#this is more spitballing a thing than anything else
renesassing · 7 months
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small sketch break as proof of life
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cleocatrablossy · 3 months
As much as I love my winners horror au I really want to make a proper horror thing. Because while the designs are fun and all, it just doesn’t quite hit the feeling of terror for me. So. I must make another.
But first I must research what scares me, that can be put into art or writing. Because goodness knows I do not have the skill to put in the absolute terror my brain causes me sometimes.
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nixthelapin · 7 months
A Jekyll&Hyde type akuma whose power is to bring out a hidden or repressed part of your personality (but like, making two of you instead of switching in one body), and when Chat gets hit suddenly there’s both “normal” Chat (I’ll get to that in a sec) and Cat Walker/Patte de Velours at the same time.
(Cue Ladybug freaking out upon learning they’re the same person)
“Normal” Chat looks the same, but is just a bit more intense (since this is Adrien’s way of “letting loose” to not be how he is as a civilian, he’s not too different, but because of the split he does lose some usual traits). I.e. *heavily* flirting with LB, going at it with the puns, more agressive and impulsive with the akuma, doesnt like following orders (especially with the remaining feelings of anger towards the partnership being put further into question as LB prefers CW), heart on his sleeve
Cat Walker is also not super different to the episode he was in, but is also more intense thanks to the akuma: all business- no nonsense, doesn’t laugh at jokes (even in a “I’ll laugh if you want” way, like in Kuroneko), cordial to LB, follows LB’s orders to a T (to the point of not making his own decisions in battle), calm and collected (almost emotionless, even with that plastered smile)
CN starts to hate CW as the fight goes on, because LB seems to prefer him (and she’s understandably getting annoyed with CN’s impulsivity). CN gets territorial, saying that he’s LB’s partner. CW: “then why did she replace you with me?” (Man, look at all the self hatred in Adrien’s psyche!)
So CN runs off and leaves them alone to fight the akuma. This ticks LB off even more, but she has an akuma to deal with- and she has CW- so she lets him go.
As the fight goes on, some of the same issues from Kuroneko occur, so she also gets frustrated with CW too.
Since he’s acting more extreme than normal (more like someone awaiting orders than a partner due to the Jekyll&Hyde thing), it causes more problems (like him waiting for her decisions leaving openings where he could’ve done something proactive)
She actually blows up at him, asking why he didn’t do anything (“I was waiting for you to tell me the plan!”), and she says he should be able to think on his own, he doesn’t need her to tell him everything, but- “I thought I was just being what you wanted.”
(He’s shocked and genuinely hurt- though it’s still pretty quiet emotion, subdued and apologetic)
And that’s when it clicks for her what becoming CW was back in Kuroneko. He was molding himself for her. And this version of CW is even more of that. She realizes just how much CN suppresses, not just for her, but for everyone- why else would this be a major aspect of his personality?
(Also, Patte de Velours? Velvet Paw? That’s basically saying he’s been declawed. Yikes.)
She makes CN get his butt back to the fight (or she finds him- he may have been doing something while away like talking with someone, maybe Alya or Nino, or Luka). CN and CW argue more, with insults. Then she goes on a whole rant/lecture to them about how important they both are, both to her and to each other, how they are one person, and their traits are both important, but each extreme is not great. Ex: instinct/impulse and service/obedience (the key is self control, so that your emotions aren’t controlling you, but neither is another person). He is allowed to be both! Neither personality is bad, and hating one is just hating himself- he can’t just reject a fundamental part of himself.
She makes them agree to work together to defeat the akuma. It’s awkward at first, but they get a rhythm by seeing where each one is needed in the plan (LB does still do that, but how they follow is more fluid now). Two cataclysms now! Yay! (Maybe they used their powers already and have to de transform, and they see themselves as Adrien- the same one, not different, and it gets through their skulls. Idk I’m spitballing).
They have a quick talk between the two about accepting each other, it won’t be easy, I’m nervous, we’ll be okay (“yeah, I think we will :)”), etc.
Ends with them combining back with the ladybug cure. Surprise! His outfit is combined too! (Honestly, I just want the ponytail with the fluffy hair)
LB and CN have a talk after recharging about everything. CN apologizes for lying about CW and explains why and how he did it. LB didn’t realize how much he hid. She never meant for him to change or hate parts of himself. He thought she didn’t like the CN parts of him, but LB promises that isn’t true. She admits she did get… annoyed, but never hate! She loves both sides of him. Besides, CW didn’t work out that first time, remember? (Though she very much leaves out her intense crushing being the deciding factor there)
CN admits he feels more, well, not whole, exactly, he’s actually still pretty uncertain about what all this means for “who he is,” but… he can at least say he feels less like he has to perform all the time. He loves being Chat Noir, but he is exaggerating a bit when he transforms, in part to be not like his civilian life. He tells her he’s not like that as a civilian, but he’s also not like Cat Walker. But he’s not really sure who “he” is yet. (What I’m getting at is Oblivio!Adrien- dorky, but not over the top, in love, trusts his lady to make the plan, but is still proactive, etc.)
LB says that’s okay, he doesn’t have to figure it out right away. But she’ll be there to help him figure it out.
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can i request reader x hermits (seperate) ? like reader has a bunch of old scars and on a hot day they wear a tank top and expose all of their scars? completely okay if not AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF🫶
Okay, let me tell you, as someone with quite a visible scar on my face (I was a very courageous and dumb kid) and a few less visible ones on my hand, I get asked about it so so often and this request hits hard and I have decided to put my whole soul into it as headcanons. I've just picked a couple hermits I feel would have different reactions to it so here u go!
This boy is not going to mention it, like, at all
He has his own bad memories and sad backstory so he understands that you might not want to talk about it
The only reason he would ever talk about it would be if you ever showed any discomfort or insecurity about it
If you just never talked about it he wouldn’t either
Maybe at some point he would reassure you about yourself if you’re both deep in a relationship, but he would never explicitly mention the scars 
If you do mention them at all, it depends on how you approach it
He knows how to tell situations very well and I think he would still be careful about it
If you approach it humorously, like it doesn’t affect you then he will too
Maybe ask you where some of the bigger ones are from and expect you to tell him some good stories
If you get uncomfortable about them, or insecure he will reassure you
“I love you no matter what” or “I think they make you look cool”
He will always be supportive
He does try his best, but the moment he sees you he can’t help it
Shock on his face as he clearly looks you over
It’s clear he is concerned, and if you’re alone he will ask you about it
Stuff like if you’re okay, if you ever want to talk about it or if you need anything
If you reassure him you’re fine, he will totally dote on you after he is done being shocked
Will kiss your exposed scars and talk about how pretty or handsome you are to him
He will totally try to spend extra time with you, both because he learned a new thing about you that makes him love you even more but also because he is secretly making sure you’re totally okay
Even if you say you are, he would rather make sure
He will keep a little bit of a closer eye on everything you do and every little emotion you display just to keep himself sure you’re really okay
Either way he loves you how you are
This fool, this dumbass man
He cannot keep his mouth shut at all
He thinks communication is so much easier and better than having to just bottle things up or keep guessing what everyone else is thinking
So he just mentions it, asks where they’re from if you’re okay with him asking
He tries to guess it, if you’re not
The guesses will start out super detailed stories that are so far fetched as to ease you into it
“So this one is obviously from a wolf attack, where you managed to fight off 3 wolfs the size of the moon with nothing but your bare hands”
Then he will slowly try to reel it in and guess them more accurately
If one is sort of a piercing one, he will say you lost a duel in a bow fight
The one on your arm? That one is a cut from training your sword skills
He is just spitballing, trying to get it right
Either way he will pester you until you open up to him, he will not let it go
He thinks it’s so cool and really makes you look tough
Will ask you to protect him since you’re so strong
Will also definitely trace your scars whenever you are idle and he has the chance to
Even if you ask him not to, it just happens and he will laugh it off
He starts to slowly like them, the more he sees them
Every rare moment you show them, he slowly appreciates them more and more 
Really weird but he has favorites
He just loves them to be honest
It makes you so uniquely you
No matter what he will start out by making some sort of snarky little comment
“Did you fight your kitchen drawer and lose or something?”
It’s not mean spirited at all, it’s supposed to be humorous 
He just likes to approach things with lightheartedness and jokes 
He knows it might be a serious topic, but his objective is always to turn it into something fun or less serious to try and make you feel better about it
He won’t dote on you or reassure you like the others unless you open up about it
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you the way you are, his love is just more subtle like that
It’s small things you wouldn’t immediately notice about his reaction to it
Sometimes he will look at one of them and imagine the pain or maybe even accidentally imagine the person who might have given it to you
It’ll make him look at them with hatred, but it’s not directed at you even if it would seem that way
He’d make up little fantasies of revenge in his head to clear the thoughts
At this point you might even be the one who will have to reassure him that it’s no problem anymore, if it ever even was 
He will instantly be all over you, and no matter your approach he will be excited
Unless you just start straight up crying he won’t notice if you’re sad or insecure about them cause he is just so excited about seeing a different part of you
He’s the same as Scar where he wants to know where every little scar comes from
If it’s serious he will of course reassure you, but he will definitely also compliment them no matter what
He just think they suit you, and in the end Bdubs is sort of just a hopeless romantic
Anything that is a part of you, he loves it
Anything that is you is beautiful
Which in turn makes your scars beautiful too
He feels closer to you, looking at them because in the end it tells your story and your past, making him feel like he is closer to it 
It’s something he’s probably been sad about before, that not every inch of your life is tied together, that there are parts of you that he can’t be a part of which is before you met
But seeing the scars can help him understand that part, and sort of relate to you in a way that he finds very intimate
So of course he will pester you about them any given time they are on display
He does love them, just as much as he loves you
She’s definitely the most careful out of all of them, at least out of the ones who want to approach the topic at all
As much as she is a rambunctious personality she is also an extremely caring thoughtful individual 
And as much as she doesn’t want to overstep her boundaries she also has to know you’re okay
So she approaches it very head on, but she picks her words very carefully
“I don’t know if you ever want to talk about it, but I’m willing to listen if you ever want to tell me anything about your scars.”
That’s all she ever says about it, and at that point it’s up to you to go to her about it
She wants to be as respectable to you about it as possible
She has the mindset that she doesn’t need to know if you don’t want her to know
As long as she’s sure you’re okay now, your past doesn’t matter to her
For what she thinks about them look wise, she does think they suit you
It’s not going to change how she thinks about you, knowing you have a few scars
And she has a couple herself so it doesn’t really matter
She still loves you
Tango is probably the one with the roughest reaction
He is pretty emotionally driven, and just seeing something like that on you genuinely breaks his heart
It’s almost like he is going through the pain you went through with every single scar at once
He’s almost just,,, getting teary eyed seeing you and you might get confused at the looks he is giving you as you see each other
You probably won’t understand exactly what is going on with him and he simply takes your hands in his and he stares at you before embracing you in a warm hug
He wants you to feel physically that he is there for you
“Where are these all from?”
You cannot get out of a heart to heart with this man, and even if it’s all from totally normal and uneventful encounters he still thinks it’s very serious
Even if it was not traumatic like, at all, just you at some point being in pain is awful to him
Just the few times you’ve gotten hurt while on the server with him has been awful for him so to know you’ve gone through pain that’s left scars is unbearable
He doesn’t like your scars, hands down I will just say it
He hates having a constant reminder that you experience pain because he wants nothing but happiness for you
Obviously it’s delusional to think you’d never experience anything bad, he knows that, but he still wants that to be the case so bad and having to see it every time just sucks for him
That’s not to say he doesn’t think you’re still beautiful, he does, he thinks you’re amazing
But he does just wish you’d never have to go through that 
Oh boy
His first thought, and I am sorry to admit this, would be how hot that is
He loves that type of thing, he can’t help it
This guy loves a man/woman with a story to tell, and scars to show
BUT that does not mean that the next thought isn’t slight worry
He’s been through it all, considering he is experienced with every kind of server and an admin who has had to consider all kinds of walks of life and he knows what some servers are like
That in itself has lead to him being very observant and mindful, and he also knows exactly how to handle it no matter what
He won’t ask, he will wait for you to come to him, if need be
If you do explain them, he will take it from there. Sad? He’s got just the right words to assure you that you’re both safe and that it changes nothing in his opinion of you (It does.. He finds it so hot)
Happy and uncaring? He is making the best jokes you’ve ever heard about it
There is no losing with this blessing of a man
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sassypantsjaxon · 4 months
Okay, quick disclaimers: 1. I know some people don't like Horikoshi's worldbuilding, would say there's a lack of depth, etc, etc. I'm not one of those people, I just see it as my chance to overanalyze and fill in the gaps myself for these kind of headcanon/theory/whatever you want to call this post. 2. This post will briefly touch on my own personal headcanons of Mic being an orphan and Aizawa being a rich kid.
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Okay! all that being said, I'm just going to throw some things at the wall about my own thoughts/headcanons about the world Mic and Aizawa grew up in, and you guys can let me know if anything sticks.
You ever think about how All Might is around 25 years older than Mic and Aizawa?
Given that he left Japan as a teenager and went to college in America, he probably came back and started becoming the Symbol of Peace in Japan in his early-mid twenties.
Mic and Aizawa would have been part of the first generation of kids who have never known a world without All Might
Like. Think about that. They would have grown up in a world that is just beginning to recover from the horrors (as compared to the relatively deceptively safe society we see at the beginning of the series)
Hizashi grows up in an orphanage with a lot of older kids who were orphaned by villain attacks and...not so many kids younger than him. Which is good for them, but kind of lonely for a kid like Zashi
There's a wall around the orphanage that is supposed to be for protecting them, but as villain activity decreases, it just starts to feel like it's keeping the kids in
Hizashi becomes a hero because he knows nobody else is going to save him
Shouta grows up in a high security gated community
He's always wanted to be a hero, and he's always been told it's pointless, because All Might will have eradicated villainy by the time Shouta's an adult this is of course a lie
part of the tragedy of Oboro's death is that they've heard their whole lives how large scale villain attacks like that are a thing of the past
They would have had drills for what to do in case of villain attacks when they were little kids starting school. These would have slowly been phased out by the time they were in middle school
Another thing that's changed since they were kids is the architecture
No more burned down, bombed out buildings that just sit around because there's no point rebuilding something that will just be destroyed again in a few weeks. No more business that are still open, but the windows are boarded up because they can't afford to keep replacing the glass
No more graffitied walls and fences and gates. No more anti-villain spikes on top of buildings and around cities
And all of these things disappeared so slowly that it's like one day when they're in highschool, they just look around and realize they don't exist anymore and wonder where it all went and when it happened
There was probably a population boom as All Might started to cement his place as the Symbol of Peace. People realizing their kids would have a safer world to grow up in and they didn't have to fear dying every other minute
People moving out of the safety of the cities back into more rural areas
actually hang on. that would kind of explain the racism and bigotry we know exists in the rural regions
this was supposed to be more about mic and aizawa and now i'm just spitballing worldbuilding sorry.
Mic and Aizawa are kind of in this weird inbetween of the fourth generation of quirk users, who grew up fully in the horrors of quirk wars, and the fifth generation, who grew up in the era of All Might and it's all just the past to them
Because even though they didn't exactly live it themselves, they did still see the direct effects of it
And that's the horror of this new war, because their students had been living the peace Mic and Aizawa were promised as children
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Hehehehe… Okay, you said it would be cool to send in another request, and after the Jesse fic which was absolutely fluffy and squeal worthy, I’m sending in another.
White Tulip and Yellow Orchid
You break up with Fox, and it’s taking a toll on the both of you. It was hard enough when you found out Fox cheated, but somehow it’s even harder not being around each other in a relationship.
I don’t know something along those lines; maybe realizing they are better suited as friends with th hope for more or maybe Fox realizing you deserve better… I’m just spitballing. Anyhew … love oo
Summary: You break up with Fox, and both of you are suffering for it.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 1724
Prompts: White tulip - new beginnings, Yellow Orchid - Forgiveness
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I ended up having to change some things from your request to make it something that I'm able to write. Turns out cheating is an unforgivable hardline for me, which is good to know about myself. So I ended up completely dumping that plot idea for something else. I hope you don't mind.
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You don’t look up when the chair across from you slides away from the table. You already have a good idea of who’s going to be sitting there.
“Are you here to yell at me too, Commander?” You ask as you pour some more sugar into your caf, take a sip, grimace, and then add even more sugar. It already tastes like caf flavored sugar, but you need the extra energy. Even if it’s cheap energy.
“Buy me a Caf,” Commander Wolffe says, his dark eyes serious as he looks at you, “And something to eat. We need to talk.”
You lift your gaze and scowl at him, but you pull out your credit chit and set it in his hand, “Order what you like, I suppose.”
Wolffe nods and heads to the counter, only to return several minutes later with a large caf and a breakfast sandwich. He hands you your credit chit back as he takes a seat.
You shift and rest your chin on the palm of your hands, “Alright. Lay it on me.”
Wolffe arches a brow, “You expecting something from me?”
“Thorn, Thire, and Stone have already come to yell at me, and they’re not Fox’s twin. You are. So,” you gesture vaguely, “Go ahead. Start yelling.”
“I’m not going to yell at you, sen’ika.” Wolffe says quietly.
“Well, that’s a first.” You mutter.
“I don’t kick people when they’re down.” He continues, his sharp eyes lingering on the dark circles under your eyes, and the sheer amount of sugar you’re adding to your caf. “That’s going to taste awful.”
“Sen’ika,” He says slowly, quietly, “You’re clearly miserable-”
“I’m fine.” You interrupt.
“You’re not.” There’s a firmness in his voice that stops you from arguing back. “When was the last time you went home?”
“Last night.”
“And slept more than an hour or two?” He asks with a pointed look. 
You look away from him, “It’s…not important.”
“Sen’ika,” His voice is so gentle, “Why did you break up with Fox?”
Your hands fold into fists, “Maybe I was cheating on him. Maybe I wasn’t happy.”
“You might be able to pull the shit with other people,” Wolffe says quietly, “But I saw how happy you and Fox were together. And I know you would never cheat on him. So try again.”
You press your lips into a thin line. “I…I refuse to be another burden on him.” You admit quietly.
“You don’t see him after work, Wolffe. He’s so tired. All of the time and some of the bruises and scars…” You trail off, “He was happy with me, yes, but having to hide me from everyone? For my own protection? It was wearing him down. And I can’t, won’t, do that to him.”
“He’s miserable.”
“I know.”
“You’re miserable.”
“I know.”
Wolffe is quiet for a moment, “Is there nothing I can say to make you change your mind?”
“I will not let him kill himself for me.” You say quietly, “And if that means that I’m on the shitlist for every single member of the guard…then so be it.”
Wolffe doesn’t say anything for a long time, and then he sighs, “I’ll talk to the guard. Tell them to lay off.” He stands and drops a light kiss to the top of your head, “Fox loves you,” He says quietly, “He’s never going to stop loving you. You should at least give him a choice.”
“He’d pick-”
“You. Always you. And we both know it.” He pulls away, “Just think about it, alright? Thanks for the food.” And then Wolffe is gone.
You cast your gaze back to your caf, sigh, and add some more sugar.
Even if you want to talk to Fox, it’ll never happen. Thorn made that plenty clear the other day. And then Thire made it clear later when he came to yell at you on your way home. 
You sigh at your caf, and then you pick it up and down half of it, before you make a face.
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About a week later, you’re at home, trying to clean up the mess that your house has turned into since you haven’t had energy, or frankly, the will to keep up with it.
According to everything you’ve ever read in your life, time is supposed to heal all wounds, but you’re starting to wonder if that was just something that people said to give themselves hope.
Because you aren’t healing.
In fact, you feel worse than ever.
Bad enough that you’re starting to wonder if you’re actually sick, because a broken heart (a self-inflicted broken heart even) shouldn’t hurt this much, right?
You’re so involved in your cleaning that you don’t hear the knock on the door at first. It’s not until the doorbell rings, startling you bad enough that your vacuum falls from your hands, that you realize you have company.
You look at the mess that is your home and sigh. Maybe they won’t want to come inside?
Carefully, because you had the genius idea of dumping everything you own in the middle of the living room so you can organize it properly, you step over the piles of stuff to get to the door. 
You press the door control to open the door, “Yes? Can I hel-” You stop mid-sentence when you see who’s standing there. “...Fox. Um…I mean, Commander.”
He looks…pissed.
“Let me in.” He bites out.
“We’re not dating anymore, Commander. You can’t order your way into my home.” You offer as you avert your gaze from his face. More than just angry, he looks tired. About as tired as you feel, really.
You hear him exhale sharply, “You’re wearing my shirt, cyare.” Even his voice is tight with anger, “Let me in.”
You glance down at the shirt, his shirt, that you are wearing, and you silently move to the side. “...sorry about the mess.”
“What mes-” He stops as soon as he steps into your apartment, and his jaw drops, “Holy kriff, did a bomb go off in your living room?”
You fold your arms, “I’m deep cleaning.”
“By making a bigger mess?”
“I have a system.”
“Is it working?”
You scowl at him, “I’ll let you know.”
He glances at you, and his lips twitch up into a small smile, before he looks away, as if suddenly remembering that he’s supposed to be angry at you. You avert your eyes as well, it’s easy, far too easy, to fall back into easy bantering with Fox.
You broke up with him.
You told him that you weren’t happy anymore.
You have no right to his time or his smiles.
“I had a chat with Wolffe.”
“He told me something interesting.”
Kriff. You should have sworn Wolffe to secrecy. 
“You broke up with me because you wanted to protect me?” There’s a strange mix of emotions in his voice. Anger, yes. There’s a lot of anger. But there’s also hurt, and something you recognize as affection.
“Wolffe is a kriffing snitch,” You mutter.
“Yeah, well. Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to confide in my twin,” Fox points out, “And then he wouldn’t have snitched on you.”
You purse your lips, “See if I ever buy him breakfast again.”
“He came to stop the Guard from harassing you,” Fox says, “I didn’t know that they were harassing you.”
“It’s…fine. I deserved it.”
“You didn’t.”
You sigh and turn your gaze to him, “Why are you here, Fox?”
“Because I love you.”
He presses a finger against your lips, “Stop and listen.” Fox waits a moment, and as soon as he realizes that you’re going to do as he asks, he adjusts his hand so that his thumb is brushing against your lips. “I love you and I’m not going to give up on us simply because you think you’re a burden.”
“I am a burden. I saw how exhausted you were-”
“I’m more exhausted now.” Fox counters sharply. “Because I’m still trying to keep you safe, only now I have to do it in secret!”
“I never asked-” You start.
“You never had to. It’s what you do when you love something.”
“I know you think that you’re a burden to me. And I know I’m so tired all of the time, and I know you worry about me all of the time.” Fox says, “But I love you. And you don’t get to decide what’s best for me. Only I get to choose that, and you’re what’s best for me.”
“Fox-,” You repeat his name, feeling tears pricking your eyes.
“I’m happier when I’m with you. You give me a reason to want to wake up in the morning.”
“I hurt you.”
“And I forgive you.”
“Just like that? You were so angry-”
“Of course I was! You broke up with me after deciding what was best for me! I’m pissed about it!” Fox bites out, “But I still love you and I’m willing to accept the fact that you did this because you were worried about me.”
“...I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you.” Fox repeats, he searches your face, and apparently finds what he’s looking for there, “Cyare, do you still love me?”
“...of course I do.”
“Be my girlfriend again?” Fox asks, “Please. We can start over if you really think we have to. I just…let me be a part of your life. I need you in my life.”
You sigh, softly. How could you say no to that? To him?
“Okay. I’ll be your girlfriend again.”
“Oh thank kriff,” Fox blurts as he presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, “Can we take a kriffing nap, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks.”
You glance at the pile of stuff on the floor of the living room, and then turn your guilty gaze on Fox, “I think my comforter is in the mess.”
Fox glances at the pile of stuff, and then shakes his head, “No matter.” He carefully scoops you into his arms and steps over the stuff, before he heads into the bedroom and drops you on the bed, before he curls up against you, “Sleep first, everything else later.”
You tuck your head against his chest, and he folds himself around you. And you’re both asleep in a matter of moments.
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neverchecking · 1 year
That recent Sage fic u wrote was MUAH BELOVED But now we can't get enough 🧍‍♀️so if it isn't much of a hassle and u still have some room, may I request a oneshot (it can be HCs too if u want) exploring how much of a.. hawk Sage is guarding and protecting Reader? It's like a follow up fic of ur last one
Look. Look. Y'all are straight up feral for this man and I love feeding you guys.
It's no hassle at all darling, and I always have room! I went with HC's bc they're easier when it comes to spitballing like this.
Also, me and @eeveelutionqueen1995 have decided that Wild (Blue Nightshade), Calamity (Silent Princess) and Sage (Sundelion) are now the Flower Garden trio. The council has SPOKEN-
I was gonna wait to post this tomorrow, but y'all can thank @lovanmari because their art of Sage had me BARKING- so have this as a treat from me to you.
Sage, for those new here, is TotK Link! So spoilers below!
The 'last' one can be found here!
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・❥・After resigning himself to your pitiful cause, Sage decides to get you to a stable first and foremost. He has no idea how old your injury is nor how well taken care of it, if at all, so he needed to get a grasp on that.
・❥・He couldn't risk losing his only support in this cruel world due to an infection caused by neglect by things far out of his control.
・❥・So, that was first. The stable hands greeted him with a smile-- shaky and unsure of his normally glowering features much less stiff as you babbled on about this group of yours.
・❥・They knew better than to push him though, simply giving you both a large berth after he snapped his glare at a stable boy that tried to offer you a water canteen.
・❥・He gave you his own while wordlessly daring anyone else to try that. He had no idea where that water came from. Whose to say this stablehand wasn't Yiga? What if it was poisoned?! He couldn't risk it.
・❥・He made sure your injury was wrapped and treated properly, before anything else, listening to you go on and on about something or another. He answered the questions you had ("What kind of flower is that?" "...Sundelion." "That's a huge Bokoblin! Do they all come that size?" "No, just the boss Bokoblins." "Those are thing? Are they tougher than regular Bokoblins?" "...Not anymore.") calmly and succinctly,
・❥・Just as he sat back to try and figure out the best route of action from this point on (His day to day life was so dangerous. He'd have to make some serious adjustments if he wanted to keep you within arms reach. There was no question after this that you were his- even if you didn't know it yet- and he couldn't very well just leave you at this stable. He did have a home on the outskirts of Tarrey town. No one would hear your screams or pleas for escape...) the sound of some sort of warbling caught his attention and yours.
・❥・He immediately jumped to action as he stepped in front of you, pulling out the Master Sword-- that he recently retrieved-- and holding out his shield. The Sage spirits echoed his stance as he allowed them to roam, your excited squeak making his ears twitch. He'd have to show them to you up close after the threat was disengaged.
・❥・In front of him, a portal of some sorts-- a dark purple with three straight edges--wavered in front of him, testing his patience as it remained frustratingly dormant.
・❥・"That's one of the portals I was talking about!" You called from behind him, running up to stand behind him with your hand, soft and free of blemishes, settling on his shoulder.
・❥・That meant either this supposed Dink (What a dumb name for a being of evil) or your damned group was making their grand (re)appearance.
・❥・He wasn't sure which option he loathed the idea of more.
・❥・The first one to pop through the portal was a tall blond adorned in armor and an eyesore of a scarf. Immediately, he could only see all of the weak points this...man showcased. (He had no protection anywhere near his thighs, nor his neck, meaning if he could fake a hit at either one he could quickly redirect a swipe at the other and hopefully nick an artery-)
・❥・He was just about to do just that when you stepped around him. "Wars!"
・❥・Ah. So you knew him. He was part of your disgraced group...Or was he?
・❥・Quickly grabbing your arm, he made sure you stayed close as you glanced back at him. He kept his gaze on the imposter. "Remember what I said about the puppets."
・❥・You thought for a second before frowning, stepping back behind him. He had warned you of Ganon being able to make lifelike puppets. So close to the real thing they almost fooled even him.
・❥・You took his warning in head even as the other turned to look at him. And you. Mostly you if the look of pure admiration written all over his features said anything.
・❥・"Oh, my precious Angel, you're safe!" He cried out, moving to step closer before Sidon's trident clanged noisily against Yunobo's Boulder breaker, creating an 'x' right in front of where he stood, pushing you behind him.
・❥・"Come no closer!" He barked at the startled man. "State your name and business, but come no further."
・❥・The man glowered at him, fingers twitching on the hilt of his weapon. The portal wavered behind him but it was forgotten as Link tightened his grip around the Master Sword.
・❥・"I am here for them. We were separated, but, as you can see, we've been reunited. Your...assistance is no longer needed." The other, Wars, growled out through ground teeth. "I'll take it from here."
・❥・"I'm sure you'd like that." He barked back, lowering his stance as his teeth bared themselves. He wasn't against charging teeth first and using his weapon as an afterthought.
・❥・Wars grimaced at the primal response. Then he seemed to remember himself, sending you a positively pitiful glance. "Angel, you have no idea how long we've been looking for you-"
・❥・"Y/n!" Another voice called, much younger and much closer than Link anticipated. A young boy, looking much like the other male-- same blond hair and blue eyes--ran right up to the Sage spirits. "It's me. Wind! You know me!" He cried, tears welling up in his wide eyes. "Don't tell me you forgot me!"
・❥・You broke free of his grasp before he could readjust it, running forward to cradle the youngest one to your chest. "I would never!"
・❥・Oh, this just wouldn't do at all.
・❥・"Y/n-" He hissed, stepping closer to retrieve you before a weapon was swung towards him. His own met it before it collided with his shoulder, pushing it off of him as he was met with an eerily familiar face. Riddled with scars and with hair too long to be practical, he realized he was met with another contender for your attention.
・❥・The scarred man snarled his own grimace, with his own teeth bared-- canines comparatively sharp to his own. His body language said everything he didn't. Back the fuck up.
・❥・He did not. He grew closer, getting up in the other's face. Not a chance in the fiery depths of hell.
・❥・"Move." Was all Link said, the other refusing to do so, before your hands were pushing against his chest. He followed the direction you pushed him in, as gentle and loving as you were with everything.
・❥・"They are not our enemies, Link." You whispered, eyes wide and pleading. He almost felt as if he had no choice but to listen.
・❥・And then there was a fucking small army behind you and he was on the offensive again. Who were these people, threatening to take you away from him?!
・❥・"Stand down!" A loud voice barked. The authority in it was present as he eyeballed the source. Tall. Blond haired and blue eyed with tattoos or markings of some sorts on his face. One eye was shut with a scar dragging over it with his own armor gleaming in the light. "We mean no harm." The gleam in his eye said otherwise.
・❥・He did not back down, but he did allow you to step in front of him. Even if he quickly wrapped an arm around your hips. That earned him a few glares. Good.
・❥・"He doesn't either!" You quickly reassured. "This is another Link!"
・❥・...I'm sorry, did you say another? Were these all...him? He sincerely hoped not. It seemed the rest of them agreed as another one, seemingly younger than that Wind character if his height was anything to go by, stepped up, pushing against Sidon's Trident, even if it didn't move. "My jewel, you know I would never doubt you, but...are you sure?"
・❥・You hurriedly explained everything to them, even going as far as to raise his hand that clutched the Master sword in front of them. He eyed their cautious expressions before another was stepping forward. He had some sort of white cape wrapped around him and was holding another version of the Master Sword, supposedly, in front of him. She didn't quite gleam like his did, but he supposed that was because his was fresh from a ten thousand year power nap.
・❥・"Then he wouldn't mind putting what you say to the test, would he, songbird?" The sword was offered.
・❥・In an act of pure spite, his own was sheathed as he kept his hand around your waist, reaching forward and wrapping his fingers around the blade. The blade let out a chime before an echo rung in his head.
・❥・'Welcome, Hero of the Zonai.'
・❥・...He was going to kill Hylia.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
🦌📺 More on RadioAppleStaticBand! 🐐🎸
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Honestly just full and ripe with angst. I love angst; first it's Vox and Alastor's past then the jealousy that comes from seeing Vox with Valentino and Alastor with Lucifer. I don't think they would really calm down unless feelings are mentioned even when Adam enters the picture. For whatever reason even though Lucifer is the devil the other three are the three that struggle expressing their love. Good thing Lucifer is so determined.
Considering the relationships Lucifer could start with Vox to get things going. They haven't interacted from what we see in the series but Vox would literally be TOO excited to meet the big boss of hell though he'd be shocked to find Lucifer feeling anything for him in return.
I feel like Vox and Adam are the brats of the ship, like they always have something slick to say, always have an attitude at the worst times and Lucifer would start their punishments while Alastor would finish them. Brat taming at its finest.
There's this thing with pda where they will all invest in it but Lucifer or Vox would start it, gentle in their approach knowing just how their partners are and can be.
Hugs are big in this quadship but things like kisses, backrubs, massages and stuff would come later and even more intimate actions far later.
They probably have sessions where they sit in a circle and talk about what they and the other is and isn't okay with. Communication is a big thing to hold this ship together.
Things like morning coffee?? Vox is a bit of a puppy with these three? Always so eager to be around them and show off and I see Vox cooking the meals, taking into account what everyone does and doesn't eat so he could serve them correctly. He's probably the one setting dates too with the help of Lucifer with Adam and Alastor are willing to go with the flow.
They are honestly impossible to separate once they solve and talk about their issues and problems. That'll take time and effort but once they get there it's the most true and honest love. Like there's too many emotions to explain how all four of them managed to find each other.
Alastor would enjoy quieter dates like picnics or those boat rides that couples do? Adam is more for energy, take him to the amusement park or a concert or simply things like water fights, snowball fights, wrestling, etc could get him eager. Lucifer is honestly happy to do anything and everything, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't care what they do as long as they do it Buuut he does enjoy being in his home with them for the most part. Watching movies, cuddling, painting ducks, drink nights etc etc. Vox is confident that he does many things and almost like Lucifer he is the same way though maybe Vox is the guy to want to go out to dinner before coming home for cuddles unlike Lucifer who doesn't need to be outside prior to a cuddle session. Vox loves the aquarium too, things that make him think, his field trips with the other three can be a bit nerdy but in the cutest of ways to them.
They are slightly (not so slightly) scared of affection like... All of them but Vox and Lucifer are scared in a way were they don't want to accidentally overstep... To touch when the others don't want it and they are respectful but being able to touch those they care for is big to them. Adam and Alastor are scared in a way where they feel nervous about wasting effort and time. Like they trust their partners but it's more of a deep rooted issue than anything else.
It can and will be talked about and worked on. Interestingly enough Vox and Lucifer aren't affected by waiting for as long as they need to for their partners.
Alright alright let me move on before I ramble but I am very much so tempted to do so. 😮‍💨
Ah, now I'm big on angst but right after that is my skills in smut so let me spitball some ideas at y'all.
Alastor's not versed in many things sexual prior to these though he and Vox had quite a few intimate moments before they fell out before Alastor's disappearance. Those times he loved so deeply that it scared him. I can see him being into cockwarming especially after these screenshots I posted recently. Like once he's in and he's all close and wrapped up how can he not take in their scent, or grip at their thighs and pull them closer, or trail his tongue over their skin? He likes the closeness when in their most vulnerable of states and it becomes less about the sex and more about the feeling of having someone to hold.
Vox is a bit keen on pleasing others even before he pleases himself, as much of a public figure this man is a menace behind closed doors. He'd definitely send a video to Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam of time experimenting with dildos and toys. All types too like call him the supplier or whatever lol. It's like he's always happy and eager to put on a show even though he knows he'll get handled when everyone finds him.
Lucifer gives BIG soft top vibes. Like he's soft until he's not and he'll give spankings, lashings, punishments of all sorts if he seems that the others really deserve them. Those types of punishments that feel so good that they hurt and I'm sure he wouldn't have trouble making Vox and Adam plead, Alastor can be a bit more stubborn but he can be tamed as well. Lucifer the dude to ask them little questions knowing the answers and when they reply he's immediately on them.
Adam is so shy when it comes to the more intimate stuff. It's not that he doesn't want to do it but that with his long history with heaven even neck kisses can make him hard beyond belief. Super sensitive?? Like don't touch bros wings... Or his horns... He'll jolt and jerk away in shock, big eyes and red cheeks like you just cupped his sack. He's so cute really, like he talks a big game but deep down all he needs is love and to be plowed until his head is spinning.
Kinks that come with these four are: cockwarming, spanking, collars and leashes, praise and degradation, marking, scenting, biting, grinding/dry humping, and others but those are the ones to come to mind first.
Like at this point everyone got they own collars for whenever the time is called for 😩😂
Hehe, imma stop here for now and see how y'all like this. If you want more follow me or wait for people to commission me or until I start the ao3 book!
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bumblekastclips · 11 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here's a question from Milesprowerdavis. "Recently I lost a close family member. What fatherly advice or motherly advice would the main cast give? Team Dark and Light can add more of the characters. You can be funny with it. Interested what Dr Eggman would say."
IAN FLYNN: Well, first of all, deepest condolences. KYLE: Yes. IAN: Um, I would normally not want to answer in the way of a character, but this is your personal request, so I guess that takes the 'taboo' off it. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: Uh, Sonic I don't think would give any kind of fatherly advice; he would let you figure out your own answer and be there for you as you figure it out on your own. He's gonna let you take that journey, but he's going to be there as you do it. Um, Amy would likewise- I don't know if she would give advice, but she would be there to console, to offer words of support, to be someone to listen, or to just talk so you don't have to think for a bit. She would do whatever you needed her to do at the time. Eggman... KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: We're gonna- we're gonna go the wholesome route this time, even if it is slightly out of character. [Eggman] would go on some long spiel about the entropy of the universe, and how everything is finite, and 'dust to dust' and yadda yadda. But you are still here, and that's what's important. You continue on the chain reactions that are life, so while that experiment is ended, you are the results that are continuing to create results! So, keep at it. And then kind of an awkward shoulder pat and wanders off. KYLE: [Eggman voice] "And soon, you will be part of the Eggman Empire anyways, so it does not matter!" IAN: [chuckles] Knuckles would kind of nod solemnly and say, "That's rough, buddy." KYLE: Yeah! [laughs] That is rough, buddy. It is very rough, buddy. IAN: But he means it! So it means something! KYLE: I mean, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Tails? IAN: I don't know if Tails would know what to say. He would want to be- KYLE: I think Tails would be kind of lost, but he would try. IAN: He'd want to be encouraging, yeah. He'd want to be encouraging and supportive, but I think he'd feel a little overwhelmed with the responsibility. KYLE: Yeah... IAN: Um, Vector would start to mumble something that might sound... interesting, maybe? He kind of starts and stops his sentences every few seconds, then says, uh, [Vector voice] "Espio, tag in!" KYLE: [laughs] IAN: Then Espio starts getting kinda philosophical, and kinda loses his own train of thought, and goes quiet for a second. [Espio voice] "Charmy, tag in!" And then Charmy offers you ice cream. KYLE: [chuckles] I mean, I would appreciate all three of them, so yeah. That's wholesome. [after a pause] Hm... would Silver be, like...? IAN: I think Silver would be devastated. I think he values life on a personal level even more so than anyone else. KYLE: Okay, okay. IAN: Um, 'cause he- I think he has a better understanding of loss than any of the cast, to be perfectly honest. Sure, Knuckles is on his own, but he doesn't have any memory of what came before. That's kind of just his status quo. It's more of an existential thing. Silver... Silver has seen devastation. He has seen tragic loss and, y'know, impossible odds. So I think he would hold everything a little- every life a little more sacred. So I don't know if he would be able to impart any words of wisdom, but he would definitely be the most openly and, uh, earnestly sympathetic. KYLE: Mhm. Alright, I think that's enough, though... There's definitely many other characters we could ask, but that's enough for now.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
I saw an earlier post about Felix poisoning President Ravinstill and it somehow making things even worse.
Tentatively, I'd like to slide forward this suggestion: Felix as President. Or at least as a presidential candidate.
Except he's doing everything to slide the votes to literally anyone else. (It's not working) EVERYTHING he does to make his odds worse comically backfires and ends up endearing him even more to the citizens.
Coriolanus is fuming. None of his poison attempts are working. (Unbeknownst to him, anything poisoned ends up with Clemmie and she has no idea it's poisoned either, so she's going about her day, unbothered by the poison that she's just consumed)
Wow! This is great! It weaponizes my tendency to torture Felix for good (he gets to fail upwards)!
I just spitballed a few ideas below... Just the idea of Felix failing upward is so funny!
Hilarius and Festus fully expecting either Coriolanus or Felix's cousin to win the presidency decide to jokingly write him in as a candidate during the primaries. A lot of their former classmates decide to do this as well, because why not?
There are now three top candidates for the President of Panem.
The only other person who hates the idea of Felix becoming president in this AU more than Felix is President Ravinstill who fears that the office will take away the best parts of his nephew.
He suggest that Felix announce that any supporters he has instead vote for Felix's cousin, Marius. There's a press conference and Felix does so,
Their combined Ravinstill "luck" means that Marius sees the press conference, bursts into tears, and announces that he is actually stepping down to support his "baby cousin" whom he would now like to get to know better.
Marius and Felix's other cousin, Gnaeus, sign on as Felix's advisors and their supporters are quick to back Felix
All over the Capitol, men and women are touched by this display of familial support and maybe decide to vote Ravinstill for that reason.
(I don't think the Districts are allowed to vote for the president if we're being honest here... or maybe certain Capitolites sway those votes. Like maybe the Creeds offer food and other benefits if their candidate wins, so it incentives District 7 to vote a certain direction?)
In an effort to lose support, Felix declares that he's stopping the Hunger Games, because he hates fun (hoping to lose the younger demographic of voters who have grown up with them and love the Games). He states it was a big mistake of his Great-Uncle's administration (he's hoping to lose the traditionalist/older Ravinstill supporters.)
This starts a movement of anti-Game Capitolites who start framing the Games as childish which somehow gains a lot of traction.
His second statement actually sparks self-reflection through a sheer miracle, and older Capitolites start going "they are kind of barbaric, aren't they?"
Pres. Ravinstill would be more upset about how badly their plan to not get Felix elected is going (and also his nephew lowkey throwing shade at his administration) if Gaul five seconds away from throttling him at any given moment.
Coriolanus loses support as he built up his popularity on his Gamemaking experience
Clemensia's been getting a lot of treats lately because she's been helping Felix straighten out an ending the Games plan since it looks like he'll win.
If the Districts can vote, they definitely vote for Felix now that there is a potential end to the Games on the table.
"Here, Clemmie! You've been such a great help! Have some tea! And sweets!" "But you haven't had any? "I'll have some right after I go into the other room and read this live on TV!" "Felix, this says that District 13 is actually not destroyed, and that the government lied to everyone in order to end the war faster, leaving many in financial ruin?" "Yup. Everyone will hate this!" *the next day* Headline: District 13 Wishes to Rejoin Panem Due to the Bravery and Candor of Its Young Future President Coriolanus rips the paper.
Thanks for sending this idea! Always happy to see Felix ideas!
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planetpiastri · 2 years
💝+ giving them a taste of your meal, with your own cutlery (bonus: by your own hand) from this list with hangman?❤️
reading this back i feel like i have a lot of hidden opinions about ihop i don't ever let out idk what that's about. anyways this was so cute hope u enjoy!!<3 | [wc - 0.9k] | join my prompt party!
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“Can someone explain to me one more time why we’re at an IHOP of all places?” Hangman deadpanned, glancing around the kitschy foyer.
“Because I wanted pancakes and you guys will jump at an excuse to eat anything that isn’t steamed chicken,” you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“It’s international, Hangman,” Fanboy added with a teasing waggle of his eyebrows.
Hangman scoffed and opened his mouth to make a withering remark, but you laced your arm through his, effectively shutting him up. He glanced down at you, and everyone gathered around could clearly see the way his face softened when he saw your excited expression. Everyone except you, apparently.
“Yeah, okay,” he ceded. “Let’s see what all the fuss is about.”
The hostess led your group to a long table in the middle of the dining area, and everyone took their seats. There was a lot of pairing up that came naturally: Fanboy and Payback sat across from one another, Phoenix wedged in between Rooster and Bob, and you sat hip-to-hip with Hangman.
No one could really understand why you and Hangman were such good friends; it made zero sense on paper. At first glance, you seemed like precisely the kind of outgoing, altruistic asshole that he would have teased endlessly. But something between the two of you just clicked, and if you were able to keep Hangman in check more often, no one was going to argue against it.
You shimmied in your seat, excitedly flipping open the menu. “What’s everybody getting?”
“Do they have anything other than pancakes?” Hangman muttered out of the side of his mouth, turning the menu over noisily.
“It’s the house of pancakes, dude,” said Rooster. “What do you think?”
“And it’s international,” Fanboy said again, eliciting giggles from the group.
“Ooh, look, there’s milkshakes!” said Phoenix, pointing at her menu. She blinked innocently across at Hangman. “Is that more your speed?”
As the group laughed again, you leaned over so that your shoulder bumped Hangman’s. Once again, you were the only one that didn’t seem to catch the way he stiffened at the contact.
“They do have other stuff,” you murmured, pointing it out on the menu. “It’s not as good, but they do have it.”
“I just want some bacon,” he said quietly, folding his menu shut and placing it down on the table.
With company like this, waiting for your food to arrive didn’t feel too torturous. Fanboy started showing Rooster how to make a perfect spitball until Payback put a stop to it. Phoenix got Bob to recite an absurd number of bug facts to the table. You facetimed Coyote, who was stuck at his apartment with the flu, and hung up partway through his stirring rendition of Berlin’s 1986 hit, “Take My Breath Away.” Hangman impressed everybody (or maybe just you) with his ability to balance a spoon on his nose.
Under the table, you pressed your leg against his from knee to thigh. You were the only one who didn’t realize that’s what was making him so fidgety.
Finally, the waitress arrived with everyone’s food. Hangman and Payback had both gone with small, non-pancake side dishes, but everyone else had embraced the spirit of the occasion.
“When in Rome!” said Fanboy around a mouthful of pancakey goodness.
“Now that’s international,” said Bob.
Small talk came easy to a group like this. When you spend your days saving each other’s lives and nearly dying, the little things suddenly don’t seem so important. It was only natural for Payback to ask Fanboy how things were going with that guy his sister was seeing, or for Phoenix to ask Bob all about his niece’s birthday that had just come and gone.
During the dinner chatter, you nudged Hangman with your shoulder again. “How’s your bacon?”
“Not very good,” he said, grinding his teeth together. “Have a piece if you want.”
You daintily took a nibble off the end of one, pulling a face. “Ew. I guess that’s why I stick to pancakes usually.”
“How are they?” he asked, bumping his leg against yours.
You smiled, immediately cutting off a small square and ensuring it had just the right amount of butter and syrup and cream before holding it out towards him with your fork, one hand cupped underneath in case it fell. Hangman opened his mouth obediently and took the bite of pancake, chewing thoughtfully while you watched him with a close eye, waiting for his verdict.
“Hm,” he finally said. “Good. I guess that’s why it’s international, right?”
You beamed at him, and he offered you a smile in return: the small, quiet, real smile that no one else barely ever saw. If all the others watching you had the nerve, they’d have teased him about it. But that ran the risk of him changing his behavior, and that was the last thing they wanted.
Under the table, you put your hand on his leg, and he released a small exhale. Returning to his bacon, he kept his eyes trained on the table, ignoring the heated discussion Payback and Phoenix were having over the difference between ‘IHOP’ and ‘IHOB’. 
And slowly, his hand found yours. Tentatively, his fingers laced themselves between your own. Gently, he squeezed your hand. Finally, he made a move.
Neither one of you spoke. Neither one of you looked at each other. He kept picking at his shitty bacon, and you kept happily eating your pancakes. But you were both smiling, and everyone at the table knew that you had finally figured it out.
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amethystfairy1 · 10 months
Worldbuildy questions! Hip-hip-hooray!
silver-sunray asked: are hybrid/mutant traits the same across a whole species, or different from individual to individual? Like, Etho has paw pads on his hands and fur up to his elbows, but would all fox hybrids have those specific traits? Or would you see some with, say, fur up to their shoulders, or human hands but fox legs, or something else?
This is a great question! It would depend on the subspecies we’re talking about, but most of the differences are pretty minor, and they don’t necessarily follow typical familial traits. Biggest example is that Pearl and Grian are twins, and while their features are very similar, Pearl has black wings, while Grian’s are macaw-banded. And Jimmy, who is their cousin, only has one set of tiny wings on his head, while Pearl and Grian both have two sets. But aside from minor coloration/number things, they are the same. Same can be said for Etho, like you asked! Any other fox hybrids would have the exact same set-up, paw pads on the hands, fur up to the elbows, and fluffy ears and a tail, but the coloration might be different person-to-person.
Tango is unique in this aspect because his subspecies traits, that is, his blaze-rods, are fewer than average. Tango has three blaze-rods, but as we will soon learn, and this doesn’t really spoil anything major since we’ve already heard about it from him in ‘Everything and More’ in snippets, most blaze-borns have anywhere between six and ten. So Tango is operating at less than half. Pair that with his weak glamor, something you are born with that’s essentially a genetic roulette wheel, and that, among some other reasons we will learn of as we carry on, is why he was rejected by his pyre as a kid.
Also! I answered this in a comment I think it was on ‘Butterfly Fall’ but I’ll put it here as well! If mismatched hybrids/mutants had kids, for example if Joel and Lizzie in this AU were to ever have a child, that child would be either a butterfly hybrid OR a cat hybrid. They wouldn’t be a mixture of the two. And if it were possible for any of our human/under-city folk pairs to have children (which is it not but for the sake of this post) the kid would be a hybrid/mutant 100%. They would not just be a normal human. If we will ever actually see anyone who is the result of mixed human/hybrid and mutant ancestry I’m not entirely sure, this is just me spitballing for fun! But hopefully you enjoyed it! ☺️
TL:DR: Hybrid/mutant traits are almost completely consistent across the species, save for small variations in color/number and such!
Fics mentioned in this post ⬇️
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inbarfink · 1 year
My homie I have amazing news. In one of Finn's past lives he was a butterfly. Fionna is probably dreaming of one of her past lives. Like yeah I know dream analysis and stuff and the shwo is very deep. But maybe it's just a cute easter egg.
Okay, I was actually totally planning to add a lil thing in the tags of that post that I was like "hmmm or maybe it can also be related to Finn's past life as a butterfly" but then I, like, had a brainfart and forgot about it lol??? I literally don't know what happened there, honestly.
But also, there is a reason I only meant to leave this idea as a little-side-addendum in the tags - because I don't consider it very likely at all right now. First and foremost because, yeah, one of Finn's past life was a butterfly - but that doesn't necessarily mean anything about Fionna.
I mean, we know that the F&C verse sometimes flips around characters' species. For Glob's sake, literally the second-most important character in this universe is a cat whose Mainverse counterpart is a dog! As far as we know, Fionna's past life could've been a maggot or a Kiwi bird!
Also, an important thing to remember here is that Fionna isn't having this dream alone. Cake is ALSO dreaming with her
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While it's been kinda implied that Finn and Jake keep reincarnating as best bros throughout their lives and maybe you can extrapolate that would be true of Fionna and Cake as well. But there's nothing in this little visual that could be a 'companion' to the butterfly so I think it's worth asking.... why is Cake dreaming of Fionna's past life as well?
Also, I would buy the idea this was just "Fionna dreaming of her past lives" more if, like, the first episode's title sequence showed her dreaming of a shooting star or a pink slime or a genderswapped version of Shoko or anything else also related to Finn's past lives. But instead what we had was this:
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What seems to be a simplified version of the Hotel from her dream sequence at the start of the episode (note the little beach chair on top). I mean, if Finn has a comet I guess Fionna's past life could be a building but... yeah I'm pretty sure that's just the hotel from the dream. It seems like the emerging pattern is Fionna dreaming about a location from the episode at each Ending Title Sequence.
Because the most important thing is that Fionna in the EP2 ending isn't just dreaming of a random butterfly....
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That Butterfly is sitting on the MASK WORN BY THE 'EVIL BEAR' FROM THAT SAME EPISODE.
So Fionna is dreaming explicitly of a butterfly flying around in the Heart of Ooo. So if THIS is her past life that actually has far more Lore Implications than if the dream is just symbolic of the series' themes.
And you know, I was just kinda spitballing with that "Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly" thingy. I still think there's something there especially with Fionna dreaming of Ice King and Ice King dreaming of Fionna but... there's a lot of interesting thematic meanings you can take from the butterfly if you don't insist on refusing to engage with it for silly reasons.
The aforementioned 'Butterfly Effect' concept is one. But you can also look at more general symbolism associated with butterflies. Such as Freedom (which is, when you get down to it, what Fionna is dreaming about more than anything) or Change and Transformation. You know, kinda like how the ending of this episode signified an important Change in the status que of both of our main leads?
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And Transformation is a HUGE theme in this particular episode. You know, Simon's struggle of having being transformed into Ice King and now back to Simon again and how much it messed up his sense of identity? Or how his trauma Changed him? Or how he has a hard time coping with the Changes in his life and the world in general?
We'll probably need more than two episodes to really see what the pattern is with the ending titles and thus more reliably speculate on What Could It Mean. But with the information we have, I don't think it was just Fionna dreams of her past life. And even if it is, I think it's silly to totally discard all the thematic possibility of the butterfly. There's a reason why didn't just dream of being a Pink Slime, after all.
(edited to remove a factual error because I made a point about Fionna's surname not being related to Finn but forgot that was Minvera's name lol)
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vylad243 · 7 months
Kind of a post Month in Rut idea I'm spitballing here: we all know how much Alastor carries Vox around with no qualms whatsoever --- we love it, Vox certainly loves it. However, I could also imagine him getting a bit disheartened at thinking he's not being allowed to return the favor, mostly out of fear of disrespecting Al's boundaries more than anything else (and, let's face it: rutting Alastor wouldn't let him so much as put a hand on his shoulder before scooping him up like a potato sack). Still, the universe gave this idiot box a cute, clingy, fluffy cuddlebug of a bf, so why is it so hard shaking off the feelings that he's hogging all the attention in their partnership?
They'd talk about it, of course, once Alastor has a clear head. Vox presents his case as simply wanting to give the deer a taste of his own medicine for all the manhandling, but Al isn't stupid: he can practically taste Vox's nerves and insecurities on his tongue. He wouldn't see the issue of being carried every once in a while: after all, they're from the 30s and 50s respectively, so it's understandable that they'd both be more old fashioned like that; Al's main concerns are whether or not doing so will irritate his mate's chronic pain further and the matter of whether this would count as a public display of affection.
He quickly changes his tune when, later on that day, Vox scoops him up and carries him past the threshold with the grace of a newlywed. Oh, he could get used to this. He would rather die before admitting it however, much to his mate's amusement.
Oh yes. Love this idea. This was the one I was planning on writing up later! It's just so fluffy and cute. We stan Vox being a strong man who can lift his mate around with ease! Vox's pain would be similar to what my family deals with. Once the momentum starts, you can't afford to stop or the stiffness will kick in and make it incredibly hard to do things the next day (and also the weather too)
Vox would carry Alastor around for like a solid day so he can get the most out of it before he needs to take a break
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wearethesensum · 8 months
[ cracks knuckles ]
alright folks, time to spit out the slenderverse adaptation/theory (kind of? it’s weird) i’ve been working on. plus some random spitballing.
possible mild spoilers for some series' below the cut. (everymanHYBRID, TribeTwelve, MLandersen0, etc.) if there’s any mistakes, i apologize. i can’t proofread s h i t. feel free to add onto this.
o K a y, so
in the slenderverse, more specifically in tribetwelve, it’s implied or even stated explicitly that we are an audience to the events happening inside their world. we’re perceiving their world through different perspectives. we see through the everymanHYBRID crew’s eyes as they experience their cycle in another iteration, we see through noah’s eyes as he’s left to defend himself with nothing but quite literally his own company, and we see through micheal’s eyes as he relives his own nightmare over and over again. all of them are stuck in their own worst nightmares, but that’s not all. we get to see past the lens and into the realm of the antagonists as well. we see through HABIT’s eyes (or at least the cameraman thing’s eyes) as he tortures his victims and in some cases worked alongside them. we see through the collective’s eyes as they talk directly to noah, taunting him for his mistakes and forcing him to be their universal plaything. we even get some peeks at patrick throughout MLandersen0.
now here’s my question.. if we’re seeing all of this, are we in their world, or are we somewhere else? it’s kinda strange, but i think it’d be interesting if we were looking at them through some kind of window.
think of the iterations and loops as never-ending circles that pass alongside time, but they repeat core events instead of just repeating that time frame over and over. it’s like some kind of bubble floating next to us that can’t pop, or a glass ball that we can look through. we, as an audience, are able to connect to that iteration through cracks in the glass that they use to reach out to us (social media, cameras, the camera footage being posted, etc.). sometimes something will seep out of the glass and infect our own timeline, which in my perspective is a line that doesn’t stop rather than a moving circle. our world doesn’t repeat events, it just.. keeps going and leaves us to await what’s to come rather than expect it. our timeline might be infected by sometimes dragging people from our timeline and into that glass ball, or creating some kind of hole where they can drop their information for us directly to us. i suspect that the glass ball i talked about earlier was a severed part of our world that was shaped into a never ending cycle of events. the way the administrator did this? look no further than the severance symbol. it can sever our timeline and doorways to other dimensions as shown in tribetwelve. it can sever anything, depending on how it’s used. (thanks, HABIT, for the tutorial). if there’s a way to sever the cycle (which is a pretty big if, seeing as they could’ve either already tried that or simply not been able to do so), then they could split their way back into our world and keep going on with their lives.. but there’s a problem. the entities would still be out there, searching for new entertainment or possibly going after their old toys. severance would have to be used in order to trap them in a loop of their own that they can’t penetrate (firebrand, i think i see your point). severance is a powerful tool, so we’d also need a way to keep that and the other symbols the FUCK away from slender and his goons. maybe even HABIT if we’re lucky.
that’s the end for now. i’ll probably add onto this later, but it’s also late and i need to sleep otherwise i won’t last five minutes in the morning. see you, and once again feel free to add onto this if you have any other perspectives you’d like to share. :)
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Hi! If requests are still open, could you write some headcannons of Gary Smith with S/O who’s a perfect student but also a scaredy-cat?😊
She is a pet of the teachers, so Gary approaches her to use her as a pawn to control the teachers. But she is so cowardly that she tries her best to avoid him. Gary always pranks her or brings her into his plan, and she always tries to run from all those things. What if they become closer as time pasts???
Gary Smith headcanon with s/o.
Tbh this took on a life of its own and didn’t come out well. At least not good in the sense of trying to write a s/o that’s a teacher's pet. I think this turned more into a yandere headcon than anything else. If you want, I can try to write a proper headcanon.
TW: Mental illness and toxic relationship.
Perfect wasn’t a real word to describe someone, but that’s how Gary would describe his s/o. Not in a loving, romantic way. No, she was perfect to be an alibi.
He doesn’t remember why he needed an alibi. He just remembers he had absolutely no romantic attraction toward her. Girls like her were too vanilla for his liking.
What he does remember is her caving when she was pressed on the legitimacy of his alibi. After that, she became one of the many people on his shit list.
It started pretty harmless. Hiding spiders and snakes in her locker. Sometimes they were fake, but what wasn’t fake was her reaction. Letting out a blood-curdling scream before running down the hallway.
Truly the peek of comedy.
Though after a while it started to get stale, thankfully he noticed something. Sitting next to her in the only class they shared, he noticed how anxious she’d become. Her legging bounced under the desk. Her posture wouldn’t be straight but hunched over like she was trying to hide from his peripheral vision.
The snakes and spiders would come to an end. As of now, he’d hang around her from time to time. Glaring at her just to scare her and hitting her with spitballs from a distance.
At this point, she’d realize who was behind it all, and what she did was nothing. Not wanting to be higher on his shit list by telling the teachers, it's not like they’d be able to do much, she kept quiet. Doing her best to avoid him.
Seeing Gary walking down the halls? She’ll do a quick U-turn. They shared one class and she almost contemplated skipping it entirely. She’s never skipped a class and she wasn’t going to start now.
It wouldn’t take long for Gary to notice that she’s been running away from him. The thought that he scared her so much that hiding was good. Grand even. He liked having power over people.
She’s helping decorate and plan out the prom? Oh, goodie. Gary will show how trashy her idea was by throwing trash or something to ruin everyone’s night.
His idea was to make her go with him and stand close by as everything goes up in flames. Metaphorically of course. He wouldn’t want to get himself hurt.
Nothing cute or romantic when asking her to go with him. They both know there isn’t anything going on between them. He’ll ask nicely at first, but she knows this is a big red flag. So she’ll try to make up excuses and back away.
Resulting in Gray responding with, “We both know you don’t have a date and you never will. Honestly, I’m being generous because I know no one is going to even think about taking you when there are better options.”
Gray is patting himself on the back after degrading a girl so much that she starts questioning her worth. And now going to prom with him, he has such a way with words.
He insisted that this was the night that he felt something towards her. Though it must have been early as he acted like a little boy trying to get his crush to notice him by being horrible to her. But it's not like he’d emit that.
The original plan for the night was forgotten as they awkwardly slowly danced to the music.
They weren’t official in any way, but the horrible treatment had stopped. Every so often there would be something hiding in her locker.
Everything was peaceful.
Just stop here if you are sensitive to topics of mental illness and toxic relationships.
Until Jimmy motherfucking Hopkins came into the picture.
Then everything went to hell. Everyone around and near Gray would and will become miserable. Consistent paranoia and the need for more control would lead to him calling her his girlfriend. Without asking her opinion on it.
At this point, he’s off his medication and becoming more unstable.  His s/o would only learn that he was on medication in the first place because he made a passing remark on it when rambling to himself.
He has the dark triad personality traits. That being narcissism, psychopathy, and machiavellianism. He might also have schizophrenia as well, but it doesn’t matter because he’s fucked and he’s going to drag his s/o down with him.
Gray will say anything to make sure his s/o stays where she is. Whether that be making up fake pity stories, gaslighting her, or even threatening to take his own life. As long as she stays, then that's enough.
To his s/o it felt like being dragged through the seven layers of hell. He can be the sweetest thing and then be so off-kilter. It wasn’t fair for her to be put in these uncomfortable situations. The whole thing was like he was holding his s/o hostage and to an extent that was how it was. His s/o probably developed some sort of stockholm syndrome by the time he was sent to Happy Volts.
If we’re being realistic here for a moment. His s/o would probably end up staying with him and their relationships would become more toxic. People like him won’t change or get better.
But ignoring that for the sake of fanfiction.
He’d be looking forward to his s/o visiting him. There isn’t anything fun to do in there, so she’ll at least prevent him from dying of boredom.
He’s not sorry for his actions and knows damn well that putting on an act wasn’t going to get him back into Bullworth. So he’s not even going to try, but at least he has his s/o.
Maybe I should just write yandere headcanon.
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