#this is my first time drawing like everybody here so bear with me. lmao. fuck drawing hoyo designs tbh
bobzora · 6 months
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various star rail doodles + a comic
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shimmershae · 3 years
Just watched the episode and I’m going to have a lot of thoughts for you, most of them probably bordering on incoherence (LOL) so this is your last chance to nope on out of this post because I’m going to go ahead and put everything else behind a cut to save the eyes that do not want to see any  spoilers at all.  Unlike mine, that very much wanted to see but in a lot of cases?  Could not see shit, but I digress.
Shae’s stream of consciousness coming at you in 3-2-1.  
First of all, can I saw how good it is to have my show back again?  Like, no.  I don’t quite have Season 5 levels of excitement about the new/last season, but it is definitely nice to have all these characters back.  
So all these thoughts of mine.  Okay.  Bear with me because there be a whole lot of them, lol.  
My immediate impression as the episode opened was WHOA.  Such a cool shot of Daryl with one light wing, one dark wing (representing the two sides to Daryl maybe--the man of honor versus the man he was raised to be, hmm?) looking out over some dark vista of something.  Seriously.  It’s dark.  My room is also dark at the moment and still I was squinting to see.  To make out what I’m “looking” at.  I really, really hope the rest of this season isn’t this hard to make out.  
Is that a tank?  Kinda sorta a callback to Rick’s first episode?  If so, cool.  If not, well.  Us fans have always put way more thought into things.  For real.  Change my mind.  
Holy intense eye contact, Batman!  Daryl Dixon has literally never looked at anyone--not BethusConLeah--in quite the same smoldering way as he looks at Carol.  It’s next level.  I don’t know why people be fooling themselves into thinking different.  
Let’s see.  I can make out--besides Daryl, Maggie, and that face mask dude I already forgot the name of--Kelly, Magna, Jerry (who’s that with him?), and Carol.  Sorry.  My world, like Daryl’s, inevitably narrows to Carol.  She’s loking fierce and fine AF per usual.  
Was that Rosita I noticed rewinding to relive Daryl eye-fucking Carol?  
I’m guessing this is the army base they talked about in 10C.  
That Walker perking up like “I smell food--pancakes and bacon and oohhhh” has me giggling inappropriately right off the bat.  WTF.  
Look at all my fabulous ladies tiptoeing through that Walker minefield.  And Carol spotting that gun that might be useful right away.  Listen, if you don’t think her mind ain’t always ten steps ahead of everybody else’s, you’d be wrong.  
So.  Are these Walkers just so old and feeble not even the call of fresh meat attracts them?  Because just tiptoeing through their midst without the knockoff Lady Gaga meatsuits or skin masks has never really worked before that I can remember.  
I just want to see most of this season.  Is that really too much to ask?  Don’t X-Files and Game of Thrones us, Angela.  Please and thank you very fucking much.  
Okay.  Is the one drop of blood thing making anybody else have 28 Days Later vibes?  Kinda?  Sorta?  No?  Just me?  Okay then.  Carry on.  
Wait a minute, though.  How they be explaining how Daryl keeeps acquiring all these new tats all the time?  Hmm?  It’s like they just quit giving a shit about continuity in these latter seasons.  
I mean.  Do Walkers sleep now?  LMAO.  What is this?  I guess they’re constantly evolving?  
There’s my baby Lydia.  Love my smol bean.  
Alright though.  I love to see the ladies of TWD kick some ass.  It’s very gratifying.  Gimps would never.  Thank you, Angela.  
Clever, resourceful, calm and collected, quick thinking Carol to the rescue!  Seriously.  Her haters must be withering away inside with absolute envy.  
Hey, ya’ll.  Remember when Carol was still mastering her sharpshooting skills at the Prison yard and shot at Rick’s feet?  Her little “sorry, sorry”?  LOL.  If Rick could only see her now.  Wait.  He already knew what so many of his stans refuse to acknowledge--Carol=ultimate survivor and true savior to the group many times over.  
Maggie’s got herself a gun, too.  Go my badass girls.  
Of course, Carol’s got everybody’s back.  Of fucking course, Daryl’s got hers even when everybody else seem frozen in some kind of awe or stupification or something.  Microcosm of the whole damn show right there.  
Carol’s like “here’s your knives, love of my life.”   
Eh.  Maybe that’s just me.  
Nah.  She’s totally thinking it, too.  
YAS!  YAS!  Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride with the top billing.  How very far my babies have come.  
Listen.  I miss all the characters we’ve lost.  Absolutely.  But I love the ones that are still with us, that have been with us for so very long so hard.  Whether I love their stories or decisions or not.  
Is that THE Alexandria sign?  That sign’s been through some shit.  
DOG!  Daryl kneeling to embrace our Grimes babies has me all up in my feels.  And how cute is Dog getting all excited and making sure he’s the first one there to welcome back, Daddy?  
Hershel is literally just as puppy dog cute as Glenn ever was.  Really some Grade A casting.  
What did Maggie call Mr. T?  Ducky?  Dougie?  Sometimes with Maggie?  I really cannot tell.  Anyway.  He’s Mr. T. for me until I find out differently, probably through rewatching with close captioning, lol.  
Maggie’s got more people.  So.  Some new redshirts to sacrifice for plot purposes.  I don’t know if I should bother learning their names or not. 
I seem to remember Meridian being mentioned in one of the episode synopses.  
Sophia’s hair tie around Carol’s neck will never fail to be an emotional throat punch.  My heart.  
“They come at night and by the time you see them, you’re already dead.”  Welp.  Guess that means we ain’t seeing shit for at least this first third of the season, lol.  Very horror-eque though.  
“You’re leaving to fight ghosts.”  Aaron, to Maggie.  So I see Aaron’s the type to get the hell outta Dodge when the Boogeyman comes calling, hahaha.  Least he was.  In the old world.  
Rosita’s pissed off expression at Gabe’s decision to volunteer for the so-called suicide mission gives me life.  
My baby Carol is tired AF of suicide missions.  You can tell.  Also?  Methinks she has something to prove to Daryl here.  Or at least feels like she does.  
Dog with his little tactical vest.  I love it.  
I guess I get why they had Carol and Rosita stay behind.  They had to more evenly split up the badassery to make things more fair and balanced, lol.  
Okay.  So Negan’s definitely earned everybody’s disdain.  But they’re being woefully short-sighted by not at least hearing the dude out.  Isn’t he at least native to the area?  
“That is God telling us to turn around.”  I’m actually on Negan’s side with this one, but Gabe answering him with “I’m pretty sure he would have run that past me first” has me howling with laughter.  Father Gabe has gone straight up savage in these last couple of seasons.  Rosita’s influence, perhaps?  
I see what Angela is doing.  Trying to make Negan the voice of reason.  In this particular case?  It’s kind of working.  I’m still ultimately on Maggie’s side with this though BECAUSE GLENN.  
Imagine showing up to work and unironically dressing like a storm trooper every day.  Excuse me while I LOL.  
Even in the ZA, there’s bullshit paperwork.  
“Pumpkin colored spacesuit.”  Good one, Ezekiel.  
LOL forever.  I love Princess.  
“Michonne.  Our Michonne shut people out of Alexandria for years.”  Timely reminder that choices aren’t always perfect.  Neither are people.  
WTF is reprocessing?  Sounds ominous.  LMAO at Eugene’s “Okay.  We gotta go.”  
What in the actual hell with all those bagged, squirming undead?  Creepy AF in that subway tunnel.  
Should I just go ahead and call that the Easter bunny?  We’ve had some version of it pop up since Season 1.  
Is it stubborn pride with Maggie or what?  Why go through with something when all signs point toward the wisdom of stopping?  You can argue that she’s acting similarly to Carol last season, but there’s a huge difference here folks.  Carol did her damndest to Lone Wolf that shit and minimize the danger to those she loved.  Maggie’s straight up enlisting those she “cares about” to carry out her mission of revenge or vengeance, what have you. Let’s see if she gets near the amount of hate for it.  Personally, I don’t blame her for her feelings one bit.  They are valid.  But her knowingly drawing the others into the game?  That’s my sticking point.  That’s how she and Carol differ, even if some people refuse to see or accept it.  Anyway.  Hopping right on off my soapbox.  
“Why don’t you get up on your little tippy toes and try?”  Omigosh, I’d dying.  When I tell you I about passed out with laughter, I do not exaggerate.  I should hate Negan forever and I do.  Really.  But I adore JDM and he frequently makes me LOL.  He’s made Negan entertaining if not completely redeemable since Angela took over and more layered so I say kudos.  
He has a point about Maggie playing dictator.  Damn you, show, for slanting the writing just that smidgen that makes Negan make sense over his victim.  I guess, though, it’s better this way.  Gives both characters more shades of gray.  
“He’s a dick but he makes sense.”  I feel like this is Angela calling us all out when we dare to harbor any lasting resentment toward Negan for what he did to Glenn.  
Speaking of--Negan.  You deserved Daryl’s punch to the mouth.  You just went a bridge too damn far.  
“Keep pushing me, Negan.  Please.”  Warning shots fired, Asshole.  You better watch yourself around the Widow Rhee.  
Have I mentioned how much I love Princess?  Her shipping the Commonwealth guards is killing me, lol.  I can’t wait ‘til she meets Carol and Daryl.  She’s going to have their number in two seconds flat.  
I like Ezekiel and Princess as a duo.  I’m not saying romantically necessarily.  I just like them in scenes together because they’re fun.  There’s sort of a protective indulgence Ezekiel seems to telegraph whenever they’re in scenes together.  Like he’s like don’t hurt this one.  I don’t know.  For all these words I’ve written, I can’t quite find the ones to adequately describe what I mean.  
The wall of the lost gives me such Battlestar Galactica feels.  What sad thoughts it inspires.  
Eugene in that Commonwealth gear.  Omigosh, lol.  So did they just sneak up and take Princess’s little Commonwealth ship’s gear when they were sneaking off on their own to have a quickie?  
Princess finding that note for Yumiko on the wall actually gave me chills.  Yeah.  I’m easy.  Just the suggestion of someone getting reunited with lost family gets me all up in my feels.  Yumiko saying “I have to stay”?  I felt that.  
Oh no.  Dog ran off!  Somebody protect my favorite fictional puppy.  Of course, Daryl goes after him.  He’s always been the sweet one.  Merle said it.  
Eh.  Negan taking Maggie’s hand at the end there would have smacked too much of Negan Sue and Maggie’s biggest plot of the season would have been prematurely dealt with so I get why they did what they did.  But c’mon.  It’s not really that big of a cliffhanger, is it?  
Okay, so Angela calls those sleeping beauty Walkers “Lurkers” and I get it.  Apparently they’re a bigger deal in the comics, but I really don’t remember seeing them all that much on the actual show.  Somebody jog my memory.  
Of fucking course, you can actually see what’s happening in the inside the episode clips.  I wish we could choose to view the episode with that lighting because some of us be blind.  And this time I mean in the more literal sense.  Not the figurative one.  
Anyway.  I’m going to stop trying to write a novel for ya’ll and move on to better things.  Like maybe a nap.  Maybe some early dinner.  I don’t know.  I’m tired AF and need a little recharge.    
Before I go, though?  Overall impression of the episode?  I liked it.  There were parts that I loved (all the ladies being badass, every second of Carol, Daryl reuniting with the Grimes babies and Dog, all things Princess, some of Negan’s one-liners about had me busting a gut, Rosita serving looks, Kelly and Lydia getting to be badass too) and parts I didn’t love (not being able to see a damn thing, Angela trying to tip the scales in Negan’s favor, not enough Carol or Aaron or Rosita, no reunion between Aunt Carol and the Grimes babies even though that picture floating around suggests it was at least shot, not being able to see a damn thing, all the Alexandria people playing follow the leader for Maggie when she’s been gone 6 years and Daryl’s right there--hell, even Father G deserves the honor over her because it’s obvious they’re not exactly on the same wavelength anymore).  
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m just glad to have our show back.    
Later, lovelies.  
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kinnoth · 3 years
-really doubt i'm gonna be able to finish this movie so we'll just see where i get to
- we already know how i feel about loki and thor, we don't need to revisit this
- ok but if i were going to revisit this, i mean come on, who wants to talk about "hela draws her power from asgard, same as you" cos i wanna talk about that
like what if that's the reason thor, god of thunder, king to a civilisation of warriors, was unable to fend off like, 4 dudes and a big purple dinosaur? the royal family of asgard draws its power from asgard, and without it, they are weak, they are mortal. maybe that's why heimdall is unable to just, you know, bifrost everybody off the fucking ship the minute it comes under attack. maybe that's why loki can't fucking conjure up a swarm of fucking microscopic knives to fillet the invaders from the inside out. MAYBE THAT'S WHY LOKI TRIES TO KILL THANOS WITH A FUCKING DAGGER. BECAUSE TAKE AWAY HIS POWER, TAKE AWAY HIS GODHOOD, WHAT DOES HE HAVE LEFT OTHER THAN HIS WILE, HIS TRICKS AND HIS BROTHER
somebody talk about this
- etc etc what if the reason loki is unable to attack the purple dinosaur with magic is because when he tackled thor earlier, he used whatever magic he had left to spare in order to heal him
checks out cos thor goes from flat on his face to swinging his fists in the space of like 30 seconds and the only thing to happen to him in between is said bit about loki tackling him
- why does heimdall save hulk? i mean, i could understand it if he were trying to aim the bifrost at thor and somebody somehow knocked off his aim and he accidentally saves hulk, but like, we've established that heimdall's loyalty is to the royal seat of asgard upon whom sits thor's mighty ass. thor who, in this scene, has just been incapacitated by a metal eggshell(?) and is at the mercy of their assailants. given heimdall's priorities, it is baffling to the point of inconceivability that he would preferentially save fucking HULK over his own king.
- if this next scene isn't the guardians of the galaxy coming across thor clutching loki's dead fucking body floating through space then i don't know why any of us are even here
- "he sent loki! the attack on new york was thanos!" makes no sense? like, if loki's scepter had the mind stone in it, which we established it did in the last movie when we broke it open to retrieve vision, then.....why didn't thanos just....take the mind stone in the first place? cos rock collecting is and has always been his goal?
what, do you think that just because you assert a thing makes us forget all the shit that happened before?
- i.....am actually with tony stark. why don't they just destroy the stones they have so that thanos can't get to them? oh, you made a promise? well promises change and circumstances change! you tell him tony! you tell that stupid fucker --
oh my god i'm gonna be ill
- i think the only person whose ego can match tony stark's is probably a neurosurgeon so 👍 i guess
-i love how we immediately went back to the "so dark can't see shit" aesthetic after ragnorak because ensuring that one's audience can SEE what is HAPPENING IN YOUR MOVIE is apparently for radical directors like taika waititi
- cannot believe that tony stark staring at captain america's phone number is being played with the same emotional intensity as thor losing his soulmate entire people
- honestly how many times is the mcu gonna invoke 9/11 imagery til someone calls them out for being terrorists
- lmao i know i said this before but peter's spidey senses tingling AFTER the giant alien anus has already started sucking up new york and it is right outside his window is fucking hilarious. that's just called using your eyeballs peter
- "friday notify first responders about the giant alien anus sucking up new york" lol like the first thing somebody did when the alien anus showed up wasn't to fucking call 911 GREAT IDEA TONY
- still can't believe that they let failed neurosurgeon dr strange do more magic than god of tricks and sorcery loki lol
- i know i rag on dr strange a lot about the fact that he's a neurosurgeon it's just that he sucks.
as a neurosurgeon eyy.
- i hate that peter parker has to be here!!!!! leave him alone!!!!!
- tony stark should not be allowed within 100 feet of children or minorities
- it is very weird to me that steve "brooklyn" rogers has an area code from georgia
- i am very disappointed that thor is going to go get another weapon after we spent the whole last movie talking about how he is not the god of hammers
- i just need thor to have much more PTSD than he has right now. fucking hulk has ptsd. maybe they're saving the ptsd for later. one can only hope.
- i am glad that they are letting him be cleverer though
- wait when did vision turn into a white man again? did i miss that movie?
- i am disappointed that vision the computer techno robot apparently has a penis. like what a stupid limitation to give your computer techno robot, gender. 🙄
- i think that the mass destruction of infrastructure and architecture in the MCU is because of the pg13 no blood limitation that disney has set? like there's no way to show destruction to the body, so one may only show the exponential destruction to one's surroundings. like imagine how much more dramatic intensity you could wring out of a regular fight scene would be if people were allowed to bleed?
- cannot believe that a computer techno robot and a witch are having a punch up with the bad guys. of all people to fight with something not their fists, it's these two
- wanda has no enhanced strength or durability? she's a regular teenager who's a bit witchy. the first time she got thrown through a glass door should have shattered her vertebrae. again i don't understand why we insist that everybody must have the same powers and capabilities when it's clear they don't. think about how much more interesting it would be if some avengers were more fragile than others and had to be given accommodations as such
- IT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO ME THAT FUCKING BLACK WIDOW (regular human), CAPTAIN AMERICA (enhanced human), AND FALCON (regular human with wings) CAN DEFEAT THE CHILDREN OF THANOS WHEN THOR COULDN'T UNLESS THOR (god of fucking thunder carved of steel and stone) WAS NERFED
- still don't understand how we'll lend aliens afro features but not afro hair, like, seriously? you're gonna dream up green aliens with gills who look like black people but imagining them with black hair is a step too far?
- the gap of commentary in this liveblog is simply because i do not care at all for the galaxy defenders
- "earth just lost her best defender" who? who does captain america consider earth's best defender? it's not thor; he doesn't know thor's presumed dead. it's not tony; he doesn't know tony's on an alien anus. who else has died so far?
- love how exhausted bucky looks. have always loved how exhausted bucky looks. love bucky.
- i forgot that tony was with peter parker. god i hate that.
- "i'm peter btw"
"dr strange"
"oh you're using the made up names then. i'm spider man"
ok that was cute, but peter's cute, we knew that already
- i want to fling both strange and stark into space and i'm having a hard time deciding which one to push first
- "you went to bed hungry, scraping for scraps" oohhhh thanos is just anti-poor people, he would literally rather poor people be dead than struggle, i get it nowww
this is on brand for mcu
- oh my god thanos gets 2/6 stones by torturing siblings in front of other siblings, seriously? you couldn't come up with 6 different ways to find his stupid rocks you had to reuse one twice?
- which one of thor's friends was stabbed through the heart....? fandral??
- "if i don't get my vengeance what more could i lose" more like what else is there eh? what else is there for a king of no people but their vengeance?
- i do enjoy that thor is now science fiction rather than fantasy, i don't think anybody knew what to do with fantasy cos fantasy is again, ultimately about conservatism and the status quo. so i do like that we're embracing the new and boundless for whatever that's worth.
- marvel is a cesspool of toxic masculinity. at no point are characters allowed to actually feel anything because weakness is uncool i guess and therefore unmanful. like thor lost ALL OF HIS PEOPLE. fucking ALL of them. he watched his brother die in order to save him. he is not allowed a single fucking response of mourning. i don't care if he's pushing it back because revenge or whatever, this is the sort of grief that rules you, which will bring all your load bearing structures down to heel, and they let him do nothing; he does not even rage. perfect control. smooth witticisms. why. why aren't we allowed to see his sadness?
- yo i can't believe red skull is a scifi villain now lol space nazis for real
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- michael b jordan was right btw wakanda is complicit in africa's exploitation
- i do LIKE black panther i guess in the way you technically like that cousin you met once when you were like 9 and never saw again?
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i like how we have here in wakanda the sears tower (chicago), the batman building (nashville), and the gherkin (london)
- ok but like, presumably not a death cult super technologically advanced wakandans who are deffo made of human flesh and human blood still arm their people with spears
i mean unless wakanda is also a death cult
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why is this chicks entire fucking face cgi'd she looks like a fucking cut scene video game character
- oh ok they have LASER spears, ok
so then why did they give bucky a fucking gun
- what is bucky supposed to be able to contribute here exactly, like fucking, again, he's spycraft isn't he? he's a one man, dead of night, operation go loud and then immediately silent kinda operation. why do they have him on the front lines of a fucking lock-step formation battle??
- "it will be the noblest ending in history" WHAT, FIRST COUNTRY TO EVER BE OVERUN BY ALIEN JACKALS??
- stormbreaker is just leviathan axe, somebody's said this already right
- omfg i'm so glad they're finally acknowledging that thor is OP as fuck and does not belong amongst the fucking squabbles of earth
-you've got the big fucking boss in an ambush AND YOU ATTACK HIM WITH A MAGIC SWORD STEVEN STRANGE?????
- when will somebody please utilise ironman like the one man artillery he fucking is WHY IS HE FIGHTING WITH HIS STUPID FISTS HE IS LITERALLY ONE CONTINUOUS CARPET BOMB JUST USE HIM THAT WAY
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- dr strange could have very easily prevented or stopped quill from punching thanos but he didn't cos i guess even the movie forgets steven strange exists sometimes
- i like that the shield around wakanda has the same weakness as a poorly constructed chicken coop -- you always build into the ground a couple feet to stop the diggers man, come on, what is this, your first energy shield?
- oh disgusting, a girl boss moment. whatever you're all fascists.
- nobody adores martial might like fascists do fucking change my mind
- " avengers: not one person in this fucking cast is able to stomach ANY AMOUNT of personal sacrifice" more like
- "why did you give away the time stone?" "we are in the endgame" THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER THAT'S A FUCKING MOVIE TEASER FUCK YOU
- why didn't strange just trap thanos in a timeloop again? we've already established that is a perfectly acceptable way to deal with planetary annihilation. IS IT POSSIBLY BECAUSE NOBODY ON THIS WRITING STAFF KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH MAGIC
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soap-stains · 4 years
Justice for All! We have begun!
Prosecutor Payne, hate 'im.
She actually really liked how snarky Amnesiac Phoenix was
That,,,, is all I got from the first trial,,, I didn't note anything from it, we're staring the second one, now
(Reunion, and Turnabout)
Anyway, I accidentally just said "I'm just pulling your neg!" Instead of "I'm just pulling your leg, Nick!" So that's fun
She likes Dr Grey; too bad he's gonna die lmao. She just said she kinda wants to cosplay him, and she really likes his hair
She went from "Pearl looks annoying" (seeing her on the title screen) to "awwe I love her she's cute" (seeing her the first time) to "I hate her" (when Morgan called her angelic). Idk whether or not she's actually gonna end up liking her? Maybe not
We started singing "Hot n Cold" in a ridiculous voice and when I got to 'you're wrong when it's right' I said, instead "You're Edge-wrong when it's Wright~!"
They're really drawing our attention to the incinerator, man. "Hey, there's an incinerator." "Don't forget about the incinerator!" "There's probably gonna be a body in that incinerator later, so don't forget about the incinerator!"
Headcanon: Phoenix is as terrified of bears as Ryan Bergara is.
At 2:24 a.m.: "wh- it's 2am?! When did that happen?!" "Twenty four minutes ago?" "Get your snarky-Edgeworth-ass out of here."
"If it's Gumshoe, I'm walking out." "...No, please don't-" <I think I recognize that Southern accent...> *we look at each other* "...Even worse." *she gets up and leaves*
I forgot Lotta was in this case ugggh noooo-
"I regret everything that got us here."
"But looks like you already forgot [about me]." "Yeah, because we hate you."
She's legit so angry we don't know Morgan's age... "So is she just immortal or something??"
"How has it got to the point that seeing Gumshoe makes me happy?" "He's just a lost puppy."
"Please tell I'm gonna see Edgeworth again. I want to see my boy." "You're gonna see Edgeworth again." "No, in this case. Are we gonna see him??" "...Of course we're gonna see Edgeworth again." "Good." *doesn't realize how I didn't directly answer her question because she still doesn't know about his note.*
I just spent the last 20 fucking minutes singing "uwu / I got a disease / walkin' 'round through the crunchyroll / neko neko nee~! / everybody's like, 'whatcha got?' / I'm like 'pocky!' / they're like 'you so weebish, I'ma call the police!'" in different voices of Ace Attorney characters- like Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Maya, Gant, Ema, Ini, and Polly, because we just thought it would be fun. It was so stupid, but so god damn funny. Gant was kinda hard, but it was by far the funniest. It was very hard to do it in Miles' voice, I literally just gave up. I couldn't do it. Unfortunately, had to shut everything down, since it was 3am and I didn't want to get too loud & wake up my parents.
As soon as Pearl spoke, she was like "She's adorable, I love her so much!1!1!"
Phoenix was like "Maya! Don't bring up his name! He's gone..." And she looked at me like "you fucking asshole. You lied to me about us seeing Edgeworth again!" And I was like "well,,, technically not,,," and she was like "photos!! And a flashback!! That's different!!!"
She,,, Immediately hates Franziska, not shocked though. I had a feeling. I mean, look at her personality. I mean, I'm gay for her, but that doesn't change how frustrating she can be.
"...I... I think this is how I come out to my family."
"She's growing on me because she is the only one who has sense around here."
"You can't show weakness in front of the one you love!" ". . ." ". . . I'm her babysitter. Not her boyfriend."
*whip* "I don't think anyone really cares!" *unholy screech*
So much of what Morgan's saying,,, just doesn't make sense,,? It contradicts so much from before
She just started singing the "uwu song" from earlier, but in the Judge's voice xD
"I could not understand [Lotta's] atrocious English, not to mention she looked awful." "That's,,," "That's perfectly fair. Lotta sucks."
"[Phoenix] has very big hands..."
"Morgan... Fey...?!" "I thought she was gonna say Morgan Freeman..." "Oh my god- I can just imagine, this whole time, Phoenix making Morgan Freeman jokes(when Morgan isn't around) and everyone's just like 'jfc phoenix please s t o p', but Franzy's just like 'Morgan,, Freeman,,? What are you talking about, Mr. Phoenix Wright??? Her name is Fey???'"
"If this Phoen- Phoenix?? If this witness-" "did you seriously just-" "I'm sorry, not good at English, I'm from Germany-" "Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Makin' my way downtown, walking fast, there's my husband, oh he's being chased by women, I'll keep walking-"
"Dangit Edgeworth, why'd you have to die, I need you to pay my rent!"
(Turnabout Big Top)
Low key shipping Regina & Maya for some reason
"I wouldn't mind hearing more about Max's bust... Not that I'm into that sorta thing..." "P h e o n i x. Is there something you wanna say here??"
"All the sudden, I need a hamburger sad!"
"L... Little brother...?" "Me and my Todoroki Hoodie need a break. Fuck this. Fuck her. Fuck you." *throws blanket off my feet*"You can thank Manfred-- I meant Franziska-- for that." "Franziska doesn't deserve happiness."
"The truth is, I'm hiding him at my house. I'm hiding him from the females chasing him." "He- he's in Europe."
*hears DL-6 music and cries*
At Maya; "You make everything ten times worse. You make breathing ten times worse. You make Edgeworth ten times worse. You make the ground ten times worse. "You make Von Karma ten times worse, and that's saying something. Both Von Karmas."
*Phoenix goes off on Franzy* "oooohh he salty, he not happy-"
"This dog is all bark and no bite." "I'll bite you. Wait, I already bit your brother. But that's supposed to stay in the bedroom. WAIT-" "what did you just-" "Don't. I'm not okay."
"I,,, don't know the voice to do for Acro." "Just do a deeper voice, like I do for Judge." "Uh, okay... *does the best i can* 'You must be Phoenix Wright.'" "I said 'deep,' that's not deep!" "ShUT UP."
"I can imagine Nick being like 'I wonder if Edgeworth's looking down on Franziska and I...'" "No, fuck her, it's just me." "Wh- they're still siblings-" "I don't care."
Regina so cute gbufmudnhdngxv
"Me mimicking Maya mimicking you mimicking Phoenix. . ."
"He seems like such a nice guy!" "Yeah, so did Ted Bundy, but guess how he ended up."
hnnnnn we're so dumbbbb we lost the trial but fortunately we saved a bit before we showed the wrong evidence so it's fine but getting a GUILTY verdict terrifies me
"You just don't get it, do you?" "Wh... What did you just say?! That was offensive, how dare you." "I'm- I'm offensive? ...*rants for a bit Idk I didn't get it all*... You are just rude and inconsiderate and ugly." "Hey!!" "Don't ever call me offensive."
She said one of Maya's lines("Really, Nick?") as a joke the exact same time I was saying it and it sounded just like my Maya voice jdbdkxhdkhxdj how dare
(Farewell, my Turnabout)
For some reason when Pearl appeared again and started talking we were both collectively like "wow she's,,, kinda being annoying"
Wendy Oldbag came back and Pink flipped her fucking lid. She's so pissed off.
"...Tell this guy I. . . have the right to be here!" "No, you don't." "You don't have any rights."
"I will become a prosecutor just to see [Lotta Hart] guilty."
@ Gumshoe "-And you're hogging the place in my heart. ^w^"
"They had a real fiery rivalry!" "Sounds pretty gay to me."
*gets Transceiver* "I don't trust it." *snort* "I wouldn't."
I forgot to type this earlier but she was really happy to see Edgeworth again lmao and kinda relieved when Franzy got shot (rip)
We just had a conversation as the Judge & Gumshoe,,, I don't remember what I said but it ended in Gumshoe getting his salary cut even more (even though he's already getting fired ugdjdbkcbdmchd)
*as Judge* "...So much for my theory." *from the kitchen* "Sucks to suck!" "What was that, from the audience? Someone want to speak up?" "...no..." "That's what I thought."
Both of us have said at different points "maybe he should've stayed dead,,,"
Honestly, I miss doing Franzy's voice,,, it was hard to speak in sometimes, but it was fun :(
"We love Franzy. Sometimes. Ew, I can't believe I just said that. Time to go wash my mouth out with bleach."
"Mystic Maya, what's 'makeup sex'?" I'm not giving context for this but- just take it
"Who hired [Gumshoe]?"
*reading something* "...God-it-" "It's Godot." "Too bad."
*reading again* "...Detective Sue-de-hoes-" "Suedshoes???" "Oh- but you have to admit-!"
*still reading* "Six dollars for two Swiss Rolls?" "Those better be good, jeez." "That's three dollars a swiss roll!"
"Thank y- I mean-" *as Judge* "Thank you for being nice to me, unlike your sister-" *whip sound* "oW!" "Okay, like, Franziska in the hospital, reaching for her whip, because it's totally with her, and she's like 'Someone's talking about me...'"
"Guess [Gumshoe] works at the fire department, now."
"Why were you in his room?" "Why do you think I was in his room?" *throws part of phone case* "Ha! Missed me!" *throws other part of phone case* "aCK, hey!!"
"...I have martial problems." "Mari-sh- wait, shoot, you were right-" "Really? I was right! I was wondering why you were correcting me." *utter embarrassment*
"Mr Engarde had gone to the victim's room [with his own dinner knife, and used it to murder him]. Which, in my opinion, is kind of gross, but. It's murder, it's fine." "I- we don't have time to unpack all that."
She's kinda already working on Apollo's voice because shocker shocker I'm gonna see if I can buy it!
"Just say it's important and agree with me for once!" "Never, fuck you." "Please do." ". . . Dude. Ew, I didn't mean to say that in Edgeworth's voice. That's so weird."
I've said "Not the time, Wright," way too many times today
Why tf do we have to present this god damn knife three times in a row
"It means your theory was flawed from sup- supi-" "Supposition." "-supposition one!" "Takes a little bite out of it, when you can't pronounce a word." "Shut up, I'm Babey!!!"
"Who is that?" "This is Adr-" "A bitch!" "-... You're not wrong."
"This manager with the initials 'A.A.'... Could it be 'Ace Attorney'?" "Pfft-" "Or 'Alcoholics Anonymous'??"
"I mean, you do look fine, but I don't think you are doing fine."
"You're lying, dammit!" "Jeez, that's harsh. I leave for a year, and this happens?" "You made me think you were dead, so shut the fuck up!" "That's. . . Fair."
"Just say what it is you want, Wright. Wait, no, don't-" "I want you-" "-please no-" "in my bedroom tonight." "-god damn it." "What? You asked. First amendment, bitch!" "You can still be penalized, you know!" "Meh."
@ Edgeworth: "Fuck you, and you, and you~. I hate-. . . you."
"No one is accusing you of that. Except for Wright, 'cause he's a bitch."
"We have to throw her off her pacing." "Now you've thrown him off his rhythm!"
"Where's Maya?" "Maya's dead, [friend's name]!" "Wait, really?!" "NO!"
"Anyone randomly stumbling upon a dead body would be shocked." "Logan Paul wasn't."
*says something along the lines of 'i get it, shut up' at Mia* "Hey! That was offensive! I help you out! Well, actually, not really." "Yeah, she just kind says stuff and we look at her and then she's cryptic and unhelpful and then we get confused and look away. But she is nice to look at."
"Phoenix, you stupid whore-" "How dare you call me a stupid whore!" "Phoenix, you stupid simp." "..."
"Just as I thought, her testimony is solid." "Really? Because it seems pretty wishy-washy to me." "We get it, you're better than us, just hElP uS oUt."
"'The room?'" "'That day?'" "Two types of people."
"I swear, if Lotta appears again-" *clicks button and Lotta appears* "... H O W."
"I don't think I've hated anyone in this game more than [Lotta] or Oldbag." ". . . Rise from the Ashes." "Oh."
"Yer that red coat's friend, aren't ya?" "That's... A loaded question." "I'm his boyfriend!" ("Two types of people.")
"I feel like he's going to have some sort of reveal. You know how bad characters in this game have like, reveals? Of what they really are like?" :)
*Matt does his reveal thing* "...That's hot."
"Because I'm a grown-up, and I can." -Matt Engarde
"What a shame. Oh, what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a-" "Dusty bitch.""
"Who's gonna take care of Shoe [after this]???" "...Eh, we'll give him to Pearl. She deserves it."
"Ugh, Phoenix, you stupid, basic, almost-hetero man."
"It's about a three-hundred foot radius from the tent!" "You were able to measure that far?" "I've been lawyering much longer than you have, shut up!"
"What's the moral of the story, kids? 'Looks can be deceiving'! Because we totally haven't heard that phrase 20 thousand times this case."
"You kids these days and your fancy new toys." "Cut to 2020." "Yeah, these games tend to slap you in the face with the fact they were made in the early 2000's."
I haven't been taking notes for a while, but... We're done! We've finished Farewell, My Turnabout. We kinda fucked up and didn't give Miles the whip so oops
Anyway! That's it for now!
Time to start Trials and Tribulations!
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wisydora · 6 years
@gabisart tag me on this so here i am....
age: 24 (almost 25)
birthplace: Santiago, Chile
current time: 16:20 just had lunch
drink you last had: a black tea with no sugar
easiest person to talk to: my sweet @kayroos-art
favorite song: I dont have 1 fav song, but PYNK and MAKE ME FEEL are my favorites now but i really like everything, my other favorite one is Go from Woodkid (i would die for him HONESTLY)
grossest memory: last week i fell sick with tonsillitis and when i saw my amygdala.... it were black like BLACK INFECTION instead of pink. I thought i had cancer wtf
horror yes or horror no: YES but mostly meh sajdhf
in love?: Always in love with everybody.
jealous of people: sometimes but in a way that impulse me to be better with myself, like i really admire a lot of people and sometimes I WANTED TO BE THEM but of course i have my own way to be good and even better.
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love at first sight or should i walk by again: 50/50???? depends on the mood ashdfj
middle name?: Valentina..... i do not like it
number of siblings: 5 more (2 big sisters, 1 big brother, 1 younger sister and brother)
person you called last: i called my sister yesterday to ask her for lunch skahdjfd
song you last sang: Im always singing PEARLS
time you woke up: 9:10 and had breakfast asdfhjf IM ALWAYS THINKING IN FOOD
underwear color: i cant even remember which one i choose today lmao
vacation destination: the beach, sitting in the garden drinking wine and reading a book.
worst habit: a ton but hmmmmm bite my lips :$
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x-rays: nop
your favorite food: FRENCH FRIES my wife for fries
zodiac sign: Leo
i need to tag some peoples soooo, my fav bear @kayroos-art @desert-mistress @ponderousbonsai and @buhitos
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