she was 14 years old, allowing the Wheelers to live in the lap of luxury — or as luxurious as living in District 12 can get. Sadly, having a sister as a victor doesn’t protect Mike from the reaping. It also doesn’t protect him from getting picked to represent District 12 in the 83rd Hunger Games. Oh, and the thing about the arena that year? It becomes another dimension at night. It becomes the Upside Down.” Stranger Things x Hunger Games Fusion. 
+ bonus: wherein Steve Harrington is a good Team Mom™: 
that’s what friends are for by jibberjabber599: “It’s this action that seems to make his presence a welcome one when Dustin drags him around, even though he’d like to remind the little rugrats that he’s the one who got them out of that hole and saved their lives. Steve doesn’t really have a reference point when it comes to being a big brother—he’s an only child, never really willingly hung out with anyone younger than him—but he’s pretty sure it must feel a little something like this.” 
crazy or impressive* by WitchWithWifi: “Steve all but adopts five middle schoolers, their weird telekinetic friend, and all the crazy shit they come with.” 
the ache for home lives in all of us (a safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned) by Dontfloatthe100: “The six times Steve Harrington was a mom to the kids, and the one time he didn’t have to be.” 
steve harrington’s guide to parenting* by untuneduke: “The adventures of Steve and his 6 adopted children (and the rest of their family).” 
this is home* by PatchworkMedley: “The Party realise that maybe Steve is worth more than just driving a car and welding a nail driven bat. And Steve realises that when five pairs of eyes are giving you that puppy look, you don’t stand a chance. Now if only he had those looks when dealing with Hopper…” 
guys, you know I’m gonna be pumping out these mileven fic recs until I feel like I’ve read every single fic in the ao3 tag, right? oh, god, what I have committed myself to? stay tuned for the next instalment. 
UPDATE: part III is out. 
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