#this is an open starter connected to a plot i have going that has dark themes and may be uncomfortable for some to interact
the-haunted-office · 2 years
Open Starter (please see tags before replying)
Safe to say, the Haunted Office has always been a bit of a mess. Two Narrators at the helm with very different storytelling styles and ways of being might do that to the dwelling they live in, especially when it comes to fastidiousness. While Thursday enjoys making messes, Cyrus prefers his place well-kept. A look around the control booth might say otherwise, but there is a particular method to the madness. With Thursday it’s just madness.
Therefore, while the Office itself was always a bit of a mess, it was also always surprisingly well-kept. It has a tendency to put itself back together, to fix all the things that the Narrators - and others - have broken. That is the way it has always been, since the beginning.
Except now... Now as you enter the Haunted Office, something definitely is different.
For one, the ugly orange carpet that Thursday has always complained about is marked with singed black spots, clearly all results of small-to-medium localized fires. Black marks streak up the walls from the fires that burned too closely to them. Littered among and in between all this is a menagerie of ruined office supplies - shattered mugs, ripped up reports and graphs and memos, disassembled staplers and tape dispensers, rubber bands of all sizes, calculators with all the keys ripped out, computer mice hanging from the ceiling like some kind of grim office-themed deterrent. Among many other destroyed oddities and supplies.
Coloring the walls and ceiling are bright streaks of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. The emptied husks of where they came from lying scattered amongst all the other rubbish. Most - if not all - of the computer terminals have been made casualty to the explosion of CMYK as well.
As you look at the ceiling and see all of this, you also notice that a great deal of the lights are burned out. Not all of them, but enough that it has brought down the overall ambient lighting in the whole office to the point where pretty soon one might need to use a flashlight to make their way around, an effort no doubt made more difficult with all the mess. Odd that the light bulbs appear to be intact, though.
You are trying to comprehend how an Office once so clean could have fallen into such disarray.
And as you are standing there, taking this all in, comprehending, not comprehending, you hear... laughter. Laughter coming from at least two sources, although they sound like they could be from the same source at the same time.
This is just so odd. So out of place. So disconcerting. It has made you too curious, and so you decide to follow the sound until you reach the source of the laughter, which turned out to be coming from the meeting room.
And it is... definitely not what you expected. You aren’t sure what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.
Thursday is in there. Breaking things. Throwing the projector to the ground, smashing it, kicking it around. Tearing down the projector screen and whirling it around like a stiff cape. Upending each of the chairs and ripping off their wheels, throwing them around like everything else.
With another Thursday.
Well, sort of. One appears slightly more dead than the other in that she is semi-transparent and very clearly not of this world. She appears nearly identical to her living counterpart, with a few exceptions, the two major differences being her brightly lit, luminescent lemon yellow eyes. And her teeth. Her inhumanly sharp teeth that look like they belong more in a shark’s mouth than a human’s. And yet they are there, glistening brightly, because she is grinning.
Suddenly she turns that grin upon you, and more teeth become visible.
“Hello!” is her cheerful acknowledgement of your presence.
The other Thursday - the living one, it seems - stops what she is doing right away.
“Ahahahaha,” she laughs, perhaps a bit nervously, although it might be difficult to tell if you don’t know her well enough. “So. This looks a bit strange to you, I imagine. Two of me in here, throwing around stuff, breaking stuff. But I assure you that we are having a good time in here! A very good time. It’s all normal. Would you like to join us?”
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reginrokkr · 9 months
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@daybreakrising asked: ✔ (offers out any of my muses that suit you!)
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Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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For Cyno
Dain has reasons to linger in Sumeru, at least in what concerns what must be done with the Aranara and the Pari in two completely different areas of the nation. As someone who is serious in his job as the head of the Mahamatra and if their paths happen to cross and their interests to align, I think they would have room to do something good together for the betterment of Sumeru. Of course, it will be highly dependant on what his drive is at the time that will be what dictates if their interests align!
For Razor
The main point I consider would have them meet is Wolvendom, as Razor did state he saw wolves of another pack that isn't autochthonous to Mondstadt and I suspect it has to do with Rifthounds. If Dain sees them and connects their presence there with the Abyss Order still scheming something in Mondstadt, he would have a reason to investigate and also check indirectly if Andrius is faring fine without going to see him directly.
For Menogias
I think that the most appropriate and accurate moment for them to meet would be during the Cataclysm that happens in the Chasm, either when Menogias already succumbed to its terrors or a bit earlier than that. Dain is known to have helped solve the crisis at least in one nation (Sumeru) and I personally headcanon that he did the same in other nations both willingly and involuntarily, so participating in the battle against the monsters of the Abyss would do the trick.
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suffcring · 9 months
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text
Gif icons
Formatted text (I like to use the kind of formatting you might find in a novel -- italics, indents, etc but I have a hard time with underlines, some text big some little, etc)
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (not as in selfcest, but in that I am a multi muse and therefore have other muses to offer up)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character (I generally don't go past 2, maybe 3 if someone is very inactive)
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in it’s content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
Only people who sent in my rules password
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Read my rules
Answer an open
Message me OOC
Message me IC
Make a starter
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes (if you don't send one, reblog from the source)
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be tagged along with the adult filter on, but I do not use readmores as it's overly redundant at that point (the adult filter has been connected to shadowbanning blogs, so please do not click it on with our rps thanks)
I am multi-muse
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched (largely this isn't an issue except for extreme examples)
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (to a point)
stolen from @southern-belle-outcasts
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lusteds · 1 year
open to: f. plot: your muse has been looking a little too good lately and catching some attention from salvatore's men so he decides to remind them who she truly belongs to. location can be at his home, a club, or somewhere else completely. some inspo in the source. connection: mistress, wife from an arranged marriage, sister / daughter, the wife of one of his men, his step-mother / step-daughter, + any other connection. t/aboo, big age gaps, and p/roblematic k/inks welcome. additional: do not like this starter. made with beta editor. i don’t have legacy.
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it was a passing comment from one of his men, something trivial and tame about the girl, but once it reached the ears of salvatore, there was no putting the genie back in the bottle. this problem was only going to grow if it wasn't handled, and better to put an end to any bold ideas now before anybody — her included — took the risky opportunity to act against his wishes. ❝ come, ❞ the male ordered, not even offering a greeting or warning as he entered the space she was in and grabbed a hold of her arm, firmly guiding her towards the location where his men sat gathered. stopped short of the closed door, turning to female and running dark gaze from her head to toe before snapping back to fix eyes on hers, ❝ after you. don't be shy, princess. we're going to have some fun. ❞
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marnerwrites · 2 years
TW: misogyny, brief mention of internalized homophobia, racism, whitewashing, and mentions of pr*datory behaviour.
I told myself that I would absolutely never make a callout post and yet here I am. I feel as if I need to do my part and protect other admins and groups within the rpc as well as clear the air since my roleplay has been mentioned in the rph/rpt tags. I am an admin over at @scatteredtaleshq. We’re a small next-gen-based Disney group that tries to foster an inclusive and creative safe space for our members. With that being said, I want to warn the roleplay community about two members we had named Red (musingsbyred) and Hanne. They applied at the same time and it was clear from the get-go that they were friends. Red applied as the Cheshire Cat with Chris Wood as the faceclaim and Hanne applied as Mr. Mittens from Pixar’s Soul with Melissa Benoist as the faceclaim. We had to approach Hanne and let her know that Mr. Mittens was canonically a man and she swapped out her character for Duchess from the Aristocats. They both then applied for Copper and Tod from The Fox and the Hound. 
The first red flag appeared when Copper and Tod’s bios were posted and Red asked for Tod to have a family with Vixey while identifying as gay and being in the closet about his sexuality. Red was insistent on having Vixey and their shared child in the group despite Tod having feelings for Copper, which felt strange to the admin team. It felt like they were trying to form some sort of plot point rooted in latent misogyny. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having two men in love or being in the closet about one’s sexuality, but don’t use their wife of convenience as a wanted connection. It’s not fair and sends a weird misogynistic message. With that being said, it was sort of brushed off because we didn’t feel as if we had proper grounds to approach them yet unless one of our members expressed discomfort. The next thing that unfolded was Hanne applying for Kida from Atlantis with Laura Harrier as the faceclaim. Since Laura is half white and both of Kida’s parents appear in the movie and are both people of colour, we told Hanne we would be more comfortable with her using a fully black faceclaim or a non-white fcoc. 
She apologized for choosing Laura and then continued to say that she was just trying to use someone she already had resources of and that Laura matched Kida’s ‘shade’. She then tried to argue the whole Laura being used as a faceclaim further and asked if she could get some “leeway” on it. There is NO leeway on white-washing characters. It’s unacceptable, especially after we provided some beautiful dark skinned women as options for Kida. Disney might’ve been racially ambiguous in terms of Kida, but we don’t have to follow that same route. We of course told her no and despite being dejected, she found an alternative faceclaim on her own. After that, two other issues arose with Red and Hanne. 
First of all, Red applied for the child of Sulley named Jasper Sullivan. She posted an intro establishing another family when we prohibit anyone from setting up a family that isn’t currently present to maintain creative freedom for future members. We asked her to remove that part of her bio and she proceeded to argue with us over the fact that ‘Hanne was intending to apply for a child of Mike and Celia’, which is something we wouldn’t have known about and neither would any of our other current members who might’ve wanted to apply for a child of Mike and would’ve gotten discouraged. Later that day Hanne posted two open starters despite not following our ‘you must answer 3 opens before posting another open’ rule. At this point, it felt like we had to approach them with a new issue every day and it was getting mentally taxing. Especially since both Red and Hanne weren’t following simple guidelines. Red flag number two came in the form of Hanne asking to change her character, Duchess, to Alice from Alice in Wonderland. 
For context: the admin team had an inkling that the two intended to ship their characters together. They were both first cats and both Chris and Melissa (their faceclaims) are partners in real life. But with Hanne’s desire to switch her character to Alice, we felt uncomfortable, to say the least. The Cheshire Cat being shipped with Alice when he knew her as a child seemed borderline pr*datory. But despite how uncomfortable the admins felt, we couldn’t say anything until our suspicions were confirmed. Everything sort of came to a head when Red asked one of the admins to DM her in the group chat. I responded with, we’d prefer to have issues be brought up through the main (as a form of protection for our admins — especially since we all deal with anxiety, we’re stronger as a cohesive team). They continued to express their discomfort at the fact that Logan Lerman (their faceclaim for Tod) was being used twice in the roleplay. 
For the record: he was already taken as a faceclaim when they applied. We explained this fact to her. Considering the fact we have such a long taken faceclaim page, it can be easy to miss certain faces. It happens to the best of us, especially mobile roleplayers because tumblr is a bit inaccessible but we try our best to keep things organized. They were combative and defensive and insistent on the fact that Logan wasn’t on any of the pages when they joined. Regardless of this argument, our group has a rule that allows faceclaims to be used TWICE. Which was further proof to us that they hadn’t been reading the pages. 
At this point, their tone was combative and argumentative and I can admit ours became a bit on the edge as well, especially since tone is difficult to interpret over text and it felt like they were trying to deny something when we sent them screenshots proving Logan was already taken when they applied. Eventually, the admin team concluded as a whole that we were just bumping heads with Red and that we needed to ask Red to leave. They had only been roleplaying with Hanne back and forth on Tod’s account since arrival, made it seem like replying to 3 open starters was a chore, and were making us uncomfortable for several different reasons. We needed to protect our space and do what we thought was best for every party involved. We explained to them the grounds we had for asking them to leave and they immediately became extremely aggressive and retaliated by posting screenshots onto the dash to cause ooc drama. While none of our other members left, they were made uncomfortable by the whole situation. Hanne left soon after as well, which was no surprise.
After that, Red went to several rpt/rph blogs and began to slander the group. They sent themself anons on the character sideblog they had for the group that no one except our current members would’ve been aware of. They also even went to an RPH pretending that their character sideblog (scaryjasper) was an entirely different person and not themself. Which is the blog they seem to be sending themself anons on because no one outside of our current members (who all chose to stay except one - would’ve been aware of). On top of that, they began to send anons harassing our members (we did not include these in our screenshots because we want to protect our members’ privacy) and sending racist anons to the main. We have never had an issue with any past members and this was extremely jarring to us that they were sending anons to multiple people spreading falsehoods. It isn’t fair to our members for them to be dragged into this and it’s not fair to my admin team who works so tirelessly to make sure everyone feels welcome, included, and safe to voice their thoughts and feelings.
With that being said, I just want to protect other admins from potentially experiencing this. I don’t want to comment or discuss this matter further. I just want my group and rpt/rph accounts to have a moment where they’re no longer harassed by this potentially dangerous individual and their friend who they may or may not be dragging into their toxicity. Especially since we have been informed that they have a history of harassing groups.
Also: If my only crime in my 10+ years of roleplaying is kicking out racist combative misogynists who love to fuel ooc drama, so be it. All of the rules they broke led up to one big decision in which we felt as if we weren’t jiving. Especially since they had both only been in our group for a total of 4 DAYS and this many issues had arisen. No one owes anyone an explanation for kicking roleplayers who make ANYONE uncomfortable or countless red flags. It’s your creative space and you deserve to protect that. I just want this all to be over and for our members to be left out of this as we move forward. I wanted to keep this private and professional, but they chose the alternative route so we should be allowed to share our side of the story as well.
Receipts can be found in the source link.
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xghostspider · 1 year
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♪ main ♪ bio ♪ face ♪ muse ♪ starters ♪ wishlist ♪
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I pull Gwen from Earth-65 comics, specifically in Seanan McGuire's run where she's blown her secret identity on Earth-65 and is attending college on Earth-616. She now goes by Ghost-Spider, and her powers come from her symbiote rather than a radioactive spider bite.
Her Ticket to the Multiverse pendant is intact, so it's very easy to write her into crossover AUs/dimensions as needed. She's going to assume most other comics muses are familiar with the multiverse, so if you don't want her rambling about that to them, please let me know!
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Gwen with other comics characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Miles Morales, Mary Jane Watson Possible Ships: Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Cindy Moon, Johnny Storm, Matt Murdock Other: All Spider Fam connections from any Earth welcome! Betty Brant, Glory Grant, Billy Braddock, Pavitr Prabhakar, Miguel O'Hara, Peni Parker, Jessica Drew, Matt Murdock, Elsa/Eddie Brock, Samantha Wilson, Felicia Hardy
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default verses:
65: A comics verse based in Earth-65, Gwen's home world, primarily taking place around the McGuire comics where Gwen has blown her secret identity, served her prison time, and is now attempting to balance her normal life with Ghost-Spider. Post-college, she works as a private detective.
616: Same as above, including Gwen's escapades on Earth-616 where her secret identity is still intact. She gets her college degree there and basically uses Peter Parker's Earth as her summer home.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
murderdock: Gwen works for Earth-65's Matt Murdock (Kingpin), while she tries to free her father from prison. However, she's a hero deep down and eventually breaks from Kingpin even if it lands her in prison.
dark!murderdock: While Gwen is working for Earth-65's Matt Murdock (Kingpin), her father is killed in prison by the Rhino. Devastated, she succumbs to her rage and the symbiote, and she goes full villain working for Kingpin.
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mi4012mariaperera · 5 months
Christopher Nolan
Hey! It's been a while since I've last posted on this blog. At the moment I'm suffering with having too much of work on my plate to finish.
Anyways, this was some work I had to complete a while back. But unfortunately, I couldn't do so since I paid most of my attention to the MI4011 blog. But I'm back again!!! (Yeeepeee)
Alright! so for starters, we were told to have a look at Christopher Nolan's style of cinematography and express our views on it.
Before I express my views, these are the links to the videos I watched to understand the genius of his film style!
Out of all of his movies, I've only watched Inception, Dark Knight and Tennet and Dunkirk. In all honesty, I sometimes don't understand the storylines in some of his films (Talking about my experience of watching Tennet) but maybe that's the beauty behind his style of writing.
Nolan's films are known to be a work of art and not meant to have well structures, linear plot line. He has mentioned that his plot lines are similar to a "hair pin". He has also mentioned that he uses a geometric/ mathematical way of writing stories. That honestly sound complicated and impressive at the same time.
I think the beauty of being open minded is to be able to see the beauty in all types of films and having the curiosity to dig deep and see the bigger picture.
I don't know if I'll ever become a director one day, but I know for sure I would try to learn a thing or two from Nolan's tyle of cinematography because of how complexly beautiful it is.
If you think about it, it's not easy to go against the norm of writing stories by following a 'non-linear structure' it's confusing and requires you to find a way to connect the dots in the circle you created.
Out of all his movies, I would say my favorite for now is 'inception'. One reason as to why I like it is because Leonardo De Caprio's there. (It feels cool knowing that we are birthday twins<3) But the main reason is for the complex story line and the cinematography.
As an anime fan, I should make a note that 'inception' was inspired by Satoshi Kon's animated film 'Paprika'. But regardless, it's incredible how Nolan brought this animated concept and brought it to life in a live action film.
I believe another common thing to be found in Nolan's films is a 'motif'. A motif seems to be an ordinary prop that might have symbolic value, but it's much more than that.
e.g. - In inception, the characters who enter dreams use a small object to help them keep tract of what's real and what isn't. Dicaprio's character uses a spinning top to help him out with this. At first, I thought it would just be symbolic to keep him together in reality. But this tiny object, which was seen towards the end left the audience confused with the ending. Since the top kept spinning at the end, the audience doesn't know if it kept spinning since Decaprio's character is still dreaming, or if it eventually falls because he finally meets his children in real life. That's how powerful this motif was.
That's pretty much it for my take on Nolan's cinematography. I know it isn't much but during my free time I would love to do more research on him.
Thank you for reading!!!
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xbullseye · 1 year
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⌾ main ⌾ bio ⌾ face ⌾ muse ⌾ wishlist ⌾
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"Your internal compass isn't broken, Dex. It just works better with a North Star to guide you." "What if I can't find one?" "Then you'll rely on our structure. A tidy physical space. A disciplined vocation. You will build your life on pillars of order."
This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I write Dex based on the Daredevil show. While I am willing to learn to write with your muse, I am not at all familiar with his comics, and I'll be choosing which of those elements to keep in my portrayal. I really enjoy the humanizing backstory of the show, which as I understand it is quite a bit different from Bullseye's mysterious comics history. Please do not assume things that have happened in the comics have happened to him without running it by me first.
And now, some warnings! Dex is a villain, and I will be writing him as such. Even when he's not actively being a villain, his interactions tend to be manipulative, stalker-ish, and problematic af. This blog will explore themes of abusive households/relationships, psychosis, stalking, and toxic relationships. If you're not comfortable with those, that's perfectly fine, but this isn't the muse for you. Realistically, most of his plots are going to end in fighting, death, or some sort of twisted codependency, but I will check with you before anything major so we can better plot things out. Likewise, if you prefer to plot Dex's death, I'm happy to work with you on that. Being a villain has consequences, but communication is key. All details vary based on verse, and I’m happy to write Dex into AUs and fandom crossovers.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Dex with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry and likely some plotting, since he struggles to make healthy connections.
North Star: For good reason, Dex doesn't trust his own moral compass. He's been encouraged by his therapist to choose a role model for good, what he calls his North Star, to help keep him from slipping into bad habits. Naturally, this can either work very well or very poorly depending on the muse, and I'd love to write both!
Other villains (e.g., Kingpin) can take advantage of this by convincing Dex to believe in them. He feels most himself when he's using his talents and not holding back those destructive impulses.
Good muses (e.g., Julie, Daredevil) can keep Dex on the straight and narrow, whether intentionally or not. However, these relationships also tend to be toxic for the good muse, since he lacks empathy and boundaries.
FBI: Before he goes full dark/no stars, Dex is an FBI agent. Any work connections would be great, with potential crossovers with other agencies like SHIELD or fandoms like Hannibal and You.
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Any events taking place during the Daredevil or Punisher timelines.
north star: An AU where Dex has someone to keep him stable before Kingpin's manipulation. In this verse, he is still trying to be good.
full dark / no stars: A post-Daredevil verse where Dex has had extensive surgeries and rehabilitation, his spine fused with adamantium to restore his mobility and make him harder to hurt. He has given up on trying to be good in this verse and seeks revenge on Kingpin.
all the way to the fbi: Any AU or crossover verse where Dex is still working as an FBI agent, with morality on a sliding scale.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
hydra!verse: Instead of joining the FBI after his military service, Dex is recruited to SHIELD and is eventually a part of STRIKE, where he defects to HYDRA.
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raynerwilde-kjrp · 2 years
Character Info
Name: Rowan William Palmer
Alias: Rayner Wilde
Affiliation: Killjoys Better Living Industries
Age: 24
Gender: male
Pronouns: He/him
Looks: 5′7″ tall, curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, often seen wearing dark clothes and goggles, sinewy frame, often slouches.
Language: Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, Modern English, Spanish
Interests: Reading, writing, chemistry, badminton
Backstory: Coming from a family of wealth and entrepreneurship, Rowan achieved his double-major BA with First-Class honours in English and Chemistry, with two Master's in English literature and Experimental Chemistry. His English thesis, focusing on the close connection of sound and literary form, was well received by the city’s university. Now in his second year of his PhD for Romanticist and Gothic literature, Rowan continues to excel in academia in literary studies.
                  Update: Palmer has abandoned academia for the zones, see file RWP-3473 for reward for his capture and re-education negotiated by family in [ERROR]
Note: Watch for signs of burnout and fatigue as his advisor has noted these changes in previous semesters.
Name's K but I mainly go by Crylock! She/her or they/them I'm not picky :) Please note that I am over 21 so only interact if you are 16+. My writing tends to focus on speculative fiction and posthumanist fiction since that's what I focused on in my graduate years, but I am open to writing any genre or format other than smut.
Book and history nerd extraordinare. I also do @cybershadow @phant0mspades and @bli-jason-melwas
You can literally message me anytime about just about anything.
- I’m not comfortable doing smut. Do not ask.
- If you want to make a plot or send an ask that involves my characters, ask or let me know first. Do not rewrite my arcs or characters or copy my arcs or characters. I will block you if you do.  
- I can write starters either as a post or as an ask. Just let me know if you want me to and if you have a preference.
- I can’t believe I have to write this one. Don’t talk behind my back or backstab me or any of that. I’m here to have fun and improve my writing, not deal with drama and bullshit. That’s an automatic block if I catch you.  
- Be patient, please. I have severe anxiety and suffer from health issues that are currently being monitored with a heavy dose of medication. If I ask/say/clarify something that seems redundant, please work with me because I’m probably having an off day.
Please Note: Rowan is tired and worn-down. He faces extreme familial pressure to seek a high education and has really been forced into doing things and going higher as an academic. Does he want to? He hasn’t figured that out. He will get irritable at times and sometimes will ramble about literary theory and oddly specific topics that he studies (sound as literature, posthumanism, and Romanticism). This blog will highlight the positives and negatives of academia, and how it is both a pathway to further learning but also exploitive of new ideas and young graduate students. Everything here is inspired by my own experiences in grad school, and it should be considered only one experience among many. Do not take this blog as discouragement from pursuing academia if that is what you want to do; Rowan’s experiences, along with mine, are not the truth for everyone.
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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An RP multimuse blog for Allan Kier, an original NPC based on the FFXIV world!
current draft count: 50+ current inbox count: 80+
owed starters: 0 owed asks: 8
Guidelines (UPDATED 9TH NOV):
hewwo!! call me termi (25+, any pronouns)
Allan is a non-wol oc btw in case the following information is confusing!
am a filthy multishipper hehehe
hey look at allan’s sausage fingers in the pic above
this is p much a multimuse blog but all the other muses basically revolve around allan so expect to see 80% of allan content kljalksjf
allan is likely to gravitate to extremes for what he wants, so torture/manipulation/etc. may be present on this blog!
i am v bad at rmbering all ffxiv lore but i will do my best ljaflksjf
i tag 'trigger tw' for any sensitive content!
i have a busy irl and other commitments! bc of this is i am naturally very slow and will take random hiatus’!
pls don’t rush me into replying to things or remind me in any way ;w ; this is a hobby for me and i tend to withdraw and get slower if i feel stressed fjlkdjsg
i do drop threads quite a lot; this is just to keep drafts from getting bloated. the reasons range from not knowing how to repond, not having the muse for it, it was a casual thread, or feeling like our muses’ relationship has progressed past that in other threads! it’s nothing personal at all, and i’m always happy to initiate new stuff!!
^ that being said, i tend to keep drafts if its the only one we have between our muses and/or we have anything planned for it!
my main rp partner is @echobled​ so replies to their muses tend to be prioritized!
feel free to turn any prompt u sent that i answered into a thread!
i have a very low social battery so if you see me around on the dash and not responding to dms, it’s nothing personal! i’m probably just mentally drained and its easier for me to do small stuff while i recover ;w ;
Permanent Interaction Call (like at ur leisure no matter how long its been :3c)
Gentle wishlist ;w ; (pls also feel free to send me ideas u wanna do for ur muse!!)
Replying to one of my open starters is the easiest way to interact with me! i love doing one-liners as much as multipara/novella stuff, and oneliners require much less brain so! its my fave way esp since it can Evolve into smth more so don’t be afraid to jump in on em!
i love angst, hurt/comfort, romance, smut, and dark themes the most, but am happy to rp everything else, those are just faves kljaklsjf
open to familial/platonic/antagonistc dynamics and pre-est stuff if we can plot chemistry ;w ;
allan is an original NPC! the easiest way to look at him is as a blue sidequest giver LKJASLKFj completely missable, u get like. idk a handshake or a kees on the cheek (or more) LKJASKLFj but he does have a backstory that helps lend darker elements to plotting. its v flexible too in how light or dark it can get to make sure i don’t go too heavy with my rp partner if that’s not what they prefer. that being said, i did mention i love dark themes, so hmu if that’s what ur interested in!!  also love to explore deeper plots connected to my rp partner’s muse too!!
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Allan Kier (main muse)
Age: appears mid to late 20s Gender: cis male Orientation: gay Eye colour: purple Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 170cm | 5'7 Notable features: tattoo on his right cheek (further back, mostly hidden), several dotted scars on left side of waist, a long scar from his left shoulder blade to his lower right back Job: Astrologian (abilities similar up to lvl 40; grows or changes class depending on story) Alignment: chaotic neutral
Brief History:
Not much is known about his earlier life. However, he lived in Sharlayan for a significant amount of time as a low profile arcanist.
Was secretly banished from Sharlayan for [redacted].
Went to Ishgard since he had some contacts there, making it easier to hide from [redacted]. However, due to starting over completely and relying on those contacts, he owes a major amount of debt that he pays off with his special ability, [redacted].
At some point during this, he becomes an Astrologian.
After the Dragonsong War, he travelled around more often, figuring it's safe to do so after the time he spent in Ishgard. He still revisits Ishgard to deal with his remaining few debts every so often.
More on Allan!
Asclepius (the Ancient Allan is a shard of):
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Gender: cis male Orientation: asexual demiromantic Eye colour: glowing pale purple Hair colour: orange/light brown Skin colour: light brown Notable features: scar down his right eye, tattoo on his right temple Job: DRK (more proficient as a WHM, but abandoned it) Special abilities: soul sight - able to see and interpret the essence and shape of souls at will. prophetical sight - receives uncontrollable visions when he rests; this ability only got more wild in his waking time the closer the sundering came. Brief history: 
was known to have talents in medicinal care and healing, and had prophetic visions that would lead him to isolate himself often. 
was even offered the Seat of Emmerololth which he turned down quite fast. 
after receiving visions of the Final Days and the Sundering, he disappeared from society for some odd years, then came back as a DRK and sought adventure in an effort to forget all that he had Seen. 
he was running around... somewhere... when the Sundering happened lkJKALSJF 
he is p much a v big hermit and had like one (1) friend that returned to the star (verse dependent, he could also have Azem as a friend but... that’s probably it....... wheeze)
more on asclepius!
Selene (shard of Allan in the First)
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Age: appears in her late 20s Gender: cis female Orientation:lesbian Eye colour: red Hair colour: black Skin colour: light brown Height: 196cm (6′4) Notable features: jagged scar from her chest to her left hip, scar on the back of her left thigh, another three scars across her right shoulder blade Job: BLM main (abilities up to lvl 80)
Brief bio: 
born of Eulmore to high-ranking soldiers in the army, Selene served and protected her home for many years. 
she defects to the Crystarium after learning the dark truth behind Eulmore’s inner machinations and rejecting them.
more on Selene!
Naila (Voidsent shard of Allan)
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Age: ??? (appears in her mid to late twenties) Gender: ??? (she/they mostly) Orientation: aethersexual (she will lay with anyone to have aether basically LKJAFK) Eye colour: gold Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 150cm (4′9) Notable features: the biggest floofiest tail. her voice will also become quite gutteral/demonic when indimidating someone or when she loses control (either from anger/pleasure/shock). Job: WAR
Brief bio: 
the person that summoned Naila into the Source swiftly met an end when they prepared horrendously poorly for her arrival. Now Naila runs around in their body. 
she doesn’t necessarily need aether considering she’s in the Source, but she still has a craving for it. 
she only wants to have fun; she found the Thirteenth boring and dull but the Source? The Source is full of people she can play with to her heart’s content. 
recently, she’s caught a whiff of aether so enticing, so delicious that she’s can’t quite bring herself to think about anything else. 
she otw to eat Allan
more on naila!
Asclepius 2.0 (yet another shard of Allan)
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Age: early 30s Gender: cis male Orientation: pansexual Eye colour: purple Hair colour: black Skin colour: brown Height: 209cm (6′10) Notable features: long scar across right cheek to right eye Job: ??? FSH
Brief bio:
bascially a reincarnated shard of asclepius that has fragmented memories of ancient times 
what shard who knows
he is vibing and just wants to fish 
was p much mistaken as one of the Fourteen upon recruitment but then they found out he’s just a normal dude back in ancient times so they just kept him subservient LKJASKLFj
more on asclepius 2.0!
Mahalina (Allan’s sister)
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Age: appears late 20s/early 30s Gender: cis female Orientation: asexual panromantic Eye colour: emerald green Hair colour: magenta Skin colour: brown Height: 192cm (6′3) Notable features: very scarred up body, indicative of heavy torture. she wears heavy-duty make-up to hide burns on her face. Job: GNB
she’s a filthy pvper LKJAFSLKSJf
a big sister so she takes on responsibility a lot + has/had a lot of pressure from her mother when in sharlayan, so she can seem v snobbish and arrogant. she loosens up a bit during post-hw!
starts her search for allan during post-hw as well and finally finds him in post-sb T___T
then she suffers a near-fatal injury and disappears during ew... smadge...
more on mahalina!
OTHER BLOGS: @omnirush, @chacss
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frostymuses · 2 years
Essential Codex
Heyo! This is an indie multimuse blog with all fandomless ocs connected and integrated together. The blog is rated 21+ with mun and muses 30+ and rp experience at 14+ years. I'm ash, she/her, est.
This blog is oc friendly and a female muse supporter. I will only write with rp blogs and those I follow back. I keep a lower follower count to make things easiser and things are private, mutually exclusive and on the semi-selective side. Everything is multiverse.
Basic rp etiquette: No godmodding, reblog from the source only, do not interact if you are under 21. Memes, prompts & aesthetics please again reblog from the source. I practice reblog karma. Don't reblog my threads if you're not involved in them. This goes for Persoanls: DO NOT REBLOG FROM RP BLOGS.
I will unfollow if you either: Never interact with me, ie: zero asks, likes, ooc talk, threading etc. I will also unfollow if you hate on female muses, keep dropping our threads or you lose interest or litereally refuse to plot/tell me anything to go on for a starter. Sorry that sounds kinda odd but it's happened to me. I block personals who break my reblog rules and anyone who causes trouble for people in my writing group.
For asks ALWAYS specify muse or I will ignore it since I will have no clue who it's for. If you want to continue an ask into a thread go for it. I will answer with the intention of advancing to a plot OR just a one off response. DO NOT SPAM MY INBOX.
Shipping is pretty selective but open to plot building. Pre-established is not really my thing because I need to see how muses will react through interaction. Holland is a divorced bisexual woman but difficult. She is not looking for serious but knows what she wants. C. Sterling is a detached heterosexual man but open for a potential attachment but has a lot of baggage due to his career as a hit for hire. Conan Sterling is a bisexual man who has nothing but disdain for most and loves his influence above all else. Will not autoship. Smut is with established ships only and will always go under read more.
Dark content expected here including: violence, gore, sexual situations, suicide, crime, war, murder, incest mentions etc. I personally don't have triggers but will tag things appropriately. If you're someone who doesn't like taboo topics this is not the blog for you. I will not police my content or change it. Fiction is also in literature, film, tv etc. If they won't police it why should I in my writing? I do not condone this stuff IRL.
Last but not least MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. I'm not my muses. I never will reflect their choices, views etc.
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Day 6 Birthday Plot Bunnies 2
If you want this to become my next WIP, be sure to shower it with lots of love!!  🥰 💖 All the story starters will be linked back to this masterpost.
Title: A Walk on the Other Side
Summary: Bilbo is a FBI profiler and rather enjoys his desk job when a strange case comes across his desk hinting towards the FBI's most wanted: Smaug. As soon as he makes this connection, he is approached by notorious crime lord, Oakenshield, in an attempt to get him to work for him. Bilbo’s world gets flipped upside down by the suave man, and he may not be a dirty cop, but he does have a personal investment in making sure Smaug is put behind bars.
Bilbo Baggins was not exactly the first person you pictured when you heard the acronym “FBI”. He was a little too short, a little too pudgy, and enjoyed his sweater vests immensely. Yet, he’s been his department’s top analyst for the last fourteen years. He may not be one of the showy field officers (messy, nasty work that), but what Bilbo did was not any less important. In fact, if it wasn’t for analysts like Bilbo, a lot of times the “gunslinging action” wouldn’t take place at all. A rather unpopular opinion but true.
It was shaping into a relatively normal Thursday for Bilbo. They had just finished up a debrief over their latest embezzlement case. He was starting to suspect they were dealing with a serial embezzler. It was different locations, different methods, and different amounts, but there was something about the case that clicked in Bilbo’s mind. He was almost to his desk when he noticed a large manila envelope was draped over his keyboard. He raised an eyebrow as he carefully lifted the sticky note attached to it.
Have a look at these files for me? I know I’m missing something. Call me when you figure it out. -GG
Bilbo plopped into his uncomfortable rolling chair with a sigh. Gandalf was his old AD before he switched departments. And unfortunately, anything with Gandalf’s name on it was usually trouble for Bilbo. He tapped his fingers on the desk and spun back and forth in his chair for a bit when his eyes landed on his mother’s picture on his desk. She was in uniform hugging him at his college graduation. He knew exactly what she would want him to do. Heaving a groan, he pulled the damn envelope towards him and started looking over the files.
Arsons? Those didn’t usually fall under Gandalf’s jurisdiction. His eyes skimmed the reports, not sure exactly what Gandalf was expecting him to do. The evidence was fairly cut and dry. What’s more is the local police caught a suspect that seemed substantially to blame. Case closed. However, if Gandalf thought there was more, he should probably check it twice. It was actually the third time that he caught it. The papers hit his desk as his mind reeled. No...surely it wasn’t? Now he really needed to make sure.
He laid the photos out side by side circling the origin of the fires in each picture. His hand was shaking when he was done. This was big. This was FBI’s most wanted big. He didn’t even bother writing up a report. He immediately got on the server and sent a one-word email to Gandalf.
It was thirty after six when Bilbo finally packed up his work to head back home. His mind had been racing all afternoon, and all he wanted was to be put on the arson case. However, Gandalf never replied to his email, never called, nothing. First thing he was going to do when he got home after feeding Myrtle was grab a beer from the fridge and call the older man. Even if Gandalf wouldn’t let him be part of the team, he deserved to know what happened with that bastard.
Bilbo’s townhouse wasn’t exactly what you would call grand, but he enjoyed it greatly. It had the cosy atmosphere of his childhood cottage while still being rent efficient in a quiet neighborhood. It was a slight commute to work, but well worth it. He unlocked the door and flipped on the lights to the front room as he toed off his shoes and set his messenger bag down. He was just getting ready to move into the kitchen to get some cat food down for Myrtle when he froze. There was a man in his house.
“So you’re Mr. Baggins.” His low voice purred in amusement as he looked him up and down. “You look more like a grocer than an agent.”
Bilbo opened his mouth to scream when the man whipped out a Sig Sauer.
“Don’t.” He ordered calmly. “I only want to talk.”
Bilbo’s eyes hardened as he quickly took in details for a sketch artist. Tall, likely over six foot. Lean, except for he’s slightly broader in the shoulders. Tailored suit. Slicked back dark hair but graying at the sides, hooded blue eyes, well-trimmed beard and mustache. Almost as if he knew exactly what Bilbo was doing, the man smirked before nodding towards the sitting room. Bilbo moved slowly and deliberately as he sank down onto his armchair. The man unbuttoned his jacket before taking the spot on the couch. He set the gun down in front of him on the coffee table. A peace offering, but also a signal that it was within reach if he needed it. Bilbo’s blood was pounding as he forced his dry throat to work.
“What do you want?”
“Gandalf told me you have the information I need.”
Bilbo cocked his head in confusion as his mind raced to process the loaded answer. This man knew Gandalf. He talked to him recently. He knew Smaug.
“What kind of information?” Bilbo played dumb.
“A file came across your desk, and you gave Gandalf a name. I want to know why? What did you see that made you so sure it was him?”
There was almost a maniac gleam in those bright blue eyes. It was something Bilbo related to well. 
“I can show you. I just need to get to my bag.” Bilbo stated, slowly standing up.
The man’s hand twitched towards his gun, but he didn’t pick it up as he nodded his consent. He didn’t take Bilbo as a threat. His mistake. Bilbo grabbed his bag and slid the pistol and cell phone out of the front pocket whirling around on the man. He sighed but put his hands up as he leaned back into the couch. Bilbo’s left hand was shaking as he searched for Gandalf’s number, but his gun hand remained steady and in control. He put the call on speaker so he could watch the man’s face for any slip. However, his expression never changed from slightly bored and exasperated.
“My dear Bilbo, I do hope you haven’t shot our guest yet.”
Bilbo could just kill the AD. He really could. As it was, his posture relaxed just slightly.
“Who is he?” He demanded of Gandalf.
“Someone who has hunted Smaug longer than you.”
Bilbo rolled his eyes at the dramatics and lack of a real answer which seemed to amuse the other man somewhat. This didn’t feel right. Every instinct in Bilbo’s body said to arrest the man across from him if nothing else than because he was dangerous.
“Do you trust him?” Bilbo finally asked, his voice wavering just slightly.
There was a long pause before Gandalf answered.
“I do.” 
Being of no real use, Bilbo hung up the phone after that. He had two choices before him. He could trust Gandalf’s judgement, or he could go with his instincts. He kept the gun trained on the man for a moment longer before lowering it with a sigh. He flipped the safety back on as he stuck it in his waistband, because he wasn’t a total naive idiot, before picking up his bag like he said he was going to initially. When he looked back over, the man’s gun was gone. Bilbo sat stiffly next to him and pulled out the file Gandalf had sent over earlier.
“It was where these fires originated that tipped me off. Here, what do you notice?” Bilbo questioned.
The man furrowed his eyebrows studying the images before he shrugged with a grunt of irritation.
“Placement.” Bilbo pointed out. “There were no traces of accelerant so how do you start a natural fire? Well, very easily. Gas range stove, covered radiator, electrical outlets, but look. Where the spot is most charred we can assume is the start of the fire. It’s nowhere near anything like that. It couldn’t possibly have started naturally. So what set off the fire? Smaug has a very specific MO. He kills using highly concentrated nitroglycerin tablets, smuggable due to their heart relieving counterparts, that when combined with human stomach acid will cause an explosion. And judging by the shape of the darker burn, it’s not a huge leap to assume that there was a human body there.”
“But all of the owners were alive to file insurance claims.” The man pointed out, looking more curious than anything else.
Forgetting that he was a stranger that had a gun trained on him not even ten minutes ago, Bilbo found himself getting more animated at the chance to finally explain his theories.
“So I looked into that after I sent the email to Gandalf. Somehow, every owner was conveniently out of town before the fire happened, and afterwards were able to afford a building or home way above their pay scale. Which even if you take insurance money into account still shouldn’t be possible. I think Smaug was paying them off for access to conduct his dirty work somewhere he couldn’t be tracked. What’s more, all the buildings being used by the same money laundering cleaning service made an easy target for the police.”
The man raised an eyebrow as he seemed to be appraising Bilbo. He smirked before standing.
“Very well, I’ll talk to Gandalf about getting you transferred.”
Bilbo jumped to his feet.
“Transferred? Where? For what purpose?”
“I want you working for me.”
“Now wait just a minute here!” Bilbo demanded as he stomped back into the entry hall. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but I won’t be a dirty cop! And don’t try to convince me anything about what we did was legal. Nobody breaks into an FBI agent’s home and holds a gun on him unless they work outside the law.”
The man shook his head with a snort. “Well aren’t you just perceptive.”
“Hang on!”
Bilbo reached out for the man’s arm at the same time he reached for the doorknob. In less than a second, the man had Bilbo’s arm pinned above his head in the wall out of view of the window with Bilbo’s own gun placed under his chin. Bilbo glared into the ice blue eyes inches away from his own as he tried to keep a cool head in an uncomfortable situation.
“Let’s get a couple of things straight.” The man whispered, his breath hot on Bilbo’s face. “One, I don’t answer to anyone, especially not you. Two, you’ll be whatever I want you to be or you don’t get the revenge you so clearly desire. Yeah, I can see in your eyes how badly you want Smaug. Work for me or get the hell out of my way. I don’t really care one way or the other, but Smaug is mine.”
He gave Bilbo one last smirk before shoving the gun in Bilbo’s pocket and stepping away. Without so much as a ‘good evening’, he was gone in the night. Adrenaline shot, Bilbo slid down the wall until his butt met the floor painfully. He let his head lightly bang into the wall behind him a few times as he just focused on breathing. A ‘meow’ alerted him to his company before Myrtle stepped over his legs to rub her head against his arms and stomach.
“And where have you been?” He croaked.
He didn’t get an answer back aside from another ‘meow’ as she seemed rather insistent on getting her dinner. Bilbo closed his eyes and counted to twenty before getting up to finally go to the kitchen. That beer sounded more prevalent than ever.
First thing he did the next day was go straight to Gandalf’s office, slamming the door behind him. The older man looked up and gave the analyst a wide smile. 
“Bilbo! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Who the hell was that last night?!”
“Well…” Gandalf huffed.
“Tell me.” Bilbo seethed. “Or I’ll go straight to the top and tell Saruman everything.”
Gandalf pouted. “No need to get testy. Please have a seat. Do you want some tea? Coffee?”
Bilbo let his face fall into his hands. “What I want…” His muffled voice stressed. “Is some answers. What have I just been exposed to?”
Gandalf sighed. “Very well. I believe you are familiar with Oakenshield?”
Bilbo slowly lifted his head to pierce Gandalf with a baffled glare.
“Oakenshield...the crime family? Oakenshield...who got into it with the Orcs several years back and cut off the hand of their boss? That Oakenshield?” 
“The very one.” Gandalf snapped, pleased. “Well that was Thorin.”
“Thorin? As in the head of Oakenshield, Thorin Durin?!” Bilbo’s voice had risen in pitch at this point.
“Of course.” Gandalf nodded as if Bilbo having a conversation in his living room with a dangerous mob boss was akin to making a friend at preschool.
Bilbo collapsed in the chair across from Gandalf as spots danced in his eyes. He white-knuckle gripped the arms as if physically trying to tether himself to the conscious world. I’m not going to pass out. I’m not going to pass out. Bilbo was an analyst! There was a reason he didn’t go out and meet people...well like that. And Gandalf knew Durin. Even worse, Gandalf leaked FBI intel to him. Slowly he lifted his head.
“Did my mother know?” He demanded hoarsely.
“Did she know what?” Gandalf asked, genuinely baffled.
“Did she know you worked for the mafia?”
The wizened face hardened, reminding Bilbo of the reason why he had yet to retire.
“She suspected...but I never told her, no.”
Bilbo rubbed his jaw as he chuckled on the verge of hysterics.
“She always told me I had to get in your command. Said it was her best days on the force. That you were a good AD. Tell me. What’s your ratio? How many do you let slip off the hook for every one you put behind bars?”
“Now see here, Bilbo Baggins! I will not let you undermine me or my division! Contrary to your belief system, there is more at work here than what you can comprehend.”
“My belief system?” Bilbo scoffed. “You mean THE LAW?”
“Yes.” Gandalf grumped. “The law. The law which can dictate that a pickpocket is guilty but a corporation stealing hours from their underpaid workers is innocent.”
“I’m not going to sit here and debate...politics with you!” Bilbo laughed. “My job is to arrest people like Thorin Durin and there’s nothing you can say that’s ever going to make me think working with the lunatic is a good idea!”
“Not even if he’s your only chance to take down Smaug?”
Bilbo’s face fell into an emotionless mask, except for his eyes burning holes into Gandalf. Without another word, he stood and left the office. If he slammed the door closed with more force than necessary, well that was no one’s business but his own. Luckily, his black mood seemed to engulf him like a siren warning everyone off. He made it to his desk with no distractions ready to pick up where he left off with the embezzlement cases. Only, he couldn’t move as he stared blankly at the wall of his cubicle.
Understandably, his focus was a little off. He figured he should turn Gandalf in, but for the love of his mother’s memory and nothing more, he deemed it best to leave that stone unturned. His decision was immediately questioned when he got a text twenty minutes later from an unknown number with a time and a location and a charming little warning at the end.
Come alone.
Bilbo snorted as he tossed his phone on his desk. Absolutely not. An hour later, he found himself procrastinating the embezzlement case again to pull up the bureau's database on Smaug, Dracon. It was all information Bilbo had practically memorized at this point. His eyes drifted towards his phone with the text he had already committed to memory before shaking his head and exiting out of his search. Bilbo was an analyst for the FBI. He had his integrity and moral responsibility to ignore psychopathic crime bosses who wanted to use him for a turf war. He wasn’t so single-mindedly driven by revenge regardless of what Gandalf or Oakenshield said. His phone buzzed again.
Belladonna Took’s son was meant for more than sitting behind a desk for the rest of his life. Thorin was impressed. At least hear him out tonight, and if you absolutely feel like you can’t join the team, we won’t bother you ever again.
Bilbo threw his phone with a string of curses that had everyone around him staring with wide eyes. Bilbo dragged his hands down his face. This was such an easy decision. He just had to say no! No, no, no, no. Why couldn’t he say no?
Because you’ve never felt more excited about any case before? Because you trained for months to be a field agent before making an abstaining promise to your father at your mother’s grave? Because you’ve never felt closer to getting your mother’s killer, and that’s a sweet taste that just won’t go away?
Bilbo cursed himself with every swear in the book when the cab pulled up outside the restaurant that was texted to him. His nerves were singing. Everything about this felt wrong and dirty. And yet...he opened the door to let himself in.
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Okay. Now I'm going to submit some theories about how I think Crowley and Aziraphale specifically are going to go in the future of Good Omens.
Again, this post is not really...specific theorizing about plot events. It's big-picture stuff.
With that said, this post will get a bit heavy at times, in the sense that it will contain opinions that not everyone will like. It drifted into rambling about queerbaiting and all that stuff. I'm not going to spam anyone's dashboard with drama over it, but it's very possible someone else might try. It's also not really a negative post, depending on what you want to hear, I suppose. But if you're only in the mood to read fluff today, you'll probably want to pass it up.
Oh! Also it's very long, and sexuality is discussed in a vague way that doesn't involve any story elements or body parts.
For starters, I don't think Good Omens 2 - or even 3, if that comes about - is going to have anything explicitly sexual or romantic between the two of them, where "explicit" is things like the characters giving outright definitions of their relationship or outright discussing exactly what goes on between them, either on or off-screen. I also don't think there's going to be kissing or "hooking up" (come on...that person on Twitter shouldn't have even asked). Those actions are too blatant for what Neil has already said about the series. While they technically leave some room for interpretation, they probably don't leave enough.
I DO think it's quite possible other characters will continue to define the relationship FOR them and Crowley and Aziraphale will continue to not deny it.
As far as the queerbaiting debate, "is Good Omens queerbaiting"...it's gonna depend how you define it. I always learned that queerbaiting was basically where the creators intentionally make it look like a character is gay or otherwise queer but then swap that character development out for a cis identity and hetero relationship at the end. The point is that the "bait" leads to queer audiences being actively hurt. That's the behavior that seems awful to me, and I don't see Neil and company doing that.
However, I think it's far and away the most likely option that it will be left up to interpretation whether Crowley and Aziraphale are, you know, a buddy duo or a romantic couple or some sort of ineffable queerness all their own off-screen. So if your definition of queerbaiting is "the characters seem gay to us, but homophobes can tell themselves they're not," then yes, I think that debate will follow us to our graves if we let it.
I am a cisgender, possibly straight (?? demi/bi? I might never find out) woman. There is absolutely no way I could ever tell anybody, ESPECIALLY not gay guys and nonbinary people - the people Crowley and Aziraphale tend to resemble the most - how to feel about their treatment in the story. All I can offer is that I'm one flawed individual and there are things I have the emotional capacity to handle and things I don't. Crowley and Aziraphale as both a canon construct and a fandom pairing mean an absurd amount to me, and I can't hang around in spaces where people are constantly talking about how my own interpretations of them are not enough, or how the story is written with ill intentions. I don't want to stop anybody from venting about it, but I am going to be removing myself from those situations.
I like to imagine 1990 NeilandTerry, or TerryandNeil, as a sort of two-headed God who came up with Crowley and Aziraphale, set them loose on Creation, and now are watching them get up to way more ridiculous stuff in the brains of their fans than they'd ever imagined in the first place. I like to imagine them watching, amused and bemused, as their creations fall in love in thousands of universes, and saying, "Well, we didn't specifically Plan for this, but we did promise free will."
This is psychoanalytical toward a public figure and is therefore a bit dangerous, so please take it with an entire mountain of salt, but I sometimes think perhaps Neil sees some of his and Terry's friendship in Crowley and Aziraphale, and suspect that he wants to reserve the possibility that they could be platonic because he and Terry were platonic, while at the same time leaving room for the fans to have their own interpretations, too. Because if there's one thing that comes up really frequently with Neil, it's his belief in imagination and how much stories matter to people. He can have his little corner of the universe where A and C reflect himself and Terry, and we can have...literally anything we want, as long as we're willing to extrapolate just a little bit from canon. It's not even that much extrapolation! It's just "Yes, they love each other, so what exactly does love mean to you?" and if love means kissing, well then, if we can think it, we can have it.
Given that Neil has written LGBT+ characters before, I think he has non-bigoted reasons for wanting Aziraphale and Crowley to remain undefined, and given even the small chance that those reasons may involve the grieving process for a dead friend, I believe it is unkind to argue with him about it or hold his reputation hostage over it.
With that said, do I want canon kissing/hooking up/all that stuff we put in fics? Listen, I can't deny that I do! Personally, I'd be over the moon. I'd probably be so happy I'd have to go to the hospital to get sorted out. Even the thought of it makes me giddy and light-headed, because that physicality is a part of my own experience of love.
However, there are a lot of people who would feel left behind if that happened. Ace and aro people in the fandom whose love for their friends and partners is just as strong as mine, but who are sex-repulsed or just don't want to see kissing on-screen. The loss of Crowley and Aziraphale as a pairing who are extremely easy to interpret as queerplatonic would be hurtful to them, and I do not want to see them hurt like that. I don't think Neil does, either.
So, once again, the "best for everyone" option becomes a really strong canon relationship based in both narrative function and profound affection, which has genuinely thoughtful queer undertones and leaves open the logical possibility for romantic or sexual encounters but does not insist that they must happen. People, especially fans who are super invested, tend to have an easier time imagining scenarios that take place off-screen (e.g. kissing, sex) than they have erasing scenarios that they've already seen in canon (e.g., if someone wished they could continue viewing it as an ace relationship but they were shown "hooking up"). Also, while relationships are super emotional and extremely subjective, I'd argue that in a long-term adult partnership, the non-sexual connection is more important than the sexual one. As a fan, I'd prefer to extrapolate "they love each other so maybe they'd have sex" rather than "they're sexually attracted to each other so maybe they'll intertwine their whole existences together."
It probably isn't necessary to add, but I will anyway: I'm aware that Good Omens is sort of sacrificing social leverage - the ability to whack homophobes over the head with canon if they try to deny the show's queerness - and is thus not really contributing to making specifically gay relationships more widely seen and accepted. However, I don't think all stories have to invest heavily in every social issue they touch on for them to still be meaningful. I also do think Good Omens is an excellent example of a relationship that is extremely profound without being heteronormative.
I don't think the next season is going to be a rom-com. It will likely not even be a "love story," where the definition of "love story" is "a story that follows the development of a relationship and employs certain plot beats to make its point." Remember that conflicts and breakups are key to love stories, so if it IS a love story, then we're going to have to watch the relationship get challenged in ways some of us might have thought were already resolved in season 1! And while that could be thrilling and ultimately very good, it would also be likely to undercut some of the careful headcanoning and analysis we've already done. Any sequel is going to do that to some degree, but a second love story would probably do it a lot, with interpretations that people are even more protective of.
I'm sort of thinking the next season is likely to be a fantasy-heavy mystery, only because those are the two concepts Neil's introduction led with - an angel with amnesia who presents Crowley and Aziraphale with a mystery. Crowley and Aziraphale's connection to each other can still absolutely be a major theme! It can still be the thread stitching the plot together! It just probably, in my opinion, won't escalate and escalate and escalate like it did in season 1. And it will probably be woven in there among a lot of other plot threads that are, in many moments, louder. Still, I'd love to be left with the impression of these two existences, the light and the dark, subtly becoming more intimate, subtly growing more comfortable in this shared place they've chosen in the universe, gradually starting to behave like they know they aren't alone in the world anymore, all while other things happen to and around them.
Nonsexual physical intimacy - a really great hug, or leaning together on the sofa, or a forehead touch, or something like those, something that could happen in a lot of different kinds of relationships but is undoubtedly based in deep trust and affection and a desire to be close...that's the dream, for me. Oh, how lovely it would be.
Of course, I could be just absolutely, embarrassingly wrong about all this. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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kathyrealmstales · 4 years
NEW SMP THEORY! (I cracked the plot!)
Hello! I came up with a new theory, but this time I did some real work and I didn't just throw out random ideas. Crazy, right?
But seriously, I think I have a good theory for today.
Disclaimers: to begin with, spoilers for Dream SMP and Kingdom Heart. (Strange to see that game in a warning for the SMP, huh? Well, we will get to that soon.)
Also, just remember this is roleplay, all the actors are friends. If I see you trash-talking the actors you're being blocked. I don’t like hate.
I also wish to thank my sister for her assistance. I don't know much about the Kingdom Heart fandom except with what the Wiki tells me by watching my sister play it, so my sister had to suffer while I tried to find connections in a block game roleplay. Thank you so much, my loving sister.
Under this line is the theory! Hope you enjoy it!
------------------------------------THE START--------------------------
If you are familiar with the tales of the SMP, then you might already know a common theory.
The theory is that the TOTSMP area, "The In-between," is based on Castle Oblivion from Kingdom Heart. It looks exactly like the interior of the castle in the game, as well as the idea of losing memories. It's a cool easter egg.
However, my theory doesn't stop there, because I began to see more connections, making me believe that maybe the latest plot of the SMP is following a bit of Kingdom Heart plot.
Let me try to break it down into evidence and explanations.
In the latest episode of TOTSMP, Karl travels to this new world, escaping the "In-between" and going to this place called “The Other Side.” A strange name, but what is even stranger is that I felt I had already seen the castle before, so of course I did some research.
For starters, I noticed the In-between warned Karl that if he left, he would lose all of his memories, kind of like in Kingdom Heart when Sora went to that sleep state, he lost his memories. I thought there had to be a connection to the Kingdom Heart and this new world Karl was in now since it seemed to be following a pattern.
I tried to do more research by using Wiki and looking up other castles in the game that it could be. I came up with a few ideas, but none of them stuck. It just made no sense, so I went to the only person I know who knows Kingdom Heart more than me, my sister.
My sister and I love playing these games together, but while I'm just trying to figure how the game works (because of my love for coding), my sister listens to the plot and knows way more than I. Sure, we haven't finished all the games, but she knows enough to help me. So we got on the phone to figure out how this new world was connected, and when I left that call, I saw the Dream SMP in a whole new light.
- The Other Side evidence
We have an idea of what the Other Side looks like but that’s it. My sister believes it resembles the Hollow Bastion, which is intriguing. She claims it is linked to Castle Oblivion, but what makes it more interesting is that she said this place is also usually where the Kingdom Heart stories end. This got my attention since Dream hinted that the story’s end might be approaching soon. (I hope it's not-)
I then thought we had a good idea for the theory, a rather small one about the TOTSMP but a good one. So still wanting to talk to her, I told her why I was asking for her ideas, and then I explained the Dream SMP plot to her. The more we talked about the plot, though, the more my sister and I noticed parallels between the stories.
Eggpire evidence
To begin, we discussed the Egg People. I jokingly said, "Oh, does Kingdom Heart have mind-controlled people?" She replied, "if you count the heartless." Which shocked me because it makes the Egg People’s ability to pick who is controlled or not make so much sense!
You see, the Heartless are people without a heart (Hearts are similar to people's souls in the game, which is strange. But oh well). The heartless follow the rules of the Darkness. I'm not sure whom or what controls the Darkness, but I do know they are subjected to some sort of mind control or animal instinct. The most important aspect to consider is how they multiply. They seek out characters from whom they can steal hearts of so they can turn back into normal people. However, they need their own heart, not just a random one, so this method is ineffective and just makes more heartless.
Because of this information, I came up with a theory that may be the reason why the egg only works on certain people. I think it is the same reason why only some turn heartless. People with weak souls are usually turned, while people with more light in their souls are typically more difficult to turn to a heartless, implying that while Puffy and Sam had weak souls at the time, they are becoming stronger, making it more difficult for "darkness" or the egg to mind control them.
Also, this would explain why Tommy can't be mind-controlled at all; he is mostly made of light, and everyone sees him as the hero. It would just make sense; it’s really hard to control him.
Pandora’s box evidence
There seems to be a correlation with the prison. This one is probably my favorite because it makes the most sense to me.
Most theories believe the prison is similar to Pandora's Box, owing to the prison's name. However, Kingdom Heart had its own Pandora's Box, and no, I'm not referring to the one in Hercules' world. I'm talking about the box that was told to never be opened.
I don't know everything about Kingdom Heart, therefore, I can't go into great detail about this box like I did with the Heartless theory, but basically, the main dude who started the plot of Kingdom Heart had a bunch of apprentices, and he left them with a box that they were never supposed to open. Of course, the bad guys got the box and opened it, only to discover that it contained some time-traveling stuff, which caused some of the apprentices and The Keyblade of all Keybladeds to appear.
If we take that information and put it in place with Dream SMP characters, it looks like where the plot might be going. Dream is the main bad guy who opens the box with whatever he has. What emerges is Wilbur Soot, a man from the past, he takes the place of the apprentices and Tommy is the Keyblade of Keyblades.
What makes me believe Tommy is the Keyblade? I mean, It could be someone else, but the thing is, Dream keeps referring to Tommy as "the Key," and in Kingdom Heart, Sora is also referred to as "the Key." It's also possible that it could be Ranboo, since the key is made of both darkness and light, and Ranboo appears to look as if he is both, but this is all just speculation at this point.
Either way, I think we as a fandom were on the right track, thinking evil black boxes, just not Pandora’s box.
Organizations evidence
This is only tangentially related, but Kingdom Heart did have their group of evil bad guys whom, based on what I saw in the cut scenes, didn’t care if you show up to meetings or not. (basing this off of all those empty chairs. Then again, those chairs were really high up, I would miss meetings too if I had to sit in those things.)
Another thing to note about this organization is that they disliked higher authority, but this one opposed them because they were all about good and needed the princess's light, whereas the anarchist syndicate in the SMP were more anti-government. Nonetheless, both are going after government officials.
(The organization also had code names that were their real names, but with an X in them and scrambled around. They weren't as cool as the Anarchists Syndicate’s nicknames, but there was a connection.)
Now we'll look at the improbable evidence, as well as thoughts that might not make much sense.
Bad guys with correlations
The antagonist in Kingdom Heart had a bunch of copies of himself, procured with the help of time travel. I find this amusing, especially given that we know there are multiple Dreams in canon, including Dream, DreamXD, Mexican Dream, Girl Dream, and (possibly) Drista. It's almost as if he's the main antagonist, especially when considering the-- Norted thing, (that's what my sister called it. I'm not sure about the name, so we'll go with Norted Thing for now) The point is, he can control some people if they are willing, but they can rebel if they have strong hearts (again, I believe this is the case). This reminds me of Ranboo and his enderwalking state in which he hears Dream’s voice in his head. Again, just a hunch.
The plot is the same
This is the last piece of evidence I have, and it is the main fact from which I derived all of the connections. After my sister and I discussed the possibility of it being linked, I jokingly said during our call, "There are so many connections between the latest plot of the SMP and Kingdom Heart, The only difference I feel like they have is that the Dream SMP is all about how there is no bad or good, just greyscale, while Kingdom Heart is about dark vs light."
My sister responded, "It's the same thing. Most people believe it is dark vs. light, but the more you play the games, the more you realize it isn't. The majority of the characters begin as good or bad and gradually reveal their true selves. Nobody in the story is completely light or dark."
This shocked me because I always thought Kingdom Heart was about bad versus good. So now we've matched the main ideas as well!
Ohhh boy!
This is all I have for now. If you have anything to add, please send it to me as a comment or a submission, or simply make your own post and let me know so I can see it! (I know as I wrote this I found more connections, but I’m saving them for later.)
But, in any case, I believe you can see the idea--Dream SMP has some connections to the Kingdom Heart plot, assuming my theory is correct. It wouldn't be the first time. Dream SMP has loosely copied the Broadway show, Hamilton during the L'manburg war, and I know the writers like Disney at least for right now, so it makes sense.
I'm also going to leave you with this: Our Fandoms are the same, We get information that makes no sense and we have no idea where it fits in the puzzles, and we know (sometimes) the writers don't know either, so we just have to accept and enjoy it.
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chimtaesty · 4 years
Dark Creatures | part 1
pairing: OT7 x reader | 1,5k words
warning: gore, angst, swearing
plot: leading the biggest mafia group there is, is a job for a woman. So is living through things no one should witness. After keeping those secrets to stay alive it’s time to bring justice upon the ones who deserved it.
a/n: hi there! I’m finally back after a big writingblock. I’ve been thinking and thinking about what I would like to write and to be honest, I’ve been hit with so much sexism nowadays that I thought that this account needed some feminism content. So here is the starter to a two or three parter story. If you like my work, please let me know in the comments or like my works! Thank you a lot for your support and encouragements. I’ll be taking time to write new stuff and update u more frequently now :) - love ellie
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Loud grunts wake you from your nap. A knock on your office door let’s you sigh “Miss Y/N, there is someone here to see-“Open the fucking door” a low voice interrupted the poor bodyguard. You know who this voice belongs to, Kwon Mark. The son of a bitch who owed you a shit ton of money and snitched you out to the government a year ago.
“Let him in” you shout as you get up to get a glass of water. The door opens with a creek and a grumbling man enters. You text the rest of your team to immediately arrive in your office since you might need someone who stops you from ripping this bastard apart. “Sit down” you demand and he huffs with his eyes rolling in disrespect.
The connection you share with the seven of them is something special. You were the one to save their lives and change them to the people they are now. They owed you their lifes as much as you owed them yours.
Namjoon and Yoongi are the first to arrive. “Everything alright, Y/N?” Namjoon asks as you take a seat on your desk. Was everything fine? No, nothing was fine.
This bitch here owed you so much money that killing him wouldn’t be efficient at all. But letting him live came with a damn headache, he is associated with Joon-Hyuk and you didn’t like that connection. After Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok. Jin and Taehyung arrived as well, Mark took it as the start for a conversation.
“Now that the men are here the secretary can leave and someone can tell me who the boss among you boys is” Your eyes widen in anger. The last thing you needed right now was a sexist man barging into your home. Men don’t fit the position of power.
With two steps towards the disgrace of a man you punch him square in the face. He jumps up trying to get a hold of you as you once again give him a punch to the throat.
“For starters, I’m not a fucking secretary you motherfucker. I’m the fucking boss, I’m their boss. So if you want to talk to the boss, you’ll have to talk to me, you piece of shit.” He gasps for air as you push him up onto the couch. Jungkook chuckles as you kick Mark’s shin in frustration.
“I’m gonna make things very clear for you, okay” he nods his head in a frightened manner as his wide eyes stare at you “You owe me a lot of money and I don’t like being called a secretary so here’s the deal. You get me my money by friday and I won’t chop your dick off” a gasp of air leaves his mouth
“My-y d-dick?” He whispers with tears in his eyes. “Yes, your fucking cock, Mark. So it’s really your choice, my money or your dick” he nods. With a shove you let Jin get him outside.
You turn around to sit yourself down at your desk. Jimin reaches out for the gin bottle and gives it to you, you take a sip and let your head fall back. “His dick, huh?” Hoseok laughs. “That’s something new, I haven’t done that yet” you chuckle.
“I can’t believe he didn’t know who you were,” Jin states as he re-enters the room. “Me neither, do I look like a fucking secretary?” Yoongi laughs as he takes the bottle from your hands “You? With that look? You look like you slash throats for a living not type emails for a rich bastard” you are satisfied with that answer.
“Alright boys, we need to meet Choi Joon-Hyuk in half an hour. Let’s see what this whack job has for us” you stand up just to be followed by the boys. The car outside is ready to take you to the location. “Jungkook, please enlighten us with the basics of Joon-Hyuk” he nods and starts to explain
“Joon-Hyuk, the right hand of Kim Lucas. He’s meeting us, technically Y/N but she insisted on having us all at the gathering, to discuss weapon and drug exchanges. Joon-Hyuk is an excellent sniper and very well trained in hand to hand combat. He has been working for Kim for about ten years now, so we know his loyalty lies one hundred percent with his boss” that’s what people like to believe, in all honesty, he’s a twisted motherfucker.
“What did you do?” The room was quiet. The only sound which could be heard was the sound of blood dripping to the floor. He was hunched over a little girl. She was whimpering, silently pleading for help as he raped her. You couldn’t breathe. At least ten more bodies were splattered over the white tiles.
Without thinking you grabbed the broken off leg of the ruined chair next to you and with all the strength you had in you, you struck it over his head. He fell over with a loud thud and you could see the only one alive. Her hair was wet with blood. Her skin cut and bruised and her pants ripped apart. You took the girl into your arms as carefully as possible and kissed her forehead. “No one will ever hurt you again, I’ll make sure of it. You’re save now” she was barely ten years old.
You nod and with the end of the explanation you all leave the car at the location Choi wanted you to meet him.
The door is opened by two packed men. You follow the waitress to a closed room where the man of the hour waited for you. “Ah, Y/N. How beautiful you look” he tries to pull you in for a kiss on the cheek but Jimin is faster to pull you away from him “Watch it” he threatens him and he backs off with a chuckle.
Your eyes narrow at the table in front of you. There is one chair on your side, but you are eight people. “What the hell is that?” You curse at Joon-Hyuk. “Now, now. No need for language. Take a seat, I’m sure your guard dogs can endure standing for a while” your face changes from confusion to anger.
“If there is one thing I hate more than men who think I’m a secretary are men who call my boys guard dogs. These men are the most loyal and skilled men you can find and they belong to me, If you like it or not. For the love of god, treat them with respect and get them chairs or I’m not sitting down”
Joon-Hyuk sighs and signals his men to arrange some chairs. “They are coming right up so please sit down” you take a seat and you start to discuss business over the very delicious dinner. “So what do you say to the offer?” You look at the man and think for a moment. “The offer is shit and you know it” his eyebrows fasten up and he is about to say something “We are not selling your stuff for this price let alone are you getting in our area on your own” Taehyung says as he takes a sip of the very sweet wine.
“And what would you prefer?” He asks carefully. He knows not to mess up. Lucas needs his stuff to be sold in our area and he has to accept our offer even if he doesn’t want to because having someone else’s stuff here would be unacceptable for him. “We thought about 30/70 for starters. If your stuff sells we can talk about changing things up” Jin smirks at Joon-Hyuk, he knows damn well that he has to accept. “But isn’t that a bit cruel?” You laugh “I could give Lee Ji-Won a quick call if you fancy that” he grunts in frustration. “Alright, I’ll mail you the contract.” You chuckle and eat one last bite of the steak. “Good, let’s go boys”
Joon-Hyuk is fast to stand up „Why are you leaving us this early? Not to mention that I actually invited only you, I would like to spend some alone time with you, Y/N. Catch up on the last years“ you close your eyes in frustration. Hoseok sighs and grabs your arm „Absolutely not.“ you signal him to simply  just wait a minute. You push yourself through your boys to the other side of the table
„Let me tell you something, Joon-Hyuk. Men like you don’t attract me. You’ve been serving Lucas like a little rat.  treating this man like god in hopes that the guilt you feel because of what you did to those kids might diminish. But the truth is that what you did is in no way ever forgivable and Lucas is just as much a piece of shit as you. You’re a disgusting cockroach, a nasty little leach. And if you don’t stop acting like he shouldn’t have decapitated you then I’ll change my mind and put your penis in a blender. Do we understand each other?”
He was about to say something. „And don’t talk back to me, I’m not your mother“
You grabbed Namjoon’s and Jungkook‘s hand and left the restaurant. In the car Jimin carefully started, testing te waters “Y/N, what exactly did he do?” You closed your eyes for a second to recall the tragedy.
“We were supposed to work together..”
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gladlyrphelper · 4 years
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BRING ME THE HORIZON // POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR a lyric sentence starters meme from the post human: survival horror EP. please change pronouns / punctuation & such as needed!
DEAR DIARY ❝i don’t know what’s going on but something’s up.❞ ❝every channel is the same - it’s sending me insane.❞ ❝god is a shithead and we’re his rejects.❞ ❝i can’t stomach anymore survival horror.❞ ❝i keep fading in and out.❞ ❝i don’t know where i’ve been.❞ ❝tv say there’s no more human race.❞ ❝what sad my whole entire existence been a waste.❞ ❝it’s not the end of the world. oh, wait.❞
PARASITE EVE ❝don’t breathe on me.❞ ❝i’m a believer in nobody.❞ ❝won’t let me leave ‘cause i’ve seen something.❞ ❝we just need to fear something.❞ /  ❝we just wanna scream something.❞ ❝only pretending to feel something.❞ /  ❝only pretend to believe something.❞ ❝i know you’re dying to run.❞ /  ❝i know you’re baying for blood.❞ ❝i wanna turn you around.❞ ❝the end has arrived.❞ ❝we cannot save you, enjoy the ride.❞ ❝this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.❞ ❝don’t call it a warning.❞ / ❝don’t call it a warning, this is a war.❞ ❝got a feeling in your stomach ‘cause you know that it’s coming for you.❞ ❝leave your flowers and grieve - don’t forget what they told you.❞ ❝when we forget the infection, will we remember the lesson?❞ ❝will we remember the lesson?❞ ❝if the suspense doesn’t kill you, something else will.❞ ❝quarantine all of those secrets in that black hole you call a brain before it’s too late.❞ ❝you can’t keep washing your hands of this shit anymore.❞ ❝life is a prison and death is the door.❞
TEARDROPS ❝we hurt ourselves for fun.❞ ❝force feed our fear until our hearts go numb.❞ ❝addicted to a lonely kind of love.❞ ❝i wanna know how we got this stressed out, paranoid.❞ ❝everything is going dark.❞ ❝nothing makes me sadder than my head.❞ ❝i’m running out of teardrops.❞ ❝let it hurt til it stops.❞ ❝i’m slipping away from me.❞ ❝everything is so fucked but i can’t feel a thing.❞ ❝the emptiness is heavier than you think.❞ ❝if you hear me, i guess you know how it feels.❞ ❝i guess you know how it feels to be alone.❞ ❝lost my halo, now i’m my own antichrist.❞
OBEY ❝another day, another post-traumatic order.❞ ❝brainwashed and feeling fine.❞ ❝i bit off more than i could chew when i looked closer.❞ ❝think i’m losing my fucking mind.❞ ❝destroy yourself, it feels so good to fade away.❞ ❝don’t let your conscience get in the way.❞ ❝obey, we hope you have a lovely day.❞ ❝obey, you don’t want us to come out and play.❞ ❝there’s nothing to see here; it’s under control.❞ ❝we’re only gambling with your soul.❞ ❝don’t wake up and smell the corruption.❞ ❝another day, another systematic nightmare.❞ ❝should i die for something else?❞ ❝i let my conscience get in the way.❞ ❝your freedom is lethal.❞ ❝you call yourselves peaceful.❞ ❝you monsters are people.❞ ❝i’m gonna show you how i behave.❞ ❝it’s nicer when you can’t see the chains.❞
ITCH FOR THE CURE (WHEN WILL WE BE FREE?) ❝i know why you’re here.❞ ❝you’re fed up of the fear.❞ ❝sick of the fantasy world they’ve built up so you never see clear.❞ ❝something is coming unplugged.❞ ❝there’s a glitch in your trust.❞ ❝you’ve got an itch for the cure.❞ ❝you’re scared to walk out the door.❞ ❝i’m here to tell you there’s a universe that lives without law.❞ ❝you keep asking yourself: when will we be free?❞
KINGSLAYER ❝hi, are you looking for the other side?❞ ❝feel like nothing ever seems quite right?❞ ❝i need to know where your loyalties lie.❞ ❝tell me, are you gonna bark or bite?❞ ❝do you really want to twist the knife in the belly of the monster?❞ ❝wipe the system and back the fuck up.❞ ❝when they cut your strings off, don’t come crawling back.❞ ❝i’d sacrifice my life to find you.❞ /  ❝i’d sacrifice it all to guide you.❞ ❝come and collect us from the night.❞ ❝this world is so dark that i can’t see.❞ ❝the future won’t disappear.❞ ❝i want to obtain another world.❞ ❝life is encrypted - you are modified.❞ ❝artificial ‘til the day you die, silly program: you’re corrupted.❞ ❝now let’s go and open the door of time.❞ ❝i’ll fight for you until i die.❞ ❝this is your wake up call.❞
1X1 ❝the sun don’t shine in the place i’ve been.❞ ❝why you keep acting like i don’t exist?❞ ❝i feel like i’m ready to die, but i can’t commit.❞ ❝i ask myself: when will i learn?❞ ❝i’d set myself on fire just to feel the burn.❞ ❝i’m scared that i’m never gonna be repaired.❞ ❝my mind feels like an archenemy.❞ ❝i don’t know what hurts the most; holding on or letting go.❞ ❝reliving my memories and they’re killing me one by one.❞ ❝sabotaged myself again.❞ ❝got a brain like a hurricane.❞ ❝got me sinking to a dark place.❞ ❝think i’m looking at a long night all alone.❞ ❝annihilation never looked so good.❞ ❝hush your mouth, you talk too much.❞ ❝the voices in my head say i’m just being paranoid.❞ ❝it’s bad for my health - how much i hate myself.❞
LUDENS ❝some resist the future.❞ / ❝some refuse the past.❞ ❝a world covered in cables was never wired to last.❞ ❝don’t get so surprised when the program starts to crash.❞ ❝how do i form a connection when we can’t even shake hands?❞ ❝you’re like a phantom greeting me.❞ ❝we plot in the shallows.❞ / ❝hang out in the gallows.❞ ❝do you know why the flowers never bloom?❞ ❝will you retry or let the pain resume?❞ ❝we need a new leader.❞ / ❝i need a new luden.❞ ❝come outside, it’s time to see the tide.❞ ❝it’s out of sight but never out of mind.❞ ❝but soon the sting will pass.❞ ❝names can dig so many graves you won’t know where to stand.❞ ❝i don’t feel secure no more unless i’m being followed.❞ ❝the only way to hide myself is to give ‘em one hell of a show.❞ ❝you call this a connection?❞ / ❝you call this a connection? give me a break.❞
ONE DAY THE ONLY BUTTERFLIES LEFT WILL BE IN YOUR CHEST AS YOU MARCH TOWARDS YOUR DEATH… ❝on the verge of no return, why’d you keep fucking it up?❞ ❝don’t wanna have to bury you.❞ ❝one day the only butterflies left will be in your chest.❞ ❝one day the only butterflies left will be in your chest as you march towards your death.❞ ❝tell me, how’s it gonna feel without my arms wrapped around you?❞ ❝bet it feels pretty real when your skin starts to peel from the bone.❞ ❝you were dead to the world, now i’m dead to you.❞ ❝haunting your own house - nothing to lose.❞ ❝past the point of rescuing, why’d i keep pushing my luck?❞ ❝the hole i wore into your soul has got too big to overlook.❞ ❝one day the only butterflies left will be in our chests.❞ ❝one day the only butterflies left will be in our chests as we march towards your death.❞ ❝i thought we had a future but we ain’t got a chance in hell.❞ ❝you know you can’t breathe on your own.❞ ❝you know i can’t breathe on my own.❞ ❝how can you breathe on your own?❞ / ❝how can i breathe on my own?❞ ❝the sun is setting on our love, i fear.❞ ❝letting our loneliness out into the atmosphere.❞ ❝the tide is turning on our chance to turn it round.❞
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