#this is just a stupid doodle in between a bunch of other stuff lol
violetscacti-art · 2 years
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i know what you are
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fleouriarts · 3 months
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sketchbook duuuuump :3 nothing to do in this town AND my stylus isn't working its a perfect storm for filling this thang up
descriptions and such below
feel like the fursona ones are self explanatory. the rileys are basically all inspired by this person's compilations... if you havent seen the clip that the bottom corner drawing is from please do yourself a favor
this was all development shit for the zakharovs who i posted last week. sergei is igor's former childhood friend who i have not come up with much about yet... all i know is he is also a fashion designer (who makes winter clothes specifically) and he has an illegitimate son named nikolai who is an arctic fox (and who i have not drawn yet)
omg okay so if anyone remembers my last sketchbook dump i introduced this character andre in there (and her name was andres but i changed it to andre bc i like it more for whatever reason). anyway ive been drawing him OBSESSIVELYYYYY and have decided that him and null get together at some point after argyle and jamie make up (i desperately need to make a jamie and co timeline post)... but it lasts like one semester and thats it. andre is too vain and too know-it-all for null's tastes even though shes like super hot and nice otherwise. anyway this is just a bunch of drawings of him. i really like how the one of him in my INSANE hat turned out
santiago and null's joint slay... both of them LOVE to gossip with each other and its instrumental to how jamie and argyle make up (will go into detail when i finally figure out all the actual events of that). also andre and null on a hike bc andre is a biology major. i actually drew that while i was on a hike in red rock canyon heres proof
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5. mostly just scribbling trying to get better at drawing santiago including more of him and null and his prime Jamie Comforting Tactic of just letting him chill between his wool and sweater. also two drawings of jamie just 4 fun i draw him and his stupid big eyes whenever im out of ideas
6. idk this is just silly stuff. i draw johnny manhandling jamie a lot and i promise you jamie LOVES being treated like a stuffed animal he thinks its SO FUN to be spun around and wiggled and shit. ferret adjacent. him and johnny have been friends since they were in like elementary school because of this. btw santiago does not usually look like that (only having wool on his head) he just has to shear his wool in the summer because having full wool in the flurrida heat is AWFUL
7. comic i drew at the laundromat LOL. takes place either shortly before OR shortly after andre and null get together. johnny mostly hates andre for being with null (shes jealous) (she wants null all to herself even though shes super noncommittal) (johnny get your shit together) BUT ALSO andre being kinda pretentious makes her want to chokeslam him. andre is talking about bird farming specifically because johnny's family are chicken farmers... ive had a lore post about everyone's families in my drafts for months but i cant finish it til my stylus is fixed TT
8. more nonsense. top left corner is a continuation of johnny being a hater. bottom drawings are just mindless jamie doodles. top right is argyle and jamie during their relationship, i cant decide if jamie had REALLY short hair during it or hair like this that's basically just his current hair without the yellow dye and tiny ponytail. whatever
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kaderp · 3 years
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BASICALLY this is gonna be a collection of bullshit me and @blackfliesinbluesugar have come up with and drawn
It starts with Goldie still living in Ireland at 17-19 and Scrooge from ages 18-20 staying in Scotland. And long story short they're dumbasses as teens. Cliche forbidden romance type stuff. Goldie's dad has shot people in the foot for trying to mess around with Goldie or just even talk to her for too long. So the only logical explanation they have is make Scrooge hide in the barn when he visits.
Basically Scrooge chills in the barn for a while cause Goldie's the only one that ever really goes in there because she's in charge of all the chores there. Which is where the context of this post is from
After the first time they fooled around Goldie was like 'oh crap what if I got pregnant D:' and told her mom she's going through a phase of flowey/big dresses when in reality she's trying to hide a potential baby bump. Now her mom doesn't care because she's too caught up in the fact that Goldie is finally 'acting like a lady.'
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So eventually because they never put together that 'hey, if we keeping doing this we're gonna end up with a baby', Goldie does end up pregnant. And because her dad is a dick and a 'I catch you with my daughter then you die' type of shotgun dad, Goldie is freaking tf out.
About a month after she finds out she's pregnant, the O'Gilt's (well mostly just Goldie and her mom lol) get invited to a fancy dinner and Scrooge is really wanting to see Goldie again. So what better way to see her than to travel to Ireland, steal a uniform, and sneak into said dinner party as a busboy. Problem is he can't risk Goldie's dad seeing him again so he tries to slick back his whiskers
But while Scrooge is running around, he eventually spots Goldie across the room. Now he's never seen her in anything fancy, usually just the flannel and green work skirt. And he just about dies 😭
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By now she has a bit of a baby bump she's had to hide so she normally goes for high waisted dresses that immediately flow out.
Anyways, as Scrooge is putting on the uniform he realizes he has absolutely no idea how to actually be a busboy. He doesn't know the first thing about dining and stuff so he's just like AAAAAAA
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As they both see each other, Scrooge gives a dorky grin and Goldie smiles before realizing he snuck in. Right when Scrooge goes to see her he gets dumped with a bunch of dishes he has to set. Goldie sees him struggling to figure out how to set a table and he just gives her a nervous grin while she's like 'oh you beautiful dumbass -_-'
She's turning red cause she's trying so hard not to burst out in laughter as Scrooge slips and a bunch of silverware falls on him
He's getting yelled at by the director but he's just giving Goldie a goofy grin from across the room.
Her parents: remember to be calm and not make a scene no matter wh-
Goldie watching Scrooge trip on the tablecloth: BWAHAHA
But as the dinner progresses, Goldie remembers Scrooge doesn't even know she's pregnant. So she keeps trying to tell him but they both constantly get pulled away to do other things.
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Towards the end of dinner Scrooge gets a free moment and realizes then that 'holy shit I actually like really love her!' So he darts to wherever she is and is struggling to get it out cause he doesn't know how much time he has left. He eventually spits it out and tells Goldie he loves her and is immediately called away. Scrooge takes her hands and quickly kisses her cheek before running to wherever the director is calling him from.
Goldie is shocked and stays still for a moment but by the time the shock wears off she realizes Scrooge is already long gone and they don't see each other again. And now Goldie's like 'crap crap crap, he said he loves me and I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant.'
They aren't able to communicate for a while cause Goldie's so focused on trying to keep her family pleased while still hiding her baby bump, and Scrooge keeps getting sidetracked and forgetting to write. (You can't tell me that isn't something he'd do because he kept getting distracted in the life and times when coming back home). He has her address, and he has started a letter, and even his family knows about her. 3ish months pass of no communications until one night Goldie starts contractions.
She darts to the barn after the first contraction and realizes she has to do this alone. A letter takes a day to get to Scrooge and going to Scotland herself would take closer to 7 hours. At that point it would be safer to not move.
It's like 3am by the time she lays and the egg ends up being pretty small. The entire time Goldie was just getting sicker and sicker. She ends up too weak to even hide the egg and has a high fever. She seriously thinks she's not gonna make it for the first night she can barely stay conscious.
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The next morning she has just enough strength to lazily hide the egg in the hay and sluggishly make her way back to the main house. Her parents are already up and she explains she started feeling iffy while doing chores and collapses.
Because her parents aren't completely heartless and she still is their daughter, her parents' main focus shifts to trying to nurse her back to health. They assume she fell with a bad flu and don't know she had spent all night laying an egg.
During this time she writes to Scrooge telling him to get over here asap, it's an emergency.
Goldie's parents take over her chores in the barn and the moment they said that Goldie went into panic mode again. During a lunch break she climbs through her window and runs to the barn to hide the egg better. She does, and she successfully makes it back to her room but collapses again and sleeps until the next day.
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Scrooge arrives 3 days after she lays and now she's really panicking. She's still weak and sick, and her parents are coming closer and closer to finding the egg. Scrooge when he sees her is genuinely freaking out. Not only for the future and that he now has an egg, but because Goldie did it by herself in a dirty barn. She's still a little loopy even though it's been a few days and Scrooge just feels heart broken that he wasn't there to help. He starts going on a tangent about how she could have died but Goldie just kisses him to get him to stop blabbering.
Scrooge helps her clean up a bit cause even with her parents looking after her, she's still a mess. But as he's washing her and the egg up, they hear fighting from the main house. Her parents realized she wasn't in her bed. She starts crying and tells Scrooge he needs to run home asap because if her dad finds out he'll most definitely kill him and/or the baby.
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(This was the first doodle for the au before deciding on an exact age/place/look so don't mind the sloppiness)
Scrooge escapes right as her dad comes in. She pulls the excuse of she thought she felt well enough to do chores.
Scrooge rn is running like a madman back to Scotland. He went from chilling with his family to being a father who's child needs to be kept secret within a day.
By the time Scrooge gets back home it's the middle of the night and is ngl feeling pretty overwhelmed. He tells Downy that he messed up and she's just like ??? So Scrooge holds up the egg and Downy just purses her lips like 'ah'
The next morning Scrooge explains to his family what happened and doesn't leave out any detail. Fergus and Downy obviously have mixed feelings. Scrooge is barely 19 yet he already has a kid??? But in the end they realize they can't change what's happened and focus on helping Scrooge protect this child.
Once the baby hatched, all mixed feelings from Downy erased and she just went into 'this is my grandbaby and no one will touch her' mood.
Scrooge and Goldie kept in contact from the moment Goldie gave away the egg. Because of the little incident of Goldie 'trying to do chores while sick,' she was put under close monitoring for the next few months and couldn't visit each other. After constant writing back and forth, they find a date to meet up half way between Scotland and Ireland so Goldie can meet her baby. They try to decide on baby names through the letter but they can't agree on anything. Goldie finds out that Scrooge moved out of his small Glasgow home and into McDuck Castle. He gives her the new location on the map as well.
The first time Scrooge tries to sneak out with the baby Fergus is just standing right outside with his brow arched and Scrooge starts freaking out.
Before Scrooge can apologize for trying to sneak out, Fergus just asks if Scrooge would like him to go with.
Scrooge is a little shocked but can't talk with the frog in his throat and just nods. Along the way Scrooge explains how he and Goldie have been trying to find the right time to sneak out for weeks because it was so hard for Goldie to get free time. She was sent to go across country to get supplies and uses that opportunity to go meet up with Scrooge and the baby again.
Fergus just nods and continues.
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When they do see Goldie, she almost breaks down at the sight that the baby survived and is being raised in a good house hold and can't stop holding her. The baby is about 3 months old by now. They finally agreed on a name and she ended up being named Maryanne. (Yes Jelly and I chose that because it means Star of the Sea)
She has to give the baby back to Scrooge cause stupid teenage and still getting over pregnancy hormones are getting the better of her and she starts full on sobbing as she sits on the ground. Scrooge freezes cause he's like aaaaaa what do I dooooo while still holding the baby.
But Fergus crouches down to her and asks if she wants a hug. All Goldie can say is 'uh huh' and he just wraps himself around her. She hugs back and Fergus rocks back and forth until Goldie's calmed down.
'I'm sorry I pulled your son into the mess. I-I was just so scared that my papa w-would kill one of us that I didn't know what else to do.'
Fergus pulls her away so he can actually look at her. And part of him feels that tinge of fear and sadness that the two teens had experienced. He grabs onto her shoulders which causes Goldie to look up at him.
'While I dinnae agree what you two did was right. Ah'm proud of you. Because what you did, finding the will to give up a child for their own safety, took a lotta strength there, lass.' And before she can react, Fergus pulls her in again and let's it sink in.
Scrooge is still holding the baby but now he's sitting down and bouncing the cooing baby on his knee while watching the scene unfold.
Over the course of the next few months, Goldie visits as much as possible and she grows closer to the family and Scrooge every time. On the times she can't visit, Fergus accompanies Scrooge in order to protect them from Goldie's dad. She's had a few close calls with her dad, but nothing too serious
After those events, Goldie practically moves in with the McDucks and they work on raising Maryanne. However like in the Rosa series, they're still experiencing tax trouble and Scrooge says he's gonna have to go to South Africa. The baby is about 2 by now and Scrooge is almost 21, while Goldie is about 19 and a half.
(This next section was an accident but basically it started as jotting down ideas but turned into a fic after I said it would take 20 seconds to write but turned into 2 hours fjdbfndn)
Scrooge is torn between whether or not to go until Goldie says she'll go with him. And because she's stubborn, no one objects. So the three travel across the world together. Maryanne practically grows up on the sea and all of those adventures where Goldie is present in the DT17 Rewriting History book happen.
On adventures they trade off tying the baby to their backs until she's old enough to not need to anymore. Although for the more dangerous ones, one of them stays behind.
But because they weren't married and had a kid in their teens, they were generally looked down upon. It got to the point where they just started saying they were married in order to avoid conflict with others. And after a while they actually forgot they weren't in fact married
'Huh, I forgot we're not actually married.' 'WAIT WE'RE NOT???'
'We're married' 'Oh ok, can i see your marriage records?' '... oh right'
But some old lady or old guy either way starts criticizing Goldie for being a young mother and they just deck the shit outta them and run. Or Goldie fighting someone with baby tied to her back.
Maryanne grows up to be an ocean cartographer and leads sailing expeditions and that's all we have for her. Also she has super blue eyes lol
That's basically almost all of the things we have for this au lol
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cy-fi-theansweris42 · 5 years
Alright everyone, buckle up for a 2012 Mikey appreciation post because gosh darn it canon did not do him justice, so it’s time for some of my rambling. 
The main topic of this post: MIKEY IS NOT DUMB! HE’S NOT STUPID, STOP TELLING HIM HE IS!!!
Now it’s time to provide you all with Canon Proof: -The antivenom in Parasitica. Mikey was able to follow Donnie’s instructions on how to make the antivenom. Small bit of evidence but still important, it was just a quick set of instructions when they were both under pressure, and he still followed them well enough to make the antivenom and save them all. -The cure in The Creeping Doom. Donnie was losing his intelligence and nobody else knew what to do and none of them thought “well let’s at least see if there’s anything in his lab that can help” except for Mikey, who went straight for “well if I got him in this mess then I’ll get him out of it” and then he straight up makes a cure. -The chemical to make more retromutagen in Battle for New York. We all know Donnie could make retromutagen, but the process took him (if I’m remembering correctly) 10 canisters of mutagen to make one thing of retromutagen. Definitely not an effective process, but it’s what he was able to come up with. Then Mikey made a chemical that with just one drop could turn an entire canister of mutagen into retromutagen, which was a huge boost to the process and saved them lots of time. (Yes, he couldn’t name the chemicals he used but I’ll get into that in a moment) -Saving Donnie in The Fourfold Trap. Donnie was hooked up to that awful machine that kept electrocuting him every time he made a mistake, and one mistake according to him could fry him. Then Mikey comes in and manages to successfully unhook Donnie from the machine without getting shocked again (he did get shocked himself, but sometimes it be like that). -Also, as he mentions in The Fourfold Trap while saving Donnie, he has “like 50 puzzle apps on his t-phone” and while he could be exaggerating the number you don’t just have a bunch of puzzle apps on your phone unless you like them and you’re good at solving them so you’re looking for a new challenge. -Finally, let us not forget that in Dimension X, Mikey is the genius.
Now that I’ve provided you with all this evidence proving that Mikey is not dumb, let me give you a theory about what he is.
Mikey is a visual learner. Don’t believe me, here’s some more Canon Proof: -Once again, the antivenom in Parasitica. Donnie shows him how to make it and bam, the cure is made. -In Invasion of the Squirrelanoids when they introduce the Squirrelanoids Mikey was using his knowledge from a comic book with a similar situation to help them beat the Squirrelanoids and, guess what, comic books are highly visual. -In New Friend, Old Enemy, Mikey was able to learn Chris Bradford’s special kata, show it and teach it to his brothers well enough that Splinter was able to recognize it, and then use Bradford’s kata against him in the same episode.  -The puzzle apps mentioned in The Fourfold Trap most likely have bright colors and fun visuals which is why he likes those so much and has a whole bunch of them. -Mikey mentions that he has a photographic memory in The Creeping Doom (he says the wrong word but hey, words can be hard and knowing how a word looks visually and saying it out loud are two very different things) -Also, and I’m mostly throwing this in here because I think it adds to the idea of Mikey being highly visually based, but in Journey to the Center of Mikey’s Mind, we see his imagination and it’s very brightly colored. Same as in In Dreams when we see Mikey’s dreams and it’s tons of bright colors everywhere. (I could probably go on a whole other rant about just like Mikey being a visual learner and how bright colors in puzzle apps and cartoons and the visuals in comics help hold his attention, but I’ll spare all of you that for now, lol)
Also, and this is more speculation which is why it’s not going in the Canon Proof section, but I’m betting that the reason why Mikey is able to make some of those cures, able to get Donnie out of the electrocution helmet in The Fourfold Trap is because he knows more than he thinks he does from years of watching Donnie and his experiments. We know he hangs out in Donnie’s lab a lot, likes knowing what Donnie is up to. I’m betting, with Mikey being such a highly visual learner, that he’s picked up more than any of them realize that way. And that’s why he couldn’t name the chemicals he used to make the retromutagen-chemical in Battle for New York because he never learned their names, just what they looked like and what they should do because he watched Donnie use them. If Donnie had asked Mikey to show him, it would have been a whole other story.
I’m betting that if they played to Mikey’s strengths, found visuals and encouraged any interesting in learning some of these things, he could learn so much and at the very least, be an amazing lab assistant and sounding board for Donnie, and help him out when an experiment isn’t going the way it should be. Give him those comics that teach you while you read and videos with colorful drawings to hold his attention and he’ll learn incredibly quickly.
(Also, and this part is more headcanon than anything, but with Mikey’s love of cooking and his knack for chemicals, he could be a really good chemist. Cooking is just chemistry you can, for the most part, safely eat so that’s how he can get into it. And a friend showed me this book that has the elements with a cute art style and he’d love the art style, it would help hold his attention. Then later on he’d doodle the characters together and next thing you know what looks like just random doodles of these characters is actually complicated chemical formulas and once Donnie realizes this and gets Mikey working with him on chemistry stuff (because encourage your little brother Donnie, gosh darn it) then Mikey will give him these really nice drawings with the characters and once Donnie looks at it and thinks about what the characters are, he’ll realize the drawings are experiments they did together because Mikey operates and thinks in visuals and that’s the best way for him to communicate gosh darn it).
In summary, Mikey is not stupid, despite what his brothers say...all the time. (Seriously canon, there’s a difference between teasing and taking it too far and you definitely took it too far). He’s a goof ball that learns best with lots of visuals to hold his attention and with Donnie just absorbing information in a way he can’t and everyone telling him he’s dumb, then there’s no point in trying to learn, right? (Seriously, I’m going to fight someone. He’s not dumb but they always say he is but his brain’s just wired differently and someone give him visuals and tell him he’s not dumb gosh darn it).
Alright. Rant over.....for now.
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occultopossum · 5 years
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Oops so have a future au 
And a lot of dumb doodles for it. 
Ok and some deets to the au cause it’s? Wild lol. 
So have a long jumble of an explanation of stuff about it. And 90% based off my personal hc’s/it’s my city now/and just for funsies.
First off Tord isn’t evil in this au/or evil as red leader. He’s just a stupid chaotic bastard man. Often just makes poor impulse choices and doesn’t think shit through. As leader he acts really strict and serious and does genuinely wanna make the world a bit better of a place. Behind the scenes he’s a neurotic goober who skitters around his lab and gets into lots of weird shenanigans. Patryck is his right hand/best friend and helps keep Tord in line, he’s the stern serious and almost robotic type. (He will tranq dart tord is he’s out of hand or needs a nap, cause tord will stay up like 36 hours working on robotics or other weird science projects) 
Pat for as serious/cold he is as ‘leaders right hand’ is the type who’ll catch a solider and tpose at them ‘no one will /ever/ believe you’ nature. (Then pat is 5′2″ of cold doctor fury with robotic eyes for ‘surveillance and monitoring and the ‘come on pat it’d be cool let me make you robot eyes cause ur vision /sucks/’’. Pat when he’s not working loves Disney movies, and trying to drink out of a cup of wine precariously perched on his chest.)
(Tord pat and pau met before the events of the end and were all soldiers together and just goofing and getting up to shenanigans and accidentally ending up w/ an army under tords control, cause he’s charismatic + other dumb plot bits I came up w/ to fill the gaps)
Obs rebel leader tom, and matt’s tom’s partner in leading. Tom’s a grumpy little hecker who just most of tom and tords rivalry is built off of misunderstandings and little mistakes between one and other that kinda festered into nasty feelings. Cause tom’s temper and Tord impulsive nature not meshing well. (Not to mention my hc low empathy tord/poor at expressing his feelings clearly). He’s been sober for a few years now, and kinda lives in the constant state of now he’s got to much energy/clarity and doesn’t know what to do w/ it half the time.
(Like Tord built the visor for tom when tom lost his eyesight, and was ‘well intentioned’ but tord kinda installed it/put it in w/o asking as a surprise but it didn’t go over well, cause having a bit of tech jammed into his face w/o being asked, and lots of shit like that ramping out)
Still working on fleshing out some bits (like some of the stuff w/ matt more)
tords become a hair monster/wildly long hair. Then Edds big tough softie who loves his big feral cat/idiot bf. Joins pat in the ‘stop the idiot from accidentally blowing himself up squad)
Main ‘dramatic’ version of the au, is Tord and Edd were dating and got in a huge fight over one of Tord’s less thought out choices, and edd ended up storming off (and p much got in a terrible accident and was thought to be dead) so Tord spent years working on building a time machine (site wtf future) to try to go back and fix things/undo his fuck ups. Cause he makes dumb mistakes a lot and doesn’t fix them in a ‘normal’ way but has to go down the most convoluted route to solve problems
Ships in the au are tord/edd and matt/tom (then bonus mention Pat and Tord are queer platonic partners/ best friends.). Tord/edd cause I mean? Tords pretty much a feral cat of a man and edd loves cats. 
Oops but tldr they a bunch of idiot goobers and I could go into it a lot more but yeee)
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Also Patryck says transrights. 
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franeridart · 6 years
Merry Christmas!! I hope you are happy, and have a good New Year! 😁
Thank you!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year too!!
Anon said:aaaaawwwnnn the good ol' platonic (or not, depending on the interpretation) bak*deku
I’m not anti anything anon, so you never gotta worry about that! I have ships I like and ships I don’t and ships I’m indifferent about, but I’m a firm believer in the ship and let ship principle~ sadly bkdk is strictly platonic for me (I see them too much as sibs for it to work in a romantic way, at this point), but I do adore their relationship and the way Horikoshi is writing it TT^TT it’s def one of my favorite Bakugou relationships, such a wonderfully complex story 💕
Anon said:Have you ever thought about drawing Bakushima as different ships? Like, from different shows. Put them in their outfits and such? I thought that wouls be pretty cool. Sorry if someone has already suggested this! I thought maybe Black Butler style ? Fruits basket, Death note, ect. ❤
I have in the past drawn them in AUs inspired by characters from other fandoms, if that’s what you’re asking! At the top of my head I can remember drawing them as Black⭐Star and Tsubaki from Soul Eater, Doumeki and Watanuki from xxxHolic and Jacuzzi and Nice from Baccano!, but I’m sure those are not the only ones... I’m never against that sort of AUs, if you have anything you’d like to see ask and I’ll see if I know the fandom you’re thinking about! :D
Anon said://squints// did your.... Did your lineart imPROVE??? holy maples Fran ur killing me with ur art I wanna survive my last 7 months of high school--
If you think so, then I’m seriously happy and glad to hear it! Thank you so much!! I feel like I’ve been getting sloppier actually, ngl, but I have been trying new tools for the line, so maybe that’s the difference you’re seeing!
Anon said:Gonna say anonymously caz' i'm too embarrassed to reveal myself for now, but I love your blog and art so damn much!!! Been following you for two years and you really inspired me to draw and really to stay in touch with bnha. Again, love you so much and hope you a merry Christmas!!!
Ahhhhh anon thank you so much!!! I’m happy I can make you keep up with bnha, ngl!! And I hope you’ve had a wonderful amazing christmas too!!!
Anon said:Sero with the long hair can murder me
He wouldn’t!
Anon said:what do you think of bakukamijirou 👀
I don’t ship it, sorry :( as far as shipping Bakugou goes, I only ship him around if Kirishima is involved - I do have a few Baku ships I like just for the aesthetics (like with Jirou, or Todoroki!) but I wouldn’t really call it “shipping”, I just like to see them next to each other cause their designs work well together haha
Anon said:Hello? Yes. Hi. Dave I love. Thank you.
I’m so happy to hear that!!! TT^TT thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Kamijirou cures my depression :3
Anon said:Have you every considered a voltron au for your ocs? I know youve made a voltron au befores so i was wondering if you ever did it for anything else (i really love all your art have a lovely day
I’ve never, actually :thinking: the vld fandom is very scary to me so I try to keep away from it, ngl! I’ve also not watched past the first season of the cartoon itself so by now I don’t think I have the necessary information to make AUs based on that fandom, but the concept of my kids in space or piloting mechas is a wonderful one nonetheless haha
Anon said:Ah man I love dav so much. It makes me so happy when you post your sweet green haired boy. Day: brightened.
:sob: thank you SO MUCH!!!! TT^TT it makes me so happy to hear you like my boy!!
Anon said:I love and appreciate every variety of your ocs
Anon said:You: This is my boy. | Me: I love him so much and his hair and his shirt- 👌
Thank you so much!! His hair and clothes make less sense every time I draw him, but I have fun with it so I’m glad you like them anyway hahaha
Anon said:Hey! Who is he? He looks cool
Thank you so muuuccchhhh!!! His name is Dave!! He doesn’t really have much of a story, but he’s a uni student and likes music, philosophy and cats! He has a bunch of friends I draw him with now and again, and they mostly spend their time avoiding studying and being generally ridiculous :D
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know your art style is GORGEOUS. You're one of the few people on this site whose art always makes me excited to see it. I'm a huge Bakushima fan to begin with but your Bakugou is just...oof. lol I don't know if it's the hooded eyes or the undercut but you make him HAVE it!
That’s such high praise oh my god! TTOTT I’m glad you like how I draw my boy, he makes me so happy to doodle !!!!! 💞💞💞
Anon said:The two art post with "An unexpected sappy thought" and "Bunch of stuff from yesterday I finally managed to finish" were both flagged. i tried to send them to u, but couldn't. Just thought you should know if you haven't been notified yet! sorry that i cant be much help. (also the protest starts in like 10 min for me, so youre probably off already if youre doing it) sorry for bothering!
Anon said:hey your post (a colored fanart) of kirishima and bakugou cuddling w/ song lyrics as the caption got flagged, just thought i’d let you know if you didn’t see it :( stupid tumblr
These are pretty old asks at this point but I wanted to thank you for the heads up anyway! I have gone through my posts twice already and new flagged things always pop up, so the fact that you took the time to let me know was seriously huge help! Thank you so much!!
Anon said:hi i just saw your year summery-thingy and i just realized that i have followed you for more than a year now and i just want to say thank you for all the beutiful art i have seen !! you are truly one of my favorite artist i hope that you are well
Ah man thank you so much!!! I’m so so happy to hear you’ve been following me that long, it’s incredible to me!! I hope I’ll manage to get out of the slump I’ve fallen into soon enough orz meanwhile thank you for sticking around!! 💕
Anon said:Seeing your art summary makes my soul feel the urge to have your beautiful kiribaku art in a book. Have you ever thought about making a little zine with some of your illustrations? Or selling prints ;___; You're absolutely amazing!
Oh heck thank you so much for being interested in something like that! I’ve actually thought about something of the like, but if I ever did it would be a small zine with pieces made specifically for it! I have to research the whole thing a bit more, but in case I’ll reach a point where it’s a concrete possibility I’d first post something to check the actual interest in it between everyone! ;^;
Anon said:... Why BakuJiro tho?
Why not! They are good friends, have a nice dynamic, and their styles match together well! And Jirou’s so tiny next to him, I like the idea of Baku hugging her a whole lot as it might have become obvious by this point haha
Anon said:7w7r I see you there
I dunno what this is about but !!! neat!!
Anon said:Soooo,,, DabiHawks or Hawks single? I have curious for how would a drawing of them be made by you
I’ve said this a couple of times before, but I’m really only interested in dabihawks if Dabi is Touya at this point! I might change my mind if Hori develops their relationship more, but right now that’s how it is... and until I have more concrete proofs of Touya and Dabi being the same person I don’t wanna get too involved with the ship, in case I end up disappointed haha
Anon said:Fran, have you ever posted a selfie before? For some reason, I imagine you looking a little more like Kuroo from Haikyuu!! Haha.
I haven’t! I prefer being behind the camera instead of before it hahaha a couple years ago you would have been right! By now I have too much hair for it, tho lol also, I wear glasses and have a bunch of piercings and earrings that Kuroo doesn’t have (but should have, cause it’d be hot 👀👀👀)
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yeswevegotavideo · 5 years
Hi, my name’s (basically) Mercury
So @thegrandwilde​ asked me a question about my internet name, and I realized I’ve never actually explained the entire story of my name in context. Then I realized that, with context, it was an extremely long story, so I thought, “Why not make a whole post about it?” 
It is a long post. I don’t know if it’s an interesting post. It’s interesting to me, at any rate.
If you’re curious, or if you have any interest in etymology, especially the etymology of names, and of the reasons people name themselves, then read on, because I’m about to give a comprehensive account of why I’ve been Mercury on the internet for so long that, for quite a while now, I’ve honestly thought of it as my “real” name in a lot of ways.
So, I was a goth in 8th grade, a grunge-goth really. I was in 8th grade in '95/'96 so like...I basically didn't have a choice in being FUCKING OBSESSED with  grunge and alternative rock in general. And I was really into Courtney Love’s whole aesthetic at the time, so I sometimes did your standard, Riot Grrrl-style babydoll dresses with combat boots look, but also like, cut the hem off of my black hamper bag and wore it over a black slip and called it a skirt because fuck you, society, that’s why.
But the main reason I was a goth in 8th grade, is because in 8th grade, I had an enormous crush on Tara.
Tara was a goth girl who made friends with me just before summer break between 7th & 8th grade. We spent the summer hanging out, and she was kind, and friendly, and beautiful, and very protective of her friends (and especially of me) and within a month, I had a gargantuan crush on her. 
I had known I was bi since I was 11, when I basically came out to my mom (who, despite being kinda’ the worst in a lot of ways, was extremely liberal, and very accepting of my and my brother’s queerness, and of the gay community as a whole. Seriously, my mom was so liberal that my form of teenage political rebellion was being a centrist. God I’m glad I grew out of that shit. Anyway). But Western culture being what it was/is, I had little-to-no understanding of how to talk to, flirt with, or otherwise romantically interact with, girls I liked. That had not changed by 8th grade (honestly, in the ways that count, it has not changed, period). So I spent all of 8th grade pining over Tara, and Tara was the de-facto leader of the rocker girl clique (in the Sacramento suburbs in the 90s, you were either a “rocker” or a “rapper", and rockers did not associate with rappers and vice-versa, because the capital of California, one of the most (and for a few years running, THE most) diverse and integrated cities in the United States, was, and is, a racist, conservative hellscape, and I had way too much internalized racism to even look at rap music so...), and I was in her favor and under her protection. (Looking back, I’m fairly sure Tara had a crush on me too, so it really was your standard wlw standing around confusedly pining for each other in silence sort of situation.)
Which is why, when I came to school after missing a day, and she informed me that, “we all picked nicknames yesterday and there’s only two left, you can either be Mercury or Star,” I was not offended by her providing me with a list of approved nicknames that had been essentially picked clean already. I was, in fact, rather honored that I got to be one of the people who got a nickname at all. I associated Star with the character from the movie The Lost Boys, who I (rather misogynistically, I think now) found to be incredibly irritating.
So I chose Mercury.
That’s not the end of the story. That’s the beginning of the story. So like, buckle up lol.
So to rewind a bit, in 7th grade, I discovered Paganism. 
I was ostensibly raised atheist, but with an understanding that my spiritual beliefs were my own goddamn business and my parents weren’t going to make that kind of a decision for me (again, SUPER LIBERAL parents. To be clear, also SUPER ABUSIVE parents, but like, SUPER LIBERAL about it. Which like, growing up being taught that emotional expression is valid and anti-authoritarianism is cool, but also being punished for being a person with independent thoughts and emotions is...a whole other story. ANYWAY). 
I tried on Christianity for like, half a second, went to church with friends a couple of times, and 7-8 year old me was immediately like, “this is fuckin’ stupid, why did God kill Jesus, he’s God, he’s fucking omnipotent, he could just choose to forgive everybody at like, any time, nobody had to die, what a dick” and decided it wasn’t for me.
But I feel an inherent need for spirituality in-general, a kinship to it. When I played in the mud as a child, I was 100% one of the little girls mixing mud & grass & mint leaves with hose water and “making potions”. For hours.
And when I met a girl in 7th grade whose entire family was Wiccan, I was fascinated. So, it being 1994, I picked up a couple Silver Ravenwolf books and some Scott Cunningham and got to studying. (I know. I KNOW!!! I was 12, there was barely an Internet, it’s hyper-cringy, I get it, don’t judge me.)
The Wiccanism didn’t stick, but the Paganism sure did. (My “official” spiritual descriptor is, “Eclectic, non-denominational kitchen witch”. I worship no gods, but am happy to work with those who don’t require sustained devotion, and I’m pretty into fae lore. There’s also a bunch of personal spiritual belief stuff involving conceptual quantum and molecular physics, like, String Theory and the Multiverse Theory, and anthropological concepts about the power of language and story in human development involved, too. And I’m also very much a skeptic, it’s complicated. “I am vast. I contain multitudes.") 
And around Freshman year, while still figuring stuff out, I came upon the concept of having a magickal name. A secret name that one shares only with the gods or spirits when doing magickal work. And I already had Mercury, a name which was granted and then almost immediately forgotten, because we were 13 and had no fucking attention spans, and Tara moved away, and most of us didn’t even talk to each other anymore and...the name was, therefore, kinda’ perfect.
So I chose it for my ritual work. And then I noticed some weird coincidences. Like, I had a pagan calendar that listed stuff like moon phases and planetary motion, and it associated different planets with different days of the week. And the planet Mercury was associated with Wednesday, which has been my favorite day of the week for most of my life (oh wait, do you...not have a favorite day of the week? Is that just me? Anyway). And when I was in maybe 5th grade, I read this book that was pretty stupid and I didn’t even really enjoy, and I don’t even remember the title of, but it repeatedly used a symbol for “the mark of the devil” in its dumb ghost mystery or whatever, and as much as I disliked the book, I was instantly attracted to the symbol. It looked like this: ☿ I would draw it on things all the time, it was one of my go-to doodles. Guess what the alchemical symbol for Mercury turned out to be?  
So in 1999, when I got a computer that came with an Earthlink subscription, and I was really, truly introduced to the Internet for the first time (and not just like, AOL), there was really only one online handle I could see myself using. After all, I was anonymous, it wasn’t “really” telling people my magickal name if they didn’t know who I was, right? (And honestly, by that point I’d kind-of left that concept behind.) So I used Mercury. And whenever that was already taken, I’d use a combination of those nickname choices from 8th grade: Mercury Star, or Mercurystar. And that eventually evolved into Mercury Starlight. And that’s me! :D
It became my fanfic pseudonym (like almost immediately, because I discovered fanfic in the year 2000 and never looked back), and then on message boards or in forums, people would just, like, call me that. And over time, I really started to like it.
I’ve never liked or felt particularly connected to my given, IRL name. And I actually have a bunch of identity and dissociation issues tied up in it (whole other story, yet again), so like, sometimes hearing people use it makes me really fucking uncomfortable. Like, that’s not really a strong enough word for it. Like, I’ve honestly sometimes wondered if name dysphoria is a thing, like similar to gender dysphoria but like, for your name. I mean, though we most frequently associate the two, dysphoria isn’t actually unique to gender identity. It’s a somewhat generic psychological concept, actually. And names are pretty innately tied to identity and sense of self, and having a name that feels so incongruous with who I am that sometimes when people use it I literally feel physically ill, or depressed, or panicky, or get like, instantly turned off if somebody uses it during sex, like...honestly, that certainly sounds like a type of dysphoria to me. I don’t know.
But every single time somebody online calls me Mercury, I just...I absolutely love it. I light up. I feel seen. It’s...it’s just my fucking name, now, man.
Buuut, I don’t really have the guts to legally change it IRL. Not yet, anyway. We’ll see what the future holds. I don’t know, I think about even just casually asking friends to call me Mercury and just...cringe right the fuck up. It’s scary. What if people think it’s stupid? That I’m being silly? Lose respect for me? I know people change their names all the time, but like, that’s them. But for me? Scaaaary.
Anyway, that’s the story, and if you made it all the way to the end, like, thank you for listening?
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BTS Single Parent AU
kookies-and-myrok asked: Hello, sweets! I love your writing and I'm not just saying that Lol i always get excited when you post smt, anyways do you write parent au's? If you do can I get a BTS reaction about what they would be like as a single parent? If not then its okay! Keep up the great work 💜
This doesn’t necessarily work as a reaction, but I can do a little like... bullet drabble or whatever on this. Either way, very doable. - Admin Dayna
There’s like... this anime called Amaama to Inazuma (a.k.a. Sweetness and Lightning) which is basically about a single father who raises his daughter to the best of his abilities but he can’t cook as well as his wife (who passed away). I see Single Parent!Jin being like that... except in Jin’s case he can actually throw down in a kitchen
Lots of love and affection
Smothers his baby girl with kisses before dropping her off to daycare and after picking her up
The daycare moms thirst after him bOI
His cookies sold out the fastest at the school bakery
Partially because Daycare Moms are trying to give him the succ
Mainly because his cookies are bomb asf
He got hoes
Reads/sings his daughter to sleep at night religiously
Chocolate covered Strawberries while they watch cartoons together
Shed a single tear in the beginning of Finding Nemo evRYTIM
Was literally floating on air for like a month because his daughter told him he was the “handsomest appa”
Tries really hard to scold his baby girl
Can’t look her in the face when he does it because she’s too damn cute
Puppy Dog Eyes work every once in a while tbh
Dad jokes, fucking duh.
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Picture this: Yoongi is chilling, right? Lounging on the sofa, watching some psychological mystery film or whatever emo shit he watches. His face is pretty indifferent. He’s unbothered asf. His right arm is covered in scribbles and squiggles. His 7 year old son is currently surrounded by markers, casually doodling on his dad’s arm.
Lets his son choose whatever toys he wants
If his baby boy wants a nerf gun, he’ll get a nerf gun.
If his baby boy wants a fucking bubblegum pink barbie jeep atv, he’s getting a fucking bubblegum pink barbie jeep atv.
Also lets his kid wear whatever he wants
Supports the creative and imaginative endeavors of his child
Sometimes stares at his child and thinks “whose mans is this?”
Also looks at his child and thinks “that’s the love of my life”.
One time considered redecorating his closet just so that he can hang a bunch of mirrors on the wall so that whenever his child does something stupid, he can sit him in that closet and close the door so that he can look at his reflection and reevaluate his 7 years long life.
All in all he’s a super supportive daddio.
He’s not like the other dads.
He’s a Cool Dad™
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Sitcom dad.
Literally Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.
Tell his kids a lot of stories about his “glory days”
His preteen daughter is like... hella embarrassed by him, but is highkey just as dorky as he is
Still got the juice
Can be super stern when need be
His kids knows that if they have an issue they can always talk to him about it
Has the warmest hugs when the days been rough
Shares both maternal and fraternal instincts 
Can flawlessly switch between motherly and fatherly traits
Tries to make inside jokes with his children
It never works.
“Stop trying to make fetch happen, Hobi. It’s not going to happen”
The best hype man tbh
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You know that cliche where it’s like... the mom leaves the kids alone with the father for a day. And the dad is like “don’t worry honey, I got this” but then the second the mom leaves, there’s toys everywhere, the kids are running around naked, the water he was boiling is on fire, shit has literally hit the fan, the groUND HAS ACTUALLY SPLIT OPEN INTO THE FIERY PITS OF HELL - but he last minute manages to get everything together and in order before the mom comes and finds out? 
That’s Namjoon.
Except like... 24/7 without the mom
Super fast dad reflexes
Also kinda annoying dad noises?
Really good at tutoring the kids with school work and stuff
He taught them majority of their math and science formulas by turning them into catchy songs
Has given up trying to be the cool dad yEARS ago
He’s just not about that life
It’s okay though because his kid’s friends thinks he’s cool
Makes sure his children are WOKE ASF
Tries to enforce bedtime
Keeps them up at night by playing games and/or watching movies together
Lets them go out whenever they want as long as they keep in touch often
Lets his kids make mistakes and learn from them instead of sheltering them from harms way
Motivational Speeches that are actually motivational
God awful happy dances
Hangs his kids A+ test papers on the fridge
“If you show me you got straight A’s at the end of the semester, you can absolutely get your nose pierced” (he says to his 14 year old daughter).
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Everyone knows that one person who has that really young but super hot mom or dad. Like, they’re lowkey popular and often have friends over because their friends kinda just want to be around their good looking parent.
Stacy’s Mom got it going on
Except it’s like... idk... Park Jae Sun’s Appa got it going on...
Whatever you get what I mean.
He’s a Dilf
Lets his kid invite his friends over whenever they want to
Doesn’t realize that his child’s friends are high key checking him out
Constantly checking up on them to see how they’re doing
“Are you guys okay?”
“Is the house too cold?”
“Would you like something to eat/drink?”
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Don’t be afraid to ask”
A little overbearing if I’m going to be honest
May even shelter his child a little too much
Good morning texts and sticky note reminders around the house
Makes sure his child has food for school everyday, never missing a beat
Proud Dad always
His son is bigger than him
Has to look up at him in order to look his son in the eye to properly reprimand or lecture him
Gets pissed whenever he isn’t taken seriously when giving scoldings
Feels really bad whenever he punishes his kids, and makes up for it with like ice cream or something
Babies make his little mochi heart flutter
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He’s the epitome of husband/daddy material. I think Taehyung would make a great dad. He’s the perfect balance of literally all the others.
Which one is the parent and which one is the kid?
Knows how to get down to the level of a child, and properly play with them
Inside jokes with his kids
They say goodbye with aegyo
Openly tells each other they love one another
Likes to squish his baby’s cheeks and blow raspberries on their tummy
Loves the satisfying feeling that follows finally putting a crying baby to sleep
Watches his baby’s tummy rise and fall as they breathe
Hysterically laughs at his child’s laughter
His box smile is strong, and can literally be found in all of his kids.
Also has like, three dogs, but the more the merrier, right?
Isn’t too hard on his kids, but isn’t lenient on them either
Is a healthy medium between strict and easy going
Enforces a proper education but also lets them know that school isn’t the only way to a successful and happy lifestyle
Plays pretend with his children on the weekend
Always ends up in a too small princess dress with ribbons in his hair
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You know those kids who are extremely close to their parents to the point where it’s like... and outsider watches the way they talk to their parents and finds it their causality with each other borderline disrespectful? You know those kids who can like... curse around their parents and talks to their parents like it’s another one of their friends and their parent talks back to them just as casually? 
That’s the type of dad Jungkook is.
Plays video games with his kids whenever their schedules allow them some free time together
Him and his kids have a group chat together where they share memes and ugly selfies but also like... keep up to date with school events and whatnot
Follows each other on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram
Not the best with giving advice, but his kids know that he’s a shoulder they can cry on
Offers to help them with homework, but ends up just as confused 
They all live off snacks and the neighborhood ahjumma had to start cooking actual meals for them
His kids actually care and asks their dad’s opinion on stuff about like... hair or clothing or something
He picks up on his kids habits and his kids pick up on his
they look like a bunch of bunnies tbh
They all have their own rooms, but Jungkook and his kids always manage to fall asleep dog piled on the living room sofa
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hashire · 7 years
little love notes
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice Rating: Teen and Up (for language, lol) Warnings: None Relationships:  Otabek Altin/Jean-Jacques Leroy/Yuri Plisetsky Summary: He can’t seem to even imagine why his best friend since childhood gave his locker combination to his boyfriend of a few months so he could leave love notes in Yuri's locker. It doesn't make sense. AO3 link.
JJ can be stupidly charming when he’s not the most obnoxious person in the world and the bane of Yuri’s existence. Not that Yuri would ever admit to the former.
It doesn’t stop him from crumpling up and tossing the little love notes that somehow keep making their way into his locker. If JJ is nearby, they often get chucked at his head.
JJ just laughs and winks at him, or blows a kiss and grins, or shrugs and throws his arm around Otabek’s shoulders if he happens to walk by at the moment. Then Yuri’s stomach will lurch or his heart will pound or something equally as dumb at the sight.
He seethes the morning he opens his locker and finds a rose inside, nestled in rumpled pink tissue paper. He leaves it there, as is, after he pulls a few books out, and doesn’t go back to his locker for the entire day.
He wants to tell Otabek about it when they see each other at lunch, but the words get bunched up in his throat and he has to chug water to be able to even speak. What the fuck is your boyfriend trying to pull with this bullshit? is what he comes up with. He can’t ask that.
Instead, he finds JJ by his locker after school, presumably texting Otabek based on the huge, dreamy smile on his face.
Yuri pulls open his locker, slaps the phone out of JJ’s hand (“Hey! What the fuck?!”), and shoves the rose, thorns all bared, into JJ’s palms.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do,” Yuri says in a low voice, “but can you stop breaking into my locker every morning and putting all of this stupid shit in there?”
JJ whines and extracts the few thorns that caught his skin before reaching down to pick up his phone (miraculously intact thanks to the probably ungodly expensive case). “But, kitten, I’m not –”
“Don’t call me that you –”
“I’m not breaking into your locker,” he finishes. The smile is back despite the blood on his palm.
“Sure, whatever,” Yuri says, rolling his eyes. “I’m going to tell Otabek about this now. It’s gone on too long.”
To his surprise, JJ laughs. “Yuri, my darling, how do you think I got your locker combination?”
Otabek doesn’t text him that night. It’s unusual.
When Yuri left, he almost slammed the locker on JJ’s hands when he held out the rose to him. He’d heard the footsteps behind him and walked off without looking back.
Yuri spends too much time trying to compose a text to his best friend, attempting to properly convey his confusion and desire to know why Otabek did this. It all ends up being shades of one simple phrase: what the fuck.
What the fuck, Beka is what he ends up sending before shutting off his phone. He wants to know the answer. He really does. But he has a feeling it’ll keep him up all night, just knowing. He wants to sleep and not spend the entire next day feeling sick from not sleeping enough. He tosses and turns most of the night anyway, awake and unable to settle, thinking about what the answer might be. He throws his phone across the room more than once, dragging himself up to check it for cracks every single time and bringing it back to his bed. He resolutely does not turn it back on.
Even with all the time awake, he can’t seem to even imagine why his best friend since childhood gave his locker combination to his boyfriend of a few months so he could leave love notes in Yuri's locker. It doesn't make sense. But, then again, things stopped making sense when the new kid from Canada swept in midway through the year and seduced Beka with an obnoxiously impressive flourish. Part of Yuri was (and is) mad about it.  
He wakes up the next morning to his grandfather yelling that he’s going to be late for school if he doesn’t get up. Yuri snatches up his phone and glares at it, his sleep-deprived recently-awoken mind conveniently forgetting that he’d turned it off on purpose the night before.
His stomach churns when he remembers why it’s off.
He’s late enough getting up that his grandfather has to drive him to school. That means he misses walking with Otabek (since they live so nearby), which he already missed doing yesterday because he left in a huff.
Yuri regrets so many of his life choices in those minutes in his grandpa’s old clunker. He wants to throw his phone again when it finally turns on and finds it almost dead anyway. He also wishes he had never sent that damn message because Otabek hadn’t even bothered to respond, that asshole.
He trips on his way into school and skins his palms.
Fuck my life, he thinks, wrenching open his locker.
There’s another note waiting for him, folded in fourths and sitting atop his notebooks. He considers ripping it up and just walking straight out of school. His grandpa would be so disappointed if he did that, though, so he snatches the note, stuffs it into his pocket, and dashes off to his first class.
He itches to open it but he feels like it would just make his day even worse. Instead, he picks at the scabs that form on his palm, doodles in the margins of his notebook, and almost dozes off in every class before lunch.
He only dares to pull it out of his pocket and flick it open five minutes before his last morning class is due to end.
I’m sorry, it says in familiar handwriting. It’s not JJ’s. It was my idea. I should have told you sooner.
His heart pounds as he crumples it up noisily, earning him a glare from his teacher. He bolts out the door before she can say anything, just as the bell rings. He finds Otabek without any trouble, walks up to him, and hurls the note right at his head. It bounces off his temple. Otabek scrambles to catch it.
“Yura,” he starts, “what –”
“You asshole,” Yuri says with as much feeling as he can muster. He then turns around and leaves.
“You can stop toying with my emotions.” Yuri is sitting on the rocks behind the school. He doesn’t see and barely hears JJ walking up, but he knows he’s there. That asshole has a presence about him that makes him impossible to ignore.
There’s a short laugh behind him, and he hates it so, so much. Of course JJ would laugh at him. He kind of feels like punching him in the face (more than usual, at least).
There’s an arm around his shoulders before he knows what’s happening. “Kitten,” JJ says, leaning against him, “we –”
“Don’t call me that!” He shoves the arm off him and almost drops his lunch. He narrows his eyes at JJ, who holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender.
“We weren’t trying to do that.” JJ sits down next to him. Yuri makes a big show of scooting down so they’re no longer close. JJ runs a hand through his hair.
“Then what were you trying to do? Make fun of me? I’ll kick your ass.” JJ might have a few inches on him and more muscle, but Yuri knows he could do it. Even so, the threat comes out weak and tired:  as tired as Yuri is right now.
Hearing that you’ve been jerked around by your best friend is kind of shattering.
JJ looks alarmed by the suggestion and hastens to say, “No! Of course not. Beka would never do that to you.”
“That’s what I used to think.” He packs up his lunch and prepares to leave. Going home to bed would not resolve anything, but it’ll be worth it. Probably.
JJ grabs his arm before he can even get up. He’s prepared to throw it off, but JJ looks surprisingly serious and intensely earnest. “Just stay and listen, will you?”
“Why should I?” He doesn’t pull his arm from JJ’s grip yet. It’s firm and warm through the material of his jacket. JJ loosens his hold but doesn’t let him go.
“He likes you a lot, you know. I think he likes you more than he likes me.”
Yuri’s heart beats a little faster at that, but he forces himself to roll his eyes. “Of course he likes me. He’s been my best friend for years.”
JJ flashes him a grin. “You know what I mean, kitten.” Yuri shoves him. “I like you too, you know.” He winks. “I wouldn’t write you poetry if I didn’t.”
“Poetry? You call that poetry?”
“It’s my best work!” He puts his hand over his heart and tosses his head back when the wind blows his hair into his face.
JJ’s fingers still encircle his arm, and he squeezes it. When he moves into Yuri’s space, Yuri stays put.
"Now that that’s out in the open, finally, how ‘bout it? Can I?"
Yuri tilts his head to the side in a noncommittal manner. JJ leans forward anyway, eyes sparkling as he smirks.
Yuri turns away at the last moment so JJ kisses his cheek. He pulls back and laughs. "I expected that."
“Then why’d you bother?” He tries to snap and look annoyed, but his cheeks are pink and not from the wind.
“Because…it’s JJ style!” Yuri shoves him off the rocks before he can make the stupid sign with his hands. JJ laughs even as he lands hard on his elbows.
“I’m going back in,” Yuri announces, stalking away without another word. JJ’s laughter follows him, even as he hears him pick himself up off the ground.
Yuri doesn’t want to face Otabek, despite what JJ said. It’s all so sudden and he can barely process it while trying to stay awake in class. He skips his last period to rush home and crawl into bed.
His grandfather leaves him alone. He forgets to plug in his phone and wakes up the next day (Saturday) to a still-dead phone.
Once it charges up enough to turn on, he’s met with a text from Otabek. The timestamp says it was sent late last night, and there’s only one.
Let’s talk.
OK is what he sends back after going back and forth about what to say. He receives a time and a destination (Otabek’s house, of course) before he tosses the phone on his bed and goes to eat breakfast.
Otabek is sitting on his front porch, staring at his phone when Yuri walks up.
“Hey,” Yuri says, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Otabek stands to meet him.
“Hey.” They look at each other. A long moment passes between them. Otabek opens his mouth. Yuri beats him to it. “Why didn’t you just say something sooner?”
Otabek closes his mouth, frowning a bit as he thinks. “I…wasn’t sure. And I didn’t want to mess everything up.”
Yuri finds himself rolling his eyes. “That’s a terrible reason.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” Otabek says this without much accusation, but it’s still there. Yuri shifts his weight from one leg to the other.
“Uh, maybe…for the same reason?” Otabek huffs out a laugh. Yuri scowls. “Why did you do it now?”
Otabek shifts his weight, too, glancing off into the distance. “It was JJ who convinced me that things were mutual. ‘It’s so obvious to everyone but the two of you.’” Yuri’s scowl remains. “He’s more perceptive than you think.”
“Maybe.” Yuri turns his attention to his shoes, tipping his feet outward so he’s balancing on the sides of them. “Why the notes?”
Otabek looks at his own feet. “It’s something I was thinking of doing at some point, I guess, but never really got around to doing it. When I told JJ about it when we were talking about you, he said he could do it for me.”
“He told me that he’s been writing me poetry the whole time. Please don’t tell me that it’s your writing. It’s terrible.” Otabek laughs at that.
“No, it’s all him. He’s more creative than I am.” He takes a breath. “He’s a good guy,” Otabek says. “Definitely able to get under your skin, but in a good way.” He scrunches his nose the moment after the words come out and adds, “That came out wrong.”
Yuri stares and then starts to laugh and laugh. This is not the way he expected things to resolve, but he’s not complaining. Not anymore. A giddy feeling wells up inside of Yuri’s stomach, weird and new and refreshing after all of the frustration he’s felt for the recent days…weeks…maybe months.
It’s so dumb.
"What now?" he asks, fiddling with his zipper. He might not be complaining, but he has lingering doubts.
"What do you want, Yura?" Otabek looks at him with a soft, open expression:  his brows are relaxed; his eyes are warm; his mouth is turned up at the corners.
"This," he says, grabbing the front of Otabek's jacket and pulling him closer. He tips his head to the side, waiting for permission. Otabek closes the distance between them.
It's gentle and warm as the wind breaks around them. They part after a moment, Yuri leaning his forehead against Otabek's.
He's about to suggest calling JJ when he hears a wolf whistle and clapping. He jolts away from Otabek to glare at the intruder. He's not surprised to see JJ walking toward them.
When he’s close enough, JJ slings an arm around each of their shoulders.
“Now that that’s figured out,” he says, loudly enough that Yuri puts a hand on his cheek and forces his face toward Otabek, “let’s have some fun. Right?”
Otabek reaches behind JJ and tugs on Yuri’s sleeve. He offers a hand when Yuri looks over JJ’s shoulder. Yuri takes it.
Come Monday, Yuri may or may not have a hickey on his neck and a smile on his face. The people he passes by look mildly alarmed at this new presentation, but he ignores them.
When he opens his locker, he’s surprised, yet not, to find a note waiting for him.
My dearest Yuri, it starts in JJ’s familiar handwriting, I feel so strongly that
He crumples and throws it JJ’s head as he appears beside Yuri. JJ just grins and puts an arm around his shoulders.
And if his heartbeat picks up or his stomach lurches, that’s normal (but still dumb).
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crispy-ghee · 8 years
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 Sketchbook Flipthrough Part 1 
(From top to bottom, left to right)
Page 3 (requested by @mohegan567 and @schlampermaeppchen) - For practice, I started some random weird environments and as you see did not finish it, haha. Still figuring that stuff out. 
Page 9 (requested by @faridahmalik ) - Some little notes and concepts for a horror game/story I was noodling with before Halloween. Basically the aftermath of a man selling his soul to the devil, where he seeks out other people who “got away with” doing the same without giving up their souls, in hopes of keeping his own. Still fond of the idea. Maybe someday.
Page 21 (requested by @kstearb) - I was making a ‘flyer’ for flash commissions when I was really low on money. Never ended up opening them however. But I wanted to make it look like a grocery flyer. 
Page 29 (requested by @i-say-spooky-you-say-scary) - After being obsessed with Legend I wanted to write a story with similar big horned demons, so I started creating a race and the outline of a story called “Mary Sue.” Another “maybe someday” project. lol. 
Page 64 (requested by @ironbloodaika) - A self-portrait doodle surrounded by concept art for a point and click game me and my friends are currently working on that include Nosferatu Butlers. 
Page 69 (requested by @nukepone ) - I was gonna make more skull stickers--here’s one that didn’t make the cut because I didn’t think people would understand it. I’m probably going to make it just to stick on my journals anyway >_>
Page 87 (requested by @thorsthunderthigh) - Quick-ass thumbs for both UI and an environment for aforementioned game I am currently working on (the one with the nosferatu butlers). 
Page 99 (requested by @bionicplaneswalker ) - More quick ass notes for aforementioned game, figuring out some of the puzzles and stuff. Just jotted down during a development meeting. 
Page 170 (requested by @fruitsushi) - I watched the entirety of gravity falls recently and i’m in love with Stan so I tried to draw him and these shitty drawings are the result. Also a really crappy attempt at Mob from Mob psycho maybe? Idk.
Got a bunch more to post in different parts. If you’re interested in looking at whatever stupid stuff is in my sketchbook, feel free to drop a number (between 1 and 181) in the comments or in my askbox. 
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『 Seung-ri Moon / Male MC 』
Name: Seung-ri Moon
文 (Moon) [Family/last name, meaning: writing] 승리 (Seung-ri) [Given name, meaning: victory]
Age: 21
Birthday: April 7th
Gender/Sex: Male
Occupation: RFA Party Coordinator
Height: 5′8″
Hair: Short, wavy/messy, brown, often in his eyes.
Eyes: Brown.
Physique: A bit thin and lanky.
Scars: Read after note at the very bottom. TW: abuse. 
Personality/Attitude: He’s a very easygoing, laid back, go-with-the-flow kind of person. While he is quite lazy, Seung-ri has a good heart and a kind, caring personality. A bit of a forced optimist, he’s like a ray of sunshine on the exterior. He’s very friendly and open. 
However, Seung-ri has other sides to him, depending on the situation, and while he may seem laid back, he is very stubborn. Seung-ri never gives up on what he wants. He is very determined. 
Skills/Talents: Seung-ri is something of a lazy bum, devoid of most talent, but he has a few key talents. One of these is, of course, his skills at coordinating the RFA parties, which reveals the fact that he is very good with people. He’s also a very happy person, generally, and can bring a smile to almost anyone’s face, so another talent of his is making people happy. He can also cook, and sleep excessive amounts. If sleeping were a competitive sport, Seung-ri would be a champion. 
Flaws/weaknesses: He has no real goals or direction in life. He doesn’t know when to give up or let go, even when it hurts him. He’s extremely pessimistic about his past and very insecure about himself. He has confidence, but lacks self esteem, usually trying to brush it off when it becomes noticeable. As stated before, he sleeps excessive amounts and lives a very slothful life, though he seems content that way.
Food- Seung-ri loves food in general. He eats excessive amounts. However, he has a particular liking for rice.
Animal- Pandas! They sleep and eat all day, just like him! Plus they’re cute!
Music Genre- Anything upbeat and happy, his playlists are a very good pick-me-up
Movie Genre- Romcoms
Color- Beige. 
Most Hated/Dislikes: His mother. His body. 
Fears: Being alone. 
Religion/Beliefs: None, but he does believe in a God. 
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Seung-ri was the only child his mother had at a young age, out of wedlock. He never knew his father. Seung-ri was seen as a burden by his mother, who was very mentally unstable, and was physically abused until the age of 16, when his aunt took him in. She was much kinder than his mother, but distant. He was able to graduate from high school. He moved out and got a job that barely supported his living needs before being lead to Rika’s apartment and joining the RFA, after which he promptly quit his job. 
Relationships with the RFA:
Saeyoung Choi: [Note: Saeyoung is my main ship with Seung-ri. However, I am very selective with Saeyoung roleplayers.]
Seung-ri gets along very well with Saeyoung, despite the fact that Saeyoung initially convinced the entire RFA that he was a woman. He jokes and flirts a lot with him before they get closer.
Jaehee Kang: He is friendly with Jaehee and supportive of her.
Jumin Han: He is also very friendly toward Jumin and happy to tease Zen with him on the rare occasions when Jumin does so. He respects him a lot, though he’s a little intimidated by him. 
Yoosung Kim: He’s good friends with Yoosung, but teases him often, and often refers to him affectionately as “cute puppy Yoosung”.
Zen / Ryu Hyun: He enjoys teasing Zen. Unsure of his relationship with Zen after Zen was devastated upon finding out that Seung-ri is not, in fact, a girl.
V / Jihyun Kim (past): He was friendly with V and often told Yoosung he was being too hard on him.
V / Jihyun Kim (post): ??? Distrustful. 
Rika: He hates her for everything she’s done.
Saeran (past): He wasn’t ever very afraid of this “Unknown” person, as Seung-ri is fearless to a fault.
Saeran (post): He dotes on him constantly and almost acts like his mother. He’s very affectionate toward him and refers to him as his “brother-in-law”. 
Who I ship him with: Saeyoung Choi, mainly, but I also ship him with Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung, Saeran, and Zen. However, unless specified that you would like to ship, his partner is Saeyoung.
Mother (status: alive) ...
Father (status: ???)
Sister (status: alive, 5 years old) Doesn’t know she exists in most roleplays.
Aunt (status: alive) Out of contact.
Scars (cont.): [TW, abuse] 
He has very prominent burn scars on his thighs from his mother sitting him on a stove as a child. He will not allow his thighs to be seen unless he trusts someone completely. 
A few memes I’ve done about him with extended info (WARNING: NSFW AHEAD) Also, the grammar on these is much less official my apologies! The information still rings true.:
What they smell like: Vanilla with something more masculine like sandalwood.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Always. He's always sleeping. But he sleeps on his stomach with his limbs spread out everywhere. Like he has the weirdest sleeping positions ever when he's alone.
What music they enjoy: He likes just about any song as long as it's happy and uplifting. So all his playlists are really pleasant. A good pick-me-up.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: About half an hour give or take.
Their favorite thing to collect: He doesn't really collect anything, but if he did, it might be a bunch of panda related stuff.
Left or right-handed: Right handed.
Religion (if any): He doesn't consider himself religious, but he does believe in a God.
Favorite sport: Competitive sleeping??? Jk he probably likes bowling!
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Local food would be his main interest. Then getting a nice hotel with comfy beds.
Favorite kind of weather: Rainy weather, so he has an excuse to stay inside all day.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: IT'S ALREADY CANON THAT HE'S A SKEE BALL MASTER
What does their bedroom look like?: His bedroom is oddly clean. He has really thick curtains that are good for blocking light, and his bed if covered in pillows and fuzzy blankets and a comforter. Plus a few plushies. He has a row of candles so that he can burn one whenever he likes. He enjoys his room smelling nice. It's a very cozy and relaxing place in general.
Do they have any daily rituals?: Mostly just his infamous three hour long naps.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?: Never. Like. Ever. This boy is a string bean. No muscle.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?: He'd order takeout?
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.): He's actually a pretty clean person???
Eating habits and sample daily menu: He makes sure to have three proper meals a day, but snacks a lot in between. Also he eats a lot.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time: SLEEP!!! And wasting time is totally fine by him. Take life slowly!
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging: ...Sleep??
Makeup?: He doesn't wear it, no. But he definitely wouldn't mind wearing it.
Favorite book genre?: Historical fiction or biographies sometimes, scifi other times.
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?: He's bisexual but leans more toward men. His thoughts on sexuality are really open. He's a very laid back guy.
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.): Burn scars on his thighs.
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress: Two words: Oversized sweaters. But he also likes lots of layers. His favorite colors to wear are earthy and neutral colors.
Favorite beverage?: Coffee.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?: Probably something stupid. Like if plants have feelings.
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?: Turn ons- good sense of humor, dependable, likes napping with him
Turn offs: ??????
Unless you mean sexual. Then he really likes biting and eye contact. And pet play. And bondage in general- Overstimulation and orgasm denial are wonderful.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?: PANDA DOODLES
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?: He doesn't care about intellectual pursuits, but he's fairly good at everything. A jack of all trades, master of none.
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?: He prefers to live in the present, but he probably has plans with his romantic partner of course.
What is their biggest regret?: Never telling anyone about what his mother did to him as a child.
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?): He can be very TMI lol, he believes in being open.
What makes them feel guilty?: Not having hobbies or any real goals.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?: Both, leaning a little more toward emotion.
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?: TYPE B DEFINITELY
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?: Sleep. Coffee. Cuddles. Kisses.
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?: Inferiority complex maybe.
How misanthropic are they?: Not very.
Hobbies?: Does sleep count? He also likes cooking and reading.
How far did they get in formal education?: High school graduate.
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?: Both.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?: See turn-ons above. I ideally ship him with Saeyoung. Jumin is a close second. Yoosung is cute. V and Saeran are great. Zen is ok. edit: I FORGOT JAEHEE HE'D LOVE HER
How do they express love?: SO MUCH PHYSICAL AFFECTION. He wants to cuddle and kiss and nap with you. But he'll also cook for you. He's dedicated and stubborn.
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?: Flailing around and trying to run????
Headcanon Game - A to Z (NSFW) A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
After sex, Seung-ri is really cuddly, but he pretty much falls asleep instantly after he decides you're finished.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
His favorite body part of his??? That's a hard one. Probably his butt. Saeyoung is his main partner, and unsurprisingly, Saeyoung's ass is also his favorite.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person):
He actually doesn't like the taste of cum. He doesn't like it when people cum in his mouth so he avoids it.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He saved pics of Saeyoung in drag from the chatroom and regularly masturbates to them. Nasty boy.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
For this, it usually depends on the rp. But Seung-ri has had sex before. He definitely knows what he's doing.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Receiving partner on top/riding. Whether he's giving or receiving, he likes the receiving partner on top. He can be in the mood for other positions though.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It depends on who he's with. He's usually serious though. With Saeyoung, he makes occasional jokes.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He likes to keep it totally bare. Often shaves his arms and legs, too. Fuckin gay.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's very romantic. He greatly prefers romantic sex. Lots of kisses, lots of gentle loving touches.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He likes to masturbate with toys when he's less lazy. In that case, his favorite is a vibrator but. Usually he's too lazy to use his toys. Like. 90% of his faps happen just because he's bored.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Pet play. Eye contact. Bondage. Cross dressing. Overstimulation. Orgasm denial.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
In bed. He loves beds.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Uh. His partners turn him on, really.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting his partners, having his partners hurt him. Choking, spanking.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers receiving oral but is always willing to give. He's a little clumsy but loves gagging so he'll get very into it. His enthusiasm makes up for his clumsiness.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends entirely on the mood. He prefers slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn't like them. Only when absolutely necessary.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's always willing to experiment if nobody gets hurt.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
THIS BOY. THIS BOY JUST KEEPS GOING. He's evil. He won't give you a break. He goes for quite a few rounds before he's satisfied.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yes, he owns toys. He has a vibrator and an ordinary dildo. The vibrator is remote control.
He'd definitely use toys on his partners. Especially a remote control vibrator in public or something. Nasty nasty. Or putting a vibrator on the highest setting in his partner and kicking back and watching a movie while they suffer. HE'S EVIL. Don't give him reason to "punish" you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
It depends on his partner and what position he's in and where they're at and how comfortable he is. It can range from quiet moans to fuckin screams
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He has a thing for those buttplugs with the little tails on them. So cute.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
...What????? Do you mean how big he is or? I'd say Seung-ri's a good 6 inches, good thickness. He's not crazy hung but he's p good.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It depends but it can be VERY high or he doesn't wanna have sex for months because he's too lazy. If you offer to do all the work he'll always say yes though.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He'll get comfortable and then INSTANTLY. Boom. Asleep.
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