#this is one of my favorite songs alongside sparks
skyxsy · 1 year
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Took me a year to finish but here we are :D
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maryangelex · 1 year
Never Let Me Go
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Captain John Price x f!Reader
Part 2 here
Summary: You worked at a coffeehouse, your life is filled with mundanity and you wouldn't change it for anything else. That is, until one crisp autumn morning, you meet the handsome Captain John Price and there’s an immediate, undoubted connection between the two of you.
WC: 3,352
Warnings: fluff, smut in other chapters, cheesy coffee shop au, inaccuracies, soft!price, barista!reader, some reader descriptions, slow romance, pet names, meet-cute.
A/N: Remember that Price series I mentioned? Here ya go!!! Each chapter will be the title of a song I feel is related to it or that I was listening to while writing it hehe so make sure to check that out ;) I'm planning for 6 chapters but there might be more. Smut will happen eventually, of course!
The song for Chapter 1 is I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen, but also the covers of it by Awolnation and Gus Dapperton.
Happy reading!!
Dawn was breaking through the clouds. The waking sun broke through grey clouds that poured a steady, incessant shower of rain; the contrast of the glimmering rays against the somber clouds painted a watercolor sky. 
You walked down the cobblestone street, the heel of your shoes clinking with every stride as you walked into the coffeehouse at a speedy pace. It was the middle of autumn, the weather was tepid and chilly. You worked at Roasts & Poets, a hybrid of a cafe and a bookstore that your sweet aunt had left your favorite cousin, and she had been gracious enough to let you run it alongside her. 
Every morning was the same, and you wouldn't change a thing about it. You arrived at the crack of dawn to open the cafe, you were alone until your cousin arrived much later; you had always been more diligent and work-oriented than her when it came to running the cafe. You went through the whole process of the opening shift: setting the chairs and tables, stocking the sugars and napkins, picking up your cousin's slack from yesterday's closing shift, and setting out the freshly baked pastries. 
That's how you start your day every day. Your life was simple yet rewarding. Alone behind the counter, you took in the sight of the deserted shop, the smell of the books on their shelves collecting dust hitting your nostrils while sleep was still weighing down your eyes. The stillness and silence of the shop every morning made you content and warm. 
About half an hour later, your cousin arrived. The energy in her contrasted your mellowness. The minute she walked through the door, the sound of her cheery greeting and of the edge of the door's swing knocking the bell atop it sparked you awake. You gave her a wide smile as she stormed in, the rays of sun being her spotlight. 
"Morning, cuz," she beamed, you returned the greeting mid-yawn, followed by you letting out a loud sigh. She set her coat on the hooks next to the door beside yours -- you two had set those there as a cozy detail for your customers. 
"I had the best night last night," she started, walking towards you behind the counter and tying an apron around her waist the same as you. "Remember that guy I told you about?" 
"The Birmingham one?" you scoffed, remembering the drunken night when your cousin could not stop rambling about the bloke from Birmingham who stood her up.
"No," she rolled her eyes, "the hot one my friend set me up with!" 
You vaguely recalled, giving her an affirmative nod as your eyes drifted up, trying to remember the details of her extensive, messy love life. The two of you had been close and very similar since you were kids, but what stood out between you was how much of a hopeless romantic she was. You were more reserved about it; even though you knew it sounded cliche, you had decided long ago that the right man for you would come to you one day. Your knight in shining armor, your prince charming, perhaps. So you'd rather wait passively for that moment rather than how your cousin approached men head-on. 
You listened to her fawning over her most recent rendezvous with her new suitor, amused and enjoying her experience vicariously. 
As the day progressed, you welcomed and attended more patrons. You and your cousin took turns between taking orders and ringing up anyone who purchased books. There were a few regulars who came in every morning for a quiet space to work in, and others who just liked to lounge and read a book they had purchased along with a coffee in the comfy sofas you and your cousin had picked out when setting up the shop -- you had lost count of how many years ago that had been. 
When the shop was slowing down, you liked to prop your elbow on the counter, resting your chin on your hand as you people-watched. You loved the tranquility of it, thinking about each one's stories, reading them like books. 
One of the regulars was a man who always came in a burgundy knitted sweater and sat down with his laptop and headphones. He was quiet and reserved but always left you gratuitous tips; you knew his order and routine like the back of your hand. Another one was an older lady who always wore something pink, no matter what the rest of her outfit consisted of or what the occasion was. She was kind as well, but when she was feeling chatty she would sit at the counter and talk your ear off; today was a quiet day for her as she sipped her chamomille and read her novellas.   
As much as you enjoyed the peace of the shop, today was not a great day for silence for you. You hadn't gotten the best sleep last night, you had opted for binging the show you had been obsessing over and downed an entire bottle of wine by yourself. So, between your early start to the day and the light thumping of the headache you had medicated was making your eyes heavy with sleep. You couldn't wait for your shift to be over, maybe you would ask your cousin to let you lie down in the back. 
The sound of the bell as the door swung open jolted you awake for the second time today. You stood upright, fixing your posture and glancing at the door to greet the incoming customer. Your eyes captured a man you hadn't seen before around the area. He was tall with a bearded face and had a burly physique, sporting a navy blue sweater and grey coat that matched the beanie he slid off his head. You gave him a welcoming smile, not paying him much mind because of the sleep that still crept into your eyes. He returned the gesture as he made his way across the store, disappearing from your vision. 
You let out a sigh as you rubbed your knuckles into your lids. You desperately need a coffee if you want to get through the day, you thought, turning on your heels to pull yourself two shots of espresso. You poured the shots into a cup of milk you had frothed, making yourself a latte to spark some energy into you. 
As you turned back around to face the counter you were caught off guard by-- 
" 'Scuse me, miss?" a smokey voice startled you, making your body jump in place with a gasp escaping your lips. The latte in your hands splashed in your grasp at the sudden response of your body, its contents lightly spilling over your apron. 
"Shit!" you hissed, setting the cup down on the work counter behind you and grabbing the nearest rag to wipe your hands clean from any coffee that got on them. You looked up to the man across the counter, laughing at yourself in a mix of embarrassment at your clumsiness and lighthearted amusement. 
At that moment, your eyes caught onto the face of the mystery man who had recently walked in. His expression was genuinely concerned and apologetic, truly not knowing what to do with himself as he stood across the counter. 
"I'm so sorry, love, didn't mean to startle you," he stumbled over his words, "you alright?" 
His voice was raspy and deep, sultry even. You noted the details of his face: blue eyes stared back at you, surrounded by long lashes and bushy eyebrows, his pink, velvety lips slightly parted as if having more apologies to let out, his nose pointed and narrow, and his beard neat and full. He was handsome, truly, and you couldn't look away. 
"No worries!" you finally let out, a large smile on your face. "That's what these things are for!" you let out an awkward laugh, too loud to not give away the fact that you were flustered by his looks. Your hands worked the knot of the apron that tied at your waist as you spoke. 
The man let out a nervous chuckle as he watched you, still dumbfounded and itching to help in some way like he was uncomfortable with himself for just standing by.
"What can I help you with, sir?" You asked, tossing the apron in a bin under the counter, where you and your cousin kept any kitchen cloths and rags that needed to be washed after your shift. You didn't break eye contact with the man as you did, you found it impossible to when his blue eyes sucked you like the depth of an ocean. 
The man cleared his throat and fixed his posture, a nervous smile pulling at his bearded cheeks, "I was just wonderin' if y'could help me pick out a book" he pointed his thumb over his shoulders to the shelves behind him, "Any recommendations? 'M not sure where to look."  
You responded with an eager 'of course' as you circled the counter, leading him to the array of shelves. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" 
"Erm, up to your suggestion, really," he stood behind you, letting you take the lead, his eyes weighted on you. You responded with a pensive hum as your eyes scanned the shelves, hand holding your chin. You mumbled something under your breath and moved on to a different shelf. You reached for one of the books and turned back to him, handing the selection over to him. He took it from your hands.
Large hands, you observed. You hadn't realized until now how much taller the man was compared to you. You weren't a petite girl, but, this man stood tall; the way he carried himself proudly made him look even larger. 
He eyed the book, taking a moment to read the cover. He chuckled lightly to himself and glanced over to you. 
"As You Like It," he read. 
"You read it?" you asked a bit flustered, afraid you had made the wrong choice, "I recommend it to everyone." 
"I haven't, actually," he looked over to it again, "Not very well versed in Shakespeare." 
You chuckled a bit, "Well, this is a good one to get you into it." 
"I trust you," he said, a smirk on his face that made your cheeks burn. 
"It can be a bit hard to read but..." you shrugged, "It's one of my favorites." 
"I'll come to you if I need help, then." 
Your stomach fluttered at his words. Was he flirting? Maybe he's just a charming guy, nothing special. 
"Would you like anything else?" you stuttered. His gaze made you shift and adjust yourself, making you feel vulnerable to have it on you. 
"I'd like a tea to keep you company while you finish your coffee if that's alright," he flirted, his husky voice made the hairs on your arms stand up. 
You simply nodded with a smile and he followed you back to the counter. He sat on one of the stools as you stood behind the bar, he had asked you for a black tea and you steeped it for him, setting down a creamer and cup of sugar for him to add to taste. You went back to the latte you had made yourself, pouring it into ice after having let it get cold, and observed the man as subtly as you could manage. You noted he liked his tea on the sweeter side, maybe you would use that information for the next time he came around. You hoped he would. 
You watched as he took a sip from the cup, humming to himself and licking his lips as he set the cup back down. 'Good tea', he said softly as if to himself. You couldn't help but let a smile tug at the corners of your lips; something about him enjoying it was pleasant to you. 
"I'm John, by the way," he spoke up, his arms crossed on the counter. His eyes were on you again, and they were amiable and warm as they held contact with yours. You responded by telling him your name. 
"Are you new around here, John?" you reclined on the counter behind you, your coffee in one hand. 
"I am, I just moved in nearby," he took another sip from his cup. 
"What made you pick this place, if I may ask?" 
"Well, military accommodations, mainly," he cleared his throat. 
Military, you thought. No wonder he was such a large and buff man. You noticed the flexed muscles that bulged under his sweater. That sweater did them no justice, you were sure. 
"So you're a soldier?" 
"Somethin' like that, yeah," he scoffed with a smirk. You gave him a small smile as well but chose not to press any further. 
"What about the shop, what made you come in here?" 
"Seemed like a cozy place to spend the day," he gave you a once over, not very conspicuously, "the pretty barista's a bonus." 
You rolled your eyes at his comment but couldn't help the reddening of your cheeks or the growth of your smile that you tried but failed to suppress. 
At that moment, your cousin walked through the door. John's eyes didn't budge to look at the door, though, they were glued on you. She passed behind him, giving you the most excited expression you had seen on her face thus far, and mouthed something along the lines of 'He is so fit!" as she made her way to the back of the store with bags of ingredients in her hands. You scoffed at her and returned to look at John. 
"You flirt with all the baristas you find pretty, John?" 
"Only the ones that look like you," the man quipped, chuckling lightly to himself as if acknowledging how cheesy he was being. His comment made you laugh wholeheartedly, shaking your head at it.  
John finished his tea and fished into his pocket for his wallet, "I hate to leave, but... how much do I owe you, love?" 
"It's on the house," you crossed your arms over your chest, giving him a cheeky look, "for being a first-time customer." 
John gave you a smile with lightly flushed cheeks himself along with a grateful nod. He left his wallet in his pocket as he stood up from his seat and dressed his head with the beanie he had come in with. 
"I'll come back 'round to tell you how the book's goin'," he signaled the book in his hand on the way out the door, "You make great company, love." 
"Likewise, John," you bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from gushing at his words. You were using every atom in your body to not let yourself completely overflow with glee. 
John gave you a final look and raised his hand goodbye before exiting the shop. You returned the gesture and watched him walk away down the street until he disappeared from your line of sight. 
Once he was gone, you let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding. You felt your heart skip a beat, maybe two, or even three beats as all the blood from your body surged to your face. Your cousin came skipping giddily from the back of the store, squealing like a schoolgirl as she embraced you. You couldn't help but join her in excitement. The two of you spoke in loud whispers behind the counter.
"That man is in love with you!" 
"Oh, don't be ridiculous, he was just flirting!" 
"Don't you be ridiculous! His eyes were devouring you, idiot! He might as well have fucked--" 
You shushed her loudly and cupped your hand over her mouth, the two of you giggling. You two realized you were still on the clock, with some of the patrons shooting glances at you. It made you both adjust and compose yourselves as best you could, but shot each other knowing looks as you returned to work, cleaning dirty dishes and whatnot. 
"So what's his name?" she asked. 
"John, he just moved around here-- says he's in the military." 
"Agh, hot!" she sang the last word. You rolled your eyes. 
"What book did you give him?" 
"As You Like It" 
"Should've given him Lady Chatterley's Lover, maybe he would've taken the hint," she laughed as you pushed her with a hand playfully. 
The rest of your shift went by uneventfully. You continued to serve more customers, tended to the regulars, and maintained the space. When it was closing time, the rays of the sun entered through the large windows, this time casting the golden glow of dusk. You mopped the floors of the shop and let yourself go deep into your thoughts. 
You thought about John, of course, studying all the details you had taken note of. The way his lashes fanned over his deep, crystal blue eyes; how much care was put into maintaining his facial hair and how soft it looked; how chiseled his nose was; how the sweetness of his smile complimented the sweetness he liked in his tea. He looked much older than you, but you didn't mind the slightest, it was a minor detail to you, if anything. You recalled how he called you pretty, and it made you blush and gave you butterflies. You really hoped he'd come back, but didn't want to disappoint yourself if he didn't.  
Once you two had finished closing, you stood outside the door with your cousin as she turned the key and locked the shop. She continued to tease you about John, making both of you laugh and making you blush with the innuendos and childish taunting she kept telling you. You bid each other farewells until tomorrow, walking your separate directions. 
You lived just a couple of blocks away from the cafe in one of the many apartments nearby. A flat you had all to yourself and you enjoyed the solitude, you had learned to be with yourself from having been your only company, besides your cousin, throughout your life. 
It made you think about the fact that it had been a while since you had liked someone. Did you like John?  The question stood out in your mind. It was definitely too early to tell, you had just met the man quite literally today, hours ago even. But you would be lying if you didn't say you felt some sort of attraction, chemistry between the two of you. Those hopes for seeing him again only grew the more you suppressed them.
But you kept telling yourself 'Don't get too excited,' because you might not see him again, after all. For now, let's simply call it a crush, it's all it was, really. Just a man you found attractive, a kind stranger you made you feel pretty and flattered momentarily, after so long of not hearing any men do so or having their attention.
John certainly gave you a lot of his attention, you thought. Those blue eyes of his. He entrapped you with them. An act as simple as being looked at by him made you feel undressed and vulnerable. 
You shook your head when you were in your flat, just standing there in a trance deep in thought. You sighed and cursed at yourself under your breath. 
You practiced your nightly routine of eating dinner by yourself, showering, dressing in your coziest pajamas, and sitting on your couch alone with either a book or a movie, and maybe a glass of something, maybe wine or a soothing tea.
And for once in your life, you hated being alone.
For once you wished there was someone to keep you company. A company as nice as John had kept you today even if it was brief. You sulked a bit on your sofa as you let that forlorn feeling take over just a little bit. 
And though as much as you loved mundanity, the feeling of having someone new and exciting disrupt your routine sparked a warmth in you. 
God, you hoped you'd see John again. 
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desperate-gay · 1 year
can i request you write a leah fic based on the song constellations by jade lemac
Leah Williamson x fem!reader
SMUT 18+
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Leah Williamson has a reputation for sleeping around. People use more harsh terms to describe her, but that feels wrong since you know her. Well, you don’t know her; you play alongside her for the England national team and Arsenal. Once in a while, you both have a conversation, but nothing too deep.
Although, recently, the blonde has been approaching you more and more. Whether it was on the pitch during training, in the locker room, or even at team get-togethers.
You’d think she’d want to get to know more about you before flirting with you constantly, but hey, she’s got that reputation for a reason. She sees what she wants, and she goes for what she wants, and most of the time, she gets what she wants.
Now, of course, you find Leah attractive; anyone with eyes should. That doesn’t mean you’re just going to bend over for her. You never liked the idea of having one-night stands with one of your teammates and going back to training the next day like nothing happened. You also never liked the idea of sleeping around with anyone. It’s exhausting to invite someone into your bed just so they can fuck you and leave the same night.
You have always wanted a meaningful, loving relationship. Sure, you had your fair share in the past, but those obviously all ended up in the dump. None of which made you feel exhilarated. And the fact that the player on the team now wants to get into your pants is quite annoying.
Keira and Lucy always warn Leah to stay away from you. You’re the sunshine of the group that never fails to make someone smile. They didn’t want her to take that spark away from you. Alessia and Ella always glare at the defender’s attempts to flirt with you. You three are considered the gigglers of the lionesses. You guys are usually never seen without one another unless you are with your favorite person in the whole world, Esme Morgan.
If you aren’t with Tooney or Lessi, you are most definitely with the smiley gal. The two of you have the brightest smiles and most infectious laughs ever. Both are the kindest beings anyone could meet on this earth, plus, to mention, you two basically grew up together.
So when Esme found out what was happening, her usual chippy personality turned bitter. She knows Leah’s intentions, and she doesn’t want that anywhere near you. People may call her particularly protective over you, but she just doesn’t want to see you hurt is all.
When you noticed her attitude switch whenever the flirtatious blonde approached you, you assured her there was nothing to worry about.
Practice has just ended, so everyone is getting changed in the locker room. You are pulling your shirt over your head when you hear someone approaching you.
“You looked quite fit out there, darling.”
You whip around and see the one person who has enough confidence to say something like that with no hesitation.
“Thank you.” You say, looking down bashfully, never really knowing how to take compliments. The taller girl notices the red that starts to appear at the tip of your ears and smirks to herself.
She places her right hand on your hip before leaning in close to your ear. “You always look fit, my dear.” She whispers before moving your body to the side to walk past you. Your eyes follow her path with your mouth slightly open.
Ella, Alessia, Lucy, and Esme all watch the interaction happen with clenched jaws and piercing eyes. Keira doesn’t have the heart to be angry at her best friend, but she does sigh and look down to continue packing her kit. Leah can feel multiple eyes trailing her, but she doesn’t let it bother her. Overall, it’s your choice what happens between you two, not theirs.
Once you’re done with changing, Esme offers you a ride home so she can hang out and steal your ice cream. You, of course, accept her offer, wanting to spend more time with your best friend. When you get into her car, you plug in your phone to the aux cord and play your guy’s playlist in the background.
“Besides stealing all of my food, what do you plan on doing when we get to my home?”
She hums as a sign she’s trying to think of an answer. “I’m not sure yet; I haven’t gotten that far.” You scoff at her teasing smile and quickly return it.
As you pull into the parking space in front of your loft, you notice a man standing on concrete with a bouquet of multiple different flowers, looking confused. You and Esme step out of the car, and you make your way towards the stranger.
“Excuse me, sir. Do you need help with anything?” The young man gives a clumsy smile and nods his head.
“You don’t by chance know a ughh, Y/n Y/l/n around here, do you?”
"Umm, that, ironically, would be me.” Your face scrunches up in confusion, while Esme’s does the same. The man gently hands you the flowers, saying someone sent them to you.
“You just have to sign here, please, to let the company know you’ve received your flowers in perfect condition.” He exaggerates as you fake solute, asking the blonde next to you to hold the flowers. You sign the paper and say a quick goodbye before moving up a few steps to your front door to unlock it.
“Who in the world sent flowers to you?” She teases, taking her shoes off and handing you the flowers. You place your nose right over the flowers to smell them.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” All you do is shrug your shoulders before moving around to look for a vase. You set the flowers in the center of the table and go to join Esme on the sofa. She grabs the remote and puts on Modern Family. You look over and notice a sour expression on her face. Reaching over, you poke her cheek to make her look over at you. “What’s up, Ez?”
“I bet I know who sent the flowers.” She grumbles with her arms crossed, still looking at the television. After thinking about it briefly, you finally understand who she’s referring to. She wouldn’t have that familiar scowl for just anybody.
“Hey, even if it was her, there’s no need to worry about anything. She sleeps around, and that’s something I don’t like, remember?” She turns her head towards you and has a semi-sad expression.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt. I see the way you blush around her.” Her voice is soft, along with her facial features. You reach over and grab her hand to squeeze it.
“I know you don’t, and I love that about you. Yes, I find Leah attractive, but she doesn’t want anything serious, and I’m not putting myself in that situation.” Esme nods in understanding, and you both turn your attention back to the show in comfortable silence.
“Did you see the gift I sent you?”
You’re on the pitch stretching before training starts when Leah comes over to you. You sigh and stand up to turn towards her. "Yes, I did; they were beautiful, but I’m still trying to figure out why I got them.”
“Because a beautiful girl deserves beautiful things.” She smiles without breaking eye contact. You playfully roll your eyes at her and bend down to touch your toes.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
It’s silent for a minute before the taller girl blurts, “Go on a date with me tonight.”
You quickly straighten your posture and give her all your attention. Your eyebrows furrowed at the demand. “Pardon?”
“Let me take you out tonight. I know just the place.” She notices your hesitation, so she places a hand on your waist. “C’mon, dinner and maybe some sex?”
You scoff at her forward statement and start to walk away. “No.”
“Fine, just sex.” She follows after you. No one is near you two, so no one can hear what’s happening. You stop and turn around.
“How about just dinner?”
“Then no.”
You move to continue to walk away before her hand reaches out to grip your wrist. “Okay, okay. Just dinner.”
It turns out you and Leah only live about two blocks from one another, so when it’s time to pick you up, she decides to walk over. The place she has made reservations for is right across the street from your place. Leah let you know beforehand that the place you’ll be eating at isn’t too fancy, so just dress casually.
You’re finishing up the last minor touches on your makeup when you hear a knock at your door. Quickly, you grab your purse, phone, and keys and rush to open the door. Leah looks over, smiling, and offers you her hand to take once you lock the door. She’s wearing a white dress shirt along with tan baggy jeans, while you wear black leggings with a light blue tank top.
The date overall goes great. When you get seated, Leah being the gentlewoman she is, pulls out your seat for you and pushes you in. You both get to know each other better and laugh at the random stories you tell each other.
Your arm is hooked on Leah’s as you both laugh and walk towards your home. You stop right before you reach your stairs and look at her with a smile. “I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you.” The keys dangle in your hand, and then Leah reaches and steals them for you.
“Let me help you with your flowers.” She smiles smugly, keeping the keys behind her shoulder.
“No, we just met tonight.”
“We have known each other for years. We play for the same teams.” Your faces are close together as you giggle.
“We might play together, but that doesn’t mean we know each other. Tonight was our first step in actually getting to know one another.”
“C’mon.” She leans even closer, trying to tempt you. Your eyes wander at her face before you pull back slightly.
“You can’t come up.” You say with all the willpower you have left. She sure knows how to get a girl to swoon. “You have to woo me first.”
You dramatically flip your hair, making the taller girl laugh at your antics. Her laughter dies down, and she places her hand on the small of your back to pull you closer. “I can definitely woo you if you let me up.”
You laugh again and press your hands to her chest. “I don’t want this to be a one-night thing.” You whisper while looking her in the eyes. Pecking her cheek, you take quick action to grab your keys and run up the stairs. Once you unlock your door, you turn your attention to the starstruck girl. “Goodnight, Leah.”
Surprisingly, Leah asks you on a second date the day after. Esme doesn’t like the sound of it, but she can’t control what you do, so she just accepts it.
Once again, Leah picks you up from your house, and you both walk to the unknown destination of your date. She said it’s about a 20-minute walk before getting you. On arrival, you see a bright neon sign saying arcade.
“You didn’t.” You excitedly say and smile at the blonde.
“Are you ready to get your butt beat?”
Through the date, you both challenge each other in multiple games like air hockey, racing games, etc. So when it comes down to your tiebreaker, Leah challenges you in one last game of basketball. You both put the tokens in and press the button to play against each other and once the buzzer tells you to go, you both start making shots left and right. Leah looks over and grabs one of your basketballs to palm it and hold it in the air.
“Hey! That’s cheating!” You look at the score and see she has a few more points than you. The taller girl smirks as you try to reach for the ball that's in her hand. With her other free hand, she pushes against your back to pull you closer to her, and she leans down, pressing her lips against yours. You’re shocked at the quick action, but you stop trying for the ball that’s above your head and wrap your arms around her neck.
You pull away when the whistle signals the game is done. Both of your guy’s eyes remain on the other’s lips, still a little hazed from the kiss.
“I win.” She whispers, making you wonder if she's talking about the game or you.
The next date is a simple stroll downtown, visiting all the little stores. Your hands stay interlocked while walking up and down the streets.
In one of the buildings you go into, you see a photo booth and beg Leah to go with you. After a few seconds of you pleading, she finally says yes and lets you drag her to the curtain-covered box. The first photo you take is just one of you guys smiling at the camera. The second one is both of you sticking your tongues out and crossing your eyes. The third is a little blurry because of the two of you laughing and moving to hunch over. Then the fourth and final photo contains both of you gazing at each other with loving looks in your eyes. Soon after the last photo is taken, you both lean in for a feverish kiss.
You grab the photo strip from the outside of the booth and smile at the photos. You start to complain that there’s only one strip, but she insists you take it, knowing you want it the most.
After an hour or two more of exploring the town, she walks you up your stairs to your front door. Your hands softly grab the back of her neck and pull her in for a sweet kiss. When you pull away, she chases after your lips with a whine, causing you to giggle. You place one final peck on her lips and whisper, “Goodnight, Leah.”
Looking in the mirror, you put on your earrings and step back to look at your dress. It’s a scarlet red dress that hugs your body just right. The back of it cuts low to the lower part of your back, and the front shows the perfect amount of cleavage. The necklace that hangs from your neck fits perfectly with it. Smoothing out the fabric, you hear the familiar rhythm of the knock on your door.
Leah stands there in all her glory in a gray, sleeveless pantsuit. The outfit shows off her toned arms and collarbones perfectly. You let out a breath you don’t know you’re holding, and take her awaiting hand. She presses a kiss to your fingertips and says, “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
You blush at the name and also compliment her back. She walks you towards an unfamiliar car and opens the passenger door for you.
“I figured we should drive this time. I’m sure it won’t be comfortable walking in those shoes.” She points at your short heels. It makes you realize that for all of your dates, you always walked to your destination. You smile at her consideration for your comfort and get in the car. While she drives, she places her hand on your knee and rubs her thumb up and down.
When she pulls up to the fancy restaurant, she rushes to your side of the car and opens the door for you, holding her other hand out for you to grab to help you get out. Walking in, you hear soft orchestral music playing through the building, along with people’s conversations merging and the echoing of silverware clinking together. It wasn’t loud; it was quite relaxing. Leah and you approach the podium with a girl standing behind it with a smile on her face. Leah’s hand stays at the small of your back to guide you and also just to feel you.
“Hello, what can I help you with tonight?” The host asks in a sweet tone.
“Hi, I made a reservation.”
“Sure! Under what name would that be?” The girl taps on the touch screen in front of her to check for the name.
“Leah Williamson.” The blonde nods softly at the host.
“Great! Now if you’d like to follow me, I’ll show you to your seats.” Leah smiles and keeps her hand on your back as you follow the girl. She pulls out your chair for you, just like she did on your first date. “The waiter will be here to take your orders shortly.” The host smiles at the two of you and makes her way back to the front.
You both ordered your desired dishes along with some dessert to share. You’re both laughing when a random girl comes over and places her hand on Leah’s shoulder, making you frown at the action. The blonde turns over and sees a semi-familiar face.
“Hey Leah, I haven’t seen you since that crazy night at the club.” The random girl continues to rub one of her hands up and down Leah’s shoulder as if you weren’t there. Leah just politely smiles and greets her. The girl tries to continue a conversation when you pick up two of your empty dishes and hand them to her.
“Thank you so much; the food was amazing.” Leah turns her head at you with a smile as the random girl gives you a strange look, but walks away with the dishes anyway. You grab your glass of wine and slowly sip it while staring at the walking figure, but you’re interrupted by the laughter coming from across the table.
“What was that?” She chuckles, and you give her a knowing look. She shakes her head with a soft smile displayed on her lips.
Once Leah pulls up to the sidewalk of your home, she walks you up to your door and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s not very long, but she backs away and places a kiss on your knuckles. The blonde moves down one stair and turns to walk away, but gets stopped by your hand continuing to grip hers. Her eyes meet yours as you nod your head towards the house.
“Why don’t you come in for a drink? Their wine wasn’t all that good.” Leah nods her head and smiles while you drag her inside.
You both were already tipsy from the restaurant, so adding more alcohol to your systems is like adding fuel to a fire. Hands are roaming each other’s bodies whenever you can, and you both feel just as fuzzy-headed. Music plays on your surround system around the house while both of you find comfortable positions across from each other on the couch, and Leah leans over and brushes a string of hair behind your ear.
“You look absolutely stunnin’ right now. Cheeks all rosy, hair a little messy. So beautiful.” She whispers toward the end because she’s too busy leaning in. Her lips lightly brush against yours, allowing you to pull away if needed. You maneuver yourself forward, pressing your lips together with more force, which makes the blonde smile slightly. Hands fall to your waist and start to pull you in even closer.
“You’re really good at that.” You breathlessly whisper, keeping your hands on her shoulders as she keeps hers on your hips. Your eyes flutter close when the defender moves her nose to touch yours, teasing her lips at the side of your mouth.
“I know I am.” That cocky personality comes back stronger than ever, so before you can scold her, she slams her lips back on yours and glides her tongue into your mouth, causing you to gasp, which allows her to push her tongue even further. She bites down on your bottom lip and pulls it, tugging it toward her before letting it go with a pop. You kiss down her jawline, eventually even further to her neck. Her hands find a place on your ass and guide you to start rocking your hips a little, encouraging you to keep sucking at her sweet spot.
She abruptly stands up with her hands remaining in their initial place, holding you up with her with your legs wrapped around her waist. “Where’s your bedroom?” She asks, breath ghosting of your face.
“Down the hall, last door on the right.”
You attach your lips back to hers as she blindly makes her way to your bedroom, trying not to crash into anything. Once she steps foot into the room, her foot kicks your door closed, and she pins you against it. The music can still be heard from the speakers, making the mood even hotter. The taste of wine can still be found in both of your mouths as you make out against the wooden door.
“How are you so good-looking all the time?” Leah mutters, moving over to your bed and placing you on the soft sheets.
“How are you so good-looking all the time?” You counter back, sitting up so you're face-to-face with the other girl. Her finger slips under one of the straps of your dress, slowly pulling it down while peppering kisses down your shoulder. She repeats the action on the opposite side and drags your dress down your body, still trailing kisses along with it. Once it’s off, she throws it somewhere on the floor and takes quick action to unclip your strapless bra. “It’s unfair that you’re still dressed and I’m not.”
“Well, you’re the one who’s about to get fucked into this mattress.” She rasps, plunging her lips to your neck to start sucking and biting at the flesh. Your hips buck into hers when she finds the perfect spot and nibbles on it. Her hands make work of your breasts, making you jump at the cold feeling of her rings on your warmed-up skin.
Finally, her fingers make it to the waistband of your pants, and she pulls them down as her lips kiss right above the fabric as it’s getting dragged away. Your breath hitches in anticipation as she flings the fabric to meet your dress on the floor.
“Let me take this off, at least.” Your fingers fiddle with the buttons on her top and begin to undo them. Her eyes gaze at yours as you look up at her.
“You look so good under me, baby.” Her voice lowers almost to the point where you can’t hear her. She shrugs off her top and steps out of her pants, so she is only in her underwear. The palms of her hands meet the inner of your thighs, spreading them so she can get a better look. “You’re soaking wet. Did I do this to you?”
You nod your head with a whine, wanting the blonde to do something to relieve your needs.
“Words, doll.”
“Yes, yes, you did this to me, and I need you to do something about it. Please.”
She chuckles at your desperation and kisses your stomach, then your thighs, and finally the place you need her the most. Her tongue draws a line up your slit before sucking on your clit. Your hips buck subconsciously, but Leah puts an end to it when her hands reach your waist and force you down onto the bed. You bite your lip so you don’t make a sound. This makes the blonde stop and raise her head.
“Don’t bite your lip. I want to hear exactly how I make you feel.” She states seductively, returning to her position, lapping up your arousal, and sucking on your bud. The sound of your moans bouncing off the walls, along with music from the living room, sparks the girl up more. Your hand digs into her hair, and your hips start to rock against her face when she moves faster, allowing the buildup in the pit of your stomach to get bigger. Your moans become more frequent and a little louder, showing Leah that you’re close. She pulls away for a split second to whisper, “Cum for me, doll.”
Your back arches further and further off the bed the closer you get; eventually, the coil snaps, making your body shutter and muscles tense, allowing your body to return to its first resting position. Leah’s tongue slowly continues to place soft licks, helping you get all the way through your orgasm. Your hand makes its way to her cheek and urges her to move up by you. Her chin glistens in your arousal, and she drags her thumb over it to wipe it off, then places her thumb in her mouth.
“You taste so sweet.” Your arms wrap around her neck to pull her down and kiss her. As her tongue makes its way into your mouth, you can taste the mixture of alcohol and you.
Right away, her fingertips drag down your stomach and then down to your heat. Testing the waters, she rubs her fingers over your clit which causes your legs to twitch since you’re still a little sensitive.
“Are you going to continue being my good girl?”
Her smirk widens at your obedience, and as a reward, her fingers dip into your dripping hole, making you gasp at the sensation. Without warning, she plunges two digits into you, chuckling at your whimpers and moans. Her lips make their way back to yours, swallowing all of your little noises.
After a minute or two, her fingers brush against your g-spot and her lips start sucking on your pulse point, leaving a hickey. Your moans grow louder at the repeating strokes that hit your spot perfectly. Compared to your orgasm, this one feels way more intense.
“I can feel you tighten around my fingers, darling. You’re already gonna cum again?”
This time you can’t respond; you’re too breathless, and the whines spilling out of your mouth constantly don’t give you any time to answer her. Your vision becomes spotty, and you feel wetness covering the insides of your thighs. Your orgasm crashes over you but lasts longer than anyone you’ve ever had.
Without your knowledge, Leah pulls away and looks at you with her jaw hanging open. When you finally come down from your high, you meet her gaze with a questioning look. A smug smile takes over her features, which makes you even more confused.
“You soaked the sheets and my arm, doll.”
Your eyes trail down, and you see a big wet patch on the mattress and the blonde's arm soaked. Feeling embarrassed, you cover your face with your hands and fall back against the pillows with a groan. Leah wipes her arm against the sheet you will definitely be washing later.
Leah lays beside you and grabs your wrists to move them from your face. She leans over and pecks your forehead, your chin, both of your cheeks, your nose, and then finally, your lips. Her eyes light up when she sees you smile at her gesture. You’re both lying together for a few minutes before Leah stands up and grabs her shirt.
“What are you doing?” You sit up with your arms holding you.
“Uhh, I’ve got a couple of errands to run in the morning, so I’ve gotta get home.” Her fingers work at one of the buttons of her shirt, and she keeps her head down.
You sigh before saying, “I know you have a reputation for sleeping around, and I know it’s a mess, but you don’t need to hide. You can let me in. So you can either get into bed at the count of three or you can walk out that door and never talk to me again.”
Her fingers stop buttoning up her shirt, and she finally looks at you.
Still in the same spot.
Only moves one step forward.
“One.” You pull your comforter down, patting the spot she was previously in. She quickly takes her top off and lays down next to you. You turn to your side so Leah can wrap her arms around you. Her nose nuzzles into your neck, and she hears you mumble, “I knew you had a soft side.”
The taller girl realizes she enjoys having a body next to her, especially one she’s grown to really like, but then it hits her. She’s never done this. This isn’t who she is. Multiple thoughts race through her head while you sleep soundly right next to her. She slowly removes her arms, making sure you don’t stir, which, luckily for her, you don’t. Quickly, she stands up, gets dressed, and rushes out the door.
The sun peeks through the curtains, waking you up. You smile and turn around, only to be met with empty sheets. Sitting up, you look on the ground and see all of Leah’s clothes missing.
The feeling of embarrassment floods your veins as you pull your blanket up to cover your chest. You feel stupid that you actually believed Leah would fall for you. You feel used, as if she just took you on those dates just to have sex with you. And you feel ashamed. Ashamed, you didn’t listen to any of the warnings thrown your way by your best friends.
Tears begin to trail down your cheeks before you even realize it. I guess you’re just not lovable for the Leah Williamson.
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
— 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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✦ event: freedom is sweet.
✦ for: @zhongrin
✦ info / prompt: “sometimes (read: all the time) i want to just. hug their waist and pepper kisses ( + maybe even nibbles when i'm feeling chaotic >:) ) all over their back!! how do you think they would they react?” (zhongli: modern au. alhaitham: regular au.)
✦ warnings: none, i think. (i did proofread but i may have missed a mistake or two.)
✦ featuring: zhongli, alhaitham.
✦ notes: happy (belated) birthday rin!! my apologies for this being late, i wanted to make it perfect (it's not quite there, but i like it regardless and i hope you will too <3 mwah have a great day!!)
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warm rays of sunlight stream in through open windows that zhongli insists on keeping open in the mornings, lighting up the entire kitchen, bouncing off cream colored walls. the plants by the windowsill are certainly grateful for it, considering how they seem to be thriving. they look happier than they’ve ever been.
and in the middle of the cozy scene stands your husband, still in his nightclothes, watering can in hand, amber eyes focused solely on his task. 
the scent of both coffee and tea floats gently to your nose, and you look to the side to see your favorite cup already set atop a warmer. soft, slow music plays through his phone on the table, the notes in harmony with the metallic clinks of the windchime.  oh, you think, smiling to yourself as you lean on the doorframe, arms crossed. he’s finally figured out how to put that song he likes on repeat.
“look at you,” he murmurs to his— well, technically, they’re yours, but at this point he’s practically claimed them as his own with how much attention he lavishes upon them on the daily— plants, affectionately running a finger along a vibrant green leaf. “you’re looking well this morning, aren’t you, little one?” 
an idea sparks to life in your head.
he turns to the right, moving to lightly water another plant, one with pale white flowers blooming happily. “good morning to you, dear,” he coos, gently turning it. “and to you too, madam.” he says to the one with vibrant red blooms. 
opportunity presents itself to you at precisely that very moment, where his back faces towards you and there is no possible chance for him to spot you in his peripherals. your feet, clad in socks, barely make a sound as you inch ever-so-carefully towards him. a brief pause, then a quiet inhale, and you pounce, arms locking around his waist as you pepper kisses all over his backside, quick and mischievous. 
a surprised ‘oof’ leaves his mouth, and he laughs when he realizes it’s you, setting aside the watering can. you lean up, nibbling at the nape of his neck, giggling alongside him. “good morning, my dearest.” he glances at you from over his shoulder, amusement in his expression. “how long have you been up?”
“long enough to see you talking to the flowers,” you tease playfully. “i know you’re an old, old man, but you’re not that old yet, are you?”
he clears his throat, revolving to meet your gaze. he grasps your face in his warm, calloused hands, before speaking. “studies show that talking to your plants and speaking positively to them can augment their growth by a considerable amount, dearest.” his lips quirk into a tiny, serene smile. “besides, i do quite enjoy doing it.”
you laugh, pressing more kisses to the tip of his nose and to his mouth in rapid succession. you feel his smile widen against your lips, which stays on his face long after you pull away.
“you certainly are affectionate today.” he chuckles. “well, then,” he looks to you for silent permission, ever the gentleman, hoisting you up into his arms when you consent, lips brushing over your eyelids, over your cheek and over your forehead.
“let me return the favor tenfold, my love.”
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your shoes clack satisfyingly against the polished floors of the house of daena as you walk down the hallway. you pause to wave hello to the man standing near the lift to the grand sage’s office, then walk inside. if your estimates were correct, then you should be just in time for alhaitham’s lunch break.  
you push open the door to his office, forgoing the need to knock. the room is neat, clean and organized; just how he prefers it. you see him standing in front of his bookshelf, eyes scanning up and down, very clearly looking for something, familiar silver hair a little tousled. you walk normally towards him, knowing his headphones muffle the sound of your footsteps, and wrap your arms around his waist.
“boo,” you whisper in his ear, lifting his earpieces a little. “i’m here! did you miss me?”
he sighs contentedly when he feels your touch, book still in one hand, but the other moves to remove his headphones, then grasps your hand firmly. “i did,” he admits, leaning so the back of his head rests against yours. “everything is certainly duller without you around.”
he sighs again, wearily this time, setting the book down to run his fingers over his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose. “i’d much rather be at home with you than deal with paperwork. it seems as if people can't do anything themselves.”
“i know,” you whisper against the skin of his neck, smiling sympathetically. you hold him tighter, running your lips over his neck and his back, playfully nipping at his earlobe. your lips kiss every inch of him that you can reach, littering featherlight pecks all over.
he shakes his head at your antics, but the red that dusts his cheek (and the tips of his ears) and the barely contained grin on his face portray a different story. 
“why did you stop?” he asks when you pull away. his voice sounds disappointed, and you can’t help but laugh. how cute. “i never asked you to.” 
“i’m sorry,” you smooch his cheek in apology. your eyes fall to the clock on his desk. “ i'm glad i got to see you today, but i’ve got to go now.”
“where are you going off to?” he pulls you closer by your wrist when you start to move away, then intertwines his fingers with yours once again, brows knitting together. “stay. have lunch with me.”
“i only popped in to say hello,” you kiss the frown on his forehead. “i have to get back to work soon. my break ends much earlier than yours, remember?”
“i know, but you can still stay,” he glances at you. “i’ll send a letter to your boss after lunch. they won’t have a problem.”
“grand sage alhaitham!” you exclaim in mock-surprise, holding a hand to your mouth, eyes widening slightly. “are you really going to use your position to get me to have lunch with you? what would people at the akademiya think of this?” 
“acting grand sage,” he reminds you, leaning over to softly touch his lips to your forehead, used to your theatrics. “good thing i don’t care what they think. besides,” he adds, “i’m sure lesser lord kusanali wouldn’t mind, and is she not the boss of us all?”
you laugh. “i suppose that reasoning is sound.”
he extends his arm for you to hold. “then let's get going.”
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taglist: @kissedbysilk @ilyuu @xiaosonlybeloved @ineshapanda @soleillunne @supernova25 @vixianne @downwithlean
bold: unable to be tagged! please check your settings or let me know if you've changed urls <3
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venusvity · 4 months
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Sweet Like Candy is Sena's debut mini-album, making her the fourth and final member of VENUS to debut solo. With a track list of eight songs, Sena performed the title tracks "Exes" and "Get Him Back" for a total of six weeks across various music shows and concert appearances. Exes would go on to win three music show awards, and Get Him Back would earn two.
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With a star-studded all-female producing team, Sena's debut mini album will feature tracks produced by the acclaimed producing duo SODA, one of Japan's most popular idols, Kaori, Evangeline's leader Namra AKA angeleyes, the producing trio of Venus' sister group SNS Mika AKA M.ka, Yuki, and Piper, MORNINGSTAR member Eris, Kaleina from KRUSH, Hiro from LUCKY, Love AKA lovelies from REJECTS, and her always supportive groupmates Chloee Lee, Baebi, and Klara Blix.
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Despite its divisive reception, Sweet Like Candy made a notable splash in the music scene. On its first release day, It sold over 1.8 million copies, showcasing Sena's shockingly strong fan base and the anticipation surrounding her solo debut. The album continued to perform well, reaching a total of 4 million copies sold.
The album's title tracks, "EXES" and "Get Him Back," quickly became fan favorites. "EXES" shot to the top of the Gaon chart, holding the number one spot for an impressive 20 days before "Get Him Back" entered the top ten and subsequently took over the number one position for 25 days. However, the album's overall chart performance was fleeting, with its presence dwindling from the charts after only a few weeks.
Sweet Like Candy sparked debate among fans and critics. Fans loved the album's personal, raw nature, speculating that several songs were about her past relationships, including rumored ties to a member of ArmCandy and Yeojun of Pushing Daisies. However, critics were less enthusiastic about the album's overall composition and thematic cohesion, saying she fell flat compared to her members' solo debuts.
Sena's vocal performance throughout the album was a standout. Her expressive delivery amplified the emotional depth of the songs. Her ability to seamlessly transition between high-energy pop anthems and introspective indie ballads underscored her versatility as an artist.
Critics had mixed opinions about the album's overall coherence and some of its production choices, but they all agreed on Sena's potential and the strong foundation she has laid for her solo career. Her debut album, "Sweet Like Candy," proved that she is more than just a member of Venus; it showcased her as a unique and talented artist in her own right.
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OO1. Let's start off with the fact Sena's debut showcase SOLD OUT! All 15,000 seats were filled with constellations, her closest friends, and some other idols. You already know all of Venus was there cheering her on. They all made little signs to show their support. Klara wore a cute little headband with Sena's face on it that she and Elliot of Pushing Daisies; it was all very cute and a much-needed moment for Constellations.
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Shockingly, Bliss was there to show her support alongside HautePink members Misun and Fame, which caused a lot of heated debate on constellation Twitter and some fan wars between them and Coutures, but what's new there? Not only were the Venus girls there but a whole bunch of idols came to support their favorite fake maknae! SEE WHO WAS AT SENA'S SHOWCASE IN HER INSTA DUMP!
OO2. Sena did a lot of interviews for her debut! She was on PSICK SHOW, The Kstar Next Door, Buzzfeed UK, and Hong Seokcheon's Jewel Box! This girl was everywhere and capturing the hearts of literally everyone she interacted with. She also got her own variety show, "Sweet Like Sena," where she'd basically try to make candy from scratch every episode and fail miserably. She'd have some guests on the show, which caused some really fun and iconic moments, like when Klara joined her to make rock candy. They literally made the candy so hard it was like a rock, resulting in the girls losing their minds as they tried to see who could break the candy first. This was the first time Sena really got to show her variety skills and she did not disappoint!
OO3. While on PSICK SHOW, they repeatedly tried to get her to spill who the album was about, and she would not give it up! Either she'd laugh it off or answer with, "I think it's obvious. Listen to the songs." with a smirk on her face. There were a lot of speculations from fans, but most concluded that the album is either about Yeojun of Pushing Daisies; they did major detective work to come to this conclusion, like, building timelines based on posts, deleted posts, and when Sena and Yeojun were seen together or a member of Arm Candy due to the on the nose title of the album.
"I don't think it matters who it's about. It just matters that it's good," Sena would say during her PSICK interview as she played with the ends of her hair and puckered her lips at the camera, "but some of you guys are riiight!" She'd teased, laughing at herself and covering her mouth.
OO4. Every encore stage, she did something special like pulling her Venus members on stage with her, a tradition for Venus solos at this point, inhaling helium from some balloons to pitch her voice during a stage, dressing like a cat for one of them, and most famously letting her backup dancers sing while she danced which was a hit with fans. Her live vocals were praised for her stability, though she was trashed for an encore performance of "Get Him Back" where she was a bit pitchy and out of breath, but in her defense she was tired so!
OO5. Not many scandals! The only real notable ones were her outfits being "too revealing" or "try hard" which...wasn't a big deal. It stayed in the stan twitter bubble relatively so Sena never saw any of it despite being very active on social media.
"They're getting you on Twitter...Okay, but are they streaming?" - Sena via Instagram Live, 2024.
The other scandal involved none other than our favorite DeepDive boy, Finn Lee! The pair were spotted out and about together A LOT, like if Sena was spotted by fans, Finn was right there behind her. Though they would consistently say they were just friends, they were also seen hugging and hanging onto each other outside of a club, which caused a bit of a stir. Still, they never cleared it up with fans, and Mydol never released a statement. This just wasn't at the top of the priorities list lol!
OO5. OVERALL! SENA HAS A GREAT TIME! She was always glowing when she was on stage or at fansigns and giving it her all every performance. It was a breath of fresh air for constellations fighting for their lives just a few months ago. It was really a good time, genuinely. Everyone was pretty happy and supportive of their girl, and she was so happy with how everything turned out! Despite not having much creative control over her music videos and outfits, she was super proud of how the songs turned out and how it all went about. Pretty smooth and overall happy era!
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OCS MENTIONED : @d3caynluv + @pinkscaped + @bluwavez + @hearthr0b + @alwaysvivid + @snspice + @lvcky0ne + @mcurningstar + @sug4rsweet
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omegalomania · 1 year
it really is incredible, seeing how playing one song will spark the exact hybrid emotions that i feel like its meant to generate. pete prefaces by asking the 8-ball, should we play a song from ten years ago? and the 8-ball says my reply is no. so he asks, should we play a song about ten years ago? and so they do. and from the second that beat kicks in, the crowd loses it. they know what song this is, right away. patrick starts singing and the crowd sings back at him. they know every word to this song from an album released this year. theyre not just here for hits from a decade plus ago.
its a hard song to sing. maybe for patrick he has the benefit of distance - but technically speaking, its a hard song. its at an unrelentingly high register and hes singing this in the sweltering houston heat. he nails it nonetheless. there is an incredible elation in hearing this song live in a stadium of thousands, filled to the brim with people who sing along. there is an incredible depth of sadness in hearing the chorus over and over: i spent ten years in a bit of chemical haze, and i miss the way that i felt nothing.
patrick sings these high clear words and doesnt falter. andy and pete are the rhythm section and they keep the tempo, they hold the foundations, they are unshakable and if it is a difficult song for pete to hear live he doesnt show it. hes all smiles for the crowd. and joe...oh god, joe, who listed the kintsugi kid as his favorite off of so much (for) stardust, he plays this song live for the first time alongside his band, he plays the same melody on guitar that patrick sings during the choruses and in that way they are both singing alongside each other. when the song drops into the instrumental its just joe for a minute. just the rising tones of the guitar in this painfully vulnerable song, played to a stadium of thousands.
god, but my heart. im envious of those of you who got to hear this one for the first time, but im also indescribably happy that they played this one at all. its a special song. it deserved to be heard live.
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elizaleclerc · 4 months
first off all I'd like to say i love your work so much, can you do a max x reader where she's griend with carlos gf alex, max's just like freshly broke up and reader has like the biggest fattest crush on him and i trust you to end this fic in anyway you'd like
hello gorgeous (i see ur typo dw love), i'm combining this request with another one i got (the lovely anon that sent one about watching reader perform at a recital). tweaking these ideas a little and instead of it being reader im making it a fem oc AND turning it into a series!! absolutely stoked ab this idea and hope you both love it <3
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the dying swan 🩰
(part one)
max verstappen x female original character
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summary: as ballerina madeline moreau prepares her final dance as a bachelor's student, her good friend charles invites her to her first grand prix in monaco, where she sparks up a relationship with her crush max.
song: le cygne by saint-saëns
author's note: haven’t written a fic with a fem oc on here so im a little nervy. i adore this concept so i hope u like it too :,) this will have multiple parts (not sure how many yet), so stay tuned! xoxo 
word count: 2.3k
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As Madeline Moreau prepared for her final performance towards earning her Bachelor's in performing arts, she carefully laced the ribbons of her ballet shoes around her ankles. The soft pink fabric contrasted against her pale skin, adding to the ethereal quality of the dance she was about to perform. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the studio and began the grueling practice session for "The Dying Swan". This solo dance was known to be one of the most challenging variations, but Madeline had purposefully chosen it as her final piece. Ballet had been her life since she was a young child, and completing a Bachelor's degree in this intense passion meant everything to her. As she gracefully moved across the studio floor, every stretch and turn was executed with precision and emotion, conveying the story of a swan's final moments beautifully through movement and music.
Her heart's deepest desires yearned for her to dance under the sparkling lights of the Paris Opera Ballet. Growing up in the enchanting country of France, she would often sit in front of her television, mesmerized by the grace and agility of the ballerinas on stage. She imagined herself twirling and leaping alongside them, a part of the grandeur and beauty that captivated her every time.
Already she had scouts eyeing her for various ballet companies through France, companies that would bring her massive attention and fame in the dancing world. She could already imagine the opportunities waiting for her in her home country, the chance to dance on grand stages and gain worldwide recognition. As she began her first practice that morning, thoughts of fame and success swirled through her mind like ribbons caught in a gentle breeze. Each stretch and exercise was calculated, each muscle carefully worked as she prepared for the challenging routine ahead. Her ankles, strong and supple, were crucial to executing the entire dance en pointe, with grace and precision that would captivate audiences. This was her passion, her art, and she was determined to master every aspect of it.
Madeline's body moved gracefully to the familiar notes of her favorite dance theme. As she moved across the studio floor, she couldn't help but feel a bittersweet ache in her heart. This was her final performance as a student ballerina, and just as the swan dies in the dance, she too would soon be bidding farewell to her youth as a performer. But with each precise movement of her arms and each delicate arch of her feet, she knew that something new and beautiful would be born from this ending - a career as a professional dancer. And as she gracefully folded her arms into her torso, it felt as though she was shedding an old skin and emerging anew, like a majestic swan taking flight once again.
With each graceful, extended step, Madeline could feel her ankles straining and trembling beneath her. The pain was excruciating, but she refused to let it show as she balanced delicately on her toes, emulating the movements of a dying swan. Her muscles burned with exhaustion, but she pushed through, determined to make every motion appear effortless and fluid.
Despite the countless blisters that formed on her feet, Madeline never uttered a complaint. She understood that to achieve true beauty and grace in her performance, she had to push her body to its physical limits. It was a constant battle between mind and body, but for Madeline, the end result was always worth the pain.
She glided through the four-minute variation with determination, her movements precise and fluid. Her instructor stood in the corner, arms crossed and a stern expression on their face. With each mistake, they scolded Madeline, pointing out every tiny detail that was not up to par. And with each correction, Madeline cursed herself for not being perfect.
As a ballerina, she had learned to be a perfectionist under the constant pressure of her instructors. But unlike others, Madeline placed all the weight of expectation on her own shoulders. She believed that this self-imposed scrutiny and criticism would propel her straight to the Paris Opera Ballet company. As she finished her routine, sweat glistening on her brow, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever be good enough for her own standards.
After what felt like an eternity, she hung her head in defeat as the day came to a close. Learning the variation had not been the biggest challenge - it had come naturally to her - but the hours of repetition and inevitable mistakes had left her confidence bruised and battered. As she wearily made her way out of the studio and back to her small apartment, she couldn't help but wince at the painful blisters forming on her toes, a tell-tale sign of her dedication and determination to perfecting her craft.
She took her hair down out of her bun and drew herself a warm bath to ease the aching of her muscles. Just as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes in relaxation, she felt the vibration of her phone on the side of the tub.
She dried off her hands and answered the phone call, “Salut, Charles.” Her good friend Charles Leclerc spoke on the other side of the phone, asking her how she’s been and what progress she’d made on her dance. She updated him on her failures of the day, and as he had plenty of times before, he told her she was being entirely too hard on herself.
“I wanted to extend an invite to you.” His voice echoed through the phone’s speaker.
“Yes?” She urged him on.
“How would you feel about finally coming to see us race in Monaco?” He was met with silence.
“I dunno Char,” Madeline sighed, considering the opportunity. The Monaco Grand Prix was a few weeks away, and she knew how busy she would be working on her variation, and how much more progress she had to make in perfecting it.
“Cmon, it would be loads of fun.” He persisted, but yet she hesitated still. The Formula One crowd was widly different than the dance crowd she was used to. Her and Charles crossed paths several times through their youth, over time becoming closer and closer. Charles knew that Madeline was a fairly timid girl, and therefore might feel uncomfortable around the loud cars and adrenaline filled atmosphere. Madeline’s spirit was much more peaceful and slow, her entire aura radiating the serenity and calmness of ballet.
“I’ll think about it.” She finally answered, but that didn’t satisfy him.
“Every time you say that you always end up saying no.” He argued, further putting Madeline in a difficult position. “You know Max will be there.” He joked, which made her roll her eyes over the phone.
“Very funny.” Her sarcastic remark caused Charles to chuckle. He always liked to say that Madeline had a major crush on Max, but she had never even met him. Her own nerves prohibited her from reaching out. The fact that Max would be racing in Monaco and Madeline could potentially meet him almost made her more resistant to go. “Who would I be staying with?”
“During the race you could stay up in the balcony with my family and friends. Alex will be there as well. You’d be in good company, Madeline.” Charles was making a good argument. Madeline adored Charles’s girlfriend, Alexandra, as she was a lover of the arts and always made sure to adorn Madeline in compliments over her dancing skills.
“Fine, I’ll be there.” Madeline gave in, finally feeling excited with the possibility of it all. She could hear Charles’s cheers in the background.
As they ended the phone call, she took a deep breath. Charles' words lingered in her mind, causing her to question her actions. He was right, of course, to tease her about seeing Max. After all, he had been her long-time crush since his impressive debut on the Formula One track. Despite the passing years and numerous offers from Charles to introduce them, Madeline had always managed to avoid meeting Max. But as her fame as a ballerina grew in France, fans began to speculate about her connection with the much more renowned Charles Leclerc.
The media had never bothered to inquire about her, yet Madeline's rise in popularity could be attributed to the relentless efforts of Charles and Alex, who took every opportunity to mention her name. As she walked through public spaces, Madeline's cheeks would flush with a mixture of shyness and discomfort, still unaccustomed to the attention that came with being associated with a famous Formula One driver. But deep down she knew that fame and recognition within the ballet world were her ultimate goals. She yearned to see her name among the ranks of the greats, and she understood that this would require adjusting to constant public scrutiny and attention.
The water in Madeline's bath slowly grew colder, but she hardly noticed as she scrolled through Instagram. With steady hands, she searched for Max's name in her following list. His profile appeared on her screen, his handsome face and perfectly curated photos drawing her in. She spent time studying each picture, taking in the details of his life that she had been missing out on. Where there used to be images of him and his girlfriend, now there were only solo shots of him posing with trophies and accolades, a clear indication to his millions of followers that they had split up. A small smile tugged at Madeline's lips, the realization that he was single igniting a spark of hope within her. But deep down, she knew that even with this new opportunity, she may not have the courage to approach him. The thought left her feeling both exhilarated and defeated all at once.
A dull, persistent ache nagged at Madeline's muscles as she trudged into the dance studio the next day. But her mind was not occupied with thoughts of rest or recovery; instead, it was consumed by thoughts of Max. She hated herself for feeling this way. For so long, her focus had been solely on dance, unable to entertain any distractions or desires for a romantic relationship.
But now, as she danced to prophetic love ballads and hopeless romantic variations, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to experience the type of love she often portrayed in her performances. With every step and turn, she poured all her energy into keeping her mind focused on the theme of her current variation: the dying swan. Her arms moved gracefully, mimicking the delicate movements of the bird's wings, while her fingers flicked with precision and emotion. As much as she tried to push him out of her mind, Max's image lingered in the corners of her thoughts, tainting even her most effortless movements with a bittersweet longing.
Under the watchful eye of her instructor, Madeline pushed herself to her limits, determined to improve. She gritted her teeth and forced herself through each step of the variation, her feet aching and screaming in protest. But she refused to give up or show any sign of weakness. After completing another round, she could see the concern in her instructor's eyes. "Madeline, take a moment to catch your breath. You're only on your second day, I don't want you to overdo it and injure yourself." Madeline tried to regulate her breathing and calm her racing heart. Sweat dripped down her face, mingling with the tears of pain and determination. But she knew that she had to keep going, pushing herself harder than ever before in pursuit of perfection.
She huffed and finally sat down on the chilled floor. “I don’t care, I need to be perfect or nothing.”
“That attitude will not make you ‘perfect’, you fool,” the instructor scolded, “there is no such thing as perfect. Your body needs rest. An audience can see clear as day the difference between a healthy and strong dancer and one that is barely hanging on to each movement.”
Madeline's body trembled with exhaustion as she hung her head low, trying to hide her overwhelming disappointment. The instructor's angry voice still echoed in the room, adding to the throb of pain in her feet and the twitches in her muscles. She tried to soak in their words, but her mind was foggy from the grueling practices she endured every day. Yet, she convinced herself that these struggles were just part of the ballet world. After all, the ballerinas in the most prestigious companies had gone through much worse. Madeline believed that she simply wasn't strong enough yet.
In the solitude of the studio, she pushed her body through the variation one final time. As her muscles trembled and her legs threatened to give out with every move, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the large mirror in front of her. She watched as her shaking limbs seemed to amplify the dying and fatal motions of the swan, transforming the dance into a display of intense urgency and desperation.
Beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, proof of her physical exertion. But it was the reflection in the glass that truly captured her attention. Despite the beautiful lines of her facial features, there was a hint of anguish and exhaustion in her expression. Like the dying swan she portrayed, her spirit and morale were crumbling under the weight of this performance.
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part two coming soon where madeline and max actually meet! this part was rlly just a lottt of exposition :) x
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galaxysupreme17 · 3 months
The Eras Tour
Emily Prentiss X Olivia Benson x Daughter!Reader!
It was a crisp autumn afternoon when Emily Prentiss and Olivia Benson decided to surprise their daughter Y/n with a special gift. Y/n had just finished her classes at the local high school and was relaxing at home, flipping through a magazine in the living room. Emily and Olivia exchanged knowing smiles as they approached her.
"Hey, sweetheart," Emily began, her voice tinged with excitement. "We have something for you."
Y/n looked up, curiosity sparking in her eyes. "Oh? What is it?" she asked, setting aside the magazine.
Olivia handed her an envelope with a playful grin. "Open it and find out."
Y/n's heart raced as she opened the envelope, finding three tickets inside. Her eyes widened with disbelief as she read the words printed on them: Taylor Swift's Eras tour.
"Oh my god," Y/n gasped, her hands trembling with excitement. "Are these...?"
Emily nodded with a grin. "Surprise! We thought you'd enjoy a night out at the concert."
Y/n was speechless for a moment, overwhelmed by the gesture. "Thank you both so much! This is incredible!"
In the days leading up to the concert, Y/n's excitement bubbled over. As a senior in high school, this was a dream come true. She spent hours planning her outfit—a stylish homage to Taylor Swift's iconic looks. She settled on a Reputation tour shirt tucked into high-waisted jeans, a leather jacket, and ankle boots. Emily and Olivia joined the fun, coordinating their outfits to match Y/n's enthusiasm.
The anticipation built with each passing day. Y/n gushed about the concert with her friends at school, who shared her excitement. She counted the hours until the night of the concert, unable to contain her anticipation.
On the night of the concert, the atmosphere outside the venue buzzed with energy. Y/n, Emily, and Olivia joined the throngs of excited fans, the anticipation palpable in the air. Finding their seats amidst the sea of eager concert-goers, Y/n couldn't stop talking about her favorite Taylor Swift songs and the moments she hoped to experience during the show.
As the lights dimmed and Taylor Swift took the stage, Y/n's heart raced excitedly. She sang along to every song, her voice blending seamlessly with thousands of others in the audience. Emily and Olivia watched with pride, their hearts swelling at the sight of Y/n immersed in the music she loved.
During a poignant interlude, Taylor Swift surprised everyone by inviting a fan on stage to sing a duet with her. Though Y/n wasn't chosen, she cheered alongside Emily and Olivia, caught up in the infectious joy of the moment. The concert was a whirlwind of emotions and exhilaration, leaving Y/n breathless and overjoyed by the night's end.
After the concert, the ride home was filled with laughter and animated chatter. Y/n couldn't stop talking about her favorite moments—the electrifying performances, the heartfelt ballads, and the energy that filled the arena. Emily and Olivia listened with delight, their smiles mirroring Y/n's infectious enthusiasm.
"Tonight was unforgettable," Y/n said, her voice filled with gratitude as they pulled into the driveway.
Olivia squeezed Y/n's hand affectionately. "We're so glad we could share this experience with you, sweetheart. Seeing you so happy means everything to us."
Emily nodded in agreement, her eyes shimmering with pride. "You're our rockstar, Y/n. Tonight was magical because we were all together."
As they walked into their home, Y/n hugged Emily and Olivia tightly, overwhelmed with love for her mothers and their bond. It was more than just a concert—a night of music, laughter, and cherished memories, solidifying their close-knit family even more. The night ended with Y/n feeling grateful and blessed to have such supportive and loving parents, and they knew this was just one of many memorable moments they would share.
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I have so many bishop thoughts and headcanons in my mind I can't focus on anything else so I'm just gonna regurgitate them here:
- Leshy has whatever the godly equivalent of ADHD. He is chaos incarnate, literally. He is always moving, always fidgeting with things under his cloak, is always pacing around and talks to himself a lot
- Also my man's invented flowers. Plants existed before his birth, of course, but modern day flowers were his creation, plants shaped and crafted to be bowls for the insects to dine from. He looks out for the smallest amongst them, even the most insignificant
- Among the siblings he was the most artistically inclined. He loved to paint, and sculpt, and in fact glass making was a great passion of his alongside gardening. On his 1,000th year anniversary of godhood, he surprised each of his siblings with a stained glass portrait in their temples, depicting each of them in the most significant memory he had of them: for Heket, it was her grandest harvest ritual. For Narinder, the very first sacrifice in his name. For Kallamar, the day he parted the seas to pluck the deepest ocean crystals for a ritual. And for Shamura, their weaving of a Time Tapestry that depicted the future
- Leshy hasn't made a single artistic piece since loding his vision. His crown can show him his surroundings, but it's not the same. Narinder's betrayal drained away his creative spark, and he has no desire to make anymore
- As a frog, Heket is very musically inclined. Before losing her voice, she'd often lead her congregations in the most vibrant hymns and choruses of praise, and in fact composed almost every musical piece that is used to sing glory to their names. She wrote hundreds, thousands, countless songs for her siblings, and her favorite way to funnel devotion was to have her followers sing to her. Wind and string instruments were her favorite, but she could play just about anything
- Even before Narinder's banishment, Heket was a very serious, rather surly individual. It wasn't easy to make her laugh, and in fact only her siblings could, and even then it was an uphill battle. But if they could, she had the deepest, biggest belly laughs, the kind that would leave a person bent over with their arms around their middle, tears of mirth streaming down her face. She hasn't had a good laugh since Narinder was imprisoned, and of course hasn't sung or danced either. Music now just makes her sad, and the sadness makes her angry: she forbids any sort of music in her temple
- Heket mothered/fathered most if not all of the mini-bosses of Anura. Frogs can swap their sex with ease, and she's a goddess: I think she should be able to lay her own eggs or fertilize another's on a whim 😌 each was the strongest child of each clutch, only one selected among hundreds as worthy to serve their mother's temple in lofty positions. Trained and cultivated from the moment of hatching, she is both incredibly proud of and incredibly hard on them, demanding perfection and depthless devotion at all times. Her children give it gladly, for they are so lucky to be in the presence of their mother who is holy
- Before banishment, Narinder was very close to Shamura. They all were, really, but him especially: he shared the eldest's passion for the written word. As a godling he'd so often sneak into Shamura's forbidden library to partake in ancient knowledge and prophecies, though he was of course too young to understand it. He'd often beg Shamura to read to him, and even after outgrowing that need, he'd often seek out his sibling so they could read in amicable silence together, shoulder to shoulder with each holding one side of the book
- As the god of death and the shepherd of souls, he was expected to pass judgements on the deceased, be they blessed or damned. It was a special joy of his, getting his chance to play with the heretics his siblings tortured and sacrificed. They would know no peace, even in death, for daring to go against the Old Faith
- The first time Narinder reversed death and let a mortal walk again was actually his niece: Heket's half-mortal daughter, Zepar. She had been slain tragically by a traitorous dissenter, and the way his sister wailed with grief rattled him to his very core. He didn't even realize death could be undone, he just... grabbed the little one's soul, fixed her body with his power, and breathed life back into her. It was a shock to everyone but especially to him
- Kallamar wasn't always so timid and faint of heart. After Shamura he's the oldest, and his sibling was already an adult when he was born. In comparison, the other 4 were born in relatively short periods of time, close together. Kallamar was kind of their ringleader when they were growing up, and Shamura once remarked it seemed he was, "Born without fear." He was cocky, knowing he was a god and therefore immortal and invulnerable. He wasn't afraid of anything: the entire world was his playground. He led his three youngers siblings on adventures all the time, always dragging them into some mischief or other. He was perhaps the most gullible of the siblings, believing them all to be truly indestructible. Was it any surprise, though? For several hundred thousand years, they were
- When Narinder attacked them all, it basly affected all of them but Kallamar the worst: it was the first time he'd ever truly felt pain, had ever bled, had ever been afraid for his life. Had ever been truly afraid in general. And it deeply scarred him; PTSD left him a husk of his former self. He developed crippling paranoia and anxiety as his mind introduced a slew of previously unconsidered possibilities: if the Red Crown could hurt them, then could anything else? How would he know it was coming? Would he know? Could he? Would... would his other siblings turn on him the same way? He felt horrible for thinking that way, because he trusted and loved them so much, but anxiety cannot be reasoned with. He started to doubt his safety with them, and withdrew into his shell. He stopped speaking to them as much, and whenever they were together he couldn't keep his eyes from starting around nervously. Looking for a trap, looking for a way out, hands subtly shaking and shoulders trembling beneath his robes. It makes him miserable, torments him, because how can he be suspicious of the family he so dearly adores? But Narinder has shattered his ability to trust--once the safest place, their family is no longer an undefeatable bastion and he's riddled with fear because of it
- Kallamar is very hard of hearing even with his crown: it amplifies any and every sound around him so he can always be aware of what's going on. He prefers to be underwater, deep in the Seas of Sorrow, where underwater volcanoes power his forges and he can make his many weapon for defense in peace
- He desperately needs therapy and regularly has night terrors and flashbacks
- Shamura is a prophet, clairvoyance a gift they've always possessed. There are many ways they record the future: in books as written riddles, sometimes as images woven into countless silk threads that make up their webs, and sometimes at their loom. Tapestry weaving takes a long, long time, and is only reserved for the holiest of visions: the birth of their siblings was each recorded in one wuch tapestry millenia before any came to be, and they waited anxiously for the stars to reach the appropriate alignment recorded in the threads
- On the day of Narinder's birth, they recieved a terrible vision, fortelling of the way their baby brother would one day betray them. They tried so hard to stop the prophecy, thinking perhaps it could be foiled with endless love and devotion, but despite their affections Narinder still raised his blades against them. It's a regret that weighs heavy on their mind for all eternity, even though they know there's nothing they could have done
- As the god of war and wisdom they know best to pick their battles, and are sought out for their brilliant mind as often as they are for blessings in battle. Silk Cradle was the origin of ritualistic pit fights, though usually reserved for heretics as a punishment, forced to bludgeon each other to death for the amusement of the faithful before their souls could be passed to Narinder for judgement
- Shamura raised all 4 of the bishops, naturally, and loves their siblings with all their heart. Watching them all grow into fine adults is something they will always take immense pride in. Their greatest wish is that the five of them can be together, for eternity, living in happiness while the mortals worship them and feed them their endless devotion
- Shamura is actually rather vain: they made and designed all of the bishops' robes by hand, spun of their finest silk and embroidered with golden threads. They preen frequently, and thoroughly enjoy bathing in the hot springs. A god must always look their best to inspire and strike awe into the mortals that worship them, no?
- Shamura doesn't need to eat, none of them do, but thoroughly enjoys nothing more than delicately sipping warm blood directly from a sacrifice's veins. In true spider fashion they'll occasionally leave particularly tasty mortals strung up in trapped webs, delightful little bloodbags for them to drink from again later. Sometimes they'll even feed the really yummy ones, just so they'll stay alive longer and keep naturally producing blood
I think that's it for now. Maybe now I can sleep lmao. I love the bishops
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sarahs-secrets2 · 2 years
Cowboy Casanova (Phillip Graves x Reader) 18+࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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I needed to write Graves to a country song bad, and this one is SO HIM, I also dk what I just wrote but yasss cowboy graves
based on Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood
fem! reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: douche Graves??, mentions of alcohol, swearing, sexual tension, makeout sesh, NSFW
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The bar was dimly lit with crowds of people hovering around their tables as they sipped on lukewarm beers. You shuffled your way through swarms of people, attempting to wiggle your way up to the bartender. 
“Your usual?”, the bartender nodded in your direction as he grabbed some bottles from behind the counter and started shaking a cocktail. 
“Yes please”, you smiled as you leaned against the bartop, “Busy night?” you laughed
“You could say that”, he winked as he slid the drink toward you, “This ones on me, for being my favorite regular”.
“I'm honored, thank you”, your hand went over your heart smiling back, “I’m still tipping you though,”
“That’s why you’re my favorite”,
You slipped a five-dollar bill into the tip jar before walking back into the horde of people to find a place to survey the crowd to see if there were any viable candidates for the night. Eventually finding an empty high-top, you set your drink down and leaned slightly against the table looking around the bar. 
Your eyes skimmed the room, eventually landing on a handsome blonde leaning up on the jukebox. He was wearing a blue button-up that was rolled up on his forearms with dusted blue jeans, a cowboy hat sat prettily on top of his head. Even from a distance, you could see the scar that stretched from his ear to his cheek. He was laughing as he sipped a beer from the bottle. His head turned as he looked directly at you, catching you staring. He tossed you a wink before going back to his conversation. 
A strong blush crept across your cheeks from a combination of embarrassment and nervousness, the wink sending a spark through your body. You shivered, tossing the drink back before heading to the bar for a refill. 
Before you had a chance to flag down the bartender, a hand wrapped around your waist, turning you around. 
“Let me get this one darlin’, the pretty girl deserves it”, a cocky smile grew on the man's lips, his hand remaining on your waist. He raised a finger signaling to the bartender, “Hey man, another beer and whatever the lady wants”, he slightly nudged you hoping you would speak up about your drink order. 
You stayed silent, your usual appearing before you alongside the man's beer in minutes. 
“Your usual ma’am” the bartender smiled at you, “and that beer, that on your tab sir?”
“Yea just throw it on there for me” he turned his attention back towards you, “Phillip Graves”, he stuck his hand out waiting for you to shake it. 
“Nice to meet you Graves”, smirking as you sipped your drink, leaving his hand waiting in front of you. 
“I see, you’re the hard-to-get type,” his blue eyes were piercing through you.
“I think you can handle it, cowboy”, you started to walk away back towards the table you were originally at, hoping he would follow. As you maneuvered through the crowd you felt a strong hand on the small of your back helping guide you through the sea of people. 
“I gotcha doll,” he whispered in your ear.
Arriving at the table you set your drink down, the blonde followed suit, his eyes raking up and down your body.
“Can I help you?”
“Takin’ in the view, that's all”, the glassy brown bottle connected to his lips, “So you a regular here?” 
“What can I say, I love a shitty bar” you swirled the small plastic straw in your glass avoiding eye contact, “What about you, what brings you here?”
“Deployment soon, we ship out tomorrow so I’m enjoying shitty bars while I can”
“You heard of Shadow Company?” you shook your head no, “Good, way it should be”, he chuckled as he leaned up against the high-top. The conversation came to a lull as the both of you sipped your drinks, watching other patrons of the bar. 
Your eyes had wandered to the man next to you who was angled slightly away. You could see his muscles through his shirt, his arms with visible veins, and the scar you saw from a distance was much more visible now. 
“Go ‘head darlin’, I don't mind a pretty girl checkin’ me out”, he turned, catching your eyes
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you shrugged as he scooted closer next to you, shoulders now touching. 
“You are a tough one aren't ya?”
“How about this Phillip Graves, I’ll be in the bathroom, come find me if you're interested,” you patted his chest as you sauntered towards the bathroom. 
Graves adjusted his hat, swishing down the rest of his beer, before jogging to keep up with you through the crowd. You quickly slipped into the bathroom, cracking the door for Phillip to sneak in quickly. 
“I’ve been waitin’ for this since the moment I saw ya”, he smiled hungrily as his hands found their way to your hips pulling you closer to him. 
“And I’ve been waiting for you to make a move cowboy,” you flicked the edge of his hat up, exposing more of his face. Almost immediately he bent down placing his lips on yours, kissing you feverishly like it was his last kiss on Earth. His hands explored your body causing a moan to escape your lips, he smirked into the kiss, happy with the response he had garnered from you.
“Don't tease me,” you mumbled to him
“Don't give me a reason to,”
His hands played with the hem of your shirt before tugging it up revealing a black lacy bra, he pulled back one of the straps allowing it to snap against your skin, “Cute”, he smiled devilishly, his hands sneaking around your back, pushing the band together releasing the tension, and popping the clasps off, allowing him to discard your bra, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him. 
“Your turn”, you pushed him up against the tiled wall, your fingers working diligently to undo the button-up. Once you had finished the buttons you slipped the shirt down his strong shoulders, exposing his toned figure to you. 
“C’mere,” he spoke just above a whisper. He immediately connected to your neck, placing sporadic kisses, and biting lightly at your skin. Your head rolled back at the pleasure, his hands held your breasts as he continued his work. You were so lost in the moment you almost didn't hear the knock at the door
“Occupied”, Graves shouted out
“Get the hell out of there, I know what y'all are doin”
“They don't sound too happy with us darlin’ now do they?”, he bent down picking up his shirt, beginning to button it back up. You stood shocked at how quickly he was ready to leave. 
“I’ll be seeing you around, yeah?” he tipped his hat, sneaking back out of the bathroom. As quickly as you could you grabbed your bra and t-shirt, slipping them on, and running out of the bathroom hoping to catch up with the man you had only met a few hours ago. 
Your eyes scoured the bar, with no sign of Phillip Graves, he was already gone.
"He just left, looked like he was in a rush", the bartender spoke up. You nodded sullenly, thanking the bartender for the tip.
"Always the cowboys huh?" you mumbled to yourself before ordering another drink to forget the chaos of what had just happened.
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tumblr mobile stays glitching and messing up my fully formatted web drafts
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bossalphadotdocx · 1 year
[would you save me a spark? we'll light up the dark]
Pairing: Captain John Price x GN!Reader (3rd pov)
A/N: baby's first fic on this blog! Fierce is the callsign for reader. My sister may be a doctor but I'm not one and it's too late to ask her abt medical conditions by the time I'm writing this
Cw: major character death (you, as the reader), grief, medical inaccuracies
Part 2
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He held their body close to his chest. Damn his vest for blocking to feel the last warmth left in their body. He could feel their blood seeping into his sleeves, his gloves. Then he saw it. The necklace he gave them fell out of their neckline alongside their dog tags.
It made a soft cling amongst the loud battlefield. And that's when his heart truly stopped.
He regretted everything. He regretted for not telling them of his feelings earlier than he should. He regretted of the missed chances. He regretted for dismissing the hints.
"Wherever you go, captain, I shall follow." Those were the last words they told him through the comms.
"Goddammit, and here you are...going to a place where I can't follow."
He sobbed. "I'm so sorry...sweetheart."
The spark of his life...now only a fleeting embers in the air.
They hummed a tune. One that Price often heard them humming before missions. He got curious and asked them, "I always hear you humming that, what's the title?" The sergeant looked at him with a smile and they grinned.
"The title of the song is Save Me a Spark, sir. It's by Sleeping With Sirens. If you're curious, you might want to check their entire discography."
It turned out, Price didn't like most of their songs except for select few. And Save Me a Spark was one of them. In the privacy of his office, the song often on replay.
One day, Gaz walked in without knocking and he grinned ear to ear when he heard that his captain listening to a certain sergeant's favorite song. When Gaz pointed it out, Price couldn't help blushing and yelled at him to get out. He knew he wouldn't get a good night's sleep that night because obviously Gaz going to tell Soap about their captain's crush toward one of their members. He wouldn't worry much about Ghost.
One day before another mission, the team was preparing themselves. Pulling on their gears and clipping their ammo's to their vests. Price looked at one of his sergeants, his hands still busy with his vest, shuffled on his feet nervously. "I listened to their discography, sergeant but...their music way too loud for me."
The sergeant chuckled instead. "I know, cap. Rock isn't for everyone. It's nothing to be ashamed of." They said as they clicked the last things they needed to their vest.
Price felt his ears reddened. Praying no one noticed, he asked them, "What's your favorite genre then, sergeant?" He felt like it's a silly thing to ask. As if he's going back to high school years trying to make a move on a girl who looked at him weird with that question.
The sergeant put their finger on their chin and hummed. He could hear shuffling behind him and some whispers that he knew coming from Gaz and Soap. The little shits.
"Beside the obvious rock genre, I listen to pretty much anything, sir. A bit of pop, K-pop, hip-hop, anything really. It's a hit or miss too." They said. "If you want, I can give you a playlist of my favorites?" At this, he heard some hissing behind him, "Say yes! Say yes!"
To which he nodded, a bit enthusiastically. "Yes, I would love to."
The sergeant smiled and bumped their fist onto Price's vest. "After this mission then. Hope you will enjoy some of my faves too!"
He grinned. Hard not to, afterall.
"It's a promise, then."
They smiled at Price, made a salute gesture and nodded. "See you later, cap!"
After a short while, he could hear whistles behind him. The other two sergeants of 141 and the lieutenant, most especially the former two were giving him a face of both amusement and shit eating grins. Even he could see the squint on Ghost's eyes. The three of them going to be the death of him.
The mission, apparently, went awry. What he thought would be a quick "get in, get out" mission went south real quick. It's a short miracle the five of them made it out alive with only minor scratches and bruises on them. He tended to his brave soldiers, all thanks to Gaz for pulling Soap and Fierce out.
Once they're in the base clinic, it turned out that Fierce got a light concussion and they needed rest. They grumbled under their breath and Price offered to bring them to their room to which Fierce nodded, head still down. Price knew they were gritting their teeth, holding in the headache that came from the concussion.
After checking the other three for the last time, Price lead the way and put his hand on their back for a second, to Fierce to move forward, signalling them it's time for them to rest in their room. They nodded and walked beside Price.
"You must rest right away, soldier. We did some damage to them before things went shit." He tried to assure them. Fierce huffed and just kept walking beside him. Price could see them trying to keep up with his pace and he slowed down for their sake. They just got a concussion after all.
For the entirety of their walk to Fierce's room, they kept silent. One which Price would raise an eyebrow at, as he knew Fierce was quiet talkative even with him. He knew they got concussion but this...is very quiet of them.
As they arrived at their destination, Price said "Is something bothering you, Fierce?". Fierce halted their movement to open the door to their room and looked up at their captain's face, only for them to look into his eyes for a second and then lowered it to the ground.
They wriggled with their fingers then shook their hands away on their sides--Price noticed the tick. "It's nothing, sir."
Price crossed his arms, his stance was a sign of patience, silently urging them to tell him what's on their mind and he would wait for them. It was obvious the captain wasn't going anywhere until he got his answers, they sighed. "I'm upset that I couldn't tell you about my favorite songs right away after the mission, sir."
Price's eyebrows went deep into his beanie. Surprised at the answer as that's not one he was expecting.
He was expecting...some self blaming and ready to give them a piece of his mind if they did. But this one made him flabbergasted.
They both stood in silence, in the hall which thankfully no one was there to witness his moment of weakness. He scratched his mustache, a poor attempt in trying to calm down the sudden thumping of his heart. He uncrossed his arms and put them on his hips instead.
He smiled and patted Fierce's shoulder.
"It's fine, Fierce. There's always tomorrow. How about this, you can come into my office tomorrow morning and we can listen to your favorites together?" He offered.
Please say yes. Please say yes. Goodness, this feeling is worse than being shot in the shoulder.
They beamed. And it was one of the most beautiful sight Price ever laid his eyes on and he subconsciously smiled too. Fierce nodded so fast, their eyes squinted from how big their smile was it made Price worry because the last thing they all need was another trip back to the base clinic.
Then Fierce clutched their head and Price quickly grabbed their arms to help them balance themself. They quickly reassured him, sheepishly, they said "It's okay, cap. I got too excited, nothing a short rest won't help." They quickly opened their door and walked into their room.
But before they had the chance to close the door, Price held it open with his hand, leaning a bit inside and quickly he told them, "John."
Fierce looked up, confusion evident on their face.
"You can call me John...when we're in private."
The sergeant grinned, white teeth on display, and nodded. "I will see you tomorrow...John."
Final A/N: TBH I DIDN'T EXPECT TO MAKE IT THIS LONG and make it a series to boot? Oh god forbid. This fic alone took me almost a week what with work and masters degree I'm currently having. Don't ask when the next update is, but I'm surely hooked w this fic to continue it!
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theconnectiongarden · 9 months
50 Romantic Ideas to Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship
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Hey there, lovebirds! Whether you’ve been together for months, years, or decades, keeping the romance alive is key to a thriving relationship. Sometimes, all you need is a little inspiration to rekindle that flame. That's why I've put together a list of 50 romantic ideas to add a spark to your relationship. From simple gestures to grand surprises, there’s something here for every couple. And if you're looking for more in-depth guidance on building a deeper connection, my Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook is a great resource to explore alongside these ideas.
1. Surprise Date Nights: Plan a surprise date night. It could be dinner at a fancy restaurant or a cozy night in. And why not use one of the creative date ideas from the workbook?
2. Handwritten Love Letters: Write heartfelt, handwritten love letters to each other.
3. Weekend Getaway: Organize a surprise weekend getaway to a place you both love or have always wanted to visit.
4. Cooking Together: Spend an evening cooking a new recipe together.
5. Sunrise or Sunset Watching: Find a beautiful spot to watch the sunrise or sunset together.
6. Recreate Your First Date: Relive the memories by recreating your first date.
7. Star Gazing: Lay out a blanket and gaze at the stars together.
8. Love Notes: Leave little love notes in unexpected places.
9. Spa Day at Home: Set up a spa day at home with massages and relaxation.
10. Memory Book: Create a book or a digital album of your favorite memories together. While assembling it, use prompts from the workbook to reflect on your journey together and deepen your bond.
11. Dance Together: Have a dance night at home to your favorite songs.
12. Breakfast in Bed: Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed.
13. Watch a Romantic Movie: Have a movie night with a selection of romantic films.
14. Go for a Hike: Connect with nature and each other on a scenic hike.
15. Visit a Museum or Art Gallery: Spend a day exploring a museum or art gallery.
16. Write a Song or Poem: If you’re musically inclined, write a song or poem for your partner.
17. Take a Class Together: Sign up for a class you’re both interested in, like cooking, dancing, or pottery.
18. Plan a Picnic: Have a romantic picnic in a local park.
19. Couples Photoshoot: Arrange a professional photoshoot or take candid shots of each other.
20. Candlelit Dinner at Home: Cook or order in and have a candlelit dinner.
21. Plan Future Dreams: Spend an evening planning your future together.
22. Volunteer Together: Share the love by volunteering for a cause you both care about.
23. Write Future Letters: Write letters to each other to open in the future.
24. Create a Playlist: Make a playlist of songs that are special to your relationship.
25. Take a Road Trip: Hit the road and see where it takes you. During the trip, you can use the conversation starters from the workbook to learn new things about each other and strengthen your connection.
26. Visit a Winery or Brewery: Spend a day tasting wines or beers.
27. Try a New Restaurant: Go out to a new restaurant in town.
28. Weekend Brunch: Enjoy a lazy weekend brunch together.
29. Play Board Games: Have a fun night playing your favorite board games.
30. Attend a Concert or Show: See a live concert or show together.
31. Visit a Botanical Garden: Take a stroll through a local botanical garden.
32. Go on a Bike Ride: Explore your city or town on a bike ride.
33. Make a Time Capsule: Create a time capsule of your relationship and open it in the future.
34. Have a Themed Dinner Night: Choose a theme and make a dinner night out of it.
35. Take a Scenic Drive: Drive through scenic routes in or near your city.
36. Visit an Amusement Park: Spend a day at an amusement park.
37. Go to a Festival: Find a local festival or fair and enjoy it together.
38. Have a DIY Project Day: Work on a home improvement or craft project together.
39. Go Kayaking or Canoeing: Have an adventure on the water.
40. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride: Experience a hot air balloon ride for a unique date.
41. Watch Old Home Videos: Reminisce by watching old videos or photos.
42. Go to a Trivia Night: Participate in a trivia night at a local bar or cafe.
43. Plan a Themed Movie Marathon: Have a movie marathon with a specific theme.
44. Go Horseback Riding: Try horseback riding for a fun outdoor activity.
45. Visit a Farmer’s Market: Stroll through a farmer’s market and cook a meal with your finds.
46. Attend a Cooking Demonstration: Learn something new at a cooking demo.
47. Go to an Aquarium: Spend a day at an aquarium.
48. Take a Yoga Class Together: Relax and connect with a couple's yoga class.
49. Have a Beach Day: Spend a day relaxing at the beach.
50. Go on a Scavenger Hunt: Spice up your day with a personalized scavenger hunt for each other. For a ready-made adventure, check out my Scavenger Hunt Pack for Couples, designed to bring fun and excitement into your relationship. This pack takes the guesswork out of creating an engaging activity and is filled with creative clues and challenges tailored for couples. It’s a playful way to explore and enjoy each other's company, creating lasting memories.
Remember, it’s not about grand gestures but about the thought and love you put into them. These ideas are just a starting point. Feel free to get creative and tailor them to suit your relationship’s unique dynamic. The most important thing is to spend quality time together, creating new memories and strengthening your bond. The Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook can be a valuable tool in this journey, offering deeper insights and structured activities to strengthen your relationship. It’s designed to complement these romantic ideas, providing a foundation for continued growth and connection.
1. Are these ideas suitable for all budgets?
Yes, there are options here for every budget, from free activities to more elaborate plans.
2. Can we modify these ideas to suit our interests?
Absolutely! Feel free to adapt and change these ideas to match what you both enjoy.
3. What if we're not very romantic?
Romance is subjective. The key is to find activities that you both feel comfortable with and enjoy.
4. How often should we plan these activities?
It depends on your schedules, but try to set aside time regularly, whether it’s weekly or monthly.
5. Can the workbook be used along with these romantic ideas?
Of course! The workbook is a great complement to these activities, offering deeper insights and guided exercises to enhance your connection.
6. Where can I get the Couples & Relationship Workbook?
You can find the workbook here: Get Access Now. It’s a great resource for couples looking to deepen their relationship and reignite the spark.
7. Where Can I get the Scavenger Hunt for Couples Pack?
You can find the pack here: Click here. It’s a great tool for couples add a playful yet intimate twist to their relationship.
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itsavgbltpta · 6 months
Should You Watch Undead Murder Farce?
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(Japanese title: Undead Girl Murder Farce)
A Brief Summary
In an alternate universe where demons and monsters still exist, one half-oni is living out his days in a fight club, just waiting to die.  That is, until a genius detective manages to catch his eye.  With promises of extending his life in an exchange to end her immortal one, the two pair up - along with the detective’s maid who happens to be handy with a rifle.  The trio solves some mysteries in Japan before going global, searching for the man who wronged them both and meeting some familiar literary figures along the way.
With so many scheming people together - friend and foe - it’s a battle of who can out-think and out-detective each other in order to win the day.
So, should you watch the anime?
To be fair, I have a predilection for media (shows, books, whatever) where geniuses keep trying to out-do each other.  I love a person with a plan that’s thinking 30 steps ahead in 5D chess.  And this show is abundant with that character type.  I also like it when a show can keep me on my toes.  Undead Murder Farce kept up a lot of mystery throughout, which also makes it kind of hard to talk about in fear of spoiling things.
The season is made up of several arcs, each 2-3 episode arc involving a specific mystery to be solved.  There is also a general mystery tying things together and giving reasons for our characters to come together.  Our detective trio often clashes with an organization made up of supernatural beings, sometime works alongside vigilantes, and tend to end up meeting a whole lot of interesting folk.
I was a bit skeptical when the show made a change from the Japanese setting to Merry Olde England, and also wary for our detective hero party to suddenly be in the realm of probably the most well known detective in all fiction, but this show managed to pull it off.  Sherlock didn’t steal the show.  Lupin may have. ;)
One of my least favorite characters in Undead Murder Farce is the maid body-guard.  She didn’t seem to have much point in the plot-line besides being sullen and getting into certain… situations… but you know what, I bet there are people who really like her and those situations, so I’m not upset, lol.
The animation is really nice and action sequences flow well.  I am a fan of the character design so that gets a win from me, but I know that’s always a subjective thing.  But if you like any of the faces you see in the image for this article, then you’ll be good to go.
I have to mention the absolute banger of an OP this anime has as well.  It gave me big K-Pop vibes (in a good way).  I did a little digging and the group that performs the OP is part of the K-Pop world, so I guess that vibe makes sense.  It’s a song I can easily recall even half a year later (which is kind of a rarity with the amount of anime I watch), and it sparked joy every week.
For me, characters are a big part of what makes me enjoy a story, so what kind of characters does Undead Murder Farce have jam-packed within each mystery-solving episode?
A slightly perverted and laid-back Rakugo-styled half-oni experiment that can put up a mean fight with a smile always on his face (Tsugaru).
An immortal genius looking for someone to end said immortality - oh and also looking for her body as she’s currently just a very intelligent head in a cage (Aya Rindou).
A military-esque maid who can keep up with the monsters around her, though she also somehow ends up in rather sapphic situations (Shizuku).
A gentleman thief that’s always a few steps ahead of his detective opponents and tends to add a dramatic flourish to all he does (Arsene Lupin).
The big detective himself, full of snark and confident that he is the alpha detective in Europe, despite the supernatural competition (Sherlock Holmes).
The epitome of a polished lady who isn’t afraid to show off her assets and also sink her teeth - quite literally - into anyone who gets in her way (Carmilla).
Plus a whole heaping of other figures from literature and supernatural origins, including the mother-fucking Phantom of the Opera.  Just because.  
I skipped on a few key spoiler characters as this anime is all about mystery, and who am I to give it away?
Where does it rate on my personal scale?
S: I will buy it at full price (unless it’s released by Aniplex USA, because fuck their pricing).
->A: I will buy it on sale sometime down the line.
B: I had fun watching it, but don’t need to own it.
C: It’s not my cup of tea, but wasn’t awful.
D: Dropped it.
X: Finished it out of spite, but did not enjoy it.
Undead Murder Farce was a lot of fun to watch, so it gets an A ranking from me.  It was probably my favorite anime of the summer 2023 season, and the show I most looked forward to watching every week.  While some mysteries were solved in the 12 episodes that aired, we’re still missing a resolution for the over-arching plot lines.  I very much hope we get a season 2!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
May I possibly request Tengen Uzui + Wives with a Male! or GN! S/O who has a Margarita Blankenheim Personality from The Evillious Chronicles?? Here’s this song to explain a little more? also how would they react to their S/O being a killer by making people sleep with this gift they call “sleeping”
Thank you!!
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this is the character hehhe, also uzui and the wives can also react to the reader looking and dressing like this awesome character as well ehhehana
Thank you for the request and I hope I did well! This is my first time ever doing a request with this type of character so bare with me 😌
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Life was always so bland and boring for you. Every single day went the same, wake up, eat, do your chores, eat again, read, clean some more, eat again, and finally go to sleep. It didn't help that your husband was a cheap bastard and chose to spend his nights with other mistresses instead of the one he promised to be with since they were kids. But everything changed when she came into the picture.
A young maiden with long purple hair that was tied back, she was known around the village as a girl with evil magic that made everyone afraid of her, but you weren't afraid. You met her on your run into town and when you did you found out that she was a nice woman who wasn't evil and instead was a fierce warrior who was skilled in mixtures.
From that day forward, the two of you were inseparable and would always be seen around town laughing and enjoying life, but your happiness didn't last long. Your husband found out about your new friend and quickly ended the friendship, forcing you to stay indoors and to never leave. Slowly, your life began to change into a depressed and saddened life, you felt trapped and alone no one to talk with, but it wasn't long before your friend returned.
Secretly, you and your new friend began practicing new magic and mixtures and within time you learned all of the basics now being able to make your own mixtures. But, that happiness didn't last for long when your secret meetings were found out by your husband. You remember the day, the day he and all of the other village members dragged you and the women out of your house into the middle of town. She was tied up and forced onto a pedestal where she was then burned to her death, but before she passed she whispered one last thing.
"Y/n my beautiful child, find my daughter and she'll help you. She lives in the mountains with her friends, she'll protect you from this place," And then she passed away.
Listening to her words, you ran off grabbing everything that you needed from your spell book to your mixtures. Once midnight struck and your husband went to bed, you ran off not before cursing your whole town putting them into a constant state of sleep, never to wake up again, dying with their last moments being of the beautiful women.
Years had passed and you were now a lot older then before and much stronger being able to do any sort of magic. Your favorite was putting people to sleep, it always gave a strange amount of joy when watching those who have done wrong never be able to again. You never forgot the words given to you by the women, you found her daughter in the mountains making her name to be Shinobu, a young hashira who swore to protect the peoples from demon creatures.
The two of you became extremely close friends, telling stories about her mother and the cool things and adventures she had done. You tended to help Shinobu with her work defeating demons alongside her and soon enough you became your own hashira, becoming apart of the pillars. You met the rest of the pillars quickly getting along with all of them, one of them a little too much then the others.
Tengen Uzui, the sound pillar who by far was the most interesting out of them all. You met him and immediately felt a spark between the two of you, but with your past love life, you ignored that spark. Everytime you would be working he would be by your side always having a fascinated look on his face.
"Woah! How did you do that?"
"That was so flamboyant!"
Trying to ignore the ongoing feelings that were building up for the gray haired boy, it soon began to be too much and your small heart couldn't take it. You confessed and to your surprise he liked you back, but there was something else to him that you didn't expect. He already had three wives…
Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru the three wives of Tengen. You were shocked to say the least, but when meeting the three of them it wasn't so bad and they all accepted you and your abilities. In a short amount of time, you became the fifth member of their little family and all of you guys loved each other greatly.
It wasn't long before your past was revealed to your partners and fear struck in you with their reaction about technically killed your husband and the rest of your village. It was concerning at first for them, but with some explaining and reasoning, they all understood and supported your gift and were kind of fascinated with what you could do.
All of them are in love with your fashion and style, always falling deeper in love when seeing your glowing figure in one of those outfits. From time to time, they'll ask if you could dress them like you and you guys will wear matching outfits.
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fandomstars · 2 months
Steven Universe headcanons about Steven and the crystal gems putting on a circus in Beach City and performing as acts in the show
Thanks for the request! Interesting one for sure!
Ps - This will be an AU where Steven and the gang work as a traveling, family circus. Occasionally fighting monsters in their free time.
“Come one, come all to the Crystal Circus! Feast your eyes on beauty, power, and tons of fun!”
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“I’m your ringmaster and host, Steven Universe!”
Steven would of course be the ringmaster, but could occasionally fill for someone by juggling, doing trapeze stunts, and perhaps a musical song or two.
Definitely has a collection of different color top hats and suits.
Makes sure at least half of the money earned for the show goes to some charity.
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“And here comes Pearl, our lead tightrope walker and gymnast!”
Pearl’s flawless and gracefulness shine whether it’s dancing along the tightrope, or performing elegant gymnastics moves that never not make the crowds be impressed.
Will occasionally do some ribbon dancing alongside Connie.
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“And alongside Pearl is the lovely Connie! A knight, a performer, and my wonderful girlfriend!”
“Steven!” 0///0
Connie began to perform after meeting with Steven and seeing his show live.
After finding out about the secret vigilante stuff in the background, she decided to join in.
Alongside school (online), violin lessons (also online), she trains in sword fighting and ribbon dancing with Pearl (which only the latter is in the show, since her parents didn’t approve).
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“Next up, is the duo pair that is Lapis and Peridot! Performing an array of music, artwork, and fun!”
Lapis was reluctant at first to join, only performing a couple of times for Steven. But eventually she found a love of doing watercolor art.
Peridot was basically the same, only performing for Steven. Then she found her metal powers, and used such to perform music and occasionally put on a drone performance.
Lapis also incorporates her art into Peridot’s performance, using her water bending to form different pieces of art related to the music. A very much crowd favorite.
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“Weren’t they great? And next up is the power of the circus, the beast that can take the heat. It’s Amethyst, or the Purple Puma for you wresting fans in the crowd. Wink.”
Amethyst decided to mix her favorite things in her act.
Eating crazy things (to a human’s perspective like fireworks, which makes her spit out active fireworks from her mouth. A favorite among the kids.), showing off some wrestling moves (Pearl’s holo clones help), and even got Lion involved to jump through hoops while she “sparked” her whip in the air.
She sometimes gets Jasper involved in her act, mainly as another wrestler.
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“While we put out the purple flames, thanks Amethyst, please give a big welcome to my dad Mr. Universe!”
When Greg ran away from home and eventually landed in Beach City, he found out of the Crystal Circus, with Rose performing a ballet act with Pearl.
Eventually he became the manager, and kept doing so even after Steven was born. Though he of course, has Pearl and Peridot help money wise.
Otherwise, he performs his music to the crowd like he would back in his rockstar days. Even sometimes fusing with Steven for the final act of the show if there is enough time.
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“Next up is the ice and fire of the show, the favorite couple award winners for over a thousand years. Ruby and Sapphire! Oh, and Garnet too!”
Garnet would usually be the solo act, with Ruby and Sapphire rarely performing.
Hence, why Steven usually has to introduce the pair first, since the two haven’t unfused and performed since Rose was around.
Sapphire would either sing, ice skate, or perhaps tell a glimpse in the future of a lucky person in the crowd.
Ruby would usually do weight lifting, with Amethyst putting on a crazy amount of weight each round. Or she would do a fire bending show, creating fire bending performances of past adventures.
As Garnet, she would do a mix of dancing, singing, and boxing (Pearl clones or Jasper helping).
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“And let’s not forget our weapon expert and wielder Bismuth!”
Bismuth was reluctant to perform again, after Rose being gone and the aftermath.
But once she began to do so again, she remembered why she did so in the first place.
Weapon making was a treat to the crowd, for you never know what she could make, especially when she talks of the history and adventures that went with said weapon.
A perfect ending performance, espically since people love to hear, “It was nice doing Bismuth with you!”
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“Wasn’t that great? Well folks, it’s been fun, but it’s time to pack it up now. But don’t worry! We’ll be performing three times this week before we hit the road as usual, so get your tickets as you walk out. Believe in the Crystal Gems! Bye!”
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bookscandlesnbts · 5 months
My Dream Collab For Joon and RPWP Thoughts
I’m beyond excited to get more sad indie boy alternative music from Namjoon because let’s be honest I share a ton of the same music taste as time. I giggle like a schoolgirl whenever he posts a story of an artist I love. I’m so excited that we now know what rpwp means (did I say that I love his brain?) and I can’t help but think about that guy that used to be all over Namjoon’s insta with his face covered with emojis but in settings that seemed private and intimate and if he was the wrong person.
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My preorder fingers are ready. What is my ultimate hope for this album? I’ll put it into the universe. I have been pretty vocal that I haven’t liked a lot of the artists that people want the maknae line and Jimin in particular to collab with. There is one artist though that I would do anything for a collab with honestly any of the BTS members but especially Namjoon in particular (or Jimin because I love him honestly JK would sound great with his voice too) and that person is none other than my favorite artist of all time (alongside BTS):
Frank Ocean.
I haven’t been the same since Blonde dropped in 2016 and I never will be. We know that Namjoon is a big fan because duh he has immaculate taste and of course sparked the stupidest controversy with illiterate kpoppies when he shared Bad Religion by Frank to one of his insta stories. I would literally give anything for a Frank Ocean collab between them, and this album sounds like it would have been perfect. Ugh let me dream. I know, I know, Frank hates his fans though and who knows if he will ever release another album. I stay delulu and hope every year that he will drop including this one, okay. Don’t judge me too much.
But seriously, when I think about Indigo. When I think about Namjoon’s indie boy soul. When I think about his lyrical depth and ear for production. When I think about the title, genre, and themes of this new album. I just really want to hear what Namjoon would do alongside Frank.
And purely for fun, these are my favorite songs by Joonie and Frank.
Namjoon: Wildflower
honorable mention: rest of Indigo and everythinggoes
It’s pretty rare for me to be this obsessed with a title track. I usually prefer some deep album cut, but this is truly a masterpiece and the best part of Indigo imo.
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Frank Ocean: Self Control aka my favorite song of all time. What we won’t talk about is the amount of cope and tears I have shed to this song when Jimin and Jikook enlisted okay bye.
But in all seriousness, if you haven’t listened to Self Control, you must. Be prepared for it to move you to tears. It does for me. Every time. Even if I’m not sad. The production, his voice, the lyrics are all devastating and work perfectly. It’s truly perfection in a song.
Lyric Spoiler to pique your interest:
“you cut your hair, but you used to live a blonded life”
I’ll see myself out because I could write a dissertation about how much I love this song.
honorable mentions: I’m a huge Blonde girlie so really any other song off Blonde but I love all his works. I’d say my other two favorite songs of his that I’ve definitely cried to a ton are White Ferrari and Siegfried.
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