#this is not goodbye to Ignis. just goodbye to his single muse blog LMAO.
onuscientia · 2 years
// Alright. It was inevitable, but hey, I finally decided to make it official.
Ignis is getting moved back to my multi ( @tenebriism ), which, by extension, means Charlotte is going with him. I've not been consistently active over here in what feels like years, and there's no point in keeping Ignis -- a beloved character of mine, always and forever -- secluded to this borderline abandoned blog.
Whether ships carry over, I'll leave that to y'all. I already have a few I KNOW will carry over ( Ignis' developments with Cidney’s Zack Fair, Rissa's Gladio and Gilmore, and Charlotte's, as well ), and maybe a few others, depending on if we are still mutuals.
EDIT: And, for those I was already mutuals with, threads will get carried over. :)
Hopefully, he can get the love from me that he deserves on my multi. No hard feelings if you choose not to follow, I know multi muse blogs are not everyone's cup of tea. 💚 If this is goodbye, then thank you for sticking with me all these years on this blog and letting Ignis flourish. Otherwise, I'll see y'all on the chaotic mess that is my multi.
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