#this is probably a bad idea.. *shrug* we shall see..
dannyphantom-zero · 8 months
Doctor Danny chapter 4
Ice cold water splashed on Danny's face, soaking his hair. Danny woke up blearily wondering when his roof had started leaking.
He opened his eyes hand almost gagged . He was met with the exact person he wanted to chew apart.
Jason was running across building at top speed. Danny's apartment was a wreck and he was nowhere to be found. Jason had only looked away for a few hours, who knew Danny would be targeted already.
Well there was the News that had displayed him the previous day.
"Wakey wakey hero"
Danny squinted as his vision became clear.
"A clown?"
"I saw your little show and decided to break out of Arkam sooner just for you. It's my turn to put on a show now"
Danny wanted to strangle him right then but there were people around. Well they were just henchmen, if he knocked them out then they would see anything.
More importantly he had a few ideas on how to handle the joker.
"Put on a show, how about I do to you what you have done to countless of my patients" Danny threatened glaring murderously.
"Patience, I'll kill you after I tune in out friends"
Danny rolled his eyes. Back in the cave Batman had received an alert that Joker had broken out of Arkham.
Apparently he had kidnapped a prestigious doctor too.
"Incoming video call" the bat computer alerted.
The screen went black for a second before a smiling joker appeared in front of the camera.
"Hello batsy"
"Joker" batman growled.
"My friend here-"
"Shut the duck up! We are not friends GOD!"
Batman was taken aback.
"I'm going to beat the everloving hell out of you!" Danny shouted.
"He's cranky, I'm going to kill him slowly, break his resolve-"
Joker looked seriously annoyed.
"Let's get started shall we"
Joker picked up a crowbar.
"Remember this batsy, this should be so much fun. I just love reunion's"
Joker smiled before turning away from the camera.
"Joker!" Batman shouted from the other end of the screen.
Joker raised the crowbar and brought it down crushingly hard into Danny leg.
Batman waited for the screaming, but it was silence.
"Oh my bad, ~ow that hurts so bad~" Danny mocked.
He had phased out of his bindings and was now standing off to the left of joker.
"What- how did you get over there?!"
Danny gave Joker a sadistic grin.
"I'm a doctor Joker, I don't kill, but I did promise someone that I would tear off your arms if given the chance" Danny said as he rolled up his sleeves.
Batman was frantically trying to find them before the good doctor did something he regretted.
"Get him!"
Danny smiled and took on the henchmen, knocking them out quickly.
"How in the hell?! Just how weak are those stupid-"
A punch to the face caught off Jokers words.
"Hey joker, buddy. It's time I break you, permanently"
"Wha-" screams of utter agony filled the room.
Jason had found the building joker was holding Danny. He hadn't started to worry until he heard screaming.
Jason ran as fast as he could. The sight he was met with was not what he was expecting. Joker was laying on the ground with his arms bent in ways they were not meant to bend.
"No,no wait, Im sorry for kidnapping you AAAAHHH"
There was a satisfying crunch sound followed by a pop. Danny turned his head sensing another presence.
"Oh hey!"
Danny had his foot on Jokers back.
"I was just teaching him a lesson" Danny said with a shrug.
"But his arms are still attacked to his body, I thought you said you were gonna rip them off"
"Well I mean, I broke most of his fingers, hell probably need crutches to walk right after this anyway"
"MY LEGS ARE FINE" Joker shouted from the floor.
Danny shoved the crowbar through his leg.
More screams followed.
"Like I was saying, he's gonna need help walking, hey Hood?"
Jason tilted his head, "hm?"
"I'm not going to jail for this right, it's definitely self defense right"
"You'll be fine, I mean, you might wanna get out of here though. The bat daddy is on his way"
Danny nodded glumly.
"I want to make something clear" he said crouching down to the half conscious Joker.
"I'm not proud of what I did today, but I can't stand by and watch you kill or injury any more people. You, will never touch another person again or I will come back for you"
His tone was more menacing than he realized and the Joker was terrified.
"That's the dude that killed me"
Danny whipped his head around.
"What?! He's the one who beat you death with a crowbar?!"
Jason flinched.
"Sorry, I know that not a comfortable subject I shouldn't have brought it up"
Jason shook his head.
"It's not you who should feel sorry right now"
Danny grabbed the crowbar and Jason had to take it from him.
"Your not killing anybody today Doctor. You still have patients waiting on you"
Danny sighed.
"Alright, let's tie him up and get out of here then"
"What?" Jason asked. He wasn't sure why Danny was thinking about him.
"Well I'm not gonna leave you here to face off with Batman"
"Too late, both of you better start talking. Now" an intimidating voice ordered.
Danny half near jumped out of his skin.
"Um hey bat-babe. See, my friend here and I were just passing through and we'll be on our way now. Bye"
Jason grabbed Danny and shit his grapple hook at the nearest window.
Danny was pulled into the air, gliding as Jason swung. They landed on the nearby road and didn't stop running.
They crashed at Jason's place instead of Danny's.
Danny was out of breath by the time they reached Jason's apartment door. Once he was inside he fell the the ground laughing.
"Hahahah, I can't believe you did that!" Danny cried out as he tried to breathe.
Jason took off his helmet.
"Really? Well best believe it because Batman is a hard nut for sure. Your gonna be on his wanted list now"
Danny's laughter was cut short. Jason turned and saw tears.
"Danny? What's wrong?"
"I can't go to jail Jason! I'm too young, I have my career and I'll be targeted for my good looks!" Danny sobbed.
"Your not going to jail" Jason said sitting down in front of his couch next to Danny.
"And if the bat come for you I'll wrestle him alright"
Jason stared in front of him.
"I don't think Joker will be able to hurt anyone for a long time, you did something amazing Danny. Your amazing you know that"
"Danny?" Jason peeked around Danny's shoulder to see Danny's head slumped down.
He smiled to himself, today had been a hectic day especially for a civilian.
Danny twitched in his sleep. Jason picked Danny up carefully and laid him on his bed before turning him in.
Danny woke up the next morning on the floor not sure where he was.
Flashbacks of yesterday popped into his head without permission. Joker, Batman and...Jason!
Danny sat up and saw the mess he had made of Jason's bed. Everything was pulled off the bed, nothing survived Danny's late night wrath. Danny worked quickly remaking the bed with help from his skills earned during his intern days.
He only considered it finished once there were no wrinkles too be found.
"Hah, I need some water" he muttered before making his way around the unfamiliar space. On his way to the kitchen he spotted Jason on the couch.  His arm was thrown above his head and the couch looked entirely too small for the man.
Jason opened one eye.
"Are you laughing at me?"
"Noo, I just noticed how manly you look today"
Jason sat up.
"Yea alright wise guy"
Danny was about to make a wise crack when his eye caught sight of the clock.
"OH MY GOD!" he shouted horrified.
"I don't report to work yesterday!"
Jason grabbed the panicking man.
"It's ok, I called the hospital and explained that you were in danger. They took a little to convince but I managed to get you the day off"
Danny almost fainted.
"I can't take a day off! What about the patients??"
Jason sat Dany down and kneeled before him.
"Do you not have faith in your fellow doctors?"
"I-I do"
Jason nodded.
"Danny, all you've been doing is looking out for your patients. In order to care for them you also need to be healthy"
"I'm healthy, look at me, I have muscles" Danny said jabbing his arm as if to prove it.
"I see that" Jason said unimpressed.
"But I'm talking about mental health. Take a day and just let someone else take care of you"
Danny scoffed.
"Yea right, like who?"
Jason smirked.
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etheries1015 · 1 year
Malleus X reader- when you wish upon a star
Malleus looked down at you with kind eyes as he held out his wishing star, you taking a hesitant glance at the fae.
"Are you sure you want to give it to me? I don't particularly have a wish in mind," you shrugged. Malleus urged it into your hands before stating;
"Well, grim took yours and crowley did not allow you to have a second one, correct? I have no need for such a silly tradition. If I would like something, I can simply ask for it," Malleus said with endearment hinting in his voice. You sighed before finally agreeing, taking in a deep breath before closing your eyes and making your wish.
"I wish...that the people from my world can forget me." Malleus started at this, eyes widening in shock, while you stared blankly down into your hands only to see that the star had not glown to your wish. Chuckling in disappointment you handed the rock back to Malleus, who stared at you in bewilderment.
"It won't come true, anyways," you sighed, "Like Idia said, it reacts to body heat and traces of magic. And I'm...completely magicless. What a sick reminder, I can't even make a wish," you let out a shaky laugh with a melancholic look glinting in your eyes.
"Why do you wish to be forgotten, child of man?" Malleus finally inquired, "I'm sure anyone you knew from where you hail wouldn't want to forget you, surely." You couldn't meet his gaze, instead you placed your hands in your pockets before kicking a rock on the ground down the steps of ramshackle.
" It doesn't look like I will be able to go back anytime soon. It would be much less painful for them if they forgot me, If they havent already. I...am easily forgetable. Always have been, always will be..." You shook your head as another sigh escaped your trembling lips. "Sorry... I didnt mean to sully the mood-" you were interrupted by strong arms pulling you into an embrace. Malleus was hugging you tightly, using one hand to hold your head and the other to carefully hold the star.
"I wish..." He whispered after a moment of silence and hesitation, "I wish that I will never, ever forget you. I wish for all of your woes to resolve, and I wish that you will find a way home. I wish you can smile happily in your future, and I wish you can see just how important you are."
The star began to glow brightly, more brilliant than any of the other stars that had shined during the entire starsend event. You froze in place in the warmth of his arms, it didnt occur to you that tears bad begun to stream down your face. You held onto Malleus tightly, the fae stroking your hair comfortingly.
"I could never forget someone as kind as yourself, (y/n)," he said, "even when you inevitably find a way back home, I will forever remember you as the human who treated a fae such as myself as if I were just another student. You are far more important than you may realize, and I'm sure everyone that you left behind eagerly await your return." You couldn't bring yourself to find a response, you only shook your head and cried even harder.
He really knew how to make you feel special, even when it seems as if you can easily disappear into the shadows without anyone giving a second thought. Malleus Draconia....you too, shall not forget him.
It was probably a bad idea for him to make so many wishes though. And with his immense amount of magical prowess, your intimate moment was quickly interrupted by the star shattering. Oops!
~~ end
A/n- I was thinking about a scenario about maybe Yuu using their wish for Malleus, wishing he would live a life that wasn't lonely or something like that. However...I felt like it would be a...cooler twist if we had insecure and lonely Yuu instead.
This was also thrown together on a whim. Not my best works but feel free to check out my master list for more content.
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howi99 · 16 days
Le légionnaire part 1
Vacuo's frontline, 5 year of the war
Jean: *looking at his ration for the day* Nothing. *Sigh* Frédéric, is this some kind of joke?
Frédéric: Non caporale, those cock-sucker of Mantle destroyed our kitchen. Nothing was left.
Jean: Et merde.
Frédéric: B-but ze reinforcement from Vale are coming caporale. With food and boisson for us!
Jean: *looking at the no man's land* All of zhis because those sheep think we shall all become slaves without emotions. What kind of life is that?
Frédéric: Honnêtement? I have no idea. That's why i left la colonie to serve in ze Légion. Zhat and the salary.
Jean: *laughing* You still believe we are going to get it? Be serious mon brave! The only payment we are going to get is a pat on zhe back and a medal if we are lucky. And seeing as we are only a douzaine sur zhis front, the next assault will probably be our last.
Frédéric: *shaking his head* Maybe... Hey, did you hear about zhe new law zhe king wants to implement? With zhe stupid name la.
Jean: A oui, zhe colors and all that, right? Something about "individuality" or something. What's wrong with having a name like Ferdinand? Ou Jérémi?
Frédéric: *sigh* I don't even want to know what kind of name zhey going to let me have.
Jean: Well, at least i don't have that problem. I was assigned Jaune as a new name.
Frédéric: Really? Jaune? They just looked at your hair and saw your name and ta da?
Jean: *shrug* Seems like it.
Frédéric: *mumbling* Fils de pute...
Jean: Aw, jealous that my name almost didn't change?
Frédéric: Well your name is at least still in Valois! I have to change it to Pyrus!
Jean: ... It matches your hair?
Frédéric: Bâtard.
Wilfred: *approaching the two* Caporal, there's a man approaching us with a white flag. He said he wants to talk with whoever was left in command.
Jean: *looking at him weird* Then go fetch zhe sergent!
Wilfried: I did, he killed himself. He took the last bottle of wine with him in his death.
Jean: Tsk, fucking coward. Can't even let us keep the wine to warm ourselves...
Wilfried: ...
Jean: ... *Sigh* I'm guessing the captain-
Wilfried: Also killed himself, sir.
Jean: *turn to Frédéric* Well, i guess i got the quickest promotion in history?
Frédéric: We are fucked.
Jean: *turn back to Wilfried* Well, what are you Waiting for? Show me to the man!
Wilfried: Yes sir!
???: Ah! You must der sergeant-
Jean: No, he killed himself. The best you are getting is a caporal field medic.
???: ... Vell, das is not what i was expecting.
Jean: *sigh* Did you come for your reddition?
???: ... Vat?
Jean: Are you surrendering?
???: Oh! Nein. Or well, technically we are looking for a truce. Wir saw a bunch of Grimms approaching, and we probably will all sterben if we don't work together.
Jean: ... Sterben?
Wilfried: It means dying, caporal.
Jean: Ah, yes... *Sigh* we need food. If you have some to spare, we will gladly accept this truce... Monsieur?
Nicholas: Ah, you can call me Nicholas, or just Nick if you prefer!
Jean: So, are you fine with this?
Nicholas: hm... We are in need of medical supplies. *Looking at Jean reaction* Nothing too bad! We only need a saw for an amputation and something to uh... Keep the soldier from bleeding out.
Jean: I see. By chance, the artillery didn't touch our medical bay. I could take a look at your soldier.
Nicholas: Ah! Vielen Dank! I'll be in your debt! Sie ist ein gutes Mädchen!
Jean: Uh yeah, of course...
Nicholas: ...
Jean: uh... Dismiss?
Nicholas: Oh, sorry! *Start leaving* I'll be back!
Jean: *seeing the man leaving* You think i made the good move?
Wilfried: Honestly, what other "move" was there to do? We can't fight the grimm on an empty stomach and all they ask is a medic... No offense.
Jean: *looking at Wilfried* Wil, i stopped taking offense the day i started patching everyone up. I know you didn't mean i was less important.
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 11 - Map
@jegulus-microfic February 11 Word count 924
Previous part First part
“I have a proposition for you,” Dumbledore said, his voice still quiet. Regulus knew whatever it was, he wasn’t going to like it, but it would probably be preferable to Azkaban. 
“What do you want me to do?”
“You will turn spy for the Order. Whatever information you gather will be sent directly to us. It will, of course, be highly dangerous. I do hope your occlumency skills are well practised.” Regulus felt his blood run cold. In the back of his mind, he knew this was what would be asked of him. 
He looked into Dumbledore’s steady eyes and knew he was just another piece to be used to win this giant game of chess the old wizard and Voldemort were playing. What Regulus needed to figure out was if he was a pawn or a piece of higher value. 
“If you want me dead, Dumbledore, why not let your dog finish me off?” He pointed his chin in the direction of Moody. 
“Because Mr Black, alive, you are useful.”
And that’s where he found himself, a spy for the order. He was no longer confined to the cellar, but he was still confined to the house while they came up with a plan. 
“We could glamour him with bruises. That way, it’ll look like he escaped,” Sirius suggested. 
“No, they’ll see right through that. The second he walks back through the door, they’ll finite him, and he’ll go back to normal.” 
James and Sirius had been spitballing for hours about how to get Regulus back into Voldemort’s inner circle with the least amount of fuss. 
“They need to be real. I’ll punch him if you want?” Remus put in, winking at Regulus. 
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” Sirius nodded thoughtfully. Regulus had had enough. 
“Oh, yeah, Sirius. Get your boyfriend to beat your brother up. That’s real nice.” James put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Remus is strong and good at hitting just right. You’ll be well bruised, but he won’t waste a blow. You’d only need about three for enough bad bruising.  Someone else that could give you ten and hardly leave a bruise.” Regulus mulled this over. 
“Can you really do that?” He asked Remus. “Make it look good with that few strikes?” Remus shrugged. 
“I’m good with my hands.” 
“Yeah, he is.” Sirius felt the need to add his eyebrows wiggling to get the point across. Regulus, James and Remus all groaned at him.
“What? It’s true.” Sirius said innocently. “You’re the ones who took it the wrong way.”
“Only because you made sure we did.” Regulus and Sirius bickered back and forth until Remus stepped in. 
“Right, so we’ve got his appearance down. We still have your robes, and they are ripped to shit where Mad-Eye got them. So, nothing to do there.” They all nodded along as Remus continued. “We need to sort out if Regulus makes a miraculous escape or if we set it up so he’s rescued. But if we go down the escape path. We could possibly use Sirius in this. You know, helping your brother escape. Or—” Regulus could see the quick calculations zipping behind Remus’s eyes. “Or, I do it. We use it as an in for me as well. They know I’m a werewolf, and they’ve been trying to get me for years. Greyback would welcome me with open arms. And then there would be two of us instead of just Regulus.” All excitement and joy left Sirius’s face, and Regulus watched his brother crumple before him in a way even Walburga had never managed to do. 
“No,” His voice was hoarse. “No. I won’t let you. They’ll destroy you, Remus. I won’t let you.” Sirius grabbed Remus’s shoulders and shook him. “They’ll swallow you up, Remus. I can’t lose you.” Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius and slowly walked him out of the kitchen, leaving Regulus alone with James. 
They stood silently for a while, waiting to see if Sirius and Remus were coming back. But when they heard Sirius’s motorbike fire up, they knew they wouldn’t be back for a while at least. 
“Shall we finish going over those maps then?” James asked, breaking the silence. Regulus let out a sigh but pulled a map he’d been drawing towards himself. 
There were three. Grimmauld Place, Malfoy Manor and Castle Lestrange. Regulus had spent hours walking around those houses in his youth, and since he’d left Hogwarts, waiting for others or on instructions. Sirius had helped where he could, mainly with Grimmauld Place, but Regulus knew more about the others, such as one of the many secret passages in Malfoy Manor that led from the library to the servant’s quarters. Even Mad-Eye had been impressed. The maps were going to be used to stage rescues and raids when Voldemort attacked the Ministry. Apparently, they had enough people to pull it off. They’d had to include Grimmauld Place, as that was a major meeting place for Voldemort supporters. 
Sirius and Remus didn’t reappear until they were ordered to a few days later. Regulus had a feeling Sirius had been keeping Remus away to stop any more talk of him getting in with the werewolves and turning spy for the Order. 
They sat around the kitchen table. Regulus, James, Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye and Frank. 
“So,” Dumbledore started the meeting. “Have you come up with a plan?” The four young men looked between themselves. Regulus looked up and met Dumbledore’s pale eyes, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt. 
Next part
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
I have this idea for a request
The reader is secretly sneaking out of the house to go on a date with taiju and the reasoning for sneaking out is quite obvious mikey and Shinichiro don’t like taiju and our quite protective of the reader after his last relationship was bad and from what happened between taiju and his siblings. But the reader loves taiju and their relationship is beautiful pure innocent love. The reader and taiju head to a nice restaurant and after that they head to a beautiful flower garden where they plan on having their first kiss but they get interrupted by what appears to be motorcycle noises and it’s of mikey, Shinichiro and the rest of toman (the reader would be like a mom/father figure to the toman members and toman doesn’t want to see the reader get hurt) and Mikey saying stuff like “get your Christian hands off my brother” and Shinichiro is saying “our brother is too good for in fact he’s too good for anyone” and they can attack taiju and drag the reader back to the house they are being held back by grandpa sano, izana sano and Emma sano and they tell everyone to go back and let their brother and taiju have their romantic moment and kiss but not before Shinichiro spewing threats saying how he isn’t afraid to go to jail if taiju so much as leaves a micro scar on their brother
And the reader would probably get grounded for sneaking out after the date and kiss
Listen. I know Taiju is made out to be a bad guy. But Taiju is one of my favorite characters in Tokyo Revengers. He's also extremely attractive in my opinion. Also I changed it up a bit. Hope that was okay. Enjoy!
First Kiss
Taiju x Male Reader
Tumblr media
(Name) smiled brightly at his phone. Quickly replying and giggles quietly. Emma smiles watching her brother be so happy especially after what he stupid ex did to him. Therapy could only do so much. But now he luckily had a very loving family. Unfortunately two of the three brothers are too loving now a days. Speak of them and they shall appear.
"(Name)! Who ya texting?" "Yeah who? Is it anyone we know?" Mikey and Shinichiro tried reading over (Name)'s shoulders until their grandfather slammed the paper onto the table getting everyone's attention. "Shinichiro. Manjiro. What have I said about reading something that doesn't involve you?" The two flinched as Izana laughed at them. "Yeah~"
They glared at Izana who shrugged them off. "So Aniki have you had time you check my bike?" Shinichiro confused stared at him. "What?" Izana looked at Shinichiro in disbelief. "I asked you to check my bike out like a week ago because I can't get my breaks to work. I almost crashed remember?" Shinichiro froze trying when he asked. He shook his head coming up with nothing.
Izana glared at Shinichiro before marching off and Shinichiro quickly went behind him. Probably to figure out what exactly was going on with their brothers bike. Emma took a quick Glace at Mikey. "Hey Mikey?" Mikey turned to Emma with a hum. "Aren't you late for a meeting?" Mikey confused looked down at his phone. "No we don't have a meeting until tonight."
Emma pulled her phone out showing him the messages between her and Hina. "Really? Cause Hina told me that Takemichi told her that Chifyuu told that Draken told him you guys were having an early meeting due to our date tonight." Mikey froze staring at Emma. "You do remember scheduling the meeting early for our triple date right? Me and Draken, Takemichi and Hina, and Senju and you?" (JUST A WARNING I DO NOT SHIP THESE CHARACTERS)
Mikey paled. Did he seriously forget that? Mikey quickly ran out of the house. Emma followed throwing a wink towards (Name) who smiled. (Name) took a peak at his grandfather who gave a short nod. (Name) grinned and quickly grabbed a jacket before kissing his grandfather's cheek and raced off to the restaurant where he boyfriend of almost 4 months was waiting.
When (Name) saw the restaurant he was surprised at how nice it was. He suddenly felt very under dressed. As he made his way to the entrance he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder making him jump. He quickly looked over his shoulder seeing his boyfriend smiling softly at him. (Name) smiles and kisses his cheek giggling. "Taiju!"
Taiju wrapped his arms around (Name) pulling him close and sighs happily. "So how'd you get out this time?" (Name) excitedly started talking about how Emma is distracting Mikey and Izana is doing the same to Shinichiro. Taiju led (Name) through the restaurant until they arrived in the private room he booked. "Then grandpa gave me signal and I came straight here!"
When (Name) finished he realized they were already settled in a back room. "Oh..." He blushed embarrassingly. "I guess I was so busy talking I didn't notice we arrived to the room..." Taiju let out a laugh pulling out (Name)'s chair then pushing it in. Then joining on the other side. "Well I'm glad you made it on time. Our reservation wasn't missed this time." He sent a playful look towards (Name).
(Name) blushed more covering his face. "I said sorry!" They had to cancel their last dinner date due to (Name) not being able to sneak away from his brothers on time. (Name) suddenly sighed sadly and slowly grabbed Taiju's hand. "Tai?" Taiju let out a soft hum telling (Name) he was listening while he gripped (Name)'s hand gently. (Name) nervously played with Taiju's fingers.
"Aniki and Mikey are getting suspicious..." Taiju frowned. (Name) held Taiju's hand tighter looked sad and scared. "I think we should tell them soon. I mean I already told our grandfather, Emma, and well Izana was accidentally told....but he's keeping it a secret for now. But I think we should tell the others soon." Taiju sighed looking away.
He hadn't told either of his siblings. He knows how they'll react to their oldest brother dating "The Angel Sano". While his brothers all had dangerous nicknames in th delinquent world (Name)'s wasn't so much dangerous. It's more cute now that Taiju thought about it. It definitely suit him. Though (Name) has become more then am Angel to him. (Name) had become his god.
Taiju kissed they're combined hands. "Alright Angel. If that's what you think is best. We'll let them know. But right now let's focus on our date. I was thinking after this we could go to the flower garden. The one with all the Cherry Blossoms." (Name) nodded excitedly. Throughout dinner Taiju got (Name) to forget his worries. Only relaxing and laughing.
After finishing the desert which (Name) will absolutely have to find the recipe for. Taiju tangled his fingers with (Name) pulling him towards (Name)'s favorite spot. The flower garden where they first met. Cherry Blossoms surrounded them and (Name) stared at the view of the blossoms in awe. While Taiju stared at him. The look of awe on his face made Taiju's expression soften.
It was all thanks to (Name) that he changed so much. He used to be so violent and angry. But now? Taiju cleared his throat gaining (Name)'s attention who smiled brightly at Taiju. The duo were so immersed in themselves that they didn't notice another person there. A look of shock and horror covered they're face.
At the shrine Mikey was waiting for everyone to show up. Chatting with Draken about what different gangs have been up to. If any of them are a threat to toman and what not. "Oi ken-chin. (Name) has been suspicious recently." Emma who was beside them slightly froze lisstening in to the conversation. "Hah? What do you mean?"
Mikey goes on to explain how (Name) has been more smiling and happy. Then he mentions how he's always on his phone then disappearing. Draken shrugs. "Maybe he's got a new boyfriend." The look of confusion on Mikey's face slowly turned to a look of disbelief. "(NAME) HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" His yelling had caught everyone's attention. "Wait what! Are you serious?!" Everyone turned to Hakki.
Whose face was extremely pale. "Please tell me your kidding." Confused Mitsuya quickly asked Hakki what was going on. "Wait Yaz let me put you on speaker." Hakki quickly put his sister on speaker Everyone quiet. Trying to Hear what was being said. Her voice filled the shrine. Clear panic in her voice. "Taiju is here at the Cherry Blossom garden with (Name)!" The air turned cold as everyone froze.
She continued. "They look like their on a date!" Mikey quickly ran towards Hakki snatching the phone. "Yazuha can you repeat that?" His voice cold and serious. "Okay so I came to the Cherry Blossom garden with some friends. Well, I was looking for the bathroom when I heard (Name)'s voice. Which confused me because when I asked him to come with us he said he was busy. But I saw him holding hands and laughing with Taiju!"
(Name) is on a date with Taiju? Mikey gripped the phone tighter. "Are you sure it's them?" "Yeah! Wait hang on something is happening." Everyone was quiet and on edge. "Wait are they about to kiss?" That's all Mikey needed before he closed the phone throwing back towards Hakki making his way to his bike.
When he got oh his bike and flipped open his phone. He quickly found Shinichiro's number. It was silent before the voice of the oldest Sano filled the now cold and quiet air. "Mikey what do you need? I'm busy fixing Izana's bike right now so it better be important." "(Name) is out on a date with Taiju." "Wait Shiba Taiju? The guys Inupi was talking about the other day! Oh hell no!"
Mikey put away his phone. Looking up meeting the eyes of Toman. "Toman let's go resuce (Name)!" Toman yelled taking off towards their bikes when Mikey met his sisters eyes. He noticed the panic look on here face. He thought she was worried about (Name). "Don't worry Emma. I'm gonna get (Name) and come straight home. Ken-chin take her home and tell the old man what's going on."
While Toman was headed towards the Cherry Blossom garden, Shinichiro was on the phone with Takeomi explaining what Mikey told him. Takeomi explained everything he knew about the oldest Shiba. "Shin I'm telling you this guy is not a good one. He doesn't need to be around someone like (Name) especially. Who knows what kind of harm he'll do to him." Shinichiro paled. (Name) already has enough trauma from his last relationship. He doesn't need more.
Shinichiro told Takeomi to get to his house while he was gonna wait for Mikey to bring (Name) home. When Draken dropped Emma home she immediately made her way to her grandfather telling him what happened. When Izana walked in she too told him what happened. "I thought we were being careful enough!" Emma cried.
She was nervous of how her older brothers were gonna react. She just hopes it won't start a war or anything like that. Besides she knows how much (Name) means to Taiju. It wasn't that long when they eard Mikey's bike and arguing? The Sano's made there way outside where a teary eyed (Name) was and an angry Mikey. "(Name) you don't understand how dangerous he is!"
(Name) just shook his head and stomped into the house. Pushing passed a frantic Shinichiro and a worried Emma. When Izana saw the broken look on his face he snapped. "Mikey what the fuck did you do?!" Mikey looked up in disbelief. "What do you mean? (Name) was out and about with Taiju! Remember what happened at Christmas?!"
Emma frowned glaring hatefully at herbrother. "That doesn't explain why (Name) looked so upset! Manjiro what did you do?" Emma never calls him by his actual name. Mikey looked her in the eyes and glared back. "I saved our brother from making a mistake! Toman is taking care of him right now." Shinichiro nodded proudly. "Good job Jiro." He patted Mikey on the head.
What they weren't expecting was the glares the two got when they looked at their family. "What?" They both asked. That's when they were yelled at. Hell even Izana was yelling at his brothers. They stopped when Takeomi came in breaking the yelling. "Hey Shin 'm here. Also Taiju is outside and (Name) is climbing out his window." Everyone quickly made there way outside where a beat up Taiju was hugging a sobbing (Name).
Mikey and Shinichiro immediately started yelling at he taller male. "Oi! Get your Christian hands off (Name)!" "Yeah! My baby brother is too good for you. In fact nobody is good enough for him!" When they went to stomp over to them. They were grabbed by the back of their shirts. Their grandfather glaring at them. With Emma and Izana standing in front of them.
"What are you guys doing?! We need to save (Name)!" The duo were slapped on the back of their heads. Hard. The trio then began to explain how Taiju had proved that he truly loved an cared for (Name). How Taiju had saved (Name) from not only rival gangs that wanted to hurt the Sano delinquents. But also how he saved (Name) from is ex a few months ago.
"Don't you two see? (Name) changed Taiju to his best self. Taiju loves (Name) for that. And I'm extremely disappointed in you two for breaking up such an important date! You two should be ashamed for how you reacted." The two Sano boys were being lectured by the other three Sano members. "Now. You are going to let them finish their date AND FINALLY HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS!"
Shinichiro jumped to his feet. "Listen here Christian boy! If I see any injuries on him I swear to any and EVERY God I'll kill you. I don't care about going to jail for it!" Takeomi started dragging him away into the house. Izana and Emma doing the same to Mikey. The oldest Sano turned to the two and smiled. "I deeply apologize for that. (Name) why don't you stay with Taiju tonight. Just don't have too much fun."
(Name) blushed and hid his face in Taiju's chest. Which was rumbling in laughter. "I'm sorry about my brother's. Are you hurt anywhere?" (Name) started frantically searching Taiju. He was stopped when Taiju pulled him close and gently held his face. Staring in his eyes. They slowly started leaning in. "HEY! ABSOLUTELY NOT! ACK-." They turned seeing Shinichiro on the ground with Izana ontop of him.
"Sorry about him continue please." They watched as Izana quite literally dragged Shinichiro into the house. (Name) nervously looked at Taiju. "C-Can we try that again?" They started leaning forward again. This time their lips met with no interruptions. It was like fireworks were let off inside them. It was magical and gull of nothing but pure and undoubtedly love.
They both pulled away, slightly panting and Taiju rested his head on (Name)'s shoulder. (Name) giggled and played with his hair. "I love you Tai." "I love you Angel."
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Oh ho ho ask and you shall receive.
Can I get a western au with Misfit and dealers choice on genre. Just at one point can I hug him. Thank you
Love oo
Better Place
Summary: After losing his career due to gross insubordination towards his Commanding Officer, Misfit finds himself moving back to the small ranching town he grew up in because he has no other options. He’s surprised when he realizes that this is his chance to heal.
Pairing: Pre Specialist Misfit (Clone OC) x F!Reader
Word Count: 2421
Warnings: Mentions of drug and alcohol abuse
Prompt: Western AU - though it doesn't really have a Western vibe, sorry.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @kimiheartblade
A/N: So, I had an idea, and I think I'm happy with it. Jango was a good dad to some of his children, but was a bad dad to others. Misfit, Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, and Sister are all the "undesirable" children, and I have ideas as to where they are, but I couldn't work it into the story.
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“Here’s the Ranch,” Boba says to Misfit as he unlocks the door and walks over to a window to pull it open, “No one’s lived here since dad died, but I’ve had people coming out and keeping it clean. Everything is still in working order.” 
Awkwardly, Misfit lingers in the doorway, he pulls a cigarette out of his pocket and sticks it between his lips, though he doesn’t light it just yet. He watches Boba move around the kitchen, pulling open curtains and opening windows.
He hates this place.
He never wanted to return here.
Being in this house makes him feel like a child again. Unwanted. Unheard.
Ghosts of memories dance across his vision. He can see Jango—father— sitting at the dining room table, holding court with his favored sons: golden boy Boba. Ponds. Cody. Both sets of twins, Neyo and Bacara as well as Wolffe and Fox. The baby, Bly.
All the while, the less favored kids are left watching from the outside, in the hopes that they might earn an approving look from their father.
Not that they ever did.
He wonders if Jango regretted it, ignoring so many of his children, before the end. Misfit knows that he didn’t come and visit when he got word that Jango was dying.
He also knows that the other undesirable kids didn’t come either.
Knowing Jango, he didn’t even notice.
In any event, Boba inherited the ranch after Jango died. Though, it’s clear to Misfit that his older brother hadn’t actually stepped foot in the place since before Jango died.
It should make him feel better, the knowledge that Jango must be rolling in his grave since Boba’s just giving him the ranch. But it just makes him feel hollow and empty.
“Are you sure you want to just give me this place?” Misfit asks.
Boba turns to look at him, “We talked about this already, vod.” He leans against the counter, his arms folding over his chest, “The ranch is too far away from where I work.”
“We both know that Jango wouldn’t want me to have this place.”
“Yeah, well,” Boba shrugs, “Dad’s dead. What he does or doesn’t want is unimportant. He left the ranch to me, and I’m giving it to you.” He pauses, “The animals were sold after dad died, but I do remember that you never cared much for cattle or sheep.”
Misfit’s grin is slightly wry, Boba’s not wrong, that’s for sure.
“So, do you have any plans for the place?” Boba asks.
“Plant a garden, probably. Assuming the garden boxes don’t need to be repaired.” Misfit shrugs, “Turn the old barn into a workshop for my woodworking.”
“Oh, you’re still doing that?”
“I like working with my hands. It makes me less likely to turn to alcohol or drugs.”
Boba pauses and for a moment a pained look crosses his face, “I had heard…there are meetings in town for people fighting addictions. Support groups.”
“Yeah, I know.” Misfit pauses, “I already reached out for a sponsor.”
Relief washes across Boba’s face, “You have? That’s great.”
“Contrary to what you all seem to believe, I don’t actually like being high or drunk.”
“We’re just worried, Misfit.” Boba replies, “We thought you were going to get Court Martialed.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“You-” Boba exhales slowly, “Never mind.” He pushes his hair through his curls, “When I heard you were coming, I went out and bought some food for you.”
“It’s the least I could do. You’re still my brother.” Boba stops leaning against the counter and walks over to another window and ties the curtain open, “Honestly, I was worried I’d never see you again.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, the others…they’ve completely cut us off.” Boba says awkwardly. 
“Can you blame them?” Misfit asks as he finally steps into the house properly. He’ll have to redo the entire house to make it less anxiety inducing, but it’s always nice to have a project.
“No.” Boba admits, “Dad was great…for some of us. It took a long time for me to recognize that the way he treated you younger kids was…” He sighs and shakes his head, “None of you deserved that.”
“No, we didn’t.” Misfit agrees. “Anything else?”
Boba’s quiet for a moment, “I left my old motorcycle in the barn, you can have it. I can’t ride it anymore. The helmet and leather jacket are back there too. They’ll both fit you.”
“Thanks Boba,”
“You need a way to get around. It’s not super, you won’t be able to do a massive grocery trip, but it’s good enough.” Boba walks over to Misfit, and reaches out to grip his shoulder, “Listen, if you need anything, just give me a call. We’re family.”
Misfit stares at him for a moment, “Yeah, sure.”
“I mean it, vod.” Boba drops his hand, “I wasn’t always the best brother, but I’ve grown up since then.”
Misfit sighs and nods, “Alright, Boba. I’ll let you know.”
“Great. I’m going to get out of here, let you get settled.” Boba heads to the door, and then turns around to walk backwards, “Answer your phone when I call, Misfit. I mean it.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Then Boba is gone, leaving Misfit alone with his thoughts and memories.
His hands twitch, and he finally lights his cigarette, in the hopes that the familiar sensation will help him feel a little less like a child again. 
It helps settle him, a little bit, and Misfit starts poking his way through the house. It is in pretty solid condition, all things considered, he decides as he goes up the stairs.
The paint and wallpaper in the rooms are dated, but both are easily corrected. Besides, wallpaper is outdated as a whole anyway. 
The bedroom he used to share with Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair will probably be reworked into an office, Misfit decides as he peeks into his old bedroom. It needs a new coat of paint, and he’ll probably take the door off, to make it more open.
Misfit clicks his tongue and heads back downstairs. He finds a notepad and a pen in the kitchen, and then heads back upstairs, making a list of everything he’s going to need to make the house less nightmare fuel for himself.
As he heads out to the barn later, to make sure the motorcycle still works, Misfit can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, this won’t be as terrible as he fears.
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Three months later, Misfit thinks that he’s about as settled as he’s going to get. He has a dog, a mastiff he named Bull, and the entire house has been repainted so that it doesn’t look like the same house.
He managed to get his garden in, and rigged up the hoses to automatically water the plants on a set schedule (he had to get on a video call with Tech to hammer out the more finicky details when some of the coding didn’t work properly, but it works now and that’s the important thing.)
Misfit has even managed to repair the old fences so that Bull has free reign of the yard. 
All in all, this place feels more like home now than it ever did when he was a child. Even his relationship with Boba has settled into something safe and comfortable. 
They don’t talk about Jango. Ever.
But they get together once a week, have lunch or dinner together. It’s settled something, an old hurt, in Misfit’s heart. It’s nice to know that his older brothers don’t actually hate him.
It’s around that time when his neighbor across the street sells their home. The original owners, an older couple who used to babysit Misfit when he was a little kid, had been thrilled to see him again when he moved in.
But they are an older couple, so Misfit wasn’t surprised when they admitted that they were moving out. He also wasn’t surprised when they asked for him to come and help with a few repairs around their home before they sold it.
The new owner is a young woman around the same age as him. Though Misfit hasn’t met her yet.
The morning he meets her, he’s out in the front yard working on his garden, while also playing with Bull. In fairness, he doesn’t notice her first, but Bull releases a loud bark and tears over to the fence.
Misfit straightens from where he’s pulling weeds, and he whistles sharply. Bull immediately sits, though his entire body is wiggling with excitement. “Good boy, Bull.” Misfit praises as he pulls a cookie out of a pouch on his hip and passes it to the dog.
“He’s so well trained!” The woman standing at the fence says, her eyes wide as she looks from Bull to Misfit and then back again, “Did you train him yourself?”
“Had some help from my cousin.” Misfit says, “He’s a dog trainer here in town.”
“The one who visits every week?” She asks, “I saw him the other day.”
“No. That’s one of my brothers. Hound doesn’t visit often.” He pulls off his thick work gloves and sticks them in his back pocket, “Anyway, can I help you?”
“Oh! I was just coming over to introduce myself!” She holds out her hand, and introduces herself with a broad smile, “I just moved in, and I’ve been wanting to come and introduce myself, but you’re a hard man to catch.”
“I’m a pretty busy guy.” He pauses, “Misfit.”
“My name. It’s Misfit.”
Her lips part, “Oh. That’s…not really a name.” She finally says.
“You get used to it. There’s a bunch of us Fetts around here with names like that.” Misfit replies with a shrug, “You get used to it.”
She frowns slightly, and then her smile returns, “So, you take care of all this land on your own?”
Misfit pulls a cigarette from behind his ear and lights it, “Pretty much.” 
“The previous owners told me that you hand carved the railing in my home,” She bubbles excitedly, “Is that true?”
“Yeah. I make furniture and stuff for a living. Never been much for farm work.” Misfit pauses, he looks at her eager face, and then sighs, “Would you like to come in?”
“Only if it’s not too much hassle,” She replies sheepishly, “I’ve never met someone who can make furniture with their own hands.”
Misfit sighs and pushes the gate open, moving to the side to let her into his yard. “How do you think furniture gets made?”
“Uh…in factories?”
“Sure, if you want cheap things that’ll break in a year, I guess.” Misfit motions to Bull, “My dog, Bull. Let him sniff your hand before you try to pet him.”
He waits until Bull decides that she’s boring, before he leads her around to the barn. “This used to be an actual farm, then?” She asks as she looks up at the, recently painted, barn. “I thought these came in red?”
“I painted it because I don’t like red.” Misfit says as he slides one of the barn doors open, “And yeah, it was a farm for years. It’s only in the last couple of years that there haven’t been animals living here.” He moves to the side as three cats sprint out of the barn.
“You have cats too!” She asks, excited.
“They’re strays. They keep the mouse population down, so I’m happy to feed them.” He pushes the other barn door open, and gestures vaguely towards his workshop. 
“Oh, it smells nice!”
“That would be because that shelf is made of cedar.” Misfit replies as he steps around her and goes over to his workbench, “It’s for my brother. His bookshelf collapsed because of too many books.”
“You’re a good brother,” She sounds marveled. 
“Nah. I’m making him pay me for it.” Misfit says, “He’s a professor at an Ivy league university, he can afford it.”
“So if this used to be a ranch and now isn’t, what are you doing with all of the land?” She asks, curious.
“Planting trees.”
She laughs, and then pauses, “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, really.”
She blinks at him, twice, and then she grins. “Wow, you’re like, the whole package, aren’t you?”
“It’s just,” She flushes, “You’re handy,” She gestures to the shelf, “You’re good with animals, you care about the environment and you’re close to your family-”
Misfit stares at her, blankly, “I have a dishonorable discharge from the military, and am in recovery for both alcohol and drug addictions.” He says flatly, “The only reason I’m allowed to live here is because no one else wanted to, and they don’t care what I do with it.”
She shakes her head, “Addiction is an illness! Not a moral failing! And your brothers clearly love you enough to give you all of this.”
“...you’re very kind, but I promise I don’t deserve it.”
She scowls at him, and takes several large steps towards him, and wraps her arms around his waist in a tight hug.
Misfit’s hands raise to hover over her shoulders, unsure what he’s supposed to do in this situation. “Um…”
She doesn’t pull away, “I don’t know who told you that you’re not deserving of basic kindness, but they’re wrong.” She tightens her arms around him, “You’re a good guy. Bad guys don’t take care of animals or worry about the environment or take time out of their busy day to humor someone’s curiosity.”
Misfit sighs and lightly places his hands on her shoulders, and pushes her away gently, “Thank you. I’m not the best at taking compliments, but…thank you.”
She smiles at him, her face slowly turning red in embarrassment, “You’re welcome! But you must think I’m so weird-” She says with a sheepish laugh.
“Weird isn’t so bad.” Misfit replies as he turns his attention away from her. He hesitates for a moment, considering something, before he looks at her again, “So…I’m holding a cookout this weekend, with my brother and my cousins and their partners. There’s going to be a bunch of people here, if you want to come over and meet some people.”
“Ah! Really?”
Misfit shrugs, “It’s not easy being the new person in town.”
She beams at him, warm and wide, “And you think you’re a bad guy.”
And Misfit looks away from her, his ears burning.  He’s not sure if he’s a good guy, exactly, but…maybe he could try to be. If only to keep her smiling at him like that.
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she-karev · 19 days
Happy Birthday (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Birthday Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 17
Summary: Amber is reluctant to celebrate her birthday when her friends throw her a surprise party.
Words: 1964
September 7th, 2020
“This was Thornin’s style. He was an important dwarf.” Amber reads to her niece, Luna Karev, inside the incubator where she is sleeping peacefully while her aunt reads her a copy of The Hobbit, “If he had been allowed, he would probably have gone on like this until he was out of breath without telling anyone there anything that was not known already. But he was rudely interrupted.”
“Good morning.” Andrew greets Amber and Luan with a smile inside his helmet.
“And so was I.” Amber closes her book and stands up from her chair to face her boyfriend, “Morning.”
“I woke up and you weren’t in bed, I was gonna make you a special breakfast for today before we leave.”
“Alex and Jo are at their lawyers working out the adoption legal stuff and I didn’t want Luna to wake up alone.” She looks down at Luna with a grin, “I thought Tolkien would better stimulate her than those baby books they keep here.”
“Why can I see you two already going to cosplay as Galadriel and Frodo?”
“You make that sound like a bad thing and it’s not the first time I successfully converted a non-geek. I got you to come with me to Emerald City Comicon for two years in a row.”
“Because I was afraid you would get kidnapped in a sea of nerds.” Andrew jokes before grinning down at Luna, “Don’t worry Luna if you want to want to go hiking or learn how to ride a motorcycle, I’m your guy.”
“You put my baby niece in a sidecar, and I’ll kill you before Alex and Jo do.” Ambre half threatens before she realizes what Andrew said, “Wait why were you gonna make me a special breakfast today? What’s the occasion?”
“Seriously?” Andrew asks dumbfounded causing Amber to shrug, “It’s September the 7th, your birthday.”
“Ya-da-da.” Amber stutters holding her finger up to silence her Italian lover, “No cursing in front of the baby especially if it’s the word that shall not be said again.”
“Okay I know…that word is taboo for you for personal reasons, but I just thought this year would be different.”
“Why would it be different?”
“Because your usual rebellious half birthday celebrations in March was stalled this year by a pandemic and me getting treatment.” Amber frowns at the reminder and looks down at Luna so she doesn’t get lost in her darkness, “I just thought with all that happened maybe we could make up for it by celebrating your actual birthday.”
“No thanks. I would prefer to wait it out until next March instead of having cake on a day I detest.” Amber grabs her book ready to walk out, “Babe I appreciate the effort but it’s wasted. It’s gonna take a lot more than a pandemic and my boyfriend leaving for me to consider September 7th a joyous occasion. Save that energy for March 9th and PS I like chocolate chip pancakes with lots of whipped cream on top sprinkled in chocolate.”
“That is a lot of chocolate.” Andrew points out playfully.
“It’s my half birthday I can indulge myself all I want, or you can.” Amber giggles lightly before walking with him to go to the residents lounge so she can get coffee. They open the door and Amber starts to regret it.
“SURPRISE!” Levi Schmitt, Casey Parker, Dahlia Qadri and Taryn Helm shout out loud in the room with Parker using a confetti cannon. Amber jumps at the bang before the multi color papers float down on her to her annoyance. She groans and brushes the confetti off her before walking inside with a frown towards the residents as well as Alex and Jo who are in the room looking uncomfortable as they know how much Amber hates her birthdays.
“Who blabbed?” Amber asks before turning to Andrew behind her who holds his hands up in defense.
“I swear I had no idea; my plan was a cheese omelet with bell peppers. This is not on me.”
“It was on me.” Amber sees Bailey step forward holding a cone shaped hat that says Happy Birthday, “I made it a point to celebrate residents’ birthdays as much as we can. I figured after the year we had some cake and singing might raise morale. By the time I took this initiative your date was next on the roster.”
“Lucky me.” Amber says sarcastically with a visible frown.
“You see I told you.” Alex says bluntly, “She hates it.”
Bailey glares at him, “She does not hate it.”
“I hate it.” Amber confirms bluntly as well causing Bailey to turn her glare at her, “If you really wanted me to be happy today you should have upped my vacation days that would be better than this crap fest.”
Qadri chuckles from the side, “Yeah we tried telling her you were one of those anti birthday people, but she says those don’t exist.”
“Well then I guess this is the one day she’s proven wrong.” Amber maliciously grins at Bailey.
“Shake that negative birthday energy She-Karev.” The chief tells her in an upbeat tone, “We have vanilla cake will that make you feel better?”
Amber rolls her eyes but sees the rectangle pink frosting cake with ‘Happy Birthday Amber!’ written across it.
“Wiping a birthday off the face of the earth should be an option.” Amber responds still bitter.
Bailey is offended and speaks with a frown as well, “Or you could just tolerate the fact that it’s a 24-hour period where the people who love you can treat you extra special.”
“And for the other 364 days they treat me like garbage?” Amber asks her boss who throws her hands up clearly agitated.
“Look child just eat the damn cake, wear the silly hat and enjoy your birthday, chief’s orders.” Bailey holds out the hat for Amber who looks at it for a silent moment.
“Nope.” Bailey is stumped and drops the hat on the floor. Amber turns to the crowd with a grin, “Thank you everyone but I will not be joining you. You guys can mingle and eat while I get coffee and go back to the NICU and continue to read The Hobbit to my beloved niece.”
“Let my daughter have a mind of her own please.” Alex begs his sister.
“We’ll see.” Amber turns to Andrew, “Save me some cake?”
“It is yours so yeah.”
“Thank you.” Amber walks out of the lounge leaving the others to celebrate her special day without her. Alex and Jo chuckled lightly before cutting the cake.
“You gotta give Amber this she has a unique reaction to her birthday.” Jo says with a smile.
“More like an ungrateful reaction to my attempts to bring joy to burnt out residents.” Bailey corrects with a frown, “Who doesn’t love their birthday? What possible reason could give that child an excuse to walk out on cake and love?”
Alex winces, “Blame me and the rest of our family on that reaction. Me and Aaron were asshole teens by the time Amber was born and our mom could occasionally remember her meds. Whenever her birthday came, we would either forget or I would remember and dump her at the nearest Chuck E Cheese so I could go trolling for chicks.”
“This explains so much.” Taryn states in realization as she eats cake.
“Yeah and it didn’t help that I left for med school not long after her tenth birthday.” Alex adds to his shame grabbing a big slice for himself that he instantly devours.
Jo squeezes Alex’s arm, “She more than gets you leaving to survive, she did it too. And besides birthdays are overrated and most of the time your expectations are high, and you get let down every time.”
Alex and Andrew look at Jo surprised that she’s also anti birthday like Amber. Out of the two of them Jo is the more upbeat and positive while Amber is more sulky and cynical. Jo sees the stares and explains.
“Foster parents never remembered my birthday and the gifts I got from charity were always addressed ‘to boy’ and ‘to girl’. It’s safe to say that I more than get Amber’s reluctance to celebrate what should have been a big day.”
“Yeah I get that.” Alex shares, “My parents forgot my birthday and it got to the point where I even forgot my own.”
Andrew looks sullen by these stories, “Wow if they ever want to hire people to make others feel bad you three could be rich.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “It would be great compensation for crappy upbringings.”
“Well now I feel bad.” Bailey sulks eating her cake, “I wish you would have tried harder to stop me before I spent money on this wasted party.”
The residents continue to eat their cake instead of arguing that they tried and were ignored. Andrew finishes his cake before deciding to resolve this issue in the privacy of his and Amber’s home so she can feel special on her big day for once.
That Night
Amber turns the key in the lock on the door outside the patio of her and Andrew’s recently bought house. After he came back from Italy a month ago they went forward in buying a new place together. Amber told him his apartment was too painful for her to live in because of all the bad memories of their relationship happening there. She proposed that they get a new place and he agreed and even suggested getting a house instead.
They were able to buy a 2-bedroom house with both of their savings and a backyard for their dog Jazz who was clearly not fit for an apartment. He is the first person to greet her with his three legs scratching the hardwood as he runs toward her panting. Amber quickly closes the door and gives him an affectionate scratch on the head before walking around the marked unpacked boxes around the house.
“Hey boy.” Amber walks toward the kitchen with Jazz following behind her, “Where’s your dad?”
“Stop where you are right now.” Amber freezes at the sound of Andrew’s voice and stays in place. He walks inside from the hallway carrying a plate with a chocolate cupcake topped with a lit candle providing light in the dim kitchen. He smiles at her, “Happy birthday bella.”
“No.” Amber whines causing Andrew to chuckle as he expected this reaction, “I told you no birthday, we agreed no birthday.”
“Actually, you told me no birthday and I don’t remember making a verbal agreement.” Andrew argues bringing the cupcake with the candle still lit closer to her, “I know you hate your birthday and you have about a million reasons to but I don’t. You may not be happy about the day you were born but I am.”
Amber’s sour attitude deflates at that sweet comment as he continues, “So I’m gonna give you a cake, a private room where we celebrate alone how you like it and your gonna blow out this candle and make a wish. Got it?”
Amber looks at the cupcake enticed by how good it looks wondering if it tastes the same, “…What kind of cake is it?”
“Your favorite, devil’s food, I wasn’t born yesterday come on.”
Amber shakes her head grinning at him before taking the plate from his hands, “Your lucky your cute.”
“I know.” Andrew says smugly, “Now make a wish.”
Amber closes her eyes and blows the candle out making a wish causing Andrew to clap before she takes the first bite and celebrates her birthday for the first time feeling like it’s not a day to dread instead a day to celebrate thanks to the man that she loves.
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maelstroms-blog · 1 year
In Beautiful Dreams
In honour of Dreamling’s centennial meeting, please enjoy this fic of Dream and Hob dancing, along with a declaration
Hob really should’ve expected this, he’s known Dream long enough. To be fair, he wasn’t expecting him to say yes, honestly, he thought he would balk at the idea. Especially given how many people would be attending.
Instead, Dream just tilted his head, in that bird-like way of his.
‘A dance?’
Hob shrugged, ‘Sort of.’
There would be dancing, but it was far from the glamorous affair he knew Dream was picturing. Hob’s university was hosting their annual staff do, the heads of each department rubbing elbows with the higher ups. Socialising and lording their profession over others, supplied with cheap champagne and the finest hors d'oeuvres from Tesco. An event that Dream’s sister, Despair, would very much enjoy.
Far from glamorous but wonderfully human. A prime example of humanity to show his Endless partner. Hob explained all this to Dream, waiting for the inevitable protests, or for that rosebud mouth to frown.
But, Dream placed his pale hands on the table top, slender fingers splayed like that of a pianist. Artist fingers.
‘Very well. I shall accompany you.’ He said it with the air of a king deigning to answer a peasant’s request.
Hob blinked, ‘Really?’
‘Is this so surprising?’ he raised an eyebrow, ‘You are my beloved. I believe it goes without saying that we have to attend each other’s social functions,’ he sipped at his wine, pursing his lips,
‘After all, you accompanied me to the faerie delegation.’
Hob couldn’t keep the frown from his face,
‘That was…an experience, to say the least.’ Part of Hob’s philosophy was to try anything once, and in his long life that was a lot of things. He’s pretty sure he had a cheese making degree knocking around in his attic somewhere. But that delegation was a lifetime’s worth of experience. Luckily, Hob had a thousand more.
Dream hummed, ‘Not many mortals can boast of meeting Titania and Oberon, or reject their charms,’
Hob chuckled, ‘Yeah, they were pretty flirty, weren’t they?’
The feeling of the faerie queen’s clawed fingers ghosted against his neck, as did the king’s lips when he lingered on a kiss to his palm. Hob shivered, chasing away the bad taste with a mouthful of beer. He sensed Dream tense up, probably seeing his thoughts. He reached out and entwined his fingers with Dream’s.
‘Don’t be jealous, love, I’m already under the spell of a mysterious creature,’ he winked.
Dream rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stop the blush from tinting his cheeks.
And that was it. Dream appeared on the night, just as Hob got out of the shower, he did his usual shriek, followed by a flail,
‘Christ, Dream!’ he clutched his damp chest, gesturing to the towel around his waist, ‘You’re lucky I didn’t flash you,’ he looked at Dream, then looked again.
Dream, as regal as ever, stood tall, clad in an onyx black suit, similar to the Ralph Lauren piece Hob dreamed him in once. Over his shoulders was long overcoat, black of course, and the star filled lining shining bright. His hair was stylishly spiked, à la Robert Smith, and a silver earring hung from his ear. A small gem caught his eye, something golden. Hob peered closer, pale fingers jumped to toy with it, a gesture he knew was self-conscious.
‘It’s nice, duck, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in any other colour but black,’
Dream just fiddled with his earring, letting it catch the light,
‘I thought…we could match,’ he quietly said. Confused, Hob frowned, and that’s when it hit him. It was amber, a tiny chunk of amber. Dream often likened his eyes to the honey-coloured gem. A lump rose to Hob’s throat,
‘It’s lovely, Dream,’ he said, trying to keep the emotion from his voice,
‘A wonderful idea.’
Without waiting for a response, he closed the distance and pressed his lips to Dream’s. It was only supposed to be a quick peck but Dream wouldn’t let go. He drew him further in, pulling him close like a life preserver to a drowning victim. Hob gladly reciprocated, sinking his fingers into feather soft hair. Dream did the same, toying with the hair on his chest.
His still damp chest.
Hob pulled away with a sigh,
‘I still have to get dressed, love.’
He felt rather than saw Dream’s gaze, travelling up and down his nude body. The hunger in his gaze set his skin alight.
‘Do you?’
The baritone voice settled in the back of his head, shooting down into his body, straight to his heart. Hob bit his lip, he wanted nothing more than to let the towel drop, his flimsy excuse for a shield against Dream’s want, and just have him. But he didn’t. Not yet. He had a function to attend, and he wanted to show off his elegant, enigma of a partner. So, mustering what little willpower he had, he turned, not a word to Dream, and headed for the bedroom, locking the door behind him.
Not that it would stop Dream. More like Jumpscare of the Endless.
Hob chuckled at his own stupid joke.
‘What is so humorous?’ a deep voice asked behind him. This time, Hob fell on his bare ass.
‘Dream! Let me get dressed!’
With a pinch of sand, Dream vanished, the last thing to fade was his satisfied smirk. Hob’s own Cheshire cat.
Once he was fully dressed, in his own midnight blue suit, and with a nod of approval from Dream. He took his arm, fitting perfectly, and they were off.
 An hour passed, filled with mindless chatter, and the buzz of background brainwaves, Hob followed along easily, asking questions here and there. Dream tried his best, nodding along, offering a dry comment along with Hob’s quips. Then, Hob went to get them drinks, Dream was only out of his sight for a second, that was all it took. Like he said earlier, he really should have expected it. He searched up and down the hall, trying to spot that familiar mop of hair. The more the search went on, the more his uneasiness grew. It wiggled its way into his chest, twisting like a knife. Did he get sick of it and teleported away? No, he wouldn’t do that without at least telling Hob. Would he?
Just as his unease bloomed into panic, he heard something, a chittering sound, coming from the open balcony door. Hob poked his head out, there he was. Kneeling down, under the watchful eye of the full moon, was Dream of the Endless, holding court with a group of cats. They gazed up at him, marvelling at the king he was. He touched his knuckles to the nearest cat, mewing in their shared language. The cat purred, accepting her king’s blessing. Warmth filled the vacuum left by the panic, he breathed out, and carefully approached Dream. Even with his quiet footsteps, the cats jumped, hackles raised at the interruption. Dream tilted his head, mewing something that settled his followers. The youngest cat, a tabby kitten, bravely stepped forward, rubbing up against Hob’s leg. Dream gladly took a glass, freeing a hand for Hob to offer head scratches. His hand dwarfed the tiny creature but the kitten showed no fear, happily trying to climb up his leg.
In one swift, elegant movement, Dream was up, leaning against the railing, like the model of a perfume advert. Hob didn’t miss the gleam in his eyes as he cooed over the kitten, the other cats, bored, sneaked off, tails flicking.
‘You alright, love?’ he asked, watching the kitten chase after its friends,
Dream hummed, looking down into his drink,
‘Yes, I am…enjoying myself.’
‘Yeah?’ he slotted himself next to Dream, ‘Are you honestly?’
He could see the slight tremble of his hands, the tightness around his eyes.
‘It is…loud,’ Dream quietly admitted, Hob nodded, he didn’t need him to explain. He explained it all before, it wasn’t just the never-ending chatter, it was the barrage of daydreams, assaulting him from all sides. There didn’t seem to be any reprieve. It sounded like hell, and it explained a lot about Dream. Taking another sip of champagne, he put his arm around his tiny waist, smiling when Dream leaned into his touch.
‘Would you like to leave?’
Dream looked up, eyebrows disappearing into his hair,
‘I thought you wanted to be here,’
Hob gently nudged him, ‘I wanted to come with you.’
Dream just looked at him, not blinking, Hob smiled,
‘Your comfort is more important to me than some staff do, if you want to leave then we’ll leave.’
Dream’s eyes sparkled, sparkled like he was in awe.
‘So,’ he downed the rest of his drink, ‘Let’s go.’
Dream sagged, the tension leaving his body. Just as he was about to pull out his sand, Hob stopped him. A familiar sound reached his ears, a song he hadn’t heard in years, Roy Orbinson’s dulcet tones beckoned to him,
A candy-coloured clown they call the Sandman.
Dream perked up, turning his head to listen. Hob smiled at the sight.
Tiptoes to my room, every night.
Dream closed his eyes, lips twitching minutely.
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper-
Hob sang along under his breath,
‘Go to sleep, everything is alright.’
Dream turned to him, surprised, his smile more obvious now,
‘How about one last dance, Mr Sandman?’ he wiggled his eyebrows for good measure. Dream rolled his eyes, failing to hold back his smile.
‘Very well,’ he accepted Hob’s hand, allowing him to lead him back onto the dancefloor.
I close my eyes then I drift away.
Hob pulled Dream close to him, steps he once thought forgotten, came flooding back to him as he led Dream with ease.
Into the magic night, I softly say, a silent prayer like dreamers do.
Dream had his eyes closed, letting the words wash over him. Hob could only imagine what he was thinking. Being separated from his dreamers for over a century, locked away from those he was supposed to nurture and protect. Hell, there were some that never even visited his realm. For someone that took his role so seriously, there must be no greater pain. But, as Hob watched him now, swaying along to the music, gentle smile on his face, he knew what he was realising. That the dreamers missed him just as much.
Then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you
Dream opened his eyes, tearfully looking at Hob, with his own eyes growing wet, he raised a pale hand and pressed his lips to cold knuckles. Then, he leaned forward, never breaking their easy rhythm and sang softly in his ear.
In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you.
A sharp inhale was Dream’s only reaction, before melting into his touch.
We’re together in dreams, in dreams.
Hob didn’t want to sing the next part, luckily, Dream didn’t let him. Pressing his lips once again to Hob’s, silencing him. His cold lips tasted cosmic; he knew this was what stardust tasted like.
But just before the dawn, I awake and find you’re gone.
Hob felt Dream’s hands tighten, no doubt thinking the same thing. 1989. Hob rested his chin on his head, gently swaying in time.
I can’t help it
Fixing his stance, taking a chance, he placed his hand on the small of Dream’s back,
I can’t help it
And dipped his sweet Dream.
He overstepped. He knew it. he didn’t have to look at Dream’s wide eyes, or feel his iron grip on his arms, but then, another sound graced his ears, far more beautiful than any song. Laughter. Coming from Dream. It was nothing like his usual amused huff, this was a full bodied, unrestrained laugh that shook his lithe frame. It even ended with a cute snort. Hob found himself joining in. Taking him out of the dip, he gently led the Endless into a spin, watching his eyes crinkle with seldom seen mirth, giggling away like a lovestruck fool. Hob laughed the same way.
It only happens in my dreams, only in dreams
As the song slowed, so did their steps, Dream tilted his head, meeting Hob’s gaze once again, and leaned in close, Hob expected another kiss, instead, he was blessed with three words,
‘I love you.’
In beautiful dreams.
Hob let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Emotion surged through him, heating up his blood. He gazed back at Dream, shock clearly visible in his face. Dream just chuckled, cradling his face carefully,
‘Is it so surprising?’ his words were barely more than a whisper, settling in Hob’s bones, nestling beside the three other words, slotting comfortably in his heart.
‘A wee bit,’ Hob admitted, shyly,
Dream hummed thoughtfully, ‘Then, I have failed as your beloved.’
Before Hob could protest, Dream pulled him close, and pressed his forehead to his. The cold, solid weight grounded him.
‘I shall make it my primary duty to remedy this.’
Hob let out a breathy chuckle, dizzy from the cheap champagne, or the affection Dream was dishing out.
‘You already have, love.’
Dream smiled again, a sight that was becoming less and less rare, thanks to Hob.
‘Perhaps…we could stay for another hour.’
Hob pretended to think about it, running his hands up and down Dream’s back,
‘Nah, let’s get out of here, I’ve had enough socialising.’
Dream beamed. The only way Hob could get a bigger reaction was if he proposed to him. 
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Chenford ♥️ + Lucy has feelings for you
Here you go! I hope you like this!
It's not based on any episode but it takes place somwhere in season 4 where Ashley and Chris don't exist.
It was like slow motion and that was the moment I knew
“Today is…” Lucy said as she set up the shop in the driver’s seat, “going to be a great day.”
“You’re awfully perky for this early in the morning,” Aaron said as he got into the passenger seat.
She paused and bit her lip, she eventually answered: “I might have gotten a lot of coffee before I got to work.”
He shook his head and said: “This is going to be a very long day.”
“I’m not that bad,” she said, offended, “You’re ruining my good mood now that I don’t have to ride with Tim today.”
“I thought you guys got past that a long time ago,” he said, furrowing his brows in confusion.
“Sure, but Tim always gets the credit for all the calls we resolved and I just wanted a day where I can do my own thing, you know,” she explained while she started up the shop and drove out of the parking garage.
“Well, you can be the lead officer in all the calls we handle, it doesn’t matter to me,” he said and shrugged his shoulders.
“Thank you,” she said gratefully and she smiled at him, “This is definitely going to be a great day.”
“Did anyone ever tell you that you should never say that?” he looked at Lucy incredulously.
“I guess we shall see then,” she just said.
“Code 9, suspect is holding a weapon, I repeat code 9,” Tim’s voice was heard over the radio in Aaron and Lucy’s shop.
They both look at each other in panic and Lucy hits the sirens to give Tim the backup he requested.
“7-Adam-7, we’re on route, answering to officer Bradford’s code 9,” Aaron said through the radio.
Their shop was 5 minutes away from the scene but it seemed like a forever journey. Lucy frowned in worry, this could end badly and she knew it. But she had no idea what the situation was so she couldn’t estimate the risks and that worried her more than she thought she could.
Aaron noticed her distress at the situation and was confused by it. He knew they’ve been riding together for years but the concern he saw on her face seemed to be more than just worry for her partner at the job. He didn’t know what was going on but there was something up and wanted to find out what it was.
As soon as they arrived, they stepped out of the vehicle quickly but before they could assist Tim, his voice was heard over their radio.
“I’m code 4, suspect is down,” he said in a distant tone but Lucy could hear that he was bothered by what he just did.
Aaron and Lucy waited outside out of the house to check up on Tim, other vehicles arrived, including the ambulance
They had to wait a few minutes before Tim came out, he was tending to the injured suspect until the EMTs arrived to take over.
Lucy looked up when she saw him walking in her direction, he tried to keep his face neutral but Lucy could see what just transpired got to him. She thought she’s probably the only one who noticed the slight difference whenever he was faking being okay.
“Are you alright, sergeant Bradford?” Aaron asked once Tim was close enough to hear.
“I’m fine, it was just routine procedure,” Tim answered casually but Lucy caught the looks he was giving towards the house.
“Is the suspect going to be okay?” Aaron continued as he didn’t notice anything off about his superior.
“Not sure, he was badly injured and he was bleeding heavily when I left,” Tim said absentmindedly.
Just then, Bailey and her partner came out of the house with no one to transport, this wasn’t good, Lucy knew that.
“I’m sorry Tim but the man didn’t make it, I’ve already notified sergeant Grey and he requested you to go back to the station so IA could question you about the incident,” Bailey said when she joined the 3 officers.
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Tim said with a sad undertone, “Officer Chen and officer Thorsen, you can leave and get back to patrolling, the others will be taking care of the scene.
Aaron nodded and walked back to their shop. Lucy didn’t move an inch and looked up at the house, she had a sad look on her face.
“Lucy, are you coming,” Aaron called.
“It’s alright, officer Chen, you should get back to your shift, I’ll be fine,” Tim reassured her, he didn’t want her to see what went down inside.
She just nodded and went back to the shop, her thoughts always staying with Tim, she hoped this shift was going to end soon, she wanted to get back to the station as soon as possible.
After the shift, Lucy stayed back and looked inside Grey’s office, they still weren’t done with Tim. Aaron stayed with her to support her in her worries, he now knew what’s going on with Lucy and he wanted to make sure she was alright. 
The way she didn’t stop talking about Tim all shift gave him all the info he needed but he was sure she wasn’t aware of what she felt for him.
“Bailey told me what happened, I’m sure he’ll be alright,” Nolan said as he came out of the dressing room.
“I just want to make sure he's okay, taking a life can’t be easy,” she said with her mind inside Grey’s office.
“Let me know if there’s anything you need,” Nolan said and left the station to meet Bailey.
Tim finally left the office and Lucy attempted to approach him but she was stopped by a voice.
“Leave him be for the moment, he’s going to need a minute,” Nyla Harper said and stood in front of Lucy to stop her.
“But what if he wanted to talk to someone,” she said hesitantly. Even though she knew that was just an excuse, she knew he wanted to be alone right now.
She took one last look at him and their eyes crossed, his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He didn’t want to talk to anyone right now.
A week after he was cleared, Lucy started to notice that he was trying to avoid riding with her and it irritated her to no end. 
“Oh that look doesn’t mean anything good,” Nyla said with a smirk, “You look like you want to hit Bradford.”
“The urge is there,” Lucy answered in a clipped tone.
“I’m sure he just doesn’t want to subject himself to your concerns, he just wants to move on from the incident,” Nyla reasoned with her.
“I don’t know, I just wish I could talk to him,” Lucy said with disappointment.
“You will eventually but you have to let him take that step,” she said, “You know, I could use some help with the case I’m currently working on. Ready for another UC op?”
Lucy’s mood brightened immediately and agreed right away. It was just the distraction she needed to stop thinking about Tim.
“Is there any reason why you keep asking me to be your aide and ride with you?” Aaron asked once he was alone with Tim in the shop.
“No personal talk, Thorsen,” Tim said abruptly. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk about anything, especially Lucy.
Aaron hesitated for a moment but decided to say this anyway: “I didn’t realize that was personal talk.”
“Well it is so stop asking questions,” Tim said in a commanding tone.
“This is about Lucy isn’t it?” Aaron asked after observing Tim’s behavior and he noticed Tim tense at the mention of her name.
Tim just sent a glare his way to make him stop talking so he did. He really didn’t want to push it, he didn’t want to lose the chance to be a sergeant’s aid.
After debating with himself for a while, Tim asked the question he’s been dying to ask: “Did Lucy say anything about me?” 
He asked it so casually, he didn’t want to reveal he wanted to know what she was thinking. But he couldn’t hide it.
“I haven’t seen much of her for the last week,” Aaron answered, confused, “I’ve been riding with you.”
“Right,” Tim tried to hide his disappointment.
“You care about what she thinks,” Aaron observed, “^You’ve been avoiding her because you’re afraid she might think something bad about you.”
“I said no personal talk,” Tim said brusquely. He regretted his question already.
“You started it,” Aaron said, amused by his tactics.
Another glare got the smile off Aaron’s face quickly.
This talk did make it clear to Aaron that there was definitely more going on between these two than they’re aware of. He decided to give them a little push.
“She wouldn’t think that you know?” Aaron assured Tim, “Because Lucy has feelings for you.”
Tim’s head turned quickly and his eyes widened.
He said in shock: “What?”
“I’ve seen how worried she was when you called in the incident last week. It was obvious for me then,” he shrugged, not making a big deal out of it but it was to Tim.
“That can’t be right, you got to be wrong,” Tim shook his head in denial.
“Trust me, I know these things, she clearly has feelings for you,” he said, sure of himself.
That was the end of the conversation, Tim tried to push this revelation to the back of his mind. He needed to wait until he talked to Lucy alone to get clarity.
After the shift, Tim waited by his car until Lucy left, she had to work overtime to finish the paperwork of the UC op she had today.
He was anxiously waiting, he didn’t know how the conversation was going to go but Aaron left him stunned and he didn’t like not knowing for sure.
He stood upright when he noticed Lucy walking to her car.
“Lucy, can we talk?” he called out to her.
She jumped a little in surprise and turned to look at him, she held her keys tight in her hands and followed Tim to one of the benches that stood right outside of the station.
“Hey,” Lucy said quietly, “What’s going on?”
“First I wanted to apologize for avoiding you the past week, I didn’t want you to see me like this. I need to get my mind in order first,” he looked her in the eyes to show his sincerity.
“That’s alright, I get it. I can’t imagine what it would feel like, taking a life,” she said with all the empathy she felt.
“It’s fine, it’s part of the job,” he deflected, he was done dwelling on the incident. He needed to look forward, not back.
“Anyway, Aaron told me something and I thought I should talk to you to know the truth,” he started and looked down, avoiding her penetrating gaze.
“What did he say?” she frowned, she had no clue what he could have said.
“He said you had feelings for me,” Tim said, looking up to see her reaction.
“Oh,” her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. She needed a minute to process that information. 
She was trying to see what would make him think that and she remembered how much she wanted to comfort him last week. How she couldn’t stop thinking about him since then, how she hated to not be able to talk to him. She missed him this past week, not riding together.
“I guess I do,” she said, surprised by this revelation herself.
His breathing hitched at how earnest she sounded in that moment and the corners of his mouth lifted up involuntarily. He was elated about the confirmation.
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she told him what he apparently wanted to hear ever since he caught wind of the possibility.
He had feelings for her too and his own eyes widened at how these words hit him in the core. Have we really been this blind all this time?
He was going to make up for that now and he looked right into her eyes with a smile when he asked: “Would you like to go out with me?”
The implication of his words didn’t go unnoticed by Lucy and she smiled widely at him.
“I’d love to,” she answered simply.
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leelee10898 · 1 year
Drabble challenge.
Hey everyone! This is a was a little 'get back to writing' exercise that my friend's @annabellewynter and I decided to do. It was supposed to be a drabble but, I'm a rebel.. haha. The prompt was "you do know we're in public, right?" Which will be highlighted in red below. It is not choices related, rather then something I quickly made up for the prompt. Being it was MLB opening day when I wrote this and I am a HUGE baseball fan, this was born. I had fun with it and it seems to have sparked something in me again. Enjoy!
Word count:1,130
Warnings: its fluff.. with a little language??
Pairing: both OC
"That was a great game! Remind me again what you said, you know before they beat the brakes off the Orioles." He chided as they walked together down the crowded streets.  
"Yeah, you might wanna watch how loud you say that around here. These Baltimore fans are probably just as bad as Phillies fans." She shook her head laughing.  
"What are they going to do exactly?" He challenged wearing a huge grin. He cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted "Orioles suck!" Loudly. 
"JUDE!" She grabbed his hand, pulling him into an empty alley.  "Are you trying to blow your cover?" She slapped his shoulder. "I can see the headlines now. Beloved rock star Jude Rush beaten to death by angry Orioles fans." 
"Oh come on, live a little, Hailey. I'm just trying to have a little fun. And besides," he smirked, leaning in. "I'm not the one who lost a bet." A shiver of pleasure rippled through her as he breathed out against the shell of her ear. Hailey screwed her eyes shut. The bet. Fuck.
Jude pulled back, and a deep chuckle escaped him as he admired just what his presence did to her. Hailey put up a good fight but he was wearing her down. The more time they spent together the more her walls started to crumble. Soon enough it would be like old times.  Just Jude and Hailey, two people who fell in love and couldn't get enough of each other. Fame tore them apart and in a chance moment, fame brought them together again. 
"Ok." She sighed. "Fine. Let's just get this over with. Your place or mine?" She questioned. A devilish smirk played on his lips. "I have an even better idea." Jude grabbed her hand and led her out of the alley and closer to the front of the stadium. Fans were still leaving in droves as they stopped right in the middle of the herd. 
"Why are we stopping?" She questioned, he kept grinning and her eyes widened?" 
"No!" She shook her head. 
"This wasn't part of the deal." She folded her arms and he gave a careless shrug "You do realize we're in public right?" Hailey protested.  
"I do. And that makes it even better. Now let's get started shall we?" 
 Hailey rolled her eyes and steeled her nerves as best she could, she opened her mouth but was cut off immediately.  "No. This won't work." Jude spoke, turning around and scanning their surroundings.  "Over there." He pointed to the large statue, grabbing her hand once again and leading her through the sea of people.  "Now go on, get your ass up there." 
"This is so humiliating." She huffed climbing up onto the platform.  
"Oh yeah, that's it right there. You look great up there. Even the great Bambino approves." Jude smirked, pulling out his phone. 
Hailey took a deep breath and once again opened her mouth. 
"Take me out to the ball game," she began. 
"Louder." He shouted. Gaining the attention of some passers-by. 
"Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd." She sang, her voice a little shaky. More people stopped to watch, her nerves were on high alert as a crowd started to form. 
"Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if I never get back." She started to gain some confidence as the crowd began to sing along. 
"Oh, then root, root, root for the home team. If they don't win it's a shame. For its one, two, three strikes you're out. At the old ball game!" She finished strong, her face a deep shade of crimson as the crowd around her sang along and cheered. She took a shaky bow, losing her footing she started to fall. Hailey closed her eyes, bracing for the moment she connected with the concrete when she was caught by a pair of strong arms. She looked up to meet his dark brown eyes. 
"Looks like I swept you off your feet." He chuckled, making her blush even more. She stayed cradled in his arms for what felt like forever, studying his face, long gone was the baby-faced boy she knew once upon a time. Replaced by a strong jawline, plump lips, and deep brown eyes that held just the tiniest crinkles in the corners. His hair was shorter but just as deep brown as she remembered.  Wait.. if she could see his hair that meant, where was his hat. "Ah, Jude." She spoke as the crowd around them gasped. "Yeah?" 
"Where's your hat and glasses?" 
He looked down at his feet finding the red Phillies hat and aviators. They must have been knocked off when Hailey fell. "Time to go." He grabbed her hand and the two began running, they tucked into another alley hiding behind a stack of palettes he pushed her up against the brick wall, their bodies pressed together his hand came up covering her mouth. "Shhh," he whispered, their eyes meeting as he slowly lowered his hand. His eyes studied her face, settling on her pink full lips. He imagined what they'd feel like pressed against his all these years later. They had a good thing going, they had established a friendship. He didn't want to rock the boat but he couldn't stop himself.  As if being pulled by a magnet he leaned in closer lips parting in anticipation 
"We should probably get outta here." Hailey breathed out. He hung his head in defeat.  Maybe she didn't feel the same way, maybe all the damage done so long ago was not able to be repaired.  Or maybe, she was just as scared as he was. someone had to take that leap. 
"Yeah. We probably should." He breathed out standing up straight as Hailey began to move. He grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him. His lips crashed down on hers, she tensed immediately but she didn't pull away. Instead, she melted right into his kiss, lips moving together in perfect sync. Jude pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "Took you long enough." Hailey smirked, catching him by surprise. He leaned back giving her a surprised look. "You.. you wanted me to kiss you?" 
"Of course. I have wanted that for 10 years. I just didn't want to make the first move." She smirked, turning and walking down the alley. Jude stood rooted in place. 
"Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you coming?" She shouted over her shoulder. Jude shook his head, a smile playing on his lips as he turned and walked down the alley, taking her hand in his. His life was crazy but out of everything Hailey was the only thing that ever made sense, he was finally home. 
@kingliam2019 @ao719 @emichelle @annabellewynter @twinkleallnight @cocomaxley
@tessa-liam @riseandshinelittleblossom
@blackcatkita @katedrakeohd @tinkie1973 @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld
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hotd-brainrot · 1 year
On thirteen children of Jaehaerys and Alyssane and why I think they were shitty af
I want to preface this by saying this is only my opinion on the matter and you are free to disagree. Also that I do think they were decent rules but they were pretty bad parents, specifically to their daughters. However while I do see a bit part of the fandom hate on Viserys(rightfully), I feel like many people forget/don't know much about Jaehaers and Alyssane. So let's break it down, shall we?
So, their first child Aegon, dies merely days after being born, so he isn't relevant to this discussion. Daenerys, their second child, while she also died young, at only the age of 7, Jaehaerys already started showing his sexism towards her. Alyssane considered her an heir to the throne since she was their eldest at the time, but Jaeherys did not, preferring Aemon as his heir, through the male line.
To appease Alyssane, he he suggested they marry them so they could rule together, rendering Daenerys to queen consort. It did not come to pass because of Daenerys dying of the shivers.
Now for the topic of Aemon and Baelon I will say that for the most part, their parents seemed to have treated them fairly. Do I suspect it was because they were men? Yes. Will I give them some credit for it anyway? Sure. Non trumatized children were hard to come by in Targaryens it seems.
Next, we have Alyssa, who was also Baelor's wife. By Targaryen tradition, she should have married her brother Aemon, but due to how much she trailed after Baelon, Queen Alyssane decided she was going to let them marry. It is also important to note Alyssa was the only one of their daughters that was allowed /able to ride a dragon.
I do suspect Jaehaerys didn't think his daughters needed to learn how to ride a dragon and because they planned on marrying them off, to not take the dragon with them. -insert bombastic side eye-
Maegelle was another one of the "easy" daughters for them to deal with. She was descirbed as very pios and later became a septa. She also bridged a gap between Jaehaerys and Alyssane during their Quarrels.
Vaegon was...well. He was certainly not described to be a pleasant person and while it was planned for him to marry his sister Daella, he never seemed to be interested. Here we see first sign of neglect on Jaehaerys's part imo. While Alyssane said it seemed Vaegon and Daella don't seem to be well match, he continuously shrugged her off. Until Vaegon insulted Daella to tears by saying she can barely read and all she is good for is giving some lord dumb children. After that bethroal was broken.
He also never claimed a dragon of his own, which I find interesting with how only two generations later we have so many dragons, even with "less Targaryen blood". But I digress. He went to the Citadel and refused the title of the Prince of Dragonstone after Baelon died.
Now, Daella. She was pretty heavily autistic coded and likely had some developmental disorder as well as anxiety. (Which considering the amount of incest is probably a wonder it's that rare but I disgress) This is where I believe showrunners got the idea for how they wrote Helaena in the show. She was described as shy and often frightened. Her sister Saera loved to prank her and leave a cat in her room, of which Daella was deathly afraid of.
Now, Daella is one of the reasons I truly began to hate Jaehaerys and Alyssane. After her disastrous engagment to her brother, it was "difficult" for her to find a husband. There were several suitors but she didn't like them for one reason or the other.
Once she turned 16 though, Jaehaerys put his foot down. He told Alyssane to give her a choice of who to marry but that she must get married by the end of the year.(Because god forrbid she actually waits for the age when she may survive childbirth)
In the end, Daella choose Rodrik Arryn out of three suitors. Rodrik was 36 years old and Daella who was 16, was his second wife. She got pregnant two years later, in 82 AC and died giving birth to Aemma Arryn. (Daella also knew she was going to die as soon as she became pregnant which is why some speculate she was a dragon dreamer)
After that, Alyssane and Jaehaerys had their First Quarrel. Alyssane didn't understand why Daella was forced to be married so young despite clearly being such a sensitive child. Which tells you how fucking bad that was.
Next up was Saera. And oh boi, was she a lot. It is said her first word spoken was no and that she continously used it after that. It also seems she wanted more attention than Alyssane wanted to give or be able to provide because she often screamed until she got the attention. Alyssane even remarks on how difficult she was even as a child.
It seems that with all the children running around most of them were left with wet nurses and servant so they most ran around. Saera's pranks and jokes were often cruel, especially concerning her sister Daella, who was already often scared. Instead of addressing it properly or considering "oh shit maybe we should pay more attention to our 'problem child'" Jaehaerys and Alyssane ignored it.
Until she was revealed to have slept with three of her favorites, Ser Braxton Beesbury, Lord Roy Connington, and Jonah Mooton and declared she could marry all three of them like Maegor.
Jaehaerys' brilliant solution was to lock her up in her chambers and tell Alyssane he is disowning her. When Saera tried to escape by claiming a dragon, he improsoned her in the tower and later sent to the Silent Sisters as a punishment. (I do find it interesting that was enraged him the most was her trying to claim a dragon). And like. Yes, she was obviously wild at this point but for someone to be this wild at age 17, you must have really, really done something wrong.
Saera ended up escaping from Silent Sisters, and her time there sounds like torture, including shaving her head, beating her for when she broke the rules, etc. She killed a septa during her escape and became a prostitute.
Jaehaerys' answer to all that? "She has always been a whore." Wonderful parenting. I wish Alyssane had poisoned him right then and there.
Then, we have "problem daughter" number 2, Viserra. She was described as very beautiful, vain, and while also being very high spirited like Saera, she didn't scream for attention but got it in different ways.
She liked to make boys fight to her attention, one time notably telling two of them that whoever put a head in dragon's mouth could have her hand in marriage. Thankfully, dragonkeeper intervened before anything happened.
The only one she wanted to marry was her brother Baelon, though, who was widowed after the death of Alyssa. Alyssane thought she wanted to be queen rather than truly love Baelon. So she made a match for Viserra when she was only 15, to Theomore Manderly. I couldn't find his exact age, but Viserra would have been his 4th wife and 14 years prior his daughter was one of Alyssane's companion. It's safe to say he was not of appropriate age for a 15 yeat old.
To try and stop the betrothal, Viserra snuck into Baelon's room and laid on his bed naked. When he found her, he sent her away.
A day before she was supposed to be shipped off to her new husband, she snuck out again to have "one more night of fun and laughter". She and her friends had a horse race, in which she collided with another horse, fell off her saddle and broke her neck.
It seems Alyssane hated her daughters being even a bit ambitious, to a point where she marries them off waaay too young just to get them away from court. And I genuinely don't understand? Especially in terms of Viserra. She was only 15. The only explanation to me is that Alyssane was really scared she'd suceed and replace her as a queen one day, which is fucking ridiculous.
I will also take a moment to give Jaehaerys another point for being shitty here, since after Viserra was born, Alyssane told him she doesn't want to have any more children. Due to her health being influenced after giving birth 10 TIMES! Jaehaerys' answer? Our mother gave birth in her 40's! Their mother, who died in childbirth after giving Rogar Baratheon his second child, against advice of maesters. They also literally watched her die so. Extra point! Really, someone should have murdered this guy at this point.
Next, we have Gaemon, who was born prematurely and died only three months later. Which is not surprising considering my previous point. But did Jaehaerys stop trying to impregnate his wife? No!
So, next child was Valerion, who was another premature baby and died before his first nameday. Alyssane was left bedridden for 6 months after giving birth fo him.
Did Jaehaerys stop here? Also no folks! Because their mother gave birth at 46 years old before she died so surely Alyssane can too? Despite being pregnant for almost 12 years of her life at this point?
Their last child was Gael. She was described as "winter child" both because of being born in the winter and because the Queen was well past her spring years when she gave birth to her. She was frail and followed her mother everywhere. When she was 19, she disappeared. Some say ahe died from the fever, some that she had her heart broken by a traveling singer, who impregnated her. In that version of the story, she drowns herself after giving birth to a stillborn.
And that, folks concluded 13 children of Jaehaerys and Alyssane! It seems to me they did an okay job up until Alyssa and then things went more and more downhill. The sheer amount of mortality rate is insane, even for medival times. Like infants died yes, but grown children? The fact that Saera lived the longest simply by running off to a brothel is insane.
If you read up until this part, I appriciate it. God knows how fucking long this is. If anyone has any more question on any of them, my asks and dms are open
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blarrghe · 8 months
This chapter of Strange Feelings in the Party camp got a comment about its ending, and on a re-read I remembered how this came out of a much older scene of just dialogue I had posted on here - probably one of the first things I wrote for this blog. And now with it fleshed out for the fic, it feels like a little ficlet in itself.
The full fic is here, but i just wanted to post this again.
“Well, I’m not going to try to steal from Morrigan’s secret cheese stash again, I just got the feeling back in my arm. So, truth.” 
Violet leans back with a wooden tankard of ale and allows Alistair his turn. She has taken mainly dares from Alistair, lightening the mood by acquiescing to his silly ideas. To Zevran she largely answers truth , and Zevran has asked about little of importance. 
He himself has opted for almost nothing but truths as well, which is surely a change for him. Violet asks about sexual proclivities with enthusiasm and bright eyes, Alistair asks mainly after his tattoos. 
Alistair, on his turns, has only been dared. Zevran has not asked him to do anything extraordinary, though he is getting temptingly close to daring him to allow him to give him that tattoo he so obviously wants. 
“Who was your… first time?” Alistair asks, rather timidly. Alistair has had two tankards of ale, and is finally beginning to get the point of the game. 
“A gardener at our estate. Her name was Vanna,” Violet shrugs, “broke her heart.” 
“I knew it,” Zevran says with a grin. “Slayer of dragons, breaker of hearts. It suits, no?” 
Violet frowns. “It was only one summer, but… left her on some bad terms. Said I’d never loved her.” 
“I’d be heartbroken too,” Alistair mutters through a grimace. Then he looks at Zevran guiltily, and then away. 
“My turn, then,” Zevran cuts the tension with another swig of his own ale and another bright grin. “And I have just the thing. So, Alistair, truth or dare?”
"Well I certainly don't like the sound of that." Alistair eyes Zevran's grin suspiciously. "Truth." 
"Shame. Not even just a wing of the Grey Warden crest?" He sighs dramatically as Alistair pulls a face. "Very well, I’ll let you have an easy one. Who was your first kiss?" 
Violet rolls her eyes, but Alistair nearly chokes on a swig of ale. 
"Boring," Violet declares, "we already know." 
Zevran levels his smirk Alistair's way. "Do we?" 
"Well... technically…"
"Hold on," Violet darts a betrayed glance at Zevran's growing smirk. "No gossip, hm?" she nudges Alistair, "what does he know that I don't? I thought it was me." Her pout is not really offended, but Alistair begins to stutter. 
"Well, Alistair?" Zevran intones with a waggle of his brows. 
"I suppose, technically, it was Zevran," Alistair manages to get the words out, slowly. 
Zevran grins. Violet spins from her pouty scrutiny of Alistair to flash wide, surprised eyes at him. 
"Zev!" She shouts, half a laugh. His smile widens and his cheeks warm. 
Sometimes she shouts his name like that, half of it and half laughing. He hadn't thought that she still would, after he'd caused her to cry, but sometimes she does. He reminds himself again that he is lucky to have such friendship. 
Violet turns back to Alistair, giving him one of her too-hard playful punches. "When?" She demands. 
"Do you want to tell it, or shall I?" Zevran offers, rising to take up their empty mugs and bring them to the cask for new pours of ale. 
Alistair stammers wordlessly as Zevran takes and returns his cup, so still standing, he begins.
'"Very well then. You see, we had just finished killing the revered saviour Andraste, reborn as a dragon, and all the pesky beasts up the Frostbacks—" 
" — we didn't kill Andraste —" Violet begins to Interrupt. 
"Hush, amor, let me tell the story. You were off doing whatever Warden business it is you get up to —" 
"Recruiting the dwarven forces to fight the blight?" 
"Yes, all that. And while you were away, the rest of us were stuck back at camp getting painfully bored. And poor Alistair, this was before the two of you figured things out, you see, well he was fretting so over this rose he wanted to give you. So, naturally, I wanted to help." 
Alistair is sinking down in his seat. "I’m sure," he groans. 
"Out of the goodness of my heart," Zevran continues, "and to see you two together and happy, of course." 
"He said," Alistair cuts in now, putting on a thick mockery of an Antivan accent, “you know, back in Antiva, I was known to be an exceptional teacher on the arts of love. A love master, if you will.”
Violet laughs loudly. "Love master?" 
Zevran had not actually said any of that, but he directs a proud smoulder at her anyway. "Hmm, do you deny it?" 
She keeps on laughing, waving him off. "Go ahead, go on." 
"I offered him some advice. But poor Alistair, he was still so nervous. So I offered to help him more practically. I suggested, since the poor man had never so much as kissed another, that he might feel more at ease if he could try it once without any attachment or expectation. He refused at first, of course, but as you well know, none can withstand the charms of this master lover for long." 
Alistair slumps over to hide his face in his hands. "Maker, kill me now." 
"He says to me, desperate and pleading. Zevran, I cannot sleep! I can think of nothing else! All I do is imagine kissing her and it all going terribly wrong! Our teeth will surely clash! My big honking nose is going to bash into her perfect face and give her a nose bleed! Help me, Zevran!" 
"That’s not what I —" 
"Hush, darling, let him tell the story," Violet interrupts, leaning in, her elbows at her knees. 
"So I offered again, 'I could kiss you, Alistair. I am sure it will not be so disastrous as you think.'" 
"It was a beautiful sunset, the forest was glowing... he said I had pretty eyes," Alistair defends himself in a pout.  
"You do." 
"Mhm," Violet agrees. "You do." 
Alistair resumes his shamed posture,  head in hands. 
"But yes, as he said, it was quite a romantic little scene." 
Violet is shaking her head in disbelief. She gives Alistair’s hunched back a gentle pat. "Alistair…" 
"I’m sorry!" He lifts his head, "I was just, I was so nervous." 
Violet is chuckling lightly. "That is the most adorable thing I have ever heard," she says. She appraises Alistair with affection in her gaze, and he smiles meekly under it. 
"And it worked out well, yes?" Zevran declares, "no nosebleeds. You’re welcome." 
Alistair drinks deeply from his new tankard of ale. Violet's eyes flash up to Zevran's, and he has known her too well not to know what she is thinking. 
"Well, my turn, right?" She smiles deviously. "Zevran, truth or dare?" 
"Do it again."
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rcsetorn · 1 year
Nothing official, but just some FFXVI verse musings...
I don't want to get cliché or overuse some ideas that are gonna be pretty popular amongst other rpers. Being a bearer or a dominant namely. That doesn't stop me from entertaining the thought. Suppose she was a dominant. Alexander would be fitting. Not sure how someone would prime into a giant winged castle, but would still be cool. Then semi priming with 4 angel wings maybe? This is using the inspiration from IX's eidolon of course since Alexander is the guardian patron of Alexandria, and Beatrix, too, has devoted her life protecting and serving as the city's sword. And imagine her priming with white glowing spiderweb energy. Like a beacon of holy magic.
That aside, trying to figure out which nation she'd serve is tricky since I like adding a touch of misguided evil actions despite being morally aligned as lawful neutral. Rosaria would be a fair choice, even if she continued serving the bitc- I mean Anabella from Sanbreque. I even mused once about Beatrix as a Black Shield. (And before you call me out, ...yeah, blind loyalty is her thing. Even if she doesn't like it.)
I could probably mention she'd also not go out of her way to mistreat bearers, but she probably would maintain the status of class between bearers and non.
There's a lot of Norse references with Waloed, and I already give a few Valkyrie vibes from Bea normally. (Also not to mention in IX were Odin comes in and destroys Cleyra after Beatrix already invades. Another fun little tidbit, but really could make all sorts of little references to include with the eidolons/eikons.) But there's a lot more mystery with that kingdom that I'd have to learn of. And their treatment of bearers is far more extreme than I think Beatrix would stand by and allow.
Then let's not get into her fear of Bahamut, shall we~
Anyway...now on the matter of the Outlaw and his band... I don't think Beatrix would willingly side straight way. Upturning society as they are. It would take some strong convincing. Could always capture her~ I still crave some good POW settings for Bea. Even if Cid found her, and she was enacting some evils or butting heads with Cursebreakers or interfering in some way... and Cid knew she wasn't really a bad person, just needed a little persuasion, then perhaps she'd eventually come around after seeing some hard truths.
But ye. Wanted to drop some ramblings on the matter. Especially if some of the XVI rpers happened to lurk and see something of interest amongst this themselves. *shrugs*
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chicchanmooshy · 2 years
Ch 21. Christmas at Usagi’s, part 4 - gifts
trigger warnings: NSFW, 18+, little swearing, smut @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @roxosupreme @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @sewerninno @angelcatlowyn @raisin-shell @catweasle @bibiz82  It took quite a while before everyone woke up next morning. Ishtar felt refreshed after last night and sighed. She felt small movements in her hair. Curious, she opened her eyes to see who was fidgeting with her. There she found Leo caressing her blue ribbons. “Would you like to have them?” she asked, carefully not to wake the others. “No, not as long as I have you. I already got a blue mask. And besides, they look better on you”, he said and kissed her nose.
Lifting herself on one elbow she looked around the tent. The others were sleeping stull around them. Ishtar giggled softly at the sight where her clothes had went. Her purple and black stockings hung over the zipper of Donnie's compartment. Raphael was sleeping on his back still holding her bra. And Mickey... “I've never seen this before, but somehow it doesn't surprises me at all”, she whispered to Leo. He grinned. “Well, if that piece of clothe had been blue, I'd do the same.” “Just as long you don't make a face mask out of it. How does he make sure it stays on his face? Because he moves quite a lot in his sleep.” “He has his ways”, Leo shrugged. “We probably should wake up the rest, don't we?” Ishtar asked.“Yes, we should. Although Raph can be a challenge...” Ishtar looked at Raphael for a moment. She smirked, because she had the best idea. So she crawled over to him and climbed on top of his face, only a few inches above it. She looked down, wondering how long it would take for him before he would wake up to her delicious essence. Five seconds passed and nothing happened yet. “Wow. I'm not sure if I should call you evil or just naughty. Please wake me up that way, sometime soon...” Leo groaned.
Raphael's nostrils were coming alive now. He took a deep breath, moaned and opened his eyes. He looked right into her folds and moaned again, this time louder. “Geez, what a way to wake up. Breakfast in bed, my favorite! Come here babe, come sit on my face.”
Leonardo's view was fantastic. Seeing their female enjoying herself with his brother. And Raph was still very gentle with her, even for his doing. So sweet. But his own body was starting to demand his attention. So he got up and came to stand before her, offering his now fully swollen member. “Would you please blow me?” he asked in that dark voice of him, filled with lust. As an answer she gripped his hip tightly and pulled him closer. “Make sure you're standing firm, Leo”, Raph said between licks. “She has talent for this and is possibly even better than Mickey..” “That's not possible! I'm the king of blowjobs!” said Mickey from his bed.
“Hey Ishtar, where are you with your thoughts?” Leo nudged her gently while they were still lying in bed. “What are you thinking of?” Finally waking from her daydream she looked sheepishly at him and grinned. “Just an interesting fantasy. This was a good one.” “Yes, I could smell your arousal already. It doesn't take much to warm up, now do you? To put it mildly”, he grinned. “Shall we use the old fashioned way of waking them up?” “You could, but get dressed first. There is always a possibility that Raphael will scare you out of the tent..” In the end it wasn't that bad and Raphael even came without being grumpy. Because of the five young children of Usagi, they had breakfast first. And then came the feast of unwrapping presents. Ishtar sat just outside the big circle. She enjoyed the happy expressions on everybody's faces, the laughter and the happy exclamations. All the gifts were quickly distributed by Mickey. But it was just too busy to her liking. In her own bubble Ishtar almost missed Mickey giving her present to Master Splinter. Fortunately, Splinter looked in her direction before opening the package. The twinkle in Splinter's eyes was the best gift she could get from him. After all, she liked making memories more than giving and receiving gifts. Leonardo and Donatello looked at that gift but really had no idea what is was. Until Splinter pulled it over his tail.“It's a tail sock, guys..” she informed them. “Wow, that's a thought-full gift..” said Leo. Soon after Donnie gave his gift to Ishtar. Her own lab-coat with some inspiring quotes on it. And a big number 42 on it as well. She thanked him with a goofy smile, “I love it Donnie”, and kissed him on the cheek. Raphael presented his gift a little apprehensive. He had knitted (of course) a scarf for her. But with such a small yarn and it was so soft... with red and black roses on it. “Raph, it's beautiful, thank you so much!” Mickey's turn. Bouncing around, he plopped down next to her and handed a small box. She looked at him thought-full at first, but he kept looked at her expectantly. “Open it.” he encouraged her. Inside she found an aluminum weird shaped tube with a tapered tip and a ring thingy on top. Hollow on the inside and in Mickey's color. “I don't mean to be rude Mickey, but I have absolutely no idea what this is. Could you tell me?” “It's a kazoo, babycakes. It's an instrument. You play it by humming on it.” He took the small instrument and hummed a tune on it. “Wow, that's a funny sound. Kinda like a nasal sound.” “I'll teach you when we're home again. Or maybe sooner, if Leo and Donnie aren't around. And Raphie isn't irritated yet”, he grinned. “You annoyed them already with a kazoo?” “I don't annoy, they find it annoying. There's a difference”, he stated. Ishtar chuckled. “Thank you to give me the chance to learn a new instrument, Mickey.”
And finally Leonardo came forward and gave her.. an envelope. “It was really difficult for me to find the perfect gift for you. I want to give you the world.. everything your heart desires. Until I can, this is a small gesture towards that.” Ishtar opened the envelop and found a letter with the most beautiful handwriting she had ever seen.      Dear Ishtar.      In a very short time you have become very dear to me.       From the moment you showed interest in me, I wanted to do this      with you. I therefore want to ask you to have a romantic dinner      with me.      Always yours, Leonardo.
After reading the text twice she smiled and folded the letter back into the envelope and pressed it against her heart. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she nodded. “I would love to, Leo. Just say when and where,” she said slightly blushing. She moved closer, turning his face downward with her hand and kissed him lightly. Leonardo returned her kiss and with closed eyes he laid his forehead to hers. They sat there for a while holding hands. From a distance Usagi waited patiently, as he witnessed the forging of a close bond between those two lovers. After a considerable time they were still fondling each other.  “Leonardo-san..” he finally interrupted the lovers. “As a gift for you and your brothers and Ishtar, I made some arrangements. I would like to take you sailing. With your permission, we leave in two days. It's a day's journey from here, so you still have plenty of time to prepare. We will be away from home for three days, maybe four.” Mickey was so excited, totally over the moon, bounching all around. Raph and Donnie liked it too, but played it more cool. Leonardo looked at Ishtar, “sounds nice, wouldn't you agree?” She nodded eager. “I very much would like to come. I love being on the water.” “Good, that settled. In two days we'll come with you, Usagi.”
The journey to the Great Open Water was done by jogging. Usagi assumed that everyone could sustain that. Unfortunately, Ishtar's condition was not yet at that level. The first hour she could easily keep it up, but after that it became more difficult for her. Then Raphael offered to carry her. But hanging over his shoulder for hours on end didn't seem all that appealing to her. “Can't I just sit half on your shell, half on your backpack?” she asked. Raph looked down at her and answered grumpy, “I'm not your mount.” Ishtar raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smile on her lips. But before she could comment on that, he cut her off. “Don't even say it! OK, you can piggyback on top of my shell, but I'll swear, if you say anything about this to the others, you'll pay for it!” “I wouldn't dare”, she said holding up her hands.
For the next several hours Ishtar alternated walking and piggy-backing, until they reached the Great Open Water in late afternoon. Usagi arranged for them to sleep in a barn near the water for the next few days, since there wasn't a tavern nearby. They dumped their stuff in the barn and played in the water for a while. Dinner was again arranged by Usagi. Socializing around a campfire and going to bed early.
Ishtar woke up very early the next morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. Carefully slipping out of the haystack where they all slept, she walked to the water. She could see on the horizon that the sun will soon show its face again. The shy coloring now a deep blue and purple. She always felt happy near water; she grew up near a big lake. And it always had an attraction to her. Now since she had been mutated, that attraction had only grown. The reason why, she had not yet explored. Looking up into that crisp air she saw stars in the sky. In very different constellations than on their earth, but still comforting to see. A song bubbled up in her. (Click here if you want to here the song: Nessie Gomes - Long way home)      And the stars they are fading      The sun, it is falling       the stars,they are fading      The moon slips into the dark, slips into the night      It's early in the morning and the moon is hardly showing      There are creatures all around      see their shadows and hear their sounds      But they're taking me places      places I don't know      It's getting kind of spooky      should I stay or follow?      But they take me by the hand and whisper in my ear     “There's no need to worry first, let's make that clear      But we're gon' to take your places, places you will know      They look kind of different but not to your heart or to your soul      So just open up your senses and let the light in      You've now reached these gates, so you may as well step in”      And the mystery unfolds as she walks along the path      The trees talk to her finally at last      It's a long way home      I'll be back at down      got to walk this road alone.. Finally she opened her eyes again and saw to her right Usagi and Leonardo standing close by. They had been listening to her singing. Leo had that smile on his face he always has, after she sang him something. Usagi was quite in awe. Of course he had heard her sing before, but this was something more, quite amazing, more... wildly, this went so much deeper. He didn't know what kind of word would describe it best. “Would you like to join us in meditation?” asked Leonardo. “Sure. I was wondering when you would wake up already”, she teased. “I woke up an hour or so ago.”
They sat down in a circle near the water. The sun had risen above the horizon and now warmed them nicely. Ishtar sighed, feeling happy. Halfway through, she heard the other three turtles wake up. In the background she could hear them talking and preparing breakfast for all of them. A little while later it became quiet again. She welcomed the silence very much, so didn't think twice about the fact that those three brothers were never silent together.
That was her mistake.
“I still don't get how she keeps it up guys. Meditating every day, it's so boring”, said Mickey. “Well, you know. Master Splinter told her to. And better her than us, don't you think,” responded Donnie. “Yeah, but do we have to wait to eat until they're done? How long have they actually been at it?” “Yes, we have to wait. And I have no idea. Ishtar's bed was already cold when we woke up, but Leo's was still warm. That was strange, because he usually wakes her for meditation.” They were silent for a whole minute. “Ooh, I have an idea guys. Shall we see if we can break Ishtar's focus?” asked Mickey eagerly. “Oh lord, what have you come up with now?” asked Donnie. And even Raphael looked worried. “Well, Ishtar had some trouble dancing and stuff. So, shall we give her a performance? With guilty pleasure songs? I took a look at the list and there are quite useful songs in there. What do you think of these?” he rambled on. While playing some songs softly. “Oooooh, I want to do that second song! Really, if she doesn't go on the first song, she'll break on the second! I am in. Raph, are you in too?” “Sure, anything to make her laugh out loud. Gosh, do I love that sound.”
So they set up a "stage" in Ishtar's direct line of sight. Starting with Abba – Gimme gimme gimme. Ishtar heard the music start and was quite curious. 'What are the guys up to now?' But she kept her focus.     Half past twelve and I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone Hearing them sing the first lyrics, with quite high pitched voices broke her concentration. She frowned and tried hard to keep her mouth relaxed. But this was so difficult. With a few deep breaths, she brought herself back to the stillness in her head. The silence that was quickly dispelled by the music.     Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight     won't somebody help me chase the shadows away     Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight     Take me through the darkness to the break of the day Her eyes flew open to watch that ridiculous performance. She saw Mickey and Raph singing into their weapons. And Donnie... oh my fucking goddess.. even Donnie was singing in his bo staff... And of course they had to stand exactly in that spot. Right in her line of sight. 'They must have done that on purpose. Well, they may have broken my focus this time. They won't succeed twice.' she thought and closed her eyes again.  The brothers finished the song without Ishtar looking again. “Wow! That was amazing! Did you see that? She really did look! Uhu, uhu, uhu uhu uhu.” Mickey bounced around. “OK, now my song”, Donnie said enthusiastically. “Could you get me this, and...” Ishtar couldn't hear what else Donnie was saying, as they walked in a different direction.
“Are your brothers always this annoying, Leonardo-san?” asked Usagi. “Yes, and this was even the beginning of annoying. Brace yourself, they're up to no good. It's just meant to break our concentration. They try that every once in a while, every time Master Splinter is not around..” “I think they're trying to break mine”, said Ishtar. “Oh, I know so. They cannot break me with songs, they know that already. But I want to help you. While I'd rather have you train yourself in this, you may now have the chance to use some earplugs.” She looked at him in disbelief. “Seriously? Would you allow me that? But why now?” “Well, to bother them, of course.” Leo smirked. “You know, I will do without earplugs. Might as well get used to those pranks.” “Best way to do it. Just be glad they're just singing. They tried to break me once with farting in my face.” “Noooo, they did not!” Ishtar exclaimed. “Unfortunately, they did. Didn't break me though. I just held my breath.” “I can't hold my breath that long. But I did grow up on a farm with cows. Believe me, I've smelled worse things in my life. Farting wouldn't be a thing that can break me.” “Good to know. And... here they come again..”
Ishtar was very curious about what they had brought. But she also knew that as long as she remained curious, it would be difficult to maintain her focus. She wiped everything out of her mind and even yawned a little. “Wow, did she just yawn?” asked Donnie. “She's so gonna get it!” 'Ooh goodie, I know this song too', thought Ishtar when she heard the music start again. 'Mickey is singing the higher notes again. And Raph the rest. Sure, whatever guys. This song won't work on me.' “It's alright if you take a peek Ishtar. After all they're showing off for you”, Leo said softly. 'Well, if Leo's says so', she thought and opened one eye to look.
Bad choice.                  (To everyone who wants more visuals, I had these dancing moves in mind; look up this video on youtube: Robin Schulz – Sugar) Her first response was surprise. Sure she heard the music, but she didn't quite get what they were doing. These turtles had brought three buckets, filled with water and a lot of soap. And sponges... So now while mostly Raph was singing, Mickey and Donnie were playing with the sponges. Slapping a sponge on each other's bodies. Soaping their own bodies. Squeezing that sponge over their heads so that all the water and soap would drench them. This was so wrong, like fifty shades of wrong. And yet, seeing those three showing off just for her, it was hot as hell. She really couldn't contain herself anymore. Leaving that meditation for what it was. This was so much more fun. And they looked so ridiculous. Starting with a giggle and snorting. And soon after, she was rolling in the grass laughing. At that point the boys knew they had won. As an encore, they danced in sync, ending up throwing a bucket of water on themselves. That did the trick, churr... Yelling loudly, they gave each other a high three, picked up their things and ran inside to dry themselves off. Leaving Ishtar alone. She sighed. 'Now I'm was stuck with this pent up sexual energy. Yeah, this is going to be a great day', she thought sarcastic. With a sigh she looked at Leo. “Hey, don't blame me for that”, he said. “I wasn't going to. It's just.. what just happened?” Leo smirked. “Do you want the truth or a reassuring answer?” “Mm, neither..”
She stayed a little longer near the water, before joining the others for breakfast. It was in that moment she felt something was going to happen today. Not necessarily something bad, but something anyway. With the prospect of a day full of fun and sailing, this made her cautious..
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catsofwillowclan · 1 year
"An Apprentice By Any Other Name"
"Pipitstar stands above the clan and proclaims that Thriftpaw shall now be known as Thrifteye, honoring their zeal"
Thriftpaw asks Rueprance a very important question.
"Hey, Rueprance... could I ask you a question?"
"Mmm... sure, what's up?" Rueprance hums, still focused intently on the river rushes she's been weaving together into a small makeshift basket for the fresh kill they'd caught earlier. She's been fiddling with them for half an hour now, braiding the fibers together while she and Thriftpaw sat on the warm river stones to soak their feet in the cool, clear water.
There's a long pause. The river burbles to fill the space.
"It's... sort of a big thing to ask. You don't have to listen, if you don't want to," The boy says, much more nervously than usual. The odd tone makes her look up from her work to see Thriftpaw's big silver eyes were looking at her more seriously than she thinks he's ever been, at least as long as she's known him, and she shifts to sit up straight.
"No, no, you can ask!" she says quickly, trying to reassure him from whatever doubts that must be racing through his mind and setting the basket aside. "We have plenty of time til they'll need us back home."
Thriftpaw scrunches his nose and looks back at the rushing water, his silver eyes tracing the shape of the far bank and trying to avoid catching Rueprance's gaze again.
"Well..." he starts, toes fidgeting with the loose stone in the riverbed, "My warrior ceremony is coming up soon, y'know, and... I'm gonna need someone to give me my new name. Lilacspeck and Oakshade scare me, and Pipitstar is really busy, so I don't want to bother her - and she'd probably give me something weird, anyway," He laughs. Nervously, which sounded wrong coming out of Thriftpaw's mouth. "And you're, like, the closest to my age, and we hang out a lot, so I thought that maybe..."
"Of course!!" Rueprance exclaims, interrupting before he can even formally ask the question. She can't contain the rapid butterflies growing in her stomach - her big blue eyes are wide as the moon, the basket laying entirely forgotten by the cottontail rabbits they'd caught as she leans forward.
He's asking her to name him? Her? The biggest question an apprentice can ask, and he isn't picking his mentor - does that mean she was his best friend? Or, well, best warrior friend, she supposes, giving a sly thought to Auburnpaw, but that doesn't matter, because only a warrior can name an apprentice anyway.
"Of course, I'd be honored to, Thriftpaw!" She says again, scooting to sit right next to Thriftpaw, who's now looking at her with surprise and a not-insignificant amount of relief plastered all over his face. "I can't believe you'd ask me, this means so much... do you have any ideas? I'm sure you've thought about it. I mean, who hasn't thought about what they want their warrior name to be?"
"No, I haven't - didn't. I don't want to tell you what to do for it or anything," Thriftpaw says quickly as his gaze darts away, tucking his hands under his legs. "I mean, isn't the point that you get to pick it?"
Rueprance shrugs. "I mean, yeah, but also no. Sometimes people ask because they have something in mind and it's really just a formality. One of my friends back in Tarnclan wanted to be named Eaglewing so bad she got her mentor to do it in exchange for taking their night watch duties for a whole year."
Thriftpaw snickers. "That's stupid," he says, and his shoulders are much further away from his ears now. "Cool name, but like... is it worth double night watch for a year?" He fakes a grimace, but Rueprance raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, with some of the names people get stuck with, you better believe she'd put up with no sleep. So you better be grateful when I give you something that's not stupid." She turns up her nose, mock-haughtiness cracked with a playful grin, and Thriftpaw scoffs, his eyes flashing with mischief.
"If you give me a stupid name, I'm gonna tell Pipitstar about every time you dodged patrol to go hang out by the lake instead."
"As if! Then I'll just snitch about how many times you took extra cloudberries from Quiverpelt's stash."
"They're good!" He exclaims, throwing up his hands and splashing Rueprance in a shower of river water.
She squeals, trying to turn away against the watery attack while splashing her feet in retaliation. Thriftpaw laughs, ducking away from Rueprance's own barrage, but she doesn't care if she gets wet - not when she's been entrusted with such an important job.
"Don't think just because I asked you to name me that you get a free pass from water fights!" he says, his eyes glinting sharp in the midday sun.
"I wouldn't dream of it," Rueprance replies, warm as the sun on the rocks, before she dumps another splash of water right on his head.
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pred1059 · 2 years
Just A Chance Chapter Six
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Secret Report: Zexion I
Roxas’ capabilities in the field are mixed. He has no mind for subtlety. Maintaining a masquerade with him and avoiding alerting the populace shall be a challenge. Fortunately, his prowess with combat as well as rapid adaptation to circumstances are exceptional. 
As such, my request to monitor him is proving most prudent. As a senior member of the Organization, my interest has gone unchallenged. With my guidance, I can ensure he develops into a suitable member of the organization.
At the very least, he should have better instruction than I once did.
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Pigments on a page formed the gentle dunes of the beach. Blending with white seafoam into the blue ocean. A shining sun set on the horizon. But even so, the girl in the picture didn’t cast a shadow. Not yet at least. 
Naminé looked over the picture once again, the train of thought having returned again to her original self. To Kairi, watching the horizon, searching her heart for a path.
And how Marluxia was enraged at how likely it was for that path to lead here.
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“This impediment is far too substantial for us to ignore. Her presence will jeopardize everything we have worked for.” Leaning closer in her face, Marluxia’s gaze narrowed, and she could hear his leather glove tighten, as he asked “Why did you not think to warn us?”
Naminé failed to meet his glare, but managed to get out, “You...didn’t ask...and you didn’t want me to be distracted.”
“Your dedication is commendable.” At his answer, she began to relax.
Then Marluxia pulled out his scythe, “Your lack of foresight is a liability.”
She froze, simply looking ahead to the crystal ball, “I...I thought the plan wouldn’t be changed so much!”
The times she tried to dissuade Marluxia and Larxene from it to no avail drilled it into her mind. Nevertheless, his cold glare drilled into her. “This is still salvageable. But there is one possibility I would like for you to be ready for.”
As always, she listened like her life depended on it, “Whatever you say Marluxia…”
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“Oh, Roxas.” She looked up and saw him. Again, with a meal in hand and eyes on her. But this time, he seemed a little shaky. As he walked over to him, she shook her head, “It’s probably not a good idea for me to give you all your food. You need to keep up your strength.”
He stopped and began to look down at the plate, thinking aloud, “W-Well, maybe I could give you one or two things?”
Naminé smiled at the offer, “If that’s the case, I’ll just have the bread with my porridge.” At the very least, she’d be better fed than usual. As Roxas handed over her chosen meal, she asked, “How did today go? You seem...off.”
He sighed as he sat down with the rest of the food, “Just...getting used to things being back to normal. Wonderland was pretty crazy.”
She winced, “Right, that was one of Sora’s first worlds.” A world where logic and reason were a suggestion. No wonder Roxas was a little rattled.
He shook his head as he began cutting into his food, “I don’t know what was worse, the place, or the people.”
Swallowing a bite of her porridge, Naminé began to think, “From what I can remember from seeing it, despite the world’s architecture being strange, it was rather beautiful.”
As he took a bite of the meat, Roxas nodded, “Mmm. The castle garden was kind of nice.” He then grimaced as he continued, “It’s too bad the queen was just absolutely nuts.”
She winced, “I guess she decided to cut off your head?”
Swallowing the last bit of meat, Roxas shrugged, “Well, she probably would have if I stuck around. She was threatening to do that to a princess, Alice.”
That’s right. It was where Sora first met one of the other princesses. Though at the time he had no idea of who they truly were. Or how close one had gotten to him in so many ways. It was that bond between them that not only saved him from being trapped as a heartless, but...also...
Naminé realized that Roxas was staring at her, mouth slightly agape. She asked, “Yes?”
The word shook him from his reverie. “Oh, it’s just...you look...pretty enough to be a princess, that’s all.”
Naminé froze reaching for her bread as her mind spun into overdrive. That’s all?! Well, a compliment was nice and all, and she was really glad it was from Roxas! B-but actually hear someone say something like that about her was—
“What’re you drawing?”
“Ah! Yes! One of Sora’s dearest friends, her name is Kairi!” She was all too glad to show him the notebook. Anything to get her mind off that compliment.
As nice as it was.
“It’s beautiful.” Roxas tilted his head as he inspected the picture, “But she looks familiar.”
Familiar? That definitely got her attention, “Where did you see her?”
He pursed his mouth as he contemplated it, “A scattered dream...like a far off memory. She was there with Sora and another boy.” Then he looked up at her, “I saw you there too.”
Of course. “You must have been able to tap into the memories he had while you were asleep.” Echoes of those shared memories had begun to leak into the people close to Sora. Like Roxas, Riku,
...and perhaps her other half as well.
Naminé looked away, “And you’ve probably seen what I was doing to them.”
Roxas set the notepad down, “Right. You wanted to change them.”
Naiminé folded her hands and shook her head, “It’s not perfect. If I worked too fast, he would spot the lie and it’d all come apart. But given time, I could make him forget certain things, or believe other things are real.“
He grimaced as his part in that plan was recalled, “But I messed that up.”
She shook her head, “It’s not your fault. And besides, even if I can’t make him forget, I can give him new memories.”
“New memories,” Roxas’ eyes widened as he put the pieces together, “Memories of you!”
Naminé nodded and continued, “Originally I was supposed to make Sora forget Kairi and have him believe that I was the one he cares the most about.”
“So...he’d listen to you?” Roxas’ lips tightened for a moment before he asked, “Do you feel the same way?”
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” She looked over to the picture of Sora in the corner, “But...I hear he’s nice. So maybe it won’t be so bad. I wouldn’t be alone anymore.” Turning back to her bread, she finished off the last few bites. Despite the fact that it wouldn’t last, she still yearned for a chance to mean something to someone. Even if that bond was fake. 
Roxas however seemed to look down at the floor, arms starting to wrap around himself, “If you do end up meeting him…”
“That would mean I wasn’t strong enough.”
Naminé’s stomach dropped at the realization of the two futures she had. That meeting Sora meant losing the one person who seemed to care at all about her. On the other hand, “If you win, I’ll just be here as I always have been.”
Roxas’ eyes widened at that, and he began pacing. But after a moment, he snapped his fingers as he hit upon an answer, “Well, what if when I win, I help you find a friend? Someone nice who can be here with you!”
That he was willing to offer something like that lightened her worries. But on the other hand, “Is there any reason you couldn’t stay as my friend?”
Roxas stammered, putting a hand to his chest with a nervous smile, “O-Of course not! There’s no reason I wouldn’t want to be with my friend!” His smile wavered however, as he asked, “We...are friends, right?”
In a way, Naminé knew it was already true. Roxas tried to visit her, and seemed to enjoy her company. Just as much as she enjoyed talking with him about what they could. 
Still, it was nice to say it for real. So she answered with a smile, “Yes, we are.”
After he left that night. Naminé went back to the notebook she had hidden. The one with Roxas’ picture. Picking up her crayons, she began to sketch out the forest of Wonderland. And eventually, her friend was drawn on the paper, wandering about the new world. It wasn’t a huge sketch. She still had to maintain her focus for the drawings she used to focus on Sora’s memories.
But it was a nice distraction while she waited.
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“You know, you can’t just spend your entire summer waiting for Sora and Riku to get home?” Selphie, spoke up from beside her on the pier’s edge.
“Well…” As much as it pained Kairi to admit it, her friend had a point. Sitting around, pining for the two to return was hardly the way she wanted to spend what little time off she still had.
Though now that she thought about it.
Was she forgetting someone?
“Do you think there might have been someone else who left the island?” Kairi stared out into the ocean waves, “If they’re still out there, we ought to go find them.”
Selphie raised her hands in apprehension, “Wait, what’s with the we? I mean, I miss Sora and Riku too. But this mystery person you’re talking about out of nowhere seems weird.” Selphie crossed her arms and walked away, “Don’t you think Sora and Riku would have mentioned them by now? What do they even look like?”
In the darkness in memories she saw her...
“They’re a girl, in white with blond hair?”
“Another girl?” Selphie looked back at her in surprise at the answer, “Well besides that, don’t you need one of those Gum Ships?
Oh right, there was that problem. She had no way to get there, “Gummi ship, but yeah. I mean I had to go find Cid to get a ride to…”
Or did she?
“But I didn’t….I used…” A door. A doorway to the light. That was the only way she could describe what led her from Cid’s workshop to The End of The World.
“Wait, what did you use?”
“It was…” She just had to remember. Remember what was going on when it appeared. What was happening. What she was thinking of.
Who she was thinking of.
Sora. He was probably still searching, even now. For all she teased him about being a lazy bum, when he stopped napping and actually worked, he gave it his all. Nothing stopped him, no matter how hard it was to do.
And Riku, even though he had fallen to darkness, he still believed he was doing what’s best. Despite how aloof he could be, he always cared about the two of them. Even when he was in Ansem’s grip, he fought back, gave them a chance to escape.
There was no way she could forget either of them.
But the girl. Who was she? What was her name?
Selphie tilted her head, “Huh?”
“Her name is Naminé.”
“Whoa, what the heck!?” Selphie’s exclamation roused her from her thoughts. And then she noticed it again. A shining portal.
And she knew her friends were on the other side.
She ran over to the nearby docks and began searching the boats.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking to see if they kept them...Aha!” and Kairi held up the weapon she had found.
“Kairi, that’s a toy.” 
“Well, if it worked for Sora, it can work for me.” And with that she began charging toward the portal.
Selphie shouted after her, “Kairi, do you even know where you’re going?!”
“Wherever they are. And I’d know they’d do the same for me!” And in a flash, she vanished along with the portal she had run into. She didn’t hear Selfie call out to her.
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“Kairi, there was never anyone called Naminé! Agh! Her dad’s gonna be so mad!”
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“A door of light you say?” Vexen raised an eyebrow at Marluxia’s explanation. 
He nodded as the rest of the group looked at him, “The princess of heart bound to Sora will be looking for him using that. According to Naminé, she managed to pursue him to The End Of The World before. Simply through concentration on the keyblade wielder.”
Axel nodded, “So basically, she’s on her way here because she can still remember Sora.”
Larxene grumbled as she crossed her arms, “And without Naminé taking the time to put herself in Kairi’s place, trying to make her forget would just be giving our little witch a lobotomy. And if she manages to find Sora, that’s going to make Naminé’s work that much harder.”
Lexeaus looked directly at Marluxia as he spoke, “This turn of events on top of Roxas’ ordeal is most irregular. We should report to Xemnas.” 
Marluxia closed his eyes calmly, “Not necessarily. While the task Roxas is assigned is critical to our organization, it is not too far from our original plan to strengthen him via management of the heartless. As for the princess, we may be able to mitigate her interference if we act swiftly on her arrival.”
At the question, there was the sound of a sniff. Everyone turned to Zexion as he continued to smell the air in his own way.
Vexen tapped his cheek, “Are you smelling pure light, perchance?”
Zexion nodded firmly, “I believe so.”
Marluxia nodded before commanding, “Use the scrying orbs. Find her.” And with that the group vanished into their dark portals.
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He watched the castle from darkness, in the place he could only call zero. In the beginning there was the boy, Sora. Wielder of the keyblade, naive as he was. So then he brought another, Riku. An opposite of the hero, but still strong.
But then, in a flash, he saw another intruder arrive.
A girl.
And memories stirred. They clamored in the front of his mind. And he immediately asked.”
“How...how can she be here?!?”
His mind turned toward the object he held. Often he had wondered why he still kept the blade.
Perhaps her arrival here was not a coincidence.
He would see for himself.
“At the very least, I must look after her.” And so he wove what darkness he could to hide her from their magic for a moment.
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