#this is gonna get kinda venty in the tags be warned
meimeikyu · 9 months
watching a really long video about how someone made their cosplay and GOD is it interesting but also it makes me feel really bad about my cosplays
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definitelynotaria · 2 years
SAGau Venti, but its Wispty
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Ok,so i had this idea for a while now,i kinda living on it. I noticed how lot of general SAGau with Venti coming on this world consists of Venti in his mortal human form. But what if... SAGau Wispty in this world?
Warnings: its lazy, brainrot, general SAGau
Wispty is still Venti,so his personal reactions gonna stay the same.
For however he got in there, he is not gonna be really far from you. What i can say right away is that the state of our world gonna horrify him.
Since Wispty is purely elemental being, he will be lucky to spawn somewhere away from big city. He probably will have difficulty breathing and overall confusion with all the stuff around him.
Small little wisp in the big sad world.
So lets have mercy and place it around the forest ( or other kind of natural terrain your home has).
First of all, would be really unfortunate if he runs (flies?) into other people then you first. Think about it, most of people in this world never saw a creature like him. He will get bullied or caught and end up in some laboratory.
But, honestly i doubt that he will approach anyone other then you.
So after some wondering and playing the colder-warmer game*,he will find you. That will probably happen in public place or just outside, so the real time when you notice lil Wispty is...
When you open your bag at home.
Pls don't faint. He didn't mean for you to faint. Why are you afraid? :<
I'm torn between "he can't talk in this form" and "he can",so lets say he can talk using thelepathy.
After some general SAGau stuff of explaining between both of you, and were getting to the fun stuff.
Living with Wispti...
...is going to be fun to say at least. Good luck trying to survive cutness overload.
After all misunderstandings got sorted, you will need to accept two things.
He is 100% convinced you're The Divine Creator, and he isn't getting why you are trying to convince him you're not.
And he is glued to you now.
Best way of figuring out the best way to deal with this reverse Isekai situation is to live through your daily routine normaly and see how he fits in there and to adjust further in.
As for Venti
He will be overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar things in your house.
He tried to sit on stove once.
His poor wispy butt....
Imma say he is naturally curious,but in his wisp form its doubled.
You will need to pull him out of VERY various places.
You might wake up to something falling in a different room aling with loud wisp chirping.
Actually, let me be lazy simle. Think of owning a cat.
If you really want to do something ( including art, cooking, gaming ,etc.) get him one of those soup cup and place him there. Thats gonna be his "jailed for small crimes cup".
He will be ecstatic if you do this cat lifehack with a sweatshirt worn back to front and place him in the cape.
Do that when you play video games or when you watch anime, etc.
You got him his own little wisp bed ( read,you bought a cat bed in a pet store) , but somehow you always wake up with him on your pillow or near you under the blanket.
Yes,you were afraid that you'll crash him in your sleep after that.
Now,he doesn't really need to eat,but he will eat whatever you give him
He will absolutely pick his head into anything you,do. He wants to be included.
When you come outside he will follow you in your bag or in your clothes.
100/10 would recommend getting Wispty of your own!
I got tired and overall don't like this one,but i still like the idea,so feel free to use it,but pls tag me,i want to read it!
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kazewhara · 3 years
are you gonna kiss me or not?
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「 masterlist 」
# — pairing(s): childe x gn!reader, mentions of ayalumi (ayaka x lumine), & xiaother (xiao x aether)
# — characters: childe (ajax), gender neutral reader, lumine, aether, xiao, ayaka, venti, diluc, kaeya, ganyu, zhongli
# — summary: you tried to hide your feelings. the universe has other plans.
# — warnings: cursing, kinda ooc characters (sorry)
# — tags: modern au, fluff, brief angst, pining, best friends to lovers
# — notes: and here we are, part two of the best friend!childe au! i actually feel like i might make this a staple on my blog and just write hcs about it from time to time. anyways! part one to this can be found here, and i'll link it at the bottom as well! as always, thanks for reading and i hope you like it :D
# — song(s): n/a
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✧ — 🐋 — ✧
"this is definitely just an excuse for you guys to make out with your partners."
to the surprise of no one, lumine and aether were the first ones to voice their objections. "is not!" they say in sync, making you roll your eyes.
a few weeks after what you and lumine have affectionately dubbed 'The Great Awakening', the two of you decided to host a small get together in your apartment. it was big enough to hold quite a few people, and honestly, you needed the distraction. you'd been a bit dazed since you acknowledged your feelings for childe, nursing headache after headache whenever you met up with him.
he noticed your odd behavior just as you predicted, and has been bothering you non-stop, begging you to tell him what was troubling you, but you repeatedly shut him out. as a result, there's been... a bit of tension between the two of you. lumine took notice (since, according to her, you'd been moping) and suggested this little party. it was a good idea, you thought.
it was a good idea at first.
what lumine didn't tell you was that she would be handling the guest list. your circle of mutual friends wasn't small by any means, but whenever lumine was in charge of choosing who to party with, there were usually repercussions the next day. (your temples throb as you remember the night you found venti half-naked on your balcony at dawn.)
you held your breath when kaeya, venti, and diluc arrived together. already, you were already off to a terrible start. you didn't even have time to bolt down your liquor before venti was rummaging through it, declaring that he was in charge of drinks for the night.
ganyu, zhongli, and xiao were next to arrive. it was a strange combination in your apartment already; two of your more extroverted friends combined with the three most level-headed people you knew. not to say that they hadn't hung out together before, but venti was a force to be reckoned with when it came to alcohol, and neither ganyu, zhongli, or xiao were the best at saying no to drinking.
ayaka and aether were, by lumine's standards, late. she let ayaka off the hook, but roughed up aether for a little while before he finally made his escape to xiao, who brought him in his arms without a word. "get a room!" venti jeered at the couple. "some of us are single and would rather not be sickened by the likes of you."
you chuckled. "i second that."
the party ran pretty smoothly after that, with the food that you ordered arriving not too long after aether. everyone helped themselves to a plate, after which venti finally started handing out the liquor. you settled yourself next to zhongli, who was warm and arguably the only person who knew how to handle his drinks pretty well. he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you watched diluc, ganyu, and xiao chat about something you had no interest in.
"are you alright?" zhongli asked. when you looked up at him in question, you were met with his signature smile. "call it intuition, but i have the feeling that this sudden party was brought about by some event. did something happen?"
curse zhongli and his keen senses. you'd been trying (and succeeding, actually) to mask your distress all night, but it would seem that you weren't doing as good a job as you thought you were. then again, the only person who knew you as well as childe was probably zhongli. you dropped your head on his shoulder. "sorta," you confessed. "i'm just exhausted, i guess. 'm not feeling very party-ish."
zhongli's hand came up to pat at your head. he's always been almost fatherly in his behavior, especially when it came to you. you closed your eyes amidst the noise. "i know you won't tell me," he said. "but when you're ready, don't hesitate to reach out."
"thanks, zhongli."
your moment is suddenly shattered by lumine's declaration that everyone play a game. aether, who'd been beating an inebriated kaeya in mario kart for the past fifteen minutes, paused the game and gave his sister his full attention. "what's the game?"
a conspiratorial grin crept across lumine's face. "we're gonna play spin the bottle!" she declared. when three people groaned in protest, she clicked her tongue. "my house, my rules, bitches." she grabbed an empty bottle from venti's side and motioned for everyone to sit around it. reluctantly, you all did.
diluc raised an eyebrow at lumine. "what happens if the bottle lands on us?"
"i think a game of seven minutes in heaven should be good, no?"
aether had the audacity to pipe up: "make it ten minutes."
the twins smirked at each other, to which you interjected: "this is definitely just an excuse for you guys to make out with your partners."
"is not!" they say at the same time.
"and if the bottle lands on someone who isn't you or your partner?" zhongli asks. he doesn't sound put off by the idea of the game, but you can tell he's not very entertained.
lumine groans. "then stand in the closet for ten minutes!" without another word, she spins the bottle as hard as she can. you hear diluc grumble something along the lines of 'i knew i should've stayed home,' making you giggle.
after ten seconds of furious spinning, the bottle lands on lumine and ayaka.
"god, this is so dumb," venti whines as the couple practically skips into lumine's room. "young love is so gross!"
ganyu, bless her soul, sighs wistfully. "i think it's sweet! even if they are a bit sappy."
to pass the time, aether and kaeya restart the game of mario kart and you decide to watch for a while before your brain starts to drift again.
your thoughts drift to childe. of course they did. you don't even have it in you to be mad at yourself. you glance around the room once, then twice before realizing how... empty it feels. even with your friends here, funny and tipsy as they may be, they're not enough to soothe the ache in your chest.
no, only childe could do that. you suppose it's a good thing he's not here; you're not sure if his presence would help or not. ever since you came to terms with your feelings, you've been finding it harder and harder to ignore your attraction to him on a physical level as well as emotional. playing a game like seven (ten) minutes in heaven with him around would probably drive you nuts.
your cheeks warm as you think about what you would do if you were stuck in a closet with him for ten minutes. if you weren't so head over heels for him, you'd probably think nothing of it and find another way to pass the time with him in there. but as your thoughts run further and further away from you, you can't help but wonder.
wonder if he still wears that cologne you like so much; if you'd have to get closer to his face to see his freckles in the dark; if you'd be able to hear his heartbeat--
"hey! are you listening?"
fingers snap repeatedly in your face, trying to get your attention. you jump and slap them away, seeing that it's venti. he grins at you and you wrinkle your nose at the smell of alcohol coming off of him. "drunk already, venti?"
venti giggles. "that's for me to know, and for you to find out. now c'mon, the lovebirds are back."
you suppose it's a good thing that the girls are back. you don't want to think about what would have happened if you kept on the path you were going down. you look up to see ayaka avoiding eye contact with everyone, her face near vermillion. you can see hickies on her neck and collarbone.
"jesus, lumine, did you try to eat her?" xiao looks bewildered at lumine but she ignores him with a triumphant sniff.
"the show must go on!" she says, spinning the bottle as hard as she can again.
you sigh, ready to quit and risk taking the brunt of lumine's frustration when you suddenly hear keys in the door. everyone looks up either at you or lumine, each of their faces asking the same question. you and lumine share a glance before your expression morphs into one of mortification.
because the only people with keys to your apartment are you, lumine, ayaka, and--
"childe!" aether waves excitedly at the door. "i didn't know you were coming!"
your heart all but stops when you see your best friend standing in the doorway, his usual smile on his face. why now? why, when you were busy trying not to think about him, would he arrive? were you doomed to suffer around him forever? you pinch the bridge of your nose, hoping it will take those rose-colored glasses off your face.
childe steps inside after removing his shoes. "i didn't realize there'd be a party today!" he says after everyone (except you -- you hope he didn't notice.) greets him. "where was my invite?" the question is clearly directed at no one else but you, since lumine doesn't answer.
you have to untangle the knot in your throat before you speak. "losers don't get invites."
your quick thinking works; that kind of banter is normal between you two. childe pouts and puts a hand over his heart. "i just got here and you're already hurting me." he whines.
you take a silent breath and turn your eyes to the slowly rotating bottle. you don't get the chance to shoot a snarly reply back at your best friend when the bottle finally comes to a stop. a soft 'oh, fuck me' slips past your lips when you see who it landed on.
wouldn't you know it, it's landed on you and childe.
the asshole has the nerve to wiggle his eyebrows at you despite not knowing what game you were even playing.
everyone else makes noises of encouragement execpt lumine, who nudges you. she's intoxicated, but you can see the sobriety hit her in an instant. it comforts you to know that even when she's not feeling her best, your roommate had your back, but you nudge her back, reassuring her. if you backed out, it would look suspicious and probably ruin the mood, and you didn't want to kill everyone's high. you curse your tendencies to be a people pleaser.
lumine clears her throat after a second. "well, you two have to play ten minutes in heaven," she explains, pointing at your room. "go stand in the closet and think about what you've done."
childe laughs. "why're you making it sound like a punishment instead of a game?" he looks at you, his smile tugging at your heartstrings. "ten minutes isn't that bad, is it?"
yes! you want to scream. it's fucking terrible! you bite your tongue and walk to your room, gesturing for him to follow over your shoulder. "let's go, loser," you mutter. you're not sure if you were talking to childe or yourself. he follows behind you and you two slip into your closet and shut the door, basically locking you in.
...now what?
thankfully, the closet is dark, so you don't feel bad about shutting your eyes as you try to calm yourself down. it doesn't help that childe does, in fact, still wear that cologne you like; it only makes you sigh. if you don't look at him, you think, then this will go faster. you try to listen to the action outside as it sounds like everyone has joined in on the mario kart game.
but childe (and the universe) have different plans.
"so, are you gonna tell me why you've been acting weird lately?"
it's a little hard to see, but judging by his tone, you feel like he's removed his usual friendly mask just to ask you what's been going on. a rational part of you doesn't blame him; you've kind of been avoiding him since your Great Awakening, and this is really the first time you've had some alone time with him in a while. if it were up to you, you'd rather be alone with him in a less crowded space -- being this close does you no favors.
you swallow dryly. "what are you talking about," you ask, looking at the door of the closet, "i haven't been--"
childe cuts you off. "don't bullshit me. you've been avoiding me. did you know i was trying to call you all day today?"
your eyes widen at that. had he really been calling you? you left your phone in your dresser to avoid texting him and hurting yourself further. "no, i-- i didn't. sorry," you apologize quietly.
"even now, you're not looking at me. did i do something wrong?"
so much for not hurting yourself. in trying to spare yourself the pain, you've successfully pushed it onto the one person you never wanted to hurt in your life. the heartache just seems to be piling up today. but you still don't look at him. you just can't. "you didn't do anything, ajax." you say. "i promise."
childe shifts a little and you can feel his skin brushing yours. you fight the urge to recoil. "then look at me." he demands. he must notice how harsh he must sound, because his next words are soft and almost... broken. "please, look at me."
you shake your head on impulse. you'd been trying not to be overwhelmed by his presence, by the way you can literally feel him growing desperate for your attention, but you were failing miserably. you're back where you started; short of breath and warm in the face. it's no use trying to hide it anymore. scalding tears prick your eyes; at this rate, he's bound to find out. "childe, i can't." you shake your head again, your voice wavering. "let's just wait this out, okay?"
long fingers wrap around your wrist and tug you forward. you gasp on instinct as you're suddenly pressed into childe's chest. you go rigid in his hold and hold your breath, trying not to overdo it. like always, he notices and sighs. "i must've done something wrong if you're acting like this over a hug." he rests his chin on your head. "i can't even hug my best friend anymore? what's the problem?"
childe's question is your tipping point. you're not sure why. maybe it's the way he asked, or maybe it's because he's your best friend, or maybe it's the conflicting feeling of being pressed against the man you loved while being unsure if your feelings were reciprocated, but you lose your filter and spill your guts.
"i-i know it's gonna sound cliche, but i swear it's not you that's the problem," you start with a self-deprecating laugh. "'it's not you, it's me'... stupid, isn't it? that's something lovers usually say to each other, but it's true; i'm the problem, not you. because really, how stupid do you have to be to fall in love with your best friend?"
childe pulls away to get a better look at your face. "what?" he sounds shell-shocked. it makes you laugh bitterly.
you've already said too much, so you don't stop. "you heard me. i'm in love with you, ajax. now can you please stop asking me what the problem is? i think our ten minutes are up." you press your hand on the closet door, but don't push it just yet. it feels so, so much better having finally got that off your chest, but the longer childe stays silent, the deeper the knife in your chest buries itself. you can't bring yourself to cry; not anymore. you expected this. you can't wait to tell lumine this one. as you're about to open the door, childe stops you again. "ajax, i said---"
he doesn't let you finish. warm lips cover your own, effectively shutting you up. your entire body freezes and your brain all but explodes. for a second, you think you black out, but childe pulls away. "you were saying?"
childe kisses you again, shorter this time. "sorry, what was that? couldn't hear you."
"ajax, this is--"
another kiss. "man, is the service bad in here? not getting any reception."
you slap at childe's shoulder, finally managing to scrape your brain off the walls. "ajax!" it's not much, but it's all you can bring yourself to say. your other hand reaches up to cover your lips, which are still tingling. your body is thrumming with elation, but you still can't seem to comprehend what's going on. did... did childe seriously--
childe tips your chin up, cutting your thoughts short again. "that's my name." his voice is low, sending white-hot flames through your system. "you gonna wear it out?"
that gets your brain moving. the suggestive nature of his words isn't lost on you at all. "for the love of god, knock it off. are you-- you just kissed me, so i-- you better not be fucking with me right now. i'm not in the mood for jokes."
you see childe's brows furrow. "i'm not joking." his tone leaves little room for discussion. "i've been in love with you for as long as i can remember. i guess i lost my cool for a second when i heard you say you felt the same."
"so you--" feel the same, your mind supplies. he feels the same.
childe loves you. not as a best friend; not as a little sibling.
he's in love with you. your best friend, the man you foolishly thought to be your platonic soulmate was your actual soulmate all along.
and yet the only thing you can come up with, after a painfully long silence is: "our ten minutes have been up for a long fucking time, i think."
your heart soars when childe chuckles. if he was anybody else, he would've been frustrated by your quip. but he's ajax -- your soulmate -- and no one will ever understand you better than be does.
to hell with the ten minute rule, you think when you feel childe's arm wrap around your waist.
"i guess this game's going into overtime," ajax murmurs against your lips.
you hum, fighting back your brightest smile. "overtime starts now. are you gonna kiss me, or what?"
ajax finally indulges you, firmly pressing his lips against yours. "i love you," he whispers between kisses. "i love you so goddamn much."
(outside, lumine counts the money she'd been handed by your friends.)
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click here for part one!
thanks for reading! - zuzu
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unactive-shroom · 3 years
⩨͢ Venti High school?/college? Headcannons
Warnings: food mention.
A/n: Busy with exam studying rn but have a draft i forgot to post. Requests are open, just very slow.
↳ General Headcannons
> He’s probably late a lot of the time
> Like he’ll just walk in halfway through the class with a coffee and be like oh sorry I was late
> If you have him as your desk mate. God help you
> Every five minutes he’ll ask you what page your supposed to be on or what you’re supposed to be doing 
> And when he gets bored he just does whatever. He literally doesn’t care
> Like everyone’ll be taking notes and he’ll just be like. Nah. And start looking out the window or something 
> But he still gets good grades??? 
> he probably has one of those calculators that have like flappy bird on it
> His favourite classes is music, English and I feel like he likes science so he can fuck shit up with chemicals
> He has a very “I don’t care about grades” vibe but he does put in the effort while studying 
> But he does it really weirdly like he’ll make up songs for things he has to remember ( self projecting rn ngl)
> I feel like he’s not too into sports. Like he’ll play them but he’s just kinda passive over it
> Also he never brings a waterbottle with him or a pencil case he just has one (1) pen at the bottom of his bag
↳ Romantically Implied Headcannons
> He’ll walk you to school!! If you only walk a short distance then you’ll probably meet up outside the school but he’ll probably just make you late
>Forgets his lunch like twice a week and just shares yours 
> But he makes up for it!! He brings extra treats for you when he actually remembers his lunch
> Sometimes he’ll just meet you in the hallway and be very dramatic and makes a big deal over you. And then he’ll walk you to your class and be late for his own
> If you sit beside him for some of ur classes also expect him to send you little notes and stuff during class
> More than once you’ve seen him getting chased by another student (or even teacher) cause he did something and he just stops and is like “hi s/o ☺️” very casually while he’s running for his life
> Has definetly started rumours just to mess with people (nothing extreme tho)
> stuff like “yeah yknow jess?? Well. Let me tell you. They actually enjoy eating flour. Where do you think it all went in the home ec rooms?!”
> no one ever beleives him btw
> After school, if you go to the library he’ll tag along too and try his best to stay quiet but he might end up being too loud nd you’ll get kicked out
> Okay but a lot of the time hes quiet and will study with you -while holding ur hand under the table aw
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cynettic · 3 years
Laser Tag ( genshin x reader )
Summary - Lazer Tag Au / I’m gonna make this romantic ;)
Pairings - Reader x Xiao/Diluc/Kaeya/Venti/Zhongli
Warnings - Mention of guns and shooting, no death tho it’s just laser tag
A/N - Drinking 5 Monsters ain’t a good idea- just saying. Even tho it gives you the best inspiration, trust me, it isn’t worth it lol
Laser Tag
Can I just start by saying that playing Lazer Tag with Xiao is a very bad idea.
I mean, if you want to win.
This boy is a speedy legend, zipping around. He doesn’t even need to have good aim, he’ll just pop up in front of you and then ‘BOOM.’
But let’s say you and Xiao were on the same team for the game of Lazer Tag :)
He’d stick by you, and trust me when I say he’d take the game seriously- especially if people like Zhongli are playing.
He’d drag you around, and he’d probably find a place for you to hide. Or at least a sneaky place so that you could play sniper to satisfy yourself.
Don’t worry about anyone spotting you.
By the time they do, Xiao will have taken them down :)
He would definitely stick around the area and just go full on attack mode to anyone in his way. And while you start sniping someone from the distance, he’d finish them off before they notice you.
When the game finishes (your team winning ofc-) he’d come pick you up from where you were hiding, scanning for injuries (even tho it was just laser tag- this boi worries too much).
Making sure you’re okay, he’d hold your hand as you walk back to your base. He’s not big on pda, so don’t feel bad when he lets go of your hand when you approach everyone else.
He’d feel so satisfied after if his team won, especially if you were content as well.
Diluc… would be a sneaky little ninja.
And not like ‘Climbing trees’ kind of ninja, even with his big tall form, he’d be able to hide behind trees or buildings with ease.
Perks of being the Darknight Hero.
He definitely doesn’t want to get too close to anyone in case he accidentally gives them a little smack by accident. He’s a physical fighter in general, And it’s different with Lazer Tag, so he’d keep his distance.
If you were playing on the opposite side of him… well, as much as I’d hate to admit it, Diluc would lowkey help you.
He’s definitely one that likes to play by the rules, but what can he say? He’s definitely rooting for you even on the opposing team, and how is it his fault if he accidentally shoved one of his teammates?
Might personally stalk Kaeya if he’s on the same team as him just to make sure he doesn’t shoot you down.
This man would ‘rage’ if Kaeya was the one to get you eliminated in the game.
Just internally ofc.
And maybe serve the blue haired boy Grape Juice for the rest of the week ;)
If his team won, he’d still comfort you and tell you that you did a good job.
If you won, he’d congratulate you and let you brag all you wanted. He’s so sweet 🥺
You don’t want to be against Kaeya.
This man will intentionally target you. The entire time. Every time you get sent back into the game, he will track you down and eliminate you.
Of course, this is to some extent, as much as Kaeya would continuously shoot you down, he’d let you run around and have a go at him and his teammates too. But of course in the end, he’d still shoot you down. Every time.
Kaeya would get killed off a lot too, since this is just a game, he will take it as such. (Not like Xiao who takes it very seriously). So he kinda just wanders around and has his fun.
Of course this pisses you off.
Please make sure to kill him off a couple times too, revenge is necessary for this when he’s targeting you- and personally, he might begin to feel guilty if it’s only him eliminating you all the time.
At one point it starts feeling like it’s just him against you.
Until Diluc shoots you down and you realize it’s still a group thing.
If Diluc were to shoot you down, well… Kaeya would not be pleased. He’d intentionally lead you away from him, and if Diluc did manage to shoot you, he’d make sure to be extra salty at the tavern.
After the game, if you won, make sure to brag about it in his face. After shooting you so many times his esteem will be flaring.
And if he won… he will rub it in your face. Unless it really bothers you, and then he might just talk about the times that you shot him just to make you feel better.
Sorry anemo archon- but I can’t see him wielding a gun.
At the most, he’ll be running around and shooting at people directly in front of them, but otherwise, Venti wouldn’t be one to sit around and snipe.
So if you are on the same team with him, make sure to agree that both of you are gonna sprint around and take down as many players before the two of you are shot down.
It will make him very happy :)
He will definitely make a battle cry for the two of you when you jump out of the bushes to attack the opponents frontlines. And even though you know it’s stupid (cause it legit tells everyone that you’re there-) the two of you are just doing it for fun.
Venti will treat the game like a ‘game’. He won’t get serious about it or competitive unless there’s a bet involved, specifically with the wine from the tavern.
He will still suck, even when trying, but you’d be surprised how fast he can sprint around. Ducking and dodging bullets- all for the wine ofc.
After the game, he wouldn’t really care who won. As long as the two of you had fun, he will be happy. Especially if you treat him to some wine after ;) Or just congratulate him on how well he played. That will make him happyyy
Oh Zhongli…
He probably wouldn’t understand the run down of the rules, no matter how many times you explained it to him. And him with a gun? Not good, not good at all.
I could totally see Zhongli as the patient sniper type.
But like… missing all his targets.
You’ll have to guide him through the game while you’re on the same team as him, so the two of you will stick together the entire time.
Trying to get him accustomed to the game, you shoot at others and urge him to do the same.
Ofc he sucks at accuracy with a gun.
But overall, he has quick reaction times.
So if someone were to shoot at you, he’d jump in front of you, maybe pull you into his chest to protect you from the ‘gunshots.’
Very cute.
But also like… this is a game Zhongli? He probably has too many abandonment issues, being an archon is difficult :/
So… guide him, and he will protect you.
After the game, Zhongli doesn’t really care enough to find out who won. He might tell you a few stories that the little game reminded him of on his way back though.
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alonelysimp · 3 years
AFAB reader on their period (pt. 1)
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Genre: Comfort, kinda fluffy
WC: 508
Characters: Albedo, Childe x AFAB! reader (separate)
Warnings: shark week, slight hinting at dysphoria
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Fluff, GN! reader, Bulleted
Ah posting a day late, as per usual. I meant to write Venti into this one but i didn't have the time </3 he'll be in pt. 2
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He doesn’t realize it right away but he knows what to do (in theory)
He’s preparing for when Klee reaches that age where he’ll have to help take care of her
Shamelessly doesn’t hesitate to ask you or one of the other afab knights if he has any questions, specifically Barbara or maybe Sucrose if she’s good with it
He works less hours if you aren’t doing so well, even going so far as to take a few days off just to take care of you
Handles it surprisingly well, or at least, the better than you thought he would
Sees it as a normal bodily function, doesn’t get icked by it in the slightest. Washes the sheets before he goes to work, otherwise he’ll forget
Wants to take care of you but also doesn’t want to feel suffocating or controlling, pls just let him ;-;
On lighter days he’ll prefer it if you stay home or in Mond, but won’t stop you if you wish to carry on with your normal routine.
On bad cramping days he straight up refuses to go to work and takes care of you, especially if it’s uncomfortable/painful to walk. Even if you can, he’d still prefer you to stay in bed but he won’t stop you.
He can cook but only like 3 different dishes
If you don’t like roasted irminsul spider, good luck
Very sweet ngl, he’d probably read to you with that sexy ass voice of his—
To my trans gremlins, he likes holding you and whispering lil affirming compliments as you fall asleep
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He has an older sister and a younger sister ok. Spidey senses tingling he knows bestie
Super doting, literally does not give a shit about the fatui he’s staying home and making you feel comfy
Expect a lot of random forehead kisses he is so soft for you
He knows a lot of Snezhnayan home remedies to help with the pain but will not hesitate to bribe Baizhu into helping if he needs to
Ykw he’s probably just as if not more used to blood as you are, its not gonna ick him
Lighter days he’ll let you wander around the house, maybe a few commissions if they’re super close. I’m not really into the whole “possessive hovering while I’m working” shit but cut him some slack he’s worried-
If you aren’t able to walk perfectly fine, consider yourself bedridden. His cooking tho? Amazing. Absolutely. Ngl even worse, but is it really? Anything you want, he’ll get at the wave of a hand. He’s gonna fuck with the economical value of mora in Liyue if you don’t stop him—
Ironically(?) asks you what size your pussy is
He makes soup from a family recipe that he swears is like a hundred times better than the original (which he’s never let you have the opportunity to try)
Cuddles. So so so many cuddles. Kisses. Everywhere. Try and stop him. Literally the most doting shitbit.
Again for my trans gremlins, he tries his best to distract you and throws in some more masculine russian terms of endearment (regardless of you pick up on the change or not, and when you do your heart just melts)
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch. 6 | Connor Brashier
A/n: once again rewritten, do I really need to put that in here anymore?
Summary: Some things can’t stay the same.
Warnings: kinda angsty
Word count: 1.6k
Week 6
“Venti earl grey tea, two sugars, just the way you like it,” Connor says, setting the cup in front of me while I type away on my keys, trying to finish my economics assignment before we start going through the most recent footage.
“Thank you, you’re an angel.”
“Your angel,” he corrects me. 
“Mine?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. “Is that so?”
“Sure. Sounds fitting, no?”
I hum in response, and look back at my screen. He sits there, fiddling with his phone in hands but never opening it to scroll through anything, just playing with the case, taking it on and off. “You seem bored,” I observe.
“No, not with you. Never with you.”
“I’m almost done, I promise. I just have two more questions.”
“Don't worry about it. Take your time. It’s more time I get to spend with you.”
“You’re cheesy, Brashier.”
“Yeah, well, who’s fault is that?” He questions, tilting his head to the side, raising his eyebrows at me. 
“Don’t you go blaming me for your cheesiness. I didn’t put the words in your mouth and tell you to speak them.”
“Y/n?” he says after a couple minutes.
“What?” I look up at him, ignoring the problem in front of me. 
“Have I told you today that you look really pretty?”
I bite the inside of my lip, “Shut up.”
“What? It’s true. This color looks good on you,” he mumbles, reaching across the table to play with the sleeve of my light blue sweater.
“Well thank you,” I say after a minute. “That compliment alone could get you extra kisses on the way back to your place.”
“God, how many do I have to give for a repeat of last week?”
I can’t help but blush. “I don’t know, Con. We’ll see.”
“We’ll see?”
I smirk, “If you’re a good boy, yeah, you might get a little something.”
“Fuck,” he takes a sip of his coffee - which he only drinks with sugar and the tiniest splash of milk, I’ve found out. A strange man, this one is. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
“And that’s what makes this fun,” I shrug.
“Hey, Brian,” I say as I walk into the apartment behind Connor.
“Hey, y/n.”
“Bri, what did you say you wanted - oh. Hey,” Shawn comes into view and I force a smile. I haven’t seen him since he asked me out.
“Hey,” I say back, Connor throws him a piece sign and a simple nod before taking my hand. 
“We’re going to my room to edit, don’t bother us for the next three hours,” he says, walking us away from the boys.
“He means to say please and thank you, just so you know,” I call out as he continues to pull me with him.
“No, I don’t,” he shakes his head.
“Quit being a dick or I’m going home,” I say, which results in laughter from Brian and Shawn. 
“Yeah, tell him y/n.” Brian exclaims. 
“Fuck off, Brian!” Connor yells, shutting his bedroom door behind us with a huff. 
“You okay, pretty boy?” I ask, setting my bag down next to his desk. 
His hands find my waist and he sighs, resting his forehead on mine. “Shawn’s here,” he says, a slight edge to his voice. 
“Yeah. Is that not okay? I thought you guys were friends.”
“Well, yeah, but.”
“But what?” I push his hair back, out of his face.
“He asked you out, y/n.”
“Okay? I said no. I told you that.”
“I know, it’s just… he asked you out,” he responds again.
“Why is that bothering you so much?”
“Because I,” he stops himself with a shake of his head. “Never mind. I’m just being dumb.”
“Connor, come on. Talk to me.”
“No, it’s nothing. Let’s just get to work, okay? We have so much to edit before Friday. I want to get it done while we can.”
I sigh but nod, deciding not to push, “Okay, sure.”
We edit for a while, stopping here and there for a drink or to rest our eyes from all the straining we’re doing staring at the small screen for so long. “Where’d you get this necklace?” I ask, playing with the small palm tree adorning his neck, turning my head to get a better look. 
“Palm tree crew. Why?”
I shrug, “I like it. It’s very fitting for you, Mr. Laguna Beach.”
He chuckles, “Thanks.” He takes my hand and pulls me closer, into his lap. “Kisses?”
I hum, placing my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance, “We have to get back to work.”
“One kiss won’t kill us, right?”
“Connor…” I shake my head. I don’t know why I’m doing it, pushing him away. I don’t want to. Because let’s face it, last week, in my room? That was one of the best days of my life. So can someone tell me why I’m trying not to be with him that way again?
“Okay, okay. Later?” he asks, pressing his lips into my shoulder, and then on the underside of my jaw. I hum. He’s ruining me completely. He’s ruining me and I’m getting attached. 
“I know the effect I have on people. I’m pretty sure you’ll fall for me by the time this is over.”
Fuck him for being right.
“If this is a game, you should know that I never lose.”
It’s a game. A game. It’s not real.
“How funny. I don’t either.”
I whine as I pull away. “I should get home.”
“What? Why?” he reaches for me while I start to remove myself from him.
“I just have a lot of homework to do. I have a test on Thursday, I really should study for it.”
“Study here,” he tries to reason, but I shake my head and start putting my stuff in my bag. 
“I can’t. I don’t have my notes.”
“Y/n, what’s going on? Talk to me, baby.”
“Please,” I sigh. “Don’t call me that. Can I please, please just go home?” I throw my bag over my shoulder.
His eyebrows furrow, but he nods anyway. “Okay. Yeah. But are we okay?”
“We’re fine.”
“Then why won’t you kiss me?” I question.
I sigh, “Can we not do this right now? I just don’t feel like being super affectionate right now.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
I ignore his words and open his bedroom door.
“Y/n. What’s wrong? Did I do something? Because if I did, then I’m sorry.”
“No, Connor, you didn’t do anything.”
“Did I say something?” And when I don’t answer, he has his. “What did I say?” He asks, both of us seemingly ignoring the two boys sitting on the couch getting a free show. “Baby, please.”
“Stop calling me that,” I groan.
“Why? That’s you. That’s your name! You’re my baby. That’s who you’ve always been. I don’t get it. What’s happening right now?”
“The name doesn’t mean anything, this doesn’t mean anything because this is all fake!” I burst.
He takes a step back, “What?”
“You made it very clear from the beginning that this was a game. I was stupid to agree to this.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You don’t lose,” I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s what you told me, right? So what? You’ve been waiting for me to fall first? Is that it? What do you get out of it? What’s the point of having someone fall for you if you’re not gonna fall too? What is the point of all this? Just some stupid grade, because I’d honestly rather fail!”
“You think I’m not falling for you? You think I haven’t been since the first time we met? You think I memorized your Starbucks order, or went to pick you up from a party when a guy was a little too handsy, or let you steal half of my closet, or told you some of the most intimate details of my life because I wasn’t in love with you? I wouldn’t do that for anyone else. I wouldn’t and you know why? Because I’m fucking in love with you.” he runs his hands through his messy hair. “There. I said it. Are you happy? I’m in love with you and I don’t know how to handle it, but I know that I don’t want to. I want to feel this for as long as I possibly can.”
I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you.
I never lose.
Game. Game. Game.
I bite my tongue. Y/n don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it. “You’re not in love with me.” You said it. Of course you fucking did.
“How the fuck do you know? Did you not hear a word I just said to you?”
“How am I supposed to believe you?”
“Because I haven’t lied to you! I haven’t thought about anything else but you since I met you. And especially not since last week. Jesus, I could never think about anything else after that.”
“I’m in love with you.”
I shut my eyes tight and exhale deeply, “Stop saying that.”
“No!  I can’t. I won’t. Not until you tell me that you’re not in love with me too.”
I sigh, running my hands over my face. I can’t tell him. I can’t do this. Not now. “I can’t do this right now, Connor.”
“And when do you think you’ll be able to? Because whether you like it or not, I am in love with you and we still have six weeks to do this project.”
“I know,” I mumble, looking down at my shoes.
“You know,” he repeats. “God, I’m so fucking stupid.”
“No, Con-”
“It’s fine. I’ll take you home. Come on.”
“Connor, wait.” I want to tell him. I do, but I -
“I am waiting. And I will be until you’re ready.”
I’m not ready yet.
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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petaldecay · 3 years
I'm just here to lust over fictional men and post shit
WARNING: This is an 18+ blog only! This blog will contain dark/mature/NSFW content! Minors DO NOT interact with this blog. If you dislike certain content dni or block this blog.
content warnings: (such content will always be tagged with tw. If you are not comfortable with certain things, please blacklist)
corruption kink
possible incest (idk yet )
possessive/obsessiveness (overall unhealthy relationships)
More to be added-
characters i do:
( m a g i )
Hakuryuu, Sinbad, Judar, Kouha
( g e n s h i n )
Xiao, Venti, Childe, AYATO (on the fence with the last Childe but i try)
(s n k)
Eren Yeager
More fandoms may be added later-
I mainly write for my own interest/self indulgence so majority of my content will contain fem!readers but if I don't specifically specify fem!inserts then just assume it's gn
updates are sporadic
I don't take requests, this isn't gonna be that kinda blog. Puts to much pressure on me sorta and I like moving at my own paste. However, thirsting ideas are welcome...
please don't come at me with no policing or 'anti' bullshit. You will be blocked immediately. If you're on tumblr then you should be old enough to know and understand how the internet works and block/avoid things you don't like. I put the warnings on my blog, I tag posts properly, if you didn't read them thats on you. It's nobody's responsibility to make you feel comfortable on the internet except your own. You have no control over what content people create or consume. You don't get to tell people what to write, and to expect people to write / not write or do something because you specifically don't it is extremely entitled. We don't play that here. I know how to separate fiction from reality and obviously I do not condone such things in real life.
With all that said....I hope you enjoy
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
this means war - billy r. and frank c. (part 5)
summary: this is a spin-off from a movie (can anyone find the title?, lol), starring Billy Russo and Frank Castle. In this AU, Billy isn’t a psycho, Frank’s family is alive, and they both really like coffee. And, you know, Y/N.
pairings: Frank Castle x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader (actually both of them, I promise)
warnings: nada
a/n: rewatching the punisher and just :’’’) I love my boys (with @pitaparka, because she very heavily co-wrote this)
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After getting home as late as you did, the only thing you truly wanted to do was sleep. Which was your plan, until Morgan called and asked if you could cover her shift. You wanted to say no. And you almost did too, except she started bringing up all of the times she had covered for you, some without question. You skipped work a lot, some days just because you couldn’t be bothered to go in. As Morgan insisted, you owed her one.
You already were wishing that you had stayed home, when you recognized a familiar face. Even though this wasn’t your usual shift. It was hard not to, the shop was dead. It was only nine, right between the morning coffee run and the lunch rush. You had no energy for this. For him. For Billy. You just wanted to have a day to yourself; time to think. He wasn't even allowing you that much.
“I’m not going to talk to you about this here. So, either order or leave.” You said, jumping the gun. But he’s not supposed to be here. He’s a regular. It’s basically an appointment between you two in the mornings. You cancelled. He showed up anyway.
Billy watched you for a moment, his eyes flicking between your mouth and your gaze, “Fine. The usual.”
Surprised that he wasn't putting up more of a fight, you quickly wrote down his order, handing the cup to your coworker.
“Oh! I just have a few more things, coffee run, ya know?” He says. You stare at him, unamused.
“Okay, so I need—wait I wrote it down, let me just… one iced, half caf, 4-pump, sugar free…” He droned a long, hard order, filled with vanillas and quads and white chocolate venti mochas before he finished, smiling at you innocently. Asshole.
“That’ll be-”
“-oh by the way, I have a reward,” he said, taking out his wallet and placing a card on the counter.
Swiping his card, you rolled your eyes, “You’re insufferable.”
You handed it back to him.
“I’m just here to apologize! Please… just hear me out,” Billy said.
As you continued scribbling his order down on cups, you nodded, “Fine.”
“I didn’t mean to bail,” ignoring the dirty look you gave him, he continued. “My friend is going through a really rough time. I had to be there for him. Normally he’s this big bad dude, but I don’t know. The divorce just got to him last night.”
“Did your phone break?”
“Your phone,” you said. “Did it break? I’m pretty sure if it didn’t, you could’ve texted me. I waited for you for like an hour. Alone. At a table, by myself.”
“It died,” He said, “I would’ve charged it at his house but I didn’t have my charger on me.”
“Is he the one person on the planet without one? Did his wife get custody of it in the divorce?”
“He has a flip phone.”
“Is he fifty?”
“He’s not a techie dude.”
You look him over for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not he’s lying to you. After a few seconds, you realize that you have absolutely no clue. You hardly knew him well enough to talk about him to other people, let alone pick up on his tells.
“Right. Anyway, I’ll let you know when your coffees are done.”
“Come on,” He relaxes his arms on the counter and someone walks into the shop. He puts on a charming smile. “You’re not gonna give me anything?”
“I’ll give you your coffees when they’re done. There’s someone behind you.”
He moves over to the pickup side of the counter, and watches you intently as you cheerily make the young girl’s frappuccino.
“It’ll be done in just a second,” you say, taking the liberty of making it yourself as your coworkers work on Billy’s drinks. A coworker you’ve known for awhile now, Becky, you think, slides up to you, whispering, “He’s kinda cute. Is he single?”
You chuckle, “He’s right there, ask.”
“Noooo, you should ask for me.”
You hum in reluctance, “What if James asks for you? James is good at asking people out.”
“He’s on break…”
“You miss all the shots you don’t take, Becky.”
She laughs loudly, and Billy looks over. She looks back at him, smiling. You feel a small pang of what you think is jealousy, but you don’t want to. It makes you feel warm inside that he’d look at you like he does every morning. You like the routine you have going. Maybe you could give him another shot. People make mistakes.
Becky finishes her coffee and puts it in a tray. She takes the frap from your hands.
“Can you talk to him for me when you bring him his coffees?”
“Uh, sure,” you respond, suddenly out of touch with everything. You like how the midday sun shined on his hair. He’d look good walking around New York with you, hand in hand.
He puts down his phone as soon as he sees you coming with his drinks. He has really beautiful teeth for all the coffee he orders.
“So?” He says, shining the screen on his pant leg, almost anxiously.
“So.” You say, definitively. He raises his brows as if to ask you again.
You smirk. “Pick me up from my house at eight. Saturday night. Look cute, yeah?”
He smirks. “You got it.” He goes to take a look at the coffees. Individually he spins them, looking for the writing on each cup.
“What, did we mess up your insane order?” You ask, watching him inspect them.
“No,” he responds, picking up his small black coffee. “I just don’t want them. See you at eight,” He says, with a wink, walking out the door.
You sigh and glare at the tray of coffees in front of you. Becky sneaks up from behind you.
“Did you ask him for me?” She says, startling you out of your coffee daze.
“Uh, yeah,” you respond. “He… said he was kinda talking to someone right now.”
“Oh. Why didn’t he take his coffees?”
“Because he’s stupid, Becky. He’s stupid.”
“Woah. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I’ll leave you to it.”
You sigh, taking a broom to sweep the floor whilst the store was empty. It lets you take in the storefront, the quaint little New York coffee shop you love so much. It’s not terrible working here. Sure the hardwood tables were hard to wipe down sometimes, and the plants were only noticed when they started to wilt, and the jerky customers were, well, jerky. But it brought you Billy. And also Frank. So how could one complain?
tag list (respond to post or send ask to be added!):
@full-of-sins-not-tragedies, @harrysthiccthighss, @constellation---me, @editboutique, @achesiresmile, @ghastlygray, @muddleofmarvel​
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liquidstar · 5 years
KIND OF sick of seeing so many posts on my dash thatre like THE WORLD WANTS YOU DEAD YOURE NEVER GONNA BE HAPPY YOUR FAMILY HATES YOU AND YOUR EXISTENCE IS SEEN AS A SIN but we support you have a happy pride month :)
these are important issues to discuss, and i talk about them on my blog too! but shoving them in people’s face with no warning when thats not what your blogs main content is can be harmful! so please tag it when you DO talk about it!
if you care about the people affected by stuff like this then try to make an effort to not constantly remind them of their oppression and trauma with no warning! that kinda stuff is very triggering and when you CONSTANTLY have it thrown in your face it really fucks up your mental state! people shouldnt be forced to be constantly exposed to this stuff every minute of every day  
i did a little test where i try to see five (only 5!) posts in a row that werent like that and it took me ages of scrolling, none of it was tagged. and its not like i follow blogs that post that type of stuff normally. i use tumblr because i want to get AWAY from reality. i want ONE little bubble where i can exist and be happy and be me without being reminded of the reality. i already LIVE the reality every moment of every day, i want just one space where i can take a break from it all and unwind a bit!!!
i realize this post is very venty, but i am making it for a reason... i wanna let my mutuals know that if i randomly unfollow you its probably just because you werent the best at tagging stuff and its not personal at all and im not mad at you. i forget to tag stuff sometimes too, its not a flaw that reflects deeply on you! its just that if its a thing that happens often i have to look after my own mental health and not expose myself to that content anymore when its dragging me down so much. i hope yall can understand, and i really hope i DONT have to end up unfollowing many mutuals because i dont want to! so really know that i am sorry if it happens 
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autisticstarseed · 7 years
me: [wakes up]
me: [to the tune of final countdown] its a mental breakdown DN NA NA NA,
#d//o/n//t r/e/bl//og i stolle this joke from a different post#neg#long tags (long and venty trigger warnings ahoy)#anyways like i finally told my mom im kinda upset with her for making it take#2 years for me to get started on my g.e.d and college#and that im More upset that shes tryna Blow off the fact that it may take Another year now bc im really late to enrollments#and she got offended obviously and i just spiraled like into#full numbness territory like im fuckkking done#if im seriously so stupid that i cant do this myself and im gonna have to rely on people for the rest of my life then fuck it#i cant handle it taking this long if just This First Step is So fucking hard im Never going to be able to do college#or a job#or anything#fuck it#its over we tried im done bye#she had so many opportunities and when id bring it up she would Literally 1. get mad at me for it#2. use Not doing it as a punishment for bringing it up#her words once were literally 'uuuugh the more you talk about it the less i wanna do it'#like sorry my future annoys you but#whatever its fine now its over im gonna kill myself before im old enough to feel the reppercusions of not going to school anyways#like seriously idk why im so obsessed with college anyways im#not gonna last a damn week#and if i do Somehow make it through im never gonna be able to keep a job im so sstupid for thinkking this was gonna work out#and ive been crying all morning bc its just now settling in like#im putting everyone through all this pressure and stress for goddamn nothing im going to amount to nothing#and half of me knows its just the mental illness talking rn but half of me really believes it like idk#i couldnt keep a job before??? i couldnt stay in school before??? what is seriously going to change now#like its terrible obviously but all thats going through my mind today is @ myself you're r*tarded and ur not gonna be able to do anything#ever#im jjust#i feel so tired like im physically weak from all the crying idk i just wanted this one thing and it was such a stupid thing to put effort in
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