#this is one of those scenarios where i learn the real answer im like OH DUH
crykea · 9 months
The first part of the rhyme btw is "girls go to college to get more knowledge"
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ndoandou · 4 years
Hi!! I saw your requests were open, so uh could I request an Ikevamp headcanon for Arthur, Theo, Vincent and Isaac reacting an MC who is super energetic. Like, as in she could literally dance around the mansion without having a care in the world? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Yeah lol pls feel free to take your time with this request and have a nice day!! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
This is cute 😳😳
This ended up being wayyy longer than i thought it would be. Arthur's part went deeper than i thought it would be-
This is probably one of my longest headcanon/scenario, i hope you enjoy 😌
Lets say for context, MC is sweeping through the hall while humming, and as time went by her humming becomes louder. Eventually she straights up start singing while twirling and dancing around
The first encounter with this trait of MC kind of surprised him. He wasn't expecting young lady to be this active and bright
Gets along very well with her actually
He doesn't mind her energetic personality, but sometimes in gets in the way when he is working on his stories.
He doesn't see her as "annoying" like what most people woukd describe her
He just thinks that she has so many things in her mind (in a good way) that she expresses them all at once //my mans pulling off a doctor doyle 😳
Arthur was in his room, trying to concentrate on his writing when he heard MC singing loudly outside
"I dare say, she is one active lady." Arthur said to himself as he exhaled.
Arthur got up and openned his bedroom door, revealing MC who was singing and dancing around with the broom
MC noticed arthur who was leaning on the door frame with a defeated expression
"Good afternoon to you arthur!" MC greeted him cheerfully, which then she went back to singing and dancing around
"Good afternoon to you too, dear" arthur said which MC probably didn't hear
Once he tried flirting with her but it all flew over her head
This one time MC and arthur was left alone and he tried to make a move on her
Arthur leaned over to MC's ear and whispered
MC seemed unbothered and let him lean over to her
"Seems like we're left alone, love.. would you like to have some fun?" Arthur whispered suggestively
MC was an innocent and very bright girl but she wasn't stupid
"Hm? No. Oh! Arthur can i ask you something?" MC asked unbothered by arthurs invitation
This took him by surprise
"Oh..ehm, go ahead poppet."
"Am i annoying?"
Arthur was blown away by her question.
"Annoying? No, no. That's not it, love. Why do you ask?" Arthur asked her curiously. He wasn't expecting this question from her.
"Ahahaha..! It's nothing important, its just when i lay down at night, i start realizing the unpleasant looks i get from some people whenever im doing something or saying something. I tell myself not to be annoying but i lose control of myself the next day." MC said cheerfully as if what she felt wasn't anything serious at all
Arthur felt really bad after hearing that. He realized that she was being misundertood badly.
He realized that behind that cheerfull personality, she had such deep thoughts
He wasn't expecting her to reveal her most vulnerable side to him out of everyone
He realized that the time he looked defeated arounded MC must have been in her memories
"Oh..oh dear me. I didn't know you felt that way, and im sorry if im one of those people who made you feel that way." Arthur said, with a sympathetic look on his face.
Arthur realized that MC never wanted to cause discomfort to anyone with how she is.
"Hmm i probably sounded REAL silly with what im saying, you can pretend that i never said anything, honestly!" MC said casually as she got up from her chair
"Wait! Hang on a second, poppet. Sit back down" arthur said as he gestured her to sit down, which she did
"I dont think you are annoying. You are just misunderstood, love. It seems to me that you have many going on in your mind that you express them all at once, like a big ball of energy." Arthur explained to her
MC's eyes widen
She found his explanation rather accurate
"Oh..you..you think so?" MC said taken back by the way arthur described her
"Yes, yes. I have an idea for you, poppet. If you want to learn how to express yourself better, how about you try writing all the things in your mind- in any form you want." Arthur suggested
MC's face lit up
"That sounds very fun!" MC exclaimed
"In fact, i want to do it now!" MC said as she jolted off her seat hurrying over to the door
"Oh, and thankyou very much arthur. You are the first person to understand how i feel" MC said smiling genuinely as she headed out
Arthur felt his heart skip a beat.
Without realizing, his cheeks were tinted pink
"By jove! What is this feeling?" Arthur said to himself
Surprisingly, MC was seen in the library writing away in peace most of the time, when she isn't doing her chores
If arthur was working on his own work, MC would sit next to him and start writing aswell
She would write poems
Everyone was worried if MC had fell sick because it was very unusual for her to be this quiet, but arthur just explained that she found herself a new hobby.
Mc would show arthur what she had written, and arthur woukd be blown away everytime.
Everyone got curious with what MC was writing, and when they read her poems, their brains just melted away
Even when vincent brought one of her poems to shakespeare, he became shookspeare
Everyone actually encouraged her to publish her works to the public
MC was excited with that idea, but she said she would give it a thought
Occasionally MC would be the ball of energy she was, but she settled down more
He would find it extremely adorable!
Just combine MC and Vincent together would make them the angels of all angels
For context, vincent would be entering the mansions gate after visiting shakespeare
He noticed a dancing figure in the hallway through the window
As he entered the mansion, he could already hear MC's singing voice from the second floor
He goes upstairs and there was MC singing and dancing around with the broom
"Hello MC! You seem very energetic as always" vincent greeted with a smile
He would ask MC if she was singing a song from her time period
He would even ask her to teach him how to sing the song
Vincent isn't an energetic person, but MC's personality rubbed onto him
He would only be energetic around her as she is basically the catalyst xD
Vincent would end up dancing around with her, spinning around through the hallway, laughing and singing
The night after goofing around with MC, she was stuck in his head
He got up from his bed and went over to his art supplies.
He had the strong urge to paint her
The way she danced, sung, and laughed created a crystal clear image in his head
After spending the whole night painting, he was knocked out asleep from morning to afternoon
MC was sent by sebastian to wake him up
She recieved no answer when she knocked, which then she invited herself in
When she came in she saw a beautifully done painting of her
Feeling her heart skip a beat
For once she felt really shy instead of her energetic self
"V-vincent, its afternoon" MC shook his shoulder gently
Stirring up, vincent woke up
"Oh..good afternoon MC. Thats strange, usually you would yell at everyone to wake them up."
Being fully awake, he noticed that her cheeks were tinted red
"Whats wrong MC? You seem rather flushed" vincent asked softly
"The painting.. it's beautiful." MC said, smiling shyly
Realizing his painting was exposed in his room, he blushed into a deep shade of red.
He wasn't mentally ready for anyone ESPECIALLY her to see it
It went silent for a moment and they both avoided eye contact
Not being able to take any more of the awkward air, MC went back into character
She started giggling
"W-what are you embarrased for vincent?" MC said surpressing a laugh
"You tell me MC." Vincent said with a chuckle finally melting away from the awkward situation
Eventually they were both laughing full of joy, even everyone was wondering what was going on in vincent's room
Long story short, they are the inseperable ball of joy 😌
He finds it SO iritating but he can't bring himself to hate her
Despite being so annoying she still had that angelic aura that reminded him of vincent
He already finds the mansion's residents irritating (except vincent ofc) and they arent even as energetic as MC
Wont admit that he adores her at the same time
"HONDJE! For the last time, shut up!" Theodorus shouted, his head poking out of his bedroom door
He was trying to have his afternoon nap after a long day of wheeling and dealing some art.
"Dancing and singing is good for the mind and body! Would you like to join theo?" MC said ignoring his harsh tone
Looking at her with annoyance painted on his face, he glared at her then slammed his bedroom door shut
"Guess he doesn't.." MC said to herself, continuing to sing and dance around
A few hours after that theo payed vincent a visit in his room
He wanted to ask him for advice on how to deal with how loud and energetic MC is
He would have asked arthur but he would most likely give him advice on how to get into her pants
"Come in, what's bothering you?" Vincent invited him, noticing the conflicted look his brother had
Theo sighed folding his arms
"Broer, how do i get hondje to shut up? I keep yelling at her but she never stops" Theo asked, irritation clear in his voice
"Don't call her that! She's a very sweet person" Vincent scolded
"S-sorry broer.." theo appologized looking like a sad puppy
Vincent gestured theo to take a seat next to him
"Well, i understand where you are coming from. She is very energetic indeed." Vincent said
"So..how do i stop her from driving me crazy?" Theo asked
"You say you would yell at her to be quiet right? How about.. you try talking to her VERY nicely" vincent said, emphasizing the word "very"
Theo looked at his brother, confused
"Broer.. are you sure?" Theo asked
"Yes! She is someone you have to speak kindly to for her to listen. Trust your big brother!" Vincent said cheerfully
Vincent ended up teaching theo how to speak to MC the rest of the night
As expected, the next day MC was singing loudly once again
Theo was going to go shout at her but he remembered what his brother said
He gulped and exited his bedroom approaching her
MC who was singing and dancing stopped in her tracks when she noticed a figure standing behind her
She turned around greeted with theo who had a stiff expression
"Good day to you theo! How can i help you?" MC asked cheerfully
"I.. uh hond- i mean MC. C-could you please lower your voice p..please? I am- i'm trying to rest. I would v-very much appreciate y-your coopera..tion." Theo said stuttering allover the place while fidgetting
He wasn't used to being nice to people
It went silent for a bit
"Oh my! How strange, you aren't yelling at me! My appology theo, i didn't know i put you in such distress!" MC said with a guilty expression
Theo was blown away by her response as it just sounded way out of character, making him feel guilty
"O-oh! Don't worry, i appologize for always yelling at you." Theo said flailling his hands all over the place.
MC looked at him and started laughing softly
"O-oi! What are you laughing at hondje!" Theo exclaimed, his face red with embbarasment
Secretly, he felt refreshed after hearing MC laugh again
"Ahaha! My appologies, you just looked and sounded very adorable! It's..ahaha.. very unlike you theo!" MC said, laughing
Theo's brain stopped working, i mean did MC rly just call him adorable
"Whatever! Im going back to my room!" theo stomped away, face still red
"Alright, alright! Have a nice rest! MC said still giggling
Theo slammed his door shut and slumped down against the door
"Maybe.. hondje isn't that bad at all..." theo said to himself
Poor boy will have a mental breakdance
ESPECIALLY when hes reading or doing some cool kid stuff //p h y s i c s
Atleast she doesn't tag along with arthur and dazai...
He knows that she is a kind soul, just has too much energy >:(
He doesnt hate her of course! He just wish she would tone it down :(
Isaac was in the library reading a book when MC started humming while she sweeped the floor
The humming slowly became a string of "lalala" and soon enough she was singing
"Goodness me, MC! This isn't the first time you have distracted my concentration.." isaac said as he burried his face into the book he was reading
Considering how soft isaac's voice was generally, MC did not hear him.
Having enough of it, He shut his book close aggresively and proceeded to walk out the door, slamming the door
The sound of the door slamming alerted MC causing her to jump slightly
"That was really loud..where did isaac go?" MC asked to herself
That was when she heard the door open, revealing leonardo
"Hello leonardo! By any chance, did you come across isaac? He suddenly left and i dont know why..." MC said
Leonardo lit up a cigarrilo and spoke
"Ah yeah, by the looks of it.. you might have upsetted him by accident, cara mia. I saw him stomping through the hallway with a sour look on his face" leonardo said calmly, inhaling his cigarrilo
"W-wait what? I..upsetted him?" MC asked in disbelieve
Leonardo noticed the unsettled look on her face
"Calm down cara mia, here take a seat" leonardo said as he gestured her to take a seat in front of him
MC sat down with a conflicted look on her face
"Heres the thing cara mia- you are a very bright soul and isaac..he is a quiet kid. He finds loud noises distressing especially when he is focussing on something. In this case.. i assume you were singing loudly around him?"
This realization hit MC like a truck
"Oh no! I never meant to make him feel uncomfortable.." MC said sadly
"I need to make it up to him...but how?" Mc continued
Leonardo leaned back to his chair
"Well, as you know, isaac has a monstrous appetite. It will be his meal time in a bit. Maybe you could bring his meal to him and talk things out with him
MC's once gloomy face lit back up
"Thats a great idea! Thankyou very much leonardo!" MC said as she stood up, hurrying out of the library
When MC arrived in the kitchen, he was greeted by sebastian who was plating up some food and rouge.
"Good afternoon sebastian! Is that for isaac?" MC asked
"Indeed, why?" Sebastian asked curiously
"I will take it up to him, since i also have something to discuss with him" MC reasoned
Sebastian stared at her for a bit
"Very well." He said
As soon as sebastian finished plating things up, MC took the tray and headed to isaac's room
She took a deep breath and knocked his door
"Come in." He said calmly
MC went in and placed the tray next to him
Isaac looked up which then his face twisted into discomfort
"Oh..thankyou" he said simply
"Im sorry.." MC said sadly
Isaac's expression showed confussion
"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" He questioned
"You left earlier, because i was bothering you right?" MC questioned back
Isaacs heart melted a bit. He felt like he did something mean considering how he saddened someone who he thought would be the last person in the world to be sad
"Oh! Oh..that.." isaac exclaimed not knowing how to respond to her question
"I really am sorry. I have always been a loud and active person that sometimes i forget about the people around me. I just fall deep into my own world once i do something..." MC explained
Somehow isaac could relate to her words. He knows how it feels to be so engulfed in what you are doing that you just forget about everything else
Maybe her peronality is like his deep interest with physics..
"Dont worry about it... i kind of understand what you mean..im sorry for storming out like that" isaac said, guilt in his voice
It went awkwardly silent for a bit
"Oh! I have an idea! What if... you shout out "gravity" whenever im being too loud around you? Im 100% sure that will alert me!" MC suggested cheerfully
"P-pardon?" Isaac asked unsure if he heard her right
"I guess that was an awfull idea..." MC said as her expression dropped once again
Isaac felt really bad when he saw her sad expression
"N-no! I.. i will think about it.." isaac mumbled, which MC heard
"Really?! Thats great!" MC exclaimed
"So...are we on good terms now?" MC continued
"I suppose you could say so.." isaac said shyly
"Good, good! I will head out now, give me a shout if you need anything" MC said as she left the room
Since then MC and isaac had formed some sort of frienship. Leonardo was glad to see that isaac was finally speaking up, guess its thanks to MC that a tiny portion of her personality slightly rubbed onto him
The day came when MC was being too loud
This time, isaac was playing chess with arthur as dazai watched them
Just like always MC started singing loudly
Isaac took a sharp inhale
"GRAVITYYY" isaac shouted on top of his lung scaring arthur and dazai at the point they probably ascended to a different dimension
"Oh! Sorry isaac!" MC said
"Bloody hell, isaac! I know you came up with the concept of gravity, but what the on earth was that for?!" Arthur said with a hand on his chest that was beating fast
" i think i pooped myself" dazai said as he hurried out of the room holding his butt with his hands.
Isaac stayed quiet, not answering his question
"Back to the game please" isaac said calmly
Arthur just sighed still wondering what all of that was
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 2-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
Ooooooh mysterious...
Oh so this variant can (at least briefly) cont people with a simple touch? No need for a scepter?
Oh this variant is taking that lady away? I wonder why
Miss Minutes is gonna move me to violence
Loki is me studying
Hahahahaha get her Loki!
Loki, leave Mobius’ magazines alone
Wow he got into the work force rather fast huh? Bit of a whiplash type scenario considering the end of episode one
No, YOU’RE a cosmic mistake! 😤 my boy looks hot regardless
Sooooo Loki is the most common variant? Why does this not surprise me?
Is... is he a football cup champion??? Omg 😂
Smart boy. Illusion projecting is different than duplication casting. Neato. LISTEN TO MY SMART BOY. RESPECT HIM.
Dude loves wheeling
Yea Loki. Work on getting to the time keepers. Overthrow the government.
Dude is smart with these questions.
Propaganda is INDEED exhausting so that’s fair
Fist hostage... maybe he’s (or she?) gonna use her as a body transfer like Loki in the comics with Sif?
Oh please let this be a genuine smart Loki moment and not just setting him up as a joke and embarrassment...
“Where there are wolf’s ears, wolf’s teeth are near.” Good to know basic mammalian anatomy is still applicable to Asgardian wolves...
Cmon Loki do something cool. Please. Please Loki. Please.
Preach my man, but please, do something cool. My anxiety that you’ll be turned into a joke is spiking.
Is he actually waiting outside or is Loki really just trying to mess with them and throw them off? Or is he just being too cocky for his own good and it’s gonna mess him up? Please please please don’t disappoint me. I have merch for this show already that I can’t return
Bargain baby, bar again. Do it.
Is he actually concerned for the time keepers orrrrrr
Dangit Mobius
Does... being reset... hurt?
Bye C-20 I guess... for now? We’ll see
Of course it’s a friggin theremin that’s playing
Mobius x Judge Renslayer? Oooooooh. Tsundere Renslayer.
Use a coaster my man
Oh her first name is Ravonna
Controversy is the best thing though
You can never understand this Loki. As soon as you begin to understand, he changes. He’s unpredictable.
“I know you have a soft spot for broken things.” Ah, so this entire fandom then?
“But Loki is an evil, lying scourge.” YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU WENCH!
“That is the part he plays in the sacred timeline.” Well you clearly haven’t been paying enough attention to the files then, hm? Here, let me redirect you to one of the many character analyses I’ve written. Now if you read here........
He doesn’t need to change. He’s already not evil
I don’t trust Renslayer or the time keepers... or Renslayer WITH the time keepers... I think she plays a bigger, antagonistic role than I thought.
You just TRY and delete him Mobius... just... TRY... I will find a way to break the fourth wall and no time keepers can keep you safe from the rage of a million fan girls. Nothing... we don’t need magic...
Omg Loki just sitting there in a chair outside the office like a kid while their parent is talking with the teacher about their “recent behavior”.
Cmon Loki, you don’t need to make excuses or impress him.
My poor boy is SOOO out of his zone.
Tbf mobius, you ASKED. You asked what makes him tick.
Hey hey hey, let’s not gaslight my boy...
The Loki is... uhhh something... gotta keep my hopes up. Trust in Tom Hiddleston...
Mobius showing his true colors...
Please Loki... be badass... not just a joke... please please please... PLEASE!
Mobius, play nice.
I hope this “superior” Loki thing, if it is a female, isn’t a desperate attempt at feminism pandering, chocking up her “superiority” to being female. Please give the characters real stories. Flesh them out.
Juice box time?
More homework?
The sass is off the charts
Librarian lady gonna get killed
Oh boy
I miss Casey.
Hey don’t ignore Loki. That’s rude.
Bell is the answer?
Poor Loki. Stop trying to fit in. You are best when you are genuinely yourself.
What’s to stop Loki from grabbing the other files?
Homework... I thought I escaped this when I graduated...
Whatcha seeing there?
Bye bye Asgard...
Cmon... not more feels.
Please allow him confirmation of Thor’s survival and beating of Thanos!!! He needs that confirmation! He needs that reassurance.
Hear him out Mobius.
“He’s hiding in apocalypses.” Sooooo is that why they go to presumably Mount Vesuvius? I assume?
Mobius, let Loki have your salad.
Rip salad
Casey’s juice box
Poor Casey and mobius salad...
Loki, your logic astounds me.
Well, pushing Hulk off of the bridge WOULD have an effect...
He hasn’t really stabbed anyone in the back... except Thor... but not 50 times
Pompeii, here we come!
Ooooooh we gonna see Loki dance with a lady? 😏 get ittttt
Well, if you do cause a branch, can’t you just reset the timeline?
I can die happy now
Loki... you look insane.
Uhhh run
Okay you’re good
Sleepy Loki
Let him sleep!
Soooo, I mean, technically, Loki’s actions would still cause the timeline to change, but said change wouldn’t have an impact on the future, just the current moment... so shouldn’t it still be detected by the TVA? At least as a little fleck?
Jet skis?
Omg I just snorted at Loki begrudgingly agreeing with Mobius that jet skis are awesome
Mobius offending my History Teachers for 50 minutes straight... that’s it. That’s the episode.
Mobius really in love with jet skis for some reason
We better get to see Mobius on a jet ski
Fighting for jet skis?
Lol mobius has a point about the magical Asgardians and Jötunns
Glorious purpose
Cmon Loki, destroy this man’s beliefs.
How would you know what the time keepers are doing when you’ve never met them?
How can you meet in peace at the end of time with no chaos?
“You see, I know something children don’t. That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.”
Mobius, don’t patronize my boy. Go jet skiing.
“I know.” Oh good, that point in the trailer was edited.
No candy on Asgard? Poor Loki.
May the best man win? Well that automatically means Loki.
Getting National Treasure vibes
Love you
Alabama will still exist in 2050? That’s disappointing.
Loki is very smart. Thank you show.
Renslayer, if you claim Mobius is your friend, trust him.
“For all time.” “Always.” TVA is definitely a cult.
no weapon...
Are we gonna see what this Loki variant looks like?
I have a feeling this variant is gonna be the female, blonde (I’m so sorry, at the moment I forget her name) in those pictures we saw. Guessing because 1) she was wearing a Loki outfit. 2) her and tom Hiddleston were wet in that picture as if rained on 3) the scene when they enter Roxxcart occurs when it starts to rain due to the upcoming massive storm. So I’m placing all of my money on the table the Loki variant is Lady Loki. Blonde, for some reason. (Or maybe she just didn’t have a wig on in the picture of her we saw?)
Yea please don’t prune this Loki.
Storms a brewing
Good to know Alabama, at some point, does get destroyed. That’s comforting. (Btw this is a joke. I have nothing against Alabama lol. Idk why my brain thought this was funny lol.)
All wet and rainy.
Ooh ooh! Is Loki gonna use powers to yoink the roomba here?
Uh oh. Forgot to take into consideration that most big businesses, especially stores, have security cameras, huh?
Times ticking...
Wait was that a reset charge?
Awkward silence
Poor dude lol
Or not
HUNTER (forget her number) IS THE LOKI VARIANT!!! When was she replaced? Or was she always the variant?
That or the other Loki is projecting herself into the hunter? Maybe used the shopping dude as a conduit?
Moment of realization
Smiling contest
No no, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is superior. I don’t care who else tries to play Loki, Tom IS Loki.
Oh no
Baby crying?
These poor people...
No need to be rough
Is Mobius genuinely caring
Oh... poor C-20
Team up please? Please?
Ah so they really can just send themself into any body they wish, huh? Just by touch?
Loki, learn that trick please.
Sooo, is the other variant Loki’s body tangible? Do they project their conscience into other bodies via touch, or do they not have a corporeal body and rely on others to exist?
Doctor Who vibes
Offended by Loki name?
Haha sympathy for Thor
Go randy.
Soooo what are you interested in if not ruling the TVA?
Who’s that planting charges? The real body of the other variant Loki?
You okay C-20? (Off topic her actress reminds me of the actress who played Ava Star aka Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp) what is real and what about it is so mind capturing for you?
Oh no
Poor girl
Cmon B-15
Reset charge
Oh? Bye bye?
That’s rude
I miss Randy too
Cmon Loki fight like the badass I know you are
Cartwheel WEEEEE
Oooh he swore
Lokis have a pattern of swearing only while taking other peoples forms
Cmon Loki. Go back to mobius. Help them. Prove your goodness. Please.
Poor trucker man
Fave reveal?
Is this actually a Loki variant or just sylvie? Or Amora?
Uh oh...
What’s happening
Is she absolutely destroying the timeline?
Poor Doctor Strange. I wonder if he knows about the TVA?
Loki is all alone? Why is he standing still?
Where is she going?
Cmon Loki... help them please...
Are they gonna be okay?
How is the variant traveling?
What is her goal?
Why is Loki going after her?
Why is Loki leaning towards the apparent evil side?
Is this actually lady Loki or sylvie or amora since her hair is blonde?
So much just happened in so little time. It’s like Marvel wants to slowly spoon feed us with the first 3/4 of the episode and then in the last 1/4, they waterboard us.
Why is this female Loki variant so much more powerful?
So Loki DID know what was going on at the Renaissance fair and was intentionally stalling for her... why?
Her horned helmet is similar to the one kid(?) Loki wears in the comics. One horn broken. How did that happen? Why does she still wear it, especially if she doesn’t want to be called Loki?
No end credit scene yet.
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
Okay but I do actually want to know both the things you love and the things you could rant about from DCTL?
OH BOY UHHHHHH okay lets see, I'm gonna see if I can do the "add a readmore after you post it" thing and see if that'll keep it stable.......
But also, much like Sammy, I am incapable of shutting up unless you strike me in the head with a blunt object, so uh, forgive my wordiness:
- DCTL gave us Sammy's ink addiction and like, if you had asked me before all this "what would you most like to see in a franchise?" I would not have answered "one of the characters drinks ink accidentally and then discovers that he can't stop" but boy that sure is my favourite concept that I LOVE to see handled literally any other way than how the book handled it!!!
- I like what it added to Tom and Allison and Norman!! Like, it's not big twists on their characters or anything -- we already knew Tom felt he was doing the wrong thing, so getting to see his CRUSHING GUILT over creating the machine isn't New Information, but it's nice to see and understand more of him; for all of them I feel a lot more attached to them after getting to see more of them as people.
- Like 90% of the "I LOVE IT" category for me is how the book handled Joey, and Buddy's relationship with Joey. The way Joey isn't a Sinister Mastermind Who’s Just Screwing With Everyone but just manipulative in a more mundane way -- someone who thinks of himself as just the guy with the vision to call the shots; he wants what he wants and this is how he's learned to get it; he exploits people not through devious schemes, but just by offering them something that they want or need and asking too much in return, expecting their loyalty for his favours. And the way he interacts with Buddy, making Buddy complicit with him and keeping Buddy off-balance and insecure while making him a favourite and treating him as Special is just PERFECT --  gives a lot of content to kind of extrapolate off of when pondering what must've drawn the others in and convinced them to ignore the red flags. I was initially frustrated with the idea of Buddy not being an artist and jUST DECIDING TO LEARN TO ANIMATE ON THE SPOT ("I've never done this before but I'm sure I can just do an artist's job" is a weirdly common throwaway thing in media and as an artist iTS A PET PEEVE) but actually the way they use his plagiarism to make him trapped in a lie in ways Joey doesn't even realise ends up being a neat echo of other employees (coughTOMcough), who were involved in much graver sins but suddenly felt they couldn't object or they'd lose their one chance, just like Buddy. There's a lot here that I think is really great.
- Uncomfortable Bigotry Vagueness that we all knew was gonna be in this list -- I dunno man, a guy committing a microaggression and getting startled and defensive when he's called out for it doesn't necessarily completely ruin his character I GUESS, but the way this was handled is just SO WEIRD AND VAGUE that it's uncomfortable and it doesn't seem to serve any real purpose. "Is Tom black?" is a question I actually have to ask because the text sort of implies he is while also dancing around it and apparently Word of God said he's not??? which makes Buddy's comment nonsensical???? And I mean, you could go that route, since Buddy wonders to himself if Sammy talks to everyone like this -- HE ACTUALLY DOES!! Even within the text of the novel, he uses "Joey" instead of Mr. Drew, which is consistent with his audiologs in the game -- but that makes the writing suggest "this character THINKS this guy might be racist but actually they're reading too much into it and it wasn't racially motivated at all, he's just a jerk!!" wHICH IS SOMEHOW EVEN MORE ICKY??? Anyway like yeah I guess it's not inconsistent with his character that while Sammy Lawrence may not have any specific grudge against minorities he has probably not checked his privilege or done the work to challenge his own internal biases, but “Your Fav Probably Contributes To Systemic Racism In Ways He Hasn’t Considered, As Do We All When Our Assumptions Go Unchecked” is still a wild thing to wade through in a fun story about demonic cartoons
- but yknow so is T H E   H O L O C A U S T
- Sammy's voice is wrong. I'm actually okay with him being a weird awkward asshole, I already kind of assumed he was and that's part of why I like him!! but there's so many places he doesn't quite... talk like himself? And not just in terms of word choice, like -- so in his monologue at the end, he's described as talking so quickly that his words are "tumbling out faster than he can speak them," which initially seems fine; like yeah, that's a Standard Scene we're familiar with, the person who's been Driven Mad With Insight becoming more and more manic as they try to convey it -- until I tried to imagine it and realised that Sammy doesn't talk like this. That's a really consistent quality I always notice about his voice; whether he's almost giddily excited in prophet mode, or he’s his irritated and overworked human self, or he's violently angry and his voice has that echo effect -- he always speaks very deliberately. He enunciates carefully. There's some circumstances where I'd buy this as showing that he's Not Himself, but I feel like those would kind of need to be in the middle of his transformation, not at the end of it.
- In fact a lot of the scenes with Sammy kind of have this feeling -- that it's not necessarily an exploration of Sammy as a character, but that he is filling a trope or archetype role here. Once he's fully transformed he excitedly describes the process as more of a mental compulsion, which is in contrast to his weird yeerk-infected behaviour when trying to get ink from Miss Lambert. Both of those scenes don't seem wrong on their own because they fit tropes we know -- but they feel weird when you try to fit them together.
- I also just in general am not a fan of the ink acting like a weird yeerk. It can be a parasite I guess but when it starts overwriting and puppeting people and crawling around to enter their body that's just a completely DIFFERENT kind of supernatural story and it’s not what im here for!!!
- THE FREAKIN!!! HE WILL SET US FREE!!!! WHY????????? SAMUEL LAWRENCE WHAT IS HE SETTING YOU FREE FROM??????? Sammy has No Motive for any of what he's doing, other than just Ink Made Me Do It. The whole thing that was INTERESTING about Sammy as a character is the contrast between this frustrated, ornery musician with no specific love for the cartoons he works on, and the manically devoted cultist he becomes. What happened in the middle there? What made him desperate enough to shift his mindset so much? "Something supernatural made him do things that don't benefit him in any way" is a very boring answer to this question!!! Susie was a victim who implies that her transformation has forced her to do things she didn't want to do, but we can still see her motive -- she wanted to be Alice, so she took a sketchy offer to try to get what she wanted. Even now, her violence echoes that goal -- to be a more perfect Alice. What did Sammy want? WHO KNOWS. Even in his ink-addled state at the end, we don't understand what he hopes the Ink Demon will even do for him, and in fact he seems to be responsible for creating the very scenario he's begging Bendy to reverse in the game.
- [sighs loudly into my hands]
- Overall I'm left wondering if the author just..... didn't like Sammy Lawrence? And I don't mean that in the sense of him being a rude jerk -- like, Joey is not a good person, but the author seems to be interested in him and in what makes him tick. There doesn't seem to be that same interest in Sammy. Sammy's role in the story is that of a monster, transformed into something murderous, unable to prevent or choose it. He's not a victim of anyone but the ink, no one had to manipulate him or figure out how his brain worked or what he wanted or what he feared or give him any reason to do the things he does -- ink got in his mouth and overwrote his personality. And we don't even get to see that change, not really. He starts out angry and defensive and continues being angry and defensive up until his very last scene, denying his ink-stealing but not really much else. We see all his prophetic sketches but we never see hints of this in him, we never see him start to act more excited and hopeful, we never see him seek out the demon he desires to please. Why do we never see Sammy struggling between his dismissive angry front and a building religious fervour he can't quite suppress? We don't get to see any of the in-between. There's no interest at all in why or even what it looked like as Sammy became what he became, when, to be honest, I suspect interest in precisely that is one reason he's such a big fav.
- It's funny, in a "cries into my hands" kind of way, when Sammy is just knocked in the head while monologuing and immediately removed from the story without further mention, like...... that sure is the pattern with him, isn't it, he just tries very very hard and never actually gets to matter, but it also fits right in here, too, in this book that doesn't want to think about his motives -- he rambles nonsensically, explaining nothing, gets one trademark phrase, and then is hastily removed so the story doesn't have to think about him anymore.
...................I think that's most of it.
Y'all............ I'm not ready for Sent From Above.......... I'm just not.... I'm not emotionally ready...... like..... Sammy has to be in that right..... he’s Susie’s boss and she has that big crush on him..................................... I’m not ready
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muwur · 4 years
idk if this counts as an emergency or comfort request but ive been havin a REAL bad body image week nsnnnsnnnsnn could i maybe request headcanons for either oikawa or kuroo (u can pick if u wanna) with an s/o who is rlly self conscious about being chubby/has a really hard time with food and mayb feels like worthless because theyre not the ideal body type? idk sorry if thats dumb aaaah thank u sm if u choose to do this
♡ scenarios ♡ for oikawa and kuroo
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.7k words
a/n: hey hun, im sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time lately. this kind of request actually rlly hits close to home, and if u ever need anything, ur mor than welcome to reach out to me :) i can also help look for resources for help, anything really. this goes for all y’all! i dont want none y’all to feel alone with anything ur going thru cuz we’re in this together! and no need to thank me, the pleasure is mine luv 🥰💕 nothing about this is dumb, ur feelings are valid. i hope this will bring you n many others some comfort. also,, FUCK BODY STANDARDS MAKIN US BELIEVE THERE’S AN IDEAL TYPE BC THERE IS NONE N Y’ALL R BEAUTIFUL N IF U DUN THINK SO I WILL COME OVER DER,,, ok im done 🥰🥰 (more notes at the bottom of this, i talk a lot n think its important, didnt wanna add it up here bc it was too long lolol) tw: mentions of bad body and implies disordered eating behaviors
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♡ Oikawa was pretty keen, so when he observed a gradual shift in your behavior, he definitely took notice
♡ One day when you showed up to lunchtime empty-handed and sat with your two friends, casually chatting, Oikawa and Iwaizumi gave you a questioning look
♡ “Where’s your lunch, y/n?” Oikawa asked
♡ “Oh, I, uh, ate it already, actually.”
♡ Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow and offered you some of his, but you declined, thanking him and stating you were already full
♡ Later that day in class, however, Oikawa couldn’t help but notice the absence of your boxed lunch container in your unzipped backpack
♡ The next day, you came empty-handed again, blaming it on your forgetfulness during your rush to get to school
♡ However, it became a normal occurrence over time, and while you seemed fine, uneasiness began to prick inside Oikawa’s stomach
♡ Those smiles you wore appeared fragile, and the laughter that rumbled from your throat felt restrained
♡ You seemed more tired and unfocused than usual
♡ Preoccupied, withdrawn, and distant
♡ He could sense something was bothering you, no matter how much you may (or may not) have tried to hide it
♡ On his way to school one morning, he made sure to stop by a convenience store to pick one of your favorite snacks, thinking it was a simple gesture to brighten up the somber aura he’s been detecting from you
♡ “I have a surprise for you, y/n~” Oikawa announced with excitement, rummaging through his bag to pull out the snack and show it to you. “Look, it’s your favorite!”
♡ You could only offer him an uneasy smile, “Oh, you shouldn’t have...” You really shouldn’t have...
♡ When he noticed the tension in your body and expression, a frown appeared on his lips
♡ “Y/n? Is something wrong?” He reached out to place a comforting hand on your shoulder but you swiftly flinched away
♡ ”I’m fine..!”
♡ Surprised at your sudden movement and outburst, you both felt a split second of apprehension crackle in the air before you started to gather your items in a rush
♡ Sighing, you repeated, “I’m fine.”
♡ He wasn’t sure whether you were speaking to him or yourself
♡ “Thanks for the snack, but I’ll pass. Have it for me. You need it more, anyways; you have volleyball practice. I’ll see you tomorrow, Oikawa,” you offered him a solemn smile and left before he could even reply
♡ Some time had passed before he could finally get you to open up to him
♡ And when you did, it crushed his heart to see how much your insecurities broke you
♡ It hurt to hear how low you thought about yourself; how you couldn’t see the beauty in your being; how you deemed food, your body, and yourself as your worst enemies
♡ Thus bringing you to the conclusion that maybe you’d be happy and like yourself if you could just give up that midday snack or your school lunch
♡ Even raincheck a cafe date you were supposed to have together
♡ Maybe also skip dinner, sometimes breakfast the next morning as well
♡ You could manage on just water
♡ Little sacrifices to shed some weight, feel better, and get closer to your ideal body goals
♡ You admitted, however, to questioning whether any of it was worth it
♡ The constant states of hunger, pain, and defeat you lived in
♡ Only to feel as though you were getting nowhere
♡ Oikawa was well aware of today’s beauty standards. I mean, he himself was often praised for his natural charm and beauty
♡ And you felt you could never reach that ideal
♡ “Oikawa, you’re too good for me.”
♡ His eyebrows knitted in concern as he lifted his right hand to caress your cheek softly. “And why do you say that?”
♡ Tears threatened to prick at your eyes. All you could was stare at the ground in silent shame
♡ When you still said nothing, he leaned in closer, his brown gaze softly pleading
♡ “Y/n, look at me.”
♡ When your eyes flickered up to meet his own, Oikawa asked, “You know I love you, right?”
♡ His question was met with a meek, “Yes.”
♡ From your clouded glaze, he could tell that you had a hard time believing in your own response
♡  “Do you know why?”
♡ But before you could respond, he was already answering his own question
♡ “Well...” he began, glancing up in thought and wearing a small smile
♡ “Something about you makes me want to be by your side. I love to see your smiles and hear your laughter, but I always want to be there to hold you when you’re crying and in pain.”
♡ “You’re supportive. You understand what I need, and I don’t always have to explain myself to you. You take your time with me and make me feel like I can be myself. Not many people have stuck around to actually get to know me. Because of that, you’ve never failed to make my day a little better with just your presence.”
♡ “You’re strong and caring. I can rely on you to have my back, and I hope I provide that same comfort to you as well.”
♡ “I love being able to lazy around with you or go on adventures and discover something new. It’s comfortable and exciting at the same time.”
♡ “Your hands feel like they were made to hold mine.”
♡ He reached down to squeeze your hand gently
♡ “Kissing you makes me forget about everything else on my mind. I can just live in the present with you.”
♡ He moved close and gave you a peck above your eyebrow
♡ “You make me want to work hard and be a better person. You help motivate me to try my best, and you never give up on me. Why would I ever give up on you?”
♡  “I learn something new with you everyday. Like right now, I realize that I’ve never met someone who could so easily make my heart race as they could make my heart break.”
♡ “When I look at you, all I can think about is how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life as a partner and one of my best friends. Nobody else could fill the gaps within me the same way you do.”
♡ Leaning over to brush his lips against your forehead, he muttered, “I’m going to love every part of you, inside and out. You’re already my ideal. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I could go on about every detail on why I feel so strongly for you, but I’m here to show you everything there is to appreciate about yourself because you’re worth every ounce of care and effort. And if you can’t see it in yourself right now, I’ll love you more than enough for the both of us until you learn to love yourself. I’m here to help.”
♡ And after crying out your tears into his shoulder as he held you close and rubbed your back, you both went to his house to relax and have some dinner
♡ He was patient with you, taking into account how having a meal may have made you feel anxious
♡ It was something small and simple that you two agreed to prepare and share, after some tender coaxing from Oikawa
♡ He later made a list in his journal about tips to keep in mind:
♡ ‘Check up on y/n often to see how they’re feeling’
♡ ‘Encourage them to eat meals/snacks. Don’t be too pushy, but be patient. Try to have eat with them when you can!’
♡ ‘Remind them they don’t have to earn the right to eat, and that their body doesn’t define their worth‘
♡ ‘Look into some mindfulness techniques!’
♡ ‘Don’t overvalue physical appearance. Also focus on all the other redeeming qualities y/n has! But of course I’m always gonna tell them they look cutee--’
♡ True to his word, he remained understanding
♡ He’s there to listen to you, or to sit with you in comforting silence
♡ During lunch he would share his food with you, reassuring you that it wasn’t something you had to avoid
♡ Some days he succeeds in encouraging you to share a milk bun or your favorite snack with him
♡ And on days you really didn’t feel like it, he never forces anything onto you and instead made sure you at least hydrated
♡ Oikawa spends some time doing research and gathering tips on how to help you
♡ Always reminds you of your worth and how you bring out the best in him
♡ He’ll never hold it against you if you ever become hostile, irritated, or in denial. He knows you’re hurting and doesn’t take it personally
♡ Sends you cute memes with all those emoji hearts
♡ Also some food puns (Oikawa: “I’m soy into you. Please brie mine. We are mint to be. I ap-peach-iate you. You got a pizza my heart. Olive you--” ; You: *puts a hand over his mouth* ; Oikawa: 🥺 ; You: “...olive you, too”)
♡ Always ready to give up what he’s doing to make sure you’re okay
♡ Will stay up with you late at night to talk on the phone
♡ Reminds you you’re beautiful at least 8 times a day
♡ If y’all ever go shopping and you try things on in the fitting room,, Oikawa would be your #1 hype man
♡ One time you tried something on, and you were almost too ashamed to step out and show him
♡ But when you did, you were met with his surprise and excitement
♡ “dfghjklkuyfuh” was all you could process from his incoherent speech before he insisted on treating you by purchasing it for you (Oikawa: “Can you wear this for me, like, everyday?” ; You: *weird look* “Why are you like this??” you love it tho--)
♡ Gushes internally over how cute you are during your movie + cuddle sessions, mostly pays attention to you rather than the movie
♡ Mid-movie be like:
♡ Oikawa: “So, uh, what’s happening again?
♡ You: -.- “You might as well google the whole synopsis instead of watching it”
♡ Oikawa: “...it’s not my fault you’re distracting, babe”
♡ Always politely excuses himself from his fangirls to get to you. Also reassures you he much prefers to be with you than anyone else and that you’re the best catch ;)) (You: “Oikawa, no” ; Oikawa: “y/n, yes”)
♡ Suggested doing some meditation together once
♡ You listened to a recording and you sat side by side on a mat, but Oikawa thought the person’s voice sounded funny so he had a hard time focusing
♡ But it ended with y’all laughing and making jokes as he lay his lead on your lap and you played with his hair
♡ Y’all get better at it tho
♡ Cooking dates! To try to show you that food isn’t an enemy and can bring people together :)
♡ Puts music on so y’all can jam together (Oikawa: “Oh my gosh, y/n, this is my favorite song, you’re not even rEADY to see me perform-- ; You: “Oikawa, t-the food! It’s burning!!”)
♡ Cooking dates also show that you should never leave the stove unattended
♡ Every once in a while he suggests seeking professional help. He wishes he could take away your pain and help you all his own, but he knows this is more complicated and required outside help, too
♡ Has help resources READY
♡ As well as small snacks like granola bars for you if you ever feel faint
♡ He doesn’t hesitate to confront you when he feels it’s necessary and he’s worried about your habits
♡ He handles things well, though, and often convinces you to take care of yourself more, even though he’s there to look after you
♡ Has made it his mission to help you win against your battle with insecurities
♡ Overall, he’s very caring and empathetic, hoping one day you’ll see yourself the way he sees you 💖 : strong, amazing, breathtaking, & perfectly imperfect
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♡ Occasionally, you would think about the day you broke down in front of him
♡ Your body racked with repressed whimpers as you tried to wipe the tears from your eyes and describe the recent state of your mind through choked sobs
♡ Lately, your thoughts were being especially relentless in making you feel miserable
♡ Oftentimes you’d be able to shove the negative thoughts to the back of your mind and carry on your day as usual, expertly acting as though everything in your life was going smoothly
♡ However, you found yourself fighting a losing battle against your own conscious, heavily preoccupied with thoughts of your own worthlessness
♡ And so you tried to cope
♡ But you were painfully aware of everything you felt was wrong with you
♡ You felt uncomfortable in your skin
♡ Every time you passed by your own reflection, you couldn’t help but mentally recoil at the image looking back at you
♡ Your clothes didn’t fit right
♡ Even when you opted for baggy clothes, you felt like you were taking up all the space in them
♡ Maybe it was the weight gain. You could see and feel it in your face, your arms, your stomach, your legs... everywhere
♡ You just wanted to hide away your shame
♡ Perhaps it was the dessert you allowed yourself to eat the other day. Foolish of you to think then that you wouldn’t regret it as much as you did afterwards
♡ As a consequence of those foolish actions, you made mental notes about anything and everything you ate. What it was, how much of it you had, etc
♡ Trying to restrict so that maybe you would lose some weight and come to like how you look
♡ Your obsessive thoughts of food and weight overtook your mind like a dark cloud
♡ Your favorite foods, which before would never fail to brighten your mood, taunted you with shame and guilt
♡ Exercise? Sometimes it was an activity you genuinely enjoyed. Other times, a chore that made you feel shitty or numb and reinforced your unhealthy desire to lose
♡ And you sometimes found yourself crying over your last meal, one you know you didn’t need. One you didn’t deserve
♡ And each time you released the reins on your self-control, you felt pathetic going against the vow you made to yourself  
♡ At this rate, you’d never be beautiful or be happy with yourself
-You’d remain unworthy, fat, disgusting--
-But before you could continue, your story was cut off by the impact of Kuroo’s embrace
-Your surprise silenced your sobs, and you could only stare wide-eyed at the space in front of you as you felt his arms squeeze tightly around your frame
-You both sat there for a few moments on your knees, with your back lightly leaning against a wall
- “I’m sorry for the pain you’re experiencing,” he begins softly. “Thank you for sharing with me. It must’ve taken a lot for you to do that.”
-He was right. It was your first time reaching out to another person about this. It was the last thing you thought you would’ve done today
- “I want to let you know that you shouldn’t be ashamed for feeling this way. Reaching out is important and brings you the help you need to get better. I know you might not want help right now or think that these thoughts and behaviors are a problem. However, telling me about all this shows that some part of you is recognizing there’s something wrong and you can’t always handle it on your own.”
-There were many reasons you kept this to yourself. You didn’t want to bother anyone else. Your problems seemed so trivial.  You worried saying them aloud would confirm your beliefs. You were scared people would see you differently. You--
-The intrusive thoughts never failed to make you feel ashamed
-However, it was oddly comforting to release the pent up emotions. To know you didn’t have to bottle up this burden anymore, and that you weren’t alone
-You were about to murmur in response when,
- “Also, you’re an idiot, y/n.”
- “Wow, thanks, as if I don’t already think that about myself,” you bit back in response
-You were about to shove him away just when he released his grip around your body and placed his hands on your shoulders
-His eyes shone with determination and a faint, inviting smile spread on his lips
- “You are the one of the single most important things in my life. I just mean you’re an idiot in the sense that you’re overevaluating one aspect to define your whole self. You’ve forgotten about all your other redeeming qualities that contribute to who you are.”
♡ “Your size, weight, shape; none of that matters. What matters is your health and happiness. Neglecting yourself in order to reach an ‘ideal’ that you’ve concluded is the answer to your self-worth is only bringing you farther away from what you truly want.”
♡ “I don’t mean to downplay any of your emotions or how significant this is to you. Your first step was to put your trust into someone else about this. That’s done. Now, I’m here to help you undergo self-evaluation and serve as encouragement on your journey to self-love and acceptance.”
♡ “I also want to remind you progress is not linear. There will be times when things are harder, and that’s okay; it’s part of the process. If you’re open to getting better in the future, I’m sure as hell going to be there every step of the way.”
♡ And with a soft peck to the forehead and another hug, he nuzzled into your neck and muttered, “I love you. And I want you to love yourself. So, please, allow me to help you through this and I guarantee that by the end of it all, it’ll have been so worth it.”
♡ Unsure what to say, you gripped his jacket tighter, buried your head in his shoulder, and muttered, “Thank you.”
♡ While the negative feelings about yourself remained afterward, you were relieved that your boyfriend was supportive and calm
♡ He treated you the same as always, teasing you over dumb things while making you feel like you stood among the highest peaks on Earth
♡ The day after, he had shown up to your house, weary-eyed and carrying his backpack
♡ “Kuroo? Why are you here? Also, why do you look so tired??”
♡ He stepped into your house with a yawn. He stretched his arms, then reached for his bag and whipped out his laptop
♡ “I stayed up a bit last night to do some research, babe! I also learned a lot about nutrition and molecular gastronomy, so I could help you come up with a meal plan that you’re okay with!”
♡ You were touched he was educating himself on how to help you
♡ But you drew the line at the science jokes-- (Kuroo: “You know you love them.” ; You: “‘Na’ I don’t.” ; Kuroo: :ooo “Did you just-- Marry me.”) (Na = sodium lol)
♡ His nutritional research helped you to learn the contents of food beyond calories; mans explains the vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, etc in them that you need and their benefits
♡ “Trout, avocados, and almonds have vitamin E, which is good for your skin! Oh, and don’t get me started on bananas. Yes, they have carbs (which your body needs anyway as a source of energy!), but POTASSIUM?? Shit’s gonna regulate your fluid balance, maintain heart health, stimulate normal muscle function, AND help your brain to communicate with the rest of your body!”
♡ ALSO cooking dates; just as chaotic (“Aw mannn, the egg exploded all over the microwave!” dont ask y it was being microwaved)
♡ Over time, he’s taken mental notes about your thoughts, feelings, triggers, etc
♡ He’s quick to pick up on your mood and will always ask you how you’re doing
♡ Tries to do something special for you on days you’re especially not feeling well, like taking you on a spontaneous date! (You: “Do you know how to ice skate?” ; Kuroo: “Uhh,,, after today, I will hopefully”)
♡ But will also opt for staying in with you and cuddling when you don’t want to go out (Kuroo: “I heard this movie is soooo bad! ...wanna watch it?”)
♡ Invited you to the beach with his team during the first week of summer
♡ You were unsure about this, since that meant going out in public, potentially with minimal clothing
♡ You initially sat on a beach towel under an umbrella, wearing the security of a T-shirt. He’d been aware of how you felt ever since he asked you to come, so he would sit with you and link an arm around your shoulder
♡ “I’m lucky I get to spend this day with you,” he’d say. “You look gorgeous. You always do. Now, I wanna see you smile and have fun. Let’s go take a dip, yeah?” He offered his hand, which you shyly took, and pulled you up
♡ Then immediately picked you up and started running to the water to get you soaking wet, and you were forced to ditch the heavy, waterlogged shirt
♡ However, you silently thanked him for his sweet words, making you feel secure enough to just forget your worries and enjoy the warm sun and cool water
♡ He also tries his best to lessen your anxieties over food and often shares/eats meals with you
♡ Reminds you everyday how much you’re worth to him and that there’s nothing about you that needs to change
♡ This sweet, protective, n smart boi will treat you how you deserve. It’s a guarantee he’ll be there through thick and thin, and he’s excited for the day you realize you’re just as amazing as he knows you are 💕
a/n: oop this was rlly long lol mb, i just may or may not personally know a bit about this so i went oFF
also neded to some som silly n fluff bc we all need dat
also, these r like kinda hc’s ?? but also a deconstructed oneshot/scenario?? bc they provide some rly brief bg story? one from more  of the character perspective while the other more on y/n before we get  to the hc’s about how he treats y/n. how everyone struggles w body image is different n i wanted to portray a bit of what it felt like and how it could manifest in ppl’s behaviors/thoughts. however, this is not to say that everyone feels exactly like this. what i wrote only represents a fraction of it all.
by providing some sort of bg i hope im not making u feel like this isnt u  or that u cant relate, pls lmk if i need to change anything to make it  right for u <3 ok now im actually done sry long author’s note  rfguhofe this is just rlly important to me y’all  , stay safe n take care, much luv for u <3
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hey! thank you for everything that you do! you are awesome. im just wondering if you any fic were Stiles is fae? thank you!
We sure do. - Anastasia
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till the moon has taken flight (to the waters and the wild) by WindyRein
(5/10 I 1,426 I Not Rated I Steter)
It's not fair! But he knows already that life isn't fair, doesn't he? He can feel the bitter smile curling his lips.He, if there is such a thing anymore, floats and is torn apart and doesn't exist. (but that would be kind, wouldn't it?)
Bloody Secrets by cywscross
(1/1 I 3,085 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles has silver in his veins.
Peter could’ve done without finding out this way though.
Somewhere to Start by Lissadiane
(1/1 I 3,352 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles has always known that he isn't quite human - the plant life that tends to sprout around him whenever he gets upset or excited gives it away. He's never really fit in among the regular people in Beacon Hills and is determined to wait it out, go to college, and find somewhere to belong. He's forced to abandon those plans, however, after he desperately agrees to enter into an arranged marriage to save his father's life.
An arranged marriage with an angry, sometimes furry dude with trust issues. It's all very Beauty and the Beast, without the singing candlesticks.
Dance Under the Moonlight by Therapeutic_Steter
(2/2 I 3,440 I Mature I Steter)
Fae!Stiles saving Peter from Pack's stupidity and washing his hands of them. Please?
The Other Side by Green
(1/1 I 3,769 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles doesn't know anything about his father, only what his mother told him, that he's human. Despite her words, Stiles has had his doubts. So when the queen sends him through the veil, he's nervous and isn't sure what to think.
Seven Years Falling by InfiniteAlexisA
(1/1 I 3,880 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“I don’t mean to!” Derek yelled throwing his hands in the air.“DON’T YELL AT ME!” Stiles screeched, his entire body going up in flames.This is what Derek gets for dating a fire elemental.
we're not so different (you and i) by colferstilinski
(1/1 I 5,621 I Explicit I Sterek)
For many of the fairies that lives here, Utopia is their sanctuary—haven, in other words—and why shouldn't it be? It never rains on this stretch of meadow, the clouds in the skies always pink with interest and it smells like the breaking of spring every dawn and dusk.
Stiles detest it, the least to say.
It’s too much and he hates swinging along with the status quo with the other fairies. Yeah, with their blooming shades of colours and the shimmering, silken tunics they don on and fuck, the limitless sparkles. There’s even a new trend going on with the younger generation where they gather allium blooms to form a flower crown, oh—with added glitter!—and it makes Stiles wants to roll his eyes.
Or the fic in which Stiles is a fairy and wants to escape the horrendous, boring world of fairyland to have an adventure. And by adventure, he means meeting Derek. The plant. Or... not-so plant.
Cold Iron by the_problem_with_stardust
(5/5 I 5,641 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek thought the disaster that ended with Kate Argent almost burning down his family home was a relationship worst-case scenario. So, when Dr. Deaton reveals that his current girlfriend is not what she seems, Derek is ready to swear off romance forever. In an attempt to escape his well-meaning (but insanely overbearing) family, Derek volunteers to take over remodeling the small cottage that was left to the Hale siblings in his grandmother’s will. Connemara is nothing like California, and Derek feels like his luck just might be looking up.
salt and a waltz by The Byger (Byacolate)
(1/1 I 7,433 I Explicit i Sterek)
"Not that lubed-up Q-tips aren’t the sexiest thing in the world, but I kinda want to know what it’s like, you know. To be impaled on your huge dick without actually being impaled.”
“It was about to get sexy there, but you shot the mood right in the face.”
In which Stiles is a faerie and Derek is sick and tired of not being able to fuck him.
Don't You Wanna Be My Sky? by WhoNatural
(1/1 I 9,420 I General I Sterek)
Stiles got ratted out by the Realm Guard for sneaking off with Scott a total of seven times before his dad buckled, promising sabbatical once Stiles reached Faehood, and enough Earth culture in the meantime to have him talking like a born-and-bred Californian teenager.
He just didn’t have the tan.
(Or, in which Stiles is a Frost Fae sent to the Earth Realm on the Fae version of Rumspringa and immediately falls head-first into a Coffee Shop AU)
No Love in Idleness by Elpie (Horribibble)
(2/2 I 11,687 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is the sole grandchild of none other than Robin Goodfellow, the most mischievous faerie ever to wreak havoc among the Folk and Man alike. To the people of Beacon Court, he is at best a merry wanderer of the night.
At first, Ser Derek is inclined to agree, but the little bird on his shoulder has quite a bit to say about that.
Trees are always a relief after dealing with people (except when they aren't) by ravelqueen
(1/1 I 15,889 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek Hale decides to become a hermit before he reaches 25. Too bad he picked Beacon Hills as his retirement home.
(Or the one where Stiles is a wood nymph/pixie/human hybrid who falls in love with his new grumpy werewolf neighbour)
Broken People Get Recycled by poemwithnorhyme
(1/1 I 16,389 I General i Sterek)
Nothing is ever just calm in Beacon Hills. No, something always has to go wrong, and this time, it's Stiles' turn in the spotlight. That doesn't mean he has to like it. Post S2 AUFae!Stiles
The Magic's in the Coffee by xxxillusionxxx
(8/8 I 17,596 I Explicit I Sterek)
Ever since the tall, muscled, leather-clad werewolf had begun his daily coffee routine at the Skullery—a horrendous name in Stiles’s opinion, but his boss was a skeleton who thought he was terribly clever—an impromptu competition developed among the baristas.
When Trust is Everything by hellbells
(12/12 I 27,913 I Teen i Sterek)
For a secret to remain true then only one person can know it; if not then it will come out. Beacon Hills is the converging point of several secrets all wrapped up in the supernatural. For Stiles, the unravelling of several will let him find peace, love and safety in the arms of his true mate. The only question is can he trust a Sourwolf and his pack well enough to show his true self.
It just might be the one thing between Beacon Hills and safety!
(Or observe the really awkward distrustful courtship between a Sourwolf and a hidden Fae Mage)
A Little Bit of Sunshine by 100KlicksAway
(21/? I 29,600 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles woke with a start, dreams of pixies flitting around his head. He’d dreamed… He’d dreamed that he was a wolf? Or…. He wasn’t sure. Something with fangs… His mouth had been dripping blood in his dream, and when he woke, he could still taste the thick copper taste coating his mouth.
Stiles has been working hard for the pack since Scott was bitten. They leave him out more and more frequently, though, until Stiles realizes that he's strictly unnecessary. Then, the pack's activities throw him into danger and he ends up in a shitty situation with no one helping him.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills. He doesn't care anymore, he just... Needs out.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan
(1/1 I 42,525 I Explicit I Sterek)
“He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense.“Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk.“What? No,” Derek growled.“Was he hot?”“No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
We Follow Darkness Like a Dream by GreenasCole
(10/10 I 51,106 I Mature I Sterek)
When a mysterious note is left on the Stilinski's door it leads Stiles and his best friend Scott out into the woods on quest for answers about Beacon Hills's most infamous tragedy. After a surprise encounter with a monstrous wolf the two boys are hurled into an ancient and terrifying world, only for Stiles to discover he was secretly a part of it all along. Will he manage to survive the insanity of Fae politics and avoid the enemies that are suddenly crawling out of the woodwork to find a place in this new world? Or will the very revelation of his existence be the catalyst that plunges both worlds into war and chaos? And why can't Scott just stop teasing him every time he catches Stiles looking at their new "friend" Derek too long?
Laughter in the Dark by Starshaker
(13/? I 56,148 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is a fae. A trickster spirit with too much curiosity for his own good and a knack for getting into trouble. When he's just trying to help things don't go to plan and coincidences don't seem to end up for the better.Trapped, isolated and aching to get home, though it's better than what Gerard would have had planned for him initially, Stiles learns to deal with his new set of circumstances.
The Fairy's Wolf by kuki
(57/? I 90,602 I Explicit I Sciles)
In a world where non-humans mingle with humans in public schools until they became of age, about high school age, going instead to a specialty finishing school, a young halfling fae fights to stay with his friends. His fear of losing touch with his best friend, a young Alpha werewolf, has the pair pushing their relationship to the edge; and their relationship has the world on the brink of war.
-or-where I apparently ship Skittles hard now, hate myself with this work load on top of my school work, switch up species because f-u that's why, make up mythology, and try to give Derek a nice life.
Where You Still Remember Dreaming by yodasyoyo
(15/15 I 95,612 I Explicit I Sterek)
“What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you Balto.”
“What’s yours?”
Derek raises an eyebrow. That isn’t his real name. There’s no way. But now he thinks about it, he has a vague memory of someone, probably Uncle Peter, telling him that with the fae, names have power. “I’m Miguel,” he says.
“Are you trying to tell me your real name is Stiles?”
Stiles runs his tongue across his teeth and considers Derek carefully. “Fair enough,” he says, “Miguel it is.”
Grabbing his groceries and pocketing the change, Derek turns to leave; he’s nearly at the door when Stiles calls out, “By the way, Miguel, if you’re interested, it’s two for one on bags of kibble at the pet store down the street.”
Derek doesn’t look back, doesn’t hesitate, just raises a hand and flips him off on the way out.
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this DLC has me FUCKED UP and i keep screaming
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spoilers for Bounty of Blood under the cut, keep reading at ur own peril. Also some Guardian Takedown spoilers for anyone who hasn’t beat it yet
tl;dr: a comparison between something taken from BL2 and a thing taken from Bounty of Blood. more spoilery tl;dr below the cut.
also the siren thing is not spoilers so i’ll share it here for anyone curious, it’s just this: siren tattoos are blue but when lily absorbs eridium in 2, they turn pinkish/purple. just like how vaults do from bl1 to bl2. they’re white/blue in bl1, then purple-pink in bl2 (and tps), y’know, after Eridium begins erupting from the ground. just a neat little detail i noticed that im not entirely sure was intentional but im gonna believe it is.
tl;dr: Gythian Blood = Core and the Ruiner is of Eridian Origin even tho everyone in the DLC likes to say it was created with Jakobs’ bioengineering. disclaimer: idk if I’ve found every hidden ECHO so I may be missing a few things but I have done every side quest and took ample screenshots of all important dialogue in the DLC : )
“man i just sat here for like 15 minutes staring at my keyboard mentally comparing core and eridium like the dumb bitch i am. 
it's not like we can do an actual comparison because we have no idea what the natural fauna of gehenna was like before jakobs came and mutated everything with core unlike pandora where we know what skags and rakk and shit were like BEFORE the eridium crust erupted. 
altho!!! there's a neat comparison between joey ultraviolet and rose. like obviously he wasn't getting tattoos and was just doing lines of crushed up eridium but the point stands they both have glowy eyes and unique powers so i don't necessarily think this means rose is a siren just because she has magic powers especially when we know she got the whistling passed down to her from her grandmother. 
especially because we've never seen a siren interact with core before. altho that leaves the question we have seen core tattoos now what are eridium tattoos like? actually rose's tattoos were on her right arm obviously she isn't a siren as we know them right now (I saw a post on reddit where people thought rose was a siren) 
of course that brings up the point perhaps siren tattoos ARE eridium tattoos. but then we hear the general's log about how the devil riders were tattooing a man with core and blood so obviously they're not ‘naturally’ occurring unlike siren tattoos. so odds are they're probably not equivalents but something interesting i thought of while thinking about this is how well siren tattoos compare to the Vaults from borderlands 1 and borderlands 2″
anyway. this is all ive been thinking about. yes yes i know guardian takedown post but! >:( im still salty even tho this update has been lovely (outside of Blane not getting his correct damage scaling ‘till today......). so i’ll do that at my own damn pace. now let me elaborate so i can sleep at night lmao
refinement produces slag, which weakens people and can mutate things
has mutating properties, mostly with imbuing elements into shit- possibly causes insanity
seems to be connected to another dimension, likely the one the Eridians are from
has a secondary form of Infused Core
has mutating properties, mostly regarding a thing’s body and mind
apparently radioactive
there are some things i wanna note
1) People throughout the DLC say the Ruiner was created by the Jakobs corp (the company) thru bio-engineering but I’m 99% sure that’s not true. The paperwork seems to me like they found the egg somewhere on Gehenna and decided to roll and experiment with it like all corporations do when they find weird alien shit. so maybe they experimented with whatever was inside the egg, but I don’t think they actually created it entirely
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“Excavated from [REDACTED] ... Local legends speaks of a [REDACTED]. This theory is not endorsed by our research personnel.
2) The Ruiner’s design reminds me a lot of the Warrior.
3) Core immediately reminded me of Gythian Blood from Guns Love and Tentacles and I don’t think that’s coincidence to have 2 back-to-back DLCs where the big bad is focused on green death juice. I think Gythian Blood and Core are of the same stuffs.
4) Therefore, I think the Ruiner is (mostly) of Eridian origin (if you haven’t already guessed). 
This gives us an amazing look into how the Eridians actually create their beasts!!! And I’m so happy they showed us this.
(side note, Interitus Regina (the long name for Ruiner) literally means Destruction Queen and I think that’s beautiful <3)
i mean the idea that they plunge them from orbit to create an explosion similar to a nuke is fucking horrifying (but holy shit I love it so much ahhh it’s so cool!!!!)
the one side line from Oletta about how the company couldn’t control the Ruiner deffo makes me double down on this theory. I’m not entirely sure how Rose’s grandma knew about the whistling (I don’t think I’ve found every echo log in that area YET), but I would bet it was part of the testing given how many fuckin’ tape players they have throughout the facility. The Warrior was controlled by verbal commands via Jack, so it’s possible that the Ruiner was intended to be controlled similarly, but Jakobs intervention (or something like the way Rose hatched it) fucked it up.
now we know the Warrior was created to protect the Vault of the Destroyer (hmm.) so what the heck was the Ruiner created for? Ruiner is a name given to it by Jakobs/the people of Gehenna so we can’t really assume, but then again the monster names are pretty apt in this series even tho they probably technically shouldn’t be. 
it was only an egg, so maybe it was another test of Core? A Vault Monster incubating until it was ready to protecc and attacc but was never hatched because the Eridians ‘sacrificed’ themselves before it could? (I’m still not convinced the Eridians are the good guys. Listen. LISTEN. The guardian takedown is something to think about, BUT it doesn’t disprove that theory and I’ll stand by it because I 100% trust the Overseer more than bitchpants mcgee over here who thinks he’s soooo special for no reason fuck you and your dumb ‘I did what the Watcher could not’ bull you haven’t done shit.) ok sorry im done he just angers me. stupid guardian man. your whip is stupid and you should feel bad. oh also I totally called us actually being Guardians thru Guardian Rank before the game came out aha yeah.
I definitely think Gythian was a test/use of Core from the Eridians. We see in Bounty of Blood that core seems to mutate more the physical (and occasionally mental) parts of people, like with the crew challenges u do for Juno with all the weird hybrid people and whatnot. Gythian had the whole ‘the heart still beats’ thing going on (which is definitely a physical mutation if i’ve ever seen one), plus the whole, you know, mind control and shit. Which is p similar to what the menta gnats can do when charged with Infused Core. And keep in mind in BLaT we see DAHL notes on what happens to test subjects when injected with Gythian Blood. They mutated physically and went insane.
What im saying is Sirens and Eridium and Elements are connected, so what does Core equal? body/mind sure but are there unique creatures for core (yes holy shit I’m not talking about h2o au for once and FINALLY they gave us a canon name for the green stuff!!!). If not, I’d love to see a Siren interact with Core to see what it does to them. seriously why hasn’t tannis interrupted us yet. horrible excuse for a science lover (kidding kidding, I love her). I’d also really love a fuller rundown on what the hell Rose’s powers were. Because the whistling thing seemed to just be her grandma’s thingie passed down to her from her mom
but the core stuff
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her gun seems to be infused with it. So did her sword thing. I didn’t really get a good look at it i was too busy trying to see thru my blurry tears of LOVE for this DLC.
Strangely while her tattoos are (mostly) green I actually don’t know if they’re core infused bc look at this
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n look back at hers. hers aren’t very lime.
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her eyes
I’d love to know if the core gives her immediate future sight or just increased perception or reaction times. there’s a huge difference but she seemed to be able to shoot the gun outta the sheriff’s hand near immediately and it seems kinda implied its because of the core (or at least because her eyes are glowing green)
there’s a possibility she has some unique core powers/possibly implants because of her relations to the project in the first place, or as leader of the devil riders after looting the facility. it’s really hard to say without more info and like i said im not sure if i missed an ECHO or two or not regarding her backstory :( 
Her hair is also green which I just noticed. Maybe she has core powers bc her grandmother got suuuuuuuuper irradiated/influenced working on project horizons and it passed down thru her n Rose’s mom, to Rose. Tannis does have a line about Sirens having unique hair colors and, if Sirens are linked to Eridium, perhaps those linked to Core also have unique hair color. Could also explain why only Rose seems to have those whistling powers. That said we don’t really see anyone else trying that whistling thing out afaik and idk if it was, like, a special ability or a certain tone/ditty or w h a t. 
i know being vague with everything gives them more creative freedom to create amazing characters and scenarios, but dammit I want A N S W E R S.
All THAT said man I’m so glad magic is real in the borderlands universe. oh, sorry, “magic”. It’s magic. Science it, tannis, I dare you. either way, I win. Either it’s magic and H2O AU is canon, or it’s science and I finally get my goddamn answers. Hey gearbox can you make a book just explaining all the science and eridian stuff. please. I’d love you forever. please. pleaheheheheaaasseee it’s all i’ve ever wanted.
oh also can i just say, suuuper disappointed we didn’t learn anything about anshin. Really wish non-fan favorite corporations would get the spotlight/lore for once. Like, I like Jakobs as much as the next guy, and I get WHY they did it (can’t have a corporation looking too good!!!) but they now have 3 DLCs (Jakobs Cove, GLaT, and Bounty of Blood) and also a hefty chunk of the main game. Like... we all know Jakobs fuckin sucks, look at what they did on Pandora. I really just want info on a medical corporation 😭 I have to do everything my damn s e l f. but SERIOUSLY IMAGINE the possibilities that could come from a medical corp getting its hands on eridian tech. like, yeah obviously the weapons corps are gonna use it for weaponry and stuff BUT WOULDN’T THE MEDICAL CORPS MUTATING PEOPLE MAKE MORE SENSE??? ldfhgldfshg I have to do everything my damn self...
anyway all that aside, this is definitely by favorite borderlands dlc by a LONG shot. Nothing comes close. Ahhh the lore, the nuclear aspect, the a e s t h e t i c (seriously, have I mentioned how much I adore Trigun???), the art, the music, the cryoslinger, the fact I can bust out going beeEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAans like Ray Chase at any time and it will MAKE SENSE. I love all of it.
oh, also, Rose is totally not dead. C’mon, they couldn’t find her body. She pulled a Lilith. “Are you sure she didn’t just suffer a wound that LOOKS fatal, only for her to come back in a blockbuster sequel...?” is a line from mr Jones himself (the movie guy)
I just hope when she comes back she gets to meet Captain Scarlett. I’d love to watch their interactions plus pirates and or ninjas. That’s 2 DLC villains now that have vanished without a trace. And I like Captain Scarlett way more than Rose (seriously I spent the entire beginning of the DLC complaining about how her voice bothered me- I was so happy she was a villain, I was hoping that was the case).
oh yeah, reminder, the people of vestige were living next to highly radioactive egg for likely years. i feel really bad for them :(
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this made me smile
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kkotseo · 4 years
tagged by: @collapsecolours ( thank you very much! ♥(◍ ͒•ಲ• ͒◍)♬ ) tagging: @thecosmicsen, @lavtiena, @byeoljari, @akm0ng, @sugarberrys, @daiseun, @94lost, @geumija, @querenciant, @slayeoff, @mingeu, @ichorflows, @ofkngs, @denouae & I would tag everyone in all honesty since I am intrigued to read your answers to this! 
Un.   This muse is eight (8) years old. This entails a plethora of fictional scenarios combined with facts. At first, one would think of an accurate portrayal of the idol they roleplay. Accurate within the limits of their own interpretations and the information available at their reach, of course. Then, time elapsed and — oh! surprise! — interactions accumulated, plots piled up, meaningful encounters came shaking one’s muse’s life. All those elements couldn’t be ignored. Hence, nowadays, I wouldn’t say my Seoah is the closest representation of the real artist. Yes, I still keep the essentials ( e.g. her behaviour, her demeanour, her antics, her little habits ), but I believe with all those years offered a backbone that’s quite unique to my muse. I don’t bother separating actuality and fiction anymore. They have meshed into the muse you are all interacting with now. I honestly didn’t initially intend to have my Seoah for that long— guess life is full of surprises! ㅋ
Deux.    Writing bios is a struggle for me. I’ve never written a proper one for my Seoah. And it’s been eight years she’s around ( on and off at one point and a year break ). This alone tells a lot about my displeasure towards biographies. Not that I avoid them on purpose. I have tried countless times. I desire to have one up and ready for my muse so I can keep records of her past and how she developed with time through hardships and little miracles ( if I can call her blissful moments that way ). It’s just, for obscure reasons, extremely difficult for me. Thank goodness I have a good memory or else I would have failed in terms of consistency. (  ●︿●  )
Trois.    Mentioned just a moment ago, consistency is something I try to maintain with my muse. She continues to mature, grow and learn. With each new input, I have a penchant towards continuity. I like it when there’s logic linking everything together. Even if feelings can be acted upon without proper reasoning, I like to go back and see what can potentially lead my muse to behave a certain way. With that said, I’ve debated a lot in the past whether to keep certain elements or shove them down to the abyss of the unknown. I’ve managed to tweak some crucial episodes so they can work out despite the absence of their benefactors. However, not everything can be modified without affecting the entire plot. Silly of me to think some parts can be shunned publicly, but that’s subject for another time. Though, I won’t force anyone to squeeze their muses in her timeline. I don’t expect people to get involved in certain past plots and whatnot. After all, there is a need for reciprocation so things are fun for everyone.
Quatre.    I am still working on expanding my creativity. I may have hit a slope where I am sitting at the bottom, humming songs to pass time. And let me tell you all, I hate it. I almost feel unwell when sending messages on IM due to a strange concoction of guilt, insecurity and a tinge of foolishness. Because I have nothing in mind most of the time. Nothing extraordinary to bring on the table. That’s why my first greeting to everyone sounds generic... I’m so sorry about that! (◞‸◟;) Nonetheless, I leave something in people’s IM because I want to reach out to everyone. I want to interact with everyone and write amazing threads with incredible writers alongside their wonderful muses. Aside from plotting, I’m very open to multiple threads to obtain a better visualization of the relationship between my muse and others through different situations. Alternative universes are also a lovely solution! In conclusion, even if I’m currently awful at suggesting original ideas, I’m always down to create something with everyone even if it means several threads around to figure things out or even strengthen bonds, even if it means building something from scratch to develop interesting stories. 
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babybirdgyeom · 5 years
call your girlfriend » im jaebum
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💌 jaebum x reader » angst + fluff with a happy ending
✎ summary: after six years of dating his high school girlfriend Jaebum was feeling blue, his heart heavy - until he met this one girl at Jackson’s party that made him feel feelings he didn’t knew existed.
✎ word count: 4k+
✎ warning: this is based on robyn’s song ‘call your girlfriend’. it does include jb and the reader having an affair and i don’t want to romanticize cheating at all. i just really love this song and wanted to write some angst.
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The last thing you would’ve expected tonight would have been Im Jaebum in front of your door at two in the morning - it’s not the first time he showed up unexpected at this late hour but this time the look on his face was different and you immediately knew that he wasn’t coming around to spend the night with you like usually. Tonight there was no smile on his lips, he wasn’t smiling and happy to see you, instead Jaebum looked rather worried and worn out today, an empty and exhausted expression on his face, his hand covering his mouth, deep in thought, as he didn’t even look at you, his eyes not daring to meet yours. The man in front of your door definitely came to you for something more serious this time.
For a second the worst scenarios went through your head, all of them ending in you and Jaebum going different ways. Was he coming to end things between you? Your heart immediately beat faster in your chest and you felt a strange and tingling feeling from inside, very different from the feelings you usually have when you see the handsome man that you were in love with. Right now, you were afraid, to say the least. 
When you first met him things still were innocent - he was just a boy to you and you were just a girl to him, two strangers at a party of a mutual friend that got along quite good and shared a drink. To you he was a good looking guy that you’ve heard of before from Jackson and to him you were this childhood friend of Jackson, cute indeed, but he didn’t dare to think of you that way because he knew his girlfriend was waiting at home for him. 
Jaebum’s girlfriend, Lee Eunhwa. They’ve been together since they were sixteen, one of these couples that clearly were going to get married and have children and get old together - at least that was what everyone assumed. But after six years of being with each other Jaebum started to have doubts and worries about that. He was more than thankful for her, she made him the man he was now as she was right next to his side as he turned from the little boy in high school to the man he was by now. Still he couldn’t help to think that maybe there should be more than that for him, they were both still so young and used to each other - maybe he just didn’t feel the same kind of love towards her that he used to, sometimes he wondered if there isn’t more out there, waiting for him. These thoughts were beginning to eat him up from inside and at first he pushed them away, telling himself he was unthankful and she was the one for him, just like everyone always said. He got embarrassed and mad at himself every time a bad thought about their relationship came to his mind and eventually the whole situation became more than overwhelming to him. So one night, a few months ago, Jackson invited him to one of his famous house parties and Jaebum was more than happy to go, hoping he could distract himself a bit from the stress he was putting himself through. And he did find a distraction, in another way he would’ve thought.
As you first spotted him, Jaebum caught your eye immediately - his clothes, his laugh, his hair - it would’ve been a lie to say he wasn’t attractive to you, he looked exactly like a guy should in your opinion. But what really made you be interested in him were his eyes: When you first looked into them that night, as he asked you if you could hand him the whiskey you felt like drowning in them - it sounds so cliché but there was no point in lying to yourself, no eyes ever got you like those brown eyes of his. So you did what he asked you to - while you were handing him the bottle someone in the crowded kitchen, a very drunk guy you never saw before at this time (by now he was a friend of yours, his name is Yugyeom) managed to bump so hard against Jaebum while dancing that it made him fall right on top of you. He froze for a second, looking down on you, his eyes not daring to wander down to where he spilled all the whiskey on your shirt.
“I think we should have dinner first.”, you said laughing, trying to get him off you so you could stand up and clean your cleavage.
He immediately relaxed at your answer, happy you were not mad, and let out a small laugh too, “I’m truly sorry.”, he was taking you to the next sink, looking for a cloth he could give you.
Looking back at this memory now, you wondered if Jaebum sometimes wished he didn’t meet you so he wouldn’t have gotten himself in this disaster. You remember spending the rest of the evening close to him, wanting to know more about him, he was by far the most interesting person you’ve met in a long time - the two of you seemed to get along in no time, just as if you met years ago. Getting to know Im Jaebum felt like catching up with an old friend. It started with all of you in a big group, playing some games like ‘Never Have I Ever’ and you could feel Jaebum’s gaze on you every time you took a shot - later, as you had a bit too much to drink and felt dizzy, he accompanied you outside, holding your shoulders so you wouldn’t fall on the way out, laughing loudly at your clearly fucked up state.
“Do you usually get this drunk? Who watches over you if I’m not there?”, you still remember him asking you, his laugh echoing in your head. After sitting outside with him for about two hours of becoming more sober and having conversations about literally anything, stuff like your first pets and Jaebum telling you everything about his friends and how they met, the two of you went inside and danced with each other for another hour, wondering where he learned to move like that and thinking how adorable it was that he had so much fun dancing, almost carefree.
As Jaebum left he wanted nothing more than to ask for your number - in general he didn’t want anything as bad as your number in a long time. But he knew that would be a step too far, guilt was already creeping up to him because he talked to you the whole evening without telling you about the girl he had at home. Not that there was something wrong with meeting someone new - it was the simple realization that he didn’t want you to know about her that made him feel like the worst man as he came home to Eunhwa that night, knowing that he didn’t cheat on her but still betrayed her in some way. She had been asleep already and Jaebum looked at her for a moment, hoping to feel something. Something that made him want to stay, something that was not guilt, anger or sadness - but there was nothing. He stayed awake the whole night, fighting tears and mostly himself, which seemed to become routine by now. 
Soon after that night he decided that he needed to clear his mind and find out what he really wants. And he thought he did, he thought that what he wanted was to work on his relationship with Eunhwa - his goal to make not only her, but also himself, happy again. That was until he saw you again, two weeks later, once again at Jackson’s, but this time in a less crowded and more private setting. Jackson invited his closest friends to a bbq at his house - and of course you were there too, Jaebum could’ve guessed that. As your eyes met and he saw you flashing him a smile, your eyes excited to see him again, he felt just as helpless, but deep down also relieved, again. It was only you, Jackson’s girlfriend, Jaebum and the other five boys of their group, a nice round of people. 
“You know each other?”, Mark, another mutual friend you’ve known for quite some time, asked curiously as you hugged Jaebum.
“Oh, he took amazing care of me on Jackson’s last party.”, you said laughing, happy that he was there too, just as you hoped.
As the night went on you sat beside him, once again giving him all of your attention - you couldn’t stop thinking of him since you last met him, wishing you would’ve asked for his number. Little did you know about Jaebum’s girlfriend at that time, nor the fact that Jaebum too couldn’t stop thinking about you, but he did it in secret, trying to avoid seeing your face in the back of his mind.
The unlabeled thing with you and Jaebum slowly evolved within the next weeks - you asked for his number that night and he gave it to you, knowing the risk he took. He couldn’t help but feel terrible and excited about you at the same time. 
You found out about his girlfriend at the worst time possible. At another party of Jackson’s, this time you and Jaebum texted each other before going.
Y/N: ‘You at the Jackson’s tonight?’ Jb: ‘Need a ride? Let me pick you up.’
He was flirting with you all the time - through text, in the car on the way to the party, he got you your favorite drink as soon as you arrived, he complimented your outfit, he was being the perfect gentleman. Later that night you two were outside once again, all alone this time, his hand resting on your waist as he came closer and you knew what was about to happen.
“You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.”, you said confidently, not knowing the real reason he hesitated back then.
You saw the smirk on his lips and knew that in that moment the handsome boy was feeling the same exact thing as you. Jaebum knew too by now - he knew he wanted you, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, he tried to fight it but he gave up as his lips moved closer to yours until they finally met and he was almost embarrassed about the feeling this kiss gave him. He hasn’t felt anything that strong in at least two years now, nothing Eunhwa did could compare to this. As his hands found your hair he knew he had to break up with her. As his lips wandered down your neck he knew it made no sense to resist you anymore, he was too weak for that. As your hands found his he knew he met you for a reason. As you moved to sit on his lap as he deepened the kiss he knew that he caught some serious feelings for you. And as he was just about to run his hand up your back, pulling you closer to him, making you feel him under you he realized that he couldn’t - he couldn’t lie to Eunhwa and you both. 
He broke the kiss, breathless and wanting more, but needing to be serious and honest with you.
“I have a girlfriend.”, he blurted out, knowing there would be no right way to say this. Thinking about that moment now it still gave you a strong and uncomfortable feeling, as if you fell down a high cliff and just never arrived at the bottom, helpless and confused.
You thought you misheard for a second, letting out a chuckle - before realizing what he just said was true. Part of you wanted to slap him across the face, leaving right there. Another part of you wanted to not care, wanted to continue and forget what he just said. Yet another part was dissappointed in him, you thought you knew him - he didn’t seem to be a bad guy. But the biggest part of you wanted an explanation more than anything.
He closed his eyes in frustration for a second and let out a deep sigh before looking into your eyes, the pain in it hurt him more than the fact that he just cheated on his girlfriend, “I’m so sorry.”, he said, still holding you close to him on his lap, hoping you’d stay right there, “Not only for lying to you but also for doing this to her.”
You nodded slowly, not knowing how to handle the situation, “Why are you doing this to here then? I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”, you gulped as you felt his thumb drawing circles on your back. In this moment you didn’t know how to act or how to feel. 
Jaebum looked concerned and worried, looking for the right words to express his thoughts - he felt like you should know them all. “Her name is Eunhwa. I know her since my teen years, we’ve been dating for six years and I loved her so much.”, you noticed the use of past tense and it felt like a sword in your stomach, but you didn’t want to interrupt him, “I haven’t been happy with her in a long time but I’m too afraid to break up with her. She deserves someone who is excited to see her after a long day and cheers her up when she’s sad instead of how cold I have been treating her.”, you saw tears building up in his eyes but you still wanted to hear the rest he had to say, so you stayed still and quiet.
“I didn’t know how to end things after everything we’ve been through. Nothing I do seems to be fair towards her and sitting here with you is by far the worst thing I could’ve done to her.”, he said, not meeting your eyes anymore, not even knowing what he was trying to say, he just said what came to his mind.
By now your voice was only a whisper, you didn’t feel offended at all, more hurt. “You still didn’t answer my question though.”, you said, turning your head towards his so he was forced to look at you for a second, hoping it would calm him down a bit. “Why did you flirt with me, texted me, even kissed me?”
He was surprised that you were even having this conversation with him when you could have just left him right there, “Since I saw you at Jackson’s the first time I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I tried to stop myself from thinking of you, looking at your pictures or even text you but I couldn’t.”, he confessed and you were, somehow, not surprised at all. You felt the same way about him since the beginning and you always got the same vibe from him. The thought of his girlfriend sitting at home, probably wondering where they went wrong made you sick, like you needed to vomit. You never wanted to be that woman, ever. Guilt and panic rushed over you but you couldn’t bring yourself to regret kissing him.
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you”, Jaebum suddenly interrupted your thoughts, making you look at him, “I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”, the way he said it so casually send a thousand emotions through your body, as if you didn’t feel enough already, “I want to try being with you, getting to know you better, take you out and introduce you to the friends you haven’t met yet.”
“But you can’t.”, you said, knowing where this conversation was going while you got up from his lap and sat down next beside him again, “You have a girlfriend.”, you said, more to yourself than to him, realizing what it really meant. He shouldn’t say those things to you and you shouldn’t feel these things for him.
“I don’t love her anymore.”, he said, a bit surprised himself because he never admitted it before, not even to himself, “I’m hooked on you, (y/n).”
“Will you stay with me tonight?”, you asked him, not knowing what was going on with you or why you asked that, despite feeling bad and guilty.
Ever since then Jaebum and you met in secret, texted each other lovely messages in secret, fell in love in secret. Those memories leave you breathless as they all appear in your mind at once as you saw Jaebum standing in your door. It’s been three months since you met each other, which is nothing compared to the time he knows Eunhwa for. 
You looked at Jaebum, waiting for him to say something but nothing came out of his mouth, his eyes were still glued to the ground. Slowly the tension was killing you. 
“Jaebum.”, was all you could say in that moment but it was enough for him to finally look up from his feet and into your eyes. As soon as your eyes met you saw them filling up with tears. “What happened?”, you asked quietly, your voice cracking.
Unable to answer you he rushed into hugging you, pressing you close to his body, one arm fully wrapped around your waist as the other was holding your head, pressing it against his chest. “I told her now.”, he said, his mouth very close to your ear, his voice just as small and quiet as yours before, “I just did.”
You immediately remembered last Friday as he said it - he was at your house, coming straight to you after work like usually, telling Eunhwa he had to work late, and not leaving until midnight. Your relationship with him was more than an affair by now, more than just sex. He talked to you about everything, held you close to him at all times, holding your hand, cooking for you - it was delusional of you to say it was almost perfect, considering the fact that you couldn’t be together. That night, after a steamy shower session you both were cuddled under a blanket in your bed, his head resting on his hand as he studied your face and his thumb was caressing your cheek. “You make me feel so safe.”, he said, looking deep into your eyes.
No question, you loved hearing him say those things but you felt uncomfortable after such a long time of secretly being with each other. Risking it all, you decided to confront him. “I think you need to tell me the truth about how you feel towards me.”, you said, sitting up a bit. 
His eyes still were locked with yours as he slowly nodded, “I think it’s about time too, (y/n). I’m in love with you.”, he said, feeling nervous, hoping you’d feel the same way even though it was quite obvious, for what reason would you put up with him otherwise? - he continued, “It has been pretty clear to me from the start. I didn’t expect things to go this way at all, you know that. What about you?”
“Tell Eunhwa, Jaebum. I think it’s time you talk.”
He sighed, knowing you were right. In the last month he had barely seen Eunhwa, nor talked to her. “I just don’t know how.”
“Don’t lie to her. Tell her about how you did her wrong, that you met somebody new and that she needs to move on and find someone better, someone that can give her what she deserves.”
After the talk that night you hadn’t heard from him in over a week. Of course you decided to give him time and rethink everything, he always felt very sorry towards Eunhwa. After a few days, you thought about calling him but decided you shouldn’t. You weren’t in the position to. He never meant to hurt no one but for a second you wondered if he would really leave her for you or if he didn’t call because he decided he couldn’t.
So, as he just told you, that he broke up with Eunhwa you felt terrible, you know it wasn’t really your fault they broke up - in his heart Jaebum was long gone, but in the end, you still were the homewrecker.
The two of you just stood there for a while, embracing each other. Every now and then you heard Jaebum sniffing, he was definitely crying. It wasn’t the first time he was crying in front of you since he often felt troubled in this situation.
A few minutes later you found yourself in your kitchen, making Jaebum a tea to call him down a bit. He was sitting on your kitchen table, watching your every move until you sat down beside him, placing two cups in front of you. His hand immediately found yours, squeezing it tightly. Even though his eyes were swollen from crying he seemed to be slowly relaxing, by now he unclenched his jaw and relaxed his eyebrows stopped flinching.
“How do you feel?”, he asked you, bring your linked hands up to kiss the back of your hand.
You scoffed a bit, “You’re concerned about how I feel? How do you feel, Jaebum?”, it was funny to you that he still was worried about you even though he clearly was the miserable one right now.
“I just want you to feel good.”, he said sincerely, looking into your eyes and giving you a small smile.
“How did she react?”, you asked what concerned you the most.
Now Jaebum let out the scoff, shaking his head a bit, “Terrible.”, he shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what else to say, “We both cried a lot, like you probably already guessed. But that really doesn’t matter now, baby.”
Like a high school girl you felt yourself blushing at the baby, he never called you that before. “God, I hate that. Please don’t do that.”, you said laughing.
He immediately joined your laughter, his face lighting up, making you feel all tingly again, this time in a good way though. 
“Oh. I’m sorry to tell you.-”, he said and paused for a second as he pushed you closer to you, his lips finding your forehead, “From now on I’ll not hold back anymore.”
Within seconds you and Jaebum were kissing each other deep and passionate and through it all you could feel a smile on his face. As he picked you up to carry you to the bedroom he stopped every now and then to talk to you. 
“It feels so good to kiss you like this.”, he said first before immediately kissing you again, giving you no time to answer.
A few seconds later he was giving your nose a kiss, “Let’s go to a restaurant tomorrow, I can’t wait to take you out properly.”
As he let you down onto your bed he looked so satisfied and happy, his kisses became soft and slow as he kissed down your neck and towards your cleavage.
“(Y/N). I love you.”, he said for the first time, looking up at you, “I always knew. But I am so, so, so relieved and lucky I can finally say it out loud. I’ll never leave this bed again.”
You let out a laugh as your hand run through his hair, “I won’t let you leave again.”
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scenarihoes · 6 years
Hiya! First thing’s first: I love your blog. I just found it and it’s awesome. Second: could I get some fluffy sfw (and maybe nsfw if it becomes relevant as you write?) for cuddles with Todoroki? Like does he play with hair, big cuddles or nah, big spoon/little spoon, etc? Thank you, have a lovely day 💖
THANKS SO MUCH! the compliment melts my little heart :}
i couldnt worm nsfw into this but dont worry im sure there will be more nsfw of him in the future >:3
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cuddles with todoroki shouto!
Alright so to start off strong, we all know Todoroki clearly was not shown much affection growing up. He had his mother for a short time and even then all-around affection was scarce. To make matters worse, post ‘indicent’ it was non-existant. Maybe from his sister he got the occasional pat on the back or her hand pressed over the tops of his knuckles while she worried, but other than that, he was pretty much surrounded in barbed wire. Metaphircally and literally cold to the touch. That being said, physical affection is even further out of his zone. It’s so foreign that he’s likely convinced himself he’d be satisfied going without for the rest of his life. Can’t miss what you never had, right?
It’s quite the sad case.
The source of this is simple. He’s comfortable with the lack of intimacy much for the same reason that for the longest time he was comfortable with, no, preferred, to not have any friends at his side: he was never them presented the right kind. He wasn’t presented many at all, actually. Yes, the U.A. students that were able to succesffuly deter his wires, toss ladders up his iron walls. Izuku, namely, found himself wedged between his heart and a hard place. But, as did you. He was learning to be kind along with something else other than spiteful and everystep was a baby one at that.
Cuddling isn’t something he’s accustomed to literally what so ever. Hugs are a huge deal for him. Real, genuine, non-obligatory hugs, anyways. The first time you wrap yourself around him to cuddle I won’t even lie it’s awkward as hell. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and while I wish I could say ‘oh, I’m sure he’s seen some movies!’ I can’t, because, well... He hasn’t. Movies aren’t entirely his thing so the only time he really watches them are when he’s with his friends and romance aren’t exactly the type of movies a bunch of rowdy teenagers want to watch with popcorn and sodas.
Todoroki is stiff as a plank and pretty much acts like a doll in your hands. He let’s you control absolutely everything and allows you to situate him how you see fit. He’s like a mannenquin: malable and unmoving. It sounds like a good plan in his mind, to let you position him so that you’re able to be comfortable, but it backfires. In his attempts to make sure that he doesn’t change positions, when you set him up he literally does not move. He’s a statue and an anxious one at that because what if somehow you aren’t comfortable? Some of him feels like him breathing too hard will ruin what you’ve created.
Don’t worry. With time he get’s much better. Once he starts to pick up that cuddling is for both people, not just one, he realizes that he’s allowed to relax against you. Of course it takes quite a few small talks to get him to understand this, but eventually he get’s the hang of it. He’s never considered himself a cuddler so when you had brought the idea up, he agreed to cuddle strictly for your pleasure rather this own. That was his mistake, and luckily, it was an easy fix.
Once his nerves start to settle you both find that he’s a natural at cuddling. Very soft, perfect holds no matter the scenario. He molds against you with ease and comfort. However he’s still nervous about the timing and reading moods, as he doesn’t want to bombard you with physical touches all time. He’s still a work in progress but you know those baby steps have evolved into leaps when he begins to wrap an arm around you without being prompted to do so.
You having introduced him to the notion of cuddling blows his eyes wide open and honey, you’ve got a big storm comin. As he comes more and more around to physical love and cuddles, he realizes just how touch starved he’s been his whole entire life. For the longest time he thought he wasn’t a fan of being wrapped around people but he learns. He get’s it now- the closeness, the intimancy. To protect, to feel protected. Your fingers in his hair make him fall asleep like a lulled baby.
It’s strange to him when he discovers that he craves you. At the start, everything was only for you. Cuddling, kisses, hand holding, it was all for you as well as the notion that these are just things couples do. Expectations, really, but also love. Oddly enough he felt obligated sometimes, but then something changes. He starts to crave you when you’re gone, imagine you at his side instead of what feels like a gaping absense. At night when he’s laying down to rest he wishes he could feel your fingers through his hair, or the soft sounds of your breathing, or the way you tangle yourself with him. If you get a text at him around 2 in the morning, it’s because he’s thinking about that, of you.
This is what jumpstarts him to eventually initiate the cuddles himself. Something about having an epiphany at 3 am changes his life in such a minor yet drastic way that he’s craving affection and intimacy whenever he’s either alone or with you. So basically, all the time. Usually the way he initiates it is wordless, wrapping an arm around you or burying his head in your shoulder should you sit close enough, but sometimes if he’s feeling extra needy he’ll make his way to where you are and just wrap his arms around your waist, tugging you to him, pressing kisses to wherever his lips can reach. It’s cute most of the time but other times you’re cooking dinner and damn it the pans are hot Todoroki take a few steps back before someone get’s burnt.
Todoroki’s cuddles are, just like everything else in his life, very thorough. The only time he keeps himself at boy is if you’re in public since, to be honest, he isn’t a huge fan of over the top PDA. While with friends he’ll keep the cuddles to wrapping an arm around you but it’s never just that. It’s an arm wrapped around your shoulder with his free hand holding yours in your lap, ocassionally brought to his lips. However, while at home.. It’s a different ballgame. A homerun, really. He will hold you like you are the single most precious thing in the entire world. His hands will run over your skin in such a way you’re sure he’s admiring you like you’re the treasure, the answer he’s been searching for his entire life. During times like this, don’t expect to be getting up any time soon. Plans are cancelled, calls are ignored. He’s got you in his arms and he has no intention of letting you go.
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chapter 11.5 -- okay, 12, it’s chapter 12, fine, fine. I should stop trying to predict how long my chapters will be. I’m always wrong. the Fae AU keeps escaping all my predictions. it’s fine. it’s cool. 
[Beginning] [Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
It is not, as Apollo expects, the worst road trip he has ever been a part of. Trucy likes to sing along to the radio – she has a surprisingly good voice – which stops Clay from starting up his usual road trip tradition of bellowing out “Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall” and seeing how much he can get through before someone slaps him. Trucy claimed shotgun, as “the woman with the magic map”, meaning Apollo is shunted to the back with Ema, who upends her bag on the floor to pull from it a jumbo-sized pack of Snackoos and offer a handful to him.
“None for us?” Clay asks, pouting in the rearview mirror.
“Backseat privileges,” Ema replies.
Trucy cranks the radio up as a familiar guitar riff begins.
If it’s extortion, it works; she and Clay have not finished the first verse, Trucy’s almost-operatic interpretation running up against Clay’s off-key warbling, before Ema is shoving the Snackoos up between their seats, offering a trade of chocolates for an end to the car-vibrating force of Guilty Love.
“Not a fan?” Clay asks.
Ema groans. So does Trucy. “Don’t get me started,” Ema says.
“Yeah, please don’t,” Trucy adds.
“He’s a pretentious fuckin’ diva who—”
Trucy begins yelling out the chorus to the song over the second verse emitting from the radio.
They are all still arguing – Ema berating Clay’s taste in music while Trucy moves into an attempt to sing My Boyfriend is the Prosecution’s Witness to the tune of Guilty Love and Apollo tries to turn the volatile atmosphere anywhere else – when the song ends. Trucy shushes everyone, violently, smacking Clay on the arm and then flailing back at Ema, and turns up the radio. A DJ is in the middle of saying something.
“—announced today on their social media. While fans are disappointed, no one can say that the break-up comes as a surprise, after the sentencing of guitarist Daryan Crescend for murder in July, and the three months of, ahem, radio silence that’s followed. And earlier this week, leader singer Klavier Gavin’s brother was indicted on a second count of murder – I can’t say I blame him for maybe wanting to duck out of the spotlight. Gavin’s brother was previously charged in April, for—”
Trucy changes the channel. A commercial for a local furniture outlet doesn’t help break the awkward spell fallen over them. “Yeah,” she says, after a full minute, during which time they discover their new channel is a country music channel. “No real surprise.”
“Brother and bandmate,” Clay says quietly. “Hell of a year.”
“Hell of a six months,” Apollo says. And he was there for all of it – he was there for more of it than Klavier ever was. Klavier wasn’t there in April, not when Kristoph fell, not when any of them could have had any idea what was ahead. How much magic would surround them.
“If my older sister had been convicted of murder, I was gonna crawl into the dirt and die,” Ema says, “so I’m with the fop on that one, actually.”
There is a worrying lack of hypotheticals in the second half of Ema’s scenario. No “would have”s. Like she was where Klavier is, but the trial had a different outcome, and the frozen expression on her face, her eyes gone blank, she looks like she has caught up with her own words. Said too much. Apollo doesn’t know much about her as a person, her life before failing the forensics exam, how it was that she knew Mr Wright, but he can sympathize with that fear of having given away too much, turned the conversation down a path that should stay blocked off.
“You have a sister?” Trucy asks, turning around in her seat. “You seemed kinda ‘only-child’ to me.’ “Yeah,” Ema says quietly. “Older sister. Her name’s Lana. We don’t… talk much.”
Apollo doesn’t know why the name feels like it strikes something in his brain, the way Ema’s did when she first introduced herself.
“Oh.” Trucy visibly wilts. “Sorry.”
Ema shrugs, slumping back against her seat, her arms folded. “It happens,” she says. Her eyes are glazed over, settled in Clay’s direction. Her mouth quirks in the beginnings of a smile. “She took me to the Space Museum once, not long after it first opened.” The wistful smile has grown a little larger. “Back when I didn’t know what kind of scientist I wanted to be, so I wanted to go everywhere, and she was like ‘Ema I’m not taking you to the fucking tar pits again, how about space?’, and—” She shakes her head. “Sorry. Your jacket got me thinking. Do you work there or something?”
And that is the question that Clay most likes to be asked, that or literally anything else ever about space, and that is the end of any of them getting a word in edgewise – but while Apollo’s heard it all before, Trucy has questions galore, and Ema sits forward, slowly losing the pretense of not being enraptured.
They have driven for over two hours by the time Trucy directs them to pull of the highway at an exit that tells them there is nothing for them that way but another 38 miles until Kurain Village. “Is that where the Fair Folk live?” Ema asks dryly, in her voice none of the nervousness that people tend to have. Apollo hasn’t spoken much with her about magic, doesn’t know what she thinks – but, well, she knows Phoenix. That’s clue enough that caution comes secondary.
“Not really,” Trucy says. “They just named it that. It’s part of our world. Sometimes some of the fae do show up and hang around, I think – Maya tried to convince Daddy to move out here, once, apparently, but he wouldn’t leave the office.”
“Who’s Maya?” Apollo asks. Sometimes he realizes how little he knows about Phoenix’s personal life, too.
“Daddy’s friend. She’s – wait, stop! Here! Turn down this road here!”
“This is not a road,” Clay says, hunching over the steering wheel. “This is some dirt, off the road, not even in the shape of a dirt road.”
The car groans as Clay turns it off of the asphalt into the dirt. Trucy pops open the door and stands, holding herself between the door and the car roof and turning her face to the sky and the no-longer-distant mountains looming above them. She says something, muffled, and points into the trees. “We’re close,” she says, ducking back inside the car. “Let’s park and go – we’re close.”
“Park right here?” Clay asks, raising a doubtful eyebrow.
“Barely anyone comes this way,” Trucy says. “Like, one bus, except I’m not even sure if this is on its route. It’s fine.”
“I’m more worried that this is some sort of sacred ground that we’re stomping on,” Clay says, but he turns the key and then smacks his head against the top of the wheel. “How much are we going to regret just walking out there?”
“Probably we won’t,” Trucy says. She flings the door open and jumps out, stretching her arms up into the air. “C’mon already!”
“So what are we doing now?” Ema asks, crumpling the Snackoos bag back into her bag and tumbling forth from the car like a liquid spilled. “Just walking into the woods until we find treasure or a bear?”
“We do have a map.” Trucy waves it at her. “But yes. That’s what we’re doing.” She lowers the page halfway to her side and then stops, tilting her head back. “I’ve been here before,” she says. “Grandpappy and I – sometime – sometime after my mom died.” She takes a few slow steps toward the treeline, her movements uneven, as in a daze. “It was just the two of us. And we came here, and we buried—” She spins around, eyes wide, looking at all and none of them. “We buried his grimoire.”
Without another word of warning, she dashes into the woods, sending them scrambling to catch up to her. It’s colder here than in the city, though Apollo didn’t think they went up too far in elevation. Leaves thickly coat the ground; do they hide rings of flowers beneath them or do those in their magic break through? They finally reach Trucy when she, focused on her map, walks straight into a tree and takes some time to properly reorient herself.
“Do you know why here, of all places?” Apollo asks. “Is it because of the mountains, and he was…?”
He stops. Does Trucy know what her grandfather was? Phoenix didn’t say. Of course he didn’t.
“He said this is where he landed,” Trucy replies, crunching a leaf beneath her foot. “He said he fell, and this is where he landed.”
“Was he—” Clay’s sense, that question that they all know they shouldn’t ask, that question that Apollo has asked again and again anyway, wars against curiosity, against more than wanting to know – needing to know, to understand what is Trucy’s family. “Was he, erm, one of – Them?”
He can’t even bring himself to offer up one of the epithets. This close to the mountains, Apollo isn’t sure that he could bring himself to speak of them plainly like he has learned to.
“Yeah,” Trucy says. “But I’m human. Don’t worry.” She flashes a grin, one of her usual grins, but it is tempered by the speed with which is vanishes from her face again, replaced by a frown of concentration. “I think we must be close, but not quite yet.”
“Hey, Trucy?” Ema asks. She pushes a branch out of the way and it snaps back to nearly strike Clay in the face. “Not to pry, but – if your grandfather was one of the Fair Folk, are you the changeling, or was it your mother?”
Trucy stops.
“Wait,” Ema says. “Not a changeling – that’s the fae child. The human kid, the one swapped out. Is there a word for that?”
“I don’t think so,” Trucy says. She hops over a log. “I don’t think there’s a name for people like that.”
She doesn’t answer the first question. Maybe she doesn’t know, either.
“When you say you buried it,” Apollo says, aware that there is nothing subtle about this lifeline he is throwing to pull her away from questions best left avoided (am I a child stolen away, raised by the fae? Did they take me from the life I should have had?), “have we come all this way to be foiled for want of a shovel?”
“Oh fuck,” Trucy says.
“Hey!” Ema barks, her sharp rebuke the manifestation of that urge Apollo feels to scold her for that. “Language, young missy!” She folds her arms across her chest, her glare a fond one. “Where did you learn that?”
“My daddy’s a card shark,” Trucy says, countering Ema with a smug grin of her own.
“I thought he was a piano player,” Clay says.
“Only because you’ve never heard him play,” Trucy replies. “Easy mistake to make.”
“Considering it was all magic that hid the map,” Ema says, with nary a pause to acclimate everyone to the idea of throwing the conversation back past that latest sharp turn, “wouldn’t it be magic to hide it again, logically speaking?”
“Where’s the logic here?” Clay asks. Ema snaps a twig off a bush and flicks it at him. “And I mean, if it’s just covered up with some illusion, couldn’t anyone stumble into it?”
“Maybe it takes the map, too,” Apollo says. “Or maybe only a Gramarye can unveil it.”
He steps up onto a tree stump, like the extra five inches can grant him some kind of special insight or a better view in the forest of brown. Then he is falling, the wood rot giving way beneath his foot, a sharp jolt running up his leg from the twist of his foot. “Shit!”
Trucy winces. “Ouch. Poor Polly. I—”
“Apollo,” Ema says, very seriously, but somewhat muffled by her hand over her mouth. “Move. Move right now.”
“What?” He sits up, dislodging his foot from the stump, and looks about himself. The forest floor of dead leaves has cleared, as though by a strong, concentrated wind, revealing browned dead grass encased by a perfect circle of blue flowers. “Oh. Oh shit.”
Without an ounce of grace, still on his hands and knees, he scrambles and rolls his way out of the faery ring. “So according to the map,” Trucy says, and above his head Apollo hears the flutter of the paper, “I think we found it.”
“Only a Gramarye, huh,” Clay says dryly.
“That was only supposition!”
“So who’s gonna stick their hand in a rotten tree stump?” Ema asks, producing a flashlight from her bag and shining the beam down into it. “I volunteer Trucy, because she’s wearing gloves, and is our Gramarye.”
Trucy kicks up the leaves on her approach, searching for hints of another ring around the stump, more than just Apollo’s that sits adjacent to it. “If I get bit by a squirrel and get rabies and die, it’s your fault,” she says, kneeling down next to the stump and brushing her hair back to peer down into it.
“Statistically, your chance of getting rabies from a squirrel is negligible,” Ema says. “That shouldn’t be your worry.”
“What should I worry about, then?” Trucy asks. “Can you bring the light a little closer?”
“Bats, racoons, foxes, feral cats and dogs, and right now, probably non-rabies Fair Folk curses, since we’re fucking around by a ring.”
“I’m still concerned about bears,” Clay says.
“I’m not,” Ema says. “I’ve already got my plan, which is to trip you into its path.”
“General ‘you’, or me, specifically?”
“You specifically. Nothing personal, though. I just know Trucy and Apollo better than you.”
“This is way heavier than I thought,” Trucy says, falling off-balance and dropping something dark and rectangular. “Oof! Okay. Okay. We got it!” She lifts it up onto her knees, a thick book with a black cover and a character emblazoned in flowing purple script on it. “I knew I remembered this.” Her voice is quieter as she opens the book and flips through the rough-edged pages. “Grandpappy’s grimoire.” She closes the cover again, reverently, and keeps it balanced on her legs as she turns back to the stump. “Light again, please. I thought I saw something else.” Trucy has her head nearly in the hole, which can’t help her with her light situation, and she sits back and plunges her hand in again. “Yep! This is a – a funny-looking magatama?”
She holds it up, the blue stone sparkling in the flashlight beam, but also seemingly with its own interior glow, and Apollo gasps.
Three sets of eyes turn to him.
“That’s a mitamah,” he says, and to his own ears he sounds like he’s choking, but he feels like he’s choking too, and maybe the others don’t notice but he doubts it. “That’s someone’s soul.”
Trucy drops it into the leaves.
“What?” Clay looks suspicious – Trucy looks horrified. “How do you know?”
(“There’s no reason to give away your soul,” Dhurke told them, sternly, the sternest he ever got. “Never.” And then they tried to argue, to come up with reasons, because of course they did, and he hugged them both close. “You’ll make great lawyers someday, always looking for reasons and other ways, but this one – promise me. Nahyuta. Apollo.” He prodded each of them in the chest. “Don’t let someone else get their hands on your soul.”)
“The tail of it is different.” Apollo picks it up, brushing off the dirt and leaf particles that cling to it, and points to the longer, squiggling protrusion that extends from the loop. It doesn’t fully connect like a magatama, either, more like a hook than a circle.
It feels warm in his hand, humming through his fingers and up into his ears. It reminds him of the office – familiar, but disturbing, because there is no reason that it should feel so familiar and comforting.
“Could it be your grandfather’s?” Ema asks.
“Wouldn’t that mean he’s still alive?” Clay asks. “Is that possible?”
“It couldn’t be,” Apollo says. If he stares at the mitamah he thinks he can see flecks of gold within the blue, like stars on a constellation chart. “The Fair Folk don’t have souls like we do. They can’t sell them or manifest them like this.”
“Is that why they want human souls?” Ema asks.
“How do you know?” Clay repeats.
Apollo’s heart has stoppered up his throat.
“It makes them stronger,” Trucy says softly. “When they buy names, or souls, it makes their magic stronger. But this – this can’t be that.” She hugs the grimoire up to her chest. “It can’t just be that.”
“Should we just… put it back?” Ema asks. “Someone’s probably looking for it, right?”
“It’s been seven years and no one has come before us,” Apollo says. The humming isn’t as steady now, seems more like a song, and familiar, damned familiar. “No, we can’t just leave her here.”
In the silence, even the song seems to stop. “What?” Apollo asks. Their three sets of eyes are on him again, even more piercing, Trucy’s wide and Clay’s narrowed and Ema’s narrowing too.
“‘Her’?” Ema repeats. “Why ‘her’?”
“I…” Apollo swallows his heart. “I don’t know, but I… I know?”
“I don’t think you should be holding that in your bare hands,” Clay says.
But the alternative seems to be dropping her in the dirt again, and Apollo’s fingers curl tighter around the stone. He can’t do that, either. Trucy unties her scarf from around her neck and silently passes it to him, letting him wrap the stone up in the red fabric and then cradle it close again. The song thrumming in his ears ceases. “I guess we should take it to Mr Wright and ask him if he knows what to do,” Ema says. “He’ll know what to do with it. Her?”
Trucy’s gaze is unfocused, her head slowly drifting away from the horizon back toward the stump. “Trucy?” Apollo asks. “Are you okay?”
“He wouldn’t do that,” she says. “Just buy up someone’s soul all for himself. He wouldn’t. There had to be some other reason. It wasn’t just power, there had to be a good reason.”
(“There’s no reason,” Dhurke said. “Never.”)
“He gave me magic, as a gift,” Trucy says. “He was a good man.” She looks up at Apollo, blinking her blue eyes furiously. “Wasn’t he?”
It takes them another forty-five minutes to stumble out of the woods and find Clay’s car again. Ema makes everyone nervous talking about the odds of them stumbling across a body decomposing in the undergrowth – “I have zero desire to ever get caught up in one of your murder investigations,” Clay says, picking up a branch from the bushes and brandishing it like a baseball bat – and bears. The two of them are at least doing a good job of filling the silence left by Trucy, uncomfortably quiet, walking in a trace. Apollo tugs her by the arm out of the way of trees. He could put the mitamah in his pocket but hasn’t, has kept it held close to his chest.
The story that Phoenix spun of the Gramaryes is gnawing at him. A woman, on the bad end of a deal with Magnifi – Apollo doesn’t want to think about the possibility.
(Trucy must be thinking about the possibility, mustn’t she?)
She crawls into the back seat of the car, depositing the grimoire in the middle, and Ema makes a mad dash for the front seat, leaving Apollo to sit on the other side of the grimoire, separated by it from Trucy. The only time she speaks is to call Phoenix and ask him if he is at the office – he is, because she directs Clay to go back to the office.
It is a long, quiet ride home, some subdued conversation between Ema and Clay about their fields of science rising over the country music still on the radio. Trucy taps Apollo’s hand and beckons him to hand her the mitamah. She takes off one of her gloves and weighs it in her hand with an ever-deepening frown until she wraps it back up and passes it back to Apollo.
Ema shouts “Yellow car!” and hits Clay on the shoulder. He hits her back and tells her that she needs to specify no punch-backs next time.
Phoenix is sitting on the floor leaning against the couch with two notebooks and a stack of papers spread out in front of him, the coffee table shoved to the side, a pencil in his mouth and another tucked behind his ear, when they stagger into the office. Apollo is mediating an argument about the merits of Eldoon’s for a late lunch – Ema does not want to brave it, while Clay wants nothing more than to do so. Phoenix does not look up.
“Hey, Daddy,” Trucy says wearily.
His head snaps up, dislodging the pencil behind his ear. “What’s wrong?”
“You always complain about your back hurting, and now look what you’re doing.” Trucy’s words sound forced through a smile. Phoenix’s frown deepens. He watches Trucy walk past him to deposit the grimoire on his desk.
“We went looking into the envelope you gave her the other day,” Apollo says. “The real last page.”
Phoenix doesn’t look back from Trucy right away. “A full expedition team, huh?” he asks, raising one eyebrow as he looks over Ema and Clay. “Who’s this?”
“Er, oh, yeah. I’m Clay Terran. Apollo’s roommate.” Clay points with his thumb at Apollo, even though they all know there is only one Apollo that they know. “You’re Mr Wright, yeah?” He doesn’t do a good job of feigning enthusiasm.
“I know that look,” Phoenix says, standing with a wince and an audible crack of some of his joints. “That’s the ‘I’ve heard about you and it’s nothing good’ look.” He lets Clay splutter for a full two seconds before he grins crookedly and adds, “That’s fair.” Almost immediately, his expression flattens out to something stern and almost entirely foreign. “Trucy,” he calls. “What’s wrong?”
“We found my grandfather’s grimoire,” she says, sitting on the desk and holding it up, only for it to slip from her hands and crash to the floor. “And Polly has the other thing that was with it.”
Apollo unwraps the mitamah.
Has he ever seen Phoenix surprised? The man spent seven years an unbeaten poker player, and this past half-year absolutely inscrutable to Apollo’s eyes. There is nothing controlled in his reaction; his mouth falls open and his eyes go wide, turning blue immediately and staying blue, horror apparent in how they linger on the mitamah. “Oh,” he breathes. “That is – yeah.”
He reaches forward with trembling hands and scoops up the scarf spread across Apollo’s hands. He holds it cradled close, too, his free hand cupped beneath the one holding it, prepared to catch the stone should it slip, but still not having touched it with bare skin. “So,” he says. “The ‘source’ of Magnifi’s magic – that grimoire, and this soul.”
“But,” Trucy says, “that…” She stops. She chews on the inside of her cheek. Mr Hat, the wisp, is visible, bobbing frenetically around her shoulders. “It’s…” Her shoulders slump. “Do you know what to do with that, Daddy? Is there a way to know what person a soul belongs to?”
“Not from looking only at the mitamah,” Phoenix answers. His eyes still hollow blue when he turns them back to Trucy. “I am not particularly familiar with mitamahs, honestly, but I’ll look into it and see what I can do to get it back to her.” He takes the stone in one hand and offers Trucy her scarf back. “If the fae who has possession of a soul is still alive, they can just give it back – not that many are willing to, mind – but since he’s dead – well.” He shakes his head. “Thank you, though. For helping Trucy, and bringing this back.”
It’s a firm end to the conversation, not that Apollo knows what more to ask about a soul. Ema, though, is frowning, her arms crossed, her mouth twisting like she is puzzling out something. “We were gonna go get noodles at Eldoon’s,” Apollo says. “If – if you wanted to come, Trucy.”
“Oh!” She looks surprised, like she hadn’t expected to be addressed. “Um.” Her heels bounce against the desk. “Thanks, but I’m okay.”
Her hands, curled around the edge of the desk, shine red. Apollo doesn’t even need that to know she’s lying.
“We all agree she’s not okay, right?” Clay asks.
They were silent for a block down from the office, Ema not even complaining about losing the Eldoon’s battle. (Apollo was prepared to tell her that she didn’t have to come, but she had attached herself to them without a cursory protest.)
“Definitely not,” Ema says. “I guess she doesn’t want to believe that her grandfather was the double-dealing type of Folk – which, I’ve read the case file on his death, I’d believe that about him in a hot second. There’s nothing worse than a blackmailer like that. Also.” She plants herself firmly in the sidewalk. Apollo and Clay both bump into her. “None of us referred to the mitamah as ‘she’ or ‘her’, right? Like you were, Apollo.”
“None of us but Trucy even talked about it,” Apollo says. Clay nods. “Why?”
“Because Mr Wright did.” Ema’s forehead creases. “He said he would ‘get it back to her’. He wasn’t even touching it, was he?” Apollo shrugs. Ema shrugs too. “He knows something. More than he said.”
“He always does,” Apollo says.
They reach Eldoon’s, and Ema says that it’s weird to see the stand without a corpse attached. The look that Clay gives her makes her and Apollo both laugh. Once they have their noodles, they walk another few blocks to People Park and find a bench not far from where the noodle-stand crime scene once stood. Apollo has learned to be grateful for the mouthfuls of broth that taste of so much salt to sting. It feels a little more like safety, like salt across a doorway.
He starts to say what he’s thinking, that Trucy might be worried that the mitamah is her mother’s, or at least he is, but the words die on his tongue, shriveled by the salt. He doesn’t feel right to tell Clay and Ema about Trucy’s mother’s death, when he has no idea if Trucy knows or not. Phoenix has made him the guardian of family secrets that aren’t his and something about that feels wrong. Maybe necessary in some way, to understand the case, to understand what happened with Kristoph, but still wrong.
Instead, he helps Ema explain to Clay her earlier comments about Magnifi and blackmail. You can’t refuse, and we both know the reason why – Trucy can’t know he did that. She seemed to idolize him. What a hard way to fall.
He’ll text her tomorrow, Apollo decides. Check in, see how she’s doing.
(There’s probably someone else he should check in with, too, the events of this week all considered.)
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goodnightkisseu · 6 years
Hwang Minhyun - Taste
Genre: Fluff
“When We Met” Series: [Minhyun][Jihoon][Jaehwan][Guanlin][Daehwi][Jinyoung][Jisung][Woojin][Seongwu][Sungwoon][Daniel]
Note: Hi everyone! I’m back with another series and this time, it’s a particularly special one because it’s a series that will be counting down to Wanna One’s 1st Anniversary! I’m calling it “When We Met” because it’ll be a series of scenarios, using Wanna One’s individual debut teasers as starting points for how you meet! 
This is also a series in collaboration with @nothingwithoutwannaone​! She will be writing her own versions of how you meet and I will link them in each post ^^
Anyway, Minhyun is up first! I hope that you all enjoy!
nothingwithoutwannaone​‘s version ---> [x]
- goodnightkisseu’s admin <3
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“Ah, this is so exciting. I can’t believe we’re doing a pictorial for a real celebrity!” one of the interns said, the two girls chatting amongst themselves as your team entered the familiar studio. It was one of the many buildings that the food and cooking magazine that you worked for owned. Whenever there would be a special pictorial with a celebrity or a really well-known chef, the kitchen would be retro-fitted for the needs of that person. Today it had a simpler look, a little European but cozy and full of earthy tones. This didn’t happen often, of course. The magazine was very niche and most of the time you and the others were just setting up for a simple food pictorials, no people involved. So when a chef or a celebrity did want to be pictured, everyone always got a little excited.
“Girls, I know that this is all very exciting, but do remember that you’re here to work,” your director teased, and the two interns gave her a quick nod before running off to set up the lighting and to get the rest of the equipment ready.
“They have so much energy,” you said envying your young coworkers ability to just jump right into work. You had been working as a photographer now for about three years. Though you still enjoyed everything that you did, you knew that there were definitely times when you lacked that energy. Maybe they could teach you how they did it.
Your director giggled as she looked over at you. “You know, I remember when you were all excited to meet your first celebrity too,” she pointed out.
“Oh I know you do,” you shot back. “I was even harder to control than these two, wasn’t I,” you said with a giggle, your director not giving you an answer, though her walking off to check on the interns told you volumes. Whoops.
Though, all joking aside, you understood being excited about meeting a celebrity for the first time. It was definitely an experience, particularly meeting someone that would be called a celebrity chef. The group was small, but everyone had such interesting and diverse experiences of how they got there, no two stories were identical. You had met your fair share now, and wow, were you blown away each time someone told you their story about how they went from one thing to one of the most well-known chefs in the country.
Today’s chef also had an interesting story of his own. Hwang Minhyun was dubbed as the overnight celebrity of the celebrity chef world. His popularity had come fast, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t deserve it. From what you had heard, not having talked to him yet, was that he was trained in the culinary arts, but working at a restaurant just wasn’t for him. Instead he worked a normal day job, and when he got home at night, he would prepare extravagant dishes to keep his abilities up to par.
At some point he started to share his culinary work online and this was what got people’s attention. They were drawn in by the beautiful pictures that he took, taking into account the ambiance needed for the dish, and hell, as a photographer that did this for a living, even you were impressed. People then started asking him to give them cooking tips and even asked for those quick videos on how to make particular dishes. It started off as something small, but in no time, Minhyun was already doing full on cooking tutorials. The popularity he gained was fast and he became an internet sensation in less than a year.
A couple months ago, a management agency had reached out to him and asked if he wanted to sign a deal with them, where they could manage his career, and really get him known. It seemed like it was appealing to the young male because he quit his day job and started down his path as a celebrity chef. Today’s pictorial was to be his introduction to the world. He had done an interview separate from the photoshoot and you and the rest of the team were here to take all the pretty pictures that would fill the pages of his interview.
The sudden whispers from your coworkers were enough to pull you from your thoughts, where you had been aimlessly running through the different shots that you wanted to get that day. Your eyes wandered over to where the voices were coming from, but, if you were being honest, you weren’t ready to come face to face with such a sight. Your eyes instantly landed on Minhyun as he greeted the other staff members on his way in, and for the first time in a while, you were in absolute awe. You knew that Minhyun was an extremely good looking individual. When you had been doing your research on him to help set up the pictorial, you had seen his pictures. You just didn’t expect him to have that aura in person though, the type of aura that left you star-struck. You were so stunned you didn’t realize you were staring until his eyes fell on you and you quickly looked away and down at your camera, trying to hide you embarrassment.
“We’ll try not to be invasive as you cook, of course, but sometimes it’ll be a bit unavoidable if we want to get certain shots for the magazine. I’ll do my best to direct the staff so that we don’t hinder you too much. We want this all to feel natural to you as well,” the director explained as she walked with Minhyun and his manager over to you. “Ah, and I also want to introduce you to our photographer. She’ll be responsible for making you look good today,” she teased, and that was when you knew… she had caught you staring at Minhyun. What was your life right now…
Still, you quickly pushed that to the back of your mind and introduced yourself, a gentle smile gracing your lips. Minhyun returned the smile before he spoke. “Please take good care of me today,” he said kindly, and you gave him a small nod before his manager ushered him off to go change before he set up the kitchen the way he needed it…
The photoshoot went without a hitch, overall. The atmosphere remained light while you all worked, the staff watching Minhyun in admiration as he worked, and Minhyun seemingly having fun creating some of his favorite dishes. It was a little awkward at first, of course. With you in the kitchen with him, camera in hand, there were a couple of awkward moments where you would go in to take a picture but he needed to move to get some spices. There was a lot of apologies flowing from the both of you, but once the two of you figured it out, he was courteous to you as he worked. He’d let you know when he needed to get to the sink or if he needed something that you may be standing in front of. You always felt like you were in the way – because you honestly were – but you wanted to get nice pictures of him that would really show his personality. He was kind and genuine and you really wanted that to show in the pictures.
You were going through the pictures with the director and his manager, trying to cut out the ones that felt unnecessary or that didn’t capture the atmosphere very well, when you realized that you were missing a couple of shots. “Please keep going through these,” you said as you picked up your other camera. “I think I need a few more pictures of the food itself. I’ll be right back,” you explained, before running off towards the kitchen.
Busying yourself with getting your camera set properly, you entered the kitchen without noticing that someone was still there. When you finally looked up, you saw Minhyun, with a Polaroid camera out, his face full of concentration as he tried to take some pictures of his own. Honestly, it was kind of cute.
That was when an idea struck you. Pulling up your camera, you knelt down ever so slightly to get a nice shot of Minhyun, just as he was about to take a picture. As you looked over the quick picture you had just snapped, you couldn’t help but smile. Considering how impromptu it was, you thought that it captured him the best out of all of the pictures you had taken that day. It would be the perfect picture for the beginning of the article. It felt like it showcase him, and how he started down this road.
Slowly approached him, you let him know that you were there, and he quickly turned to greet you, your eyes catching a glimpse of the three or four Polaroids that were lying on the counter. A small smile formed on your lips as you proceeded to take some pictures of your own. When you were satisfied that you had enough shots, you gently pulled away from your camera and looked up at Minhyun. “You take really nice pictures,” you complimented.
Minhyun looked at you with wide eyes, not expecting such a compliment, and honestly, he got a little shy as his eyes looked down at the pictures he had taken. “Ah, they’re alright, but they’re definitely not as nice as the professional pictures that photographers like you take,” he said, throwing the compliment right back.
“I think you could take better pictures than me in no time with a little practice. Can I show you?” you offered, and he quickly nodded, eager to learn some techniques that would help to make his food photography look even better.
You spent the next half an hour or so teaching Minhyun about some small things that could easily improve his pictures, such as the angle or the lighting, or even depth of field. As you ran him through each different idea, he was comprehending it all rather quickly. You were impressed. He was a good listener.
As you were about to show him another technique, you heard your director calling for you… and that was when you realized that everyone, except for you, had already packed up and ready to leave. “I’ll be right there,” you told her. “I guess I lost track of time. Ah, but that means I’ve kept you around for quite a bit too. Sorry about that,” you apologized.
“No need to apologize. It’s really fine. I was really enjoying the lesson. I learned a lot,” he said with a smile to show his gratitude. An idea seemed to strike Minhyun at that moment. “Before you leave, do you think you could give me one of your business cards?” he asked.
You quickly nodded, reaching into your bag and pulling out a small case, which you opened to take out a light blue card, handing it over to Minhyun. “I’d love to work with you again. I hope we’ll be able to make it happen.”
“Me too,” he replied, taking a look at the card as you turned to leave. “But, do you think I could see you before that? I’d really like to take you out to dinner, maybe get to know you better?”
You froze in your spot even as you heard your director calling for you. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as your brain processed what Minhyun had just said. Was he… was he asking you out? “Excuse me?”
Your reaction having not been what he had expected, Minhyun’s confidence faltered a bit. “I-I mean… not to be too forward, but I’ve enjoyed your company today and I thought we could go out and have some fun. I’d understand if you weren’t interested tho…” he said slowly, his confidence wavering.
Deciding to put him out of his misery, you gave him a smile. “I’d actually like that a lot, Minhyun,” you admitted, your cheeks a radiant shade of pink. He seemed in higher spirits after hearing your words, and before you could say much else, you heard the familiar voice of your director calling you and you knew you had to leave. “See you again soon!” you said before running out after your team, a giant smile plastered on your lips…
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Mafia Fighter pt.2
Hello readers this the second part of the Jun mafia fighter scenario. Thank you for your support and for waiting this long!!
Admin AJ
Read Part 1: Here
The district of Dongdaemun-gu seemed to change overnight. In the following days, playgrounds that were full of life became empty as children rushed home before nightfall. Busy mothers kept a watchful eye over one another while never letting their children stray too far from their sight. Businessmen who would fill the bars after work hours finished their day drinking in the security of their home. Rumors of businesses being vandalized, random attacks, and threats toward certain members within the neighborhood had the community living in constant fear.
“It's looking a little muggy out there” a young man watches a mother pull her child along the sidewalk, taking careful glances behind her back every few seconds. His friend scoffs at him, “Of course it does Jun, it's suppose to rain tonight.” Jun looked up into the gloomy sky, absent of the morning sun. He then looked to the rushing people, who kept their heads down, “Im serious Minghao, it's not just the weather.” Jun returns his focus to Minghao, who was  preparing to go into work,  “You be careful out there and I'll come meet you after work.” There wasn't much of an age gap between the two, but Jun cared for his friend like a real younger brother. “Im good Jun…” came Minghao’s reply, he turned away slightly, embarrassed by the olders request. Jun looks at minghao, brown eyes filled with worry for his best friend’s safety in this increasingly unsafe neighborhood. Seeing the look in Jun’s eyes made Minghao sigh in defeat, “Kay I'll see you later.” Jun heart eased and he smiled with a wave, “Alright see you.”
In the early hours of the morning the Gyeongdong Market was bustling with activity. Jun could hear all the bustling activity: the rattle of shutters, the dragging of containers, and the not so quiet quarrels between employees as they set up their stalls. The market was full of the delicious aroma of the smell of all the food being prepared for the day. It was a noisey bit of peace among the growing chaos that is consuming the district.
Although he had been hired for janitorial services, it wasn't uncommon to find Jun among the different stalls busy helping wherever he could. Jun was walking past a stall, when one of the nice owners called to him. “Oh! Junnie can you help with this ginseng.” “I’ll be right there Mrs. Yoon.” He walked over to the stall with a smile on his face and carried the case to the front of the stall. He was thanked and he continued on his routine path, looking for somewhere to help. It didn’t take too long as he heard a voice of another worker, “Jun, could you help me stuff this tarp into the bin?” Jun folds and rolls the tarp as tightly as he could. It seemed impossible to him at first glance, but with a quite “I can do it,” he succeeds. Jun notices that one of the stalls, the one across the way, isn't open. “Mrs. Jung, is Mr. Kwang not opening up today?” The two stall workers motion for Jun to get closer asking quietly, “Didn't you hear about his boat?” Jun furrowed his eyebrows shaking his head no. She put her hand to their chest, before explaining, “Oh it was horrible. Those monsters set the old man's fishing boat on fire.” Jun frowned a bit, confused with the situation. They continued to inform him about all that they had heard. Mrs.Yoon added in, “I heard it's because he couldn't afford to pay this new family off.”
Mrs. Jung quickly replied, “That's worrisome, sooner or later they'll be at our front doors. Oh how I wish the Lee’s still had control of this district.”
“The Lee's?” Jun asks, trying to gain a bit of understanding about his home area.
The answer he received was, “Oh that's right. You came after the gang wars.” Mrs. Jung nodded for Mrs. Yoon to continue, “For a while now this district use to be in Lee Dongseok’s domain.” She spoke the leader’s name quietly, so quietly Jun almost didn't hear it. “But these families have some form of conduct and the ownership of these districts change from time to time.” She looked around worried, “Unfortunately the Lee’s don't seem to be in control of this district anymore.” She shook her head, “It's a shame because the Lee’s had such respectable members.”  She wiped down the counter with a smile on her face as she recalled a happier time, “I remember when y/n and few of the boys helped a few times at this market.” She turned to look at Jun, “They were always so helpful and they didn't operate like typical mafia syndicates.” She continued to explain a time that has passed, “It was always the need of the population before their own.” The older women patted Jun on the shoulder and looked him in the eye, “Anyways, Junnie you should be careful. With a face like yours you'll definitely attract some trouble.” He was quick to reassure,“Ah, I will Mrs. Jung”
He continued to finish up his work around the market. As he went through the motions, he count help but think about all of the things he learned. The present, the past, and the families incharge of countless lives. Just how did everything operate?
Minghao was busy running around the shop, trying to finish the things he needed to do in order to close. The bell on the door rang out, alerting him to the presence of customers outside the door. He headed to the door and saw two men. They stood at the door speaker, demanding to be let in. After a few minutes of silence the men began to bang on the door this time calling out, “Hey! Kim, open up! Give us the cash you owe us!” Minghao hears the name of his boss being called but he is the only one at the shop. Minghao knows it's not Jun, and since it is after hours he tried to ignore it, but the banging continues. Not knowing anything else to do, Minghao opens the doors and is faced with two thuggish looking people. “Where's Kim?” demands the taller of the two men. Minghao kept the door mostly closed, answering with his body behind the door, “I'm sorry my boss isn't in.”“Great” the other says sarcastically, before turning to the first guy and asking, “Who does he think he's dealing with?” The taller one turns back to Minghao, taking off his sunglasses, “You know what kid, I'm tired of playing these games with your boss.” He kicks the door open and reaches his hand out and grips one of Minghaos shoulders “If he's not going to pay, you are.” It was unexpected, this was something he never encountered before. His shocked state didn’t give him enough time to react as the thug brings up one of his fist back and releases. His fist making contact with his gut, knocking ever ounce of air out of Minghao’s lungs. Falling to his knee, Minghao struggled trying to make his body remember how to breath.
It was getting quite late, and Jun had yet to hear anything from Minghao. Usually he was already off by now and Minghao always had his phone but it was strange that he wasn’t answering his calls. Jun pressed the call button once more only to have the automated tone of the operator explain ‘The individual you are trying to reach is unavailable….’ “That's weird,” Jun said aloud to himself as he began to pick up his pace quickly heading to Minghao’s workplace. The conversation from earlier that day only fueled his worry as he saw and heard nothing.
Arriving at Minghao’s work Jun finds the door wide open with Minghao’s phone on the ground. Jun felt his stomach drop, knowing immediately that something was wrong. As he passed through the door he heard crash at the far end of the shop. He frantically looked around to find two men looming over a roughed up Minghao. Without thinking Jun ran to Minghao’s aid shoving the man standing directly in front of Minghao into the opposite direction, colliding with the second. He takes his stand between Minghao and the two men steadying his breathes trying to collect himself, and chances a glance back at Minghao. He gives a quick smile, hoping it reads ‘I’m here now.’ He turns back to the two men, not necessarily wanting a fight, but raising his hands in front of him ready.
“What the hell?” the taller of the two grabs Jun by the collar lifting him off the ground slamming him against the garage doors. Struggling against his grasp, Jun’s hands pulled at the thug’s, attempting to free himself as the tightening around his collar only increased with every passing second. Giving up on trying to pry his hands off, Jun wraps his arms around his assailant’s bringing up his legs giving a hard kick to his stomach. The thug staggers back in pain releasing Jun from his hold.
“You little...” Jun turns to his left seeing the other thug, his right arm raised, making contact with his cheek. Jun stumbles against the wall trying to avoid the continuous swings coming toward him. With his back against the wall and his attention on the oncoming attack, Jun doesn't see the piping along the floor, causing him to slip, falling to the ground.
“Gotcha now punk!” The thug reaches for an iron pipe, bringing it over his head.
Jun rolls to his side, bringing a kick to the thug’s lower legs, swiping him off his feet. The thug lands on the concrete floor with a thud, groaning in pain.
“Jun… get away,” Jun hears Minghao struggling with the second thug. Hoisting himself up, Jun rushes toward Minghao. Seeing him coming, the thug focuses on Jun, lifting his leg to a high kick. Jun catches his leg, bringing his own kick to the thug’s ribs. He pulls at the thug’s leg, leaving him in an unbalanced split, then jumps into the air, delivering a hard kick, hitting the thug across the face. The thug hits the floor, the force of the dead weight causing Jun to feel a slight thump from the impact.  
Jun slumps over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He can see Minghao off to the side, trying to pick himself up off the ground. Jun walks to Minghao and pulls an arm around his neck to hold him up. “Thanks…” Minghao said quietly. It was easy to see he was tired, but glad. Helping each other, the stumble sightly into the chilly air. The start in the direction of home, hoping nothing else unfortunate would happen tonight.
“Wait!” a voice calls out, trying to grab the pair’s attention. Jun turns quickly, making sure there wouldn’t be anymore trouble.
Two figures come from around the corner. They approach Jun and Minghao quickly, trying to catch up.
“That was amazing.” The shorter of the two said, eyes lit with an excitement Jun didn’t yet understand. The taller, and the more foreign looking of the two, nodded his head in agreement. He turned to look around them making sure there was nobody else around. “We are looking for someone like you. We'll not exactly like you but you'll do….” the shorter continues excitedly, grabbing Jun’s hands. “We are looking for someone who could help us get this district back.”
“Who are you guys?” Minghao cuts in, asking the question that was on Jun’s mind.
“Oh.” Seungkwan composes himself and shakes Juns hand, in a business-like gesture, “I'm Seungkwan” he then points to his companion, “This is Vernon.” He stood a little taller as he said proudly, “We are members of the Lee family and we would like for you to join our organization and assist us on gaining our districts back.” They both bow, waiting for an answer.
Without hesitation, Jun replies, “I'll do it.”
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greyliliy · 7 years
You know what? It’s the end of the year. Let’s have a giant personal confessional I’ll probably regret later because I’m oversensitive and trying not to cry while reading this book.
But I haven’t been real with you guys in a while and I feel like getting it all out at once instead of putting it into a conversation with one person and burdening them with it, and who knows, maybe it’ll help someone younger who’s dealing with this stuff now.
So let’s get real & it’s under the cut if you wanna’ read it.
I’m reading a book called Torn by Justin Lee about being a gay christian growing up in the church and it’s sort of terrifying how easy it is to relate to (up to a point). Needless to say, it’s got me thinking about life, my own frustrations, and topics about sexuality that have been weighing particularly heavy on my mind this past year as I approach my mid 30′s.
The first part where he’s discussing that he realizes he’s not attracted to women and that fear that something’s broken in him, is a feeling I know that very, very well. And when he starts talking about how he started to notice guys instead, funny enough, that’s when I realized that I...didn’t experience that either, though I could still relate to his fear of admitting this to other people.
I can’t ever remember being sexually attracted to anyone, or at least I don’t think I have (it’s so hard to pinpoint what exactly sexual attraction is and the nightmare of figuring out if it’s happened or not--but then again, I feel like if I’d felt it, I probably wouldn’t be struggling to figure out if I had or not). I remember wanting to be around people, and to have relationships, but thinking back, I don’t think I experienced it the same way other teens did.
I mean, my first serious boyfriend dumped me because as he put it: "I think you just want to be friends.” Thinking back, I went out with him for a year and we never did anything more than hug, so I can see where he’s coming from.
At the time, I sure didn’t though. I really liked that boy. We went out on dates & did stuff for Valentines and I thought we were happy, but I never made any moves physically and neither did he  (at the time I was so happy we were on the same page, because I wasn’t ready, but I guess we weren’t as in sync as I thought) and well, I was informed later by a friend that getting dumped because I “just want to be friends” means “You didn’t put out, idiot, so he found a girl who would.” (They didn’t say the “idiot” part, but it was strongly implied by their tone).
I haven’t had a boyfriend since, because I realized that was part of dating and if I went out with boys they’d expect me to kiss and do things with them and I just...wasn’t ready for that. Dating became something I was terrified of; I couldn’t repeat that experience again. It wasn’t even until after college that I tried dating again, and I can count the number of them I’ve been on in my lifetime without using two hands.
I don’t think I realized it at the time, but I was a little repulsed by guys touching me. Girls were fine, boys not. I think it was a little switch in my brain going “Girl touches are platonic so they’re fine, boy ones have sexual meaning so it’s not.” that meant any time I boy touched me I panicked.
And then college hit.
I kinda knew people were having sex in high school but no one talked to me about it. There was this understanding that I had no clue about anything to do with that subject and they liked to keep it that way.
In hindsight, it hit me how much they teased me about it. I was that person who asked once at a friend’s house “How do lesbians have sex?” and they giggled “They scissor.” while miming the motion with their fingers - I didn’t get the joke and thought they were entirely serious and just accepted that answer and tried to picture how that would work. Imagine my face years later when I saw an episode of a certain show that that quote came from and I died a little inside because “Oh. They were making fun of me.”
(I also found out years later pretty much everyone I knew were all convinced I was a closeted lesbian and waiting for me to just come out already, which makes that confrontation all the worse, somehow.)
But if I wasn’t getting teased about how little I knew, they just didn’t talk about it at all.
College was an entirely different matter because I frankly couldn’t avoid the topic if I wanted to. It was in my health class (one of my gen ed. classes ended up being half Sex Ed.), it was in the free condoms they handed out, it was in my major classes (a film class I was in had a long segment that took up most of the semester titled “Sex in film” and I ended up seeing a lot of rated r films and sex scenes I had avoided in high school just because I tended to watch animated films & pg-13 ones more than anything), and well, college kids have a lot of sex, I discovered.
On my first day of  freshman introduction week I ended up in a guy’s dorm who already had a “women I’ve slept with” chart on the wall that already had tick marks on it (I was there for all of five seconds while the person I was visiting got his things and we got out; I never saw any of them again the rest of the year). 
Culture shock is an understatement.
And all of it made me uncomfortable. I didn’t get it. I didn’t get it in high school when people talked about wanting other people that way, and I sure as heck didn’t get it in college. But I had convinced myself one day I would. I kept thinking: “One day, I’m gonna meet that one guy that makes me feel all this sexual tension I keep hearing about and then we’ll date, and fall in love, and get married, and it’ll be great.” That’s what people kept telling me. “When you meet the one, you’ll know.”
(For the record, it still hasn’t happened, or if it did, it wasn’t over a boy and I’m in deep, soul crushing denial about it.)
I never did find that dating scene but instead, I discovered Boys Love (”Yaoi” at the time.) At first, it was a really guilty thing because I grew up Christian--and still am--(another relatable thing in this book I’m reading; the fear of your own church) and it was “Sinful” but...the stories and art were so good, and I felt bewitched. I remember reading FAKE and seeing how much they loved each other and I don’t know, it was just. Good.
And it was safe. I didn’t have to think about my sexuality when it was only boys on the page. I wasn’t an issue, or a topic, or had any part in it. I was reading about other people and it was fictional which meant it wasn’t real so I didn’t have to feel guilty trying to fantasize about real people (something that still makes me feel really skeevy.)
This went on for a few years and BL was pretty much the only thing I read/watched/did anything with. My roommates knew me as that obsessed BL fangirl and loved to tease me (but also encouraged it; my one male roommate in my senior year apartment expected my “couple of the day” picture posted to his door & bought me doujinshi as gifts. Thinking back, I’m blessed and grateful no one gave me a hard time about it).
I eventually discovered the more graphic, erotic side of BL and that was an experience, because I liked it.
A lot.
This is embarrassing to admit, but the first time reading a couple of those more graphic stories I felt different, and weird in my own skin, and kinda awkward (it freaked me out at the time). I described the exact symptoms to my friend in an IM because I was confused and she laughed at me: “You’re turned on, idiot.” (Again, the idiot was strongly implied but not straight out said. Not that I noticed at the time.)
It was like a bomb dropped. That was what people felt when they talked about getting hot and bothered. That’s what the people in high school and college were talking about when someone touched them. I had a point of reference.
And it hit me that thinking  about a living, breathing person had never made me feel that way. Not even close.
That was the first time I felt really broken.
And that was when I got desperate to fix it.
In 2007 all of those feelings exploded into an art project I called “Shout it Out.” (It is my one and only Daily Deviation to this day), and that project is the only reason I can share all of this with you right now. Because in 2007 I wrote down every guilty thought, every embarrassing fact, and every thing I was ashamed of & proud of and at this point, there’s not much I can tell you that can top it.
And maybe also, I read the description and realized I should follow my own advice: 
Someone told me once, that she believed we make life hard for ourselves by keeping things bottled up inside. Whether it be due to shame, embarrassment, fear, pride or some other emotion we don't share the things that are on our hearts like we should. We wallow in them and never realize that everyone else feels the same way. Our conflicts, our dreams, and the things that make us who we are should be free to be spoken out loud.
It was a big deal for me at the time, and sometimes I wonder where all that courage went. I don’t feel the same way as I did then on a lot of the topics, but at the time, that’s where my mind and heart were.
Over half of the text is related to sex. Reading it now, it sounds like I was a lustful, sex-crazed twenty-something who struggled to keep myself from jumping everyone (”I want to have sex so bad it hurts...” to quote one of the lines).
But the truth is, while I was obsessed with sex in media (manga, BL, romance novels, health sites,) learning everything I could, I’m learning more and more that how I experienced an obsession with sex wasn’t how many other people experience it.
I was obsessed with reading everything I could about sex because I was desperate to relate to some of it. I had fantasies about sex and myself because I kept thinking that maybe it’d click one day (and boy did I try thinking about a lot of different scenarios desperate to find myself attracted to anything). But many of those thoughts ended up forced or ineffective. I kept trying anyway.
I wanted to feel normal.
(Though that sort of failed too, since most of those fantasies ended up being about girls, and myself wasn’t necessarily involved in the picture.)
I remember desperately wanting to have sex because I thought if I did that then I’d suddenly have a light pop on in my brain that goes “This is why everyone else loves it! This is what I’m missing!” I’d have sex and then I’d be normal and feel attraction like everyone else does because I’d know what it feels like.
In the end, my strong conviction of “No sex until marriage” won out (For the record, I’m still basically of the philosophy that sex outside of committed relationships is a bad idea), but I kept reading smut.
So much in fact, that it became an addiction and it was all I looked at or did. It wasn’t a healthy place for me, and I’d rather not go into exact details, even if this has been a rather detailed sharing session. But I can say that it got so bad that I had to remove myself from the subject entirely at one point and pretty much cut myself off from the BL Community cold turkey. If it was digital, I deleted it. If it was a fanfic site, I stopped visiting. No anime. No manga. No doujinshi. No nothing. My physical media was shoved in the closet (that was a lot of money I wasn’t just going to throw out) and called it a day.
Heck, part of the reason I try to avoid a lot of erotica works is just because it reminds me of those bad times. (And the funny side effect that I read so much of it at one point that now it’s kinda boring because I’ve seen just about all of it).
But as I’m sure you’ve seen from my fanfiction and books, I slowly found a path of moderation. I’m re-reading my old BL books that I’m taking out of the closet and remembering why I loved these stories and art, and just coming to terms with myself in general that BL & straight romance novels might be the only way I’ll experience those sorts of feelings toward another person.
It’s probably why I like the genre so much, while I’m reading I can pretend, and that’s good enough for me. I can write romance without having experienced it and that’s a win in my book.
The truth is, I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that while I’d love a spouse of some sort and who knows, maybe something still might happen yet if there’s someone out there willing to be patient and wait, I can admit that I just don’t experience attraction to other people.
If I could go back to a young me, I’d tell myself to learn more when I’m younger so I didn’t feel so stupid when I was older.
I’d tell myself that it’s okay that I didn’t like anybody and that I didn’t have to feel obligated to find a boyfriend.
I’d tell myself that even if I’ll be struggling with trying to figure out myself and my feelings for the rest of my life, that it’ll be okay.
I’d tell myself that I’m not broken.
So on this last day of 2017, before I go back to reading my book and the rest of things I was going to do to day, I’m going to find a little bit of that courage I used to have in 2007 and just say now what I wish I’d known ten years ago.
I do also get the irony that I’ve sort of indirectly been admitting to it for a while now, but this is me saying it:
I’m asexual.
See you all next year, and now if you don’t mind: I’ve got books to read, random things to reblog, and a comic to draw.
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Episode 2 - “Y'all. Vote me out fr cause I'm inactive as fronk” - Joshua (through Autumn)
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I hate flag-making challenges. I will not be helpful at all, and I hope that someone else can take the reigns and lead us to victory. I honestly feel safe going into a tribal council, but I do not want to test that theory.
Next morning
With Chips and Jules working on the crest designs, I feel confident that we will do well in the challenge. Maybe not the best, but definitely not the worst. I still have the same anxious feeling that my tribe is not active enough for my taste, but I will just have to live with it for now. Besides, at least this is not immunity because that we increase my anxiety by so much. But, I keep forgetting to search the idol hunt which is my bad, but it is just so hard and long that I do not really feel like searching all the time lol
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ART CHALLENGE <333 i love these challenges. Jess made my picture 110% better and its super cute. The note that she wrote with it is also hella cute and I love the whole HP aesthetics bc i never got to go to real hogwarts ;-; but i'm sure most of yall can related. The boys weren't too helpful but nick was better than jacob who is sick. Nick was way more active aka jacob said 3 sentences the entire challenge sooooo…. if we lose idk I might just save jacob anyways bc pregame relations.
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Won reward, but now we have to win immunity again. I really hope that this reward helps us continue to survive. I don't want to have to vote anyone out. We've been getting first, but I really just want to survive this challenge, its known to be hard.
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I think I have been stuck with the second most challenge inept tribe in the history of my ORG career. I literally said so many answers in my version of the story and Jules just fucked it up. And then they got the girl's name wrong. And then they started mixing up characters. I know I did well, but fuck these people. God. Now we need a tribe to get 0 which is very unlikely. I will just resign myself to tribal. I hope and pray that these people have some common sense and do not want to vote me out
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Listen. Listen. Listen. I dang knew this story was going to be Harry Potter based. I knew in my brain and in my heart that I shouldn’t have been the one to start that thing. What do I do? Start the dang thing. Oh well. We did alright. I would be shocked if we won tho but if we don’t I’ll be relieved. I def don’t feel confident enough but I really had a lot of fun with my tribe. I really miss this and really hope that my time isn’t cut short! I feel really good about my tribe mates sincerely. And that’s kind of scary! I would hate to see any of us to go and how it’s going to affect the bond we have if we vote someone out. In this moment with Max sitting out, it may be him who goes if we go to tribal. I hope that isn’t the case. I’ve got my fingers crossed for us. Huff Puff strong!
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Honestly Jules dropped the ball sis!! But it’s okay, I love her. She’s really nice and I know she tried her best. Plus she’s in an alliance with me and Owen, so we should have the numbers against Joanna or Miguel if we go to tribal. Personally, I’d prefer Joanna to go. She’s kinda domineering, but she’s also an asset in challenges thus far. She is organized and direct. I’ve also talked to her a bit more than Miguel, so I guess I don’t really care who goes.
I’m happy I didn’t fuck up the reward comp and the shit that I drew got us a win!
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I really hope I don't bomb that challenge, I answered everything that Kevin talked to me about.... I think!  The rest of them tried very hard but I am SOOO glad that I asked to do my part at the end because my memory of repeating things is horrendous but I'm usually pretty good at bullshitting test answers... too bad I got some of the multiple choice stuff wrong.
I think that if we do lose I am still in a good spot on this tribe and hopefully I won't be in danger.  I feel like I'm on everyone's good side and Max kind of just disappeared so maybe we could just vote him out this round? Idk.
Hopefully we don't have to worry about it.  I smell a swap coming up pretty soon and I just hope I'm either with Owen or with some of the people from my tribe.  I have no idea if they know anyone or are close with anyone in the other houses.
I'm still feeling the closest to Lily and Kevin but I have been talking to Landen a good bit too these days so hopefully we'll be safe or we can all just agree on Max.
16 minutes later
He just told me that me, lily and kevin are precious angels that must be protected and that he likes Max when he's around too so that sounds like something... HMMM...
I can't get cocky, I always go home when I get cocky. But I like this.
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my host chat saw this first (shout-out to Drewie and Dennis): Y’all I’m an idiot. I thought I only knew 2 people in this game (Owen and chips). Then I remembered I also know Jess, Autumn, and dan. Literally love and respect each of you my brain just don’t got the strongest memory no more. I’m so sorry!!!! I literally just told landen I only know 2 ppl. I’m just gonna try to not remember it happened.
Ugh.....I need to get it together.
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I love my tribe talking to each other now that we have to!! Everyday I'm like damn either I'm on the bottom or I'm not the only one with piss poor social game. Ok so... the moment the hosts said we got 1 point, I started getting ready for tribal lmaaaooo. No sense crying over it either because all the tribes basically just had to show up in order to beat that
Like how could we not go to tribal with a score of ONE? That shit's embarrassing hahaha. That's like when your teacher passes the test back to everyone sitting around you but not you so you KNOW it's bad. But you know what? It's all good cause I'd rather us take the L now and get it out the way and we can all laugh about it cause losing won't be funny after long. The real question is: will Gryffindor do this the easy way or the hard way caaauusse we all know who the weakest link is. I just wanna see if someone puts two and two together without my prodding. Chips already said we voting together right and I'm like yes sir. There's no better place than being on the same page
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WE WON OMG!! Jules basically gave me nothing, which is fine, i understand, but i'm so impressed that we pulled that off. Absolutely killing these reward challenges really helps!
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"Y'all. Vote me out fr cause I'm inactive as fronk."
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Tonight we learned Joshua is a feminist selfless man that I stan because he's volunteering to go home without me having to put his name out, which I was going to do. Like imagine if every guy had that kind of self-awareness, to recognize why he should be the vote and then embrace it instead of wreaking havoc. And wanting to see others succeed more than yourself? King shit! He knew when to hang it up and did just that. Like the number of times I've seen a vote get complicated for no fucking reason because everyone wants a fight to the death. Enough- I'm old, tired, and cannot exert too much energy at once. We got a long game ahead of us, not to mention quarantine. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Joshua. We need more players like you and I appreciate your service
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im back back BACK AGAIN with another confessional! not much has changed but a few updates for the sake of these being required :) 1. max has become even more inactive, he's not reached out to me personally since the first day and any time i messaged him after that he's sent me nothing back that i can build a convo off of, so we just have stopped speaking. Luckily this challenge only required four people and everyone else SHOWED UP!! or at least spoke about their availability, while he did not. However in his defense he said he was having some issues at home and i feel for him but his inability to connect has been an issue before he spoke about anything in our tribe chat with us. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but this point my relationships with the other 3 are leaps and bounds ahead of where I am at with Max. Maybe he can pick up some speed if we continue winning challenges but, it's not looking too hot. SPEAKING OF CHALLENGES, well first we lost reward AGAIN, but we won immunity.. AGAIN! thank goodness for not being first or second boot, i always love being able to avoid these early tribals and if i can get to a swap without seeing one that would be ideal, but also if we do go and maybe vote out max? wouldn't be the worst thing. Moral of the story we won and thats exciting! however.. if we didn't.. the first big push of strategic talk came up with landen when he hinted at being frustrated with max's lack of presence which I also share. I do believe if we lost me and landen could have most definitely picked up ruthie and lily to form a four against him, if he even came to tribal. That would be my ideal situation and if we continue on this tribes hopefully it gives me a nice cushion to fall on if we do lose so i dont have to entirely blow up my social game within the first few rounds by voting out someone i've built a connection with. If max can go and the remaining four hufflepuffs can make a swap I would feel good about that, and maybe in the right circumstances we could work together on the swapped tribes because i genuinely like all of these people (yes max too but in this specific scenario he wouldn't be included bc... well..) anyways to close this off i still absolutely ADORE lily, she is fun and our conversations are really good, and same goes for ruthie, hopefully i dont have to see either of them or myself go home before we can really start playing because i think we could do some damage. :) ok anyways this was longer than i thought it would be goodbye
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I'm still not over the fact that I was able to answer 7 of those questions right. I have the memory of a plastic fork.  I also love that we are SAFE!
I do kind of hope things get spicy and we swap this round and become two tribes of 9. That'd be cute. I don't want VI to get bored and crack on me. BUT ALSO I think I have solid enough relationships with almost everyone on this tribe... so who knows?!
Also... these hoes really out here trying to search for an idol in PUBLIC. IN PUBLIC. WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?
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Dear diary, seems like we keep winning challenges, which is great but tbh i feel like every time i give a disadvantage to my team because english is not my first Language, and so far its been a vocabulary test and a listening and speaking test. I mean I knew I signed up for school but damn. Give me some macarena  or drinking tequila challenge and I'll crush it
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bippity boppity boo im back again with almost no content kdfasjhdskjfh
Ravenclaw working smarter and we keep winning, period!!! Thankful that y'all put Dan and I together....bc truly we will be unstoppable in these competitions. I kind of want to lose soon though to see how things would shake out, but I don't really have bad blood with anyone. Joanna seems passionate enough in the tribe chat and the challenges, even if she's dry in PMs. Miguel still won't give me anything other than a "how are you," but I hope the best for him in life lol
Still love Jules and Dan, and we made a three person alliance, but I haven't talked with either of them much one on one since it happened.... I really need to step the social game up eventually, but right now, I'm coasting, and maybe that's what I need before I find the time and resources in this game to strike!!
The idol hunt is hard but Dan seems onto something. Honestly he's gonna be a big threat sooner or later so he's sticking around as long as I can keep him! The last two games I've been in I've seen "goats" get dragged to the end and locked in final 3 positions, and then these perceived goats have ended up winning. so I want the big players in this game to rise to the top and fight it out in the end!
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let’s say i am como we dice.. fed up with a lot :flushed: a lot meaning joshua starting to get on my nerves a bit! he’s genuinely sweet n all but.. the way he complained about us losing by putting down others work HHH pissed me off. which is why i will be voting him out hehe.. but so far my misting has worked because no one wants to vote me out! mwah
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Slytherin killed the memory challenge. We thought we were all gonna flop bc all of us thought we sucked at memory stuff. um well we knocked it out of the park? Ravenclaw got 4 and huff/gryff got 1. We got 7 so oops. I do hope things turn out well for Gryffindor but no one I really know/care about is in that house so I'm not too worried. I hope they continue to lose or even hufflepuff since ravenclaw has 2 of my friends in it.
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I have been TERRIBLE with confessionals but only because there's really not been much going on? I have an alliance with Dan and Owen, and even though I wrote off Joanna I was DEFINITELY wrong in doing that. Miguel is sort of the outlier. Our team is kinda iconic though? We've done so well on all the challenges. I might be the weakest link? More to come.
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it's pretty sad but the whole tribe has agreed to vote max if we lose, basically he's just never around because of what's going on at home and like thats sad but... we gotta do what we gotta do *shrug*. I'm really feeling good about Hufflepuff moving forward, i've never bonded this much this easily with EVERYONE on a tribe and i just feel like if we keep winning or even if we lose and have to vote out max, we could be a great group for the future. especially i feel great about working with kevin, we dominated eve's game after eve came between us in 2020 that dastardly witch... :P (juuust kiddin. love ya!) but now we could totally do well in this game too i think.....
lily and ruthie are just so sweet and we really bond talking about pretty much anything,, especially lily is a great conversationalist and i just find it so natural to talk to them both. i'd love to work with any combination of people from hufflepuff in the future, hopefully i start sucking a little less at all these challenges. i think i did pretty great on memory :D
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So here is the summary of what has happened since last time
We had a reward challenge that was drawing. Mine sucked. Apparently 3/4 so no reward.
We played Telephone. My team didnt realize that details are the most important parts of that and didnt share then with Autumn so Autumn didnt share them with me. Then I didnt know them when asked about them.
We scored 1 point and lost. Since I still have no alliance I'm scared that it could be me. So I kind of got an idea how everyone was feeling.
Juls let me know she wanted to vote Joshua and- it's not me so that's fine!
Then I was talking to Autumn about it and - OOP! Josh asked to be voted out. So unless he plays an idol I'm supposing he is leaving after asking to go.
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woo my tribe won immunity!! we are safe! i’m glad bc i’m forming good relationships with ppl on my tribe. i think we all get along rly well so i hope we keep winning. the challenge was fun and i slayed bc i’m skinny mwah
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Ya know what’s refreshing? Being on a tribe that actually wins!!! The last three games I’ve played I’ve been on flop ass starting tribes.
Now we’ll lose every challenge
10 minutes later
This sickening bitch just found a hidden immunity idol!!!! Good until f6 L A D I E S!!!!!!
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Not much strategy has happened this episode, just simply tribal bonding! We are SlytherWINNING, getting reward and immunity this time! How wonderful.
Regarding my tribe mates, I love all three. I pray, pray, pray we make swap, i do Noh want to be a dirty bad guy and have to vote one out.. yet. Haha.
I was drunk during immunity, one full glass of rum & coke, so I am shocked that we won immunity. Honestly, I feel silly admitting I was drunk to my tribe because... if I can do that when drunk, imagine if I was sober. Competition Beast, duh.
I also gave up my run this round for the tribe to use. Was partially social, partially I just do not understand how to do the Hunt, so I might as well help the greater good. Either way, it comes off positively.
Hoping for a smooth journey for a little longer!
x nick
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Joshue has basically quit at this point so I have no fear going into tribal
0 notes
Ep. 11: “Do you all think I am just floating over here with no one?” - Aimee
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Amy A
Ben ☹️. I didn’t play too well with him and it was such a good blindside I couldn’t resist. I wish him well and I just have a feeling I’m next to go 
Olivia A
Okay umm we got Ben out but it turns out Kalle gave me a real idol? So I feel weird. The reason we began suspecting her of lying was because Hanuha people knew about Maddison’s safety without power advantage and Kalle was literally the only person who could’ve told them. IDK!!
I’m just so tired of crying! Sarah tried to video chat and I just couldn’t. No one knew I don’t think that Ben and I were so close. Gaaaaah I’m gonna miss him so much! He just helped me so much to stay sane in this game. The last thing I need is anyone seeing me as a big hot mess. I can’t catch a break. 
From two nights ago.... https://youtu.be/uebz8rVKNbg https://youtu.be/xQyiuiGeEpo
Pedro A
when i actually thought i was at the bottom........THERES EVEN A LOWER BOTTOM...THAT IM IN RIGHT NOW......chille ben screwed us BIG TIME....we were in a great spot..i dont even know what to say at this point
Wow. Okay. I didn’t want to be a villain but here we are. I will post a video confessional soon but for now, the plan to vote out Ben actually worked. I called Maddison last minute and explained that Ben and Kalle were tight and were all over the place, playing both sides. Maddison found out that Kalle was a rat and was not being completely truthful and we both agreed on voting Kalle or Ben. We agreed on Ben because we thought Kalle was going to play her idol on herself.... turns out Ben was telling the truth in voting out Kalle to old Hanuha and Kalle actually gave Olivia a real idol. More to come... but for now I feel like a villain ahhh. 
Kalle N.
Well I said that my only goal was to make jury and not go to the FTC so it looks like Ben really helped me achieve that. THAT FOOL REALLY FUCKED ME OVER ON HIS WAY OUT THE DOOR. This is fine. I will never let him forget that I've beaten him twice now and that's all that matters. Did not see this tribal coming at all. Can't wait to get voted out next
If I learned anything today is that we tend to read in and over think and make up scenarios in our head. Ben was actually on our side all along? Who would have thought. All the bits and pieces he told us today just didn't add up and Cody said he was different and everyone was just quiet and Ben didn't talk in the group, he spoke to people individually. I don't really understand what just happened but we wasted so much energy speculating lmao. And now where the hell do we go from here? Cody has become so paranoid also. The minute Ben told him that those people will be writing his name he became soooo paranoid wtf. Then he WASTED an advantage and idol at tribal? Just bc he still didn't trust the plan. I'm starting to think that Cody just can't trust anyone or any process. I really think he needs to chill more. Be more low key. Just try to be calm. If you get voted out, it's not like you're going to die or something. It's just a game after all. 
Apparently tribe was getting too suspicious of how Ben and Kalle were so close. I still don’t get why I had to be left out of the vote though? Why can’t I get the respect to be told what is happening before the vote, so I have time to process my emotions and have my stuff together a little. https://immunityilol.tumblr.com/post/617448854807298048 Instead I get nothing. I get a call from Sarah right after Ben is voted out. Obviously I can’t answer it because I’m crying and no one knew I was super close to Ben. I’m just so angry right now first Grae now Ben! IS MADDISON NEXT!? FUCK! Like Gah I’m afraid to get close to anyone. But I just love getting to know people. I finally got to video chat with Maddison. Fucking loved it! She is great to talk to and great to have on this crazy skype isolation island. I need some interaction and realness right now. Ok I’m totally drinking. It’s hard enough to process all this nonsense sober. We will see what the next day brings. 
Sarah I really don’t want us to end up like this Casanova music video. 😢💔 I guess everyone wants to blindside Aimee as a treat. I hope people got their jollies out of it. 🌟 Allie X - Casanova feat VÉRITÉ https://youtu.be/YpVunjboAWg
From last night.... https://youtu.be/EirlyVVXDKk
Day 21 https://youtu.be/aYiGStuSKDA
Pedro A
Im afraid Kalle will throw me under the bus...just to stay this week cause shes on the bottom....and im also afraid that maddison and olivia will try to convince kalle to vote me out...instead ....since they are coming for me ...GOSHHH..i hate my life...i need immunity...CAN I LIKE HAVE IT?
Pedro A
okay so im excited to see everyone's answers to this challenge...THIS WILL BE INTERESTING...it will reveal a lot of people real thoughts ..IM READY FOR TEAAAA YALL
I enjoyed my day today. I think it's the first time I was fully in the real world in 22 days. I'm playing a reckless game right now. There are so many layers in this game but after last night's tribal and learning that Ben was being legit, I just feel bad. I love Cody but he's definitely a loose cannon and can't play low key. Which is definitely bad for my game. He and Sarah are trying to push me into getting Amy on our side, but our relationship just isn't like that. I don't want to make her feel used. I like her. I really like her a lot. I like Sarah too. And Cody. I want to be friends with all these people IRL lol so I don't want to play against them or lie to them. This game just gets harder every time someone gets voted off tbh but I'm at the point where I feel like "if my plan works, then great", "if it doesn't, then whatever. I get to chill on panderosa and get to sleep more and actually spend time with my family and friends who I've been avoiding since this started lmao" Also, I'd be able to work again. I haven't got much work done urgh. I don't know whether my super idol is real. I'm curious to see what tonight's challenge will reveal. I am not going in with any syrategy
Cody wants to go for Kalle and Pedro coz they voted for him? I don't know, I think that's kinda silly and I'm not about revenge. You have to think rationally. And we have made a few irrational choices of late because people read into things. I still wish Ben hadn't told Cody that everyone was voting for him. That's how so much of yesterday's shit started. I have been so tired since yesterday. Tired of the scheming and overthinking and being paranoid over nothing urgh. Aimee also wants to call me after the challenge. I'm kinda scared tbh. I had a dream last night that Aimee killed me lmao this game is haunting me and giving me nightmares. Honestly, I'd be okay if anyone left wins this game. Okay except Kalle. She's the only one I've not interacted with and she just seems dodge idk. Maybe I'm still thinking about Zack's stupid analysis on people. Anyways. 
I'm happy for Maddison tbh. She deserved that. I just want to scream about Cody though? Why did Cody chop Aimee? Wtf. And that made Aimee chop Sarah before she chopped Amy or Maddison. I'm so confused. Ugh. 
Apparently I don’t know much about this tribe. Yeet!
Pedro A
Villan of the season?....im honored...but bitter jury?...i didnt like that one..lol
I chopped Pedro for Grae. 
I chopped Olivia and haha sorry I got so nervous on here that I just chopped the final chop, even though that was savage as hell... I called her a goat and then chopped her right out of the game. Oops hahahahaha. When I watch this challenge back I look like the C word with a capital C.... And that word isn’t “cartwheel.” I chopped Sarah for the Ben blindside. I chopped Amy for my mental health. I can’t lose Maddison! I’m so sick of being tortured that I truly am running out of fucks tbh. Just chop anyone, whatever. Why do I care...
Ohhhh Najwah!!!! Don’t worry about not telling me about the vote or accidentally calling me a goat because you didn’t know the meaning. I think I would make a cute goat. https://nunyabizni.tumblr.com/post/615593098008035328 Love that you think I’m actually “the Greatest of All Time.” I adore you and our friendship 💖❤️💞 luv you girl!!! I know you’re truly being genuine unlike others. I’m waiting for this game to tip in our favor so we can run with it. https://youtu.be/TGwZ7MNtBFU This MV is dedicated towards Najwah after Cody swooped in and stole my final 2 with her. No hard feelings; I have my own stuff to sort out after my man Ben was voted out. I’m pretty confident you have a final 2 with Cody and I love that for you. 🧡💛💚 I’m happy y’all got together and are strong with Sarah. But here I am. Do you all think I am just floating over here with no one? Just not playing the game and grazing my grass over here like a “goat?” They really don’t know how close I was with Ben and they got stupid lucky on that one. I’m not as clueless as you all think... it’s in your best interest to reconsider. Also let’s not skip over the fact that Sarah and I both didn’t get an answer on touchy subjects for “who do you trust the most.” Yeah don’t think I didn’t peep that. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Sarah didn’t put me and I didn’t put her. I put Maddison. Cody had 2 votes. Najwah and Sarah put him. I’m not dense. I guess Sarah is cool with being that 3rd wheel. Loving the fact that apparently no one has been seeing me reaching across the aisle for damn DAYS trying to play with Maddison.... oh honey, oh girl...oh no no ... that was just Ben right? Yeah. My final 2 with Ben is gone so I’m rogue and hoping I can get Maddison as far as possible with me. Also! Just letting you all know I’m not a damn chump. It’s SO OBVIOUS that Cody Najwah and Sarah have a fucking secret chat that they’ve been in since the beginning of all time, which included Zack. You’ve heard it here first folks. Oh and I’ve known this for at least a week or two. The tells are so blatant, but catch me pretending to have no idea. I’m not the goat that you think I am, but I would LOVE you to continue to think of me of a goat and forgettable. If you knew what I was doing I wouldn’t be allowed to get to the end. If I’m on any players radars then that means I am doing a bad job. So, I absolutely loved what this challenge revealed. I know way more than people think I know, but I am playing up the ditzy card hardcore. I would much rather prefer to be a stealthy sniper that people think is not playing. Give me a chance to explain my game in the final tribal and you might regret that. I have been doing all the same moves as Ben and same exact strategy.... he gets called a big threat and blindsided and yet here I am with identical strategy and totally left alone and tbh a little disrespected but that works to my advantage. Perception is not reality! This could be everyone’s biggest mistake and I honestly love it. I just want Kalle and Pedro out tbh. I got my big boobs and my positivity. I’m mind strong and I’m ready to get this. Your lady is never giving up. If you blindside me again it better be me that gets voted out. Otherwise you’re all in a world of fucking trouble... https://64.media.tumblr.com/0389c791f095d54973543b32d4414577/984582d2a107588c-89/s540x810/c10ec7b961de2fd3b693a886ea7385b04ed3d653.gifv
I am still tired. LOL. Amy L still hasn't replied to me. I think she hates me right now and I burned the bridge with her, which I'm obviously sad about because it's the only bridge I really cared about? Like she's the only person who I was 100% sure about and we've always respected each others allegiance to their alliances. Anyway. What does it matter now? I'm going to let Cody and Sarah make a plan with this tribal scrambling. Oh Cody said the reason he chopped Aimees rope is because he didn't want her to win immunity again lmao so he rather chops someone in his own alliance wtf I can't get over that fatal mistake. That and playing the extra vote and idol😭😭 ugh and I think people assume I am his goat or something lmaooooo I absolutely adore Cody but I really hope he doesn't mess things up for himself. Sarah wants me to get coins for them to buy an immunity idol. Do I really want to waste 5 coins again on someone whose just going to get paranoid and play it? I don't know. I need to think on it. 
Welp I finally told my first lie in this game and hopefully it’s not my demise. I guess it’s my turn to be messy. I’m still coping with Ben being gone. 💔😢😫 Why the nut, did I tell Pedro I want him here. It was definitely too much alcohol and worried if he had another idol I would be the throw vote. Welp we will see if he throws that info all over the island. https://64.media.tumblr.com/d9f98e355c7e9229777fa982551cfd7e/tumblr_nr72mkoPHr1rs8h9do7_250.gifv https://64.media.tumblr.com/d37a2b6f76f83c1beaca2ca2bac6bb72/tumblr_nr72mkoPHr1rs8h9do3_250.gifv I’ve made peace with it though. This lady ain’t stopping, but if this puts me in jury. I’m honestly excited! I’ll finally get to talk to James, Grae and Ben again! And that makes my heart warm. ♥️ 
Pedro A
I'm probably going home tonight....kinda done with this.....I'm exhausted and emotionally drained from this experience.. I just wanna chill...at the end of the day its either me or kalle....so may the odds be in my favor!!
I'm nervous about this vote. Apparently Maddison and co are willing to work with us to get Kalle out. I don't know how legit it is but I'm tired tonight and I just think I should do an early vote before people change their minds. 
Amy A.
So we had the game yesterday and there was a question about ‘closest Ally’ and no one chose me. I’m not really bothered about everyone else except NAJWAH. She didn’t choose me! I was the only one who chose her cos her name came just ONCE. Whoever she ended up choosing as her closest ally didn’t even choose her. It’s made me real life sad because I trusted her so much. Honestly, I didn’t even think twice about putting her name down for closest ally. I haven’t even spoken to anyone about tonight’s vote. Idk who I’m voting for but I know it’s not her cos I promised her that. That’s the only reason. Maybe I’m the one going home. I don’t know. 
Let’s hope for a straightforward vote tonight with no unforeseen twists!
https://youtu.be/m4Z0RN_KhK0 A flow mobz - thrill over fear (feat. luna blake) Omg I couldn’t sleep last night and I just woke up being bitchy about Pedro. I don’t think he actually has anyone besides maybe Kalle. My walls are up and I just want this vote to work in my favor and be Kalle. I hope there are no hard feelings after this game. I just want to get to know everyone during all this covid madness and have some fun. 🌈
0 notes