#this is like the breaking bad ‘he’s my partner/i’m your partner’ line
carnelianly · 3 days
hi bae i recently followed you and i love every single thing you’ve posted,,, idk if this is a safe space but… like hitting art… him letting you and telling you he loves you and kissing you after
omg this is definitely a safe space babe let’s talk about this!!
hi this is my public service announcement that this is not a healthy relationship dynamic and you not ever put your hands on your partner. that is not okay irl unless there is expressed consent. this is also a very romanticized depiction and theoretically there should be more discussion and communication okay okay, end scene and with that out the way->
the first time you hit art being during an argument. you slap him after he says something a little too provocative, because art’s always been the type to say things to try and get under your skin when he’s mad. like he’s trying to get you to react and be the bad guy, stoop to his level.
but you slap him for saying something just a little bit too out of line, and the whole argument comes to a screeching halt as he stumbles back, holding his cheek in his hand as he looks down at the floor, and then back up at you in fear. he’s petrified.
and you just look baffled with yourself, not even realizing that was something you were capable of. you look down at your hands, like you didn’t know they could do that, and then back up at him.
he gulps. he thinks he’s in for it. but there also a weird feeling he can’t quite place. there’s that rush of adrenaline he got from the hit, and that bubble of shame welling up in his stomach.
he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but it kinda felt good to watch you lose your temper, for you to break and fall from that pedestal he puts you on, and to see you for what you are. and you look hot when you’re angry. for a good second there he thought you were gonna kill him, and it was horrifying, sure, but.. god, is he getting hard?
he’s definitely lightheaded, standing there completely still, as if if he didn’t move, you wouldn’t notice that he’s getting turned on from the fact that you just hit him. you slapped him. you hurt him, god it stung so bad, why is he so fucking turned on from it?
“art?” you murmur, not wanting to cross the distance yet, “i… i’m so sorry, i.. can i get closer and take a look?” you sound unsure, tense, like you’re afraid that he’s upset at you. of course you’re worried, but he can’t help that it’s a hit to his heart. you’re worried that you’ve just ruined everything and he’s biting his lip trying to keep in the horniness.
he nods at your question, and you come closer, tentatively reaching out to pet his cheek, “oh.. oh baby, i’m so so sorry, i.. i really didn’t mean to do this. that doesn’t change what i did, but—“
“hey,” he cuts you off, trying to ease your nerves, “i’m not mad at you. we’re okay. you’re okay. it didn’t hurt that bad, just for a second there it stung.” and you sigh, closing your eyes.
art never told you how hard he came jerking off in the shower that night. he couldn’t have asked for sex right then and there, you were so frazzled and distracted and it wasn’t the right time, but thinking about how mad you looked for him going until he came so hard he was seeing stars.
a couple weeks later you’re making out with him on the couch, lips on his, straddling his lap, before he gasps out, “slap me,” his words move past his lips in a daze, he doesn’t even realize he said them until it’s too late.
you pull back, brows furrowed, “…what? uhm.. art, if this is some kinda joke—”
“no, baby, i.. i mean it.. please hit me, like last time. it was so hot..” he whispers, leaning in to kiss your neck delicately, “please, baby.”
and he eventually gets you to oblige, a good amount of begging usually works on you. so you slap him again, and he moans this time, surprising you both, but there’s something so hot about how his face contorts into pleasure when you slap him.
you lean back in to keep making out with him, and your hand brushes his cheek sweetly, as if apologizing, but he doesn’t need that. he needs you to hit him again and again until he gets dizzy.
and this begins the cycle of passionate make out sessions being routinely interrupted with a slap on his cheek or some other form of pain like your nails digging into his skin, carving moons into him.
and every time, without a doubt, he looks up at you with the most pleasure-filled look in his eyes and he mouth hanging open as he smiles slightly, whispering, “i love you,” even as his skin tingles from the aftermath. and when you lean back in to kiss him, gripping his face roughly, especially right over the sensitive skin you slapped, he knows you love him too.
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hoss-bonaventure · 5 months
i think it’s so ridiculous how they basically coded trevor and mike’s relationship to be like they’re scorned lovers of sorts and have harvey act like capulet-ian about their relationship ONLY to have him end up with jenny like wtf is that about???
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planetxiao · 2 months
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𖤐 umemiya hajime ; suo hayato ; sakura haruka x reader
⟢ fluff, scenarios // when their friends realized you’re good for each other.
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Damn it all.
Hiragi wasn’t sure how, but he managed to make it home without realizing he didn’t have his antacid tablets on him. He checked – double checked – each of his pockets, but alas, they were gone. He sighed. There was only one place he thought it could be: back on the rooftop of Furin High.
He wasn’t usually forgetful, but it had been a long day, he supposed. That unnecessarily big fight took a lot out of him. 
It was like any other day, another leader of a gang demanding to fight Umemiya, except this guy was too persistent about it. In fact, all of his men seemed to have been of one mind. In the end, Umemiya gave him the fight he wanted. Of course, the white haired Bofurin leader reigned victorious, but he didn’t leave the fight unscathed. No one did. That being said, everyone was fine; they just left with minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
A meeting on the rooftop was held after the fight, each captain and vice captain giving their report before leaving for the day. That was when he must’ve set them down.
Hiragi trudged all the way back to Furin High, stomach turning at the possibility of getting roped into Umemiya’s antics again – if he was still there, anyway. The sun was about to set, and all of that day’s teams were on their last patrol shift. 
He had half a mind to kick down the door in irritation, but he resigned to pushing it open.  With his hands stuffed in his pockets, Hiragi’s eyes peeled this way and that to look for the very guy whose mere mention gave him indigestion in the first place.
Left, clear. Right, clear. A breath of relief… let out too soon.
Hiragi took one step before freezing. Sat at the picnic table about 15 feet away was Umemiya and someone he recognized to be his partner. 
Hiragi had seen you a couple times before. You would come to bring Umemiya lunch from time to time, and he would show you all of the plants he was growing in return. He really didn’t know anything about you but your name, nor did he ever feel the need to know more than that.
That was probably his fifth time seeing you. You both straddled the bench, facing each other, with your legs pulled over Umemiya’s. His hands rested on your hips as you gently wiped a cotton pad over the scratches on his face. Umemiya gazed at you with eyes that held nothing but love in them and a smile so easily made, like that of a dreamer stuck within his fantasies.
“Hajime, how many times have I asked you to be careful?” You sighed.
He laughed bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry, Sorry! I tried, I really did!”
You applied a large bandage to the cut on Umemiya’s cheek, shaking your head lightly.
“I know. I just worry about you.”
“I know, my love,” He cupped your face, “But, it’s okay. I’m okay! You don’t need to worry, I’ll always come back to you, okay?”
It was almost picturesque, the way you melted together like chocolate under the setting sun. Your forehead rested against his while he interlocked his fingers with yours. Hiragi felt bad watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes.
You giggled, “That was so cheesy, you dork.”
“What?! I thought it was romantic!”
He would rather eat his own shoe than admit this to anyone, but Hiragi smiled at the sight of Umemiya holding his world in the palm of his hands. He seemed to have found his true other half, someone that understood and cared for him in the way Umemiya deserved.
The creak of the rooftop door closing was heard by both you and Umemiya, the only sign that Hiragi was ever there. 
He’d come back for those tablets later.
Shouts bellowed down the street, drawing a crowd. It’s not unnecessarily unusual for a fight to break out there, but the people of the town watch as if it was the first time. Onlookers lined the walls of the narrow street close to the action.
Sakura and Nirei had been walking to meet up with Suo on their day off. They agreed to meet outside of Kotoha’s cafe at noon, but Sakura and Nirei were running late. As for why, well, Nirei had to take the time to go all the way to Sakura’s apartment and wake him up because he had overslept. Let’s just say Nirei had a rather stressful morning.
The fast shuffling of feet caught Sakura’s attention. He quirked a brow, looking up from his shoes to see a group of people in the distance. Some of them had been sent flying back in different directions, piquing Sakura’s curiosity.
What the hell? There’s a fight right now?
The itch of annoyance Sakura felt from that morning had him rearing to go. Nirei gulped. However, a comment from one of the onlookers was what sent them running towards the crowd.
“Hey, isn’t that eyepatch guy from Bofurin?”
Suo was in it?
They pushed through the crowd to see for themselves. Sure enough, they recognized the tassel earrings whipping in the air before they could even see their friend’s face. From the look of it, there weren’t that many foes left, and he had someone fighting alongside him.
You and Suo were back to back, taking one guy after another. Your movements mirrored each other as if watching a master and student. While your actions were more limited and practiced, Suo’s refined moves looked purely instinctual. He drew in his opponents with a mere look and had them on their backs within seconds. It was a violent dance that you both had invited your foes to.
Sakura and Nirei watched in shock, seeing these men drop like flies. It was ridiculous, this wasn’t a fight. There was no struggle from both sides, only one.
There were only two left, and Suo seemed to sense foul play heading in your direction. The sun gleamed off the metal bat that reeled back in front of you. You gasped. You weren’t used to fighting against weapons. Hell, you weren’t even that used to fighting in general. The guy smirked, swinging as hard as he could. But, the path of the bat was abruptly stopped as Suo flew through the air, swiftly kicking the guy in the face. The metal bat hit the ground with a clang, the owner flying back into a wall before crumbling onto the ground.
Suo’s venomous gaze lingered for a second on the man who sought to hurt you, though another one charged at him from behind. You called out his name – a warning hot on your lips. Suo took notice of the impending presence, but before he could turn and deal with the person, the crisp sound of a fist connecting with skin rang in his ears. Suo looked back, seeing the guy unconscious on the ground with most likely a broken nose.
Cheers erupted in the street, praising Suo and his partner in taking down the brutes. Sakura stuffed his hands in his pockets with a huff, while Nirei beamed at the two of you.
“Wow! I wonder who that person is. Do you know, Sakura?”
“No idea.”
As Nirei was about to approach them, he watched Suo take your hand in his and examine your bleeding knuckles.
You laughed bashfully and shrugged, “I improvised.”
Suo smiled softly, raising his other hand to caress your burning cheek.
“You did well, my dear.”
Oh! Oh.
Nirei whipped his head back to Sakura, about to shout about how Suo had a secret romantic partner, but stopped when he saw Sakura’s wide eyed blush. When Nirei turned back around, he saw Suo leading you into Kotoha’s cafe with a hand on the small of your back. Your head nestled in the crook of his neck.
The blond couldn’t help the way his lips curled. He ran after the two, pulling out his small notebook. That was the first time he had seen you, but he could tell you were special to Suo and he to you. You two made one hell of a good team. A scary one, but good nonetheless.
He just hoped he and Sakura would never do anything to piss you off.
Nirei was pacing.
“Where could he be? He’s never disappeared for this long before. One day, sure. But three? Something’s wrong. I just know it.”
Suo placed a hand on Nirei’s shoulder, a friendly smile remaining on his face. He understood that Nirei worried about Sakura as much if not more than anyone else at Furin High, but biting his nails over the issue wasn’t going to fix it. Ever the voice of reason, Suo spoke calmly to his friend.
“Relax, Nire-kun. The last time Sakura was gone, he was sick in his home, right?”
Nirei looked up at Suo, concern furrowing his brow.
“That’s the thing. I checked his apartment yesterday and he wasn’t there.”
Suo hummed. An interesting turn of events. He doubted that Sakura would just up and disappear – he could’ve just been out when Nirei came around. There’s an explanation for everything, after all. Sakura’s strong, it’s not likely he was kidnapped or anything of the sort. He was probably just sick again. Even so, it wouldn’t be good if Sakura was ill and wandering around…
“I see. Then why don’t we check one more time?”
Nirei nodded and turned on his heel, making a bee-line out of the classroom with Suo following behind.
Nirei kept a brisk pace. He was always at least three steps ahead of Suo, who kept his normal pace. It was Suo’s second time coming up on the desolate complex. The scenery was less surprising this time around, but the tattered place was eerie all the same.
They knocked once, twice, thrice, receiving no answer each time. Suo’s hand grasped the knob, remembering how it was unlocked last time they came to check on Sakura, and turned it. The door opened with a ghostly creak, no sign of life anywhere in the room. Suo called for Sakura. Still no answer.
“Sorry for the intrusion,” Suo murmured, deja vu creeping over him.
Nirei followed. Suo slid the door to the main room open and was greeted by nothing, Sakura’s futon rolled away haphazardly in the corner. Not even his uniform hung where it was last time. Nirei began to wring his hands. Where the hell could Sakura have gone?
“Huh, he’s still not here,” Suo wondered aloud before turning to his worried friend, “Have you tried asking his partner if they’ve seen him?”
“No, I don’t have any way to contact them.”
The brown haired boy had an inkling that he knew where Sakura might be.
That was how they wound up on your doorstep after the sun had set. They had seen you quite a few times, even coming with Sakura to see you once or twice. Sakura had told them each time not to come, but of course his friends were curious about his partner. Suo would insist, while Nirei would just follow.
Like earlier, they knocked on the door and awaited a response. If he wasn’t here, Nirei was going to lose his mind.
The knob turned. Nirei didn’t waste a second.
“Hello, sorry for the bother, but have you seen-”
A hand covered his mouth, surprising him. When he looked up at you with wide eyes, you simply held your finger over your mouth, signaling him to keep quiet. Suo peered through the door behind you and understood.
Surrounded by various medicine bottles and a tissue box laid Sakura, sound asleep. His monochromatic hair splayed in different directions, twirled together in some spots like yin and yang. Nirei and Suo could see his reddened nose and cheeks from where they stood at the door. All tell tale signs of Suo’s confirmed suspicion. Taking one last peek, Suo and Nirei chuckled at Sakura’s sleeping form, a trickle of drool peeking from the corner of his ajar mouth.
You stepped outside with the two boys, closing the door behind you.
“Sorry Nirei, I didn’t want him to wake up. What’s going on?”
“Has Sakura been here for the past three days?” Nirei asked.
You nodded.
“He started feeling sick while he was here a couple days ago, so I’ve been taking care of him. He’s doing better though, his fever finally broke just before you came actually. Should be up and moving by tomorrow.”
Nirei breathed a sigh of relief. Sakura was fine, he could finally relax his tense shoulders. Suo’s usual kind smile melted into something softer after hearing your explanation. An unspoken thought was shared between the two boys as they glanced at each other. The heavy feeling of deja vu had dissipated because something was different this time.
Thank god Sakura has you.
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note: i’m actually pretty happy with how these turned out :D also in suo’s, if not implied well, he taught you those moves :3 i hope their characterizations are all okay!!
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slmjaeyuns · 1 year
⋆。゚ jake sim fics that feed my brainrot ゚。⋆
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my sweet, sweet love
warning: there are suggestive themes/smut that may be embedded throughout the fluff and angst fics as well)! please dni if that makes you uncomfortable!! minors dni, please‼️
part two jake fic rec list here!
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
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all time favourites ♡
(fics contain a combination of genres including fluff, angst, suggestiveness, smut)
♡ unrequited love
♡ act now, think later!
♡ watermelon sugar
♡ pov
♡ your name
♡ jake sim: the first love trope
♡ kiss and make up
♡ skin on skin
skin on skin pt. 2
♡ behind closed doors
♡ brand new moves
♡ good boys go to heaven
♡ let you break my heart again
♡ ready? set…touchdown! tutor?
♡ i’ll save you (again)
♡ be my backyard boy
♡ scooby dooby doo, lookin’ for boo!
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fluff ❀
❀ too close
❀ safety precautions
❀ attention, please! (rugby jake)
❀ three questions (he wished were never answered)
❀ the partner project
❀ you can find me in your arms
❀ somewhere in forever
❀ sick
❀ taste of your lips
❀ room for two
❀ 3:04 am
❀ einstein kisses
❀ kisses in the rain
another day(te) in the rain
❀ unnamed (drabble)
❀ i’ve never known someone like you
❀ fake
❀ t-shirt
❀ i love me better when i’m with you
❀ wrong order
❀ prince jake
❀ greeting
❀ jake as a boyfriend (headcannons)
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angst ☽
☽ glimpse
☽ the sun
☽ worries
☽ if only i could have treated you the way you deserved
☽ sweetly
☽ skater boy
☽ please remember me when our youth is gone
☽ green with envy
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suggestive/smut ☁︎
☁︎ s.o.s - skin on skin
☁︎ ping! we should fuck
☁︎ best mistake
☁︎ change up!
☁︎ air dropping love at 305
☁︎ under the influence
☁︎ simp
☁︎ nonsense
nonsense pt.2
☁︎ boyfriend
☁︎ bad boy gone good
☁︎ my neighbour’s son
my neighbour’s son pt.2
☁︎ silly mistake
☁︎ happy birthday mr. sim
my shy husband
☁︎ drunk texting
☁︎ shooting star
☁︎ best friends!
☁︎ polaroid lust
☁︎ (i just) died in your arms
☁︎ only kisses
☁︎ 12:30 am
☁︎ burn for you
☁︎ ride
☁︎ wish come true
☁︎ mischief
☁︎ what are we?
☁︎ after game
☁︎ loser no more
☁︎ attention, please!
☁︎ double lines
☁︎ love foolish
☁︎ forget me not
☁︎ sex express
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hey, i loveee your writings! i was wondering if you could write a fic or one shot of peter parker and reader getting into an argument based off of peter parker saying something to his friends behind readers back about reader that hurts her feelings? ending is up to you! thanks!
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dunno how i feel about this
You were many things. 
Beautiful, talented, smart, caring, affectionate, loyal, honest, needy. 
Needy, needy, needy. 
Needy, he called you needy. 
Were you needy? You didn’t think so, but then again, would you be aware if you were? 
Maybe he didn’t mean it, it was a private conversation. He could’ve been just venting, ranting about small things. You’ve done it before with your friends, it could be harmless. 
But, god it hurt. It was so casual coming from his mouth, like it’s a common thought passing through his mind. 
“Hi petey,” you said with a hum, he had just left yours to hang out with his friends when he called. 
Silence drifted on the line. 
Shuffles, maybe a cough? Murmured voices, nothing too solid. 
“Peter, you there?” 
Laughs break through, you understand it was a buttdial. 
You were about to hang up but Peter moved around, suddenly the voices were crystal clear. 
“So, how is it with your girl, parker?” 
You think it’s Mark. 
It’s wrong to eavesdrop but if your partner accidentally called while they were about to talk about you, wouldn’t you listen, just for a second? 
Notes from future self, don’t. 
“Eh,” you imagine him rubbing at the back of his head, “good, good. It’s good.” 
Good, that’s it? 
You thought everything was great, wonderful in fact. When your friends ask about Peter you take your time on the soapbox preaching, he wants to end the conversation immediately. 
Is that a good sign or a really bad sign? 
“Just good? Don’t tell me she stopped putting out, I know how chicks are.” 
“Don’t talk about her like that, Logan.” 
Peter came to your defense, point one for parker. 
On the other side of the line Logan holds his hands up in surrender, “didn’t mean to poke the bear there, parker. Get your girl to suck your dick, you’ll be fine.” 
Next time you see Logan you’ll clobber him. 
Peter grunts, he’s never liked Logan and neither did the friend group. But every group needed that one person that was mutually hated so there was always something to joke and talk about. 
“She sucks my dick just fine, you sound jealous. I’m sure she’s got a friend that’ll pity fuck you.” 
Your eyebrows furrow, Peter doesn’t talk like that. At least not around you, is this what the ‘saturday’s are for the boys’ boys mean when they say locker room talk? 
Mark cuts back in, he lights up a joint. 
“I’m sure parker is just fine, he can barely rip himself away from Y/N.” He coughs on the smoke between laughs, Peter stays quiet. He’s wondering if he should tell his friends this, it’s nothing serious and it didn’t really bother him, and he didn’t want to say anything to you because he knows you’d take offense and stop it; and he’d miss it way too much. 
“Yeah, that’s kinda the problem.” 
He mumbled it, but he said it and what the fuck did that mean? 
You couldn’t stop now, you pray he doesn’t see you’re connected to the call. 
“Trouble in paradise? Do tell.” Mark offers the joint to Peter, he accepts it and passes it to Logan. 
“Sometimes I feel like she’s all over me and needs me for everything, I dunno.” 
Peter tugs at his hair, he’s not saying it right. 
“I think I feel like no matter how much I’m there it’s not enough, she’s so needy.” 
Gut punch. You took such a sharp inhale you have to stop breathing to make sure Peter didn’t pick up on it. You’re reeling trying to look at it from his side, you didn’t seem needy, but everyone’s idea of needy must be different. 
Sure, you do try to extend his visits for as long as possible but that’s because some weeks you feel like you don’t see him but for a few hours and you’re willing to scrape up as much time as possible. And because you love him. And sure, there have been times you ask him to do things or help you but you love watching him fix things around your apartment and have him take extra time to dote on you. And because you love him. 
You want to hang up, you don’t want to know why he thinks you’re needy. If you do then you’ll spiral and question everything you do from here on out. 
On Peter’s end he pulled his phone out to check to see the time, and if you’ve texted. His eyes widen at the screen, he feels like he stopped breathing before he whispered a “fuck” under his breath, he looked at the screen and tried to pretend it wasn’t real. 
It was. Bold and in his face, your saved name and small lettering below it, ‘call connected’ you’ve been on the line for six minutes. You heard absolutely everything, in a panic he hung up the call which was the worst thing he could’ve done, because now you know he knows, and suddenly you realized that if he thought you were needy you’d show him you weren’t. 
There is no surprise your boyfriend is pounding on the door. 
Not loudly, but constant and quickly, demanding to not be ignored. 
Like his four missed calls. 
After two straight minutes of his rapping you finally swung the door open, waiting for him to bombard you with reason and apologies. He looked surprised. Peter opens and closes his mouth, he doesn’t know what to say exactly.
Your eyebrow raises at his silence, “you had forty minutes, four missed calls, seven ignored texts, banged on my door for two minutes, and in all that time you didn’t think of one thing to say?” 
“I’m sorry?” He looks sheepish, he gave a tiny shrug. Hoping you’ll find him cute enough to be let off the hook, like a kid with cookie crumbs around his mouth claiming he didn’t know who ate them. 
You run your tongue over your teeth and click them, “yeah, no.” You try to swing the door shut and he foot catches it. 
“Baby,” he catches your eyes, his own look wet and sad. He looked remorseful for his words but didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.” 
You know what you want to say, you want to tell him that it hurt your feelings, that you didn’t know you were being that way, why he didn’t tell you, why he felt that way, a million things ran through your mind. 
But that would make him right. Needy about answers, about why he would think that. That would prove him right, and you weren’t needy, you didn’t think you were but anything he might deem as needy wouldn’t be done anymore. 
“It’s okay.” 
Peter pulls his head back, he’s unsure if you know what you said. 
You nod, “yeah, sure, I understand, you were just venting, and I shouldn’t have been listening.” 
“But that doesn’t make it okay, because if you did that to me I’d be hurt.” 
But I wouldn’t do that, I only praise you around my friends.  
“Yeah, well, fuck around and find out, you know.” 
It feels off, this is why Peter didn’t want to tell you anything. He knew you’d pull away from him, you already are. 
“Wanna watch a movie? I heard there’s -” he tries to move around your shoulder to come in but you move to block him entirely. He looks at you half confused, half offended. 
You didn’t need him. He had plans with his friends and you weren’t about to prove them all right and have Peter come running back to you, like he always does, and try to fix things. 
This time Peter wouldn’t fix things, you were. It was clear what he didn’t like, so you’ll stop doing it. 
“Don’t you have plans tonight?” 
Peter snorts, “since when do you care? You always beg me to stay with you anyways.” 
Is that one? One of the things that made him think you were needy? 
Not tonight. 
“I won’t beg tonight then, go have fun.” 
Peter regrets everything about the past two hours, he should’ve stayed when you asked the first time. 
“I have more fun with you, lemme in.” Peter tried to push past but you were adamant he leaves. 
“Go smoke some weed with Mark, come back when you have the munchies. I’ll make cookies.” 
Peter shakes his head, “I don’t wanna hang out with them right now, I want to hang out with you.” He tries to move past you for the third time, you put a hand on his chest to push him back.
“No you don’t. You feel guilty and want to prove something to me or yourself or whatever, and I don’t need Logan thinking if you don’t grovel at my feet then I’ll stop sucking your dick.” 
Peter jumps in immediately, “that was fucked up, and I know I said some shitty things too but I didn’t want him thinking I wasn’t getting laid.” His eyes blow up, he moves his hands around, “not that that matters! Cause I’d love you no matter how much we had sex, but we are having sex and he-” 
You hold up a hand to stop him, “I don’t know where you think that’s going but it’s nowhere good. You’re just digging a deeper hole.” 
Peter’s voice is panicked, “there’s a hole?” 
You sigh and clasp your hands, you point them at his chest. 
“I’m not mad and I don’t need you here, I also don’t need you trying to make a point about not meaning it. You said it and you meant it, don’t lie to my face. Either man up or go back to your friends.” 
You were right, this is going nowhere good and Peter knows it. 
“This shouldn’t be a fight, right?” 
You shrug, “I dunno.” 
Peter pleads with you, he wants anything, something he can work off of. 
“I’m sorry, I really am.” He reaches for your hands and you let him hold them, he rubs his thumbs over the back of your hands. 
“Are you sorry you said it or sorry you got caught?” 
Peter doesn’t know how to respond yet, he doesn’t know how to be honest without offending you and he doesn’t want one thing to change. 
“I just….” He groans and tilts his head back, “can I please come inside?” 
You take him in and decide it’s okay for him to enter, your head looks at your roommates door to make sure it’s still closed. 
Peter flops on the couch and slaps the coffee table, you take a seat where he called and waited. 
“You’re not needy. Not at all, and don’t think I’m just saying that because I think that’s what you want to hear. Needy is the wrong word, it makes you seem annoying or unbearable and I promise you’re my most favorite person in the world, so it’s not that.” 
You whisper your words, your thumbnail being nibbled on. 
“So what did you mean?” 
“I don’t even know!” Peter stresses his point, you can see how upset he is, that he not only said it, but couldn’t place it. 
“I just think maybe,” he groans, he doesn’t like being vulnerable. He’s the strong one in the relationship, it wasn’t very manly to cry over loving your girlfriend too much. 
Peter rubs at his cheek and shrugs, “I don’t know.” 
Your eyes narrow, “liar.” 
Peter folds his cards, the only thing he has to lose here is you, and he will if he doesn’t be honest. But it’s a whole new level to him, a layer he’s about to peel back, one that isn’t so light and happy. It’s a side very few people have seen, he’s scared to show it to you. 
“Can we talk?” 
You look at him oddly, “we are?” 
You’re confused but lead him to your bedroom. Peter didn’t know how to tell you he was about to cry, but when he did he didn’t want your roommate seeing it. 
You wait for Peter’s lead when you reach your room, he pushes you towards your bed for you to take a seat, he stands between your legs and cups your face. Peter tilts your head up until he’s looking down into your eyes, he looks troubled. A small tired grin hugged his lips, “hi baby.” 
“Hi, peter.” you whispered soft, his thumb brushed your bottom lip. 
He takes in a deep breath like he’s remembered the task at hand. 
“I’m about to tell you something I haven’t told anyone else, and it���s a different Peter than you’re used to.” Peter presses a kiss to your forehead and steps back, this time he takes a seat at your desk chair. 
“I don’t think you're needy. I don’t even know what to say, cause like, fuck… I don’t, look, spider-man has a lot of people that need him, right? And he works hard all day and has no one to share it with, but I do. I get to tell you about my shit days, and you’ll patch me up and I’ll pretend to leave just so you can ask me to stay over, and honestly? It feels nice to have someone who needs Peter and not spider-man for once.” 
You try to speak but he stops you, he looks like he’s about to cry. 
“I look forward to it too much. I fucking sit here and play pretend, like it’s a chore to spend time with you, and you always ask me how I do it so good and I’m just so used to hiding it. I’m so used to hiding this lonely feeling, like nothing is enough, and then I had you.” 
Peter shakes his head slowly, he wipes at his nose. Tears drop casually with every few blinks as he speaks, you want to hold him to you forever. 
“I didn’t have to do anything because you did, you made all the decisions I wanted to in the first place. I love when you ask me to fix things, and when you want me to spend every second with you, when you want me to skip a night out, when you get me to stay over for the third night in a row.” 
Peter wipes his eyes, he sniffs and breathes out shakily, this is what it’s about, right? 
“Baby, you aren’t needy. I am.”
“And you projected that on me.” It wasn’t a question. 
He laughs, a tear drips down his nose, he wipes it away.
“I’ve never felt so needed and wanted in my life, and I am so terrified I’ll fuck it up and lose it all.” 
You’d never do that, if the relationship ends it won’t be on your terms.
Finally you stand and sit on his lap, he welcomes you and for the first time you notice how tight he’s always wanted to hold you, forever stuck in his grasp. You straighten the collar on his shirt and fix his hair, his eyes shiny from his tears. 
“You could, you could fuck it all up and lose it.” 
You press your forehead against his, “but I need you too much.” 
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helluvapoison · 7 months
Sing, Little Songbird
The Vees x Singer!Reader
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Since it’s not something he can exploit in his line of work, Val lets himself simply enjoy your gift
• His eyes may not be great but his hearing is impeccable
• A day won’t go by without him cupping your chin and asking for a song
• “Sweet pájaro,” He purrs, “Sing for me, won’t you?”
• Jokes about putting you in a golden birdcage or having you be his alarm clock
• He likes to put a hand on your throat while you hum or sing, seemingly entranced until you stop
• Valentino will take your hands mid song and begin to dance with you
• “Keep singing,” He says firmly yet soft, as if not trying to interrupt you entirely
• He’ll tell you to learn a song for him every now and then
• Randomly, Val will have Kitty get you tea with lemon. It’s not optional, you’re drinking it
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Acts offended when she catches you singing in the shower. Perched on the counter when you pulled the curtain, she has her arms crossed and a rather peeved expression on her face
• “Why didn’t I know you could do this?”
• She scares the everloving crap out of you, you almost break your neck, “Have you been sitting there this whole time!?”
• Velvette has creative business partners, sure, but a gifted sweetheart is just another leg up in the world
• She wants to collaborate immediately. Incorporate your singing into her shows and be the “it” couple she knows the two of you can be
• Take this as a major compliment because she doesn’t like sharing credit
• —And she isn’t handing this out just because you’re dating, either! She knows talent when she sees it!
• Whether or not you take her up on her offer, Velvette loves to hear you sing
• She made a playlist of songs that remind her of your relationship, she gets giggly when she hears you singing one of them
• “I could make you famous in two minutes flat, you know.” Velvette praises when you’re finished
• “How would I get to hold you if I was always on a stage, hm? Would you be my groupie?”
• Cackling, she rolls her eyes, “As if! You’d get my autograph across your chest and dedicate every single song to me!”
• “Good thing I’m happy doing that right here,” You grin, hugging her close
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Is it bad the first time he heard you singing he thought of no less than a thousand ways to put that voice to use?
• (Don’t answer that)
• Vox asked you a handful of times if you’d be the voice of Voxtech but you declined, worried it might ruin the activity entirely
• The possibility never occurred to him
• “Forget I asked! Your voice is priceless to me, anyways.”
• It doesn’t stop though! When you sing, Vox gets a plethora of ideas! Ringtones, jingles, commercials, you name it and he’s already thought of it!
• He’ll grab your shoulders, cutting off your song, lift you up for a kiss to the cheek and disappear!
• “Birdy, you’re the fucking greatest! Imagine the numbers we’d be seeing if you let me use you instead of that wannabe Mayday cunt.”
• It’s a compliment to you more than an insult to the singer (er, supposed to be anyways)
• “What happened to being priceless?” You faux pout
• “I can’t help it! You know I’m your biggest fan,” Vox purrs, coming up behind you and holding your hips, “How bout a private concert?”
• “You’re on a work high, aren’t you? Feening for some more inspiration, Voxxy?”
• “…Maybe.”
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wooahaes · 1 year
svt - pick-up lines
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pairing: non-idol!svt x gn!reader
prompt: reader hitting on their partner with pick-up lines. for funsies.
genre: fluff. comedy? this is so silly.
warnings: bad pick-up lines. goofy silly hours teehee!! established relationship in all of these.
daisy’s notes: ive had these plans for a while. this is just me enjoying pick-up lines. theyre so silly goofy sometimes.
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choi seungcheol
“cheollie,” you called out from your end of the couch. he looked up from his phone with a hum, and you kept a straight face. “do you believe in love at first sight?”
to your surprise, he mused over the question for a minute. “what? i don’t know, i think--”
you spoke up over him, trying to quell your urge to laugh: “do you believe in love at first sight, or should i walk by again?”
and he stared at you, brows furrowing together before it clicked. ah. you must have found pick-up lines online or something. “honey. we’ve been dating for two years. you don’t need to hit on me like this--”
“answer the question, cheollie!”
“no!” he laughed, “if you’re going to hit on me, then do one that makes sense!” 
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan hummed as he focused on cooking dinner... yet he heard the telltale sound of you making your way over, and glanced up. “hi, honey,” he said, before going back to his work. “it’ll only be a little longer--”
“hey. jeonghan.” he could hear the way you’re trying not to crack up over whatever you were about to say. “i hope you know CPR... because you’re taking my breath away.”
he looked up, half-expecting to see you holding your camera up, but instead you’re just smiling like an idiot. at least you’re his idiot, if anything. he gave you the tiniest once-over, before going back to his work. “your hand looks heavy... can i hold it for you?”
and immediately you cringed--something he caught out of the corner of his eye--causing him to laugh.
“you won’t win!” he said, looking at you. “i memorized some the moment i saw you googling them last night!”
“you cheater!” you said through your giggles, making your way over to steal a kiss from him. “ugh, you’re so mean!”
he chuckled against your lips instead. “and you’re still laughing.”
joshua hong
joshua had been doing the dishes when you sidled up to him with this goofy smile on your face. he glanced up for a moment, about to ask why you were smiling so hard all of a sudden, only for you to speak up.
“are you from tennessee--”
“babe. i’m literally from california,” he chuckled.
“no, shh,” you reached up to cover his mouth, “you’re ruining it--”
he chuckled, pulling your hand away, “i know.” and he abandoned his work, turning to you as he laned in. “and i’m gonna keep ruining it--”
“what? no!” you whined, “you’re so mean--just let me finish the line--”
he kissed you anyway, giggling when he felt you smile against his lips. when you started to try to finish the line when he pulled away, he merely kissed you again.
(you weren’t going to finish the line... but you didn’t mind it so much when every attempt was met with a kiss).
wen junhui
jun had been curled up on the couch, a book in his hands when he heard you call out to him.
“jun. junnie.” he looked up to see you approaching, phone in hand. “if i were a cat...” you looked up, smiling hard, “i’d spend all nine lives with you.”
oh no. oh NO. you were CUTE. maybe the pickup line was silly as hell, but you were adorable and it made him start to giggle. he buried his face in his book. “i thought we were past this stage!”
“are you a cat?” you pulled the book down as you crawled over, “because you’re purrrrfect--”
again, he started to giggle over your silly pickup lines. of course you’d pick cat ones. this man had a weakness sometimes and it was cats. the fact that you looked incredibly pleased with yourself only made this worse (or better? jun couldn’t tell which: your joy was great, but how was he supposed to live after this?).
counter attack time. he dived forward, quickly kissing you before breaking into more giggles. “are you happy now?”
with a giggle, you leaned forward, about to kiss him again. “very.”
kwon soonyoung
your boyfriend looked up from where he was getting a drink from the fridge, suddenly caught off guard. did he do something? or... maybe you asked him for something and he was about to forget it? soonyoung could be a little forgetful, and usually you approaching him like this either meant he forgot something, or he did something. slowly, he pushed the fridge close, still staring you down..
“if you were a song,” you said, “you’d be the best single on the album.”
the fridge shut, and he could hear that hiss of it being sealed back as he continued to stare at you. wait. single? “are you breaking up with me?”
“what? no, soonie, i’m hitting on you.”
what the fuck were you talking about...? “honey... we’re already dating.”
“ohh, right,” he twisted the tap of his water bottle. he lifted it to take a sip, pausing long enough to finish the thought, “you’re still bad at flirting.”
he set the bottle aside as he made his way to you, “it’s okay,” he giggled. he reached out, pulling you into his arms. “i still love you and your bad pick-up lines.”
jeon wonwoo
wonwoo had been standing in the middle of the bookstore when you suddenly approached him, giggling. he could see from the twinkle in your eyes that you had something planned, and you reached out, patting his arm with a “hey, hey, wonwoo,” that told him immediately you’d been distracted while looking up the book you were looking for.
“on a scale from one to ten,” you said, “you’re a nine, and i’m the one you need--”
wonwoo blinked at you. “you’re not a one, though.”
immediately, your head shot up as you stared at him, suddenly embarrassed. as you swat at his arm, with a pouty “wonwoooo,” wonwoo giggled at you.
“you’re so cute,” he said. “did you find the book we’re looking for?”
he could see the light bulb over your head as you went wide-eyed, suddenly reminded your mission. “oh, right!”
lee jihoon
“jihoonie?” you called out, immediately getting your boyfriend’s attention as he was comparing two boxes of cereal. “if you were words on a page... you’d be fine print.”
... what the hell? he just stared at you, saying nothing as he tried to figure out what you were doing. was soonyoung around the corner? had you run into him and he pitched this idea...? or maybe it had been vernon. or mingyu. or... honestly, he had a lot of friends who teased him because his face went bright red whenever you teased him.
“if you were a vegetable,” you continued to read off of your phone, “you’d be a cute-cumber.”
this was even more confusing. he could see you were smiling. were you planning something? this had to be a prank. his face kept growing warmer by the second: of course you’d find cute pick-up lines to use on him. you didn’t even do this when the two of you started dating.
“if you were a fruit--”
“why are you hitting on me? we’re already dating.”
you had smiled to yourself again, that twinkle in your eye telling him that you were about to tease him again. yet when you looked up, you saw how red his face was getting. no point in letting this go to waste. “you’d be a fine-apple,” you finished.
and that immediately netted you jihoon whining at you with a quiet “stop, i’m going to die and then you won’t have a boyfriend anymore. do you want me to die?”
(... and of course, that meant you’d hit him with an angel-themed pick-up line minutes later after you found a suitable one.)
lee seokmin
"hey. are you a chicken?”
seokmin looked up from where he was sprawled out on the couch, scrolling through his social media on this lazy afternoon. he furrowed his brow, thinking over your words again. you knew as well as anyone else that seokmin wasn’t the greatest with stuff like horror movies. he clung to you the entire time you went to a haunted house with him, after all. “i--”
“because you’re im-peck-able.”
he snorted after a moment, already smiling. “ah--really? you’re hitting on me like this?” he paused after a moment. “... aren’t you tired?”
you giggled, “nope! i still have more--”
“because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
immediately, you yelled before diving forward, burying your face in his shirt. “that’s not fair!”
he laughed, bringing you into his arms as he sat up. “joshua told me that one once,” he giggled, “and i thought i missed my chance to use it on you.”
oh, of course he wanted to use it on you. what a dork. at least he was your dork.
kim mingyu
mingyu had been in the middle of cooking dinner when he heard you come in. he called out to you, asking how your day had gone. you’d made conversation easily enough as you slipped out of your shoes and into your house slippers, making your way into the kitchen. you leaned against the counter, watching him drop long noodles into boiling water.
“gyu.” yet when he merely hummed in response, you called his name again until he looked at you. “are you parents bakers?”
he furrowed his brows. “what? you know what my parents do, we’ve--”
“because you’re a cutie pie.”
he stared at you for a moment, words sinking in before he threw his head back and laughed. the pick-up line wasn’t so funny as much as it was his love for you that made him laugh. mingyu was utterly and entirely endeared to you in every way, and that included laughing at your silly little jokes. before you could even try to say another one, he made his way over to you, pulling you into his arms and kissing you.
“you’re so cute,” he giggled.
“it wasn’t that funny, you know,” you wrapped your arms around him. you’d save the other pick-up lines for later.
he squeezed you tight. “it was. because it was yours,” he said, giggling again. “really... i love you. you’re so cute.” he let go of you, stepping back to watch dinner. “dinner should be ready soon, by the way.”
you smiled, leaning against the counter once more. “i almost said something about your cake, you know--”
(which only earned you him yelling, laughing a little as he did so. god, he loved you.)
xu minghao
minghao had called out for you to come in once he heard you knock on the door of his art studio, and he’d nodded to you politely as you came in. without thinking twice, he continued his work, now acutely aware of the audience he had. he didn’t mind working in front of you--he trusted you to know that art was a process and the vision truly came together toward the end.
“hao?” you asked, sounding genuinely confused. “did you do something to my eyes?”
he furrowed his brows, looking over to where you were standing. “no? is something wrong--”
“because i can’t take them off of you.”
immediately, all concern for you evaporated because he saw the way you were smiling, the way you barely concealed your giggles now that he was looking at you. “are you done?”
your smile faltered. “oh. sorry, are you busy? i didn’t mean to--”
he giggled a moment later, so soft and airy. you’d always told him he had a cute laugh. “you don’t have to flirt with me,” he said, beckoning you over. he leaned in, pressing a kiss against your cheek. “i’m already yours.” 
boo seungkwan
seungkwan had been sitting across from you, coffee sitting in front of him, as he scrolled through one of his social media accounts. he’d been looking for a specific post to show you, listening to you ramble on about your day as he searched.
“hey. do you have a name?” you asked all of a sudden, immediately earning a confused look from seungkwan. “or can i just call you mine?”
his nose wrinkled as he gave you this look of disgust. “what? we’re already dating. what are you talking about?” he paused, looking around. “is someone recording this?”
you just giggled, watching him. “did the sun come out? or did you just smile at me?”
seungkwan, who was very much not smiling at you, actually cracked one at that one. “really? should i wait for you to be done?”
“yes.” you glanced back down at your phone, “do you play soccer? because you look like a keeper--”
seungkwan grabbed his coffee, getting up to leave you there. he heard your “hey!” as he walked away, smiling to himself. all too soon, you’d chased after him, taking your hand in his.
“i’m done,” you giggled. “but you are, y’know. a keeper.”
“i know,” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “and i’m yours, too.”
he’d have to find a pick-up line to use on you later, just to give you a taste of your own medicine... you’ll just never see it coming.
chwe vernon
vernon knew you were up to... something. you’d been skulking around, this devious smile on your face as you wandered to and fro, giggling to yourself. at first, he thought this had to be some kind of ‘look at this costume i bought our child’ (your cat) deal, since that had happened before (which was why you owned a sonic the heggehog onesie for said cat). yet you had leaned over the couch, watching him for a moment.
he raised a brow. “hey?”
“if you and i were socks, we’d make a great pair.”
he rolled his eyes, settling back into the couch. “i think we’d have like. a sick pattern, too, actually.”
you pouted slightly, apparently not satisfied with his reaction. “if you were a triangle,” you said, recovering well enough, “you’d be acute one.”
he looked up at you again. “babe, i don’t remember geometry.”
“oh my god.” you buried your face in your hands for a moment. again, you recovered. “hey. what’s it like to be the most gorgeous person in the room?”
“i dunno,” he leans up, “what’s it like?”
you shoved your face into your hands again, letting out a groan as he laughed. this was what you got for leaving your phone open to a page of pick-up lines with a boyfriend who was more than ready to beat you at your own game. he’d only hoped you’d try to hit him with something like that last one.
“vernonnnn,” you drew out his name in a whine. “i hate you.”
he giggled, leaning up to pull one of your hands away from your face, and pressed a kiss against your cheek. “love you too,” he giggled.
lee chan
chan had been standing by the produce when you came back to him with the bread, setting it into your cart. he stood right where you had hoped he would be, looking over sweet potatoes since they were on your grocery list.
“hey. channie.”
he merely hummed in response, setting another sweet potato into the bag.
“if you were a potato,” you nod toward the one in his hand, “you’d be a sweet potato.”
he looked up, a little confused. “okay? thank you?”
“if i could rearrange the alphabet--”
“oh no.”
“--i’d put U and I together.”
chan let out a sigh, a smile breaking out as he hung his head for a minute. he looked at you again, still smiling. “are there more? i’ll wait if there are.”
you just wrapped your arm around his, pressing your side against his. “nope,” you said. “just wanted to see your face.”
he chuckled, shifting just enough that he could comfortably continue gathering sweet potatoes. “you didn’t put these on the list so you could use that line, right?”
“nope,” you hummed. “just seized the opportunity.”
he chuckled. “good to know,” he planted a quick peck on your cheek, still smiling to himself. at least he found you cute.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @synthetickitsune​ @wonuziex​ @gyulbabie​
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luvjunie · 1 year
— when the dam breaks
contains: third person pov (42!miles’), no reader, feelings of anxiety, some harsh language, use of the n-word once, a one-sided fight, angst, mentions of grief, brief comfort at the end
summary: miles was holding himself together just fine, until he wasn’t. wc: 2,748
a/n: this fic is based on one of my headcanons from this post,(the 12th one). handling the grief of losing a parent is one of the hardest, most painful things to navigate, especially when you’re a teen and in school. i can directly relate to miles!42 because of this, which is probably why i’m able to go so in depth with his character. i’m really proud of how this turned out so i hope you guys enjoy reading <3
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The back of Ms. Bellam’s history class was Miles’ favorite spot to sit in. The seat by the window, specifically. Where he could gaze out with the fantasy of being anywhere else but stuck listening to the lecture in his fifth block; forced to hear his teacher rave on about some old expedition he couldn’t bring himself to give a shit about.
But today, Miles was not in the back of the class.
He had a bad feeling the moment the bell rung and the projector powered on to display the newest assignment the tall, stocky woman had on the agenda; a partnered project. Which, unfortunately, meant a new seating chart was on the horizon.
Miles must’ve spaced out during the introduction of the assignment, but his teacher’s assertive voice brought him back to the very moment he was dreading.
“Cody, you’re paired with—“ Ms. Bellam pulled a small slip of paper out from a little bucket of randomized names on her desk. “—Lauren.”
She ignored the quiet groan she got after unknowingly pairing two exes together and drew two more names. “Bailey, you’re with Lucas.”
“Sarah, you’re with… Faith. And Miles,” The brunette-haired teacher stuck her hand into the bucket once more to pull out the very last slip of paper, and read it with finality. “You’re with Gabby.”
Miles lifted his head and did a quick scan of the faces around, until he met the eyes of his new partner, Gabby, who gave him a small wave from the front of the class. His jaw clenched at the realization that he’d have to give up his safe corner, since the seats around him were filled, while the one next to her was open.
“Alright everyone, if you’re not already next to your partner, go find them.”
With an inaudible grumble and something along the lines of ‘i hate this fucking class’ and a mix of ‘kill me now’— Miles rose from his chair, snatched his backpack up with a little too much force, and crossed the classroom to plop down defeatedly next to the girl he was paired with.
Chin tucked in his hand and eyes glued to the ticking clock above the white board, he didn’t know how long he sat like that, or how much valuable information he’d missed while he ignored the overly peppy, thirty-year old’s directions to the class. But he did know that the minute hand on that damn analog device wasn’t moving fast enough for his liking. The droning of voices overlapping and the bouncing of ideas filled the once silent air after instructions had been given, but Miles was far from focused on the task at hand.
The incessant tapping of his pencil against the hard plastic of his desk, matched with the clearly agitated bounce of his leg had his partner stealing experimental glances in his direction— her lips having been licked ample times from the stress of debating on whether to make the difficult decision of speaking to the boy who was clearly not interested in conversation— or even being here at all.
She spoke up anyway. “Um… So most of the other groups have pretty much chosen already. That means we’re left with James Cook, Vasco de Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, or—“
“You can pick for us. I don’t really care which one.” Miles interrupted.
“Oh—“ Gabby blinked. His response was curt, but at least she got one. “Okay then, Ferdinand Magellan.” Flipping through the rubric that had been passed out at some point, she referred to the second page with her index finger. “It says our presentation has to be between six to eight slides, which includes the works cited for our research. So we could do one introduction slide, and maybe about,” she paused to think. “Four?— information slides? And then we could add some fun facts and trivia questions at the end so we can get our class participation points in without too much effort. That cool with you?”
Gabby was a nice girl. She never bothered him, never looked at him weird when he’d come into class late sometimes, and had actually ran through the hallway to return the notebook that fell out of his open backpack just last week. He wasn’t aggravated at her, but more so at the fact that everybody could stare at the back of his head now instead of the other way around, like it was before. It made him self conscious about everything, even down to the way he was sitting in his chair. He could feel a few beams on his back right about now, and adjusted his position slightly.
Miles sighed and reminded himself to respond to her politely. “Uh-huh. Sounds good.”
A voice to his left behind him caught his attention, the voice in question belonging to one of the most obnoxious boys he’d ever had the displeasure of knowing— Ethan Thompson. Someone who always had too much to say and nothing productive or appropriate to add— it usually being something creepy or gross about a girl he wanted to ‘get to know’.
Miles would’ve tuned him out, like he always did, but this time it was impossible. Probably because out of all the conversations regarding the explorers meant to be researched, this one had absolutely nothing to do with history, or even school for that matter.
“Bro, did you hear about what happened to…”
Miles strained to hear as best as he could without moving from his seat, though it was a struggle since Gabby was still talking his ear off to the right of him about who would do what when it came to their workload.
He ignored her as another voice chimed in, and his back stiffened.
“I know dude, my sister told me about it. Said he was killed in action or somethin’ like that… I just know his mom is crushed. I feel really bad.”
Miles knew people talked about this, he wasn’t dumb. But damn, did they have to do it when he was right there?
Then, there was a laugh.
Miles was confused. He didn’t find anything regarding the topic of their conversation even remotely comical.
“Fuck that,” Ethan quieted his voice, though not quiet enough. “That just means Mrs. Morales is single and up for grabs now.”
It took less than a second for Miles’ blood to simmer to a scalding boil. He held a subtle finger up and quieted Gabby, who was currently asking him about what they should research first.
“Can you give me just… one second?” he asked gently.
Gabby’s words died on her tongue and she gave a muddled nod.
Miles threw his elbow over the back of his chair when his torso whipped around, his eyes glazed with enmity and immediately catching Ethan’s.
“The fuck you just say?”
Ethan froze.
Miles’ tone was lethal, rage lifting the volume above the blurred chattering around, venom spitting from his tongue like he intended to kill the boy with words alone. The speed in which the class fell silent would’ve been humorous had there not been such hostility within the air.
“Miles, language!” Ms. Bellam’s eyes snapped up from her computer screen, her face a picture of disbelief at his unusual vitriol. He was always quiet as a mouse in her class, well behaved above all.
Jaws hung slack, the gazes of the students around darted back and forth between the two boys continuously, the tension in the room palpable.
Miles sat up straighter in his seat, jaw clenched and his patience dwindling. To say he was seething would be a dangerous understatement.
“Nah, nah Ms. B,” His head cocked, and his eyes narrowed at Ethan, ruinously. “I wanna know what this nigga just said ‘bout my fuckin’ mom.”
“Oh shit…” Gabby gulped. Today was the most she’d heard Miles speak in class almost the entire semester.
“It was a joke, bro.” Ethan huffed a chuckle, a nervous thing that his friend easily picked up on. Miles was not one to bluff, and Ethan was notorious for taking things too far.
“Don’t bro me, repeat that dumb shit you just said and watch how fast I knock your ass out.” Miles gritted through his teeth, hot air puffing through his nostrils like a bull who’d just seen red.
“Boys, enough!” Ms. Bellman was standing now, hands planted to her desk as she watched with bated breath, just like the rest of the class-now-turned-audience.
Ethan shrugged, and Miles swore he felt his eye twitch.
Strike one.
Then, the boy playfully nudged his friend’s arm with a cocky smirk, as if he thought the threat he’d just received wasn’t one that would be carried out.
Strike two.
“He’s baiting you, Miles…” Gabby whispered dejectedly, in warning, only so Miles could hear. But his tunnel vision had already set in.
“Go ‘head. Repeat yourself.” Miles demanded.
Nails digging into the skin of his palms hard enough to leave crescents in their wake, there was a voice in the back of his mind, reminding him that he could get into serious trouble if he didn’t get his emotions in check, fast. He’d progressed so quickly in his after school M.M.A classes, that now, even getting into a simple fist fight could land him a serious assault charge. A judge would take one look at the history of his intense training, and the option to deem his hands as deadly weapons in the case would immediately be presented, and most likely acted upon.
Knocking the teeth out of a rich white boy would never be the smart decision here, especially not for someone who looked the way he did.
He’d be sent straight to juvie.
“I mean, all I was sayin’ is, technically—“ Ethan threw his hands up in a careless manner. “If I play my cards right, I could be your future step-daddy.”
Strike three.
Ms. Bellam was yelling now. “Ethan, principal’s office, now!”
And that probably would’ve been the better option, had he actually had a choice.
Miles’ movements were swift when he shot out of his seat, and the students in his way followed suit with yelps and gasps as they quickly removed themselves from the area. The desks blocking his pathway to pummeling the shit out of this kid loudly screeched against the school’s tile when they were shoved out of the way, and the one he’d mindlessly flipped over in his stampede proceeded to erupt the room into pure pandemonium.
One punch would’ve been good enough, Miles knew that. But in this moment, thinking rationally was so far out of his reach he would’ve missed it even if he’d jumped for it. He’d swung a closed fist to Ethan’s jaw and knocked him to the floor with ease, then followed him down, sat on his chest and had the boy’s arms pinned under his knees so he couldn’t protect his snobby-ass face. One punch would’ve been good enough, but just two vehement blows later, the satisfying crack of a bone that wasn’t his under Miles’ knuckles had him sending a few more into the reddened face of the boy beneath him, just to really get his point across.
“Jesus Christ— Miles!” Ms. Bellman scrambled from her seat in a panic and rushed to fling the classroom’s door open, her desperate yells directed to anyone who might’ve been strolling the hallways. “We need security in here! You-!” She pointed to a student with a bathroom pass. “Go get security, and tell them to come to room 205, now! Go!”
Everyone was yelling at once, but Miles couldn’t hear anything other than the ringing of rage in his ears. Anger is only grief turned sour— a terribly perilous thing to leave untreated.
Some of his classmates were frozen with shock, or fear, maybe— hands clasped over their gaped mouths while others had their phones out with the camera app open—vampires for some good drama while they hooted and hollered at the most exciting thing they’d seen this entire year.
“That’s enough!”
Strong arms suddenly hooked under Miles’ armpits and prevented his fist from worsening the damage already done. Two male teachers from neighboring classrooms had rushed in and yanked him up and off Ethan, his hips bucking as he kicked his way up onto his feet. Miles’ chest expanded and collapsed with the weight of his heaving breaths, face flushed with the remnants of his lost temper as he directed his attention to Ethan’s friend, who looked like a deer in headlights.
“When your boy wake up, tell him watch his mouth next time!”
Miles didn’t know why he was yelling. It was common knowledge that it’s pretty rare for someone who’s unconscious to understand what you’re saying to them.
He didn’t struggle when the two teachers dragged him away, but when they shoved him out the door and into the hall with more force than he thought necessary, he snatched his arms away from their grasp with a rolled shrug, and huffed a frustrated grunt about how he knew how to walk on his own.
The drive home was eerily silent. The radio hadn’t been touched, and neither had Miles by his mother’s gaze the moment they’d left the principal’s office after he received his verdict.
Out of school suspension. One week.
It was the best the administrative staff could do after Rio swallowed her pride and went as low as begging them not to expel her boy.
Slumped in the passenger seat with his hands in his lap, Miles didn’t bother to look at the bruises he knew were forming on his knuckles. It was a familiar feeling, and at the moment he was more concerned with why it felt like his throat had been stuffed with cotton when he tried to talk.
“Mamá, I—“
“Do not. Speak.” Rio’s breath wavered, her hands clutching the wheel so hard she thought she’d crush it. She tried not to let her voice break. “Not one word.”
It all settled in as they climbed the stairwell, the images of what just happened flashing back in his mind every time he blinked; what he’d done playing over and over again in a continuous loop. The wooden railings creaked under the weight of his mother’s hand, and as she knowingly skipped the one that had weakened over the years, he knew the home that held every single emotion he tried to leave behind when he went to school was now just a few steps up.
Rio’s key twisted in the lock before she opened the door, and Miles followed behind her, shoulders slouched dispiritedly. He resembled something of a stray puppy; desperate for attention, but acceptant and grateful that it, as much of a nuisance as it may be, was being tolerated enough to stay on it’s finder’s heels.
He thought being scolded by his mother was bad, but the lack thereof was even worse. Her brows were clenched, and her conflicted yet somehow blank expression told him that she truly did not have any words for him as she leaned on the kitchen counter, hands clasped firmly around the edge so tightly her knuckles paled. She didn’t even know where to start, and Miles didn’t blame her. He refused to explain why he’d snapped when it was asked of him. When his mother’s widened eyes had pleaded with him to tell the principal what happened in that classroom that set him off in such a way, he didn’t. He had no reason not to, at least one he could think of right now, but his voice just wouldn’t allow it. Both in that office, and now in their kitchen, dimly lit by the warm light above the stove, the weight of his mother’s disappointment clung to the suffocating silence, like a fish to a hook and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Mamá, I’m sorry.” He whispered in a quick breath, the lump in his throat painful when he swallowed it.
“Good money, Miles.” Rio shook her head, a hand coming up to rest over the rise and fall of her chest. “Good money! We paid good money to get you into that school, your dad and I. I work hard to keep you there and you just—“
And the dam broke. Though its foundation wasn’t very strong to begin with— Miles’ shoulders crumbled under the weight of his actions and his tears flooded past his waterline with choked sobs that left no room for air.
Whatever Rio was going to say had been forgotten. The sight of her son sobbing in a way she hadn’t seen since the night they’d received the news immediately put a stop to her reprimanding. Now, she was truly worried.
“Oh Miles, come come come,” She hastily tugged him into a hug and wrapped him firmly in her arms, her hands repeatedly rubbing up and down the expanse of his back. “¿Qué es Mijo? (what is it, son?) Talk to me. No te lo guardes, ¿recuerda?” (no holding it in, remember?)
Miles could barely catch his breath, and somehow talking about it was just as painful as the ache that resided deep in his chest.
“I—It was Dad, it was about—“ a quick breath in split his sentence in half. “About Dad. He was—talking about what ha—happened and I—“ Miles tried for another, but it caught in his throat, ragged and choppy and had his ribcage stuttering from the lousy attempt to cease his hyperventilating. The fact that he couldn’t get his words out uninterrupted only frustrated him more; only made him cry harder. He scrubbed at his tears with the back of his hand, but it was no use. He couldn’t stop crying. Why couldn’t he stop crying?
“He said—“ Another wilted inhale, and a hiccup. “It was abo—about you, and it was terrible and I— I just, I got so angry, and I tried Mamá, I did. But I couldn’t and—and then I was on him and I’m sorry—“
“Shh, shh. It’s okay, it’s okay.” Rio used a hand to bring his head into her shoulder, his cries muffled and his tears wetting the sleeve of her blouse as his rambling came to a halt. Miles clutched onto her tightly, arms round her waist as he fell apart in front of the woman who’d tried her best to piece him back together.
“Respira, Mijo, respira… (breathe).” Rio whispered. “Please.” Seeing her son so distraught had brought on tears of her own, but she shut her eyes, and tucked away her own feelings so she could focus on his. “It’s okay. It’s alright.”
“But you’re mad at me, I don’t want you to be mad at me—“
Rio shook her head and tutted at him. “I’m not mad at you, papa. I understand. Okay? I’m not angry. No.” She couldn’t be upset with him for something like this, not when he could barely shelter himself from his own guilt.
“It’s okay. You’re okay, baby. I’ve got you.” Miles was inconsolable as Rio continued rubbing his back, and her voice shook when she spoke, but she kept the uncertainty she held within her heart concealed from her promise to him.
“We’re going to be okay.”
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whereireid · 2 years
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pairing: patrick bateman x fem!reader
— warnings: nsfw content ! bondage, rope, ptrick bateman, p in v, mentions of murderous urges
summary: There's a thin line between pleasure and pain. Patrick lets you walk that line — if anyone else did, it would snap.
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"Do you like it?”
Patrick’s voice is sultry, calm; a lewd illusion of the man he is, the desire which consumes him. Being bound to his bed with rope is surreal - you squirm under his cool touch, trying to hide the discomfort which pulsates through you.
“It’s different.” Your voice is hoarse, but you’re honest, and Patrick grins in response. “It feels too tight.”
“I could’ve made it tighter.” Patrick's breath fans your neck, and you’re suddenly more aware of how out-of-place he looks. Whilst you’re naked, splayed in front of him ready to be devoured, he’s fully dressed in a Valentino, classic charcoal, pinstriped double-breasted suit. His suited arms reach up towards your bound wrists, and your eyes flitter shut as you imagine what he would look like naked - how his arms would flex as he loosens the rope slightly. “What do you say?”
“Thank you, Patrick.”
His hum of approval vibrates through you, as his fingers dart over your thighs, before slowly trailing toward your cunt. “I want to do terrible things to you. Do you know that? I want to—“ Patrick’s fingers shake slightly and his voice wavers, his digits darting over your slits and finding a home in your cunt. “—I want to ruin you.”
“But you won’t.” Your eyes squeeze shut as his fingers curl inside you, his hand growing slick with your wetness. Satisfied squelches echo across his bedroom, and your stomach tightens with each come hither motion of his fingers.
“But I won’t.” Patrick agrees, letting out a shaky breath that jitters against your neck. “Because when I start ruining you, I’m not going to be able to stop. I’ll hurt you so bad you’ll wish you were dead and maybe at the end of it all, you would be.”
“So I’m spared,” you breathe, a broken mewl slipping past your lips as Patrick’s fingers effortlessly flicker you closer and closer to an orgasm. There is an imaginary coil inside of you, and it feels as though it is going to snap - the ever-growing pressure on the special spot inside of your cunt is constant, and his motions are consistent, specialized. “You’ll spare me?”
“I’ll do more than spare you. I’m going to fuck you like I love you and maybe I do, but then again, maybe I don’t.”
The crassness of his voice, the harshness of his words, and the overwhelming stimulant of his fingers fucking you so good is what sends you over the edge. The coil snaps - breaks in half, sending shockwaves of electricity pulsing through you, your legs shaking as Patrick continues to toy with your cunt, a bored expression on his face.
“My suit is drenched in your cum.” Patrick comments, slathering your wet against your thighs and stomach, crinkling his nose as he gently begins to undress himself. “Remind me to take this to the dry-cleaners, later.”
The conversation is so… nonchalant, so familiar. He talks to you like he’d talk to a lover - but are you his partner or just his plaything? Cold engulfs you and you shiver, but Patrick tuts, his cock hard and red as he nestles himself between your thighs.
“You’re cold.” He notes.
“I am.” You reply.
Patrick is odd - weird, a loser, but he consumes you. All you can think of day and night is Patrick, his slender fingers and skillful tongue, his angry and red cock which stuffs you perfectly and leaves you forever wanting. “What are you doing?”
Patrick’s fingers toy with the rope on your wrists. “Are they still too tight?”
“No. You fixed them earlier.” It makes your face flush when his cock presses against your slits, somehow perfectly aligned with your clit as he reaches further forward to loosen the restraints a tiny bit more. “Patrick-“
“I think you’re the only person I could ever love,” Patrick interrupts randomly with a mumble, repositioning himself and opening your thighs slightly wider. “If I tried. I could be a good husband, you know, a good father. Do you want that?”
Is he talking to you or himself? You don’t know anymore, letting him ramble on as he slowly pushes his cock inside of you. And it’s amazing - of course - it’s instant ecstasy because you were made for him, and he for you. You sheath him perfectly - and a broken moan bubbles up your throat as he snaps his hips slowly, his eyebrows furrowed in thought and his fingers digging into your thighs, his grip so tight it’s going to leave behind bruises.
“I will never hurt you.” Patrick tells himself - reassures himself, because you know it’s a lie as he’s hurting you right now. All he does is hurt you, leaves you insecure and violated, feeling guilty for the marks you’ve let him leave behind, feeling anguish as he leaves you for his skanky fiancé, night after night. “I will never hurt you. I can’t. I won’t. Do you hear me?”
Quiet gasps leave you as Patrick peppers gentle kisses against your chest. He groans into your skin as he fucks you, his balls heavy and sore as they smack into your ass. The rhythm he has is perfect - hard and slow, and the curve of his cock hits the special spot inside of you and it just feels so, so good. Everything feels amazing - feels perfect. You’re engulfed in him, the scent of his cologne and the nestling of his cock inside of you, and what have you done to deserve this?
“Do you hear me?” Patrick is slightly breathless, his eyes somewhat starry, and he looks down at you with something that could resemble adoration. And you gaze back, lovingly, because you love him, and you nod your head, but you don’t hear him - not really, because you’re too focused on feeling him.
And he feels good. It’s like you’re milking his cock - so tight and clenched down around him as the imaginary coil begins to wither away, your belly growing warm with each snap of his hips. “I want that, Patrick.”
“I won’t hurt you,” he tells himself as he tugs on the rope, leaving your skin burning in its wake. “I won’t.”
You can hear him. It’s a battle with himself. There is a thin line between pleasure and pain with Patrick, and he lets you walk that line. And he will continue to let you do so. Because you walk it prim and proper. You’re so focused on his words; "I could be a good husband, you know, a good father. Do you want that?" that you don’t care when he grips your face so hard it feels like your cheekbones are going to smash and your skull is going to turn into putty.
“Patrick," you gasp, incoherent as you feel his cum begin to fill you. "I want all of you.”
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taglist: @makeyoumine69
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togament · 4 months
More windbreaker threats you say? Maybe I… introduce u to my favorite tall glass of water; Hiragi Toma?—- I’m sorry u know he’s all I cry about but listEN!!
The way he walks around searching for the shirt you’ve just hidden, so you can admire his solid torso, and distinct V line… the way his necklace shifts back and forth in your face when he’s pushing your legs up to your chest, pounding into you just the way you asked for… the way he can’t help but leave clear bite marks along your nape and thighs … all while by the end of the day, cradling you and telling you how cute you are… <3333 I’m struck DUMB for this man HELP
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i… am having thoughts of busy hiragi, only having him you yourself for such a short period of time twice or thrice a week. he hasn’t touched you in weekssss — but not until you can finally get him alone.
NSFW, +18 stuff under the cut. MDNI.
hiragi’s a busy (and stressed) man. he’s got way more on his plate than you could imagine, being a guardian to ume (who supplies most of the stress for hiragi personally on a silver platter), looking over the bofurin boys, being ume’s ‘spy’ for kotoha just in case she gets hurt and you, his beloved, beloved partner.
you who could absolutely, noooo, never, want to stress him out further. you who he has caught practically drooling when he rolls up his sleeves to do something. you who has always helped him with the bofurin boys, wanting him to take a load off. you who have constantly been riling him up when you’re alone for just a couple of minutes, only to walk away like nothing happened when someone’s nearby.
you who definitely didn’t hide his shirt when he’s changing out of his sweat and paint soaked ones, gawking at how his muscles flex and unflex as he’s practically turning the empty classroom inside out.
fuck. you think he looks better in the moonlight.
you who definitely didn’t ask ume in advance if you could have hiragi for the evening just in case they had meetings. you who convinced ume so easily. little does he know what you have in store for his best friend.
now you’re folded over on one of the school desks, ankles dangling by your ears. the incessant and rhythmic screeching and thumping of the chairs echo through the empty highschool. hiragi’s silver necklace glistens in the moonlight while he’s fucking you senselessly, brows knitted and hands steady on the table below you. god it’s like he wants to break you.
“h-harder!!! fuck, hiragi-! y-you’re too fucking good-“, the words eke out of you pathetically, already fucked out of your mind and cockdrunk. the wet squelching of your cunt grows sloppier the harder he folds you. his girth stretching you out in unimaginable ways.
“i knew it,” he says sharply, accompanying each syllable with a harsh thrust into you. oh he’s pissed. “i know you hid my shirt-“, he grins, reaching between your bodies to rub at your clit. you tighten around him, practically squealing his name. you didn’t hide it well enough. the shirt’s clearly peeking from your bag right next to his.
oh. oh fuck.
you know he can see right through your plan.
“that desperate to get me alone? huh? you missed this cock filling you up?”, he practically grows but then he stops rubbing before immediately kneeling between your legs but not before adding onto the bitemarks he’s already left minutes ago into your session. your inner thighs are practically riddled with his teeth marks. “well too fuckin’ bad.”
he starts eating you out, licking a wide strip up your lips then flicking at your clit rapidly, earning a yelp and a tight grip on his hair. you come over and over on his tongue, quivering as your juices flow down your cunt and onto the wooden desk.
standing straight up once more, he enters you slowly but not without tapping his tip on your clit first, hissing at the tight sensation before thrusting harshly once, twice, thrice and pop! he pulls out, feverishly stroking his cock. his cum drips down his fist, and squirts on his tight, glistening abs and chest.
tired, sweaty and heaving heavily, he guides you to sit up, pressing gentle kisses to your cheek and lips. he grabs a wet wipe from his bag and cleans you up first then cleans himself up last with a new towelette.
minutes after, you’re both all dressed up and proper, leaving the school campus and into the night. save for a couple of his bitemarks slightly peeking over your collar, you look pretty decent. as you’re walking to the train station, you stagger a little but hiragi and holds you against his side, a steady hand on your waist. after him being all up in your guts, how could you even walk straight?
“sorry about your shirt,” you mumble, leaning into him as you walk. he only lets our a breathy chuckle before shaking his head. he pops a couple gaskuns, chewing them before he answers.
“i should keep a leash on you,” he mutters into your scalp, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head. “god you’re like a puppy,” he playfully groans, pulling away while his fingers drum at your side.
“Am I the cutest puppy though?” you bat your eyes playfully at him. ah… he knows you mean it in jest. he only smiles down at you, leaning in closely with his lips barely grazing yours.
“the absolute cutest.”
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° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
a/n: whew that was… Something. lmao this was supposed to be a short drabble, i swear. hiragi hard fucker, sweet sweet lover agenda go UP. i know for a fact he’s a BEAST at aftercare. it comes so naturally to him like HI? forehead kisses and cuddles? grabby hands.
i rly hope u like this bb @witch--btch 🙇‍♀️✨
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safination · 5 months
Partners in Death…and Life.
Part 6: Radio’s Last Broadcast
|Part 5: Gimpse of Me and You: Part ii| |Part 7: Me and You In Eternity| |Masterlist| Ao3| Taglist| Pairings: Alastor x wife!Reader Tags: fem!Reader, AFAB, Established Relationship, Asexual! Alastor, Alastor is in hell for a reason, Reader is in hell for a reason, dishes, being a simp for your partner Warning: blood, dead bodies, stitches Good luck.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
There are too many dishes in the sink. Bowls and saucer plates stack together in one organized pile. On the counter, spoons and kitchen knives are arranged by height. Well…at least Alastor has the decency to sort this whirlwind of dishes for you.
The first bowl lines the edges with streaks of mystery sauce. You open the tap, rinsing it with your fingers to wash away the stubborn spots. A mixture of sliminess and wet wet wet wet harass your hands. It’s a bad night to have all five senses. It’s pure and plain…ew. Just ew, and ew, and another ew, and a dash of yuck. Someone please end the suffering.
“There’s like a thousand dishes here!” you exclaim, discarding the bowl for what seems like a million others. “Why do we even have so many bowls? It’s doubled ever since we got married. Do you just go around buying every bowl you see?”
Alastor reaches out for your face, holding you with both of his hands. He smoothens your scowl with the soft pads of his thumbs. Water runs out the faucet…but the heat of his palm warms your cheeks. “You’ll get wrinkles all over this pretty face of yours if you keep scrunching your nose.”
You pull away to continue rinsing.
Heh…hehehehe…pretty. (You need to get it together.)
Against your best efforts, a dopey smile replaces your scowl. It was a good try, though. “Did you do this on purpose?” A sigh escapes you when you notice the softness in your tone. Get it a grip! At least try and keep the bite in your tone. “Please tell me you did—it would give me a great reason to decorate your head with this bowl.”
Alastor places a hand on his chest with the fakest offended expression lathered on his face. It’s so fake it has a masters degree in fakeology. “You think that I would take time out of my very busy life to meticulously use different types of dishware, and trouble myself with using each and every single one to force my wife to wash them?”
…Somehow, that dopey smile manages to get dopier.  Heh…hehehe…he said the words. ‘My wife’.
You cringe into your shoulder. Oh my God! Stop!  This is so embarrassing.
With a deep breath, you make it a point to show off how you roll your eyes. “I’m not hearing a ‘no’.”
Alastor shows you his most innocent smile.
With a long and painful deep breath, you continue the dishes. There’s a smile on your lips even as your fingers feel the absolute horror of soggy food. There isn’t a life out there better than washing the dishes right here with Alastor.
Alastor stares into you with the brownest of eyes. His sleeves are folded into his elbows, arms crossed together. Sleeve garters. That’s it. There isn’t much to say except… well… sleeve garters.
The bowl threatens to slip from your grip.
Alastor reaches from behind you, placing his hand over yours to tighten your grip on the bowl. “Careful,” he says in a voice so low that it almost brings you to enlightenment. “This would be your fourth broken bowl this week, and the week just started.”
You blink at his hand a bit idiotically. It’s warm—he’s warm. “Oh…uh…,” you say because there’s nothing else running through your mind, not when every breath Alastor takes brushes your ear. “…I’m not at fault here.”
Alastor squeezes your hand. “Really now? And it’s somehow my fault that you break ten bowls a week?”
“Well, dearest, you can’t really expect me to focus when you’re standing there…looking all …uh … looking quite … nice…?”
‘Nice’ was the safest option your pride would allow you to give him. You might not be a poet, but even you knew that ‘nice’ was at the very bottom of the list of words you would use.
Alastor pulls away, laughing like you said a joke. “Funny,” he says. “And you still wonder why I buy so many bowls.”
You laugh as well as if you did say a joke.
Alastor bumps your shoulders with his. “How was your day?”
“You first.”
“I received the most delicious cup of coffee today,” he says, humming. “The flavors were so rich that I couldn’t help but gulp it down.”
You accept the smile that his words put on your lips. “Oh, shut up.”
“It was less than a dollar as well!” There’s a grin on his face that tells you he’s aware of exactly what he’s doing. “I bought it at this little café that just opened. Should I take you? I think you would like it.”
The grip you have on the bowl tightens, and you show him the widest smile you could summon. “It’s so lucky you think I’m pretty.”
Alastor laughs into the air, breathy and light. He inches closer and plants a hand on your cheek, thumb brushing up and down your skin.
The bowl slips from your grip when he steals a kiss.
Alastor catches the bowl, and secures it back in your grip. “I had a typical work day—played some songs, swooned some hearts, and all the usual,” he says, smiling from ear to ear. “Then, I made dinner with exactly twenty-one dishes, minus the pots and pans.”
“Oh my God!” you exclaim, glaring. “You did do it on purpose.”
“What a preposterous accusation to make!” Alastor inches closer once more to press a kiss on your cheek. “Can I hear about your day now?”
There’s an urge to swing the bowl at him…but…well, Alastor presses a second kiss on your other cheek. “I made coffee today,” you tell him. “And I was driven to work by a man who swoons hearts with every step he takes.”
Alastor hooks his chin on your shoulders, snaking his arms around your chest for a hug. It makes washing the dishes a bit more tedious. There are hundreds of reasons to push him off. You ignore each and every single one of them.
His nose nudges your neck. “Is that jealousy I hear?”
“Maybe, but you aren’t hearing it from me,” you say, wiggling your ring finger. “After work, I went home, got called pretty, shared some kisses, and some asshole decided to cook dinner with exactly twenty-one dishes.”
“Minus the pots and pans,” Alastor adds, pulling you tighter into his chest. “You mustn’t forget that.”
“Yes, minus the pots and pans,” you echo. “I mustn’t forget about how some asshole made dinner using exactly twenty-one dishes…minus the pots and pans.”
“Such vulgar words.”
You meet his eyes, showing off your teeth as you smile. “For you, dearest? Always.”
Alastor releases his hug, and takes his place beside you. He grabs the bowl from you, and soaps it with the sponge.
These blasted eyes of yours glance at him. You have to pull your eyes away to return to the task of washing the dishes. Alastor’s hair is getting longer. Should you offer to cut it for him? Although, the longer strands frame his face quite handsomely. Give it a year and he would be sporting a small bob. You could braid it for him. Alastor would look amazing with neat braids.
Egg whites cling to the surface of the plate. It takes absolutely every ounce of your self-control not to shudder at the mixture of water and egg whites touching your skin.
“Dad called me,” you say. “He’s going to close the shop for a few days—something about wanting to go into the woods.”
Alastor tilts his head, and a portion of his bangs shift to the side. “What exactly does he do there?”
You hand Alastor the plate, and your fingers brush together. Soap transfer to your hand. It takes even more self-control not to intertwine your fingers. It would be difficult to wash the dishes with one hand…hmmm, difficult but not impossible.
Alastor sponges the plate, and the chance to hold his hand disappears. “Are you listening to me?”
“I don’t know?” you say. “My father does whatever men like to do in the forest. Just woods stuff—camping or hunting or fishing. He does his own thing.”
Alastor glances at the calendar behind you.
You hand him another plate. Should you just grab his hand? He would complain, but you want to feel the mixture of calluses and warmth against your own. You should just take it. Come on, take it! It’s easy. All you would need to do is reach across and slip your hand in his hold.
Alastor glances back at you for a second, then filters his eyes back to the calendar.
With a sigh, he reaches out, eyes still planted on the calendar, and intertwines his fingers with yours. “You’re ridiculous,” he mumbles. “Just take it if you want to.”
Ridiculous giggling escapes your mouth. School-girl type of type or ridiculous giggles. You press your face into his arm. Alastor stumbles as you hide your big and stupid grin into his shirt.
“Stop laughing like that.”
You laugh harder, pressing deeper into him. “Oh, you are so foul!” you exclaim, squeezing his hand. “What an unfair thing to say to me. How dare you, honestly. It’s like you want me to drop this bowl.”
Alastor tugs on your hand. “I’m going to pull away.”
The grip you have on his hand tightens, and you stick out your tongue. “Too late! This is mine now!”
Alastor smiles at you, and once more you think you’ve reached enlightenment.
You cringe into yourself. …Please… just keep it together for one second.
This man…this husband of yours. He’s unfair. Too unfair. How dare he say the most ridiculous words that tug on the strings of your heart. How dare he look at you with those too brown eyes like you’ve hung the sun and the moon and the stars when he’s the one who does so. How dare he smile at you with a look that is oh so soft.
You will never be able to compose yourself when his very presence drives you to an insane type of bliss. Nope! Not at all. Not for one second. And you won’t have it any other way.
It’s difficult to wash the dishes with one hand. Neither you or Alastor complain.
Alastor caresses your hand with his thumb, moving it up and down your skin. He brings it to his lips and presses a kiss on your ring. “It’s been almost five years since we got married.”
You smile to yourself. “We should do something special.”
“Like what?”
“Use less dishes.”
With one hand, you grab a spoon, holding it out as Alastor uses the sponge to soap. What a sight to behold. Such impeccable teamwork deserves an award.  
Alastor glances at the clock, then shuts off the faucet mid rinse.
He reaches for a kitchen cloth and wipes your hands dry. Now, both of your hands are intertwined in his. “I should go before it gets too late,” he says. “Is Jasper in pieces yet?”
You pull one hand off his hold, and open the faucet. Alastor closes it again.
“Let’s just finish the dishes first, and I’ll have him ready in a few minutes.”
Alastor squeezes your hand. “Let’s do it now.”
You squeeze back. “The dishes—”
“Can be done later,” he says, tugging on you. “I’ll help you finish it when I get home.”
Alastor pulls you to the basement, fingers still intertwined. It’s significantly less creepy now. Lightbulbs illuminate the space. You forced Alastor to add more lights with a promise that you wouldn’t step a single foot back inside his basement. (Well, it’s your basement now as well.)
Alastor twists the knob of the radio, and music fills the air. It’s just a simple piece of hardwood, but he leaves it in the basement for you and only you. Well, the music certainly lessens the creep factor.
Your fingers brush when Alastor releases his hold to hand you a butcher’s knife. It’s one specifically for chopping people in your shared murder-basement (Hehehe….shared.) Afterall, it would be unsanitary to use the same knife for the food you eat.
The knife lies heavy in your hold. You alight that shard edge between the joints of Jasper’s elbow. One slice is all that’s needed to halve his arm.
Was his name actually Jasper? Maybe.
It would be a funny coincidence if his government name was actually Jasper. He looked like a dog, so you gave him a dog’s name.
Alastor’s staring at you. He’s leaning on the table with his arms crossed …and well… you’re not going to go back into it again.
(But… but… like…  the way the shadows paint his hair does something to you that your pride isn’t willing to voice. And he’s looking at you with those dangerous brown eyes again. And that fucking smile of his. It’s the warmest thing in this cold basement. Second to the heat growing on you if he keeps staring at you like that. Sleeve garters.)
“You’re staring,” you mumble. “Stop it—staring is my job.”
Alastor laughs and it’s better than the music playing from the radio. “Is it now?”
“Yes! Stop staring and distracting me. Go turn around or something,” you say, waving the knife in the air. “I could accidentally cut myself.”
Alastor raises his hands, and turns his back to you. “We wouldn’t want that.”
Well, that was a mistake. You forget how nice his back is. (Hint: it’s really nice...like unfairly nice.) Should you just kick him out?
That’s a really nice back…You continue cutting.
It takes a few minutes longer to cut Jasper into pieces. It would take significantly less time if you were alone, but eh.
Alastor takes an arm and places it into the cadaver bag. What a weird night this is. It went from dinner to washing the dishes to stuffing a man into a bag. Alastor takes his feet, and you take the legs.
You try to grab the other end of the strap to help carry Jasper up the stairs, but Alastor swats your hand away. Okay then, suffer. A dead body, no matter how many pieces, are still bound to be quite heavy.
The both of you still at the front door.
You grab the edge of his pinky finger, tugging on it a bit. “Spare me a second?”
Alastor slips his hand into yours as he drops the bag containing Jasper. It lands with an audible thunk. “Always.”
The strands of his hair brush through your fingers. Its softness tickles. You let it linger for a second as you smoothen his hair. The lapels of his coat are next. You adjust the fit, securing it around him.
His bowtie is crooked.
Alastor inches lower, and you straighten it for him. How ridiculous of him to wear his favorite bowtie even in the comfort of the home he’s building with you.
“It’s going to be cold tonight,” you say. “Be quick. I’m not going to nurse you back to health if you get sick.”
Alastor knows that was a lie. You know it as well.
“Well,” he begins, smiling at you, “who am I to refuse the request of such a lovely lady?”
You smack his arm. “Be serious.”
Alastor brings your hand to his lips, pressing a single kiss on the back. “I am being serious,” he says, staring directly at you. “I think you’re pretty, remember?”
A small giggle escapes, but you kill it with a couch. “Funny.”
“Don’t touch the dishes without me.” Alastor drops your hand, and opens the door. Cold air rushes into the warmth of your home.  “Let’s finish it together.”
You lean on the doorframe, smiling as you stare. “It’s a date, then.”
He stills by the entrance, crossing his arms. Jasper lays forgotten in his bag. “You’re staring.”
“I am, indeed,” you say. “You have such great observation skills.”
“You have the face on again,” he says, snorting. “You know, the one that says you’re just desperate for me to kiss you.”
It’s your turn to snort. “I think you’re just describing my everyday face.”
“You’re flirting with me again.”
“With you? Always,” you say. “But if you’re willing to permit me a taste of you, I’m not going to deny it. After all, doting husbands kiss their wives all the time.”
Alastor brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. He lets his hold linger for more than a few seconds. “And you’re the expert on what a doting husband entails.”
“I am, actually.”
Alastor laughs at you, smiling. “Alright, fine.”
“Really?” You slip from the doorframe, stumbling into a trip. Not your finest moment. Probably one of your most embarrassing moments actually, but oh well.
Alastor catches your shoulders, steading you with his hold. “You are too excited for this.”
“Nope! No, no, no! You can’t take it back anymore. You already said yes!” You close your eyes and inch closer. “Come on, pucker up, pretty boy.”
There’s a finger where his lips should be.
Alastor presses his finger on your mouth, pushing you back a little. He kisses your cheek instead, lingering on your skin. “I’ll be distracted the whole night,” he says. “I’ll give you a proper one when I come home to you.”
“My dearest husband, is that a promise?”
Alastor rolls his eyes, and grabs Jasper’s bag. Right…you forgot about the dead body currently stuffed into a bag. He finally walks out the door with a small wave. “Don’t touch the dishes!”
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
The door closes with a click.
Alastor stands outside the entrance, counting until five whole minutes pass before he slides down the wood. He’s sitting outside a door, leaning his head on the wood. It’s been a while since he’s done this.
It’s indeed cold, but the air doesn’t bite him at all.
He presses his face into his arm, hiding a smile you couldn’t see. You were ridiculous. He was ridiculous, and a very…very silly man. …Silly for you…
Fuck! Alastor runs a hand over his hair. What is wrong with him? But…ha…you said the words. ‘My dearest husband.’
His head bangs on the very solid wooden door. Alastor clutches his head, hissing. He’s been acting embarrassing all night. The foolishness he displays around you borders on painful.
…Please…. Please, just keep it together.
Alastor touches his lips. It wasn’t a lie to say a kiss would distract him the whole night. When did he become the type of man who steals kisses left and right? He wasn’t even the type to enjoy a kiss either, but each press of his lips on you felt like a conversation instead of a chore.
An intimate language translated by the rings on your fingers.
There were words he was telling you, whether you understood them or not. Alastor’s not even sure he understands what he’s trying to say either.
He groans into his palms.
All traces of composure leave the window at the sight of you. He’s such an idiot for you. There isn’t a thing you could do that doesn’t drive him into the brink of insanity.
When it comes to you?
Oh, he’ll gladly be a bumbling idiot for the rest of his life.
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That one
right there.
He who likes to leave presents.
He who brings me gifts he thinks I will enjoy.
He who is a fool, for I am not his wife.
To you, who thinks he can do a god’s job.
To you, who decides for others.
To you, who loves to smile.
I, too, have a present.
A joke.
You might not laugh, but she will.
It goes like this:
A father takes his gun,
and the hunter becomes hunted.
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A knock sounds on the door.
Alastor never knocks, because why would he? There’s no sensible reason to knock on the door on the home you’re building.
Cautiously, you peek out the window, moving the curtain as the drum of heartbeats echo in your ear. It’s your father…oh…it’s your father. With closed eyes, you take one single deep breath.
You rip the door open before the question could fully form in your mind.
There’s a smile on your father’s face, even as mud cakes the edges of his pants. (It’s mud. It’s nothing else but mud. It’s water and soil, and nothing less and nothing more. Mud is supposed to be brown. It’s mud. Nothing less and nothing more.)
It’s funny. How have you never noticed you and your father have the same smile?
He reaches out, and you stay frozen as he smooths your hair with a pat. “Hello, sweetheart,” he says. “I apologize for knocking so late.”
A smile forces itself on your lips because Alastor doesn’t like it when you frown, and there’s no reason to frown. There’s absolutely no reason for the ringing in your ears. “Who did you kill this time?”
His smile wobbles and it becomes apologetic. Why does it look apologetic? What does he need to apologize for? It’s only mud that stains his fingers. “Oh, my sweet girl, I think you already know,” he tells you, forcing you to confront that no, it’s not just mud staining his nails. “Alastor’s in the trunk.”
A part of you expects to crash to the floor, knees weak, and sobbing as you choke on your tears because your husband is stuffed into a trunk. There’s none of that. Alastor would be a bit disappointed.
Is there something you should say? He needs a response. What do you say to the man who birthed your past when he has the blood of your future on his boots?
“I thought he was a deer,” he says, plain and simple. It’s how you would have said it as well. “Some dogs got to him before I found him.”
The door swings wider.
“Bring him down the basement,” are the first words that come out of your mouth. Were you smiling? It seems like you are. Alastor would be proud. “It’s down the hall—first door you see.”
He turns back to the car, whistling a tune as he walks. You don’t watch him pop open the trunk.
There’s weight anchored to your feet. It makes the trudge to the kitchen longer that it should be.
The first thing you grab is a bowl…
You exchange it for a plate.  There’s some slimy film coating the surface. You use your fingers to scrub out the slime. It doesn’t feel gross because it doesn’t feel like anything. The next couple of minutes are spent washing the dishes. Porcelain clinks when you stack the dishes to the side. At least you think it does. It’s easier to rinse with two free hands, and just as easy to soap when there’s nothing tying your hold.
The dishes are completed. Quickly? Not so quickly? Not at all quickly? You don’t know.
It takes a moment to count how many dishes Alastor used tonight, minus the pots and pans, of course, because you mustn’t forget about that.
There’s only fifteen tonight.
That liar…he used less dishes today. What happened to twenty-one dishes minus the pots and pans?
It was sixteen with the pots and pans. Alastor didn’t even use a pot, just a singular pan.
Alastor’s mug sits next to your own. You skip over his, grabbing yours to make coffee. It’s a matching mug set—it’s a stupid little thing you saw while you were in the city. It’s ugly, and it’s neon colors, a total eye-sore. Yet, he was determined to purchase it because you said it looked funny, and even more determined to use the matching set. It’s not funny anymore.
His mug goes into the trash.
You think you’re in the living-room now, a warm cup in your hands. There’s a book in your father’s hand as he lounges on the couch, skimming through the pages of Alastor’s book.
His eyes turn to the coffee. “Can I have some of that?”
“I never make coffee for guests,” you say. “The beans are in the kitchen. Go make your own if you want one.”
“Is that what I am?”
“Would you like to be called something else?” The mug warms your hands. It’s not enough. “The beans are on the counter.”
He stands, walking over to press a kiss on your forehead. “Alright. I’ll leave you here for a minute.”
The couch cushion presses on your legs. It’s soft and lumpy. Lumpy? When did you start feeling the lumps? You stare at your hands, feeling the way your muscles contract and stretch as you open and close your fingers. It’s weird. You feel absolutely everything and absolutely nothing.
There’s a mug in your father’s hand when he returns.
He clasps your hand. The warmth of the mug transfers to you. It’s all wrong wrong wrong wrong. The wrong kind of warm. These wrong hands were thick with roughness.
Alastor’s hands are smoother. They’re longer and daintier, and held your world.
The hand that grasps your own holds the blood of your world. “Time will heal you,” he says, searching for your eyes. “…Eventually.”
The heat of the coffee scorches your tongue. It should burn. Logically, it should but it doesn’t. “We were supposed to have a lifetime together,” you say. “The only time we have now is lost time.”
He pats your head again. “I’m truly sorry.”
You stare at him, and the same set of eyes stare back into you. It’s still all wrong. “It’s late,” you tell him. “There’s a guest room upstairs. I’ll take care of him, and we can feed him to the neighbor’s pigs tomorrow.”
You don’t say it back.
There’s no point in delaying the inevitable. The walk to the basement door is a familiar one. It still takes longer than it should. The hallway isn’t even that long.
There’s a picture of you and Alastor hanging on the wall.
It’s the only photograph in this house that’s framed. All other pictures are stored in a box, carefully hidden. Alastor hates having his picture taken, but he’s smiling in this one with a hand placed over your shoulders.
You didn’t even want the picture. It was just a silly little thing you suggested because you wanted to know how far he would entertain your requests.
It only took one ask, and he agreed to the photograph like it didn’t cost him the last fee dollars in his wallet. You stopped asking for things you knew he would hate ever again.
The photo goes into the trash as well.
The doorknob to the basement twists easily, and you have to take a seat on the steps. What happened to not delaying it?
Just a second…
You only need a second.
Alastor hates your frown. It’s something he’s never said out loud, but you know. You’ll always know.
It’s not exactly a secret. There’s always some kind of ridiculous story or some lame joke. The worst distractions are the absolutely annoying stunts he likes to pull. It gets on your nerves. It ranges from mild to thirty dishes in the sink.
All that trouble, just to pull your frown away.
You run a hand through your hair, summoning the courage to take the remaining steps. There’s the smallest of smiles on your lips. It’s nothing compared to the ones Alastor hangs on your face, but it’s better than nothing.
Alastor lays on the table.
His glasses are nowhere to be seen. He needs those to see. How is he going to see if his glasses weren’t here?
You approach him, taking one step after the other. The weights on your leg grow heavier. Alastor allowed you to hold his hand whenever you wanted. You grip the very edge of his pinky finger, playing with it until you find the courage to intertwine your fingers with his. The texture was all correct, but this is nothing but a cold hand now.
You squeeze his hand.
He doesn’t squeeze back.
You stand in this cold basement, holding his hand even when he doesn’t hold you back.
The back of your fingers caress down his cheek. His eyes are closed. He wouldn’t be needing his glasses after all. Where are those too brown eyes that shine brighter than starlight? They don’t look at you anymore. They won’t be looking at you anymore.
Dirt sticks to the edges of his jaw. It clings to him tighter than the grip you have on his hand. His clothes are ripped, some fall split at the seams. Those nasty dogs really devoured him. His favorite bowtie is missing, and that’s all you’re willing to say about that subject.
You take a cloth, dampening it a bit with some water. The dirt wipes away easier than you thought. A memory taunts you. Didn’t Alastor do something like this for you once? Ah…but you were in a bathtub, not in a basement.
…You shouldn’t cry.
Not yet.
Not now.
Not in front of him. Alastor would hate it. If you cry now, there would be no ridiculous story or lame joke or annoying stunts. There would be no one to pull your frown away.
He isn’t smiling.
You drop the rag, reaching for your bag to grab a needle instead. It takes three tries to fully thread it. You squeeze his hand, and still, there’s no one there to squeeze back. “A frown doesn’t suit you, my love.”
Rigor mortis hasn’t fully set into his muscles yet. Good. It means there’s still time. You push up his lips until his cheeks resemble a smile. The needle pierces his skin easily. You pull on the metal, letting the tension pull on his cheek until half a smile paints his face.
You turn towards the other cheek, sewing a permanent smile on his lips.
“Did you think of me?” you ask, not bothering to expect a reply. “I hope you did. Some selfish part of me hopes I was the last thing in your mind.”
The silence stings, even when you didn’t expect him to answer your question.
“I hope you thought about me,” you tell him, tracing the scar on his arm. It’s the very same scar that brought him to your clinic. The very same scar that began the story of you and him. “I hope you thought about how you’re breaking your promise. About how I would have to wash the dishes alone.”
Alastor’s still wearing his ring.
It was you who placed it around his finger, and it’s you who removes it as well.
You place one final kiss on his cheek. “Goodbye, Alastor,” you say. “You were correct—it was a pleasure to meet you.”
And huh…you’re in the living-room again, curling into Alastor’s chair. It’s no longer a mystery why he enjoys sitting here. The window opens directly to a view of the garden. It makes sense why he would enjoy a cup of warm coffee and the soft tunes of his radio right here.
You trace the wood of his radio.
A blink.
Suddenly, you find the radio lying broken on the floor. The wood split open, spilling the contents like a broken egg.
How did that happen?
You stride to the shelf of knick knacks. There’s so many now. It’s filled to the brim with rows of key chains, postcards from places he’ll never be able to visit with you, stuffed toys, and weird statues. Every single items is unique and chosen for you and only you because…because it’s you who wears the ring that matches his.
There’s a bat in your hand. And since when did you own a bat?
You raise it, letting its hard wood smash through the shelf. All your presents scatter on the floor with an audible crack. It doesn’t stop with one swing.
What are you doing?
The piano catches your eyes. The jumble of keys scratches the air when you smash the bat over it.
There are no tears. There are no screams. It’s just the sound of the bat smashing over the keys over and over and over and over again.
Why aren’t you crying?
The bat tightens in your grip when you knock the legs of Alastor’s piano. It crashes to the ground. He would be furious. He took good care of this thing, and here you are destroying it. You would destroy a thousand pianos to hear him scold you.
The bookshelf happens to be your next victim.
There’s a tiny box on one of the shelves. You open it, staring at the paper ring. Alastor gave this to you. He made it out of the paper of his notepad. The same notepad he uses to write his future ideas. There’s probably a metaphor somewhere there. You can’t find it. Maybe Alastor would.
The paper ring owns obviously fold-marks. A testament to its age. Would Alastor be happy to know you’ve taken such good care of this ring?
It’s funny how a single piece of paper changed the course of your lives. A single piece of paper holds so much joy. It held the promise of so many tomorrows.
The box goes into your pocket, safe from your bat. The books don’t get the same treatment.
It’s easy to see the traces of Alastor between these walls.
It’s the traces of you that have you bring out the gasoline cans from the garage.
If Alastor was in the radios, then you were in the artworks. If he was in the dents of the chair, then you were in the stains of the couch. The traces of him combine with the traces of you. Time will make it so that it will only be you. The traces of you and him will disappear until this will be a home that holds nothing but a glimpse of you.
There’s a radio that managed to escape your bat.
A soft waltz fills the air.
You raise an arm, one shooting into the air and the other to your front. Waltzes were danced with a partner. Yours is lying in the basement with a bullet in his head after being mistaken for a deer. It shouldn’t make you laugh. You do so anyway.
The music captures you in a frenzy, and you dance in the middle of the carnage, filled to the brim with the ruins of your love.
If you close your eyes, you can feel the whisper of his arm ok you. It’s all still there. The memories of how Alastor twirls you, pulling you closer to him with an ever present smile. The tips of his fingers play with yours before he finally intertwines them. Alastor places a hand on your face, swiping his thumb up and down. It forces you to lean into the embers of his touch.
The gasoline scatters as you twist and turn with nothing but the flickers of Alastor as your partner.
It goes absolutely everywhere and absolutely nowhere. You dance and you dance and you dance and you dance and you dance and you dance and you dance until the cam empties.
The waltz ends, and you bow to an audience of emptiness.
It takes half a box of matches to finally get a decent flame. You stare at the house, at the home you’ve built, and drop the match.
It’s plain and simple, even when it shouldn’t be.
There’s a gentle smile on your face as you walk away. There’s no need to look back at how the flames char the wood.
You burn the memories.
You burn the traces of you and him.
You burn everything and everyone inside.
Ah…finally. The tears refused to be held back any longer. That’s good. Tears are good. Alastor deserves these tears. It means the words he’ll never get to hear aren't a lie.
Alastor, look at me.
Look how I cry for you.
Look at me.
You place a hand over your mouth, stifling your laughter. The irony pains your side. That could also be the laughter paining your side. “I’m sorry, my love,” you say into the sky. “It’s too funny. It’s all too funny. A deer, my love. You were mistaken for a deer!”
The roaring blaze of the fire mixes with the sound of your laughter.
“Alastor…” His name leaves your lips oh so gently.
The fire that holds your rage is the only reply.
The howl of the wind.
He doesn’t answer you.
You offer a small apology to Alastor. A better wife could build him places out of paragraphs. All you can offer are cathedrals of…
y̷w̵h̸y̸w̴h̵y̴w̴h̴y̷w̶h̵y̵\whywhyw̶h̸y̷w̷h̴y̵w̵h̴ y̸w̷h̷y̷w̵h̸y̸w̴h̵y̴w̴h̴y̷w̶h̵y̵w̶h̵y̵w̶h̷y̵
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Next Part: |Part 7: Me and You in Eternity| Listen, Listen okay. If you’re not a massive simp for your partner then what’s the point? These two are such idiots for each other that it’s almost painful. There’s actually more to this chapter. There’s supposed to be like a whole scene underneath the wall of whys, but it took away from the vibes. I’ll just add it to the next chapter lol. If it’s any consolation, at least Alastor and Reader are still married in death? And thus, we end the saga of human! Alastor. Next chapter will go back to hell. I’ll make it up to you guys, I promise :D Taglist: @mybrainautocorrect @ray-rook @teavibesaf @valentique @qardasngan @alastorssimp @aestheticgals-blog @slaggylemon @reikamasama @obessivlyonline @okay-babe @lyralibra @holymusicalmothman @amoraneuro @tobyisher3 @sooha-neul
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impishjesters · 11 months
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Agents of Cat-astrophe
warning(s): none unless you count Jax note(s): This gave me a good chuckle as someone who's consistently dropping more curse words than regular words, I'd imagine the system to just censor anything and everything that comes out of my mouth at that point. A/N: (In response to the requester) I wish I was taking breaks (I mean I am sorta), I'm fully aware I'm running myself ragged right now. But it's hard for me to stop myself... I'm caffeinated and chaotic and I don't wanna stew in my brain for too long. At least I get up and stretch every now and then. Request: Anyways, I’m requesting a Jax x reader (crushing stage) where the reader is sorta at the same level of meanness as Jax and likes to do pranks with him on the other characters. Also the reader’s digital form is a short cat that at first glance makes them look nice/friendly (obviously not an actual cat but yk what I mean), and they have a sailor’s mouth that is unfortunately censored but that doesn’t stop them (can also purr and does so when they’re content which is usually when there chilling in Jax’s room or with Jax in general). I think it would be fun if the reader surprisingly was sorta nicer to Kinger and has a small soft spot for him and does more playful pranks on him than mean/harmful ones.
When you first showed up, you looked so small and frail, like a literal little kitten completely out of place in this big colourful nightmare world
Ragatha thought you’d be like Pomni, and boy howdy was she wrong
You just ended up being another Jax—who you later met and found out was also an agent of chaos
Similarly to Pomni you cursed up a storm when you first arrived and the endless censorship that came with it
You have a knack for testing Caine’s patience when it comes to your sailor’s mouth, much to Jax’s entertainment. It’s not every day Caine loses his cool like that and you’re just a newbie, needless to say, you caught his interest
That sailor’s mouth also gets used towards the other’s and Jax won’t lie and say it’s not funny because shit’s hilarious.
Sure they all curse from time to time, but you just laid out an entire sentence that was completely and utterly censored. Like the system said “fuck this I’m gonna censor the whole damn sentence”
Unlike Jax who doesn’t show any remorse for who he pranks or how cruel they are, you draw the line at messing with Kinger.
Okay, that’s a lie you still mess with him but it’s not like how you mess with the others. Kinger has this sweet unstable dad/grandpa vibe and it kind of makes the place more homey in a weird way. (plus that man has been through enough trauma, give him a break, and talk about his bug collections or some shit)
The upside is that his mind is so scattered sometimes that using the same pranks on him always results in something hilarious. So you really don’t need to try for any new material. (he also really needs to consider actually using the lock on his door, he makes it too easy)
Jax considered you his little partner in crime the more time passed—not exactly a friend nah, but like a good ol pal that also likes to partake in joining him and his bullshittery
The first time he hears you purring is when the two of you are lazing about in his room, he’d gotten distracted collecting things for a prank on someone and heard the loudest rumbling coming from behind him
“Are you fucking purring?”
It’s a little embarrassing at first, you’ve uh, never done that before..
Jax has the biggest shit-eating grin, if he wasn’t using dumb cat-themed nicknames before he sure as hell is now
“Oh, like you don’t stomp your feet like a petulant child you overgrown rabbit.”
He does not stomp his fuckin feet like a temperamental rabbit, thank you very much (that’s a fuckin lie if I ever heard one)
Jax already had mixed feelings about you before, nothing particularly bad, just feelings he couldn’t place…that was until the prank…
He doesn’t know how you did it, or how he got so wrapped up in it. But you pranked him, and you pranked him good.
Oh, oh okay that feeling is new… butterflies don’t typically belong inside your gut, now whether Jax has ever experienced a crush before or not is probably beyond him. But these little butterflies are a bitch and it takes awhile of placing two and two together to realize he’s… caught feelings to some degree
You, however, probably had a crush on him for a while, perhaps really noticing it after the whole purring fiasco when you learned that it only happened around Jax
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hxjikonn · 2 years
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(Artist: @/neneko_kone on twtr)
Reacting to GN Broken hearted!Reader
☆Staring☆ : Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, and Sebek Zigvolt
Synopsis: Yuu/MC/Reader gets their heart broken and tells their fellow first years over the phone. (Platonic rs w/ the boys) (the break up ended badly)
(I didn’t proofread this :b it’s too long and I’m lazy ehe)
Ace Trappola
Would first think you we’re kidding around so he teased and mocked you, but when he heard you’re voice crack and sniffles it dawned to him that you were serious.
“Awww such a sad tale” he teased, “Ace…” you called out in a warning tone but the sadness in your voice slipped out. “Wait you’re not kidding” he asks now completely serious, there wasn’t an answer on the other line because you were trying not to break down…
Moments later, the rickety doors of Ramshackle dormitory was kicked down, literally. “YOU’RE SERIOUS?!” Ace’s voice echoed, not in the phone though, in your hallway…in shock you ran out to see him trying to catch his breath looking like he ran a marathon
“BRO YOU BROKE THE FRONT DOOR?!?!” You yelled seeing him step on the door that was now crushed on the wooden floorboards “IRRELEVANT! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED CUZ I CAN ASSURE YOU THIS DOOR ISN’T GONNA BE THE ONLY THING BROKEN” he shouted back…
Later that day you two talked about what happened while fixing your front door…Ace provided comfort by staying at Ramshackle with you to talk shit about your ex.
Deuce Spade
I’m gonna be honest with you, He wasn’t completely present when you told him. You happened to called him while he was studying for your upcoming test, but he picked up your call thinking that you just wanted to chat about something, not grasping the fact that this was a SERIOUS MATTER
“I have to tell you something Deuce…” you started, trying not to let your cries slip through, “Uh huh…” he answered, “It’s about…my partner…” you slowly said still being careful not to break down, inhaling preparing to tell him the bad news you opened your mouth to say something when he said “Wait sorry what was that?” sighing you shut your eyes
“No nevermind… s’fine…” you gave up “I’ll tell you tomorrow, you seem busy…” you were trying so hard to sound unbothered but a sniffle was heard by Deuce from your end of the line, he stopped what he was doing immediately and picked up his phone beside him
“Hey wait! Don’t hang up! Are you okay? Are you crying?” He rushed, now is very concerned, this made you finally broke down in tears. And also made Deuce panic he stood up from his chair and went out of his dorm rushing to get to you
“Hey it’s okay! It’s okay, I’m coming over there right now and you can tell me everything! Okay? Don’t cry!” He comforted you through the phone while running to get to the hall of mirrors. He arrived at your door step panting, hands on his knees trying to not pass out from sprinting all the way there
You let him in, gave him some water and you both sat down and talked about it, the moment he found out about the break up, and how it hurt you, two things were going through his mind One: Be there to comfort you while you’re sad and Two: Call Ace and Grimm so they can hunt down your ex and beat the shit outta him.
Jack Howl
May the great seven have mercy on your ex’s soul because he was prepared to feed your ex to the savannaclaw students. We all know Jack could never ignore his friends when they need him, especially now when you’re hurt…
“Hello?” He answers the phone while he was taking care of his little cactus garden, he wasn’t met with a reply, but he was met by familiar quiet sobs and sniffles, “What happened?” He sternly asks, all his attention is now directed in the phone call
“S’nothing serious…” you tried to defend, your voice betraying you, it was evident to Jack that it was in-fact something but he didn’t want to be pushy, “I’m gonna come over there, and you can tell me when you’re ready…” he said, gentle with his tone “Jack you don’t need t-“ “I’ll bring ice cream” he cut you off with a bribe before you can even protest, “fine” you said in defeat not being able to deny free ice cream
Once he arrived he sat down with you as you ate your ice cream, it’s a rare thing for him to do but this time he even let you play with his tail, while you were talking to him about what happened…
Hearing all of this he felt sad that you had to go through all that, but at the same time he can’t wait to see your ex at school tomorrow so he can give him a “talk” about “stuff”
Epel Felmier
He was in yet another “meeting” with Vil and Rook about something, he didn’t know what he did wrong this time but Vil was yet again scolding him for who knows what, until his phone rang and he said he had to take it. Safe to say he’s gonna have to stay for another extra 2hrs with his dorm leader after that phone call…
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, listen to me okay?” He said, walking back and forth the hallway outside Vil’s room, “They broke your heart, do I need to break their face?” He snapped, angered by you crying because your ex hurt you. He was aware that Vil and Rook probably heard him but that wasn’t his concern at the moment
“Epel it’s fine…” you sniffled, now you’re the one trying to calm him down. “Not it is not! Give me their number, and give me their address, I’ll make sure they know the damage they’ve done-“ he was abruptly cut off by Vil slamming his door open staring epel down with a “dont you dare” look
“please don’t, it’s really okay, I just need someone to talk to…” you said, you’re voice was hoarse, raspy, tired from crying so much, he felt bad. “Okay, okay I wont…But I will come over there though…” he said, Vil cleared his throat looking at Epel arms crossed, “I’ll come over in about 2hrs from now…” he corrected himself knowing what scolding lays ahead…
Even though he was mentally drained from Vil’s lectures, he still kept his promise and went to Ramshackle to comfort you. He was still infuriated with your ex but he’s there to comfort right now, he can be mad at your ex tomorrow…when he’s with the others…probably planning to hunt your ex down…
Sebek Zigvolt
Was suddenly not his usual self when you told him about what happened, the poor thing was so distressed by your crying self he forgot to say goodbye to the portrait of Malleus when he left his room to go to you.
“Human, don’t you know what time it is? Shouldn’t you be asleep instead of calling me? We have classes tomorrow!” he scolded a little loudly when he answered your call of course not trying to disturb his dorm mates “I’m sorry…” you said, you’re voice was weak and tiny…he felt a sudden pang of guilt in his chest when he heard you’re quiet sobs
“….Are you alright human?” He was suddenly very gentle with his tone, worried about you… “I’d be lying if I said I was” you tried to joke around to help you cope with the pain you’re feeling, He didn’t like this, “Please don’t joke about it… Do you need me to be there with you?” His voice was so soft, unlike his usual loud tone, it made you cry, nodding as if he could see you, but that was all he needed to rush out and go to Ramshackle…even forgetting to great his Malleus portrait goodbye..
When he arrived and saw you’re disheveled hair and tear stained cheeks he surprisingly pulled you into a hug, he was sad to see you like this and this is how his father comforted him when he was a child when he was upset… he was also hiding the fact that he too was teary eyed, both of you cried your eyes out while talking about it and went to school looking like bees stung your eye lids…
After that night, He hated humans even more now, with you being an exception of course
A/N: I wanted to add Ortho and Grimm but it was getting too long 😭😭😭 I DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS!! So there may be some errors, wring grammar, misspelled words or missing words.
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Partners in Crime 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker
Summary: you’re left reeling after your divorce but the chaos has only begun. (short!reader)
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The sheriff swings around in a U-turn. Traffics stops for him even without his siren wailing. You lean into the door as he straightens out and weaves into the lanes. He steers back towards the mall to retrace his steps. 
You’re already thinking of that handcrafted decor shop around the corner from your building. You might find something there if you dare to venture within. How many times have you passed and shied away at the crystal tear drop lamp and the lush velvet stool. You let out a breath slowly, careful not to let the sigh grow too loud. 
“So, what d’ya do then?” The sheriff asks, startling you from your internal plotting. 
“Um, oh, just... I work at the pharmacy. Stock shelves,” you admit with shame. 
“Hard work,” he remarks. From anyone else, it would be mocking, but he sounds oddly genuine. “Too bad your day off got spoiled.” 
“Yeah, I guess, but...” you tap your fingertips together, “it’s okay.” 
“Hmm,” he hums as he slows, his blinker clicking loudly, “sounds like you’re used to disappointment.” 
That cuts. You shrink back. You’re sure he meant nothing by it but it’s true. You don’t expect anything but so today is hardly daunting. 
“A little. I...” you stammer. People don’t ask about you. They look past you, through you. As much as your grandmother’s saved your ass, she never talked about your old life. It was a forbidden subject. “I just got a divorce.” 
You don’t know why you said it. Maybe because you hadn’t said it out loud before. It feels like a rock sinking in water. 
He clucks, “now that’s too bad. What kinda man would leave a thing like you?” 
You peek up and meet his gaze in the rear view. A tide washes over you. You look down and shrug. You won’t mention that it was long awaited. 
“It’s fine.” 
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” he echoes, “you say that a lot.” 
You inhale sharply and frown, “sorry--” 
“Don’t needa be,” he affirms as he stops again, this time by the mall lot. You look up at the sign in confusion. He’s bringing you back? 
He rolls over the dip in the curb and across the straight white lines across the tarmac. You crane and look around, trying to figure out what’s going on? Maybe he’s just cutting through to avoid the lunch time rush. 
He stops and idles near a set of metal doors to the rear of the mall. You twist this way and that then look to the front seat. Before you can ask what’s going on, the passenger door opens and someone gets in. Someone! That man. The one with the mustache. 
But the sheriff doesn’t respond with shock or outrage. He doesn’t get mad. He just nods at the man and leans into the gas pedal. Your heart pumps painfully. 
“Sheriff?” You eke out. 
The mustachioed man chuckles but says nothing else. The officer doesn’t answer you either. You pull against your seat belt and touch the plexiglass divider, “sheriff? What’s going on?” 
He stomps on the break and the motion forces you back against the seat. You let out and oomf as the impact knocks the wind from you. There’s another laugh from the furry-lipped criminal. What’s happening? 
“What are you doing?” You whine. 
“He said she was quiet,” the man in the passenger seat mutters. 
“She’ll calm down,” the sheriff says. 
“Hey! Please,” you lean forward again and hit the thick barrier. “Tell me what’s going on--” 
“Don’t make me come back there, pussy cat,” the passenger warns and smirks at you over his shoulder.  
“Now, darlin’,” the sheriff drives the limit, coolly following the current of traffic, “you hush up back there and don’t get yourself all worked up.” 
“You said—he's--” you stutter, your breath hitch as your heart beat builds tempo. You writhe and clap your hands to your chest as it racks. “He’s-- help!” 
You gulp in breaths but they only make your head throb. Your lashes flutter wildly as panic rings in your ears. Something bad is happening. They know each other. They are working together. But why? 
“Well you just told me you were all alone and you work a job you ain’t like, kitten,” the sheriff tuts, “so why you actin’ up when we’re takin’ you away from all that?” 
“Taking...” you murmur through shallow heaves, “away...” 
You can’t breathe, you can’t think. You rock back and forth, clawing at the seat belt to find the buckle. You unleash it and keel over your lap. You cradle your head as the world thrums around you. 
“Can’t... can’t... breathe--” 
“I told you not to work yourself up,” the sheriff says, “let’s count to ten, darlin’, you do that for me?” 
“Can’t... can’t...” 
“One,” he says firmly. 
“If I gotta pull over, I ain’t gonna be so nice,” his voice dips an octave, “now count with me, kitten. Ten.” 
You quiver and cough, “n-nine--” you blow out and suck air back in, “eight--” 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, “keep goin’.” 
“Seven,” you wisp and shake around another burning inhale, “six...” you hug your spinning head, “five...” 
You continue the countdown until you get to one. You stay still and silent. Your chest is achy but not bursting. You close your eyes and meter your breathing. This cannot be real. 
“She’s a nervous one,” the other man intones. 
“She’ll settle,” the sheriff assures as the tires spin and the motor hums. “Just gotta take time.” 
“Oh, I got time,” the passenger chortles, “hey, sweet stuff,” there’s a tapping on the glass, “hey,” he calls you by your name. You wince and slowly lift your head. You look up at him with misty eyes, wide with terror. “There you are. Nice to meet ya,” he winks, “Lloyd, but you can call me sir.” 
Your lip quivers and you shake your head. You stare at him, blinking dumbly. He smirks as his eyes rove over you. 
“You’re a cute one, huh? Can’t wait to have some fun with you,” he taunts. 
You whimper and drop your head down again. You don’t understand. You thought the worst thing that could happen had happened. Your grandma, your lawyer, everyone said it was all over. That you’re free.  
How the heck did you walk into another cage? 
“Ah, stop it,” Bodecker snips, “you’re gonna get her upset again.” 
“I’m just introducing myself.” 
“Sure,” the sheriff drawls skeptically, “you always do know how to make things worse, don’t ya?” 
“I said I’d be nice. I’m being nice,” Lloyd blusters, “damn it, officer, I’m abiding the law.” 
His last few words are slanted with mimicry of the other man’s accent. Bodecker huffs and the engine accelerates. You stay curled up, completely paralysed to the situation. If you stay like that, it might just not be real. Hiding never helped did it. Turn out, neither does running. 
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caeliuluru · 3 months
warmth (in all its forms)
Summary: You are sick. Xavier takes care of you. Tags: gender-neutral MC, established relationship Xavier/MC, so fluffy sweet that YOU might get sick (with diabetes), very slight angst (if you’ve read his anecdotes)
You've always prided yourself for being on top of things when it comes to your health. It's no surprise that being a Hunter requires a good level of fitness, with all the running around and killing Wanderers. Despite your heart condition, you were considered well enough for your line of work. You eat properly, work out, and get enough sleep (or try to, at least), and you’re quite happy with yourself!
Which is why it is surprising when you wake up with a cough, and a few sniffles. No matter, it’ll probably go away within the day. Out of consideration for the people around you, you pocket a face mask as you head to work, and ignore the slight throb at the back of your head.
The hours fly by. After finishing your paperwork, you go on patrols with another Alpha Team member whose partner caught a bad cold. You even got to say hi to Xavier at headquarters before going out. Your limbs do feel a bit heavier, and some of your shots missed, but you assure your teammate that you’re fine. Thankfully, there weren’t any high-level Wanderers lurking this time around.
Captain Jenna shakes her head when you get back. “Take a break when you get home, you’ve done well today,” she says. Stubborn as you are, though, you don’t pick up on the underlying meaning of her words.
You leaf through some reports while eating a snack, feeling stuffy. The dull pain you felt earlier has intensified to a full migraine.
“Hey! Wanna get some milk tea? Captain Jenna mentioned you looked a bit low on energy today.” Tara beams at you from above your desk. You’d drank so much water today, was it just the city heat? And your favorite drink did sound good…
”Your treat?” You playfully ask your friend, and stifle a cough.
“Of course not! We have the same paycheck, anyway, don’t we?” She pouts and flicks your forehead lightly.
The expression on her face changes to one of concern. “Wait…” She rests the back of her palm on your forehead this time. “You’re burning up! And you still went to work!”
“It was just a cold…” your eyes turn away from her awkwardly, not wanting to admit that you really just wanted to power through the day despite the symptoms.
“Just go home!”
Suddenly, Tara leans to whisper in your ear. “And I’m pretty sure Xavier will do a good job taking care of you.”
She winks, and you feel your fever rise a little bit more, flustered.
The two of you spot a familiar silver-haired hunter coming in your direction. “Well, I’ll head back now. Get some rest, okay? I’ll keep you updated on work. You can’t go fighting Wanderers when you’re sick!”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine in no time,” you reassure her.
“You will, as long as you stay in bed!” It’s that tone she uses when she chides you for working overtime days in a row. You clearly love your work, sometimes to a fault.
She then turns to wave at your hunting partner and recently-made-boyfriend as she walks back to her cubicle. “Hey Xavier!”
He nods in acknowledgment, his usual aloof expression recognizable from anywhere.
If there’s one thing you did notice about him these past few months, however, it’s that it softens when he looks at you.
“Come on, let’s go home.”
You pout.
“I wanted milk tea.”
“And you look like one of the crying kitties in Kitty Cards.” He tilts his head to the side with a knowing look. “It seems that you can’t wait to get a good rest.”
“Aren’t you scheduled for patrol duty?”
“I just finished my shift, which is why I was able to come to you. Now, let’s go.”
Unable to retort, you throw the wrapper of your snack into the bin below your desk and put your face mask back on.
After returning your weapons and packing your things, you commute home with Xavier. The cold air from the air conditioning is a relief, but you still feel too warm. It’s an annoying feeling— and your upset only grows when you feel the sunshine rays on your skin as the train moves above ground. At the very least, you’re glad it wasn’t rush hour, else you’d have to deal with being squished as well.
“We can switch seats if you want. It’s less hot here.” Xavier looks at you, his hand close to yours.
“I’m fine, nothing I can’t handle.” With the heat and your head pounding, it’s tempting to rest your head on his shoulder and drift off, but you arrive at your stop before you can.
Xavier follows you to your apartment, where you both remove your boots and change into house slippers. He doesn’t say a word, only looking through your cabinets for… something.
“You’re not going to cook, are you?” you ask from the bedroom, where you’re getting changed into pajamas. Your voice comes out a bit more hoarse than you expected.
“Mmm… just checking if you still have medicines here.” As you walk to the kitchen island, you can see him place a few medicine packets on the counter.
“I can get you soup from the hotpot place. Stay here.”
“Xavier, I can handle it, really.”
He doesn’t answer, silent as he grabs a small basin to fill with cold water. “Aren’t you tired?” Your head turns toward the direction of his voice, and you follow him into the bedroom. He rummages through your closet for smaller towels, right below the area where his spare clothes are placed. You have a few pairs of clothes in his apartment as well, just in case you slept over.
You acquiesce to his efforts, and finally decide to settle down in bed, wrapping the duvet around you. The soft pillow and the arcade plushies around you add to the cozy feeling, and you try to relax as you watch your boyfriend move around.
He dips the towel into the cool water, and places it over your warm forehead.
“Too cold?”
“No, perfect, actually.”
He takes a seat near your bedside table, hand on your blanket-covered leg.
“You didn’t tell me you were feeling sick.” To many, Xavier is unreadable. But you catch the small changes in his facial expressions. The way the corners of his lips turn slightly upward when he’s waiting for his hotpot order after a long day. The faraway look in his eyes when he looks out the balcony, stargazing. Now, it’s a small frown, although it doesn’t mean any anger. A mix of concern, tenderness, and something else… hurt? Fear?
“I told you, I’m strong enough. It’s just the flu, right? Someone at HQ caught it too, I filled in for them.”
“You can be so hard-headed sometimes, you know that?” His gentle voice wafts over you.
“Says the one who comes home looking like they got mauled by a bear.” You smirk under the face mask, and he huffs in response.
“Some people are delirious when they have a fever. You must be remembering things wrong.”
“Ah,” you tilt your voice higher to sound dramatic. “So the first aid kits I use on you are just delusions. What ever shall I do then, my knight?” He sighs and looks away, a hint of a smile lingering on his face. This time, he doesn’t look necessarily sad. More wistful, nostalgic. “Maybe he’s the one reminiscing,” you think to yourself. When he chuckles, a smile crosses your lips, too.
“Think about good things. And sleep.” He brings the Galaxy Kid plushie beside you. You notice him lift his hand further near your cheek, then move it to pat the stuffed toy.
Before he can fully pull his hand away, you grab his hand and nuzzle into it. It strikes you that this is something that he usually does towards you.
“I still have my knight to thank. How would I ever recover without his service?” You feel his eyes on yours. Although you feel bashful, you hold his gaze. It’s hard to look away from him— not when what’s reflected in the blue is security, comfort, love— only for you.
Then quietly, “I’ll let you know when something happens to me next time.”
He smiles, thumb rubbing your cheek, then gently takes your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“You should rest for now. I’ll get you that hotpot so you can take your medicine already.”
“Alright. Oh, I should message Dr. Zayne, I was supposed to have an appointment with him tomorrow but I’ll just have that rescheduled. I’ll tell him I’m sick.”
He frowns, eyebrows knitted together. “Do you really need to do that immediately?”
Was that jealousy? You hold in your laugh and boop his nose instead.
“Okay, okay. Don’t forget to ask for more tofu with my soup.”
“Mhm.” He kisses your cheek gently. “See you later.”
A/N: my hc is that other than MC’s heart condition/Protocore Syndrome, she rlly is healthy and fit (realistically i think you would need to be if you were a hunter) but she's the kind of person who tends to get Really Sick if she does fall ill (which is rarely). thinking abt it actually i have a lot of hcs for MC haha.
anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this one! take care, stay hydrated yall <3
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
omg imagine getting miguel off (like handjob) to an orgasm to help him sleep bc he’s having trouble and when he finishes you keep going but he smacks your hand away bc he can’t take it? he’s still sensitive from before
i’m literally cheesing so bad like i am fr kicking my feet, giggling, & twirling my hair (*^‿^*)
miguel was busy in bed on his laptop busy with whatever he was doing. you knew he was a workaholic and never took breaks. you kinda felt bad that he would prioritize his work over his well-being. he never got much sleep and you noticed his tired form. his eyes were drooping a bit and you could see the dark circles under his eyes. you took it upon yourself to help him relax and release any stress he may have at the moment. “migggyyyyy” you string out your words as you crawled onto the bed inching closer to him. he had his back reclined against the headboard rest clicking away on his laptop. he glanced at you giving you a small smile but resumed doing whatever he was doing. you pouted a bit, so as the tease that you were you closed his laptop.
“miguel, look at me.” you whined as he removed the laptop from his lap and sat besides him resting your head on his shoulder, “you need to take a break, maybe you should sleep now.”
“no puedo, estoy acopado.” he sighed giving you his full undivided attention. you turned to him as stroke his cheek then leaning to nibble on his ear telling him sweet nothings because you knew it would help him relax. it even lulls him to sleep but you had different plans for tonight.
“you’re not busy because i said so. let me help you relax, okay?” you cooed into his ear as you started to rub on his chest and your hands roamed his body. he leaned into your touch as small groans and sighs escaped his plush lips. you got it where you wanted it. you wanted him to relax and pleasure him. so, you continued to pepper kisses on his chiseled jawline. his perfect sculpted face was always so captivating to look at. you began to nibble his ear and move down to his neck kissing him teasingly. he moaned as you kiss his neck and he began to squirm a bit.
“mmmmm’ js like that…keep going.” all you had to do was kiss his neck sensually and he was already hard. you glanced down to his grey sweatpants noticing a little of the precum that had seeped through. you always liked it. it turned you on. miguel grabbed your hand and slowly guided your hand across his chest down to his abs then to his cock. he made you slip your hands under his sweatpants. he wasn’t wearing any boxers so it was easy to just tug the hemlines of his sweatpants down. once you did so his cock slapped against his v-line along his happy trail. god, you loved the way his cock looked so pretty and big.
“wow, you’re so easy to please.” you cooed as you began to pump his cock with you hand slowly at first while you had crashed your lips against his. he moaned into your mouth and twitched ever so often whenever you sped up your hand that wrapped around his pretty brown tip. his tip was the most sensitive area, so you always focused on that specific area.
“you’re such a good boy for me.” you whispered into his ear as teased him. you continued your ministrations on him. the wet sounds of his precum mixing on your hands was attractive, and the smell of his arousal genuinely turned you on. “mhmm i’m your good boy. please go faster, my love” he begged you as he whimpered reveling in the feeling of your hand hugging his cock so lovingly. being the good partner that you are you happily did so fulfilling his pleas. you speed up even faster pumping his cock at an incredible speed. his body started twitching and his moans became loud. he was a moaning and whimpering mess as he gripped onto your breast subconscious as his slightly parted away from your lips. he bucked his hips into your hands as if he was fucking you.
a guttural moan escaped his lips as he found his release, his body convulsing with the force of his orgasm. he came all over your hand and his abdomen as it came out in long spurts. he was definitely the type to cum a lot and that was just so hot to you. even, after he just emptied out his hot seed everywhere on his stomach and on your hand, you still continued to pump your hand but at an ungodly slow pace. you were being a bit sadistic in the way you loved seeing his body tremble. you loved seeing him whimpering and gasping for air as he was twitching so much. his legs trembled as he pushed your hand away.
“thank you, amor..” miguel said as his chest rose and fell with each breath. he was trying to regain himself but soon the sleepiness took over. you peppered kisses on his temple and on his cheek, soothing him after you kind of broke him from giving him a mind blowing orgasm. you helped him clean up and yourself as well. his pleasure was your number one priority. you went to plug his laptop and rushed in bed as you wrapped your arms around his muscular body. within minutes he slowly fell asleep against your chest like a baby.
a/n: made him a bit submissive but idc 🙊
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