#this is probably because ive been reading Keijo tbh
playinhooky · 8 months
Chatted a bit about AUs in a server, and it's got me thinking about one of mine that I haven't super fleshed out yet. I really like the idea so I'm just gonna rotate it around for a bit :3
I like the idea of exploring a Remnant where danger is no longer imminent, like Grimm aren't a problem as much anymore because hunters are in overabundance. I think there would still be battle schools and academies because you could turn it into a sort of sport! team battles and high energy capture the flag type games I think would be excellent. like we already see in Canon that the Vytal Festival is super hype, so when the danger has lessened and you have so many people who aren't really useful anymore why wouldn't you make lemonade out of lemons?
I think it would be neat to see a Team RWBY under less duress, with typical anime tropes you see in battle school type genres. Like, who's the rival pair that drives each other to greatness, who has the most to prove, who starts out with zero passion and learns to take it seriously after a run in with the underdog??? Listen, I love sports/battle school manga, I think it would be such a great thing to explore!!
I might write a bit more for it, I've already kind of got a fic out in the universe, but it's a one-shot xD
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