#this is not a gearsberg ship thing btw
atinyladybug-art · 7 months
I have a comic idea because i was looking at an Iceberg sketch and like
my headcanon was that Iceberg's scarf was given by Gears before Gears was promoted into O5. And its like this conversation between Ice and Gears where Gears is like giving Iceberg a parting gift for working together for years.
and its a red scarf and Ice is like "why red? it's not exactly my favourite colour nor does it fit me with my teal hair yknow"
and then Gears is like "You mentioned you miss what warmth and fire feels like so I thought a scarf being red might give you that sense anytime you wear it." and "its so i can see you in the crowd from afar"
and it makes me happy.
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