#this is in the context of the plan + the fall
amoscontorta · 14 hours
Sylus's guide to hiring, or Wine time with Sylus: his POV | ao3
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I think at this point this story may be hard to understand as a standalone and can be considered part of a series. Links to the previous installments can be found here.
Sylus x gn reader, Sylus x mc, Sylus's POV, second person POV
Synopsis: Sylus mulls over all the data he has managed to collect regarding his sweet little hunter so far, and spends some time considering mistakes he's made and his plans for the future. He also hires a new employee and is required to teach the twins to mind their manners in front of guests he's trying to intimidate.
This story contains: Sylus being a worshipful simp for mc and harboring definitively NSFW thoughts, the apprehension of a thief, an interrogation, an indecent proposal, a job offer, and one HR manager who gets goosebumps from being able to sense a disturbance in the social safety of Onychinus's workforce while not even being in the same building as the HR disaster waiting to happen.
Additional context: I've seen some theories floating around the fandom about Sylus and mc being children together in the lab where mc received the aether core, which i think would be amazing to explore and also would explain why Sylus has memories of mc when they first meet. However, I also got the sense from his little villain speech about "From your past to your future and all the crimes you have yet to commit," that Sylus knows mc from more than just memories as kids experimented on in the lab. So I've been writing him like he has memories of his own and mc's past or future lives. Hence his little rumination at the beginning of this story. It's maybe lazy romance writing but I hope it's enjoyable anyway.
Sylus may rarely have good luck, but he would much rather have consistent bad luck than a skill issue.
He may not be able to control the luck that fate has given him, but the same cannot be said about the skills he has spent his entire life honing in order to render luck and fate irrelevant. As a result, it has been quite a long time since one of his skillfully laid plans has ended up with such a ridiculous outcome instead of unadulterated success.
But he’s learning that he shouldn’t be surprised by how often he is surprised when it comes to you. In fact, he’s irritated with himself that he didn’t learn that lesson after just the first three days he had you at his mercy when you first dangled yourself as bait for him and came plunging back into his life.
He recalls your fury, clenched teeth and clenched fists, as he crushed your hand in his, over and over. You couldn’t have possibly known, the way you were looking at him like a mere, terrifying stranger, how the faint, pitiful resonance between you flayed open his chest, exposing a heart he had long thought invincible, if only for the fact that he had thought it long dead. And along with the pain, came the fury. The dead should stay dead, and enjoy the only gift of the dead—freedom from the kind of despair he felt as you closed your eyes and refused him, again and again, the hate and terror clear in them when you would open them again. Yes, he recalls how you closed your eyes and refused to let your tears of terror fall, how you spit insults and sneered in his face despite that terror. He recalls how you took every sliver of opportunity to make a run for it each time he let go of you and dropped you back onto your knees—even though you knew it was doomed, but trying anyway, only to be dragged back by his evol every single time.
Your determination in the face of fear, your spite and defiance. None of these things surprised him, because these were all parts of the you he knew and remembered, parts carved under his skin with the same permanence and cruelty you used to carve your knives into anyone who stood against you.
He vividly remembers your rage, your cold ruthlessness, your indomitable will—the determination to survive anything, and if you somehow, inconceivably failed, despite all of your strength and intricate plans, you’d drag everyone in your reach down with you out of pure spite. Despite, and because of your razor edges, during your ‘first’ meeting—as you were kneeling at his feet, as he was relishing in the fury of your misplaced hatred towards him as he drew out your darkest wishes from the deepest parts of you—he was prepared to love you again, in all of your cruel, malicious glory.
However, he should have known that this version of you is not exactly the same as those he has been carrying with him long before you learned his name in this life. He should have learned it from that very first day that he finally had you under his watchful eyes again. When you tried to run from him, instead of trying to kill him. And there is no doubt, you did want to kill him—he saw that clearly with his aether core, and in every furious line of your beautiful body. But you resisted that urge, despite everything in you whispering through your being to devour him, to consume him, to feed yourself with the satisfaction of revenge and with all the strength he has to offer, and then discard his carcass.
But no. You had only tried to escape.
He should have learned it after the third day, when you refused to pull the trigger, and he had to do it for you.
He should have learned it when the twins woke you up, and they walked away unscathed. You hadn’t even tried to punish them for being accomplices to your long days of suffering and fear at Sylus’s hands. He had ordered them to use whatever force was necessary in order to protect themselves against any retribution from you, short of actually killing you. But you didn’t try to hurt them at all—you simply, and cleverly, he thinks with pride, arranged to be released  from the room in which you were being held with no confrontation at all.
He lifts you in his mind’s eye and, like the consummate judge of fine jewellery that he is, examines all the facets that he has managed to collect about you, in an attempt to truly see the whole of your magnificence, in this life—this version of you, without the layers of his expectations and memories that you don’t share obscuring the make and quality of the diamond that comprises the you in this life.
Yes, he sees the overlap between the other versions of you and the you of here and now, but there are such significant changes that learning you all over again could take another lifetime—one he’s already eager to dedicate to learning you, because from all the other previous versions of you through to the one who woke up in his arms the other morning, he can already tell that the core of you remains the same. Yes, he loves you not only because you are you and Sylus is Sylus, and he refuses to conceive of a world with one but not the other. But he loves you because of who are you, in every lifetime. Strong. Stubborn. Smart. A survivor. And soft, so deliciously soft, but only for him. And he’s going to make sure that you stay that way, despite all of the experiences of this life that have dented your armor and seem to have made you turn your innate razor edge inward, instead of against those actually responsible for the suffering you’ve been forced to undergo for so long, alone.
He had spent those many weeks purging his organization and cleaning up the shitshow that Sherman had left behind collecting the reports that Mephisto and the twins would bring him regarding the reckless way you would launch yourself into battle, often outmatched, and only just manage to emerge in one piece. All to protect, what—he snorts—clueless tourists? He has never seen a version of you that is so… selfless. Through hacked security footage and Mephisto’s eyes, he has since watched you suppress the reflexive urge to inflict pain on others when you’re in pain yourself. He’s watched you come to the aid of not only the elderly and children—those who society has deemed should be treated with the utmost care—but also ordinary people, idiots and criminals, ungrateful citizens who take it for granted that people like you risk their lives every day to protect people like them. And you help them with such patience that if it were anyone other than you, Sylus would probably feel a little nauseated and be convinced that it was just a show, some elaborate long-con. No one can be that consistently, disgustingly kind despite their worst urges.
But you are.
However, he has noticed that your selflessness goes beyond simply kindness towards others. He has watched you refuse to get medical aid when you clearly, desperately need it. He has watched you keep people at arms’ length, refusing to talk about what is happening to you emotionally. He has watched you go without sleep, and food, and breaks, through fight after fight. And he has watched you try to slap yourself, when you think that you’re having a stupid thought. He has watched you make a fist and hit yourself, hard, when you thought that he hadn’t actually been aching to wake up with you in his arms, lips along your skin, ever since he found you again.
It appears to Sylus like you’re still wielding the sharp blade of your will from all of his memories of you, but the difference now is that you’re holding it to your own neck instead of to the world’s.
He can accept that in this life, you are kind. And altruistic—although he gags a little thinking it. Everyone has flaws, and yours just happen to be of the sunshine and rainbows variety this time around. He will love you, not despite, but because these traits are all still you. His belligerent, funny, charming equal, in all things. But he will not accept that you continue to hurt yourself, instead of the people and institutions who don’t even deserve the honor of your blade, but have it coming to them anyway.
You may be holding your knife to your own throat instead of the world’s, but Sylus would destroy planets for you, and he has no qualms about doing everything absolutely necessary to destroy your impulse to hurt his favorite thing in this world, and any other.
However, he recognizes that such a challenge will require long-term, careful effort. He will need to spend more time plotting how to accomplish that goal. Currently, he has a more urgent matter that needs his attention.
Your inability to believe that he wants you. All of you. How can he help you overcome your cruelty to yourself if you’re convinced that he harbors a similar cruelty toward you? He is already certain that you want him, at least physically. He’d have to be blind not see how your eyes follow the movement of his hands, or remain fixated on his chest. As they should, considering how much effort he puts into maintaining his physical fitness, he sniffs. He has watched with pleasure as you swallow, and turn your head, forcing yourself to look anywhere but at him when he catches your gaze lingering on his body. In any other circumstances he’d rest assured that he could keep your eyes on him with less effort—although why would he not put every effort possible into providing you with maximal viewing pleasure?—Except for some reason the universe has deemed it necessary to fill your life with uncommonly good-looking people in this life. Sylus’s face may serve as an invitation to most venues, but your primary care physician's, professional partner's, and even that strange dandy artist friend's faces are … conceivably handsome enough to possibly draw your attention away from where it should be. Which is on Sylus.
He sees now that how he went about giving you what you needed when he first met you may have had… unaccounted for, lasting consequences. He was thrilled with how quickly you seemed to come around from hating his guts and wanting to murder him, to allowing him into your space, into your home, into your bed, even. Every single one of his ruses, no matter how transparent, have been successful thus far in both allowing him to get close to you, and to force you to take care of yourself a little better, even if it’s only while he’s with you.
But he may have miscalculated in not considering every possible consequence of the cruelty with which he first treated you. He did not foresee that because he played your villain so well, you would be unable to overcome your distrust of his intentions in approaching you despite him essentially wearing a sign that could light up even the N109 zone's gloom that says “I want to make you mine in every sense of the word.” Sylus has always been a firm believer that talk is cheap, and he is not a cheap man. Actions speak far louder than words, and he is determined to show you through his actions that he will always put his money where his mouth is when it comes to you. And now that he’s thinking about his mouth…
He does have things he wants to do with you, besides caring for you and simply basking in the pleasure of being with you. Badly. But he was sloppy, by staying the night last time. All of his carefully laid plans require the height of self-control, but no matter his steel grip on himself when he’s awake, even he can’t control his deepest impulses when he’s asleep. In his dream, you had your arms around him, holding him tight, your lithe, strong body wrapped around him like a second skin, your warm, mouth-watering scent filling his lungs. He needed to taste you, devour you, swallow you whole. But he can tell that you do not trust him yet, and he hadn’t been planning to give in to his feral lust for you like he did that morning until he is assured that you will believe him when he says he not only wants your body, but every other piece of you.
He knows why he had the dream. How could he not have dreamt of you, after enduring the entire evening with his self control fraying like a poor quality garrote as he resisted the urge to put not just his hands but his mouth all over you?
If he’s honest with himself, and he always is, staying the night was not the only miscalculation he made the other night. First, bringing you his clothes. He had fully expected you to thank him in confusion for the bag of clothes and then toss them into your closet to eventually be forgotten under the pile of laundry that inevitably stacks up during the weeks you’re working so hard. He had not anticipated that you would obediently take the bag of clothes and immediately change into them. Looking up to finding you standing in front of him, his sweater engulfing your gorgeous frame, the little sleep shorts that he imagined hugging your delicious ass hidden under the sweater’s hem, your powerful legs and cute fucking feet bare for him—and his scent combined with yours wafting toward him from across the kitchen island. He barely controlled the urge to sweep every single fucking thing off the counter and drag you onto it, to make a meal of you instead of the charcuterie board he had been carefully arranging for your pleasure.
And the way you ate the food from said board… watching you eat has risen in the ranks of his favorite things about you, on par with seeing the look on your face when you’re mad at him and about to say something mean and the soft way you nuzzle into him when you’re fast asleep.
In all his life, through all the fine things he has been able to experience due to his ever-growing wealth, all of the world’s pleasures at his fingertips if he so much as snapped them, he never would have imagined that he’d ever find himself desperately wishing to be someone’s finger. Or a puff pastry. Or that fucking strawberry between your teeth, its juices sliding over your plush lip and down your chin. Lick him, eat him, chew him with your sharp teeth and swallow him, for fuck’s sake he wanted to fill your mouth and crawl inside your skin and never leave. He may pride himself on having the willpower of protocore reinforced steel but it was probably the hardest thing he’s ever had to do, standing there motionless, as you moaned your pleasure from the pastry, as your pink tongue ran along your skillful, honey-sticky fingers. Your wholehearted, singularly focused, carnal enjoyment of something so simple as a savory tart was hotter than anything he’s ever seen his life. He wanted to record it and set a projector on a running loop aimed at an altar in his bedroom for his own personal worship. But Sylus is greedy. He will not settle for the pale replication of a recorded memory of the other night. He wants to feed you every single meal you require to keep living, with his own hands, so he can watch your face as you savor its flavors, as what he provides you nourishes your gorgeous body. No, Sylus is a greedy man. Instead of a projector as a permanent fixture in his bedroom, he intends to install you instead.
He shifts on his seat, these memories affecting him in a way that threaten to make his trousers uncomfortable. He needs to refocus, now. He needs to solve the problem at hand, and not let himself get distracted with the future if he wants to make his vision of the future a reality.
Your selflessness, and frankly, lack of self-esteem—despite all evidence pointing to the fact that you’re effortlessly and wildly desirable to most people who meet you—is proving to be the biggest cock-blocker he could have conceived of at the outset of his campaign to make you his in every way.
He has successfully gotten you used to him touching you, and being in your home. You let him caress you, hold you while you sleep. But again, he’s a greedy man, and that’s not nearly enough for him. He runs his thumb along his chin, mind racing.
Now it’s time to take this game to the next level: how to take you on a date, without it causing you to slam down your defenses, or worse, having it backfire like the wine tasting? Ah yes, the wine tasting. He had been curious: would you drop your guard, if you were tipsy? What kind of drunk are you? Would he be able to tease truths out of you that you still keep hidden, despite his convoluted ploys to draw them out of you? In this respect, his plan was a success. He now knows that you don’t drop your guard even with wine coursing through you, and are prone to being even more skittish than when you’re sober. A possibility he hadn't considered, however, was that as you sipped from the wine glass with your soft, soft lips, filling your mouth with wine, he had to restrain himself from knocking it from your hand so that he could tongue his own mouthful directly between your lips, his hand on your throat, feeling you swallow everything he gave you. He had wanted to take and fill your mouth, drag you to him from your stool to his lap, run his hands down your sides, slip his fingers under his sweater on your body, dip them under the band of those silk shorts—
He has to stop thinking about this. He puts his head in his hands. He's going to lose his mind if he keeps thinking about this, and now is not the time or place.  
Instead, he forces himself to recall the discovery that the look on your face is hilarious when you’re accused of being an unsophisticated heathen when it comes to the finer things in life. Granted, he had wanted to ensure that he wouldn’t have to worry about you blowing your cover if you ever have to go undercover and are expected to be a wine connoisseur, but he knew that you only served him wine in a mug that read CUNT just to be petty and spiteful, and not because you weren’t aware that wine glasses exist.
He laughs softly at the thought. You’re so fucking cute when you’re mean to him. Shit, he's going to have the same trouser problem again if he keeps thinking about you being mean to him.
He hadn’t meant to stay the full night. He was a busy man, after all, and the night was his time to conduct business. But you were so warm against him, so lovely with your soft hair brushing across his skin, frowning a little as if you were having a bad dream. And he had also had some of that excellent wine, so although he wasn’t anywhere near tipsy, he was so relaxed and comfortable that the idea of leaving you alone in your bed was more excruciating than usual. And so he just… let himself drift off after confirming that this particular chain of casinos are indeed the one he will be purchasing next.
Only to have the best dream he can remember having in a long while, and waking up with his teeth in your sexy as fuck body. Just one taste was not enough, and you had the gall to ask him if he was satisfied. He knows that Xavier is your partner and your friend, and he knows that you need people like that in your life. But Sylus feels like he is entitled to a big fucking reward for suppressing his urge to eviscerate that little sleepy shit for interrupting the conversation Sylus clearly needed to have with you to clear up any ridiculous thought that you might have that Sylus would want to sink his teeth into anyone else but you, in any lifetime.
He clenches his fist and tries to reassert control over the frustration building at the thought of this ongoing misunderstanding.
“Uh, boss?”
“Are you ... okay?”
Sylus comes back from the racing thoughts that he realizes he’s been having over the past few minutes, completely distracted from the current situation he finds himself in.
He’s lounging on a black leather booth, a low black-lacquered table stretching before him, an expansive one-way mirror stretching behind him. Kieran and Luke are both lounging on similar booths on either side of the closed black door, set in the crimson walls of one of the VIP lounges of one of the clubs Sylus owns. Amnesia. He snorts. If only he had been on the joke when he bought the place. But that’s neither here nor there. Suspended in front of him is a young woman. Hardly more than a girl, really, despite her best attempts to age herself through the skillful use of impeccable makeup.
She’s currently glaring at him, despite being wrapped in Sylus’s evol, which puts most other people into a state of catatonic terror. He likes her grit.
But it’s a testament to how distracted you’ve been making him lately that he has let his mind wander, even now, when he has business to attend to.
“Boss?” Kieran repeats, snapping his fingers.
“Is there a dog in here?” Sylus asks, examining his fingernails. He has been fastidious about keeping them trimmed short and smooth, ever since you nose-dived back into his life. Sylus is nothing if not prepared.
“Uh,” the twins look at each other, after looking around the room. “No?”
“No, there is not. Do I look like a dog to you, then?” Sylus asks, enjoying watching his henchmen start to shift uncomfortably when they finally catch on to this line of questioning.
“No, boss. Of course not!” they chorus in unison, as if Luke had also made the mistake at snapping his fingers at Sylus like an owner getting his pet’s attention.
“There will be consequences for displaying that level of disrespect to me in front of … our guest,” Sylus warns, and both young men’s shoulders slump. Sylus turns his attention back to the aforementioned guest.
She had been dragged in by the twins, kicking and shouting about suing them for assault and battery, abduction, and unlawful imprisonment. Her mascara had smudged a bit in the struggle, but her carefully braided hair and expensive looking, business professional pantsuit were still neat, and she looked beautifully put together. But she had fallen silent and her eyes had widened comically after the twins had dropped her into the middle of the room when she noticed Sylus sprawled across the couch at the back of the dimly lit space. She had immediately dropped to her knees.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. For whatever I did, just, please don’t hurt me,” she had begged, her tear-filled voice filling the room.
Sylus stood and approached her.
“I’ll do anything, just let me go. Tell me what I did, I’ll never do it again,” she sniffled. “I have children, please think of my children!”
“Look at me.”
When she did, he realized just how young she was. Younger than Kieran and Luke, probably. Practically a baby. He let the aether core in his eye flare to life, the pain streaking through him, the pressure in his head growing, as always, but he could see.
After a timeless moment, he was done and she sagged a little. She dared to timidly peek up at him. He twitched a finger and she was immediately lifted into the air by the tendrils of his evol. He plopped back down on the couch. And then, seeing the person before him suspended by the dark force of his evol, he had gotten distracted, thinking about you the other night, held aloft by the same tendrils. How you had been prepared to hurt yourself trying to break down your door to get away from the perceived threat. About how you had thought that he would take advantage of your vulnerability and drink his fill of your bare body, once you realized the threat was actually him. He scowls—he has no interest in savoring the naked lines of your perfect body until you eagerly strip for his pleasure, of your own volition.
Damn it, he's getting distracted again.
“Hey! Put me the fuck down! How dare you treat a woman like this?” The girl demands, all pretense of pathetic fear evaporating.
“I’m a feminist,” he responds. “You get the same treatment as anyone else who steals my motorcycle and then plans to stab me with that syringe in your pocket once you've lured me within reach with this... little innocent act.” He considers her for a moment. “Really convincing acting though. Apart from the bit about kids. I doubt you’ve barely graduated high school.”
“Don’t be a dick, I could be a teen mom,” she scowls. “And that is a freaky fucking power, dude.”
“Freaky, but useful.” Sylus flicks his gaze to Kieran and Luke. “How’d she do it?”
“Quick hands, electrical skills, and some really slick hacking. It took us so long to catch her because her driving is almost as good as yours.”
Sylus looks back to the girl. “How old are you?”
A calculating look crosses her face, but disappears so quickly that if Sylus wasn’t so attuned to micro expressions to keep himself and his people alive, he would have missed it. “Old enough for you, big man. I’m legal,” she purrs. “I can show you just how illegal I can be though, if you let me go. You caught me, you can play with me—you have your bike back, no harm, no foul. We then go our separate ways.” She looks at him steadily, her tongue flicking out over her deep red lipstick.
There is a long moment of silence so deep in the room that Luke and Kieran’s raucous laughter lands in it like a whale being dropped into a pond from a great height.
“Oh man,” Luke gasps, holding onto Kieran’s shoulder for support as they’re both bent over from laughing so hard.
“You’re wildly mistaken if you think this is a deal boss would make,” Kieran tries to wipe his eye while maintaining the position of his mask, which makes Luke giggle louder.
“Totally barking up the wrong tree,” Luke manages.
“Unfortunately, we must inform you that our boss is currently taken,” Kieran finally gives up, and the tears just continue streaming down his neck into his collar.
“I mean, not that being taken would prevent a slimeball from accepting your offer, but he’s not a slimeball, and he’s also taken.” Luke pauses, still trying to catch his breath. “Well, he’s not actually taken, yet. Doesn’t that require like, an offer, and acceptance? I don’t think he’s even managed to offer yet, right?” Luke tilts his head, considering.
“Oh, that’s a good point, Luke. Our boss is currently nourishing a one-sided obsession.”
“Oooh, obsession, that’s a good word. I would have said a crush, but you’re totally right, ‘crush’ doesn’t really cover this whole…” Luke continues, waving a hand at Sylus, as if to highlight the whole sad mess the man finds himself in regarding his love interest.
“Have you even opened the thesaurus I got you a couple weeks ago?” Kieran asks, putting his hands on his hips. "How can you properly compete with me in Scrabble if you don't work on expanding your vocabulary?"
“We’ve been really busy!” Luke protests, managing to radiate a pout through his mask.
“True. We’ve been quite occupied with stalking a certain hunter…” Kieran mumbles, glancing back to Sylus, who has been pinching the bridge of his formidable nose during this entire exchange. He learned long ago that he should just let Luke and Kieran do their bits, or he’ll never hear the end of their whining about him interrupting their comedic genius.
“What the fuck is this circus?” the girl finally asks, a look of disgust on her face as she glances between Sylus and his henchmen.
“I believe my subordinates are trying to thank you for the kind offer, but are emphasizing that I’m more interested in your vehicle theft and driving skills than… anything else, you might be willing to offer in exchange for me not harvesting your organs for re-sale and dumping your weighted corpse off the docks for stealing my motorcycle tonight, and thereby complicating my plans with my partner.”
The girl's eyes widen, just a little.
"Now, don't make me repeat myself again: how old are you?"
She stares at him for a second, and then mumbles, "Twenty."
"Excellent. You're hired." Sylus leans back in his seat, checking his watch and pulling out his phone. He expected you here by now. "On a few conditions."
“So she passed the test?” Luke asks, straightening on the couch.
“What test?” the girl asks.
Kieran gestures to his the mask where his eye would be under it. “The freaky test. To see if you’re trustworthy or not. Despite all evidence clearly pointing to a definitive ‘no.’” His voice sounds uncertain as he turns to look at Sylus.
The girl scowls, trying to turn and glare at Kieran. “I’m so trustworthy,” she promises, trying her best to look earnest and not like the compulsive little liar Sylus knows her to be after looking deep into her soul.
Sylus lets her squirm for a few beats because it’s kind of fun to see the mercurial expressions flit across her calculating face. Not anywhere near as fun as watching your face, but still entertaining. “I know,” he finally says, satisfied that she’s marinated long enough in uncertain fear to not forget that feeling anytime soon.
“So you’re not gonna kill me?” She perks up. Sylus just sighs and shakes his head. “And you don’t wanna fuck me?”
“Ugh, no,” Sylus grimaces like he just bit into something foul. “Please never say anything remotely like that again.”
“Deal!” She grins. “You’re not my type anyway. I mean, you're old, and like, it's bad enough that I have to endure Yaoi hands in manga." She grimaces. "I like roleplay, and things that come in pairs a lot, lot more.” Somehow, she manages to twist while still in the evol’s hold and leers at the twins, who both freeze, both masks turned towards her somehow radiating fear.
Sylus glances down at his hands. You seem to like them well enough, so he's not worried about her opinion, even if he were the type to suffer from insecurity. They're just proportional to the rest of him. He tries to control his smirk, but the thought of the noise you made when he bit you, and how you squirmed against him as he was waking up, makes it really hard to control his face. He shakes his head. Business.  “If I’m going to employ you, I need to be able to trust that you will follow two rules.” Sylus intones, interrupting whatever predator-prey themed nature documentary is currently playing out in front of him.
The girl turns back to him, looking wary again.
“Are you listening?” he asks.
She nods, and suddenly looks her age. A little afraid. A little curious.
“Rule number one. Do not sexually harass your colleagues,” he gives her a stern look.
“Aww,” she sulks, but at his Look, she nods. “And rule number two?”
“I have someone very important to me that I may need to ask you to help. By being available as a driver, anytime, anywhere. The kind of driver that may need to steal conveniently parked vehicles, and to outrun my competitors who will have dangerous intentions. Or worse: law enforcement. And you are not allowed to reveal this person’s existence to anyone, or the importance of this person to me. No matter what you learn in the course of your duties, either about this person, or me, you will. Keep. Your. Mouth. Shut. Do you think you can accept these rules?”
She looks at Sylus thoughtfully. “What are you going to punish your men with for snapping their fingers at you like you were a dog?” she finally asks.
He gazes steadily back at her. “I’m going to tell our chef that there will be no cheese on the menu for a week.”
The girl smiles radiantly as Kieran and Luke squawk their protests: “That is a horrendously unjust punishment!” (Kieran) “What the fuck boss?! Not cool!” (Luke).
“Okay, I can do that. But that’s three.”
“Excuse me?” Sylus can hardly think over the noise the twins are making.
“That’s three rules, not two. I can’t hit on the cosplay twins, I have to drive your unrequited crush whenever, and I can’t talk about what you two do.. or don’t have going on.” She shrugs. “Three rules.”
Sylus sighs, letting his evol set her back on her sensible heels. Why does he seem to attract the most unruly of employees in the entirety of both Linkon City and the N109 zone?
She strides over to him and pumps his hand vigorously. “Name’s Noah. What’s the salary for this gig, anyway?”
Sylus accepts her handshake, his own engulfing her tiny one. He intends to make great use of her skilled hands when he isn’t available to make sure you have a getaway car when you’re in danger, or to simply chauffeur you around Linkon City on errands that he thinks are too far for you to walk. And finally, to bring you to him, in the N109 zone, on the nights you’re too tired for it to be safe to drive yourself.
You just don’t know it yet.
“You assume I’m paying you, when I have already generously let you walk out of here with all of the organs with which you entered?”
“Well, speaking of organs, a girl's got to eat. Do I get to come to your chef’s dinners? If they don’t get any cheese, can I still have some?” Noah asks, flicking her braids over her shoulder and jerking a thumb at the twins. They shine silkily under the soft lights of the room.
“Boss, no,” Kieran and Luke beg.
“Yes I’m paying you, no you’re not coming to the base for meals unless your job requires you to be there around normal dining hours.” Noah pouts a little at this. “Kieran, Luke, stick around with Noah for a little while downstairs." Noah perks up, but then deflates when he continues, "But do not let her drink. When I've collected my kitten, you can take her to get set up with Linda. For now, send in Aidan, and the wine distributor who is probably getting impatient waiting for our meeting.” Sylus checks his watch again. He expected you here at eleven, and it’s already a quarter past already.
“Who’s Linda?” Noah asks, trailing Kieran and Luke out of the room.
“Our Human Resources manager,” Kieran answers.
Noah makes an impressed sound. “You guys have an HR manager?”
“Yeah, for like the employment agreement and insurance and benefits and stuff,” Luke answers.
“What kind of shady criminal outfit has fucking benefits?”
“Not those kind of benefits!” Kieran gasps, scandalized.
"Not fucking benefits, Kieran, but like... expletive, and then the noun," Luke tries to correct his brother's misunderstanding.
"Ooh," Kieran says. "Hey, I didn't know you knew the word 'expletive.'"
"Yeah, so, maybe next time think twice before accusing me of not even opening your gift," Luke grumbles.
Noah looks assessingly between the two of them. "You guys are actually pretty sweet." Luke and Kieran look at each other, and then look back at her.
"May I ask you a question?" Kieran asks, after an awkward silence.
"Sure," she shrugs.
"Why are you dressed like a real estate agent in her forties?" Luke asks.
"Uh," Noah glances between them again. "Is this a party trick? Like, you act like one person all the time in front of other people?"
"Act?" Kieran asks. Luke just stares at her.
"Okay, whatever. Keep your secrets, you little weirdos," she says affectionately, as if she hasn't just met them. "And I dress like this because who are you more likely to finger in a lineup for grand theft auto? Karen from accounting or the ripped-leather goth-bitch from the wrong side of the Linkon City-N109 zone border?"
"Aah," both twins nod sagely, and the door closes on their chatter with a soft whoosh of air.
Sylus unlocks his phone, and prepares to text you. Not knowing where you are is making him uncomfortable. He decides that he's going to put Mephisto on permanent kitten duty, starting tomorrow.
Time to move to the next state of play: discovering how long it takes to convince a certain hunter that Sylus is sincerely all in, and not just hunting you for sport. Let the wooing games begin.
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krispdreemurr · 1 day
ant dueler
[so ive talked now and again about my ideas for a poncho kris/"kris in Undertale as the leader of the human mages that seal monsterkind" game with the title ant dueler. this is a hypothetical moment from near the end of that game. i... hope that's enough context but]
You had told them that you needed to pray.
Your loyal seven, quick to hearken to your every word, however mundane, however senseless, however cruel, had listened, of course. None of them had looked at you, not directly. None of them had said a word.
(Once, maybe, it would have been different. But that was a long time ago.)
And now it is you alone in your tent.
Except, of course, for when you remove yourself from your-their-chest, tearing apart the illusion, leaving you and them again.
Usually, they would put you carefully in the cage they hang from the top of the tent. Almost reverent, almost gentle. (Still careful to make sure the door closed).
This time, they just hold you, gaze fixed on you through their bangs.
"I..." they start, then cough. Their voice is hoarser each time they speak alone. Their lungs weaker. Something in them is giving out. Still, they rally, resume. "I wish I knew how to say this so you'd hear it."
You wait, patient and still.
"Tomorrow, I am sure, is the day." A weak laugh. "This mountain. This cave. I know a little of what you plan, but I still can't... can't fully believe it. And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe tomorrow the order will go out to lay down our weapons and walk empty-handed to our judgement. Maybe we will fall on them, metal against dust, and it will... they'll..."
They trail off. Their grip tightens an inch.
"The Angel's chosen. The Lightbearer. But I didn't understand for so long what I was bearing with me. I thought of you as... a gift, a guide. Something on our side. Something on all sides. Something with answers, a plan. Something that..." They utter a bark of laughter. "Something that could care."
Silence. The red light against the dark canvas. Their gaze.
"It isn't even that you hate them," they say, barely a whisper. "It isn't that you hate me. It's just... It's like a child finding two anthills too close together and stirring them into a duel to see the results. Choosing a favorite at a whim to aid with their clumsy steps. Leaving both half-destroyed, half-broken... And, and then just leaving at the call to dinner."
The grip tightens again. You beat against their hand, steady, unchanging.
"I wish you hated us," they say hoarsely. "I wish you hated me like I hate you. But you will walk away, and I will lay broken in the dirt, and that will be it."
A deep breath.
"Just... Let me be done, after this. Let us all be done. That's all. That's my final prayer to you. When this ends--move on, and never return."
No answer comes.
After a long time, they let go.
When morning comes, you emerge from the tent, into the dawn, and the mountain shines against the sun.
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thelostmoongazer · 2 days
the way you describe your character who lost their sight and are now working to get it back leans into some really unfortunate ableism in multiple ways. "blindbeta" is a tumblr account run by a blind person who writes extensive guides on how to handle blind characters respectfully and how to avoid shitty tropes - I'd highly recommend doing some reading there (both re: characters being blinded by violence and re: characters being "cured" of blindness). throwing around blindness in your narratives without understanding real social context is exploitative and ableist.
Oh woah uhm- okay
I'll definitely read into that, it seems really informative and I do understand the importance of like- representation and accurate depictions of disabilities, though I should inform you the whole "they're working on getting his eyes back" is like- only part of the story. He's still having to adapt to his new disability and the impact of that isn't going to just be washed away entirely of course.
Plus- I'm just gonna add- this isnt going to be a story that I advertise everywhere since this is just a narrative aspect of a game I play with my friends in private. Not to say that being informed and applying appropriate knowledge to anything you do regardless of who sees it isn't important, I'm more saying that this isn't really like- a big media that anyone could see where depiction of disabilities would be reaching a larger crowd where that rep would be important to get right, y'know?
Again, Not saying that applying appropriate and informed knowledge to anything isn't important of course. I definitely don't want to fall into abilist mindsets simply because I'm uninformed. I do plan to exercise that with the info you've given me, and I could definitely apply that information to other narratives and even this one so thank you for that suggestion 💙
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satoshi-mochida · 2 days
‘Dragon daughter raising roguelite’ game DRAPLINE announced for PC - Gematsu
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Publisher and developer Vaka Game Magazine, and Noel the Mortal Fate developer Kanawo have announced DRAPLINE, a “dragon daughter raising roguelite” game for PC. It will launch in Early Access via Steam in spring 2025, with English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese language support.
Get the details below.
■ The Author’s Comments Have Arrived for the First Non-Adventure Game in a While! We Are Working Hard to Get It Ready for Early Access Next Spring!
DRAPLINE, the game recently published on the Steam store, is the latest non-adventure-style game from indie game developer Kanawo. Kanawo is known for developing highly talked- about adventure games such as Noel the Mortal Fate, which has been ported to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, and the game version of Sanrio Company, Ltd.’s buzzworthy MaiMai Maigoen. This new title marks Kanawo’s return to non-adventure style games after a long period. The game falls into the roguelite genre with strong nurturing game elements. Despite a short playtime of about one hour to reach the final boss, it offers a wide variety of strategies and developments based on each player’s nurturing approach. It aims to be a game that can be easily and repeatedly played multiple times. Note: “Adventure,” in the context of Japanese gaming, typically refers to visual novel-style games
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Moreover, this game is being developed with the goal of releasing it as a work in progress, allowing early access players to participate in its development. The aim is to start Early Access early next year (planned for spring). Furthermore, at the time of the full release scheduled for next year, the game is planned to support Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese languages. The following is a comment from the game developer, Kanawo: “It’s been over 10 years since I first released a game I made myself. In recent years, I’ve focused on creating adventure games like Noel the Mortal Fate that immerse players in a single story. However, this new game aims to be something I’d want to buy on Steam right now—a game that can be played repeatedly in short sessions, where you can enjoy building your own strategies and builds, and that has various endings. I’m developing this game with a fresh feeling, as if returning to my roots from 10 years ago, and I’m incredibly excited about it every day! “Currently, I’m working on about the first third of the game while verifying core functions and parameters. I’m also releasing development versions exclusively to supporters on pixivFANBOX. The feedback from those who have played the current version in advance has been excellent, and I personally feel very positive about it. Above all, I’m having an incredible amount of fun developing it. “Eventually, I’d like to release a demo version more widely and conduct an Early Access on Steam to receive feedback from more users, actively adjusting balance and adding features. After the Early Access begins next spring, I plan to frequently update Steam news with each update, so please add it to your Steam wishlist and stay tuned!”
Game Description
A calamity threatening the world is imminent… Raise the starving baby dragon you happened to find into your very own strongest dragon daughter! Each game, lasting about 1 hour, is filled with random elements and choices. Experience a new sensation roguelite where you can enjoy different daily adventures each time you play. DRAPLINE is a roguelite game where you raise a starving baby dragon you found one day into the strongest dragon daughter. Your nurturing approach determines how the dragon daughter’s abilities diversify. Early Access is scheduled to begin in spring 2025, and the game is currently in active development.
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■ Feed the Dragon Daughter You Found by Chance, Even if You Have to Go Into Debt! A Story of Raising a Dragon Girl to Save the World From “Destruction”
The title DRAPLINE is a coined word by game developer Kanawo, combining the meanings of “dragon” and “discipline,” referring to training a dragon’s daughter. The plot is as straightforward as the name suggests: properly raise a dragon daughter you happened to find to save the world from “destruction.” —Meal Selection Screen: Players raise Coo, a dragon daughter, in a village with exotic scenery. By repeating daily meals and battles to strengthen her, they prepare to fight the final boss that appears at the end.
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—Intriguing Battle Opponents: Unique mid-bosses appear regularly for forced battles. If you slack off on raising Coo, you might face a game over midway.
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However, the key here is Coo’s “eating.” To raise Coo, the voracious divine dragon, you need to feed her lots of food every day—otherwise, she won’t get stronger! The type of ingredients you feed Coo changes her attributes, so you need to choose ingredients carefully. However, just buying affordable ingredients won’t always allow you to raise her as you wish. —Clean and Happy Financial Company “Happy Cait Sith Loan”: You’ll often find yourself borrowing money from the financial company to buy unusual, expensive food, and having to repay with interest while feeding Coo.
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Moreover, the variety of things you can feed her is surprisingly wide. It’s possible to feed her items from the village, houses, and even villagers (!), but… such dark actions come with consequences. They will likely negatively affect the dragon daughter’s growth and the village’s public safety, reflecting in the scenario and the battle attributes she acquires. Indeed, this game tests the player’s own “discipline” in raising the dragon daughter.
■ Aiming for a High “Degree of Freedom” in Gameplay! Preparing Elements for Diverse Play Styles!
In this game, within a short playtime of about one hour, the protagonist Coo’s parameters and attributes change significantly based on the player’s choices. —Personality changes.
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—If you make her do too many wicked things…
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—Discipline is possible, but it affects attributes, so plan your raising strategy carefully.
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—You can customize her name, spells, and even greetings (!) to your liking.
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Not only do Coo’s attributes change significantly based on the instructions and meals you give her, but her name and conversation style also evolve according to the player’s choices. We aim to create a game with a “free atmosphere” that allows players to arrange their own way of showcasing, especially for those who play games while live streaming for friends and followers, which has been increasing in recent years.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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christnarr · 4 months
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marriage counselors HATE THEM!
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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maladaptivewriting · 10 months
the thing about writing is that sometimes things have to happen, even if they don’t make perfect sense, just so more important things can happen later on in the story.
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doodlejoltik · 23 days
my favourite writing device is having an un-Rei-liable narrator
#rei#volo#cheren#// tikposting#// character meta#the crowd booes me off the stage#forgive the pun XDDD his name is too easy to pun on#the way i write it it's not a conscious choice. it's just how the pov character (rei) experiences and contextualises the world#revealing backstory and personality and mindset through narration !!!!#not necessarily out of malice it's just. how he views things#interpreting new and foreign experiences through the lens of what came before...#conversations which read differently to different people.#in the context of rei that's stuff like unease around authority figures#always choosing his words carefully to project an image of competence (he has to be needed)#distrust and not taking things at face value but also paradoxically a fragile and nurtured sense of almost blind optimism#when it comes to friendships. like volo. (everyone turned on me when the sky turned red but it all resolved itself in the end didn't it?)#(what makes this different? / a lot of things. / i choose to believe)#volo [directly]: “i won't be stopped from my goal” rei thoughts: we can work with this!!!!#and everything with Arceus too and his divine blessings and a plan that will work out in the end#if Rei can just... figure out what part he's meant to play. interpreting events as a narrative hurtling towards some unknown conclusion#i am talking about rei here specifically but this writing device is so good in general#would be fun to try get inside volo's head. there's so much going on there i don't understand yet#quite fond of that one analysis post about how volo lacks emotional intelligence and sees relationships as transactions#not necessarily out of malice it's just how he views things. whether because of past experience or brain chemistry#also need to give a shout to cheren my guy who is an outsider pov who projects his own experiences onto new things so that he Understands#(an outsider to Hilbert and N's clash of truth and ideals. life changing experience and knowledge but felt just a little off to the left)#(the narrative repeated again with new heroes. all he can do is help them but it falls on their shoulders in the end)#(no wonder he tries to insert himself into Situations)#anyway tag ramble over feel free to also ramble to me about your takes XD#rei pokemon
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comehereduck · 26 days
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thehandwitch · 2 years
2023 GOALS:
18. ???????????
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liquidstar · 6 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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writing share - body horror edition
So, the lovely, amazing @space-writes expressed interest in reading my fucked-up body horror that I wrote last night/early this morning, and who am I to deny a friend? So, here you go:
A brief bit of context: Just under two days ago, Sigmar, Rook's beloved mentor and kinda-sorta father figure, ended up being revealed as a corpse being puppeted by the BBEG, Dr. Purity. The rest of the party brutally killed him while Rook watched. (Via tooth and claw, and also a sonic shockwave from a magic guitar.) And just today, Warren, the party gunslinger, a werewolf and Rook's other kinda-sorta father figure, died (like perma-forever, never-coming-back died) in order to save Rook's life. (Or rather, in order to resurrect Rook, since he was dead at the time.) Now Rook is extremely sleep-deprived and also being affected by mind-altering parasites, two factors that are working together to give him some pretty vivid and fucked-up hallucinations.
(fair warning, this isn't written out fully to the best of my abilities because this scene hasn't happened yet. So this is just my description of what Rook will be seeing and hearing, not a full prose write-up with his internal thoughts and all that. I will almost certainly do that after next week's session, though, so let me know if you want to see that then.)
major tw for extreme body horror under the cut (also emotional manipulation/guilt-tripping)
Rook hears a strange sound, like clumsy, disjointed footsteps. He looks around wildly for the source of the sound and freezes. Out of the hallway we have just come from looms a horrible sight: Sigmar's corpse is lurching towards him, somehow propelling itself on shattered limbs. All of his joints are dislocated, giving his body a freakishly elongated appearance. His shredded clothes are soaked with blood, and every inch of his skin is covered in hundreds of claw and tooth marks, which are weeping blood. Black ichor drips from his mouth, and a web of dark black veins branch out across his face. Every inch he moves closer leaves a trail of blood behind him. He reaches out towards Rook with jagged, broken fingers, and says "Rook... your friends killed me. Slaughtered me like an animal." He takes another staggering step towards Rook, who backs away, shaking. "You promised to help me. You said you trusted me." He points an accusing finger at Rook. "I should never have come to you. I should have burned down Warren's house with you still inside. It's what the two of your deserve." As if on cue, another shape lurches out of the shadows of a hallway across the way. It's Warren. His chest has been blown open, his ribs pointing in every direction and the remains of his guts are dripping from the hole where his stomach used to be. Every inch of him is splattered in gore. He's missing one of his hands, the arm ending in a jagged point of bone instead. He opens his mouth to speak, revealing a mouth of pointed canine teeth. "Rook, you stupid bastard. I died for you. You." He bares his teeth and snarls at Rook, an animalistic sound that rattles him to his core. "We should have left you to rot in that fungi-infested hallway. You brought him to us," he glares pointedly at Sigmar. "You're the reason those two attacked us, attacked Cherry. You're the reason I'm dead. The reason Cherry won't ever have a father." Sigmar steps closer, looking Rook up and down. "Speaking of fathers, yours was right. You are a useless piece of shit." He spits in Rook's direction, then takes another step closer. Across the room, Warren moves to match him. "Traitor." "Liar," Sigmar adds as the two stalk closer. They're so close now, Rook can smell the scent of Warren's burnt flesh, of Sigmar's spilled blood. They're right in front of him now. He tries to shrink away, further into the corner, but to no avail. His limbs refuse to obey, and he stays frozen in place.
#morrigan.text#my writing#morrigan plays dnd#oc: Rook#*Liars#godddd there's so many little details to this that make it so much worse if you know all the context#like the fact that ''Sigmar'' did indeed know Rook's shitty abusive asshole father.#in reality when they met Sigmar told Rook that Rook's description of Alistair didn't sound like him but he did believe Rook and was kind.#but now Rook already hates himself so fucking much. He feels guilty for bringing Sigmar into the party and then Warren killed himself to#save him so he feels awful about that. And Warren wouldn't even have been put in that situation if Rook hadn't brought Sigmar along....#plus the description of Sigmar's corpse echoing the three ways he was tormented before he died:#the teeth and claws from Maka the shattered bones from Aki's guitar and the black veins and ichor from the poison from Hawthorne.#and Warren specifically killed himself by falling off a ledge and hugging his personal villain to his chest with a bomb between them.#hence the explosion-related descriptions.#and Sigmar calling Rook a liar even though that was their thing for each other....#goddd I can't with this shit.#and then the eulogy Rook is gonna deliver a bit after this? fucking makes me sick man. It's the most depressing thing I've ever written.#the funny thing is that Rook wasn't supposed to hate himself. He really wasn't. And then he ended up being my most self-loathing character#His og concept was to actually be pretty arrogant but I guess he had other plans lmao.#space I hope you like this.
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reasoncourt · 9 months
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
yeah xavi's starting to piss me off
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viktuurionice · 5 months
I was able to give myself blonde tips on my hair today. It's not as much as I wanted but it worked better than my last attempt, it looks like a gradient, and I'm actually pretty happy with it. Might try to lighten it a little more in a month or so but dye does kinda fade over time so maybe I won't really need to?
Main point being I have some form of gradient back in my hair and I'm happier with it than I was. I'm trying to keep my hair natural tones and grow it out for when I move. I miss having pink or purple hair though. (I also desperately want to cut it. And while I could get it cut shorter, it's the hairstyles I like that would be the problem.) I just don't really want to get in trouble/scolded by relatives when I move and sometimes colorful hair is hard to undo. So bleached tips and natural hair it isssss
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icharchivist · 5 months
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