#this is an OLD old ask but you know. to celebrate that i'm writing sora on here again
heartslight · 2 years
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a letter from @sunhalf that reads “ the truth is: i hated you. i wanted you out of the way. i wanted my life back. “ xion part TWO ( lost prompt. )
aaahh.. it really is such a relief to hear! something that has plagued the both of them / the unmendable rift caused by forces outside of their control — sora’s long wanted to line the pieces up, his and hers. xion had no reason to forgive the cruelties done to her under the masquerade of righteousness, nor would sora expect her to! their hurting will be mended when you return to end it; if they had been forced into sacrifice for the sake of his own life, then didn’t it stand that sora owed them their right for freedom? no more puppets on strings, no more better halves — the past wouldn’t be something that keeps him from moving forward anymore. now they sit in the world of light, all parts equal and true. 
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melted ice cream drips down the side of his thumb and sora has to rush to lick it up, nearly dropping the popsicle in the process. ❛ i can’t really blame you! i think anyone would be furious, in that situation. ❜ memory flickers back into the world of sleeping dreams / into the moment when realization had settled upon the braveheart and the cold of dread took hold of his heart; xion had found her own heart, nestled in twilight skies and sea salt.. and it had been ripped away, all for his own sake. ❛ i never knew, not until roxas showed me during the mark of mastery. he shared his memories with me, and seeing all three of you together.. it hit me, how wrong the entire thing was. ❜ maybe it was easy to brush them aside / to pretend like their existences were a more necessary sacrifice because of their ties to the organization, because of their title as nobodies, because they weren’t the heroes of the story.. sora didn’t really understand it. maybe he never would.
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❛ it took a lot of tears.. but i’m glad we’re both here, xion. i’m glad i got to finally meet you! ❜ that’s what it meant to be a hero, right? a happy ending achieved —— for the pain to finally be ended. ❛ i’m glad you were able to get back what i took from you. i'm glad you can sit here, and proudly proclaim how you feel! ❜
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Taiora week 2021 Day 1 - Connection
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A/N: Happy Taiora week!
Initially I wrote a one-shot written from Sora's POV for day 1, but I wasn't fond of it... Then when I was going for a walk through the forest with my boyfriend, this old scenario/AU came to me and I had to write this little moment for my all time OTP. Funny thing that it's written from Yamato's POV, the character I'm least tied to myself (though he's growing on me biiiig time). No worries, I'm kind to Yama, he isn't a douched or jealous ex at all ;)
Day 1: Brave/Connection | Characters: Yamato Ishida, OC girlfriend (no name), Sora Takenouchi, Taichi Yagami (plus mentions of all the other DDs) | Genre: Friendship, fluff (I guess) | Rating: K | Wordcount: 1.031
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Tied to you
“And then she said ‘Excuse you? You should ask me those questions as I am the better singer.’ Can you believe that…? Yamato…? Yamato, are you even listening?”
Yamato looked to his left where he found his girlfriend rambling about some obnoxious girl she had met during one of her band rehearsals. Yamato nodded his head in reply to her last question, though he had no idea what she had exactly said. She was pleased with his nod anyway and so she rambled on, which gave him the opportunity to look around.
They had opted to walk to the little beach on the other side of the lake from where their holiday cabin was. The weather was nice in Summer and celebrating August, which was a thing in their group of friends, together with all of them made Yamato secretly smile wider. He took a deep inhale, opening all of his senses, taking in the fresh air and the images of his surroundings provided by nature and everyone around him.
In front of the pack he found the younger ones. It sounded like Daisuke and Miyako were having their umpteenth argument of the vacation about probably nothing important. His younger brother Takeru and Iori laughed it away and shook their heads while Ken and Hikari seemed rather occupied with serious conversation.
Mirroring Yamato and his girlfriend, right behind the younger ones, were Jyou and his girlfriend, arms linked, giggling in between the medicine talk Yamato couldn’t hear, but knew they were sharing. He was happy for Jyou finally feeling brave enough to show off with his girlfriend in public, letting everyone know she wasn’t a fantasy like some of them had thought at first.
Between Jyou and his girlfriend and Yamato himself were the last four. Exactly in front of him was Taichi talking to Koushiro on his right. He could hear them passionately talk about some game they played together and Yamato couldn’t help but roll his eyes a bit. On Taichi’s left were Sora and Mimi also caught up in conversation.
Yamato had broken up with Sora a few years ago, but they kept a steady friendship. He himself had dated a few girls, eventually ending up with his current one for now two years, but he had no idea of Sora’s love and dating life. What he did know, or at least sensed, was her unsaid crush on her oldest friend. And what was clear for Yamato, and basically all the others, wasn’t clear at all for the girl and guy in question.
It was a crush neither Sora nor Taichi knew of, both ignorant of their mutual feelings for one another. This had given all of their friends serious headaches recently, their back and forth something almost painful to watch. The bickering, the playful stomping, the teasing touches, the heated blushes, the understanding smiles at each other, the exaggerated eyerolls and shoulder shrugs, the bad jokes only they understood… It had basically always been there, the connection between the two childhood friends had always been crystal clear to everyone including Yamato.
The connection the two shared was one he could never win against, even when Yamato was Sora’s boyfriend. He remembered how Sora had threw herself at Taichi crying, once the three of them had found out they were the first ones to lose their partners, while Yamato only received a simple hug and small nudge from Sora without any emotion. Where Sora was able to let go in front of Taichi, she was reserved with Yamato and weirdly enough, it had never bothered him. Sure, back then he wanted Sora to be as open with him as she was with Taichi at some point, but he accepted the fact she would never open up that much to him, because it already had taken her almost fifteen years to open up to the one guy she knew for so long.
Seeing Sora so open and free in his arms, Taichi letting her in in the most heartwarming way, made Yamato feel fondness towards his friends. In the plural that was, because Sora had grown into more of a friend than a girlfriend over time. Yamato had expected the two of them hitting it of right away after he and Sora decided to breakup, but that never happened and it had incredibly annoyed everyone. It had resulted in all of them making desperate attempts to make the two most oblivious and stubborn people see their mutual crush, but all attempts had failed. Until now.
Yamato saw Sora peeking at Taichi, a small inhale making her chest lift a little, a pink shade coloring her suntanned cheeks. He could see her bite her lip, right before her head turned back towards Mimi. At that exact same time Taichi turned his head towards Sora, his deep brown eyes immediately softening, a playful shimmer in his eyes shining a protective light on the connection he shared with the auburn haired girl. Yamato could only guess that something was finally happening between the two of them on this vacation and he sighed a sigh of relief.
He watched Taichi turn his head back to Koushiro, though his hand, however, stayed close to hers, his fingers reaching for hers. Her fingers reached back without looking and within seconds their hands had found each other, finally making the for years shared connection visible for the eye to see, like two strings tying a knot. It brought a genuine smile on Yamato’s face.
“Seems like Hikari-chan’s plan of forcing them to sleep in the same room together worked,” he heard his girlfriend say. Yamato nodded affirmatively, his eyes on his friends looking at each other smiling sweetly before they turned their heads towards him. A set of copper colored and warm brown colored eyes met his icy blue ones, seeking for some kind of approval. Approval they didn’t need, but asked for anyway. Yamato smiled, then waved his free hand at them, earning him two bright smiles before they found each other’s eyes again.
They were beaming bright, spotlighting each other in a way only they could. Tied to each other in every possible way.
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