#this is just gonna end in me listening to mcrs entire discography every day
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Want to see if I can remover to do this
Day 1: I’m not okay, I remember it vividly, sitting on my crafting table covered in blankets in the dark in front of my computer when my friend sent the link lol
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desert-dyke · 5 years
I was tagged by @justnevilledup to post 10 songs I’ve been listening to (and then tag ~ten people to do the same but I’ll do what I want).I love talking music but overall I go through some weird music moods (which is why I think I’d be the worst dj ever) and lately its been a lot of lyricless electronic music and trying to branch out and listen to more music besides take on me by a-ha, even though everyone knows its the only good song ever created but im gonna attempt to do a decent survey of things ive been listening to
1. Take the Money and Run - Modulogeek
speaking of electronic, this is one of the songs ive recently discovered thanks to spotify and listening to video game soundtracks and going through my weekly discoveries, which includes a lot of OST from games i dont play but im still into it and somehow it got me here. I like the ~expressiveness~ of the song or whatever its cool and theres a link for ur enjoyment
2.  Run from Me . - Timber Timbre
Do you see a theme here? (Its gonna end with this one, I promise). Anyway a Timber Timbre has to make the list, and while Western Questions was a strong competitor, Run from Me is a more recent discovery. I’ve been listening to this band since hs but I’m still making my way through its entire discography and its always good to find a new jewel like this (or new in the sense that I’ve only started listening to its recently).
3. Gathering - the Horrors
speaking of bands ive been listening to since hs, we have the Horrors. While Something to Remember Me By was an immediate favorite from their latest album, this non-single has stood out as one of my favorites to drive through. From a band where its always a fun game of “is this a guitar or a synth I am listening to: the answer may surprise you” hearing an acoustic guitar gave me whiplash
4. Desert Song - My Chemical Romance
this will be the last from Bands I Listened to In HS and still do in Adulthood (or maybe not. Idk i am making this up as I go). Desert Song I only learned to appreciate more recently, but then again listening to it while in an actual  desert did put it into context. Plus it was the first MCR song I listened to after their reunion. 
5. See America Right - the Mountain Goats
This is the ultimate roadtrip song. I don’t have anything else to say, but i’m in that ~*~roadtrip headspace~*~
6. Bitch - Muddle
I’m copying this one from Allie, but I did only recently hear it like four days ago when I saw this band play live. They’re local (for me) female fronted punk band and the only downside of this recording is that it does not capture the sheer energy I felt seeing it live. There was an audience of fifteen people at the show, but I was ready for a pit. The song is about being called a bitch
7. Bike Ride - the Brobecks 
this song is just a mood. I am in Hell and yes I do have to tell someone now
8. Elegia - New Order
you can listen to the full 18 minute version of this song, or you can admit defeat and listen to the four minute abbreviated version. When I open my goth club, this will be the only thing that plays on repeat
9. Touch Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
I can’t believe I am putting Lemon Demon on this list, but every song I’ve listened to by them has been A Fucking Experience. This song is about romance in its finest form and that is obsessively calling in to a radio station with ur conspiracy theories (and having a Big Gay Crush on the host)
10. M4 Part II by Faunts
this is the credit song for Mass Effect and I only recently actually listened to all eight minutes of its glory and while it wasnt my thing when I first beat the first game, it is 110% the type of music I am into now. I’d also argue its a big Shakarian Mood (or I guess whoever u ship shepard with)
I tag @thedarknessofheaven @dashcon-baby-official ​ @gayngel6 6​ @retired-crow @primary-colour​ @uranium-raye​ @nevermors @truck-sheperd​ to do this if you want
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