#this is like. 3-4 years prior to y3
astruccrow · 6 months
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Nishiki owns the morning glory orphanage aka he is a part of the daidoji faction aka he is in deep shit cause Kiryu just so happens to call to be a co-owner and now he has no other choice but to accept it aka Nishiki is dead to the world, he's Suzuki
This au brings me to tears
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berserker-official · 6 years
Livestream 1/24
Black Prior is almost here! Today’s stream showcased what we’re gonna get in next week’s Vortiger update.
Video on Year 3, focusing on what’s to come. Shugoki and Lawbringer will be getting reworks this year, and Warlord and Peacekeeper will be getting more balancing
Y3 pass, Exclusive stuff
Black Prior Reveal:
Art Showcase
Artistically, the FH team has always wanted to do a sword and shield knight style character, and thanks to the BP, their dream is made reality. With the story of Vortiger and his rather dark story, the art direction went in a darker route as well. Conceptually, the BP is all about cultists, and redemption from a dark era of the Black Prior. Black eye makeup and scarification make up some of the facial head pieces, and helmets show off a more brutal executioner style. For the first time, a heroes’ ornament is on the shoulder, rather than on the head. This gave the art team an easier time to make different head shapes.
As for playstyle, VP is a very team-oriented hero. All of their combos are two hits. Light openers have superior block. Heavy finishers have undodgeable property. Has a forward dodging shield bash that can be used for a combo. Zone attack is a shield punch, and has an optional second attack for variety.
Bulwark Stance: A full-block stance that’s weaker than Conq’s defense, but has a new attack style. Also has an unblockable attack out of it.
Bulwark Counter: A unique attack that acts like a parry, any attack that hits BP while it’s active is countered, and the opponent is flipped over BP, like Lawbringer’s flip. Not only are normal attacks countered, but unblockable attacks, melee attacks, and multiple opponents at the same time activate the counter. However, the one way to counter the Bulwark Stance and Counter is Guardbreak. This means both players must read each other and guess what the other will do.
Bulwark Stance and Counter gives BP a huge advantage in group fights, allowing teammates breathing room when someone falls for the flip.
Level 1: Target 1 ally. Lose health to give them shield
Level 2: Passive, when in BS, you regain health.
Level 3: Target 1 opponent in Revenge. Any Revenge Shield is removed
Level 4: Create an AOE Pulse around you. You and any other allies nearby gain shield in the pulses (so if you take damage, the next pulse refills your shield
 After getting a play-by-play, the stream had a Breach match between some employees and some streamers, showing off BP
Next came the reveal of Black Prior’s armor and weapons. What we saw is only a small taste of the complete collection.
Next came a look at some upcoming updates for Shugoki, Warlord, and Peacekeeper. Shugoki got a major overhaul, now being able to feint the unblockable attack, his headbutt is more useable, and the hug is more available, among other things.
Warlord and Peacekeeper got some damage numbers changed
Then came three Dominion matches on the new map, showing off Shugoki.
Finally, came a new weapons showcase, so every hero is getting some more stuff! And then we got a special peek at hero rigging! If you’re interested in 3D animation, you might want to watch that.
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I Used to Think All U.S. Markets Were Too High--Until I Started Investing in This City
Do you hear yelling? The market is too hot. Oh no! We are at the top. Oh no! Its a bubble. Too late to buy. Its a bubble. Oh nooooo! Best to wait for the crash A few years ago these same voices were yelling: There is no money. Oh no! No one is lending. Oh no! So many good deals, but I cant get any money. Oh nooooo! Ill wait for the market to improve Maybe some people are better at yelling than buying, or maybe they just like the sound of their own voice. Or maybe theyve always known that they lack the intestinal fortitude to act, and all of the above simply make them feel as though they are participants in the marketplace while in reality, they are constantly looking for excuses to stay on the sidelines. Whatever the reason, the market is never good enough for some. The thing is, however, that those of us who wanted to buy in 2009 found a way to buy, and those who want to buy in 2018 find a way to buy in 2018.
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Related: How I Landed a Solid 4-Plex in Denver, One of the Hottest Markets in the Country There Is an Obvious Caveat If no one wants to lend, what kind of deal does it take to attract money? A really freaking good deal. If the market is hot, what kind of deal should you buy? A really freaking good one! So, you see, the rules have never really changed. All along, what it takes to play the game is a much better than average dealthe rest of the pieces fall into place. So, perhaps, the loud voices are simply indicative of folks not having enough chutzpah to source a good enough deal. I Was One of the Naysayers For a long time, it was truly difficult for me to wrap my head around the pricing. I was in Ohio at the time, but seeing people deploy at a 7% cap rate gave me nightmares. I thought they were stupid. And then they werent stupid. All through 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, etc., people made a killing. I like to think of myself as a reasonable person. At some point, seeing the reality on the ground, I realized I was missing something. So, What Changed My Mind? Well, for one thing, I relocated from Ohio to Arizona. Youd be amazed how this changed my perspective. Seeing the way things are in the Southwestthe jobs, the infrastructure, the population growthhad an effect. I understood why so many people were so bullish on America, and I understood how that thinking impacted their investment decisions! Additionally, once I removed myself from the Midwest, I was able to draw parallels, which brought things into focus for me even more. The fact that brokers were telling me that product is moving in Cincinnati, Ohio at a 5.5% cap rate with virtually no value add still amazes meCincinnati is a nice town, but it aint no Phoenix for many reasons. That kind of thing really makes you think. That said, I can very happily look at the right kind of 5% cap rate and sleep extremely well at night. In fact, the 98-unit we just boughton in-place financials is indeed a 5% cap rate (on a good month). S0, where am I getting the peace to deploy millions of partnercapital at 5% cap rate? Related: 5 Strategies for Finding Deals in Todays Hot Market 1. Its in a serious growth market. Phoenix MSA is the number one growth market in the country for two years running, and its the fifth largest city now. MariacopaCounty is the number one fastest growing county in the country for several years now. Finally, the asset is in thepath of serious gentrification and capital improvements. I wouldnt do it in the Midwest. I will in Phoenix. 2. Its value-add. An important distinction here is that we are not coupon investorswe never, ever buy turnkey. Therefore, we are less concerned with the in-place cap rate and much more concerned with the cap rate after the re-positioning.
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3. Market rents are too low. This is where the benefit of recent exposure to various markets comes into play. According to people who research this stuff, the national average apartmentrent in U.S. was over $1,300 in 2017. In Phoenix, it was under $1,000. So you ask: Why are people paying more to live in Ohio than they are in Arizona? And is this trend sustainable, considering Phoenix population is growing while the Midwest is not? Under thesecircumstances, even just reaching the national average constitutes a 25% improvement to the top line, all of which flows through to the NOI. What is currently a 5% cap rate becomes a 6.25% cap rate just by reaching the national average on rents. The question becomes: Is it reasonable to believe that Phoenix is capable of reaching the national averages as it relates to rents? A different way of asking this question could be: If you had to pay $1,300 for rent in Cincinnati or Phoenix, which would you choose? If you dont say Phoenix, Ive got nothing more to say to you. Well, anyhow, while some may disagree, more agree, which is why our population growth is what it is. 4. But seriously, its value-add. Superimpose on top of the previous paragraphs a 25% value-add program, and you go from a 5% cap rate in Y1 to a 8.3% cap rate in Y3. That delta is where we make money, ladies and gents. Because even after we inflate cap rates in the future, which we should do, there is still enough meat on the bone for yours truly to sleep well at night. 5. The market will never again be where it was. Well, I dont know much, but I do know this: While 2009 through 2013 were fabulous, we are not going to see that type of an environment again in our lifetimes. It took me a couple of years to realize this, but I firmly believe thiswaiting for the return of that pricing is futile. One Last Thing Lets say you are not convinced. Lets say youve decided that the market is too high and you need to sit out, wait for a correction, and step into the game once prices come down. Who is going to let you in that game? Brokers representing sellers who need to get out in a recessionary environment will call those buyers who have a track record of closing deals. Thats not youyou havent been closing. I realized this in about 2015. Prior to that, the last deal I bought was in 2013, and back then I already thought the prices seemed too high. So I sat on the sidelines, and then I realized, if I stay on the sidelines until the next recession, I may not be able to find my way back into the game. Which meant I needed to sharpen the sword! Conclusion Well talk more in coming articles. But fundamentally, here are the bullet points: I am bullish on America, specifically the Southwest!I want to be ready to deploy big when the recession does happen, and it will happen. That means I have to be a buyer today!Deals that are worth doing have always been better than average deals. Sharpen your sword! You can still find deals.Some markets are better than others. Talk soon.
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What do you think? Are you hesitant to buy now or are you finding good deals? Comment below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/why-im-buying-real-estate-in-2018
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