#this is my self indulgent self insert fanfic
diamondcitydarlin · 15 hours
Alright real talk now without sassiness bc the whole anti thing against beetlebabes has me thinking about self-indulgent fantasy as a literary/storytelling device and it's something I've been thinking about with different medias lately, so this is topical ig for my current hyperfixation. Specifically I've been thinking about fantasy disavowal and the role that plays in self-indulgent/self-insert type fantasy stories, whether canon or extrapolated within fanfic. I first really learned about this concept in name from this video from contrapoints, so I have to give her credit for discussing this and explaining to me how it works in a way that blew my mind apart at the time, and I think it's the sort of thing that puts a lot of what goes on in self-indulgent fantasy stories into a different perspective, particularly when we're trying to evaluate said stories under an IRL moral microscope (and is why that approach pretty much never works or applies within this kind of story)
(Semi-long post under the cut where I mention Harry Potter as an example of a literary device- as I say within the writeup, I do not condone or support JKR or her beliefs and this is not an endorsement of her but rather a well-known example I think most people will recognize. Be aware if it's triggering for you. I also mention Twilight lol, incase that's an issue. It takes me a minute to get to Beetlejuice/Beetlebabes but I promise this is all relevant to my point, your honors)
Recently I saw a discussion within a Twilight fan group I'm in (yes I'm a Twilight fan and a rattie iykyk) about how toxic certain characters behavior would be IRL, particularly in the way several of them have a habit of making choices for Bella against her will, gifting her with things she's said she didn't want and insisting she use/wear them, etc etc. As a former Twilight hater (cuz I used to be that too many years ago!!!) I knew where they were coming from in being critical of these characters and calling them toxic, because in any other setting that would absolutely be true. Within fantasy disavowal, however, these 'toxic' behaviors are actually a way for the reader/writer (who is living vicariously through the main character) to have the main character get what they think she should have and want her to have without compromising her character or the integrity of the fantasy. Bella Swan, for example, is meant to be modest, selfless, 'not like other girls' and usually uncomfortable with bringing too much attention to herself (which makes her relatable to those who would live vicariously through her story), but of course many of those reading WANT her to have a big wedding and traditional dress anyway so that's where, for example, Alice's insistence she have those things comes into play. Yes, IRL that would be controlling, obsessive, weird, and a complete disregard of someone's wishes and boundaries but in a self-insert fantasy that tactic serves an important role to the purpose and point of the setting. WELL if you INSIST, Alice, I guess I'll just take your very generous and expensive gifts and deal with it, sigh, oh WELL!!! /s In that sense it's less demeaning and more empowering, if you're viewing it from the pov of someone wanting to immerse themselves in the fantasy.
Another example of where this is kinda used in self-insert fantasy is Harry Potter (and many others like it, and this isn't to condone JKR's terfism, this is just the example I think most people will recognize), wherein the children reading are meant to want to live vicariously through Harry and his friends and their adventures. For those children reading (and I know bc I was one once lol) the idea of being in a dangerous environment that the adults don't really shield them from entirely is very cool, it gives them a sense of independence and self-sufficiency and a sense of 'trust' from the fictional adults in their abilities to take care of themselves. From an adult's perspective now, particularly one with a child of first-year age, it's seemingly horrific how neglectful and reckless the adults in that series are with the wellbeing of the children they're responsible for (like, idk, sending a bunch of 11 year olds into the known death forest for their first detention sentence, at night, while knowing some beast is eating unicorns in said forest). But of course, within the story this constant, casual endangerment of children is never really brought up as an issue or as a reflection of some kind of immortality in the adults responsible for them as it would IRL, because it serves the purpose of self-indulgent fantasy for the children reading. It's not MEANT to be seen as a moral failing or child endangerment AT ALL so much as just the adults characters getting the fuck out of the way so the kids can have fun- unless it's like Umbridge doing it, who is established as an villain and immoral even in that setting from the jump. (And again this isn't a defend JKR post, just an explanation/example of what I'm talking about) IDK if this qualifies as fantasy disavowal perse, but it's a similar phenomenon of how behaviors -particularly those of supporting characters- can seem immoral/toxic under a real world lens but within the story serves a purpose to the reader living through the fantasy.
The way this relates to Beetlebabes for me is mostly fanon focused, but I think there are elements of disavowal in the canon as well. A lot of us who ship beetlebabes feel a kinship to Lydia in some way or another, especially those of us who watched the first film and cartoon as we ourselves were coming of age (and also probably weirdo goth kids too at the same time, I definitely was lol) and while it obviously isn't a fantasy for everyone, for a lot of us the idea of a 600-year old demon choosing and becoming obsessed with our weirdo asses BECAUSE of our weirdness is really cool actually lmao. To others, Beej pursuing Lydia so ardently against her outspoken disavowal can only be seen as intentionally toxic because they're not part of the fantasy, nor do they want to be, so seeing the merits (and empowerment) of his pursuit within this setting is beyond them. And of course, there's something to be said for the inherent nature of gothic romance as a setting, as well as the fact that movieverse Beetlejuice isn't really meant to be the pinnacle of moral direction in real life, it's meant to be a creepy, kooky dark comedy that pushes the boundaries of societal norms (not unlike what we do in the shadows). As others have said, this also isn't unlike the film Labyrinth much at all, though I RARELY see anyone coming after the Jareth/Sarah ship despite Sarah being a child in the film and Jareth being, yknow, also an ancient spirit of some kind. Perhaps because most people better understand how Labyrinth functions as a self-insert fantasy, that Jareth's obsession with Sarah is meant to be an empowering thing within that context for the young people like Sarah watching it, not an endorsement of IRL predatory behavior (ofc, Jareth being mostly a creation of Sarah's might aid with the sense of her power over the situation).
Honestly, I think it's also true for a lot of people against Beetlebabes that they identify with Lydia too, but in a way that doesn't include wanting a 600-year old demon to be obsessed with them (you do you boo, more of him to go around ig lmaooo), but instead of seeing and accepting the merits of Beej's obsession in this other kind of fantasy, they instead choose to apply real-world morals onto not only the story but the people who enjoy this story as well as their personal discomfort demands. For as much as they want to accuse others of 'not having media literacy' for shipping it, they sure jump right over the point of this literary/storytelling device. And to that end, I can't wholly blame them, because it was only within the last few years that I really realized and accepted how this works too- but I'm doing my best to explain it now, for whomever is interested.
I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is that self-insert/self-indulgent type fantasy stories are, by design, not meant to be viewed through a real-world moral lens. The entire point of them is to transport a reader/viewer into a world where real-life doesn't apply, where someone like them is loved and obsessed over for the things that they are often disparaged for IRL and within a context where they (and the main character) still hold the reigns of control, as Lydia does over Beetlejuice time and time again (despite being a powerful 600 year old demon Beej sure lets his wife kick him around a lot, doesn't he???). It's not meant to be an endorsement or romanticization or even a depiction of IRL immorality either, as that would ruin the effect of the fantasy.
So yeah, I feel like trying to evaluate most of these stories in a real-world moral context is a fundamental misunderstanding of how this kind of storytelling works- that's not to say one can't evaluate them that way if they want, and sometimes (like other things used within the HP series) it's due, but I think it definitely becomes an issue when this 'moral evaluation' turns into one of the people who enjoy the fantasy too. The fictional flights of fancy that people like to immerse themselves into are just that; fantasy. And what's more, different people like living vicariously through different kinds of fantasies, different people are going to find different things empowering in said stories and just because one thing feels empowering for one person but demeaning to another should not mean the former person is immoral and gross in real life or would even want these things to happen in real way.
I keep trying to wrap this post up and failing, but that's basically it. I'm posting this because I know others will probably have way more intellectual insight and feedback to add about this kind of storytelling and I just think it's really fascinating to talk about. What do yall think?
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ratstuckintheblender · 6 months
RAHH FANFIC FANCOMIC(???) in love wit them fr more coming soon im working on it. Trust 🙏🙏💪💪🔥🔥🔥
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Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BattleMaiden13/pseuds/BattleMaiden13
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
"I could kill you in a heartbeat."
Akaza bites back a smile, turning to you with a blank expression, as if he was annoyed. "Threatening me again?"
You let out a cat-like grin, and he raises his eyebrows, knowing something ridiculous is about to come out of your mouth. "They are thinking about making me a Hashira, ya know. I would be afraid if I were you, Akaza."
You close your eyes, satisfied with your cocky words, and rest your head on his crossed knee. You kick one leg over the other and hum to yourself, waiting for his next words. The mischievous smile hasn't fallen from your face and he's staring at it, his own matching grin pulling at his lips. Your antics always do amuse him, whether he likes it or not.
"What a strange thing for them to do, all considering you haven't touched a Nichirin sword in your puny lifetime." He places the tip of his finger on your jaw, the sharp, red nail slightly digging into your skin. A small reminder that he is a demon, and you are not. Probably another ridiculous act of physical dominance that you couldn't be bothered by.
You aren't phased by his strange actions anymore. The way he kisses you and purposely bites your lip to show off his fangs, the way his grip on your wrist sometimes is just a little too hard, or when he truly does get upset and shows you just a glimpse of what his opponents see that sends a shiver down your spine. He is trying to scare you, probably away from him.
You love him too much to go anywhere, even if he is afraid of himself. What is best is to ignore it, he seems to relax whenever you don't react to it. Act normal. You hold onto the finger with your own and continue to poke fun at him. "Way to ruin the mood. Mentioning how much older you are than me, you pervert."
"Deflecting now, are we?" He says, now tapping on your cheek. He seems to relax again and instead indulges your words.
You sigh dramatically. "I guess it can't be helped. I am in love with a pervert. And a demon non the less."
He scoffs at you, but he's smiling. You can hear it in the tone of his voice. "You are of age, stop whining. Besides, don't act like you didn't cling to me first. Maybe I'm the one getting taken advantage of. "
You gasp at him, and he barks a small laugh. He exposes his fangs, and his eyes hold a light in them. He is always pouting, it's nice to see him smile every once in a while.
"Sorry you know I have a thing for men who have blue-striped di—"
A hand covers your mouth in an instant and he shakes his head, as if disappointed. "And you think I'm the pervert."
You lick the palm of his hand and he pulls away with a disgusted groan. His snide comment makes you laugh, and play into it. "You know I can't help it with you."
He peers at you with amusement, but his mouth remains in a hard line. "You're gross."
"You love it."
He blinks at you and stares for a long second as if he was assessing your face. The corners of his mouth creep upward, and he lets out a breathless sigh. "Yeah. Guess so."
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deathcapyandex · 5 months
Lazy Day Off
[lazy Day off]
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Inspired by this post(link)
Featuring Laios being an adorable idiot
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The party was taking a break from dungeon adventures, resting up for a day on the surface before returning to try and make more progress down the floors.
Sparrow convinced their boyfriend Laios to sleep in, which lead to the two being lazy for the day cuddling each other.
"we should probably get something to eat, it's not good if we lay around all day" the blonde mumbled, nose pressed against the side of their head practically hiding his face in their auburn hair.
"later, I'm cozy" sparrow grumbled, nuzzling their face into the crook of his neck with a sigh.
Laios chuckled with a soft smile, holding them closer in his arms with a light squeeze before toning his voice down to a whisper.
"hey, you know who I love more than anything in the whole world?" His smile widened
Sparrow peered up at him in amusement "gee, is it me?"
Laios' eyes went wide with his bright smile of amazement as he raised his voice again.
Sparrow laughed at his reaction but the two were quickly interrupted by a call from a certain elf outside their door.
"come on lovebirds get up already! Foods getting cold! Falin and I are going shopping!"
Laios had a look of embarrassment as he sat up, letting go of his partner. "Guess we should - what's that look for?" He asked, noticing the mix of admiration and amusement in their smile.
"you're so cute you big dork" they chuckled
"hey- I am not-" laios stumbled a bit with his argument, a slight blush spreading over his face as his embarrassment furthered. "Well you're cuter!"
Sparrow laughed and sat up, wrapping their arms over his shoulders and leaning their head against his
He smiled and placed a hand on their arm, leaning into them a bit. "Let's go eat, row"
"yeah yeah"
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keuwibloom · 7 months
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It wasn’t easy finding a quiet spot in Kamikou, especially during lunch period.
You didn’t expect your usual place in the garden to be occupied, but there were two upperclassmen (and what looked like… A robot?) already there by the time you arrived. You immediately turned around and left before they could see you, their loud voices echoing from behind as you went searching for another spot.
Eventually, you managed to find a little area behind one of the buildings to settle in. There weren't any chairs or tables, but you sat on the ground anyway and leaned against the wall. You took a deep breath and sighed. Finding this went on longer than you thought it would – there were only about 15 minutes left before the next class started.
‘Just enough time to figure out this chorus.’ You think, opening the notebook you carried to where you had slipped in a pencil as a page marker. Tapping the pencil on the paper, you hum a few simple melodies out loud, occasionally scribbling notes on the pages. With any luck, you can make something coherent enough for your friend to use in the next song.
You’re so focused with what you're doing that you didn’t notice the window above your head sliding open, a surprised sound leaving you as you suddenly heard someone call out.
“Excuse me, is someone there?” You turned and looked up to see another student glancing around before finally noticing you. His two-toned hair immediately caught your attention, one side much lighter than the other. He looked kind of familiar – someone from your year maybe?
You cleared your throat as he continued to stare at you expectantly. “Um, hi?” You began, not really knowing what to say in this situation. His face remained passively blank, a small tilt of his head to the side the only thing showing his confusion. Honestly, you felt just about the same the longer you two stared at each other in awkward silence.
Finally, he seemed to have something else to say. “Were you the one humming just now?”
You blinked. That… Wasn’t really what you were expecting him to mention first. Was your humming really that loud? You hesitated for a moment before deciding to answer honestly.
“Yeah, that was me.” It’s only when you glanced into the room behind him that you realized how he might have heard you. Right, you forgot that the library was in this building. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was being too loud.”
“It’s alright, you weren’t.” He replied, his tone even and his expression unchanging. He paused for a few seconds before continuing, “I don’t usually see anyone hanging around back here.” You saw his eyes look around the area, empty aside from a few unkempt bushes and trees.
You shrugged, turning fully and adjusting your legs into a more comfortable sitting position. “I like how peaceful it is. It's difficult to find a nice, quiet place like this when everyone's out of class.” You’d argue that you did have another nice, quiet place in mind, but it wasn’t exactly peaceful there at the moment.
He nodded, seemingly understanding your point. “Well, if you need somewhere like that again, the library is usually quiet at this time.” He made a small gesture with his hand towards the room behind him. Your mouth quirks up in a half-smile. “Isn’t the library supposed to always be quiet anyways?” You can’t help but ask.
“Ah. You’re not wrong.” He seemed to realize, a slight furrow forming on his brow. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” You quickly added, smiling more genuinely to show your gratitude. He gave a small smile back.
Before either of you could say anything else, you heard the school bell ring in the distance. He looked in the direction of the sound as you stood up and dusted off your clothes, tucking your notebook under your arm.
“Looks like lunch is over. Well, I’m heading off.” He turned back towards you as you spoke, nodding. “Likewise. It was nice meeting you..?” He trailed off, and you realized that neither of you had introduced yourselves yet.
You gave him another amused half-smile and told him your name.
“Aoyagi Toya.” He replied. Toya raised his arm for a little wave as he began sliding the window shut. “Until next time.” He said before fully closing it, the small smile from earlier visible on his face even as he turned away.
You headed back as well. It’s not until halfway through class that you remembered you never did finish writing that chorus. ‘Whoops. Looks like the song will have to wait.’
You softly tapped your pen on the desk, lost in thought. It’s not often you get distracted enough to not finish a task like that. You try not to beat yourself up too hard over it though.
Besides, it’s not like you’ll make a habit of running into Toya like that again.
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First full fic I've written in years, and it's another x reader--
Anyways, I hope you guys like this! I know it's a bit different from what I usually post, but I've been working on my writing a lot and I'm hoping to post more of it every now and then!
Don't worry though, more art (project sekai or otherwise) hopefully coming soon
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dizzybizz · 9 months
can i interest you in some of my ryuu screenshots.. a bit of a ryuu appreciation post if you will...
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his design is so .. simple n kinda basic but he has so much charm,, i'm endlessly charmed by him it's literally so embarrassing... he is just very endearing and cute 👉👈 what a polite young man
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and here is me trying to get a clean screenshot of this pose without the dialogue box, a saga:
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i'm sad to say that this saga has no real conclusion (yet...) the wind-up animation is long enough for him to start babbling so i'm doubtful i will ever capture the screenshot i want. anyway i love this guy more than i could've ever prepared myself for 😭
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trixter-god · 2 days
The bat and the wolverine
(!!!working draft!!!)
Parings: Original character x Logan Howlett, Original character x Bruce Wayne, Logan Howlett x Bruce Wayne, Original Character x Logan Howlett x Bruce Wayne (eventually)
Summary: Starr (Trix) Baker-Foley better know as The Trixter was like many mutants living within the safety of Charles Xavier’s school for the gifted. A job that kept her busy and job that drove her crazy. Funny how trying to teach an art class for gifted teenagers was harder than trying to save the world. So sometimes she needed an escape. Somewhere only she knew about and only she could get too. A whole different universe.
warnings/tags. 18+ (eventually), fluff, angst, smut (maybe), canon typical violence, cursing/profanity, romance, open relationships, two boyfriends, jealousy, pining, slow burn, lovers to strangers, enemies to unliking friends to lovers, (More will be added)
Chapters (tbd)
Words (so far) 691
An: currently flying by the seat of my pants here. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. (no beta we die like Jason Todd) This is just a small dabble into the story I want to tell and I’m looking for any and all feedback/interest to make me actually sit down and give this the time and attention it deserves.
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About Trix’s x-gene/powers:
Has the powers of reality manipulation. She can change her surroundings, people, things, etc. to whatever she wants. (Think the scarlet witch, unoriginal I know) Powers works better with smaller areas and only a handful of people at a time. She could change a room but not the whole mansion
Also has the powers of dimensional teleportation but she can only teleport herself and nothing else.
Her powers don’t work well out of her “original universe” but she is still able to use them in small doses.
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Selfish, she was being selfish. That’s what Jean had said to her when Starr tried to see her own boyfriend. Boyfriend was a strong word. It made a lump form in her throat. She punched a bit harder against her target. A small hum of praise was thrown in her direction which only made her mind slip again. Thinking back to a familiar hum in her ears.
Logan left. Disappeared for months. No. A year. It shouldn’t affect her like it did. Starr barely dodged the sharp skillful right hook thrown in her direction. Logan was known for slipping out at night. Leaving for a good couple of weeks but he’d come back. He always came back. Like a stray, crawling back into her bed. The sad part was she’d let him. Even now.
A foot connected with the back of her knee as she lost her balance falling against the rubber mat with a growl. She doesn’t get up like she normally would just laid there in her own frustration.
“You're not focused.” A calm voice broke through the storm that was her mind for a moment, bringing her back to the present.
Calm, gentle, calculated, paranoid, mind numbing. She could keep going but instead Starr flipped over against that black mat staring up at the high cave ceiling catching her breath.
Bruce let out a hum again. This time it was one of questions as he looked her over. Questions he’d never actually ask, probably knowing the answers already. Starr could feel that sharp icy gaze against her skin, it made a shiver run through her. She shrugged it off by tearing off the protective wrapping from her knuckles, throwing it forgetfully across the floor.
“I’m done.” She mumbled, rubbing the sweat from her forehead. Bruce didn’t respond. His always light footsteps stopped next to her making his imposing figure stand in her field of vision. He was analyzing, it made her scrunched up her nose.
“Stop that.”
“I’m not doing anything.” His voice level.
Fucking ass
“You know what I mean.”
He did. Always seemed he was the only one. Well besides Logan. Her fists balled up unconsciously, a moment Bruce noted.
His well sculpted yet abused body sunk down sitting crisscrossed at her side.
Those trademarked Wayne blues still made her skin crawl until her own eyes locked with his. Like the Atlantic meeting the Pacific.
A light touch of his knuckles brushing against her side in a way that was asking for a window. Starr let out a deep sigh closing her eyes thinking that would clear her elegant like memory. It never did.
“I’m being… emotional again.” She had to take a pause to find the right words. Those knuckles turned into fingertips pressing small circles into her sore side. Bruce nodded, not needing any actual explanation from her.
Starr’s eyes finally opened again after a long tense silence. Her head tilted is just enough to finally look at that unforgettably sharp jawline. Sweat stuck to his body in a thin sparkling sheet. He mindlessly pushed her dark hair from his face. It was longer than he’d like it, something she would probably have to fix once he remembers who lives behind the mask. She didn’t want to admit how badly she wanted to just reach up and give it a tug. Maybe distract herself from that man who didn’t even want to put a label on what they were with the one who’s patiently waiting for her to do the same. Starr swallowed that back down instead letting her hand trace over one of deeper scars across his leg.
“I can have Duke cover your route.” Bruce’s voice broke the well crafted silence. The soothing motions on her side stopped making her want to press against him.
“No, I’m fine.”
He nodded with some hesitation. It was a losing game to argue with her as stubborn as she was.
“Shower?” He suggested instead.
It was Starr’s turn to nod.
“Together?” Her voice raised up teasing, which was met with the smallest twitch in the corner of the dark knight's mouth.
“Together.” He agreed.
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comatosebunny09 · 2 years
The Games That Play Us [ Another Version ]
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Genre: Smut, Modern AU
Content Warnings: Language, Exhibitionism (?), Vibrator, Cum Eating, Female Ejaculation, Choking, Cunnilingus, Anal Play, Facef*cking, Female!Reader, P in V Intercourse, Spanking, Pet Names, Fingering, Dacryphilia (?), Jealous!Kyojuro
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Rengoku Kyojuro has never been a jealous man. But if he ever were to succumb to the green-eyed monster’s influence, it would look something like this:
He asks if you are “alright, darling?” with a tone doused in honey and a knowing grin curving his lips through the dissonance of the restaurant. You haven’t touched your drink yet, the condensation of it staining the table. But he knows why you won’t so much as move.
Kyojuro pats your thigh with a massive, torrid hand, squeezing with more force than necessary. Fiddles with the tiny, plastic remote in his coat pocket, turning the dial clockwise ever so subtly. Your breath hitches, and your thighs quake, a pained sound flittering from your throat. He can’t get enough of it—reducing you to utter mush in front of your friends. 
Tengen queries if you are “feeling okay?” from across the table, concern furrowing his sparse brows. Hinatsuru reaches over to squeeze your hand, noting the sweat on your temple, your lip clenched between your teeth, and the glassy look in your eyes. Suma and Makio share twin looks, worrying about whatever could have befallen their dear friend.
You simply nod, afraid to speak because you don’t want to publicize your plight. Don’t trust your voice to work just yet. You instead lean over, releasing soft, sodden whimpers into the curve of Kyojuro’s shoulder, loud enough for only him to hear. He gathers you into his side, a languid arm slung about your shoulders to ground you. “What was that, darling? Faster?” he murmurs into your heated ear, cranking the dial up another notch. When you intake a sharp breath, he makes the executive decision to depart.
Kyojuro excuses you both from dinner under the pretense of you coming down with something nasty—a fever, a cold, cramps. It isn’t a complete lie; you will be coming from something very soon—his fingers, his tongue, his cock. He hasn’t decided yet. Wants to prolong this torture as long as possible. Your friends bid you wary farewells whilst he guides you from the booth. You toddle behind him in your too-tall heels through the parking lot, freezing and fighting to keep yourself upright, your body wrought by pleasure.
He tucks you so tenderly into the passenger seat of his Challenger, you wrapped snuggly in his thick jacket. You paw at him like a needy kitten, overwhelmed by the cologne and earthy scent saturating his clothes. His name falls listlessly from your quivering lips before he shuts the door behind you, maneuvering himself to the driver’s side with assuredness drenching every step.
A telling smirk cants his lips as he drops the controller into the cup holder once he’s settled behind the steering wheel, the engine of his convertible purring to life, mirroring the mild vibrations taking place amid your engorged warmth. He throws his hands up in mock surrender. Promises not to touch the offending remote whilst driving—a momentary reprieve for your aching cunt whilst he swerves out of the parking lot in pursuit of your home.
You try to reduce the severity of your sentencing. The leather seat squeaks when you reach over the center console to toy with Kyojuro’s belt buckle, fixing him with puppy eyes in his peripheral. He chuckles, the sound smooth and viscous like chocolate. He’ll play your game just this once. Lifts his hips to let you tug his slacks southward, enough for his heavy cock to spring free from the confines of his briefs. It thumps menacingly against his belly. Globs of saliva dribble down the sides of your mouth at the sight of it—at the thought of it twitching on your tongue.
You suddenly fill the air with obscene slurps as you suck him off so skillfully, lapping at the pulsating, forked veins of his dick like a woman starved. He groans throatily, tangling his fingers in your hair to urge your further down until the wispy tendrils curtaining his sex tickle your nostrils. You choke on him, saliva and precum pooling at his base. You gag around the sensitive head, molten tears leaping to your eyes. The pulsations and fist-like vice of your throat send him into a frenzy. He ruts up into your mouth after you slide under a red light. Mutters, “Mmm, fuck. Suck it. Take it, baby, take it,” his head lolling back to crash into the headrest, chest heaving with restrained desire.    
He coats your tight throat soon after with gooey ribbons of cum, keeping your mouth in place, forcing you to drink up his briny cream. Warns you “not to miss a single drop, lest you prolong your penance.” You draw back with a crisp gasp once he releases you. He bites his lip at your visage. Revels in how your rouge lipstick smears across your cheek and your mascara runs from your lashes, intermingling with tears.
“Mm. Darling, you are a sight to behold.”
Kyojuro purposely drags his fingers across the torrid, meaty flesh of your inner thigh, ghosting over your pussy. It hiccups around the steadily humming, neon-pink chunk of silicone nestled within. He’d tucked it there after you defied him. Licked your pretty cunt into submission. Worked the little egg betwixt your taut walls after bending you over his knee and raining a succession of cruel slaps down onto your ass.
He whips into the carport of your home, barely concealing the glee pulsing beneath his skin. He wastes no time plucking you from the passenger side. Presses you harshly against the door, marring you with open-mouthed kisses and nips and obscenities sang into the junction of your shoulder whilst he pistons his hips against your ass, his convertible rocking with each undulation.
Kyojuro doesn’t afford you time to open your front door. He drops into a lounge chair on your porch, dragging you onto his lap with him, your spine melding to his chest.
The punishment has just begun.
Your panties a distant memory, Kyojuro proceeds to stroke your pussy into a slobbering mess. Forces your thighs to stay open, coaxing them further apart with an iron grip the more you struggle to close them. He strums your clit with his middle finger. Delicately plucks at your swelling pearl like a harpist, working in tandem with the vibrator pulsing inside to send you spilling towards the edge.
“Fuck me, Kyojuro,” you breathe into the inky night, mindful of your volume. Wouldn’t want to wake your slumbering neighbors now, would you? Your voice is nevertheless desperate, and you’re damn near crying. A glistening stream of saliva coasts down your chin. The fucked-out expression sits prettily amongst your features whilst he curls his unoccupied hand around your neck and squeezes.
Who are you to tell him what to do? You’re the one in trouble, remember?
Kyojuro suddenly extracts the vibrator from you with a vulgar pop, the toy clattering on the ground as he replaces it with his generous, aching cock. He doesn’t move once he’s inched his way in. He just lets you sit on his lap, entranced by how your cunt greedily swallows him to the hilt. He makes it his mission to have you creaming on his dick whilst he strokes your clit with renewed vigor; wants to bring you as close to an orgasm as he can before he hunts his own pleasure.
“I’m sorry, my darling,” he croons, his nails imprinting crescent moons into your thigh. “I can’t hear you too well. Would you mind speaking up?”
“—said I’m close, Kyo! So fucking close!”
At that, he smacks your clitoris once. Twice. Massages the driveling flesh in messy arcs, chasing the tight coiling in your stomach, the beginnings of your peak furling through you like smoke.
“Are you going to cum for me?” he rasps, fawning over you with such tenderness, timbre incredibly gentle despite his sinful ministrations. “Going to cream all over my cock, baby? Hmm? My beautiful little princess.”
“Oh, fuck, Kyo! I’m—”
“That’s it, darling. Cum. I want you to.”
It takes but a few more taps to your swollen clitoris for you to come undone; to saturate his slacks with your nectar. It pours in scorching rivulets down your legs, splashing onto the concrete below. A ring of your cream adorns his cock, causing Kyojuro to smirk in triumph. He licks a candied stripe up the side of your neck. Peppers your skin with hot kisses whilst you battle to control your breathing. Your limbs feel slack and so very heavy, your body lulling against his. Once your mind has descended from the heavens, you feel Kyojuro encase your chin with his callused fingers, forcing you to gaze into the smoldering flames of his irises.
“The next time I tell you to block your ex-boyfriend, I expect you to follow through, my love.” Kyojuro chuckles darkly, a warning swimming beneath the currents of that tone. He swiftly unsheathes his hardened cock from the warm suctioning of your cunt, much to your dismay. Just as you’ve begun to adjust to the sensation of emptiness, your eyes shoot open when that very same dick prods at your puckering anus.
“If this happens again, I will destroy this pretty little asshole of yours next. Do you understand, my love?”   
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moonstruck-writing · 3 months
Gym Confessions [Shinobu Aizawa | Break My Case]
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Title: Gym Confessions Pairing: Shinobu Aizawa x OC (self-insert) | Break My Case Rating: T C/Ws: body dysmorphia, insecurities, hurt/comfort, friends to ?, romantic confessions, first person pov, Shinobu and OC are gym buddies, self insert Summary: One day at the gym, I blurt out my insecurities to Shinobu. He tries to comfort me and ends up confessing something, too. Word count: 2.4k A/N: My first entry for the Learning to Love Myself Challenge created by @venulus 💕 this was a journey to write~ but you’ve convinced me of the appeal of self-inserts 🤭 thank you for hosting this Venus!! also wooo new fandom yay!!
Looking in the mirror was one of the things I hated the most about running in the gym. The way I felt, and the way I looked were two very different things, but somehow they always ended up influencing each other.
“You’re here!” I heard a voice coming from behind, and when I looked in the mirror, Shinobu was hopping onto the treadmill next to mine. “You’re earlier than usual.”
There was a reason for it. I didn’t dislike running, and it wasn’t that bad to have it as a warmup. But I absolutely hated running next to people. If I looked at them, I ended up comparing them, their form and speed, to mine. And I also saw how their eyes were always fixed on themselves. So, I ended up feeling like I had to do more, be better, and keep my eyes trained on my face. That was not an easy task.
“Hi, Shinobu.” I smiled at his reflection in the mirror, and he flashed a cheerful smile before starting the treadmill. When I looked back at my reflection, I saw the way my cheeks wiggled with each jump. I quickly looked away, fixing my gaze on one of the empty spaces in the gym that was reflected in the mirror.
I knew I only had a few minutes left, but they felt eternal.
“You’re full of energy today!” Shinobu had a towel around his neck when he joined me in the leg press machine. “I haven’t even seen you take a break at all.”
“I do when I change machines. I have to clean them and all.” I used my fingers to count how many reps I had left for the set.
He sat down next to the wall and took a sip from the water bottle he was holding.
“Are you in a time crunch or something?” He chuckled as I finished the set. When I moved to a different machine after quickly wiping that one, he followed me. “You know, your form has gotten so much better.”
“Has it?” I didn’t see much of a change.
“Yeah. I can tell you’re stronger.” He looked at my body, and his face lit up in a way I couldn’t understand.
“I haven’t seen any changes.” I looked away and hopped onto the lat pulldown machine, hoping to bring the conversation to an end. It’s not that I didn’t like having Shinobu distracting me. He was always the best distraction. But I didn’t like where the conversation was headed.
“Seen? Don’t you feel stronger?” He took off the towel from his shoulders and left it on top of his water bottle, next to the cable and pulleys. He started changing the rope attachments.
“I feel stronger.” Saying that while working out was not something I liked, because it always made me feel like I’d fuck up in the next five seconds. I pursed my lips, trying to focus on the exercise and my breathing. “I get less tired.” That’s something I preferred. “But I look exactly the same.” I regretted it the moment the words left my mouth. They were supposed to stay buried deep inside my mind.
“You don’t look exactly the same.” He briefly stopped his exercise to look over at me, as if he needed to make sure. That was more of an answer to me, than the words he had used.
“But I don’t look fit, either.” I felt anger bubble up inside me and stopped to adjust the weight in the machine.
Shinobu finished his set and patted his forehead with the towel. “What does it mean to look fit?” He hummed, thinking.
I felt my face and neck tensing up in a way exercise couldn’t do. That whole conversation was a mistake. I didn’t want to talk about it. I decided to focus on the exercise and pretend nothing had happened. But the words hung heavy on the air between us, even if it was so cold they could’ve flown away, carried by the AC.
“I don’t know.” I finally said when I was done. “Like those fitness influencers? Where people look at you and they know you exercise.” I got up and busied myself with cleaning. I didn’t want to see his face.
Shinobu played some more with the rope attachments before deciding he was done.
“If you didn’t know me, would you say I exercise?” He approached me after picking up his things from the floor.
When I looked at him, he had his head cocked to one side, and the shadow of a smile haunted his lips.
“Mm, probably not.” I knew now how wrong that first impression had been. He had a lean body and a thin build that could fool anyone. But behind that, he hid insane strength and stamina.
“And knowing what you know, would you say I’m fit?”
The hair escaped through my nose in a bitter laugh. I would never challenge him to anything physical. He was in perfect shape, and he knew it. He had to be, for his job at Aporia.
“What’s your point?” I didn’t want him to beat around the bush.
“Being fit is not a specific body type. Everybody is different and will look different with the same fitness level.” He tutted and exhaled, rubbing his chin. “I look nothing like Gucchi, and even with the same job, he looks nothing like me. He’s a muscle monster, and while that’s cool, I don’t need to be one. Not that I could, even if I tried.” He added with a laugh. “And the level of fitness, or strength, not everybody has to reach the same standards. Exercising is also about functionality. You don’t need the same abilities that I do in your daily life.” He passed the water bottle from one hand to another and drummed his fingers on it.
“But…” I trailed off, not knowing how to let this discomfort get into words. I already knew everything Shinobu said. I did. But somehow, it didn’t matter. “I want to look good.”
Shinobu chuckled, a half-laugh half-cough. Then, when he saw the seriousness in my face, which probably even had a tinge of sadness, his face paled.
“You don’t think you look good?” His voice was almost a whisper, but I managed to hear him through the background music.
“I mean, I still have all that fat and cellulite. And yet, somehow, my legs aren’t big enough.” I spat the words, feeling the hatred for my body taking hold of me like it was something that lived deep down inside and sometimes took control of me. “And my stomach… it’s… it’ll never look good.”
I wasn’t really saying those words to him. I was saying them to myself, he just happened to be there, to have been the one to propel them out of me. And now I felt empty and weak.
Shinobu took a hesitant step towards me, and I felt disgusted. I shouldn’t have put him in this position. I didn’t want his pity, either. I heard him take a sharp inhale, and the need to run tickled my limbs.
“It doesn’t matter. It’s stupid.” I tried to smile but my face only contracted into a grimace. “I’ll go get changed n—”
“No.” He interrupted while his hand wrapped around my elbow, effectively stopping me. “No, it does matter, and it’s not stupid.” His usually cheerful countenance was now darkened by the deep crease between his brows. “But it is not the truth.”
I swallowed, reluctance crawling into my skin. How dared he? From anything I could’ve hoped to hear him say, I didn’t want to be called a liar. I knew myself and my body better than anybody else. I had to look every day in the mirror. No one else did for me. I had to see how my clothes fit, how they hung loose in places while tight in others. It was ridiculous. He knew nothing.
“Let go.” The low and breathy whisper somehow came out dense enough to make him let go instantly. Before he could change his mind, I quickly left the room.
Taking off my sports clothes was somehow harder than any other day. Maybe it was the sweat, but it felt like my body was laughing at me.
When I was finally ready to leave the building, I found Shinobu waiting for me by the entrance.
“Hey,” he pushed off the wall and approached me. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
I clenched my teeth, wanting to say sorry too, but not finding the energy to do so.
“The last thing I want to do is be insensitive. You opened up, and I’m grateful for that.” He offered me a small smile, like a peace offering. “We’re still friends?”
I huffed jokingly, rolling my eyes. Even if I was hurting, I was not in so much pain that I’d push his kindness away.
“Of course. If you still want to be friends with someone like me.” I wanted it to come off as a light-hearted jab, but his face didn’t say the same.
“That, right there, I…” He mouthed, no sounds leaving his throat. “You’re awesome. Of course I want to be friends with you!” The frustration gushed out of his tone. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, his lips pressed into a tight line. When he opened his eyes again, I saw a glint of determination I had never seen before. “I was going to drop it, but honestly? I can’t.”
He suddenly started walking away, and I followed him in confusion. When we reached an empty bench in a less crowded part of the street, he sat down.
“I’m not mad at you, I want to make it clear.” But the softness in his voice would never have led me to even consider he was angry. “I just… I don’t understand.”
His pleading eyes followed me as I sat down next to him.
“You’re incredibly beautiful. And I’m not just saying that, I’ve felt it since we first met.” He played with the straps of his sports bag. “You’re so attractive. The way you dress, how you walk, your hair, your body…” He trailed off, his gaze lost in the space in front of us. “I’m only one guy, but I’m sure there are tons of people out there who see you and think the same. And of course, some people will have a different taste, and there’s social media and its standards, but honestly?” He turned to look me in the eyes. “I don’t know what happened, for you to not know, not be able to see just how incredible you are, and how good you look. Right now. Always.”
Something caught in my throat. Maybe the knife I almost swallowed, the knife that had been wounding me all this time. I could understand what Shinobu was saying, but it still didn’t undo everything else. That knife still existed, trying to tear through the deepest parts of me.
His lips parted in a shaky exhale, and he rubbed his head.
“Dang, does a guy need to out his secrets?” He crouched forward, hands on his knees. Then, he jerked back up again. “I’m not just saying this because I care about you, which I do. These are not empty words I could tell anyone. They are the truth. They are so real…” His eyes alternated between looking at my eyes and taking in my whole expression. “Okay, I’m attracted to you.” He exhaled, the shakiness contrasting with the confidence of his words. “I’m so attracted to you, you wouldn’t even believe it.” He chuckled. “I mean, clearly you don’t, or you didn’t, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He rubbed a hand through his face as if to refocus. “I am so attracted to you, you’re fucking perfect to me. And it hurts to hear you don’t see yourself like that. Because you are. That’s the only reality that exists. You’re gorgeous and hot, and every time I see you, I feel like a million butterflies will take me soaring into the sky.”
“And that thing about your legs, gosh…” He smiled quietly, almost bitterly. “You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about your legs. That time you wore shorts? I almost died. And it would’ve been a happy death.” His eyebrows raised as if he couldn’t believe he was really telling me all that. “And your tummy? Every time I catch the smallest glimpse of your skin when your T-shirt flutters, I swear…” He closed his mouth, swallowing visibly. “It is so dangerously…” He trailed off, looking down and suddenly shifting in his seat. When he looked at me again, something different flickered in his eyes.
“I don’t understand how you don’t like the way you look when it’s so good, I don’t just want to look at you. I want to touch you, too. And shower every bit of skin and flesh and muscle and bone with all the love and praise that they deserve, that you deserve.”
The silence between us was expectant, like the time between thunder and lightning. And I knew now, what it was that I had seen in his eyes. It was new and different, and I didn’t even know how I could recognise it, when nobody else had looked at me like that before.
It was adoration. So clear and simple, like it had always been there, like all along it belonged to me.
Something broke and resettled all at once in my chest. Like a piece of machinery in which the gears finally lined up correctly to make it function properly. Like it should’ve always been.
“I’ll change gyms if you don’t ever want to see me again after this.” His voice was so faint, it made me doubt if I hadn’t dreamed it all. “But I’m hoping we can still be friends?” His eyes searched mine with worry. “I didn’t want—”
“Thank you,” I interrupted, feeling the knife that had been nestled in my throat finally make its way out, by way of my tears. When they fell, I knew I wouldn’t be able to say anything else without sobbing uncontrollably. Instead, I took one of the hands that had been fiddling with his sports bag and held it between mine.
He squeezed back and used his other hand to guide my head to his shoulder.
There, hidden from the few passersby and cradled against his warmth, I felt like for the first time in a long, long time, I could finally breathe.
A/N: This is my first time posting a self-ship, and I hope you could enjoy reading it, too! I’m still in the middle of the Sly Red chapter of the main story, but I couldn’t wait to write something for Shinobu <3
Interactions, comments and tags mean a lot and they help me keep writing <3 Anon feedback is also welcome
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Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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knifknightkorner · 2 months
Dragon Ball Si/OC Fic
Lol shameless self-promotion
Sorry to all the DCxDP people who follow me and don't care about this, just ignore I guess unless you're interested.
Here is the cover for the fanfiction, that I drew myself
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Summary: Getting reincarnated in the small body of an evil space tyrant was far from my first choice. Everything goes downhill from the moment I was born into this hellish new life.
Written in 1st (for my/Frieza's parts) and 3rd POV (for anyone else)
This fic is going to handle some heavy topics and will have potentially triggering content. I've got trigger warnings on it so please read those before diving into the fic. Any of the chapters that contain major triggers will have warnings at the start.
I'm insane and have been writing this for the past few months, I have several chapters backlogged and multiple future ones in the works. All of the chapters are at least 1k words long and I'm working on writing longer ones. A large chunk of this fic is already planned out so I should be able to push chapters out on a weekly basis.
Links to read the first chapter on various sites:
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ariolimaxyz · 3 months
I am so stupid over my favorite characters I just wanna talk about octopuses with data.
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ewwap · 7 months
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An OC (sinner version) for a Hazbin Hotel/helluvaboss fic I'm planning out
(also he's not a kid he's just very short and dresses very gay (and my art style is very chibi (he adolt lol)))
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kringletheelf04 · 2 years
Rescue mission
(Chapter 12 of two souls entwined in the North Pole)
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Bernard had finally gotten some time to himself. Pouring himself a cup of bubbling green liquid, he sits at the workshops chemist room. Suddenly, curtis rushes in.
"We've got a problem. Santa was at the Miller's, but he's not responding!" Curtis cries.
"What?!" Bernard jumps out of his seat, nearly shattering his mug in the process.
His soulmate was in danger! He could sense it. What it was, he did not know, but he knew it was bad. Laura had to have something to do with this!
"Do you want us to deploy the e.l.f.s., sir?" Curtis asks, bouncing on his heels.
"Absolutely! I'm coming with them!" Bernard quickly threw on his long coat.
"But sir, you're needed here!" Curtis protests.
"My soulmate is out there! In trouble! As their mate I am required to risk anything and everything to keep them safe! Need I remind you, keeper of the handbook?!" Bernard fights back and Curtis throws his hands up in defense.
"I guess I could take over for you, while you're gone." Curtis suggests.
"As much as I don't want to do that, you'll have to." Bernard rushes off, leaving a concerned Curtis behind.
Rushing to the E.L.F.S department, Bernard curses himself. If only he had gone with,none of this would have happened. If only he didn't agreed to Charlie tagging along, even if he had some good ideas. It was way too risky for him to do. But he couldn't just say no to his soulmates brother.
Making his way to the department, he slams open the door. Several elves jump and one falls out of their seat.
"Santa and the spirit of Christmas are in danger!" Bernard tells them.
"On our way sir!" The head of the department, an elf named Kenny, declares as all of them put on their jet packs.
"I'm coming with you guys." Bernard states, stepping forward slightly.
"If you say so, sir!" Kenny agrees.
Joining hands, they all disappear into a cloud of glitter. They appear on top of Charlie's roof.
As this is happening, a rather different performance is being drawn out in the holding cell with you and Scott.
"Look, I know you're Scott Calvin. You know you're Scott Calvin and (y/n) Calvin. So let's make this simple.  I say, names. You say, Scott Calvin and (y/n) Calvin. " The police officer pressures.
"Name?" He asks Scott.
"Kriss Kringle." Scott says smugly.
"Name?" He turns to you. 
"Christmas cheer." You protest.
"Name." He forces.
"Spirit of Christmas past, present, and future." You push.
"Name?" He asks for a third time, getting frustrated.
"Holiday joy. Festive cheer. Holiday blessings. Yuletide spirit. Festive joy. Joyous Noel.  Christmas spirit." You rattle off, laughing.
"Okay, Calvins. Maybe a couple of hours in the tank will change your mind." The officer growls and stomps out of the room.
Scott turns to you.
"It'll be ok honey," He smiles sadly.
You nod and blink away stray tears.
Meanwhile Bernard and the E.L.F.S. are preparing to rescue Charlie. They land on Charlie's roof where he is sitting.
"Charlie!" Bernard says to catch his attention.
Charlie turns his head and his eyes light up. Rushing over to Bernard he hugs his leg.
"Oh Bernard! They detained (y/n) and dad! They don't believe he's Santa! They think he kidnapped me!" Charlie sobs.
"Don't worry sport. We're here to rescue them." Bernard pats Charlie's head.
"We can't. The police are watching this place." Charlie looks at him.
"Yeah, they probably are. But you see, we weren't figuring on walking out the front door. We find that we can get around a lot faster if we fly. Now... grab hold of my hand. And hold on tight." Bernard presents his hand and Charlie grabs it.
"And Charlie," Bernard starts.
"Yeah?" Charlie inquires.
"Don't ever try this without elf supervision." He finishes.
I'm a split second they are flying through the air. It takes little time to end up at the police station. Landing, they walk into the station.
"We're looking for Santa Claus." Bernard steps forward.
"Go home, kids. Visiting hours are over." The security guard scoffs.
"We're not kids, and we're not visiting." Bernard presses.
"We're here to bust out my dad." Charlie chimes in.
"You're the Calvin boy. Who-- Who are these other kids?" The security guard stutters.
"We're your worst nightmare. Elves with attitude." Kenny glares.
In a split second the guard is tied to his chair with tinsel, unable to move.
"Shouldn't have had that doughnut. Oh! Untie me! I mean it! Untie—" The guard starts but they walk away.
Finding the holding cell was easy, getting them out might be a bit of a challenge though. Fiddling in his bag, Bernard pulls out an exact copy of the room key.
"Charlie!" "Bernard!" Both you and your dad cry out.
Bernard rushes over to where you are handcuffed to the table and with one touch, the handcuffs break off of you both. Throwing yourself into his arms you sniffle.
"You're really here!" You cry.
"You think I'd let you stay here snowbird?" He caresses your face.
"Never!" You pull him into a quick kiss.
"How'd you distract the guard?" Scott asks.
"Tinsel. Not just for decoration." Kenny places his hands on his hips.
"We gotta get you back sport." You tell Charlie.
He pouts, but eventually nods his head. They all clasp hands and teleport out of the holding cell. Landing at Charlie's house, Charlie opens the door. The ELFS dissipate back to the North Pole leaving Charlie, Scott, and you standing there. You look around for Bernard, but he's nowhere to be found. Sighing you stints the house after Charlie and your dad.
"Mom! Neil! I'm home!" He calls out.
Laura runs in from around the corner and Neil is close behind her. She scoops Charlie into a tight hug.
"Oh! My boy, you're home!" She cries.
"I'm fine, Mom." He says.
"Oh, Charlie. I missed you, honey." She hugs him tighter.
"Mom, I'm fine. It's okay." He reassure her.
"We were so worried about you. Look at you." She gives him a look over.
"Mom, put me down. Stop kissing me!" He pouts.
"We don't have a lot of time Charlie." You say, tapping your imaginary watch.
"Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" Charlie asks you.
"You bet we did sport!" You ruffle his hair.
"We better go!" Charlie gets loose from Laura.
"No, Charlie. No, no, no." Your dad stops him.
"No! No, wait, Charlie." Laura calls after him.
"It's ok Laura," You say.
"Actually I- I think its a much better idea" Your dad starts.
"That you stay here with your mom and Neil." You finish.
"But dad, (y/n)!" Charlie pouts.
"No buts, Charlie" dad shushes him.
"We can't be selfish. We can't be with you all the time." You start.
"We're a family. You, me , your mom, your sibling, and Neil." Your dad says.
"And they need to be with you too." You kneel down to him.
"I'll miss you too much." He mopes.
"Come on, listen. There's-- There's a lot of kids out there. Okay? Millions of kids. And they're-- They all-- They all believe in us. They're countin' on us, Charlie. And I-I'm not gonna let them down. We got a lot of work to do." Your dad explains.
"So I can't be selfish either." Charlie says through tears.
"You gave us a wonderful gift, Charlie. Listen, a wonderful gift. You believed in us when nobody else did. You helped make us what we are. Selfish! You're the least selfish person I know." You say, smooshing Charlie into a hug from you and your dad.
"I love you Santa Claus and Christmas spirit!" Charlie sobs out.
"I love you son." Your dad validate his emotions.
"I love you Charlie!" You confirm.
Charlie sobs and your dad gently shushes him. You turn to Laura.
"Yea what do you think? Christmas Eve you spend with Charlie?" You suggest.
"Oh my god!" She says in a hushed whisper, covering her mouth with her hands.
"It's you! It really is you!you really are... Santa Claus and the spirit of Christmas!" She smiles.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Your dad asks rhetorically.
"Oh, my God." Neil sighs.
"And you though I'd never amount to anything." You joke.
Standing up, you both ready yourselves for delivering gifts.
"Wait, don't go yet. I have something for you." Laura says, quickly running out of the room
"Scott." Neil says plainly.
"Neil." He nods back.
Neil steps forward and his eye widen.
"Santa?" He asks, childlike wonder dripping off of his voice.
"It’s ok Neil." Your dad reassures.
Neil steps away, turning around and placing his hands on his head in disbelief. Laura comes walking in with a folder in her hand.
"Here. It's... well it's... it's my Christmas present for you. It's the custody papers." She says setting the folder in the roaring fireplace.
"And I want you two to see Charlie as often as you can." She says softly while picking up Charlie.
"You can count on it," You smile.
"Thanks Laura." Your dad beams.
"Merry Christmas." You grin.
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deathcapyandex · 5 months
Known Only By Alias
[known only by Alias]
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A self indulgent loid forger x yandere self insert.
Yandere in the sense of reclaimed and coping with bpd by using my blorbo and f/o thank you.
Symptoms expressed include obsessive tendencies, jealousy and possessiveness.
Probably just gonna be the one fic unless I decide to write more about loid.
May or may not be replacing Fiona.
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Code name Twilight, the agent currently going by the name Loid Forger was a highly respected person in the agency. Damn good at his job too.
Code name Sparrow, the agent assigned to a mission designated in twilights area was also assigned as a neighbor in case of backup or cover during twilights mission was needed.
Today was move in day, sparrow had just arrived at the apartment with their things and started settling in.
Residents had noticed the boxes and furnishings being moved in priar to their arrival and seemed to have created a little buzz, gossiping about the new neighbor moving in, so they expected to meet some people and have to introduce themselves a bit.
No problem, nothing to be nervous about, it would be easy enough. However the thing they were worried about, was actually meeting Twilight.
If they were to cooperate together for the first time, first impressions had to go well!
Though, this meant meeting the rest of the forger family as well. Sparrow looked forward to meeting his fake wife least of all.
They would have immediately volunteered to be assigned that role had they not had an assignment already prior, for the sake of the mission of course, another agent as skilled as sparrow surely would have been much better fitting.
But due to the shortage of agents available at the time limit twilight had upon starting his mission, he had to rope in some civilians. Unfortunate.
At the very least sparrow could be there close by to make sure things went smoothly for twilight. If this mission didn't go well, his reputation as an agent might get tarnished and the agencies entire operation could be at stake or worse. Being around twilight alone was quite the honour and a nice bonus too.
Though, having a seperate mission of their own would get in the way every now and then, they just hopped it didn't become too much of a hindrance.
For now it was time to play the part of the good neighbor.
A knock at the door of their apartment broke up the agents thoughts. They set down the books they were absentmindedly organizing in the living room, setting them on top of the low set bookshelf and walking to the entrance to answer the door.
A peak through the eye hole showed them the face of a blonde man, one glance at the pin on his blazer immediately told sparrow who he was.
They opened it to find a blonde man, a dark haired woman and a small girl. The forgers.
"hello" sparrow greeted with a polite smile.
"hello, I'm Loid Forger. This is my family, my wife Yor and our daughter Anya." He motioned to them both as he introduced them. "We're your neighbors nextdoor. We moved in just last month ourselves and we noticed you're new so we thought we would introduce ourselves."
"it's very nice to meet you all. I'm Sind Dufaux." They introduced themself in return.
"it's a pleasure to meet you mx. Dufaux! We were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner tomorrow night" Yor spoke up with a bright smile, seemingly excited.
"that sounds lovely, thank you, I would" sparrow replied with an almost mirrored expression.
"it's settled then- ah, Anya, it's rude to stare, say hello" Loid spoke to his daughter.
The little girl stood staring with an awed expression at Sind, like something about them caught her by surprise in the "better than I imagined" way a child usually expresses.
*this kids pretty cute in person*
Anya smiled brightly "Hi!! I got a doggy and his name is Bond! You wanna meet him??"
"They can meet Bond tomorrow when they come over for dinner, sweetie" Yor pointed out with a chuckle.
"right!" Anya nodded with enthusiasm.
"well then, all that's settled. It was a pleasure meeting you Mx. Dufaux. We'll leave you be now" Loud nodded.
"it was very nice to meet you all too." They replied.
Loid and Sind exchanged a glance as the forgers left. A knowing nod, then the door was shut.
All seemed to have gone well. Though they could have done without Yors enthusiasm, twilight at the very least acknowledged them as a co-worker now.
And so starts the new fake life, two agents who only know each other by alias assigned to work together. If they didn't know better it was as if they were in some sort of romance novel. But no, of course not, this was strictly professional, and all for the sake of both their missions.
While sparrow was more than happy to lend twilight a hand, they would have to begrudgingly do so with Yor in the way.
Surely though, it will work out in the end.
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Don't mind writing more if anyone is interested
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the-selfship-corner · 6 months
Canon S/I Selfship Ask Game!
Original Post Here!
Using Kasumi for this :)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I’d say Kasumi is a beloved secondary character. Not quite as small of a role as a side character, but not important enough for a main character either. I like the think she’d be a fan favorite.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
Kasumi would have transferred to U.A. under recommendation. Her appearance wouldn’t change much of the main storyline, but it would change small things like how Bakugo acts later in the series. She would probably have her own side arc.
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
The fanon would exaggerate her quirk, Angel, and probably draw her as some immortal being with six wings, floating eyes, and a halo.
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
They would portray her as a sympathetic, kind person.
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
They would probably portray her as an emotional crybaby who obsesses over Bakugo.
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
Probably a mix between Mina and Uraraka.
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
There would probably be a lot of angst with Bakugo and Kasumi, mostly because of Kasumi’s backstory and Bakugo’s aggressiveness.
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
Katsumi :)
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
Pretty popular. Most people either love it or hate it. Katsumi is almost canon, but never officially talked about. There’s plenty of scenes that hint to it, though.
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Probably Kirishima. The two of them get along pretty well and have those similar bright personalities.
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
One rescuing the other from a kidnapping, one comforting the other from a nightmare, cuddling after Bakugos had a long day
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
Apocalypse, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, villain x hero, married AU, breakup
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
The most popular AU would probably be the World End AU, just because the designs are cool and Bakugo and Kasumi only have each other to rely on.
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
People like the ship because Kasumi and Bakugo balance each other out. Bakugo teaches Kasumi how to stand up for herself more and get stronger, while Kasumi teaches Bakugo to have an open mind and try to be vulnerable with others. Some people dislike the ship because they feel Bakugo is too toxic for Kasumi, or that it’s doomed to fail due to the amount of stress on both of them. Some people may headcanon Bakugo as Aroace, while other avid Katsumi shippers would argue.
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
The ship would be considered cute and fluffy because it shows a side of Bakugo the fandom wouldn’t see otherwise. He’s this really tough, hotheaded character, but when it comes to Kasumi, he becomes gentler.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
Kasumi and Katsuki were walking silently together after All Might lost his powers. Katsuki hadn’t been the same since that night. “It’s not your fault.” Kasumi said, seemingly out of nowhere. Katsukis eyes widened a little and he stopped in his tracks. He balled up his fingers into fists, knowing exactly what she was referring to. She turned to face him, putting her hands on his shoulders. “I can’t stand seeing you give up. The Katsuki I knew didn’t give up, no matter what.” Kasumi said softly. It was already dark outside. Katsuki didn’t say anything, he just looked down. “I know you’re angry at the world and yourself right now.. but…” She moved her arms slowly to hug him. “I think you’re pretty cool.” Katsuki stood there in shock for a second, before one of his shaky hands found its place on her back, just barely noticeable. After a few seconds, he pushed her away. He wiped his eyes. “Of course I’m cool… I’m gonna be #1..” His said, trying to go back to his snarky tone of voice, though a quiver could still be heard. He had that cocky smile on his face, though forced. Kasumi smiled.
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
A misconception would be that Katsuki is abusive because of the way he acts towards other people, however, he’s never shown to be this way towards Kasumi. He’ll get a little snappy, but he’d never lay a hand on her. The dynamic would probably be portrayed as Ray of sunshine x angry gremlin. People would focus must on how they grow throughout the story together.
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
Bakugos character would definitely be a little different. The way he treats situations would differ, how he treats people he’s fighting and people he’s saving.
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sak-supernatural · 4 months
It has come to light that an increasingly large part of me wants to write a fic that is essentially a self insert and I don't know how to feel about that. I have never been big on x reader, oc, or self insert fics. But I had this idea and it just won't leave my head!!!
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