#this is probably SUCH a weird way to do things but i cant bring myself to go onto ur blog lol and i felt weird not saying anything at all so
thewertsearch · 5 months
TG: i thought about taking his sword TG: when i was there TG: but i couldnt TG: couldnt really bring myself to try to pull it out it was too weird
Even if you did, you’d have to break it in order to wield it - and unlike your regenerating sword, I don't think Bro's katana will be very effective as a half-blade.
GG: dave we have to stop him!!!!! TG: what GG: jack! […] GG: why dont you stop jumping around through time like a maniac and stop being like a hundred daves all the time and come to my house so we can make a plan to kill him??
I’m liking this new, more pro-active Jade. With Rose distracted by Doc Scratch's games, we probably need a new leader, and I think Jade could fit the bill.
However, I don’t think any number of Daves would be enough to take Jack down. That’s exactly what Aradia tried, and we all know how that turned out. If a thousand telekinetic necromancers can't put a scratch on him, I don't think Dave will fare much better.
TG: besides we cant beat him TG: look what he did to bro and davesprite together TG: im at the top of my echeladder with all the fraymotifs and i stand no chance
Dave’s already stronger than Future Dave was when he came back to the past. His progress is astounding - but the session's power creep has got so bad that it doesn’t even matter.
Like - let's imagine, for a second, that all four kids attacked Jack with their full power, right now. If they all synergized perfectly, taking full advantage of John's hurricanes, Rose's Horrorterror connections, and all the time duplicates Dave can make....
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They'd still be reduced to a fine mist.
Jack has inherited a power strong enough to raze the entire Earth, and none of the kids can touch him. Becsprite initially seemed like an opportunity to match that power, Sun-to-Sun, but Vriska, for her own godforsaken reasons, nixed that plan.
The kids have got nothing. Even their plan to cheat by destroying the Green Sun is probably hopeless, because we know it ultimately serves Doc Scratch's ends, not ours. Things are really dire.
TG: only thing we can do is hold out until the scratch GG: what is the scratch? TG: guess i shouldnt really say TG: since you sort of lead the way in making that plan
And then there's the Scratch plan itself, which is apparently Jade's idea - although I'd be extremely surprised if Doc's grubby little fingers weren't all over this one, too.
Opening rifts in space is certainly Jade's department, so I think she's going to suggest it as a counter-plan to Rose's more risky Sun strategy.
TG: if we cant beat him TG: all we can really do is exile him to a place where he cant teleport back TG: which hopefully buys us some time TG: to try to take out his power source in a crazy suicide mission
A two-pronged approach, then. They trigger the Scratch, push Jack through a rift, and then send Rose's dream self out to destroy the sun before he's able to return.
...man, this is such a dangerous idea. Even if it wasn't being influenced by Doc, it'd still set off some huge alarm bells.
Like - sure, destroying the Green Sun might help this session survive, but what about every other session? Don't they need the Sun, to power their non-corrupted First Guardians? I just think we should maybe think for a second before deleting a critical piece of the reproductive mechanism for the entire multiverse.
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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wazzappp · 9 months
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First bit of graphic design I've done in a year and its a fake logo for a hyperspecific AU... don't know how I didn't see that coming honestly.
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Ok lets talk about why I went with 'Ghost Fighters' outside of the obvious name pun.
The main enemies the boys face would be ghosts. They are composed entirely of the suffering of people who have passed. The few memories that they have are of their worst experiences, but for the most part they just kind of exist as memories of suffering. Generally these spirits move on after a day or two, but if there is a specific strong attachment to a place or person or trauma sometimes they stick around longer. Someone who was murdered would probably not stick around as long as someone who died of old age.
The general appearance is of an emaciated figure with very few features. They usually have 'ribbons' that extend out of the backs of their heads, the ends of these are sharp and used for fighting. The elongated arms and sharpened two fingered hands with a thumb are also used for slashing.
Ghosts seek out similar suffering in their area. They cant move more than 1/2 mile away from where they died, which gives them a bit of room to roam, but if you live in a place where theres a high concentration of murder they have a higher chance of running into each other.
If they DO. It gets BAD and it gets bad FAST. Ghosts can merge together and so your'e dealing with double the ribbons and double the claws. Their roaming spaces merge which mean that they can find more ghosts to merge with. There isn't really a limit on how many ghosts can merge together. When things like natural disasters happen, you can get large ghost conglomerates and FAST.
It is very rare but sometimes the ghosts will haunt people. People who stay in one space the majority of the time are stuck in the same haunting area as a ghost. All they have to do is temporary move away until either a Ghost Fighter destroys the ghost or it dissipates on its own. If they do end up being possessed you essentially have a ghost in free roam. There really isn't bringing someone back from that.
Generally people cant see ghosts. Ghost Fighters can, of course, but there are also very rare 'psychics' who can see ghosts. Most people cant see them until they start to conglomerate in numbers of 20 or 30. By then it is a VERY large ghost mass and needs to be dealt with. The effects of the ghost can be seen (claw marks in cement, dents where they've been thrown into walls) but generally they go un-noticed by the population.
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ALRIGHT. RANDOM FUN DOODLES ASIDE lets talk Ghost Fighter physiology. (it is so so important to me that Roxanne has No Chill whatsoever. SO. IMPORTANT.)
All Ghost Fighters have 'nail polish' with their corresponding color. It used to help them identify each other, but after the rise of nail polish its uhhhhh. not very effective. It's really not nail polish though, thats just the color of the nail now :)
Connection Gems rest on the chest and are embedded into flesh. They allow a Familiar to channel magic through their person! Familiars are a lot like the 'paper flamethrower' metaphor. Lots of power, but unable to use it without destroying themselves. Ghost Fighters allow them a way to express their magic.
EYES. You already know what the fuck it is bro. I don't need to explain myself here yall know me by now but fuck it imma try and find a way to reason it out anyway. Humans aren't really built to contain so much magic, so it shows through in little ways, like shining out of their eyes just a lil bit.
Speaking of which, Ghost Fighters are a little uh. Weird. You know the whole thing with elves? Where they look almost too pretty and the longer you look the stranger it gets? They have that going on. Their hair is always settled just right, their skin is dewy and almost shiny, the light always hits their eyes JUST right. Even bedheads still manage to looks planned and perfect.
SO. When you get a guy like Robbie? Whose attractive to start with but scowls all the time? When he finally DOES smile? Holy Shit. Nobody is prepared for it. Nuclear levels of pretty. Almost hurts to look at. 100 Billion enraptured 30,000 gay / bi awakening.
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More stuff about familiars (Eli in particular. Need to think harder about his specific weirdness), transformation sequences, ultimate attacks, and interpersonal relationships on the way. I just. NEEDED. To get what I have so far out there dude. Brain too full. Door stuck. DOOR STUC K.
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i think i might be schizotypal... honestly its hard to believe though because all of the symptoms seem so normal to me? i assumed everyone must feel this way to some degree or.. i dont know, i guess i never thought it was weird.
i was wondering does life change after you find out your schizotypal? what do i do with this information? should i tell a doctor?
i cant speak for every person with schizotypal, but a lot of what changed after i found out im schizotypal was just getting better at "dealing" with my symptoms and being nice to myself when i feel bad things, knowing that it isnt my fault. i would personally say that it would *probably* good to bring it up with a doctor, more specifically a psychiatrist or therapist. that way you could possibly get a diagnosis if you think that would be helpful, you could find out if it might be anything else, and/or you could get help on how to manage the symptoms. i dont speak for everyone though, and at the end of the day you should just do the things that you feel would benefit *you* the most!!
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knightobreath · 3 months
I am once again reminded you are a real human being
My bad gang I’m sorry
Do not let them get to you
compiling these 3 specifically because theyre all probably about the fact that i said i was tired of getting intentionally trollish asks, so let me explain myself a bit more xP. its a lot because i love to talk
you guys shouldnt be too sorry! i did intentionally encourage these a few times, especially during the #mod 🫒's purgatory thing. because well, as a part of what i do on my blogs and streams I am a clown. i intentionally play as a sort of over-exaggerated feed-the-trolls fool because i think it makes me funnier. but the main issue is that I didn't set a proper boundary between intentionally goofy oliver and genuine human being oliver. This is a direct consequence of having everything be on my personal blog and not relegated to sperate spaces.
the sheer volume of asks ive been getting lately has made keeping up difficult and well. guys im kind of tired of answering nonsense or trollish asks. i'm not witty enough! i'm out of jokes! i've been riffing off of anons every day for like a month! and it is my fault for not just deleting stuff but i do appreciate when you guys want to joke around with me
okay. uh here is the part that is the Straws that Broke the Camel's Back. I can't tell when you guys are joking anymore. I can't gauge how much of the anon "hate" is jokes and how much of it is genuine. I can only tell for sure if it's like my friend saying it. If it isn't clear to me that a friend sent in an ask, it reads as if a stranger sent it. And I can't tell if a stranger is being genuine or not because I don't know you. a key example is the person who said something along the lines of "of course you're a skeleton if you're a vegetarian" which didn't read as a friendly jab but rather a stranger making assumptions about my diet to blame me for my body issues. i assume the anon just saw that those were both things the funny ask answering guy was talking about so they were free game for making fun of. kind of my fault though because as i said, there isnt enough of a boundary between when im being comedic and when i'm being genuine.
so like. tldr in conclusion i love receiving and answering asks and I did sort of have this policy of responding to Every Single One that I just can't do anymore and now I'm suffering from the horrible affliction that is "Bit That's Gone On For Way To Long" with a side effect of not wanting to go back on my word. and now that i actually want to be Real on Main people are going to try and bring it back to jokingly antagonizing me not realizing that it just becomes actual antagonizing when it's not about something i consider a joke. so im just gonna place down some boundaries
streams are a good time to send in silly asks, im in bit mode for that
i also dont take anything seriously on the oscc but please dont bother the other mods about it
im not responding to every ask anymore. Lol. if i cant think of anything funny its going into the void
might also start blocking anons who say shit that is Weird ! no more taking literally everything in good faith
you guys can still send silly asks i just want you to like. roll it back on the whole jokingly being mean to me thing. friends are exempt of course just make it clear that its YOU and not Internet Stranger #66951284
anyways love yall but also i dont know yall. or. most of yall. i accept the anon's apology👍
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fictionfixations · 4 months
the game keeps acting like the screen of all the apps is still there so im just trying to do stuff and it keeps bringing me to places im not meaning to go to ;_;
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it acts like its on the bottom part though. so im just trying to press the excluse AP so i can claim it all at once and then it takes me to club. which i cant even do anything on since its coming soon
so. that was weird. i ended up just claiming them all manually since its not a lot and then closing and reopening after it proceeded to keep getting in the way
just. very weird.
sometimes i genuinely forget that things that happened in the future havent happened here so theres like no purgatory hall i dont think (which was where the angels and solomon were in the first game right?)
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i didnt even mean to choose it to be like 'haha i know things that you wont understand and make no sense' i just fully forgot that they dont have that here 😭
its kind of weird though that we're impacting the past this way though. like its never happened so it shouldnt be familiar. but because we're here we change that. and i have no idea how its acting as if they already have these memories but just fragmented or like bits and pieces that give off feelings that they dont understand
i mean. the fact that we're here in the past is probably a paradox itself right? cause theyve never met us before and yet now they meet us when they first come to the devildom.
and for some reason our presence makes their self and their future self have a sort of vague connection?
so basically its treating it like the first game came first
which. it did. technically. but not timeline wise. except it also sort of did because us from that first game ends up in the past. which SHOULD be before but since we're there then we'd have to be from a time of the future which makes it confusing
and im confusing myself trying to think this through
i dont even wanna think about alternate timelines agh
anyway i was late to making this post cause i think its gone now but
the amodeus birthday bash story is just ❤️ its just very sweet and i like going along with him (and hes just so clearly having a fun time that it makes me have an even more fun time)
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localgardenweed · 6 months
Ok I was originally gonna write how I wanna go back to Eddsworld and do stuff for it again but felt out of the loop with the modern fandom and shit but ended up being a rant about how I hate Beyond so like gonna write this again but keeping part of the rant cause i need to share how much i cant stand Beyond again
So like I wanna come back to Eddsworld cause as much as it was a dumpster fire for me it was my first real fandom I was apart of online so it holds a place in my heart. I mean probably technically whatever I did on Framecast was my first ever online fandom space but shhhh that dont count i was but a wondering traveler looking for my place in the world. It actually got me into Eddsworld someone made a animation to Youth by Daughter and had me hooked. But still was very important to me and my art development.
Its so crazy to me cause i was into Eddsworld HARD in the 2016-2020 era where alot of the ig modern fandom was born i watched cities fall and crumble I was deep in the amino trenches, Pork Sodaing and seeing so much historical fandom events happen before your eyes. I was watching everyone consume every piece of Prince of Mints and Moho art I was a sucker for them which probably wasn’t okay for like a 5th grader but i definitely turned out all right /j.
I left for a little bit on and off cause Hetalia was choking me and like keeping me prisoner but like it still had a place in my heart for it but like ya know i still was there but idk now I just dont find the same spark anymore from the first go around. Something changed and maybe cause i just had my tastes change and maybe cause my ex-best friend was making fun of my oc all the time but i made him when i was like 11 and figuring out identities and ways to express yourself without sticking to the gender norms and dealing with alot of stuff at the time i finally caved and just didn’t feel the same any anymore about the show.
Cause I loved that fandom more than anything but, I don’t know I just don’t know how to get back that spark and go frolic in the fields with my TomTordOc love triangle of my 5th grader dreams and just be cringe and free and feel joy again but I just cant enjoy the material anymore like THEY ARE MASSACRING MY BOYS WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THEMM
It doesn’t hit the same and i know i dont need to consume Beyond i doubt anyone actually does at this point but i cant stand beside while they murder everything i loved about the Classic and Legacy eras.
Also just, I think I hit a road block with it too like, I got stuck on where to do and what to do with Eddsworld like. I make aus i made ocs i made a ask blog i made animatics, now what? And like idk i felt weird and like stuck in the mud with them. Also just had the friend falling out who was also the co-creator of the ask blog so now i dont know how to pick it back up all by myself again but them again i really was just doing it by myself all the time anyway so i just have to figure out how to get back into the swing of things
I have some ideas for aus and maybe just finally be free and bring my oc back from the grave for realsies and make you all consume it but, I don’t know. Im scared to come back cause also weirdly alot of the new fans are younger than me or the older fans are older than me so its kinda awkward, also im just awkward im scared to talk to people online, there is and were some people i desperately wanted to be friends with both in and out of Eddsworld but im too scared and either just watch from afar or abuse the Anonymous function in ask boxes. 
If i cave enough i might come back to Eddsworld to at least finish my lore for the ask blog cause IM SORRY I LEFT YALL HANGING I HAD SCHOOL AND THEN JUST FORGOT ABOUT IT but forever haunted by the people who like every single post and then i get excited cause i see like 99+ notes waiting for me and i think one of my new posts blew up but no its just the ew boys who screw around likes and reblog and the occasional comment
One day ill return to my rightful birthplace and one day I shall be free and one with nature and draw as much as I want for it and as many ocs i want without someone telling me its cringe or make more for the ask blog or hell start doing animation and animatics again
Ok here is the Beyond rant now if you wanna read it
I feel the difference between Beyond and Legacy is that, Beyond is trying to horriblycopy their older brothers Classic and Legacy and almost dumb it down a bit with more childish humor, and Legacy takes inspiration from Classic: It’s different but a natural difference/evolution. Or the fact a whole new guy was writing it all with a slightly different style so he wrote what he knew idk maybe a bit of a factor idk
Also i cant stand the Tord bait sorry I cant, especially when they used to like get annoyed by the fandom by asking and then just realized he was a cash cow so like now we get Tord merch and the hints and Tori and the skit with the cavemen like OMG TORD- and he got crushed by a rock thanks gang, cause like dude I think as much as we love Tord like maybe this go around respect Larson’s choice to like not use him in the series anymore and take him out but like ig that doesn’t apply to merch so yeah lets do one more go around bring out the red one. Or idk maybe they contacted him and was like “yo dude can we like use him for merch” but i dont think that happened. I think it was just better to leave him absent from the show and be like “yeah no Tord guys, no Tord” and we could have all had our thumbs up and be like “Ok Eddsworld Beyond we are okay with that”. Like I know Red October was for charity but idk it still felt weird to use Tord, like could this really not have just been the main 3 or like bring in some deep cut old characters or side characters did we really need Tord here.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 10 months
Alright I can’t sleep so it’s time for OJV headcanons that only myself will probably care about but who’s turn is it? Surprisingly not Kenny yet, but
• OrangeJuiceVerse Eric Cartman is an abrasive fuckwad, but he’s not actually Evil.
• He genuinely cares about his friends in his own fucked up way, but he will deny it every goddamn time. Like in hs he’ll give kenny a ride home when his shitty death trap car won’t start but he WILL insult him the whole way.
•this hasn’t been seen in the fics yet, but this mf starts a WEDDING PLANNING COMPANY called, you guessed it, CUPID ME. Marj actually got her degree in hospitality and helps him with it. Both the Style and Kenjorine weddings were GORGEOUS and so personal.
•he didn’t go to college himself but still lived with the group in their weird little house close to campus, and was the one to dubb the place “SP Survivors Safehouse” and named the EXTREMELY dangerous staircase the Widowmakers.
•was the drum major senior year but was incredibly lazy about it, just wanted a “position of power” (only got the position bc he’s an okay clarinet player and his mom slept with the assistant director)
•definitely fights with Kyle growing up ofc because as a child, he WAS truly evil. Like sociopathic. In 6th grade he FINALLY gets some mental help and is surprisingly good about keeping up with the cocktail of antipsychotics and various other shit, plus therapy and trying really hard to empathize with others.
^on that note he still ACTS LIKE A TOTAL DICK most of the time because he thinks it’s funny, but also because he is terrified of anything changing in their group and ya can’t teach an old mr kitty new tricks
• has the most OUT OF POCKET INSULTS ever and is SHOCKINGLY good at naming things. He coined the phrase “Sadsack” too.
• most of them are to mess with kyle of course. Some of his favorites are “pack it up, Fiddler On The Roof”, calling him a burning bush, prince of Egypt, things of that nature. HOWEVER!!!
•the rest of the gang accepted long ago that Cartman was always just gonna call them names and be a general jerk, but they SET UP RULES AS TO WHAT HE CANT DO/SAY!
• in high school, they implement the “Fuckwad Jar”.
• the rules of the jar are as follows: he can rip on his friends, but the SECOND something he does or says genuinely hurts someone, he has to put a dollar in. No exceptions.
• for example, he can roast Stan for being a “tree hugging hippie” and call him a buttplug, “photosynthesizing dildo”, but he CANT call him an alcoholic or try to bring home a taxidermied dog
• he’s not ACTUALLY for real transphobic, but if he tries to make a joke about Marj for shits and giggles, JAR!
• since his favorite target is Kyle, he has the most shit. He DOES still make fun of him for being Jewish, but ANYTHING GENUINELY ANTISEMITIC and ESPECIALLY ww2 “jokes” get the Jar. He’s also not allowed to say SHIT about his body, eating habits, or make ED jokes (this was a rule Stan made on his bfs behalf). Once, he made a concentration camp /ed joke COMBO while only Kyle and Marj were in the room. Kyle completely froze, but Marj went over and FUCKING DECKED HIM. When the other two got home and Kyle got over the initial shock, they all forced him to cough up his entire wallet lmao
• he can call Kenny a perv and rip on him for being poor and “pocket sized with nothing in his pockets”, he’ll call him McWhoremick but the Kenny jar rule is that you DO NOT SUGGEST THAT HES DISLOYAL
•sry I just enjoy the concept of the jar lol
•has a lot of fun living with the gang during his gap year, holding on to that last little bit of childhood normalcy, but eventually he does have to move on. He winds up traveling for a while and eventually settles in Nevada and sets up his business
•has a cat and that thing is SPOILED AS HELL
•tries to send Stan one of those beef jerky club memberships every year for Christmas lmaooooo
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months
dancer anon here
reason for wanting to stay connected to being a girl: i feel good when i present feminine sometimes, I don't know why, while i dont feel like a girl or connected to that at all, i enjoy feeling pretty, and that kinda fuels the "cant not be partially a girl" because i like my feminine attributes (such as my breasts and eyelashes (i really like my eyelashes, they make me feel pretty)) but i tend to like my feminine attributes more when im alone and only /i/ can see myself and think "damn. im pretty today."
ballroom q: i tend to do more follower than leader now but i get to dance with my favorite dance teacher someitmes and shes really nice :D my favorite dance is paso doble (i do more latin ballroom than standard lol, but i do enjoy waltz the most out of standard dances lol (its the first dance i did with leader steps :DD)
correct pronouns: ik that its not really making a big deal to ask, but since im not out to many poeple outside of my friend group. i also dont want to correct my friends because im afraid it will reach someone outside of the group and theyre going to question it because in my school the majority of the students aren't really,,,, allies ig
neopronouns: have considered, didnt fit, so they/them is my go to because it is the one i feel the most comfortable with
confronting my friend: i do sometimes feel like confronting them about it, but its kinda scary because i hate confrontation because of the toxic friend i mentioned, so i dont think im gonna do anything about it (for now maybe?)
trauma: i am 97% sure i dont have any trauma relating to masculine people? however, my memory /is/ actually trash, so i could have just forgotten. the most likely thing that caused the fear would probably be the dance teacher with cold hands, because i hated his classes because they made me feel like dance is an obligation and i have to do everything /correctly/ even though i signed up because i enjoy dance. i also had to dance with him and his hands were cold and i dont like physical touch if im not initiating it (which is kinda why i dont dance with anyone anymore - a combination of physical touch, sweaty hands, and the close proximity. im even scared to dance with the little children i sometimes help dance with, because i dont know if they feel comfortable with physical touch which makes me feel icky)
also its not really something happened to me, its fear of something that /could/ happen (SA, etc)
also i still see that dance teacher around at the studio sometimes. he still scares me, but less? and when i talk to him sometimes, my brain tries to tell me im overexaggerating how much i dislike him, which i may be doing, but he /did/ ruin one of my favorite dances for me, so...
agender label: i do feel comfortable with the agender label, i believe, but ive never really met anyone else using it so i think i ust want to know ppl who also use it
you are also a wonderful human!!!
on another note, i am genuinely in tears thank you, you are so kind <3
Hello again!
So, there's four things I wanna address here:
With the pronouns/friends: Yes, it sounds like it might be a good idea to think more about the pros/cons of this. I still completely think that you deserve the respect of being gendered correctly, but if it's not safe for you to be pushing this,(secrets being shared, an unsupportive space, etc) then it might be a good idea to step back until it is safe to bring it up again. Remember though that you deserve to be supported and loved unconditionally and using your correct pronouns is something that should not be a burden to anyone.
Being agender: Have you considered finding people on here who identify similarly? It could be cool and validating to find a community of people who feel the same way. I know for me it was super exciting to find other nonbinary/genderfluid people.
Being touched: Okay, that makes sense. I definitely get not liking to be touched by people, especially people who give weird sensory input.
Ballroom: Oh, damn Paso Doble? I only know the very basics but it's SO different and cool! Respect <3
Lots of love!
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sagemoderocklee · 1 month
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍄 🍬 ❄️ 🏜️ 🦴
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
got a lot of headcanon asks today in my inbox lol... uh for this ill go with my headcanon about Tenten not being without family since ive got two asks for that levels thing i reblogged earlier to answer
so my hc and how i usually approach Tenten is that she comes from a weapon smithing clan. Her clan originally came from Dragon Kingdom, but like... so, so long ago. like a thousand years ago. they were originally trading in what is now Fire, and eventually some started to settle instead of going back to Dragon Kingdom. They established themselves as blacksmiths and as times changed, became weapon makers almost exclusively. Her clan still makes other things besides weapons, but they specialize in weapon making.
Tenten lives with her grandmother since her parents died during Obito's assault on Konoha with the kyuubi. Tenten's clan lives in the industrial district of Konoha, and Neji (who is alive thank you) moves there after he and Tenten have been dating for a bit.
Tenten, of course, prioritizes fighting with weapons, but she also is a good smith herself, and does a lot of unique work with weapons.
I gave Tenten's clan a name, of course, so her family/clan name is Nie, which means 'pattern of a sword blade'.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
drawing a blank beyond all my usual things like gaara being obsessed with naruto being stupid or like the way ppl generally approach Gaara is ableist and disregards his history prior to Yashamaru tryna kill him or lee not being anbu/akatsuki/hokage etc and also ppl making lee sexy is stupid like he's weird looking and thats fine and i think his weird looks are charming and cute... all of which ive talked about before
um i guess ill say that sakura being self-centered is actually a really important and interesting character trait. it doesn't make her an awful, irredeemable character, it's just a character flaw and i think ppl who love her tend to ignore that about her because the people who absolutely hate her are always callin her a bitch etc. like i love sakura but she can be a bitch and i think that's interesting and okay and like if you really like a character you can lean into their flaws without that being like a condemnation of the character. she doesn't have to be like sunshine and daisies to be a good character
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
the dream theme/plot for a fic is one i'd probably just write myself. not like for any reason other than if i have an idea i usually wanna execute it myself, and at this point a lot of my ideas exist within the worldbuilding ive done and not that other ppl dont or cant but my interest are always gonna lean more into the political spectrum of storytelling and i think that's generally my niche and not as many ppl write those stories.
i think if there was absolutely something i didnt wanna write id honestly probably not wanna read it either, so im always like shit at answer these kinda questions cause once i have an idea im like 'ok ill write that someday'
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
always gonna love long comments that talk about the themes of the story, that bring up things the reader thinks is foreshadowing, direct lines from the fic, and so on. i like when ppl are like rlly analyzing what ive written and telling me their thoughts and what they think is gonna happen. i think by far my fave thing is ppl tryna guess what's coming and seeing how close or how far off they are, and when ppl do pick up on foreshadowing that is just... chef's kiss.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i find inspiration in a lot of things and it rlly is gonna depend on what im writing at the time. sometimes i get inspired by music (a lot of my gaalee fics were originally inspired by Florence+the Machine song for instance), sometimes it's like a poem or a book, or a tv show, but it rlly is always gonna depend on what im writing.
but my perspective is that art begets art. art is always in a state of inspiring more art, whether its the originating artist being inspired by their own work or another being inspired by their work, i think art is at its core always birthing more art.
with fic i dont think i could pinpoint one single thing that's inspiring me at any given moment, but i am often being inspired by other things whether it's music or just like an article about something.
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homestucky · 2 months
Cant lie I've been crushingly depressed(?) for the past week either caused by or causing an even worse than usual ability to think clearly and the last three or four days my body particularly my limbs have felt slightly numb and extremely heavy. And I've really tried. I've tried to move my body to engage with it, I went to the gym yesterday, I cooked dinner, I thought one of these things would either distract me or bring me back into my senses but it hasn't and it's just made me want to stop trying. But unfortunately I live with other people I'm expected to be helpful and cooperative towards and who don't appreciate being told that you're having a hard time doing that stuff because you "feel weird". Not to put her on blast but my mum totally holds this belief that all emotional issues are somewhat superficial and can be picked apart or problem solved easily, and if someone can't do that or is unwilling to try (i.e. because past experience has shown them that it won't work) she perceives it as just, being difficult. And I know it sounds shitty of her but my mum isn't so bad, she's almost certainly undiagnosed audhd and has learned to cope with the way it affects her as best she can but when other people dont work that way she is completely bamboozled and skeptical. Like she just thinks: if you are upset, simply tell me why, and I will either help you solve the root problem, or tell you why you shouldn't be upset. So imagine how uncomfortable it is for her when someone can't even identify the root problem or even the exact feeling. Or her other method is just distraction, which can seem a lot like "just get over it and do the thing I want you to" and I think it does have notes of that, but also it's become clearer and clearer to me recently that that is how her mind works. Like if she feels bad she wants a distraction. If she is distracted she feels the problem is solved. The number of times there's been some stressful or unpleasant chores ahead of us and she's like "let's go somewhere nice" and then acts like I'm being a weird killjoy for still being concerned about the problems she's avoiding.
Anyways I'm also in the habit of keeping my feelings from her not just because of the above but also because she feels personally responsible and will start fretting about it and when she feels stressed or down I'm the one who usually is in the position to try to help. And if I'm the one who's struggling then ain't no fucking way I'm putting myself in that situation. It really is like.. friendships I've had have had the exact same dynamic as this. (If you're reading this then I don't mean you).
I should probably try to figure out whether I need more antidepressants because my rooms so messy I can't tell if I have more or not (that's not causing the mood though since I haven't run out fully yet) and oh my god do I wish someone would give me some ADHD medication. Like it's actually got me considering self medicating some kinda way
Hopefully some feeling returns to my arms soon and I can compose a single thought
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suffarustuffaru · 5 months
The fanbase is scaring me, the redesigns brought up some weird people that are REALLY passionate about Liliana being half naked
Like theres a whole war going on on twitter rn and the poor character designer got harassed
My problem is with the amount of people upset with this, like i knew we had a bunch of pedos around because of the way tappei writes the girls, but damn i didnt think there were this many of them 💀
yes ive heard about that....... im answering your ask late oops haah but i hope the situations a Bit better..... the toxic parts of this fandom give me a headache but my usual motto is to stay off twitter, touch grass, ignore people, and then hold onto my own viewpoints unless proven wrong alsjdflsdj but like. yeah this fandom is a bit tough to stay in when it comes to certain circles (for example the amount of people low quality shitposting / ranting about the fandom or whatever on rezero ao3 atm in the past days/weeks is. mm. interesting). not my first time being in larger fandoms that make you sometimes feel like youre fighting in the trenches (you could name off a few big fandoms notorious for being toxic that date back to like 2016 and odds are ive been in a couple lajdlf) but yeah seeing people complain about liliana and capella's designs and then overly fixate on emilia's boobs when these three characters have more to bring to the table than just that and theres lots and lots of good things to say about the s3 trailer and their designs..... mm. yeah. im squinting hard at a few of the things ive heard on that. but anyway!!
like the new designs are an Improvement. In General. like ok, as a boob haver myself ("boob haver" is the funniest phrase to me alsdjfls but it is true nonetheless, i am one) i do not give a shit about emilias larger boobs like ok?? her boobs are bigger?? she is still my fav ever and sometimes it just happens when youre still a growing teen/young adult and emilias back to her more revealing main outfit when she wore a different outfit in s2 so the difference in chest size is really not that much. but liliana and capella? those are Improved designs. i think ive talked abt the treatment of underage characters / characters who appear underage on my blog before (and i definitely couldve worded myself better then but i stand behind the fact that some of the stuff otsuka and tappei do regarding this in rezero is just Unnecessary).
could designs like emilia's still be improved on in other ways? yeah 100%, just in the sense that there could probably be changed a bit to fit her slightly more timid and soft spoken personality. or you could take different directions on it in general if you wanted. ive seen some great redesigns of her main outfit!! though her main outfit in of itself is pretty nice to look at imo and its iconic and well-known for a reason. im of the personal opinion that i wish it was a little less revealing in the same vein that her s2 main outfit was (i like that outfit a lot!!) but its still a really solid design overall.
i had some faith after seeing the anime designers fix up typhoon's original design to be More Appropriate, and i love how the essence of liliana and capella's designs were kept the same. like its not just that theyre a little less revealing (and even then, theyre both still showing a lot of skin!!! which is good!!! i like the improvement while keeping the main stuff the same), but stuff like liliana's pants aren't transparent (probably to make it easier to animate?) and the yellow/orange gradient in capella's hair looks great!! they also both look more like grown women which is a bonus. unless youre Weird about this shit which is unfortunately a small percentage of the rezero community. like you cant win with those sort of people ig, bc capella's boobs are bigger too ljasdlfj youd think that win more people over.
also i appreciate capella's sports bra bc unlike elsa's outfit it Actually looks like it's supporting her chest. if youre someone with boobs and you dont have a flat chest, youre gonna need support when being active or itll Hurt. and elsa Does Not have proper chest support okay. ill forever wince remembering elsa's design in that sense HAH....
anyway but i digress. i got no clue what to do with toxic people in fandoms despite spending a lot of time lurking in large fandoms with loud toxic people haah.... its hard to do much about it especially with increasingly declining media literacy rates everywhere.... the notorious misogyny/homophobia/etc that can happen sometimes in anime communities.... that sort of thing. i kinda just avoid it when it comes to rezero in specific, or briefly talk about it on here, or rant about it to myself in my head or chat with pals about it in private if it really frustrates me that much!! and id say im a pretty patient person hah... im not frustrated often. and the fandom is not all weird people of course and i can attest to that as ive chatted with a lot of people here... ive also seen a lot of people leave due to the fandom's Issues which is. totally fair tbh.
and i think rezero is often a "baby's first fandom" so to speak... i dont mean that in a bad way of course but its more like its the first exposure to fandom and fandom etiquette and fic etiquette and that sort of thing when it comes to english circles. or at least its a pattern ive noticed, so my theory is that that occasionally that combines with toxic fans and then you get a few people complaining about the community and how bad our fics are on rezero ao3 ig lajdlfjsdlf. which is false by the way :<< and an annoying misuse of ao3 as a free creative archive :<<
but ultimately i hope the rezero character designer's alright (and honestly theyve done super super great work - like the anime Did Not need to give emilia a bajillion outfits and go above and beyond with improving liliana, capella, giving the suwens and their hometown a whole unique aesthetic, etc). and also while i have stuff to criticize with otsuka and tappei... and the toxic parts of the fandom hah... i still enjoy rezero apart from that and the uproar with the designs has not chipped away at me too much!! ive been in this fandom long enough i guess lmao i just roll with punches at this point T^T but i also just try to look on the bright side a lot in general so ;-;;;
these are the sorts of things i like to be aware about but i dont like to get myself super involved with it (since itll probably make it worse and/or make me stressed for no good reason lmfaoo) and i wont let it enjoy the parts of rezero that i do enjoy a lot (which is to say like. the other 98% of rezero hah). so. getting off twitter is the biggest godsend i promise lajdlsfj.
but anyway!! yeah i dont have much organized thoughts on all of this, this is just me rambling my feelings on it. hope this all makes sense anon <3
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adhd-trademark · 1 year
Do I have your attention?
This is a message to hellcheers, steddies, anti-hellcheers, anti-steddies, and anyone who attacks grace van dien online.
I might be a hellcheer myself, but trust me hellcheers, that does NOT mean you are safe from this either whatsoever.
I dont know about you guys, but I am sick and tired of all the toxicity all of us are spreading. Actually, not all of us. There are people in each of these groups (except those of you who attack grace online, I have a message for you later) who are amazing and kind and genuine pleasures to talk to and be around. I'd like to think that I'm one of them, but I'm not going to make that decision. But back to the earlier topic: there are good people in these fandoms/groups. Which brings us to my first point. We need to stop assuming the worst of each other. There are so many stereotypes of each of us, and usually they are just based off of the actions of a few people in the fandom. Example: one person who ships blahblahblah is racist/homophobic/etc, and now the people who ship lalala think all people who ship blahblahblah are racist/homophobic/etc. Now I'm not saying there arent bad people who just say genuinely terrible things in all of these fandoms. Fellow hellcheers directly, specifically the ones doing these things (you probably know who you are), you make me embarrassed to be in the fandom. Honestly. It doesnt matter who said what first or what someone's opinion is, dont be like that, period. This applies to everyone, I just wanted my fellow hellcheers to know that they arent entirely innocent either. No one is. Unless you are one of those genuinely nice people. If you are, I love you guys, no matter which ship you like. But seriously, we can all be better. We are all probably about 14 and older. We're practically adults, almost. We should act like ones. The way you SHOULD talk about an opinion in ships is with respect for the other person's opinion. It's supposed to be sharing points of view, not telling people they are crazy or weird or homophobic or racist or anything else like that if they like something you dont. If we cant act like adults, I think our best option is to simply ignore each other. Get out of each others tags for good. Stop looking for fights. To sum this first argument up, respect each others opinions, act like adults, dont assume something about someone based on what a minority (or even if it is a majority, it doesnt matter) said or did. If we cant do that, we just ignore each other. Leave each other alone. Thank you.
If you are a hellcheer, anti-hellcheer, steddie, anti-steddie, basically anyone who hasn't ever in their life harassed or said something bad publicly about grace van dien, i love you guys! You can go. Have an amazing day. 😊
If you are the people who sit on the safety of their stained futons furiously harassing and talking bad about grace online, publicly, I'm addressing you now.
It's ridiculous. Grace played a character for 14 minutes on a show where all she did in the end was die. Why do you care so much about ruining her career and hurting her? For those of you who like Joseph Quinn and are here, you realize if you said any of this crap about grace to him he would hate you, right? Hes been her number one supporter since all of you started and since the on set harassment issues. And the fact that you can find nothing better to do other than sit on your phone and try to ruin the life of an actress who never hurt you whatsoever is absurd and mildly hilarious, honestly. You guys are adults too. Grow up. The fact that a 16 y.o girl has to come on this app and tell you how to be decent human beings is really, really sad. Reflect on your actions and do better, people.
Have a nice day.
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
this is probably getting real annoying with all the questions, but it’s Sasuke UCHIHA, so who wouldn’t ask questions. Anyways
is there any canon “couples” that you actually like?
how did it feel(on the first or second episode) to have the first kiss be with Naruto? Did you expect it?
If you were to go back in time(to the genin days) if you were able to, and if it wouldn’t really affect the future, would you change anything? Would you still call Sakura annoying?
how did it feel when you were announced to be on team 7? We’re you shocked, surprised ?
and ofc, why do you like tomatoes so much?
heh cute, these are interesting questions so youre fine.
i like ino and sai together because i think they bring out the best in each other. plus i think they have some weird kinky arrangement of a lavender variety happening. sai's actually normal when hes around her, and ino gets to focus her attentions on him.
first kiss with naruto....im not sure i care about "firsts" nor think theyre special, but i believe i mostly just felt embarrassed. i thought he was trying to embarrass me in front of everyone. i was trying really hard not to give myself away, and i was irritated that i couldnt understand his intentions because i didnt think he was interested in me.
i would try to spend more time with naruto. i was still conflicted about how i felt and what to do given how it was affecting our team, but now that i know things work out... i just want to be closer to him... to understand him more. because his mind is weird. honestly i'd probably be more direct with sakura.
mixed emotions. happy i would get to be with naruto. worried i wouldnt be good enough to help and protect him. annoyed sakura would fuck things up. frustrated that i wouldnt get as strong as i wanted... i didnt have any expectations so i cant say i was surprised or expecting it, but i guess i had a brief moment where i wondered if it was karmic.
i like tomatoes because theyre calorie efficient and really healthy. theyre a great ingredient to use to ensure im fueled and ready to cause a riot. i also like the way they taste, fresh and a little salty and savoury. i like the texture as well. i would also say because i dont care for sweets, it was nice to have a fruit that wasnt sweet with the nutrients i needed.
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Hey, sorry you’re not feeling great because of this person and it’s okay to be upset over it! I saw the same ask sent to another tumblr user before and you make damijon fanfic and the other user made fanart. I saw them in the Damian and Damijon tag a ton and gets rude especially if you ship batcest or have a differing opinion. They feel they have the moral high ground to freely be mean. When I saw the stuff about your anon ask I knew exactly who to check and saw the post they made about you that they deleted already. They must have liked your damijon writing but finding out you blocked them made them angry and even bring up their shipping morality again. You did good to curate your feed! I blocked them once but kept seeing the hidden replies notification under posts so I unblocked. Not worth it because sometimes it’s them being casually mean. I hope your day gets better and you have a chill time writing!
You don’t have to reply to this if you want to keep their tumblr private because this feels like a bit of a giveaway. Just wanted you to know I understand why you’re upset because their posts can sound so angry and miserable toward others.
Aw no worries, I appreciate you checking in!
And I’m not like, upset-upset, day ruined. I’m just like…bummed out? In that way where you just deep sigh and say, ‘…man, that sucks.’ But also I woke up feeling bad about myself because I forgot to do something for the boys yesterday and just the burn out from moving/fixing up house along with an insane job workload is just starting to hit, you know? It’s no biggie. Just one of those days. Sorry i sounded so dramatic this morning, the coffee hadn’t hit yet. 😂 and I’m just a very sensitive/empathetic/bleeding heart person. I cry when I see Timmy (the cat) look at me a certain way, ya know?
People are people. It was just a weird situation that I wasn’t expecting in the least. When I heard about them posting about me I reached out to clear the air, and they made clear they didn’t want it. They reached out again later this morning with an, uh, interesting apology-type message, but in the end, nothing else to be done about it. We’re all just a bunch of faceless usernames on a screen anyway. I don’t plan to respond, and hope to forget about this whole thing sooner than later. They know how to reach me if they need something though.
It was just, you know, a reminder more than anything. There’s no need to go out of your way to be cruel to someone, especially in a place like fandom. Something I probably needed reminded of myself. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I’m gonna sound like my mother, but it’s like…just be nice, you know? Or be nothing. I try to be the nothing. Don’t perceive me. My social battery can’t take it 😂
Anyway, enough of that. Back to comics and shit. Here’s a kitty palate cleanser of my lil fuckheads before we go back to emotional damian posting. (I got The Boy Wonder and i cant wait to read sad lil babyyyy)
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dear--charlie · 5 months
Dear Charlie,
I feel like I may have fucked up a lot of things, and for some reason I cant stop. Lost my bf, childhood best friend, and now my new best friend. I really miss him tbh, but it’ll be fine. I think the only way I can fix things and bring some form of balance to my life is to just ghost everyone. I think a lot of things would’ve been better for everyone had I just left every single person I know alone. There has to be something wrong with me, even when I try to be better somehow I find a way to ruin any connection I have to people. The only way out is stop connecting. There’s no point anyways, I dont want to talk to anyone I dont want to tell people things anymore I want to just be alone forever. I need a break from life, sometimes existing is too much like sometimes I feel a little too alive or a little too emotional. Probably cause I feel everything intensely, even when I feel nothing I feel like in absolute. Its horrible how quickly things can turn. My mind is not somewhere I want to be, and its sad how much my brain hates me. I dont have anyone around anymore, and its all my own fault. Maybe I should just move on from everything and everyone. I think there’s something about being alone that I love though, maybe that’s why I do things that push people away. So that no one needs me around, im not reliable for a reason. This letter is all over the place im sorry. I just want a break from everything like just one little break. I’ll deal with it at some point but I just cant anymore I dont want to. As bad as life was this time last year I would go back to it all at least I always knew what to expect. Now its just non stop change and im not ready for it. As bad as he was at least I had someone. The best thing to do is just detach for a little while. I dont know how long, but I know I need to just leave everything. Its just scary to be by myself , no one has ever been crueller to me than I have.i keep trying to cry but I just cant. I dont know what’s wrong with me like how did this all happen when did I change and how did I not see it happen. The thing is does it really matter? Like does anything even actually matter? No one actually cares so what does anything matter?  
Lately ive been feeling nothing and I cant cry anymore. I just feel nothing but not numb but numb in a way idk how to explain it. Maybe I just need time to myself, away from people. The thing is I dont like myself. I dont want to be alone but I cant stand being around people. I want to be left alone but I hate myself. No winning I suppose. Its weird how much I wanted to end my life before and now I just live with the self hate lol. My eating disorder is back like completely. Funny thing is now that I look like I did before, my mom said that I finally look like myself again. That made me laugh. Thing is lately thoughts of bulimia have been in my mind. Like if I eat something then I think I could just throw it up and it’ll be like it never happened. Isn’t having a sick mind the best? 
Ps. Thank you for always listening.. I know in some other reality we’re friends, and im telling you this over ice cream. unfortunately, in this one you are somewhere I dont know, and I am too. love u.
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