#this is just to get a feel for if people might read it
ddejavvu · 2 days
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Mean!Logan Manhandles You
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Reader
Contents/Warnings: smut, minors dni. mean!logan, manhandling, fingering (almost? not to completion), don't like, don't read.
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Logan's movements can be described as nothing less than pushy, rough and strong as he manhandles you into the dingy, single-stalled bathroom of the divebar you're drinking in tonight. It's a hole-in-the-wall place, but that's what Logan likes; somewhere where you won't be ogled as he drinks to what most people would consider excess. He doesn't like attention, and he thrives in the shadow of the bar's less-than-packed interior. Those that are here are drinking to forget, and you and Logan are left to enjoy yourselves.
"Let's see." He hums, his voice gruff as he pins you to his chest in the bathroom. You feel his greedy hand prying at the waistband of your panties, and you yelp in shock when his large fingers snake down across your bum and move aside the pad of your underwear. He prods experimentally at your cunt, peering down your back at your choice of dress.
"Mm, those little white lacy ones. Love those- s'real easy to tell when they're wet."
"Logan, I'm- we're in public." You gasp, feeling his fingers snake into the entrance of your cunt, curved around your ass, "Please, don't make me- aah! I- I don't want anyone to know."
"They won't know." He snickers, rubbing persuasively against your sensitive clit, pressing in just the right way to induce the first of many jolts of pleasure through your core, "They're all trying to drown themselves in liquor."
He retracts his fingers ever-so-slightly, pumping them as far into your cunt as it allows for being so unprepared. Watching Logan knock back shots does send that funny feeling down between your legs, but you're not quite dripping yet. Still, there's enough for him to push his fingers into you, and you sigh shakily into his chest. You rub your face against the cool leather of Logan's worn jacket, leaning into his touches and gasping slightly when he manages to slip his fingers slightly deeper into your cunt. You part your legs, standing at an awkward angle, clutching the waistband of his jeans for sturdiness.
"I prefer to drown myself in pussy." Logan muses, all at once retracting his hand and leaving you with a crippling, uncomfortable sensation of emptiness after being so suddenly full, "But if you really don't want me to do it here, I won't."
The waistband of your panties snaps back against your skin as he removes his fingers, and he tucks them into his mouth, tongue sweeping over them to clean them of your essence.
Now you're standing alone, so drastically cold and empty and hungry that you glance at the lock on the door, debating whether or not you're willing to risk being caught naked in a dive bar.
"Let's go, then." Logan hums, his fingers now clean as he hangs his hand limply by his side, "I'm not done drinking, and I'm sure you don't wanna be caught spread-eagle on this bathroom floor. You ready, sweetheart?"
He offers you the same hand he'd prodded at you with only moments before, and you stare at his large, rough fingers like you might be able to telekinetically move them back to where they were. Instead you take them into your own hand, dragging Logan out with a sudden burst of energy: The faster you finish here, the faster you can get home.
"Atta girl." He chuckles darkly, landing a hefty smack against your ass as you tug him in tow, "'Keep ogling me while I drink, sweetheart: as soon as those panties are soaked through I'm layin' you down in the back seat."
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honeydewandcake · 2 days
TW — Asylum/Hospital setting, mental disorders, medical malpractice
Inspired by Fran Bow, Sparklecare, Pure Trance, and other such things; I had an idea for a Dandy’s World AU that centers around a hospital setting
I feel like a lot of people don’t like asylum or hospital AUs because they are full of exaggerated or misinformed ideas of what mental illness is. I tried not to do that, though I’m not a professional so I still might be wrong about some things. I don’t want to take this idea too far in fear that it might be distasteful, but I do want to share this idea to see if others like it too.
Dandy’s Care is a separate world where, instead of a museum, Dandy and his friends were meant to be for a children’s hospital to treat the sick and ill. They were meant to be comfort characters to patients and were meant to support them during their stay. Like in Dandy’s World, the hospital shut down due to unspecified sanitation issues. Dandy, also known as Dr. Dandicus Dancifer, slowly became more and more starved for activity. He started targeting his friends, making the hospital into an asylum for them. He changed their characters, changing his friends into patients. The toons have no memory of their former self, only knowing their diseased and ill present self.
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The staff is made up of the main toons. All of them are nurses and Dandy is the main doctor. They all act like their former selves, though they have no memory. I didn’t want to draw all of them so just imagine Astro and Vee in these uniforms.
Read more to see other toons (not all of them drawn or thought of yet, don’t attack me ;-;) ↓
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Razzle and Dazzle, the only ones that I thought of completely because I already drew them before. They’re the reason why I made this entire thing anyway.
They are just experiments by Dandy, who wanted to see if the two could live together if they were attached. They used to love each other, now they don’t. Razzle is no longer looking for comedy, Dazzle is no longer looking for hope. Both are only set on the idea of revenge against Dandy for making them this way.
Life is hard when you can only feel the sensations on one half on your body, they can barely walk and can only stand or sit. They take many painkillers as their wounds take a long time to health properly. They wish they could escape this place and just die already, but they’re stuck and forced to live for as long as Dandy wants.
Razzle is a lot more violent now. He is prone to biting and scratching the staff. He hates doing all the lab tests and medical procedures, he hates being near Dazzle, he hates being stuck in this living hell. Razzle is the reason why they’re not allowed near sharp or blunt objects.
Dazzle became paranoid, scared of any noise that happens. He’s terrified of Razzle because of how violent he can get, he hates him too. Dazzle cries a lot, he cries until he can’t everyday. Dazzle wishes he could just die already, he thinks everything is scary and out to get him.
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Shrimpo is thought to be a patient that had anger issues and aggressive tendencies. According to Dandy, he was admitted for being violent in public, although this is only part of the fake story that Dandy gave him. Shrimpo was forced to get a lobotomy, unethical but who cares. Dandy sure didn’t.
He’s still in the recovery phase, so he might be a bit loopy. Once those bandages are off, he’ll be as right as rain. Shrimpo is a wanderer around the hospital as he’s no longer a threat. He’s allowed to leave his room and go out in the play yard but only if a nurse is with him.
Shrimpo doesn’t really have much going for him. His thoughts are scrambled and he only cares for things in front of him. Although the lobotomy made him more passive, it doesn’t mean he’s any better in terms of motivation. Shrimpo certainly has no drive for anything anymore, he doesn’t mind but it gets in the way of his health as well. The staff needs to remind him to go to the dining room to eat or to go take a shower, because otherwise he’ll forget.
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Boxten was made to believe that he has had problems with insomnia ever since he was little, of course it’s not true. He takes sleeping pills and melatonin, but it only seems to worsen his nightmares. This makes him skip his doses to avoid sleeping, repeating the cycle over and over.
Boxten is afraid of imaginary things that might get him. He thinks they’ve already in his head, eating away at his brain and giving him nightmares. Of course the only thing the nurses can see is his music box. Boxten has lost all trust in the staff since they couldn’t see or feel the things he can.
In my original notes, it said that Boxten might have psychosis.
Well that’s all the once I’ve drawn, I don’t really have the motivation to make every single toon. I have a couple of ideas though
— Goob somehow survived a terrible accident, but both his arms needed to be amputated making him armless. He suffers from brain damage and internal bleeding. He doesn’t seem to have any change in his personality, still as joyful as ever. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism
— Tisha has severe OCD which damages her mental health. She’s constantly worried about everything that happens around her, making her super aware of her surroundings. She could be a danger to herself and others as she sometimes has very aggressive thoughts but can’t control her actions. She unintentionally hurts herself because of her OCD, such as washing her hands so many times that they start to bleed.
Not for a toon, but I did have an idea for an added addition to the hospital. Maybe there’s a twisted reform center where the staff try and heal twisteds back to their normal self. They would clean the ichor from them but since the ichor is also inside of them their personalities don’t change as much. Twisteds such as Finn and R&D might be too far gone though, they would have to be disabled for life. I might draw this idea because I think it’s kind of cool, I definitely will if people also think this is interesting.
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k-tarotz · 1 day
PAC - What good things will come in October?
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Disclaimer; this is a general reading for everyone, please only take what resonates and leave what doesn't!~ from left to right 1-3. The pictures and dividers aren't from us, credits to the rightful owners.
Paid readings | masterlist | ko-fi | spells
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Pile 1:
First of all what I see is that some of you don't see immediate results in certain areas which can be a bit frustrating, especially if you are rather impatient but this could be a chance to step back and instead of trying to focus on finances or your goals - you should focus on yourself, your health, your mental health and the things you actually want to do to enjoy yourself whether that's taking a day off and spend it with your friends/family or just to be alone and do whatever gets your mind of like playing games or watching that movie/series that you really want to watch but didn't had enough time yet. Even if things may feel slow or even uncertain, things will turn out fine for you. You will find your peace within other things, it's time for you to relax and do a bit self care~
Pile 2:
October will actually be a really good month for you, you might even feel energetic and more confident - but maybe that's also because you are a fall person. This month will bring opportunities in your life - for some of you this is related to work or accomplishing a goal, for some others this is about attracting someone new into your life - that can be platonic but it could turn romantic as well. Another good thing coming is healing, if there has been any lingering hurt or emotional pain, October will be the time when you finally process and release it. It's about facing those difficulties but in a way it leads to growth and clarity. Once you do you will feel lighter and more at peace, ready to move on, without that weight on your shoulders.
Pile 3:
First what comes through for you is that you will have more courage in this month, you will start standing your ground instead of letting other people cross your boundaries or take advantage of you. Therefore people will finally stop taking you for granted and start appreciating you more, which will be something you enjoy. You will handle things your way so lots of you will definitely feel more independent especially in your actions. Now there may still be some tension or disagreements but the good thing is; you will know exactly how to handle them. You won't get pulled into unnecessary drama or conflicts. Let go of what isn't worth your energy. You'll be successfully able to avoid unnecessary stress this month.
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154 notes · View notes
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After Hours
Label Mature 18+
One Shot
Summary Things get heated when you lay eyes on your handsome bartender for the night, fueling your need to have him tend you in more ways than one.
❤️‍🔥Passionate Smut❤️‍🔥 drunken banter •teasing• edging• BJ in a Bar• sex on a bar• protection• orgasm
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🏆 Inspired by @austinbutlerfly @feralgodmothers @umika @aust-een 🔥
After Hours
The bar is dim, the kind of low light that makes everyone look better, but Hank doesn’t need any help with that. He stands behind the counter, muscles flexing beneath the fabric of his black tee as he pours shots with practiced ease.
His longer blonde hair peeks out from under his black cap, curling slightly at the ends in a way that suits him naturally.
His eyes, a steely blue, meet yours every so often with a quick flash of something that isn’t just professional courtesy. It’s something intentional, charged in a way that makes the air between you buzz.
Each time he hands over a drink, his strong forearms flex, veins running down his skin, making him look like the kind of man who works with his hands—hands you can’t stop imagining.
He leans in teasingly as he slides another shot your way. “Careful now,” he murmurs, his voice low, “don’t want to get too ahead of yourself, sweetheart.”
It’s not the first time he’s flirted like this, you can tell. The playful smirk, the way his eyes linger a second too long before flitting back to another customer—it’s all second nature to him.
But it works. Damn, does it work. You can feel your body reacting, heating under his gaze, your skin prickling with anticipation every time he gets near.
He leans in close, his forearm brushing yours as he places another drink on the bar, “You really ought to slow down, or I might have to carry you out of here myself,” he says, that same cocky grin on his face, eyes smoldering with barely restrained intent.
You’re tipsy now, maybe more than tipsy, but it only makes the game more fun. His flirting gets heavier, words slipping between drinks with a confidence born from knowing exactly how to read people, how to push the right buttons.
“You gonna make it a habit of coming here just to get my attention?” he quips, flashing a sly grin before turning to serve another patron, but not before his eyes find you again, like he can’t help himself.
By the time he places your last drink on the bar, his hand lingers on the glass just long enough for your fingers to brush against his again.
Flushed and drunk on more than just the liquor, you giggle and grab your phone, tapping the screen for his number. He grins typing it in like it’s the most natural thing in the world before he returns to work, his gaze lingering on you as he moves around the bar.
As the night winds down, you stumble out of the bar and into a waiting taxi, the city lights blurring into streaks as the driver takes you home. Your head spins, and it isn’t just the alcohol.
Hank—his hands, his smirk, the way he looked at you—is all you can think about. You fumble with your keys as you finally make it inside, but something tugs at your mind, like a puzzle piece missing from the night.
Your ID. Where the hell is it?
You search your bag until you swear under your breath, a laugh slipping from your lips as you realize—either you left it at the bar, or maybe, just maybe, Hank kept it.
Without even thinking, you dial his number. It rings, once, twice, before Hank picks up, his voice smooth through the phone.
“Did you miss me already?” he teases, his tone making you grin feeling a rush of heat though your body.
“I think you have my ID,” you reply, the heavy alcohol in your system making your tone playful.
“Oh, I have it,” Hank says, dragging the sentence out like he’s savoring each word. “You’re gonna have to come get it though.”
Something about the way he says it, that low rasp in his voice, makes heat pool in your stomach. You bite your lip, barely hesitating before grabbing your things and heading out again.
The ride back to the bar feels like a blur, the city lights swirling in front of your eyes as you try to keep your excitement—and your balance—in check.
When you arrive back, the bar is dark and looks completely empty. All the shutters are drawn closed, but the windows glow faintly, illuminated by the remnants of the advertisement lights inside and as you pull the handle you realize the doors are completely unlocked.
When you push inside, the familiar smell of whiskey and polished wood hits you as you stumble forward, and your heart races feeling the thrill of the moment mixing with the alcohol swirling in your system.
Hank is already there, waiting for you behind the bar his tall frame leaned casually over the counter, a cocky smirk tugging at his lips. Between his fingers, he twirls your ID like a prize, holding it for you to see before gesturing you to come closer.
“You came all the way back for this tonight?” he asks, his voice teasing, his eyes glinting under the dim light.
You’re lighthearted, drunk, and giddy, the heat between you two undeniable now as you step closer, your body buzzing with anticipation.
“Maybe I did,” you reply with a flirty grin.
He lifts his chin, motioning for you to come.
“If you want it,” he says stepping back his voice smooth and laced with mischief, “Come get it.”
You feel your heart race, the playful tension thickening in the air as you step around the bar his eyes tracking your every movement.
There’s an unspoken dare in his gaze in the way he watches you approach, like he knows exactly what he’s doing.
You’re unable to resist the pull, and when you finally reach him, your fingers stretch out to grab the card.
But just as your fingers brush it, Hank pulls it back just out of reach with his height, his grin widening.
“Not so fast,” he says, his voice dropping lower, a teasing edge in his tone.
You can’t help but notice the way his strength shows with even the smallest movement, making your pulse quicken just a little more.
You grin, nervous and excited, as you reach again, but he quickly tucks your ID behind his back, forcing you to lean in.
“You must really want it” he teases, his voice like velvet, watching you struggle as you reach around him and before you can even realize what’s happening, his free hand snakes around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
His body is firm and unyielding, the heat between you undeniable as he holds you there, your heart racing faster with each second you stay pressed against him looking into his eyes.
In a swift, smooth motion, he turns you, pinning you against the bar. His body presses hard into yours, trapping you against the wood. The heat of him is overwhelming, as he keeps you in place. You can feel every inch of him, and your pulse quickens, your breath catching in your throat.
His movements are slow, deliberate, as he leans in, his lips grazing the curve of your ear.“
“You’ve been driving me crazy all night,” he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. “The way you kept looking at me, like you knew exactly what you’re doing.” His voice is low, rough, and dripping with promise
His words send a rush of desire through you, your body reacting to his closeness the heat for him pooling in your core.
His biceps tense as he grips the counter on either side of you at the bar keeping you firmly in place and his body pushes against you, his lips lowering close to your neck.
You look to him, catching his gaze, and the intensity in his eyes nearly takes your breath away. He’s in complete control, like he’s toying with you, enjoying every second.
But you don’t care. You want him—need him—with a hunger that’s insatiable.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” you admit, your voice breathy as you press back into him, craving more contact.
“Yeah?” He says as his lips brush your ear again. His hand trails up your side, his fingers just barely grazing the skin beneath your shirt. “How badly?”
Before you can answer, he leans in with his face mere inches from yours and you can feel his breath warm against your lips.
You close the distance in an instant, your lips crashing against his, and it’s like a dam breaking.
He leans in to the kiss, deepening it immediately, his hand sliding up to grasp the back of your neck, pulling you closer as he takes control.
His kiss is intense, full of heat and hunger, and as he presses you harder against him, the energy between you is undeniable.
Your body responds instinctively, hands grasping at his shirt, pulling him closer, needing more.
His body dominates yours, pushing into you with force as his hands roam and explore, guiding you exactly where he wants you. His lips trail down to your neck, kissing, biting lightly, making you gasp with every touch.
“You want more, don’t you?” he murmurs against your skin, his voice thick with desire. His hand slides down your side, his touch making you shiver. “Tell me.”
“Yes,” you breathe, your voice barely a whisper as you tilt your head, giving him more access. “Please.”
He grins softly, his lips brushing just below your ear again, sending another wave of heat through your body. “I thought so,” he whispers, his tone playful but commanding, teasing you, pulling you deeper into him. “But I like making you wait for it.” he whispers.
You’re eager, desperate even, hearing those words and his hands tighten on your waist, his hips pressing into you in a way that makes it clear just how much he wants you.
Every second with him so close feels like an eternity, but you can’t get enough, your whole body is aching for more of him.
“Good things come to those who wait,” he whispers, his lips grazing your jaw before he meets your eyes again, the heat in his gaze unmistakable. And when you kiss him again, it’s even more intense, every part of you craving to lose yourself with him so badly.
Your hand slides down, fingers grazing over the hardness beneath his jeans, and you can feel the size of him under your touch. Your breath hitches slightly, and you whimper into his mouth grasping the length cock, wanting to feel it all.
His voice is deep as he grabs your wrist gently but firmly, guiding your hand. “Easy sweetheart,” he says, the words sending a rush through you and with deliberate slowness, he steps back, his eyes never leaving yours.
His hand brushes over your cheek before trailing down your neck.
“On your knees for me,” he says, his voice so commanding, that before you know it, you’re sinking to the floor, looking up at him with wide eyes, eager, desperate for what’s to come.
He takes his time, running his thumb along your lower lip, teasing you as he begins to unbuckle his belt. “So eager,” he whispers, a smirk tugging at his lips.
He watches your hungry gaze as his fingers work the buckle, the click of metal filling the silence around you. His movements are slow, deliberate, as if he’s savoring every second, drawing out the moment just to see you squirm with need.
“You’ve been dying for this, haven’t you?” he asks, his voice low, his tone playful yet filled with dominance.
His jeans loosen as he pulls the zipper down, and you can see the bulge in his boxers even more pronounced now, your body heating up in anticipation.
“I could see it in your eyes all night. You couldn’t stop thinking about it, could you?” He asks making your heart race even faster.
You nod, your breath catching, eager and almost trembling as he stands before you, watching your every reaction. He slides his hand through your hair, gripping it lightly at the base of your neck, guiding you closer.
“I like how eager you are,” he says, his voice laced with approval, “but you’re going to take your time you understand?”
You look up at him, your eyes wide with desire, and nod again, your lips parting as you wait for him, ready to give him everything he wants.
His hand holds you in place as he lowers the front of his jeans and boxers pulling his large cock free.
He’s thick and much bigger than you expected, the weight of him heavy in his hand as he strokes himself slowly.
His gaze never leaves yours as he releases your neck, reaching into the pocket of his jeans. He pulls a magnum condom tearing the wrapper with a flick of his fingers and with a practiced ease he glides the condom down his thick cock.
His size is impressive, and the way he wraps his hand firmly around the base holding it steady makes the moment even more intense.
His eyes darken with desire as his thumb brushes over your lips savoring the softness.
“You ready?” he asks, his voice low and teasing, but the lust in his eyes tells you he already knows what you want and you nod eagerly.
“Open wide for me,” he says, his voice low, dripping with intent as his hand returns to the back of your neck. “Take it slow. I want to feel every inch of that mouth.”
You lean in as he guides you closer, your lips parting around the head of his cock, feeling its smooth warmth as it presses along your tongue. He’s thick and firm, the weight heavy in your eager mouth.
He groans softly, the sound deep and full of satisfaction, his hand remaining steady on the back of your neck, guiding your pace, controlling how much you take in.
“Good girl,” he whispers, his voice laced with pleasure. “You’re doing so well.”
You move with purpose, taking him deeper, your hands gripping his thighs for balance. Every time his cock fills your mouth, he tightens his grip just enough to keep control. His breath hitches, his hips rolling forward slightly as he watches you work.
“Don’t rush,” he snaps, his voice rougher now. He pulls back slightly, making you pause, savoring the way he slides out your mouth and just when you’re aching for more, he thrusts his cock deeper again, filling your mouth with a delicious intensity.
You love it—the way he commands you, the weight of him on your tongue, the pulse of his need. Every time he pushes in deeper, you’re more eager to please him, your body trembling with excitement.
You can feel the tension building in him as you suck him harder, taking him deeper into your mouth, your saliva coating his cock, making it warm and slick.
“Just like that,” he groans, his hand tightening in your hair, his eyes locked on yours. “You’re so good at this. You know exactly what I like, don’t you?”
His praise sends a thrill through you, driving you to take him deeper, to give him everything he wants.
You quicken your pace, encouraged by his words and his hand stays on you, guiding you, pushing you as he groans through gritted teeth, the need for release becoming undeniable.
His hips start moving in rhythm with your mouth as his breaths grows more ragged, and you can tell he’s starting to lose control.
“Fuck… you’re so good,” he pants, his voice thick with need as his control slips further. “Just keep going. …Keep going just like that…” he pants.
You keep at it, your mouth gliding along his cock with precision, pushing him closer to the edge with every second.
His cock twitches in your mouth, and you relax your throat moaning in anticipation wanting more, wanting him to come.
You can hear his breath quicken and feel the tension building in his body. Just as you think he’s about to let go, he suddenly pulls out, releasing his cock from your mouth with a wet pop, a string of saliva connecting you to your lips.
He grips your hair tighter, keeping you in place as he watches you, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “So close,” he breathes, his voice laced with both control and amusement.
You can see the desire in his eyes, an enjoyment in making you wait, in holding back just a little longer. He brushes his thumb across your swollen lips clearing the saliva as he savors the sight of you beneath him.
There’s a look of satisfaction in his eyes, dark and intense, as he reaches down to help you to your feet. His touch is steady, as he guides you. He keeps a hand on your waist, pulling you close, his breath warm against your ear as he leans in.
“You’ll get what you want,” he says with a grin, his voice low and filled with intent.
His grip tightens on your waist as he smoothly turns you around, pulling your back against his chest. His lips brush just below your ear, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver down your spine.
“Now bend over for me,” he says, his tone laced with authority, the command making your pulse quicken.
There’s no hesitation in your response as you lean forward, your hands bracing against the smooth wood of the bar your chest presses into the cool surface.
His hands slide down your hips, possessive and firm, pulling you back against him just enough to make you want more.
Your pulse quickens, the need for him growing uncontrollably as your hands instinctively reach back, lifting your skirt, offering yourself to him without a word.
“Look at you,” he grins, his voice low and filled with amusement. “You’ve been wanting this ever since you walked into the bar haven’t you?”
His words hit you like a wave, stoking the fire already burning inside, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest as your face flushes with heat.
Every glance, every touch, every word has been building to this inevitable moment, something you’ve craved since the first instant his eyes met yours.
You nod, feeling every part of you ache for him, your body responding to his touch as his hand trails down to your lower back holding you firmly in place as he presses you against the bar.
“I know how badly you want this,” He says as you feel him brush his cock against your inner thighs, the weight of it heavy with every movement.
The teasing contact, as it slips against your soft skin, has you trembling, your breath hitching with every near touch, the anticipation driving you mad with need, knowing that at any moment he will finally give you what you crave.
"And you've been so patient for me," he praises, his voice laced with satisfaction as he steps back his hand sliding lower, pulling your panties down, leaving you completely exposed and desperate for him.
His fingers brush over your skin, soft and deliberate, sending a shock of pleasure through your core as his hand trails down, finally reaching the heat between your thighs.
You softly moan as his fingers graze lightly against you and a low groan of appreciation escapes his lips, feeling how wet you are for him.
“You’re absolutely soaked,” he says, his laden with satisfaction, the teasing edge in his words making you exhale as you shiver.
“I’ll give you what you need,” he promises, and his words are like fuel to the fire inside you, igniting every inch of your body. His hands return to your waist, gripping firmly as he pulls you against him. Your breath hitching as you feel the firm heat of his cock pressing your entrance and with a firm deliberate thrust he finally gives you exactly what you’ve been aching for.
His cock stretches you inch by inch until its deep inside, his hips pressing firmly against yours, filling you completely. The weight of his size makes moans spill from your lips as you grip the bar in front of you.
He sets a hard, commanding pace, each thrust making your body tremble as his hips snap against you. “You like this, don’t you?” he rasps, his voice dark with satisfaction as the intensity of his cock renders you speechless.
Your body is overwhelmed as soft whimpers and moans escape your lips, the pleasure washing over you in waves as each of his hard thrusts pushes you over your limit.
“I can tell by those little sounds you’re making,” he praises, his voice rough as he keeps driving into you, each thrust deliberate and forceful. His grip on your hips tightening as he presses harder, guiding your body in sync with his, making you moan and whimper louder with every thrust.
“That’s it,” he praises. “Let me hear you. I want to hear every little sound you make.” His words send another rush of pleasure through you, and his hips begin clapping against yours, jolting you forward with the force of his thrusts.
The world around you blurs as your heart pounds in your chest, your breath coming in shallow gasps. The tightness inside you builds, almost unbearable, the pleasure climbing higher with every firm stroke.
“Taking this cock so well,” he praises, his voice filled with raw admiration, as he continues to push deeper and drive into you harder.
You can’t help the moans and gasps that slip out, with your body completely at his mercy and his hand slides up to your hair, gathering it into a ponytail, tugging it tight.
The pull on your scalp makes you gasp, forcing your head up, and you find yourself staring at the bar mirror across the room in front of you, watching the way your body moves against him.
The sight is almost too much, the tension building in your core as he takes control, every thrust pushing you closer to the edge.
“Watch,” he says, his voice rough and commanding. “I want you to see how perfect you are when I’m inside you.”
You can only moan in response, your body clenching around him as he picks up the pace his hips snapping against yours with raw, desperate intensity.
The world around you begins to blur again as your heart pounds in your chest. You core throbs with anticipation as your breath comes in shallow gasps. Your pulse begins thundering in your ears, as the tightness inside you builds to an almost unbearable peak.
His hand releases his grip firm your hair and slides up to your chin, tilting your face toward the mirror in front of you. “Look at yourself,” he whispers roughly in your ear. “Look how good you’re taking me.”
Your gaze locks with his through the mirror, the reflection capturing the raw intensity of the moment as moans spill from your lips. Your breasts bounce with each of his powerful thrusts, your hips meeting his in a rhythm as his body collides against yours, sending shockwaves through your core.
His eyes are locked on yours, dark with lust, watching your every reaction. His cock filling you deeper,thrusting harder as your moans grow higher in pitch
He groans through gritted teeth, his voice strained as he drives into you. “You feel so good,” he pants, his voice thick with desire. “I’m gonna come… you want that, don’t you?” he asks, his breaths ragged, filled with urgency
Your eyes flick to the mirror again, seeing the way your bodies move together and the way he dominates you from behind makes your orgasm build even faster, pushing you closer to the edge with every thrust and you nod to him as you moan.
“Keep taking me…-just like this until I come” He rasps as his thrusts become rougher, the sound of his skin slapping against yours filling the room as he chases his release.
You watch your reflection as you moan desperately, your body arching back into him.
His thrusts are relentless, each one sending shockwaves through you, the impact driving you to the edge. Your muscles spasm uncontrollably as the tension in your core snaps, your orgasm hitting you with a force that makes your vision blur. Your walls clench down hard on his cock, gripping him tightly as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through your body, leaving you gasping
He groans and his eyes lock onto yours in the mirror “I’m gonna come,” he pants, his voice rough with pleasure as he buries himself deep into your walls. His cock is throbbing as he spills himself completely inside of you the heat of his release makes you clench around him again as you moan in pleasure.
His grip tightens on you as he rides out the waves of pleasure, his breaths ragged as his hips move slowly, savoring every second until he’s finally, spent and satisfied.
You’re both left breathless and trembling as he slowly pulls out of you. The sudden loss of his fullness makes you shiver, and he steps back slightly, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath.
“You’re unbelievable,” he says with a satisfied grin, watching as you pull your panties back up and smooth your skirt down.
You hear the soft snap of him removing his condom, and when you turn, he’s buckling his jeans, that same cocky grin still playing on his lips as his gaze meets yours, filled with satisfaction and pride, as if he knows exactly the effect he’s had on you.
He casually reaches for something on the bar and holds it out to you and you look down smiling to see your ID, between his fingers
He twirls the card, then holds it steady just as you take it from his hand with a smile.
“Thanks,” you say, turning to leave, but before you can even take a step, he grabs your wrist, pulling you back toward him. His grip is firm but teasing, his voice low as he says, “You think you’re walking out of here that easily?”
You raise an eyebrow, the heat between you undeniable. “What, you’re not done with me yet?” you tease trying to play it cool even though you both know there’s a secret bond that’s formed between you.
He smirks, his fingers still wrapped around your wrist. “Not even close,” he murmurs, his eyes locked on yours. “In fact” he says pulling you in closer “ We need to do this again tomorrow,” he says with a satisfied grin.
You pause, pretending to think it over. “Tomorrow?” you say, tapping your chin playfully
He leans in just enough for his lips to brush near your ear, his voice a low, tempting whisper. “Trust me,” he murmurs, his lips grazing your skin, “by tomorrow, you won’t be able to think about anything else.”
You meet his eyes, and the heat between you is undeniable. Slowly, he leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss that reignites the fire inside you, leaving you wanting him all over again. Just as you give in, he pulls back, his control clear in every move.
He watches you for a moment longer, his eyes lingering on your lips before a smirk spreads across his face. “Tomorrow then,” he confirms, his voice low and full of promise, and you readily nod, excitement coursing through you.
You step back, breaking the contact, but his fingers linger on your wrist for just a second longer, enough to leave you aching for more before he lets you go.
As you head toward the door, you glance over your shoulder, catching his gaze one last time. He leans casually against the bar, his eyes locked on you, the same confident smirk playing on his lips. “Don’t keep me waiting when I call,” he says his tone playful but firm.
You flash him a smile as you push the handle,“I won’t ,” you reply as he takes one final look at you, then you push the door as you step outside.
The night air hits your skin, but it does nothing to cool the excitement building inside as you breathe in deeply, trying to steady your pulse, but it’s no use—your mind is consumed by Hank.
The way he looks at you, the way he satisfies you, the teasing promise in his voice—it’s all you can think about.
A small, knowing smile tugs at your lips as you hail a cab, your thoughts entirely wrapped up in him. There’s no question in your mind—you’ll be back, and tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
🧢 End
🔗 Master List
🏷️ Always Tags Me List
@purejasmine @faegoddessog @burnthheparaphilia @butdaddyilovehim99 @lindszeppelin @abswifey @ausssbutlershortstories @magicovento @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @thegabbyh @thefallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @denised916 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @xxmandaveexx @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @majestyjade @gravesdiggergirl @nostalgichoya
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Sam is a complete gentleman. Once you capture his attention, it will be completely fixed on you and he will never even look around at any woman other than you.
That being said, getting his attention is very difficult. He was polite and kind to everyone, so you thought that he didn't want you particularly.
But he did. He liked you more than anyone else, and soon, asked you out.
Sam is the sweetest boyfriend, he'll try his best to know what you like and don't like so that he can make sure that he never makes you uncomfortable.
Hugs and cuddles. He loves it when you keep your head on his shoulder while he's doing research or reading a book. He pretends like he doesn't need affection but deep down, you know he does.
Everyone around Sam treats him like he's a baby, so in the beginning, when you had done that too, Sam had got angry. Very angry.
But as time passed, you saw how talented and capable Sam is, and learned to not underestimate him. Sam fell a bit more in love with you because of that.
Sam is constantly worried about others, including Dean and Bobby, looking at him like he was a freak, like he was inhuman. But you never looked at him like that. For you, he was just Sam. Your Sam.
He takes great pride in the fact that he's tall, and teases you about your height more often than not. You try to tease him back and it eventually ends up in a makeout session.
Sam treats you with great care, but he doesn't underestimate you. He loves and cherishes you while being aware of how strong you are.
He will always make sure that you get enough rest and food. If you're ever upset, he'll try to talk to you and coax the problem out of you. In the sweetest, gentlest way possible.
Whenever he and Dean argue, he always comes to you and talks to you about how he disagrees with most of his family values, and you listen to him patiently, just glad that he doesn't shut himself off like his brother and actually talks about his feelings.
Sam's love language is words of affirmation. He needs to be told how good and kind he is, relying on healthy communication more than anything else. In return, he constantly praises you, showering you with love and appreciation.
Contrary to what most people might believe, Sam is not a boring person. He has different ideas of fun, and though he's not the most joyous or exuberant person around, he's fun to be with. He will make sure that you never get bored in his presence.
That being said, he does get insecure that you might leave him for someone better, someone louder, more enthusiastic, but you convince him with both words and actions that he's the one for you, and you wouldn't even think of leaving him.
He's not the only one who gets insecure, though. Being extraordinarily handsome and cute, many girls and even a couple of guys flirt with him on multiple occasions, even when you're right beside him.
But Sam makes sure to let the world know that he's yours. Many times, to get the point across, he'll kiss you in front of the lot to let them know that you're together.
Sam wants to quit hunting and start a family with you, a quiet, white-fence life, and since it's with him, so do you.
You and Sam are endgame, and both of you are going to make sure that you two stay with each other, forever.
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Hey um, what if the Overblot boys told each other their backstories?
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Mmm… Well firstly, I think it would take a lot of effort to arrive at a point where all of the OB boys would even feel comfortable being that emotionally intimate with the others. Many of the OB boys are highly guarded and resistant to putting themselves in compromising positions. For example, I can easily see Azul being paranoid that the others would use his background as blackmail; he would not risk having his own vulnerabilities becoming public knowledge. Would Leona really be okay with being sentimental in front of various people he dislikes, especially Malleus and Vil? Would Idia feel safe unpacking his trauma and grief in front of his peers? Etc, etc, etc.
Secondly, I think that even if the OB boys were hypothetically at the point where they were okay sharing their backstories with the others, it wouldn’t change much about their immediate circumstances?? The OB boys generally don’t strike me as particularly… empathetic? At least not automatically empathetic. It’s something they would need to put effort into and actively work on. I imagine that they’d otherwise just pull a Zuko-style “That’s rough, buddy” or potentially even say something tactless that rubs their peers the wrong way (for example, not fully understanding the situation or even downplaying one another’s trauma). Riddle (someone with very little to no experience with social media and entertainment mediums) might not get how being a celebrity influences Vil’s life, Leona might insult Malleus (someone whom he has a bone to pick with), everyone might still be upset with Malleus for what he did to them in book 7. etc. Each OB boy only has their own experiences as the lens through which they see and interact with the world, and it’s not that easy for just anyone to put themselves in the shoes of another person.
Hearing a (for lack of a better term) traumadump doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll connect with it or understand just how grueling it was for the person who experienced said trauma. It would usually take a significant amount of time and reflection (ideally facilitated by a licensed mediator or professional) to digest those stories in group therapy and to make sure that everyone actually understands one another. A surface-level story retelling alone in most cases isn’t (again, for lack of a better term) “enough”, especially with how self-centered, emotionally immature, and different many of the OB boys are.
Think of empathy like a skill or a muscle. It isn’t innate. You need to develop it and train it, and not putting it to use can lead to atrophy. And given how arrogant and independent your usual NRC student is… yeah, it’s definitely going to be something for them all to work on.
If you want to think of it another way, it’s like how different players will react differently to reading the OB boys’s backstories. Someone who experienced bullying similar to Azul could more easily empathize with him while also not fully “getting” the full scope of other stories they hear. Maybe they can’t understand why Riddle still cares about the mother who mistreated him. Maybe they don’t see why Jamil sacrifices so much for his family. It doesn’t make the player a bad person for not understanding all the stories, it simply means they have a limited perspective. The same is true of the TWST characters; they, too, have incomplete points of views.
Maybe knowing their backstories in advance would change some scenes in small ways (such as book 6, when they split up and then butt heads with each other). They’d know where the other boys were coming from, and how that informs how they act in present day. However, I maintain that I think not much would change from the original. In a stressful situation like book 6, they could easily slip up and say something insensitive/make assumptions about their behavior based on their background/overlook or not even consider their background in the first place since they’re so focused on the current task. For example, Azul, feeling insulted that Riddle is underestimating him, could make a snide remark that just because his mother was a control freak doesn’t mean Riddle also has to be. Jamil could still see Leona as a spoiled prince because, despite being treated like an outcast, he still grew up in immense privilege as royalty. They can so easily fixate on their own interpretations of events that it colors how they perceive others, rather than how they can relate to others no matter how similar or dissimilar their experiences were.
In other ways, I think the OB boys sharing their backstories with one another stifles potentially meaningful development. Character growth in TWST isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon, and we’re here for the long haul. What does depositing all the backstories in their laps achieve for the OB boys? It artificially puts them in a situation to “better know” their peers rather than let it happen organically or allowing them to grow closer through their own efforts. Let’s look at the Deuce-Epel beach scene from book 5. Do you think it would have been as impactful of a scene if Epel explained his life in the countryside and how he got his traditional views on gender norms to Deuce? Personally, I don’t think so. The scene we currently have has them bonding and connecting through a shared activity (shouting at the sea), then having a heart-to-heart without a heavy backstory exposition. It’s through that, not explicit backstory sharing, that the two form an attachment and become genuine friends.
Those are all my thoughts!! ^^
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piquuroblox · 2 days
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lua-stellar · 2 days
Messages For This October 🎃 Tea Leaf PAC 🍵 (Detailed!)
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$2 Tarot Readings My Ko-Fi Masterlist
pile 1
so for pile 1 The first thing I noticed is the formation of a hat on the star symbol on my cup, this is a lucky sign because I feel in october you will encounter success and recognition of some sort, through trying something new and dipping yourself into a new skill perhaps or a new hobby. I get the feeling that some of you, very soon and early in october, might possibly get a new job or get into something new that will bring you success and recognition of some kind. I also see like two lovebirds directly under I feel after getting into this new opportunity you will experience a love and through social connection like parties for example or some other social gathering, i'm getting a strong energy that in the beginning of october pile 1 you will be very very social and you will be connecting with lots of people and whatnot. I get the energy that through these new opportunities about a week and a halfish maybe into october, you will have entered a new relationship, a new love of some kind and all these opportunities would have brought you to this new beginning. I feel that within a few weeks of this in october however this new love will have begun making you run all over the place in a way? I see a squirrel near the bottom of the cup, running from the venus symbol it looks like. I feel like this new love of yours would have you being sort of stressed in a way, running around alot, doing alot. Near the end of october I get the energy that you will have abandoned this 'new love' of yours, there is a giant hedgehog on the bottom-side of the cup, covering up mercury and mars. I feel that this 'new love' you encounter at the beginning of october, will not be what you really want and you will end up leaving it behind in favor of yourself and your needs, and genuinely I think thats a pretty positive outcome in a way. I also in general see alot of activity at the very end of october, I feel that the end of october for you will be very energetic and lively and again I just feel like you will be focusing on you and reevaluating what you want in life, in people, in love, like you will be reevaluating all that this october that's definently the energy I get from this reading. Now in your tea plate, which represents the energy of this upcoming october for you, has a question mark like shape right in the middle of the plate. So I feel that the energy for this upcoming october will be you questioning what you really want, reevaluating things you thought you wanted but didn't actually necessarily enjoy, I also see dots forming the shape of a wavy line showing you might be prone to some stress, and high emotions this october. But also in general your october will be very energetic you will be surrounded by others, I see you being very social this coming october, I see this with the amount of sporadic energetic dots that freckle the cup. I also see like a broken road like shape circling around the cup, directly going from the gemini symbol to the saggitarius symbol, I feel that this represents how this coming october you will face some challenges to overcome. I also see that this road like shape has two major breaks, I believe that this is reflecting also what I already read in the cup and thats that things for you might drastically change twice this month, you will enter a new opportunity, a new love even, and then you will leave it by the end of the month choosing yourself inevitably as this new thing in your life brings you stress. Another small thing I noticed in your plate is the shape of a human like person laying in the fetal position right below the aries symbol, I feel like this shows how you will be getting into new things this october, being a little impulsive as well but it leaves you drained and possibly stressed out.
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pile 2
For pile 2 I see that throughout october you will be very disciplined, patient, and determined and hardworking as symbolized through the giant tortoise. I feel like you will be very hard working throughout the second week to the end of october and it certainly will pay off your hard work, I see a good omen for you pile 2 near the end of october. What looks to me like a boat, a good omen for success whether financial, also could be that you will around that time meet new people and new things in general will be coming into your life. I definently see that good things are coming your way, and fresh energy, and all of your hard work and discipline throughout october will certainly pay off. I definently can see that you will also be sociable through october, like I can see alot of energy and possibly going to social events etc. But mostly I see hard work and the rewards of your hard work coming this october. I also see a little symbol, large dots creating a line throughout the snake symbol, through mars and mercury. This I feel is a warning that there are some people this october that you will be communicating with that do not have your best interest in mind, and that to be cautious of who you surround yourself around. Don't confide in people you don't know very well this october. But overall in your tea cup pile 2 I see hard work and I see success coming your way. Now in your plate, which represents the general energy that this october will have for you, I see alot of clusters of dots in your plate. I can tell that this october you will be very busy, you'll be working hard I believe, lots of energy I get the vibe you will be surrounded by people, I see a cross in your plate it looks like a crucifixion cross (like the one from christianity) this cross represents the energy in october that you will be highly rewarded for your hard work, and it will pay off. But also I see a ring like shape that kinda fades into sporadic dots, directly under libra, scorpio and sagittarius. I feel like this energy could be a warning to be careful who you trust during this time, again I feel that this symbol represents people who you will encounter this october that will not have your best interests in mind, possibly manipulative people. Be careful who you confide in, don't trust everyone around you.
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genericpuff · 2 days
Wait, if Hera hated nymphs, does that mean she had beef with Poseidon's wife???
Who knows, but it does shed a whole new light on this scene from Episode 1:
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Like, in the context of the scene, it's clear the point of this interaction is to highlight how "lonely" Hades is that he's the only one at the party without a date. Though I do think it's funny that Hades is frustrated / shocked at the revelation that Poseidon brought his wife to a party that she would presumably be invited to attend, like... of course Poseidon is here with his wife, that makes Amphitrite royalty by extension and so at the very least she'd likely be obligated to attend even if she, for some reason, didn't want to go.
So Hades being like "GOD you mean I'm the ONLY UNMARRIED GUY without a DATE???" like yeah man that's what it means to not be married LOL
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But in hindsight, knowing what we know now about Hera being cruel to satyrs and nymphs who are canonically lower class (making it a double whammy of racism AND classism) that interaction of Hades asking Hera if Poseidon brought Amphitrite right after Hera called Minthe "nymph trash" almost feels like Hades calling her out, to which she responds sheepishly, "... Yes."
Again, I know that's not the intention of this scene, but it does come with deeper implications now that the series is over and we know that Hera has a history of racism and classism which largely goes unaddressed.
And those implications kind of read like this:
Hera: "I, for one, am grateful! I don't have to spend the evening with that nymph trash :)"
Hades: "Did Poseidon bring his (oceanid) wife?"
Hera: "(・_・;)... yes, okay, Poseidon brought his wife, Amphritite, but she's not nymph trash or anything, she's one of the good ones!"
Again though, just food for thought that's kinda messed up and kinda funny to think about on re-reads. There's so much classism and racism baked into LO even from the very beginning and it's wild that it wound up going unnoticed for years. Even I didn't really notice it as much as I ought to have when I first started reading. To anyone who's new to the series, LO does a good job at bombarding you with colors, characters, Greek myth references, and feel good fluff moments between H x P to distract you from the often biased and outdated viewpoints in its narrative.
TBH, none of that is to say that Rachel herself is some massive racist for writing a story like this, but I do think she didn't really spend enough time analyzing the works that clearly inspired her and/or challenging her own inspirations to ensure she wasn't continuing the cycle of casual racism. It's really easy to be blissfully aware of your own biases if you never learn to address them, especially when it comes to writing fantasy stories which we tend to "disconnect" from real life, never once realizing that the messages and undertones we might accidentally be sending are often still realities for many people in real life today. Fiction isn't real life, sure, but it can still perpetuate some really dog shit thought patterns and subconscious beliefs if left unchecked, which LO is frankly full of especially upon re-reads with a more critical eye when you're not as likely to get distracted or swept away by the pretty colors and whirlwind romance.
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cod-dump · 3 days
What would happen if Price got contacted to say his mother or father had died? Would he care? Would he go to the funeral? Would he simply pretend he never saw the letter?
Even worse if someone else found the letter first.
more richborn Price? hell yea
Price getting mysterious letter in a PO box he had long forgotten about. It had a hand written name on it, it was familiar, an upon opening it he spotted a name t the bottom, signed off elegantly. One that made his heart almost stop.
Amelia Victoria.
She left out the surname, certainly knowing he would throw it the letter out upon sight of it alongside a name that wasn't his own. He would've crumpled it up by now, but he didn't. All previous attempts at contacting him was from his parents, his siblings had never reached out. Never.
His brother simply didn't care to, he had everything to gain from Price not being present. Of course it had to be Amelia, she was the only person Price would ever considering listening to. It had to be her.
Price stuffed the letter back into the envelope, not bothering to read anything beyond his sister's name. He didn't have the energy for those people, his sister included. It was his own fault, leaving himself open to their attempts at communication, cruel enough to never answer and cowardly enough to never have it in him to respond.
He could disappear, they never would be able to find them. But he never did it.
He threw the letter in the trash as he walked out of his office. If the janitor didn't have the trash dumped by morning then he'd consider reading it.
Of course it wasn't left in the trash.
Price was nursing a morning cup of tea, still waking up when Ghost walked into the lounge. He had a look in his eyes, guilty but also a bit miffed. He looked at Price before he walked over and sat across from him. No words were spoken as he took out the letter and dropped it on the table.
Price felt his eye twitch at the sight. This wouldn't be the first time Ghost had poked around in his trash, Price knew he should've shredded it upon discovering who sent it. It was his own fault for being weak, for being open to reading it.
"Your mum's dead."
Price felt his heart drop, almost dropping his mug. He shakingly put down his tea, breathing as he looked away. Ghost's eyes widened and he looked even more guilty.
"You didn't know."
Ghost spoke upon the assumption he had read it. Of course, he wouldn't have said anything otherwise.
"I'm sorry."
Price took the letter, trying to not rip and tear as he opened it. He skimmed over the words until he found the passage mentioning his mother's death. He was supposed to feel something more than a numbed dread. He was a child who learned his mother was gone, why wasn't he feeling more than this? The shake in his hands wasn't enough, there should be more emotion.
Price honestly didn’t feel much as he read his sister's letter, describing their mother's last moments and the funeral they would have. She wrote as if she already knew he would never attend, and there wasn't any blame. Just sorrow and understanding. Sorrow, it didn't feel enough.
His dear mother, might as well have not been there at all. He vividly remembered her faraway stare, like her spirit wasn't even present. She used to be much more alive when he was much younger, while she was pregnant with his brother. She argued with his father with determination, no fear. Then... it just went away. She never showed much emotion after she became pregnant with his sister. Their father had full reign of the household, of their children.
He wondered if she died that way, numb and absent minded, allowing their father to have his way until the bitter end.
Ghost didn't like his silence, probably didn't like the lack of a more earnest reaction. Price never told him about his family or upbringing. Never told him he joined the military to get away from them. Any judgement he was receiving was deserved. Ghost clung to his family when he had them, he loved them fiercely.
"I probably should tell you a few things about me... and keep all of this between us, yea?"
Ghost nodded while watching him carefully. Price really didn't want the others to learn about this, learn everything about him he frankly didn't want them to know.
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blossoms-phan · 18 hours
guys can someone reassure me that you want to read phan smut
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hii maybe some morning sex with BDE
A/N: Thanks for the request! I'm not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind but here we go. Thanks to @sissylittlefeather for encouraging me on this one!
Way Down
Pairing: BDE x Reader
Word count: 1.9K
TW: Usual sorts of BDE things - self-esteem issues, impotence, and then smut - oral, fingering, p in v sex, reader calls Elvis daddy, spanking, bratty!reader.
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Elvis turns over for the twentieth time. It’s no use. He can’t sleep. Sighing loudly he gets up and pads over to the bathroom. Maybe if he runs himself a bath and relaxes in some nice steamy water for a while he’ll come out feeling ready to sleep. It seems like a long shot, but at least it’s something to do. He’d already re-read The Prophet five times, written several new notes in the margin, ordered a sandwich from the kitchen and eaten it and counted all of the freckles on your face. There’s not much left. 
He sighs again as he sinks down into the hot water, thinking about you. Thinking about the little performance you’d given him earlier, that’s been playing over and over in his head ever since. That’s what has stopped him from getting any rest. He’d come in, ready to get into bed and read and you’d been sitting there, waiting for him. Dressed in his favourite pink babydoll with your hair and make-up all pretty. So far, so good. He’d got under the covers and opened a book and you’d crawled into his lap, all eyes and hair and bright pink lips. Your little hands running down his chest, cute little voice cooing at him. He told you now wasn’t the time, and he was going to read to you. So you settled down, and listened, all cuddled up to him cutely. 
When he was done reading he kissed you on the top of the head and then eased you back under the covers. As he lay down next to you he realised you’d wriggled out of the babydoll, and started to wrap your naked body around him. Your hands were journeying down somewhere he didn’t want them to be, so he firmly told you no, again, and turned over. With his back turned he could hear your tiny sniffles, knew he’d upset you. But somehow he couldn’t turn back and comfort you. Or apologise. He just waited until he heard your breathing getting regular and decided you were probably asleep. And then he started to feel guilty, and he still feels guilty now. He just didn’t want to disappoint you, when inevitably his dick didn’t work like it should. He screws his eyes shut. He should let you go, really. It’s not fair to you, being with half a man like this. But he loves you. And you make him feel less lonely. He sighs for the millionth time. The bath hasn’t helped, he might as well get out. 
He dries himself slowly with a big fluffy towel and then carefully wraps it around his waist. At least some time must have passed by now. Maybe it’s a reasonable time for normal people to be awake. He walks back into the bedroom and looks at the clock. 9am. He hasn’t seen 9am for quite some time. Moving slowly towards the bed, he sees you’ve kicked off the covers. You do this almost every night - put the electric blanket on too high because you’re afraid of being cold, and then kick it off in your sleep. But usually you’re wearing pyjamas. And right now, you’re still naked from that failed attempt at intimacy earlier, and lying on your front with your long brown hair everywhere. His eyes trail down your body until they reach your ass. It looks perfect right now; tanned and round and just begging to be touched. He stands by the side of the bed and stares at it for a while, smiling, thinking about you running about in your skimpy little bikini, your ass and tits just bouncing around.
You huff a little in your sleep and that makes him smile even more. It’s like you’re being bratty even though you’re not awake. Huffing usually got you spanked, and he knows you do it sometimes because you enjoy a good spanking. You’re always dripping afterwards. He starts to feel something stirring below his waist and reaches out to run his fingers over your ass cheek. Your skin is smooth and warm. You grumble a little now and your head moves, eyes slowly opening as he strokes your ass again. Groggy, but enjoying the contact, you shift your legs a little further apart, inviting his fingers to toy with your pussy. Your grumble turns to a soft moan as you feel one of his long digits sliding inside you. It feels so good. His expert touch has you wet in seconds and you turn to look at him as he eases another finger in. 
He’s a little damp from what you assume is a bath - that’s what he usually does when he can’t sleep. His belly pooches over the towel wrapped around his waist a little, his pretty face stares down at you intently and… wait a minute. You blink a few times to try and make sure you’re not having a very vivid dream. No, you’re not dreaming. That towel is tenting. You get up onto your hands and knees and reach for it, pulling it off quickly and revealing his more than half-hard dick. 
“N-no, ah… honey I-” He tries to protest, wanting to wiggle away from you but unwilling to remove his fingers.
You shake your head. “C’mere I wanna suck you.”
He starts to tell you that you can’t do that when he’s not really hard, but all thoughts and words are knocked out of his head by that pretty little mouth of yours wrapping itself around him. 
“Shit,” he mutters, trying to recover enough to keep pumping his fingers in and out of you. 
You’re pleased at his reaction, your hand pulling him into your mouth as you flatten your tongue against the underside. He makes another little pleasured noise, making you feel even more self-satisfied. 
The way his fingers are just slipping in and out of you, the way you’re so wet for him so quickly, your reaction to his floppy dick… everything is just making him more wildly turned on than he’s been in a long time, and he feels himself hardening in your mouth and hand. He puts his other hand in your hair, and you look up at him, lovingly. 
“Baby, can I fuck you?” He asks, voice hoarse with lust. 
You nod and let his dick slide back out of your mouth again, wet with your saliva. 
“How do you want me?”
He groans. In every which way imaginable, he thinks. Instead he just says, “scooch down to the edge of the bed here, on your back.”
You do as you’re told, positively beaming. You like following instructions, and you like being fucked. 
He strokes himself a couple of times and then lines his dick up with your entrance, slowly starting to push inside. You moan together, enjoying something neither of you have felt for a while. As he starts to slowly thrust in and out, he watches your breasts bounce with every movement. Gripping your legs for leverage, he starts to go deeper.
You’re just getting used to the feeling of him filling you up and stretching you out, your pleasure starting to gradually build, when he suddenly lets your legs go and grabs you around your waist, picking you up off the bed and holding you against him. Your legs wrap around him automatically, and at first you think he’s carrying you somewhere else. Then you realise he’s just fucking you standing up instead. You had no idea he was strong enough to do this. You’re pretty small and he’s certainly picked you up and carried you places a few times, but you’d never thought of doing it in this position. He had, though. Lots of times. Especially when you first met. It was an image he’d found hard to get out of his mind, but somehow he’d never had the guts to try it. Well, not until this sleep-deprived morning with the first hard-on he’s had for a long time, when it suddenly seems like a good idea. 
You hang on tightly around his neck as his hands grip under your ass and his hips buck up into you furiously. You didn’t expect it to feel so good, he’s hitting somewhere inside that you really like and you can feel your pleasure building again. Also, it doesn’t hurt that it seems like he’s throwing you around like a ragdoll. You briefly wonder what came over him this morning that didn’t last night, and then he pulls you off him and back onto the bed again. 
You whine. “Mmm Daddy. I was close!”
Your reaction just makes him grin, and he wonders how much longer he can do this for. He stands over you, dick red and rock hard, face flushed and hair a little wild. He hasn’t felt this good in quite a while. 
“Turn over. No more whining.”
You lie back on your stomach again but the brat in you can’t resist another little whine. He shakes his head with a smirk and slaps your ass a few times. 
“Told ya not to whine, bratty little thing.”
You’re not sure what noises you’re making by the time he starts to fuck you again, fingers gripping your hips as he pulls you back onto him with every thrust. They’re definitely pretty frustrated when he pulls out before you can cum, and tells you to turn back over. 
“Please,” you moan, your pussy red and puffy and desperate to cum. 
He laughs. “Alright. I’m getting tired.” Sitting down on the bed, back against the headrest, he lets his head fall back and his eyes half close. “Come and ride this old man ‘til ya cum all over his dick.”
You can’t get there fast enough. He’s laughing at your eagerness, and then you pout and he kisses you tenderly as you settle back onto him again, your hips rolling. He moans into your mouth as you ride him mercilessly, bouncing up and down and pulling his hair. Finally you’re there, tumbling over the edge into oblivion, fingers entwined around the back of his neck as you throw your head back and moan. 
Your walls squeeze him like a vice and he throws his head back too, big hands taking up most of your back as he keeps bucking his hips into you until he cums. The feeling of euphoria hits him and he gathers you up into his arms, holding you tightly against him as he savours it. You bury your head in his neck and kiss him there, enjoying how he smells - clean with the slightest hint of fresh sweat.
You snuggle into him afterwards, your head on his belly as he drifts off finally into a peaceful sleep. You know you’re awake now for the duration, but you don’t mind. For a change he didn’t put his pyjamas back on, so you plan on spending the next few hours studying his body. Who knows when you’ll get another chance.
As the two of you panted together in each other’s arms, you’d asked him what had made him change his mind. He didn’t really have an answer at first, but then when he thought about it, it became clear. 
“I realised how much you love me, baby.”
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed:
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ghouldtime · 12 hours
Neighbor! König Part 2
Follow up to this:
After you expressed interest in his miniature collection, he actually actively OFFICIALLY invited you over one evening (and inside!)
It may not sound like much to most to be invited into someone's house but for him, it's the ultimate trust. His house is his private space, his sanctuary, where he goes to be without other people
He doesn't ever invite anyone inside unless necessary or they've truly gained his trust and being invited INTO his house, and actually into a shared space of one of the hobbies that matter the most to him?? Yeah, that's how he says he likes you
He's been working on his models and dioramas for so so long he's incredibly proud and can't help but to want to actually show them off to someone who wants to see
Usually most people don't care :( or think it's weird
But you've embraced it! You're so excited and he's over the moon, he's having the best day ever, if you do research and bring him gifts or show him some new ideas
He has exquisite attention to detail and INSISTS on everything being exactly the way he envisions it. And you notice! You actually notice. Which means you care about his hobbies, the work he puts in, and therefore him
It might be a bit early to say the L word but he's feeling certain ways
He may be a big dude but that doesn't mean he lacks fine motor skills. He's laying those tiny pieces of moss onto the cobble stones like a PRO
Miniatures allow him control over the environment, even if it's on a smaller scale, and offer a way to keep his hands and mind busy so he often throws himself into it
It also helps him relive happier memories. He's afraid of forgetting them and when he's stressing, it's his happy place because he can look at them and simply remember the things in life that matter
He'll ask you about a story you like or a favorite show or book or movie. That's his next miniature planned (in secret. Can't ruin the surprise, he needs to have it all perfect. He will either read the book, watch the movie, will study EVERY detail)
He will start to invite you over when he's having a painting night or is working on them. You don't have to follow his rules or do what he wants! He's just happy you're there and appreciating it
He will always have your favorite snacks and drinks in stock too. Need to make it fun and can't have you going hungry
If you want, he'll put on background noise! He's happy to make it immersive and to light a candle or put something in a diffuser to really set the scene you're going for. But he's perfectly happy to hangout with you as is
You'll finally get to hear him laugh and hear his really, really bad jokes. He has a dry sense of humor and most of what he says isn't even close to funny, he's awkward like that
But if you laugh? That's it, he's sold.
Time flies so fast when you're over, you don't even realize it's 3am
You don't need to go home! I know it's right across the street but he has a guest room and it saves you the trip in the morning. You have a whole nother round of characters to paint :)
Okay maybe it was an excuse so you could see the curtains he'd made and the pillows and he decorated the guest room with! Like actually tried decorating. They're made with love, that's what counts right?
Did he spray the pillows with his cologne before you came over? Maybe, but he won't ever admit to it
You can't complain. Not when he insists it's no trouble at all, you should stay over, and he does everything he can to make you comfortable.
And you're certainly not complaining when you wake up to breakfast in bed
He's so happy to finally have someone to share his life with, even if it's nothing official. He might not say it because words are hard, but he'll always show it in every way that he can 💚
If you look closely at the replica he made of his childhood home, you'll notice two figures in the kitchen who just so happen to look like you and him
Proud believer of König being just a guy! A guy with hobbies! A guy with a calm domestic life! Just because he's a private military contractor doesn't mean he's a constantly violent dude or a guy who lacks an immense amount of respect for boundaries. Sure, he gets really into his job when he does it, but that's his realm! That's his zone. That's why he's confident and having fun, he knows he's good
Outside of work, he's just a guy with a troubled childhood making the best of life and trying to find his own sense of belonging, happiness, and peace
Justice for König, he's not an insane perv or some freakytron or some stalker :(
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gothic-thoughts · 1 day
Hello! 👋🏾 Your knight!Ghost and Princess!reader was so fun to read。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
If you feel like it, Could you do a continuation? Like where ghost escorts her through the village because she kept complaining about it( and maybe they do something semi-public, like in the carriage or any alleyway)
Or maybe something risky in the palace, or just furthering their escapades in her bedroomJust some ideas!
I write too, so I get if you're not inspired by this or if you are and it takes a while lol
just hope it sparked some ideas(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
All of them did thx sm 🙏🏾💙💙 I made this story a lot deeper than it was 😅😅 long story incoming
Part 1 is right here, but it's not required to read this tho
The Truth
Ghost Riley x Black Fem Reader Angsty Smut
MDNI, Virgin!Reader, Princess!Reader, Black Knight!Ghost
CW: a lil angsty corruption kink??, semi-public smashing (castle library), afab parts, talking through it, fingering, riding
Word Count: 2525 (give or take)
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Even after Ghost touched her in the bathtub, the Princess was still hellbent on seeing the fountain near the village entrance or the village in general, and not just from her balcony. The Black Knight wasn’t verbally rejecting her request anymore, opting to stand there with folded arms and cold eyes.
"What the hell is so special about that damn fountain, anyway?"
“I don't know! I’ve seen people throw coins into it after making a wish and I have to try it! It’s unfair!”
"What’s unfair is you being so hellbent on getting yourself killed. Are you in denial at how dangerous your town is?”
“Ugh, now you sound like my father; it's our village, why would my people want to hurt me?”
He raised his eyebrows as his eyes widened.
"You...think... the people in this village actually care about you?"
“Um, of course they do.” She laughs, backing up, “Did you forget I’m the princess? They may not know me to love me, but they surely care.”
"Oh they care alright— they care how easy you’ll be to rob... or worse.”
“Oh please, Simon, that’s a bit dramatic.”
“The moment you walk out there unprotected, they'd rip you apart. Just be thankful you haven’t been caught by anyone out there when you sneak out."
“I don't believe that...”
"You don't believe it?"
“Jesus, your father’s a worse King than I thought. Makes sense he’s an even worse father.”
“Hey! He may be a pain, but watch your tongue.”
“I’ll watch my tone when he goes back in time and tells his daughter what people do when they’re desperate, especially the people in this town. Because I can tell you holding people for ransom, robbing and even killing is never off the table— they might even do it for fun.”
“Simon, stop!”
He laughs, “You know what, I’ll teach you myself. Maybe there’s a book in the library on betrayal and human nature.”
“You mean any book in there that I somehow haven't read a thousand times?”
“Let’s go, it'll give you something to do besides complain and piss me off all night."
Ghost steps out of the way to reveal the door across her room, gesturing for her to take the lead, allowing (Y/n) to lead. Once in the library, the Princess walked through the biology books, calling out everyone that she’d read already— and she was right, it was most if not all. They then moved to the history book aisle, her fingers skimming past all the books' spines while her guard followed close behind silently, watching.
“Find anything yet?”
She groans, turning to face him. “Of course not, maybe because I read all these already! Ugh, besides some of them are missing.”
Ghost raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean missing?”
“These books have been lost for forever, I think.”
“And nobody has tried to look for them?"
“I don't know, my father told me they went missing around the time he became King.”
“Around? Lost? What could've possibly happened to these books for them to just disappear?"
“I don't know, perhaps they were lost in the move...”
He almost laughs, "Lost in the move?"
“Don’t laugh! He’s not of royal blood, he was elected in by the old King before he passed!”
“Oh, I know; the biggest news in the land was when a common blacksmith took his place.”
“But you’ve never seen a bookstore, so you wouldn’t know that most books don’t look like...” He gestures to the golden spines on the shelves, “...This. So a common blacksmith couldn’t have bought them.” 
“I... I-I don’t know! I never really noticed or thought about until now... I was too young and they’re just books so I never asked again...”
"Good, you're learning.”
“Why would he hide books...?”
Ghost crossed his arms, giving (Y/n) a look as if it were a rhetorical question.
"Do you really have to ask? There is a reason he keeps you in this castle, isolated and dumb like this."
She blinks, “...Because I'm young...?”
“Because your father knows what those villagers are capable of."
“But all the times I snuck out, the few people I met were nice... They had to have known, the only I don't wear is my jewelry.”
"Why’s that?”
“In case something falls off while I'm sneaking out and leaves evidence to my routes...”
He chuckled, "You may be craftier than I initially thought."
“I'm naïve, not stupid.”
The Princess starts to walk to the bookkeeper’s desk to see if the books are over there, impressing Ghost with her newfound determination. She climbs over the desk and crouches under to look for the books and to her surprise, there is a stack of missing books sitting right where the bookkeeper would be standing. She gasps and grabs them, standing back up to place the 10 books on the desk for Ghost to see while she reads off the titles.
“So, she...” (Y/n) trails off, “The bookkeeper knew about this too...”
"Do you trust her?”
“I trust all the staff... at least I did.” The Princess gasps, “That's why he hired you to watch me— cuz a Black Knight wouldn't be as lenient with me as a palace guard.”
He smiled and uncrossed his arms. "You're catching on, Princess. Well done."
“Should I read them...? I feel like it maybe too much information, especially in one night.”
“I could give you a summary of what might be in those books.”
“What, then tell me!”
"Do you really want to hear my thoughts, Princess?”
“Yes, all of them, everything.” 
“You aren't going to like it.”
“That’s probably why it was hidden from me, isn’t it?”
The Princess carefully jumps back over the desk and adjusts her nightgown before walking over to the lounging area of the library, causing a sly smirk to slowly form on his lips somewhat amused by her eagerness. She sat on the couch closest to the fireplace while Ghost stood in front of the couch opposite of her, silently gathering his thoughts before walking closer to (Y/n)’s sitting form.
"Your people are not kind." His boots thumped as he walked closer, “You're smart to sneak out at night because not only will the guards bring you back, but your townspeople are some of the most aggressive, opportunistic people I've ever encountered."
(Y/n)’s smile fades, eyes widening as they search his eyes for any sign of a joke.
"Maybe it was the King before your father or the one before that, but your father has yet to try to do anything about it.”
“Well, he—” 
“And he won't." He knelt before the couch and looked her straight in the eyes, "And you know how I know?"
She swallows thickly, shaking her head. Ghost leans closer, his hands gripping the arm of the couch as he leans forward.
"Because in the time he became king to right this second, he had a goddamn daughter that's now 20 years old.”
Her jaw dropped with a sharp inhale. Her eyes slowly drifted to the floor where he was crouching, heart panging as a sick feeling of guilt bubbled in the pit of her stomach.
“He had over 2 decades to do something about the people in this town— but didn't. And now here you are, sitting in this palace not knowing a goddamn thing about the place you're meant to rule.”
“He wouldn’t, he’s just... He....”
“Now, I don't blame you, how could I? You're the only one who's in the dark about all this because he doesn't want his ‘precious daughter’ hurt.”
“See? He cares... about me at least...” 
“And I don’t doubt he was going to keep this from you until you became Queen to make it your burden."
“What, no... My father—”
“Planned on teaching you nothing before shoving you into your new position? That's why I hate him-- that's why I could give a damn about consequences, ‘cuz there are none. Not even for touching his daughter in her bathtub."
(Y/n) gasps, looking back up with wide eyes and a burning face, the sight forcing an amused smirk to appear under the Black Knight’s mask.
"Oh don't look so horrified.” He rested his hand on her thigh, caressing the inside just like he did in the bath, “Remember, you tried to seduce me first."
Her thighs tremble, closing under the blue silk of the sleeping gown, “Then you already got your revenge; you don't have to taunt like this.”
"I'm not taunting you, Princess. Merely telling you all my thoughts, just like you asked. And I do so enjoy how easy it is to get a rise out of you.”
He continued to rub his hand along her inner thigh, a sly smile under that skull mask of his.
She scoffs, “But when I do so, it's wrong...”
"You need to be careful how you go about things, Princess.”
“Oh is that so?”
“Yes. For example, your method of 'accidentally' forgetting your towel is a very subtle tactic and if I was one of your stupid palace guards, I would've fallen for it. But mine...” He suddenly gripped her thigh firmly and separated it from the other, making her gasp, “Is much more direct.”
“Then.... You should teach me more...”
He chuckled softly and shook his head, his hand started to slowly slide further up her thigh, “And what makes you think I'd be willing to teach you a goddamn things like this?”
“Because you're the only one that's taught me anything.”
He paused for a second to think. 
"Put your legs on my shoulders and lean back."
“R-Right now?”
“No time like present. Especially, we’re less likely to get found.”
Looking down at him, the Princess slowly leans back on the couch and places the soles of her feet on him, the chill of his armored shoulders making her shiver. He smiled under his mask as his hand slipped under her gown to trace small circles on the inside of her thighs. He slowly lifted the silk over his head and pulled her hips closer to the edge of the couch cushions until he was sure she couldn't see his face before finally tugging his mask under his chin. She gasps when he tugs her underwear to the side before gripping the armrest of the couch at the feeling of his warm, plump lips wrapping around her tiny bud.
Ghost’s tongue gently caresses sensitive clit in circles in a way her fingers have never done. She looked down at her dress where his head was with a slack jaw in shock at his ability to make her feel this good already. His fingers were one thing but this was another. Every lick and swirl of his tongue was another whine or squirm from her, causing Ghost to grip her thighs even firmer.
“O-Oh my gods... How are you...?”
“Hush... Shh...” His voice was muffled, his mouth refusing to stop, “Just feel...”
“But it’s too good... I don’t know what to do...”
She could feel her smirk against her folds before sucking harder until her legs tremble as they try to close around his head. Try. He closes his eyes as he angles her hips upward to be able to push his tongue inside, slurping and flicking her insides with soft grunts from under her sleeping gown. (Y/n)’s hips buck and stutter until she finally cums with a yelp of his name.
He retracts his tongue from her and watches her cunt pulse while listening to her pants and gasps from inside the silk. He then drags his tongue across her folds one last time, cleaning off her excess slick before pulling his mask back up and standing up to nonchalantly sit next to her quivering body. She pants, turning her head to aim her glassy eyes at him. 
“Wh-what now?”
“Now...” He slowly undoes his belt, “You’re gonna sit on my lap and give yourself some pleasure.”
“But I thought the man was supposed to be on top of the woman.”
Ghost chuckles, “That’s one way of doing it. But I don’t wanna be too rough on you for your first time so I’ll let you take over. So c’mon, you’re wet enough.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widen as his hand reaches into his pants and pulls out his hard cock, letting it stand erect from his pants. She takes a deep breath.
“So that’s why you...”
“Ate you out? Part of the reason; it’s also just a way to get you even more turned on.”
The Princess slowly climbs onto Ghost’s lap and straddles him while holding his shoulders to keep her soaking wet cunt hovered above his tip. His chin was angled up, observing how her nervous gaze looked all around, seemingly worried about his size so the knight softly grabbed her hips to get her attention.
“Relax... Remember, you’re in control and I’m right here.”
With that notion, she slowly lowered herself onto him, biting her lip to keep her discomforting groans from echoing in the library. Her fingers dug into the metal of his shoulder armor as her body adjusted to him—  the slick from her earlier orgasm helping like he said it would and more than she thought. Her face contorted in displeasure, her eyes shut tight from every inch but suddenly fly open when his cockhead hits something inside her— something his fingers and tongue hit, but somehow even better. The Black Knight stifles his laugh with a groan.
“You felt that huh?” His voice drops to a whisper, “Hit it again.”
With the guidance of his hands, the Princess lifts and drops herself on his cock, hitting her spot over and over again and understanding what he meant by giving herself some pleasure. Her eyes flutter shut again as she creates her own slow, steady rhythm up and down on his lap, her ass lightly slapping against his thighs with each drop. Ghost groans, making her open her eyes in time to see his head tilt back on the couch with his own eyes shut.
“Are you alright?”
“Never better....” He pants, “Never fucking better, just keep going.”
“Can I go faster?”
“Fuck, please yes.”
Her hands grip his shoulders harder and she bounces faster, whimpering at the way his thick, veiny shaft drags against her walls. His pants come through his mask, making his hands tighten on her hips. The Princess leans forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder to which he pulls her closer, pressing their chests together. His arms wrap around her and his hands hold her ass cheeks to help her bounce faster, their grunts and moans softly echoing off the walls along with the slapping crackling of the fireplace. It wasn’t long before her hips started to grind back and forth on his lap to fight off the growing pressure in her body.
“No, keep going. That’s a good thing.” He murmurs, loving the fluttering clenches around his cock, “A great fuckin’ thing, keep doing that ‘til you’re done.”
“What about—”
“I’m the teacher, all you gotta worry about is keeping that pretty voice down.”
(a/n): sorry its so late loves, I got a cold and then a job lmao🤣😂
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bachi-the-bee · 12 hours
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*tap tap tap on the 🎤*
*clears throat* It's the mod speaking. Hello hello 😌
Alright folks. It's about time we have a truth or dare game night, what do you say? 😈🎤
The rules are as follows :
I'll tag all the rp blogs and a bunch of "fans" who regularly interact with the blue lockers on this post since you're all the direct contestants for being players in the game event!
Then from the moment this post is published y'all 24 hours to opt in (you can opt in by just dropping a comment/reblog) - the time limit for replying to this is 24 hours because I'll need people who are constantly active in the RP community for the smooth sailing of the event. Because everyone will need to be co-operated and as quick as they can be with their replies just so we can more and more rounds of truth or dare 😌↕️
That's why, if you think your week would be busy and your responses might be too slow you can choose to watch from the sidelines for now (:3) since every player's replying time is crucial to the overall pacing of the game. (A few hours of replying time is fine though, anything beyond 10-12 hours might be too much since it'd exhaust around a day or 2 in just one round)
Now once all the players have been locked in, everyone will be alloted a number. (i and everyone else should be allowed to tag you in a post/comment if you're willing to be a player or I won't be able to include you because being able to summon you is an important part of the game. So please do check your settings once if you're not sure) And you'll have to remember that number.
How will the game proceed? Let me elaborate.
Let's say we have 15 players, alright? I (or) Bachira basically, will start the first round. For the first round, I'll use this to generate a random number between 1-15 (that'd be our version of spinning the bottle. Just imagine us all sitting in a huge circle okay? 😂) and let's say I land on a number which belongs to isagi - either of us will have to make a new post and tag the other (in this case, if isagi makes a new post for their first round of truth and dare, he can tag Bachira and they can both have their RP conversation through the reblogs) and then we can have our round of truth/dare in the reblogs.
Whoever (of the two chosen players ones for a particular round) makes the new post will have to tag the post with "#RP : truth or dare" just so everyone else can easily scroll through the tag on main Tumblr to tune in and join in on the fun. (I say it's important to make a new post because otherwise if we try and converge it all on one post then reblogs will end up having multiple branches (which would make it tough to navigate through each rounds) and get confusing real quick + by round (let's say) 10 the thread would start getting tooo long - you wouldn't want your dash clogged with that would you?)
Also, do tag me (@/bachi-the-bee) in every new round's new post so i can keep a record easily in case anyone wants to revisit it anytime ^_^
Feel free to tag any other fellow teammate or mutual to ask for truth/dare recommendations as to what you can ask/assign. Also, everyone is free to come reblog any post of any round and have their commentaries on it haha!! No hard rules other than new post for each round.
Just imagine all of us sitting in a huge ass circle and playing the game in a room, what do you think the character you rp would say or react with? Yeah. Feel free (read as : PLEASE DO) react with that in the reblogs, it'd make things more fun.
Now let's come back to the round Bachira and isagi were having - at the end of it, bachira - the one who was answering/performing the dares - will go to the random number generator, (because that's it's usually is, the one who has to answer/perform a dare rolls the bottle next) generate new numbers and tag the two people who's number they get (if you keep getting one player again and again feel free to roll out a random number multiple times. The point is having an interesting and UNIQUE combination of players hehe)
While rolling the numbers - the first roll would be to choose the one who'd be assigning a question/task and second roll would be for the one who'd be performing that task. The one who's rolling the numbers have to specify which player does what when they're tagging the next batch of players for the next round.
And then either of the chosen players can make a new post, tag the other one (and me i.e @/bachi-the-bee not my main), start a roleplay thread and tag the post with "#RP : truth or dare" and the cycle goes on.
Taking in consideration the average time gaps between replies, this event will go on for atleast a WEEK. The time can be extended based on how many rounds have been done by the end of the week and how many players got a chance. (AND depending on how much fun everyone is having LMAO)
So, are you ready to get bold and daring with your questions and task, future players? 😈🥂
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Tagging : @galaxynajma @riririnnnn @rinitoshiplzdateme @the-lazyyy-artist @ssstar
@gayestclarinet @yue-t @sharkissm @the-rini-rush @stellas-starry-stories13
@bibururokku @soleilonthesun
@the-rini-rush @wabatle @reapkusho @fishii28 (mods do lmk if you only wanna play as the character, or yourself, or both. Also if you're mod of multiple RPs, please do account and opt in from all their behalfs)
Coming to the blue lockers -
@ask-nagi-seishiro @ask-mikage-reo @underlash-owl @underlashes-redhead @freaky-pink-bug
@worlds-best-striker @alexis-nessie @gods-chosen-emperor @oliver-aiku-official @ask-karasu-tabito
@ask-otoya-eita @hiori-yo @planethotline @not-a-pillowprincess @cheshire-kitkat
@ask-noel-noa @xx-n1ko25-xx @assistant-teieri @egoist-jinpachi @king-barou
@wildcardwho @kenyusee-yukimiya @julienloki1 @i-use-pantene @smart-zantetsu
@ask-nijiro-nanase @lavinho-paizao @shu-sendo @candied-kiyora
Do lmk if I missed anyone or anyone not mentioned here wanna join!! \⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ⁠♬
If you're willing to play, drop a comment/reblog!!
Mod, signing off!
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suzukiblu · 1 day
Thank-you sentences for u-h-h-g-h behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
. . . wait, actually, is he gonna have to start reading biographies and historical stuff? He’s a dad now. The other dads are gonna expect him to know stuff about the Civil War and World War II and, like, lawnmowers and how to grill, aren’t they. His dad didn’t even grill, Mom did! Dad always got distracted by his book or something and let the hot dogs burn! 
Billy is not optimistic about his capacity to mow a lawn, though at least they’re in an apartment. Like–probably somebody handles that, right? That’s gotta be a thing, doesn’t it? 
. . . he should check with Batman about that, maybe. 
. . . . . . and also figure out what the wisdom of Solomon knows about how grilling works. 
Or, uh–work on the focus thing, maybe. Definitely the focus thing. It’s just–it all feels like so much, and Billy doesn’t wanna mess up and wreck Lynn’s whole entire life and make him miserable forever or ever make him feel like any of those foster “families” and social workers ever made him and just about all the other kids he knew in the system feel or– 
Billy wonders if he could maybe find a god to talk to about asking to borrow, like, the forethought of Apollo or the precision of Arachne or the strategy of Ariadne or something sometime (though definitely not the concentration of Atalanta, because one golden apple and he’d be right back where he started). Like if he could maybe swap it out with the stamina of Atlas or the courage of Achilles when he needs to, that’s all. Just when it’s, like, situationally useful or whatever. 
. . . he’s really not doing a good job with this focus thing at all, yeah. Which he’s pretty sure he’s thought a few times now already, too, just–
He’s just really nervous, still. He’s really glad Lynn doesn’t hate him or think he’s lame, but he could still totally do something that’d make Lynn hate him or think he’s lame and–
“Want me to serve?” Billy offers, pointing at the plates. “I mean I know I don’t know how much you need to eat yet, but neither do you, and I’ve seen a lot more people eat than you have, sooo . . .” 
“. . . you’ve seen Superman eat?” Lynn asks, looking–uncomfortable, briefly, and looking down at the plates in his hands. Billy’s gonna have to start finding stuff for him to look at instead of people, he’s pretty sure. Like, little puzzles Lynn can be messing around with or little crafts he can be doing or something, so people just figure that’s why he’s not making eye contact with them and not, like, him being antisocial or something. 
“Oh, yeah, tons of times,” Billy says, since that’s a valid question and all, considering actually the way big majority of the people he’s seen eat were human and Lynn is actually not, so actually that might not be helpful anyway. Superman’s diet would be way more useful to know about. But the problem there is–“But like, I don’t ever really know if he really needs to be eating or if he’s just doing it to be polite? ‘Cuz I do that sometimes, definitely. But also sometimes it’s just ‘cuz something looks good? So yeah, I dunno. I’ll have to ask him when I get a chance, maybe I can catch him after the next League meeting. Or I guess I could email him, I guess that’s a thing . . .” 
He doesn’t really use his League email or messaging accounts or anything like that, like, basically ever, but Batman did give them the phones and all, so he’s not gonna have to go to the library to do it anymore, sooooo . . . 
Lynn doesn’t say anything; just keeps his eyes down and on the plates he’s still holding. Billy tries not to frown. Lynn doesn’t talk much or make eye contact all that much, so far, so it’s not like it’s new. Just–he doesn’t know, really. He’s still got this weird feeling like something’s wrong, all of a sudden. 
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